path: root/lib/puppet
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/puppet')
32 files changed, 3208 insertions, 2453 deletions
diff --git a/lib/puppet/defaults.rb b/lib/puppet/defaults.rb
index 7c57dcd6d..d0dcb1c51 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/defaults.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/defaults.rb
@@ -675,7 +675,8 @@ module Puppet
:lexical => [false, "Whether to use lexical scoping (vs. dynamic)."],
:templatedir => ["$vardir/templates",
- "Where Puppet looks for template files."
+ "Where Puppet looks for template files. Can be a list of colon-seperated
+ directories."
diff --git a/lib/puppet/metatype/attributes.rb b/lib/puppet/metatype/attributes.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f48f22ff..000000000
--- a/lib/puppet/metatype/attributes.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,685 +0,0 @@
-require 'puppet'
-require 'puppet/type'
-class Puppet::Type
- class << self
- include Puppet::Util::ClassGen
- include Puppet::Util::Warnings
- attr_reader :properties
- end
- def self.states
- warnonce "The states method is deprecated; use properties"
- properties()
- end
- # All parameters, in the appropriate order. The namevar comes first,
- # then the properties, then the params and metaparams in the order they
- # were specified in the files.
- def self.allattrs
- # now get all of the arguments, in a specific order
- # Cache this, since it gets called so many times
- namevar = self.namevar
- order = [namevar]
- if self.parameters.include?(:provider)
- order << :provider
- end
- order << [ { |property| },
- self.parameters - [:provider],
- self.metaparams].flatten.reject { |param|
- # we don't want our namevar in there multiple times
- param == namevar
- }
- order.flatten!
- return order
- end
- # Retrieve an attribute alias, if there is one.
- def self.attr_alias(param)
- @attr_aliases[symbolize(param)]
- end
- # Create an alias to an existing attribute. This will cause the aliased
- # attribute to be valid when setting and retrieving values on the instance.
- def self.set_attr_alias(hash)
- hash.each do |new, old|
- @attr_aliases[symbolize(new)] = symbolize(old)
- end
- end
- # Find the class associated with any given attribute.
- def self.attrclass(name)
- @attrclasses ||= {}
- # We cache the value, since this method gets called such a huge number
- # of times (as in, hundreds of thousands in a given run).
- unless @attrclasses.include?(name)
- @attrclasses[name] = case self.attrtype(name)
- when :property: @validproperties[name]
- when :meta: @@metaparamhash[name]
- when :param: @paramhash[name]
- end
- end
- @attrclasses[name]
- end
- # What type of parameter are we dealing with? Cache the results, because
- # this method gets called so many times.
- def self.attrtype(attr)
- @attrtypes ||= {}
- unless @attrtypes.include?(attr)
- @attrtypes[attr] = case
- when @validproperties.include?(attr): :property
- when @paramhash.include?(attr): :param
- when @@metaparamhash.include?(attr): :meta
- else
- raise Puppet::DevError,
- "Invalid attribute '%s' for class '%s'" %
- [attr,]
- end
- end
- @attrtypes[attr]
- end
- # Copy an existing class parameter. This allows other types to avoid
- # duplicating a parameter definition, and is mostly used by subclasses
- # of the File class.
- def self.copyparam(klass, name)
- param = klass.attrclass(name)
- unless param
- raise Puppet::DevError, "Class %s has no param %s" % [klass, name]
- end
- @parameters << param
- @parameters.each { |p| @paramhash[name] = p }
- if param.isnamevar?
- @namevar =
- end
- end
- # A similar function but one that yields the class and type.
- # This is mainly so that setdefaults doesn't call quite so many functions.
- def self.eachattr(*ary)
- if ary.empty?
- ary = nil
- end
- # We have to do this in a specific order, so that defaults are
- # created in that order (e.g., providers should be set up before
- # anything else).
- allattrs.each do |name|
- next unless ary.nil? or ary.include?(name)
- if obj = @properties.find { |p| == name }
- yield obj, :property
- elsif obj = @parameters.find { |p| == name }
- yield obj, :param
- elsif obj = @@metaparams.find { |p| == name }
- yield obj, :meta
- else
- raise Puppet::DevError, "Could not find parameter %s" % name
- end
- end
- end
- def self.eachmetaparam
- @@metaparams.each { |p| yield }
- end
- # Create the 'ensure' class. This is a separate method so other types
- # can easily call it and create their own 'ensure' values.
- def self.ensurable(&block)
- if block_given?
- self.newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure, &block)
- else
- self.newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure) do
- self.defaultvalues
- end
- end
- end
- # Should we add the 'ensure' property to this class?
- def self.ensurable?
- # If the class has all three of these methods defined, then it's
- # ensurable.
- ens = [:exists?, :create, :destroy].inject { |set, method|
- set &&= self.public_method_defined?(method)
- }
- return ens
- end
- # Deal with any options passed into parameters.
- def self.handle_param_options(name, options)
- # If it's a boolean parameter, create a method to test the value easily
- if options[:boolean]
- define_method(name.to_s + "?") do
- val = self[name]
- if val == :true or val == true
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- # If this param handles relationships, store that information
- end
- # Is the parameter in question a meta-parameter?
- def self.metaparam?(param)
- @@metaparamhash.include?(symbolize(param))
- end
- # Find the metaparameter class associated with a given metaparameter name.
- def self.metaparamclass(name)
- @@metaparamhash[symbolize(name)]
- end
- def self.metaparams
- @@metaparams.collect { |param| }
- end
- def self.metaparamdoc(metaparam)
- @@metaparamhash[metaparam].doc
- end
- # Create a new metaparam. Requires a block and a name, stores it in the
- # @parameters array, and does some basic checking on it.
- def self.newmetaparam(name, options = {}, &block)
- @@metaparams ||= []
- @@metaparamhash ||= {}
- name = symbolize(name)
- param = genclass(name,
- :parent => options[:parent] || Puppet::Parameter,
- :prefix => "MetaParam",
- :hash => @@metaparamhash,
- :array => @@metaparams,
- :attributes => options[:attributes],
- &block
- )
- # Grr.
- if options[:required_features]
- param.required_features = options[:required_features]
- end
- handle_param_options(name, options)
- param.metaparam = true
- return param
- end
- # Find the namevar
- def self.namevar
- unless defined? @namevar
- params = @parameters.find_all { |param|
- param.isnamevar? or == :name
- }
- if params.length > 1
- raise Puppet::DevError, "Found multiple namevars for %s" %
- elsif params.length == 1
- @namevar = params[0].name
- else
- raise Puppet::DevError, "No namevar for %s" %
- end
- end
- @namevar
- end
- # Create a new parameter. Requires a block and a name, stores it in the
- # @parameters array, and does some basic checking on it.
- def self.newparam(name, options = {}, &block)
- options[:attributes] ||= {}
- param = genclass(name,
- :parent => options[:parent] || Puppet::Parameter,
- :attributes => options[:attributes],
- :block => block,
- :prefix => "Parameter",
- :array => @parameters,
- :hash => @paramhash
- )
- handle_param_options(name, options)
- # Grr.
- if options[:required_features]
- param.required_features = options[:required_features]
- end
- param.isnamevar if options[:namevar]
- # These might be enabled later.
-# define_method(name) do
-# @parameters[name].value
-# end
-# define_method(name.to_s + "=") do |value|
-# newparam(param, value)
-# end
- if param.isnamevar?
- @namevar =
- end
- return param
- end
- def self.newstate(name, options = {}, &block)
- Puppet.warning "newstate() has been deprecrated; use newproperty(%s)" %
- name
- newproperty(name, options, &block)
- end
- # Create a new property. The first parameter must be the name of the property;
- # this is how users will refer to the property when creating new instances.
- # The second parameter is a hash of options; the options are:
- # * <tt>:parent</tt>: The parent class for the property. Defaults to Puppet::Property.
- # * <tt>:retrieve</tt>: The method to call on the provider or @parent object (if
- # the provider is not set) to retrieve the current value.
- def self.newproperty(name, options = {}, &block)
- name = symbolize(name)
- # This is here for types that might still have the old method of defining
- # a parent class.
- unless options.is_a? Hash
- raise Puppet::DevError,
- "Options must be a hash, not %s" % options.inspect
- end
- if @validproperties.include?(name)
- raise Puppet::DevError, "Class %s already has a property named %s" %
- [, name]
- end
- if parent = options[:parent]
- options.delete(:parent)
- else
- parent = Puppet::Property
- end
- # We have to create our own, new block here because we want to define
- # an initial :retrieve method, if told to, and then eval the passed
- # block if available.
- prop = genclass(name, :parent => parent, :hash => @validproperties, :attributes => options) do
- # If they've passed a retrieve method, then override the retrieve
- # method on the class.
- if options[:retrieve]
- define_method(:retrieve) do
- provider.send(options[:retrieve])
- end
- end
- if block
- class_eval(&block)
- end
- end
- # If it's the 'ensure' property, always put it first.
- if name == :ensure
- @properties.unshift prop
- else
- @properties << prop
- end
-# define_method(name) do
-# @parameters[name].should
-# end
-# define_method(name.to_s + "=") do |value|
-# newproperty(name, :should => value)
-# end
- return prop
- end
- def self.paramdoc(param)
- @paramhash[param].doc
- end
- # Return the parameter names
- def self.parameters
- return [] unless defined? @parameters
- @parameters.collect { |klass| }
- end
- # Find the parameter class associated with a given parameter name.
- def self.paramclass(name)
- @paramhash[name]
- end
- # Return the property class associated with a name
- def self.propertybyname(name)
- @validproperties[name]
- end
- def self.validattr?(name)
- name = symbolize(name)
- return true if name == :name
- @validattrs ||= {}
- unless @validattrs.include?(name)
- if self.validproperty?(name) or self.validparameter?(name) or self.metaparam?(name)
- @validattrs[name] = true
- else
- @validattrs[name] = false
- end
- end
- @validattrs[name]
- end
- # does the name reflect a valid property?
- def self.validproperty?(name)
- name = symbolize(name)
- if @validproperties.include?(name)
- return @validproperties[name]
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- # Return the list of validproperties
- def self.validproperties
- return {} unless defined? @parameters
- return @validproperties.keys
- end
- # does the name reflect a valid parameter?
- def self.validparameter?(name)
- unless defined? @parameters
- raise Puppet::DevError, "Class %s has not defined parameters" % self
- end
- if @paramhash.include?(name) or @@metaparamhash.include?(name)
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- # fix any namevar => param translations
- def argclean(oldhash)
- # This duplication is here because it might be a transobject.
- hash = oldhash.dup.to_hash
- if hash.include?(:resource)
- hash.delete(:resource)
- end
- namevar = self.class.namevar
- # Do a simple translation for those cases where they've passed :name
- # but that's not our namevar
- if hash.include? :name and namevar != :name
- if hash.include? namevar
- raise ArgumentError, "Cannot provide both name and %s" % namevar
- end
- hash[namevar] = hash[:name]
- hash.delete(:name)
- end
- # Make sure we have a name, one way or another
- unless hash.include? namevar
- if defined? @title and @title
- hash[namevar] = @title
- else
- raise Puppet::Error, "Was not passed a namevar or title"
- end
- end
- return hash
- end
- # Return either the attribute alias or the attribute.
- def attr_alias(name)
- name = symbolize(name)
- if synonym = self.class.attr_alias(name)
- return synonym
- else
- return name
- end
- end
- # Are we deleting this resource?
- def deleting?
- obj = @parameters[:ensure] and obj.should == :absent
- end
- # Create a new property if it is valid but doesn't exist
- # Returns: true if a new parameter was added, false otherwise
- def add_property_parameter(prop_name)
- if self.class.validproperty?(prop_name) && !@parameters[prop_name]
- self.newattr(prop_name)
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- # abstract accessing parameters and properties, and normalize
- # access to always be symbols, not strings
- # This returns a value, not an object. It returns the 'is'
- # value, but you can also specifically return 'is' and 'should'
- # values using '' or 'object.should(:property)'.
- def [](name)
- name = attr_alias(name)
- unless self.class.validattr?(name)
- raise"Invalid parameter %s(%s)" % [name, name.inspect])
- end
- if name == :name
- name = self.class.namevar
- end
- if obj = @parameters[name]
- # Note that if this is a property, then the value is the "should" value,
- # not the current value.
- obj.value
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- # Abstract setting parameters and properties, and normalize
- # access to always be symbols, not strings. This sets the 'should'
- # value on properties, and otherwise just sets the appropriate parameter.
- def []=(name,value)
- name = attr_alias(name)
- unless self.class.validattr?(name)
- raise"Invalid parameter %s" % [name])
- end
- if name == :name
- name = self.class.namevar
- end
- if value.nil?
- raise"Got nil value for %s" % name)
- end
- if obj = @parameters[name]
- obj.value = value
- return nil
- else
- self.newattr(name, :value => value)
- end
- nil
- end
- # remove a property from the object; useful in testing or in cleanup
- # when an error has been encountered
- def delete(attr)
- attr = symbolize(attr)
- if @parameters.has_key?(attr)
- @parameters.delete(attr)
- else
- raise"Undefined attribute '#{attr}' in #{self}")
- end
- end
- # iterate across the existing properties
- def eachproperty
- # properties() is a private method
- properties().each { |property|
- yield property
- }
- end
- # retrieve the 'should' value for a specified property
- def should(name)
- name = attr_alias(name)
- if prop = @parameters[name] and prop.is_a?(Puppet::Property)
- return prop.should
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- # Create the actual attribute instance. Requires either the attribute
- # name or class as the first argument, then an optional hash of
- # attributes to set during initialization.
- def newattr(name, options = {})
- if name.is_a?(Class)
- klass = name
- name =
- end
- unless klass = self.class.attrclass(name)
- raise Puppet::Error, "Resource type %s does not support parameter %s" % [, name]
- end
- if @parameters.include?(name)
- raise Puppet::Error, "Parameter '%s' is already defined in %s" %
- [name, self.ref]
- end
- if provider and ! provider.class.supports_parameter?(klass)
- missing = klass.required_features.find_all { |f| ! provider.class.feature?(f) }
- info "Provider %s does not support features %s; not managing attribute %s" % [, missing.join(", "), name]
- return nil
- end
- # Add resource information at creation time, so it's available
- # during validation.
- options[:resource] = self
- begin
- # make sure the parameter doesn't have any errors
- return @parameters[name] =
- rescue => detail
- error ="Parameter %s failed: %s" %
- [name, detail])
- error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace)
- raise error
- end
- end
- # return the value of a parameter
- def parameter(name)
- unless name.is_a? Symbol
- name = name.intern
- end
- return @parameters[name].value
- end
- # Is the named property defined?
- def propertydefined?(name)
- unless name.is_a? Symbol
- name = name.intern
- end
- return @parameters.include?(name)
- end
- # return an actual type by name; to return the value, use 'inst[name]'
- # FIXME this method should go away
- def property(name)
- if obj = @parameters[symbolize(name)] and obj.is_a?(Puppet::Property)
- return obj
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
-# def set(name, value)
-# send(name.to_s + "=", value)
-# end
-# def get(name)
-# send(name)
-# end
- # For any parameters or properties that have defaults and have not yet been
- # set, set them now. This method can be handed a list of attributes,
- # and if so it will only set defaults for those attributes.
- def setdefaults(*ary)
- #self.class.eachattr(*ary) { |klass, type|
- self.class.eachattr(*ary) { |klass, type|
- # not many attributes will have defaults defined, so we short-circuit
- # those away
- next unless klass.method_defined?(:default)
- next if @parameters[]
- next unless obj = self.newattr(klass)
- # We have to check for nil values, not "truth", so we allow defaults
- # to false.
- value = obj.default and ! value.nil?
- if ! value.nil?
- obj.value = value
- else
- @parameters.delete(
- end
- }
- end
- # Convert our object to a hash. This just includes properties.
- def to_hash
- rethash = {}
- @parameters.each do |name, obj|
- rethash[name] = obj.value
- end
- rethash
- end
- # Return a specific value for an attribute.
- def value(name)
- name = attr_alias(name)
- if obj = @parameters[name] and obj.respond_to?(:value)
- return obj.value
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- # Meta-parameter methods: These methods deal with the results
- # of specifying metaparameters
- private
- # Return all of the property objects, in the order specified in the
- # class.
- def properties
- #debug "%s has %s properties" % [self,@parameters.length]
- props = { |prop|
- @parameters[]
- }.find_all { |p|
- ! p.nil?
- }.each do |prop|
- unless prop.is_a?(Puppet::Property)
- raise Puppet::DevError, "got a non-property %s(%s)" %
- [prop.class,]
- end
- end
- props
- end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/metatype/closure.rb b/lib/puppet/metatype/closure.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 673a2359d..000000000
--- a/lib/puppet/metatype/closure.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-class Puppet::Type
- attr_writer :implicit
- # Is this type's name isomorphic with the object? That is, if the
- # name conflicts, does it necessarily mean that the objects conflict?
- # Defaults to true.
- def self.isomorphic?
- if defined? @isomorphic
- return @isomorphic
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- def implicit?
- if defined? @implicit and @implicit
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- def isomorphic?
- self.class.isomorphic?
