path: root/l10n/dirserv
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diff --git a/l10n/dirserv/de/ns-slapd.txt b/l10n/dirserv/de/ns-slapd.txt
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index ba789100..00000000
--- a/l10n/dirserv/de/ns-slapd.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,940 +0,0 @@
- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- *
- * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
- * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
- * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
- * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
- * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
- * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
- * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
- * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
- * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
- * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
- * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
- * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
- * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
- * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
- * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
- * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
- * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
- * exception.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission.
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
-/* This text file was generated by program dblink */
-$Revision: 1.4 $
-$Log: ns-slapd.txt,v $
-Revision 1.4 2005/04/19 22:06:50 nkinder
-Fixed licensing typo
-Revision 1.3 2005/04/15 22:39:17 nkinder
-155068 - Added license to source files
-Revision 1.2 2005/02/28 23:37:39 nkinder
-149951 - Updated source code copyrights
-Revision 2005/01/21 00:40:48 cvsadm
-Moving NSCP Directory Server from DirectoryBranch to TRUNK, initial drop. (foxworth)
-Revision 2003/09/22 19:36:39 ulfw
-Update copyright years from 2001 to 2001-2003
-Revision 2001/11/03 01:05:12 richm
-XXX use new copyright XXX
-Revision 2001/10/06 20:00:37 richm
-Remove copyright caracter from copyright
-Revision 2001/09/18 11:48:15 rmarco
-Remove copyright caracter from copyright
-Revision 2001/02/13 09:59:50 rmarco
-Revision 1998/10/10 02:13:58 ggood
-Copy from Directory40RtmBranchpoint to DirectoryBranch
-Revision 1998/04/04 23:16:45 mcs
-merge changes made on directory31_rtm_branch into server4_directory_branch
-Revision 1998/02/24 05:51:51 noriko
-Synched with server3_i18npkg_branch
-Revision 1997/12/31 00:28:38 werudge
-UTF8 Encoded from de/ns-slapd.txt.iso8859 :
-Based on en/ns-slapd.txt :
-Revision 1997/12/31 00:23:36 werudge
-Remove \n from dsgw,198 to fix JavaScript problem
-Revision 1997/12/19 02:03:43 werudge
-Based on en/ns-slapd.txt :
-daily 971113.1 SOLARIS-export-optimize-normal-slapd
-de,base,-1,[$DBT: base in DB file v1 $]
-de,base,1,[nicht gengend Arbeitsspeicher zum Erstellen der Hash-Tabelle]
-de,base,2,[nicht gengend Arbeitsspeicher zum Erstellen der Hash-Tabelle]
-de,base,3,[cache_destroy: Cache-Tabellen scheinen besch輐igt zu sein.]
-de,base,4,[Hash-Eintrag kann nicht zugewiesen werden]
-de,base,5,[cache_insert: Cache-Eintrag kann nicht erstellt werden]
-de,base,6,[HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/html\n\n]
-de,base,7,[<H2>Netscape-Cache Statusbericht</H2>\n(<H2>Netscape cache status report</H2>)\n]
-de,base,8,[Keine Caches im System (No caches on system)<P>]
-de,base,9,[<H2>%s Cache (cache)</H2>\n]
-de,base,10,[Cacheverbindungsverh鄟tnis (Cache hit ratio): %d/%d (%f)</P>\n</P>\n]
-de,base,11,[Cachegr廲e (Cache size): %d/%d</P>\n</P>\n]
-de,base,12,[Hash-Tabellengr廲e (Hash table size): %d</P>\n</P>\n]
-de,base,13,[mru : %d</P>\nlru : %d</P>\n]
-de,base,14,[<UL><TABLE BORDER=4> <TH>Originalspeicherbereich (Bucket)</TH> <TH>Adresse (Address)</TH> <TH>Schlssel (Key)</TH> <TH>Zugriffsanzahl (Access Count)</TH> <TH>L飉chen (Delete)</TH> <TH>N踄hste (Next)</TH> <TH>LRU</TH> <TH>MRU</TH> <TH>Daten (Data)</TH>\n]
-de,base,15,[munmap failed (%s)]
-de,base,16,[munmap failed (%s)]
-de,base,17,[close failed (%s)]
-de,base,18,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-de,base,19,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-de,base,20,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-de,base,21,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-de,base,22,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-de,base,23,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-de,base,24,[could not determine current user name\n]
-de,base,25,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-de,base,27,[, address %s]
-de,base,28,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-de,base,29,[security handshake timed out for pid %d]
-de,base,30,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-de,base,31,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-de,base,32,[accept failed (%s)]
-de,base,33,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-de,base,34,[select thread miss]
-de,base,35,[keepalive worker awoken with no work to do]
-de,base,36,[could not create new thread: %d (%s)]
-de,base,37,[wait for sema succeeded, but nothing to dequeue]
-de,base,38,[queue-sema creation failure]
-de,base,39,[error getting processor info for processor %d]
-de,base,40,[Error binding to processor %d]
-de,base,41,[bound process %d to processor %d]
-de,base,42,[Netscape server is not explicitly binding to any processors.]
-de,base,43,[cache monitor exited]
-de,base,44,[cache batch update daemon exited]
-de,base,45,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-de,base,46,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-de,base,47,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-de,base,48,[This machine has %d processors.]
-de,base,49,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-de,base,50,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-de,base,51,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-de,base,54,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-de,base,55,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-de,base,56,[Cache monitor respawned]
-de,base,57,[Cache batch update daemon respawned]
-de,base,58,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-de,base,59,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-de,base,60,[assert failed! %s\n]
-de,base,62,[malloc failed]
-de,base,63,[malloc failed!]
-de,base,64,[mr_add_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-de,base,65,[mr_add_io - stage 1]
-de,base,66,[mr_add_io - stage 2]
-de,base,67,[mr_add_io found invalid IO type %d]
-de,base,68,[mr_add_io - adding timeout]
-de,base,69,[Out of memory!\n]
-de,base,70,[done with mr_add_io]
-de,base,71,[mr_del_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-de,base,72,[mr_del_io found invalid IO type %d]
-de,base,74,[mr_async_io(%d, %d bytes, file %d)]
-de,base,75,[malloc failure adding async IO]
-de,base,76,[Error adding async io!]
-de,base,77,[Cannot seek for read!]
-de,base,78,[read failure! (%d, %s)]
-de,base,79,[do_read read %d bytes for file %d]
-de,base,80,[Cannot seek for write!]
-de,base,81,[writev failure! (%d, %s)]
-de,base,82,[write failure! (%d, %s)]
-de,base,83,[do_write wrote %d bytes for file %d]
-de,base,84,[do_timeout(mrp %d)]
-de,base,85,[do_timeout: found IO (timer=%d, time=%d)]
-de,base,86,[error deleting io]
-de,base,87,[timeout callback failure for %d\n]
-de,base,88,[mr_get_event(%d) - outstanding io %d]
-de,base,89,[mr_get_event: Waiting for reads on FD:]
-de,base,90,[mr_get_event: Waiting for writes on FD:]
-de,base,91,[ %d]
-de,base,92,[ %d]
-de,base,93,[mr_get_event set no timeout]
-de,base,94,[mr_get_event set timeout to: %d.%d sec]
-de,base,95,[error in select (%d, %s)]
-de,base,96,[mr_get_event() - select found %d]
-de,base,97,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-de,base,98,[read failed for fd %d]
-de,base,99,[error deleting io]
-de,base,100,[callback failure for %d\n]
-de,base,101,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-de,base,102,[writing: header len %d, writelen %d, total %d]
-de,base,103,[write failed for fd %d]
-de,base,104,[error deleting io]
-de,base,105,[callback failure for %d\n]
-de,base,106,[Error creating dns cache]
-de,base,107,[dns_cache_init: hash_size <= 0, using %d]
-de,base,108,[dns_cache_init: cache-size <= %d, using %d]
-de,base,109,[dns_cache_init: cache-size is %d is too large, using %d.]
-de,base,110,[dns_cache_init: expire_time <= 0, using %d]
-de,base,111,[dns_cache_init: expire is %d is too large, using %d seconds.]
-de,base,112,[Error creating dns cache]
-de,base,113,[dns-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-de,base,114,[dns-cache-insert: malloc failure]
-de,base,115,[successful server startup]
-de,base,116,[%s B%s]
-de,base,117,[Netscape executable and shared library have different versions]
-de,base,118,[ executable version is %s]
-de,base,119,[ shared library version is %s]
-de,base,120,[error reporting shutting down]
-de,base,128,[event_handler:Failed to wait on events %s]
-de,base,129,[could not wait on resume event event (%s)]
-de,base,130,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-de,base,131,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-de,base,132,[The server is terminating due to an error. Check the event viewer for the error message. SERVER EXITING!]
-de,base,133,[Terminating the server %s]
-de,base,134,[kill_server:cannot open server event %s]
-de,base,135,[kill_server:cannot set server event %s]
-de,base,136,[error: could not get socket (%s)\n]
-de,base,137,[error: could not set socket option (%s)\n]
-de,base,138,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to address %s port %d (%s)\n]
-de,base,139,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-de,base,140,[SetHandleNonInheritable: could not duplicate socket (%s)]
-de,base,141,[SetHandleNonInheritable: closing the original socket failed (%s)]
-de,base,142,[Could not SetHandleInformation (%s)]
-de,base,143,[Terminating Service:Failure: Could not open statistics file (%s)\n]
-de,base,144,[Could not set Thread Local Storage Value for thread at slot %d]
-de,base,145,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-de,base,146,[accept failed %d (%s)]
-de,base,147,[Failed to pulse Event %d %s]
-de,base,148,[Failed to send MobGrowth Event to parent %s]
-de,base,149,[Pulsing MobRespawn Event %d]
-de,base,150,[respawn thread pool to %d (%d)]
-de,base,151,[Could not open event to signal rotate application. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-de,base,152,[Failed to send MoveLog Event to rotate app %s]
-de,base,153,[growing thread pool from %d to %d]
-de,base,154,[Could not open the ServiceControlManager, Error %d]
-de,base,155,[StartNetsiteService:Could not open the service %s: Error %d]
-de,base,156,[StartNetsiteService:Could not start the service %s]
-de,base,157,[Service Startup: Could not allocate security descriptor]
-de,base,158,[Service Startup: Could not init security descriptor]
-de,base,159,[Service Startup: Could not set the security Dacl]
-de,base,160,[Terminating Service:WinSock init failed: %s]
-de,base,161,[Httpd Server Startup failed: %s]
-de,base,162,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-de,base,163,[NT daemon: could not create new thread %d]
-de,base,164,[Service Startup Failure. Terminating Service:Could not create event %d:%s]
-de,base,165,[Service Startup Error. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-de,base,166,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-de,base,167,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-de,base,168,[pipebuf_buf2sd: pipebuf_grab IO_ERROR %d]
-de,base,169,[pool-init: memory pools disabled]
-de,base,170,[pool-init: free_size <= 0, using %d]
-de,base,171,[pool-create-block: out of memory]
-de,base,172,[pool-create: out of memory]
-de,base,173,[pool-create: out of memory]
-de,base,174,[pool-malloc: out of memory]
-de,base,175,[FREE() used where PERM_FREE() should have been used- problem corrected and supressing further warnings.]
-de,base,176,[regex error: %s (regex: '%s')]
-de,base,177,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-de,base,178,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-de,base,179,[flushing %d connections; current %d; tot %d]
-de,base,180,[accept failed (%s)]
-de,base,181,[Error creating time cache]
-de,base,182,[time-cache: cache disabled]
-de,base,183,[time_cache_init: hash_size < %d, using default, %d]
-de,base,184,[time_cache_init: hash_size > %d, using default, %d]
-de,base,185,[time_cache_init: cache_size < %d, using default, %d]
-de,base,186,[time_cache_init: cache_size > %d, using default, %d]
-de,base,187,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-de,base,188,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-de,base,189,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-de,base,190,[Error inserting new time_cache entry]
-de,base,191,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-de,base,192,[cs-terminate failure (%s)]
-de,base,193,[cs-init failure (%s)]
-de,base,194,[cs-wait failure (%s)]
-de,base,195,[cs-post failure (%s)]
-de,base,196,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-de,base,197,[error: could not set keepalive (%s)\n]
-de,base,198,[error: could not set recv timeout (%s)\n]
-de,base,199,[error: could not set send timeout (%s)\n]
-de,base,200,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-de,base,201,[sem_grab failed (%s)]
-de,base,202,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-de,base,203,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-de,base,204,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-de,base,205,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-de,dsgw,-1,[$DBT: dsgw in DB file v1 $]
-de,dsgw,1,[Unbekannte HTTP-Anforderungsmethode (Unknown HTTP request method)]
-de,dsgw,2,[Ung羹ltige oder unvollst瓣ndige HTML-Formulardaten (Invalid or incomplete HTML form data)]
-de,dsgw,3,[Nicht gen羹gend Speicherplatz (Out of memory)]
-de,dsgw,4,[Erforderliche Anfrage-/Formulareingabe fehlt (Required query/form input is missing)]
-de,dsgw,5,[Ung羹ltiges Zeichen im Dateipfad (Illegal character in file path)]
-de,dsgw,6,[Falsche oder fehlende Konfigurationsdatei (Bad or missing configuration file)]
-de,dsgw,7,[LDAP kann nicht initialisiert werden (Unable to initialize LDAP)]
-de,dsgw,8,[Fehler beim Aufrufen des LDAP-Server (An error occurred while contacting the LDAP server)]
-de,dsgw,9,[Unbekannter Suchobjekttyp (Unknown search object type)]
-de,dsgw,10,[Unbekanntes Attributetikett (Unknown attribute label)]
-de,dsgw,11,[Unbekannte Match-Aufforderung (Unknown match prompt)]
-de,dsgw,12,[Keine Suchfilter f羹r Objekttyp (No search filters for object type)]
-de,dsgw,13,[HTML-Vorlagedatei kann nicht gefunden werden (Unable to open HTML template file)]
-de,dsgw,14,[Unbekannter Suchmodus - benutzen Sie "smart", "complex", "pattern" oder "auth" (Unknown search mode - use "smart", "complex", "pattern", or "auth")]
-de,dsgw,15,[Unverwechselbarer Name fehlt in der URL (Distinguished Name missing in URL)]
-de,dsgw,16,[Unbekannter Bereich in der URL (sollte "base", "sub" oder "one" sein) (Unknown scope in URL (should be base, sub, or one))]
-de,dsgw,17,[Unbekannte URL oder unbekannter Fehler (Unrecognized URL or unknown error)]
-de,dsgw,18,[Ung羹ltiges URL-Format (Bad URL format)]
-de,dsgw,19,[Interner Fehler (Internal error)]
-de,dsgw,20,[Vorlageindexdatei kann nicht geschrieben werden (Unable to write template index file)]
-de,dsgw,21,[Vorlageindexdatei kann nicht ge繹ffnet werden (Unable to open template index file)]
-de,dsgw,22,[Verzeichnis kann nicht gelesen werden (Unable to read directory)]
-de,dsgw,23,[Fehler bei der Initialisierung von LDAP SSL (Sicherheitspfad 羹berpr羹fen) (LDAP SSL initialization failed (check the security path)]
-de,dsgw,24,[Damit die Benutzer- und Gruppenformulare mit dem Verwalter-Server via SSL ausgef羹hrt werden k繹nnen, m羹ssen Sie oder der Systemverwalter 羹ber das Formular <B>Server-Eigenschaften|Verschl羹sselung EIN/AUS</B> SSL f羹r diesen Verwaltungsserver aktivieren aktivieren.\n(For the Users and Groups forms to work over SSL, you or your server administrator needs to activate SSL for this Administration Server. The Encryption|On/Off page can be used to do so.)]
-de,dsgw,25,[Beglaubigungsberechtigung wurde nicht in der Beglaubigungsdatenbank gefunden (Authentication credentials not found in authentication database)]
-de,dsgw,26,[Fehler beim Abrufen der Daten von der Beglaubigungsdatenbank (Error retrieving data from the authentication database)]
-de,dsgw,27,[Ihre Beglaubigungsberechtigung ist abgelaufen (Your authentication credentials have expired)]
-de,dsgw,28,[Zufalls-Zeichenfolge kann nicht erstellt werden\n(Unable to create a random string)]
-de,dsgw,29,[Beim Abrufen des Berechtigungsnachweises wurde kein unverwechselbarer Name angegeben (No distinguished name was provided when retrieving credentials)]
-de,dsgw,30,[Beglaubigungsdatenbank kann nicht ge繹ffnet werden (Cannot open authentication database)]
-de,dsgw,31,[Daten konnten nicht an die Beglaubigungsdatenbank angeh瓣ngt werden (Could not append data to the authentication database)]
-de,dsgw,32,[Es wurde kein Verzeichnisverwalter definiert (No Directory Manager is defined)]
-de,dsgw,33,[Es wurde keine Suchzeichenfolge angegeben. Bitte noch einmal versuchen (No search string was provided. Please try again)]
-de,dsgw,34,[Zu viele Argumente auf einer Zeile in der Konfigurationsdatei (Too many arguments on one line in the config. file)]
-de,dsgw,35,[Windows Sockets konnte nicht initialisiert werden (Failed to initialize Windows Sockets)]
-de,dsgw,36,[Beglaubigungsberechtigung konnte nicht vom Verwaltungs-Server abgerufen werden (Authentication credentials could not be obtained from the Administration Server)]
-de,dsgw,37,[Unverwechselbarer Name fehlt in der ldapdb:// URL (Distinguished Name missing in ldapdb:// URL)]
-de,dsgw,38,[Unbekannte URL oder unbekannter Fehler (Unrecognized URL or unknown error)]
-de,dsgw,39,[Ung羹ltiges URL-Format (Bad URL format)]
-de,dsgw,40,[Fehler beim Initialisieren der lokalen LDAP-Datenbank\n(An error occurred while initializing the local LDAP database)]
-de,dsgw,41,[Unbekannter Verzeichnis-Servicetyp - benutzen Sie "local" oder "remote" (Unknown directory service type - use "local" or "remote")]
-de,dsgw,42,[Fehler beim Lesen der db-Konfigurationdatei (An error occurred while reading the db configuration file)]
-de,dsgw,43,[NSHOME/userdb-Pfad war NULL (NSHOME/userdb path was NULL)]
-de,dsgw,44,[Die Servicekonfiguration des Verzeichnisses konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. (The directory service configuration could not be updated.)]
-de,dsgw,45,[Der Eintrag konnte nicht im Verzeichnis gelesen werden. (The entry could not be read from the directory.)]
-de,dsgw,46,[Die LDAP-Databank konnte nicht gel繹scht werden. (The LDAP database could not be erased.)]
-de,dsgw,47,[Sie d羹rfen keine Eintr瓣ge auer Ihren eigenen 瓣ndern. (You may not change entries besides your own.)]
-de,dsgw,49,[Beglaubigungsproblem (Authentication Problem)]
-de,dsgw,50,[.\n<P>Sie m羹ssen neu beglaubigen, ehe Sie fortfahren. (You must re-authenticate before continuing.)\n]
-de,dsgw,51,[.\n<P>Sie m羹ssen neu beglaubigen, ehe Sie fortfahren. (You must re-authenticate before continuing.)\n]
-de,dsgw,52,[unbekannter Fehler (unknown error)]
-de,dsgw,53,[Der Vorgang war erfolgreich. (The operation was successful.)]
-de,dsgw,54,[Im Server ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten. Das deutet gew繹hnlich auf einen ernsthaften Fehler im Server hin und sollte Ihrem Serververwalter mitgeteilt werden. (An internal error occurred in the server. This usually indicates a serious malfunction in the server and should be brought to the attention of your server administrator.)]
-de,dsgw,55,[Der Server konnte die durch das Gateway an ihn gesandte Anforderung nicht verstehen. (The server could not understand the request which was sent to it by the gateway.)]
-de,dsgw,56,[Das Zeitlimit wurde bei der Ausf羹hrung Ihrer Anforderung 羹berschritten. Die Suche nach Eintr瓣gen erzielt bessere Ergebnisse, wenn Sie Ihre Suche pr瓣ziser definieren. (A time limit was exceeded in responding to your request. If you are searching for entries, you may achieve better results if you are more specific in your search.)]
-de,dsgw,57,[Das Gr繹enlimit wurde bei der Ausf羹hrung Ihrer Anforderung 羹berschritten. Ihre Suche nach Eintr瓣gen erzielt bessere Ergebnisse, wenn Sie Ihre Suche pr瓣ziser definieren, da zu viele Eintr瓣ge zu Ihren Suchkriterien paten. (A size limit was exceeded in responding to your request. If you are searching for entries, you may achieve better results if you are more specific in your search, because too many entries matched your search criteria.)]
-de,dsgw,58,[Das Gateway versuchte, mit einer Methode auf dem Server\nzu beglaubigen, die der Server nicht versteht.\n(The gateway attempted to authenticate to the server using\na method the server doesn't understand.)]
-de,dsgw,59,[Das Gateway versuchte mit einer Beglaubigungsmethode auf dem Server zu beglaubigen, die der Server nicht unterst羹tzt. (The gateway attempted to authenticate to the server using an authentication method which the server does not support. )]
-de,dsgw,60,[Ihre Anforderung konnte nicht ausgef羹hrt werden, weil der aufgerufene Server wahrscheinlich nicht die von Ihnen gew羹nschten Daten enth瓣lt. M繹glicherweise wurde die Anforderung auf einen anderen Server umgeleitet und wieder zur羹ckgesandt, konnte jedoch nicht zur羹ckverfolgt werden. Sollten Sie versucht haben, nderungen im Verzeichnis vorzunehmen, dann ist der Server mit der Stammkopie m繹glicherweise nicht verf羹gbar. (Your request could not be fulfilled, probably because the server that was contacted does not contain the data you are looking for. It is possible that a referral to another server was returned but could not be followed. If you were trying to make changes to the directory, it may be that the server that holds the master copy of the data is not available.)]
-de,dsgw,61,[Ihre Anforderung hat ein Verwalterlimit auf dem Server 羹berschritten. (Your request exceeded an administrative limit in the server.)]
-de,dsgw,62,[Eine vom Gateway angeforderte kritische Erweiterung ist auf diesem Server nicht verf羹gbar. (A critical extension that the gateway requested is not available in this server.)]
-de,dsgw,63,[Der Server konnte die Anforderung nicht ausf羹hren, da sie\nsich auf ein Attribut bezieht, das nicht im\nEintrag existiert.\n(The server was unable to process the request, because the\nrequest referred to an attribute which does not exist in the\nentry.)]
-de,dsgw,64,[Der Server konnte Ihre Anforderung nicht ausf羹hren, da\nsie gegen eine Beschr瓣nkung verst繹t.\n(The server was unable to fulfill your request, because the\nrequest violates a constraint.)]
-de,dsgw,65,[Der Server konnte dem Eintrag keinen Wert hinzuf羹gen, da dieser Wert bereits im Eintrag enthalten ist. (The server could not add a value to the entry, because that value is already contained in the entry.)]
-de,dsgw,66,[Der Server konnte diesen Eintrag nicht finden. Wird ein neuer\nWert hinzugef羹gt, vergewissern Sie sich, da das 羹bergeordnete Verzeichnis,\nf羹r den Eintrag, den Sie hinzuf羹gen m繹chten, existiert. Erscheint diese\nFehlermeldung bei einem Suchvorgang, bedeutet das,\nda der von Ihnen gesuchte Eintrag nicht existiert. Wenn Sie versucht\nhaben, als Verzeichnisverwalter zu beglaubigen und diese Fehlermeldung erscheint,\ndann 羹berpr羹fen Sie die Gateway-Konfigurationsdatei.\n(The server could not locate the entry. If adding a new entry,\nbe sure that the parent of the entry you are trying to add exists.\nIf you received this error while searching, it indicates that the\nentry which was being searched for does not exist.\nIf you were attempting to authenticate as the directory manager and\nreceived this error, check the gateway configuration file.)]
-de,dsgw,67,[Ein unverwechselbarer Name hatte nicht das richtige Format. (A distinguished name was not in the proper format. )]
-de,dsgw,68,[Dem Eintrag, den Sie beglaubigen wollten, fehlt entweder der Kennwortsatz oder andere erforderliche Beglaubigungsberechtigungen. Mit dieser Eingabe k繹nnen Sie erst beglaubigen, wenn der Verzeichnisverwalter die passenden Attribute hinzugef羹gt hat. (The entry you attempted to authenticate as does not have a password set, or is missing other required authentication credentials. You cannot authenticate as that entry until the appropriate attributes have been added by the directory manager.)]
-de,dsgw,69,[Das eingegebene Kennwort (oder andere Beglaubigungsberechtigungen)\nist falsch.\n(The password (or other authentication credentials) you supplied\nis incorrect.)]
-de,dsgw,70,[Sie sind nicht ausreichend berechtigt, um den Vorgang auszuf羹hren. (You do not have sufficient privileges to perform the operation. )]
-de,dsgw,71,[Der Server ist belegt und kann Ihre Anforderung nicht ausf羹hren. Versuchen Sie es in ein paar Miuten noch einmal. (The server is too busy to service your request. Try again in a few minutes.)]
-de,dsgw,72,[Der LDAP-Server konnte nicht aufgerufen werden. (The LDAP server could not be contacted.)]
-de,dsgw,73,[Der Server lehnt die Ausf羹hrung Ihrer Anforderung ab. Das bedeutet gew繹hnlich, da die Ausf羹hrung Ihrer Anforderung den Server zu sehr belastet. Es k繹nnte m繹glicherweise auch bedeuten, da der Server nicht konfiguriert ist, Ihre Anforderung auszuf羹hren. Versuchen Sie, bei der Suche den Suchbereich einzuschr瓣nken. (The server was unwilling to process your request. Usually, this indicates that serving your request would put a heavy load on the server. It may also indicate that the server is not configured to process your request. If searching, you may wish to limit the scope of your search.)]
-de,dsgw,74,[Der Verzeichnis-Server konnte Ihrer Anforderung nicht nachkommen, da sie gegen die Schemabedingungen verst繹t. Das bedeutet gew繹hnlich, da Sie keinen Wert f羹r ein erforderliches Feld eingegeben haben. Es k繹nnte auch bedeuten, da das Schema im Verzeichnis-Server aktualisiert werden mu. (The directory server could not honor your request because it violates the schema requirements. Typically, this means that you have not provided a value for a required field. It could also mean that the schema in the directory server needs to be updated.)]
-de,dsgw,75,[Der Verzeichnis-Server l瓣t nicht zu, da Sie einen Eintrag, der untergeordnet ist, l繹schen oder umbenennen. Um das zu tun, m羹ssen Sie erst alle untergeordneten Eintr瓣ge l繹schen. (The directory server will not allow you to delete or rename an entry if that entry has children. If you wish to do this, you must first delete all the child entries.)]
-de,dsgw,76,[Der Server konnte weder einen neuen Eintrag hinzuf羹gen noch einen bestehenden umbenennen, da ein Eintrag unter diesem Namen bereits existiert. (The server was unable to add a new entry, or rename an existing entry, because an entry by that name already exists.)]
-de,dsgw,77,[Ihre Anforderung w羹rde mehrere Verzeichnis-Server betreffen. (Your request would affect several directory servers.)]
-de,dsgw,78,[Der Verzeichnis-Server konnte nicht aufgerufen werden. Wenden\nSie sich an den Serververwalter.\n(The directory server could not be contacted. Contact your\n server administrator for assistance.)]
-de,dsgw,79,[Fehler beim Senden der Daten zum Server. (An error occured while sending data to the server.)]
-de,dsgw,80,[Fehler beim Lesen der Daten vom Server. (An error occured while reading data from the server.)]
-de,dsgw,81,[Der Server hat nicht auf Ihre Anforderung reagiert. Die Anforderung wurde unterbrochen. (The server did not respond to the request. The request timed out.)]
-de,dsgw,82,[Der Server unterst羹tzt nicht die vom Gateway benutzte Beglaubigungsmethode. (The server does not support the authentication method used by the gateway.)]
-de,dsgw,83,[Der vom Gateway erstellte Suchfilter war falsch. (The search filter constructed by the gateway was in error.)]
-de,dsgw,84,[Der Vorgang wurde auf Ihren Wunsch abgebrochen. (The operation was cancelled at your request.)]
-de,dsgw,85,[Interner Fehler in der Bibliothek - ein Parameter war falsch. (An internal error occurred in the library - a parameter was incorrect.)]
-de,dsgw,86,[Verbindung zum Verzeichnis-Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Wenden\nSie sich an Ihren Server-Verwalter.\n(A connection to the directory server could not be opened. Contact your\nserver administrator for assistance.)]
-de,dsgw,87,[Unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten. (An unknown error was encountered.)]
-de,dsgw,88,[Eintrag existiert bereits (Entry Already Exists)]
-de,dsgw,89,[Dieser Namenseintrag (An entry named )]
-de,dsgw,90,[onMouseOver="window.status='Klicken Sie hier, um den Eintrag einzusehen'; return true"\n(onMouseOver="window.status='Click here to view this entry'; return true")]
-de,dsgw,91,[ existiert bereits (already exists).<P>Bitte anderen Namen und/oder Adresse w瓣hlen.\n(Please choose another name and/or location.\n<P>)\n]
-de,dsgw,92,[bergeordneter Eintrag existiert nicht\n(Parent entry does not exist)]
-de,dsgw,93,[Sie k繹nnen einen Eintrag unter diesem Namen:\n(You cannot add an entry by the name:)<P><B>%s</B>,<P> nicht hinzuf羹gen,\nda der 羹bergeordnete Eintrags nicht existiert.\n(because the parent of that entry does not exist.)<P>\nEhe Sie diesen Eintrag hinzuf羹gen, m羹ssen Sie zun瓣chst den dazugeh繹rige\n(Before you can add this entry, you must first add)\n]
-de,dsgw,94,[羹bergeordneten Eintrag hinzuf羹gen. (its parent.)\n]
-de,dsgw,95,[ein Eintrag unter diesem Namen (an entry named):<P><B>%s</B>.\n]
-de,dsgw,96,[Warnung: Keine Beglaubigung (wird fortgesetzt)...\n(Warning: no authentication (continuing)...)\n]
-de,dsgw,97,[%s Verzeichniseintrag (Directory Entry)]
-de,dsgw,98,[<PRE>Eingabe-DN (Entry DN): %s</PRE><P>\n]
-de,dsgw,99,[nderungen zu <B>%s</B> wurden gespeichert.]
-de,dsgw,100,[<B>%s</B> has been added.]
-de,dsgw,101,[<B>%s</B> has been deleted.]
-de,dsgw,102,[Renamed <B>%s</B> to <B>%s</B>.]
-de,dsgw,103,[<P><B>Hinweis:</B> Da Sie den Eintrag, unter dem Sie beglaubigt\nsind, %s haben, mute Ihre Beglaubigungsberechtigung\ngel繹scht werden. Sie m羹ssen neu beglaubig werden, um\nweitere nderungen vornehmen zu k繹nnen.\n(<B>Note:</B> because of your action on the entry you were \nauthenticated as, it was necessary to discard your \nauthentication credentials. You will need to authenticate \nagain to make additional changes.)\n]
-de,dsgw,104,[gel繹scht (deleted)]
-de,dsgw,105,[umbenannt (renamed)]
-de,dsgw,106,[Kennwort umbenannt f羹r (changed the password of)]
-de,dsgw,107,[Attribut (Attribute) %s wurde ge瓣ndert (was changed)<BR>\n]
-de,dsgw,108,[ NICHT (NOT) ASCII (%ld Bytes)\n]
-de,dsgw,109,[Es wurden keine Werte eingegeben. Bitte erneut versuchen.\n(No values were entered. Please try again.)\n]
-de,dsgw,110,[Es wurden keine nderungen vorgenommen.\n]
-de,dsgw,111,[<P>%s wird an Verzeichnis-Server gesendet...\n]
-de,dsgw,113,[nderungen (changes)]
-de,dsgw,114,[<P>Eintrag erfolgreich hinzugef羹gt.\n(Successfully added entry.)\n]
-de,dsgw,115,[<P>Eintrag erfolgreich bearbeitet. nderungen wurden gespeichert.\n(Successfully edited entry. Your changes have been saved.)\n]
-de,dsgw,116,[<P>Eintrag erfolgreich gel繹scht.\n(Successfully deleted entry.)\n]
-de,dsgw,117,[<PRE>Der neue Eintrag heit (The new name for the entry is): %s\n</PRE><HR>\n]
-de,dsgw,118,[<P>Eintrag erfolgreich umbenannt.\n(Successfully renamed entry.)\n]
-de,dsgw,119,[Sie m羹ssen das alte Kennwort angeben.]
-de,dsgw,120,[Sie m羹ssen ein neues Kennwort angeben. Bitte erneut versuchen]
-de,dsgw,121,[Neues und best瓣tigendes Kennwort stimmen nicht 羹berein. Bitte erneut versuchen]
-de,dsgw,122,[<BR>%s <B>%s</B> ist bereits in Benutzung. Bitte ein anderes w瓣hlen.\n(The item shown is already in use. Please choose a different one.)<BR>\n]
-de,dsgw,123,[fehlendes Formulardatenelement (missing form data element) "%.100s"]
-de,dsgw,124,[Konfigurationsinformation wird initialisiert\n(Initializing config info)]
-de,dsgw,125,[Datei kann nicht ge繹ffnet werden.\n(Cannot open file.)]
-de,dsgw,126,[ Konfigurationsdate der Datenbanki ist verst羹mmelt.\n(Malformed dbconf file.)]
-de,dsgw,127,[Eigenschaftsname in der Konfigurationsdatei der Datenbank fehlt.\n(Missing property name in dbconf file.)]
-de,dsgw,128,[Nicht gen羹gend Arbeitspeicher. (Out of memory.)]
-de,dsgw,129,[Betriebsanweisung in der Konfigurationsdatei der Datenbank fehlt.\n(Missing directive in dbconf file.)]
-de,dsgw,130,[Konfigurationsdatei "%s" kann nicht ge繹ffnet werden\n(Cannot open config file with name shown)\n]
-de,dsgw,131,[Argument f羹r die Betriebsanweisung "authlifetime" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "authlifetime" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,132,[Argument f羹r Betriebsanweisung "dirmgr" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "dirmgr" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,133,[Argument f羹r Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "baseurl" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,134,[Falsche URL f羹r Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" angegeben - Basis-DN fehlt\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - the base DN is missing)\n]
-de,dsgw,135,[Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" wird analysiert\n(parsing baseurl directive)]
-de,dsgw,136,[Falsche URL f羹r Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" angegeben - keine "ldap://" URL\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - not an "ldap://" URL)\n]
-de,dsgw,137,["ldaps://" URLs werden noch nicht unterst羹tzt\n("ldaps://" URLs are not yet supported)\n]
-de,dsgw,138,[Argumente f羹r Betriebsanweisung "template" fehlen\n(Missing arguments for "template" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,139,[Argument f羹r Betriebsanweisung "sslrequired" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "sslrequired" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,140,[Unbekanntes Argument f羹r Betriebsanweisung "sslrequired" (mu "never", "whenauthenticated"oder "always" sein)\n(Unknown argument to "sslrequired" directive (should be "never", "whenauthenticated", "always"))\n]
-de,dsgw,141,[Argument f羹r Betriebsanweisung "securitypath" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "securitypath" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,142,[Argument f羹r Betriebsanweisung "location-suffix" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "location-suffix" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,143,[Die Betriebsanweisung "location" erfordert drei Argumente\n(Three arguments are required for the "location" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,144,[Die Betriebsanweisung "newtype" erfordert mindestens zwei Argumente\n(At least two arguments are required for the "newtype" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,145,[Unbekannte Adresse in der Betriebsanweisung "newtype"\n(Unknown location in "newtype" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,146,[Die Betriebsanweisung "tmplset" erfordert drei oder vier Argumente\n(Three or four arguments are required for the "tmplset" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,147,[Die Betriebsanweisung "attrvset" erfordert vier Argumente\n(Four arguments are required for the "attrvset" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,148,[Argument f羹r Betriebsanweisung "charset" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "charset" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,149,[Argument f羹r Betriebsanweisung "ClientLanguage" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "ClientLanguage" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,150,[Argument f羹r Betriebsanweisung "AdminLanguage" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "AdminLanguage" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,151,[Argument f羹r Betriebsanweisung "DefaultLanguage" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "DefaultLanguage" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,152,[Dateiname f羹r Betriebsanweisung "include" fehlt\n(Missing filename for "include" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,153,[Unbekannte Betriebsanweisung in der Konfigurationsdatei\n(Unknown directive in config file)\n]
-de,dsgw,154,[<= erase_db konnte lcache.conf-Datei "%s" nicht 繹ffnen\n(<= erase_db could not open lcache.conf file with name shown)\n]
-de,dsgw,155,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>Die Datenbank wurde gel繹scht. Neue Datenbank wird erstellt...\n(The database has been deleted. Creating new database...)\n</FONT>\n ]
-de,dsgw,156,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>Die Datenbank konnte nicht gel繹scht werden\n(The database could not be deleted)\n</FONT>\n ]
-de,dsgw,157,[<= app_suffix konnte ldif-Datei "%s" nicht 繹ffnen\n(<= app_suffix could not open ldif file with name shown)\n]
-de,dsgw,158,[<= app_suffix konnte tmp-Datei "%s" nicht 繹ffnen\n(<= app_suffix could not open tmp file with name shown)\n]
-de,dsgw,159,[%s konnte nicht in %s umbenannt werden\n(Unable to rename with names as shown)]
-de,dsgw,160,[Leerzeiger wurde von dbconf_read_default_dbinfo() zur羹ckgegeben.\n(null pointer returned by dbconf_read_default_dbinfo().)]
-de,dsgw,161,[Falsche "ldapdb"-URL - Basis-DN fehlt\n(Bad "ldapdb" URL - the base DN is missing)\n]
-de,dsgw,162,[Falsche "ldapdb"-URL (Bad "ldapdb" URL)\n]
-de,dsgw,163,[Falsche URL f羹r Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" angegeben - Basis-DN fehlt \n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - the base DN is missing)\n]
-de,dsgw,164,[Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" wird analysiert\n(parsing baseurl directive)]
-de,dsgw,165,[Falsche URL f羹r Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" angegeben - keine "ldap:// bzw. ldapdb://" URL\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - not an "ldap:// or ldapdb://" URL)\n]
-de,dsgw,166,["ldaps://" URLs werden noch nicht unterst羹tzt\n("ldaps://" URLs are not yet supported)\n]
-de,dsgw,167,[Kein Wert f羹r binddn angegeben\n(No value given for binddn)]
-de,dsgw,168,[Kein Wert f羹r bindpw angegeben\n(No value given for bindpw)]
-de,dsgw,169,[In der dbswitch.conf-Datei ist kein Standard-Verzeichnisservice angegeben\n(There is no default directory service defined in the dbswitch.conf file)]
-de,dsgw,170,[Konfigurationsdatei "%s" kann nicht zum Schreiben ge繹ffnet werden\n(Cannot open config file with name shown for writing)\n]
-de,dsgw,171,[Kann %s nicht in %s umbenennen\n(Unable to rename with names as shown)]
-de,dsgw,172,[Konfigurationsdatei (config file) %s: ]
-de,dsgw,173,[Konfigurationsdatei (config file) %s: Zeile (line) %d: ]
-de,dsgw,174,[Max. (max) %d]
-de,dsgw,175,[ OK ]
-de,dsgw,176,[Fenster schlieen (Close Window)]
-de,dsgw,178,[{crypt}GESPERRT (LOCKED) [%s GMT]]
-de,dsgw,179,[Zur羹ck zum Hauptbildschirm (Return to Main)]
-de,dsgw,181,[ Help ]
-de,dsgw,182,[Hilfe (Help)]
-de,dsgw,184,[Hilfe ist noch nicht verf羹gbar.\n(Help is not yet available.)]
-de,dsgw,186,[Fenster schlieen (Close Window)]
-de,dsgw,187,[Fenster schlieen (Close Window)]
-de,dsgw,188,[?template fehlt (missing ?template)]
-de,dsgw,190,[Beglaubigungsberechtigung l繹schen (abmelden)?\n(Discard authentication credentials (log out)?)]
-de,dsgw,191,[Geben Sie eine Suchenzeichenfolge an\n(Please type a search string)]
-de,dsgw,192,[Um Ihren Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis zu beglaubigen, m羹ssen Sie sich zun瓣chst zu\nerkennen geben.<br>Geben Sie Ihren Namen ein:\n(The first step in authenticating to the directory is identifying\nyourself.<br>Please type your name:)]
-de,dsgw,193,[Weiter (Continue)]
-de,dsgw,194,[Weiter (Continue)]
-de,dsgw,195,[Abbrechen (Cancel)]
-de,dsgw,196,[Als Verzeichnisverwalter beglaubigen"> &nbsp;(nur f羹r Verzeichnis-Administratoren verf羹gbar)\n(Authenticate as directory manager"> &nbsp;(only available to Directory Administrators))\n]
-de,dsgw,198,[Beglaubigungsberechtigung l繹schen? (Discard authentication credentials?)]
-de,dsgw,200,[Weiter (Continue)]
-de,dsgw,201,[Weiter (Continue)]
-de,dsgw,202,[Abbrechen (Cancel)]
-de,dsgw,203,[Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis beglaubigen (anmelden)\n(Authenticate (log in) to the directory)]
-de,dsgw,204,[Ihr Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis wird gleich beglaubigt werden unter \n(You are about to authenticate to the directory as) <B>%s</B>. Geben Sie zum Vervollst瓣ndigen des Beglaubigungsvorgangs Ihr Kennwort ein. (To complete the authentication process, type your password.\n]
-de,dsgw,206,[Ehe Sie Eintr瓣ge bearbeiten bzw. hinzuf羹gen k繹nnen, mu\nIhr Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis beglaubigt (angemeldet) sein\n. Folgen Sie den Anweisungen f羹r den Beglaubigungsproze\nauf diesem Fenster.\n(Before you can edit or add entries, you must authenticate\n(log in) to the directory. This window will guide\nyou through the steps of the authentication\nprocess.)\n]
-de,dsgw,207,[Ihr Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis kann von diesem Bildschirm aus\nbeglaubigt bzw. angemeldet werden.\nSie m羹ssen beglaubigt sein, ehe Sie Verzeichniseintr瓣ge\n瓣ndern k繹nnen. Wenn Sie einen Eintrag, ohne beglaubigt zu sein, 瓣ndern m繹chten, dann werden Sie aufgefordert, sich anzumelden.\n(From this screen you may authenticate, or log in, \nto the directory. You will need to authenticate\nbefore you can modify directory entries. If you\nattempt to modify an entry without authenticating,\nyou will be asked to log in.)\n]
-de,dsgw,208,[Beglaubigungsstatus(Authentication Status)]
-de,dsgw,209,[<form>\nIhr Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis ist derzeitig beglaubigt unter \n(<form>\nYou are currently authenticated to the directory as )]
-de,dsgw,210,[.\nWenn Sie Ihre Beglaubigungsberechtigung l繹schen und sich vom Verzeichnis abmelden m繹chten, klicken Sie unten auf die Schaltfl瓣che.\n(.\nIf you wish to discard your authentication credentials and log out of the directory, click on the button below.)]
-de,dsgw,211,[Beglaubigungsberechtigung l繹schen (abmelden)\n(Discard Authentication Credentials (log out))]
-de,dsgw,212,[Ihre Beglaubigungsberechtigung f羹r \n(Your authentication credentials for )]
-de,dsgw,213,[ist abgelaufen (have expired).\n<HR>)\n]
-de,dsgw,214,[Ihr Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis ist derzeitig nicht beglaubigt.\n(Currently, you are not authenticated to the directory.<HR>)\n]
-de,dsgw,215,["%s=" fehlt (missing)]
-de,dsgw,216,["%s=%s" unbekannt (unknown)]
-de,dsgw,217,[unbekannte Option (unknown option) %s ]
-de,dsgw,218,[unbekannte Syntax=%s (syntax shown unknown)\n]
-de,dsgw,219,[** HTML-Typ "%s" nicht unterst羹tzt **<BR>\n(** HTML type shown is not supported **<BR>)\n]
-de,dsgw,224,[Bearbeiten (Edit)]
-de,dsgw,225,[Save Changes]
-de,dsgw,228,[L繹schen (Delete)]
-de,dsgw,229,[Diesen Eintrag l繹schen? (Delete this entry?)]
-de,dsgw,230,[Umbenennen (Rename)]
-de,dsgw,231,[Neuen Namen f羹r diesen Eintrag eingeben:\n(Enter a new name for this entry:)]
-de,dsgw,232,[Bearbeiten unter (Edit As)]
-de,dsgw,233,[%s= fehlt (missing)]
-de,dsgw,234,[Fenster schlieen (Close Window)]
-de,dsgw,235,[Bearbeiten... (Edit...)]
-de,dsgw,236,["%s=" fehlt (missing)\n]
-de,dsgw,237,[Unbekannter Satz "%s" (set shown is unknown)\n]
-de,dsgw,238,[unbekannte Syntax "%s" (unknown syntax "%s")\n]
-de,dsgw,239,[Neu beglaubigen (Re-Authenticate)]
-de,dsgw,240,[Fenster schlieen (Close Window)]
-de,dsgw,241,[M繹chten Sie wirklich (Do you really want to )]
-de,dsgw,243,[ OK ]
-de,dsgw,244,[ OK ]
-de,dsgw,245,[Zur羹cksetzen (Reset)]
-de,dsgw,246,[Beendet (Done)]
-de,dsgw,247,[Abbrechen (Cancel)]
-de,dsgw,248,[anderes IF gefunden (geschachtelte IFs sind nicht unterst羹tzt)\n(found another IF (nested IFs are not supported))]
-de,dsgw,249,[ELSE wurde gefunden, aber kein IF\n(found ELSE but didn't see an IF)]
-de,dsgw,250,[ELSE nach ELSE gefunden (ENDIF erwartet)\n(found ELSE after ELSE (expecting ENDIF))]
-de,dsgw,251,[ELSE wurde gefunden, aber kein IF\n(found ELIF but didn't see an IF)]
-de,dsgw,252,[ELIF nach ELSE gefunden (ENDIF erwartet)\n(found ELIF after ELSE (expecting ENDIF))]
-de,dsgw,253,[ELDIF wurde gefunden, aber kein IF\n(found ENDIF but didn't see an IF)]
-de,dsgw,254,[<BR><B>Vorlagefehler (template error):</B> %s<BR>\n]
-de,dsgw,255,[ldap_init/lcache_init aufgerufen, ehe Konfigurationsdatei gelesen wurde\n(ldap_init/lcache_init attempted before config file read)]
-de,dsgw,256,[f羹hrt nicht unter dem Verwaltungs-Server aus\n(not running under the administration server)]
-de,dsgw,257,[Konnte Genehmigungen nicht initialisieren\n(Could not initialize permissions)]
-de,dsgw,258,[Konnte Benutzername nicht auf einem DN abbilden (Fehler vom Verwaltungs-Server)\n(Could not map username to a DN (error from admin server))]
-de,dsgw,259,[Konnte aktuellen Benutzernamen nicht aufrufen\n(Could not get current username)]
-de,dsgw,260,[Konnte aktuelles Benutzerkennwort nicht abrufen\n(Could not get current user password)]
-de,dsgw,261,[Fehler (Error): %s]
-de,dsgw,262,[Hinweis: F羹r diese Art von Eintrag gibt es keine Anzeigevorlage; die Eintragsart \nwird unten\nim Standarmodus angezeigt.\n(Note: there is no display template for this type of entry available, so it is\ndisplayed below using a default method.)]
-de,dsgw,263,[Ung羹ltige Benutzer-ID bzw. NULL LDAP-Erkennung\n(Invalid user id or NULL LDAP handle)]
-de,dsgw,264,[keine bereinstimmung mit Benutzer-ID\n(no match for user id)]
-de,dsgw,265,[mehr als eine bereinstimmung mit Benutzer-ID\n(more than one match for user id)]
-de,dsgw,266,[the entire directory]
-de,dsgw,267,[Die Betriebsanweisung "includeset" erfordert zwei Argumente\n(Two arguments are required for the "includeset" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,268,[Der angeforderte Attributwert wurde im Eintrag nicht gefunden (The attribute value requested was not found in the entry)]
-de,dsgw,269,[Argument fehlt in der "NLS"-Betriebsanweisung\n]
-de,dsgw,270,[Es mu ein NT-Benutzername angegeben werden]
-de,dsgw,271,[Die Kombination aus NT-Benutzernamen und NT-Dom瓣ne ist in diesem Verzeichnis nicht eindeutig\n]
-de,dsgw,272,[Es mu sowohl ein NT-Benutzername als auch eine NT-Dom瓣ne angegeben werden\n]
-de,dsgw,273,[Der NT-Benutzername darf nicht l瓣nger sein als 20 Zeichen.]
-de,dsgw,274,[Namen f羹r den neuen Eintrag angeben.]
-de,dsgw,275,[Standort f羹r den neuen Eintrag ausw瓣hlen.]
-de,dsgw,276,[Neuer Eintrag]
-de,dsgw,277,[F羹r diese Funktion mu ein Verzeichnisverwalter in der Datei "dsgw.conf" definiert sein]
-de,dsgw,278,[Die Betriebsanweisung "vcard-property" erfordert drei oder vier Argumente.\n]
-de,dsgw,279,[DieVCard-Eigenschaft kann nur entweder "cis" oder "mls" lauten.\n]
-de,dsgw,280,[Kein Eintrag gefunden.\n%2$s]
-de,dsgw,281,[Kein Eintrag gefunden, in dem %2$s '%4$s' %3$s.\n]
-de,dsgw,282,[Kein Eintrag gefunden.\n%2$s]
-de,dsgw,283,[Kein Eintrag gefunden, in dem %2$s '%4$s' %3$s.\n]
-de,dsgw,284,[1 Eintrag gefunden.\n%2$s]
-de,dsgw,285,[1 Eintrag gefunden, in dem %2$s '%4$s' %3$s.\n]
-de,dsgw,286,[1 Eintrag gefunden.\n%2$s]
-de,dsgw,287,[1 Eintrag gefunden, in dem %2$s '%4$s' %3$s.\n]
-de,dsgw,288,[%1$li Eintr瓣ge gefunden.\n%2$s]
-de,dsgw,289,[%1$li Eintr瓣ge gefunden, in denen %2$s '%4$s' %3$s.\n]
-de,dsgw,290,[%1$li Eintr瓣ge gefunden.\n%2$s]
-de,dsgw,291,[%1$li Eintr瓣ge gefunden, in denen %2$s '%4$s' %3$s.\n]
-de,dsgw,292,[der LDAP-Filter ist]
-de,dsgw,293,[Der Server konnte den Eintrag, den Sie bei der Beglaubigung verwendet haben, nicht finden. M繹glicherweise wurde der Eintrag umbenannt oder gel繹scht. Bitte wiederholen Sie die Beglaubigung.]
-de,dsgw,294,[Die neue Kennwortsyntax ist ung羹ltig.\n]
-de,dsgw,295,[Das neue Kennwort ist in der Kennwortchronik enthalten.\n]
-de,dsgw,296,[Sie haben den Grenzwert f羹r die Wiederholung des Kennworts 羹berschritten. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Systemverwalter.\n]
-de,dsgw,297,[Sie haben den Grenzwert f羹r die Wiederholung des Kennworts 羹berschritten. Versuchen Sie es sp瓣ter erneut.\n]
-de,dsgw,298,[Das Kennwort ist abgelaufen. Wenden Sie sich an den Systemverwalter, um das Kennwort zur羹ckzusetzen.\n]
-de,frame,-1,[$DBT: frame in DB file v1 $]
-de,frame,1,[<TITLE>Nicht gefunden (Not Found)</TITLE><H1>Nicht gefunden (Not Found)</H1> Das angeforderte Objekt existiert nicht auf diesem Server. Die von Ihnen verfolgte Verknpfung ist entweder veraltet, ungenau oder der Server darf sie Ihnen nicht anbieten.\n(The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it.)]
-de,frame,2,[Informieren Sie bitte den Standortverwalter ber die <A HREF="%s">, Bezugsseite </A>.\n(Please inform the site administrator of the referring page.)]
-de,frame,3,[Ihr Browser sandte eine Anforderung, die dieser Proxy-Server nicht verstehen kann.\n(Your browser sent a request that this proxy could not understand.)]
-de,frame,4,[Ordnungsgem魠e Genehmigung ist fr den Administrator dieses Proxy-Servers erforderlich.\nEntweder fhrt Ihr Browser keine Genehmigung aus oder Ihre Genehmigung ist falsch.\n(Proper authorization is required for the administration of this proxy.\nEither your browser does not perform authorization, or your authorization\nhas failed.)]
-de,frame,5,[Beglaubigung des Benutzernamens ist erforderlich, um diesen Proxy-Server zu benutzen.\n Entweder fhrt Ihr Browser keine Proxy-Genehmigung aus oder Ihre Genehmigung ist falsch.\n(Username authentication is required for using this proxy.\nEither your browser does not perform proxy authorization, or your\nauthorization has failed.)]
-de,frame,6,[Die Zugriffssteuerungskonfiguration des Proxy-Servers verweigert\nZugriff auf das durch diesen Proxy-Server angeforderte Objekt.\n(The proxy's access control configuration denies access to\nthe requested object through this proxy.)]
-de,frame,7,[Im Proxy-Server ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten, so da Ihre\nAnforderung nicht ausgefhrt werden kann. Wahrscheinlich ist die Konfiguration falsch.\nBitten Sie den Administrator, nach entsprechenden Hinweisen im Fehlerprotokoll des Proxy-Servers zu suchen.\n(The proxy has encountered an internal error which prevents it from\nfulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a misconfiguration.\nPlease ask the administrator to look for messages in the proxy's error log.)]
-de,frame,8,[Dieser Proxy-Server setzt nicht die angeforderte Methode ein.\n(This proxy server does not implement the requested method.)]
-de,frame,9,[Ein Fehler ist auf dem Proxy-Server aufgetreten.\n(An error has occurred on the proxy server.)]
-de,frame,10,[Dieser Server konnte die gesendete Anfrage Ihres Browsers nicht verstehen.\n(Your browser sent a query this server could not understand.)]
-de,frame,11,[Ordnungsgem魠e Genehmigung ist fr diesen Bereich erforderlich. Entweder fhrt Ihr Browser keine Genehmigung aus oder Ihre Genehmigung ist falsch.\n(Proper authorization is required for this area. Either your browser does not perform authorization, or your authorization has failed.)]
-de,frame,12,[Ihr Client darf das angeforderte Objekt nicht abrufen.\n(Your client is not allowed to access the requested object.)]
-de,frame,13,[In diesem Server ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten, so da Ihre Anforderung nicht ausgefhrt werden kann. Wahrscheinlich ist die Konfiguration falsch. Bitten Sie den Administrator, nach entsprechenden Hinweisen im Fehlerprotokoll des Proxy-Servers zu suchen.\n(This server has encountered an internal error which prevents it from fulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a misconfiguration. Please ask the administrator to look for messages in the server's error log.)]
-de,frame,14,[Dieser Server setzt nicht die angeforderte Methode ein.\n(This server does not implement the requested method.)]
-de,frame,15,[Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.\n(An error has occurred.)]
-de,frame,16,[Dieser Server konnte die gesendete Meldung Ihres Browsers nicht verstehen.\n(Your browser sent a message this server could not understand.)]
-de,frame,17,[<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="de"><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>%s</H1>\nDieses Dokument wurde an einen neuen <a href="%s">Standort verschoben</a>. Aktualisieren Sie bitte Ihre Dokumente und Hotlisten entsprechend.(This document has moved to a new location. Please update your documents and hotlists accordingly.)</BODY></HTML>\n]
-de,frame,18,[<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="de"><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>%s</H1>\n%s\n</BODY></HTML>]
-de,frame,20,[cannot find template %s]
-de,frame,22,[no partial path after object processing]
-de,frame,24,[invalid shexp %s]
-de,frame,26,[invalid shexp %s]
-de,frame,28,[no way to service request for %s]
-de,frame,30,[close failed (%s), csd=%d]
-de,frame,31,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-de,frame,33,[Error issuing read on accept socket]
-de,frame,35,[Error getting accept socket (%d)]
-de,frame,36,[Error in accept! (%d, %s)]
-de,frame,37,[Error creating new accept request]
-de,frame,38,[accepted connection: %d (NSPR %d)]
-de,frame,39,[Error creating new session structure]
-de,frame,41,[Error allocating request read buffer]
-de,frame,42,[Error issuing async read request]
-de,frame,43,[acb_read_request(%d, bytes %d)]
-de,frame,44,[acb_read_req(1 session = %d)]
-de,frame,45,[Error reading request (%d, %s)]
-de,frame,46,[Client aborted connection]
-de,frame,47,[Error reading request]
-de,frame,48,[Error creating new request]
-de,frame,49,[error occurred, closing %d, io was for %d]
-de,frame,51,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-de,frame,52,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-de,frame,53,[Error during async read (%d, %s)]
-de,frame,54,[scan-headers reports: line too long]
-de,frame,55,[scan-headers reports: too many headers]
-de,frame,56,[Error reading headers]
-de,frame,57,[scan-headers reports: header missing terminator (an empty line)]
-de,frame,58,[scan-headers reports: header was empty]
-de,frame,59,[Name ohne Wert: Zeile "%s" erhalten\n(name without value: got line as shown)]
-de,frame,61,[accel_send_plain_file() - found request %d]
-de,frame,62,[Parse headers lost the URI!]
-de,frame,63,[accel_send_plain_file() - found uri %s]
-de,frame,64,[accel_send_plain_file() - found in cache?]
-de,frame,65,[malloc died!]
-de,frame,66,[Error writing back file\n]
-de,frame,68,[Error writing in acb_send_plain_file (%d, %s)]
-de,frame,70,[Errored IO in acb_close_connection (%d, %s)]
-de,frame,71,[Unable to close socket %d]
-de,frame,72,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-de,frame,73,[cache-init: server cache disabled]
-de,frame,74,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-de,frame,75,[accel_file_cache: Error creating cache]
-de,frame,76,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize < %d, using %d]
-de,frame,77,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize > %d, using %d]
-de,frame,78,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-de,frame,79,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-de,frame,80,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-de,frame,81,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-de,frame,82,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-de,frame,83,[file-cache: enabled = %s ]
-de,frame,86,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-de,frame,87,[file-cache: CacheHashSize %d (0x%x)]
-de,frame,88,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-de,frame,89,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-de,frame,90,[file-cache-cleanup: munmap failed (%s)]
-de,frame,91,[file-cache-cleanup: found mmapped file \non system without mmap]
-de,frame,92,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize < %d, using %d]
-de,frame,93,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize > %d, using %d]
-de,frame,94,[file cache using mmap flags 0x%x]
-de,frame,95,[file cache using mmap prots 0x%x]
-de,frame,96,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-de,frame,97,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-de,frame,98,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-de,frame,99,[file-cache: GetTempPath() Cannot find temp directory to store file!]
-de,frame,100,[file-cache-init: set max cached file size to %d]
-de,frame,101,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-de,frame,103,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-de,frame,104,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-de,frame,105,[file-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-de,frame,106,[file-cache-create: Error opening file %s (%s)]
-de,frame,107,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-de,frame,108,[file-cache-create: Error mmap()ing file %s (%s)]
-de,frame,109,[file-cache-create: malloc failure]
-de,frame,110,[file-cache-create: error case failed to munmap(%d, %d) (%s)]
-de,frame,111,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-de,frame,112,[dir change: invalidating %s (%d)]
-de,frame,113,[file-cache: asynchronous file change notification failed.]
-de,frame,114,[dir change: offset %d, action %d, len %d, name %s]
-de,frame,115,[unable to check async file status]
-de,frame,116,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to continue watching %s. Error is %s]
-de,frame,117,[file-cache-add-watch failure- unable to open directory %s. Error %s]
-de,frame,118,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to start watching %s. Error %s]
-de,frame,120,[no handler function given for directive]
-de,frame,122,[cannot find function named %s]
-de,frame,124,[method without URI]
-de,frame,126,[while scanning HTTP headers, %s]
-de,frame,128,[read from %s failed, error is %s]
-de,frame,130,[request too long]
-de,frame,132,[write failed (%s)]
-de,frame,134,[write failed (%s)]
-de,frame,136,[%d is not a valid HTTP status code]
-de,frame,138,[close failed (%s)]
-de,frame,139,[Unable to close socket for writing]
-de,frame,140,[os has %d objects]
-de,frame,141,[obj %d has no hash table at %d]
-de,frame,142,[obj %d has no param]
-de,frame,143,[obj %d name %s value %s]
-de,frame,144,[.....directives %d.......]
-de,frame,145,[.....directive %d]
-de,frame,146,[.......instance %d]
-de,frame,147,[...........param name %s value %s]
-de,frame,148,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegCreateKey %s]
-de,frame,149,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegEnumKey %s failed]
-de,frame,150,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-de,frame,151,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-de,frame,152,[Unable to allocate Subject property list.\n]
-de,frame,153,[Unable to set session ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-de,frame,154,[Unable to set request ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-de,frame,155,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-de,frame,156,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-de,httpdaemon,-1,[$DBT: httpdaemon in DB file v1 $]
-de,httpdaemon,1,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-de,httpdaemon,2,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-de,httpdaemon,3,[Error in md_start_system]
-de,httpdaemon,4,[Error in CreateFiber - idlefiber]
-de,httpdaemon,5,[Error in GetQueuedCompletionStatus]
-de,httpdaemon,6,[Error creating completion port]
-de,httpdaemon,7,[Could not SetHandleNonInheritable (%s)]
-de,httpdaemon,8,[Error accept/read new conn]
-de,httpdaemon,9,[Error in Respond()]
-de,httpdaemon,10,[Error in RespondCompleted()]
-de,httpdaemon,11,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,12,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,13,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,14,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,15,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,16,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-de,httpdaemon,17,[could not determine current user name\n]
-de,httpdaemon,18,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,19,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-de,httpdaemon,20,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-de,httpdaemon,21,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-de,httpdaemon,22,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,23,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-de,httpdaemon,24,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-de,httpdaemon,25,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-de,httpdaemon,26,[This machine has %d processors.]
-de,httpdaemon,27,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-de,httpdaemon,28,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-de,httpdaemon,29,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-de,httpdaemon,30,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-de,httpdaemon,31,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-de,httpdaemon,32,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-de,httpdaemon,33,[select thread miss]
-de,httpdaemon,34,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,35,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d, IP address %s (%s)\n]
-de,libaccess,-1,[$DBT: libaccess in DB file v1 $]
-de,libaccess,2,[cannot open database %s]
-de,libaccess,4,[user %s password did not match database %s]
-de,libaccess,6,[cannot open connection to LDAP server on %s:%d]
-de,libaccess,8,[user %s password did not match LDAP on %s:%d]
-de,libaccess,10,[missing realm]
-de,libaccess,11,[Unable to allocate ACL List Hash\n]
-de,libaccess,12,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to PERM_MALLOC cache structure\n]
-de,libaccess,13,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-de,libaccess,14,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE Entry\n]
-de,libaccess,15,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-de,libaccess,16,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate Boundary Entry\n]
-de,libaccess,17,[ACLEvalBuildContext failed.\n]
-de,libaccess,18,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%d\n]
-de,libaccess,19,[LASDnsBuild unable to allocate hash table header\n]
-de,libaccess,20,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-de,libaccess,21,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-de,libaccess,22,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-de,libaccess,23,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-de,libaccess,24,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-de,libaccess,25,[LAS DNS build received request for attribute %s\n]
-de,libaccess,26,[LASDnsEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-de,libaccess,27,[LASDnsEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-de,libaccess,28,[LASDnsEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-de,libaccess,29,[LASDnsEval unable to get DNS - error=%s\n]
-de,libaccess,30,[LAS Group Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-de,libaccess,31,[LASGroupEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-de,libaccess,32,[LASGroupEval - ran out of memory\n]
-de,libaccess,33,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-de,libaccess,34,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-de,libaccess,35,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-de,libaccess,36,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-de,libaccess,37,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-de,libaccess,38,[Check group membership of user "%s" for group "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,39,[LDAPU_SUCCESS for group "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,40,[LDAPU_FAILED for group "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,43,[LASIpTreeAlloc - no memory\n]
-de,libaccess,44,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-de,libaccess,45,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-de,libaccess,46,[LAS IP build received request for attribute %s\n]
-de,libaccess,47,[LASIpEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-de,libaccess,48,[LASIpEval unable to get session address - error=%s\n]
-de,libaccess,49,[LASIpEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-de,libaccess,50,[LASIpEval - reach 32 bits without conclusion value=%s]
-de,libaccess,51,[LAS Program Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-de,libaccess,52,[LASProgramEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-de,libaccess,53,[LASProgram unable to get session address %d\n]
-de,libaccess,55,[LASProgramEval: request not of type admin or bin, passing.\n]
-de,libaccess,56,[LASProgramEval: check if program %s matches pattern %s.\n]
-de,libaccess,57,[LASProgramEval: Invalid wildcard expression %s.\n]
-de,libaccess,60,[Unexpected attribute in dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-de,libaccess,61,[Illegal comparator for dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-de,libaccess,62,[Unexpected attribute in timeOfDay - %s\n]
-de,libaccess,63,[LAS User Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-de,libaccess,64,[LASUserEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-de,libaccess,65,[LASUserEval - ran out of memory\n]
-de,libaccess,66,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-de,libaccess,67,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-de,libaccess,68,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-de,libaccess,69,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-de,libaccess,70,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-de,libaccess,71,[Check if uid == user (i.e. check "%s" == "%s)"\n]
-de,libaccess,72,[SUCCESS for user "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,73,[FAILED for user "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,77,[LASProgram unable to get request address - error=%s]
-de,libaccess,78,[LASProgram rejecting request for program %s from pattern %s]
-de,libaccess,79,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to parse file "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,80,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to concatenate ACL list "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,81,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to open and process the magnus file "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,82,[Illegal comparator for timeOfDay - %s\n]
-de,libaccess,83,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-de,libaccess,84,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to PERM_CALLOC cache structure\n]
-de,libaccess,85,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-de,libaccess,86,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth pointer array\n]
-de,libaccess,87,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth plist\n]
-de,libaccess,88,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%s\n]
-de,libaccess,89,[ACL_INTEvalTestRights: call to ACL_EvalBuildContext returned failure status\n]
-de,libaccess,90,[ACL_ModuleRegister: module name is missing\n]
-de,libaccess,91,[ACL_ModuleRegister: call to module init function returned a failed status\n]
-de,libaccess,92,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't determine method for %s\n]
-de,libaccess,93,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't locate getter for %s]
-de,libaccess,94,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-de,libaccess,95,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-de,libaccess,96,[ACL_GetAttribute: All attribute getters declined for attr %s]
-de,libaccess,97,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-de,libaccess,98,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: database name is missing]
-de,libaccess,99,[Error reading the DB Map File: %s. Reason: %s]
-de,libaccess,100,[URL is missing for database %s]
-de,libaccess,101,[Invalid property value pair for database %s]
-de,libaccess,102,["default" database must be an LDAP database]
-de,libaccess,103,[Multiple "default" databases are being registered]
-de,libaccess,104,["default" LDAP database must be registered]
-de,libaccess,105,[LASGroupEval unable to get database name - error= %s]
-de,libaccess,106,[received invalid program expression %s]
-de,libaccess,107,[parse_ldap_url: database url is missing]
-de,libaccess,108,[parse_ldap_url: database name is missing]
-de,libaccess,109,[parse_ldap_url: error in parsing ldap url. Reason: %s]
-de,libaccess,110,[ldap password check: unable to get database name - error=%s]
-de,libaccess,111,[ldap password check: unable to get parsed database %s]
-de,libaccess,112,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-de,libaccess,113,[ldap password check: LDAP error: "%s"]
-de,libaccess,114,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get database name - error=%s]
-de,libaccess,115,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get parsed database %s]
-de,libaccess,116,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-de,libaccess,117,[get_user_ismember_ldap: group %s does not exist]
-de,libaccess,118,[get_user_ismember_ldap: LDAP error: "%s"]
-de,libaccess,119,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not a registered database]
-de,libaccess,120,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not an LDAP database]
-de,libaccess,121,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: out of memory]
-de,libaccess,122,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-de,libaccess,123,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't bind to LDAP server. Reason: %s]
-de,libaccess,124,[insufficient dynamic memory]
-de,libaccess,125,[error opening file, %s: %s]
-de,libaccess,126,[duplicate definition of %s]
-de,libaccess,127,[file %s, line %s: duplicate definition of %s]
-de,libaccess,128,[file %s, line %s: syntax error]
-de,libaccess,129,[file %s, line %s: %s is undefined]
-de,libaccess,130,[in acl %s, %s %s is undefined]
-de,libaccess,131,[database %s: error accessing %s]
-de,libaccess,133,[file %s, line %s: invalid syntax]
-de,libaccess,134,[file %s, line %s: syntax error at "%s"]
-de,libaccess,135,[realm %s is not defined]
-de,libaccess,136,[error code = %d]
-de,libaccess,137,[internal ACL error]
-de,libaccess,138,[invalid argument]
-de,libaccess,139,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-de,libaccess,140,[couldn't determine dbtype from: %s]
-de,libaccess,141,[Failed to register database %s]
-de,libaccess,142,[ACL call returned failed status]
-de,libaccess,143,[file %s: ACL IO error - %s]
-de,libaccess,144,[acl_user_exists: Nicht genug Speicher]
-de,libaccess,145,[acl_user_exists: Benutzer existiert nicht mehr]
-de,libaccess,146,[acl_user_exists: plist-Fehler]
-de,libadmin,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-de,libadmin,1,[ Help ]
-de,libadmin,2,[ OK ]
-de,libadmin,3,[ Reset ]
-de,libadmin,4,[ Done ]
-de,libadmin,5,[ Cancel ]
-de,libir,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-de,libir,1,[An I/O error occurred before all form data could be read.]
diff --git a/l10n/dirserv/de/ns-slapd.txt.iso8859 b/l10n/dirserv/de/ns-slapd.txt.iso8859
deleted file mode 100644
index a2e0f595..00000000
--- a/l10n/dirserv/de/ns-slapd.txt.iso8859
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,920 +0,0 @@
- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- *
- * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
- * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
- * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
- * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
- * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
- * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
- * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
- * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
- * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
- * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
- * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
- * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
- * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
- * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
- * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
- * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
- * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
- * exception.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission.