- end
- # is the instance a managed instance? A 'yes' here means that
- # the instance was created from the language, vs. being created
- # in order resolve other questions, such as finding a package
- # in a list
- def managed?
- # Once an object is managed, it always stays managed; but an object
- # that is listed as unmanaged might become managed later in the process,
- # so we have to check that every time
- if defined? @managed and @managed
- return @managed
- else
- @managed = false
- properties.each { |property|
- s = property.should
- if s and ! property.class.unmanaged
- @managed = true
- break
- end
- }
- return @managed
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/metatype/container.rb b/lib/puppet/metatype/container.rb
index dbc8a3dee..0e06e71d2 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/metatype/container.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/metatype/container.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
class Puppet::Type
- # this is a retarded hack method to get around the difference between
- # component children and file children
def self.depthfirst?
if defined? @depthfirst
return @depthfirst
diff --git a/lib/puppet/metatype/evaluation.rb b/lib/puppet/metatype/evaluation.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 18bbb812f..000000000
--- a/lib/puppet/metatype/evaluation.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-class Puppet::Type
- # This method is responsible for collecting property changes we always
- # descend into the children before we evaluate our current properties.
- # This returns any changes resulting from testing, thus 'collect' rather
- # than 'each'.
- def evaluate
- if self.provider.is_a?(Puppet::Provider)
- unless provider.class.suitable?
- raise Puppet::Error, "Provider %s is not functional on this platform" %
- end
- end
- #Puppet.err "Evaluating %s" % self.path.join(":")
- unless defined? @evalcount
- self.err "No evalcount defined on '%s' of type '%s'" %
- [self.title,self.class]
- @evalcount = 0
- end
- @evalcount += 1
- if p = self.provider and p.respond_to?(:prefetch)
- p.prefetch
- end
- # this only operates on properties, not properties + children
- # it's important that we call retrieve() on the type instance,
- # not directly on the property, because it allows the type to override
- # the method, like pfile does
- currentvalues = self.retrieve
- changes = propertychanges(currentvalues).flatten
- # now record how many changes we've resulted in
- if changes.length > 0
- self.debug "%s change(s)" %
- [changes.length]
- end
- # If we're in noop mode, we don't want to store the checked time,
- # because it will result in the resource not getting scheduled if
- # someone were to apply the catalog in non-noop mode.
- # We're going to go ahead and record that we checked if there were
- # no changes, since it's unlikely it will affect the scheduling.
- noop = noop?
- if ! noop or (noop && changes.length == 0)
- self.cache(:checked,
- end
- return changes.flatten
- end
- # Flush the provider, if it supports it. This is called by the
- # transaction.
- def flush
- if self.provider and self.provider.respond_to?(:flush)
- self.provider.flush
- end
- end
- # if all contained objects are in sync, then we're in sync
- # FIXME I don't think this is used on the type instances any more,
- # it's really only used for testing
- def insync?(is)
- insync = true
- if property = @parameters[:ensure]
- unless is.include? property
- raise Puppet::DevError,
- "The is value is not in the is array for '%s'" %
- []
- end
- ensureis = is[property]
- if property.insync?(ensureis) and property.should == :absent
- return true
- end
- end
- properties.each { |property|
- unless is.include? property
- raise Puppet::DevError,
- "The is value is not in the is array for '%s'" %
- []
- end
- propis = is[property]
- unless property.insync?(propis)
- property.debug("Not in sync: %s vs %s" %
- [propis.inspect, property.should.inspect])
- insync = false
- #else
- # property.debug("In sync")
- end
- }
- #self.debug("%s sync status is %s" % [self,insync])
- return insync
- end
- # retrieve the current value of all contained properties
- def retrieve
- return currentpropvalues
- end
- # get a hash of the current properties.
- def currentpropvalues(override_value = nil)
- # it's important to use the method here, as it follows the order
- # in which they're defined in the object
- return properties().inject({}) { | prophash, property|
- prophash[property] = override_value.nil? ?
- property.retrieve :
- override_value
- prophash
- }
- end
- # Are we running in noop mode?
- def noop?
- if defined?(@noop)
- @noop
- else
- Puppet[:noop]
- end
- end
- def noop
- noop?
- end
- # Retrieve the changes associated with all of the properties.
- def propertychanges(currentvalues)
- # If we are changing the existence of the object, then none of
- # the other properties matter.
- changes = []
- ensureparam = @parameters[:ensure]
- # This allows resource types to have 'ensure' be a parameter, which allows them to
- # just pass the parameter on to other generated resources.
- ensureparam = nil unless ensureparam.is_a?(Puppet::Property)
- if ensureparam && !currentvalues.include?(ensureparam)
- raise Puppet::DevError, "Parameter ensure defined but missing from current values"
- end
- if ensureparam and ! ensureparam.insync?(currentvalues[ensureparam])
- changes <<, currentvalues[ensureparam])
- # Else, if the 'ensure' property is correctly absent, then do
- # nothing
- elsif ensureparam and currentvalues[ensureparam] == :absent
- return []
- else
- changes = properties().find_all { |property|
- currentvalues[property] ||= :absent
- ! property.insync?(currentvalues[property])
- }.collect { |property|
-, currentvalues[property])
- }
- end
- if Puppet[:debug] and changes.length > 0
- self.debug("Changing " + changes.collect { |ch| }.join(","))
- end
- changes
- end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/metatype/providers.rb b/lib/puppet/metatype/providers.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6308f7e54..000000000
--- a/lib/puppet/metatype/providers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-require 'puppet/provider'
-require 'puppet/util/provider_features'
-class Puppet::Type
- # Add the feature handling module.
- extend Puppet::Util::ProviderFeatures
- attr_reader :provider
- # the Type class attribute accessors
- class << self
- attr_accessor :providerloader
- attr_writer :defaultprovider
- end
- # Find the default provider.
- def self.defaultprovider
- unless defined? @defaultprovider and @defaultprovider
- suitable = suitableprovider()
- # Find which providers are a default for this system.
- defaults = suitable.find_all { |provider| provider.default? }
- # If we don't have any default we use suitable providers
- defaults = suitable if defaults.empty?
- max = defaults.collect { |provider| provider.defaultnum }.max
- defaults = defaults.find_all { |provider| provider.defaultnum == max }
- retval = nil
- if defaults.length > 1
- Puppet.warning(
- "Found multiple default providers for %s: %s; using %s" %
- [, defaults.collect { |i| }.join(", "),
- defaults[0].name]
- )
- retval = defaults.shift
- elsif defaults.length == 1
- retval = defaults.shift
- else
- raise Puppet::DevError, "Could not find a default provider for %s" %
- end
- @defaultprovider = retval
- end
- return @defaultprovider
- end
- # Convert a hash, as provided by, um, a provider, into an instance of self.
- def self.hash2obj(hash)
- obj = nil
- namevar = self.namevar
- unless hash.include?(namevar) and hash[namevar]
- raise Puppet::DevError, "Hash was not passed with namevar"
- end
- # if the obj already exists with that name...
- if obj = self[hash[namevar]]
- # We're assuming here that objects with the same name
- # are the same object, which *should* be the case, assuming
- # we've set up our naming stuff correctly everywhere.
- # Mark found objects as present
- hash.each { |param, value|
- if property =
- elsif val = obj[param]
- obj[param] = val
- else
- # There is a value on disk, but it should go away
- obj[param] = :absent
- end
- }
- else
- # create a new obj, since no existing one seems to
- # match
- obj = self.create(namevar => hash[namevar])
- # We can't just pass the hash in at object creation time,
- # because it sets the should value, not the is value.
- hash.delete(namevar)
- hash.each { |param, value|
- obj[param] = value unless obj.add_property_parameter(param)
- }
- end
- return obj
- end
- # Retrieve a provider by name.
- def self.provider(name)
- name = Puppet::Util.symbolize(name)
- # If we don't have it yet, try loading it.
- unless @providers.has_key?(name)
- @providerloader.load(name)
- end
- return @providers[name]
- end
- # Just list all of the providers.
- def self.providers
- @providers.keys
- end
- def self.validprovider?(name)
- name = Puppet::Util.symbolize(name)
- return (@providers.has_key?(name) && @providers[name].suitable?)
- end
- # Create a new provider of a type. This method must be called
- # directly on the type that it's implementing.
- def self.provide(name, options = {}, &block)
- name = Puppet::Util.symbolize(name)
- if obj = @providers[name]
- Puppet.debug "Reloading %s %s provider" % [name,]
- unprovide(name)
- end
- parent = if pname = options[:parent]
- options.delete(:parent)
- if pname.is_a? Class
- pname
- else
- if provider = self.provider(pname)
- provider
- else
- raise Puppet::DevError,
- "Could not find parent provider %s of %s" %
- [pname, name]
- end
- end
- else
- Puppet::Provider
- end
- options[:resource_type] ||= self
- self.providify
- provider = genclass(name,
- :parent => parent,
- :hash => @providers,
- :prefix => "Provider",
- :block => block,
- :include => feature_module,
- :extend => feature_module,
- :attributes => options
- )
- return provider
- end
- # Make sure we have a :provider parameter defined. Only gets called if there
- # are providers.
- def self.providify
- return if @paramhash.has_key? :provider
- newparam(:provider) do
- desc "The specific backend for #{} to use. You will
- seldom need to specify this -- Puppet will usually discover the
- appropriate provider for your platform."
- # This is so we can refer back to the type to get a list of
- # providers for documentation.
- class << self
- attr_accessor :parenttype
- end
- # We need to add documentation for each provider.
- def self.doc
- @doc + " Available providers are:\n\n" + parenttype().providers.sort { |a,b|
- a.to_s <=> b.to_s
- }.collect { |i|
- "* **%s**: %s" % [i, parenttype().provider(i).doc]
- }.join("\n")
- end
- defaultto {
- }
- validate do |provider_class|
- provider_class = provider_class[0] if provider_class.is_a? Array
- if provider_class.is_a?(Puppet::Provider)
- provider_class =
- end
- unless provider = @resource.class.provider(provider_class)
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid %s provider '%s'" % [, provider_class]
- end
- end
- munge do |provider|
- provider = provider[0] if provider.is_a? Array
- if provider.is_a? String
- provider = provider.intern
- end
- @resource.provider = provider
- if provider.is_a?(Puppet::Provider)
- else
- provider
- end
- end
- end.parenttype = self
- end
- def self.unprovide(name)
- if @providers.has_key? name
- rmclass(name,
- :hash => @providers,
- :prefix => "Provider"
- )
- if @defaultprovider and == name
- @defaultprovider = nil
- end
- end
- end
- # Return an array of all of the suitable providers.
- def self.suitableprovider
- if @providers.empty?
- providerloader.loadall
- end
- @providers.find_all { |name, provider|
- provider.suitable?
- }.collect { |name, provider|
- provider
- }.reject { |p| == :fake } # For testing
- end
- def provider=(name)
- if name.is_a?(Puppet::Provider)
- @provider = name
- @provider.resource = self
- elsif klass = self.class.provider(name)
- @provider =
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Could not find %s provider of %s" %
- [name,]
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/metatype/tags.rb b/lib/puppet/metatype/tags.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d96306dd..000000000
--- a/lib/puppet/metatype/tags.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-class Puppet::Type
- attr_reader :tags
- # Add a new tag.
- def tag(tag)
- tag = tag.intern if tag.is_a? String
- unless @tags.include? tag
- @tags << tag
- end
- end
- # Define the initial list of tags.
- def tags=(list)
- list = [list] unless list.is_a? Array
- @tags = list.collect do |t|
- case t
- when String: t.intern
- when Symbol: t
- else
- self.warning "Ignoring tag %s of type %s" % [tag.inspect, tag.class]
- end
- end
- @tags << unless @tags.include?(
- end
- # Figure out of any of the specified tags apply to this object. This is an
- # OR operation.
- def tagged?(tags)
- tags = [tags] unless tags.is_a? Array
- tags = tags.collect { |t| t.intern }
- return tags.find { |tag| @tags.include? tag }
- end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/module.rb b/lib/puppet/module.rb
index 544d94ea9..b34f2f8b0 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/module.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/module.rb
@@ -19,6 +19,15 @@ class Puppet::Module
+ # Return an array of paths by splitting the +templatedir+ config
+ # parameter.
+ def self.templatepath(environment = nil)
+ dirs = Puppet.settings.value(:templatedir, environment).split(":")
+ do |p|
+ p =~ /^#{File::SEPARATOR}/ && File::directory?(p)
+ end
+ end
# Find and return the +module+ that +path+ belongs to. If +path+ is
# absolute, or if there is no module whose name is the first component
# of +path+, return +nil+
@@ -63,25 +72,33 @@ class Puppet::Module
return template
+ template_paths = templatepath(environment)
+ default_template_path = File::join(template_paths.first, template)
# If we can find the template in :templatedir, we return that.
- td_file = File.join(Puppet.settings.value(:templatedir, environment), template)
- return td_file if File.exists?(td_file)
+ td_file = template_paths.collect { |path|
+ File::join(path, template)
+ }.find { |f| File.exists?(f) }
+ return td_file unless td_file == nil
+ td_file = find_template_for_module(template, environment)
+ td_file ||= default_template_path
+ end
+ def self.find_template_for_module(template, environment = nil)
path, file = split_path(template)
# Because templates don't have an assumed template name, like manifests do,
# we treat templates with no name as being templates in the main template
# directory.
- if file.nil?
- mod = nil
- else
+ if not file.nil?
mod = find(path, environment)
+ if mod
+ return mod.template(file)
+ end
- if mod
- return mod.template(file)
- else
- return td_file # Return this anyway, since we're going to fail.
- end
+ nil
# Return a list of manifests (as absolute filenames) that match +pat+
@@ -144,4 +161,5 @@ class Puppet::Module
private :initialize
+ private_class_method :find_template_for_module
diff --git a/lib/puppet/network/client/master.rb b/lib/puppet/network/client/master.rb
index 5ca898dab..fe257db2b 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/network/client/master.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/network/client/master.rb
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ class Puppet::Network::Client::Master < Puppet::Network::Client
self.class.instance = self
@running = false
+ @splayed = false
# Mark that we should restart. The Puppet module checks whether we're running,
@@ -477,20 +478,19 @@ class Puppet::Network::Client::Master < Puppet::Network::Client
+ def splayed?
+ @splayed
+ end
# Sleep when splay is enabled; else just return.
def splay
return unless Puppet[:splay]
+ return if splayed?
- limit = Integer(Puppet[:splaylimit])
- # Pick a splay time and then cache it.
- unless time = Puppet::Util::Storage.cache(:configuration)[:splay_time]
- time = rand(limit)
- Puppet::Util::Storage.cache(:configuration)[:splay_time] = time
- end
+ time = rand(Integer(Puppet[:splaylimit])) "Sleeping for %s seconds (splay is enabled)" % time
+ @splayed = true
diff --git a/lib/puppet/network/handler/master.rb b/lib/puppet/network/handler/master.rb
index 9682c460e..05ae7b9a2 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/network/handler/master.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/network/handler/master.rb
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Puppet::Network::Handler
# Tell a client whether there's a fresh config for it
def freshness(client = nil, clientip = nil)
# Always force a recompile. Newer clients shouldn't do this (as of April 2008).
+ return 0
def initialize(hash = {})
diff --git a/lib/puppet/node.rb b/lib/puppet/node.rb
index 3322a9ee7..77f1f0780 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/node.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/node.rb
@@ -96,8 +96,10 @@ class Puppet::Node
# First, get the fqdn
unless fqdn = parameters["fqdn"]
- if domain = parameters["domain"]
- fqdn = parameters["hostname"] + "." + parameters["domain"]
+ if parameters["hostname"] and parameters["domain"]
+ fqdn = parameters["hostname"] + "." + parameters["domain"]
+ else
+ Puppet.warning "Host is missing hostname and/or domain: %s" % name
diff --git a/lib/puppet/parameter.rb b/lib/puppet/parameter.rb
index 31e009af5..f90193fc8 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/parameter.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/parameter.rb
@@ -413,39 +413,12 @@ class Puppet::Parameter
@shadow = nil
- # This should only be called for parameters, but go ahead and make
- # it possible to call for properties, too.
- def value
- if self.is_a?(Puppet::Property)
- # We should return the 'is' value if there's not 'should'
- # value. This might be bad, though, because the 'should'
- # method knows whether to return an array or not and that info
- # is not exposed, and the 'is' value could be a symbol. I
- # can't seem to create a test in which this is a problem, but
- # that doesn't mean it's not one.
- if self.should
- return self.should
- else
- return self.retrieve
- end
- else
- if defined? @value
- return @value
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- end
+ attr_reader :value
# Store the value provided. All of the checking should possibly be
# late-binding (e.g., users might not exist when the value is assigned
# but might when it is asked for).
def value=(value)
- # If we're a parameter, just hand the processing off to the should
- # method.
- if self.is_a?(Puppet::Property)
- return self.should = value
- end
if respond_to?(:validate)
diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/ast/vardef.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/ast/vardef.rb
index ee79159d7..a3094ac6e 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/parser/ast/vardef.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/parser/ast/vardef.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ require 'puppet/parser/ast/branch'
class Puppet::Parser::AST
# Define a variable. Stores the value in the current scope.
class VarDef < AST::Branch
- attr_accessor :name, :value
+ attr_accessor :name, :value, :append
@settor = true
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class Puppet::Parser::AST
value = @value.safeevaluate(scope)
parsewrap do
- scope.setvar(name,value, @file, @line)
+ scope.setvar(name,value, @file, @line, @append)
diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/grammar.ra b/lib/puppet/parser/grammar.ra
index a2f6729ee..07666acb4 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/parser/grammar.ra
+++ b/lib/puppet/parser/grammar.ra
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
class Puppet::Parser::Parser
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ statement: resource
| hostclass
| nodedef
| resourceoverride
+ | append
fstatement: NAME LPAREN funcvalues RPAREN {
args = aryfy(val[2])
@@ -291,6 +292,11 @@ assignment: VARIABLE EQUALS rvalue {
result = ast AST::VarDef, :name => variable, :value => val[2]
+append: VARIABLE APPENDS rvalue {
+ variable = ast AST::Name, :value => val[0]
+ result = ast AST::VarDef, :name => variable, :value => val[2], :append => true
params: # nothing
result = ast AST::ASTArray
diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/lexer.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/lexer.rb
index 2c5f66e5a..71210d919 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/parser/lexer.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/parser/lexer.rb
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ class Puppet::Parser::Lexer
'(' => :LPAREN,
')' => :RPAREN,
'=' => :EQUALS,
+ '+=' => :APPENDS,
'==' => :ISEQUAL,
diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/parser.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/parser.rb
index 3d7f21dca..69225cc2b 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/parser/parser.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/parser/parser.rb
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module Puppet
class Parser < Racc::Parser
-module_eval <<'..end grammar.ra modeval..id9145566289', 'grammar.ra', 638
+module_eval <<'..end grammar.ra modeval..id7dbe8301d1', 'grammar.ra', 644
# It got too annoying having code in a file that needs to be compiled.
require 'puppet/parser/parser_support'
@@ -41,517 +41,525 @@ require 'puppet/parser/parser_support'
# $Id$
-..end grammar.ra modeval..id9145566289
+..end grammar.ra modeval..id7dbe8301d1
##### racc 1.4.5 generates ###
racc_reduce_table = [
0, 0, :racc_error,
- 1, 52, :_reduce_1,
- 1, 52, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 53, :_reduce_1,
1, 53, :_reduce_none,
- 2, 53, :_reduce_4,
- 1, 55, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 55, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 55, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 55, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 55, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 55, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 55, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 55, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 55, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 55, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 55, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 55, :_reduce_none,
- 4, 63, :_reduce_17,
- 3, 63, :_reduce_18,
- 2, 63, :_reduce_19,
- 1, 68, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 68, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 69, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 69, :_reduce_23,
- 1, 71, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 71, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 71, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 71, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 71, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 71, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 71, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 71, :_reduce_31,
+ 1, 54, :_reduce_none,
+ 2, 54, :_reduce_4,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 4, 64, :_reduce_18,
+ 3, 64, :_reduce_19,
+ 2, 64, :_reduce_20,
1, 70, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 70, :_reduce_33,
- 5, 56, :_reduce_34,
- 5, 56, :_reduce_35,
- 5, 56, :_reduce_36,
- 5, 67, :_reduce_37,
- 2, 57, :_reduce_38,
- 1, 87, :_reduce_39,
- 2, 87, :_reduce_40,
- 2, 58, :_reduce_41,
- 3, 88, :_reduce_42,
- 3, 88, :_reduce_43,
- 1, 89, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 89, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 89, :_reduce_46,
- 1, 90, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 90, :_reduce_48,
+ 1, 70, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 71, :_reduce_none,
+ 3, 71, :_reduce_24,
+ 1, 73, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 73, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 73, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 73, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 73, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 73, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 73, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 73, :_reduce_32,
+ 1, 72, :_reduce_none,
+ 3, 72, :_reduce_34,
+ 5, 57, :_reduce_35,
+ 5, 57, :_reduce_36,
+ 5, 57, :_reduce_37,
+ 5, 68, :_reduce_38,
+ 2, 58, :_reduce_39,
+ 1, 89, :_reduce_40,
+ 2, 89, :_reduce_41,
+ 2, 59, :_reduce_42,
+ 3, 90, :_reduce_43,
+ 3, 90, :_reduce_44,
1, 91, :_reduce_none,
1, 91, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 92, :_reduce_51,
- 3, 92, :_reduce_52,
+ 3, 91, :_reduce_47,
+ 1, 92, :_reduce_none,
+ 3, 92, :_reduce_49,
1, 93, :_reduce_none,
1, 93, :_reduce_none,
- 4, 95, :_reduce_55,
- 1, 81, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 81, :_reduce_57,
- 0, 82, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 82, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 97, :_reduce_60,
- 1, 72, :_reduce_61,
+ 3, 94, :_reduce_52,
+ 3, 94, :_reduce_53,
+ 1, 95, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 95, :_reduce_none,
+ 4, 97, :_reduce_56,
+ 1, 83, :_reduce_none,
+ 3, 83, :_reduce_58,
+ 0, 84, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 84, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 99, :_reduce_61,
1, 74, :_reduce_62,
+ 1, 76, :_reduce_63,
+ 1, 98, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 98, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 98, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 98, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 98, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 98, :_reduce_none,
+ 3, 60, :_reduce_70,
+ 3, 69, :_reduce_71,
+ 0, 85, :_reduce_72,
+ 1, 85, :_reduce_73,
+ 3, 85, :_reduce_74,
+ 3, 102, :_reduce_75,
+ 3, 103, :_reduce_76,
+ 1, 104, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 104, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 88, :_reduce_79,
+ 1, 88, :_reduce_80,
+ 3, 88, :_reduce_81,
+ 1, 105, :_reduce_none,
+ 3, 105, :_reduce_83,
1, 96, :_reduce_none,
1, 96, :_reduce_none,
1, 96, :_reduce_none,
1, 96, :_reduce_none,
1, 96, :_reduce_none,
1, 96, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 59, :_reduce_69,
- 0, 83, :_reduce_70,
- 1, 83, :_reduce_71,
- 3, 83, :_reduce_72,
- 3, 100, :_reduce_73,
- 3, 101, :_reduce_74,
- 1, 102, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 102, :_reduce_none,
- 0, 86, :_reduce_77,
- 1, 86, :_reduce_78,
- 3, 86, :_reduce_79,
- 1, 103, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 103, :_reduce_81,
- 1, 94, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 94, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 94, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 94, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 94, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 94, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 99, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 99, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 99, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 99, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 99, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 99, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 99, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 99, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 99, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 99, :_reduce_none,
- 4, 76, :_reduce_98,
- 3, 76, :_reduce_99,
- 1, 78, :_reduce_100,
- 1, 78, :_reduce_101,
- 1, 75, :_reduce_102,
- 4, 79, :_reduce_103,
- 4, 79, :_reduce_104,
- 6, 61, :_reduce_105,
- 0, 106, :_reduce_none,
- 4, 106, :_reduce_107,
- 1, 105, :_reduce_none,
- 5, 60, :_reduce_109,
+ 1, 101, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 101, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 101, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 101, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 101, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 101, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 101, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 101, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 101, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 101, :_reduce_none,
+ 4, 78, :_reduce_100,
+ 3, 78, :_reduce_101,
+ 1, 80, :_reduce_102,
+ 1, 80, :_reduce_103,
+ 1, 77, :_reduce_104,
+ 4, 81, :_reduce_105,
+ 4, 81, :_reduce_106,
+ 6, 62, :_reduce_107,
+ 0, 108, :_reduce_none,
+ 4, 108, :_reduce_109,
1, 107, :_reduce_none,
- 2, 107, :_reduce_111,
- 5, 108, :_reduce_112,
- 4, 108, :_reduce_113,
+ 5, 61, :_reduce_111,
1, 109, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 109, :_reduce_115,
- 3, 77, :_reduce_116,
+ 2, 109, :_reduce_113,
+ 5, 110, :_reduce_114,
+ 4, 110, :_reduce_115,
1, 111, :_reduce_none,
- 4, 111, :_reduce_118,
+ 3, 111, :_reduce_117,
+ 3, 79, :_reduce_118,
1, 113, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 113, :_reduce_120,
- 3, 112, :_reduce_121,
- 1, 110, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 110, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 110, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 110, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 110, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 110, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 110, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 110, :_reduce_129,
- 1, 114, :_reduce_130,
- 3, 114, :_reduce_131,
- 2, 62, :_reduce_132,
- 6, 64, :_reduce_133,
- 5, 64, :_reduce_134,
+ 4, 113, :_reduce_120,
+ 1, 115, :_reduce_none,
+ 3, 115, :_reduce_122,
+ 3, 114, :_reduce_123,
+ 1, 112, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 112, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 112, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 112, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 112, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 112, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 112, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 112, :_reduce_131,
+ 1, 116, :_reduce_132,
+ 3, 116, :_reduce_133,
+ 2, 63, :_reduce_134,
6, 65, :_reduce_135,
5, 65, :_reduce_136,
6, 66, :_reduce_137,
5, 66, :_reduce_138,
- 1, 85, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 80, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 80, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 117, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 117, :_reduce_143,
- 1, 119, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 119, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 119, :_reduce_none,
+ 6, 67, :_reduce_139,
+ 5, 67, :_reduce_140,
+ 1, 87, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 82, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 82, :_reduce_none,
1, 119, :_reduce_none,
- 0, 54, :_reduce_148,
- 0, 120, :_reduce_149,
- 1, 115, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 115, :_reduce_151,
- 3, 115, :_reduce_152,
+ 3, 119, :_reduce_145,
1, 121, :_reduce_none,
- 3, 121, :_reduce_154,
- 3, 122, :_reduce_155,
- 1, 122, :_reduce_156,
- 3, 122, :_reduce_157,
- 1, 122, :_reduce_158,
- 1, 118, :_reduce_none,
- 2, 118, :_reduce_160,
- 1, 116, :_reduce_none,
- 2, 116, :_reduce_162,
- 1, 123, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 121, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 121, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 121, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 55, :_reduce_150,
+ 0, 122, :_reduce_151,
+ 1, 117, :_reduce_none,
+ 3, 117, :_reduce_153,
+ 3, 117, :_reduce_154,
1, 123, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 73, :_reduce_165,
- 3, 98, :_reduce_166,
- 2, 98, :_reduce_167,
- 1, 104, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 104, :_reduce_none,
- 0, 84, :_reduce_none,
- 1, 84, :_reduce_171 ]
+ 3, 123, :_reduce_156,
+ 3, 124, :_reduce_157,
+ 1, 124, :_reduce_158,
+ 3, 124, :_reduce_159,
+ 1, 124, :_reduce_160,
+ 1, 120, :_reduce_none,
+ 2, 120, :_reduce_162,
+ 1, 118, :_reduce_none,
+ 2, 118, :_reduce_164,
+ 1, 125, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 125, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 75, :_reduce_167,
+ 3, 100, :_reduce_168,
+ 2, 100, :_reduce_169,
+ 1, 106, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 106, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 86, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_173 ]
-racc_reduce_n = 172
+racc_reduce_n = 174
-racc_shift_n = 276
+racc_shift_n = 279
racc_action_table = [
- 71, 51, 53, 184, 162, 102, 71, 51, 53, 132,
- 149, 5, 209, 47, -127, 87, 71, 51, 53, 88,
- 208, 65, 71, 51, 53, 162, 144, 34, 35, 99,
- 65, 89, 126, -127, 50, 54, 65, 126, 59, -123,
- 50, 54, 207, 45, 59, 161, 65, 56, -126, 45,
- 50, 54, 65, 56, 59, 90, 50, 54, 185, 45,
- 59, 36, 169, 56, 37, 45, 71, 51, 53, 56,
- 204, 206, 47, 51, 53, 200, 149, 51, 53, 33,
- 199, -122, 71, 51, 53, 238, 1, 65, 71, 51,
- 53, 67, 144, 34, 35, 87, 65, 237, 234, -123,
- 50, 54, 65, 200, 59, 233, 50, 54, 199, 45,
- 59, 252, 65, 56, 43, 45, 50, 54, 65, 56,
- 59, 33, 50, 54, 156, 45, 59, 36, 1, 56,
- 37, 45, 71, 51, 53, 56, 204, 206, 71, 51,
- 53, 149, 149, 34, 35, 188, 259, 196, 71, 51,
- 53, -125, 65, 65, 71, 51, 53, 144, 144, 51,
- 53, 202, 65, 162, 33, 168, 50, 54, 65, 137,
- 59, 1, 50, 54, 168, 45, 59, 36, 65, 56,
- 37, 45, 50, 174, 65, 56, 59, -122, 50, 54,
- 165, 111, 59, -125, -122, 56, 127, 45, 71, 51,
- 53, 56, 33, 211, 71, 51, 53, 204, 206, 1,
- 5, 135, 218, 186, 71, 51, 53, 188, 189, 106,
- 125, 51, 53, 221, 222, 231, 140, 140, 65, 225,
- 126, -124, 50, 54, 65, 228, 59, 47, 50, 54,
- -139, 45, 59, 123, 65, 56, 106, 45, 50, 112,
- 65, 56, 59, -124, 50, 174, 134, 111, 59, 51,
- 53, 56, 164, 111, 239, 51, 53, 56, 240, 241,
- 242, -124, 96, 140, -126, 51, 53, 93, 179, 168,
- 91, 51, 53, 159, 181, 260, 262, 85, 65, 157,
- 88, 133, 50, 174, 65, 41, 59, -124, 50, 54,
- 128, 111, 59, -122, 65, 56, 43, 45, 50, 174,
- 65, 56, 59, -125, 50, 54, -123, 111, 59, 51,
- 53, 56, 43, 45, -127, 51, 53, 56, 176, 40,
- 269, -171, 270, -128, -123, 51, 53, 152, -125, nil,
- nil, 51, 53, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 65, nil,
- nil, nil, 50, 174, 65, nil, 59, nil, 50, 174,
- 43, 111, 59, nil, 65, 56, nil, 111, 50, 174,
- 65, 56, 59, 254, 50, 174, nil, 111, 59, 51,
- 53, 56, nil, 111, nil, 51, 53, 56, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, 15, nil, 19, 21, nil, 28, 2,
- nil, 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22, 65, nil,
- 1, 5, 50, 174, 65, 264, 59, nil, 50, 174,
- nil, 111, 59, nil, nil, 56, nil, 111, nil, nil,
- nil, 56, nil, nil, 271, 15, nil, 19, 21, nil,
- 28, 2, nil, 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22,
- nil, nil, 1, 5, 15, 212, 19, 21, nil, 28,
- 2, nil, 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22, nil,
- nil, 1, 5, nil, 230, 15, nil, 19, 21, nil,
- 28, 2, nil, 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22,
- nil, nil, 1, 5, 15, 253, 19, 21, nil, 28,
- 2, nil, 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22, nil,
- nil, 1, 5, nil, 214, 15, nil, 19, 21, nil,
- 28, 2, nil, 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22,
- nil, nil, 1, 5, 15, 274, 19, 21, nil, 28,
- 2, nil, 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22, nil,
- nil, 1, 5, nil, 235, 15, nil, 19, 21, nil,
- 28, 2, nil, 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22,
- nil, nil, 1, 5, 15, 275, 19, 21, nil, 28,
- 2, nil, 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22, nil,
- nil, 1, 5, nil, nil, 15, nil, 19, 21, nil,