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
-/* This text file was generated by program dblink */
-$Revision: 1.4 $
-$Log: ns-slapd.txt.iso8859,v $
-Revision 1.4 2005/04/19 22:06:50 nkinder
-Fixed licensing typo
-Revision 1.3 2005/04/15 22:39:18 nkinder
-155068 - Added license to source files
-Revision 1.2 2005/02/28 23:37:39 nkinder
-149951 - Updated source code copyrights
-Revision 2005/01/21 00:40:48 cvsadm
-Moving NSCP Directory Server from DirectoryBranch to TRUNK, initial drop. (foxworth)
-Revision 2003/09/22 19:36:40 ulfw
-Update copyright years from 2001 to 2001-2003
-Revision 2001/11/03 01:05:35 richm
-XXX use new copyright XXX
-Revision 1998/10/10 02:13:59 ggood
-Copy from Directory40RtmBranchpoint to DirectoryBranch
-Revision 1998/04/04 23:16:47 mcs
-merge changes made on directory31_rtm_branch into server4_directory_branch
-Revision 1998/02/24 05:51:52 noriko
-Synched with server3_i18npkg_branch
-Revision 1997/12/31 00:23:36 werudge
-Remove \n from dsgw,198 to fix JavaScript problem
-Revision 1997/12/19 02:03:43 werudge
-Based on en/ns-slapd.txt :
-daily 971113.1 SOLARIS-export-optimize-normal-slapd
-de,base,-1,[$DBT: base in DB file v1 $]
-de,base,1,[nicht gengend Arbeitsspeicher zum Erstellen der Hash-Tabelle]
-de,base,2,[nicht gengend Arbeitsspeicher zum Erstellen der Hash-Tabelle]
-de,base,3,[cache_destroy: Cache-Tabellen scheinen besch輐igt zu sein.]
-de,base,4,[Hash-Eintrag kann nicht zugewiesen werden]
-de,base,5,[cache_insert: Cache-Eintrag kann nicht erstellt werden]
-de,base,6,[HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/html\n\n]
-de,base,7,[<H2>Netscape-Cache Statusbericht</H2>\n(<H2>Netscape cache status report</H2>)\n]
-de,base,8,[Keine Caches im System (No caches on system)<P>]
-de,base,9,[<H2>%s Cache (cache)</H2>\n]
-de,base,10,[Cacheverbindungsverh鄟tnis (Cache hit ratio): %d/%d (%f)</P>\n</P>\n]
-de,base,11,[Cachegr廲e (Cache size): %d/%d</P>\n</P>\n]
-de,base,12,[Hash-Tabellengr廲e (Hash table size): %d</P>\n</P>\n]
-de,base,13,[mru : %d</P>\nlru : %d</P>\n]
-de,base,14,[<UL><TABLE BORDER=4> <TH>Originalspeicherbereich (Bucket)</TH> <TH>Adresse (Address)</TH> <TH>Schlssel (Key)</TH> <TH>Zugriffsanzahl (Access Count)</TH> <TH>L飉chen (Delete)</TH> <TH>N踄hste (Next)</TH> <TH>LRU</TH> <TH>MRU</TH> <TH>Daten (Data)</TH>\n]
-de,base,15,[munmap failed (%s)]
-de,base,16,[munmap failed (%s)]
-de,base,17,[close failed (%s)]
-de,base,18,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-de,base,19,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-de,base,20,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-de,base,21,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-de,base,22,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-de,base,23,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-de,base,24,[could not determine current user name\n]
-de,base,25,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-de,base,27,[, address %s]
-de,base,28,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-de,base,29,[security handshake timed out for pid %d]
-de,base,30,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-de,base,31,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-de,base,32,[accept failed (%s)]
-de,base,33,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-de,base,34,[select thread miss]
-de,base,35,[keepalive worker awoken with no work to do]
-de,base,36,[could not create new thread: %d (%s)]
-de,base,37,[wait for sema succeeded, but nothing to dequeue]
-de,base,38,[queue-sema creation failure]
-de,base,39,[error getting processor info for processor %d]
-de,base,40,[Error binding to processor %d]
-de,base,41,[bound process %d to processor %d]
-de,base,42,[Netscape server is not explicitly binding to any processors.]
-de,base,43,[cache monitor exited]
-de,base,44,[cache batch update daemon exited]
-de,base,45,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-de,base,46,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-de,base,47,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-de,base,48,[This machine has %d processors.]
-de,base,49,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-de,base,50,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-de,base,51,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-de,base,54,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-de,base,55,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-de,base,56,[Cache monitor respawned]
-de,base,57,[Cache batch update daemon respawned]
-de,base,58,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-de,base,59,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-de,base,60,[assert failed! %s\n]
-de,base,62,[malloc failed]
-de,base,63,[malloc failed!]
-de,base,64,[mr_add_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-de,base,65,[mr_add_io - stage 1]
-de,base,66,[mr_add_io - stage 2]
-de,base,67,[mr_add_io found invalid IO type %d]
-de,base,68,[mr_add_io - adding timeout]
-de,base,69,[Out of memory!\n]
-de,base,70,[done with mr_add_io]
-de,base,71,[mr_del_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-de,base,72,[mr_del_io found invalid IO type %d]
-de,base,74,[mr_async_io(%d, %d bytes, file %d)]
-de,base,75,[malloc failure adding async IO]
-de,base,76,[Error adding async io!]
-de,base,77,[Cannot seek for read!]
-de,base,78,[read failure! (%d, %s)]
-de,base,79,[do_read read %d bytes for file %d]
-de,base,80,[Cannot seek for write!]
-de,base,81,[writev failure! (%d, %s)]
-de,base,82,[write failure! (%d, %s)]
-de,base,83,[do_write wrote %d bytes for file %d]
-de,base,84,[do_timeout(mrp %d)]
-de,base,85,[do_timeout: found IO (timer=%d, time=%d)]
-de,base,86,[error deleting io]
-de,base,87,[timeout callback failure for %d\n]
-de,base,88,[mr_get_event(%d) - outstanding io %d]
-de,base,89,[mr_get_event: Waiting for reads on FD:]
-de,base,90,[mr_get_event: Waiting for writes on FD:]
-de,base,91,[ %d]
-de,base,92,[ %d]
-de,base,93,[mr_get_event set no timeout]
-de,base,94,[mr_get_event set timeout to: %d.%d sec]
-de,base,95,[error in select (%d, %s)]
-de,base,96,[mr_get_event() - select found %d]
-de,base,97,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-de,base,98,[read failed for fd %d]
-de,base,99,[error deleting io]
-de,base,100,[callback failure for %d\n]
-de,base,101,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-de,base,102,[writing: header len %d, writelen %d, total %d]
-de,base,103,[write failed for fd %d]
-de,base,104,[error deleting io]
-de,base,105,[callback failure for %d\n]
-de,base,106,[Error creating dns cache]
-de,base,107,[dns_cache_init: hash_size <= 0, using %d]
-de,base,108,[dns_cache_init: cache-size <= %d, using %d]
-de,base,109,[dns_cache_init: cache-size is %d is too large, using %d.]
-de,base,110,[dns_cache_init: expire_time <= 0, using %d]
-de,base,111,[dns_cache_init: expire is %d is too large, using %d seconds.]
-de,base,112,[Error creating dns cache]
-de,base,113,[dns-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-de,base,114,[dns-cache-insert: malloc failure]
-de,base,115,[successful server startup]
-de,base,116,[%s B%s]
-de,base,117,[Netscape executable and shared library have different versions]
-de,base,118,[ executable version is %s]
-de,base,119,[ shared library version is %s]
-de,base,120,[error reporting shutting down]
-de,base,128,[event_handler:Failed to wait on events %s]
-de,base,129,[could not wait on resume event event (%s)]
-de,base,130,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-de,base,131,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-de,base,132,[The server is terminating due to an error. Check the event viewer for the error message. SERVER EXITING!]
-de,base,133,[Terminating the server %s]
-de,base,134,[kill_server:cannot open server event %s]
-de,base,135,[kill_server:cannot set server event %s]
-de,base,136,[error: could not get socket (%s)\n]
-de,base,137,[error: could not set socket option (%s)\n]
-de,base,138,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to address %s port %d (%s)\n]
-de,base,139,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-de,base,140,[SetHandleNonInheritable: could not duplicate socket (%s)]
-de,base,141,[SetHandleNonInheritable: closing the original socket failed (%s)]
-de,base,142,[Could not SetHandleInformation (%s)]
-de,base,143,[Terminating Service:Failure: Could not open statistics file (%s)\n]
-de,base,144,[Could not set Thread Local Storage Value for thread at slot %d]
-de,base,145,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-de,base,146,[accept failed %d (%s)]
-de,base,147,[Failed to pulse Event %d %s]
-de,base,148,[Failed to send MobGrowth Event to parent %s]
-de,base,149,[Pulsing MobRespawn Event %d]
-de,base,150,[respawn thread pool to %d (%d)]
-de,base,151,[Could not open event to signal rotate application. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-de,base,152,[Failed to send MoveLog Event to rotate app %s]
-de,base,153,[growing thread pool from %d to %d]
-de,base,154,[Could not open the ServiceControlManager, Error %d]
-de,base,155,[StartNetsiteService:Could not open the service %s: Error %d]
-de,base,156,[StartNetsiteService:Could not start the service %s]
-de,base,157,[Service Startup: Could not allocate security descriptor]
-de,base,158,[Service Startup: Could not init security descriptor]
-de,base,159,[Service Startup: Could not set the security Dacl]
-de,base,160,[Terminating Service:WinSock init failed: %s]
-de,base,161,[Httpd Server Startup failed: %s]
-de,base,162,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-de,base,163,[NT daemon: could not create new thread %d]
-de,base,164,[Service Startup Failure. Terminating Service:Could not create event %d:%s]
-de,base,165,[Service Startup Error. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-de,base,166,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-de,base,167,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-de,base,168,[pipebuf_buf2sd: pipebuf_grab IO_ERROR %d]
-de,base,169,[pool-init: memory pools disabled]
-de,base,170,[pool-init: free_size <= 0, using %d]
-de,base,171,[pool-create-block: out of memory]
-de,base,172,[pool-create: out of memory]
-de,base,173,[pool-create: out of memory]
-de,base,174,[pool-malloc: out of memory]
-de,base,175,[FREE() used where PERM_FREE() should have been used- problem corrected and supressing further warnings.]
-de,base,176,[regex error: %s (regex: '%s')]
-de,base,177,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-de,base,178,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-de,base,179,[flushing %d connections; current %d; tot %d]
-de,base,180,[accept failed (%s)]
-de,base,181,[Error creating time cache]
-de,base,182,[time-cache: cache disabled]
-de,base,183,[time_cache_init: hash_size < %d, using default, %d]
-de,base,184,[time_cache_init: hash_size > %d, using default, %d]
-de,base,185,[time_cache_init: cache_size < %d, using default, %d]
-de,base,186,[time_cache_init: cache_size > %d, using default, %d]
-de,base,187,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-de,base,188,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-de,base,189,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-de,base,190,[Error inserting new time_cache entry]
-de,base,191,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-de,base,192,[cs-terminate failure (%s)]
-de,base,193,[cs-init failure (%s)]
-de,base,194,[cs-wait failure (%s)]
-de,base,195,[cs-post failure (%s)]
-de,base,196,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-de,base,197,[error: could not set keepalive (%s)\n]
-de,base,198,[error: could not set recv timeout (%s)\n]
-de,base,199,[error: could not set send timeout (%s)\n]
-de,base,200,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-de,base,201,[sem_grab failed (%s)]
-de,base,202,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-de,base,203,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-de,base,204,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-de,base,205,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-de,dsgw,-1,[$DBT: dsgw in DB file v1 $]
-de,dsgw,1,[Unbekannte HTTP-Anforderungsmethode (Unknown HTTP request method)]
-de,dsgw,2,[Ungltige oder unvollst鄚dige HTML-Formulardaten (Invalid or incomplete HTML form data)]
-de,dsgw,3,[Nicht gengend Speicherplatz (Out of memory)]
-de,dsgw,4,[Erforderliche Anfrage-/Formulareingabe fehlt (Required query/form input is missing)]
-de,dsgw,5,[Ungltiges Zeichen im Dateipfad (Illegal character in file path)]
-de,dsgw,6,[Falsche oder fehlende Konfigurationsdatei (Bad or missing configuration file)]
-de,dsgw,7,[LDAP kann nicht initialisiert werden (Unable to initialize LDAP)]
-de,dsgw,8,[Fehler beim Aufrufen des LDAP-Server (An error occurred while contacting the LDAP server)]
-de,dsgw,9,[Unbekannter Suchobjekttyp (Unknown search object type)]
-de,dsgw,10,[Unbekanntes Attributetikett (Unknown attribute label)]
-de,dsgw,11,[Unbekannte Match-Aufforderung (Unknown match prompt)]
-de,dsgw,12,[Keine Suchfilter fr Objekttyp (No search filters for object type)]
-de,dsgw,13,[HTML-Vorlagedatei kann nicht gefunden werden (Unable to open HTML template file)]
-de,dsgw,14,[Unbekannter Suchmodus - benutzen Sie "smart", "complex", "pattern" oder "auth" (Unknown search mode - use "smart", "complex", "pattern", or "auth")]
-de,dsgw,15,[Unverwechselbarer Name fehlt in der URL (Distinguished Name missing in URL)]
-de,dsgw,16,[Unbekannter Bereich in der URL (sollte "base", "sub" oder "one" sein) (Unknown scope in URL (should be base, sub, or one))]
-de,dsgw,17,[Unbekannte URL oder unbekannter Fehler (Unrecognized URL or unknown error)]
-de,dsgw,18,[Ungltiges URL-Format (Bad URL format)]
-de,dsgw,19,[Interner Fehler (Internal error)]
-de,dsgw,20,[Vorlageindexdatei kann nicht geschrieben werden (Unable to write template index file)]
-de,dsgw,21,[Vorlageindexdatei kann nicht ge鐪fnet werden (Unable to open template index file)]
-de,dsgw,22,[Verzeichnis kann nicht gelesen werden (Unable to read directory)]
-de,dsgw,23,[Fehler bei der Initialisierung von LDAP SSL (Sicherheitspfad berprfen) (LDAP SSL initialization failed (check the security path)]
-de,dsgw,24,[Damit die Benutzer- und Gruppenformulare mit dem Verwalter-Server via SSL ausgefhrt werden k霵nen, mssen Sie oder der Systemverwalter ber das Formular <B>Server-Eigenschaften|Verschlsselung EIN/AUS</B> SSL fr diesen Verwaltungsserver aktivieren aktivieren.\n(For the Users and Groups forms to work over SSL, you or your server administrator needs to activate SSL for this Administration Server. The Encryption|On/Off page can be used to do so.)]
-de,dsgw,25,[Beglaubigungsberechtigung wurde nicht in der Beglaubigungsdatenbank gefunden (Authentication credentials not found in authentication database)]
-de,dsgw,26,[Fehler beim Abrufen der Daten von der Beglaubigungsdatenbank (Error retrieving data from the authentication database)]
-de,dsgw,27,[Ihre Beglaubigungsberechtigung ist abgelaufen (Your authentication credentials have expired)]
-de,dsgw,28,[Zufalls-Zeichenfolge kann nicht erstellt werden\n(Unable to create a random string)]
-de,dsgw,29,[Beim Abrufen des Berechtigungsnachweises wurde kein unverwechselbarer Name angegeben (No distinguished name was provided when retrieving credentials)]
-de,dsgw,30,[Beglaubigungsdatenbank kann nicht ge鐪fnet werden (Cannot open authentication database)]
-de,dsgw,31,[Daten konnten nicht an die Beglaubigungsdatenbank angeh鄚gt werden (Could not append data to the authentication database)]
-de,dsgw,32,[Es wurde kein Verzeichnisverwalter definiert (No Directory Manager is defined)]
-de,dsgw,33,[Es wurde keine Suchzeichenfolge angegeben. Bitte noch einmal versuchen (No search string was provided. Please try again)]
-de,dsgw,34,[Zu viele Argumente auf einer Zeile in der Konfigurationsdatei (Too many arguments on one line in the config. file)]
-de,dsgw,35,[Windows Sockets konnte nicht initialisiert werden (Failed to initialize Windows Sockets)]
-de,dsgw,36,[Beglaubigungsberechtigung konnte nicht vom Verwaltungs-Server abgerufen werden (Authentication credentials could not be obtained from the Administration Server)]
-de,dsgw,37,[Unverwechselbarer Name fehlt in der ldapdb:// URL (Distinguished Name missing in ldapdb:// URL)]
-de,dsgw,38,[Unbekannte URL oder unbekannter Fehler (Unrecognized URL or unknown error)]
-de,dsgw,39,[Ungltiges URL-Format (Bad URL format)]
-de,dsgw,40,[Fehler beim Initialisieren der lokalen LDAP-Datenbank\n(An error occurred while initializing the local LDAP database)]
-de,dsgw,41,[Unbekannter Verzeichnis-Servicetyp - benutzen Sie "local" oder "remote" (Unknown directory service type - use "local" or "remote")]
-de,dsgw,42,[Fehler beim Lesen der db-Konfigurationdatei (An error occurred while reading the db configuration file)]
-de,dsgw,43,[NSHOME/userdb-Pfad war NULL (NSHOME/userdb path was NULL)]
-de,dsgw,44,[Die Servicekonfiguration des Verzeichnisses konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. (The directory service configuration could not be updated.)]
-de,dsgw,45,[Der Eintrag konnte nicht im Verzeichnis gelesen werden. (The entry could not be read from the directory.)]
-de,dsgw,46,[Die LDAP-Databank konnte nicht gel飉cht werden. (The LDAP database could not be erased.)]
-de,dsgw,47,[Sie drfen keine Eintr輍e au絽r Ihren eigenen 鄚dern. (You may not change entries besides your own.)]
-de,dsgw,49,[Beglaubigungsproblem (Authentication Problem)]
-de,dsgw,50,[.\n<P>Sie mssen neu beglaubigen, ehe Sie fortfahren. (You must re-authenticate before continuing.)\n]
-de,dsgw,51,[.\n<P>Sie mssen neu beglaubigen, ehe Sie fortfahren. (You must re-authenticate before continuing.)\n]
-de,dsgw,52,[unbekannter Fehler (unknown error)]
-de,dsgw,53,[Der Vorgang war erfolgreich. (The operation was successful.)]
-de,dsgw,54,[Im Server ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten. Das deutet gew鐬nlich auf einen ernsthaften Fehler im Server hin und sollte Ihrem Serververwalter mitgeteilt werden. (An internal error occurred in the server. This usually indicates a serious malfunction in the server and should be brought to the attention of your server administrator.)]
-de,dsgw,55,[Der Server konnte die durch das Gateway an ihn gesandte Anforderung nicht verstehen. (The server could not understand the request which was sent to it by the gateway.)]
-de,dsgw,56,[Das Zeitlimit wurde bei der Ausfhrung Ihrer Anforderung berschritten. Die Suche nach Eintr輍en erzielt bessere Ergebnisse, wenn Sie Ihre Suche pr鉺iser definieren. (A time limit was exceeded in responding to your request. If you are searching for entries, you may achieve better results if you are more specific in your search.)]
-de,dsgw,57,[Das Gr廲enlimit wurde bei der Ausfhrung Ihrer Anforderung berschritten. Ihre Suche nach Eintr輍en erzielt bessere Ergebnisse, wenn Sie Ihre Suche pr鉺iser definieren, da zu viele Eintr輍e zu Ihren Suchkriterien pa腷en. (A size limit was exceeded in responding to your request. If you are searching for entries, you may achieve better results if you are more specific in your search, because too many entries matched your search criteria.)]
-de,dsgw,58,[Das Gateway versuchte, mit einer Methode auf dem Server\nzu beglaubigen, die der Server nicht versteht.\n(The gateway attempted to authenticate to the server using\na method the server doesn't understand.)]
-de,dsgw,59,[Das Gateway versuchte mit einer Beglaubigungsmethode auf dem Server zu beglaubigen, die der Server nicht untersttzt. (The gateway attempted to authenticate to the server using an authentication method which the server does not support. )]
-de,dsgw,60,[Ihre Anforderung konnte nicht ausgefhrt werden, weil der aufgerufene Server wahrscheinlich nicht die von Ihnen gewnschten Daten enth鄟t. M鐷licherweise wurde die Anforderung auf einen anderen Server umgeleitet und wieder zurckgesandt, konnte jedoch nicht zurckverfolgt werden. Sollten Sie versucht haben, 瓏derungen im Verzeichnis vorzunehmen, dann ist der Server mit der Stammkopie m鐷licherweise nicht verfgbar. (Your request could not be fulfilled, probably because the server that was contacted does not contain the data you are looking for. It is possible that a referral to another server was returned but could not be followed. If you were trying to make changes to the directory, it may be that the server that holds the master copy of the data is not available.)]
-de,dsgw,61,[Ihre Anforderung hat ein Verwalterlimit auf dem Server berschritten. (Your request exceeded an administrative limit in the server.)]
-de,dsgw,62,[Eine vom Gateway angeforderte kritische Erweiterung ist auf diesem Server nicht verfgbar. (A critical extension that the gateway requested is not available in this server.)]
-de,dsgw,63,[Der Server konnte die Anforderung nicht ausfhren, da sie\nsich auf ein Attribut bezieht, das nicht im\nEintrag existiert.\n(The server was unable to process the request, because the\nrequest referred to an attribute which does not exist in the\nentry.)]
-de,dsgw,64,[Der Server konnte Ihre Anforderung nicht ausfhren, da\nsie gegen eine Beschr鄚kung verst廲t.\n(The server was unable to fulfill your request, because the\nrequest violates a constraint.)]
-de,dsgw,65,[Der Server konnte dem Eintrag keinen Wert hinzufgen, da dieser Wert bereits im Eintrag enthalten ist. (The server could not add a value to the entry, because that value is already contained in the entry.)]
-de,dsgw,66,[Der Server konnte diesen Eintrag nicht finden. Wird ein neuer\nWert hinzugefgt, vergewissern Sie sich, da das bergeordnete Verzeichnis,\nfr den Eintrag, den Sie hinzufgen m鐼hten, existiert. Erscheint diese\nFehlermeldung bei einem Suchvorgang, bedeutet das,\nda der von Ihnen gesuchte Eintrag nicht existiert. Wenn Sie versucht\nhaben, als Verzeichnisverwalter zu beglaubigen und diese Fehlermeldung erscheint,\ndann berprfen Sie die Gateway-Konfigurationsdatei.\n(The server could not locate the entry. If adding a new entry,\nbe sure that the parent of the entry you are trying to add exists.\nIf you received this error while searching, it indicates that the\nentry which was being searched for does not exist.\nIf you were attempting to authenticate as the directory manager and\nreceived this error, check the gateway configuration file.)]
-de,dsgw,67,[Ein unverwechselbarer Name hatte nicht das richtige Format. (A distinguished name was not in the proper format. )]
-de,dsgw,68,[Dem Eintrag, den Sie beglaubigen wollten, fehlt entweder der Kennwortsatz oder andere erforderliche Beglaubigungsberechtigungen. Mit dieser Eingabe k霵nen Sie erst beglaubigen, wenn der Verzeichnisverwalter die passenden Attribute hinzugefgt hat. (The entry you attempted to authenticate as does not have a password set, or is missing other required authentication credentials. You cannot authenticate as that entry until the appropriate attributes have been added by the directory manager.)]
-de,dsgw,69,[Das eingegebene Kennwort (oder andere Beglaubigungsberechtigungen)\nist falsch.\n(The password (or other authentication credentials) you supplied\nis incorrect.)]
-de,dsgw,70,[Sie sind nicht ausreichend berechtigt, um den Vorgang auszufhren. (You do not have sufficient privileges to perform the operation. )]
-de,dsgw,71,[Der Server ist belegt und kann Ihre Anforderung nicht ausfhren. Versuchen Sie es in ein paar Miuten noch einmal. (The server is too busy to service your request. Try again in a few minutes.)]
-de,dsgw,72,[Der LDAP-Server konnte nicht aufgerufen werden. (The LDAP server could not be contacted.)]
-de,dsgw,73,[Der Server lehnt die Ausfhrung Ihrer Anforderung ab. Das bedeutet gew鐬nlich, da die Ausfhrung Ihrer Anforderung den Server zu sehr belastet. Es k霵nte m鐷licherweise auch bedeuten, da der Server nicht konfiguriert ist, Ihre Anforderung auszufhren. Versuchen Sie, bei der Suche den Suchbereich einzuschr鄚ken. (The server was unwilling to process your request. Usually, this indicates that serving your request would put a heavy load on the server. It may also indicate that the server is not configured to process your request. If searching, you may wish to limit the scope of your search.)]
-de,dsgw,74,[Der Verzeichnis-Server konnte Ihrer Anforderung nicht nachkommen, da sie gegen die Schemabedingungen verst廲t. Das bedeutet gew鐬nlich, da Sie keinen Wert fr ein erforderliches Feld eingegeben haben. Es k霵nte auch bedeuten, da das Schema im Verzeichnis-Server aktualisiert werden mu. (The directory server could not honor your request because it violates the schema requirements. Typically, this means that you have not provided a value for a required field. It could also mean that the schema in the directory server needs to be updated.)]
-de,dsgw,75,[Der Verzeichnis-Server l魠t nicht zu, da Sie einen Eintrag, der untergeordnet ist, l飉chen oder umbenennen. Um das zu tun, mssen Sie erst alle untergeordneten Eintr輍e l飉chen. (The directory server will not allow you to delete or rename an entry if that entry has children. If you wish to do this, you must first delete all the child entries.)]
-de,dsgw,76,[Der Server konnte weder einen neuen Eintrag hinzufgen noch einen bestehenden umbenennen, da ein Eintrag unter diesem Namen bereits existiert. (The server was unable to add a new entry, or rename an existing entry, because an entry by that name already exists.)]
-de,dsgw,77,[Ihre Anforderung wrde mehrere Verzeichnis-Server betreffen. (Your request would affect several directory servers.)]
-de,dsgw,78,[Der Verzeichnis-Server konnte nicht aufgerufen werden. Wenden\nSie sich an den Serververwalter.\n(The directory server could not be contacted. Contact your\n server administrator for assistance.)]
-de,dsgw,79,[Fehler beim Senden der Daten zum Server. (An error occured while sending data to the server.)]
-de,dsgw,80,[Fehler beim Lesen der Daten vom Server. (An error occured while reading data from the server.)]
-de,dsgw,81,[Der Server hat nicht auf Ihre Anforderung reagiert. Die Anforderung wurde unterbrochen. (The server did not respond to the request. The request timed out.)]
-de,dsgw,82,[Der Server untersttzt nicht die vom Gateway benutzte Beglaubigungsmethode. (The server does not support the authentication method used by the gateway.)]
-de,dsgw,83,[Der vom Gateway erstellte Suchfilter war falsch. (The search filter constructed by the gateway was in error.)]
-de,dsgw,84,[Der Vorgang wurde auf Ihren Wunsch abgebrochen. (The operation was cancelled at your request.)]
-de,dsgw,85,[Interner Fehler in der Bibliothek - ein Parameter war falsch. (An internal error occurred in the library - a parameter was incorrect.)]
-de,dsgw,86,[Verbindung zum Verzeichnis-Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Wenden\nSie sich an Ihren Server-Verwalter.\n(A connection to the directory server could not be opened. Contact your\nserver administrator for assistance.)]
-de,dsgw,87,[Unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten. (An unknown error was encountered.)]
-de,dsgw,88,[Eintrag existiert bereits (Entry Already Exists)]
-de,dsgw,89,[Dieser Namenseintrag (An entry named )]
-de,dsgw,90,[onMouseOver="window.status='Klicken Sie hier, um den Eintrag einzusehen'; return true"\n(onMouseOver="window.status='Click here to view this entry'; return true")]
-de,dsgw,91,[ existiert bereits (already exists).<P>Bitte anderen Namen und/oder Adresse w鄣len.\n(Please choose another name and/or location.\n<P>)\n]
-de,dsgw,92,[鈁ergeordneter Eintrag existiert nicht\n(Parent entry does not exist)]
-de,dsgw,93,[Sie k霵nen einen Eintrag unter diesem Namen:\n(You cannot add an entry by the name:)<P><B>%s</B>,<P> nicht hinzufgen,\nda der bergeordnete Eintrags nicht existiert.\n(because the parent of that entry does not exist.)<P>\nEhe Sie diesen Eintrag hinzufgen, mssen Sie zun踄hst den dazugeh顤ige\n(Before you can add this entry, you must first add)\n]
-de,dsgw,94,[bergeordneten Eintrag hinzufgen. (its parent.)\n]
-de,dsgw,95,[ein Eintrag unter diesem Namen (an entry named):<P><B>%s</B>.\n]
-de,dsgw,96,[Warnung: Keine Beglaubigung (wird fortgesetzt)...\n(Warning: no authentication (continuing)...)\n]
-de,dsgw,97,[%s Verzeichniseintrag (Directory Entry)]
-de,dsgw,98,[<PRE>Eingabe-DN (Entry DN): %s</PRE><P>\n]
-de,dsgw,99,[瓏derungen zu <B>%s</B> wurden gespeichert.]
-de,dsgw,100,[<B>%s</B> has been added.]
-de,dsgw,101,[<B>%s</B> has been deleted.]
-de,dsgw,102,[Renamed <B>%s</B> to <B>%s</B>.]
-de,dsgw,103,[<P><B>Hinweis:</B> Da Sie den Eintrag, unter dem Sie beglaubigt\nsind, %s haben, mu腷e Ihre Beglaubigungsberechtigung\ngel飉cht werden. Sie mssen neu beglaubig werden, um\nweitere 瓏derungen vornehmen zu k霵nen.\n(<B>Note:</B> because of your action on the entry you were \nauthenticated as, it was necessary to discard your \nauthentication credentials. You will need to authenticate \nagain to make additional changes.)\n]
-de,dsgw,104,[gel飉cht (deleted)]
-de,dsgw,105,[umbenannt (renamed)]
-de,dsgw,106,[Kennwort umbenannt fr (changed the password of)]
-de,dsgw,107,[Attribut (Attribute) %s wurde ge鄚dert (was changed)<BR>\n]
-de,dsgw,108,[ NICHT (NOT) ASCII (%ld Bytes)\n]
-de,dsgw,109,[Es wurden keine Werte eingegeben. Bitte erneut versuchen.\n(No values were entered. Please try again.)\n]
-de,dsgw,110,[Es wurden keine 瓏derungen vorgenommen.\n]
-de,dsgw,111,[<P>%s wird an Verzeichnis-Server gesendet...\n]
-de,dsgw,113,[瓏derungen (changes)]
-de,dsgw,114,[<P>Eintrag erfolgreich hinzugefgt.\n(Successfully added entry.)\n]
-de,dsgw,115,[<P>Eintrag erfolgreich bearbeitet. 瓏derungen wurden gespeichert.\n(Successfully edited entry. Your changes have been saved.)\n]
-de,dsgw,116,[<P>Eintrag erfolgreich gel飉cht.\n(Successfully deleted entry.)\n]
-de,dsgw,117,[<PRE>Der neue Eintrag hei腷 (The new name for the entry is): %s\n</PRE><HR>\n]
-de,dsgw,118,[<P>Eintrag erfolgreich umbenannt.\n(Successfully renamed entry.)\n]
-de,dsgw,119,[Sie mssen das alte Kennwort angeben.]
-de,dsgw,120,[Sie mssen ein neues Kennwort angeben. Bitte erneut versuchen]
-de,dsgw,121,[Neues und best酹igendes Kennwort stimmen nicht berein. Bitte erneut versuchen]
-de,dsgw,122,[<BR>%s <B>%s</B> ist bereits in Benutzung. Bitte ein anderes w鄣len.\n(The item shown is already in use. Please choose a different one.)<BR>\n]
-de,dsgw,123,[fehlendes Formulardatenelement (missing form data element) "%.100s"]
-de,dsgw,124,[Konfigurationsinformation wird initialisiert\n(Initializing config info)]
-de,dsgw,125,[Datei kann nicht ge鐪fnet werden.\n(Cannot open file.)]
-de,dsgw,126,[ Konfigurationsdate der Datenbanki ist verstmmelt.\n(Malformed dbconf file.)]
-de,dsgw,127,[Eigenschaftsname in der Konfigurationsdatei der Datenbank fehlt.\n(Missing property name in dbconf file.)]
-de,dsgw,128,[Nicht gengend Arbeitspeicher. (Out of memory.)]
-de,dsgw,129,[Betriebsanweisung in der Konfigurationsdatei der Datenbank fehlt.\n(Missing directive in dbconf file.)]
-de,dsgw,130,[Konfigurationsdatei "%s" kann nicht ge鐪fnet werden\n(Cannot open config file with name shown)\n]
-de,dsgw,131,[Argument fr die Betriebsanweisung "authlifetime" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "authlifetime" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,132,[Argument fr Betriebsanweisung "dirmgr" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "dirmgr" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,133,[Argument fr Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "baseurl" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,134,[Falsche URL fr Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" angegeben - Basis-DN fehlt\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - the base DN is missing)\n]
-de,dsgw,135,[Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" wird analysiert\n(parsing baseurl directive)]
-de,dsgw,136,[Falsche URL fr Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" angegeben - keine "ldap://" URL\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - not an "ldap://" URL)\n]
-de,dsgw,137,["ldaps://" URLs werden noch nicht untersttzt\n("ldaps://" URLs are not yet supported)\n]
-de,dsgw,138,[Argumente fr Betriebsanweisung "template" fehlen\n(Missing arguments for "template" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,139,[Argument fr Betriebsanweisung "sslrequired" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "sslrequired" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,140,[Unbekanntes Argument fr Betriebsanweisung "sslrequired" (mu "never", "whenauthenticated"oder "always" sein)\n(Unknown argument to "sslrequired" directive (should be "never", "whenauthenticated", "always"))\n]
-de,dsgw,141,[Argument fr Betriebsanweisung "securitypath" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "securitypath" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,142,[Argument fr Betriebsanweisung "location-suffix" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "location-suffix" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,143,[Die Betriebsanweisung "location" erfordert drei Argumente\n(Three arguments are required for the "location" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,144,[Die Betriebsanweisung "newtype" erfordert mindestens zwei Argumente\n(At least two arguments are required for the "newtype" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,145,[Unbekannte Adresse in der Betriebsanweisung "newtype"\n(Unknown location in "newtype" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,146,[Die Betriebsanweisung "tmplset" erfordert drei oder vier Argumente\n(Three or four arguments are required for the "tmplset" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,147,[Die Betriebsanweisung "attrvset" erfordert vier Argumente\n(Four arguments are required for the "attrvset" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,148,[Argument fr Betriebsanweisung "charset" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "charset" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,149,[Argument fr Betriebsanweisung "ClientLanguage" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "ClientLanguage" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,150,[Argument fr Betriebsanweisung "AdminLanguage" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "AdminLanguage" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,151,[Argument fr Betriebsanweisung "DefaultLanguage" fehlt\n(Missing argument for "DefaultLanguage" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,152,[Dateiname fr Betriebsanweisung "include" fehlt\n(Missing filename for "include" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,153,[Unbekannte Betriebsanweisung in der Konfigurationsdatei\n(Unknown directive in config file)\n]
-de,dsgw,154,[<= erase_db konnte lcache.conf-Datei "%s" nicht 鐪fnen\n(<= erase_db could not open lcache.conf file with name shown)\n]
-de,dsgw,155,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>Die Datenbank wurde gel飉cht. Neue Datenbank wird erstellt...\n(The database has been deleted. Creating new database...)\n</FONT>\n ]
-de,dsgw,156,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>Die Datenbank konnte nicht gel飉cht werden\n(The database could not be deleted)\n</FONT>\n ]
-de,dsgw,157,[<= app_suffix konnte ldif-Datei "%s" nicht 鐪fnen\n(<= app_suffix could not open ldif file with name shown)\n]
-de,dsgw,158,[<= app_suffix konnte tmp-Datei "%s" nicht 鐪fnen\n(<= app_suffix could not open tmp file with name shown)\n]
-de,dsgw,159,[%s konnte nicht in %s umbenannt werden\n(Unable to rename with names as shown)]
-de,dsgw,160,[Leerzeiger wurde von dbconf_read_default_dbinfo() zurckgegeben.\n(null pointer returned by dbconf_read_default_dbinfo().)]
-de,dsgw,161,[Falsche "ldapdb"-URL - Basis-DN fehlt\n(Bad "ldapdb" URL - the base DN is missing)\n]
-de,dsgw,162,[Falsche "ldapdb"-URL (Bad "ldapdb" URL)\n]
-de,dsgw,163,[Falsche URL fr Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" angegeben - Basis-DN fehlt \n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - the base DN is missing)\n]
-de,dsgw,164,[Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" wird analysiert\n(parsing baseurl directive)]
-de,dsgw,165,[Falsche URL fr Betriebsanweisung "baseurl" angegeben - keine "ldap:// bzw. ldapdb://" URL\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - not an "ldap:// or ldapdb://" URL)\n]
-de,dsgw,166,["ldaps://" URLs werden noch nicht untersttzt\n("ldaps://" URLs are not yet supported)\n]
-de,dsgw,167,[Kein Wert fr binddn angegeben\n(No value given for binddn)]
-de,dsgw,168,[Kein Wert fr bindpw angegeben\n(No value given for bindpw)]
-de,dsgw,169,[In der dbswitch.conf-Datei ist kein Standard-Verzeichnisservice angegeben\n(There is no default directory service defined in the dbswitch.conf file)]
-de,dsgw,170,[Konfigurationsdatei "%s" kann nicht zum Schreiben ge鐪fnet werden\n(Cannot open config file with name shown for writing)\n]
-de,dsgw,171,[Kann %s nicht in %s umbenennen\n(Unable to rename with names as shown)]
-de,dsgw,172,[Konfigurationsdatei (config file) %s: ]
-de,dsgw,173,[Konfigurationsdatei (config file) %s: Zeile (line) %d: ]
-de,dsgw,174,[Max. (max) %d]
-de,dsgw,175,[ OK ]
-de,dsgw,176,[Fenster schlie絽n (Close Window)]
-de,dsgw,178,[{crypt}GESPERRT (LOCKED) [%s GMT]]
-de,dsgw,179,[Zurck zum Hauptbildschirm (Return to Main)]
-de,dsgw,181,[ Help ]
-de,dsgw,182,[Hilfe (Help)]
-de,dsgw,184,[Hilfe ist noch nicht verfgbar.\n(Help is not yet available.)]
-de,dsgw,186,[Fenster schlie絽n (Close Window)]
-de,dsgw,187,[Fenster schlie絽n (Close Window)]
-de,dsgw,188,[?template fehlt (missing ?template)]
-de,dsgw,190,[Beglaubigungsberechtigung l飉chen (abmelden)?\n(Discard authentication credentials (log out)?)]
-de,dsgw,191,[Geben Sie eine Suchenzeichenfolge an\n(Please type a search string)]
-de,dsgw,192,[Um Ihren Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis zu beglaubigen, mssen Sie sich zun踄hst zu\nerkennen geben.<br>Geben Sie Ihren Namen ein:\n(The first step in authenticating to the directory is identifying\nyourself.<br>Please type your name:)]
-de,dsgw,193,[Weiter (Continue)]
-de,dsgw,194,[Weiter (Continue)]
-de,dsgw,195,[Abbrechen (Cancel)]
-de,dsgw,196,[Als Verzeichnisverwalter beglaubigen"> &nbsp;(nur fr Verzeichnis-Administratoren verfgbar)\n(Authenticate as directory manager"> &nbsp;(only available to Directory Administrators))\n]
-de,dsgw,198,[Beglaubigungsberechtigung l飉chen? (Discard authentication credentials?)]
-de,dsgw,200,[Weiter (Continue)]
-de,dsgw,201,[Weiter (Continue)]
-de,dsgw,202,[Abbrechen (Cancel)]
-de,dsgw,203,[Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis beglaubigen (anmelden)\n(Authenticate (log in) to the directory)]
-de,dsgw,204,[Ihr Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis wird gleich beglaubigt werden unter \n(You are about to authenticate to the directory as) <B>%s</B>. Geben Sie zum Vervollst鄚digen des Beglaubigungsvorgangs Ihr Kennwort ein. (To complete the authentication process, type your password.\n]
-de,dsgw,206,[Ehe Sie Eintr輍e bearbeiten bzw. hinzufgen k霵nen, mu綅nIhr Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis beglaubigt (angemeldet) sein\n. Folgen Sie den Anweisungen fr den Beglaubigungsproze綅nauf diesem Fenster.\n(Before you can edit or add entries, you must authenticate\n(log in) to the directory. This window will guide\nyou through the steps of the authentication\nprocess.)\n]
-de,dsgw,207,[Ihr Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis kann von diesem Bildschirm aus\nbeglaubigt bzw. angemeldet werden.\nSie mssen beglaubigt sein, ehe Sie Verzeichniseintr輍e\n鄚dern k霵nen. Wenn Sie einen Eintrag, ohne beglaubigt zu sein, 鄚dern m鐼hten, dann werden Sie aufgefordert, sich anzumelden.\n(From this screen you may authenticate, or log in, \nto the directory. You will need to authenticate\nbefore you can modify directory entries. If you\nattempt to modify an entry without authenticating,\nyou will be asked to log in.)\n]
-de,dsgw,208,[Beglaubigungsstatus(Authentication Status)]
-de,dsgw,209,[<form>\nIhr Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis ist derzeitig beglaubigt unter \n(<form>\nYou are currently authenticated to the directory as )]
-de,dsgw,210,[.\nWenn Sie Ihre Beglaubigungsberechtigung l飉chen und sich vom Verzeichnis abmelden m鐼hten, klicken Sie unten auf die Schaltfl踄he.\n(.\nIf you wish to discard your authentication credentials and log out of the directory, click on the button below.)]
-de,dsgw,211,[Beglaubigungsberechtigung l飉chen (abmelden)\n(Discard Authentication Credentials (log out))]
-de,dsgw,212,[Ihre Beglaubigungsberechtigung fr \n(Your authentication credentials for )]
-de,dsgw,213,[ist abgelaufen (have expired).\n<HR>)\n]
-de,dsgw,214,[Ihr Zugriff zu dem Verzeichnis ist derzeitig nicht beglaubigt.\n(Currently, you are not authenticated to the directory.<HR>)\n]
-de,dsgw,215,["%s=" fehlt (missing)]
-de,dsgw,216,["%s=%s" unbekannt (unknown)]
-de,dsgw,217,[unbekannte Option (unknown option) %s ]
-de,dsgw,218,[unbekannte Syntax=%s (syntax shown unknown)\n]
-de,dsgw,219,[** HTML-Typ "%s" nicht untersttzt **<BR>\n(** HTML type shown is not supported **<BR>)\n]
-de,dsgw,224,[Bearbeiten (Edit)]
-de,dsgw,225,[Save Changes]
-de,dsgw,228,[L飉chen (Delete)]
-de,dsgw,229,[Diesen Eintrag l飉chen? (Delete this entry?)]
-de,dsgw,230,[Umbenennen (Rename)]
-de,dsgw,231,[Neuen Namen fr diesen Eintrag eingeben:\n(Enter a new name for this entry:)]
-de,dsgw,232,[Bearbeiten unter (Edit As)]
-de,dsgw,233,[%s= fehlt (missing)]
-de,dsgw,234,[Fenster schlie絽n (Close Window)]
-de,dsgw,235,[Bearbeiten... (Edit...)]
-de,dsgw,236,["%s=" fehlt (missing)\n]
-de,dsgw,237,[Unbekannter Satz "%s" (set shown is unknown)\n]
-de,dsgw,238,[unbekannte Syntax "%s" (unknown syntax "%s")\n]
-de,dsgw,239,[Neu beglaubigen (Re-Authenticate)]
-de,dsgw,240,[Fenster schlie絽n (Close Window)]
-de,dsgw,241,[M鐼hten Sie wirklich (Do you really want to )]
-de,dsgw,243,[ OK ]
-de,dsgw,244,[ OK ]
-de,dsgw,245,[Zurcksetzen (Reset)]
-de,dsgw,246,[Beendet (Done)]
-de,dsgw,247,[Abbrechen (Cancel)]
-de,dsgw,248,[anderes IF gefunden (geschachtelte IFs sind nicht untersttzt)\n(found another IF (nested IFs are not supported))]
-de,dsgw,249,[ELSE wurde gefunden, aber kein IF\n(found ELSE but didn't see an IF)]
-de,dsgw,250,[ELSE nach ELSE gefunden (ENDIF erwartet)\n(found ELSE after ELSE (expecting ENDIF))]
-de,dsgw,251,[ELSE wurde gefunden, aber kein IF\n(found ELIF but didn't see an IF)]
-de,dsgw,252,[ELIF nach ELSE gefunden (ENDIF erwartet)\n(found ELIF after ELSE (expecting ENDIF))]
-de,dsgw,253,[ELDIF wurde gefunden, aber kein IF\n(found ENDIF but didn't see an IF)]
-de,dsgw,254,[<BR><B>Vorlagefehler (template error):</B> %s<BR>\n]
-de,dsgw,255,[ldap_init/lcache_init aufgerufen, ehe Konfigurationsdatei gelesen wurde\n(ldap_init/lcache_init attempted before config file read)]
-de,dsgw,256,[fhrt nicht unter dem Verwaltungs-Server aus\n(not running under the administration server)]
-de,dsgw,257,[Konnte Genehmigungen nicht initialisieren\n(Could not initialize permissions)]
-de,dsgw,258,[Konnte Benutzername nicht auf einem DN abbilden (Fehler vom Verwaltungs-Server)\n(Could not map username to a DN (error from admin server))]
-de,dsgw,259,[Konnte aktuellen Benutzernamen nicht aufrufen\n(Could not get current username)]
-de,dsgw,260,[Konnte aktuelles Benutzerkennwort nicht abrufen\n(Could not get current user password)]
-de,dsgw,261,[Fehler (Error): %s]
-de,dsgw,262,[Hinweis: Fr diese Art von Eintrag gibt es keine Anzeigevorlage; die Eintragsart \nwird unten\nim Standarmodus angezeigt.\n(Note: there is no display template for this type of entry available, so it is\ndisplayed below using a default method.)]
-de,dsgw,263,[Ungltige Benutzer-ID bzw. NULL LDAP-Erkennung\n(Invalid user id or NULL LDAP handle)]
-de,dsgw,264,[keine 鈁ereinstimmung mit Benutzer-ID\n(no match for user id)]
-de,dsgw,265,[mehr als eine 鈁ereinstimmung mit Benutzer-ID\n(more than one match for user id)]
-de,dsgw,266,[the entire directory]
-de,dsgw,267,[Die Betriebsanweisung "includeset" erfordert zwei Argumente\n(Two arguments are required for the "includeset" directive)\n]
-de,dsgw,268,[Der angeforderte Attributwert wurde im Eintrag nicht gefunden (The attribute value requested was not found in the entry)]
-de,dsgw,269,[Argument fehlt in der "NLS"-Betriebsanweisung\n]
-de,dsgw,270,[Es mu ein NT-Benutzername angegeben werden]
-de,dsgw,271,[Die Kombination aus NT-Benutzernamen und NT-Dom鄚e ist in diesem Verzeichnis nicht eindeutig\n]
-de,dsgw,272,[Es mu sowohl ein NT-Benutzername als auch eine NT-Dom鄚e angegeben werden\n]
-de,dsgw,273,[Der NT-Benutzername darf nicht l鄚ger sein als 20 Zeichen.]
-de,dsgw,274,[Namen fr den neuen Eintrag angeben.]
-de,dsgw,275,[Standort fr den neuen Eintrag ausw鄣len.]
-de,dsgw,276,[Neuer Eintrag]
-de,dsgw,277,[Fr diese Funktion mu ein Verzeichnisverwalter in der Datei "dsgw.conf" definiert sein]
-de,dsgw,278,[Die Betriebsanweisung "vcard-property" erfordert drei oder vier Argumente.\n]
-de,dsgw,279,[DieVCard-Eigenschaft kann nur entweder "cis" oder "mls" lauten.\n]
-de,dsgw,280,[Kein Eintrag gefunden.\n%2$s]
-de,dsgw,281,[Kein Eintrag gefunden, in dem %2$s '%4$s' %3$s.\n]
-de,dsgw,282,[Kein Eintrag gefunden.\n%2$s]
-de,dsgw,283,[Kein Eintrag gefunden, in dem %2$s '%4$s' %3$s.\n]
-de,dsgw,284,[1 Eintrag gefunden.\n%2$s]
-de,dsgw,285,[1 Eintrag gefunden, in dem %2$s '%4$s' %3$s.\n]
-de,dsgw,286,[1 Eintrag gefunden.\n%2$s]
-de,dsgw,287,[1 Eintrag gefunden, in dem %2$s '%4$s' %3$s.\n]
-de,dsgw,288,[%1$li Eintr輍e gefunden.\n%2$s]
-de,dsgw,289,[%1$li Eintr輍e gefunden, in denen %2$s '%4$s' %3$s.\n]
-de,dsgw,290,[%1$li Eintr輍e gefunden.\n%2$s]
-de,dsgw,291,[%1$li Eintr輍e gefunden, in denen %2$s '%4$s' %3$s.\n]
-de,dsgw,292,[der LDAP-Filter ist]
-de,dsgw,293,[Der Server konnte den Eintrag, den Sie bei der Beglaubigung verwendet haben, nicht finden. M鐷licherweise wurde der Eintrag umbenannt oder gel飉cht. Bitte wiederholen Sie die Beglaubigung.]
-de,dsgw,294,[Die neue Kennwortsyntax ist ungltig.\n]
-de,dsgw,295,[Das neue Kennwort ist in der Kennwortchronik enthalten.\n]
-de,dsgw,296,[Sie haben den Grenzwert fr die Wiederholung des Kennworts berschritten. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Systemverwalter.\n]
-de,dsgw,297,[Sie haben den Grenzwert fr die Wiederholung des Kennworts berschritten. Versuchen Sie es sp酹er erneut.\n]
-de,dsgw,298,[Das Kennwort ist abgelaufen. Wenden Sie sich an den Systemverwalter, um das Kennwort zurckzusetzen.\n]
-de,frame,-1,[$DBT: frame in DB file v1 $]
-de,frame,1,[<TITLE>Nicht gefunden (Not Found)</TITLE><H1>Nicht gefunden (Not Found)</H1> Das angeforderte Objekt existiert nicht auf diesem Server. Die von Ihnen verfolgte Verknpfung ist entweder veraltet, ungenau oder der Server darf sie Ihnen nicht anbieten.\n(The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it.)]
-de,frame,2,[Informieren Sie bitte den Standortverwalter ber die <A HREF="%s">, Bezugsseite </A>.\n(Please inform the site administrator of the referring page.)]
-de,frame,3,[Ihr Browser sandte eine Anforderung, die dieser Proxy-Server nicht verstehen kann.\n(Your browser sent a request that this proxy could not understand.)]
-de,frame,4,[Ordnungsgem魠e Genehmigung ist fr den Administrator dieses Proxy-Servers erforderlich.\nEntweder fhrt Ihr Browser keine Genehmigung aus oder Ihre Genehmigung ist falsch.\n(Proper authorization is required for the administration of this proxy.\nEither your browser does not perform authorization, or your authorization\nhas failed.)]
-de,frame,5,[Beglaubigung des Benutzernamens ist erforderlich, um diesen Proxy-Server zu benutzen.\n Entweder fhrt Ihr Browser keine Proxy-Genehmigung aus oder Ihre Genehmigung ist falsch.\n(Username authentication is required for using this proxy.\nEither your browser does not perform proxy authorization, or your\nauthorization has failed.)]
-de,frame,6,[Die Zugriffssteuerungskonfiguration des Proxy-Servers verweigert\nZugriff auf das durch diesen Proxy-Server angeforderte Objekt.\n(The proxy's access control configuration denies access to\nthe requested object through this proxy.)]
-de,frame,7,[Im Proxy-Server ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten, so da Ihre\nAnforderung nicht ausgefhrt werden kann. Wahrscheinlich ist die Konfiguration falsch.\nBitten Sie den Administrator, nach entsprechenden Hinweisen im Fehlerprotokoll des Proxy-Servers zu suchen.\n(The proxy has encountered an internal error which prevents it from\nfulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a misconfiguration.\nPlease ask the administrator to look for messages in the proxy's error log.)]
-de,frame,8,[Dieser Proxy-Server setzt nicht die angeforderte Methode ein.\n(This proxy server does not implement the requested method.)]
-de,frame,9,[Ein Fehler ist auf dem Proxy-Server aufgetreten.\n(An error has occurred on the proxy server.)]
-de,frame,10,[Dieser Server konnte die gesendete Anfrage Ihres Browsers nicht verstehen.\n(Your browser sent a query this server could not understand.)]
-de,frame,11,[Ordnungsgem魠e Genehmigung ist fr diesen Bereich erforderlich. Entweder fhrt Ihr Browser keine Genehmigung aus oder Ihre Genehmigung ist falsch.\n(Proper authorization is required for this area. Either your browser does not perform authorization, or your authorization has failed.)]
-de,frame,12,[Ihr Client darf das angeforderte Objekt nicht abrufen.\n(Your client is not allowed to access the requested object.)]
-de,frame,13,[In diesem Server ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten, so da Ihre Anforderung nicht ausgefhrt werden kann. Wahrscheinlich ist die Konfiguration falsch. Bitten Sie den Administrator, nach entsprechenden Hinweisen im Fehlerprotokoll des Proxy-Servers zu suchen.\n(This server has encountered an internal error which prevents it from fulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a misconfiguration. Please ask the administrator to look for messages in the server's error log.)]
-de,frame,14,[Dieser Server setzt nicht die angeforderte Methode ein.\n(This server does not implement the requested method.)]
-de,frame,15,[Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.\n(An error has occurred.)]
-de,frame,16,[Dieser Server konnte die gesendete Meldung Ihres Browsers nicht verstehen.\n(Your browser sent a message this server could not understand.)]
-de,frame,17,[<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="de"><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>%s</H1>\nDieses Dokument wurde an einen neuen <a href="%s">Standort verschoben</a>. Aktualisieren Sie bitte Ihre Dokumente und Hotlisten entsprechend.(This document has moved to a new location. Please update your documents and hotlists accordingly.)</BODY></HTML>\n]
-de,frame,18,[<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="de"><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>%s</H1>\n%s\n</BODY></HTML>]
-de,frame,20,[cannot find template %s]
-de,frame,22,[no partial path after object processing]
-de,frame,24,[invalid shexp %s]
-de,frame,26,[invalid shexp %s]
-de,frame,28,[no way to service request for %s]
-de,frame,30,[close failed (%s), csd=%d]
-de,frame,31,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-de,frame,33,[Error issuing read on accept socket]
-de,frame,35,[Error getting accept socket (%d)]
-de,frame,36,[Error in accept! (%d, %s)]
-de,frame,37,[Error creating new accept request]
-de,frame,38,[accepted connection: %d (NSPR %d)]
-de,frame,39,[Error creating new session structure]
-de,frame,41,[Error allocating request read buffer]
-de,frame,42,[Error issuing async read request]
-de,frame,43,[acb_read_request(%d, bytes %d)]
-de,frame,44,[acb_read_req(1 session = %d)]
-de,frame,45,[Error reading request (%d, %s)]
-de,frame,46,[Client aborted connection]
-de,frame,47,[Error reading request]
-de,frame,48,[Error creating new request]
-de,frame,49,[error occurred, closing %d, io was for %d]
-de,frame,51,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-de,frame,52,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-de,frame,53,[Error during async read (%d, %s)]
-de,frame,54,[scan-headers reports: line too long]
-de,frame,55,[scan-headers reports: too many headers]
-de,frame,56,[Error reading headers]
-de,frame,57,[scan-headers reports: header missing terminator (an empty line)]
-de,frame,58,[scan-headers reports: header was empty]
-de,frame,59,[Name ohne Wert: Zeile "%s" erhalten\n(name without value: got line as shown)]
-de,frame,61,[accel_send_plain_file() - found request %d]
-de,frame,62,[Parse headers lost the URI!]
-de,frame,63,[accel_send_plain_file() - found uri %s]
-de,frame,64,[accel_send_plain_file() - found in cache?]
-de,frame,65,[malloc died!]
-de,frame,66,[Error writing back file\n]
-de,frame,68,[Error writing in acb_send_plain_file (%d, %s)]
-de,frame,70,[Errored IO in acb_close_connection (%d, %s)]
-de,frame,71,[Unable to close socket %d]
-de,frame,72,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-de,frame,73,[cache-init: server cache disabled]
-de,frame,74,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-de,frame,75,[accel_file_cache: Error creating cache]
-de,frame,76,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize < %d, using %d]
-de,frame,77,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize > %d, using %d]
-de,frame,78,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-de,frame,79,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-de,frame,80,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-de,frame,81,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-de,frame,82,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-de,frame,83,[file-cache: enabled = %s ]
-de,frame,86,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-de,frame,87,[file-cache: CacheHashSize %d (0x%x)]
-de,frame,88,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-de,frame,89,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-de,frame,90,[file-cache-cleanup: munmap failed (%s)]
-de,frame,91,[file-cache-cleanup: found mmapped file \non system without mmap]
-de,frame,92,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize < %d, using %d]
-de,frame,93,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize > %d, using %d]
-de,frame,94,[file cache using mmap flags 0x%x]
-de,frame,95,[file cache using mmap prots 0x%x]
-de,frame,96,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-de,frame,97,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-de,frame,98,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-de,frame,99,[file-cache: GetTempPath() Cannot find temp directory to store file!]
-de,frame,100,[file-cache-init: set max cached file size to %d]
-de,frame,101,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-de,frame,103,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-de,frame,104,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-de,frame,105,[file-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-de,frame,106,[file-cache-create: Error opening file %s (%s)]
-de,frame,107,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-de,frame,108,[file-cache-create: Error mmap()ing file %s (%s)]
-de,frame,109,[file-cache-create: malloc failure]
-de,frame,110,[file-cache-create: error case failed to munmap(%d, %d) (%s)]
-de,frame,111,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-de,frame,112,[dir change: invalidating %s (%d)]
-de,frame,113,[file-cache: asynchronous file change notification failed.]
-de,frame,114,[dir change: offset %d, action %d, len %d, name %s]
-de,frame,115,[unable to check async file status]
-de,frame,116,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to continue watching %s. Error is %s]
-de,frame,117,[file-cache-add-watch failure- unable to open directory %s. Error %s]
-de,frame,118,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to start watching %s. Error %s]
-de,frame,120,[no handler function given for directive]
-de,frame,122,[cannot find function named %s]
-de,frame,124,[method without URI]
-de,frame,126,[while scanning HTTP headers, %s]
-de,frame,128,[read from %s failed, error is %s]
-de,frame,130,[request too long]
-de,frame,132,[write failed (%s)]
-de,frame,134,[write failed (%s)]
-de,frame,136,[%d is not a valid HTTP status code]
-de,frame,138,[close failed (%s)]
-de,frame,139,[Unable to close socket for writing]
-de,frame,140,[os has %d objects]
-de,frame,141,[obj %d has no hash table at %d]
-de,frame,142,[obj %d has no param]
-de,frame,143,[obj %d name %s value %s]
-de,frame,144,[.....directives %d.......]
-de,frame,145,[.....directive %d]
-de,frame,146,[.......instance %d]
-de,frame,147,[...........param name %s value %s]
-de,frame,148,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegCreateKey %s]
-de,frame,149,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegEnumKey %s failed]
-de,frame,150,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-de,frame,151,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-de,frame,152,[Unable to allocate Subject property list.\n]
-de,frame,153,[Unable to set session ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-de,frame,154,[Unable to set request ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-de,frame,155,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-de,frame,156,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-de,httpdaemon,-1,[$DBT: httpdaemon in DB file v1 $]
-de,httpdaemon,1,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-de,httpdaemon,2,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-de,httpdaemon,3,[Error in md_start_system]
-de,httpdaemon,4,[Error in CreateFiber - idlefiber]
-de,httpdaemon,5,[Error in GetQueuedCompletionStatus]
-de,httpdaemon,6,[Error creating completion port]
-de,httpdaemon,7,[Could not SetHandleNonInheritable (%s)]
-de,httpdaemon,8,[Error accept/read new conn]
-de,httpdaemon,9,[Error in Respond()]
-de,httpdaemon,10,[Error in RespondCompleted()]
-de,httpdaemon,11,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,12,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,13,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,14,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,15,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,16,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-de,httpdaemon,17,[could not determine current user name\n]
-de,httpdaemon,18,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,19,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-de,httpdaemon,20,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-de,httpdaemon,21,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-de,httpdaemon,22,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,23,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-de,httpdaemon,24,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-de,httpdaemon,25,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-de,httpdaemon,26,[This machine has %d processors.]
-de,httpdaemon,27,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-de,httpdaemon,28,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-de,httpdaemon,29,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-de,httpdaemon,30,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-de,httpdaemon,31,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-de,httpdaemon,32,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-de,httpdaemon,33,[select thread miss]
-de,httpdaemon,34,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-de,httpdaemon,35,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d, IP address %s (%s)\n]
-de,libaccess,-1,[$DBT: libaccess in DB file v1 $]
-de,libaccess,2,[cannot open database %s]
-de,libaccess,4,[user %s password did not match database %s]
-de,libaccess,6,[cannot open connection to LDAP server on %s:%d]
-de,libaccess,8,[user %s password did not match LDAP on %s:%d]
-de,libaccess,10,[missing realm]
-de,libaccess,11,[Unable to allocate ACL List Hash\n]
-de,libaccess,12,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to PERM_MALLOC cache structure\n]
-de,libaccess,13,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-de,libaccess,14,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE Entry\n]
-de,libaccess,15,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-de,libaccess,16,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate Boundary Entry\n]
-de,libaccess,17,[ACLEvalBuildContext failed.\n]
-de,libaccess,18,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%d\n]
-de,libaccess,19,[LASDnsBuild unable to allocate hash table header\n]
-de,libaccess,20,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-de,libaccess,21,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-de,libaccess,22,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-de,libaccess,23,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-de,libaccess,24,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-de,libaccess,25,[LAS DNS build received request for attribute %s\n]
-de,libaccess,26,[LASDnsEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-de,libaccess,27,[LASDnsEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-de,libaccess,28,[LASDnsEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-de,libaccess,29,[LASDnsEval unable to get DNS - error=%s\n]
-de,libaccess,30,[LAS Group Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-de,libaccess,31,[LASGroupEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-de,libaccess,32,[LASGroupEval - ran out of memory\n]
-de,libaccess,33,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-de,libaccess,34,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-de,libaccess,35,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-de,libaccess,36,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-de,libaccess,37,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-de,libaccess,38,[Check group membership of user "%s" for group "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,39,[LDAPU_SUCCESS for group "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,40,[LDAPU_FAILED for group "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,43,[LASIpTreeAlloc - no memory\n]
-de,libaccess,44,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-de,libaccess,45,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-de,libaccess,46,[LAS IP build received request for attribute %s\n]
-de,libaccess,47,[LASIpEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-de,libaccess,48,[LASIpEval unable to get session address - error=%s\n]
-de,libaccess,49,[LASIpEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-de,libaccess,50,[LASIpEval - reach 32 bits without conclusion value=%s]
-de,libaccess,51,[LAS Program Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-de,libaccess,52,[LASProgramEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-de,libaccess,53,[LASProgram unable to get session address %d\n]
-de,libaccess,55,[LASProgramEval: request not of type admin or bin, passing.\n]
-de,libaccess,56,[LASProgramEval: check if program %s matches pattern %s.\n]
-de,libaccess,57,[LASProgramEval: Invalid wildcard expression %s.\n]
-de,libaccess,60,[Unexpected attribute in dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-de,libaccess,61,[Illegal comparator for dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-de,libaccess,62,[Unexpected attribute in timeOfDay - %s\n]
-de,libaccess,63,[LAS User Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-de,libaccess,64,[LASUserEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-de,libaccess,65,[LASUserEval - ran out of memory\n]
-de,libaccess,66,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-de,libaccess,67,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-de,libaccess,68,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-de,libaccess,69,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-de,libaccess,70,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-de,libaccess,71,[Check if uid == user (i.e. check "%s" == "%s)"\n]
-de,libaccess,72,[SUCCESS for user "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,73,[FAILED for user "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,77,[LASProgram unable to get request address - error=%s]
-de,libaccess,78,[LASProgram rejecting request for program %s from pattern %s]
-de,libaccess,79,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to parse file "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,80,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to concatenate ACL list "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,81,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to open and process the magnus file "%s"\n]
-de,libaccess,82,[Illegal comparator for timeOfDay - %s\n]
-de,libaccess,83,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-de,libaccess,84,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to PERM_CALLOC cache structure\n]
-de,libaccess,85,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-de,libaccess,86,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth pointer array\n]
-de,libaccess,87,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth plist\n]
-de,libaccess,88,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%s\n]
-de,libaccess,89,[ACL_INTEvalTestRights: call to ACL_EvalBuildContext returned failure status\n]
-de,libaccess,90,[ACL_ModuleRegister: module name is missing\n]
-de,libaccess,91,[ACL_ModuleRegister: call to module init function returned a failed status\n]
-de,libaccess,92,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't determine method for %s\n]
-de,libaccess,93,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't locate getter for %s]
-de,libaccess,94,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-de,libaccess,95,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-de,libaccess,96,[ACL_GetAttribute: All attribute getters declined for attr %s]
-de,libaccess,97,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-de,libaccess,98,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: database name is missing]
-de,libaccess,99,[Error reading the DB Map File: %s. Reason: %s]
-de,libaccess,100,[URL is missing for database %s]
-de,libaccess,101,[Invalid property value pair for database %s]
-de,libaccess,102,["default" database must be an LDAP database]
-de,libaccess,103,[Multiple "default" databases are being registered]
-de,libaccess,104,["default" LDAP database must be registered]
-de,libaccess,105,[LASGroupEval unable to get database name - error= %s]
-de,libaccess,106,[received invalid program expression %s]
-de,libaccess,107,[parse_ldap_url: database url is missing]
-de,libaccess,108,[parse_ldap_url: database name is missing]
-de,libaccess,109,[parse_ldap_url: error in parsing ldap url. Reason: %s]
-de,libaccess,110,[ldap password check: unable to get database name - error=%s]
-de,libaccess,111,[ldap password check: unable to get parsed database %s]
-de,libaccess,112,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-de,libaccess,113,[ldap password check: LDAP error: "%s"]
-de,libaccess,114,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get database name - error=%s]
-de,libaccess,115,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get parsed database %s]
-de,libaccess,116,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-de,libaccess,117,[get_user_ismember_ldap: group %s does not exist]
-de,libaccess,118,[get_user_ismember_ldap: LDAP error: "%s"]
-de,libaccess,119,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not a registered database]
-de,libaccess,120,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not an LDAP database]
-de,libaccess,121,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: out of memory]
-de,libaccess,122,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-de,libaccess,123,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't bind to LDAP server. Reason: %s]
-de,libaccess,124,[insufficient dynamic memory]
-de,libaccess,125,[error opening file, %s: %s]
-de,libaccess,126,[duplicate definition of %s]
-de,libaccess,127,[file %s, line %s: duplicate definition of %s]
-de,libaccess,128,[file %s, line %s: syntax error]
-de,libaccess,129,[file %s, line %s: %s is undefined]
-de,libaccess,130,[in acl %s, %s %s is undefined]
-de,libaccess,131,[database %s: error accessing %s]
-de,libaccess,133,[file %s, line %s: invalid syntax]
-de,libaccess,134,[file %s, line %s: syntax error at "%s"]
-de,libaccess,135,[realm %s is not defined]
-de,libaccess,136,[error code = %d]
-de,libaccess,137,[internal ACL error]
-de,libaccess,138,[invalid argument]
-de,libaccess,139,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-de,libaccess,140,[couldn't determine dbtype from: %s]
-de,libaccess,141,[Failed to register database %s]
-de,libaccess,142,[ACL call returned failed status]
-de,libaccess,143,[file %s: ACL IO error - %s]
-de,libaccess,144,[acl_user_exists: Nicht genug Speicher]
-de,libaccess,145,[acl_user_exists: Benutzer existiert nicht mehr]
-de,libaccess,146,[acl_user_exists: plist-Fehler]
-de,libadmin,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-de,libadmin,1,[ Help ]
-de,libadmin,2,[ OK ]
-de,libadmin,3,[ Reset ]
-de,libadmin,4,[ Done ]
-de,libadmin,5,[ Cancel ]
-de,libir,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-de,libir,1,[An I/O error occurred before all form data could be read.]
diff --git a/l10n/dirserv/en/ns-slapd.txt b/l10n/dirserv/en/ns-slapd.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cedca87e..00000000
--- a/l10n/dirserv/en/ns-slapd.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1027 +0,0 @@
-# This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
-# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
-# In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
-# right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
-# General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
-# including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
-# permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
-# through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
-# found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
-# Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
-# the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
-# the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
-# additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
-# Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
-# in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
-# exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
-# version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
-# provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
-# statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
-# exception.
-# Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission.
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-/* The copyright notice(s) in this Source Code does not indicate actual */
-/* or intended publication of this Source Code. */
-/* This text file was generated by program dblink */
-$Revision: 1.4 $
-$Log: ns-slapd.txt,v $
-Revision 1.4 2005/04/19 22:06:50 nkinder
-Fixed licensing typo
-Revision 1.3 2005/04/15 22:39:18 nkinder
-155068 - Added license to source files
-Revision 1.2 2005/02/28 23:37:40 nkinder
-149951 - Updated source code copyrights
-Revision 2005/01/21 00:40:48 cvsadm
-Moving NSCP Directory Server from DirectoryBranch to TRUNK, initial drop. (foxworth)
-Revision 2003/09/22 19:36:41 ulfw
-Update copyright years from 2001 to 2001-2003
-Revision 2001/11/03 01:05:57 richm
-XXX use new copyright XXX
-Revision 2001/09/20 16:39:13 richm
-removed 8 bit copyright character
-Revision 2001/09/18 11:48:15 rmarco
-Remove copyright caracter from copyright
-Revision 2001/02/13 09:59:52 rmarco
-Revision 1998/04/04 23:16:50 mcs
-merge changes made on directory31_rtm_branch into server4_directory_branch
-Revision 1998/02/24 05:51:54 noriko
-Synched with server3_i18npkg_branch
-Revision 1998/02/12 01:15:09 scronin
-still the same i18n changes
-en,base,-1,[$DBT: base in DB file v1 $]
-en,base,1,[insufficient memory to create hash table]
-en,base,2,[insufficient memory to create hash table]
-en,base,3,[cache_destroy: cache tables appear corrupt.]
-en,base,4,[unable to allocate hash entry]
-en,base,5,[cache_insert: unable to create cache entry]
-en,base,6,[HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/html\n\n]
-en,base,7,[<H2>Netscape cache status report</H2>\n]
-en,base,8,[No caches on system<P>]
-en,base,9,[<H2>%s cache</H2>\n]
-en,base,10,[Cache hit ratio: %d/%d (%f)</P>\n</P>\n]
-en,base,11,[Cache size: %d/%d</P>\n</P>\n]
-en,base,12,[Hash table size: %d</P>\n</P>\n]
-en,base,13,[mru : %d</P>\nlru : %d</P>\n]
-en,base,14,[<UL><TABLE BORDER=4> <TH>Bucket</TH> <TH>Address</TH> <TH>Key</TH> <TH>Access Count</TH> <TH>Delete</TH> <TH>Next</TH> <TH>LRU</TH> <TH>MRU</TH> <TH>Data</TH>\n]
-en,base,15,[munmap failed (%s)]
-en,base,16,[munmap failed (%s)]
-en,base,17,[close failed (%s)]
-en,base,18,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-en,base,19,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-en,base,20,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-en,base,21,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-en,base,22,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-en,base,23,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-en,base,24,[could not determine current user name\n]
-en,base,25,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-en,base,27,[, address %s]
-en,base,28,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-en,base,29,[security handshake timed out for pid %d]
-en,base,30,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-en,base,31,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-en,base,32,[accept failed (%s)]
-en,base,33,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-en,base,34,[select thread miss]
-en,base,35,[keepalive worker awoken with no work to do]
-en,base,36,[could not create new thread: %d (%s)]
-en,base,37,[wait for sema succeeded, but nothing to dequeue]
-en,base,38,[queue-sema creation failure]
-en,base,39,[error getting processor info for processor %d]
-en,base,40,[Error binding to processor %d]
-en,base,41,[bound process %d to processor %d]
-en,base,42,[Netscape server is not explicitly binding to any processors.]
-en,base,43,[cache monitor exited]
-en,base,44,[cache batch update daemon exited]
-en,base,45,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-en,base,46,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-en,base,47,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-en,base,48,[This machine has %d processors.]
-en,base,49,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-en,base,50,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-en,base,51,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-en,base,54,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-en,base,55,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-en,base,56,[Cache monitor respawned]
-en,base,57,[Cache batch update daemon respawned]
-en,base,58,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-en,base,59,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-en,base,60,[assert failed! %s\n]
-en,base,62,[malloc failed]
-en,base,63,[malloc failed!]
-en,base,64,[mr_add_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-en,base,65,[mr_add_io - stage 1]
-en,base,66,[mr_add_io - stage 2]
-en,base,67,[mr_add_io found invalid IO type %d]
-en,base,68,[mr_add_io - adding timeout]
-en,base,69,[Out of memory!\n]
-en,base,70,[done with mr_add_io]
-en,base,71,[mr_del_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-en,base,72,[mr_del_io found invalid IO type %d]
-en,base,74,[mr_async_io(%d, %d bytes, file %d)]
-en,base,75,[malloc failure adding async IO]
-en,base,76,[Error adding async io!]
-en,base,77,[Cannot seek for read!]
-en,base,78,[read failure! (%d, %s)]
-en,base,79,[do_read read %d bytes for file %d]
-en,base,80,[Cannot seek for write!]
-en,base,81,[writev failure! (%d, %s)]
-en,base,82,[write failure! (%d, %s)]
-en,base,83,[do_write wrote %d bytes for file %d]
-en,base,84,[do_timeout(mrp %d)]
-en,base,85,[do_timeout: found IO (timer=%d, time=%d)]
-en,base,86,[error deleting io]
-en,base,87,[timeout callback failure for %d\n]
-en,base,88,[mr_get_event(%d) - outstanding io %d]
-en,base,89,[mr_get_event: Waiting for reads on FD:]
-en,base,90,[mr_get_event: Waiting for writes on FD:]
-en,base,91,[ %d]
-en,base,92,[ %d]
-en,base,93,[mr_get_event set no timeout]
-en,base,94,[mr_get_event set timeout to: %d.%d sec]
-en,base,95,[error in select (%d, %s)]
-en,base,96,[mr_get_event() - select found %d]
-en,base,97,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-en,base,98,[read failed for fd %d]
-en,base,99,[error deleting io]
-en,base,100,[callback failure for %d\n]
-en,base,101,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-en,base,102,[writing: header len %d, writelen %d, total %d]
-en,base,103,[write failed for fd %d]
-en,base,104,[error deleting io]
-en,base,105,[callback failure for %d\n]
-en,base,106,[Error creating dns cache]
-en,base,107,[dns_cache_init: hash_size <= 0, using %d]
-en,base,108,[dns_cache_init: cache-size <= %d, using %d]
-en,base,109,[dns_cache_init: cache-size is %d is too large, using %d.]
-en,base,110,[dns_cache_init: expire_time <= 0, using %d]
-en,base,111,[dns_cache_init: expire is %d is too large, using %d seconds.]
-en,base,112,[Error creating dns cache]
-en,base,113,[dns-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-en,base,114,[dns-cache-insert: malloc failure]
-en,base,115,[successful server startup]
-en,base,116,[%s B%s]
-en,base,117,[Netscape executable and shared library have different versions]
-en,base,118,[ executable version is %s]
-en,base,119,[ shared library version is %s]
-en,base,120,[error reporting shutting down]
-en,base,128,[event_handler:Failed to wait on events %s]
-en,base,129,[could not wait on resume event event (%s)]
-en,base,130,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-en,base,131,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-en,base,132,[The server is terminating due to an error. Check the event viewer for the error message. SERVER EXITING!]
-en,base,133,[Terminating the server %s]
-en,base,134,[kill_server:cannot open server event %s]
-en,base,135,[kill_server:cannot set server event %s]
-en,base,136,[error: could not get socket (%s)\n]
-en,base,137,[error: could not set socket option (%s)\n]
-en,base,138,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to address %s port %d (%s)\n]
-en,base,139,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-en,base,140,[SetHandleNonInheritable: could not duplicate socket (%s)]
-en,base,141,[SetHandleNonInheritable: closing the original socket failed (%s)]
-en,base,142,[Could not SetHandleInformation (%s)]
-en,base,143,[Terminating Service:Failure: Could not open statistics file (%s)\n]
-en,base,144,[Could not set Thread Local Storage Value for thread at slot %d]
-en,base,145,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-en,base,146,[accept failed %d (%s)]
-en,base,147,[Failed to pulse Event %d %s]
-en,base,148,[Failed to send MobGrowth Event to parent %s]
-en,base,149,[Pulsing MobRespawn Event %d]
-en,base,150,[respawn thread pool to %d (%d)]
-en,base,151,[Could not open event to signal rotate application. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-en,base,152,[Failed to send MoveLog Event to rotate app %s]
-en,base,153,[growing thread pool from %d to %d]
-en,base,154,[Could not open the ServiceControlManager, Error %d]
-en,base,155,[StartNetsiteService:Could not open the service %s: Error %d]
-en,base,156,[StartNetsiteService:Could not start the service %s]
-en,base,157,[Service Startup: Could not allocate security descriptor]
-en,base,158,[Service Startup: Could not init security descriptor]
-en,base,159,[Service Startup: Could not set the security Dacl]
-en,base,160,[Terminating Service:WinSock init failed: %s]
-en,base,161,[Httpd Server Startup failed: %s]
-en,base,162,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-en,base,163,[NT daemon: could not create new thread %d]
-en,base,164,[Service Startup Failure. Terminating Service:Could not create event %d:%s]
-en,base,165,[Service Startup Error. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-en,base,166,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-en,base,167,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-en,base,168,[pipebuf_buf2sd: pipebuf_grab IO_ERROR %d]
-en,base,169,[pool-init: memory pools disabled]
-en,base,170,[pool-init: free_size <= 0, using %d]
-en,base,171,[pool-create-block: out of memory]
-en,base,172,[pool-create: out of memory]
-en,base,173,[pool-create: out of memory]
-en,base,174,[pool-malloc: out of memory]
-en,base,175,[FREE() used where PERM_FREE() should have been used- problem corrected and supressing further warnings.]
-en,base,176,[regex error: %s (regex: '%s')]
-en,base,177,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-en,base,178,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-en,base,179,[flushing %d connections; current %d; tot %d]
-en,base,180,[accept failed (%s)]
-en,base,181,[Error creating time cache]
-en,base,182,[time-cache: cache disabled]
-en,base,183,[time_cache_init: hash_size < %d, using default, %d]
-en,base,184,[time_cache_init: hash_size > %d, using default, %d]
-en,base,185,[time_cache_init: cache_size < %d, using default, %d]
-en,base,186,[time_cache_init: cache_size > %d, using default, %d]
-en,base,187,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-en,base,188,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-en,base,189,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-en,base,190,[Error inserting new time_cache entry]
-en,base,191,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-en,base,192,[cs-terminate failure (%s)]
-en,base,193,[cs-init failure (%s)]
-en,base,194,[cs-wait failure (%s)]
-en,base,195,[cs-post failure (%s)]
-en,base,196,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-en,base,197,[error: could not set keepalive (%s)\n]
-en,base,198,[error: could not set recv timeout (%s)\n]
-en,base,199,[error: could not set send timeout (%s)\n]
-en,base,200,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-en,base,201,[sem_grab failed (%s)]
-en,base,202,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-en,base,203,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-en,base,204,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-en,base,205,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-en,dsgw,-1,[$DBT: dsgw in DB file v1 $]
-en,dsgw,1,[Unknown HTTP request method]
-en,dsgw,2,[Invalid or incomplete HTML form data]
-en,dsgw,3,[Out of memory]
-en,dsgw,4,[Required query/form input is missing]
-en,dsgw,5,[Illegal character in file path]
-en,dsgw,6,[Bad or missing configuration file]
-en,dsgw,7,[Unable to initialize LDAP]
-en,dsgw,8,[An error occurred while contacting the LDAP server]
-en,dsgw,9,[Unknown search object type]
-en,dsgw,10,[Unknown attribute label]
-en,dsgw,11,[Unknown match prompt]
-en,dsgw,12,[No search filters for object type]
-en,dsgw,13,[Unable to open HTML template file]
-en,dsgw,14,[Unknown search mode - use "smart", "complex", "pattern", or "auth"]
-en,dsgw,15,[Distinguished Name missing in URL]
-en,dsgw,16,[Unknown scope in URL (should be base, sub, or one)]
-en,dsgw,17,[Unrecognized URL or unknown error]
-en,dsgw,18,[Bad URL format]
-en,dsgw,19,[Internal error]
-en,dsgw,20,[Unable to write template index file]
-en,dsgw,21,[Unable to open template index file]
-en,dsgw,22,[Unable to read directory]
-en,dsgw,23,[LDAP SSL initialization failed (check the security path)]
-en,dsgw,24,[For the Users and Groups forms to work over SSL, you or your server administrator needs to activate SSL for this Administration Server. The Encryption|On/Off page can be used to do so ]
-en,dsgw,25,[Authentication credentials not found in authentication database]
-en,dsgw,26,[Error retrieving data from the authentication database]
-en,dsgw,27,[Your authentication credentials have expired]
-en,dsgw,28,[Unable to create a random string]
-en,dsgw,29,[No distinguished name was provided when retrieving credentials]
-en,dsgw,30,[Cannot open authentication database]
-en,dsgw,31,[Could not append data to the authentication database]
-en,dsgw,32,[No Directory Manager is defined]
-en,dsgw,33,[No search string was provided. Please try again]
-en,dsgw,34,[Too many arguments on one line in the config. file]
-en,dsgw,35,[Failed to initialize Windows Sockets]
-en,dsgw,36,[Authentication credentials could not be obtained from the Administration Server]
-en,dsgw,37,[Distinguished Name missing in ldapdb:// URL]
-en,dsgw,38,[Unrecognized URL or unknown error]
-en,dsgw,39,[Bad URL format]
-en,dsgw,40,[An error occurred while initializing the local ldap database]
-en,dsgw,41,[Unknown directory service type - use "local" or "remote"]
-en,dsgw,42,[An error occurred while reading the db configuration file]
-en,dsgw,43,[NSHOME/userdb path was NULL]
-en,dsgw,44,[The directory service configuration could not be updated.]
-en,dsgw,45,[The entry could not be read from the directory.]
-en,dsgw,46,[The LDAP database could not be erased.]
-en,dsgw,47,[You may not change entries besides your own.]
-en,dsgw,49,[Authentication Problem]
-en,dsgw,50,[.\n<P>You must re-authenticate before continuing.\n]
-en,dsgw,51,[.\n<P>You must re-authenticate before continuing.\n]
-en,dsgw,52,[unknown error]
-en,dsgw,53,[The operation was successful.]
-en,dsgw,54,[An internal error occurred in the server. This usually\nindicates a serious malfunction in the server and should be\nbrought to the attention of your server administrator.]
-en,dsgw,55,[The server could not understand the request which was sent to\nit by the gateway.]
-en,dsgw,56,[A time limit was exceeded in responding to your request. If\nyou are searching for entries, you may achieve better results\nif you are more specific in your search.]
-en,dsgw,57,[A size limit was exceeded in responding to your request. If\nyou are searching for entries, you may achieve better results\nif you are more specific in your search, because too many entries\nmatched your search criteria.]
-en,dsgw,58,[The gateway attempted to authenticate to the server using\na method the server doesn't understand.]
-en,dsgw,59,[The gateway attempted to authenticate to the server using an\nauthentication method which the server does not support. ]
-en,dsgw,60,[Your request could not be fulfilled, probably because the server\nthat was contacted does not contain the data you are looking\nfor. It is possible that a referral to another server was\nreturned but could not be followed. If you were trying to make\nchanges to the directory, it may be that the server that holds\nthe master copy of the data is not available.]
-en,dsgw,61,[Your request exceeded an administrative limit in the server.]
-en,dsgw,62,[A critical extension that the gateway requested is not available in this server.]
-en,dsgw,63,[The server was unable to process the request, becase the\nrequest referred to an attribute which does not exist in the\nentry.]
-en,dsgw,64,[The server was unable to fulfill your request, because the\nrequest violates a constraint.]
-en,dsgw,65,[The server could not add a value to the entry, because that\nvalue is already contained in the entry.]
-en,dsgw,66,[The server could not locate the entry. If adding a new entry,\nbe sure that the parent of the entry you are trying to add exists.\nIf you received this error while searching, it indicates that the\nentry which was being searched for does not exist.\nIf you were attempting to authenticate as the directory manager and\nreceived this error, check the gateway configuration file.]
-en,dsgw,67,[A distinguished name was not in the proper format. ]
-en,dsgw,68,[The entry you attempted to authenticate as does not have a\npassword set, or is missing other required authentication\ncredentials. You cannot authenticate as that entry until the\nappropriate attributes have been added by the directory manager. ]
-en,dsgw,69,[The password (or other authentication credentials) you supplied\nis incorrect.]
-en,dsgw,70,[You do not have sufficient privileges to perform the operation. ]
-en,dsgw,71,[The server is too busy to service your request. Try again\nin a few minutes.]
-en,dsgw,72,[The LDAP server could not be contacted.]
-en,dsgw,73,[The server was unwilliing to process your request. Usually,\nthis indicates that serving your request would put a heavy load\non the server. It may also indicate that the server is not\nconfigured to process your request. If searching, you may wish\nto limit the scope of your search.]
-en,dsgw,74,[The directory server could not honor your request because it\nviolates the schema requirements. Typically, this means that you\nhave not provided a value for a required field. It could also mean\nthat the schema in the directory server needs to be updated.]
-en,dsgw,75,[The directory server will not allow you to delete or rename\nan entry if that entry has children. If you wish to do this, you\nmust first delete all the child entries.]
-en,dsgw,76,[The server was unable to add a new entry, or rename an existing\nentry, because an entry by that name already exists.]
-en,dsgw,77,[Your request would affect several directory servers.]
-en,dsgw,78,[The directory server could not be contacted. Contact your\nserver administrator for assistance.]
-en,dsgw,79,[An error occured while sending data to the server.]
-en,dsgw,80,[An error occured while reading data from the server.]
-en,dsgw,81,[The server did not respond to the request. \nThe request timed out.]
-en,dsgw,82,[The server does not support the authentication method used\nby the gateway.]
-en,dsgw,83,[The search filter constructed by the gateway was in error.]
-en,dsgw,84,[The operation was cancelled at your request.]
-en,dsgw,85,[An internal error occurred in the library - a parameter was\nincorrect.]
-en,dsgw,86,[A connection to the server could not be opened. Contact your\nserver administrator for assistance.]
-en,dsgw,87,[An unknown error was encountered.]
-en,dsgw,88,[Entry Already Exists]
-en,dsgw,89,[An entry named ]
-en,dsgw,90,[onMouseOver="window.status='Click here to view this entry'; return true"]
-en,dsgw,91,[ already exists.<P>Please choose another name and/or location.\n<P>\n]
-en,dsgw,92,[Parent entry does not exist]
-en,dsgw,93,[You cannot add an entry by the name:<P><B>%s</B>,<P>\nbecause the parent of that entry does not exist.<P>\nBefore you can add this entry, you must first add\n]
-en,dsgw,94,[its parent.\n]
-en,dsgw,95,[an entry named:<P><B>%s</B>.\n]
-en,dsgw,96,[Warning: no authentication (continuing)...\n]
-en,dsgw,97,[%s Directory Entry]
-en,dsgw,98,[<PRE>Entry DN: %s</PRE><P>\n]
-en,dsgw,99,[Changes to <B>%s</B> have been saved.]
-en,dsgw,100,[<B>%s</B> has been added.]
-en,dsgw,101,[<B>%s</B> has been deleted.]
-en,dsgw,102,[Renamed <B>%s</B> to <B>%s</B>.]
-en,dsgw,103,[<P><B>Note:</B> because you %s the entry you were \nauthenticated as, it was necessary to discard your \nauthentication credentials. You will need to authenticate \nagain to make additional changes.\n]
-en,dsgw,106,[changed the password of]
-en,dsgw,107,[Attribute %s was changed<BR>\n]
-en,dsgw,108,[ NOT ASCII (%ld bytes)\n]
-en,dsgw,109,[No values were entered. Please try again.\n]
-en,dsgw,110,[No changes were made.\n]
-en,dsgw,111,[<P>Sending %s to the directory server...\n]
-en,dsgw,114,[<P>Successfully added entry.\n]
-en,dsgw,115,[<P>Successfully edited entry. Your changes have been saved.\n]
-en,dsgw,116,[<P>Successfully deleted entry.\n]
-en,dsgw,117,[<PRE>The new name for the entry is: %s\n</PRE><HR>\n]
-en,dsgw,118,[<P>Successfully renamed entry.\n]
-en,dsgw,119,[You must provide the old password.]
-en,dsgw,120,[You must provide a new password. Please try again]
-en,dsgw,121,[The new and confirming passwords do not match. Please try again]
-en,dsgw,122,[<BR>The %s <B>%s</B> is already in use. Please choose a different one.<BR>\n]
-en,dsgw,123,[missing form data element "%.100s"]
-en,dsgw,124,[Initializing config info]
-en,dsgw,125,[Cannot open file.]
-en,dsgw,126,[Malformed dbconf file.]
-en,dsgw,127,[Missing property name in dbconf file.]
-en,dsgw,128,[Out of memory.]
-en,dsgw,129,[Missing directive in dbconf file.]
-en,dsgw,130,[Cannot open config file "%s"\n]
-en,dsgw,131,[Missing argument for "authlifetime" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,132,[Missing argument for "dirmgr" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,133,[Missing argument for "baseurl" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,134,[Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - the base DN is missing\n]
-en,dsgw,135,[parsing baseurl directive]
-en,dsgw,136,[Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - not an "ldap://" URL\n]
-en,dsgw,137,["ldaps://" URLs are not yet supported\n]
-en,dsgw,138,[Missing arguments for "template" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,139,[Missing argument for "sslrequired" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,140,[Unknown argument to "sslrequired" directive (should be "never", "whenauthenticated", "always")\n]
-en,dsgw,141,[Missing argument for "securitypath" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,142,[Missing argument for "location-suffix" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,143,[Three arguments are required for the "location" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,144,[At least two arguments are required for the "newtype" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,145,[Unknown location in "newtype" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,146,[Three or four arguments are required for the "tmplset" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,147,[Four arguments are required for the "attrvset" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,148,[Missing argument for "charset" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,149,[Missing argument for "ClientLanguage" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,150,[Missing argument for "AdminLanguage" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,151,[Missing argument for "DefaultLanguage" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,152,[Missing filename for "include" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,153,[Unknown directive in config file\n]
-en,dsgw,154,[<= erase_db could not open lcache.conf file "%s"\n]
-en,dsgw,155,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>The database has been deleted. Creating new database... \n</FONT>\n ]
-en,dsgw,156,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>The database could not be deleted \n</FONT>\n ]
-en,dsgw,157,[<= app_suffix could not open ldif file "%s"\n]
-en,dsgw,158,[<= app_suffix could not open tmp file "%s"\n]
-en,dsgw,159,[Unable to rename %s to %s]
-en,dsgw,160,[null pointer returned by dbconf_read_default_dbinfo().]
-en,dsgw,161,[Bad "ldapdb" URL - the base DN is missing\n]
-en,dsgw,162,[Bad "ldapdb" URL\n]
-en,dsgw,163,[Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - the base DN is missing\n]
-en,dsgw,164,[parsing baseurl directive]
-en,dsgw,165,[Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - not an "ldap:// or ldapdb://" URL\n]
-en,dsgw,166,["ldaps://" URLs are not yet supported\n]
-en,dsgw,167,[No value given for binddn]
-en,dsgw,168,[No value given for bindpw]
-en,dsgw,169,[There is no default directory service defined in the dbswitch.conf file]
-en,dsgw,170,[Cannot open config file "%s" for writing\n]
-en,dsgw,171,[Unable to rename %s to %s]
-en,dsgw,172,[config file %s: ]
-en,dsgw,173,[config file %s: line %d: ]
-en,dsgw,174,[max %d]
-en,dsgw,175,[ OK ]
-en,dsgw,176,[Close Window]
-en,dsgw,177,[Go Back]
-en,dsgw,178,[{crypt}LOCKED [%s GMT]]
-en,dsgw,179,[Return to Main]
-en,dsgw,181,[ Help ]
-en,dsgw,184,[Help is not yet available.]
-en,dsgw,186,[Close Window]
-en,dsgw,187,[Close Window]
-en,dsgw,188,[The URL did not include a template name (immediately following the '?').]
-en,dsgw,190,[Discard authentication credentials (log out)?]
-en,dsgw,191,[Please type a search string]
-en,dsgw,192,[The first step in authenticating to the directory is identifying\nyourself.<br>Please type your name:]
-en,dsgw,196,[Authenticate as directory manager"> (only available to Directory Administrators)\n]
-en,dsgw,198,[Discard authentication credentials?]
-en,dsgw,203,[Authenticate (log in) to the directory]
-en,dsgw,204,[You are about to authenticate to the directory as <B>%s</B>. To complete the authentication process, type your password.\n]
-en,dsgw,206,[Before you can edit or add entries, you must authenticate\n(log in) to the directory. This window will guide\nyou through the steps of the authentication\nprocess.\n]
-en,dsgw,207,[From this screen you may authenticate, or log in, \nto the directory. You will need to authenticate\nbefore you can modify directory entries. If you\nattempt to modify an entry without authenticating,\nyou will be asked to log in.\n]
-en,dsgw,208,[Authentication Status]
-en,dsgw,209,[<form>\nYou are currently authenticated to the directory as ]
-en,dsgw,210,[.\nIf you wish to discard your authentication credentials and log out of the directory, click on the button below.]
-en,dsgw,211,[Discard Authentication Credentials (log out)]
-en,dsgw,212,[Your authentication credentials for ]
-en,dsgw,213,[have expired.\n<HR>\n]
-en,dsgw,214,[Currently, you are not authenticated to the directory.<HR>\n]
-en,dsgw,215,[missing "%s="]
-en,dsgw,216,[unknown "%s=%s"]
-en,dsgw,217,[unknown option %s]
-en,dsgw,218,[unknown syntax=%s\n]
-en,dsgw,219,[** HTML type "%s" not supported **<BR>\n]
-en,dsgw,225,[Save Changes]
-en,dsgw,229,[Delete this entry?]
-en,dsgw,231,[Enter a new name for this entry:]
-en,dsgw,232,[Edit As]
-en,dsgw,233,[missing %s=]
-en,dsgw,234,[Close Window]
-en,dsgw,236,[missing "%s="\n]
-en,dsgw,237,[unknown set "%s"\n]
-en,dsgw,238,[unknown syntax "%s"\n]
-en,dsgw,240,[Close Window]
-en,dsgw,241,[Do you really want to %s?]
-en,dsgw,243,[ OK ]
-en,dsgw,244,[ OK ]
-en,dsgw,245,[ Reset ]
-en,dsgw,246,[ Done ]
-en,dsgw,247,[ Cancel ]
-en,dsgw,248,[found another IF (nested IFs are not supported)]
-en,dsgw,249,[found ELSE but didn't see an IF]
-en,dsgw,250,[found ELSE after ELSE (expecting ENDIF)]
-en,dsgw,251,[found ELIF but didn't see an IF]
-en,dsgw,252,[found ELIF after ELSE (expecting ENDIF)]
-en,dsgw,253,[found ENDIF but didn't see an IF]
-en,dsgw,254,[<BR><B>template error:</B> %s<BR>\n]
-en,dsgw,255,[ldap_init/lcache_init attempted before config file read]
-en,dsgw,256,[not running under the administration server]
-en,dsgw,257,[Could not initialize permissions]
-en,dsgw,258,[Could not map username to a DN (error from admin server)]
-en,dsgw,259,[Could not get current username]
-en,dsgw,260,[Could not get current user password]
-en,dsgw,261,[Error: %s (%i)]
-en,dsgw,262,[Note: there is no display template for this type of entry available, so it is\ndisplayed below using a default method.]
-en,dsgw,263,[Invalid user id or NULL LDAP handle]
-en,dsgw,264,[no match for user id]
-en,dsgw,265,[more than one match for user id]
-en,dsgw,266,[the entire directory]
-en,dsgw,267,[Two arguments are required for the "includeset" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,268,[The attribute value requested was not found in the entry]
-en,dsgw,269,[Missing argument for "NLS" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,270,[A value must be specified for NT User Id\n]
-en,dsgw,271,[The combination of NT User Id, NT Domain Id is not unique in the directory\n]
-en,dsgw,272,[Values must be specified for both NT User Id and NT Domain Id\n]
-en,dsgw,273,[The NT User Id value must not exceed 20 characters in length.\n]
-en,dsgw,274,[Please provide a name for the new entry.]
-en,dsgw,275,[Please select a location for the new entry.]
-en,dsgw,276,[New Entry]
-en,dsgw,277,[In order to use this feature, there must be a dirmgr defined in dsgw.conf]
-en,dsgw,278,[Three or four arguments are required for the "vcard-property" directive\n]
-en,dsgw,279,[VCard property syntax must be "cis" or "mls"\n]
-en,dsgw,280,[Found no entries.\n%2$s]
-en,dsgw,281,[Found no entries where the %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-en,dsgw,282,[Searched and found no entries.\n%2$s]
-en,dsgw,283,[Searched and found no entries where the %2$s %3$s %4$s'.\n]
-en,dsgw,284,[Found 1 entry.\n%2$s]
-en,dsgw,285,[Found 1 entry where the %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-en,dsgw,286,[Searched and found 1 entry.\n%2$s]
-en,dsgw,287,[Searched and found 1 entry where the %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-en,dsgw,288,[Found %1$li entries.\n%2$s]
-en,dsgw,289,[Found %1$li entries where the %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-en,dsgw,290,[Searched and found %1$li entries.\n%2$s]
-en,dsgw,291,[Searched and found %1$li entries where the %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-en,dsgw,292,[the LDAP filter is]
-en,dsgw,293,[The server could not locate the entry you used when you authenticated. It is possible that someone renamed the entry or that is was deleted. Please try to authenticate again.]
-en,dsgw,294,[The new password syntax is invalid.\n]
-en,dsgw,295,[The new password occurs in the password history.\n]
-en,dsgw,296,[You've exceeded the password retry limit. Please contact your System Administrator.\n]
-en,dsgw,297,[You've exceeded the password retry limit. Please try again later.\n]
-en,dsgw,298,[The password has expired. Contact your System Administrator to reset the password.\n]
-en,dsgw,303,[There are <B>no</B> names in the list.]
-en,dsgw,304,[There is <B>1</B> name in the list.]
-en,dsgw,305,[There are <B>%s</B> names in the list.]
-en,dsgw,306,[Remove\\nfrom\\nlist? Name]
-en,dsgw,307,[Discard Changes?]
-en,dsgw,309,[Continue without saving changes?<br>Unsaved changes will be lost.]
-en,dsgw,313,[Authentication Failed\n]
-en,dsgw,314,[Authentication Successful]
-en,dsgw,315,[You are now authenticated to the directory as <B>%s</B>.]
-en,dsgw,316,[Your authentication credentials will expire in %d minutes.\n]
-en,dsgw,317,[After your credentials expire, you will need to \nre-authenticate to the directory.\n]
-en,dsgw,318,[<P>The password for this entry will expire <B>%s</B>.\n]
-en,dsgw,319,[Authentication failed because]
-en,dsgw,320,[Authentication failed because the entry you attempted to authenticate as does\nnot exist in the directory.\nYou may only authenticate as an existing directory\nentry.\n]
-en,dsgw,321,[Authentication failed because the entry you attempted to authenticate as does\nnot have a password. Before you can authenticate\nas this entry, a password must be set by a\ndirectory administrator\n]
-en,dsgw,322,[Authentication failed because the password you supplied is incorrect. Please\nclick the Retry button and try again. If you have\nforgotten the password for this entry, a directory\nadministrator must reset the password for you.\n]
-en,dsgw,323,[Authentication failed because of an unexpected error: %s\n]
-en,dsgw,325,[To continue, select a task from the list above.\n]
-en,dsgw,326,[Edit Password]
-en,dsgw,327,[<H3>Password Expired for %s</H3>\n]
-en,dsgw,328,[Your Directory Server password has expired.]
-en,dsgw,329,[ You must change your password immediately.\n]
-en,dsgw,330,[you did not provide a password. Whenever you authenticate, you must provide a password so that the server can verify your identity.]
-en,dsgw,331,[the server was unable to generate authentication credentials. The authentication database could not be opened.]
-en,dsgw,332,[the server was unable to generate authentication credentials. Data could not be appended to the authentication database.]
-en,dsgw,334,[Close Window]
-en,dsgw,336,[Your authentication credentials have been destroyed. You are no longer authenticated to the \ndirectory.\n]
-en,dsgw,337,[Go Back]
-en,dsgw,339,[Operations error]
-en,dsgw,340,[Protocol error]
-en,dsgw,341,[Warning: a time limit was exceeded. Not all matching entries are shown.]
-en,dsgw,342,[Warning: a size limit was exceeded. Not all matching entries are shown.]
-en,dsgw,343,[Compare false]
-en,dsgw,344,[Compare true]
-en,dsgw,345,[Strong authentication not supported]
-en,dsgw,346,[Strong authentication required]
-en,dsgw,347,[Warning: some directory servers could not be contacted. Not all matching entries are shown.]
-en,dsgw,348,[Referral received]
-en,dsgw,349,[Administrative limit exceeded]
-en,dsgw,350,[Unavailable critical extension]
-en,dsgw,351,[Confidentiality required]
-en,dsgw,352,[SASL bind in progress]
-en,dsgw,353,[No such attribute]
-en,dsgw,354,[Undefined attribute type]
-en,dsgw,355,[Inappropriate matching]
-en,dsgw,356,[Constraint violation]
-en,dsgw,357,[Type or value exists]
-en,dsgw,358,[Invalid syntax]
-en,dsgw,359,[No such object]
-en,dsgw,360,[Alias problem]
-en,dsgw,361,[Invalid DN syntax]
-en,dsgw,362,[Object is a leaf]
-en,dsgw,363,[Alias dereferencing problem]
-en,dsgw,364,[Inappropriate authentication]
-en,dsgw,365,[Invalid credentials]
-en,dsgw,366,[Insufficient access]
-en,dsgw,367,[DSA is busy]
-en,dsgw,368,[DSA is unavailable]
-en,dsgw,369,[DSA is unwilling to perform]
-en,dsgw,370,[Loop detected]
-en,dsgw,371,[Naming violation]
-en,dsgw,372,[Object class violation]
-en,dsgw,373,[Operation not allowed on nonleaf]
-en,dsgw,374,[Operation not allowed on RDN]
-en,dsgw,375,[Already exists]
-en,dsgw,376,[Cannot modify object class]
-en,dsgw,377,[Results too large]
-en,dsgw,378,[Affects multiple servers]
-en,dsgw,379,[Unknown error]
-en,dsgw,380,[Can't contact LDAP server]
-en,dsgw,381,[Local error]
-en,dsgw,382,[Encoding error]
-en,dsgw,383,[Decoding error]
-en,dsgw,384,[Timed out]
-en,dsgw,385,[Unknown authentication method]
-en,dsgw,386,[Bad search filter]
-en,dsgw,387,[User cancelled operation]
-en,dsgw,388,[Bad parameter to an ldap routine]
-en,dsgw,389,[Out of memory]
-en,dsgw,390,[Can't connect to the LDAP server]
-en,dsgw,391,[Not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol]
-en,dsgw,392,[Requested LDAP control not found]
-en,dsgw,393,[No results returned]
-en,dsgw,394,[More results to return]
-en,dsgw,395,[Client detected loop]
-en,dsgw,396,[Referral hop limit exceeded]
-en,frame,-1,[$DBT: frame in DB file v1 $]
-en,frame,1,[<TITLE>Not Found</TITLE><H1>Not Found</H1> The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it. ]
-en,frame,2,[Please inform the site administrator of the <A HREF="%s">referring page</A>.]
-en,frame,3,[Your browser sent a request that this proxy could not understand.]
-en,frame,4,[Proper authorization is required for the administration of this proxy.\nEither your browser does not perform authorization, or your authorization\nhas failed.]
-en,frame,5,[Username authentication is required for using this proxy.\nEither your browser does not perform proxy authorization, or your\nauthorization has failed.]
-en,frame,6,[The proxy's access control configuration denies access to\nthe requested object through this proxy.]
-en,frame,7,[The proxy has encountered an internal error which prevents it from\nfulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a misconfiguration.\nPlease ask the administrator to look for messages in the proxy's error log.]
-en,frame,8,[This proxy server does not implement the requested method.]
-en,frame,9,[An error has occurred on the proxy server.]
-en,frame,10,[Your browser sent a query this server could not understand.]
-en,frame,11,[Proper authorization is required for this area. Either your browser does not perform authorization, or your authorization has failed.]
-en,frame,12,[Your client is not allowed to access the requested object.]
-en,frame,13,[This server has encountered an internal error which prevents it from fulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a misconfiguration. Please ask the administrator to look for messages in the server's error log.]
-en,frame,14,[This server does not implement the requested method.]
-en,frame,15,[An error has occurred.]
-en,frame,16,[Your browser sent a message this server could not understand.]
-en,frame,17,[<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>%s</H1>\nThis document has moved to a new <a href="%s">location</a>. Please update your documents and hotlists accordingly.</BODY></HTML>]
-en,frame,20,[cannot find template %s]
-en,frame,22,[no partial path after object processing]
-en,frame,24,[invalid shexp %s]
-en,frame,26,[invalid shexp %s]
-en,frame,28,[no way to service request for %s]
-en,frame,30,[close failed (%s), csd=%d]
-en,frame,31,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-en,frame,33,[Error issuing read on accept socket]
-en,frame,35,[Error getting accept socket (%d)]
-en,frame,36,[Error in accept! (%d, %s)]
-en,frame,37,[Error creating new accept request]
-en,frame,38,[accepted connection: %d (NSPR %d)]
-en,frame,39,[Error creating new session structure]
-en,frame,41,[Error allocating request read buffer]
-en,frame,42,[Error issuing async read request]
-en,frame,43,[acb_read_request(%d, bytes %d)]
-en,frame,44,[acb_read_req(1 session = %d)]
-en,frame,45,[Error reading request (%d, %s)]
-en,frame,46,[Client aborted connection]
-en,frame,47,[Error reading request]
-en,frame,48,[Error creating new request]
-en,frame,49,[error occurred, closing %d, io was for %d]
-en,frame,51,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-en,frame,52,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-en,frame,53,[Error during async read (%d, %s)]
-en,frame,54,[scan-headers reports: line too long]
-en,frame,55,[scan-headers reports: too many headers]
-en,frame,56,[Error reading headers]
-en,frame,57,[scan-headers reports: header missing terminator (an empty line)]
-en,frame,58,[scan-headers reports: header was empty]
-en,frame,59,[name without value: got line "%s"]
-en,frame,61,[accel_send_plain_file() - found request %d]
-en,frame,62,[Parse headers lost the URI!]
-en,frame,63,[accel_send_plain_file() - found uri %s]
-en,frame,64,[accel_send_plain_file() - found in cache?]
-en,frame,65,[malloc died!]
-en,frame,66,[Error writing back file\n]
-en,frame,68,[Error writing in acb_send_plain_file (%d, %s)]
-en,frame,70,[Errored IO in acb_close_connection (%d, %s)]
-en,frame,71,[Unable to close socket %d]
-en,frame,72,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-en,frame,73,[cache-init: server cache disabled]
-en,frame,74,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-en,frame,75,[accel_file_cache: Error creating cache]
-en,frame,76,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize < %d, using %d]
-en,frame,77,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize > %d, using %d]
-en,frame,78,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-en,frame,79,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-en,frame,80,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-en,frame,81,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-en,frame,82,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-en,frame,83,[file-cache: enabled = %s ]
-en,frame,86,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-en,frame,87,[file-cache: CacheHashSize %d (0x%x)]
-en,frame,88,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-en,frame,89,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-en,frame,90,[file-cache-cleanup: munmap failed (%s)]
-en,frame,91,[file-cache-cleanup: found mmapped file \non system without mmap]
-en,frame,92,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize < %d, using %d]
-en,frame,93,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize > %d, using %d]
-en,frame,94,[file cache using mmap flags 0x%x]
-en,frame,95,[file cache using mmap prots 0x%x]
-en,frame,96,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-en,frame,97,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-en,frame,98,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-en,frame,99,[file-cache: GetTempPath() Cannot find temp directory to store file!]
-en,frame,100,[file-cache-init: set max cached file size to %d]
-en,frame,101,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-en,frame,103,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-en,frame,104,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-en,frame,105,[file-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-en,frame,106,[file-cache-create: Error opening file %s (%s)]
-en,frame,107,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-en,frame,108,[file-cache-create: Error mmap()ing file %s (%s)]
-en,frame,109,[file-cache-create: malloc failure]
-en,frame,110,[file-cache-create: error case failed to munmap(%d, %d) (%s)]
-en,frame,111,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-en,frame,112,[dir change: invalidating %s (%d)]
-en,frame,113,[file-cache: asynchronous file change notification failed.]
-en,frame,114,[dir change: offset %d, action %d, len %d, name %s]
-en,frame,115,[unable to check async file status]
-en,frame,116,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to continue watching %s. Error is %s]
-en,frame,117,[file-cache-add-watch failure- unable to open directory %s. Error %s]
-en,frame,118,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to start watching %s. Error %s]
-en,frame,120,[no handler function given for directive]
-en,frame,122,[cannot find function named %s]
-en,frame,124,[method without URI]
-en,frame,126,[while scanning HTTP headers, %s]
-en,frame,128,[read from %s failed, error is %s]
-en,frame,130,[request too long]
-en,frame,132,[write failed (%s)]
-en,frame,134,[write failed (%s)]
-en,frame,136,[%d is not a valid HTTP status code]
-en,frame,138,[close failed (%s)]
-en,frame,139,[Unable to close socket for writing]
-en,frame,140,[os has %d objects]
-en,frame,141,[obj %d has no hash table at %d]
-en,frame,142,[obj %d has no param]
-en,frame,143,[obj %d name %s value %s]
-en,frame,144,[.....directives %d.......]
-en,frame,145,[.....directive %d]
-en,frame,146,[.......instance %d]
-en,frame,147,[...........param name %s value %s]
-en,frame,148,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegCreateKey %s]
-en,frame,149,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegEnumKey %s failed]
-en,frame,150,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-en,frame,151,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-en,frame,152,[Unable to allocate Subject property list.\n]
-en,frame,153,[Unable to set session ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-en,frame,154,[Unable to set request ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-en,frame,155,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-en,frame,156,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-en,httpdaemon,-1,[$DBT: httpdaemon in DB file v1 $]
-en,httpdaemon,1,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-en,httpdaemon,2,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-en,httpdaemon,3,[Error in md_start_system]
-en,httpdaemon,4,[Error in CreateFiber - idlefiber]
-en,httpdaemon,5,[Error in GetQueuedCompletionStatus]
-en,httpdaemon,6,[Error creating completion port]
-en,httpdaemon,7,[Could not SetHandleNonInheritable (%s)]
-en,httpdaemon,8,[Error accept/read new conn]
-en,httpdaemon,9,[Error in Respond()]
-en,httpdaemon,10,[Error in RespondCompleted()]
-en,httpdaemon,11,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-en,httpdaemon,12,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-en,httpdaemon,13,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-en,httpdaemon,14,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-en,httpdaemon,15,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-en,httpdaemon,16,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-en,httpdaemon,17,[could not determine current user name\n]
-en,httpdaemon,18,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-en,httpdaemon,19,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-en,httpdaemon,20,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-en,httpdaemon,21,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-en,httpdaemon,22,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-en,httpdaemon,23,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-en,httpdaemon,24,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-en,httpdaemon,25,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-en,httpdaemon,26,[This machine has %d processors.]
-en,httpdaemon,27,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-en,httpdaemon,28,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-en,httpdaemon,29,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-en,httpdaemon,30,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-en,httpdaemon,31,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-en,httpdaemon,32,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-en,httpdaemon,33,[select thread miss]
-en,httpdaemon,34,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-en,httpdaemon,35,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d, IP address %s (%s)\n]
-en,libaccess,-1,[$DBT: libaccess in DB file v1 $]
-en,libaccess,2,[cannot open database %s]
-en,libaccess,4,[user %s password did not match database %s]
-en,libaccess,6,[cannot open connection to LDAP server on %s:%d]
-en,libaccess,8,[user %s password did not match LDAP on %s:%d]
-en,libaccess,10,[missing realm]
-en,libaccess,11,[Unable to allocate ACL List Hash\n]
-en,libaccess,12,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to PERM_MALLOC cache structure\n]
-en,libaccess,13,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-en,libaccess,14,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE Entry\n]
-en,libaccess,15,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-en,libaccess,16,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate Boundary Entry\n]
-en,libaccess,17,[ACLEvalBuildContext failed.\n]
-en,libaccess,18,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%d\n]
-en,libaccess,19,[LASDnsBuild unable to allocate hash table header\n]
-en,libaccess,20,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-en,libaccess,21,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-en,libaccess,22,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-en,libaccess,23,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-en,libaccess,24,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-en,libaccess,25,[LAS DNS build received request for attribute %s\n]
-en,libaccess,26,[LASDnsEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-en,libaccess,27,[LASDnsEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-en,libaccess,28,[LASDnsEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-en,libaccess,29,[LASDnsEval unable to get DNS - error=%s\n]
-en,libaccess,30,[LAS Group Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-en,libaccess,31,[LASGroupEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-en,libaccess,32,[LASGroupEval - ran out of memory\n]
-en,libaccess,33,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-en,libaccess,34,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-en,libaccess,35,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-en,libaccess,36,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-en,libaccess,37,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-en,libaccess,38,[Check group membership of user "%s" for group "%s"\n]
-en,libaccess,39,[LDAPU_SUCCESS for group "%s"\n]
-en,libaccess,40,[LDAPU_FAILED for group "%s"\n]
-en,libaccess,43,[LASIpTreeAlloc - no memory\n]
-en,libaccess,44,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-en,libaccess,45,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-en,libaccess,46,[LAS IP build received request for attribute %s\n]
-en,libaccess,47,[LASIpEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-en,libaccess,48,[LASIpEval unable to get session address - error=%s\n]
-en,libaccess,49,[LASIpEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-en,libaccess,50,[LASIpEval - reach 32 bits without conclusion value=%s]
-en,libaccess,51,[LAS Program Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-en,libaccess,52,[LASProgramEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-en,libaccess,53,[LASProgram unable to get session address %d\n]
-en,libaccess,55,[LASProgramEval: request not of type admin or bin, passing.\n]
-en,libaccess,56,[LASProgramEval: check if program %s matches pattern %s.\n]
-en,libaccess,57,[LASProgramEval: Invalid wildcard expression %s.\n]
-en,libaccess,60,[Unexpected attribute in dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-en,libaccess,61,[Illegal comparator for dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-en,libaccess,62,[Unexpected attribute in timeOfDay - %s\n]
-en,libaccess,63,[LAS User Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-en,libaccess,64,[LASUserEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-en,libaccess,65,[LASUserEval - ran out of memory\n]
-en,libaccess,66,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-en,libaccess,67,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-en,libaccess,68,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-en,libaccess,69,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-en,libaccess,70,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-en,libaccess,71,[Check if uid == user (i.e. check "%s" == "%s)"\n]
-en,libaccess,72,[SUCCESS for user "%s"\n]
-en,libaccess,73,[FAILED for user "%s"\n]
-en,libaccess,77,[LASProgram unable to get request address - error=%s]
-en,libaccess,78,[LASProgram rejecting request for program %s from pattern %s]
-en,libaccess,79,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to parse file "%s"\n]
-en,libaccess,80,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to concatenate ACL list "%s"\n]
-en,libaccess,81,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to open and process the magnus file "%s"\n]
-en,libaccess,82,[Illegal comparator for timeOfDay - %s\n]
-en,libaccess,83,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-en,libaccess,84,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to PERM_CALLOC cache structure\n]
-en,libaccess,85,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-en,libaccess,86,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth pointer array\n]
-en,libaccess,87,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth plist\n]
-en,libaccess,88,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%s\n]
-en,libaccess,89,[ACL_INTEvalTestRights: call to ACL_EvalBuildContext returned failure status\n]
-en,libaccess,90,[ACL_ModuleRegister: module name is missing\n]
-en,libaccess,91,[ACL_ModuleRegister: call to module init function returned a failed status\n]
-en,libaccess,92,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't determine method for %s\n]
-en,libaccess,93,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't locate getter for %s]
-en,libaccess,94,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-en,libaccess,95,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-en,libaccess,96,[ACL_GetAttribute: All attribute getters declined for attr %s]
-en,libaccess,97,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-en,libaccess,98,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: database name is missing]
-en,libaccess,99,[Error reading the DB Map File: %s. Reason: %s]
-en,libaccess,100,[URL is missing for database %s]
-en,libaccess,101,[Invalid property value pair for database %s]
-en,libaccess,102,["default" database must be an LDAP database]
-en,libaccess,103,[Multiple "default" databases are being registered]
-en,libaccess,104,["default" LDAP database must be registered]
-en,libaccess,105,[LASGroupEval unable to get database name - error= %s]
-en,libaccess,106,[received invalid program expression %s]
-en,libaccess,107,[parse_ldap_url: database url is missing]
-en,libaccess,108,[parse_ldap_url: database name is missing]
-en,libaccess,109,[parse_ldap_url: error in parsing ldap url. Reason: %s]
-en,libaccess,110,[ldap password check: unable to get database name - error=%s]
-en,libaccess,111,[ldap password check: unable to get parsed database %s]
-en,libaccess,112,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-en,libaccess,113,[ldap password check: LDAP error: "%s"]
-en,libaccess,114,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get database name - error=%s]
-en,libaccess,115,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get parsed database %s]
-en,libaccess,116,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-en,libaccess,117,[get_user_ismember_ldap: group %s does not exist]
-en,libaccess,118,[get_user_ismember_ldap: LDAP error: "%s"]
-en,libaccess,119,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not a registered database]
-en,libaccess,120,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not an LDAP database]
-en,libaccess,121,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: out of memory]
-en,libaccess,122,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-en,libaccess,123,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't bind to LDAP server. Reason: %s]
-en,libaccess,124,[insufficient dynamic memory]
-en,libaccess,125,[error opening file, %s: %s]
-en,libaccess,126,[duplicate definition of %s]
-en,libaccess,127,[file %s, line %s: duplicate definition of %s]
-en,libaccess,128,[file %s, line %s: syntax error]
-en,libaccess,129,[file %s, line %s: %s is undefined]
-en,libaccess,130,[in acl %s, %s %s is undefined]
-en,libaccess,131,[database %s: error accessing %s]
-en,libaccess,133,[file %s, line %s: invalid syntax]
-en,libaccess,134,[file %s, line %s: syntax error at "%s"]
-en,libaccess,135,[realm %s is not defined]
-en,libaccess,136,[error code = %d]
-en,libaccess,137,[internal ACL error]
-en,libaccess,138,[invalid argument]
-en,libaccess,139,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-en,libaccess,140,[couldn't determine dbtype from: %s]
-en,libaccess,141,[Failed to register database %s]
-en,libaccess,142,[ACL call returned failed status]
-en,libaccess,143,[file %s: ACL IO error - %s]
-en,libaccess,144,[acl_user_exists: out of memory]
-en,libaccess,145,[acl_user_exists: user doesn't exist anymore]
-en,libaccess,146,[acl_user_exists: plist error]
-en,libadmin,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-en,libadmin,1,[ Help ]
-en,libadmin,2,[ OK ]
-en,libadmin,3,[ Reset ]
-en,libadmin,4,[ Done ]
-en,libadmin,5,[ Cancel ]
-en,libir,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-en,libir,1,[An I/O error occurred before all form data could be read.]
diff --git a/l10n/dirserv/es/ns-slapd.txt b/l10n/dirserv/es/ns-slapd.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c326b753..00000000
--- a/l10n/dirserv/es/ns-slapd.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,930 +0,0 @@
-# This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
-# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
-# In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
-# right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
-# General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
-# including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
-# permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
-# through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
-# found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
-# Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
-# the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
-# the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
-# additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
-# Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
-# in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
-# exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
-# version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
-# provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
-# statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
-# exception.
-# Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission.
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-/* The copyright notice(s) in this Source Code does not indicate actual */
-/* or intended publication of this Source Code. */
-/* This text file was generated by program dblink */
-$Revision: 1.4 $
-$Log: ns-slapd.txt,v $
-Revision 1.4 2005/04/19 22:06:51 nkinder
-Fixed licensing typo
-Revision 1.3 2005/04/15 22:39:18 nkinder
-155068 - Added license to source files
-Revision 1.2 2005/02/28 23:37:40 nkinder
-149951 - Updated source code copyrights
-Revision 2005/01/21 00:40:48 cvsadm
-Moving NSCP Directory Server from DirectoryBranch to TRUNK, initial drop. (foxworth)
-Revision 2003/09/22 19:36:41 ulfw
-Update copyright years from 2001 to 2001-2003
-Revision 2001/11/03 01:06:19 richm
-XXX use new copyright XXX
-Revision 2001/09/20 16:39:14 richm
-removed 8 bit copyright character
-Revision 2001/09/18 11:48:16 rmarco
-Remove copyright caracter from copyright
-Revision 2001/02/13 09:59:53 rmarco
-Revision 1998/10/10 02:14:04 ggood
-Copy from Directory40RtmBranchpoint to DirectoryBranch
-Revision 1997/12/24 01:18:23 werudge
-UTF8 Encoded from es/ns-slapd.txt.iso8859 :
-Based on en/ns-slapd.txt :
-Revision 1997/12/24 01:14:39 werudge
-Based on en/ns-slapd.txt :
-daily 971113.1 SOLARIS-export-optimize-normal-slapd
-es,base,-1,[$DBT: base in DB file v1 $]
-es,base,1,[no hay memoria suficiente para crear la tabla de totales de control]
-es,base,2,[no hay memoria suficiente para crear la tabla de totales de control]
-es,base,3,[cache_destroy: las tablas cach parecen da鎙das.]
-es,base,4,[no ha sido posible asignar la entrada de total de control]
-es,base,5,[cache_insert: no ha sido posible crear la entrada cach寯
-es,base,6,[HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/html\n\n]
-es,base,7,[<H2>Informe de estado de cach de Netscape</H2>\n]
-es,base,8,[El sistema no tiene cach廥<P>]
-es,base,9,[<H2>Cach %s</H2>\n]
-es,base,10,[瓝dice de aciertos de cach: %d/%d (%f)</P>\n</P>\n]
-es,base,11,[Tama隳 de cach: %d/%d</P>\n</P>\n]
-es,base,12,[Tama隳 de la tabla de totales de control: %d</P>\n</P>\n]
-es,base,13,[mru : %d</P>\nlru : %d</P>\n]
-es,base,14,[<UL><TABLE BORDER=4> <TH>Sector de almacenamiento</TH> <TH>Direcci鏮</TH> <TH>Clave</TH> <TH>Recuento de accesos</TH> <TH>Eliminar</TH> <TH>Siguiente</TH> <TH>LRU</TH> <TH>MRU</TH> <TH>Datos</TH>\n]
-es,base,15,[munmap failed (%s)]
-es,base,16,[munmap failed (%s)]
-es,base,17,[close failed (%s)]
-es,base,18,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-es,base,19,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-es,base,20,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-es,base,21,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-es,base,22,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-es,base,23,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-es,base,24,[could not determine current user name\n]
-es,base,25,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-es,base,27,[, address %s]
-es,base,28,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-es,base,29,[security handshake timed out for pid %d]
-es,base,30,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-es,base,31,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-es,base,32,[accept failed (%s)]
-es,base,33,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-es,base,34,[select thread miss]
-es,base,35,[keepalive worker awoken with no work to do]
-es,base,36,[could not create new thread: %d (%s)]
-es,base,37,[wait for sema succeeded, but nothing to dequeue]
-es,base,38,[queue-sema creation failure]
-es,base,39,[error getting processor info for processor %d]
-es,base,40,[Error binding to processor %d]
-es,base,41,[bound process %d to processor %d]
-es,base,42,[Netscape server is not explicitly binding to any processors.]
-es,base,43,[cache monitor exited]
-es,base,44,[cache batch update daemon exited]
-es,base,45,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-es,base,46,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-es,base,47,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-es,base,48,[This machine has %d processors.]
-es,base,49,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-es,base,50,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-es,base,51,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-es,base,54,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-es,base,55,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-es,base,56,[Cache monitor respawned]
-es,base,57,[Cache batch update daemon respawned]
-es,base,58,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-es,base,59,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-es,base,60,[assert failed! %s\n]
-es,base,62,[malloc failed]
-es,base,63,[malloc failed!]
-es,base,64,[mr_add_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-es,base,65,[mr_add_io - stage 1]
-es,base,66,[mr_add_io - stage 2]
-es,base,67,[mr_add_io found invalid IO type %d]
-es,base,68,[mr_add_io - adding timeout]
-es,base,69,[Out of memory!\n]
-es,base,70,[done with mr_add_io]
-es,base,71,[mr_del_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-es,base,72,[mr_del_io found invalid IO type %d]
-es,base,74,[mr_async_io(%d, %d bytes, file %d)]
-es,base,75,[malloc failure adding async IO]
-es,base,76,[Error adding async io!]
-es,base,77,[Cannot seek for read!]
-es,base,78,[read failure! (%d, %s)]
-es,base,79,[do_read read %d bytes for file %d]
-es,base,80,[Cannot seek for write!]
-es,base,81,[writev failure! (%d, %s)]
-es,base,82,[write failure! (%d, %s)]
-es,base,83,[do_write wrote %d bytes for file %d]
-es,base,84,[do_timeout(mrp %d)]
-es,base,85,[do_timeout: found IO (timer=%d, time=%d)]
-es,base,86,[error deleting io]
-es,base,87,[timeout callback failure for %d\n]
-es,base,88,[mr_get_event(%d) - outstanding io %d]
-es,base,89,[mr_get_event: Waiting for reads on FD:]
-es,base,90,[mr_get_event: Waiting for writes on FD:]
-es,base,91,[ %d]
-es,base,92,[ %d]
-es,base,93,[mr_get_event set no timeout]
-es,base,94,[mr_get_event set timeout to: %d.%d sec]
-es,base,95,[error in select (%d, %s)]
-es,base,96,[mr_get_event() - select found %d]
-es,base,97,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-es,base,98,[read failed for fd %d]
-es,base,99,[error deleting io]
-es,base,100,[callback failure for %d\n]
-es,base,101,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-es,base,102,[writing: header len %d, writelen %d, total %d]
-es,base,103,[write failed for fd %d]
-es,base,104,[error deleting io]
-es,base,105,[callback failure for %d\n]
-es,base,106,[Error creating dns cache]
-es,base,107,[dns_cache_init: hash_size <= 0, using %d]
-es,base,108,[dns_cache_init: cache-size <= %d, using %d]
-es,base,109,[dns_cache_init: cache-size is %d is too large, using %d.]
-es,base,110,[dns_cache_init: expire_time <= 0, using %d]
-es,base,111,[dns_cache_init: expire is %d is too large, using %d seconds.]
-es,base,112,[Error creating dns cache]
-es,base,113,[dns-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-es,base,114,[dns-cache-insert: malloc failure]
-es,base,115,[successful server startup]
-es,base,116,[%s B%s]
-es,base,117,[Netscape executable and shared library have different versions]
-es,base,118,[ executable version is %s]
-es,base,119,[ shared library version is %s]
-es,base,120,[error reporting shutting down]
-es,base,128,[event_handler:Failed to wait on events %s]
-es,base,129,[could not wait on resume event event (%s)]
-es,base,130,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-es,base,131,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-es,base,132,[The server is terminating due to an error. Check the event viewer for the error message. SERVER EXITING!]
-es,base,133,[Terminating the server %s]
-es,base,134,[kill_server:cannot open server event %s]
-es,base,135,[kill_server:cannot set server event %s]
-es,base,136,[error: could not get socket (%s)\n]
-es,base,137,[error: could not set socket option (%s)\n]
-es,base,138,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to address %s port %d (%s)\n]
-es,base,139,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-es,base,140,[SetHandleNonInheritable: could not duplicate socket (%s)]
-es,base,141,[SetHandleNonInheritable: closing the original socket failed (%s)]
-es,base,142,[Could not SetHandleInformation (%s)]
-es,base,143,[Terminating Service:Failure: Could not open statistics file (%s)\n]
-es,base,144,[Could not set Thread Local Storage Value for thread at slot %d]
-es,base,145,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-es,base,146,[accept failed %d (%s)]
-es,base,147,[Failed to pulse Event %d %s]
-es,base,148,[Failed to send MobGrowth Event to parent %s]
-es,base,149,[Pulsing MobRespawn Event %d]
-es,base,150,[respawn thread pool to %d (%d)]
-es,base,151,[Could not open event to signal rotate application. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-es,base,152,[Failed to send MoveLog Event to rotate app %s]
-es,base,153,[growing thread pool from %d to %d]
-es,base,154,[Could not open the ServiceControlManager, Error %d]
-es,base,155,[StartNetsiteService:Could not open the service %s: Error %d]
-es,base,156,[StartNetsiteService:Could not start the service %s]
-es,base,157,[Service Startup: Could not allocate security descriptor]
-es,base,158,[Service Startup: Could not init security descriptor]
-es,base,159,[Service Startup: Could not set the security Dacl]
-es,base,160,[Terminating Service:WinSock init failed: %s]
-es,base,161,[Httpd Server Startup failed: %s]
-es,base,162,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-es,base,163,[NT daemon: could not create new thread %d]
-es,base,164,[Service Startup Failure. Terminating Service:Could not create event %d:%s]
-es,base,165,[Service Startup Error. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-es,base,166,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-es,base,167,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-es,base,168,[pipebuf_buf2sd: pipebuf_grab IO_ERROR %d]
-es,base,169,[pool-init: memory pools disabled]
-es,base,170,[pool-init: free_size <= 0, using %d]
-es,base,171,[pool-create-block: out of memory]
-es,base,172,[pool-create: out of memory]
-es,base,173,[pool-create: out of memory]
-es,base,174,[pool-malloc: out of memory]
-es,base,175,[FREE() used where PERM_FREE() should have been used- problem corrected and supressing further warnings.]
-es,base,176,[regex error: %s (regex: '%s')]
-es,base,177,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-es,base,178,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-es,base,179,[flushing %d connections; current %d; tot %d]
-es,base,180,[accept failed (%s)]
-es,base,181,[Error creating time cache]
-es,base,182,[time-cache: cache disabled]
-es,base,183,[time_cache_init: hash_size < %d, using default, %d]
-es,base,184,[time_cache_init: hash_size > %d, using default, %d]
-es,base,185,[time_cache_init: cache_size < %d, using default, %d]
-es,base,186,[time_cache_init: cache_size > %d, using default, %d]
-es,base,187,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-es,base,188,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-es,base,189,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-es,base,190,[Error inserting new time_cache entry]
-es,base,191,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-es,base,192,[cs-terminate failure (%s)]
-es,base,193,[cs-init failure (%s)]
-es,base,194,[cs-wait failure (%s)]
-es,base,195,[cs-post failure (%s)]
-es,base,196,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-es,base,197,[error: could not set keepalive (%s)\n]
-es,base,198,[error: could not set recv timeout (%s)\n]
-es,base,199,[error: could not set send timeout (%s)\n]
-es,base,200,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-es,base,201,[sem_grab failed (%s)]
-es,base,202,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-es,base,203,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-es,base,204,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-es,base,205,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-es,dsgw,-1,[$DBT: dsgw in DB file v1 $]
-es,dsgw,1,[Se desconoce el m矇todo de solicitud HTTP]
-es,dsgw,2,[Los datos del formulario HTML no son v獺lidos o son incompletos]
-es,dsgw,3,[Memoria agotada]
-es,dsgw,4,[Falta una entrada necesaria de solicitud/formulario]
-es,dsgw,5,[La v穩a de acceso contiene caracteres no v獺lidos]
-es,dsgw,6,[Falta el archivo de configuraci籀n o est獺 da簽ado]
-es,dsgw,7,[Imposible inicializar el protocolo LDAP]
-es,dsgw,8,[Se ha producido un error al establecer contacto con el servidor LDAP]
-es,dsgw,9,[Se desconoce el tipo de objeto de b繳squeda]
-es,dsgw,10,[Se desconoce la etiqueta de atributo]
-es,dsgw,11,[Se desconoce el indicador de correspondencia]
-es,dsgw,12,[El tipo de objeto no tiene filtros de b繳squeda]
-es,dsgw,13,[Imposible abrir el archivo de la plantilla HTML]
-es,dsgw,14,[Se desconoce el modo de b繳squeda: utilice "smart", "complex", "pattern" o "auth"]
-es,dsgw,15,[Falta un nombre distinguido en el URL]
-es,dsgw,16,[Se desconoce un 獺mbito del URL (debe ser base, sub o one)]
-es,dsgw,17,[No se reconoce el URL o hay un error desconocido]
-es,dsgw,18,[El formato del URL no es correcto]
-es,dsgw,19,[Error interno]
-es,dsgw,20,[Imposible escribir en el archivo de 穩ndices de la plantilla]
-es,dsgw,21,[Imposible abrir el archivo de 穩ndice de plantillas]
-es,dsgw,22,[Imposible leer el directorio]
-es,dsgw,23,[Ha fallado la inicializaci籀n SSL LDAP (compruebe la v穩a de acceso de seguridad)]
-es,dsgw,24,[Para que los formularios Usuarios y Grupos funcionen mediante SSL, usted o el administrador del servidor tiene que activar SSL en este Administration Server. Para ello, puede utilizar la p獺gina Cifrado|activado/desactivado]
-es,dsgw,25,[No se han encontrado las credenciales de autentificaci籀n en la base de datos de autentificaci籀n]
-es,dsgw,26,[Error al recuperar datos de la base de datos de autentificaci籀n]
-es,dsgw,27,[Sus credenciales de autentificaci籀n han caducado]
-es,dsgw,28,[Imposible crear una cadena aleatoria]
-es,dsgw,29,[No se ha especificado un nombre distinguido al recuperar credenciales]
-es,dsgw,30,[No se puede abrir la base de datos de autentificaci籀n]
-es,dsgw,31,[No ha sido posible a簽adir los datos a la base de datos de autentificaci籀n]
-es,dsgw,32,[No se ha definido un Gestor de directorios]
-es,dsgw,33,[No se ha especificado una cadena de b繳squeda. Vuelva a intentarlo]
-es,dsgw,34,[Una de las l穩neas del archivo config. contiene demasiados argumentos]
-es,dsgw,35,[No ha sido posible inicializar Windows Sockets]
-es,dsgw,36,[No se han recibido las credenciales de autentificaci籀n del Administration Server]
-es,dsgw,37,[Falta un nombre distinguido en el URL ldapdb://]
-es,dsgw,38,[No se reconoce el URL o hay un error desconocido]
-es,dsgw,39,[El formato del URL no es correcto]
-es,dsgw,40,[Se ha producido un error al inicializar la base de datos ldap local]
-es,dsgw,41,[Se desconoce el tipo de servicio de directorios: utilice "local" o "remote"]
-es,dsgw,42,[Se ha producido un error al leer el archivo de configuraci籀n de base de datos]
-es,dsgw,43,[La v穩a de acceso a NSHOME/userdb ten穩a el valor NULL]
-es,dsgw,44,[No ha sido posible actualizar la configuraci籀n del servicio de directorios.]