- 28, 2, nil, 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22,
- nil, nil, 1, 5, 15, nil, 19, 21, nil, 28,
- 2, nil, 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22, nil,
- nil, 1, 5, 15, nil, 19, 21, nil, 28, 2,
- nil, 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22, nil, nil,
- 1, 5, 15, nil, 19, 21, nil, 28, 2, nil,
- 8, nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22, nil, nil, 1,
- 5, 15, nil, 19, 21, nil, 28, 2, nil, 8,
- nil, 13, nil, 17, nil, 22, nil, nil, 1, 5 ]
+ 77, 57, 60, 246, 167, 105, 77, 57, 60, 101,
+ 199, 235, -124, 167, 241, 203, 77, 57, 60, 234,
+ 54, 92, 77, 57, 60, 94, 131, 240, 208, 209,
+ 104, 47, 77, 57, 60, 59, 63, 47, 95, 68,
+ 131, 59, 63, 137, 55, 68, 166, 47, 65, 211,
+ 55, 59, 178, 47, 65, 68, -125, 59, 63, 173,
+ 116, 68, 96, 47, 65, -126, 55, 59, 119, -128,
+ 65, 68, 77, 57, 60, 147, 116, 208, 209, 147,
+ 65, 213, 77, 57, 60, 147, 47, 40, 41, 212,
+ 47, 151, 54, 57, 60, 151, 47, 35, 77, 57,
+ 60, 151, 188, 47, 4, 9, 172, 59, 63, 199,
+ 9, 68, 50, 47, 203, -125, 55, 59, 63, 204,
+ 65, 68, 42, 47, 205, 43, 55, 59, 63, 47,
+ 65, 68, 35, 59, 63, 51, 55, 68, 167, 4,
+ 65, 147, 55, 77, 57, 60, 65, 33, 34, 77,
+ 57, 60, 47, 171, 40, 41, 35, 151, -127, 77,
+ 57, 60, -129, 4, 214, 77, 57, 60, 208, 209,
+ 40, 41, 57, 60, 47, 77, 57, 60, 59, 63,
+ 47, 171, 68, -124, 59, 63, -130, 55, 68, 42,
+ 47, 65, 43, 55, 59, 63, 47, 65, 68, -125,
+ 59, 63, 219, 55, 68, 42, 47, 65, 43, 55,
+ 59, 63, 111, 65, 68, 77, 57, 60, 92, 55,
+ 191, 262, -127, 65, -124, 77, 57, 60, 135, 57,
+ 60, 35, 57, 60, 159, 189, 224, 225, 4, 191,
+ 192, 145, 57, 60, 145, 228, 47, 131, 57, 60,
+ 59, 63, 127, 133, 68, 231, 47, 54, 132, 55,
+ 59, 63, 47, 65, 68, -126, 59, 63, 168, 55,
+ 68, -141, 47, 65, 51, 55, 59, 178, 47, 65,
+ 68, 238, 59, 178, 239, 116, 68, 57, 60, 65,
+ -126, 116, 242, 57, 60, 65, 129, 245, -128, 138,
+ -129, 111, 94, 57, 60, -127, 171, 91, 165, 263,
+ 265, 90, 163, 57, 60, 139, 140, 47, 46, 57,
+ 60, 59, 178, 47, -129, 68, -126, 59, 178, 51,
+ 116, 68, -124, 47, 65, -127, 116, 59, 178, 184,
+ 65, 68, -125, 47, 57, 60, 116, 59, 178, 47,
+ 65, 68, 45, 59, 63, 272, 116, 68, -173, 273,
+ 65, 51, 55, 160, 57, 60, 65, 179, 143, 145,
+ 183, 57, 60, nil, 47, 237, nil, nil, 59, 178,
+ nil, nil, 68, nil, nil, nil, nil, 116, nil, nil,
+ nil, 65, nil, nil, 47, nil, 278, nil, 59, 178,
+ nil, 47, 68, nil, nil, 59, 178, 116, nil, 68,
+ nil, 65, nil, nil, 116, 257, nil, 20, 65, 24,
+ 26, nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil, 18, nil, 22,
+ nil, 27, nil, nil, 4, 9, 20, 243, 24, 26,
+ nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil, 18, nil, 22, nil,
+ 27, nil, nil, 4, 9, nil, 270, nil, 20, nil,
+ 24, 26, nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil, 18, nil,
+ 22, nil, 27, nil, nil, 4, 9, 20, 233, 24,
+ 26, nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil, 18, nil, 22,
+ nil, 27, nil, nil, 4, 9, nil, 277, nil, 20,
+ nil, 24, 26, nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil, 18,
+ nil, 22, nil, 27, nil, nil, 4, 9, 20, 274,
+ 24, 26, nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil, 18, nil,
+ 22, nil, 27, nil, nil, 4, 9, nil, 217, nil,
+ 20, nil, 24, 26, nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil,
+ 18, nil, 22, nil, 27, nil, nil, 4, 9, 20,
+ 215, 24, 26, nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil, 18,
+ nil, 22, nil, 27, nil, nil, 4, 9, nil, 256,
+ nil, 20, nil, 24, 26, nil, 1, 5, nil, 12,
+ nil, 18, nil, 22, nil, 27, nil, nil, 4, 9,
+ 20, nil, 24, 26, nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil,
+ 18, nil, 22, nil, 27, nil, nil, 4, 9, 20,
+ nil, 24, 26, nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil, 18,
+ nil, 22, nil, 27, nil, nil, 4, 9, 20, nil,
+ 24, 26, nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil, 18, nil,
+ 22, nil, 27, nil, nil, 4, 9, 20, nil, 24,
+ 26, nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil, 18, nil, 22,
+ nil, 27, nil, nil, 4, 9, 20, nil, 24, 26,
+ nil, 1, 5, nil, 12, nil, 18, nil, 22, nil,
+ 27, nil, nil, 4, 9 ]
racc_action_check = [
- 93, 93, 93, 127, 106, 38, 71, 71, 71, 71,
- 90, 127, 146, 54, 78, 23, 87, 87, 87, 23,
- 146, 90, 161, 161, 161, 112, 90, 102, 102, 38,
- 93, 23, 54, 64, 93, 93, 71, 112, 93, 62,
- 71, 71, 142, 93, 71, 106, 87, 93, 66, 71,
- 87, 87, 161, 71, 87, 23, 161, 161, 129, 87,
- 161, 102, 119, 87, 102, 161, 240, 240, 240, 161,
- 142, 142, 13, 13, 13, 238, 149, 135, 135, 2,
- 238, 74, 15, 15, 15, 197, 2, 149, 17, 17,
- 17, 13, 149, 99, 99, 61, 240, 197, 194, 118,
- 240, 240, 13, 137, 240, 194, 13, 13, 137, 240,
- 13, 210, 15, 240, 13, 13, 15, 15, 17, 13,
- 15, 96, 17, 17, 96, 15, 17, 99, 96, 15,
- 99, 17, 239, 239, 239, 17, 210, 210, 162, 162,
- 162, 89, 205, 8, 8, 227, 227, 136, 165, 165,
- 165, 116, 89, 205, 47, 47, 47, 89, 205, 19,
- 19, 139, 239, 140, 21, 141, 239, 239, 162, 84,
- 239, 21, 162, 162, 115, 239, 162, 8, 165, 239,
- 8, 162, 165, 165, 47, 162, 165, 114, 47, 47,
- 113, 165, 47, 60, 58, 165, 55, 47, 225, 225,
- 225, 47, 29, 151, 187, 187, 187, 151, 151, 29,
- 29, 83, 163, 131, 41, 41, 41, 131, 131, 164,
- 52, 192, 192, 166, 167, 192, 168, 169, 225, 170,
- 174, 46, 225, 225, 187, 182, 225, 184, 187, 187,
- 45, 225, 187, 42, 41, 225, 40, 187, 41, 41,
- 192, 187, 41, 110, 192, 192, 81, 41, 192, 208,
- 208, 41, 107, 192, 199, 126, 126, 192, 200, 201,
- 203, 70, 32, 88, 79, 209, 209, 28, 124, 224,
- 25, 67, 67, 100, 126, 230, 233, 22, 208, 97,
- 95, 73, 208, 208, 126, 11, 208, 245, 126, 126,
- 67, 208, 126, 246, 209, 208, 126, 126, 209, 209,
- 67, 126, 209, 248, 67, 67, 249, 209, 67, 125,
- 125, 209, 67, 67, 250, 123, 123, 67, 123, 9,
- 258, 259, 260, 77, 76, 176, 176, 91, 75, nil,
- nil, 134, 134, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 125, nil,
- nil, nil, 125, 125, 123, nil, 125, nil, 123, 123,
- 125, 125, 123, nil, 176, 125, nil, 123, 176, 176,
- 134, 123, 176, 215, 134, 134, nil, 176, 134, 234,
- 234, 176, nil, 134, nil, 257, 257, 134, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, 215, nil, 215, 215, nil, 215, 215,
- nil, 215, nil, 215, nil, 215, nil, 215, 234, nil,
- 215, 215, 234, 234, 257, 236, 234, nil, 257, 257,
- nil, 234, 257, nil, nil, 234, nil, 257, nil, nil,
- nil, 257, nil, nil, 262, 236, nil, 236, 236, nil,
- 236, 236, nil, 236, nil, 236, nil, 236, nil, 236,
- nil, nil, 236, 236, 262, 157, 262, 262, nil, 262,
- 262, nil, 262, nil, 262, nil, 262, nil, 262, nil,
- nil, 262, 262, nil, 190, 157, nil, 157, 157, nil,
- 157, 157, nil, 157, nil, 157, nil, 157, nil, 157,
- nil, nil, 157, 157, 190, 213, 190, 190, nil, 190,
- 190, nil, 190, nil, 190, nil, 190, nil, 190, nil,
- nil, 190, 190, nil, 159, 213, nil, 213, 213, nil,
- 213, 213, nil, 213, nil, 213, nil, 213, nil, 213,
- nil, nil, 213, 213, 159, 272, 159, 159, nil, 159,
- 159, nil, 159, nil, 159, nil, 159, nil, 159, nil,
- nil, 159, 159, nil, 196, 272, nil, 272, 272, nil,
- 272, 272, nil, 272, nil, 272, nil, 272, nil, 272,
- nil, nil, 272, 272, 196, 273, 196, 196, nil, 196,
- 196, nil, 196, nil, 196, nil, 196, nil, 196, nil,
- nil, 196, 196, nil, nil, 273, nil, 273, 273, nil,
- 273, 273, nil, 273, nil, 273, nil, 273, nil, 273,
- nil, nil, 273, 273, 133, nil, 133, 133, nil, 133,
- 133, nil, 133, nil, 133, nil, 133, nil, 133, nil,
- nil, 133, 133, 270, nil, 270, 270, nil, 270, 270,
- nil, 270, nil, 270, nil, 270, nil, 270, nil, nil,
- 270, 270, 27, nil, 27, 27, nil, 27, 27, nil,
- 27, nil, 27, nil, 27, nil, 27, nil, nil, 27,
- 27, 0, nil, 0, 0, nil, 0, 0, nil, 0,
- nil, 0, nil, 0, nil, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0 ]
+ 228, 228, 228, 207, 111, 44, 54, 54, 54, 36,
+ 241, 195, 83, 119, 201, 241, 168, 168, 168, 195,
+ 63, 30, 92, 92, 92, 30, 119, 201, 207, 207,
+ 44, 228, 46, 46, 46, 228, 228, 54, 30, 228,
+ 63, 54, 54, 82, 228, 54, 111, 168, 228, 149,
+ 54, 168, 168, 92, 54, 168, 85, 92, 92, 128,
+ 168, 92, 30, 46, 168, 80, 92, 46, 46, 75,
+ 92, 46, 167, 167, 167, 95, 46, 149, 149, 147,
+ 46, 153, 166, 166, 166, 96, 95, 105, 105, 153,
+ 147, 95, 18, 18, 18, 147, 96, 6, 20, 20,
+ 20, 96, 133, 167, 6, 6, 126, 167, 167, 140,
+ 133, 167, 18, 166, 140, 125, 167, 166, 166, 142,
+ 167, 166, 105, 18, 144, 105, 166, 18, 18, 20,
+ 166, 18, 5, 20, 20, 18, 18, 20, 145, 5,
+ 18, 210, 20, 22, 22, 22, 20, 1, 1, 242,
+ 242, 242, 210, 146, 12, 12, 26, 210, 123, 238,
+ 238, 238, 74, 26, 156, 34, 34, 34, 156, 156,
+ 104, 104, 139, 139, 22, 33, 33, 33, 22, 22,
+ 242, 122, 22, 121, 242, 242, 73, 22, 242, 12,
+ 238, 22, 12, 242, 238, 238, 34, 242, 238, 72,
+ 34, 34, 164, 238, 34, 104, 33, 238, 104, 34,
+ 33, 33, 165, 34, 33, 190, 190, 190, 71, 33,
+ 230, 230, 70, 33, 69, 77, 77, 77, 77, 24,
+ 24, 101, 50, 50, 101, 136, 169, 170, 101, 136,
+ 136, 171, 235, 235, 172, 174, 190, 178, 138, 138,
+ 190, 190, 50, 66, 190, 185, 77, 188, 64, 190,
+ 77, 77, 50, 190, 77, 58, 50, 50, 120, 77,
+ 50, 55, 235, 77, 50, 50, 235, 235, 138, 50,
+ 235, 199, 138, 138, 200, 235, 138, 132, 132, 235,
+ 118, 138, 203, 260, 260, 138, 53, 206, 52, 86,
+ 49, 45, 38, 213, 213, 84, 227, 29, 107, 233,
+ 234, 27, 106, 212, 212, 88, 89, 132, 17, 131,
+ 131, 132, 132, 260, 248, 132, 250, 260, 260, 132,
+ 132, 260, 251, 213, 132, 253, 260, 213, 213, 131,
+ 260, 213, 254, 212, 179, 179, 213, 212, 212, 131,
+ 213, 212, 15, 131, 131, 261, 212, 131, 262, 263,
+ 212, 131, 131, 102, 129, 129, 131, 129, 91, 94,
+ 130, 197, 197, nil, 179, 197, nil, nil, 179, 179,
+ nil, nil, 179, nil, nil, nil, nil, 179, nil, nil,
+ nil, 179, nil, nil, 129, nil, 276, nil, 129, 129,
+ nil, 197, 129, nil, nil, 197, 197, 129, nil, 197,
+ nil, 129, nil, nil, 197, 218, nil, 276, 197, 276,
+ 276, nil, 276, 276, nil, 276, nil, 276, nil, 276,
+ nil, 276, nil, nil, 276, 276, 218, 204, 218, 218,
+ nil, 218, 218, nil, 218, nil, 218, nil, 218, nil,
+ 218, nil, nil, 218, 218, nil, 244, nil, 204, nil,
+ 204, 204, nil, 204, 204, nil, 204, nil, 204, nil,
+ 204, nil, 204, nil, nil, 204, 204, 244, 193, 244,
+ 244, nil, 244, 244, nil, 244, nil, 244, nil, 244,
+ nil, 244, nil, nil, 244, 244, nil, 275, nil, 193,
+ nil, 193, 193, nil, 193, 193, nil, 193, nil, 193,
+ nil, 193, nil, 193, nil, nil, 193, 193, 275, 265,
+ 275, 275, nil, 275, 275, nil, 275, nil, 275, nil,
+ 275, nil, 275, nil, nil, 275, 275, nil, 163, nil,
+ 265, nil, 265, 265, nil, 265, 265, nil, 265, nil,
+ 265, nil, 265, nil, 265, nil, nil, 265, 265, 163,
+ 160, 163, 163, nil, 163, 163, nil, 163, nil, 163,
+ nil, 163, nil, 163, nil, nil, 163, 163, nil, 216,
+ nil, 160, nil, 160, 160, nil, 160, 160, nil, 160,
+ nil, 160, nil, 160, nil, 160, nil, nil, 160, 160,
+ 216, nil, 216, 216, nil, 216, 216, nil, 216, nil,
+ 216, nil, 216, nil, 216, nil, nil, 216, 216, 273,
+ nil, 273, 273, nil, 273, 273, nil, 273, nil, 273,
+ nil, 273, nil, 273, nil, nil, 273, 273, 32, nil,
+ 32, 32, nil, 32, 32, nil, 32, nil, 32, nil,
+ 32, nil, 32, nil, nil, 32, 32, 137, nil, 137,
+ 137, nil, 137, 137, nil, 137, nil, 137, nil, 137,
+ nil, 137, nil, nil, 137, 137, 0, nil, 0, 0,
+ nil, 0, 0, nil, 0, nil, 0, nil, 0, nil,
+ 0, nil, nil, 0, 0 ]
racc_action_pointer = [
- 644, nil, 42, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 140, 323,
- nil, 289, nil, 70, nil, 80, nil, 86, nil, 156,
- nil, 127, 246, 13, nil, 280, nil, 625, 264, 165,
- nil, nil, 238, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, -5, nil,
- 209, 212, 223, nil, nil, 238, 211, 152, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, 210, nil, 11, 186, nil, nil, 174, nil,
- 173, 93, 19, nil, 13, nil, 28, 278, nil, nil,
- 251, 4, nil, 285, 61, 318, 314, 313, -6, 254,
- nil, 250, nil, 201, 148, nil, nil, 14, 236, 120,
- -11, 337, nil, -2, nil, 284, 84, 283, nil, 90,
- 277, nil, 24, nil, nil, nil, -5, 252, nil, nil,
- 233, nil, 16, 152, 167, 164, 131, nil, 79, 45,
- nil, nil, nil, 322, 273, 316, 262, -34, nil, 36,
- nil, 208, nil, 587, 338, 74, 141, 71, nil, 156,
- 154, 155, 23, nil, nil, nil, -3, nil, nil, 55,
- nil, 160, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 448, nil, 507,
- nil, 20, 136, 205, 182, 146, 216, 217, 189, 190,
- 220, nil, nil, nil, 209, nil, 332, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, 213, nil, 235, nil, nil, 202, nil, nil,
- 467, nil, 218, nil, 88, nil, 547, 75, nil, 251,
- 255, 247, nil, 263, nil, 121, nil, nil, 256, 272,
- 89, nil, nil, 488, nil, 366, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, 269, 196, nil, 136, nil, nil,
- 257, nil, nil, 280, 376, nil, 408, nil, 43, 130,
- 64, nil, nil, nil, nil, 277, 283, nil, 293, 296,
- 304, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 382, 323, 324,
- 326, nil, 427, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- 606, nil, 528, 568, nil, nil ]
+ 648, 134, nil, nil, nil, 94, 59, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 151, nil, nil, 346, nil, 312, 90, nil,
+ 96, nil, 141, nil, 226, nil, 118, 269, nil, 307,
+ 19, nil, 610, 173, 163, nil, -26, nil, 296, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, -5, 263, 30, nil, nil, 279,
+ 229, nil, 277, 275, 4, 269, nil, nil, 244, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, 18, 248, nil, 243, nil, nil, 203,
+ 201, 216, 178, 165, 141, 48, nil, 223, nil, nil,
+ 44, nil, 37, -9, 284, 35, 293, nil, 305, 294,
+ nil, 368, 20, nil, 331, 53, 63, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 193, 357, nil, 167, 84, 306, 298, nil, nil,
+ nil, -5, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 269, 4,
+ 229, 162, 171, 137, nil, 94, 88, nil, 36, 361,
+ 365, 316, 284, 64, nil, nil, 230, 629, 245, 169,
+ 76, nil, 113, nil, 119, 129, 143, 57, nil, 29,
+ nil, nil, nil, 65, nil, nil, 120, nil, nil, nil,
+ 553, nil, nil, 531, 195, 174, 80, 70, 14, 229,
+ 230, 203, 206, nil, 236, nil, nil, nil, 225, 341,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 232, nil, nil, 255, nil,
+ 213, nil, nil, 471, nil, 1, nil, 368, nil, 268,
+ 261, 4, nil, 279, 430, nil, 290, -20, nil, nil,
+ 119, nil, 310, 300, nil, nil, 572, nil, 408, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 296, -2, nil,
+ 211, nil, nil, 280, 304, 239, nil, nil, 157, nil,
+ nil, -23, 147, nil, 449, nil, nil, nil, 303, nil,
+ 305, 311, nil, 314, 321, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 290, 348, 351, 353, nil, 512, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, 591, nil, 490, 389, nil, nil ]
racc_action_default = [
- -148, -141, -172, -15, -3, -139, -16, -5, -172, -172,
- -6, -172, -7, -140, -8, -172, -9, -172, -10, -172,
- -11, -172, -39, -172, -12, -172, -13, -1, -172, -172,
- -14, -2, -148, -140, -146, -145, -144, -147, -148, -142,
- -77, -70, -172, -31, -29, -62, -30, -172, -32, -19,
- -102, -100, -20, -101, -61, -21, -60, -22, -24, -129,
- -25, -172, -26, -128, -27, -165, -28, -172, -108, -92,
- -88, -172, -95, -172, -89, -93, -90, -97, -91, -96,
- -94, -172, -130, -132, -148, -40, -41, -172, -70, -148,
- -148, -172, -4, -172, -38, -172, -172, -172, -161, -172,
- -172, -159, -172, -75, -76, -78, -172, -170, -66, -71,
- -63, -62, -61, -58, -64, -170, -67, -56, -65, -172,
- -127, -126, -68, -172, -172, -172, -172, -172, -18, -172,
- -80, -172, -167, -172, -172, -172, -172, -149, -150, -172,
- -172, -170, -172, -45, -61, -47, -172, -54, -53, -148,
- -44, -172, 276, -69, -162, -163, -164, -172, -160, -172,
- -143, -172, -172, -172, -171, -59, -172, -172, -171, -70,
- -172, -124, -116, -117, -61, -122, -172, -125, -123, -103,
- -23, -99, -172, -33, -172, -17, -166, -172, -168, -169,
- -172, -114, -172, -110, -172, -131, -172, -172, -153, -156,
- -158, -172, -104, -172, -50, -172, -49, -43, -172, -172,
- -172, -42, -136, -172, -138, -172, -74, -73, -37, -79,
- -57, -34, -35, -72, -170, -172, -119, -170, -98, -81,
- -106, -109, -111, -172, -172, -134, -172, -152, -172, -172,
- -172, -151, -36, -46, -86, -82, -83, -51, -87, -84,
- -85, -52, -48, -135, -137, -55, -121, -172, -172, -169,
- -172, -105, -172, -115, -133, -154, -155, -157, -120, -118,
- -172, -113, -172, -172, -112, -107 ]
+ -150, -174, -14, -2, -143, -174, -174, -15, -3, -141,
+ -16, -5, -174, -17, -6, -174, -7, -174, -142, -8,
+ -174, -9, -174, -10, -174, -11, -174, -40, -12, -174,
+ -174, -13, -1, -174, -174, -142, -150, -39, -174, -144,
+ -148, -147, -146, -149, -150, -79, -72, -167, -130, -28,
+ -174, -32, -29, -174, -174, -63, -30, -102, -31, -104,
+ -103, -33, -20, -62, -21, -61, -22, -23, -131, -25,
+ -26, -174, -27, -99, -93, -98, -96, -174, -110, -94,
+ -90, -97, -174, -91, -95, -92, -174, -132, -134, -150,
+ -41, -174, -174, -42, -72, -150, -150, -4, -70, -71,
+ -163, -174, -174, -161, -174, -174, -174, -172, -77, -78,
+ -80, -174, -129, -128, -69, -67, -63, -73, -64, -62,
+ -59, -65, -172, -68, -57, -66, -174, -19, -174, -174,
+ -174, -174, -174, -174, -82, -169, -174, -174, -174, -174,
+ -151, -152, -174, 279, -174, -174, -172, -150, -45, -174,
+ -46, -62, -48, -174, -55, -54, -174, -164, -165, -166,
+ -174, -162, -145, -174, -174, -173, -174, -174, -60, -174,
+ -174, -173, -72, -18, -174, -126, -118, -119, -62, -174,
+ -124, -127, -125, -105, -101, -174, -24, -34, -174, -168,
+ -174, -170, -171, -174, -112, -174, -116, -174, -133, -160,
+ -174, -174, -155, -158, -174, -106, -174, -174, -51, -50,
+ -174, -44, -174, -174, -43, -138, -174, -140, -174, -38,
+ -81, -76, -75, -58, -35, -36, -74, -172, -174, -121,
+ -172, -100, -83, -108, -174, -174, -113, -111, -174, -153,
+ -154, -174, -174, -136, -174, -37, -49, -47, -87, -88,
+ -84, -85, -52, -89, -86, -53, -137, -139, -56, -123,
+ -174, -174, -171, -174, -107, -174, -117, -159, -156, -157,
+ -135, -122, -120, -174, -115, -174, -174, -114, -109 ]
racc_goto_table = [
- 23, 27, 122, 92, 173, 105, 198, 49, 117, 46,
- 187, 39, 31, 170, 32, 82, 193, 103, 115, 25,
- 142, 151, 243, 44, 191, 247, 251, 23, 131, 95,
- 64, 86, 73, 84, 261, 192, 107, 110, 166, 172,
- 113, 227, 83, 62, 98, 163, 136, 97, 38, 100,
- 101, 108, 180, 167, 201, 197, 94, 226, 120, 154,
- nil, 129, nil, 46, 66, 141, 170, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, 118, nil, nil, 232, nil, nil, 44, nil, 203,
- 210, nil, 191, nil, 64, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, 121, nil, nil, nil, 138, 62, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, 158, nil, nil, 160, 257, 265, 155, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 66, 171,
- 182, 46, 46, nil, 263, nil, 122, nil, nil, 219,
- 171, 195, 220, 23, 190, 44, 44, nil, 268, nil,
- 120, 103, 64, 64, nil, 223, 224, 170, nil, nil,
- nil, 120, nil, 178, nil, 62, 62, 23, 213, 23,
- 215, 110, 255, nil, 178, 258, 92, nil, nil, nil,
- 60, nil, 171, nil, 121, 108, 66, 66, nil, nil,
- 58, nil, 120, nil, nil, 121, nil, nil, 171, 92,
- 23, 92, nil, 120, nil, 118, 23, 236, 116, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, 245, 245, 178, nil, 114, 120,
- nil, nil, 92, 23, nil, 23, 121, nil, 244, 244,
- nil, nil, 178, nil, 60, 250, 250, 121, nil, nil,
- 171, nil, nil, nil, 58, nil, 23, nil, 249, 249,
- nil, nil, nil, 121, nil, nil, 148, 148, 92, 92,
- nil, 120, nil, 171, nil, nil, 147, 147, nil, 121,
- 121, nil, 23, 272, 178, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- 23, 273, 23, 23, 120, 68, nil, 81, nil, 77,
- 177, 77, 60, 60, 48, 121, 72, 178, 72, nil,
- 175, 177, 58, 58, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, 175, nil, nil, nil, nil, 148, 124, 121, nil,
- nil, 77, nil, nil, nil, nil, 147, nil, 72, nil,
- nil, nil, 116, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, 130, 114, 177, nil, 77, nil, nil, 48, nil,
- nil, nil, 72, 175, nil, nil, nil, 139, nil, 177,
- nil, 77, nil, 153, nil, nil, nil, 77, 72, 175,
- nil, nil, 148, nil, 72, 248, 248, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, 147, nil, nil, 246, 246, nil, nil, nil,
+ 30, 32, 56, 108, 174, 97, 38, 110, 52, 39,
+ 122, 177, 62, 196, 190, 3, 202, 114, 194, 29,
+ 58, 124, 149, 156, 164, 247, 87, 136, 36, 93,
+ 115, 82, 30, 264, 56, 197, 113, 252, 255, 170,
+ 52, 107, 169, 176, 128, 120, 230, 88, 118, 89,
+ 142, 100, 58, 102, 174, 44, 106, 186, 146, 103,
+ 49, 229, 200, 206, 201, 37, 157, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 61, 196, 81, 207, 81, nil, 236, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 81, 81, 112, nil,
+ nil, nil, 49, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 161, 162, 61, 141, nil, nil, 81, 260, nil,
+ 266, nil, nil, nil, nil, 56, 56, 268, 72, 113,
+ nil, 52, 52, 108, 158, 185, nil, 220, 113, 226,
+ 81, 175, nil, 58, 58, 174, 227, 30, 193, 114,
+ 175, 198, 271, 223, 258, 81, 125, 261, nil, nil,
+ 72, nil, 115, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 113, nil,
+ 30, 216, nil, 30, 218, nil, 97, nil, nil, 113,
+ 118, 112, nil, 49, 49, nil, nil, nil, nil, 70,
+ 112, 175, nil, nil, 61, nil, 187, 113, nil, 97,
+ nil, 97, nil, 30, nil, nil, 249, 249, nil, 175,
+ nil, nil, 113, 113, 30, 244, nil, 123, nil, nil,
+ 112, 70, nil, nil, 250, 250, 30, 97, 30, 81,
+ 81, 112, nil, nil, nil, 113, nil, nil, nil, 182,
+ nil, 72, 72, nil, nil, nil, nil, 175, 182, 112,
+ nil, nil, nil, 81, 30, nil, nil, nil, 97, 97,
+ 113, nil, nil, nil, 248, 248, 155, 155, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 175, nil, nil, 30, 275, nil, 125, 78,
+ nil, 86, 69, 30, 276, 30, 30, 112, nil, 182,
+ nil, 81, 98, 99, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 181, 81, 70, 70, nil, 81, nil, 182, nil, 181,
+ 121, nil, 112, 130, 69, nil, nil, nil, 155, 73,
+ nil, 73, 254, 254, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 73, 73, nil, nil, 134, nil, nil, 123,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 182, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 181, 144, nil, 73, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 154,
+ 154, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 181, nil,
+ 182, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 73, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 155, nil, 253, 253, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 73, nil, 180, nil, 69, 69, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 180, nil, nil, nil, 181, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 154, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 221, 222, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 181, 121, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, 180, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 232,
nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, 177, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 48, 183, nil,
- nil, 175, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, 177, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, 216, 217, nil, 175, 77, 77, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, 72, 72, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 229, nil, nil,
- nil, 77, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 72, nil,
+ nil, 180, nil, nil, nil, 73, 73, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, 154, nil, 251, 251, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 259, nil, 73,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 267, nil, 180,
+ nil, 269, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 256, nil, nil, nil, 77,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 72, nil, nil, 266,
- 267, nil, nil, 77, 77, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- 72, 72 ]
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, 180, nil, nil, 73, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 73, nil, nil,
+ nil, 73 ]
racc_goto_check = [
- 34, 2, 47, 4, 61, 51, 71, 17, 44, 27,
- 53, 68, 3, 59, 29, 27, 57, 49, 32, 1,
- 38, 38, 39, 26, 59, 43, 43, 34, 52, 34,
- 24, 37, 54, 29, 55, 56, 35, 27, 31, 60,
- 30, 62, 63, 23, 3, 33, 64, 65, 66, 67,
- 3, 26, 20, 33, 69, 70, 5, 61, 24, 72,
- nil, 17, nil, 27, 25, 32, 59, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, 23, nil, nil, 57, nil, nil, 26, nil, 33,
- 38, nil, 59, nil, 24, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, 25, nil, nil, nil, 3, 23, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, 68, nil, nil, 68, 53, 71, 29, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 25, 27,
- 17, 27, 27, nil, 59, nil, 47, nil, nil, 51,
- 27, 27, 44, 34, 2, 26, 26, nil, 61, nil,
- 24, 49, 24, 24, nil, 49, 32, 59, nil, nil,
- nil, 24, nil, 23, nil, 23, 23, 34, 2, 34,
- 2, 27, 33, nil, 23, 33, 4, nil, nil, nil,
- 22, nil, 27, nil, 25, 26, 25, 25, nil, nil,
- 21, nil, 24, nil, nil, 25, nil, nil, 27, 4,
- 34, 4, nil, 24, nil, 23, 34, 2, 22, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, 27, 27, 23, nil, 21, 24,
- nil, nil, 4, 34, nil, 34, 25, nil, 26, 26,
- nil, nil, 23, nil, 22, 24, 24, 25, nil, nil,
- 27, nil, nil, nil, 21, nil, 34, nil, 23, 23,
- nil, nil, nil, 25, nil, nil, 22, 22, 4, 4,
- nil, 24, nil, 27, nil, nil, 21, 21, nil, 25,
- 25, nil, 34, 2, 23, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- 34, 2, 34, 34, 24, 48, nil, 48, nil, 46,
- 22, 46, 22, 22, 28, 25, 28, 23, 28, nil,
- 21, 22, 21, 21, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, 21, nil, nil, nil, nil, 22, 48, 25, nil,
- nil, 46, nil, nil, nil, nil, 21, nil, 28, nil,
- nil, nil, 22, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, 48, 21, 22, nil, 46, nil, nil, 28, nil,
- nil, nil, 28, 21, nil, nil, nil, 48, nil, 22,
- nil, 46, nil, 48, nil, nil, nil, 46, 28, 21,
- nil, nil, 22, nil, 28, 22, 22, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, 21, nil, nil, 21, 21, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, 22, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 28, 28, nil,
- nil, 21, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, 22, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, 48, 48, nil, 21, 46, 46, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, 28, 28, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 48, nil, nil,
- nil, 46, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 28, nil,
+ 35, 2, 27, 50, 60, 4, 35, 52, 26, 69,
+ 33, 62, 18, 60, 54, 3, 72, 48, 58, 1,
+ 28, 45, 39, 39, 34, 40, 28, 53, 30, 38,
+ 27, 55, 35, 56, 27, 57, 26, 44, 44, 34,
+ 26, 36, 32, 61, 18, 31, 63, 64, 28, 30,
+ 65, 3, 28, 66, 60, 67, 68, 21, 33, 3,
+ 25, 62, 70, 34, 71, 5, 73, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 29, 60, 29, 39, 29, nil, 58, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 29, 29, 25, nil,
+ nil, nil, 25, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 69, 69, 29, 3, nil, nil, 29, 54, nil,
+ 60, nil, nil, nil, nil, 27, 27, 72, 24, 26,
+ nil, 26, 26, 50, 30, 18, nil, 52, 26, 50,
+ 29, 28, nil, 28, 28, 60, 33, 35, 2, 48,
+ 28, 28, 62, 45, 34, 29, 24, 34, nil, nil,
+ 24, nil, 27, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 26, nil,
+ 35, 2, nil, 35, 2, nil, 4, nil, nil, 26,
+ 28, 25, nil, 25, 25, nil, nil, nil, nil, 23,
+ 25, 28, nil, nil, 29, nil, 29, 26, nil, 4,
+ nil, 4, nil, 35, nil, nil, 27, 27, nil, 28,
+ nil, nil, 26, 26, 35, 2, nil, 23, nil, nil,
+ 25, 23, nil, nil, 28, 28, 35, 4, 35, 29,
+ 29, 25, nil, nil, nil, 26, nil, nil, nil, 24,
+ nil, 24, 24, nil, nil, nil, nil, 28, 24, 25,
+ nil, nil, nil, 29, 35, nil, nil, nil, 4, 4,
+ 26, nil, nil, nil, 25, 25, 23, 23, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 28, nil, nil, 35, 2, nil, 24, 49,
+ nil, 49, 22, 35, 2, 35, 35, 25, nil, 24,
+ nil, 29, 49, 49, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 23, 29, 23, 23, nil, 29, nil, 24, nil, 23,
+ 22, nil, 25, 49, 22, nil, nil, nil, 23, 47,
+ nil, 47, 24, 24, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 47, 47, nil, nil, 49, nil, nil, 23,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 24, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 23, 49, nil, 47, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 22,
+ 22, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 23, nil,
+ 24, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 47, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 23, nil, 23, 23, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 47, nil, 22, nil, 22, 22, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 22, nil, nil, nil, 23, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 22, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 49, 49, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 23, 22, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, 22, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 49,
nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 22, nil, nil, nil, 47, 47, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, 22, nil, 22, 22, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 49, nil, 47,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 49, nil, 22,
+ nil, 49, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 48, nil, nil, nil, 46,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 28, nil, nil, 48,
- 48, nil, nil, 46, 46, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- 28, 28 ]
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, 22, nil, nil, 47, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 47, nil, nil,
+ nil, 47 ]
racc_goto_pointer = [
- nil, 19, 1, 12, -24, 27, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, -6, nil, nil,
- -73, 167, 157, 30, 17, 51, 10, -4, 271, 12,
- -1, -75, -23, -62, 0, -4, nil, 8, -69, -183,
- nil, nil, nil, -183, -33, nil, 264, -39, 260, -23,
- nil, -35, -43, -121, 17, -196, -99, -118, nil, -110,
- -84, -119, -135, 23, -38, 15, 40, 11, 3, -83,
- -82, -131, -37 ]
+ nil, 19, 1, 15, -27, 59, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, -6, nil,
+ nil, -75, 254, 161, 100, 42, -10, -16, 2, 53,
+ 23, -1, -78, -36, -83, 0, -4, nil, -1, -73,
+ -185, nil, nil, nil, -175, -25, nil, 289, -29, 249,
+ -42, nil, -38, -50, -122, 11, -200, -103, -120, nil,
+ -125, -86, -118, -133, 23, -39, 17, 43, 12, -3,
+ -78, -76, -124, -35 ]
racc_goto_default = [
- nil, nil, nil, 150, 4, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16,
- 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 3, 6, nil, 52, 55,
- 57, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 69, 70, 9, 11,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, 61, nil, 29, nil, nil, 143,
- 205, 145, 146, nil, nil, 119, 63, 80, nil, 109,
- 104, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 194, 42,
- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
- nil, nil, nil ]
+ nil, nil, nil, 148, 8, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21,
+ 23, 25, 28, 31, 2, 7, 10, 13, nil, 64,
+ 66, 67, 83, 84, 85, 74, 75, 79, 80, 15,
+ 17, nil, nil, nil, nil, 71, nil, 6, nil, nil,
+ 150, 210, 152, 153, nil, nil, 126, 48, 76, nil,
+ 117, 109, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 195,
+ 53, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil ]
racc_token_table = {
false => 0,
@@ -568,47 +576,48 @@ racc_token_table = {
:TRUE => 11,
:FALSE => 12,
:EQUALS => 13,
- :LESSEQUAL => 14,
- :NOTEQUAL => 15,
- :DOT => 16,
- :COLON => 17,
- :LLCOLLECT => 18,
- :RRCOLLECT => 19,
- :QMARK => 20,
- :LPAREN => 21,
- :RPAREN => 22,
- :ISEQUAL => 23,
- :LESSTHAN => 26,
- :IF => 27,
- :ELSE => 28,
- :IMPORT => 29,
- :DEFINE => 30,
- :ELSIF => 31,
- :VARIABLE => 32,
- :CLASS => 33,
- :INHERITS => 34,
- :NODE => 35,
- :BOOLEAN => 36,
- :NAME => 37,
- :SEMIC => 38,
- :CASE => 39,
- :DEFAULT => 40,
- :AT => 41,
- :LCOLLECT => 42,
- :RCOLLECT => 43,
- :CLASSNAME => 44,
- :CLASSREF => 45,
- :NOT => 46,
- :OR => 47,
- :AND => 48,
- :UNDEF => 49,
- :PARROW => 50 }
+ :APPENDS => 14,
+ :LESSEQUAL => 15,
+ :NOTEQUAL => 16,
+ :DOT => 17,
+ :COLON => 18,
+ :LLCOLLECT => 19,
+ :RRCOLLECT => 20,
+ :QMARK => 21,
+ :LPAREN => 22,
+ :RPAREN => 23,
+ :ISEQUAL => 24,
+ :LESSTHAN => 27,
+ :IF => 28,
+ :ELSE => 29,
+ :IMPORT => 30,
+ :DEFINE => 31,
+ :ELSIF => 32,
+ :VARIABLE => 33,
+ :CLASS => 34,
+ :INHERITS => 35,
+ :NODE => 36,
+ :BOOLEAN => 37,
+ :NAME => 38,
+ :SEMIC => 39,
+ :CASE => 40,
+ :DEFAULT => 41,
+ :AT => 42,
+ :LCOLLECT => 43,
+ :RCOLLECT => 44,
+ :CLASSNAME => 45,
+ :CLASSREF => 46,
+ :NOT => 47,
+ :OR => 48,
+ :AND => 49,
+ :UNDEF => 50,
+ :PARROW => 51 }
racc_use_result_var = true
-racc_nt_base = 51
+racc_nt_base = 52
Racc_arg = [
@@ -641,6 +650,7 @@ Racc_token_to_s_table = [
@@ -695,6 +705,7 @@ Racc_token_to_s_table = [
@@ -823,8 +834,10 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 46
# reduce 16 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 68
- def _reduce_17( val, _values, result )
+ # reduce 17 omitted
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 69
+ def _reduce_18( val, _values, result )
args = aryfy(val[2])
result = ast AST::Function,
:name => val[0],
@@ -834,8 +847,8 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 68
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 74
- def _reduce_18( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 75
+ def _reduce_19( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::Function,
:name => val[0],
:arguments =>{}),
@@ -844,8 +857,8 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 74
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 81
- def _reduce_19( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 82
+ def _reduce_20( val, _values, result )
args = aryfy(val[1])
result = ast AST::Function,
:name => val[0],
@@ -855,14 +868,14 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 81
- # reduce 20 omitted
# reduce 21 omitted
# reduce 22 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 91
- def _reduce_23( val, _values, result )
+ # reduce 23 omitted
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 92
+ def _reduce_24( val, _values, result )
result = aryfy(val[0], val[2])
result.line = @lexer.line
result.file = @lexer.file
@@ -870,8 +883,6 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 91
- # reduce 24 omitted
# reduce 25 omitted
# reduce 26 omitted
@@ -884,17 +895,19 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 91
# reduce 30 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 104
- def _reduce_31( val, _values, result )
+ # reduce 31 omitted
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 105
+ def _reduce_32( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::Name, :value => val[0]
- # reduce 32 omitted
+ # reduce 33 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 115
- def _reduce_33( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 116
+ def _reduce_34( val, _values, result )
unless val[0].is_a?(AST::ASTArray)