-es,dsgw,45,[No ha sido posible leer la entrada desde el directorio.]
-es,dsgw,46,[No ha sido posible borrar la base de datos LDAP.]
-es,dsgw,47,[No est獺 autorizado a cambiar otras entradas que no sean las suyas propias.]
-es,dsgw,49,[Problema de autentificaci籀n]
-es,dsgw,50,[.\n<P>Debe repetir la autentificaci籀n para poder continuar.\n]
-es,dsgw,51,[.\n<P>Debe repetir la autentificaci籀n para poder continuar.\n]
-es,dsgw,52,[error desconocido]
-es,dsgw,53,[La operaci籀n se ha realizado con 矇xito.]
-es,dsgw,54,[Se ha producido un error interno en el servidor. Por lo general,\nesto indica un fallo grave del servidor.\nComun穩queselo al administrador del servidor.]
-es,dsgw,55,[El servidor no ha entendido la solicitud que le ha llegado desde\nla pasarela.]
-es,dsgw,56,[Se ha sobrepasado el l穩mite de tiempo para responder a su solicitud.\nSi lo que busca son entradas, es posible que obtenga mejores\nresultados si realiza una b繳squeda m獺s espec穩fica.]
-es,dsgw,57,[Se ha sobrepasado el l穩mite de tama簽o para responder a su solicitud.\nSi lo que busca son entradas, es posible que obtenga mejores\nresultados si realiza una b繳squeda m獺s espec穩fica, ya que existen\ndemasiadas entradas que cumplen los criterios de b繳squeda.]
-es,dsgw,58,[La pasarela ha intentado autentificarse en el servidor\nmediante un m矇todo que el servidor no entiende.]
-es,dsgw,59,[La pasarela ha intentado autentificarse ante el servidor mediante un\nm矇todo de autentificaci籀n incompatible con el servidor. ]
-es,dsgw,60,[No ha sido posible atender su solicitud, probablemente porque\nel servidor con el que se ha establecido contacto no contiene los datos que\nusted busca. Es posible que se haya recibido\nuna referencia a otro servidor\nal que no es posible acceder. Si ten穩a la intenci籀n\n de realizar cambios en el directorio, puede que no est矇 disponible el servidor\nque contiene la copia maestra de los datos.]
-es,dsgw,61,[Su solicitud ha sobrepasado un l穩mite administrativo en el servidor.]
-es,dsgw,62,[La pasarela ha solicitado una extensi籀n cr穩tica que no est獺 disponible en el servidor.]
-es,dsgw,63,[El servidor no ha podido procesar la solicitud debido a que\n矇sta contiene una referencia a un atributo que no\nexiste en la entrada.]
-es,dsgw,64,[El servidor no ha podido atender la solicitud debido a que\n矇sta no cumple con una restricci籀n de la base de datos.]
-es,dsgw,65,[El servidor no ha podido a簽adir un valor a la entrada debido a que\ndicho valor ya est獺 incluido en la entrada.]
-es,dsgw,66,[El servidor no ha encontrado la entrada. Si desea a簽adir\nuna entrada, compruebe que exista su entrada primaria. Si este error\nse ha producido durante una b繳squeda, indica que no existe\nla entrada que se est獺 buscando.\nSi ha intentado autentificarse como gestor de directorios y se ha producido\neste error, compruebe el archivo de configuraci籀n de la pasarela.]
-es,dsgw,67,[Un nombre distinguido no ten穩a el formato correcto. ]
-es,dsgw,68,[Ha intentado autentificarse mediante una entrada que no tiene un\nconjunto de contrase簽as o que carece de otras credenciales\nnecesarias para la autentificaci籀n. No podr獺 utilizar esa entrada para la autentificaci籀n\nhasta que el gestor de directorios haya a簽adido\nlos atributos correspondientes.]
-es,dsgw,69,[La contrase簽a u otras credenciales de autentificaci籀n especificadas\nno son correctas.]
-es,dsgw,70,[No dispone de suficientes derechos de acceso para realizar la operaci籀n. ]
-es,dsgw,71,[El servidor est獺 demasiado ocupado para atender su\nsolicitud. Vuelva a intentarlo dentro de unos minutos.]
-es,dsgw,72,[No ha sido posible establecer contacto con el servidor LDAP.]
-es,dsgw,73,[El servidor se ha negado a procesar su solicitud,\nprobablemente porque se saturar穩a durante la operaci籀n. Tambi矇n puede indicar que el servidor no est獺\nconfigurado para procesar su solicitud. Si est獺 realizando una b繳squeda,\nquiz獺s convenga limitar el 獺mbito de la misma.]
-es,dsgw,74,[El servidor de directorios no ha podido atender su solicitud porque\nno cumple con los requisitos del esquema. Normalmente, esto suele indicar\nque no se ha especificado el valor de un campo necesario, aunque tambi矇n\npodr穩a indicar que es necesario actualizar el esquema del servidor de directorios.]
-es,dsgw,75,[El servidor de directorios no permite eliminar una entrada\nni cambiarle el nombre si tiene entradas secundarias. Si desea realizar esta operaci籀n,\ndeber獺 eliminar en primer lugar todas las entradas secundarias.]
-es,dsgw,76,[El servidor no ha podido a簽adir una entrada nueva o cambiar el nombre de\nuna entrada ya existente porque ese nombre ya se utiliza.]
-es,dsgw,77,[Su solicitud afectar穩a a varios servidores de directorios.]
-es,dsgw,78,[No ha sido posible establecer contacto con el servidor de directorios.\nConsulte con el administrador del servidor.]
-es,dsgw,79,[Se ha producido un error al enviar datos al servidor.]
-es,dsgw,80,[Se ha producido un error al leer datos desde el servidor.]
-es,dsgw,81,[El servidor no ha respondido a la solicitud.\nHa vencido el tiempo de espera de la solicitud.]
-es,dsgw,82,[El servidor no admite el m矇todo de autentificaci籀n que\nutiliza la pasarela.]
-es,dsgw,83,[El filtro de b繳squeda que ha formado la pasarela tiene un error.]
-es,dsgw,84,[La operaci籀n se ha cancelado a solicitud del usuario.]
-es,dsgw,85,[Se ha producido un error interno en la biblioteca: un par獺metro\nera incorrecto.]
-es,dsgw,86,[No ha sido posible abrir una conexi籀n con el servidor.\nConsulte con el administrador del servidor.]
-es,dsgw,87,[Se ha producido un error desconocido.]
-es,dsgw,88,[La entrada ya existe]
-es,dsgw,89,[Ya existe una entrada con el nombre ]
-es,dsgw,90,[onMouseOver="window.status='Haga clic aqu穩 para ver esta entrada'; return true"]
-es,dsgw,91,[ .<P>Elija otro nombre u otra ubicaci籀n.\n<P>\n]
-es,dsgw,92,[No existe la entrada primaria]
-es,dsgw,93,[No puede a簽adir una entrada mediante este nombre:<P><B>%s</B>,<P>\nya que no existe su entrada primaria.<P>\nPara poder a簽adir esta entrada, deber獺 a簽adir en primer lugar\n]
-es,dsgw,94,[su entrada primaria.\n]
-es,dsgw,95,[una entrada con este nombre:<P><B>%s</B>.\n]
-es,dsgw,96,[Advertencia: sin autentificar (continuaci籀n)...\n]
-es,dsgw,97,[%s la entrada de directorio]
-es,dsgw,98,[<PRE>DN de la entrada: %s</PRE><P>\n]
-es,dsgw,99,[Han quedado guardados los cambios realizados en <B>%s</B>]
-es,dsgw,100,[<B>%s</B> has been added.]
-es,dsgw,101,[<B>%s</B> has been deleted.]
-es,dsgw,102,[Renamed <B>%s</B> to <B>%s</B>.]
-es,dsgw,103,[<P><B>Nota:</B> debido a que ha %s la entrada que utiliz籀 como\nautentificaci籀n, ha sido necesario descartar sus credenciales de \nautentificaci籀n. Si desea realizar m獺s cambios,\ndeber獺 volver a autentificarse.\n]
-es,dsgw,105,[cambiado el nombre de]
-es,dsgw,106,[cambiado la contrase簽a de]
-es,dsgw,107,[Se ha cambiado el atributo %s<BR>\n]
-es,dsgw,108,[ NO ASCII (%ld bytes)\n]
-es,dsgw,109,[No se han introducido valores. Vuelva a intentarlo.\n]
-es,dsgw,110,[No se han realizado cambios.\n]
-es,dsgw,111,[<P>Enviando %s al servidor de directorios...\n]
-es,dsgw,114,[<P>Se ha a簽adido la entrada sin problemas.\n]
-es,dsgw,115,[<P>Se ha modificado la entrada sin problemas. Los cambios han quedado guardados.\n]
-es,dsgw,116,[<P>Se ha eliminado la entrada sin problemas.\n]
-es,dsgw,117,[<PRE>El nombre nuevo de la entrada es: %s\n</PRE><HR>\n]
-es,dsgw,118,[<P>Se ha cambiado el nombre de la entrada sin problemas.\n]
-es,dsgw,119,[Es necesario especificar la contrase簽a antigua.]
-es,dsgw,120,[Es necesario especificar una contrase簽a nueva. Vuelva a intentarlo]
-es,dsgw,121,[La contrase簽a de confirmaci籀n no coincide con la contrase簽a nueva. Vuelva a intentarlo]
-es,dsgw,122,[<BR>El %s <B>%s</B> ya est獺 en uso. Elija otro.<BR>\n]
-es,dsgw,123,[falta el elemento "%.100s" de los datos del formulario]
-es,dsgw,124,[Inicializando la informaci籀n de configuraci籀n]
-es,dsgw,125,[Imposible abrir el archivo.]
-es,dsgw,126,[Archivo dbconf mal construido.]
-es,dsgw,127,[Falta un nombre de propiedad en el archivo dbconf.]
-es,dsgw,128,[Memoria agotada.]
-es,dsgw,129,[Falta una directiva en el archivo dbconf.]
-es,dsgw,130,[Imposible abrir el archivo de configuraci籀n "%s"\n]
-es,dsgw,131,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "authlifetime"\n]
-es,dsgw,132,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "dirmgr"\n]
-es,dsgw,133,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "baseurl"\n]
-es,dsgw,134,[Se ha especificado un URL err籀neo para la directiva "baseurl": falta el DN de base\n]
-es,dsgw,135,[analizando la directiva baseurl]
-es,dsgw,136,[Se ha especificado un URL err籀neo para la directiva "baseurl": no es un URL "ldap://"\n]
-es,dsgw,137,[Todav穩a no son compatibles las direcciones URL "ldap://"\n]
-es,dsgw,138,[Faltan argumentos en la directiva "template"\n]
-es,dsgw,139,[Faltan un argumento en la directiva "sslrequired"\n]
-es,dsgw,140,[Se desconoce un argumento de la directiva "sslrequired" (deber穩a ser "never", "whenauthenticated", "always")\n]
-es,dsgw,141,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "securitypath"\n]
-es,dsgw,142,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "location-suffix"\n]
-es,dsgw,143,[La directiva "location" necesita tres argumentos\n]
-es,dsgw,144,[La directiva "newtype" necesita dos argumentos como m穩nimo\n]
-es,dsgw,145,[Se desconoce una ubicaci籀n en la directiva "newtype"\n]
-es,dsgw,146,[La directiva "tmplset" necesita tres o cuatro argumentos\n]
-es,dsgw,147,[La directiva "attrvset" necesita cuatro argumentos\n]
-es,dsgw,148,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "charset"\n]
-es,dsgw,149,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "ClientLanguage"\n]
-es,dsgw,150,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "AdminLanguage"\n]
-es,dsgw,151,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "DefaultLanguage"\n]
-es,dsgw,152,[Falta un nombre de archivo en la directiva "include"\n]
-es,dsgw,153,[Se desconoce una directiva del archivo config\n]
-es,dsgw,154,[<= erase_db no ha podido abrir el archivo lcache.conf "%s"\n]
-es,dsgw,155,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>Se ha eliminado la base de datos. Creando una base de datos nueva... \n</FONT>\n ]
-es,dsgw,156,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>No ha sido posible eliminar la base de datos \n</FONT>\n ]
-es,dsgw,157,[<= app_suffix no ha podido abrir el archivo ldif "%s"\n]
-es,dsgw,158,[<= app_suffix no ha podido abrir el archivo temporal "%s"\n]
-es,dsgw,159,[Imposible cambiar el nombre de %s a %s]
-es,dsgw,160,[dbconf_read_default_dbinfo() ha devuelto un puntero NULL.]
-es,dsgw,161,[El URL "ldapdb" es err籀neo: falta el DN de base\n]
-es,dsgw,162,[El URL "ldapdb" es err籀neo\n]
-es,dsgw,163,[Se ha especificado un URL err籀neo en la directiva "baseurl": falta el DN de base\n]
-es,dsgw,164,[analizando la directiva baseurl]
-es,dsgw,165,[Se ha especificado un URL err籀neo en la directiva "baseurl": no es un URL "ldap:// o ldapdb://"\n]
-es,dsgw,166,[Todav穩a no son compatibles las direcciones URL "ldap://"\n]
-es,dsgw,167,[No se ha dado ning繳n valor para binddn]
-es,dsgw,168,[No se ha dado ning繳n valor para bindpw]
-es,dsgw,169,[No se ha definido un servicio predeterminado de directorios en el archivo dbswitch.conf]
-es,dsgw,170,[Imposible abrir el archivo de configuraci籀n "%s" para escribir en 矇l]
-es,dsgw,171,[Imposible cambiar el nombre de %s a %s]
-es,dsgw,172,[archivo de configuraci籀n %s: ]
-es,dsgw,173,[archivo de configuraci籀n %s: l穩nea %d: ]
-es,dsgw,174,[m獺x %d]
-es,dsgw,175,[ OK ]
-es,dsgw,176,[Cerrar la ventana]
-es,dsgw,178,[{crypt}BLOQUEADO [%s GMT]]
-es,dsgw,179,[Volver a la pantalla principal]
-es,dsgw,181,[ Help ]
-es,dsgw,184,[Todav穩a no hay ayuda disponible.]
-es,dsgw,186,[Cerrar la ventana]
-es,dsgw,187,[Cerrar la ventana]
-es,dsgw,188,[El URL no inclu穩a un nombre de plantilla justo despu矇s de "?"]
-es,dsgw,190,[聶Desea descartar las credenciales de autentificaci籀n (finalizar la sesi籀n?]
-es,dsgw,191,[Escriba una cadena de b繳squeda]
-es,dsgw,192,[Como primer paso para autentificarse ante el directorio,\n identif穩quese.<br>Introduzca su nombre:]
-es,dsgw,196,[Autentificarse como gestor de directorios"> (solamente para los administradores de directorios)\n]
-es,dsgw,198,[聶Desea descartar las credenciales de autentificaci籀n?]
-es,dsgw,203,[Autentif穩quese (inicie la sesi籀n) en el directorio]
-es,dsgw,204,[Est獺 a punto de autentificarse en el directorio como <B>%s</B>. Para concluir el proceso de autentificaci籀n, escriba su contrase簽a.\n]
-es,dsgw,206,[Para poder modificar o a簽adir entradas, es necesario autentificarse\n(iniciar sesi籀n) en el directorio. Esta ventana le servir獺 de\ngu穩a para realizar el proceso\nde autentificaci籀n.\n]
-es,dsgw,207,[Desde esta pantalla, es posible autentificarse (iniciar sesi籀n)\nen el directorio. Para poder modificar entradas del directorio, es necesario\realizar la autentificaci籀n en primer lugar.\nSi intenta modificar una entrada si haberse autentificado,\nel sistema le pedir獺 que inicie sesi籀n.\n]
-es,dsgw,208,[Estado de la autentificaci籀n]
-es,dsgw,209,[<form>\nActualmente, se encuentra autentificado en el directorio como ]
-es,dsgw,210,[.\nSi desea descartar las credenciales de autentificaci籀n y finalizar la sesi籀n en el directorio, haga clic en el bot籀n que aparece a continuaci籀n.]
-es,dsgw,211,[Descartar credenciales de autentificaci籀n (finalizar sesi籀n)]
-es,dsgw,212,[Sus credenciales de autentificaci籀n en ]
-es,dsgw,213,[han caducado.\n<HR>\n]
-es,dsgw,214,[Actualmente, no se encuentra autentificado en el directorio.<HR>\n]
-es,dsgw,215,[falta "%s=" ]
-es,dsgw,216,[se desconoce "%s=%s"]
-es,dsgw,217,[se desconoce la opci籀n %s]
-es,dsgw,218,[se desconoce la sintaxis=%s\n]
-es,dsgw,219,[** El tipo de HTML "%s" no es compatible **<BR>\n]
-es,dsgw,225,[Save Changes]
-es,dsgw,229,[聶Desea eliminar esta entrada?]
-es,dsgw,230,[Cambiar el nombre]
-es,dsgw,231,[Escriba un nombre nuevo para esta entrada:]
-es,dsgw,232,[Modificar como]
-es,dsgw,233,[falta %s=]
-es,dsgw,234,[Cerrar la ventana]
-es,dsgw,237,[se desconoce el conjunto "%s"\n]
-es,dsgw,238,[se desconoce la sintaxis "%s"\n]
-es,dsgw,239,[Repetir la autentificaci籀n]
-es,dsgw,240,[Cerrar la ventana]
-es,dsgw,241,[Confirme que desea ]
-es,dsgw,243,[ Aceptar ]
-es,dsgw,244,[ Aceptar ]
-es,dsgw,245,[ Restablecer ]
-es,dsgw,246,[ Terminado ]
-es,dsgw,247,[ Cancelar ]
-es,dsgw,248,[se ha encontrado otra sentencia IF (no se admiten las sentencias IF anidadas)]
-es,dsgw,249,[se ha encontrado una sentencia ELSE, pero no aparece la IF]
-es,dsgw,250,[se ha encontrado una sentencia ELSE despu矇s de ELSE (se esperaba encontrar ENDIF)]
-es,dsgw,251,[se ha encontrado una sentencia ELIF, pero no aparece la IF]
-es,dsgw,252,[se ha encontrado una sentencia ELIF despu矇s de ELSE (se esperaba encontrar ENDIF)]
-es,dsgw,253,[se ha encontrado una sentencia ENDIF, pero no aparece la IF]
-es,dsgw,254,[<BR><B>error de plantilla:</B> %s<BR>\n]
-es,dsgw,255,[se ha intentado el proceso ldap_init/lcache_init antes de leer el archivo de configuraci籀n]
-es,dsgw,256,[no se ejecuta bajo el Administration Server]
-es,dsgw,257,[No se han podido inicializar los permisos]
-es,dsgw,258,[No ha sido posible asignar el nombre de usuario a un DN (el Administration Server ha comunicado un error)]
-es,dsgw,259,[No se ha recibido el nombre de usuario actual]
-es,dsgw,260,[No se ha recibido la contrase簽a del usuario actual]
-es,dsgw,261,[Error: %s]
-es,dsgw,262,[Nota: no se encuentra disponible ninguna plantilla de presentaci籀n para este tipo de\nentrada; la entrada se muestra a continuaci籀n con un m矇todo predeterminado.]
-es,dsgw,263,[La identifaci籀n de usuario no es v獺lida o el identifador LDAP tiene el valor NULL]
-es,dsgw,264,[no coincide ninguna identificaci籀n de usuario]
-es,dsgw,265,[coinciden varias identificaciones de usuario]
-es,dsgw,266,[the entire directory]
-es,dsgw,267,[La directiva "includeset" necesita dos argumentos\n]
-es,dsgw,268,[No se ha encontrado en esta entrada el valor de atributo solicitado]
-es,dsgw,269,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "NLS"\n]
-es,dsgw,270,[Es necesario especificar un valor de identificaci籀n de usuario NT\n ]
-es,dsgw,271,[La combinaci籀n de identificaciones de usuario NT y dominio NT ya se utiliza en el directorio\n]
-es,dsgw,272,[Es necesario especificar valores de identificaci籀n de usuario NT y de dominio NT\n]
-es,dsgw,273,[La identifiaci籀n de usuario NT no puede contener m獺s de 20 caracteres.\n]
-es,dsgw,274,[Especifique el nombre de la entrada nueva.]
-es,dsgw,275,[Seleccione la ubicaci籀n de la entrada nueva.]
-es,dsgw,276,[Entrada nueva]
-es,dsgw,277,[Para poder utilizar esta funci籀n, el archivo dsgw.conf debe contener una definici籀n de dirmgr]
-es,dsgw,278,[La directiva "vcard-property" necesita tres o cuatro argumentos\n]
-es,dsgw,279,[La sintaxis de la propiedad VCard debe ser "cis" o "mls"\n]
-es,dsgw,280,[No se han encontrado entradas.\n%2$s]
-es,dsgw,281,[No se han encontrado entradas en las que %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-es,dsgw,282,[Se ha realizado la b繳squeda, pero no se ha encontrado ninguna entrada.\n%2$s]
-es,dsgw,283,[Se ha realizado la b繳squeda, pero no se ha encontrado ninguna entrada en la que %2$s %3$s %4$s'.\n]
-es,dsgw,284,[Se ha encontrado 1 entrada.\n%2$s]
-es,dsgw,285,[Se ha encontrado 1 entrada en la que %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-es,dsgw,286,[Se ha realizado la b繳squeda y se ha encontrado 1 entrada.\n%2$s]
-es,dsgw,287,[Se ha realizado la b繳squeda y se ha encontrado 1 entrada en la que %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-es,dsgw,288,[Se han encontrado %1$li entradas.\n%2$s]
-es,dsgw,289,[Se han encontrado %1$li entradas en las que %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-es,dsgw,290,[Se ha realizado la b繳squeda y se han encontrado %1$li entradas.\n%2$s]
-es,dsgw,291,[Se ha realizado la b繳squeda y se han encontrado %1$li entradas en las que %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-es,dsgw,292,[el filtro LDAP es]
-es,dsgw,293,[El servidor no ha encontrado la entrada que usted ha utilizado el autentificarse. Es posible que se haya eliminado la entrada o que alguien le haya cambiado el nombre. Intente volver a realizar la autentificaci籀n.]
-es,dsgw,294,[La sintaxis de la contrase簽a nueva no es v獺lida.\n]
-es,dsgw,295,[La contrase簽a nueva ya existe en el historial de contrase簽as.\n]
-es,dsgw,296,[Ha sobrepasado el l穩mite de reintentos de contrase簽a. Consulte con el administrador del sistema.\n]
-es,dsgw,297,[Ha sobrepasado el l穩mite de reintentos de contrase簽a. Vuelva a intentarlo m獺s adelante.\n]
-es,dsgw,298,[La contrase簽a ha caducado. Consulte con el administrador del sistema para restablecer la contrase簽a.\n]
-es,frame,-1,[$DBT: frame in DB file v1 $]
-es,frame,1,[<TITLE>No se ha encontrado</TITLE><H1>No se ha encontrado</H1> El objeto solicitado no existe en este servidor. El v璯culo que ha seguido no est actualizado o no es exacto, o bien el servidor ha recibido instrucciones para no permitirle el acceso.]
-es,frame,2,[Informe al administrador de la oficina acerca de la <A HREF="%s">p墔ina que contiene la referencia</A>.]
-es,frame,3,[El navegador ha enviado una solicitud que este servidor proxy no ha entendido.]
-es,frame,4,[Es necesario disponer de la autorizaci鏮 adecuada para la administraci鏮 de\neste servidor proxy. El navegador no puede conceder la autorizaci鏮,\no la autorizaci鏮 no se ha podido realizar.]
-es,frame,5,[Es necesaria la autentificaci鏮 de nombre de usuario para utilizar\neste servidor proxy. El navegador no puede conceder la autorizaci鏮,\no la autorizaci鏮 no se ha podido realizar.]
-es,frame,6,[La configuraci鏮 de control de acceso al servidor proxy deniega\nel acceso al objeto solicitado mediante este servidor proxy.]
-es,frame,7,[El servidor proxy ha encontrado un error interno que le impide\natender su solicitud. Lo m嫳 probable es que se deba a una configuraci鏮\nerr鏮ea. Solicite al administrador que examine el registro de errores del servidor proxy.]
-es,frame,8,[Este servidor proxy no utiliza el m彋odo solicitado.]
-es,frame,9,[Se ha producido un error en el servidor proxy.]
-es,frame,10,[El navegador ha enviado una consulta que este servidor no ha entendido.]
-es,frame,11,[Es necesario disponer de la autorizaci鏮 adecuada para acceder a esta zona. El navegador no puede conceder la autorizaci鏮 o la autorizaci鏮 no se ha podido realizar]
-es,frame,12,[Su cliente no est autorizado a acceder al objeto que ha solicitado.]
-es,frame,13,[El servidor ha encontrado un error interno que le impide atender su solicitud. Lo m嫳 probable es que se deba a una configuraci鏮 err鏮ea. Solicite al administrador que examine el registro de errores del servidor.]
-es,frame,14,[Este servidor no utiliza el m彋odo solicitado.]
-es,frame,15,[Se ha producido un error.]
-es,frame,16,[El navegador ha enviado un mensaje que este servidor no ha entendido.]
-es,frame,17,[<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>%s</H1>\nEste documento ha sido trasladado a otra <a href="%s">ubicaci鏮</a>. Actualice los documentos y listas de acceso con los nuevos datos.</BODY></HTML>]
-es,frame,18,[<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="es"><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>%s</H1>\n%s\n</BODY></HTML>]
-es,frame,20,[cannot find template %s]
-es,frame,22,[no partial path after object processing]
-es,frame,24,[invalid shexp %s]
-es,frame,26,[invalid shexp %s]
-es,frame,28,[no way to service request for %s]
-es,frame,30,[close failed (%s), csd=%d]
-es,frame,31,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-es,frame,33,[Error issuing read on accept socket]
-es,frame,35,[Error getting accept socket (%d)]
-es,frame,36,[Error in accept! (%d, %s)]
-es,frame,37,[Error creating new accept request]
-es,frame,38,[accepted connection: %d (NSPR %d)]
-es,frame,39,[Error creating new session structure]
-es,frame,41,[Error allocating request read buffer]
-es,frame,42,[Error issuing async read request]
-es,frame,43,[acb_read_request(%d, bytes %d)]
-es,frame,44,[acb_read_req(1 session = %d)]
-es,frame,45,[Error reading request (%d, %s)]
-es,frame,46,[Client aborted connection]
-es,frame,47,[Error reading request]
-es,frame,48,[Error creating new request]
-es,frame,49,[error occurred, closing %d, io was for %d]
-es,frame,51,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-es,frame,52,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-es,frame,53,[Error during async read (%d, %s)]
-es,frame,54,[scan-headers reports: line too long]
-es,frame,55,[scan-headers reports: too many headers]
-es,frame,56,[Error reading headers]
-es,frame,57,[scan-headers reports: header missing terminator (an empty line)]
-es,frame,58,[scan-headers reports: header was empty]
-es,frame,59,[nombre sin valor: se ha recibido la l璯ea "%s"]
-es,frame,61,[accel_send_plain_file() - found request %d]
-es,frame,62,[Parse headers lost the URI!]
-es,frame,63,[accel_send_plain_file() - found uri %s]
-es,frame,64,[accel_send_plain_file() - found in cache?]
-es,frame,65,[malloc died!]
-es,frame,66,[Error writing back file\n]
-es,frame,68,[Error writing in acb_send_plain_file (%d, %s)]
-es,frame,70,[Errored IO in acb_close_connection (%d, %s)]
-es,frame,71,[Unable to close socket %d]
-es,frame,72,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-es,frame,73,[cache-init: server cache disabled]
-es,frame,74,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-es,frame,75,[accel_file_cache: Error creating cache]
-es,frame,76,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize < %d, using %d]
-es,frame,77,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize > %d, using %d]
-es,frame,78,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-es,frame,79,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-es,frame,80,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-es,frame,81,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-es,frame,82,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-es,frame,83,[file-cache: enabled = %s ]
-es,frame,86,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-es,frame,87,[file-cache: CacheHashSize %d (0x%x)]
-es,frame,88,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-es,frame,89,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-es,frame,90,[file-cache-cleanup: munmap failed (%s)]
-es,frame,91,[file-cache-cleanup: found mmapped file \non system without mmap]
-es,frame,92,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize < %d, using %d]
-es,frame,93,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize > %d, using %d]
-es,frame,94,[file cache using mmap flags 0x%x]
-es,frame,95,[file cache using mmap prots 0x%x]
-es,frame,96,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-es,frame,97,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-es,frame,98,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-es,frame,99,[file-cache: GetTempPath() Cannot find temp directory to store file!]
-es,frame,100,[file-cache-init: set max cached file size to %d]
-es,frame,101,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-es,frame,103,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-es,frame,104,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-es,frame,105,[file-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-es,frame,106,[file-cache-create: Error opening file %s (%s)]
-es,frame,107,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-es,frame,108,[file-cache-create: Error mmap()ing file %s (%s)]
-es,frame,109,[file-cache-create: malloc failure]
-es,frame,110,[file-cache-create: error case failed to munmap(%d, %d) (%s)]
-es,frame,111,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-es,frame,112,[dir change: invalidating %s (%d)]
-es,frame,113,[file-cache: asynchronous file change notification failed.]
-es,frame,114,[dir change: offset %d, action %d, len %d, name %s]
-es,frame,115,[unable to check async file status]
-es,frame,116,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to continue watching %s. Error is %s]
-es,frame,117,[file-cache-add-watch failure- unable to open directory %s. Error %s]
-es,frame,118,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to start watching %s. Error %s]
-es,frame,120,[no handler function given for directive]
-es,frame,122,[cannot find function named %s]
-es,frame,124,[method without URI]
-es,frame,126,[while scanning HTTP headers, %s]
-es,frame,128,[read from %s failed, error is %s]
-es,frame,130,[request too long]
-es,frame,132,[write failed (%s)]
-es,frame,134,[write failed (%s)]
-es,frame,136,[%d is not a valid HTTP status code]
-es,frame,138,[close failed (%s)]
-es,frame,139,[Unable to close socket for writing]
-es,frame,140,[os has %d objects]
-es,frame,141,[obj %d has no hash table at %d]
-es,frame,142,[obj %d has no param]
-es,frame,143,[obj %d name %s value %s]
-es,frame,144,[.....directives %d.......]
-es,frame,145,[.....directive %d]
-es,frame,146,[.......instance %d]
-es,frame,147,[...........param name %s value %s]
-es,frame,148,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegCreateKey %s]
-es,frame,149,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegEnumKey %s failed]
-es,frame,150,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-es,frame,151,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-es,frame,152,[Unable to allocate Subject property list.\n]
-es,frame,153,[Unable to set session ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-es,frame,154,[Unable to set request ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-es,frame,155,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-es,frame,156,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-es,httpdaemon,-1,[$DBT: httpdaemon in DB file v1 $]
-es,httpdaemon,1,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-es,httpdaemon,2,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-es,httpdaemon,3,[Error in md_start_system]
-es,httpdaemon,4,[Error in CreateFiber - idlefiber]
-es,httpdaemon,5,[Error in GetQueuedCompletionStatus]
-es,httpdaemon,6,[Error creating completion port]
-es,httpdaemon,7,[Could not SetHandleNonInheritable (%s)]
-es,httpdaemon,8,[Error accept/read new conn]
-es,httpdaemon,9,[Error in Respond()]
-es,httpdaemon,10,[Error in RespondCompleted()]
-es,httpdaemon,11,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,12,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,13,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,14,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,15,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,16,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-es,httpdaemon,17,[could not determine current user name\n]
-es,httpdaemon,18,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,19,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-es,httpdaemon,20,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-es,httpdaemon,21,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-es,httpdaemon,22,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,23,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-es,httpdaemon,24,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-es,httpdaemon,25,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-es,httpdaemon,26,[This machine has %d processors.]
-es,httpdaemon,27,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-es,httpdaemon,28,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-es,httpdaemon,29,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-es,httpdaemon,30,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-es,httpdaemon,31,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-es,httpdaemon,32,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-es,httpdaemon,33,[select thread miss]
-es,httpdaemon,34,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,35,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d, IP address %s (%s)\n]
-es,libaccess,-1,[$DBT: libaccess in DB file v1 $]
-es,libaccess,2,[cannot open database %s]
-es,libaccess,4,[user %s password did not match database %s]
-es,libaccess,6,[cannot open connection to LDAP server on %s:%d]
-es,libaccess,8,[user %s password did not match LDAP on %s:%d]
-es,libaccess,10,[missing realm]
-es,libaccess,11,[Unable to allocate ACL List Hash\n]
-es,libaccess,12,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to PERM_MALLOC cache structure\n]
-es,libaccess,13,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-es,libaccess,14,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE Entry\n]
-es,libaccess,15,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-es,libaccess,16,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate Boundary Entry\n]
-es,libaccess,17,[ACLEvalBuildContext failed.\n]
-es,libaccess,18,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%d\n]
-es,libaccess,19,[LASDnsBuild unable to allocate hash table header\n]
-es,libaccess,20,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-es,libaccess,21,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-es,libaccess,22,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-es,libaccess,23,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-es,libaccess,24,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-es,libaccess,25,[LAS DNS build received request for attribute %s\n]
-es,libaccess,26,[LASDnsEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-es,libaccess,27,[LASDnsEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-es,libaccess,28,[LASDnsEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-es,libaccess,29,[LASDnsEval unable to get DNS - error=%s\n]
-es,libaccess,30,[LAS Group Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-es,libaccess,31,[LASGroupEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-es,libaccess,32,[LASGroupEval - ran out of memory\n]
-es,libaccess,33,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-es,libaccess,34,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-es,libaccess,35,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-es,libaccess,36,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-es,libaccess,37,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-es,libaccess,38,[Check group membership of user "%s" for group "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,39,[LDAPU_SUCCESS for group "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,40,[LDAPU_FAILED for group "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,43,[LASIpTreeAlloc - no memory\n]
-es,libaccess,44,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-es,libaccess,45,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-es,libaccess,46,[LAS IP build received request for attribute %s\n]
-es,libaccess,47,[LASIpEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-es,libaccess,48,[LASIpEval unable to get session address - error=%s\n]
-es,libaccess,49,[LASIpEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-es,libaccess,50,[LASIpEval - reach 32 bits without conclusion value=%s]
-es,libaccess,51,[LAS Program Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-es,libaccess,52,[LASProgramEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-es,libaccess,53,[LASProgram unable to get session address %d\n]
-es,libaccess,55,[LASProgramEval: request not of type admin or bin, passing.\n]
-es,libaccess,56,[LASProgramEval: check if program %s matches pattern %s.\n]
-es,libaccess,57,[LASProgramEval: Invalid wildcard expression %s.\n]
-es,libaccess,60,[Unexpected attribute in dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-es,libaccess,61,[Illegal comparator for dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-es,libaccess,62,[Unexpected attribute in timeOfDay - %s\n]
-es,libaccess,63,[LAS User Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-es,libaccess,64,[LASUserEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-es,libaccess,65,[LASUserEval - ran out of memory\n]
-es,libaccess,66,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-es,libaccess,67,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-es,libaccess,68,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-es,libaccess,69,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-es,libaccess,70,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-es,libaccess,71,[Check if uid == user (i.e. check "%s" == "%s)"\n]
-es,libaccess,72,[SUCCESS for user "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,73,[FAILED for user "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,77,[LASProgram unable to get request address - error=%s]
-es,libaccess,78,[LASProgram rejecting request for program %s from pattern %s]
-es,libaccess,79,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to parse file "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,80,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to concatenate ACL list "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,81,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to open and process the magnus file "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,82,[Illegal comparator for timeOfDay - %s\n]
-es,libaccess,83,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-es,libaccess,84,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to PERM_CALLOC cache structure\n]
-es,libaccess,85,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-es,libaccess,86,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth pointer array\n]
-es,libaccess,87,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth plist\n]
-es,libaccess,88,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%s\n]
-es,libaccess,89,[ACL_INTEvalTestRights: call to ACL_EvalBuildContext returned failure status\n]
-es,libaccess,90,[ACL_ModuleRegister: module name is missing\n]
-es,libaccess,91,[ACL_ModuleRegister: call to module init function returned a failed status\n]
-es,libaccess,92,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't determine method for %s\n]
-es,libaccess,93,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't locate getter for %s]
-es,libaccess,94,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-es,libaccess,95,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-es,libaccess,96,[ACL_GetAttribute: All attribute getters declined for attr %s]
-es,libaccess,97,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-es,libaccess,98,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: database name is missing]
-es,libaccess,99,[Error reading the DB Map File: %s. Reason: %s]
-es,libaccess,100,[URL is missing for database %s]
-es,libaccess,101,[Invalid property value pair for database %s]
-es,libaccess,102,["default" database must be an LDAP database]
-es,libaccess,103,[Multiple "default" databases are being registered]
-es,libaccess,104,["default" LDAP database must be registered]
-es,libaccess,105,[LASGroupEval unable to get database name - error= %s]
-es,libaccess,106,[received invalid program expression %s]
-es,libaccess,107,[parse_ldap_url: database url is missing]
-es,libaccess,108,[parse_ldap_url: database name is missing]
-es,libaccess,109,[parse_ldap_url: error in parsing ldap url. Reason: %s]
-es,libaccess,110,[ldap password check: unable to get database name - error=%s]
-es,libaccess,111,[ldap password check: unable to get parsed database %s]
-es,libaccess,112,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-es,libaccess,113,[ldap password check: LDAP error: "%s"]
-es,libaccess,114,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get database name - error=%s]
-es,libaccess,115,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get parsed database %s]
-es,libaccess,116,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-es,libaccess,117,[get_user_ismember_ldap: group %s does not exist]
-es,libaccess,118,[get_user_ismember_ldap: LDAP error: "%s"]
-es,libaccess,119,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not a registered database]
-es,libaccess,120,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not an LDAP database]
-es,libaccess,121,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: out of memory]
-es,libaccess,122,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-es,libaccess,123,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't bind to LDAP server. Reason: %s]
-es,libaccess,124,[insufficient dynamic memory]
-es,libaccess,125,[error opening file, %s: %s]
-es,libaccess,126,[duplicate definition of %s]
-es,libaccess,127,[file %s, line %s: duplicate definition of %s]
-es,libaccess,128,[file %s, line %s: syntax error]
-es,libaccess,129,[file %s, line %s: %s is undefined]
-es,libaccess,130,[in acl %s, %s %s is undefined]
-es,libaccess,131,[database %s: error accessing %s]
-es,libaccess,133,[file %s, line %s: invalid syntax]
-es,libaccess,134,[file %s, line %s: syntax error at "%s"]
-es,libaccess,135,[realm %s is not defined]
-es,libaccess,136,[error code = %d]
-es,libaccess,137,[internal ACL error]
-es,libaccess,138,[invalid argument]
-es,libaccess,139,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-es,libaccess,140,[couldn't determine dbtype from: %s]
-es,libaccess,141,[Failed to register database %s]
-es,libaccess,142,[ACL call returned failed status]
-es,libaccess,143,[file %s: ACL IO error - %s]
-es,libaccess,144,[acl_user_exists: memoria agotada]
-es,libaccess,145,[acl_user_exists: ya no existe el usuario]
-es,libaccess,146,[acl_user_exists: error de plist]
-es,libadmin,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-es,libadmin,1,[ Help ]
-es,libadmin,2,[ OK ]
-es,libadmin,3,[ Reset ]
-es,libadmin,4,[ Done ]
-es,libadmin,5,[ Cancel ]
-es,libir,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-es,libir,1,[An I/O error occurred before all form data could be read.]
diff --git a/l10n/dirserv/es/ns-slapd.txt.iso8859 b/l10n/dirserv/es/ns-slapd.txt.iso8859
deleted file mode 100644
index d88d5d7b..00000000
--- a/l10n/dirserv/es/ns-slapd.txt.iso8859
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,915 +0,0 @@
- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- *
- * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
- * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
- * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
- * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
- * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
- * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
- * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
- * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
- * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
- * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
- * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
- * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
- * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
- * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
- * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
- * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
- * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
- * exception.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission.
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
-/* The copyright notice(s) in this Source Code does not indicate actual */
-/* or intended publication of this Source Code. */
-/* This text file was generated by program dblink */
-$Revision: 1.4 $
-$Log: ns-slapd.txt.iso8859,v $
-Revision 1.4 2005/04/19 22:06:51 nkinder
-Fixed licensing typo
-Revision 1.3 2005/04/15 22:39:18 nkinder
-155068 - Added license to source files
-Revision 1.2 2005/02/28 23:37:40 nkinder
-149951 - Updated source code copyrights
-Revision 2005/01/21 00:40:48 cvsadm
-Moving NSCP Directory Server from DirectoryBranch to TRUNK, initial drop. (foxworth)
-Revision 2003/09/22 19:36:42 ulfw
-Update copyright years from 2001 to 2001-2003
-Revision 2001/11/03 01:06:41 richm
-XXX use new copyright XXX
-Revision 1998/10/10 02:14:04 ggood
-Copy from Directory40RtmBranchpoint to DirectoryBranch
-Revision 1997/12/24 01:14:39 werudge
-Based on en/ns-slapd.txt :
-daily 971113.1 SOLARIS-export-optimize-normal-slapd
-es,base,-1,[$DBT: base in DB file v1 $]
-es,base,1,[no hay memoria suficiente para crear la tabla de totales de control]
-es,base,2,[no hay memoria suficiente para crear la tabla de totales de control]
-es,base,3,[cache_destroy: las tablas cach parecen da鎙das.]
-es,base,4,[no ha sido posible asignar la entrada de total de control]
-es,base,5,[cache_insert: no ha sido posible crear la entrada cach寯
-es,base,6,[HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/html\n\n]
-es,base,7,[<H2>Informe de estado de cach de Netscape</H2>\n]
-es,base,8,[El sistema no tiene cach廥<P>]
-es,base,9,[<H2>Cach %s</H2>\n]
-es,base,10,[瓝dice de aciertos de cach: %d/%d (%f)</P>\n</P>\n]
-es,base,11,[Tama隳 de cach: %d/%d</P>\n</P>\n]
-es,base,12,[Tama隳 de la tabla de totales de control: %d</P>\n</P>\n]
-es,base,13,[mru : %d</P>\nlru : %d</P>\n]
-es,base,14,[<UL><TABLE BORDER=4> <TH>Sector de almacenamiento</TH> <TH>Direcci鏮</TH> <TH>Clave</TH> <TH>Recuento de accesos</TH> <TH>Eliminar</TH> <TH>Siguiente</TH> <TH>LRU</TH> <TH>MRU</TH> <TH>Datos</TH>\n]
-es,base,15,[munmap failed (%s)]
-es,base,16,[munmap failed (%s)]
-es,base,17,[close failed (%s)]
-es,base,18,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-es,base,19,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-es,base,20,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-es,base,21,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-es,base,22,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-es,base,23,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-es,base,24,[could not determine current user name\n]
-es,base,25,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-es,base,27,[, address %s]
-es,base,28,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-es,base,29,[security handshake timed out for pid %d]
-es,base,30,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-es,base,31,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-es,base,32,[accept failed (%s)]
-es,base,33,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-es,base,34,[select thread miss]
-es,base,35,[keepalive worker awoken with no work to do]
-es,base,36,[could not create new thread: %d (%s)]
-es,base,37,[wait for sema succeeded, but nothing to dequeue]
-es,base,38,[queue-sema creation failure]
-es,base,39,[error getting processor info for processor %d]
-es,base,40,[Error binding to processor %d]
-es,base,41,[bound process %d to processor %d]
-es,base,42,[Netscape server is not explicitly binding to any processors.]
-es,base,43,[cache monitor exited]
-es,base,44,[cache batch update daemon exited]
-es,base,45,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-es,base,46,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-es,base,47,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-es,base,48,[This machine has %d processors.]
-es,base,49,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-es,base,50,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-es,base,51,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-es,base,54,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-es,base,55,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-es,base,56,[Cache monitor respawned]
-es,base,57,[Cache batch update daemon respawned]
-es,base,58,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-es,base,59,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-es,base,60,[assert failed! %s\n]
-es,base,62,[malloc failed]
-es,base,63,[malloc failed!]
-es,base,64,[mr_add_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-es,base,65,[mr_add_io - stage 1]
-es,base,66,[mr_add_io - stage 2]
-es,base,67,[mr_add_io found invalid IO type %d]
-es,base,68,[mr_add_io - adding timeout]
-es,base,69,[Out of memory!\n]
-es,base,70,[done with mr_add_io]
-es,base,71,[mr_del_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-es,base,72,[mr_del_io found invalid IO type %d]
-es,base,74,[mr_async_io(%d, %d bytes, file %d)]
-es,base,75,[malloc failure adding async IO]
-es,base,76,[Error adding async io!]
-es,base,77,[Cannot seek for read!]
-es,base,78,[read failure! (%d, %s)]
-es,base,79,[do_read read %d bytes for file %d]
-es,base,80,[Cannot seek for write!]
-es,base,81,[writev failure! (%d, %s)]
-es,base,82,[write failure! (%d, %s)]
-es,base,83,[do_write wrote %d bytes for file %d]
-es,base,84,[do_timeout(mrp %d)]
-es,base,85,[do_timeout: found IO (timer=%d, time=%d)]
-es,base,86,[error deleting io]
-es,base,87,[timeout callback failure for %d\n]
-es,base,88,[mr_get_event(%d) - outstanding io %d]
-es,base,89,[mr_get_event: Waiting for reads on FD:]
-es,base,90,[mr_get_event: Waiting for writes on FD:]
-es,base,91,[ %d]
-es,base,92,[ %d]
-es,base,93,[mr_get_event set no timeout]
-es,base,94,[mr_get_event set timeout to: %d.%d sec]
-es,base,95,[error in select (%d, %s)]
-es,base,96,[mr_get_event() - select found %d]
-es,base,97,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-es,base,98,[read failed for fd %d]
-es,base,99,[error deleting io]
-es,base,100,[callback failure for %d\n]
-es,base,101,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-es,base,102,[writing: header len %d, writelen %d, total %d]
-es,base,103,[write failed for fd %d]
-es,base,104,[error deleting io]
-es,base,105,[callback failure for %d\n]
-es,base,106,[Error creating dns cache]
-es,base,107,[dns_cache_init: hash_size <= 0, using %d]
-es,base,108,[dns_cache_init: cache-size <= %d, using %d]
-es,base,109,[dns_cache_init: cache-size is %d is too large, using %d.]
-es,base,110,[dns_cache_init: expire_time <= 0, using %d]
-es,base,111,[dns_cache_init: expire is %d is too large, using %d seconds.]
-es,base,112,[Error creating dns cache]
-es,base,113,[dns-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-es,base,114,[dns-cache-insert: malloc failure]
-es,base,115,[successful server startup]
-es,base,116,[%s B%s]
-es,base,117,[Netscape executable and shared library have different versions]
-es,base,118,[ executable version is %s]
-es,base,119,[ shared library version is %s]
-es,base,120,[error reporting shutting down]
-es,base,128,[event_handler:Failed to wait on events %s]
-es,base,129,[could not wait on resume event event (%s)]
-es,base,130,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-es,base,131,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-es,base,132,[The server is terminating due to an error. Check the event viewer for the error message. SERVER EXITING!]
-es,base,133,[Terminating the server %s]
-es,base,134,[kill_server:cannot open server event %s]
-es,base,135,[kill_server:cannot set server event %s]
-es,base,136,[error: could not get socket (%s)\n]
-es,base,137,[error: could not set socket option (%s)\n]
-es,base,138,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to address %s port %d (%s)\n]
-es,base,139,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-es,base,140,[SetHandleNonInheritable: could not duplicate socket (%s)]
-es,base,141,[SetHandleNonInheritable: closing the original socket failed (%s)]
-es,base,142,[Could not SetHandleInformation (%s)]
-es,base,143,[Terminating Service:Failure: Could not open statistics file (%s)\n]
-es,base,144,[Could not set Thread Local Storage Value for thread at slot %d]
-es,base,145,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-es,base,146,[accept failed %d (%s)]
-es,base,147,[Failed to pulse Event %d %s]
-es,base,148,[Failed to send MobGrowth Event to parent %s]
-es,base,149,[Pulsing MobRespawn Event %d]
-es,base,150,[respawn thread pool to %d (%d)]
-es,base,151,[Could not open event to signal rotate application. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-es,base,152,[Failed to send MoveLog Event to rotate app %s]
-es,base,153,[growing thread pool from %d to %d]
-es,base,154,[Could not open the ServiceControlManager, Error %d]
-es,base,155,[StartNetsiteService:Could not open the service %s: Error %d]
-es,base,156,[StartNetsiteService:Could not start the service %s]
-es,base,157,[Service Startup: Could not allocate security descriptor]
-es,base,158,[Service Startup: Could not init security descriptor]
-es,base,159,[Service Startup: Could not set the security Dacl]
-es,base,160,[Terminating Service:WinSock init failed: %s]
-es,base,161,[Httpd Server Startup failed: %s]
-es,base,162,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-es,base,163,[NT daemon: could not create new thread %d]
-es,base,164,[Service Startup Failure. Terminating Service:Could not create event %d:%s]
-es,base,165,[Service Startup Error. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-es,base,166,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-es,base,167,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-es,base,168,[pipebuf_buf2sd: pipebuf_grab IO_ERROR %d]
-es,base,169,[pool-init: memory pools disabled]
-es,base,170,[pool-init: free_size <= 0, using %d]
-es,base,171,[pool-create-block: out of memory]
-es,base,172,[pool-create: out of memory]
-es,base,173,[pool-create: out of memory]
-es,base,174,[pool-malloc: out of memory]
-es,base,175,[FREE() used where PERM_FREE() should have been used- problem corrected and supressing further warnings.]
-es,base,176,[regex error: %s (regex: '%s')]
-es,base,177,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-es,base,178,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-es,base,179,[flushing %d connections; current %d; tot %d]
-es,base,180,[accept failed (%s)]
-es,base,181,[Error creating time cache]
-es,base,182,[time-cache: cache disabled]
-es,base,183,[time_cache_init: hash_size < %d, using default, %d]
-es,base,184,[time_cache_init: hash_size > %d, using default, %d]
-es,base,185,[time_cache_init: cache_size < %d, using default, %d]
-es,base,186,[time_cache_init: cache_size > %d, using default, %d]
-es,base,187,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-es,base,188,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-es,base,189,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-es,base,190,[Error inserting new time_cache entry]
-es,base,191,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-es,base,192,[cs-terminate failure (%s)]
-es,base,193,[cs-init failure (%s)]
-es,base,194,[cs-wait failure (%s)]
-es,base,195,[cs-post failure (%s)]
-es,base,196,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-es,base,197,[error: could not set keepalive (%s)\n]
-es,base,198,[error: could not set recv timeout (%s)\n]
-es,base,199,[error: could not set send timeout (%s)\n]
-es,base,200,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-es,base,201,[sem_grab failed (%s)]
-es,base,202,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-es,base,203,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-es,base,204,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-es,base,205,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-es,dsgw,-1,[$DBT: dsgw in DB file v1 $]
-es,dsgw,1,[Se desconoce el m彋odo de solicitud HTTP]
-es,dsgw,2,[Los datos del formulario HTML no son v嫮idos o son incompletos]
-es,dsgw,3,[Memoria agotada]
-es,dsgw,4,[Falta una entrada necesaria de solicitud/formulario]
-es,dsgw,5,[La v燰 de acceso contiene caracteres no v嫮idos]
-es,dsgw,6,[Falta el archivo de configuraci鏮 o est da鎙do]
-es,dsgw,7,[Imposible inicializar el protocolo LDAP]
-es,dsgw,8,[Se ha producido un error al establecer contacto con el servidor LDAP]
-es,dsgw,9,[Se desconoce el tipo de objeto de bsqueda]
-es,dsgw,10,[Se desconoce la etiqueta de atributo]
-es,dsgw,11,[Se desconoce el indicador de correspondencia]
-es,dsgw,12,[El tipo de objeto no tiene filtros de bsqueda]
-es,dsgw,13,[Imposible abrir el archivo de la plantilla HTML]
-es,dsgw,14,[Se desconoce el modo de bsqueda: utilice "smart", "complex", "pattern" o "auth"]
-es,dsgw,15,[Falta un nombre distinguido en el URL]
-es,dsgw,16,[Se desconoce un 嫥bito del URL (debe ser base, sub o one)]
-es,dsgw,17,[No se reconoce el URL o hay un error desconocido]
-es,dsgw,18,[El formato del URL no es correcto]
-es,dsgw,19,[Error interno]
-es,dsgw,20,[Imposible escribir en el archivo de 璯dices de la plantilla]
-es,dsgw,21,[Imposible abrir el archivo de 璯dice de plantillas]
-es,dsgw,22,[Imposible leer el directorio]
-es,dsgw,23,[Ha fallado la inicializaci鏮 SSL LDAP (compruebe la v燰 de acceso de seguridad)]
-es,dsgw,24,[Para que los formularios Usuarios y Grupos funcionen mediante SSL, usted o el administrador del servidor tiene que activar SSL en este Administration Server. Para ello, puede utilizar la p墔ina Cifrado|activado/desactivado]
-es,dsgw,25,[No se han encontrado las credenciales de autentificaci鏮 en la base de datos de autentificaci鏮]
-es,dsgw,26,[Error al recuperar datos de la base de datos de autentificaci鏮]
-es,dsgw,27,[Sus credenciales de autentificaci鏮 han caducado]
-es,dsgw,28,[Imposible crear una cadena aleatoria]
-es,dsgw,29,[No se ha especificado un nombre distinguido al recuperar credenciales]
-es,dsgw,30,[No se puede abrir la base de datos de autentificaci鏮]
-es,dsgw,31,[No ha sido posible a鎙dir los datos a la base de datos de autentificaci鏮]
-es,dsgw,32,[No se ha definido un Gestor de directorios]
-es,dsgw,33,[No se ha especificado una cadena de bsqueda. Vuelva a intentarlo]
-es,dsgw,34,[Una de las l璯eas del archivo config. contiene demasiados argumentos]
-es,dsgw,35,[No ha sido posible inicializar Windows Sockets]
-es,dsgw,36,[No se han recibido las credenciales de autentificaci鏮 del Administration Server]
-es,dsgw,37,[Falta un nombre distinguido en el URL ldapdb://]
-es,dsgw,38,[No se reconoce el URL o hay un error desconocido]
-es,dsgw,39,[El formato del URL no es correcto]
-es,dsgw,40,[Se ha producido un error al inicializar la base de datos ldap local]
-es,dsgw,41,[Se desconoce el tipo de servicio de directorios: utilice "local" o "remote"]
-es,dsgw,42,[Se ha producido un error al leer el archivo de configuraci鏮 de base de datos]
-es,dsgw,43,[La v燰 de acceso a NSHOME/userdb ten燰 el valor NULL]
-es,dsgw,44,[No ha sido posible actualizar la configuraci鏮 del servicio de directorios.]
-es,dsgw,45,[No ha sido posible leer la entrada desde el directorio.]
-es,dsgw,46,[No ha sido posible borrar la base de datos LDAP.]
-es,dsgw,47,[No est autorizado a cambiar otras entradas que no sean las suyas propias.]
-es,dsgw,49,[Problema de autentificaci鏮]
-es,dsgw,50,[.\n<P>Debe repetir la autentificaci鏮 para poder continuar.\n]
-es,dsgw,51,[.\n<P>Debe repetir la autentificaci鏮 para poder continuar.\n]
-es,dsgw,52,[error desconocido]
-es,dsgw,53,[La operaci鏮 se ha realizado con 憖ito.]
-es,dsgw,54,[Se ha producido un error interno en el servidor. Por lo general,\nesto indica un fallo grave del servidor.\nComun甒ueselo al administrador del servidor.]
-es,dsgw,55,[El servidor no ha entendido la solicitud que le ha llegado desde\nla pasarela.]
-es,dsgw,56,[Se ha sobrepasado el l璥ite de tiempo para responder a su solicitud.\nSi lo que busca son entradas, es posible que obtenga mejores\nresultados si realiza una bsqueda m嫳 espec璗ica.]
-es,dsgw,57,[Se ha sobrepasado el l璥ite de tama隳 para responder a su solicitud.\nSi lo que busca son entradas, es posible que obtenga mejores\nresultados si realiza una bsqueda m嫳 espec璗ica, ya que existen\ndemasiadas entradas que cumplen los criterios de bsqueda.]
-es,dsgw,58,[La pasarela ha intentado autentificarse en el servidor\nmediante un m彋odo que el servidor no entiende.]
-es,dsgw,59,[La pasarela ha intentado autentificarse ante el servidor mediante un\nm彋odo de autentificaci鏮 incompatible con el servidor. ]
-es,dsgw,60,[No ha sido posible atender su solicitud, probablemente porque\nel servidor con el que se ha establecido contacto no contiene los datos que\nusted busca. Es posible que se haya recibido\nuna referencia a otro servidor\nal que no es posible acceder. Si ten燰 la intenci鏮\n de realizar cambios en el directorio, puede que no est disponible el servidor\nque contiene la copia maestra de los datos.]
-es,dsgw,61,[Su solicitud ha sobrepasado un l璥ite administrativo en el servidor.]
-es,dsgw,62,[La pasarela ha solicitado una extensi鏮 cr癃ica que no est disponible en el servidor.]
-es,dsgw,63,[El servidor no ha podido procesar la solicitud debido a que\n廥ta contiene una referencia a un atributo que no\nexiste en la entrada.]
-es,dsgw,64,[El servidor no ha podido atender la solicitud debido a que\n廥ta no cumple con una restricci鏮 de la base de datos.]
-es,dsgw,65,[El servidor no ha podido a鎙dir un valor a la entrada debido a que\ndicho valor ya est incluido en la entrada.]
-es,dsgw,66,[El servidor no ha encontrado la entrada. Si desea a鎙dir\nuna entrada, compruebe que exista su entrada primaria. Si este error\nse ha producido durante una bsqueda, indica que no existe\nla entrada que se est buscando.\nSi ha intentado autentificarse como gestor de directorios y se ha producido\neste error, compruebe el archivo de configuraci鏮 de la pasarela.]
-es,dsgw,67,[Un nombre distinguido no ten燰 el formato correcto. ]
-es,dsgw,68,[Ha intentado autentificarse mediante una entrada que no tiene un\nconjunto de contrase鎙s o que carece de otras credenciales\nnecesarias para la autentificaci鏮. No podr utilizar esa entrada para la autentificaci鏮\nhasta que el gestor de directorios haya a鎙dido\nlos atributos correspondientes.]
-es,dsgw,69,[La contrase鎙 u otras credenciales de autentificaci鏮 especificadas\nno son correctas.]
-es,dsgw,70,[No dispone de suficientes derechos de acceso para realizar la operaci鏮. ]
-es,dsgw,71,[El servidor est demasiado ocupado para atender su\nsolicitud. Vuelva a intentarlo dentro de unos minutos.]
-es,dsgw,72,[No ha sido posible establecer contacto con el servidor LDAP.]
-es,dsgw,73,[El servidor se ha negado a procesar su solicitud,\nprobablemente porque se saturar燰 durante la operaci鏮. Tambi幯 puede indicar que el servidor no est塿nconfigurado para procesar su solicitud. Si est realizando una bsqueda,\nquiz嫳 convenga limitar el 嫥bito de la misma.]
-es,dsgw,74,[El servidor de directorios no ha podido atender su solicitud porque\nno cumple con los requisitos del esquema. Normalmente, esto suele indicar\nque no se ha especificado el valor de un campo necesario, aunque tambi幯\npodr燰 indicar que es necesario actualizar el esquema del servidor de directorios.]
-es,dsgw,75,[El servidor de directorios no permite eliminar una entrada\nni cambiarle el nombre si tiene entradas secundarias. Si desea realizar esta operaci鏮,\ndeber eliminar en primer lugar todas las entradas secundarias.]
-es,dsgw,76,[El servidor no ha podido a鎙dir una entrada nueva o cambiar el nombre de\nuna entrada ya existente porque ese nombre ya se utiliza.]
-es,dsgw,77,[Su solicitud afectar燰 a varios servidores de directorios.]
-es,dsgw,78,[No ha sido posible establecer contacto con el servidor de directorios.\nConsulte con el administrador del servidor.]
-es,dsgw,79,[Se ha producido un error al enviar datos al servidor.]
-es,dsgw,80,[Se ha producido un error al leer datos desde el servidor.]
-es,dsgw,81,[El servidor no ha respondido a la solicitud.\nHa vencido el tiempo de espera de la solicitud.]
-es,dsgw,82,[El servidor no admite el m彋odo de autentificaci鏮 que\nutiliza la pasarela.]
-es,dsgw,83,[El filtro de bsqueda que ha formado la pasarela tiene un error.]
-es,dsgw,84,[La operaci鏮 se ha cancelado a solicitud del usuario.]
-es,dsgw,85,[Se ha producido un error interno en la biblioteca: un par嫥etro\nera incorrecto.]
-es,dsgw,86,[No ha sido posible abrir una conexi鏮 con el servidor.\nConsulte con el administrador del servidor.]
-es,dsgw,87,[Se ha producido un error desconocido.]
-es,dsgw,88,[La entrada ya existe]
-es,dsgw,89,[Ya existe una entrada con el nombre ]
-es,dsgw,90,[onMouseOver="window.status='Haga clic aqu para ver esta entrada'; return true"]
-es,dsgw,91,[ .<P>Elija otro nombre u otra ubicaci鏮.\n<P>\n]
-es,dsgw,92,[No existe la entrada primaria]
-es,dsgw,93,[No puede a鎙dir una entrada mediante este nombre:<P><B>%s</B>,<P>\nya que no existe su entrada primaria.<P>\nPara poder a鎙dir esta entrada, deber a鎙dir en primer lugar\n]
-es,dsgw,94,[su entrada primaria.\n]
-es,dsgw,95,[una entrada con este nombre:<P><B>%s</B>.\n]
-es,dsgw,96,[Advertencia: sin autentificar (continuaci鏮)...\n]
-es,dsgw,97,[%s la entrada de directorio]
-es,dsgw,98,[<PRE>DN de la entrada: %s</PRE><P>\n]
-es,dsgw,99,[Han quedado guardados los cambios realizados en <B>%s</B>]
-es,dsgw,100,[<B>%s</B> has been added.]
-es,dsgw,101,[<B>%s</B> has been deleted.]
-es,dsgw,102,[Renamed <B>%s</B> to <B>%s</B>.]
-es,dsgw,103,[<P><B>Nota:</B> debido a que ha %s la entrada que utiliz como\nautentificaci鏮, ha sido necesario descartar sus credenciales de \nautentificaci鏮. Si desea realizar m嫳 cambios,\ndeber volver a autentificarse.\n]
-es,dsgw,105,[cambiado el nombre de]
-es,dsgw,106,[cambiado la contrase鎙 de]
-es,dsgw,107,[Se ha cambiado el atributo %s<BR>\n]
-es,dsgw,108,[ NO ASCII (%ld bytes)\n]
-es,dsgw,109,[No se han introducido valores. Vuelva a intentarlo.\n]
-es,dsgw,110,[No se han realizado cambios.\n]
-es,dsgw,111,[<P>Enviando %s al servidor de directorios...\n]
-es,dsgw,114,[<P>Se ha a鎙dido la entrada sin problemas.\n]
-es,dsgw,115,[<P>Se ha modificado la entrada sin problemas. Los cambios han quedado guardados.\n]
-es,dsgw,116,[<P>Se ha eliminado la entrada sin problemas.\n]
-es,dsgw,117,[<PRE>El nombre nuevo de la entrada es: %s\n</PRE><HR>\n]
-es,dsgw,118,[<P>Se ha cambiado el nombre de la entrada sin problemas.\n]
-es,dsgw,119,[Es necesario especificar la contrase鎙 antigua.]
-es,dsgw,120,[Es necesario especificar una contrase鎙 nueva. Vuelva a intentarlo]
-es,dsgw,121,[La contrase鎙 de confirmaci鏮 no coincide con la contrase鎙 nueva. Vuelva a intentarlo]
-es,dsgw,122,[<BR>El %s <B>%s</B> ya est en uso. Elija otro.<BR>\n]
-es,dsgw,123,[falta el elemento "%.100s" de los datos del formulario]
-es,dsgw,124,[Inicializando la informaci鏮 de configuraci鏮]
-es,dsgw,125,[Imposible abrir el archivo.]
-es,dsgw,126,[Archivo dbconf mal construido.]
-es,dsgw,127,[Falta un nombre de propiedad en el archivo dbconf.]
-es,dsgw,128,[Memoria agotada.]
-es,dsgw,129,[Falta una directiva en el archivo dbconf.]