val[0] = aryfy(val[0])
@@ -906,8 +919,8 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 115
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 136
- def _reduce_34( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 137
+ def _reduce_35( val, _values, result )
array = val[2]
if array.instance_of?(AST::ResourceInstance)
array = [array]
@@ -930,31 +943,31 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 136
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 139
- def _reduce_35( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 140
+ def _reduce_36( val, _values, result )
# This is a deprecated syntax.
error "All resource specifications require names"
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 142
- def _reduce_36( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 143
+ def _reduce_37( val, _values, result )
# a defaults setting for a type
result = ast(AST::ResourceDefaults, :type => val[0], :params => val[2])
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 147
- def _reduce_37( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 148
+ def _reduce_38( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::ResourceOverride, :object => val[0], :params => val[2]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 174
- def _reduce_38( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 175
+ def _reduce_39( val, _values, result )
type = val[0]
if (type == :exported and ! Puppet[:storeconfigs]) and ! Puppet[:parseonly]
@@ -981,22 +994,22 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 174
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 175
- def _reduce_39( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 176
+ def _reduce_40( val, _values, result )
result = :virtual
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 176
- def _reduce_40( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 177
+ def _reduce_41( val, _values, result )
result = :exported
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 199
- def _reduce_41( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 200
+ def _reduce_42( val, _values, result )
if val[0] =~ /^[a-z]/
Puppet.warning addcontext("Collection names must now be capitalized")
@@ -1018,8 +1031,8 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 199
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 209
- def _reduce_42( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 210
+ def _reduce_43( val, _values, result )
if val[1]
result = val[1]
result.form = :virtual
@@ -1030,8 +1043,8 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 209
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 217
- def _reduce_43( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 218
+ def _reduce_44( val, _values, result )
if val[1]
result = val[1]
result.form = :exported
@@ -1042,33 +1055,33 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 217
- # reduce 44 omitted
# reduce 45 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 225
- def _reduce_46( val, _values, result )
+ # reduce 46 omitted
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 226
+ def _reduce_47( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::CollExpr, :test1 => val[0], :oper => val[1], :test2 => val[2]
- # reduce 47 omitted
+ # reduce 48 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 231
- def _reduce_48( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 232
+ def _reduce_49( val, _values, result )
result = val[1]
result.parens = true
- # reduce 49 omitted
# reduce 50 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 239
- def _reduce_51( val, _values, result )
+ # reduce 51 omitted
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 240
+ def _reduce_52( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::CollExpr, :test1 => val[0], :oper => val[1], :test2 => val[2]
#result = ast AST::CollExpr
#result.push *val
@@ -1076,8 +1089,8 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 239
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 244
- def _reduce_52( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 245
+ def _reduce_53( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::CollExpr, :test1 => val[0], :oper => val[1], :test2 => val[2]
#result = ast AST::CollExpr
#result.push *val
@@ -1085,21 +1098,21 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 244
- # reduce 53 omitted
# reduce 54 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 251
- def _reduce_55( val, _values, result )
+ # reduce 55 omitted
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 252
+ def _reduce_56( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::ResourceInstance, :children => [val[0],val[2]]
- # reduce 56 omitted
+ # reduce 57 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 261
- def _reduce_57( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 262
+ def _reduce_58( val, _values, result )
if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ResourceInstance)
result = ast AST::ASTArray, :children => [val[0],val[2]]
@@ -1110,33 +1123,31 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 261
- # reduce 58 omitted
# reduce 59 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 268
- def _reduce_60( val, _values, result )
+ # reduce 60 omitted
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 269
+ def _reduce_61( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::Undef, :value => :undef
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 272
- def _reduce_61( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 273
+ def _reduce_62( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::Name, :value => val[0]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 276
- def _reduce_62( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 277
+ def _reduce_63( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::Type, :value => val[0]
- # reduce 63 omitted
# reduce 64 omitted
# reduce 65 omitted
@@ -1147,8 +1158,10 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 276
# reduce 68 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 292
- def _reduce_69( val, _values, result )
+ # reduce 69 omitted
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 293
+ def _reduce_70( val, _values, result )
if val[0] =~ /::/
raise Puppet::ParseError, "Cannot assign to variables in other namespaces"
@@ -1159,22 +1172,30 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 292
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 297
- def _reduce_70( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 298
+ def _reduce_71( val, _values, result )
+ variable = ast AST::Name, :value => val[0]
+ result = ast AST::VarDef, :name => variable, :value => val[2], :append => true
+ result
+ end
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 303
+ def _reduce_72( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::ASTArray
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 297
- def _reduce_71( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 303
+ def _reduce_73( val, _values, result )
result = val[0]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 306
- def _reduce_72( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 312
+ def _reduce_74( val, _values, result )
if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray)
result = val[0]
@@ -1185,41 +1206,41 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 306
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 310
- def _reduce_73( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 316
+ def _reduce_75( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::ResourceParam, :param => val[0], :value => val[2]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 315
- def _reduce_74( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 321
+ def _reduce_76( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::ResourceParam, :param => val[0], :value => val[2],
:add => true
- # reduce 75 omitted
+ # reduce 77 omitted
- # reduce 76 omitted
+ # reduce 78 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 323
- def _reduce_77( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 329
+ def _reduce_79( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::ASTArray
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 323
- def _reduce_78( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 329
+ def _reduce_80( val, _values, result )
result = val[0]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 332
- def _reduce_79( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 338
+ def _reduce_81( val, _values, result )
if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray)
result = val[0]
@@ -1230,10 +1251,10 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 332
- # reduce 80 omitted
+ # reduce 82 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 341
- def _reduce_81( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 347
+ def _reduce_83( val, _values, result )
if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray)
result = val[0].push(val[2])
@@ -1243,10 +1264,6 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 341
- # reduce 82 omitted
- # reduce 83 omitted
# reduce 84 omitted
# reduce 85 omitted
@@ -1275,8 +1292,12 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 341
# reduce 97 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 368
- def _reduce_98( val, _values, result )
+ # reduce 98 omitted
+ # reduce 99 omitted
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 374
+ def _reduce_100( val, _values, result )
args = aryfy(val[2])
result = ast AST::Function,
:name => val[0],
@@ -1286,8 +1307,8 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 368
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 373
- def _reduce_99( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 379
+ def _reduce_101( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::Function,
:name => val[0],
:arguments =>{}),
@@ -1296,44 +1317,44 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 373
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 377
- def _reduce_100( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 383
+ def _reduce_102( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::String, :value => val[0]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 379
- def _reduce_101( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 385
+ def _reduce_103( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::FlatString, :value => val[0]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 383
- def _reduce_102( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 389
+ def _reduce_104( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::Boolean, :value => val[0]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 388
- def _reduce_103( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 394
+ def _reduce_105( val, _values, result )
Puppet.warning addcontext("Deprecation notice: Resource references should now be capitalized")
result = ast AST::ResourceReference, :type => val[0], :title => val[2]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 390
- def _reduce_104( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 396
+ def _reduce_106( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::ResourceReference, :type => val[0], :title => val[2]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 403
- def _reduce_105( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 409
+ def _reduce_107( val, _values, result )
args = {
:test => val[1],
:statements => val[3]
@@ -1348,19 +1369,19 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 403
- # reduce 106 omitted
+ # reduce 108 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 408
- def _reduce_107( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 414
+ def _reduce_109( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::Else, :statements => val[2]
- # reduce 108 omitted
+ # reduce 110 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 420
- def _reduce_109( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 426
+ def _reduce_111( val, _values, result )
options = val[3]
unless options.instance_of?(AST::ASTArray)
options = ast AST::ASTArray, :children => [val[3]]
@@ -1370,10 +1391,10 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 420
- # reduce 110 omitted
+ # reduce 112 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 430
- def _reduce_111( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 436
+ def _reduce_113( val, _values, result )
if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray)
val[0].push val[1]
result = val[0]
@@ -1384,15 +1405,15 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 430
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 434
- def _reduce_112( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 440
+ def _reduce_114( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::CaseOpt, :value => val[0], :statements => val[3]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 439
- def _reduce_113( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 445
+ def _reduce_115( val, _values, result )
result = ast(AST::CaseOpt,
:value => val[0],
:statements => ast(AST::ASTArray)
@@ -1401,10 +1422,10 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 439
- # reduce 114 omitted
+ # reduce 116 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 449
- def _reduce_115( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 455
+ def _reduce_117( val, _values, result )
if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray)
result = val[0]
@@ -1415,26 +1436,26 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 449
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 453
- def _reduce_116( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 459
+ def _reduce_118( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::Selector, :param => val[0], :values => val[2]
- # reduce 117 omitted
+ # reduce 119 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 455
- def _reduce_118( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 461
+ def _reduce_120( val, _values, result )
result = val[1]
- # reduce 119 omitted
+ # reduce 121 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 466
- def _reduce_120( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 472
+ def _reduce_122( val, _values, result )
if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray)
result = val[0]
@@ -1445,17 +1466,13 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 466
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 470
- def _reduce_121( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 476
+ def _reduce_123( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::ResourceParam, :param => val[0], :value => val[2]
- # reduce 122 omitted
- # reduce 123 omitted
# reduce 124 omitted
# reduce 125 omitted
@@ -1466,29 +1483,33 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 470
# reduce 128 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 481
- def _reduce_129( val, _values, result )
+ # reduce 129 omitted
+ # reduce 130 omitted
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 487
+ def _reduce_131( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::Default, :value => val[0]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 483
- def _reduce_130( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 489
+ def _reduce_132( val, _values, result )
result = [val[0].value]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 487
- def _reduce_131( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 493
+ def _reduce_133( val, _values, result )
results = val[0] << val[2].value
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 495
- def _reduce_132( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 501
+ def _reduce_134( val, _values, result )
val[1].each do |file|
@@ -1498,8 +1519,8 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 495
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 505
- def _reduce_133( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 511
+ def _reduce_135( val, _values, result )
newdefine classname(val[1]), :arguments => val[2], :code => val[4]
@lexer.indefine = false
result = nil
@@ -1509,8 +1530,8 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 505
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 509
- def _reduce_134( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 515
+ def _reduce_136( val, _values, result )
newdefine classname(val[1]), :arguments => val[2]
@lexer.indefine = false
result = nil
@@ -1518,8 +1539,8 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 509
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 517
- def _reduce_135( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 523
+ def _reduce_137( val, _values, result )
# Our class gets defined in the parent namespace, not our own.
newclass classname(val[1]), :code => val[4], :parent => val[2]
@@ -1528,8 +1549,8 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 517
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 522
- def _reduce_136( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 528
+ def _reduce_138( val, _values, result )