-es,dsgw,130,[Imposible abrir el archivo de configuraci鏮 "%s"\n]
-es,dsgw,131,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "authlifetime"\n]
-es,dsgw,132,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "dirmgr"\n]
-es,dsgw,133,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "baseurl"\n]
-es,dsgw,134,[Se ha especificado un URL err鏮eo para la directiva "baseurl": falta el DN de base\n]
-es,dsgw,135,[analizando la directiva baseurl]
-es,dsgw,136,[Se ha especificado un URL err鏮eo para la directiva "baseurl": no es un URL "ldap://"\n]
-es,dsgw,137,[Todav燰 no son compatibles las direcciones URL "ldap://"\n]
-es,dsgw,138,[Faltan argumentos en la directiva "template"\n]
-es,dsgw,139,[Faltan un argumento en la directiva "sslrequired"\n]
-es,dsgw,140,[Se desconoce un argumento de la directiva "sslrequired" (deber燰 ser "never", "whenauthenticated", "always")\n]
-es,dsgw,141,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "securitypath"\n]
-es,dsgw,142,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "location-suffix"\n]
-es,dsgw,143,[La directiva "location" necesita tres argumentos\n]
-es,dsgw,144,[La directiva "newtype" necesita dos argumentos como m璯imo\n]
-es,dsgw,145,[Se desconoce una ubicaci鏮 en la directiva "newtype"\n]
-es,dsgw,146,[La directiva "tmplset" necesita tres o cuatro argumentos\n]
-es,dsgw,147,[La directiva "attrvset" necesita cuatro argumentos\n]
-es,dsgw,148,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "charset"\n]
-es,dsgw,149,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "ClientLanguage"\n]
-es,dsgw,150,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "AdminLanguage"\n]
-es,dsgw,151,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "DefaultLanguage"\n]
-es,dsgw,152,[Falta un nombre de archivo en la directiva "include"\n]
-es,dsgw,153,[Se desconoce una directiva del archivo config\n]
-es,dsgw,154,[<= erase_db no ha podido abrir el archivo lcache.conf "%s"\n]
-es,dsgw,155,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>Se ha eliminado la base de datos. Creando una base de datos nueva... \n</FONT>\n ]
-es,dsgw,156,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>No ha sido posible eliminar la base de datos \n</FONT>\n ]
-es,dsgw,157,[<= app_suffix no ha podido abrir el archivo ldif "%s"\n]
-es,dsgw,158,[<= app_suffix no ha podido abrir el archivo temporal "%s"\n]
-es,dsgw,159,[Imposible cambiar el nombre de %s a %s]
-es,dsgw,160,[dbconf_read_default_dbinfo() ha devuelto un puntero NULL.]
-es,dsgw,161,[El URL "ldapdb" es err鏮eo: falta el DN de base\n]
-es,dsgw,162,[El URL "ldapdb" es err鏮eo\n]
-es,dsgw,163,[Se ha especificado un URL err鏮eo en la directiva "baseurl": falta el DN de base\n]
-es,dsgw,164,[analizando la directiva baseurl]
-es,dsgw,165,[Se ha especificado un URL err鏮eo en la directiva "baseurl": no es un URL "ldap:// o ldapdb://"\n]
-es,dsgw,166,[Todav燰 no son compatibles las direcciones URL "ldap://"\n]
-es,dsgw,167,[No se ha dado ningn valor para binddn]
-es,dsgw,168,[No se ha dado ningn valor para bindpw]
-es,dsgw,169,[No se ha definido un servicio predeterminado de directorios en el archivo dbswitch.conf]
-es,dsgw,170,[Imposible abrir el archivo de configuraci鏮 "%s" para escribir en 幨]
-es,dsgw,171,[Imposible cambiar el nombre de %s a %s]
-es,dsgw,172,[archivo de configuraci鏮 %s: ]
-es,dsgw,173,[archivo de configuraci鏮 %s: l璯ea %d: ]
-es,dsgw,174,[m嫞 %d]
-es,dsgw,175,[ OK ]
-es,dsgw,176,[Cerrar la ventana]
-es,dsgw,178,[{crypt}BLOQUEADO [%s GMT]]
-es,dsgw,179,[Volver a la pantalla principal]
-es,dsgw,181,[ Help ]
-es,dsgw,184,[Todav燰 no hay ayuda disponible.]
-es,dsgw,186,[Cerrar la ventana]
-es,dsgw,187,[Cerrar la ventana]
-es,dsgw,188,[El URL no inclu燰 un nombre de plantilla justo despu廥 de "?"]
-es,dsgw,190,[澳esea descartar las credenciales de autentificaci鏮 (finalizar la sesi鏮?]
-es,dsgw,191,[Escriba una cadena de bsqueda]
-es,dsgw,192,[Como primer paso para autentificarse ante el directorio,\n identif甒uese.<br>Introduzca su nombre:]
-es,dsgw,196,[Autentificarse como gestor de directorios"> (solamente para los administradores de directorios)\n]
-es,dsgw,198,[澳esea descartar las credenciales de autentificaci鏮?]
-es,dsgw,203,[Autentif甒uese (inicie la sesi鏮) en el directorio]
-es,dsgw,204,[Est a punto de autentificarse en el directorio como <B>%s</B>. Para concluir el proceso de autentificaci鏮, escriba su contrase鎙.\n]
-es,dsgw,206,[Para poder modificar o a鎙dir entradas, es necesario autentificarse\n(iniciar sesi鏮) en el directorio. Esta ventana le servir de\ngu燰 para realizar el proceso\nde autentificaci鏮.\n]
-es,dsgw,207,[Desde esta pantalla, es posible autentificarse (iniciar sesi鏮)\nen el directorio. Para poder modificar entradas del directorio, es necesario\realizar la autentificaci鏮 en primer lugar.\nSi intenta modificar una entrada si haberse autentificado,\nel sistema le pedir que inicie sesi鏮.\n]
-es,dsgw,208,[Estado de la autentificaci鏮]
-es,dsgw,209,[<form>\nActualmente, se encuentra autentificado en el directorio como ]
-es,dsgw,210,[.\nSi desea descartar las credenciales de autentificaci鏮 y finalizar la sesi鏮 en el directorio, haga clic en el bot鏮 que aparece a continuaci鏮.]
-es,dsgw,211,[Descartar credenciales de autentificaci鏮 (finalizar sesi鏮)]
-es,dsgw,212,[Sus credenciales de autentificaci鏮 en ]
-es,dsgw,213,[han caducado.\n<HR>\n]
-es,dsgw,214,[Actualmente, no se encuentra autentificado en el directorio.<HR>\n]
-es,dsgw,215,[falta "%s=" ]
-es,dsgw,216,[se desconoce "%s=%s"]
-es,dsgw,217,[se desconoce la opci鏮 %s]
-es,dsgw,218,[se desconoce la sintaxis=%s\n]
-es,dsgw,219,[** El tipo de HTML "%s" no es compatible **<BR>\n]
-es,dsgw,225,[Save Changes]
-es,dsgw,229,[澳esea eliminar esta entrada?]
-es,dsgw,230,[Cambiar el nombre]
-es,dsgw,231,[Escriba un nombre nuevo para esta entrada:]
-es,dsgw,232,[Modificar como]
-es,dsgw,233,[falta %s=]
-es,dsgw,234,[Cerrar la ventana]
-es,dsgw,237,[se desconoce el conjunto "%s"\n]
-es,dsgw,238,[se desconoce la sintaxis "%s"\n]
-es,dsgw,239,[Repetir la autentificaci鏮]
-es,dsgw,240,[Cerrar la ventana]
-es,dsgw,241,[Confirme que desea ]
-es,dsgw,243,[ Aceptar ]
-es,dsgw,244,[ Aceptar ]
-es,dsgw,245,[ Restablecer ]
-es,dsgw,246,[ Terminado ]
-es,dsgw,247,[ Cancelar ]
-es,dsgw,248,[se ha encontrado otra sentencia IF (no se admiten las sentencias IF anidadas)]
-es,dsgw,249,[se ha encontrado una sentencia ELSE, pero no aparece la IF]
-es,dsgw,250,[se ha encontrado una sentencia ELSE despu廥 de ELSE (se esperaba encontrar ENDIF)]
-es,dsgw,251,[se ha encontrado una sentencia ELIF, pero no aparece la IF]
-es,dsgw,252,[se ha encontrado una sentencia ELIF despu廥 de ELSE (se esperaba encontrar ENDIF)]
-es,dsgw,253,[se ha encontrado una sentencia ENDIF, pero no aparece la IF]
-es,dsgw,254,[<BR><B>error de plantilla:</B> %s<BR>\n]
-es,dsgw,255,[se ha intentado el proceso ldap_init/lcache_init antes de leer el archivo de configuraci鏮]
-es,dsgw,256,[no se ejecuta bajo el Administration Server]
-es,dsgw,257,[No se han podido inicializar los permisos]
-es,dsgw,258,[No ha sido posible asignar el nombre de usuario a un DN (el Administration Server ha comunicado un error)]
-es,dsgw,259,[No se ha recibido el nombre de usuario actual]
-es,dsgw,260,[No se ha recibido la contrase鎙 del usuario actual]
-es,dsgw,261,[Error: %s]
-es,dsgw,262,[Nota: no se encuentra disponible ninguna plantilla de presentaci鏮 para este tipo de\nentrada; la entrada se muestra a continuaci鏮 con un m彋odo predeterminado.]
-es,dsgw,263,[La identifaci鏮 de usuario no es v嫮ida o el identifador LDAP tiene el valor NULL]
-es,dsgw,264,[no coincide ninguna identificaci鏮 de usuario]
-es,dsgw,265,[coinciden varias identificaciones de usuario]
-es,dsgw,266,[the entire directory]
-es,dsgw,267,[La directiva "includeset" necesita dos argumentos\n]
-es,dsgw,268,[No se ha encontrado en esta entrada el valor de atributo solicitado]
-es,dsgw,269,[Falta un argumento en la directiva "NLS"\n]
-es,dsgw,270,[Es necesario especificar un valor de identificaci鏮 de usuario NT\n ]
-es,dsgw,271,[La combinaci鏮 de identificaciones de usuario NT y dominio NT ya se utiliza en el directorio\n]
-es,dsgw,272,[Es necesario especificar valores de identificaci鏮 de usuario NT y de dominio NT\n]
-es,dsgw,273,[La identifiaci鏮 de usuario NT no puede contener m嫳 de 20 caracteres.\n]
-es,dsgw,274,[Especifique el nombre de la entrada nueva.]
-es,dsgw,275,[Seleccione la ubicaci鏮 de la entrada nueva.]
-es,dsgw,276,[Entrada nueva]
-es,dsgw,277,[Para poder utilizar esta funci鏮, el archivo dsgw.conf debe contener una definici鏮 de dirmgr]
-es,dsgw,278,[La directiva "vcard-property" necesita tres o cuatro argumentos\n]
-es,dsgw,279,[La sintaxis de la propiedad VCard debe ser "cis" o "mls"\n]
-es,dsgw,280,[No se han encontrado entradas.\n%2$s]
-es,dsgw,281,[No se han encontrado entradas en las que %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-es,dsgw,282,[Se ha realizado la bsqueda, pero no se ha encontrado ninguna entrada.\n%2$s]
-es,dsgw,283,[Se ha realizado la bsqueda, pero no se ha encontrado ninguna entrada en la que %2$s %3$s %4$s'.\n]
-es,dsgw,284,[Se ha encontrado 1 entrada.\n%2$s]
-es,dsgw,285,[Se ha encontrado 1 entrada en la que %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-es,dsgw,286,[Se ha realizado la bsqueda y se ha encontrado 1 entrada.\n%2$s]
-es,dsgw,287,[Se ha realizado la bsqueda y se ha encontrado 1 entrada en la que %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-es,dsgw,288,[Se han encontrado %1$li entradas.\n%2$s]
-es,dsgw,289,[Se han encontrado %1$li entradas en las que %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-es,dsgw,290,[Se ha realizado la bsqueda y se han encontrado %1$li entradas.\n%2$s]
-es,dsgw,291,[Se ha realizado la bsqueda y se han encontrado %1$li entradas en las que %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-es,dsgw,292,[el filtro LDAP es]
-es,dsgw,293,[El servidor no ha encontrado la entrada que usted ha utilizado el autentificarse. Es posible que se haya eliminado la entrada o que alguien le haya cambiado el nombre. Intente volver a realizar la autentificaci鏮.]
-es,dsgw,294,[La sintaxis de la contrase鎙 nueva no es v嫮ida.\n]
-es,dsgw,295,[La contrase鎙 nueva ya existe en el historial de contrase鎙s.\n]
-es,dsgw,296,[Ha sobrepasado el l璥ite de reintentos de contrase鎙. Consulte con el administrador del sistema.\n]
-es,dsgw,297,[Ha sobrepasado el l璥ite de reintentos de contrase鎙. Vuelva a intentarlo m嫳 adelante.\n]
-es,dsgw,298,[La contrase鎙 ha caducado. Consulte con el administrador del sistema para restablecer la contrase鎙.\n]
-es,frame,-1,[$DBT: frame in DB file v1 $]
-es,frame,1,[<TITLE>No se ha encontrado</TITLE><H1>No se ha encontrado</H1> El objeto solicitado no existe en este servidor. El v璯culo que ha seguido no est actualizado o no es exacto, o bien el servidor ha recibido instrucciones para no permitirle el acceso.]
-es,frame,2,[Informe al administrador de la oficina acerca de la <A HREF="%s">p墔ina que contiene la referencia</A>.]
-es,frame,3,[El navegador ha enviado una solicitud que este servidor proxy no ha entendido.]
-es,frame,4,[Es necesario disponer de la autorizaci鏮 adecuada para la administraci鏮 de\neste servidor proxy. El navegador no puede conceder la autorizaci鏮,\no la autorizaci鏮 no se ha podido realizar.]
-es,frame,5,[Es necesaria la autentificaci鏮 de nombre de usuario para utilizar\neste servidor proxy. El navegador no puede conceder la autorizaci鏮,\no la autorizaci鏮 no se ha podido realizar.]
-es,frame,6,[La configuraci鏮 de control de acceso al servidor proxy deniega\nel acceso al objeto solicitado mediante este servidor proxy.]
-es,frame,7,[El servidor proxy ha encontrado un error interno que le impide\natender su solicitud. Lo m嫳 probable es que se deba a una configuraci鏮\nerr鏮ea. Solicite al administrador que examine el registro de errores del servidor proxy.]
-es,frame,8,[Este servidor proxy no utiliza el m彋odo solicitado.]
-es,frame,9,[Se ha producido un error en el servidor proxy.]
-es,frame,10,[El navegador ha enviado una consulta que este servidor no ha entendido.]
-es,frame,11,[Es necesario disponer de la autorizaci鏮 adecuada para acceder a esta zona. El navegador no puede conceder la autorizaci鏮 o la autorizaci鏮 no se ha podido realizar]
-es,frame,12,[Su cliente no est autorizado a acceder al objeto que ha solicitado.]
-es,frame,13,[El servidor ha encontrado un error interno que le impide atender su solicitud. Lo m嫳 probable es que se deba a una configuraci鏮 err鏮ea. Solicite al administrador que examine el registro de errores del servidor.]
-es,frame,14,[Este servidor no utiliza el m彋odo solicitado.]
-es,frame,15,[Se ha producido un error.]
-es,frame,16,[El navegador ha enviado un mensaje que este servidor no ha entendido.]
-es,frame,17,[<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>%s</H1>\nEste documento ha sido trasladado a otra <a href="%s">ubicaci鏮</a>. Actualice los documentos y listas de acceso con los nuevos datos.</BODY></HTML>]
-es,frame,18,[<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="es"><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>%s</H1>\n%s\n</BODY></HTML>]
-es,frame,20,[cannot find template %s]
-es,frame,22,[no partial path after object processing]
-es,frame,24,[invalid shexp %s]
-es,frame,26,[invalid shexp %s]
-es,frame,28,[no way to service request for %s]
-es,frame,30,[close failed (%s), csd=%d]
-es,frame,31,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-es,frame,33,[Error issuing read on accept socket]
-es,frame,35,[Error getting accept socket (%d)]
-es,frame,36,[Error in accept! (%d, %s)]
-es,frame,37,[Error creating new accept request]
-es,frame,38,[accepted connection: %d (NSPR %d)]
-es,frame,39,[Error creating new session structure]
-es,frame,41,[Error allocating request read buffer]
-es,frame,42,[Error issuing async read request]
-es,frame,43,[acb_read_request(%d, bytes %d)]
-es,frame,44,[acb_read_req(1 session = %d)]
-es,frame,45,[Error reading request (%d, %s)]
-es,frame,46,[Client aborted connection]
-es,frame,47,[Error reading request]
-es,frame,48,[Error creating new request]
-es,frame,49,[error occurred, closing %d, io was for %d]
-es,frame,51,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-es,frame,52,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-es,frame,53,[Error during async read (%d, %s)]
-es,frame,54,[scan-headers reports: line too long]
-es,frame,55,[scan-headers reports: too many headers]
-es,frame,56,[Error reading headers]
-es,frame,57,[scan-headers reports: header missing terminator (an empty line)]
-es,frame,58,[scan-headers reports: header was empty]
-es,frame,59,[nombre sin valor: se ha recibido la l璯ea "%s"]
-es,frame,61,[accel_send_plain_file() - found request %d]
-es,frame,62,[Parse headers lost the URI!]
-es,frame,63,[accel_send_plain_file() - found uri %s]
-es,frame,64,[accel_send_plain_file() - found in cache?]
-es,frame,65,[malloc died!]
-es,frame,66,[Error writing back file\n]
-es,frame,68,[Error writing in acb_send_plain_file (%d, %s)]
-es,frame,70,[Errored IO in acb_close_connection (%d, %s)]
-es,frame,71,[Unable to close socket %d]
-es,frame,72,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-es,frame,73,[cache-init: server cache disabled]
-es,frame,74,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-es,frame,75,[accel_file_cache: Error creating cache]
-es,frame,76,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize < %d, using %d]
-es,frame,77,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize > %d, using %d]
-es,frame,78,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-es,frame,79,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-es,frame,80,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-es,frame,81,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-es,frame,82,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-es,frame,83,[file-cache: enabled = %s ]
-es,frame,86,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-es,frame,87,[file-cache: CacheHashSize %d (0x%x)]
-es,frame,88,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-es,frame,89,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-es,frame,90,[file-cache-cleanup: munmap failed (%s)]
-es,frame,91,[file-cache-cleanup: found mmapped file \non system without mmap]
-es,frame,92,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize < %d, using %d]
-es,frame,93,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize > %d, using %d]
-es,frame,94,[file cache using mmap flags 0x%x]
-es,frame,95,[file cache using mmap prots 0x%x]
-es,frame,96,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-es,frame,97,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-es,frame,98,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-es,frame,99,[file-cache: GetTempPath() Cannot find temp directory to store file!]
-es,frame,100,[file-cache-init: set max cached file size to %d]
-es,frame,101,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-es,frame,103,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-es,frame,104,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-es,frame,105,[file-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-es,frame,106,[file-cache-create: Error opening file %s (%s)]
-es,frame,107,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-es,frame,108,[file-cache-create: Error mmap()ing file %s (%s)]
-es,frame,109,[file-cache-create: malloc failure]
-es,frame,110,[file-cache-create: error case failed to munmap(%d, %d) (%s)]
-es,frame,111,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-es,frame,112,[dir change: invalidating %s (%d)]
-es,frame,113,[file-cache: asynchronous file change notification failed.]
-es,frame,114,[dir change: offset %d, action %d, len %d, name %s]
-es,frame,115,[unable to check async file status]
-es,frame,116,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to continue watching %s. Error is %s]
-es,frame,117,[file-cache-add-watch failure- unable to open directory %s. Error %s]
-es,frame,118,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to start watching %s. Error %s]
-es,frame,120,[no handler function given for directive]
-es,frame,122,[cannot find function named %s]
-es,frame,124,[method without URI]
-es,frame,126,[while scanning HTTP headers, %s]
-es,frame,128,[read from %s failed, error is %s]
-es,frame,130,[request too long]
-es,frame,132,[write failed (%s)]
-es,frame,134,[write failed (%s)]
-es,frame,136,[%d is not a valid HTTP status code]
-es,frame,138,[close failed (%s)]
-es,frame,139,[Unable to close socket for writing]
-es,frame,140,[os has %d objects]
-es,frame,141,[obj %d has no hash table at %d]
-es,frame,142,[obj %d has no param]
-es,frame,143,[obj %d name %s value %s]
-es,frame,144,[.....directives %d.......]
-es,frame,145,[.....directive %d]
-es,frame,146,[.......instance %d]
-es,frame,147,[...........param name %s value %s]
-es,frame,148,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegCreateKey %s]
-es,frame,149,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegEnumKey %s failed]
-es,frame,150,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-es,frame,151,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-es,frame,152,[Unable to allocate Subject property list.\n]
-es,frame,153,[Unable to set session ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-es,frame,154,[Unable to set request ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-es,frame,155,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-es,frame,156,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-es,httpdaemon,-1,[$DBT: httpdaemon in DB file v1 $]
-es,httpdaemon,1,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-es,httpdaemon,2,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-es,httpdaemon,3,[Error in md_start_system]
-es,httpdaemon,4,[Error in CreateFiber - idlefiber]
-es,httpdaemon,5,[Error in GetQueuedCompletionStatus]
-es,httpdaemon,6,[Error creating completion port]
-es,httpdaemon,7,[Could not SetHandleNonInheritable (%s)]
-es,httpdaemon,8,[Error accept/read new conn]
-es,httpdaemon,9,[Error in Respond()]
-es,httpdaemon,10,[Error in RespondCompleted()]
-es,httpdaemon,11,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,12,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,13,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,14,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,15,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,16,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-es,httpdaemon,17,[could not determine current user name\n]
-es,httpdaemon,18,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,19,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-es,httpdaemon,20,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-es,httpdaemon,21,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-es,httpdaemon,22,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,23,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-es,httpdaemon,24,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-es,httpdaemon,25,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-es,httpdaemon,26,[This machine has %d processors.]
-es,httpdaemon,27,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-es,httpdaemon,28,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-es,httpdaemon,29,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-es,httpdaemon,30,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-es,httpdaemon,31,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-es,httpdaemon,32,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-es,httpdaemon,33,[select thread miss]
-es,httpdaemon,34,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-es,httpdaemon,35,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d, IP address %s (%s)\n]
-es,libaccess,-1,[$DBT: libaccess in DB file v1 $]
-es,libaccess,2,[cannot open database %s]
-es,libaccess,4,[user %s password did not match database %s]
-es,libaccess,6,[cannot open connection to LDAP server on %s:%d]
-es,libaccess,8,[user %s password did not match LDAP on %s:%d]
-es,libaccess,10,[missing realm]
-es,libaccess,11,[Unable to allocate ACL List Hash\n]
-es,libaccess,12,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to PERM_MALLOC cache structure\n]
-es,libaccess,13,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-es,libaccess,14,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE Entry\n]
-es,libaccess,15,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-es,libaccess,16,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate Boundary Entry\n]
-es,libaccess,17,[ACLEvalBuildContext failed.\n]
-es,libaccess,18,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%d\n]
-es,libaccess,19,[LASDnsBuild unable to allocate hash table header\n]
-es,libaccess,20,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-es,libaccess,21,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-es,libaccess,22,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-es,libaccess,23,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-es,libaccess,24,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-es,libaccess,25,[LAS DNS build received request for attribute %s\n]
-es,libaccess,26,[LASDnsEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-es,libaccess,27,[LASDnsEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-es,libaccess,28,[LASDnsEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-es,libaccess,29,[LASDnsEval unable to get DNS - error=%s\n]
-es,libaccess,30,[LAS Group Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-es,libaccess,31,[LASGroupEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-es,libaccess,32,[LASGroupEval - ran out of memory\n]
-es,libaccess,33,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-es,libaccess,34,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-es,libaccess,35,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-es,libaccess,36,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-es,libaccess,37,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-es,libaccess,38,[Check group membership of user "%s" for group "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,39,[LDAPU_SUCCESS for group "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,40,[LDAPU_FAILED for group "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,43,[LASIpTreeAlloc - no memory\n]
-es,libaccess,44,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-es,libaccess,45,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-es,libaccess,46,[LAS IP build received request for attribute %s\n]
-es,libaccess,47,[LASIpEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-es,libaccess,48,[LASIpEval unable to get session address - error=%s\n]
-es,libaccess,49,[LASIpEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-es,libaccess,50,[LASIpEval - reach 32 bits without conclusion value=%s]
-es,libaccess,51,[LAS Program Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-es,libaccess,52,[LASProgramEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-es,libaccess,53,[LASProgram unable to get session address %d\n]
-es,libaccess,55,[LASProgramEval: request not of type admin or bin, passing.\n]
-es,libaccess,56,[LASProgramEval: check if program %s matches pattern %s.\n]
-es,libaccess,57,[LASProgramEval: Invalid wildcard expression %s.\n]
-es,libaccess,60,[Unexpected attribute in dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-es,libaccess,61,[Illegal comparator for dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-es,libaccess,62,[Unexpected attribute in timeOfDay - %s\n]
-es,libaccess,63,[LAS User Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-es,libaccess,64,[LASUserEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-es,libaccess,65,[LASUserEval - ran out of memory\n]
-es,libaccess,66,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-es,libaccess,67,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-es,libaccess,68,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-es,libaccess,69,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-es,libaccess,70,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-es,libaccess,71,[Check if uid == user (i.e. check "%s" == "%s)"\n]
-es,libaccess,72,[SUCCESS for user "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,73,[FAILED for user "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,77,[LASProgram unable to get request address - error=%s]
-es,libaccess,78,[LASProgram rejecting request for program %s from pattern %s]
-es,libaccess,79,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to parse file "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,80,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to concatenate ACL list "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,81,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to open and process the magnus file "%s"\n]
-es,libaccess,82,[Illegal comparator for timeOfDay - %s\n]
-es,libaccess,83,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-es,libaccess,84,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to PERM_CALLOC cache structure\n]
-es,libaccess,85,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-es,libaccess,86,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth pointer array\n]
-es,libaccess,87,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth plist\n]
-es,libaccess,88,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%s\n]
-es,libaccess,89,[ACL_INTEvalTestRights: call to ACL_EvalBuildContext returned failure status\n]
-es,libaccess,90,[ACL_ModuleRegister: module name is missing\n]
-es,libaccess,91,[ACL_ModuleRegister: call to module init function returned a failed status\n]
-es,libaccess,92,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't determine method for %s\n]
-es,libaccess,93,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't locate getter for %s]
-es,libaccess,94,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-es,libaccess,95,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-es,libaccess,96,[ACL_GetAttribute: All attribute getters declined for attr %s]
-es,libaccess,97,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-es,libaccess,98,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: database name is missing]
-es,libaccess,99,[Error reading the DB Map File: %s. Reason: %s]
-es,libaccess,100,[URL is missing for database %s]
-es,libaccess,101,[Invalid property value pair for database %s]
-es,libaccess,102,["default" database must be an LDAP database]
-es,libaccess,103,[Multiple "default" databases are being registered]
-es,libaccess,104,["default" LDAP database must be registered]
-es,libaccess,105,[LASGroupEval unable to get database name - error= %s]
-es,libaccess,106,[received invalid program expression %s]
-es,libaccess,107,[parse_ldap_url: database url is missing]
-es,libaccess,108,[parse_ldap_url: database name is missing]
-es,libaccess,109,[parse_ldap_url: error in parsing ldap url. Reason: %s]
-es,libaccess,110,[ldap password check: unable to get database name - error=%s]
-es,libaccess,111,[ldap password check: unable to get parsed database %s]
-es,libaccess,112,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-es,libaccess,113,[ldap password check: LDAP error: "%s"]
-es,libaccess,114,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get database name - error=%s]
-es,libaccess,115,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get parsed database %s]
-es,libaccess,116,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-es,libaccess,117,[get_user_ismember_ldap: group %s does not exist]
-es,libaccess,118,[get_user_ismember_ldap: LDAP error: "%s"]
-es,libaccess,119,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not a registered database]
-es,libaccess,120,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not an LDAP database]
-es,libaccess,121,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: out of memory]
-es,libaccess,122,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-es,libaccess,123,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't bind to LDAP server. Reason: %s]
-es,libaccess,124,[insufficient dynamic memory]
-es,libaccess,125,[error opening file, %s: %s]
-es,libaccess,126,[duplicate definition of %s]
-es,libaccess,127,[file %s, line %s: duplicate definition of %s]
-es,libaccess,128,[file %s, line %s: syntax error]
-es,libaccess,129,[file %s, line %s: %s is undefined]
-es,libaccess,130,[in acl %s, %s %s is undefined]
-es,libaccess,131,[database %s: error accessing %s]
-es,libaccess,133,[file %s, line %s: invalid syntax]
-es,libaccess,134,[file %s, line %s: syntax error at "%s"]
-es,libaccess,135,[realm %s is not defined]
-es,libaccess,136,[error code = %d]
-es,libaccess,137,[internal ACL error]
-es,libaccess,138,[invalid argument]
-es,libaccess,139,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-es,libaccess,140,[couldn't determine dbtype from: %s]
-es,libaccess,141,[Failed to register database %s]
-es,libaccess,142,[ACL call returned failed status]
-es,libaccess,143,[file %s: ACL IO error - %s]
-es,libaccess,144,[acl_user_exists: memoria agotada]
-es,libaccess,145,[acl_user_exists: ya no existe el usuario]
-es,libaccess,146,[acl_user_exists: error de plist]
-es,libadmin,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-es,libadmin,1,[ Help ]
-es,libadmin,2,[ OK ]
-es,libadmin,3,[ Reset ]
-es,libadmin,4,[ Done ]
-es,libadmin,5,[ Cancel ]
-es,libir,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-es,libir,1,[An I/O error occurred before all form data could be read.]
diff --git a/l10n/dirserv/fr/ns-slapd.txt b/l10n/dirserv/fr/ns-slapd.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5485a622..00000000
--- a/l10n/dirserv/fr/ns-slapd.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,939 +0,0 @@
-# This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
-# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
-# In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
-# right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
-# General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
-# including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
-# permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
-# through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
-# found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
-# Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
-# the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
-# the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
-# additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
-# Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
-# in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
-# exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
-# version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
-# provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
-# statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
-# exception.
-# Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission.
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-/* The copyright notice(s) in this Source Code does not indicate actual */
-/* or intended publication of this Source Code. */
-/* This text file was generated by program dblink */
-$Revision: 1.4 $
-$Log: ns-slapd.txt,v $
-Revision 1.4 2005/04/19 22:06:51 nkinder
-Fixed licensing typo
-Revision 1.3 2005/04/15 22:39:18 nkinder
-155068 - Added license to source files
-Revision 1.2 2005/02/28 23:37:40 nkinder
-149951 - Updated source code copyrights
-Revision 2005/01/21 00:40:48 cvsadm
-Moving NSCP Directory Server from DirectoryBranch to TRUNK, initial drop. (foxworth)
-Revision 2003/09/22 19:36:42 ulfw
-Update copyright years from 2001 to 2001-2003
-Revision 2001/11/03 01:07:03 richm
-XXX use new copyright XXX
-Revision 2001/09/20 16:39:16 richm
-removed 8 bit copyright character
-Revision 2001/09/18 11:48:16 rmarco
-Remove copyright caracter from copyright
-Revision 2001/02/13 09:59:55 rmarco
-Revision 1998/10/10 02:14:08 ggood
-Copy from Directory40RtmBranchpoint to DirectoryBranch
-Revision 1998/04/04 23:16:54 mcs
-merge changes made on directory31_rtm_branch into server4_directory_branch
-Revision 1998/02/24 05:51:56 noriko
-Synched with server3_i18npkg_branch
-Revision 1997/12/31 00:28:47 werudge
-UTF8 Encoded from fr/ns-slapd.txt.iso8859 :
-Based on en/ns-slapd.txt :
-Revision 1997/12/31 00:23:39 werudge
-Remove \n from dsgw,198 to fix JavaScript problem
-Revision 1997/12/19 02:03:54 werudge
-Based on en/ns-slapd.txt :
-daily 971113.1 SOLARIS-export-optimize-normal-slapd
-fr,base,-1,[$DBT: base in DB file v1 $]
-fr,base,1,[m幦oire insuffisante pour cr嶪r la table de hachage]
-fr,base,2,[m幦oire insuffisante pour cr嶪r la table de hachage ]
-fr,base,3,[cache_destroy : les tables du cache semblent corrompues.]
-fr,base,4,[impossible d徨llouer l悶ntr嶪 de hachage]
-fr,base,5,[cache_insert : impossible de cr嶪r l悶ntr嶪 de cache]
-fr,base,6,[HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/html\n\n]
-fr,base,7,[<H2>Rapport d'彋at du cache Netscape\n(Netscape cache status report)</H2>\n]
-fr,base,8,[Aucun cache sur le syst鋗e (No caches on system)<P>]
-fr,base,9,[<H2>cache %s</H2>\n]
-fr,base,10,[Rapport de connexions au cache: %d/%d (%f)\n(Cache hit ratio: as shown)</P>\n</P>\n]
-fr,base,11,[Taille du cache: %d/%d\n(Cache size: as shown)</P>\n</P>\n]
-fr,base,12,[Taille de la table de hachage: %d\n(Hash table size: as shown)</P>\n</P>\n]
-fr,base,13,[mru : %d</P>\nlru : %d</P>\n]
-fr,base,14,[<UL><TABLE BORDER=4> <TH>Compartiment (Bucket)</TH> <TH>Adresse (Address)</TH> <TH>Clef (Key)</TH> <TH>Nombre d'acc鋊 (Access Count)</TH> <TH>Supprimer (Delete)</TH> <TH>Suivant (Next)</TH> <TH>LRU</TH> <TH>MRU</TH> <TH>Donn嶪s (Data)</TH>\n]
-fr,base,15,[munmap failed (%s)]
-fr,base,16,[munmap failed (%s)]
-fr,base,17,[close failed (%s)]
-fr,base,18,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-fr,base,19,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-fr,base,20,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-fr,base,21,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-fr,base,22,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-fr,base,23,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-fr,base,24,[could not determine current user name\n]
-fr,base,25,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-fr,base,27,[, address %s]
-fr,base,28,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-fr,base,29,[security handshake timed out for pid %d]
-fr,base,30,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-fr,base,31,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-fr,base,32,[accept failed (%s)]
-fr,base,33,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-fr,base,34,[select thread miss]
-fr,base,35,[keepalive worker awoken with no work to do]
-fr,base,36,[could not create new thread: %d (%s)]
-fr,base,37,[wait for sema succeeded, but nothing to dequeue]
-fr,base,38,[queue-sema creation failure]
-fr,base,39,[error getting processor info for processor %d]
-fr,base,40,[Error binding to processor %d]
-fr,base,41,[bound process %d to processor %d]
-fr,base,42,[Netscape server is not explicitly binding to any processors.]
-fr,base,43,[cache monitor exited]
-fr,base,44,[cache batch update daemon exited]
-fr,base,45,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-fr,base,46,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-fr,base,47,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-fr,base,48,[This machine has %d processors.]
-fr,base,49,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-fr,base,50,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-fr,base,51,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-fr,base,54,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-fr,base,55,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-fr,base,56,[Cache monitor respawned]
-fr,base,57,[Cache batch update daemon respawned]
-fr,base,58,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-fr,base,59,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-fr,base,60,[assert failed! %s\n]
-fr,base,62,[malloc failed]
-fr,base,63,[malloc failed!]
-fr,base,64,[mr_add_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-fr,base,65,[mr_add_io - stage 1]
-fr,base,66,[mr_add_io - stage 2]
-fr,base,67,[mr_add_io found invalid IO type %d]
-fr,base,68,[mr_add_io - adding timeout]
-fr,base,69,[Out of memory!\n]
-fr,base,70,[done with mr_add_io]
-fr,base,71,[mr_del_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-fr,base,72,[mr_del_io found invalid IO type %d]
-fr,base,74,[mr_async_io(%d, %d bytes, file %d)]
-fr,base,75,[malloc failure adding async IO]
-fr,base,76,[Error adding async io!]
-fr,base,77,[Cannot seek for read!]
-fr,base,78,[read failure! (%d, %s)]
-fr,base,79,[do_read read %d bytes for file %d]
-fr,base,80,[Cannot seek for write!]
-fr,base,81,[writev failure! (%d, %s)]
-fr,base,82,[write failure! (%d, %s)]
-fr,base,83,[do_write wrote %d bytes for file %d]
-fr,base,84,[do_timeout(mrp %d)]
-fr,base,85,[do_timeout: found IO (timer=%d, time=%d)]
-fr,base,86,[error deleting io]
-fr,base,87,[timeout callback failure for %d\n]
-fr,base,88,[mr_get_event(%d) - outstanding io %d]
-fr,base,89,[mr_get_event: Waiting for reads on FD:]
-fr,base,90,[mr_get_event: Waiting for writes on FD:]
-fr,base,91,[ %d]
-fr,base,92,[ %d]
-fr,base,93,[mr_get_event set no timeout]
-fr,base,94,[mr_get_event set timeout to: %d.%d sec]
-fr,base,95,[error in select (%d, %s)]
-fr,base,96,[mr_get_event() - select found %d]
-fr,base,97,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-fr,base,98,[read failed for fd %d]
-fr,base,99,[error deleting io]
-fr,base,100,[callback failure for %d\n]
-fr,base,101,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-fr,base,102,[writing: header len %d, writelen %d, total %d]
-fr,base,103,[write failed for fd %d]
-fr,base,104,[error deleting io]
-fr,base,105,[callback failure for %d\n]
-fr,base,106,[Error creating dns cache]
-fr,base,107,[dns_cache_init: hash_size <= 0, using %d]
-fr,base,108,[dns_cache_init: cache-size <= %d, using %d]
-fr,base,109,[dns_cache_init: cache-size is %d is too large, using %d.]
-fr,base,110,[dns_cache_init: expire_time <= 0, using %d]
-fr,base,111,[dns_cache_init: expire is %d is too large, using %d seconds.]
-fr,base,112,[Error creating dns cache]
-fr,base,113,[dns-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-fr,base,114,[dns-cache-insert: malloc failure]
-fr,base,115,[successful server startup]
-fr,base,116,[%s B%s]
-fr,base,117,[Netscape executable and shared library have different versions]
-fr,base,118,[ executable version is %s]
-fr,base,119,[ shared library version is %s]
-fr,base,120,[error reporting shutting down]
-fr,base,128,[event_handler:Failed to wait on events %s]
-fr,base,129,[could not wait on resume event event (%s)]
-fr,base,130,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-fr,base,131,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-fr,base,132,[The server is terminating due to an error. Check the event viewer for the error message. SERVER EXITING!]
-fr,base,133,[Terminating the server %s]
-fr,base,134,[kill_server:cannot open server event %s]
-fr,base,135,[kill_server:cannot set server event %s]
-fr,base,136,[error: could not get socket (%s)\n]
-fr,base,137,[error: could not set socket option (%s)\n]
-fr,base,138,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to address %s port %d (%s)\n]
-fr,base,139,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-fr,base,140,[SetHandleNonInheritable: could not duplicate socket (%s)]
-fr,base,141,[SetHandleNonInheritable: closing the original socket failed (%s)]
-fr,base,142,[Could not SetHandleInformation (%s)]
-fr,base,143,[Terminating Service:Failure: Could not open statistics file (%s)\n]
-fr,base,144,[Could not set Thread Local Storage Value for thread at slot %d]
-fr,base,145,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-fr,base,146,[accept failed %d (%s)]
-fr,base,147,[Failed to pulse Event %d %s]
-fr,base,148,[Failed to send MobGrowth Event to parent %s]
-fr,base,149,[Pulsing MobRespawn Event %d]
-fr,base,150,[respawn thread pool to %d (%d)]
-fr,base,151,[Could not open event to signal rotate application. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-fr,base,152,[Failed to send MoveLog Event to rotate app %s]
-fr,base,153,[growing thread pool from %d to %d]
-fr,base,154,[Could not open the ServiceControlManager, Error %d]
-fr,base,155,[StartNetsiteService:Could not open the service %s: Error %d]
-fr,base,156,[StartNetsiteService:Could not start the service %s]
-fr,base,157,[Service Startup: Could not allocate security descriptor]
-fr,base,158,[Service Startup: Could not init security descriptor]
-fr,base,159,[Service Startup: Could not set the security Dacl]
-fr,base,160,[Terminating Service:WinSock init failed: %s]
-fr,base,161,[Httpd Server Startup failed: %s]
-fr,base,162,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-fr,base,163,[NT daemon: could not create new thread %d]
-fr,base,164,[Service Startup Failure. Terminating Service:Could not create event %d:%s]
-fr,base,165,[Service Startup Error. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-fr,base,166,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-fr,base,167,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-fr,base,168,[pipebuf_buf2sd: pipebuf_grab IO_ERROR %d]
-fr,base,169,[pool-init: memory pools disabled]
-fr,base,170,[pool-init: free_size <= 0, using %d]
-fr,base,171,[pool-create-block: out of memory]
-fr,base,172,[pool-create: out of memory]
-fr,base,173,[pool-create: out of memory]
-fr,base,174,[pool-malloc: out of memory]
-fr,base,175,[FREE() used where PERM_FREE() should have been used- problem corrected and supressing further warnings.]
-fr,base,176,[regex error: %s (regex: '%s')]
-fr,base,177,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-fr,base,178,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-fr,base,179,[flushing %d connections; current %d; tot %d]
-fr,base,180,[accept failed (%s)]
-fr,base,181,[Error creating time cache]
-fr,base,182,[time-cache: cache disabled]
-fr,base,183,[time_cache_init: hash_size < %d, using default, %d]
-fr,base,184,[time_cache_init: hash_size > %d, using default, %d]
-fr,base,185,[time_cache_init: cache_size < %d, using default, %d]
-fr,base,186,[time_cache_init: cache_size > %d, using default, %d]
-fr,base,187,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-fr,base,188,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-fr,base,189,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-fr,base,190,[Error inserting new time_cache entry]
-fr,base,191,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-fr,base,192,[cs-terminate failure (%s)]
-fr,base,193,[cs-init failure (%s)]
-fr,base,194,[cs-wait failure (%s)]
-fr,base,195,[cs-post failure (%s)]
-fr,base,196,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-fr,base,197,[error: could not set keepalive (%s)\n]
-fr,base,198,[error: could not set recv timeout (%s)\n]
-fr,base,199,[error: could not set send timeout (%s)\n]
-fr,base,200,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-fr,base,201,[sem_grab failed (%s)]
-fr,base,202,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-fr,base,203,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-fr,base,204,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-fr,base,205,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-fr,dsgw,-1,[$DBT: dsgw in DB file v1 $]
-fr,dsgw,1,[M矇thode de demande HTTP inconnue (Unknown HTTP request method)]
-fr,dsgw,2,[Donn矇es HTML de formulaire non valides ou incompl癡tes (Invalid or incomplete HTML form data)]
-fr,dsgw,3,[M矇moire 矇puis矇e (Out of memory)]
-fr,dsgw,4,[L織entr矇e de requ礙te/formulaire exig矇e est manquante (Required query/form input is missing)]
-fr,dsgw,5,[Caract癡re non autoris矇 dans le chemin d織acc癡s au fichier (Illegal character in file path)]
-fr,dsgw,6,[Fichier de configuration erron矇 ou manquant (Bad or missing configuration file)]
-fr,dsgw,7,[Impossible d織initialiser LDAP (Unable to initialize LDAP)]
-fr,dsgw,8,[Une erreur est survenue lors du contact du serveur LDAP (An error occurred while contacting the LDAP server)]
-fr,dsgw,9,[Type d織objet de recherche inconnu (Unknown search object type)]
-fr,dsgw,10,[Etiquette d織attribut inconnue (Unknown attribute label)]
-fr,dsgw,11,[Invite de correspondance inconnue (Unknown match prompt)]
-fr,dsgw,12,[Aucun filtre de recherche pour ce type d織objet (No search filters for object type)]
-fr,dsgw,13,[Impossible d織ouvrir le fichier de mod癡le HTML (Unable to open HTML template file)]
-fr,dsgw,14,[Mode de recherche inconnu; utiliser "smart", "complex", "pattern" ou "auth" (Unknown search mode - use "smart", "complex", "pattern", or "auth")]
-fr,dsgw,15,[Nom distinctif manquant dans l織URL (Distinguished Name missing in URL)]
-fr,dsgw,16,[Port矇e inconnue dans l織URL (doit 礙tre: base, sub ou one) (Unknown scope in URL (should be base, sub, or one))]
-fr,dsgw,17,[URL non reconnu ou erreur inconnue (Unrecognized URL or unknown error)]
-fr,dsgw,18,[Format d織URL erron矇 (Bad URL format)]
-fr,dsgw,19,[Erreur interne (Internal error)]
-fr,dsgw,20,[Impossible d織矇crire sur le fichier d織index de mod癡les (Unable to write template index file)]
-fr,dsgw,21,[Impossible d織ouvrir le fichier d織index de mod癡les (Unable to open template index file)]
-fr,dsgw,22,[Impossible de lire le r矇pertoire (Unable to read directory)]
-fr,dsgw,23,[Echec de l織initialisation SSL LDAP (v矇rifiez le chemin de s矇curit矇) (LDAP SSL initialization failed (check the security path))]
-fr,dsgw,24,[Pour que les formulaires d'utilisateurs et de groupes puissent fonctionner sur SSL avec Administration Server, vous-m礙me ou l'administrateur de votre syst癡me devez activer SSL. La page Encryption|On/Off peut 礙tre utilis矇e cette fin.\n(For the Users and Groups forms to work over SSL, you or your server administrator needs to activate SSL for this Administration Server. The Encryption|On/Off page can be used to do so]
-fr,dsgw,25,[R矇f矇rences d織authentification introuvables dans la base de donn矇es d織authentification (Authentication credentials not found in authentication database)]
-fr,dsgw,26,[Erreur de r矇cup矇ration des donn矇es depuis la base de donn矇es d織authentification (Error retrieving data from the authentication database)]
-fr,dsgw,27,[Vos r矇f矇rences d織authentification ont expir矇 (Your authentication credentials have expired)]
-fr,dsgw,28,[Impossible de cr矇er une cha簾ne al矇atoire]
-fr,dsgw,29,[Aucun nom distinctif n織a 矇t矇 fourni lors du retrait des r矇f矇rences (No distinguished name was provided when retrieving credentials)]
-fr,dsgw,30,[Impossible d織ouvrir la base de donn矇es d織authentification (Cannot open authentication database)]
-fr,dsgw,31,[Impossible d織annexer des donn矇es la base de donn矇es d織authentification (Could not append data to the authentication database)]
-fr,dsgw,32,[Aucun gestionnaire de r矇pertoires n織est d矇fini (No Directory Manager is defined)]
-fr,dsgw,33,[Aucune cha簾ne de recherche n織a 矇t矇 fournie. Veuillez essayer nouveau (No search string was provided. Please try again)]
-fr,dsgw,34,[Le fichier de configuration comporte trop d織arguments sur une ligne (Too many arguments on one line in the config. file)]
-fr,dsgw,35,[Echec de l織initialisation des sockets Windows (Failed to initialize Windows Sockets)]
-fr,dsgw,36,[Les r矇f矇rences d織authentification n織ont pas pu 礙tre obtenues aupr癡s d織Administration Server (Authentication credentials could not be obtained from the Administration Server)]
-fr,dsgw,37,[Nom distinctif manquant dans l織URL ldapdb:// (Distinguished Name missing in ldapdb:// URL)]
-fr,dsgw,38,[URL non reconnu ou erreur inconnue (Unrecognized URL or unknown error)]
-fr,dsgw,39,[Format d織URL erron矇 (Bad URL format)]
-fr,dsgw,40,[Une erreur est survenue lors de l'initialisation de la base de donn矇es LDAP locale\n(An error occurred while initializing the local LDAP database)]
-fr,dsgw,41,[Type de service de r矇pertoires inconnu; utiliser "local" ou "remote" (Unknown directory service type - use "local" or "remote")]
-fr,dsgw,42,[Une erreur est survenue lors de la lecture du fichier de configuration db (An error occurred while reading the db configuration file)]
-fr,dsgw,43,[Le chemin d織acc癡s NSHOME/userdb 矇tait NULL (NSHOME/userdb path was NULL)]
-fr,dsgw,44,[Impossible de mettre jour la configuration du service de r矇pertoires. (The directory service configuration could not be updated.)]
-fr,dsgw,45,[Impossible de lire l織entr矇e partir du r矇pertoire. (The entry could not be read from the directory.)]
-fr,dsgw,46,[Impossible d織effacer la base de donn矇es LDAP. (The LDAP database could not be erased.)]
-fr,dsgw,47,[Vous pouvez seulement modifier les entr矇es que vous avez cr矇矇es. (You may not change entries besides your own.)]
-fr,dsgw,48,[Probl癡me (Problem)]
-fr,dsgw,49,[Probl癡me d織authentification (Authentication Problem)]
-fr,dsgw,50,[.\n<P>Vous devez r矇-authentifier avant de continuer. (You must re-authenticate before continuing.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,51,[.\n<P>Vous devez r矇-authentifier avant de continuer. (You must re-authenticate before continuing.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,52,[erreur inconnue (unknown error)]
-fr,dsgw,53,[L織op矇ration a r矇ussi. (The operation was successful.)]
-fr,dsgw,54,[Une erreur interne est survenue sur le serveur. Ceci indique g矇n矇ralement une s矇rieuse d矇faillance du serveur et doit 礙tre imm矇diatement port矇 l織attention de l織administrateur de votre serveur. (An internal error occurred in the server. This usually indicates a serious malfunction in the server and should be brought to the attention of your server administrator.)]
-fr,dsgw,55,[Le serveur n織a pas compris la demande qui lui a 矇t矇 transmise par la passerelle. (The server could not understand the request which was sent to it by the gateway.)]
-fr,dsgw,56,[La r矇ponse votre demande a d矇pass矇 le temps imparti. Si vous recherchez des entr矇es, vous obtiendrez sans doute de meilleurs r矇sultats en 矇tant plus pr矇cis dans votre recherche. (A time limit was exceeded in responding to your request. If you are searching for entries, you may achieve better results if you are more specific in your search.)]
-fr,dsgw,57,[La r矇ponse votre demande a d矇pass矇 la taille autoris矇e. Si vous recherchez des entr矇es, vous obtiendrez sans doute de meilleurs r矇sultats en 矇tant plus pr矇cis car trop d織entr矇es r矇pondent vos crit癡res de recherche. (A size limit was exceeded in responding to your request. If you are searching for entries, you may achieve better results if you are more specific in your search, because too many entries matched your search criteria.)]
-fr,dsgw,58,[La passerelle a tent矇 d'authentifier l'acc癡s au serveur en utilisant\nune m矇thode incomprise par ce dernier.\n(The gateway attempted to authenticate to the server using\na method the server doesn't understand.)]
-fr,dsgw,59,[La passerelle a tent矇 d織authentifier l織acc癡s au serveur en utilisant une m矇thode d織authentification non support矇e par le serveur. (The gateway attempted to authenticate to the server using an authentication method which the server does not support.)]
-fr,dsgw,60,[Impossible d織honorer votre demande, sans doute parce que le serveur contact矇 ne contient pas les donn矇es que vous recherchez. Il est possible qu織une orientation vers un autre serveur ait 矇t矇 renvoy矇e sans avoir pu 礙tre suivie. Si vous 矇tiez en train d織essayer de modifier le r矇pertoire, il se peut que le serveur contenant la copie ma簾tresse des donn矇es ne soit pas disponible. (Your request could not be fulfilled, probably because the server that was contacted does not contain the data you are looking for. It is possible that a referral to another server was returned but could not be followed. If you were trying to make changes to the directory, it may be that the server that holds the master copy of the data is not available.)]
-fr,dsgw,61,[Votre demande a d矇pass矇 une limite administrative sur le serveur. (Your request exceeded an administrative limit in the server.)]
-fr,dsgw,62,[Une extension importante demand矇e par la passerelle n織est pas disponible sur ce serveur. (A critical extension that the gateway requested is not available in this server.)]
-fr,dsgw,63,[Le serveur n'a pas pu traiter la demande car celle-ci\nrenvoie un attribut inexistant dans\nl'entr矇e.\n(The server was unable to process the request, because the\nrequest referred to an attribute which does not exist in the\nentry.)]
-fr,dsgw,64,[Le serveur n織a pas pu r矇pondre votre demande, car \ncelle-ci va l織encontre d織une contrainte de la base de donn矇es.\n(The server was unable to fulfill your request, because the\nrequest violates a constraint.)]
-fr,dsgw,65,[Le serveur n織a pas pu ajouter une valeur cette entr矇e car elle la contient d矇j. (The server could not add a value to the entry, because that value is already contained in the entry.)]
-fr,dsgw,66,[Le serveur n'a pas pu localiser l'entr矇e. Si vous ajoutez une nouvelle entr矇e,\nassurez-vous qu'elle comporte une entr矇e principale.\nLa r矇ception de ce message d'erreur lors d'une recherche indique que l'entr矇e\nrecherch矇e n'existe pas.\nSi vous 矇tiez en train d'essayer d'authentifier l'acc癡s en tant que gestionnaire de r矇pertoires et que vous\navez vu appara簾tre ce message, v矇rifiez le fichier de configuration de la passerelle.\n(The server could not locate the entry. If adding a new entry,\nbe sure that the parent of the entry you are trying to add exists.\nIf you received this error while searching, it indicates that the\nentry which was being searched for does not exist.\nIf you were attempting to authenticate as the directory manager and\nreceived this error, check the gateway configuration file.)]
-fr,dsgw,67,[Le format d織un nom distinctif est incorrect. (A distinguished name was not in the proper format.)]
-fr,dsgw,68,[L織entr矇e que vous 矇tiez en train d織essayer d織authentifier ne comporte pas de jeu de mots de passe, ou bien il lui manque d織autres r矇f矇rences d織authentification requises. Pour que vous puissiez authentifier cette entr矇e, les attributs appropri矇s doivent avoir 矇t矇 ajout矇s par le gestionnaire de r矇pertoires. (The entry you attempted to authenticate as does not have a password set, or is missing other required authentication credentials. You cannot authenticate as that entry until the appropriate attributes have been added by the directory manager. )]
-fr,dsgw,69,[Le mot de passe (ou d'autres r矇f矇rences d'authentification) que vous avez fourni\nest incorrect. (The password (or other authentication credentials) you supplied\nis incorrect. If you just changed your password, you might try exiting your browser and connecting again.)]
-fr,dsgw,70,[Vos privil癡ges sont insuffisants pour effectuer cette op矇ration. (You do not have sufficient privileges to perform the operation.)]
-fr,dsgw,71,[Le serveur est trop occup矇 pour honorer votre demande. Essayez nouveau dans quelques minutes. (The server is too busy to service your request. Try again in a few minutes.)]
-fr,dsgw,72,[Impossible de contacter le serveur LDAP. (The LDAP server could not be contacted.)]
-fr,dsgw,73,[Le serveur refuse de traiter votre demande. Cette derni癡re risquerait sans doute de le surcharger. Il se peut 矇galement qu織il ne soit pas configur矇 pour traiter votre demande. Si vous tentez d織effectuer une recherche, vous avez int矇r礙t en limiter la port矇e. (The server was unwilliing to process your request. Usually, this indicates that serving your request would put a heavy load on the server. It may also indicate that the server is not configured to process your request. If searching, you may wish to limit the scope of your search.)]
-fr,dsgw,74,[Le serveur de r矇pertoires ne peut honorer votre demande car elle viole les exigences du sch矇ma. Vous n織avez sans doute pas fourni de valeur pour un champ requis. Il se peut 矇galement que le sch矇ma du serveur de r矇pertoires n矇cessite une mise jour. (The directory server could not honor your request because it violates the schema requirements. Typically, this means that you have not provided a value for a required field. It could also mean that the schema in the directory server needs to be updated.)]
-fr,dsgw,75,[Le serveur de r矇pertoires ne vous permettra pas de supprimer ou de renommer une entr矇e qui comporte des sous-entr矇es. Si vous souhaitez continuer, vous devez d織abord supprimer toutes les sous-entr矇es. (The directory server will not allow you to delete or rename an entry if that entry has children. If you wish to do this, you must first delete all the child entries.)]
-fr,dsgw,76,[Le serveur ne peut ajouter une nouvelle entr矇e ni renommer une entr矇e existante car il existe d矇j une entr矇e sous ce nom. (The server was unable to add a new entry, or rename an existing entry, because an entry by that name already exists.)]
-fr,dsgw,77,[Votre demande affecterait plusieurs serveurs de r矇pertoires. (Your request would affect several directory servers.)]
-fr,dsgw,78,[Impossible de contacter le serveur de r矇pertoires. Contactez\nl'administrateur de votre serveur de r矇pertoires pour obtenir de l'aide.\n(The directory server could not be contacted. Contact your\ndirectory server administrator for assistance.)]
-fr,dsgw,79,[Une erreur est survenue lors de l織envoi de donn矇es au serveur. (An error occured while sending data to the server.)]
-fr,dsgw,80,[Une erreur est survenue lors de la lecture des donn矇es en provenance du serveur. (An error occured while reading data from the server.)]
-fr,dsgw,81,[Le serveur n織a pas r矇pondu la demande. La demande a d矇pass矇 le temps imparti. (The server did not respond to the request. The request timed out.)]
-fr,dsgw,82,[Le serveur ne supporte pas la m矇thode d織authentification utilis矇e par la passerelle. (The server does not support the authentication method used by the gateway.)]
-fr,dsgw,83,[Le filtre de recherche cr矇矇 par la passerelle est erron矇. (The search filter constructed by the gateway was in error.)]
-fr,dsgw,84,[L織op矇ration a 矇t矇 annul矇e votre demande. (The operation was cancelled at your request.)]
-fr,dsgw,85,[Une erreur interne est survenue dans la biblioth癡que; un param癡tre est incorrect. (An internal error occurred in the library - a parameter was incorrect.)]
-fr,dsgw,86,[Impossible d'ouvrir une connexion au serveur de r矇pertoires. Contactez\nl'administrateur de votre serveur de r矇pertoires pour obtenir de l'aide.\n(A connection to the directory server could not be opened. Contact your\ndirectory server administrator for assistance.)]
-fr,dsgw,87,[Une erreur inconnue est survenue. (An unknown error was encountered.)]
-fr,dsgw,88,[Cette entr矇e existe d矇j (Entry Already Exists)]
-fr,dsgw,89,[Une entr矇e nomm矇e (An entry named) ]
-fr,dsgw,90,[onMouseOver="window.status='Cliquez ici pour afficher cette entr矇e'; return true"\n(onMouseOver="window.status='Click here to view this entry'; return true")]
-fr,dsgw,91,[ existe d矇j (already exists).<P>Veuillez choisir un autre nom et/ou une autre adresse.\n(Please choose another name and/or location.)\n<P>\n]
-fr,dsgw,92,[L織entr矇e principale n織existe pas (Parent entry does not exist)]
-fr,dsgw,93,[Impossible d織ajouter une entr矇e par le nom:<P><B>%s</B>,<P>\ncar il n織existe pas d織entr矇e principale.<P>\nPour pouvoir ajouter cette entr矇e, vous devez d織abord ajouter\n(You cannot add an entry by the name shown\nbecause the parent of that entry does not exist.<P>\nBefore you can add this entry, you must first add)\n]
-fr,dsgw,94,[l織entr矇e principale (its parent).\n]
-fr,dsgw,95,[une entr矇e nomm矇e (an entry named):<P><B>%s</B>.\n]
-fr,dsgw,96,[Avertissement: pas d織authentification (continuation)...\n(Warning: no authentication (continuing)...)\n]
-fr,dsgw,97,[Entr矇e de r矇pertoire %s (Directory Entry)]
-fr,dsgw,98,[<PRE>DN de l織entr矇e (Entry DN): %s</PRE><P>\n]
-fr,dsgw,99,[Les changements apport矇s <B>%s</B> ont 矇t矇 enregistr矇s.]
-fr,dsgw,100,[<B>%s</B> has been added.]
-fr,dsgw,101,[<B>%s</B> has been deleted.]
-fr,dsgw,102,[Renamed <B>%s</B> to <B>%s</B>.]
-fr,dsgw,103,[<P><B>Remarque:</B> Parce que vous avez %s l織entr矇e pour laquelle vous 矇tiez\nauthentifi矇, il a fallu mettre vos r矇f矇rences \nd織authentification au rebut. Vous aurez besoin d織une nouvelle \nauthentification pour pouvoir apporter des modifications suppl矇mentaires.\n(<B>Note:</B> because of your action on the entry you were \nauthenticated as, it was necessary to discard your \nauthentication credentials. You will need to authenticate \nagain to make additional changes.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,104,[supprim矇 (deleted)]
-fr,dsgw,105,[renomm矇 (renamed)]
-fr,dsgw,106,[a chang矇 le mot de passe de (changed the password of)]
-fr,dsgw,107,[L織attribut %s a 矇t矇 chang矇<BR>\n(Attribute shown was changed<BR>)\n]
-fr,dsgw,108,[ NON ASCII (%ld octets)\n(NOT ASCII (number of bytes shown))\n]
-fr,dsgw,109,[Aucune valeur n織a 矇t矇 entr矇e. Veuillez essayer nouveau.\n(No values were entered. Please try again.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,110,[Aucun changement n織a 矇t矇 apport矇.\n]
-fr,dsgw,111,[<P>Envoi de %s au serveur de r矇pertoires...\n]
-fr,dsgw,112,[informations (information)]
-fr,dsgw,113,[changements (changes)]
-fr,dsgw,114,[<P>L織ajout de cette entr矇e a r矇ussi.\n(Successfully added entry.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,115,[<P>La modification de cette entr矇e a r矇ussi. Vos changements ont 矇t矇 enregistr矇s.\n(Successfully edited entry. Your changes have been saved.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,116,[<P>La suppression de cette entr矇e a r矇ussi.\n(Successfully deleted entry.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,117,[<PRE>Le nouveau nom de cette entr矇e est: %s\n(The new name for the entry is as shown)\n</PRE><HR>\n]
-fr,dsgw,118,[<P>Le renommage de cette entr矇e a r矇ussi.\n(Successfully renamed entry.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,119,[Vous devez fournir l織ancien mot de passe.]
-fr,dsgw,120,[Vous devez sp矇cifier un nouveau mot de passe. Essayez nouveau.]
-fr,dsgw,121,[Le nouveau mot de passe et sa confirmation ne correspondent pas. Veuillez essayer nouveau]
-fr,dsgw,122,[<BR>Le %s <B>%s</B> est d矇j utilis矇. Veuillez en choisir un autre.\n(The item shown is already in use. Please choose a different one.)<BR>\n]
-fr,dsgw,123,[矇l矇ment "%.100s" de donn矇es de formulaire manquant\n(missing form data element shown)]
-fr,dsgw,124,[Initialisation des donn矇es de configuration\n(Initializing config info)]
-fr,dsgw,125,[Impossible d織ouvrir le fichier. (Cannot open file.)]
-fr,dsgw,126,[Fichier dbconf mal form矇. (Malformed dbconf file.)]
-fr,dsgw,127,[Nom du propri矇taire manquant dans le fichier dbconf.\n(Missing property name in dbconf file.)]
-fr,dsgw,128,[M矇moire 矇puis矇e. (Out of memory.)]
-fr,dsgw,129,[Directive manquante dans le fichier dbconf.\n(Missing directive in dbconf file.)]
-fr,dsgw,130,[Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de configuration "%s"\n(Cannot open config file with name shown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,131,[Argument manquant pour la directive "authlifetime"\n(Missing argument for "authlifetime" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,132,[Argument manquant pour la directive "dirmgr"\n(Missing argument for "dirmgr" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,133,[Argument manquant pour la directive "baseurl"\n(Missing argument for "baseurl" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,134,[URL erron矇 fourni pour la directive "baseurl"; le DN de base est manquant\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - the base DN is missing)\n]
-fr,dsgw,135,[analyse de la directive baseurl\n(parsing baseurl directive)]
-fr,dsgw,136,[URL erron矇 fourni pour la directive "baseurl"; pas un URL "ldap://"\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - not an "ldap://" URL)\n]
-fr,dsgw,137,[Les URL "ldaps://" ne sont pas encore support矇s\n("ldaps://" URLs are not yet supported)\n]
-fr,dsgw,138,[Arguments manquants pour la directive "template"\n(Missing arguments for "template" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,139,[Argument manquant pour la directive "sslrequired"\n(Missing argument for "sslrequired" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,140,[Argument inconnu pour la directive "sslrequired" (l織argument doit 礙tre "never", "whenauthenticated", "always")\n(Unknown argument to "sslrequired" directive (should be "never", "whenauthenticated", "always"))\n]
-fr,dsgw,141,[Argument manquant pour la directive "securitypath"\n(Missing argument for "securitypath" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,142,[Argument manquant pour la directive "location-suffix"\n(Missing argument for "location-suffix" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,143,[Trois arguments sont requis pour la directive "location"\n(Three arguments are required for the "location" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,144,[Au moins deux arguments sont requis pour la directive "newtype"\n(At least two arguments are required for the "newtype" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,145,[Adresse inconnue dans la directive "newtype"\n(Unknown location in "newtype" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,146,[Trois ou quatre arguments sont requis pour la directive "tmplset"\n(Three or four arguments are required for the "tmplset" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,147,[Quatre arguments sont requis pour la directive "attrvset"\n(Four arguments are required for the "attrvset" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,148,[Argument manquant pour la directive "charset"\n(Missing argument for "charset" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,149,[Argument manquant pour la directive "ClientLanguage"\n(Missing argument for "ClientLanguage" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,150,[Argument manquant pour la directive "AdminLanguage"\n(Missing argument for "AdminLanguage" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,151,[Argument manquant pour la directive "DefaultLanguage"\n(Missing argument for "DefaultLanguage" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,152,[Nom de fichier manquant pour la directive "include"\n(Missing filename for "include" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,153,[Directive inconnue dans le fichier de configuration\n(Unknown directive in config file)\n]
-fr,dsgw,154,[<= erase_db n織a pas r矇ussi ouvrir le fichier lcache.conf "%s"\n(<= erase_db could not open lcache.conf file with name shown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,155,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>La base de donn矇es a 矇t矇 supprim矇e. Cr矇ation d織une nouvelle base de donn矇es... \n(The database has been deleted. Creating new database...)\n</FONT>\n]
-fr,dsgw,156,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>Impossible de supprimer la base de donn矇es\n(The database could not be deleted)\n(</FONT>\n]
-fr,dsgw,157,[<= app_suffix n織a pas r矇ussi ouvrir le fichier ldif "%s"\n(<= app_suffix could not open ldif file with name shown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,158,[<= app_suffix n織a pas r矇ussi ouvrir le fichier tmp "%s"\n(<= app_suffix could not open tmp file with name shown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,159,[Impossible de renommer %s en %s (Unable to rename with names as shown)]
-fr,dsgw,160,[pointeur null renvoy矇 par dbconf_read_default_dbinfo().\n(null pointer returned by dbconf_read_default_dbinfo().)]
-fr,dsgw,161,[URL "ldapdb" erron矇; le DN de base est manquant\n(Bad "ldapdb" URL - the base DN is missing)\n]
-fr,dsgw,162,[URL "ldapdb" erron矇\n (Bad "ldapdb" URL)\n]
-fr,dsgw,163,[URL fourni pour la directive "baseurl" erron矇; le DN de base est manquant\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - the base DN is missing)\n]
-fr,dsgw,164,[analyse de la directive baseurl\n(parsing baseurl directive)]
-fr,dsgw,165,[URL fourni pour la directive "baseurl" erron矇; pas un URL "ldap:// ou ldapdb://"\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - not an "ldap:// or ldapdb://" URL)\n]
-fr,dsgw,166,[Les URL "ldaps://" ne sont pas encore support矇s\n("ldaps://" URLs are not yet supported)\n]
-fr,dsgw,167,[Aucune valeur donn矇e pour binddn\n(No value given for binddn)]
-fr,dsgw,168,[Aucune valeur donn矇e pour bindpw\n(No value given for bindpw)]
-fr,dsgw,169,[Aucun service de r矇pertoires par d矇faut n織est d矇fini dans le fichier dbswitch.conf\n(There is no default directory service defined in the dbswitch.conf file)]
-fr,dsgw,170,[Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de configuration "%s" en 矇criture\n(Cannot open config file with name shown for writing)\n]
-fr,dsgw,171,[Impossible de renommer %s en %s (Unable to rename with names as shown)]
-fr,dsgw,172,[fichier de configuration (config file) %s:]
-fr,dsgw,173,[fichier de configuration %s: ligne %d: \n(config file and line as shown)]
-fr,dsgw,174,[max %d]
-fr,dsgw,175,[ OK ]
-fr,dsgw,176,[Fermer la fen礙tre (Close Window)]
-fr,dsgw,178,[{crypt}VERROUILLE (LOCKED) [%s GMT]]
-fr,dsgw,179,[Retourner l織矇cran principal (Return to Main)]
-fr,dsgw,181,[ Help ]
-fr,dsgw,182,[Aide (Help)]
-fr,dsgw,184,[L織aide n織est pas encore disponible. (Help is not yet available.)]
-fr,dsgw,186,[Fermer la fen礙tre (Close Window)]
-fr,dsgw,187,[Fermer la fen礙tre (Close Window)]
-fr,dsgw,188,[mod癡le manquant? (missing ?template)]
-fr,dsgw,189,[Authentifier... (Authenticate...)]
-fr,dsgw,190,[Mettre les r矇f矇rences d織authentification au rebut (d矇connexion)?\n(Discard authentication credentials (log out)?)]
-fr,dsgw,191,[Veuillez taper une cha簾ne de recherche]
-fr,dsgw,192,[La premi癡re 矇tape de l織authentification de l織acc癡s ce r矇pertoire consiste en votre\npropre identification.<br>Tapez votre nom:\n(The first step in authenticating to the directory is identifying\nyourself.<br>Please type your name:)]
-fr,dsgw,193,[Continuer (Continue)]
-fr,dsgw,194,[Continuer (Continue)]
-fr,dsgw,195,[Annuler (Cancel)]
-fr,dsgw,196,[Authentifier comme gestionnaire de r矇pertoires"> &nbsp;(uniquement disponible pour les administrateurs de r矇pertoires)\n(Authenticate as directory manager"> &nbsp;(only available to Directory Administrators))\n]
-fr,dsgw,197,[Authentifier... (Authenticate...)]
-fr,dsgw,198,[Mettre les r矇f矇rences d織authentification au rebut? (Discard authentication credentials?)]
-fr,dsgw,200,[Continuer (Continue)]
-fr,dsgw,201,[Continuer (Continue)]
-fr,dsgw,202,[Annuler (Cancel)]
-fr,dsgw,203,[Authentifier l織acc癡s au r矇pertoire (connexion)\n(Authenticate (log in) to the directory)]
-fr,dsgw,204,[Vous 礙tes sur le point de vous authentifier aupr癡s de l'annuaire en tant que <B>%s</B>. Pour terminer le processus d'authentification, tapez votre mot de passe.\n]
-fr,dsgw,206,[Avant de pouvoir modifier ou ajouter des entr矇es, vous devez authentifier\nl織acc癡s au r矇pertoire (connexion). Cette fen礙tre vous\nguidera tout au long du processus\nd織authentification.\n(Before you can edit or add entries, you must authenticate\n(log in) to the directory. This window will guide\nyou through the steps of the authentication\nprocess.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,207,[Cet 矇cran vous permet d織authentifier l織acc癡s au r矇pertoire, \nou de vous y connecter. Vous devrez vous authentifier\navant de pouvoir modifier les entr矇es du r矇pertoire. Si vous\ntentez de modifier une entr矇e sans authentification,\nil vous sera demand矇 de vous connecter.\n(From this screen you may authenticate, or log in, \nto the directory. You will need to authenticate\nbefore you can modify directory entries. If you\nattempt to modify an entry without authenticating,\nyou will be asked to log in.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,208,[Statut de l織authentification (Authentication Status)]
-fr,dsgw,209,[<form>\nVotre acc癡s au r矇pertoire est actuellement authentifi矇 sous\n(You are currently authenticated to the directory as) ]
-fr,dsgw,210,[.\nSi vous voulez mettre vos r矇f矇rences d織authentification au rebut et vous d矇connecter du r矇pertoire, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous.\n(.\nIf you wish to discard your authentication credentials and log out of the directory, click on the button below.)]
-fr,dsgw,211,[Mettre les r矇f矇rences d織authentification au rebut (d矇connexion)\n(Discard Authentication Credentials (log out))]
-fr,dsgw,212,[Vos r矇f矇rences d織authentification pour \n(Your authentication credentials for )]
-fr,dsgw,213,[ont expir矇 (have expired).\n<HR>)\n]
-fr,dsgw,214,[Votre acc癡s au r矇pertoire n織est actuellement pas authentifi矇.\n(Currently, you are not authenticated to the directory.)<HR>\n]
-fr,dsgw,215,["%s=" manquant (missing definition shown)]
-fr,dsgw,216,["%s=%s" inconnu (unknown assignment as shown)]
-fr,dsgw,217,[option inconnue %s (unknown option as shown)]
-fr,dsgw,218,[syntaxe inconnue=%s\n(syntax shown unknown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,219,[** Type HTML "%s" non support矇 **\n(** HTML type shown not supported **<BR>)\n]
-fr,dsgw,224,[Modifier (Edit)]
-fr,dsgw,225,[Save Changes]
-fr,dsgw,228,[Supprimer (Delete)]
-fr,dsgw,229,[Supprimer cette entr矇e? (Delete this entry?)]
-fr,dsgw,230,[Renommer (Rename)]
-fr,dsgw,231,[Entrez un nouveau nom pour cette entr矇e: (Enter a new name for this entry:)]
-fr,dsgw,232,[Modifier sous (Edit As)]
-fr,dsgw,233,[%s= manquant (missing definition shown)]
-fr,dsgw,234,[Fermer la fen礙tre (Close Window)]
-fr,dsgw,235,[Modifier... (Edit...)]
-fr,dsgw,236,["%s=" manquant\n (missing definition shown")\n]
-fr,dsgw,237,[ensemble inconnu "%s"\n (set shown is unknown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,238,[syntaxe inconnue "%s"\n (syntax shown is unknown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,239,[R矇-authentifier (Re-Authenticate)]
-fr,dsgw,240,[Fermer la fen礙tre (Close Window)]
-fr,dsgw,241,[Voulez-vous vraiment (Do you really want to) ]
-fr,dsgw,243,[ OK ]
-fr,dsgw,244,[ OK ]
-fr,dsgw,245,[Remettre z矇ro (Reset)]
-fr,dsgw,246,[Termin矇 (Done)]
-fr,dsgw,247,[Annuler (Cancel)]
-fr,dsgw,248,[a trouv矇 un autre IF (les IF embo簾t矇s ne sont pas support矇s)\n(found another IF (nested IFs are not supported))]
-fr,dsgw,249,[a trouv矇 ELSE mais n織a pas vu de IF\n(found ELSE but didn't see an IF)]
-fr,dsgw,250,[a trouv矇 ELSE apr癡s ELSE (ENDIF attendu)\n(found ELSE after ELSE (expecting ENDIF))]
-fr,dsgw,251,[a trouv矇 ELIF mais n織a pas vu de IF\n(found ELIF but didn't see an IF)]
-fr,dsgw,252,[a trouv矇 ELIF apr癡s ELSE (ENDIF attendu)\n(found ELIF after ELSE (expecting ENDIF))]
-fr,dsgw,253,[a trouv矇 ENDIF mais n織a pas vu de IF\n(found ENDIF but didn't see an IF)]
-fr,dsgw,254,[<BR><B>erreur de mod癡le:</B> %s\n(<B>template error as shown</B>)<BR>\n]
-fr,dsgw,255,[ldap_init/lcache_init tent矇 avant la lecture du fichier de configuration\n(ldap_init/lcache_init attempted before config file read)]
-fr,dsgw,256,[ne tourne pas sous Administration Server\n(not running under the administration server)]
-fr,dsgw,257,[Impossible d織initialiser les permissions\n(Could not initialize permissions)]
-fr,dsgw,258,[Impossible de faire correspondre un nom d織utilisateur avec un DN (erreur d織Administration Server)\n(Could not map username to a DN (error from admin server))]
-fr,dsgw,259,[Impossible d織obtenir le nom d織utilisateur courant\n(Could not get current username)]
-fr,dsgw,260,[Impossible d織obtenir le mot de passe utilisateur courant\n(Could not get current user password)]
-fr,dsgw,261,[Erreur (Error): %s]
-fr,dsgw,262,[Remarque: aucun mod癡le d織affichage n織est disponible pour ce type d織entr矇e; une m矇thode par d矇faut\nest donc utilis矇e dans l織affichage ci-dessous.\n(Note: there is no display template for this type of entry available, so it is\ndisplayed below using a default method.)]
-fr,dsgw,263,[Identification de l織utilisateur ou identificateur NULL LDAP non valide\n(Invalid user id or NULL LDAP handle)]
-fr,dsgw,264,[aucune correspondance pour l織identification de l織utilisateur\n(no match for user id)]
-fr,dsgw,265,[plusieurs correspondances pour l織identification de l織utilisateur\n(more than one match for user id)]
-fr,dsgw,266,[the entire directory]
-fr,dsgw,267,[Deux arguments sont requis pour la directive "includeset"\n(Two arguments are required for the "includeset" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,268,[La valeur d'attribut demand矇e est introuvable dans l'entr矇e\n(An error occurred while trying to access the database)]
-fr,dsgw,269,[Argument introuvable pour la directive "NLS"]
-fr,dsgw,270,[Une valeur doit 礙tre sp矇cifi矇e pour l'id d'utilisateur NT\n]
-fr,dsgw,271,[La combinaison de l'id d'utilisateur NT et de l'id de domaine NT n'est pas unique dans le r矇pertoire.]
-fr,dsgw,272,[Des valeurs doivent 礙tre sp矇cifi矇es pour l'id d'utilisateur NT et l'id de domaine NT\n]
-fr,dsgw,273,[La valeur d'id d'utilisateur NT ne doit pas d矇passer 20 caract癡res.\n]
-fr,dsgw,274,[Veuillez cr矇er un nom pour la nouvelle entr矇e.]
-fr,dsgw,275,[Veuillez s矇lectionner une adresse pour la nouvelle entr矇e.]
-fr,dsgw,276,[Nouvelle entr矇e]
-fr,dsgw,277,[Afin de pouvoir utiliser cette fonction, un dirmgr doit 礙tre d矇fini dans dsgw.conf]
-fr,dsgw,278,[Trois ou quatre arguments sont requis pour la directive "vcard-property"\n]
-fr,dsgw,279,[La syntaxe de la propri矇t矇 Vcard doit 礙tre "cis" ou "mls"\n]
-fr,dsgw,280,[Aucune entr矇e n'a 矇t矇 trouv矇e.\n%2$s]
-fr,dsgw,281,[Aucune entr矇e n'a 矇t矇 trouv矇e dans les %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-fr,dsgw,282,[Aucune entr矇e recherch矇e n'a 矇t矇 trouv矇e\n%2$s]
-fr,dsgw,283,[Aucune entr矇e recherch矇e n'a 矇t矇 trouv矇e dans les %2$s %3$s %4$s'.\n]
-fr,dsgw,284,[1 entr矇e a 矇t矇 trouv矇e.\n%2$s]
-fr,dsgw,285,[1 entr矇e a 矇t矇 trouv矇e dans les %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-fr,dsgw,286,[1 entr矇e recherch矇e a 矇t矇 trouv矇e.\n%2$s]
-fr,dsgw,287,[1 entr矇e recherch矇e a 矇t矇 trouv矇e dans les %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-fr,dsgw,288,[%1$li entr矇es ont 矇t矇 trouv矇es.\n%2$s]
-fr,dsgw,289,[%1$li entr矇es ont 矇t矇 trouv矇es dans les %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-fr,dsgw,290,[%1$li entr矇es recherch矇es ont 矇t矇 trouv矇es.\n%2$s]
-fr,dsgw,291,[%1$li entr矇es recherch矇es ont 矇t矇 trouv矇es dans les %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n ]
-fr,dsgw,292,[le filtre LDAP est]
-fr,dsgw,293,[Le serveur n織a pas pu trouver l織entr矇e que vous avez utilis矇e lors de l織authentification. Quelqu織un a peut-礙tre renomm矇 ou supprim矇 l織entr矇e. Proc矇dez une nouvelle authentification.]
-fr,dsgw,294,[La nouvelle syntaxe du mot de passe n織est pas valide.\n]
-fr,dsgw,295,[Le nouveau mot de passe figure dans l織historique des mots de passe.\n]
-fr,dsgw,296,[Vous avez atteint la limite de nouvelle tentative de mot de passe. Contactez votre administrateur syst癡me.\n]
-fr,dsgw,297,[Vous avez atteint la limite de nouvelle tentative de mot de passe. Essayez nouveau.\n]
-fr,dsgw,298,[Le mot de passe a expir矇. Contactez votre administrateur syst癡me pour red矇finir le mot de passe.\n]
-fr,frame,-1,[$DBT: frame in DB file v1 $]
-fr,frame,1,[<TITLE>Introuvable (Not Found)</TITLE><H1>Introuvable (Not Found)</H1> L'objet demand n'existe pas sur ce serveur. Le lien que vous avez consult est peut-皻re d廥uet, inexact, ou bien le serveur a re蓰 l'ordre de ne pas vous laisser y acc嶮er.\n(The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it. )]
-fr,frame,2,[Veuillez informer l'administrateur de site de la <A HREF="%s">page de r嶨廨ence</A>.\n(Please inform the site administrator of the referring page.)]
-fr,frame,3,[Votre navigateur a envoy une demande que ce Proxy n'arrive pas comprendre.\n(Your browser sent a request that this proxy could not understand.)]
-fr,frame,4,[Une autorisation ad廦uate est requise pour l'administration de ce Proxy.\nVotre navigateur n'effectue peut-皻re pas l'autorisation, ou bien votre autorisation\na 嶰hou.\n(Proper authorization is required for the administration of this proxy.\nEither your browser does not perform authorization, or your authorization\nhas failed.)]
-fr,frame,5,[L'authentification du nom d'utilisateur est requise pour utiliser ce Proxy.\nVotre navigateur n'effectue peut-皻re par l'autorisation de Proxy, ou bien votre\nautorisation a 嶰hou.\n(Username authentication is required for using this proxy.\nEither your browser does not perform proxy authorization, or your\nauthorization has failed.)]
-fr,frame,6,[La configuration du contr犨e d'acc鋊 de ce Proxy refuse l'acc鋊 赨nl'objet demand par le biais de ce Proxy.\n(The proxy's access control configuration denies access to\nthe requested object through this proxy.)]
-fr,frame,7,[Le Proxy a rencontr une erreur interne qui l'emp璚he \nd'honorer votre demande. La cause la plus probable est une mauvaise configuration.\nVeuillez demander l'administrateur de consulter le journal d'erreurs du Proxy.\n(The proxy has encountered an internal error which prevents it from\nfulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a misconfiguration.\nPlease ask the administrator to look for messages in the proxy's error log.)]
-fr,frame,8,[Ce serveur de Proxy ne met pas en oeuvre la m彋hode demand嶪.\n(This proxy server does not implement the requested method.)]
-fr,frame,9,[Une erreur est survenue sur le serveur de Proxy.\n(An error has occurred on the proxy server.)]
-fr,frame,10,[Votre navigateur a envoy une requ皻e que ce serveur n'arrive pas comprendre.\n(Your browser sent a query this server could not understand.)]
-fr,frame,11,[Une autorisation ad廦uate est requise pour ce domaine. Votre navigateur n'effectue peut-皻re pas l'autorisation, ou bien votre autorisation a 嶰hou.\n(Proper authorization is required for this area. Either your browser does not perform authorization, or your authorization has failed.)]
-fr,frame,12,[Votre client n'est pas autoris acc嶮er l'objet demand.\n(Your client is not allowed to access the requested object.)]
-fr,frame,13,[Ce serveur a rencontr une erreur interne qui l'emp璚he d'honorer votre demande. La cause la plus probable est une mauvaise configuration. Veuillez demander l'administrateur de consulter le journal d'erreurs du serveur.\n(This server has encountered an internal error which prevents it from fulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a misconfiguration. Please ask the administrator to look for messages in the server's error log.)]
-fr,frame,14,[Ce serveur ne met pas en oeuvre la m彋hode demand嶪.\n(This server does not implement the requested method.)]
-fr,frame,15,[Une erreur est survenue. (An error has occurred.)]
-fr,frame,16,[Votre navigateur a envoy un message que ce serveur n'arrive pas comprendre.\n(Your browser sent a message this server could not understand.)]
-fr,frame,17,[<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="fr"></HEAD><BODY><H1>%s</H1>\nCe document a 彋 d廧lac une nouvelle <a href="%s">adresse</a>. Veuillez mettre jour vos documents et listes d'acc鋊 en cons廦uence.\n(This document has moved to a new location. Please update your documents and hotlists accordingly.</BODY></HTML>)]
-fr,frame,18,[<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="fr"><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>%s</H1>\n%s\n</BODY></HTML>]
-fr,frame,20,[cannot find template %s]
-fr,frame,22,[no partial path after object processing]
-fr,frame,24,[invalid shexp %s]
-fr,frame,26,[invalid shexp %s]
-fr,frame,28,[no way to service request for %s]
-fr,frame,30,[close failed (%s), csd=%d]
-fr,frame,31,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-fr,frame,33,[Error issuing read on accept socket]
-fr,frame,35,[Error getting accept socket (%d)]
-fr,frame,36,[Error in accept! (%d, %s)]
-fr,frame,37,[Error creating new accept request]
-fr,frame,38,[accepted connection: %d (NSPR %d)]
-fr,frame,39,[Error creating new session structure]
-fr,frame,41,[Error allocating request read buffer]
-fr,frame,42,[Error issuing async read request]
-fr,frame,43,[acb_read_request(%d, bytes %d)]
-fr,frame,44,[acb_read_req(1 session = %d)]
-fr,frame,45,[Error reading request (%d, %s)]
-fr,frame,46,[Client aborted connection]
-fr,frame,47,[Error reading request]
-fr,frame,48,[Error creating new request]
-fr,frame,49,[error occurred, closing %d, io was for %d]
-fr,frame,51,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-fr,frame,52,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-fr,frame,53,[Error during async read (%d, %s)]
-fr,frame,54,[scan-headers reports: line too long]
-fr,frame,55,[scan-headers reports: too many headers]
-fr,frame,56,[Error reading headers]
-fr,frame,57,[scan-headers reports: header missing terminator (an empty line)]
-fr,frame,58,[scan-headers reports: header was empty]
-fr,frame,59,[nom sans valeur: obtention de la ligne "%s"\n(name without value: got line as shown)]
-fr,frame,61,[accel_send_plain_file() - found request %d]
-fr,frame,62,[Parse headers lost the URI!]
-fr,frame,63,[accel_send_plain_file() - found uri %s]
-fr,frame,64,[accel_send_plain_file() - found in cache?]
-fr,frame,65,[malloc died!]
-fr,frame,66,[Error writing back file\n]
-fr,frame,68,[Error writing in acb_send_plain_file (%d, %s)]
-fr,frame,70,[Errored IO in acb_close_connection (%d, %s)]
-fr,frame,71,[Unable to close socket %d]
-fr,frame,72,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-fr,frame,73,[cache-init: server cache disabled]
-fr,frame,74,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-fr,frame,75,[accel_file_cache: Error creating cache]
-fr,frame,76,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize < %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,77,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize > %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,78,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,79,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,80,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,81,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,82,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-fr,frame,83,[file-cache: enabled = %s ]
-fr,frame,86,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-fr,frame,87,[file-cache: CacheHashSize %d (0x%x)]
-fr,frame,88,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-fr,frame,89,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-fr,frame,90,[file-cache-cleanup: munmap failed (%s)]
-fr,frame,91,[file-cache-cleanup: found mmapped file \non system without mmap]
-fr,frame,92,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize < %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,93,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize > %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,94,[file cache using mmap flags 0x%x]
-fr,frame,95,[file cache using mmap prots 0x%x]
-fr,frame,96,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-fr,frame,97,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-fr,frame,98,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-fr,frame,99,[file-cache: GetTempPath() Cannot find temp directory to store file!]
-fr,frame,100,[file-cache-init: set max cached file size to %d]
-fr,frame,101,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-fr,frame,103,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-fr,frame,104,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-fr,frame,105,[file-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-fr,frame,106,[file-cache-create: Error opening file %s (%s)]
-fr,frame,107,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-fr,frame,108,[file-cache-create: Error mmap()ing file %s (%s)]
-fr,frame,109,[file-cache-create: malloc failure]
-fr,frame,110,[file-cache-create: error case failed to munmap(%d, %d) (%s)]
-fr,frame,111,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-fr,frame,112,[dir change: invalidating %s (%d)]
-fr,frame,113,[file-cache: asynchronous file change notification failed.]
-fr,frame,114,[dir change: offset %d, action %d, len %d, name %s]
-fr,frame,115,[unable to check async file status]
-fr,frame,116,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to continue watching %s. Error is %s]
-fr,frame,117,[file-cache-add-watch failure- unable to open directory %s. Error %s]
-fr,frame,118,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to start watching %s. Error %s]
-fr,frame,120,[no handler function given for directive]
-fr,frame,122,[cannot find function named %s]
-fr,frame,124,[method without URI]
-fr,frame,126,[while scanning HTTP headers, %s]
-fr,frame,128,[read from %s failed, error is %s]
-fr,frame,130,[request too long]
-fr,frame,132,[write failed (%s)]
-fr,frame,134,[write failed (%s)]
-fr,frame,136,[%d is not a valid HTTP status code]
-fr,frame,138,[close failed (%s)]
-fr,frame,139,[Unable to close socket for writing]
-fr,frame,140,[os has %d objects]
-fr,frame,141,[obj %d has no hash table at %d]
-fr,frame,142,[obj %d has no param]
-fr,frame,143,[obj %d name %s value %s]
-fr,frame,144,[.....directives %d.......]
-fr,frame,145,[.....directive %d]
-fr,frame,146,[.......instance %d]
-fr,frame,147,[...........param name %s value %s]
-fr,frame,148,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegCreateKey %s]
-fr,frame,149,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegEnumKey %s failed]
-fr,frame,150,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-fr,frame,151,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-fr,frame,152,[Unable to allocate Subject property list.\n]
-fr,frame,153,[Unable to set session ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-fr,frame,154,[Unable to set request ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-fr,frame,155,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-fr,frame,156,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-fr,httpdaemon,-1,[$DBT: httpdaemon in DB file v1 $]
-fr,httpdaemon,1,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-fr,httpdaemon,2,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-fr,httpdaemon,3,[Error in md_start_system]
-fr,httpdaemon,4,[Error in CreateFiber - idlefiber]
-fr,httpdaemon,5,[Error in GetQueuedCompletionStatus]
-fr,httpdaemon,6,[Error creating completion port]
-fr,httpdaemon,7,[Could not SetHandleNonInheritable (%s)]
-fr,httpdaemon,8,[Error accept/read new conn]
-fr,httpdaemon,9,[Error in Respond()]
-fr,httpdaemon,10,[Error in RespondCompleted()]
-fr,httpdaemon,11,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,12,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,13,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,14,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,15,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,16,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,17,[could not determine current user name\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,18,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,19,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,20,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,21,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,22,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,23,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-fr,httpdaemon,24,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-fr,httpdaemon,25,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-fr,httpdaemon,26,[This machine has %d processors.]
-fr,httpdaemon,27,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-fr,httpdaemon,28,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-fr,httpdaemon,29,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-fr,httpdaemon,30,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,31,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-fr,httpdaemon,32,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-fr,httpdaemon,33,[select thread miss]
-fr,httpdaemon,34,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,35,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d, IP address %s (%s)\n]
-fr,libaccess,-1,[$DBT: libaccess in DB file v1 $]
-fr,libaccess,2,[cannot open database %s]
-fr,libaccess,4,[user %s password did not match database %s]
-fr,libaccess,6,[cannot open connection to LDAP server on %s:%d]
-fr,libaccess,8,[user %s password did not match LDAP on %s:%d]
-fr,libaccess,10,[missing realm]
-fr,libaccess,11,[Unable to allocate ACL List Hash\n]
-fr,libaccess,12,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to PERM_MALLOC cache structure\n]
-fr,libaccess,13,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-fr,libaccess,14,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE Entry\n]
-fr,libaccess,15,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-fr,libaccess,16,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate Boundary Entry\n]
-fr,libaccess,17,[ACLEvalBuildContext failed.\n]
-fr,libaccess,18,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%d\n]
-fr,libaccess,19,[LASDnsBuild unable to allocate hash table header\n]
-fr,libaccess,20,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,21,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,22,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,23,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,24,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,25,[LAS DNS build received request for attribute %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,26,[LASDnsEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,27,[LASDnsEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-fr,libaccess,28,[LASDnsEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-fr,libaccess,29,[LASDnsEval unable to get DNS - error=%s\n]
-fr,libaccess,30,[LAS Group Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,31,[LASGroupEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,32,[LASGroupEval - ran out of memory\n]
-fr,libaccess,33,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-fr,libaccess,34,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-fr,libaccess,35,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-fr,libaccess,36,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-fr,libaccess,37,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-fr,libaccess,38,[Check group membership of user "%s" for group "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,39,[LDAPU_SUCCESS for group "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,40,[LDAPU_FAILED for group "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,43,[LASIpTreeAlloc - no memory\n]
-fr,libaccess,44,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-fr,libaccess,45,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-fr,libaccess,46,[LAS IP build received request for attribute %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,47,[LASIpEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,48,[LASIpEval unable to get session address - error=%s\n]
-fr,libaccess,49,[LASIpEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-fr,libaccess,50,[LASIpEval - reach 32 bits without conclusion value=%s]
-fr,libaccess,51,[LAS Program Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,52,[LASProgramEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,53,[LASProgram unable to get session address %d\n]
-fr,libaccess,55,[LASProgramEval: request not of type admin or bin, passing.\n]
-fr,libaccess,56,[LASProgramEval: check if program %s matches pattern %s.\n]
-fr,libaccess,57,[LASProgramEval: Invalid wildcard expression %s.\n]
-fr,libaccess,60,[Unexpected attribute in dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,61,[Illegal comparator for dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,62,[Unexpected attribute in timeOfDay - %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,63,[LAS User Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,64,[LASUserEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,65,[LASUserEval - ran out of memory\n]
-fr,libaccess,66,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-fr,libaccess,67,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-fr,libaccess,68,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-fr,libaccess,69,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-fr,libaccess,70,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-fr,libaccess,71,[Check if uid == user (i.e. check "%s" == "%s)"\n]
-fr,libaccess,72,[SUCCESS for user "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,73,[FAILED for user "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,77,[LASProgram unable to get request address - error=%s]
-fr,libaccess,78,[LASProgram rejecting request for program %s from pattern %s]
-fr,libaccess,79,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to parse file "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,80,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to concatenate ACL list "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,81,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to open and process the magnus file "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,82,[Illegal comparator for timeOfDay - %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,83,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-fr,libaccess,84,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to PERM_CALLOC cache structure\n]
-fr,libaccess,85,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-fr,libaccess,86,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth pointer array\n]
-fr,libaccess,87,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth plist\n]
-fr,libaccess,88,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%s\n]
-fr,libaccess,89,[ACL_INTEvalTestRights: call to ACL_EvalBuildContext returned failure status\n]
-fr,libaccess,90,[ACL_ModuleRegister: module name is missing\n]
-fr,libaccess,91,[ACL_ModuleRegister: call to module init function returned a failed status\n]
-fr,libaccess,92,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't determine method for %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,93,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't locate getter for %s]
-fr,libaccess,94,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-fr,libaccess,95,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-fr,libaccess,96,[ACL_GetAttribute: All attribute getters declined for attr %s]
-fr,libaccess,97,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-fr,libaccess,98,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: database name is missing]
-fr,libaccess,99,[Error reading the DB Map File: %s. Reason: %s]
-fr,libaccess,100,[URL is missing for database %s]
-fr,libaccess,101,[Invalid property value pair for database %s]
-fr,libaccess,102,["default" database must be an LDAP database]
-fr,libaccess,103,[Multiple "default" databases are being registered]
-fr,libaccess,104,["default" LDAP database must be registered]
-fr,libaccess,105,[LASGroupEval unable to get database name - error= %s]
-fr,libaccess,106,[received invalid program expression %s]
-fr,libaccess,107,[parse_ldap_url: database url is missing]
-fr,libaccess,108,[parse_ldap_url: database name is missing]
-fr,libaccess,109,[parse_ldap_url: error in parsing ldap url. Reason: %s]
-fr,libaccess,110,[ldap password check: unable to get database name - error=%s]
-fr,libaccess,111,[ldap password check: unable to get parsed database %s]
-fr,libaccess,112,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-fr,libaccess,113,[ldap password check: LDAP error: "%s"]
-fr,libaccess,114,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get database name - error=%s]
-fr,libaccess,115,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get parsed database %s]
-fr,libaccess,116,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-fr,libaccess,117,[get_user_ismember_ldap: group %s does not exist]
-fr,libaccess,118,[get_user_ismember_ldap: LDAP error: "%s"]
-fr,libaccess,119,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not a registered database]
-fr,libaccess,120,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not an LDAP database]
-fr,libaccess,121,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: out of memory]
-fr,libaccess,122,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-fr,libaccess,123,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't bind to LDAP server. Reason: %s]
-fr,libaccess,124,[insufficient dynamic memory]
-fr,libaccess,125,[error opening file, %s: %s]
-fr,libaccess,126,[duplicate definition of %s]
-fr,libaccess,127,[file %s, line %s: duplicate definition of %s]
-fr,libaccess,128,[file %s, line %s: syntax error]
-fr,libaccess,129,[file %s, line %s: %s is undefined]
-fr,libaccess,130,[in acl %s, %s %s is undefined]
-fr,libaccess,131,[database %s: error accessing %s]
-fr,libaccess,133,[file %s, line %s: invalid syntax]
-fr,libaccess,134,[file %s, line %s: syntax error at "%s"]
-fr,libaccess,135,[realm %s is not defined]
-fr,libaccess,136,[error code = %d]
-fr,libaccess,137,[internal ACL error]
-fr,libaccess,138,[invalid argument]
-fr,libaccess,139,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-fr,libaccess,140,[couldn't determine dbtype from: %s]
-fr,libaccess,141,[Failed to register database %s]
-fr,libaccess,142,[ACL call returned failed status]
-fr,libaccess,143,[file %s: ACL IO error - %s]
-fr,libaccess,144,[acl_user_exists: m幦oire insuffisante]
-fr,libaccess,145,[acl_user_exists: l'utilisateur n'existe plus]
-fr,libaccess,146,[acl_user_exists: erreur de plist]
-fr,libadmin,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-fr,libadmin,1,[ Help ]
-fr,libadmin,2,[ OK ]
-fr,libadmin,3,[ Reset ]
-fr,libadmin,4,[ Done ]
-fr,libadmin,5,[ Cancel ]
-fr,libir,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-fr,libir,1,[An I/O error occurred before all form data could be read.]
diff --git a/l10n/dirserv/fr/ns-slapd.txt.iso8859 b/l10n/dirserv/fr/ns-slapd.txt.iso8859
deleted file mode 100644
index b774adf5..00000000
--- a/l10n/dirserv/fr/ns-slapd.txt.iso8859
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,924 +0,0 @@
- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- *
- * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
- * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
- * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
- * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
- * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
- * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
- * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
- * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
- * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
- * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
- * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
- * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
- * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
- * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
- * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
- * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
- * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
- * exception.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission.
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
-/* The copyright notice(s) in this Source Code does not indicate actual */
-/* or intended publication of this Source Code. */
-/* This text file was generated by program dblink */
-$Revision: 1.4 $
-$Log: ns-slapd.txt.iso8859,v $
-Revision 1.4 2005/04/19 22:06:52 nkinder
-Fixed licensing typo
-Revision 1.3 2005/04/15 22:39:18 nkinder
-155068 - Added license to source files
-Revision 1.2 2005/02/28 23:37:40 nkinder
-149951 - Updated source code copyrights
-Revision 2005/01/21 00:40:48 cvsadm
-Moving NSCP Directory Server from DirectoryBranch to TRUNK, initial drop. (foxworth)
-Revision 2003/09/22 19:36:43 ulfw
-Update copyright years from 2001 to 2001-2003
-Revision 2001/11/03 01:07:25 richm
-XXX use new copyright XXX
-Revision 1998/10/10 02:14:09 ggood
-Copy from Directory40RtmBranchpoint to DirectoryBranch
-Revision 1998/04/04 23:16:55 mcs
-merge changes made on directory31_rtm_branch into server4_directory_branch
-Revision 1998/02/24 05:51:57 noriko
-Synched with server3_i18npkg_branch
-Revision 1997/12/31 00:23:39 werudge
-Remove \n from dsgw,198 to fix JavaScript problem
-Revision 1997/12/19 02:03:54 werudge
-Based on en/ns-slapd.txt :
-daily 971113.1 SOLARIS-export-optimize-normal-slapd
-fr,base,-1,[$DBT: base in DB file v1 $]
-fr,base,1,[m幦oire insuffisante pour cr嶪r la table de hachage]
-fr,base,2,[m幦oire insuffisante pour cr嶪r la table de hachage ]
-fr,base,3,[cache_destroy : les tables du cache semblent corrompues.]
-fr,base,4,[impossible d徨llouer l悶ntr嶪 de hachage]
-fr,base,5,[cache_insert : impossible de cr嶪r l悶ntr嶪 de cache]
-fr,base,6,[HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/html\n\n]
-fr,base,7,[<H2>Rapport d'彋at du cache Netscape\n(Netscape cache status report)</H2>\n]
-fr,base,8,[Aucun cache sur le syst鋗e (No caches on system)<P>]
-fr,base,9,[<H2>cache %s</H2>\n]
-fr,base,10,[Rapport de connexions au cache: %d/%d (%f)\n(Cache hit ratio: as shown)</P>\n</P>\n]
-fr,base,11,[Taille du cache: %d/%d\n(Cache size: as shown)</P>\n</P>\n]
-fr,base,12,[Taille de la table de hachage: %d\n(Hash table size: as shown)</P>\n</P>\n]
-fr,base,13,[mru : %d</P>\nlru : %d</P>\n]
-fr,base,14,[<UL><TABLE BORDER=4> <TH>Compartiment (Bucket)</TH> <TH>Adresse (Address)</TH> <TH>Clef (Key)</TH> <TH>Nombre d'acc鋊 (Access Count)</TH> <TH>Supprimer (Delete)</TH> <TH>Suivant (Next)</TH> <TH>LRU</TH> <TH>MRU</TH> <TH>Donn嶪s (Data)</TH>\n]
-fr,base,15,[munmap failed (%s)]
-fr,base,16,[munmap failed (%s)]
-fr,base,17,[close failed (%s)]
-fr,base,18,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-fr,base,19,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-fr,base,20,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-fr,base,21,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-fr,base,22,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-fr,base,23,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-fr,base,24,[could not determine current user name\n]
-fr,base,25,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-fr,base,27,[, address %s]
-fr,base,28,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-fr,base,29,[security handshake timed out for pid %d]
-fr,base,30,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-fr,base,31,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-fr,base,32,[accept failed (%s)]
-fr,base,33,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-fr,base,34,[select thread miss]
-fr,base,35,[keepalive worker awoken with no work to do]
-fr,base,36,[could not create new thread: %d (%s)]
-fr,base,37,[wait for sema succeeded, but nothing to dequeue]
-fr,base,38,[queue-sema creation failure]
-fr,base,39,[error getting processor info for processor %d]
-fr,base,40,[Error binding to processor %d]
-fr,base,41,[bound process %d to processor %d]
-fr,base,42,[Netscape server is not explicitly binding to any processors.]
-fr,base,43,[cache monitor exited]
-fr,base,44,[cache batch update daemon exited]
-fr,base,45,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-fr,base,46,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-fr,base,47,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-fr,base,48,[This machine has %d processors.]
-fr,base,49,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-fr,base,50,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-fr,base,51,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-fr,base,54,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-fr,base,55,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-fr,base,56,[Cache monitor respawned]
-fr,base,57,[Cache batch update daemon respawned]
-fr,base,58,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-fr,base,59,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-fr,base,60,[assert failed! %s\n]
-fr,base,62,[malloc failed]
-fr,base,63,[malloc failed!]
-fr,base,64,[mr_add_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-fr,base,65,[mr_add_io - stage 1]
-fr,base,66,[mr_add_io - stage 2]
-fr,base,67,[mr_add_io found invalid IO type %d]
-fr,base,68,[mr_add_io - adding timeout]
-fr,base,69,[Out of memory!\n]
-fr,base,70,[done with mr_add_io]
-fr,base,71,[mr_del_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-fr,base,72,[mr_del_io found invalid IO type %d]
-fr,base,74,[mr_async_io(%d, %d bytes, file %d)]
-fr,base,75,[malloc failure adding async IO]
-fr,base,76,[Error adding async io!]
-fr,base,77,[Cannot seek for read!]
-fr,base,78,[read failure! (%d, %s)]
-fr,base,79,[do_read read %d bytes for file %d]
-fr,base,80,[Cannot seek for write!]
-fr,base,81,[writev failure! (%d, %s)]
-fr,base,82,[write failure! (%d, %s)]
-fr,base,83,[do_write wrote %d bytes for file %d]
-fr,base,84,[do_timeout(mrp %d)]
-fr,base,85,[do_timeout: found IO (timer=%d, time=%d)]
-fr,base,86,[error deleting io]
-fr,base,87,[timeout callback failure for %d\n]
-fr,base,88,[mr_get_event(%d) - outstanding io %d]
-fr,base,89,[mr_get_event: Waiting for reads on FD:]
-fr,base,90,[mr_get_event: Waiting for writes on FD:]
-fr,base,91,[ %d]
-fr,base,92,[ %d]
-fr,base,93,[mr_get_event set no timeout]
-fr,base,94,[mr_get_event set timeout to: %d.%d sec]
-fr,base,95,[error in select (%d, %s)]
-fr,base,96,[mr_get_event() - select found %d]
-fr,base,97,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-fr,base,98,[read failed for fd %d]
-fr,base,99,[error deleting io]
-fr,base,100,[callback failure for %d\n]
-fr,base,101,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-fr,base,102,[writing: header len %d, writelen %d, total %d]
-fr,base,103,[write failed for fd %d]
-fr,base,104,[error deleting io]
-fr,base,105,[callback failure for %d\n]
-fr,base,106,[Error creating dns cache]
-fr,base,107,[dns_cache_init: hash_size <= 0, using %d]
-fr,base,108,[dns_cache_init: cache-size <= %d, using %d]
-fr,base,109,[dns_cache_init: cache-size is %d is too large, using %d.]
-fr,base,110,[dns_cache_init: expire_time <= 0, using %d]
-fr,base,111,[dns_cache_init: expire is %d is too large, using %d seconds.]
-fr,base,112,[Error creating dns cache]
-fr,base,113,[dns-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-fr,base,114,[dns-cache-insert: malloc failure]
-fr,base,115,[successful server startup]
-fr,base,116,[%s B%s]
-fr,base,117,[Netscape executable and shared library have different versions]
-fr,base,118,[ executable version is %s]
-fr,base,119,[ shared library version is %s]
-fr,base,120,[error reporting shutting down]
-fr,base,128,[event_handler:Failed to wait on events %s]
-fr,base,129,[could not wait on resume event event (%s)]
-fr,base,130,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-fr,base,131,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-fr,base,132,[The server is terminating due to an error. Check the event viewer for the error message. SERVER EXITING!]
-fr,base,133,[Terminating the server %s]
-fr,base,134,[kill_server:cannot open server event %s]
-fr,base,135,[kill_server:cannot set server event %s]
-fr,base,136,[error: could not get socket (%s)\n]
-fr,base,137,[error: could not set socket option (%s)\n]
-fr,base,138,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to address %s port %d (%s)\n]
-fr,base,139,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-fr,base,140,[SetHandleNonInheritable: could not duplicate socket (%s)]
-fr,base,141,[SetHandleNonInheritable: closing the original socket failed (%s)]
-fr,base,142,[Could not SetHandleInformation (%s)]
-fr,base,143,[Terminating Service:Failure: Could not open statistics file (%s)\n]
-fr,base,144,[Could not set Thread Local Storage Value for thread at slot %d]
-fr,base,145,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-fr,base,146,[accept failed %d (%s)]
-fr,base,147,[Failed to pulse Event %d %s]
-fr,base,148,[Failed to send MobGrowth Event to parent %s]
-fr,base,149,[Pulsing MobRespawn Event %d]
-fr,base,150,[respawn thread pool to %d (%d)]
-fr,base,151,[Could not open event to signal rotate application. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-fr,base,152,[Failed to send MoveLog Event to rotate app %s]
-fr,base,153,[growing thread pool from %d to %d]
-fr,base,154,[Could not open the ServiceControlManager, Error %d]
-fr,base,155,[StartNetsiteService:Could not open the service %s: Error %d]
-fr,base,156,[StartNetsiteService:Could not start the service %s]
-fr,base,157,[Service Startup: Could not allocate security descriptor]
-fr,base,158,[Service Startup: Could not init security descriptor]
-fr,base,159,[Service Startup: Could not set the security Dacl]
-fr,base,160,[Terminating Service:WinSock init failed: %s]
-fr,base,161,[Httpd Server Startup failed: %s]
-fr,base,162,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-fr,base,163,[NT daemon: could not create new thread %d]
-fr,base,164,[Service Startup Failure. Terminating Service:Could not create event %d:%s]
-fr,base,165,[Service Startup Error. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-fr,base,166,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-fr,base,167,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-fr,base,168,[pipebuf_buf2sd: pipebuf_grab IO_ERROR %d]
-fr,base,169,[pool-init: memory pools disabled]
-fr,base,170,[pool-init: free_size <= 0, using %d]
-fr,base,171,[pool-create-block: out of memory]
-fr,base,172,[pool-create: out of memory]
-fr,base,173,[pool-create: out of memory]
-fr,base,174,[pool-malloc: out of memory]
-fr,base,175,[FREE() used where PERM_FREE() should have been used- problem corrected and supressing further warnings.]
-fr,base,176,[regex error: %s (regex: '%s')]
-fr,base,177,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-fr,base,178,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-fr,base,179,[flushing %d connections; current %d; tot %d]
-fr,base,180,[accept failed (%s)]
-fr,base,181,[Error creating time cache]
-fr,base,182,[time-cache: cache disabled]
-fr,base,183,[time_cache_init: hash_size < %d, using default, %d]
-fr,base,184,[time_cache_init: hash_size > %d, using default, %d]
-fr,base,185,[time_cache_init: cache_size < %d, using default, %d]
-fr,base,186,[time_cache_init: cache_size > %d, using default, %d]
-fr,base,187,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-fr,base,188,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-fr,base,189,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-fr,base,190,[Error inserting new time_cache entry]
-fr,base,191,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-fr,base,192,[cs-terminate failure (%s)]
-fr,base,193,[cs-init failure (%s)]
-fr,base,194,[cs-wait failure (%s)]
-fr,base,195,[cs-post failure (%s)]
-fr,base,196,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-fr,base,197,[error: could not set keepalive (%s)\n]
-fr,base,198,[error: could not set recv timeout (%s)\n]
-fr,base,199,[error: could not set send timeout (%s)\n]
-fr,base,200,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-fr,base,201,[sem_grab failed (%s)]
-fr,base,202,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-fr,base,203,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-fr,base,204,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-fr,base,205,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-fr,dsgw,-1,[$DBT: dsgw in DB file v1 $]
-fr,dsgw,1,[M彋hode de demande HTTP inconnue (Unknown HTTP request method)]
-fr,dsgw,2,[Donn嶪s HTML de formulaire non valides ou incompl鋈es (Invalid or incomplete HTML form data)]
-fr,dsgw,3,[M幦oire 廧uis嶪 (Out of memory)]
-fr,dsgw,4,[L悶ntr嶪 de requ皻e/formulaire exig嶪 est manquante (Required query/form input is missing)]
-fr,dsgw,5,[Caract鋨e non autoris dans le chemin d徨cc鋊 au fichier (Illegal character in file path)]
-fr,dsgw,6,[Fichier de configuration erron ou manquant (Bad or missing configuration file)]
-fr,dsgw,7,[Impossible d惺nitialiser LDAP (Unable to initialize LDAP)]
-fr,dsgw,8,[Une erreur est survenue lors du contact du serveur LDAP (An error occurred while contacting the LDAP server)]
-fr,dsgw,9,[Type d惱bjet de recherche inconnu (Unknown search object type)]
-fr,dsgw,10,[Etiquette d徨ttribut inconnue (Unknown attribute label)]
-fr,dsgw,11,[Invite de correspondance inconnue (Unknown match prompt)]
-fr,dsgw,12,[Aucun filtre de recherche pour ce type d惱bjet (No search filters for object type)]
-fr,dsgw,13,[Impossible d惱uvrir le fichier de mod鋩e HTML (Unable to open HTML template file)]
-fr,dsgw,14,[Mode de recherche inconnu; utiliser "smart", "complex", "pattern" ou "auth" (Unknown search mode - use "smart", "complex", "pattern", or "auth")]
-fr,dsgw,15,[Nom distinctif manquant dans l帽RL (Distinguished Name missing in URL)]
-fr,dsgw,16,[Port嶪 inconnue dans l帽RL (doit 皻re: base, sub ou one) (Unknown scope in URL (should be base, sub, or one))]
-fr,dsgw,17,[URL non reconnu ou erreur inconnue (Unrecognized URL or unknown error)]
-fr,dsgw,18,[Format d帽RL erron (Bad URL format)]
-fr,dsgw,19,[Erreur interne (Internal error)]
-fr,dsgw,20,[Impossible d湧crire sur le fichier d惺ndex de mod鋩es (Unable to write template index file)]
-fr,dsgw,21,[Impossible d惱uvrir le fichier d惺ndex de mod鋩es (Unable to open template index file)]
-fr,dsgw,22,[Impossible de lire le r廧ertoire (Unable to read directory)]
-fr,dsgw,23,[Echec de l惺nitialisation SSL LDAP (v廨ifiez le chemin de s嶰urit) (LDAP SSL initialization failed (check the security path))]
-fr,dsgw,24,[Pour que les formulaires d'utilisateurs et de groupes puissent fonctionner sur SSL avec Administration Server, vous-m瘱e ou l'administrateur de votre syst鋗e devez activer SSL. La page Encryption|On/Off peut 皻re utilis嶪 cette fin.\n(For the Users and Groups forms to work over SSL, you or your server administrator needs to activate SSL for this Administration Server. The Encryption|On/Off page can be used to do so]
-fr,dsgw,25,[R嶨廨ences d徨uthentification introuvables dans la base de donn嶪s d徨uthentification (Authentication credentials not found in authentication database)]
-fr,dsgw,26,[Erreur de r嶰up廨ation des donn嶪s depuis la base de donn嶪s d徨uthentification (Error retrieving data from the authentication database)]
-fr,dsgw,27,[Vos r嶨廨ences d徨uthentification ont expir (Your authentication credentials have expired)]
-fr,dsgw,28,[Impossible de cr嶪r une cha螽e al嶧toire]
-fr,dsgw,29,[Aucun nom distinctif n徨 彋 fourni lors du retrait des r嶨廨ences (No distinguished name was provided when retrieving credentials)]
-fr,dsgw,30,[Impossible d惱uvrir la base de donn嶪s d徨uthentification (Cannot open authentication database)]
-fr,dsgw,31,[Impossible d徨nnexer des donn嶪s la base de donn嶪s d徨uthentification (Could not append data to the authentication database)]
-fr,dsgw,32,[Aucun gestionnaire de r廧ertoires n悶st d嶨ini (No Directory Manager is defined)]
-fr,dsgw,33,[Aucune cha螽e de recherche n徨 彋 fournie. Veuillez essayer nouveau (No search string was provided. Please try again)]
-fr,dsgw,34,[Le fichier de configuration comporte trop d徨rguments sur une ligne (Too many arguments on one line in the config. file)]
-fr,dsgw,35,[Echec de l惺nitialisation des sockets Windows (Failed to initialize Windows Sockets)]
-fr,dsgw,36,[Les r嶨廨ences d徨uthentification n惱nt pas pu 皻re obtenues aupr鋊 d媚dministration Server (Authentication credentials could not be obtained from the Administration Server)]
-fr,dsgw,37,[Nom distinctif manquant dans l帽RL ldapdb:// (Distinguished Name missing in ldapdb:// URL)]
-fr,dsgw,38,[URL non reconnu ou erreur inconnue (Unrecognized URL or unknown error)]
-fr,dsgw,39,[Format d帽RL erron (Bad URL format)]
-fr,dsgw,40,[Une erreur est survenue lors de l'initialisation de la base de donn嶪s LDAP locale\n(An error occurred while initializing the local LDAP database)]
-fr,dsgw,41,[Type de service de r廧ertoires inconnu; utiliser "local" ou "remote" (Unknown directory service type - use "local" or "remote")]
-fr,dsgw,42,[Une erreur est survenue lors de la lecture du fichier de configuration db (An error occurred while reading the db configuration file)]
-fr,dsgw,43,[Le chemin d徨cc鋊 NSHOME/userdb 彋ait NULL (NSHOME/userdb path was NULL)]
-fr,dsgw,44,[Impossible de mettre jour la configuration du service de r廧ertoires. (The directory service configuration could not be updated.)]
-fr,dsgw,45,[Impossible de lire l悶ntr嶪 partir du r廧ertoire. (The entry could not be read from the directory.)]
-fr,dsgw,46,[Impossible d悶ffacer la base de donn嶪s LDAP. (The LDAP database could not be erased.)]
-fr,dsgw,47,[Vous pouvez seulement modifier les entr嶪s que vous avez cr澭es. (You may not change entries besides your own.)]
-fr,dsgw,48,[Probl鋗e (Problem)]
-fr,dsgw,49,[Probl鋗e d徨uthentification (Authentication Problem)]
-fr,dsgw,50,[.\n<P>Vous devez r-authentifier avant de continuer. (You must re-authenticate before continuing.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,51,[.\n<P>Vous devez r-authentifier avant de continuer. (You must re-authenticate before continuing.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,52,[erreur inconnue (unknown error)]
-fr,dsgw,53,[L惱p廨ation a r徼ssi. (The operation was successful.)]
-fr,dsgw,54,[Une erreur interne est survenue sur le serveur. Ceci indique g幯廨alement une s廨ieuse d嶨aillance du serveur et doit 皻re imm嶮iatement port l徨ttention de l徨dministrateur de votre serveur. (An internal error occurred in the server. This usually indicates a serious malfunction in the server and should be brought to the attention of your server administrator.)]
-fr,dsgw,55,[Le serveur n徨 pas compris la demande qui lui a 彋 transmise par la passerelle. (The server could not understand the request which was sent to it by the gateway.)]
-fr,dsgw,56,[La r廧onse votre demande a d廧ass le temps imparti. Si vous recherchez des entr嶪s, vous obtiendrez sans doute de meilleurs r廥ultats en 彋ant plus pr嶰is dans votre recherche. (A time limit was exceeded in responding to your request. If you are searching for entries, you may achieve better results if you are more specific in your search.)]
-fr,dsgw,57,[La r廧onse votre demande a d廧ass la taille autoris嶪. Si vous recherchez des entr嶪s, vous obtiendrez sans doute de meilleurs r廥ultats en 彋ant plus pr嶰is car trop d悶ntr嶪s r廧ondent vos crit鋨es de recherche. (A size limit was exceeded in responding to your request. If you are searching for entries, you may achieve better results if you are more specific in your search, because too many entries matched your search criteria.)]
-fr,dsgw,58,[La passerelle a tent d'authentifier l'acc鋊 au serveur en utilisant\nune m彋hode incomprise par ce dernier.\n(The gateway attempted to authenticate to the server using\na method the server doesn't understand.)]
-fr,dsgw,59,[La passerelle a tent d徨uthentifier l徨cc鋊 au serveur en utilisant une m彋hode d徨uthentification non support嶪 par le serveur. (The gateway attempted to authenticate to the server using an authentication method which the server does not support.)]
-fr,dsgw,60,[Impossible d愣onorer votre demande, sans doute parce que le serveur contact ne contient pas les donn嶪s que vous recherchez. Il est possible qu戟ne orientation vers un autre serveur ait 彋 renvoy嶪 sans avoir pu 皻re suivie. Si vous 彋iez en train d悶ssayer de modifier le r廧ertoire, il se peut que le serveur contenant la copie ma褾resse des donn嶪s ne soit pas disponible. (Your request could not be fulfilled, probably because the server that was contacted does not contain the data you are looking for. It is possible that a referral to another server was returned but could not be followed. If you were trying to make changes to the directory, it may be that the server that holds the master copy of the data is not available.)]
-fr,dsgw,61,[Votre demande a d廧ass une limite administrative sur le serveur. (Your request exceeded an administrative limit in the server.)]
-fr,dsgw,62,[Une extension importante demand嶪 par la passerelle n悶st pas disponible sur ce serveur. (A critical extension that the gateway requested is not available in this server.)]
-fr,dsgw,63,[Le serveur n'a pas pu traiter la demande car celle-ci\nrenvoie un attribut inexistant dans\nl'entr嶪.\n(The server was unable to process the request, because the\nrequest referred to an attribute which does not exist in the\nentry.)]
-fr,dsgw,64,[Le serveur n徨 pas pu r廧ondre votre demande, car \ncelle-ci va l悶ncontre d戟ne contrainte de la base de donn嶪s.\n(The server was unable to fulfill your request, because the\nrequest violates a constraint.)]
-fr,dsgw,65,[Le serveur n徨 pas pu ajouter une valeur cette entr嶪 car elle la contient d嶴. (The server could not add a value to the entry, because that value is already contained in the entry.)]
-fr,dsgw,66,[Le serveur n'a pas pu localiser l'entr嶪. Si vous ajoutez une nouvelle entr嶪,\nassurez-vous qu'elle comporte une entr嶪 principale.\nLa r嶰eption de ce message d'erreur lors d'une recherche indique que l'entr嶪\nrecherch嶪 n'existe pas.\nSi vous 彋iez en train d'essayer d'authentifier l'acc鋊 en tant que gestionnaire de r廧ertoires et que vous\navez vu appara褾re ce message, v廨ifiez le fichier de configuration de la passerelle.\n(The server could not locate the entry. If adding a new entry,\nbe sure that the parent of the entry you are trying to add exists.\nIf you received this error while searching, it indicates that the\nentry which was being searched for does not exist.\nIf you were attempting to authenticate as the directory manager and\nreceived this error, check the gateway configuration file.)]
-fr,dsgw,67,[Le format d戟n nom distinctif est incorrect. (A distinguished name was not in the proper format.)]
-fr,dsgw,68,[L悶ntr嶪 que vous 彋iez en train d悶ssayer d徨uthentifier ne comporte pas de jeu de mots de passe, ou bien il lui manque d徨utres r嶨廨ences d徨uthentification requises. Pour que vous puissiez authentifier cette entr嶪, les attributs appropri廥 doivent avoir 彋 ajout廥 par le gestionnaire de r廧ertoires. (The entry you attempted to authenticate as does not have a password set, or is missing other required authentication credentials. You cannot authenticate as that entry until the appropriate attributes have been added by the directory manager. )]
-fr,dsgw,69,[Le mot de passe (ou d'autres r嶨廨ences d'authentification) que vous avez fourni\nest incorrect. (The password (or other authentication credentials) you supplied\nis incorrect. If you just changed your password, you might try exiting your browser and connecting again.)]
-fr,dsgw,70,[Vos privil銶es sont insuffisants pour effectuer cette op廨ation. (You do not have sufficient privileges to perform the operation.)]
-fr,dsgw,71,[Le serveur est trop occup pour honorer votre demande. Essayez nouveau dans quelques minutes. (The server is too busy to service your request. Try again in a few minutes.)]
-fr,dsgw,72,[Impossible de contacter le serveur LDAP. (The LDAP server could not be contacted.)]
-fr,dsgw,73,[Le serveur refuse de traiter votre demande. Cette derni鋨e risquerait sans doute de le surcharger. Il se peut 嶲alement qu惺l ne soit pas configur pour traiter votre demande. Si vous tentez d悶ffectuer une recherche, vous avez int廨皻 en limiter la port嶪. (The server was unwilliing to process your request. Usually, this indicates that serving your request would put a heavy load on the server. It may also indicate that the server is not configured to process your request. If searching, you may wish to limit the scope of your search.)]
-fr,dsgw,74,[Le serveur de r廧ertoires ne peut honorer votre demande car elle viole les exigences du sch幦a. Vous n徨vez sans doute pas fourni de valeur pour un champ requis. Il se peut 嶲alement que le sch幦a du serveur de r廧ertoires n嶰essite une mise jour. (The directory server could not honor your request because it violates the schema requirements. Typically, this means that you have not provided a value for a required field. It could also mean that the schema in the directory server needs to be updated.)]
-fr,dsgw,75,[Le serveur de r廧ertoires ne vous permettra pas de supprimer ou de renommer une entr嶪 qui comporte des sous-entr嶪s. Si vous souhaitez continuer, vous devez d徨bord supprimer toutes les sous-entr嶪s. (The directory server will not allow you to delete or rename an entry if that entry has children. If you wish to do this, you must first delete all the child entries.)]
-fr,dsgw,76,[Le serveur ne peut ajouter une nouvelle entr嶪 ni renommer une entr嶪 existante car il existe d嶴 une entr嶪 sous ce nom. (The server was unable to add a new entry, or rename an existing entry, because an entry by that name already exists.)]
-fr,dsgw,77,[Votre demande affecterait plusieurs serveurs de r廧ertoires. (Your request would affect several directory servers.)]
-fr,dsgw,78,[Impossible de contacter le serveur de r廧ertoires. Contactez\nl'administrateur de votre serveur de r廧ertoires pour obtenir de l'aide.\n(The directory server could not be contacted. Contact your\ndirectory server administrator for assistance.)]
-fr,dsgw,79,[Une erreur est survenue lors de l悶nvoi de donn嶪s au serveur. (An error occured while sending data to the server.)]
-fr,dsgw,80,[Une erreur est survenue lors de la lecture des donn嶪s en provenance du serveur. (An error occured while reading data from the server.)]
-fr,dsgw,81,[Le serveur n徨 pas r廧ondu la demande. La demande a d廧ass le temps imparti. (The server did not respond to the request. The request timed out.)]
-fr,dsgw,82,[Le serveur ne supporte pas la m彋hode d徨uthentification utilis嶪 par la passerelle. (The server does not support the authentication method used by the gateway.)]
-fr,dsgw,83,[Le filtre de recherche cr澭 par la passerelle est erron. (The search filter constructed by the gateway was in error.)]
-fr,dsgw,84,[L惱p廨ation a 彋 annul嶪 votre demande. (The operation was cancelled at your request.)]
-fr,dsgw,85,[Une erreur interne est survenue dans la biblioth鋂ue; un param鋈re est incorrect. (An internal error occurred in the library - a parameter was incorrect.)]
-fr,dsgw,86,[Impossible d'ouvrir une connexion au serveur de r廧ertoires. Contactez\nl'administrateur de votre serveur de r廧ertoires pour obtenir de l'aide.\n(A connection to the directory server could not be opened. Contact your\ndirectory server administrator for assistance.)]
-fr,dsgw,87,[Une erreur inconnue est survenue. (An unknown error was encountered.)]
-fr,dsgw,88,[Cette entr嶪 existe d嶴 (Entry Already Exists)]
-fr,dsgw,89,[Une entr嶪 nomm嶪 (An entry named) ]
-fr,dsgw,90,[onMouseOver="window.status='Cliquez ici pour afficher cette entr嶪'; return true"\n(onMouseOver="window.status='Click here to view this entry'; return true")]
-fr,dsgw,91,[ existe d嶴 (already exists).<P>Veuillez choisir un autre nom et/ou une autre adresse.\n(Please choose another name and/or location.)\n<P>\n]
-fr,dsgw,92,[L悶ntr嶪 principale n悶xiste pas (Parent entry does not exist)]
-fr,dsgw,93,[Impossible d徨jouter une entr嶪 par le nom:<P><B>%s</B>,<P>\ncar il n悶xiste pas d悶ntr嶪 principale.<P>\nPour pouvoir ajouter cette entr嶪, vous devez d徨bord ajouter\n(You cannot add an entry by the name shown\nbecause the parent of that entry does not exist.<P>\nBefore you can add this entry, you must first add)\n]
-fr,dsgw,94,[l悶ntr嶪 principale (its parent).\n]
-fr,dsgw,95,[une entr嶪 nomm嶪 (an entry named):<P><B>%s</B>.\n]
-fr,dsgw,96,[Avertissement: pas d徨uthentification (continuation)...\n(Warning: no authentication (continuing)...)\n]
-fr,dsgw,97,[Entr嶪 de r廧ertoire %s (Directory Entry)]
-fr,dsgw,98,[<PRE>DN de l悶ntr嶪 (Entry DN): %s</PRE><P>\n]
-fr,dsgw,99,[Les changements apport廥 <B>%s</B> ont 彋 enregistr廥.]
-fr,dsgw,100,[<B>%s</B> has been added.]
-fr,dsgw,101,[<B>%s</B> has been deleted.]
-fr,dsgw,102,[Renamed <B>%s</B> to <B>%s</B>.]
-fr,dsgw,103,[<P><B>Remarque:</B> Parce que vous avez %s l悶ntr嶪 pour laquelle vous 彋iez\nauthentifi, il a fallu mettre vos r嶨廨ences \nd徨uthentification au rebut. Vous aurez besoin d戟ne nouvelle \nauthentification pour pouvoir apporter des modifications suppl幦entaires.\n(<B>Note:</B> because of your action on the entry you were \nauthenticated as, it was necessary to discard your \nauthentication credentials. You will need to authenticate \nagain to make additional changes.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,104,[supprim (deleted)]
-fr,dsgw,105,[renomm (renamed)]
-fr,dsgw,106,[a chang le mot de passe de (changed the password of)]
-fr,dsgw,107,[L徨ttribut %s a 彋 chang<BR>\n(Attribute shown was changed<BR>)\n]
-fr,dsgw,108,[ NON ASCII (%ld octets)\n(NOT ASCII (number of bytes shown))\n]
-fr,dsgw,109,[Aucune valeur n徨 彋 entr嶪. Veuillez essayer nouveau.\n(No values were entered. Please try again.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,110,[Aucun changement n徨 彋 apport.\n]
-fr,dsgw,111,[<P>Envoi de %s au serveur de r廧ertoires...\n]
-fr,dsgw,112,[informations (information)]
-fr,dsgw,113,[changements (changes)]
-fr,dsgw,114,[<P>L徨jout de cette entr嶪 a r徼ssi.\n(Successfully added entry.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,115,[<P>La modification de cette entr嶪 a r徼ssi. Vos changements ont 彋 enregistr廥.\n(Successfully edited entry. Your changes have been saved.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,116,[<P>La suppression de cette entr嶪 a r徼ssi.\n(Successfully deleted entry.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,117,[<PRE>Le nouveau nom de cette entr嶪 est: %s\n(The new name for the entry is as shown)\n</PRE><HR>\n]
-fr,dsgw,118,[<P>Le renommage de cette entr嶪 a r徼ssi.\n(Successfully renamed entry.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,119,[Vous devez fournir l徨ncien mot de passe.]
-fr,dsgw,120,[Vous devez sp嶰ifier un nouveau mot de passe. Essayez nouveau.]
-fr,dsgw,121,[Le nouveau mot de passe et sa confirmation ne correspondent pas. Veuillez essayer nouveau]
-fr,dsgw,122,[<BR>Le %s <B>%s</B> est d嶴 utilis. Veuillez en choisir un autre.\n(The item shown is already in use. Please choose a different one.)<BR>\n]
-fr,dsgw,123,[幨幦ent "%.100s" de donn嶪s de formulaire manquant\n(missing form data element shown)]
-fr,dsgw,124,[Initialisation des donn嶪s de configuration\n(Initializing config info)]
-fr,dsgw,125,[Impossible d惱uvrir le fichier. (Cannot open file.)]
-fr,dsgw,126,[Fichier dbconf mal form. (Malformed dbconf file.)]
-fr,dsgw,127,[Nom du propri彋aire manquant dans le fichier dbconf.\n(Missing property name in dbconf file.)]
-fr,dsgw,128,[M幦oire 廧uis嶪. (Out of memory.)]
-fr,dsgw,129,[Directive manquante dans le fichier dbconf.\n(Missing directive in dbconf file.)]
-fr,dsgw,130,[Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de configuration "%s"\n(Cannot open config file with name shown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,131,[Argument manquant pour la directive "authlifetime"\n(Missing argument for "authlifetime" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,132,[Argument manquant pour la directive "dirmgr"\n(Missing argument for "dirmgr" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,133,[Argument manquant pour la directive "baseurl"\n(Missing argument for "baseurl" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,134,[URL erron fourni pour la directive "baseurl"; le DN de base est manquant\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - the base DN is missing)\n]
-fr,dsgw,135,[analyse de la directive baseurl\n(parsing baseurl directive)]
-fr,dsgw,136,[URL erron fourni pour la directive "baseurl"; pas un URL "ldap://"\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - not an "ldap://" URL)\n]
-fr,dsgw,137,[Les URL "ldaps://" ne sont pas encore support廥\n("ldaps://" URLs are not yet supported)\n]
-fr,dsgw,138,[Arguments manquants pour la directive "template"\n(Missing arguments for "template" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,139,[Argument manquant pour la directive "sslrequired"\n(Missing argument for "sslrequired" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,140,[Argument inconnu pour la directive "sslrequired" (l徨rgument doit 皻re "never", "whenauthenticated", "always")\n(Unknown argument to "sslrequired" directive (should be "never", "whenauthenticated", "always"))\n]
-fr,dsgw,141,[Argument manquant pour la directive "securitypath"\n(Missing argument for "securitypath" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,142,[Argument manquant pour la directive "location-suffix"\n(Missing argument for "location-suffix" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,143,[Trois arguments sont requis pour la directive "location"\n(Three arguments are required for the "location" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,144,[Au moins deux arguments sont requis pour la directive "newtype"\n(At least two arguments are required for the "newtype" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,145,[Adresse inconnue dans la directive "newtype"\n(Unknown location in "newtype" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,146,[Trois ou quatre arguments sont requis pour la directive "tmplset"\n(Three or four arguments are required for the "tmplset" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,147,[Quatre arguments sont requis pour la directive "attrvset"\n(Four arguments are required for the "attrvset" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,148,[Argument manquant pour la directive "charset"\n(Missing argument for "charset" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,149,[Argument manquant pour la directive "ClientLanguage"\n(Missing argument for "ClientLanguage" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,150,[Argument manquant pour la directive "AdminLanguage"\n(Missing argument for "AdminLanguage" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,151,[Argument manquant pour la directive "DefaultLanguage"\n(Missing argument for "DefaultLanguage" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,152,[Nom de fichier manquant pour la directive "include"\n(Missing filename for "include" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,153,[Directive inconnue dans le fichier de configuration\n(Unknown directive in config file)\n]
-fr,dsgw,154,[<= erase_db n徨 pas r徼ssi ouvrir le fichier lcache.conf "%s"\n(<= erase_db could not open lcache.conf file with name shown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,155,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>La base de donn嶪s a 彋 supprim嶪. Cr嶧tion d戟ne nouvelle base de donn嶪s... \n(The database has been deleted. Creating new database...)\n</FONT>\n]
-fr,dsgw,156,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>Impossible de supprimer la base de donn嶪s\n(The database could not be deleted)\n(</FONT>\n]
-fr,dsgw,157,[<= app_suffix n徨 pas r徼ssi ouvrir le fichier ldif "%s"\n(<= app_suffix could not open ldif file with name shown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,158,[<= app_suffix n徨 pas r徼ssi ouvrir le fichier tmp "%s"\n(<= app_suffix could not open tmp file with name shown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,159,[Impossible de renommer %s en %s (Unable to rename with names as shown)]
-fr,dsgw,160,[pointeur null renvoy par dbconf_read_default_dbinfo().\n(null pointer returned by dbconf_read_default_dbinfo().)]