# Our class gets defined in the parent namespace, not our own.
newclass classname(val[1]), :parent => val[2]
@@ -1538,32 +1559,32 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 522
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 527
- def _reduce_137( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 533
+ def _reduce_139( val, _values, result )
newnode val[1], :parent => val[2], :code => val[4]
result = nil
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 530
- def _reduce_138( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 536
+ def _reduce_140( val, _values, result )
newnode val[1], :parent => val[2]
result = nil
- # reduce 139 omitted
- # reduce 140 omitted
# reduce 141 omitted
# reduce 142 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 544
- def _reduce_143( val, _values, result )
+ # reduce 143 omitted
+ # reduce 144 omitted
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 550
+ def _reduce_145( val, _values, result )
result = val[0]
result = [result] unless result.is_a?(Array)
result << val[2]
@@ -1571,49 +1592,49 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 544
- # reduce 144 omitted
- # reduce 145 omitted
# reduce 146 omitted
# reduce 147 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 553
- def _reduce_148( val, _values, result )
+ # reduce 148 omitted
+ # reduce 149 omitted
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 559
+ def _reduce_150( val, _values, result )
result = nil
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 557
- def _reduce_149( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 563
+ def _reduce_151( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::ASTArray, :children => []
- # reduce 150 omitted
+ # reduce 152 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 562
- def _reduce_151( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 568
+ def _reduce_153( val, _values, result )
result = nil
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 566
- def _reduce_152( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 572
+ def _reduce_154( val, _values, result )
result = val[1]
result = [result] unless result[0].is_a?(Array)
- # reduce 153 omitted
+ # reduce 155 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 573
- def _reduce_154( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 579
+ def _reduce_156( val, _values, result )
result = val[0]
result = [result] unless result[0].is_a?(Array)
result << val[2]
@@ -1621,67 +1642,67 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 573
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 578
- def _reduce_155( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 584
+ def _reduce_157( val, _values, result )
Puppet.warning addcontext("Deprecation notice: must now include '$' in prototype")
result = [val[0], val[2]]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 582
- def _reduce_156( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 588
+ def _reduce_158( val, _values, result )
Puppet.warning addcontext("Deprecation notice: must now include '$' in prototype")
result = [val[0]]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 584
- def _reduce_157( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 590
+ def _reduce_159( val, _values, result )
result = [val[0], val[2]]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 586
- def _reduce_158( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 592
+ def _reduce_160( val, _values, result )
result = [val[0]]
- # reduce 159 omitted
+ # reduce 161 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 591
- def _reduce_160( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 597
+ def _reduce_162( val, _values, result )
result = val[1]
- # reduce 161 omitted
+ # reduce 163 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 596
- def _reduce_162( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 602
+ def _reduce_164( val, _values, result )
result = val[1]
- # reduce 163 omitted
+ # reduce 165 omitted
- # reduce 164 omitted
+ # reduce 166 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 602
- def _reduce_165( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 608
+ def _reduce_167( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::Variable, :value => val[0]
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 610
- def _reduce_166( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 616
+ def _reduce_168( val, _values, result )
if val[1].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray)
result = val[1]
@@ -1691,21 +1712,21 @@ module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 610
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 612
- def _reduce_167( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 618
+ def _reduce_169( val, _values, result )
result = ast AST::ASTArray
- # reduce 168 omitted
+ # reduce 170 omitted
- # reduce 169 omitted
+ # reduce 171 omitted
- # reduce 170 omitted
+ # reduce 172 omitted
-module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 617
- def _reduce_171( val, _values, result )
+module_eval <<'.,.,', 'grammar.ra', 623
+ def _reduce_173( val, _values, result )
result = nil
diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/scope.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/scope.rb
index 32b127a6b..1ff998d96 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/parser/scope.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/parser/scope.rb
@@ -260,11 +260,15 @@ class Puppet::Parser::Scope
# Set a variable in the current scope. This will override settings
# in scopes above, but will not allow variables in the current scope
# to be reassigned.
- def setvar(name,value, file = nil, line = nil)
- #Puppet.debug "Setting %s to '%s' at level %s" %
- # [name.inspect,value,self.level]
+ def setvar(name,value, file = nil, line = nil, append = false)
+ #Puppet.debug "Setting %s to '%s' at level %s mode append %s" %
+ # [name.inspect,value,self.level, append]
if @symtable.include?(name)
- error ="Cannot reassign variable %s" % name)
+ unless append
+ error ="Cannot reassign variable %s" % name)
+ else
+ error ="Cannot append, variable %s is defined in this scope" % name)
+ end
if file
error.file = file
@@ -273,7 +277,19 @@ class Puppet::Parser::Scope
raise error
- @symtable[name] = value
+ unless append
+ @symtable[name] = value
+ else # append case
+ # lookup the value in the scope if it exists and insert the var
+ @symtable[name] = lookupvar(name)
+ # concatenate if string, append if array, nothing for other types
+ if value.is_a?(Array)
+ @symtable[name] += value
+ else
+ @symtable[name] << value
+ end
+ end
# Return an interpolated string.
diff --git a/lib/puppet/property.rb b/lib/puppet/property.rb
index 9e8bae7a4..50a1b71de 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/property.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/property.rb
@@ -441,7 +441,13 @@ class Property < Puppet::Parameter
return "%s(%s)" % [,]
- # Provide a common hook for setting @should, just like params.
+ # Just return any should value we might have.
+ def value
+ self.should
+ end
+ # Match the Parameter interface, but we really just use 'should' internally.
+ # Note that the should= method does all of the validation and such.
def value=(value)
self.should = value
diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/package/appdmg.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/package/appdmg.rb
index e822be14c..2ee82a95d 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/provider/package/appdmg.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/package/appdmg.rb
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide(:appdmg, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Packag "Mac OS X PKG DMG's must specificy a source string ending in .dmg"
require 'open-uri'
- require 'puppet/util/plist'
+ require 'facter/util/plist'
cached_source = source
if %r{\A[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+\-\.]*://} =~ cached_source
cached_source = "/tmp/#{name}"
diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
index 134be5a65..fa546c61f 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :pkgdmg, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Packag "Mac OS X PKG DMG's must specificy a source string ending in .dmg"
require 'open-uri'
- require 'puppet/util/plist'
+ require 'facter/util/plist'
cached_source = source
if %r{\A[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+\-\.]*://} =~ cached_source
cached_source = "/tmp/#{name}"
diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/service/daemontools.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/service/daemontools.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52d8c6b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/service/daemontools.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Daemontools service management
+# author Brice Figureau <>
+Puppet::Type.type(:service).provide :daemontools, :parent => :base do
+ desc "Daemontools service management.
+ This provider manages daemons running supervised by D.J.Bernstein daemontools.
+ It tries to detect the service directory, with by order of preference:
+ * /service
+ * /etc/service
+ * /var/lib/svscan
+ The daemon directory should be placed in a directory that can be
+ by default in:
+ * /var/lib/service
+ * /etc
+ or this can be overriden in the service resource parameters:
+ service {
+ \"myservice\":
+ provider => \"daemontools\", path => \"/path/to/daemons\";
+ }
+ This provider supports out of the box:
+ * start/stop (mapped to enable/disable)
+ * enable/disable
+ * restart
+ * status"
+ commands :svc => "/usr/bin/svc"
+ commands :svstat => "/usr/bin/svstat"
+ class << self
+ attr_writer :defpath
+ # this is necessary to autodetect a valid resource
+ # default path, since there is no standard for such directory.
+ def defpath
+ unless defined?(@defpath) and @defpath
+ ["/var/lib/service", "/etc"].each do |path|
+ if FileTest.exist?(path)
+ @defpath = path
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ raise "Could not find the daemon directory (tested [/var/lib/service,/etc])" unless @defpath
+ end
+ @defpath
+ end
+ end
+ attr_writer :servicedir
+ # returns all providers for all existing services in @defpath
+ # ie enabled or not
+ def self.instances
+ path = self.defpath
+ unless
+ Puppet.notice "Service path %s does not exist" % path
+ next
+ end
+ # reject entries that aren't either a directory
+ # or don't contain a run file
+ Dir.entries(path).reject { |e|
+ fullpath = File.join(path, e)
+ e =~ /^\./ or ! or ! FileTest.exist?(File.join(fullpath,"run"))
+ }.collect do |name|
+ new(:name => name, :path => path)
+ end
+ end
+ # returns the daemon dir on this node
+ def self.daemondir
+ self.defpath
+ end
+ # find the service dir on this node
+ def servicedir
+ unless defined?(@servicedir) and @servicedir
+ ["/service", "/etc/service","/var/lib/svscan"].each do |path|
+ if FileTest.exist?(path)
+ @servicedir = path
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ raise "Could not find service directory" unless @servicedir
+ end
+ @servicedir
+ end
+ # returns the full path of this service when enabled
+ # (ie in the service directory)
+ def service
+ File.join(self.servicedir, resource[:name])
+ end
+ # returns the full path to the current daemon directory
+ # note that this path can be overriden in the resource
+ # definition
+ def daemon
+ File.join(resource[:path], resource[:name])
+ end
+ def restartcmd
+ [ command(:svc), "-t", self.service]
+ end
+ # The start command does nothing, service are automatically started
+ # when enabled by svscan. But, forces an enable if necessary
+ def start
+ # to start make sure the sevice is enabled
+ self.enable
+ # start is then automatic
+ end
+ def status
+ begin
+ output = svstat self.service
+ return :running if output =~ /\bup\b/
+ rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail
+ raise "Could not get status for service %s: %s" % [ resource.ref, detail] )
+ end
+ return :stopped
+ end
+ # unfortunately it is not possible
+ # to stop without disabling the service
+ def stop
+ self.disable
+ end
+ # disable by stopping the service
+ # and removing the symlink so that svscan
+ # doesn't restart our service behind our back
+ def disable
+ # should stop the service
+ # stop the log subservice if any
+ log = File.join(self.service, "log")
+ texecute("stop log", [ command(:svc) , '-dx', log] ) if
+ # stop the main resource
+ texecute("stop", [command(:svc), '-dx', self.service] )
+ # unlink the daemon symlink to disable it
+ File.unlink(self.service) if FileTest.symlink?(self.service)
+ end
+ def enabled?
+ FileTest.symlink?(self.service)
+ end
+ def enable
+ File.symlink(self.daemon, self.service) if ! FileTest.symlink?(self.service)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/service/runit.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/service/runit.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..230fa75d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/service/runit.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Daemontools service management
+# author Brice Figureau <>
+Puppet::Type.type(:service).provide :runit, :parent => :daemontools do
+ desc "Runit service management.
+ This provider manages daemons running supervised by Runit.
+ It tries to detect the service directory, with by order of preference:
+ * /service
+ * /var/service
+ * /etc/service
+ The daemon directory should be placed in a directory that can be
+ by default in:
+ * /etc/sv
+ or this can be overriden in the service resource parameters:
+ service {
+ \"myservice\":
+ provider => \"runit\", path => \"/path/to/daemons\";
+ }
+ This provider supports out of the box:
+ * start/stop
+ * enable/disable
+ * restart
+ * status"
+ commands :sv => "/usr/bin/sv"
+ class << self
+ # this is necessary to autodetect a valid resource
+ # default path, since there is no standard for such directory.
+ def defpath
+ unless defined?(@defpath) and @defpath
+ ["/etc/sv", "/var/lib/service"].each do |path|
+ if FileTest.exist?(path)
+ @defpath = path
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ raise "Could not find the daemon directory (tested [/var/lib/service,/etc])" unless @defpath
+ end
+ @defpath
+ end
+ end
+ # find the service dir on this node
+ def servicedir
+ unless defined?(@servicedir) and @servicedir
+ ["/service", "/etc/service","/var/service"].each do |path|
+ if FileTest.exist?(path)
+ @servicedir = path
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ raise "Could not find service directory" unless @servicedir
+ end
+ @servicedir
+ end
+ def restartcmd
+ [ command(:sv), "restart", self.service]
+ end
+ def status
+ begin
+ output = sv "status", self.daemon
+ return :running if output =~ /^run: /
+ rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => detail
+ unless detail.message =~ /(warning: |runsv not running$)/
+ raise "Could not get status for service %s: %s" % [ resource.ref, detail] )
+ end
+ end
+ return :stopped
+ end
+ # relay to the stopcmd
+ def stop
+ ucommand( :stop )
+ end
+ def stopcmd
+ [ command(:sv), "stop", self.service]
+ end
+ # disable by removing the symlink so that runit
+ # doesn't restart our service behind our back
+ # note that runit doesn't need to perform a stop
+ # before a disable
+ def disable
+ # unlink the daemon symlink to disable it
+ File.unlink(self.service) if FileTest.symlink?(self.service)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/user/hpux.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/user/hpux.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..672b77da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/user/hpux.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Puppet::Type.type(:user).provide :hpuxuseradd, :parent => :useradd do
+ desc "User management for hp-ux! Undocumented switch to special usermod because HP-UX regular usermod is TOO STUPID to change stuff while the user is logged in."
+ defaultfor :operatingsystem => "hp-ux"
+ confine :operatingsystem => "hp-ux"
+ commands :modify => "/usr/sam/lbin/usermod.sam", :delete => "/usr/sam/lbin/userdel.sam", :add => "/usr/sbin/useradd"
+ options :comment, :method => :gecos
+ options :groups, :flag => "-G"
+ options :home, :flag => "-d", :method => :dir
+ verify :gid, "GID must be an integer" do |value|
+ value.is_a? Integer
+ end
+ verify :groups, "Groups must be comma-separated" do |value|
+ value !~ /\s/
+ end
+ has_features :manages_homedir, :allows_duplicates
+ def deletecmd
+ super.insert(1,"-F")
+ end
+ def modifycmd(param,value)
+ super.insert(1,"-F")
+ end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type.rb b/lib/puppet/type.rb
index a6aff152c..11e8c8248 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/type.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type.rb
@@ -20,20 +20,2089 @@ class Type
include Puppet::Util::LogPaths
include Puppet::Util::Logging
- # Nearly all of the code in this class is stored in files in the
- # metatype/ directory. This is a temporary measure until I get a chance
- # to refactor this class entirely. There's still more simplification to
- # do, but this works for now.
- require 'puppet/metatype/attributes'
- require 'puppet/metatype/closure'
- require 'puppet/metatype/container'
- require 'puppet/metatype/evaluation'
- require 'puppet/metatype/instances'
- require 'puppet/metatype/metaparams'
- require 'puppet/metatype/providers'
- require 'puppet/metatype/relationships'
- require 'puppet/metatype/schedules'
- require 'puppet/metatype/tags'
+ ###############################
+ # Code related to resource type attributes.
+ class << self
+ include Puppet::Util::ClassGen
+ include Puppet::Util::Warnings
+ attr_reader :properties
+ end
+ def self.states
+ warnonce "The states method is deprecated; use properties"
+ properties()
+ end
+ # All parameters, in the appropriate order. The namevar comes first,
+ # then the properties, then the params and metaparams in the order they
+ # were specified in the files.
+ def self.allattrs
+ # now get all of the arguments, in a specific order
+ # Cache this, since it gets called so many times
+ namevar = self.namevar
+ order = [namevar]
+ if self.parameters.include?(:provider)
+ order << :provider
+ end
+ order << [ { |property| },
+ self.parameters - [:provider],
+ self.metaparams].flatten.reject { |param|
+ # we don't want our namevar in there multiple times
+ param == namevar
+ }
+ order.flatten!
+ return order
+ end
+ # Retrieve an attribute alias, if there is one.
+ def self.attr_alias(param)
+ @attr_aliases[symbolize(param)]
+ end
+ # Create an alias to an existing attribute. This will cause the aliased
+ # attribute to be valid when setting and retrieving values on the instance.
+ def self.set_attr_alias(hash)
+ hash.each do |new, old|
+ @attr_aliases[symbolize(new)] = symbolize(old)
+ end
+ end
+ # Find the class associated with any given attribute.
+ def self.attrclass(name)
+ @attrclasses ||= {}
+ # We cache the value, since this method gets called such a huge number
+ # of times (as in, hundreds of thousands in a given run).
+ unless @attrclasses.include?(name)
+ @attrclasses[name] = case self.attrtype(name)
+ when :property: @validproperties[name]
+ when :meta: @@metaparamhash[name]
+ when :param: @paramhash[name]
+ end
+ end
+ @attrclasses[name]
+ end
+ # What type of parameter are we dealing with? Cache the results, because
+ # this method gets called so many times.
+ def self.attrtype(attr)
+ @attrtypes ||= {}
+ unless @attrtypes.include?(attr)
+ @attrtypes[attr] = case
+ when @validproperties.include?(attr): :property
+ when @paramhash.include?(attr): :param
+ when @@metaparamhash.include?(attr): :meta
+ else
+ raise Puppet::DevError,
+ "Invalid attribute '%s' for class '%s'" %
+ [attr,]
+ end
+ end
+ @attrtypes[attr]
+ end
+ # Copy an existing class parameter. This allows other types to avoid
+ # duplicating a parameter definition, and is mostly used by subclasses
+ # of the File class.
+ def self.copyparam(klass, name)
+ param = klass.attrclass(name)
+ unless param
+ raise Puppet::DevError, "Class %s has no param %s" % [klass, name]
+ end
+ @parameters << param
+ @parameters.each { |p| @paramhash[name] = p }
+ if param.isnamevar?
+ @namevar =
+ end
+ end
+ # A similar function but one that yields the class and type.
+ # This is mainly so that setdefaults doesn't call quite so many functions.
+ def self.eachattr(*ary)
+ if ary.empty?
+ ary = nil
+ end
+ # We have to do this in a specific order, so that defaults are
+ # created in that order (e.g., providers should be set up before
+ # anything else).