-fr,dsgw,161,[URL "ldapdb" erron; le DN de base est manquant\n(Bad "ldapdb" URL - the base DN is missing)\n]
-fr,dsgw,162,[URL "ldapdb" erron嬞n (Bad "ldapdb" URL)\n]
-fr,dsgw,163,[URL fourni pour la directive "baseurl" erron; le DN de base est manquant\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - the base DN is missing)\n]
-fr,dsgw,164,[analyse de la directive baseurl\n(parsing baseurl directive)]
-fr,dsgw,165,[URL fourni pour la directive "baseurl" erron; pas un URL "ldap:// ou ldapdb://"\n(Bad URL provided for "baseurl" directive - not an "ldap:// or ldapdb://" URL)\n]
-fr,dsgw,166,[Les URL "ldaps://" ne sont pas encore support廥\n("ldaps://" URLs are not yet supported)\n]
-fr,dsgw,167,[Aucune valeur donn嶪 pour binddn\n(No value given for binddn)]
-fr,dsgw,168,[Aucune valeur donn嶪 pour bindpw\n(No value given for bindpw)]
-fr,dsgw,169,[Aucun service de r廧ertoires par d嶨aut n悶st d嶨ini dans le fichier dbswitch.conf\n(There is no default directory service defined in the dbswitch.conf file)]
-fr,dsgw,170,[Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de configuration "%s" en 嶰riture\n(Cannot open config file with name shown for writing)\n]
-fr,dsgw,171,[Impossible de renommer %s en %s (Unable to rename with names as shown)]
-fr,dsgw,172,[fichier de configuration (config file) %s:]
-fr,dsgw,173,[fichier de configuration %s: ligne %d: \n(config file and line as shown)]
-fr,dsgw,174,[max %d]
-fr,dsgw,175,[ OK ]
-fr,dsgw,176,[Fermer la fen皻re (Close Window)]
-fr,dsgw,178,[{crypt}VERROUILLE (LOCKED) [%s GMT]]
-fr,dsgw,179,[Retourner l湧cran principal (Return to Main)]
-fr,dsgw,181,[ Help ]
-fr,dsgw,182,[Aide (Help)]
-fr,dsgw,184,[L徨ide n悶st pas encore disponible. (Help is not yet available.)]
-fr,dsgw,186,[Fermer la fen皻re (Close Window)]
-fr,dsgw,187,[Fermer la fen皻re (Close Window)]
-fr,dsgw,188,[mod鋩e manquant? (missing ?template)]
-fr,dsgw,189,[Authentifier... (Authenticate...)]
-fr,dsgw,190,[Mettre les r嶨廨ences d徨uthentification au rebut (d嶰onnexion)?\n(Discard authentication credentials (log out)?)]
-fr,dsgw,191,[Veuillez taper une cha螽e de recherche]
-fr,dsgw,192,[La premi鋨e 彋ape de l徨uthentification de l徨cc鋊 ce r廧ertoire consiste en votre\npropre identification.<br>Tapez votre nom:\n(The first step in authenticating to the directory is identifying\nyourself.<br>Please type your name:)]
-fr,dsgw,193,[Continuer (Continue)]
-fr,dsgw,194,[Continuer (Continue)]
-fr,dsgw,195,[Annuler (Cancel)]
-fr,dsgw,196,[Authentifier comme gestionnaire de r廧ertoires"> &nbsp;(uniquement disponible pour les administrateurs de r廧ertoires)\n(Authenticate as directory manager"> &nbsp;(only available to Directory Administrators))\n]
-fr,dsgw,197,[Authentifier... (Authenticate...)]
-fr,dsgw,198,[Mettre les r嶨廨ences d徨uthentification au rebut? (Discard authentication credentials?)]
-fr,dsgw,200,[Continuer (Continue)]
-fr,dsgw,201,[Continuer (Continue)]
-fr,dsgw,202,[Annuler (Cancel)]
-fr,dsgw,203,[Authentifier l徨cc鋊 au r廧ertoire (connexion)\n(Authenticate (log in) to the directory)]
-fr,dsgw,204,[Vous 皻es sur le point de vous authentifier aupr鋊 de l'annuaire en tant que <B>%s</B>. Pour terminer le processus d'authentification, tapez votre mot de passe.\n]
-fr,dsgw,206,[Avant de pouvoir modifier ou ajouter des entr嶪s, vous devez authentifier\nl徨cc鋊 au r廧ertoire (connexion). Cette fen皻re vous\nguidera tout au long du processus\nd徨uthentification.\n(Before you can edit or add entries, you must authenticate\n(log in) to the directory. This window will guide\nyou through the steps of the authentication\nprocess.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,207,[Cet 嶰ran vous permet d徨uthentifier l徨cc鋊 au r廧ertoire, \nou de vous y connecter. Vous devrez vous authentifier\navant de pouvoir modifier les entr嶪s du r廧ertoire. Si vous\ntentez de modifier une entr嶪 sans authentification,\nil vous sera demand de vous connecter.\n(From this screen you may authenticate, or log in, \nto the directory. You will need to authenticate\nbefore you can modify directory entries. If you\nattempt to modify an entry without authenticating,\nyou will be asked to log in.)\n]
-fr,dsgw,208,[Statut de l徨uthentification (Authentication Status)]
-fr,dsgw,209,[<form>\nVotre acc鋊 au r廧ertoire est actuellement authentifi sous\n(You are currently authenticated to the directory as) ]
-fr,dsgw,210,[.\nSi vous voulez mettre vos r嶨廨ences d徨uthentification au rebut et vous d嶰onnecter du r廧ertoire, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous.\n(.\nIf you wish to discard your authentication credentials and log out of the directory, click on the button below.)]
-fr,dsgw,211,[Mettre les r嶨廨ences d徨uthentification au rebut (d嶰onnexion)\n(Discard Authentication Credentials (log out))]
-fr,dsgw,212,[Vos r嶨廨ences d徨uthentification pour \n(Your authentication credentials for )]
-fr,dsgw,213,[ont expir (have expired).\n<HR>)\n]
-fr,dsgw,214,[Votre acc鋊 au r廧ertoire n悶st actuellement pas authentifi.\n(Currently, you are not authenticated to the directory.)<HR>\n]
-fr,dsgw,215,["%s=" manquant (missing definition shown)]
-fr,dsgw,216,["%s=%s" inconnu (unknown assignment as shown)]
-fr,dsgw,217,[option inconnue %s (unknown option as shown)]
-fr,dsgw,218,[syntaxe inconnue=%s\n(syntax shown unknown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,219,[** Type HTML "%s" non support **\n(** HTML type shown not supported **<BR>)\n]
-fr,dsgw,224,[Modifier (Edit)]
-fr,dsgw,225,[Save Changes]
-fr,dsgw,228,[Supprimer (Delete)]
-fr,dsgw,229,[Supprimer cette entr嶪? (Delete this entry?)]
-fr,dsgw,230,[Renommer (Rename)]
-fr,dsgw,231,[Entrez un nouveau nom pour cette entr嶪: (Enter a new name for this entry:)]
-fr,dsgw,232,[Modifier sous (Edit As)]
-fr,dsgw,233,[%s= manquant (missing definition shown)]
-fr,dsgw,234,[Fermer la fen皻re (Close Window)]
-fr,dsgw,235,[Modifier... (Edit...)]
-fr,dsgw,236,["%s=" manquant\n (missing definition shown")\n]
-fr,dsgw,237,[ensemble inconnu "%s"\n (set shown is unknown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,238,[syntaxe inconnue "%s"\n (syntax shown is unknown)\n]
-fr,dsgw,239,[R-authentifier (Re-Authenticate)]
-fr,dsgw,240,[Fermer la fen皻re (Close Window)]
-fr,dsgw,241,[Voulez-vous vraiment (Do you really want to) ]
-fr,dsgw,243,[ OK ]
-fr,dsgw,244,[ OK ]
-fr,dsgw,245,[Remettre z廨o (Reset)]
-fr,dsgw,246,[Termin (Done)]
-fr,dsgw,247,[Annuler (Cancel)]
-fr,dsgw,248,[a trouv un autre IF (les IF embo褾廥 ne sont pas support廥)\n(found another IF (nested IFs are not supported))]
-fr,dsgw,249,[a trouv ELSE mais n徨 pas vu de IF\n(found ELSE but didn't see an IF)]
-fr,dsgw,250,[a trouv ELSE apr鋊 ELSE (ENDIF attendu)\n(found ELSE after ELSE (expecting ENDIF))]
-fr,dsgw,251,[a trouv ELIF mais n徨 pas vu de IF\n(found ELIF but didn't see an IF)]
-fr,dsgw,252,[a trouv ELIF apr鋊 ELSE (ENDIF attendu)\n(found ELIF after ELSE (expecting ENDIF))]
-fr,dsgw,253,[a trouv ENDIF mais n徨 pas vu de IF\n(found ENDIF but didn't see an IF)]
-fr,dsgw,254,[<BR><B>erreur de mod鋩e:</B> %s\n(<B>template error as shown</B>)<BR>\n]
-fr,dsgw,255,[ldap_init/lcache_init tent avant la lecture du fichier de configuration\n(ldap_init/lcache_init attempted before config file read)]
-fr,dsgw,256,[ne tourne pas sous Administration Server\n(not running under the administration server)]
-fr,dsgw,257,[Impossible d惺nitialiser les permissions\n(Could not initialize permissions)]
-fr,dsgw,258,[Impossible de faire correspondre un nom d戟tilisateur avec un DN (erreur d媚dministration Server)\n(Could not map username to a DN (error from admin server))]
-fr,dsgw,259,[Impossible d惱btenir le nom d戟tilisateur courant\n(Could not get current username)]
-fr,dsgw,260,[Impossible d惱btenir le mot de passe utilisateur courant\n(Could not get current user password)]
-fr,dsgw,261,[Erreur (Error): %s]
-fr,dsgw,262,[Remarque: aucun mod鋩e d徨ffichage n悶st disponible pour ce type d悶ntr嶪; une m彋hode par d嶨aut\nest donc utilis嶪 dans l徨ffichage ci-dessous.\n(Note: there is no display template for this type of entry available, so it is\ndisplayed below using a default method.)]
-fr,dsgw,263,[Identification de l戟tilisateur ou identificateur NULL LDAP non valide\n(Invalid user id or NULL LDAP handle)]
-fr,dsgw,264,[aucune correspondance pour l惺dentification de l戟tilisateur\n(no match for user id)]
-fr,dsgw,265,[plusieurs correspondances pour l惺dentification de l戟tilisateur\n(more than one match for user id)]
-fr,dsgw,266,[the entire directory]
-fr,dsgw,267,[Deux arguments sont requis pour la directive "includeset"\n(Two arguments are required for the "includeset" directive)\n]
-fr,dsgw,268,[La valeur d'attribut demand嶪 est introuvable dans l'entr嶪\n(An error occurred while trying to access the database)]
-fr,dsgw,269,[Argument introuvable pour la directive "NLS"]
-fr,dsgw,270,[Une valeur doit 皻re sp嶰ifi嶪 pour l'id d'utilisateur NT\n]
-fr,dsgw,271,[La combinaison de l'id d'utilisateur NT et de l'id de domaine NT n'est pas unique dans le r廧ertoire.]
-fr,dsgw,272,[Des valeurs doivent 皻re sp嶰ifi嶪s pour l'id d'utilisateur NT et l'id de domaine NT\n]
-fr,dsgw,273,[La valeur d'id d'utilisateur NT ne doit pas d廧asser 20 caract鋨es.\n]
-fr,dsgw,274,[Veuillez cr嶪r un nom pour la nouvelle entr嶪.]
-fr,dsgw,275,[Veuillez s幨ectionner une adresse pour la nouvelle entr嶪.]
-fr,dsgw,276,[Nouvelle entr嶪]
-fr,dsgw,277,[Afin de pouvoir utiliser cette fonction, un dirmgr doit 皻re d嶨ini dans dsgw.conf]
-fr,dsgw,278,[Trois ou quatre arguments sont requis pour la directive "vcard-property"\n]
-fr,dsgw,279,[La syntaxe de la propri彋 Vcard doit 皻re "cis" ou "mls"\n]
-fr,dsgw,280,[Aucune entr嶪 n'a 彋 trouv嶪.\n%2$s]
-fr,dsgw,281,[Aucune entr嶪 n'a 彋 trouv嶪 dans les %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-fr,dsgw,282,[Aucune entr嶪 recherch嶪 n'a 彋 trouv嶪\n%2$s]
-fr,dsgw,283,[Aucune entr嶪 recherch嶪 n'a 彋 trouv嶪 dans les %2$s %3$s %4$s'.\n]
-fr,dsgw,284,[1 entr嶪 a 彋 trouv嶪.\n%2$s]
-fr,dsgw,285,[1 entr嶪 a 彋 trouv嶪 dans les %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-fr,dsgw,286,[1 entr嶪 recherch嶪 a 彋 trouv嶪.\n%2$s]
-fr,dsgw,287,[1 entr嶪 recherch嶪 a 彋 trouv嶪 dans les %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-fr,dsgw,288,[%1$li entr嶪s ont 彋 trouv嶪s.\n%2$s]
-fr,dsgw,289,[%1$li entr嶪s ont 彋 trouv嶪s dans les %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n]
-fr,dsgw,290,[%1$li entr嶪s recherch嶪s ont 彋 trouv嶪s.\n%2$s]
-fr,dsgw,291,[%1$li entr嶪s recherch嶪s ont 彋 trouv嶪s dans les %2$s %3$s '%4$s'.\n ]
-fr,dsgw,292,[le filtre LDAP est]
-fr,dsgw,293,[Le serveur n徨 pas pu trouver l悶ntr嶪 que vous avez utilis嶪 lors de l徨uthentification. Quelqu戟n a peut-皻re renomm ou supprim l悶ntr嶪. Proc嶮ez une nouvelle authentification.]
-fr,dsgw,294,[La nouvelle syntaxe du mot de passe n悶st pas valide.\n]
-fr,dsgw,295,[Le nouveau mot de passe figure dans l愣istorique des mots de passe.\n]
-fr,dsgw,296,[Vous avez atteint la limite de nouvelle tentative de mot de passe. Contactez votre administrateur syst鋗e.\n]
-fr,dsgw,297,[Vous avez atteint la limite de nouvelle tentative de mot de passe. Essayez nouveau.\n]
-fr,dsgw,298,[Le mot de passe a expir. Contactez votre administrateur syst鋗e pour red嶨inir le mot de passe.\n]
-fr,frame,-1,[$DBT: frame in DB file v1 $]
-fr,frame,1,[<TITLE>Introuvable (Not Found)</TITLE><H1>Introuvable (Not Found)</H1> L'objet demand n'existe pas sur ce serveur. Le lien que vous avez consult est peut-皻re d廥uet, inexact, ou bien le serveur a re蓰 l'ordre de ne pas vous laisser y acc嶮er.\n(The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it. )]
-fr,frame,2,[Veuillez informer l'administrateur de site de la <A HREF="%s">page de r嶨廨ence</A>.\n(Please inform the site administrator of the referring page.)]
-fr,frame,3,[Votre navigateur a envoy une demande que ce Proxy n'arrive pas comprendre.\n(Your browser sent a request that this proxy could not understand.)]
-fr,frame,4,[Une autorisation ad廦uate est requise pour l'administration de ce Proxy.\nVotre navigateur n'effectue peut-皻re pas l'autorisation, ou bien votre autorisation\na 嶰hou.\n(Proper authorization is required for the administration of this proxy.\nEither your browser does not perform authorization, or your authorization\nhas failed.)]
-fr,frame,5,[L'authentification du nom d'utilisateur est requise pour utiliser ce Proxy.\nVotre navigateur n'effectue peut-皻re par l'autorisation de Proxy, ou bien votre\nautorisation a 嶰hou.\n(Username authentication is required for using this proxy.\nEither your browser does not perform proxy authorization, or your\nauthorization has failed.)]
-fr,frame,6,[La configuration du contr犨e d'acc鋊 de ce Proxy refuse l'acc鋊 赨nl'objet demand par le biais de ce Proxy.\n(The proxy's access control configuration denies access to\nthe requested object through this proxy.)]
-fr,frame,7,[Le Proxy a rencontr une erreur interne qui l'emp璚he \nd'honorer votre demande. La cause la plus probable est une mauvaise configuration.\nVeuillez demander l'administrateur de consulter le journal d'erreurs du Proxy.\n(The proxy has encountered an internal error which prevents it from\nfulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a misconfiguration.\nPlease ask the administrator to look for messages in the proxy's error log.)]
-fr,frame,8,[Ce serveur de Proxy ne met pas en oeuvre la m彋hode demand嶪.\n(This proxy server does not implement the requested method.)]
-fr,frame,9,[Une erreur est survenue sur le serveur de Proxy.\n(An error has occurred on the proxy server.)]
-fr,frame,10,[Votre navigateur a envoy une requ皻e que ce serveur n'arrive pas comprendre.\n(Your browser sent a query this server could not understand.)]
-fr,frame,11,[Une autorisation ad廦uate est requise pour ce domaine. Votre navigateur n'effectue peut-皻re pas l'autorisation, ou bien votre autorisation a 嶰hou.\n(Proper authorization is required for this area. Either your browser does not perform authorization, or your authorization has failed.)]
-fr,frame,12,[Votre client n'est pas autoris acc嶮er l'objet demand.\n(Your client is not allowed to access the requested object.)]
-fr,frame,13,[Ce serveur a rencontr une erreur interne qui l'emp璚he d'honorer votre demande. La cause la plus probable est une mauvaise configuration. Veuillez demander l'administrateur de consulter le journal d'erreurs du serveur.\n(This server has encountered an internal error which prevents it from fulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a misconfiguration. Please ask the administrator to look for messages in the server's error log.)]
-fr,frame,14,[Ce serveur ne met pas en oeuvre la m彋hode demand嶪.\n(This server does not implement the requested method.)]
-fr,frame,15,[Une erreur est survenue. (An error has occurred.)]
-fr,frame,16,[Votre navigateur a envoy un message que ce serveur n'arrive pas comprendre.\n(Your browser sent a message this server could not understand.)]
-fr,frame,17,[<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="fr"></HEAD><BODY><H1>%s</H1>\nCe document a 彋 d廧lac une nouvelle <a href="%s">adresse</a>. Veuillez mettre jour vos documents et listes d'acc鋊 en cons廦uence.\n(This document has moved to a new location. Please update your documents and hotlists accordingly.</BODY></HTML>)]
-fr,frame,18,[<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="fr"><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>%s</H1>\n%s\n</BODY></HTML>]
-fr,frame,20,[cannot find template %s]
-fr,frame,22,[no partial path after object processing]
-fr,frame,24,[invalid shexp %s]
-fr,frame,26,[invalid shexp %s]
-fr,frame,28,[no way to service request for %s]
-fr,frame,30,[close failed (%s), csd=%d]
-fr,frame,31,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-fr,frame,33,[Error issuing read on accept socket]
-fr,frame,35,[Error getting accept socket (%d)]
-fr,frame,36,[Error in accept! (%d, %s)]
-fr,frame,37,[Error creating new accept request]
-fr,frame,38,[accepted connection: %d (NSPR %d)]
-fr,frame,39,[Error creating new session structure]
-fr,frame,41,[Error allocating request read buffer]
-fr,frame,42,[Error issuing async read request]
-fr,frame,43,[acb_read_request(%d, bytes %d)]
-fr,frame,44,[acb_read_req(1 session = %d)]
-fr,frame,45,[Error reading request (%d, %s)]
-fr,frame,46,[Client aborted connection]
-fr,frame,47,[Error reading request]
-fr,frame,48,[Error creating new request]
-fr,frame,49,[error occurred, closing %d, io was for %d]
-fr,frame,51,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-fr,frame,52,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-fr,frame,53,[Error during async read (%d, %s)]
-fr,frame,54,[scan-headers reports: line too long]
-fr,frame,55,[scan-headers reports: too many headers]
-fr,frame,56,[Error reading headers]
-fr,frame,57,[scan-headers reports: header missing terminator (an empty line)]
-fr,frame,58,[scan-headers reports: header was empty]
-fr,frame,59,[nom sans valeur: obtention de la ligne "%s"\n(name without value: got line as shown)]
-fr,frame,61,[accel_send_plain_file() - found request %d]
-fr,frame,62,[Parse headers lost the URI!]
-fr,frame,63,[accel_send_plain_file() - found uri %s]
-fr,frame,64,[accel_send_plain_file() - found in cache?]
-fr,frame,65,[malloc died!]
-fr,frame,66,[Error writing back file\n]
-fr,frame,68,[Error writing in acb_send_plain_file (%d, %s)]
-fr,frame,70,[Errored IO in acb_close_connection (%d, %s)]
-fr,frame,71,[Unable to close socket %d]
-fr,frame,72,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-fr,frame,73,[cache-init: server cache disabled]
-fr,frame,74,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-fr,frame,75,[accel_file_cache: Error creating cache]
-fr,frame,76,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize < %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,77,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize > %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,78,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,79,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,80,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,81,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,82,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-fr,frame,83,[file-cache: enabled = %s ]
-fr,frame,86,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-fr,frame,87,[file-cache: CacheHashSize %d (0x%x)]
-fr,frame,88,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-fr,frame,89,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-fr,frame,90,[file-cache-cleanup: munmap failed (%s)]
-fr,frame,91,[file-cache-cleanup: found mmapped file \non system without mmap]
-fr,frame,92,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize < %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,93,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize > %d, using %d]
-fr,frame,94,[file cache using mmap flags 0x%x]
-fr,frame,95,[file cache using mmap prots 0x%x]
-fr,frame,96,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-fr,frame,97,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-fr,frame,98,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-fr,frame,99,[file-cache: GetTempPath() Cannot find temp directory to store file!]
-fr,frame,100,[file-cache-init: set max cached file size to %d]
-fr,frame,101,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-fr,frame,103,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-fr,frame,104,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-fr,frame,105,[file-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-fr,frame,106,[file-cache-create: Error opening file %s (%s)]
-fr,frame,107,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-fr,frame,108,[file-cache-create: Error mmap()ing file %s (%s)]
-fr,frame,109,[file-cache-create: malloc failure]
-fr,frame,110,[file-cache-create: error case failed to munmap(%d, %d) (%s)]
-fr,frame,111,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-fr,frame,112,[dir change: invalidating %s (%d)]
-fr,frame,113,[file-cache: asynchronous file change notification failed.]
-fr,frame,114,[dir change: offset %d, action %d, len %d, name %s]
-fr,frame,115,[unable to check async file status]
-fr,frame,116,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to continue watching %s. Error is %s]
-fr,frame,117,[file-cache-add-watch failure- unable to open directory %s. Error %s]
-fr,frame,118,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to start watching %s. Error %s]
-fr,frame,120,[no handler function given for directive]
-fr,frame,122,[cannot find function named %s]
-fr,frame,124,[method without URI]
-fr,frame,126,[while scanning HTTP headers, %s]
-fr,frame,128,[read from %s failed, error is %s]
-fr,frame,130,[request too long]
-fr,frame,132,[write failed (%s)]
-fr,frame,134,[write failed (%s)]
-fr,frame,136,[%d is not a valid HTTP status code]
-fr,frame,138,[close failed (%s)]
-fr,frame,139,[Unable to close socket for writing]
-fr,frame,140,[os has %d objects]
-fr,frame,141,[obj %d has no hash table at %d]
-fr,frame,142,[obj %d has no param]
-fr,frame,143,[obj %d name %s value %s]
-fr,frame,144,[.....directives %d.......]
-fr,frame,145,[.....directive %d]
-fr,frame,146,[.......instance %d]
-fr,frame,147,[...........param name %s value %s]
-fr,frame,148,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegCreateKey %s]
-fr,frame,149,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegEnumKey %s failed]
-fr,frame,150,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-fr,frame,151,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-fr,frame,152,[Unable to allocate Subject property list.\n]
-fr,frame,153,[Unable to set session ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-fr,frame,154,[Unable to set request ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-fr,frame,155,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-fr,frame,156,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-fr,httpdaemon,-1,[$DBT: httpdaemon in DB file v1 $]
-fr,httpdaemon,1,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-fr,httpdaemon,2,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-fr,httpdaemon,3,[Error in md_start_system]
-fr,httpdaemon,4,[Error in CreateFiber - idlefiber]
-fr,httpdaemon,5,[Error in GetQueuedCompletionStatus]
-fr,httpdaemon,6,[Error creating completion port]
-fr,httpdaemon,7,[Could not SetHandleNonInheritable (%s)]
-fr,httpdaemon,8,[Error accept/read new conn]
-fr,httpdaemon,9,[Error in Respond()]
-fr,httpdaemon,10,[Error in RespondCompleted()]
-fr,httpdaemon,11,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,12,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,13,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,14,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,15,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,16,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,17,[could not determine current user name\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,18,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,19,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,20,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,21,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,22,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,23,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-fr,httpdaemon,24,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-fr,httpdaemon,25,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-fr,httpdaemon,26,[This machine has %d processors.]
-fr,httpdaemon,27,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-fr,httpdaemon,28,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-fr,httpdaemon,29,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-fr,httpdaemon,30,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,31,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-fr,httpdaemon,32,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-fr,httpdaemon,33,[select thread miss]
-fr,httpdaemon,34,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-fr,httpdaemon,35,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d, IP address %s (%s)\n]
-fr,libaccess,-1,[$DBT: libaccess in DB file v1 $]
-fr,libaccess,2,[cannot open database %s]
-fr,libaccess,4,[user %s password did not match database %s]
-fr,libaccess,6,[cannot open connection to LDAP server on %s:%d]
-fr,libaccess,8,[user %s password did not match LDAP on %s:%d]
-fr,libaccess,10,[missing realm]
-fr,libaccess,11,[Unable to allocate ACL List Hash\n]
-fr,libaccess,12,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to PERM_MALLOC cache structure\n]
-fr,libaccess,13,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-fr,libaccess,14,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE Entry\n]
-fr,libaccess,15,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-fr,libaccess,16,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate Boundary Entry\n]
-fr,libaccess,17,[ACLEvalBuildContext failed.\n]
-fr,libaccess,18,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%d\n]
-fr,libaccess,19,[LASDnsBuild unable to allocate hash table header\n]
-fr,libaccess,20,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,21,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,22,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,23,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,24,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,25,[LAS DNS build received request for attribute %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,26,[LASDnsEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,27,[LASDnsEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-fr,libaccess,28,[LASDnsEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-fr,libaccess,29,[LASDnsEval unable to get DNS - error=%s\n]
-fr,libaccess,30,[LAS Group Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,31,[LASGroupEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,32,[LASGroupEval - ran out of memory\n]
-fr,libaccess,33,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-fr,libaccess,34,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-fr,libaccess,35,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-fr,libaccess,36,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-fr,libaccess,37,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-fr,libaccess,38,[Check group membership of user "%s" for group "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,39,[LDAPU_SUCCESS for group "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,40,[LDAPU_FAILED for group "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,43,[LASIpTreeAlloc - no memory\n]
-fr,libaccess,44,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-fr,libaccess,45,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-fr,libaccess,46,[LAS IP build received request for attribute %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,47,[LASIpEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,48,[LASIpEval unable to get session address - error=%s\n]
-fr,libaccess,49,[LASIpEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-fr,libaccess,50,[LASIpEval - reach 32 bits without conclusion value=%s]
-fr,libaccess,51,[LAS Program Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,52,[LASProgramEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,53,[LASProgram unable to get session address %d\n]
-fr,libaccess,55,[LASProgramEval: request not of type admin or bin, passing.\n]
-fr,libaccess,56,[LASProgramEval: check if program %s matches pattern %s.\n]
-fr,libaccess,57,[LASProgramEval: Invalid wildcard expression %s.\n]
-fr,libaccess,60,[Unexpected attribute in dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,61,[Illegal comparator for dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,62,[Unexpected attribute in timeOfDay - %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,63,[LAS User Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,64,[LASUserEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,65,[LASUserEval - ran out of memory\n]
-fr,libaccess,66,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-fr,libaccess,67,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-fr,libaccess,68,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-fr,libaccess,69,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-fr,libaccess,70,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-fr,libaccess,71,[Check if uid == user (i.e. check "%s" == "%s)"\n]
-fr,libaccess,72,[SUCCESS for user "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,73,[FAILED for user "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,77,[LASProgram unable to get request address - error=%s]
-fr,libaccess,78,[LASProgram rejecting request for program %s from pattern %s]
-fr,libaccess,79,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to parse file "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,80,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to concatenate ACL list "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,81,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to open and process the magnus file "%s"\n]
-fr,libaccess,82,[Illegal comparator for timeOfDay - %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,83,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-fr,libaccess,84,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to PERM_CALLOC cache structure\n]
-fr,libaccess,85,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-fr,libaccess,86,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth pointer array\n]
-fr,libaccess,87,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth plist\n]
-fr,libaccess,88,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%s\n]
-fr,libaccess,89,[ACL_INTEvalTestRights: call to ACL_EvalBuildContext returned failure status\n]
-fr,libaccess,90,[ACL_ModuleRegister: module name is missing\n]
-fr,libaccess,91,[ACL_ModuleRegister: call to module init function returned a failed status\n]
-fr,libaccess,92,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't determine method for %s\n]
-fr,libaccess,93,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't locate getter for %s]
-fr,libaccess,94,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-fr,libaccess,95,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-fr,libaccess,96,[ACL_GetAttribute: All attribute getters declined for attr %s]
-fr,libaccess,97,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-fr,libaccess,98,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: database name is missing]
-fr,libaccess,99,[Error reading the DB Map File: %s. Reason: %s]
-fr,libaccess,100,[URL is missing for database %s]
-fr,libaccess,101,[Invalid property value pair for database %s]
-fr,libaccess,102,["default" database must be an LDAP database]
-fr,libaccess,103,[Multiple "default" databases are being registered]
-fr,libaccess,104,["default" LDAP database must be registered]
-fr,libaccess,105,[LASGroupEval unable to get database name - error= %s]
-fr,libaccess,106,[received invalid program expression %s]
-fr,libaccess,107,[parse_ldap_url: database url is missing]
-fr,libaccess,108,[parse_ldap_url: database name is missing]
-fr,libaccess,109,[parse_ldap_url: error in parsing ldap url. Reason: %s]
-fr,libaccess,110,[ldap password check: unable to get database name - error=%s]
-fr,libaccess,111,[ldap password check: unable to get parsed database %s]
-fr,libaccess,112,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-fr,libaccess,113,[ldap password check: LDAP error: "%s"]
-fr,libaccess,114,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get database name - error=%s]
-fr,libaccess,115,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get parsed database %s]
-fr,libaccess,116,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-fr,libaccess,117,[get_user_ismember_ldap: group %s does not exist]
-fr,libaccess,118,[get_user_ismember_ldap: LDAP error: "%s"]
-fr,libaccess,119,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not a registered database]
-fr,libaccess,120,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not an LDAP database]
-fr,libaccess,121,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: out of memory]
-fr,libaccess,122,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-fr,libaccess,123,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't bind to LDAP server. Reason: %s]
-fr,libaccess,124,[insufficient dynamic memory]
-fr,libaccess,125,[error opening file, %s: %s]
-fr,libaccess,126,[duplicate definition of %s]
-fr,libaccess,127,[file %s, line %s: duplicate definition of %s]
-fr,libaccess,128,[file %s, line %s: syntax error]
-fr,libaccess,129,[file %s, line %s: %s is undefined]
-fr,libaccess,130,[in acl %s, %s %s is undefined]
-fr,libaccess,131,[database %s: error accessing %s]
-fr,libaccess,133,[file %s, line %s: invalid syntax]
-fr,libaccess,134,[file %s, line %s: syntax error at "%s"]
-fr,libaccess,135,[realm %s is not defined]
-fr,libaccess,136,[error code = %d]
-fr,libaccess,137,[internal ACL error]
-fr,libaccess,138,[invalid argument]
-fr,libaccess,139,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-fr,libaccess,140,[couldn't determine dbtype from: %s]
-fr,libaccess,141,[Failed to register database %s]
-fr,libaccess,142,[ACL call returned failed status]
-fr,libaccess,143,[file %s: ACL IO error - %s]
-fr,libaccess,144,[acl_user_exists: m幦oire insuffisante]
-fr,libaccess,145,[acl_user_exists: l'utilisateur n'existe plus]
-fr,libaccess,146,[acl_user_exists: erreur de plist]
-fr,libadmin,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-fr,libadmin,1,[ Help ]
-fr,libadmin,2,[ OK ]
-fr,libadmin,3,[ Reset ]
-fr,libadmin,4,[ Done ]
-fr,libadmin,5,[ Cancel ]
-fr,libir,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-fr,libir,1,[An I/O error occurred before all form data could be read.]
diff --git a/l10n/dirserv/ja/ns-slapd.txt b/l10n/dirserv/ja/ns-slapd.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ab2dd6ef..00000000
--- a/l10n/dirserv/ja/ns-slapd.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1059 +0,0 @@
-# This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
-# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
-# In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
-# right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
-# General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
-# including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
-# permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
-# through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
-# found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
-# Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
-# the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
-# the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
-# additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
-# Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
-# in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
-# exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
-# version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
-# provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
-# statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
-# exception.
-# Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission.
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-/* The copyright notice(s) in this Source Code does not indicate actual */
-/* or intended publication of this Source Code. */
-/* This text file was generated by program dblink */
-$Revision: 1.4 $
-$Log: ns-slapd.txt,v $
-Revision 1.4 2005/04/19 22:06:52 nkinder
-Fixed licensing typo
-Revision 1.3 2005/04/15 22:39:18 nkinder
-155068 - Added license to source files
-Revision 1.2 2005/02/28 23:37:40 nkinder
-149951 - Updated source code copyrights
-Revision 2005/01/21 00:40:48 cvsadm
-Moving NSCP Directory Server from DirectoryBranch to TRUNK, initial drop. (foxworth)
-Revision 2003/09/22 19:36:43 ulfw
-Update copyright years from 2001 to 2001-2003
-Revision 2001/11/03 01:07:47 richm
-XXX use new copyright XXX
-Revision 2001/10/06 17:54:34 richm
-Remove copyright caracter from copyright
-Revision 2001/09/18 11:48:17 rmarco
-Remove copyright caracter from copyright
-Revision 2001/02/13 09:59:57 rmarco
-Revision 1998/10/10 02:14:12 ggood
-Copy from Directory40RtmBranchpoint to DirectoryBranch
-Revision 1998/04/04 23:16:59 mcs
-merge changes made on directory31_rtm_branch into server4_directory_branch
-Revision 1998/02/24 05:39:08 noriko
-Added new updates from the translators
-Revision 1998/02/19 23:47:54 scronin
-Merged Noriko's edits with translated updates
-Revision 1998/02/17 22:01:21 noriko
-Fixed <Discard authentication credentials>
-Revision 1998/02/16 22:33:53 noriko
-Replaced words to display them correctly on NT Communicator 4.04 -- see also http://xiulu/ds30/l10n/translation-ja.htm
-Revision 1998/02/16 02:01:02 noriko
-removed the last dash from Japanese <user>
-Revision 1998/02/16 01:31:41 noriko
-Fixed search result message
-Revision 1997/12/20 03:32:16 werudge
-Copy from server3_i18npkg_branch to server3_directory_branch
-Revision 1997/12/19 02:19:37 werudge
-UTF8 Encoded from ja/ns-slapd.txt.eucjp :
-Based on en/ns-slapd.txt :
-Revision 1997/12/19 02:04:05 werudge
-Based on en/ns-slapd.txt :
-daily 971113.1 SOLARIS-export-optimize-normal-slapd
-ja,base,-1,[$DBT: base in DB file v1 $]
-ja,base,1,[甩永扑亙 氾□皮伙毛綜嶽允月凶戶及丟乒伉互尕簫仄化中引允﹝]
-ja,base,2,[甩永扑亙 氾□皮伙毛綜嶽允月凶戶及丟乒伉互尕簫仄化中引允]
-ja,base,3,[cache_destroy: 平乓永扑亙 氾□皮伙互尕懇匹允﹝]
-ja,base,4,[甩永扑亙 巨件玄伉毛喃曰癲化月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,base,5,[cache_insert: 平乓永扑亙 巨件玄伉毛綜嶽允月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,base,6,[HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/html\n\n]
-ja,base,7,[<H2>Netscape 平乓永扑亙 旦氾□正旦 伊禾□玄</H2>\n]
-ja,base,9,[<H2>%s 平乓永扑亙</H2>\n]
-ja,base,10,[平乓永扑亙 甲永玄 伊扑左“ %d/%d (%f)</P>\n</P>\n]
-ja,base,11,[平乓永扑亙 扔奶朮“ %d/%d</P>\n</P>\n]
-ja,base,12,[甩永扑亙 氾□皮伙 扔奶朮“ %d</P>\n</P>\n]
-ja,base,13,[mru : %d</P>\nlru : %d</P>\n]
-ja,base,14,[<UL><TABLE BORDER=4> <TH>Bucket</TH> <TH>失玉伊旦</TH> <TH>平□</TH> <TH>失弁本旦莢醒</TH> <TH>綽輪</TH> <TH>慼尺</TH> <TH>LRU</TH> <TH>MRU</TH> <TH>犯□正</TH>\n]
-ja,base,15,[munmap failed (%s)]
-ja,base,16,[munmap failed (%s)]
-ja,base,17,[close failed (%s)]
-ja,base,18,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-ja,base,19,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-ja,base,20,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-ja,base,21,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-ja,base,22,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-ja,base,23,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-ja,base,24,[could not determine current user name\n]
-ja,base,25,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-ja,base,27,[, address %s]
-ja,base,28,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-ja,base,29,[security handshake timed out for pid %d]
-ja,base,30,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-ja,base,31,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-ja,base,32,[accept failed (%s)]
-ja,base,33,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-ja,base,34,[select thread miss]
-ja,base,35,[keepalive worker awoken with no work to do]
-ja,base,36,[could not create new thread: %d (%s)]
-ja,base,37,[wait for sema succeeded, but nothing to dequeue]
-ja,base,38,[queue-sema creation failure]
-ja,base,39,[error getting processor info for processor %d]
-ja,base,40,[Error binding to processor %d]
-ja,base,41,[bound process %d to processor %d]
-ja,base,42,[Netscape server is not explicitly binding to any processors.]
-ja,base,43,[cache monitor exited]
-ja,base,44,[cache batch update daemon exited]
-ja,base,45,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-ja,base,46,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-ja,base,47,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-ja,base,48,[This machine has %d processors.]
-ja,base,49,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-ja,base,50,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-ja,base,51,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-ja,base,54,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-ja,base,55,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-ja,base,56,[Cache monitor respawned]
-ja,base,57,[Cache batch update daemon respawned]
-ja,base,58,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-ja,base,59,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-ja,base,60,[assert failed! %s\n]
-ja,base,62,[malloc failed]
-ja,base,63,[malloc failed!]
-ja,base,64,[mr_add_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-ja,base,65,[mr_add_io - stage 1]
-ja,base,66,[mr_add_io - stage 2]
-ja,base,67,[mr_add_io found invalid IO type %d]
-ja,base,68,[mr_add_io - adding timeout]
-ja,base,69,[Out of memory!\n]
-ja,base,70,[done with mr_add_io]
-ja,base,71,[mr_del_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-ja,base,72,[mr_del_io found invalid IO type %d]
-ja,base,74,[mr_async_io(%d, %d bytes, file %d)]
-ja,base,75,[malloc failure adding async IO]
-ja,base,76,[Error adding async io!]
-ja,base,77,[Cannot seek for read!]
-ja,base,78,[read failure! (%d, %s)]
-ja,base,79,[do_read read %d bytes for file %d]
-ja,base,80,[Cannot seek for write!]
-ja,base,81,[writev failure! (%d, %s)]
-ja,base,82,[write failure! (%d, %s)]
-ja,base,83,[do_write wrote %d bytes for file %d]
-ja,base,84,[do_timeout(mrp %d)]
-ja,base,85,[do_timeout: found IO (timer=%d, time=%d)]
-ja,base,86,[error deleting io]
-ja,base,87,[timeout callback failure for %d\n]
-ja,base,88,[mr_get_event(%d) - outstanding io %d]
-ja,base,89,[mr_get_event: Waiting for reads on FD:]
-ja,base,90,[mr_get_event: Waiting for writes on FD:]
-ja,base,91,[ %d]
-ja,base,92,[ %d]
-ja,base,93,[mr_get_event set no timeout]
-ja,base,94,[mr_get_event set timeout to: %d.%d sec]
-ja,base,95,[error in select (%d, %s)]
-ja,base,96,[mr_get_event() - select found %d]
-ja,base,97,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-ja,base,98,[read failed for fd %d]
-ja,base,99,[error deleting io]
-ja,base,100,[callback failure for %d\n]
-ja,base,101,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-ja,base,102,[writing: header len %d, writelen %d, total %d]
-ja,base,103,[write failed for fd %d]
-ja,base,104,[error deleting io]
-ja,base,105,[callback failure for %d\n]
-ja,base,106,[Error creating dns cache]
-ja,base,107,[dns_cache_init: hash_size <= 0, using %d]
-ja,base,108,[dns_cache_init: cache-size <= %d, using %d]
-ja,base,109,[dns_cache_init: cache-size is %d is too large, using %d.]
-ja,base,110,[dns_cache_init: expire_time <= 0, using %d]
-ja,base,111,[dns_cache_init: expire is %d is too large, using %d seconds.]
-ja,base,112,[Error creating dns cache]
-ja,base,113,[dns-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-ja,base,114,[dns-cache-insert: malloc failure]
-ja,base,115,[successful server startup]
-ja,base,116,[%s B%s]
-ja,base,117,[Netscape executable and shared library have different versions]
-ja,base,118,[ executable version is %s]
-ja,base,119,[ shared library version is %s]
-ja,base,120,[error reporting shutting down]
-ja,base,128,[event_handler:Failed to wait on events %s]
-ja,base,129,[could not wait on resume event event (%s)]
-ja,base,130,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-ja,base,131,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-ja,base,132,[The server is terminating due to an error. Check the event viewer for the error message. SERVER EXITING!]
-ja,base,133,[Terminating the server %s]
-ja,base,134,[kill_server:cannot open server event %s]
-ja,base,135,[kill_server:cannot set server event %s]
-ja,base,136,[error: could not get socket (%s)\n]
-ja,base,137,[error: could not set socket option (%s)\n]
-ja,base,138,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to address %s port %d (%s)\n]
-ja,base,139,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-ja,base,140,[SetHandleNonInheritable: could not duplicate socket (%s)]
-ja,base,141,[SetHandleNonInheritable: closing the original socket failed (%s)]
-ja,base,142,[Could not SetHandleInformation (%s)]
-ja,base,143,[Terminating Service:Failure: Could not open statistics file (%s)\n]
-ja,base,144,[Could not set Thread Local Storage Value for thread at slot %d]
-ja,base,145,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-ja,base,146,[accept failed %d (%s)]
-ja,base,147,[Failed to pulse Event %d %s]
-ja,base,148,[Failed to send MobGrowth Event to parent %s]
-ja,base,149,[Pulsing MobRespawn Event %d]
-ja,base,150,[respawn thread pool to %d (%d)]
-ja,base,151,[Could not open event to signal rotate application. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-ja,base,152,[Failed to send MoveLog Event to rotate app %s]
-ja,base,153,[growing thread pool from %d to %d]
-ja,base,154,[Could not open the ServiceControlManager, Error %d]
-ja,base,155,[StartNetsiteService:Could not open the service %s: Error %d]
-ja,base,156,[StartNetsiteService:Could not start the service %s]
-ja,base,157,[Service Startup: Could not allocate security descriptor]
-ja,base,158,[Service Startup: Could not init security descriptor]
-ja,base,159,[Service Startup: Could not set the security Dacl]
-ja,base,160,[Terminating Service:WinSock init failed: %s]
-ja,base,161,[Httpd Server Startup failed: %s]
-ja,base,162,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-ja,base,163,[NT daemon: could not create new thread %d]
-ja,base,164,[Service Startup Failure. Terminating Service:Could not create event %d:%s]
-ja,base,165,[Service Startup Error. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-ja,base,166,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-ja,base,167,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-ja,base,168,[pipebuf_buf2sd: pipebuf_grab IO_ERROR %d]
-ja,base,169,[pool-init: memory pools disabled]
-ja,base,170,[pool-init: free_size <= 0, using %d]
-ja,base,171,[pool-create-block: out of memory]
-ja,base,172,[pool-create: out of memory]
-ja,base,173,[pool-create: out of memory]
-ja,base,174,[pool-malloc: out of memory]
-ja,base,175,[FREE() used where PERM_FREE() should have been used- problem corrected and supressing further warnings.]
-ja,base,176,[regex error: %s (regex: '%s')]
-ja,base,177,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-ja,base,178,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-ja,base,179,[flushing %d connections; current %d; tot %d]
-ja,base,180,[accept failed (%s)]
-ja,base,181,[Error creating time cache]
-ja,base,182,[time-cache: cache disabled]
-ja,base,183,[time_cache_init: hash_size < %d, using default, %d]
-ja,base,184,[time_cache_init: hash_size > %d, using default, %d]
-ja,base,185,[time_cache_init: cache_size < %d, using default, %d]
-ja,base,186,[time_cache_init: cache_size > %d, using default, %d]
-ja,base,187,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-ja,base,188,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-ja,base,189,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-ja,base,190,[Error inserting new time_cache entry]
-ja,base,191,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-ja,base,192,[cs-terminate failure (%s)]
-ja,base,193,[cs-init failure (%s)]
-ja,base,194,[cs-wait failure (%s)]
-ja,base,195,[cs-post failure (%s)]
-ja,base,196,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-ja,base,197,[error: could not set keepalive (%s)\n]
-ja,base,198,[error: could not set recv timeout (%s)\n]
-ja,base,199,[error: could not set send timeout (%s)\n]
-ja,base,200,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-ja,base,201,[sem_grab failed (%s)]
-ja,base,202,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-ja,base,203,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-ja,base,204,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-ja,base,205,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-ja,dsgw,-1,[$DBT: dsgw in DB file v1 $]
-ja,dsgw,1,[閫扼芥 HTTP 芥胯具嫘扼]
-ja,dsgw,2,[銝甇芥整胯摰鈭艾芥 HTML 押潦 潦踴扼]
-ja,dsgw,4,[query/form 桀亙艾整]
-ja,dsgw,7,[LDAP 扼整]
-ja,dsgw,8,[LDAP 具格亦怒具押潦箇整]
-ja,dsgw,11,[ 准喋閫扼整]
-ja,dsgw,12,[芥詻扼胯 踴扎怠紋璊蝝U怒踴整]
-ja,dsgw,13,[HTML 喋研潦 ∼扎怒具扼整]
-ja,dsgw,14,[璊蝝UU潦閫扼整 - "smart", "complex", "pattern", 整 "auth" 摰艾]
-ja,dsgw,15,[URL 摰晞甈賬艾整]
-ja,dsgw,16,[URL 格摰銝扼]
-ja,dsgw,17,[芣輯 URL 舀芰乓柴具押奭
-ja,dsgw,18,[URL 押潦銝甇扼]
-ja,dsgw,20,[喋研潦 扎喋胯 ∼扎怒格詻颲潦踴怠仃整]
-ja,dsgw,21,[喋研潦 扎喋胯 ∼扎怒具扼整扼]
-ja,dsgw,22,[Directory 隤准輯噯具扼整]
-ja,dsgw,23,[LDAP SSL 桀怠仃整 (颯准乓芥 嫘蝣箄艾)]
-ja,dsgw,24,[SSL找璆准柴艾潦嗚具啜怒潦 押潦桀游艾潦嗚整胯萸潦蝞∠唧dministration Server SSL 韏瑕敹閬整銵柴俎瑕]娌芥/芥]潦詻雿輻具扼整]
-ja,dsgw,26,[具押潘 閮潭詻潦踴潦嫘潦踴敺具扼整扼]
-ja,dsgw,32,[Directory Manager 摰蝢押艾整]
-ja,dsgw,35,[艾扎喋艾 賬晞桀怠仃整]
-ja,dsgw,36,[閮潭詻U嫘研潦瑯扼 萸潦敺具扼整扼]
-ja,dsgw,37,[霅乓 ldapdb:// 怨扎整]
-ja,dsgw,38,[芣輯 URL 整舀芰乓柴具押奭
-ja,dsgw,39,[URL 柴押潦思甇整]
-ja,dsgw,40,[准潦怒 LDAP 潦踴潦嫘桀銝准怒具押潦箇整]
-ja,dsgw,41,[Directory 萸潦嫘柴踴扎銝扼 - "local" 整 "remote" 摰艾]
-ja,dsgw,42,[db 閮剖∼扎怒株狎輯噯蹂葉怒具押潦箇整]
-ja,dsgw,43,[NSHOME/userdb 柴嫘摰艾整]
-ja,dsgw,44,[Directory 萸潦嫘株身摰湔啜具扼整]
-ja,dsgw,45,[具喋芥 Directory 隤准輯噯具扼整]
-ja,dsgw,46,[LDAP 潦踴潦嫘瘨颯具扼整]
-ja,dsgw,54,[萸潦具扼具押潦箇整\n 萸潦蝞∠怎曉具桃嗆蝯∼艾]
-ja,dsgw,56,[芥柴芥胯具嫘臬蝑芥整整踴扎U艾整\n 摨行蝝U銵怒胯璊蝝U桃柴寧柴寞扳蝝U芥艾]
-ja,dsgw,57,[芥柴芥胯具嫘批蝯憭扼整\n 摨行蝝U銵怒胯璊蝝U桃柴寧柴寞扳蝝U芥艾]
-ja,dsgw,60,[芥胯具嫘怠閬芣晞甈賬艾整 芥胯具嫘萸潦 \n 隞具扼整颯柴萸潦扼芥胯具嫘衣具扼啜潦踴柴嫘踴喋潦靽萸潦艾]
-ja,dsgw,65,[萸潦臬亙扎餈賢扼整扼\n U怠亙扎具喋芥怠怒整艾具整]
-ja,dsgw,66,[萸潦胯具喋芥閬扎整扼\n 啜具喋芥餈賢游餈賢具喋芥株扛敹摮具具蝣箄艾\n 璊蝝V葉怒柴具押潦靽∼璊蝝U艾具喋芥摮具芥具蝷箝艾整\nDirectory Manager 具西閮潦閰艾踴艾游怒柴具押潦箇脯潦艾具扎格∼扎怒扼胯艾]
-ja,dsgw,68,[芥閰艾踴具喋芥胯嫘胯潦雿輻具艾芥隤扎整Directory Manager 批具喋芥拙芸扼扼蝣箄艾 ]
-ja,dsgw,72,[LDAP 萸潦急亦具扼整]
-ja,dsgw,73,[萸潦胯芥柴芥胯具嫘衣具扼整\n 萸潦怠之芾瑯艾萸潦芥柴芥胯具嫘 \n 衣怨身摰艾芥具整]
-ja,dsgw,74,[Directory 萸潦胯芥柴芥胯具嫘衣具扼整\n 芥胯具嫘桀摰嫘甇芥萸潦湔啣衣銵艾 \n 銝准扼航賣扼整]
-ja,dsgw,75,[Directory 萸潦舀摰具喋芥怠游\n 具喋芥桀扎餃桀氬銵具扼整格雿銵怒胯\n 雿桀怠柴具喋芥具血扎敹閬整]
-ja,dsgw,76,[萸潦急啜具喋芥餈賢餃桀氬銵具扼整\n U怠柴具喋芥摮具艾整]
-ja,dsgw,77,[芥柴芥胯具嫘航啜 Directory 萸潦怠整]
-ja,dsgw,78,[Directory 萸潦急亦扼整扼\n 萸潦蝞∠怒貉]
-ja,dsgw,89,[具喋芸 ]
-ja,dsgw,90,[onMouseOver="window.status='具喋芥扼怒胯胯芥胯艾'; return true"]
-ja,dsgw,91,[ U怠具整<P>乓桀餃湔豢艾\n<P>\n]
-ja,dsgw,93,[甈∼桀柴具喋芥株蕭扼整嚗 <P><B>%s</B>,<P>\n 閬芥具喋芥摮具整<P>\n 閬芥具喋芥怎駁脯艾\n]
-ja,dsgw,95,[具喋芸嚗 <P><B>%s</B>.\n]
-ja,dsgw,96,[霅血嚗 隤閮潦艾整 (甈∼)...\n]
-ja,dsgw,97,[%s Directory 具喋氓
-ja,dsgw,98,[<PRE>具喋 DN: %s</PRE><P>\n]
-ja,dsgw,99,[<B>%s</B> 怠氬靽摮整]
-ja,dsgw,100,[<B>%s</B> 餈賢整]
-ja,dsgw,101,[<B>%s</B> 扎整]
-ja,dsgw,102,[<B>%s</B> <B>%s</B> 詨憭氬整]
-ja,dsgw,103,[<P><B>潦嚗</B> 芥 %s 具喋芥舐湔整\n 芥臬摨西閮潦憭氬餈賢敹閬整\n]
-ja,dsgw,107,[撅 %s 憭氬整<BR>\n]
-ja,dsgw,108,[ U嫘准潦扼胯芥 (%ld 扎)\n]
-ja,dsgw,109,[扎摰艾整 銝摨血亙艾\n]
-ja,dsgw,111,[<P>%s Directory 萸潦恍靽∼整\n]
-ja,dsgw,117,[<PRE>啜具喋芥桀胯甈∼柴具扼嚗 %s\n</PRE><HR>\n]
-ja,dsgw,122,[<BR>%s <B>%s</B> 臭蝙其葉扼乓格摰銵艾<BR>\n]
-ja,dsgw,123,[潦 具研∼喋 "%.100s" 銝頞喋艾整]
-ja,dsgw,126,[dbconf ∼扎怒桀耦撘銝甇扼]
-ja,dsgw,127,[dbconf 桐葉桀批蝘啜格摰銝頞喋艾整]
-ja,dsgw,129,[dbconf ∼扎怒桐葉格隞扎格摰銝頞喋艾整]
-ja,dsgw,131,["authlifetime" 格摰閬扎整\n]
-ja,dsgw,132,["dirmgr" 格摰閬扎整\n]
-ja,dsgw,133,["baseurl" 格摰閬扎整\n]
-ja,dsgw,134,["baseurl" 桐葉扳摰艾 URL 銝甇扼 - DN 銝頞喋艾整\n]
-ja,dsgw,135,[baseurl 潦嫘艾整]
-ja,dsgw,136,["baseurl" 桐葉扳摰艾 URL 銝甇扼 - "ldap://" URL 格摰扼胯整\n]
-ja,dsgw,137,["ldaps://" URL 摰寞胯萸潦艾整\n]
-ja,dsgw,138,["template" 格摰閬扎整\n]
-ja,dsgw,139,["sslrequired" 格摰閬扎整\n]
-ja,dsgw,140,[閫扼芥扎 "sslrequired" 怒整("never", "whenauthenticated", "always" 摰艾)\n]
-ja,dsgw,141,["securitypath" 格摰閬扎整\n]
-ja,dsgw,142,["location-suffix" 格摰閬扎整\n]
-ja,dsgw,143,["location" 格摰敹閬扼\n]
-ja,dsgw,144,["newtype" 格摰怒荔扎桀扎摰艾\n]
-ja,dsgw,145,["newtype" 桀湔銝扼\n]
-ja,dsgw,146,[嚗扎整荔扎格摰 "tmplset" 怒臬閬扼\n]
-ja,dsgw,147,["attrvset" 怒荔扎格摰敹閬扼\n]
-ja,dsgw,148,["charset" 格摰閬扎具扼整\n]
-ja,dsgw,149,["ClientLanguage" 格摰閬扎具扼整\n]
-ja,dsgw,150,["AdminLanguage" 格摰閬扎具扼整\n]
-ja,dsgw,152,["include" 怠紋敹∼扎怠摰艾整\n]
-ja,dsgw,154,[<= erase_db lcache.conf ∼扎怒具扼整"%s"\n]
-ja,dsgw,155,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>潦踴潦嫘臬扎艾整 啜潦踴潦嫘雿整... \n</FONT>\n ]
-ja,dsgw,156,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>潦踴潦嫘扎具扼整\n</FONT>\n ]
-ja,dsgw,157,[<= app_suffix ldif ∼扎怒具扼整 "%s"\n]
-ja,dsgw,158,[<= app_suffix 銝∼扎怒具扼整 "%s"\n]
-ja,dsgw,159,[%s %s 詨桀氬銵具扼整]
-ja,dsgw,160,[ 扎喋踴 dbconf_read_default_dbinfo() 餈整]
-ja,dsgw,161,["ldapdb" URL 銝甇扼- 潦 DN 甈賬艾整\n]
-ja,dsgw,162,["ldapdb" URL 銝甇扼\n]
-ja,dsgw,163,["baseurl" 扯餈啜 URL 銝甇扼 - 潦 DN 甈賬艾整\n]
-ja,dsgw,164,[baseurl 潦嫘艾整]
-ja,dsgw,165,["baseurl" 扯餈啜 URL 銝甇扼 - "ldap:// 整 ldapdb://" URL 扳摰艾\n]
-ja,dsgw,166,["ldaps://" URL 摰寞胯萸潦艾整\n]
-ja,dsgw,167,[binddn 臬扎艾整]
-ja,dsgw,168,[bindpw 臬扎艾整]
-ja,dsgw,169,[押怒 Directory 萸潦嫘 dbswitch.conf ∼扎怒摰蝢押艾整]
-ja,dsgw,170,[貉噯踴柴急∼扎"%s" 整\n]
-ja,dsgw,171,[%s %s 詨憭氬具扼整]
-ja,dsgw,172,[閮剖∼扎 %s: ]
-ja,dsgw,173,[閮剖∼扎 %s: %d 銵嚗 ]
-ja,dsgw,174,[憭 %d]
-ja,dsgw,175,[ OK ]
-ja,dsgw,178,[{crypt}准臭葉 [%s GMT]]
-ja,dsgw,181,[ Help ]
-ja,dsgw,184,[Help 臭蝙具扼整]
-ja,dsgw,189,[隤閮潔葉 ...]
-ja,dsgw,190,[隤閮潦瘨整 (Log out)嚗]
-ja,dsgw,192,[隤閮潦格柴嫘胯Directory ID 亙具扼\n<br>亙艾嚗]
-ja,dsgw,196,[Directory Manager 具西閮"> &nbsp;(Directory Administrator 柴踹拍典航)\n]
-ja,dsgw,197,[隤閮 ...]
-ja,dsgw,203,[Directory 扯閮 (Log in)]
-ja,dsgw,204,[<B>%s</B>具 Directory 怨閮潦具艾整隤閮潮蝔摰鈭怒胯嫘胯潦踴扎艾\n]
-ja,dsgw,206,[敺 Directory 柴芥柴具喋芥株蕭餃氬銵怒胯\nDirectory 怨閮(Log in)敺研扎艾扎喋艾 \n 銵函內扼芥雿璆准銵艾\n]
-ja,dsgw,207,[柴嫘胯芥潦喃 Directory 怨閮(Log in)吒n怒胯U怨蕭餃氬桐璆准銵具航賬扼整隤閮墦n(Log in)艾芥游怒胯銵其璆准銵艾\n]
-ja,dsgw,209,[<form>\n芥舐曉 Directory 怨閮潦艾整]
-ja,dsgw,210,[.\n芥 Directory 株閮潦瘨(Log out)柴扼啜踴喋潦艾]
-ja,dsgw,211,[隤閮潦桀瘨(Log out)]
-ja,dsgw,214,[曉具芥胯Directory 怨閮潦艾整<HR>\n]
-ja,dsgw,215,["%s=" 銝頞喋艾整]
-ja,dsgw,216,["%s=%s" 銝扼]
-ja,dsgw,217,[%s 芥瑯扼喋銝扼]
-ja,dsgw,218,[%s 格詨銝扼\n]
-ja,dsgw,219,[** HTML 踴扎 "%s" 胯萸潦艾整 **<BR>\n]
-ja,dsgw,233,[%s= 銝頞喋艾整]
-ja,dsgw,235,[靽格迤 ...]
-ja,dsgw,236,["%s=" 銝頞喋艾整\n]
-ja,dsgw,237,["%s" 颯艾整\n]
-ja,dsgw,238,["%s" 格詨銝扼\n]
-ja,dsgw,243,[ OK ]
-ja,dsgw,244,[ OK ]
-ja,dsgw,245,[ 芥颯 ]
-ja,dsgw,246,[ 蝯鈭 ]
-ja,dsgw,247,[ 准喋颯 ]
-ja,dsgw,248,[乓 IF 箄(乓摮 IF 胯萸潦摰整)]
-ja,dsgw,249,[ELESE 閬扎整IF 閬扎整]
-ja,dsgw,250,[ELSE 閬扎整敺 ELSE 閬扎整( ENDIF)]
-ja,dsgw,251,[ELIF 閬扎整 IF 閬扎具扼整]
-ja,dsgw,252,[ELIF 閬扎整敺 ELSE 閬扎整( ENDIF)]
-ja,dsgw,253,[ENDIF 閬扎整 IF 閬扎整]
-ja,dsgw,254,[<BR><B>喋研潦 具押潘</B> %s<BR>\n]
-ja,dsgw,255,[ldap_init/lcache_init 閮剖∼扎怒隤准輯噯怠銵整]
-ja,dsgw,256,[U嫘研潦瑯扼 萸潦臬銵銝准扼胯整]
-ja,dsgw,258,[DN 怒艾潦嗅艾整(U 萸潦柴具押潦扼)]
-ja,dsgw,261,[具押潘 %s]
-ja,dsgw,262,[潦嚗 嫘研 喋研潦臬具整押怒扎雿輻具整]
-ja,dsgw,263,[艾潦 ID 銝甇 LDAP NULL 餈整]
-ja,dsgw,264,[艾潦 ID 怒柴整]
-ja,dsgw,265,[艾潦 ID 嚗支誑銝閰脣整]
-ja,dsgw,266,[the entire directory]
-ja,dsgw,267,["includeset" 怒荔扎桀扎敹閬扼\n]
-ja,dsgw,269,["NLS" 桀啜甈艾整\n]
-ja,dsgw,279,[Vcard准瑽"cis" 整 "mls"扼芥啜芥整\n]
-ja,dsgw,296,[嫘胯潦亙桀園啜頞整瑯嫘 U嫘研潦踴恍蝯∼艾\n]
-ja,dsgw,298,[柴嫘胯潦舀扼瑯嫘 U嫘研潦踴恍蝯∼艾嫘胯潦芥颯艾\n]
-ja,dsgw,304,[芥嫘 <B>1</B> 扎桀整]
-ja,dsgw,305,[芥嫘 <B>%s</B>桀整]
-ja,dsgw,306,[芥嫘\\n\\n扎整嚗 ]
-ja,dsgw,315,[研胯芥 <B>%s</B> 具西閮潦艾整]
-ja,dsgw,316,[芥株閮潸潸釆詻 %d 批仃嫘整\n]
-ja,dsgw,318,[<P>柴具喋芥柴嫘胯潦 <B>%s</B> 批仃嫘整\n]
-ja,dsgw,320,[研胯芥怠具芥具喋芥株閮潦具隤閮潦怠仃整\n隤閮潦柴胯W柴研胯 具喋芥扼\n]
-ja,dsgw,322,[亙嫘胯潦甇芥隤閮潦怠仃整\n[銝摨因胯芥胯血摨艾嫘胯潦亙艾\n具喋芥柴嫘胯潦敹游胯Directory Administrator恍蝯∼嫘胯潦閮剖敹閬整\n]
-ja,dsgw,323,[鈭芥具押: %s 箇隤閮潦怠仃整\n]
-ja,dsgw,327,[<H3>%s 柴怒嫘胯潦憭勗</H3>\n]
-ja,dsgw,328,[研胯 萸潦柴嫘胯潦憭勗嫘整]
-ja,dsgw,329,[ 怒嫘胯潦憭氬艾\n]
-ja,dsgw,339,[芥研潦瑯扼 具押奭
-ja,dsgw,340,[准喋 具押奭
-ja,dsgw,341,[霅血: 踴扎U艾整銝氬具喋芥柴∼銵函內艾芥柴整]
-ja,dsgw,342,[霅血: 萸扎箝桐頞整銝氬具喋芥柴∼銵函內艾芥柴整]
-ja,dsgw,343,[false 瘥頛]
-ja,dsgw,344,[true 瘥頛]
-ja,dsgw,347,[霅血: 銝具柴研胯 萸潦急亦扼整扼銝氬具喋芥柴∼銵函內艾芥柴整]
-ja,dsgw,352,[SASL 扎喋銝准扼]
-ja,dsgw,361,[DN 格怨炊整]
-ja,dsgw,363,[具扎芥U 芥∼研喋嫘怠憿整]
-ja,dsgw,367,[DSA 詻潛嗆扼]
-ja,dsgw,368,[DSA 拍具扼整]
-ja,dsgw,369,[DSA 摰銵整]
-ja,dsgw,372,[芥詻扼胯 胯押寥]
-ja,dsgw,374,[RDN 扳雿銵具胯扼整]
-ja,dsgw,376,[芥詻扼胯 胯押嫘憭氬扼整]
-ja,dsgw,380,[LDAP 萸潦急亦扼整]
-ja,dsgw,381,[准潦怒 具押奭
-ja,dsgw,382,[具喋喋潦 具押奭
-ja,dsgw,383,[喋潦 具押奭
-ja,dsgw,388,[LDAP 怒潦喋怠紋押∼潦踴銝甇扼]
-ja,dsgw,390,[LDAP 萸潦急亦扼整]
-ja,dsgw,391,[柴潦詻扼喋 LDAP 准喋怒扼胯萸潦艾整]
-ja,dsgw,392,[閬瘙 LDAP 喋喋准潦怒閬扎整]
-ja,dsgw,396,[研扼押 芥頞整]
-ja,frame,-1,[$DBT: frame in DB file v1 $]
-ja,frame,1,[<TITLE>葦勾井曰引六氏﹝</TITLE><H1>葦勾井曰引六氏﹝</H1> 伉弁巨旦玄今木凶左皮斥尼弁玄毛葦勾仃月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝伉件弁互濠木化中月﹜伉弁巨旦玄互尕懇割﹜失弁本旦腺互芨尹日木化中卅中羈及第Х嶺互丐曰引允﹝ ]
-ja,frame,2,[<A HREF="%s">輔寰仄化中月矢□斥</A>及樹扷毛扔奶玄棟咥樊卞襞日六化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,frame,3,[丐卅凶及皮仿它扒互霜勻凶伉弁巨旦玄毛皿伕弁扑 扔□田互咥荸匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,frame,7,[皿伕弁扑反丐卅凶及伉弁巨旦玄毛撢墊允月端卞巨仿□毛素舅楔牏楔縑αn澀爛互貲勻化中月第Х嶺互丐曰引允﹝\n皿伕弁扑 巨仿□ 伕弘及丟永本□斥毛輔寰允月方丹棟咥樊卞匙俇仄化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,frame,13,[仇及扔□田反伉弁巨旦玄及質咥醱卞巨仿□卞霞奧仄引仄凶﹝貲勻凶澀爛互卅今木化中月第Х嶺互丐曰引允﹝扔□田及巨仿□ 伕弘毛輔寰允月方丹棟咥樊卞洘俀仄化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,frame,17,[<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>%s</H1>\n仇及玉平亙丟件玄反蕙仄中樺赭卞啖が仄引仄凶﹝ <a href="%s"></a>. 玉平亙丟件玄午石永玄伉旦玄及凳蕙毛仄化仁分今中﹝</BODY></HTML>]
-ja,frame,18,[<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=euc-jp"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="ja"><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>%s</H1>\n%s\n</BODY></HTML>]
-ja,frame,20,[cannot find template %s]
-ja,frame,22,[no partial path after object processing]
-ja,frame,24,[invalid shexp %s]
-ja,frame,26,[invalid shexp %s]
-ja,frame,28,[no way to service request for %s]
-ja,frame,30,[close failed (%s), csd=%d]
-ja,frame,31,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-ja,frame,33,[Error issuing read on accept socket]
-ja,frame,35,[Error getting accept socket (%d)]
-ja,frame,36,[Error in accept! (%d, %s)]
-ja,frame,37,[Error creating new accept request]
-ja,frame,38,[accepted connection: %d (NSPR %d)]
-ja,frame,39,[Error creating new session structure]
-ja,frame,41,[Error allocating request read buffer]
-ja,frame,42,[Error issuing async read request]
-ja,frame,43,[acb_read_request(%d, bytes %d)]
-ja,frame,44,[acb_read_req(1 session = %d)]
-ja,frame,45,[Error reading request (%d, %s)]
-ja,frame,46,[Client aborted connection]
-ja,frame,47,[Error reading request]
-ja,frame,48,[Error creating new request]
-ja,frame,49,[error occurred, closing %d, io was for %d]
-ja,frame,51,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-ja,frame,52,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-ja,frame,53,[Error during async read (%d, %s)]
-ja,frame,54,[scan-headers reports: line too long]
-ja,frame,55,[scan-headers reports: too many headers]
-ja,frame,56,[Error reading headers]
-ja,frame,57,[scan-headers reports: header missing terminator (an empty line)]
-ja,frame,58,[scan-headers reports: header was empty]
-ja,frame,59,[抩蟆卞襖互丐曰引六氏“ "%s" 墊]
-ja,frame,61,[accel_send_plain_file() - found request %d]
-ja,frame,62,[Parse headers lost the URI!]
-ja,frame,63,[accel_send_plain_file() - found uri %s]
-ja,frame,64,[accel_send_plain_file() - found in cache?]
-ja,frame,65,[malloc died!]
-ja,frame,66,[Error writing back file\n]
-ja,frame,68,[Error writing in acb_send_plain_file (%d, %s)]
-ja,frame,70,[Errored IO in acb_close_connection (%d, %s)]
-ja,frame,71,[Unable to close socket %d]
-ja,frame,72,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-ja,frame,73,[cache-init: server cache disabled]
-ja,frame,74,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-ja,frame,75,[accel_file_cache: Error creating cache]
-ja,frame,76,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize < %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,77,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize > %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,78,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,79,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,80,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,81,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,82,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-ja,frame,83,[file-cache: enabled = %s ]
-ja,frame,86,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-ja,frame,87,[file-cache: CacheHashSize %d (0x%x)]
-ja,frame,88,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-ja,frame,89,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-ja,frame,90,[file-cache-cleanup: munmap failed (%s)]
-ja,frame,91,[file-cache-cleanup: found mmapped file \non system without mmap]
-ja,frame,92,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize < %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,93,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize > %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,94,[file cache using mmap flags 0x%x]
-ja,frame,95,[file cache using mmap prots 0x%x]
-ja,frame,96,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-ja,frame,97,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-ja,frame,98,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-ja,frame,99,[file-cache: GetTempPath() Cannot find temp directory to store file!]
-ja,frame,100,[file-cache-init: set max cached file size to %d]
-ja,frame,101,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-ja,frame,103,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-ja,frame,104,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-ja,frame,105,[file-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-ja,frame,106,[file-cache-create: Error opening file %s (%s)]
-ja,frame,107,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-ja,frame,108,[file-cache-create: Error mmap()ing file %s (%s)]
-ja,frame,109,[file-cache-create: malloc failure]
-ja,frame,110,[file-cache-create: error case failed to munmap(%d, %d) (%s)]
-ja,frame,111,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-ja,frame,112,[dir change: invalidating %s (%d)]
-ja,frame,113,[file-cache: asynchronous file change notification failed.]
-ja,frame,114,[dir change: offset %d, action %d, len %d, name %s]
-ja,frame,115,[unable to check async file status]
-ja,frame,116,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to continue watching %s. Error is %s]
-ja,frame,117,[file-cache-add-watch failure- unable to open directory %s. Error %s]
-ja,frame,118,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to start watching %s. Error %s]
-ja,frame,120,[no handler function given for directive]
-ja,frame,122,[cannot find function named %s]
-ja,frame,124,[method without URI]
-ja,frame,126,[while scanning HTTP headers, %s]
-ja,frame,128,[read from %s failed, error is %s]
-ja,frame,130,[request too long]
-ja,frame,132,[write failed (%s)]
-ja,frame,134,[write failed (%s)]
-ja,frame,136,[%d is not a valid HTTP status code]
-ja,frame,138,[close failed (%s)]
-ja,frame,139,[Unable to close socket for writing]
-ja,frame,140,[os has %d objects]
-ja,frame,141,[obj %d has no hash table at %d]
-ja,frame,142,[obj %d has no param]
-ja,frame,143,[obj %d name %s value %s]
-ja,frame,144,[.....directives %d.......]
-ja,frame,145,[.....directive %d]
-ja,frame,146,[.......instance %d]
-ja,frame,147,[...........param name %s value %s]
-ja,frame,148,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegCreateKey %s]
-ja,frame,149,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegEnumKey %s failed]
-ja,frame,150,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-ja,frame,151,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-ja,frame,152,[Unable to allocate Subject property list.\n]
-ja,frame,153,[Unable to set session ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-ja,frame,154,[Unable to set request ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-ja,frame,155,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-ja,frame,156,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-ja,httpdaemon,-1,[$DBT: httpdaemon in DB file v1 $]
-ja,httpdaemon,1,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-ja,httpdaemon,2,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-ja,httpdaemon,3,[Error in md_start_system]
-ja,httpdaemon,4,[Error in CreateFiber - idlefiber]
-ja,httpdaemon,5,[Error in GetQueuedCompletionStatus]
-ja,httpdaemon,6,[Error creating completion port]
-ja,httpdaemon,7,[Could not SetHandleNonInheritable (%s)]
-ja,httpdaemon,8,[Error accept/read new conn]
-ja,httpdaemon,9,[Error in Respond()]
-ja,httpdaemon,10,[Error in RespondCompleted()]
-ja,httpdaemon,11,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,12,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,13,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,14,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,15,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,16,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,17,[could not determine current user name\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,18,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,19,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,20,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,21,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,22,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,23,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-ja,httpdaemon,24,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-ja,httpdaemon,25,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-ja,httpdaemon,26,[This machine has %d processors.]
-ja,httpdaemon,27,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-ja,httpdaemon,28,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-ja,httpdaemon,29,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-ja,httpdaemon,30,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,31,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-ja,httpdaemon,32,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-ja,httpdaemon,33,[select thread miss]
-ja,httpdaemon,34,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,35,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d, IP address %s (%s)\n]
-ja,libaccess,-1,[$DBT: libaccess in DB file v1 $]
-ja,libaccess,2,[cannot open database %s]
-ja,libaccess,4,[user %s password did not match database %s]
-ja,libaccess,6,[cannot open connection to LDAP server on %s:%d]
-ja,libaccess,8,[user %s password did not match LDAP on %s:%d]
-ja,libaccess,10,[missing realm]
-ja,libaccess,11,[Unable to allocate ACL List Hash\n]
-ja,libaccess,12,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to PERM_MALLOC cache structure\n]
-ja,libaccess,13,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-ja,libaccess,14,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE Entry\n]
-ja,libaccess,15,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-ja,libaccess,16,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate Boundary Entry\n]
-ja,libaccess,17,[ACLEvalBuildContext failed.\n]
-ja,libaccess,18,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%d\n]
-ja,libaccess,19,[LASDnsBuild unable to allocate hash table header\n]
-ja,libaccess,20,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,21,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,22,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,23,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,24,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,25,[LAS DNS build received request for attribute %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,26,[LASDnsEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,27,[LASDnsEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-ja,libaccess,28,[LASDnsEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-ja,libaccess,29,[LASDnsEval unable to get DNS - error=%s\n]
-ja,libaccess,30,[LAS Group Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,31,[LASGroupEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,32,[LASGroupEval - ran out of memory\n]
-ja,libaccess,33,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-ja,libaccess,34,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-ja,libaccess,35,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-ja,libaccess,36,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-ja,libaccess,37,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-ja,libaccess,38,[Check group membership of user "%s" for group "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,39,[LDAPU_SUCCESS for group "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,40,[LDAPU_FAILED for group "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,43,[LASIpTreeAlloc - no memory\n]
-ja,libaccess,44,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-ja,libaccess,45,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-ja,libaccess,46,[LAS IP build received request for attribute %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,47,[LASIpEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,48,[LASIpEval unable to get session address - error=%s\n]
-ja,libaccess,49,[LASIpEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-ja,libaccess,50,[LASIpEval - reach 32 bits without conclusion value=%s]
-ja,libaccess,51,[LAS Program Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,52,[LASProgramEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,53,[LASProgram unable to get session address %d\n]
-ja,libaccess,55,[LASProgramEval: request not of type admin or bin, passing.\n]
-ja,libaccess,56,[LASProgramEval: check if program %s matches pattern %s.\n]
-ja,libaccess,57,[LASProgramEval: Invalid wildcard expression %s.\n]
-ja,libaccess,60,[Unexpected attribute in dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,61,[Illegal comparator for dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,62,[Unexpected attribute in timeOfDay - %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,63,[LAS User Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,64,[LASUserEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,65,[LASUserEval - ran out of memory\n]
-ja,libaccess,66,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-ja,libaccess,67,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-ja,libaccess,68,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-ja,libaccess,69,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-ja,libaccess,70,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-ja,libaccess,71,[Check if uid == user (i.e. check "%s" == "%s)"\n]
-ja,libaccess,72,[SUCCESS for user "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,73,[FAILED for user "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,77,[LASProgram unable to get request address - error=%s]
-ja,libaccess,78,[LASProgram rejecting request for program %s from pattern %s]
-ja,libaccess,79,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to parse file "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,80,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to concatenate ACL list "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,81,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to open and process the magnus file "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,82,[Illegal comparator for timeOfDay - %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,83,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-ja,libaccess,84,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to PERM_CALLOC cache structure\n]
-ja,libaccess,85,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-ja,libaccess,86,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth pointer array\n]
-ja,libaccess,87,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth plist\n]
-ja,libaccess,88,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%s\n]
-ja,libaccess,89,[ACL_INTEvalTestRights: call to ACL_EvalBuildContext returned failure status\n]
-ja,libaccess,90,[ACL_ModuleRegister: module name is missing\n]
-ja,libaccess,91,[ACL_ModuleRegister: call to module init function returned a failed status\n]
-ja,libaccess,92,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't determine method for %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,93,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't locate getter for %s]
-ja,libaccess,94,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-ja,libaccess,95,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-ja,libaccess,96,[ACL_GetAttribute: All attribute getters declined for attr %s]
-ja,libaccess,97,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-ja,libaccess,98,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: database name is missing]
-ja,libaccess,99,[Error reading the DB Map File: %s. Reason: %s]
-ja,libaccess,100,[URL is missing for database %s]
-ja,libaccess,101,[Invalid property value pair for database %s]
-ja,libaccess,102,["default" database must be an LDAP database]
-ja,libaccess,103,[Multiple "default" databases are being registered]
-ja,libaccess,104,["default" LDAP database must be registered]
-ja,libaccess,105,[LASGroupEval unable to get database name - error= %s]
-ja,libaccess,106,[received invalid program expression %s]
-ja,libaccess,107,[parse_ldap_url: database url is missing]
-ja,libaccess,108,[parse_ldap_url: database name is missing]
-ja,libaccess,109,[parse_ldap_url: error in parsing ldap url. Reason: %s]
-ja,libaccess,110,[ldap password check: unable to get database name - error=%s]
-ja,libaccess,111,[ldap password check: unable to get parsed database %s]
-ja,libaccess,112,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-ja,libaccess,113,[ldap password check: LDAP error: "%s"]
-ja,libaccess,114,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get database name - error=%s]
-ja,libaccess,115,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get parsed database %s]
-ja,libaccess,116,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-ja,libaccess,117,[get_user_ismember_ldap: group %s does not exist]
-ja,libaccess,118,[get_user_ismember_ldap: LDAP error: "%s"]
-ja,libaccess,119,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not a registered database]
-ja,libaccess,120,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not an LDAP database]
-ja,libaccess,121,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: out of memory]
-ja,libaccess,122,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-ja,libaccess,123,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't bind to LDAP server. Reason: %s]
-ja,libaccess,124,[insufficient dynamic memory]
-ja,libaccess,125,[error opening file, %s: %s]
-ja,libaccess,126,[duplicate definition of %s]
-ja,libaccess,127,[file %s, line %s: duplicate definition of %s]
-ja,libaccess,128,[file %s, line %s: syntax error]
-ja,libaccess,129,[file %s, line %s: %s is undefined]
-ja,libaccess,130,[in acl %s, %s %s is undefined]
-ja,libaccess,131,[database %s: error accessing %s]
-ja,libaccess,133,[file %s, line %s: invalid syntax]
-ja,libaccess,134,[file %s, line %s: syntax error at "%s"]
-ja,libaccess,135,[realm %s is not defined]
-ja,libaccess,136,[error code = %d]
-ja,libaccess,137,[internal ACL error]
-ja,libaccess,138,[invalid argument]
-ja,libaccess,139,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-ja,libaccess,140,[couldn't determine dbtype from: %s]
-ja,libaccess,141,[Failed to register database %s]
-ja,libaccess,142,[ACL call returned failed status]
-ja,libaccess,143,[file %s: ACL IO error - %s]
-ja,libaccess,144,[acl_user_exists: 丟乒伉尕簫匹允]
-ja,libaccess,145,[acl_user_exists: 交□扒互手丹繡箕仄引六氏]
-ja,libaccess,146,[acl_user_exists: plist 巨仿□]
-ja,libadmin,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-ja,libadmin,1,[ Help ]
-ja,libadmin,2,[ OK ]
-ja,libadmin,3,[ Reset ]
-ja,libadmin,4,[ Done ]
-ja,libadmin,5,[ Cancel ]
-ja,libir,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-ja,libir,1,[An I/O error occurred before all form data could be read.]
diff --git a/l10n/dirserv/ja/ns-slapd.txt.eucjp b/l10n/dirserv/ja/ns-slapd.txt.eucjp
deleted file mode 100644
index 50ae08ed..00000000
--- a/l10n/dirserv/ja/ns-slapd.txt.eucjp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1022 +0,0 @@
- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- *
- * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
- * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
- * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
- * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
- * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
- * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
- * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
- * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
- * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
- * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
- * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
- * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
- * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
- * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
- * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
- * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
- * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
- * exception.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission.
- * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
-/* The copyright notice(s) in this Source Code does not indicate actual */
-/* or intended publication of this Source Code. */
-/* This text file was generated by program dblink */
-$Revision: 1.4 $
-$Log: ns-slapd.txt.eucjp,v $
-Revision 1.4 2005/04/19 22:06:52 nkinder
-Fixed licensing typo
-Revision 1.3 2005/04/15 22:39:19 nkinder
-155068 - Added license to source files
-Revision 1.2 2005/02/28 23:37:40 nkinder
-149951 - Updated source code copyrights
-Revision 2005/01/21 00:40:48 cvsadm
-Moving NSCP Directory Server from DirectoryBranch to TRUNK, initial drop. (foxworth)
-Revision 2003/09/22 19:36:44 ulfw
-Update copyright years from 2001 to 2001-2003
-Revision 2001/11/03 01:08:09 richm
-XXX use new copyright XXX
-Revision 1998/10/10 02:14:13 ggood
-Copy from Directory40RtmBranchpoint to DirectoryBranch
-Revision 1998/04/04 23:17:00 mcs
-merge changes made on directory31_rtm_branch into server4_directory_branch
-Revision 1998/02/24 05:44:41 noriko
-Fixed backslashes
-Revision 1998/02/24 05:39:08 noriko
-Added new updates from the translators
-Revision 1998/02/12 01:55:50 scronin
-Based on en/ns-slapd.txt :
-Build by scronin on 2/8/1998 Solaris
-ja,base,-1,[$DBT: base in DB file v1 $]
-ja,base,1,[甩永扑亙 氾□皮伙毛綜嶽允月凶戶及丟乒伉互尕簫仄化中引允﹝]
-ja,base,2,[甩永扑亙 氾□皮伙毛綜嶽允月凶戶及丟乒伉互尕簫仄化中引允]
-ja,base,3,[cache_destroy: 平乓永扑亙 氾□皮伙互尕懇匹允﹝]
-ja,base,4,[甩永扑亙 巨件玄伉毛喃曰癲化月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,base,5,[cache_insert: 平乓永扑亙 巨件玄伉毛綜嶽允月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,base,6,[HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/html\n\n]
-ja,base,7,[<H2>Netscape 平乓永扑亙 旦氾□正旦 伊禾□玄</H2>\n]
-ja,base,9,[<H2>%s 平乓永扑亙</H2>\n]
-ja,base,10,[平乓永扑亙 甲永玄 伊扑左“ %d/%d (%f)</P>\n</P>\n]
-ja,base,11,[平乓永扑亙 扔奶朮“ %d/%d</P>\n</P>\n]
-ja,base,12,[甩永扑亙 氾□皮伙 扔奶朮“ %d</P>\n</P>\n]
-ja,base,13,[mru : %d</P>\nlru : %d</P>\n]
-ja,base,14,[<UL><TABLE BORDER=4> <TH>Bucket</TH> <TH>失玉伊旦</TH> <TH>平□</TH> <TH>失弁本旦莢醒</TH> <TH>綽輪</TH> <TH>慼尺</TH> <TH>LRU</TH> <TH>MRU</TH> <TH>犯□正</TH>\n]
-ja,base,15,[munmap failed (%s)]
-ja,base,16,[munmap failed (%s)]
-ja,base,17,[close failed (%s)]
-ja,base,18,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-ja,base,19,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-ja,base,20,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-ja,base,21,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-ja,base,22,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-ja,base,23,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-ja,base,24,[could not determine current user name\n]
-ja,base,25,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-ja,base,27,[, address %s]
-ja,base,28,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-ja,base,29,[security handshake timed out for pid %d]
-ja,base,30,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-ja,base,31,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-ja,base,32,[accept failed (%s)]
-ja,base,33,[warning: statistics disabled (%s)\n]
-ja,base,34,[select thread miss]
-ja,base,35,[keepalive worker awoken with no work to do]
-ja,base,36,[could not create new thread: %d (%s)]
-ja,base,37,[wait for sema succeeded, but nothing to dequeue]
-ja,base,38,[queue-sema creation failure]
-ja,base,39,[error getting processor info for processor %d]
-ja,base,40,[Error binding to processor %d]
-ja,base,41,[bound process %d to processor %d]
-ja,base,42,[Netscape server is not explicitly binding to any processors.]
-ja,base,43,[cache monitor exited]
-ja,base,44,[cache batch update daemon exited]
-ja,base,45,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-ja,base,46,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-ja,base,47,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-ja,base,48,[This machine has %d processors.]
-ja,base,49,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-ja,base,50,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-ja,base,51,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-ja,base,54,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-ja,base,55,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-ja,base,56,[Cache monitor respawned]
-ja,base,57,[Cache batch update daemon respawned]
-ja,base,58,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-ja,base,59,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-ja,base,60,[assert failed! %s\n]
-ja,base,62,[malloc failed]
-ja,base,63,[malloc failed!]
-ja,base,64,[mr_add_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-ja,base,65,[mr_add_io - stage 1]
-ja,base,66,[mr_add_io - stage 2]
-ja,base,67,[mr_add_io found invalid IO type %d]
-ja,base,68,[mr_add_io - adding timeout]
-ja,base,69,[Out of memory!\n]
-ja,base,70,[done with mr_add_io]
-ja,base,71,[mr_del_io(%d, type %d, file %d)]
-ja,base,72,[mr_del_io found invalid IO type %d]
-ja,base,74,[mr_async_io(%d, %d bytes, file %d)]
-ja,base,75,[malloc failure adding async IO]
-ja,base,76,[Error adding async io!]
-ja,base,77,[Cannot seek for read!]
-ja,base,78,[read failure! (%d, %s)]
-ja,base,79,[do_read read %d bytes for file %d]
-ja,base,80,[Cannot seek for write!]
-ja,base,81,[writev failure! (%d, %s)]
-ja,base,82,[write failure! (%d, %s)]
-ja,base,83,[do_write wrote %d bytes for file %d]
-ja,base,84,[do_timeout(mrp %d)]
-ja,base,85,[do_timeout: found IO (timer=%d, time=%d)]
-ja,base,86,[error deleting io]
-ja,base,87,[timeout callback failure for %d\n]
-ja,base,88,[mr_get_event(%d) - outstanding io %d]
-ja,base,89,[mr_get_event: Waiting for reads on FD:]
-ja,base,90,[mr_get_event: Waiting for writes on FD:]
-ja,base,91,[ %d]
-ja,base,92,[ %d]
-ja,base,93,[mr_get_event set no timeout]
-ja,base,94,[mr_get_event set timeout to: %d.%d sec]
-ja,base,95,[error in select (%d, %s)]
-ja,base,96,[mr_get_event() - select found %d]
-ja,base,97,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-ja,base,98,[read failed for fd %d]
-ja,base,99,[error deleting io]
-ja,base,100,[callback failure for %d\n]
-ja,base,101,[error looking up IO fd %d]
-ja,base,102,[writing: header len %d, writelen %d, total %d]
-ja,base,103,[write failed for fd %d]
-ja,base,104,[error deleting io]
-ja,base,105,[callback failure for %d\n]
-ja,base,106,[Error creating dns cache]
-ja,base,107,[dns_cache_init: hash_size <= 0, using %d]
-ja,base,108,[dns_cache_init: cache-size <= %d, using %d]
-ja,base,109,[dns_cache_init: cache-size is %d is too large, using %d.]
-ja,base,110,[dns_cache_init: expire_time <= 0, using %d]
-ja,base,111,[dns_cache_init: expire is %d is too large, using %d seconds.]
-ja,base,112,[Error creating dns cache]
-ja,base,113,[dns-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-ja,base,114,[dns-cache-insert: malloc failure]
-ja,base,115,[successful server startup]
-ja,base,116,[%s B%s]
-ja,base,117,[Netscape executable and shared library have different versions]
-ja,base,118,[ executable version is %s]
-ja,base,119,[ shared library version is %s]
-ja,base,120,[error reporting shutting down]
-ja,base,128,[event_handler:Failed to wait on events %s]
-ja,base,129,[could not wait on resume event event (%s)]
-ja,base,130,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-ja,base,131,[dlopen of %s failed (%s)]
-ja,base,132,[The server is terminating due to an error. Check the event viewer for the error message. SERVER EXITING!]
-ja,base,133,[Terminating the server %s]
-ja,base,134,[kill_server:cannot open server event %s]
-ja,base,135,[kill_server:cannot set server event %s]
-ja,base,136,[error: could not get socket (%s)\n]
-ja,base,137,[error: could not set socket option (%s)\n]
-ja,base,138,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to address %s port %d (%s)\n]
-ja,base,139,[Terminating Service:error: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-ja,base,140,[SetHandleNonInheritable: could not duplicate socket (%s)]
-ja,base,141,[SetHandleNonInheritable: closing the original socket failed (%s)]
-ja,base,142,[Could not SetHandleInformation (%s)]
-ja,base,143,[Terminating Service:Failure: Could not open statistics file (%s)\n]
-ja,base,144,[Could not set Thread Local Storage Value for thread at slot %d]
-ja,base,145,[secure handshake failed (code %d)\n]
-ja,base,146,[accept failed %d (%s)]
-ja,base,147,[Failed to pulse Event %d %s]
-ja,base,148,[Failed to send MobGrowth Event to parent %s]
-ja,base,149,[Pulsing MobRespawn Event %d]
-ja,base,150,[respawn thread pool to %d (%d)]
-ja,base,151,[Could not open event to signal rotate application. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-ja,base,152,[Failed to send MoveLog Event to rotate app %s]
-ja,base,153,[growing thread pool from %d to %d]
-ja,base,154,[Could not open the ServiceControlManager, Error %d]
-ja,base,155,[StartNetsiteService:Could not open the service %s: Error %d]
-ja,base,156,[StartNetsiteService:Could not start the service %s]
-ja,base,157,[Service Startup: Could not allocate security descriptor]
-ja,base,158,[Service Startup: Could not init security descriptor]
-ja,base,159,[Service Startup: Could not set the security Dacl]
-ja,base,160,[Terminating Service:WinSock init failed: %s]
-ja,base,161,[Httpd Server Startup failed: %s]
-ja,base,162,[can't find empty statistics slot]
-ja,base,163,[NT daemon: could not create new thread %d]
-ja,base,164,[Service Startup Failure. Terminating Service:Could not create event %d:%s]
-ja,base,165,[Service Startup Error. Could not create the MoveLog event:%s]
-ja,base,166,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-ja,base,167,[Failed to wait on Event objects %s]
-ja,base,168,[pipebuf_buf2sd: pipebuf_grab IO_ERROR %d]
-ja,base,169,[pool-init: memory pools disabled]
-ja,base,170,[pool-init: free_size <= 0, using %d]
-ja,base,171,[pool-create-block: out of memory]
-ja,base,172,[pool-create: out of memory]
-ja,base,173,[pool-create: out of memory]
-ja,base,174,[pool-malloc: out of memory]
-ja,base,175,[FREE() used where PERM_FREE() should have been used- problem corrected and supressing further warnings.]
-ja,base,176,[regex error: %s (regex: '%s')]
-ja,base,177,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-ja,base,178,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-ja,base,179,[flushing %d connections; current %d; tot %d]
-ja,base,180,[accept failed (%s)]
-ja,base,181,[Error creating time cache]
-ja,base,182,[time-cache: cache disabled]
-ja,base,183,[time_cache_init: hash_size < %d, using default, %d]
-ja,base,184,[time_cache_init: hash_size > %d, using default, %d]
-ja,base,185,[time_cache_init: cache_size < %d, using default, %d]
-ja,base,186,[time_cache_init: cache_size > %d, using default, %d]
-ja,base,187,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-ja,base,188,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-ja,base,189,[Error allocating memory for time_cache entry]
-ja,base,190,[Error inserting new time_cache entry]
-ja,base,191,[Error allocating memory for time_cache]
-ja,base,192,[cs-terminate failure (%s)]
-ja,base,193,[cs-init failure (%s)]
-ja,base,194,[cs-wait failure (%s)]
-ja,base,195,[cs-post failure (%s)]
-ja,base,196,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-ja,base,197,[error: could not set keepalive (%s)\n]
-ja,base,198,[error: could not set recv timeout (%s)\n]
-ja,base,199,[error: could not set send timeout (%s)\n]
-ja,base,200,[Unable to create nonblocking socket (%s)]
-ja,base,201,[sem_grab failed (%s)]
-ja,base,202,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-ja,base,203,[sem_release failed (%s)]
-ja,base,204,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-ja,base,205,[Could not remove temporary directory %s, Error %d]
-ja,dsgw,-1,[$DBT: dsgw in DB file v1 $]
-ja,dsgw,1,[咥荸匹五卅中 HTTP 伉弁巨旦玄匹允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,2,[尕懇卅引凶反﹜敦弇仄化中卅中 HTML 白巧□丞 犯□正匹允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,4,[query/form 及ェ恘互今木化中引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,7,[LDAP 毛賡渝祭匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,8,[LDAP 午及濤糧凜卞巨仿□互素舅楔牏楔縑β
-ja,dsgw,11,[穴永民 皿伕件皿玄毛咥荸匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,12,[左皮斥尼弁玄 正奶皿卞覆允月腹綢白奴伙正互丐曰引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,13,[HTML 氾件皿伊□玄 白央奶伙毛釩仁仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,14,[腹綢乒□玉毛咥荸匹五引六氏﹝ - "smart", "complex", "pattern", 引凶反 "auth" 毛隙爛仄化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,dsgw,15,[URL 毛隙爛允月樹扷互瑞侹仄化中引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,16,[URL 及隙爛互尕抸匹允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,17,[怳噩ロ及 URL 手仄仁反怳襞及巨仿□]
-ja,dsgw,18,[URL 白巧□穴永玄互尕懇匹允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,20,[氾件皿伊□玄 奶件犯永弁旦 白央奶伙及踏五慇心卞撩л仄引仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,21,[氾件皿伊□玄 奶件犯永弁旦 白央奶伙毛釩仁仇午互匹五引六氏匹仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,22,[Directory 毛づ心慇戈仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,23,[LDAP SSL 及賡渝祭卞撩л仄引仄凶﹝ (本平亙伉氾奴 由旦毛割ロ仄化仁分今中﹝)]
-ja,dsgw,24,[SSL匹綜僅允月凶戶及交□扒午弘伙□皿 白巧□丞及樺寧﹜交□扒引凶反扔□田棟咥樊互仇及Administration Server及 SSL 毛粟が允月优邰互丐曰引允﹝仇木毛墊丹及卞[剪寞祭]及[左件/左白]矢□斥毛銀迕匹五引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,26,[巨仿□“ 據抸踏犯□正矛□旦井日犯□正毛ぜ月仇午互匹五引六氏匹仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,32,[Directory Manager 互爛聒今木化中引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,35,[它奶件玉它朮 末弗永玄及賡渝祭卞撩л仄引仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,36,[據抸踏毛失玉立瓦旦玄伊□扑亦件 扔□田井日ぜ月仇午互匹五引六氏匹仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,37,[摹帎今木月抩蟆互 ldapdb:// 卞葦勾井曰引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,38,[怳噩ロ及 URL 引凶反怳襞及巨仿□]
-ja,dsgw,39,[URL 及白巧□穴永玄卞尕懇互丐曰引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,40,[伕□市伙 LDAP 犯□正矛□旦及賡渝祭醱卞巨仿□互素舅楔牏楔瓢
-ja,dsgw,41,[Directory 扔□申旦及正奶皿互尕抸匹允﹝ - "local" 引凶反 "remote" 毛隙爛仄化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,dsgw,42,[db 澀爛白央奶伙及づ心慇心醱卞巨仿□互素舅楔牏楔縑β
-ja,dsgw,43,[NSHOME/userdb 及由旦互隙爛今木化中引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,44,[Directory 扔□申旦及澀爛毛凳蕙允月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,45,[巨件玄伉毛 Directory 井日づ心慇戈仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,46,[LDAP 犯□正矛□旦毛壅蛔允月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,54,[扔□田ま朿匹巨仿□互素舅楔牏楔縑αn 扔□田棟咥樊卞蜇箕及橇謫毛洘俀仄化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,dsgw,56,[丐卅凶及伉弁巨旦玄反殺蠶互卅中引引正奶丞失它玄仄引仄凶﹝\n 瘋蘸腹綢毛墊丹端卞反﹜腹綢及瑛絆毛方仁嗶庛仄﹜躲峔及方中杅芊匹腹綢毛云仇卅勻化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,dsgw,57,[丐卅凶及伉弁巨旦玄匹ぜ凶瑛絆互釐五允亢引允﹝\n 瘋蘸腹綢毛墊丹端卞反﹜腹綢及瑛絆毛方仁嗶庛仄﹜躲峔及方中杅芊匹腹綢毛云仇卅勻化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,dsgw,60,[伉弁巨旦玄卞优邰卅樹扷互瑞侹仄化中引允﹝ 伉弁巨旦玄毛扔□田互 \n 熬仃尥仃月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝幻井及扔□田匹伉弁巨旦玄毛質咥允月仇午互匹五木壬﹜犯□正及穴旦正戊疋□毛忡儅允月扔□田毛曰方丹仄化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,dsgw,65,[扔□田反ェ恘今木凶襖毛馨笛匹五引六氏匹仄凶﹝\n 湃卞ェ恘仄凶襖互巨件玄伉卞殖引木化中月仇午手嗶尹日木引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,66,[扔□田反巨件玄伉毛葦勾仃日木引六氏匹仄凶﹝\n 蕙仄中巨件玄伉毛馨笛允月樺寧﹜馨笛允月巨件玄伉及褪互优內繡箕允月仇午毛割ロ仄化仁分今中﹝\n 腹綢醱卞仇及巨仿□毛熬耨仄凶日﹜腹綢仄化中凶巨件玄伉互繡箕仄卅中仇午毛憎仄化中引允﹝\nDirectory Manager 午仄化ロ據毛魂心化中月樺寧卞仇及巨仿□互素舅楔縣憿╞瓷憧它巨奶及厭嶽白央奶伙毛民尼永弁仄化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,dsgw,68,[丐卅凶互魂心凶巨件玄伉反﹜由旦伐□玉毛銀迕仄化中卅中井﹜貲曰互丐曰引允﹝Directory Manager 匹笛尹日木凶巨件玄伉互贗濠卅簞嶺匹丐月井割ロ仄化仁分今中﹝ ]
-ja,dsgw,72,[LDAP 扔□田卞濤糧允月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,73,[扔□田反丐卅凶及伉弁巨旦玄毛質咥允月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝\n 扔□田卞釐五卅扙紱互井井勻化中月井﹜扔□田互丐卅凶及伉弁巨旦玄毛 \n 質咥允月方丹卞澀爛今木化中卅中仇午互嗶尹日木引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,74,[Directory 扔□田反丐卅凶及伉弁巨旦玄毛質咥允月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝\n 伉弁巨旦玄及ま芢互懇仄仁卅中井﹜扔□田互凳蕙質咥毛墊勻化中月 \n 瘉醱匹丐月第Х嶺互丐曰引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,75,[Directory 扔□田反隙爛仄凶巨件玄伉卞閡互中月樺寧﹜\n 巨件玄伉及綽輪’抩蟆及庍凳毛墊丹仇午互匹五引六氏﹝仇及醜綜毛墊丹卞反﹜\n 醜綜及蟆卞閡及巨件玄伉毛蟈化綽輪允月优邰互丐曰引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,76,[扔□田卞蕙仄中巨件玄伉毛馨笛’抩蟆及庍凳毛墊丹仇午互匹五引六氏﹝\n 湃卞き元抩蟆及巨件玄伉互繡箕仄化中引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,77,[丐卅凶及伉弁巨旦玄反呁醒及 Directory 扔□田卞膨リ竣鴗牏飽β
-ja,dsgw,78,[Directory 扔□田卞濤糧匹五引六氏匹仄凶﹝\n 扔□田棟咥樊卞仍鍬襟仁分今中﹝]
-ja,dsgw,89,[巨件玄伉抩 ]
-ja,dsgw,90,[onMouseOver="window.status='巨件玄伉毛輔寰允月卞反弁伉永弁仄化仁分今中﹝'; return true"]
-ja,dsgw,91,[ 湃卞繡箕仄引允﹝<P>帎及抩蟆’樺赭毛薊鎗仄化仁分今中﹝\n<P>\n]
-ja,dsgw,93,[慼及抩蟆及巨件玄伉及馨笛互匹五引六氏“ <P><B>%s</B>,<P>\n 褪巨件玄伉互繡箕仄引六氏﹝<P>\n 褪巨件玄伉毛瘉賡卞瓚狤仄化仁分今中﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,95,[巨件玄伉抩“ <P><B>%s</B>.\n]
-ja,dsgw,96,[煞屢“ ロ據今木化中引六氏﹝ (慼尺)...\n]
-ja,dsgw,97,[%s Directory 巨件玄伉]
-ja,dsgw,98,[<PRE>巨件玄伉 DN: %s</PRE><P>\n]
-ja,dsgw,99,[<B>%s</B> 卞庍凳仄忡繡仄引仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,100,[<B>%s</B> 毛馨笛仄引仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,101,[<B>%s</B> 毛綽輪仄引仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,102,[<B>%s</B> 井日 <B>%s</B> 尺抩蟆毛庍凳仄引仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,103,[<P><B>用□玄“</B> 丐卅凶及 %s 巨件玄伉反г滋今木引仄凶﹝\n 丐卅凶反瘋蘸ロ據毛熬仃庍凳毛馨笛允月优邰互丐曰引允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,107,[簞嶺 %s 毛庍凳仄引仄凶﹝<BR>\n]
-ja,dsgw,108,[ 失旦平□匹反卅中 (%ld 田奶玄)\n]
-ja,dsgw,109,[襖互隙爛今木化中引六氏﹝ 手丹域蘸ェ恘仄化仁分今中﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,111,[<P>%s 毛 Directory 扔□田卞霜耨仄引仄凶﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,117,[<PRE>蕙仄中巨件玄伉及抩蟆反﹜慼及午云曰匹允“ %s\n</PRE><HR>\n]
-ja,dsgw,122,[<BR>%s <B>%s</B> 反銀迕醱匹允﹝帎及隙爛毛墊勻化仁分今中﹝<BR>\n]
-ja,dsgw,123,[犯□正 巨伊丟件玄 "%.100s" 互尕簫仄化中引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,126,[dbconf 白央奶伙及溥摯互尕懇匹允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,127,[dbconf 及醱及簞嶺抩憊及隙爛互尕簫仄化中引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,129,[dbconf 白央奶伙及醱及隙挓及隙爛互尕簫仄化中引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,131,["authlifetime" 及隙爛互葦勾井曰引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,132,["dirmgr" 及隙爛互葦勾井曰引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,133,["baseurl" 及隙爛互葦勾井曰引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,134,["baseurl" 及醱匹隙爛今木化中月 URL 互尕懇匹允﹝ - DN 互尕簫仄化中引允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,135,[baseurl 毛由□旦仄化中引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,136,["baseurl" 及醱匹隙爛今木化中月 URL 互尕懇匹允﹝ - "ldap://" URL 及隙爛匹反丐曰引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,137,["ldaps://" 及 URL 隙爛杅芊反扔禾□玄今木化中引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,138,["template" 及隙爛互葦勾井曰引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,139,["sslrequired" 及隙爛互葦勾井曰引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,140,[咥荸匹五卅中襖互 "sslrequired" 卞丐曰引允﹝("never", "whenauthenticated", "always" 毛隙爛仄化仁分今中﹝)\n]
-ja,dsgw,141,["securitypath" 及隙爛互葦勾井曰引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,142,["location-suffix" 及隙爛互葦勾井曰引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,143,["location" 及隙爛互优邰匹允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,144,["newtype" 及隙爛卞反ㄡ勾及襖毛隙爛仄化仁分今中﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,145,["newtype" 及樺赭互尕抸匹允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,146,[ㄢ勾引凶反ㄣ勾及隙爛互 "tmplset" 卞反优邰匹允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,147,["attrvset" 卞反ㄣ勾及隙爛互优邰匹允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,148,["charset" 及隙爛毛葦勾仃月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,149,["ClientLanguage" 及隙爛毛葦勾仃月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,150,["AdminLanguage" 及隙爛毛葦勾仃月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,152,["include" 卞覆殺允月白央奶伙抩互隙爛今木化中引六氏\n]
-ja,dsgw,154,[<= erase_db lcache.conf 白央奶伙毛釩仁仇午互匹五引六氏﹝"%s"\n]
-ja,dsgw,155,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>犯□正矛□旦反綽輪今木化中引允﹝ 蕙仄中犯□正矛□旦毛綜嶽仄引允... \n</FONT>\n ]
-ja,dsgw,156,[<FONT SIZE="+1">\n<P>犯□正矛□旦毛綽輪允月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝\n</FONT>\n ]
-ja,dsgw,157,[<= app_suffix ldif 白央奶伙毛釩仁仇午互匹五引六氏﹝ "%s"\n]
-ja,dsgw,158,[<= app_suffix 域凜白央奶伙毛釩仁仇午互匹五引六氏﹝ "%s"\n]
-ja,dsgw,159,[%s 井日 %s 尺抩蟆及庍凳毛墊丹仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,160,[甘伙 禾奶件正互 dbconf_read_default_dbinfo() 井日忒今木引仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,161,["ldapdb" URL 互尕懇匹允﹝- 矛□旦 DN 互瑞侹仄化中引允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,162,["ldapdb" URL 互尕懇匹允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,163,["baseurl" 匹筏課今木凶 URL 互尕懇匹允﹝ - 矛□旦 DN 互瑞侹仄化中引允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,164,[baseurl 毛由□旦仄化中引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,165,["baseurl" 匹筏課今木凶 URL 互尕懇匹允﹝ - "ldap:// 引凶反 ldapdb://" 及 URL 匹隙爛仄化仁分今中﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,166,["ldaps://" 及 URL 隙爛杅芊反﹜扔禾□玄今木化中引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,167,[binddn 反襖毛儅勻化中引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,168,[bindpw 反襖毛儅勻化中引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,169,[犯白巧伙玄 Directory 扔□申旦匹 dbswitch.conf 白央奶伙互爛聒今木化中引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,170,[踏慇心及凶戶卞厭嶽白央奶伙"%s" 毛釩仃日木引六氏\n]
-ja,dsgw,171,[%s 井日 %s 尺抩蟆毛庍凳允月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,172,[澀爛白央奶伙 %s: ]
-ja,dsgw,173,[澀爛白央奶伙 %s: %d 墊“ ]
-ja,dsgw,174,[瘉釐 %d]
-ja,dsgw,175,[ OK ]
-ja,dsgw,178,[{crypt}伕永弁醱 [%s GMT]]
-ja,dsgw,181,[ Help ]
-ja,dsgw,184,[Help 反銀迕匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,189,[ロ據醱 ...]
-ja,dsgw,190,[ロ據毛潸曰壅仄引允井 (Log out)〝]
-ja,dsgw,192,[ロ據及瘉賡及旦氾永皿反﹜Directory 卞 ID 毛ェ恘允月仇午匹允﹝\n<br>抩蟆毛ェ恘仄化仁分今中“]
-ja,dsgw,196,[Directory Manager 午仄化ロ據"> &nbsp;(Directory Administrator 及心厙迕第Х)\n]
-ja,dsgw,197,[ロ據 ...]
-ja,dsgw,203,[Directory 匹ロ據 (Log in)]
-ja,dsgw,204,[<B>%s</B>午仄化 Directory 卞ロ據仄方丹午仄化中引允﹝ロ據聊蠢毛敦弇允月卞反﹜由旦伐□玉毛正奶皿仄化仁分今中﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,206,[詨匹 Directory 及丐卅凶及巨件玄伉及馨笛’庍凳毛墊丹卞反﹜\nDirectory 卞ロ據(Log in)仄凶詨﹜布奶玉毛它奶件玉它卞 \n 刓憎今六﹜公木毛輔寰仄卅互日綜僅毛墊勻化仁分今中﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,207,[仇及旦弁伉□件曉匹 Directory 卞ロ據(Log in)仄化\n中月端卞反﹜湃卞馨笛’庍凳及綜僅毛墊丹仇午互第Х匹允﹝引分ロ據\n(Log in)仄化中卅中樺寧卞反公木毛墊勻凶丐午綜僅毛墊勻化仁分今中﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,209,[<form>\n丐卅凶反蜇箕 Directory 卞ロ據今木化中引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,210,[.\n手仄丐卅凶互 Directory 及ロ據毛潸曰壅允(Log out)及匹丐木壬示正件毛瓷仄化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,dsgw,211,[ロ據及潸曰壅仄(Log out)]
-ja,dsgw,214,[蜇箕丐卅凶反﹜Directory 卞ロ據今木化中引六氏﹝<HR>\n]
-ja,dsgw,215,["%s=" 互尕簫仄化中引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,216,["%s=%s" 互尕抸匹允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,217,[%s 左皿扑亦件互尕抸匹允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,218,[%s 及踏摯互尕抸匹允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,219,[** HTML 正奶皿 "%s" 反扔禾□玄今木化中引六氏﹝ **<BR>\n]
-ja,dsgw,233,[%s= 互尕簫仄化中引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,235,[膜懇 ...]
-ja,dsgw,236,["%s=" 尕簫仄化中引允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,237,["%s" 互本永玄今木化中引六氏﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,238,["%s" 及踏摯互尕抸匹允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,243,[ OK ]
-ja,dsgw,244,[ OK ]
-ja,dsgw,245,[ 伉本永玄 ]
-ja,dsgw,246,[ 蔽弇 ]
-ja,dsgw,247,[ 平乓件本伙 ]
-ja,dsgw,248,[帎及 IF 毛站(ェ木閡及 IF 反扔禾□玄今木爛引六氏)]
-ja,dsgw,249,[ELESE 毛葦勾仃引仄凶互﹜IF 互葦勾井曰引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,250,[ELSE 毛葦勾仃引仄凶互﹜詨及 ELSE 互葦勾井曰引六氏﹝(手仄仁反 ENDIF)]
-ja,dsgw,251,[ELIF 毛葦勾仃引仄凶互 IF 毛葦勾仃月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,252,[ELIF 毛葦勾仃引仄凶互﹜詨及 ELSE 互葦勾井曰引六氏﹝(手仄仁反 ENDIF)]
-ja,dsgw,253,[ENDIF 毛葦勾仃引仄凶互 IF 互葦勾井曰引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,254,[<BR><B>氾件皿伊□玄 巨仿□“</B> %s<BR>\n]
-ja,dsgw,255,[ldap_init/lcache_init 互澀爛白央奶伙毛づ心慇戈蟆卞撢墊今木引仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,256,[失玉立瓦旦玄伊□扑亦件 扔□田反撢墊醱匹反丐曰引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,258,[DN 卞交□扒抩互穴永皿今木化中引六氏﹝(失玉立件 扔□田及巨仿□匹允﹝)]
-ja,dsgw,261,[巨仿□“ %s]
-ja,dsgw,262,[用□玄“ 犯奴旦皿伊奶 氾件皿伊□玄反繡箕仄引六氏﹝犯白巧伙玄襖毛銀迕仄引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,263,[交□扒 ID 互尕懇手仄仁反 LDAP 互 NULL 毛忒仄引仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,264,[交□扒 ID 卞穴永民允月手及互丐曰引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,265,[交□扒 ID 互ㄠ勾動曉竟癲仄引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,266,[the entire directory]
-ja,dsgw,267,["includeset" 卞反ㄡ勾及襖互优邰匹允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,269,["NLS" 隙親及婁醒互瑞仃化中引允\n]
-ja,dsgw,279,[Vcard皿伕由氾奴厭妐反"cis" 引凶反 "mls"匹卅仃木壬卅曰引六氏\n]
-ja,dsgw,296,[由旦伐□玉瘋ェ恘及孺蜃莢醒毛旋尹引仄凶﹝扑旦氾丞 失玉立瓦旦玄伊□正卞洘俀仄化仁分今中﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,298,[仇及由旦伐□玉反渝蜃濠木匹允﹝扑旦氾丞 失玉立瓦旦玄伊□正卞洘俀仄化﹜由旦伐□玉毛伉本永玄仄化仁分今中﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,304,[伉旦玄卞 <B>1</B> 勾及抩蟆互丐曰引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,305,[伉旦玄卞 <B>%s</B>蜊及抩蟆互丐曰引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,306,[伉旦玄\\n井日\\n綽輪仄引允井〝 抩蟆]
-ja,dsgw,315,[犯奴伊弁玄伉卞 <B>%s</B> 午仄化ロ據今木化中引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,316,[丐卅凶及ロ據鳳傘據抸踏反 %d 坌匹撩躲仄引允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,318,[<P>仇及巨件玄伉及由旦伐□玉反 <B>%s</B> 匹撩躲仄引允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,320,[犯奴伊弁玄伉卞繡箕仄卅中巨件玄伉及ロ據毛熬仃方丹午仄凶凶戶﹜ロ據卞撩л仄引仄凶﹝\nロ據互熬仃日木月及反﹜湃繡及犯奴伊弁玄伉 巨件玄伉分仃匹允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,322,[ェ恘仄凶由旦伐□玉互懇仄仁卅中凶戶﹜ロ據卞撩л仄引仄凶﹝\n[手丹域蘸]毛弁伉永弁仄化瘋蘸由旦伐□玉毛ェ恘仄化仁分今中﹝\n巨件玄伉及由旦伐□玉毛侉木凶樺寧反﹜Directory Administrator卞洘俀仄﹜由旦伐□玉毛瘋澀爛允月优邰互丐曰引允﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,323,[芺渝仄卅中巨仿□: %s 互素舅楔縣縣寣〥屁琱佷瘉啎楔牏楔縑αn]
-ja,dsgw,327,[<H3>%s 及凶戶卞由旦伐□玉撩躲</H3>\n]
-ja,dsgw,328,[犯奴伊弁玄伉 扔□田及由旦伐□玉互撩躲仄引仄凶﹝]
-ja,dsgw,329,[ 允什卞由旦伐□玉毛庍凳仄化仁分今中﹝\n]
-ja,dsgw,339,[左矢伊□扑亦件 巨仿□]
-ja,dsgw,340,[皿伕玄戊伙 巨仿□]
-ja,dsgw,341,[煞屢: 正奶丞失它玄仄引仄凶﹝域譙允月巨件玄伉及丹切﹜刓憎今木化中卅中手及手丐曰引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,342,[煞屢: 扔奶朮及曉蜃毛譯尹引仄凶﹝域譙允月巨件玄伉及丹切﹜刓憎今木化中卅中手及手丐曰引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,343,[false 毛瘜罞
-ja,dsgw,344,[true 毛瘜罞
-ja,dsgw,347,[煞屢: 域朿及犯奴伊弁玄伉 扔□田卞濤糧匹五引六氏匹仄凶﹝域譙允月巨件玄伉及丹切﹜刓憎今木化中卅中手及手丐曰引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,352,[SASL 田奶件玉醱匹允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,361,[DN 及厭妐卞貲曰互丐曰引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,363,[巨奶伉失旦 犯伉白央伊件旦卞杽鎖互丐曰引允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,367,[DSA 互申斥□橇謫匹允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,368,[DSA 互厙迕匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,369,[DSA 互撢墊今木引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,372,[左皮斥尼弁玄 弁仿旦啜瓢
-ja,dsgw,374,[RDN 匹醜綜毛墊丹仇午反匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,376,[左皮斥尼弁玄 弁仿旦毛庍凳匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,380,[LDAP 扔□田卞濤糧匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,381,[伕□市伙 巨仿□]
-ja,dsgw,382,[巨件戊□玉 巨仿□]
-ja,dsgw,383,[犯戊□玉 巨仿□]
-ja,dsgw,388,[LDAP 伙□民件卞覆允月由仿丟□正互尕懇匹允﹝]
-ja,dsgw,390,[LDAP 扔□田卞濤糧匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,391,[仇及田□斥亦件及 LDAP 皿伕玄戊伙匹反扔禾□玄今木化中引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,392,[邰菲今木凶 LDAP 戊件玄伕□伙互葦勾井曰引六氏﹝]
-ja,dsgw,396,[伊白尼仿伙 石永皿 伉立永玄毛譯聊仄引仄凶﹝]
-ja,frame,-1,[$DBT: frame in DB file v1 $]
-ja,frame,1,[<TITLE>葦勾井曰引六氏﹝</TITLE><H1>葦勾井曰引六氏﹝</H1> 伉弁巨旦玄今木凶左皮斥尼弁玄毛葦勾仃月仇午互匹五引六氏﹝伉件弁互濠木化中月﹜伉弁巨旦玄互尕懇割﹜失弁本旦腺互芨尹日木化中卅中羈及第Х嶺互丐曰引允﹝ ]
-ja,frame,2,[<A HREF="%s">輔寰仄化中月矢□斥</A>及樹扷毛扔奶玄棟咥樊卞襞日六化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,frame,3,[丐卅凶及皮仿它扒互霜勻凶伉弁巨旦玄毛皿伕弁扑 扔□田互咥荸匹五引六氏﹝]
-ja,frame,7,[皿伕弁扑反丐卅凶及伉弁巨旦玄毛撢墊允月端卞巨仿□毛素舅楔牏楔縑αn澀爛互貲勻化中月第Х嶺互丐曰引允﹝\n皿伕弁扑 巨仿□ 伕弘及丟永本□斥毛輔寰允月方丹棟咥樊卞匙俇仄化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,frame,13,[仇及扔□田反伉弁巨旦玄及質咥醱卞巨仿□卞霞奧仄引仄凶﹝貲勻凶澀爛互卅今木化中月第Х嶺互丐曰引允﹝扔□田及巨仿□ 伕弘毛輔寰允月方丹棟咥樊卞洘俀仄化仁分今中﹝]
-ja,frame,17,[<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>%s</H1>\n仇及玉平亙丟件玄反蕙仄中樺赭卞啖が仄引仄凶﹝ <a href="%s"></a>. 玉平亙丟件玄午石永玄伉旦玄及凳蕙毛仄化仁分今中﹝</BODY></HTML>]
-ja,frame,18,[<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=euc-jp"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="ja"><TITLE>%s</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY><H1>%s</H1>\n%s\n</BODY></HTML>]
-ja,frame,20,[cannot find template %s]
-ja,frame,22,[no partial path after object processing]
-ja,frame,24,[invalid shexp %s]
-ja,frame,26,[invalid shexp %s]
-ja,frame,28,[no way to service request for %s]
-ja,frame,30,[close failed (%s), csd=%d]
-ja,frame,31,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-ja,frame,33,[Error issuing read on accept socket]
-ja,frame,35,[Error getting accept socket (%d)]
-ja,frame,36,[Error in accept! (%d, %s)]
-ja,frame,37,[Error creating new accept request]
-ja,frame,38,[accepted connection: %d (NSPR %d)]
-ja,frame,39,[Error creating new session structure]
-ja,frame,41,[Error allocating request read buffer]
-ja,frame,42,[Error issuing async read request]
-ja,frame,43,[acb_read_request(%d, bytes %d)]
-ja,frame,44,[acb_read_req(1 session = %d)]
-ja,frame,45,[Error reading request (%d, %s)]
-ja,frame,46,[Client aborted connection]
-ja,frame,47,[Error reading request]
-ja,frame,48,[Error creating new request]
-ja,frame,49,[error occurred, closing %d, io was for %d]
-ja,frame,51,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-ja,frame,52,[out of memory: accel_async_scan_headers]
-ja,frame,53,[Error during async read (%d, %s)]
-ja,frame,54,[scan-headers reports: line too long]
-ja,frame,55,[scan-headers reports: too many headers]
-ja,frame,56,[Error reading headers]
-ja,frame,57,[scan-headers reports: header missing terminator (an empty line)]
-ja,frame,58,[scan-headers reports: header was empty]
-ja,frame,59,[抩蟆卞襖互丐曰引六氏“ "%s" 墊]
-ja,frame,61,[accel_send_plain_file() - found request %d]
-ja,frame,62,[Parse headers lost the URI!]
-ja,frame,63,[accel_send_plain_file() - found uri %s]
-ja,frame,64,[accel_send_plain_file() - found in cache?]
-ja,frame,65,[malloc died!]
-ja,frame,66,[Error writing back file\n]
-ja,frame,68,[Error writing in acb_send_plain_file (%d, %s)]
-ja,frame,70,[Errored IO in acb_close_connection (%d, %s)]
-ja,frame,71,[Unable to close socket %d]
-ja,frame,72,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-ja,frame,73,[cache-init: server cache disabled]
-ja,frame,74,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-ja,frame,75,[accel_file_cache: Error creating cache]
-ja,frame,76,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize < %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,77,[accel_file_cache_init: CacheHashSize > %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,78,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,79,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,80,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles < %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,81,[accel_file_cache_init: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles > %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,82,[accel_file_cache: Error initializing file cache]
-ja,frame,83,[file-cache: enabled = %s ]
-ja,frame,86,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-ja,frame,87,[file-cache: CacheHashSize %d (0x%x)]
-ja,frame,88,[file-cache: MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles %d (0x%x)]
-ja,frame,89,[accel-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-ja,frame,90,[file-cache-cleanup: munmap failed (%s)]
-ja,frame,91,[file-cache-cleanup: found mmapped file \non system without mmap]
-ja,frame,92,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize < %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,93,[file_cache_init: MaxTotalCachedFileSize > %d, using %d]
-ja,frame,94,[file cache using mmap flags 0x%x]
-ja,frame,95,[file cache using mmap prots 0x%x]
-ja,frame,96,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-ja,frame,97,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-ja,frame,98,[file-cache: unable to create temporary directory %s.\n]
-ja,frame,99,[file-cache: GetTempPath() Cannot find temp directory to store file!]
-ja,frame,100,[file-cache-init: set max cached file size to %d]
-ja,frame,101,[file-cache-init: could not create lock]
-ja,frame,103,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-ja,frame,104,[file-cache: Unable to get temp file name. Error %s]
-ja,frame,105,[file-cache-insert: Error allocating entry]
-ja,frame,106,[file-cache-create: Error opening file %s (%s)]
-ja,frame,107,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-ja,frame,108,[file-cache-create: Error mmap()ing file %s (%s)]
-ja,frame,109,[file-cache-create: malloc failure]
-ja,frame,110,[file-cache-create: error case failed to munmap(%d, %d) (%s)]
-ja,frame,111,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-ja,frame,112,[dir change: invalidating %s (%d)]
-ja,frame,113,[file-cache: asynchronous file change notification failed.]
-ja,frame,114,[dir change: offset %d, action %d, len %d, name %s]
-ja,frame,115,[unable to check async file status]
-ja,frame,116,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to continue watching %s. Error is %s]
-ja,frame,117,[file-cache-add-watch failure- unable to open directory %s. Error %s]
-ja,frame,118,[ReadDirectoryChangesW failure- unable to start watching %s. Error %s]
-ja,frame,120,[no handler function given for directive]
-ja,frame,122,[cannot find function named %s]
-ja,frame,124,[method without URI]
-ja,frame,126,[while scanning HTTP headers, %s]
-ja,frame,128,[read from %s failed, error is %s]
-ja,frame,130,[request too long]
-ja,frame,132,[write failed (%s)]
-ja,frame,134,[write failed (%s)]
-ja,frame,136,[%d is not a valid HTTP status code]
-ja,frame,138,[close failed (%s)]
-ja,frame,139,[Unable to close socket for writing]
-ja,frame,140,[os has %d objects]
-ja,frame,141,[obj %d has no hash table at %d]
-ja,frame,142,[obj %d has no param]
-ja,frame,143,[obj %d name %s value %s]
-ja,frame,144,[.....directives %d.......]
-ja,frame,145,[.....directive %d]
-ja,frame,146,[.......instance %d]
-ja,frame,147,[...........param name %s value %s]
-ja,frame,148,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegCreateKey %s]
-ja,frame,149,[ClearConfigurationParameters:RegEnumKey %s failed]
-ja,frame,150,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-ja,frame,151,[obj.conf line %d: error in filter file "%s" at line %d: %s]
-ja,frame,152,[Unable to allocate Subject property list.\n]
-ja,frame,153,[Unable to set session ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-ja,frame,154,[Unable to set request ptr in Subject property list - error=%d\n]
-ja,frame,155,[file-cache-valid: cannot stat %s]
-ja,frame,156,[file-cache-create: Error stat()ing file %s (%s)]
-ja,httpdaemon,-1,[$DBT: httpdaemon in DB file v1 $]
-ja,httpdaemon,1,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-ja,httpdaemon,2,[Error in ConvertThreadToFiber]
-ja,httpdaemon,3,[Error in md_start_system]
-ja,httpdaemon,4,[Error in CreateFiber - idlefiber]
-ja,httpdaemon,5,[Error in GetQueuedCompletionStatus]
-ja,httpdaemon,6,[Error creating completion port]
-ja,httpdaemon,7,[Could not SetHandleNonInheritable (%s)]
-ja,httpdaemon,8,[Error accept/read new conn]
-ja,httpdaemon,9,[Error in Respond()]
-ja,httpdaemon,10,[Error in RespondCompleted()]
-ja,httpdaemon,11,[daemon: unable to fork new process (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,12,[daemon: setsid failed (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,13,[daemon: can't log pid to %s (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,14,[warning: could not set group id to %d (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,15,[warning: could not set user id to %d (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,16,[warning: daemon is running as super-user\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,17,[could not determine current user name\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,18,[error: chroot to %s failed (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,19,[WARNING! netscape executable and library have different versions.\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,20,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,21,[startup: listening to %s://%s, port %d as %s\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,22,[seminit failed (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,23,[Using single threaded accepts.]
-ja,httpdaemon,24,[Using multi threaded accepts.]
-ja,httpdaemon,25,[Using partial single threaded accepts.]
-ja,httpdaemon,26,[This machine has %d processors.]
-ja,httpdaemon,27,[Error calling thr_seconcurrency(%d)- (%s)]
-ja,httpdaemon,28,[Set conncurrency to %d.]
-ja,httpdaemon,29,[can't fork new process (%s)]
-ja,httpdaemon,30,[This beta software has expired.\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,31,[can't create IPC pipe (%s)]
-ja,httpdaemon,32,[write to wakeup pipe failed (%s)]
-ja,httpdaemon,33,[select thread miss]
-ja,httpdaemon,34,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d (%s)\n]
-ja,httpdaemon,35,[startup failure: could not bind to port %d, IP address %s (%s)\n]
-ja,libaccess,-1,[$DBT: libaccess in DB file v1 $]
-ja,libaccess,2,[cannot open database %s]
-ja,libaccess,4,[user %s password did not match database %s]
-ja,libaccess,6,[cannot open connection to LDAP server on %s:%d]
-ja,libaccess,8,[user %s password did not match LDAP on %s:%d]
-ja,libaccess,10,[missing realm]
-ja,libaccess,11,[Unable to allocate ACL List Hash\n]
-ja,libaccess,12,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to PERM_MALLOC cache structure\n]
-ja,libaccess,13,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-ja,libaccess,14,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE Entry\n]
-ja,libaccess,15,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-ja,libaccess,16,[ACLEvalBuildContext unable to allocate Boundary Entry\n]
-ja,libaccess,17,[ACLEvalBuildContext failed.\n]
-ja,libaccess,18,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%d\n]
-ja,libaccess,19,[LASDnsBuild unable to allocate hash table header\n]
-ja,libaccess,20,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,21,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,22,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,23,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,24,[LASDnsBuild unable to add key %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,25,[LAS DNS build received request for attribute %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,26,[LASDnsEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,27,[LASDnsEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-ja,libaccess,28,[LASDnsEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-ja,libaccess,29,[LASDnsEval unable to get DNS - error=%s\n]
-ja,libaccess,30,[LAS Group Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,31,[LASGroupEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,32,[LASGroupEval - ran out of memory\n]
-ja,libaccess,33,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-ja,libaccess,34,[LASGroupEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-ja,libaccess,35,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-ja,libaccess,36,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-ja,libaccess,37,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-ja,libaccess,38,[Check group membership of user "%s" for group "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,39,[LDAPU_SUCCESS for group "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,40,[LDAPU_FAILED for group "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,43,[LASIpTreeAlloc - no memory\n]
-ja,libaccess,44,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-ja,libaccess,45,[IP LAS unable to allocate tree node\n]
-ja,libaccess,46,[LAS IP build received request for attribute %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,47,[LASIpEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,48,[LASIpEval unable to get session address - error=%s\n]
-ja,libaccess,49,[LASIpEval unable to allocate Context struct\n\n]
-ja,libaccess,50,[LASIpEval - reach 32 bits without conclusion value=%s]
-ja,libaccess,51,[LAS Program Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,52,[LASProgramEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,53,[LASProgram unable to get session address %d\n]
-ja,libaccess,55,[LASProgramEval: request not of type admin or bin, passing.\n]
-ja,libaccess,56,[LASProgramEval: check if program %s matches pattern %s.\n]
-ja,libaccess,57,[LASProgramEval: Invalid wildcard expression %s.\n]
-ja,libaccess,60,[Unexpected attribute in dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,61,[Illegal comparator for dayOfWeek - %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,62,[Unexpected attribute in timeOfDay - %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,63,[LAS User Eval received request for attribute %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,64,[LASUserEval - illegal comparator %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,65,[LASUserEval - ran out of memory\n]
-ja,libaccess,66,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-ja,libaccess,67,[LASUserEval unable to get session address %d\n]
-ja,libaccess,68,[LASGroupEval - couldn't locate getter for auth-user\n]
-ja,libaccess,69,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter for auth-user failed\n]
-ja,libaccess,70,[LASGroupEval - Attribute getter didn't set auth-user\n]
-ja,libaccess,71,[Check if uid == user (i.e. check "%s" == "%s)"\n]
-ja,libaccess,72,[SUCCESS for user "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,73,[FAILED for user "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,77,[LASProgram unable to get request address - error=%s]
-ja,libaccess,78,[LASProgram rejecting request for program %s from pattern %s]
-ja,libaccess,79,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to parse file "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,80,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to concatenate ACL list "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,81,[ACL_CacheFlush: unable to open and process the magnus file "%s"\n]
-ja,libaccess,82,[Illegal comparator for timeOfDay - %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,83,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to create hash table\n]
-ja,libaccess,84,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to PERM_CALLOC cache structure\n]
-ja,libaccess,85,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate ACE entry\n]
-ja,libaccess,86,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth pointer array\n]
-ja,libaccess,87,[ACL_EvalBuildContext unable to allocate auth plist\n]
-ja,libaccess,88,[ACL_EvalTestRights: an interim, absolute non-allow value was encountered. right=%s, value=%s\n]
-ja,libaccess,89,[ACL_INTEvalTestRights: call to ACL_EvalBuildContext returned failure status\n]
-ja,libaccess,90,[ACL_ModuleRegister: module name is missing\n]
-ja,libaccess,91,[ACL_ModuleRegister: call to module init function returned a failed status\n]
-ja,libaccess,92,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't determine method for %s\n]
-ja,libaccess,93,[ACL_GetAttribute: couldn't locate getter for %s]
-ja,libaccess,94,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-ja,libaccess,95,[ACL_GetAttribute: attr getter failed to get %s]
-ja,libaccess,96,[ACL_GetAttribute: All attribute getters declined for attr %s]
-ja,libaccess,97,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-ja,libaccess,98,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: database name is missing]
-ja,libaccess,99,[Error reading the DB Map File: %s. Reason: %s]
-ja,libaccess,100,[URL is missing for database %s]
-ja,libaccess,101,[Invalid property value pair for database %s]
-ja,libaccess,102,["default" database must be an LDAP database]
-ja,libaccess,103,[Multiple "default" databases are being registered]
-ja,libaccess,104,["default" LDAP database must be registered]
-ja,libaccess,105,[LASGroupEval unable to get database name - error= %s]
-ja,libaccess,106,[received invalid program expression %s]
-ja,libaccess,107,[parse_ldap_url: database url is missing]
-ja,libaccess,108,[parse_ldap_url: database name is missing]
-ja,libaccess,109,[parse_ldap_url: error in parsing ldap url. Reason: %s]
-ja,libaccess,110,[ldap password check: unable to get database name - error=%s]
-ja,libaccess,111,[ldap password check: unable to get parsed database %s]
-ja,libaccess,112,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-ja,libaccess,113,[ldap password check: LDAP error: "%s"]
-ja,libaccess,114,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get database name - error=%s]
-ja,libaccess,115,[get_user_ismember_ldap unable to get parsed database %s]
-ja,libaccess,116,[ldap password check: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-ja,libaccess,117,[get_user_ismember_ldap: group %s does not exist]
-ja,libaccess,118,[get_user_ismember_ldap: LDAP error: "%s"]
-ja,libaccess,119,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not a registered database]
-ja,libaccess,120,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: %s is not an LDAP database]
-ja,libaccess,121,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: out of memory]
-ja,libaccess,122,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't initialize connection to LDAP. Reason: %s]
-ja,libaccess,123,[ACL_LDAPDatabaseHandle: couldn't bind to LDAP server. Reason: %s]
-ja,libaccess,124,[insufficient dynamic memory]
-ja,libaccess,125,[error opening file, %s: %s]
-ja,libaccess,126,[duplicate definition of %s]
-ja,libaccess,127,[file %s, line %s: duplicate definition of %s]
-ja,libaccess,128,[file %s, line %s: syntax error]
-ja,libaccess,129,[file %s, line %s: %s is undefined]
-ja,libaccess,130,[in acl %s, %s %s is undefined]
-ja,libaccess,131,[database %s: error accessing %s]
-ja,libaccess,133,[file %s, line %s: invalid syntax]
-ja,libaccess,134,[file %s, line %s: syntax error at "%s"]
-ja,libaccess,135,[realm %s is not defined]
-ja,libaccess,136,[error code = %d]
-ja,libaccess,137,[internal ACL error]
-ja,libaccess,138,[invalid argument]
-ja,libaccess,139,[ACL_DatabaseRegister: dbtype for database "%s" is not defined yet!]
-ja,libaccess,140,[couldn't determine dbtype from: %s]
-ja,libaccess,141,[Failed to register database %s]
-ja,libaccess,142,[ACL call returned failed status]
-ja,libaccess,143,[file %s: ACL IO error - %s]
-ja,libaccess,144,[acl_user_exists: 丟乒伉尕簫匹允]
-ja,libaccess,145,[acl_user_exists: 交□扒互手丹繡箕仄引六氏]
-ja,libaccess,146,[acl_user_exists: plist 巨仿□]
-ja,libadmin,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-ja,libadmin,1,[ Help ]
-ja,libadmin,2,[ OK ]
-ja,libadmin,3,[ Reset ]
-ja,libadmin,4,[ Done ]
-ja,libadmin,5,[ Cancel ]
-ja,libir,-1,[$DBT: libadmin in DB file v1 $]
-ja,libir,1,[An I/O error occurred before all form data could be read.]