+ allattrs.each do |name|
+ next unless ary.nil? or ary.include?(name)
+ if obj = @properties.find { |p| == name }
+ yield obj, :property
+ elsif obj = @parameters.find { |p| == name }
+ yield obj, :param
+ elsif obj = @@metaparams.find { |p| == name }
+ yield obj, :meta
+ else
+ raise Puppet::DevError, "Could not find parameter %s" % name
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def self.eachmetaparam
+ @@metaparams.each { |p| yield }
+ end
+ # Create the 'ensure' class. This is a separate method so other types
+ # can easily call it and create their own 'ensure' values.
+ def self.ensurable(&block)
+ if block_given?
+ self.newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure, &block)
+ else
+ self.newproperty(:ensure, :parent => Puppet::Property::Ensure) do
+ self.defaultvalues
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Should we add the 'ensure' property to this class?
+ def self.ensurable?
+ # If the class has all three of these methods defined, then it's
+ # ensurable.
+ ens = [:exists?, :create, :destroy].inject { |set, method|
+ set &&= self.public_method_defined?(method)
+ }
+ return ens
+ end
+ # Deal with any options passed into parameters.
+ def self.handle_param_options(name, options)
+ # If it's a boolean parameter, create a method to test the value easily
+ if options[:boolean]
+ define_method(name.to_s + "?") do
+ val = self[name]
+ if val == :true or val == true
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # If this param handles relationships, store that information
+ end
+ # Is the parameter in question a meta-parameter?
+ def self.metaparam?(param)
+ @@metaparamhash.include?(symbolize(param))
+ end
+ # Find the metaparameter class associated with a given metaparameter name.
+ def self.metaparamclass(name)
+ @@metaparamhash[symbolize(name)]
+ end
+ def self.metaparams
+ @@metaparams.collect { |param| }
+ end
+ def self.metaparamdoc(metaparam)
+ @@metaparamhash[metaparam].doc
+ end
+ # Create a new metaparam. Requires a block and a name, stores it in the
+ # @parameters array, and does some basic checking on it.
+ def self.newmetaparam(name, options = {}, &block)
+ @@metaparams ||= []
+ @@metaparamhash ||= {}
+ name = symbolize(name)
+ param = genclass(name,
+ :parent => options[:parent] || Puppet::Parameter,
+ :prefix => "MetaParam",
+ :hash => @@metaparamhash,
+ :array => @@metaparams,
+ :attributes => options[:attributes],
+ &block
+ )
+ # Grr.
+ if options[:required_features]
+ param.required_features = options[:required_features]
+ end
+ handle_param_options(name, options)
+ param.metaparam = true
+ return param
+ end
+ # Find the namevar
+ def self.namevar
+ unless defined? @namevar
+ params = @parameters.find_all { |param|
+ param.isnamevar? or == :name
+ }
+ if params.length > 1
+ raise Puppet::DevError, "Found multiple namevars for %s" %
+ elsif params.length == 1
+ @namevar = params[0].name
+ else
+ raise Puppet::DevError, "No namevar for %s" %
+ end
+ end
+ @namevar
+ end
+ # Create a new parameter. Requires a block and a name, stores it in the
+ # @parameters array, and does some basic checking on it.
+ def self.newparam(name, options = {}, &block)
+ options[:attributes] ||= {}
+ param = genclass(name,
+ :parent => options[:parent] || Puppet::Parameter,
+ :attributes => options[:attributes],
+ :block => block,
+ :prefix => "Parameter",
+ :array => @parameters,
+ :hash => @paramhash
+ )
+ handle_param_options(name, options)
+ # Grr.
+ if options[:required_features]
+ param.required_features = options[:required_features]
+ end
+ param.isnamevar if options[:namevar]
+ # These might be enabled later.
+# define_method(name) do
+# @parameters[name].value
+# end
+# define_method(name.to_s + "=") do |value|
+# newparam(param, value)
+# end
+ if param.isnamevar?
+ @namevar =
+ end
+ return param
+ end
+ def self.newstate(name, options = {}, &block)
+ Puppet.warning "newstate() has been deprecrated; use newproperty(%s)" %
+ name
+ newproperty(name, options, &block)
+ end
+ # Create a new property. The first parameter must be the name of the property;
+ # this is how users will refer to the property when creating new instances.
+ # The second parameter is a hash of options; the options are:
+ # * <tt>:parent</tt>: The parent class for the property. Defaults to Puppet::Property.
+ # * <tt>:retrieve</tt>: The method to call on the provider or @parent object (if
+ # the provider is not set) to retrieve the current value.
+ def self.newproperty(name, options = {}, &block)
+ name = symbolize(name)
+ # This is here for types that might still have the old method of defining
+ # a parent class.
+ unless options.is_a? Hash
+ raise Puppet::DevError,
+ "Options must be a hash, not %s" % options.inspect
+ end
+ if @validproperties.include?(name)
+ raise Puppet::DevError, "Class %s already has a property named %s" %
+ [, name]
+ end
+ if parent = options[:parent]
+ options.delete(:parent)
+ else
+ parent = Puppet::Property
+ end
+ # We have to create our own, new block here because we want to define
+ # an initial :retrieve method, if told to, and then eval the passed
+ # block if available.
+ prop = genclass(name, :parent => parent, :hash => @validproperties, :attributes => options) do
+ # If they've passed a retrieve method, then override the retrieve
+ # method on the class.
+ if options[:retrieve]
+ define_method(:retrieve) do
+ provider.send(options[:retrieve])
+ end
+ end
+ if block
+ class_eval(&block)
+ end
+ end
+ # If it's the 'ensure' property, always put it first.
+ if name == :ensure
+ @properties.unshift prop
+ else
+ @properties << prop
+ end
+# define_method(name) do
+# @parameters[name].should
+# end
+# define_method(name.to_s + "=") do |value|
+# newproperty(name, :should => value)
+# end
+ return prop
+ end
+ def self.paramdoc(param)
+ @paramhash[param].doc
+ end
+ # Return the parameter names
+ def self.parameters
+ return [] unless defined? @parameters
+ @parameters.collect { |klass| }
+ end
+ # Find the parameter class associated with a given parameter name.
+ def self.paramclass(name)
+ @paramhash[name]
+ end
+ # Return the property class associated with a name
+ def self.propertybyname(name)
+ @validproperties[name]
+ end
+ def self.validattr?(name)
+ name = symbolize(name)
+ return true if name == :name
+ @validattrs ||= {}
+ unless @validattrs.include?(name)
+ if self.validproperty?(name) or self.validparameter?(name) or self.metaparam?(name)
+ @validattrs[name] = true
+ else
+ @validattrs[name] = false
+ end
+ end
+ @validattrs[name]
+ end
+ # does the name reflect a valid property?
+ def self.validproperty?(name)
+ name = symbolize(name)
+ if @validproperties.include?(name)
+ return @validproperties[name]
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ # Return the list of validproperties
+ def self.validproperties
+ return {} unless defined? @parameters
+ return @validproperties.keys
+ end
+ # does the name reflect a valid parameter?
+ def self.validparameter?(name)
+ unless defined? @parameters
+ raise Puppet::DevError, "Class %s has not defined parameters" % self
+ end
+ if @paramhash.include?(name) or @@metaparamhash.include?(name)
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ # fix any namevar => param translations
+ def argclean(oldhash)
+ # This duplication is here because it might be a transobject.
+ hash = oldhash.dup.to_hash
+ if hash.include?(:resource)
+ hash.delete(:resource)
+ end
+ namevar = self.class.namevar
+ # Do a simple translation for those cases where they've passed :name
+ # but that's not our namevar
+ if hash.include? :name and namevar != :name
+ if hash.include? namevar
+ raise ArgumentError, "Cannot provide both name and %s" % namevar
+ end
+ hash[namevar] = hash[:name]
+ hash.delete(:name)
+ end
+ # Make sure we have a name, one way or another
+ unless hash.include? namevar
+ if defined? @title and @title
+ hash[namevar] = @title
+ else
+ raise Puppet::Error, "Was not passed a namevar or title"
+ end
+ end
+ return hash
+ end
+ # Return either the attribute alias or the attribute.
+ def attr_alias(name)
+ name = symbolize(name)
+ if synonym = self.class.attr_alias(name)
+ return synonym
+ else
+ return name
+ end
+ end
+ # Are we deleting this resource?
+ def deleting?
+ obj = @parameters[:ensure] and obj.should == :absent
+ end
+ # Create a new property if it is valid but doesn't exist
+ # Returns: true if a new parameter was added, false otherwise
+ def add_property_parameter(prop_name)
+ if self.class.validproperty?(prop_name) && !@parameters[prop_name]
+ self.newattr(prop_name)
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ # abstract accessing parameters and properties, and normalize
+ # access to always be symbols, not strings
+ # This returns a value, not an object. It returns the 'is'
+ # value, but you can also specifically return 'is' and 'should'
+ # values using '' or 'object.should(:property)'.
+ def [](name)
+ name = attr_alias(name)
+ unless self.class.validattr?(name)
+ raise"Invalid parameter %s(%s)" % [name, name.inspect])
+ end
+ if name == :name
+ name = self.class.namevar
+ end
+ if obj = @parameters[name]
+ # Note that if this is a property, then the value is the "should" value,
+ # not the current value.
+ obj.value
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ # Abstract setting parameters and properties, and normalize
+ # access to always be symbols, not strings. This sets the 'should'
+ # value on properties, and otherwise just sets the appropriate parameter.
+ def []=(name,value)
+ name = attr_alias(name)
+ unless self.class.validattr?(name)
+ raise"Invalid parameter %s" % [name])
+ end
+ if name == :name
+ name = self.class.namevar
+ end
+ if value.nil?
+ raise"Got nil value for %s" % name)
+ end
+ if obj = @parameters[name]
+ obj.value = value
+ return nil
+ else
+ self.newattr(name, :value => value)
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ # remove a property from the object; useful in testing or in cleanup
+ # when an error has been encountered
+ def delete(attr)
+ attr = symbolize(attr)
+ if @parameters.has_key?(attr)
+ @parameters.delete(attr)
+ else
+ raise"Undefined attribute '#{attr}' in #{self}")
+ end
+ end
+ # iterate across the existing properties
+ def eachproperty
+ # properties() is a private method
+ properties().each { |property|
+ yield property
+ }
+ end
+ # retrieve the 'should' value for a specified property
+ def should(name)
+ name = attr_alias(name)
+ if prop = @parameters[name] and prop.is_a?(Puppet::Property)
+ return prop.should
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ # Create the actual attribute instance. Requires either the attribute
+ # name or class as the first argument, then an optional hash of
+ # attributes to set during initialization.
+ def newattr(name, options = {})
+ if name.is_a?(Class)
+ klass = name
+ name =
+ end
+ unless klass = self.class.attrclass(name)
+ raise Puppet::Error, "Resource type %s does not support parameter %s" % [, name]
+ end
+ if @parameters.include?(name)
+ raise Puppet::Error, "Parameter '%s' is already defined in %s" %
+ [name, self.ref]
+ end
+ if provider and ! provider.class.supports_parameter?(klass)
+ missing = klass.required_features.find_all { |f| ! provider.class.feature?(f) }
+ info "Provider %s does not support features %s; not managing attribute %s" % [, missing.join(", "), name]
+ return nil
+ end
+ # Add resource information at creation time, so it's available
+ # during validation.
+ options[:resource] = self
+ begin
+ # make sure the parameter doesn't have any errors
+ return @parameters[name] =
+ rescue => detail
+ error ="Parameter %s failed: %s" %
+ [name, detail])
+ error.set_backtrace(detail.backtrace)
+ raise error
+ end
+ end
+ # return the value of a parameter
+ def parameter(name)
+ unless name.is_a? Symbol
+ name = name.intern
+ end
+ return @parameters[name].value
+ end
+ # Is the named property defined?
+ def propertydefined?(name)
+ unless name.is_a? Symbol
+ name = name.intern
+ end
+ return @parameters.include?(name)
+ end
+ # return an actual type by name; to return the value, use 'inst[name]'
+ # FIXME this method should go away
+ def property(name)
+ if obj = @parameters[symbolize(name)] and obj.is_a?(Puppet::Property)
+ return obj
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+# def set(name, value)
+# send(name.to_s + "=", value)
+# end
+# def get(name)
+# send(name)
+# end
+ # For any parameters or properties that have defaults and have not yet been
+ # set, set them now. This method can be handed a list of attributes,
+ # and if so it will only set defaults for those attributes.
+ def setdefaults(*ary)
+ #self.class.eachattr(*ary) { |klass, type|
+ self.class.eachattr(*ary) { |klass, type|
+ # not many attributes will have defaults defined, so we short-circuit
+ # those away
+ next unless klass.method_defined?(:default)
+ next if @parameters[]
+ next unless obj = self.newattr(klass)
+ # We have to check for nil values, not "truth", so we allow defaults
+ # to false.
+ value = obj.default and ! value.nil?
+ if ! value.nil?
+ obj.value = value
+ else
+ @parameters.delete(
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ # Convert our object to a hash. This just includes properties.
+ def to_hash
+ rethash = {}
+ @parameters.each do |name, obj|
+ rethash[name] = obj.value
+ end
+ rethash
+ end
+ # Return a specific value for an attribute.
+ def value(name)
+ name = attr_alias(name)
+ if obj = @parameters[name] and obj.respond_to?(:value)
+ return obj.value
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ # Meta-parameter methods: These methods deal with the results
+ # of specifying metaparameters
+ private
+ # Return all of the property objects, in the order specified in the
+ # class.
+ def properties
+ #debug "%s has %s properties" % [self,@parameters.length]
+ props = { |prop|
+ @parameters[]
+ }.find_all { |p|
+ ! p.nil?
+ }.each do |prop|
+ unless prop.is_a?(Puppet::Property)
+ raise Puppet::DevError, "got a non-property %s(%s)" %
+ [prop.class,]
+ end
+ end
+ props
+ end
+ public
+ ###############################
+ # Code related to the closure-like behaviour of the resource classes.
+ attr_writer :implicit
+ # Is this type's name isomorphic with the object? That is, if the
+ # name conflicts, does it necessarily mean that the objects conflict?
+ # Defaults to true.
+ def self.isomorphic?
+ if defined? @isomorphic
+ return @isomorphic
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ def implicit?
+ if defined? @implicit and @implicit
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ def isomorphic?
+ self.class.isomorphic?
+ end
+ # is the instance a managed instance? A 'yes' here means that
+ # the instance was created from the language, vs. being created
+ # in order resolve other questions, such as finding a package
+ # in a list
+ def managed?
+ # Once an object is managed, it always stays managed; but an object
+ # that is listed as unmanaged might become managed later in the process,
+ # so we have to check that every time
+ if defined? @managed and @managed
+ return @managed
+ else
+ @managed = false
+ properties.each { |property|
+ s = property.should
+ if s and ! property.class.unmanaged
+ @managed = true
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ return @managed
+ end
+ end
+ ###############################
+ # Code related to the container behaviour.
+ # this is a retarded hack method to get around the difference between
+ # component children and file children
+ def self.depthfirst?
+ if defined? @depthfirst
+ return @depthfirst
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ def depthfirst?
+ self.class.depthfirst?
+ end
+ # Add a hook for testing for recursion.
+ def parentof?(child)
+ if (self == child)
+ debug "parent is equal to child"
+ return true
+ elsif defined? @parent and @parent.parentof?(child)
+ debug "My parent is parent of child"
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ # Remove an object. The argument determines whether the object's
+ # subscriptions get eliminated, too.
+ def remove(rmdeps = true)
+ # This is hackish (mmm, cut and paste), but it works for now, and it's
+ # better than warnings.
+ @parameters.each do |name, obj|
+ obj.remove
+ end
+ @parameters.clear
+ self.class.delete(self)
+ @parent = nil
+ # Remove the reference to the provider.
+ if self.provider
+ @provider.clear
+ @provider = nil
+ end
+ end
+ ###############################
+ # Code related to evaluating the resources.
+ # This method is responsible for collecting property changes we always
+ # descend into the children before we evaluate our current properties.
+ # This returns any changes resulting from testing, thus 'collect' rather
+ # than 'each'.
+ def evaluate
+ if self.provider.is_a?(Puppet::Provider)
+ unless provider.class.suitable?
+ raise Puppet::Error, "Provider %s is not functional on this platform" %
+ end
+ end
+ #Puppet.err "Evaluating %s" % self.path.join(":")
+ unless defined? @evalcount
+ self.err "No evalcount defined on '%s' of type '%s'" %
+ [self.title,self.class]
+ @evalcount = 0
+ end
+ @evalcount += 1
+ if p = self.provider and p.respond_to?(:prefetch)
+ p.prefetch
+ end
+ # this only operates on properties, not properties + children
+ # it's important that we call retrieve() on the type instance,
+ # not directly on the property, because it allows the type to override
+ # the method, like pfile does
+ currentvalues = self.retrieve
+ changes = propertychanges(currentvalues).flatten
+ # now record how many changes we've resulted in
+ if changes.length > 0
+ self.debug "%s change(s)" %
+ [changes.length]
+ end
+ # If we're in noop mode, we don't want to store the checked time,
+ # because it will result in the resource not getting scheduled if
+ # someone were to apply the catalog in non-noop mode.
+ # We're going to go ahead and record that we checked if there were
+ # no changes, since it's unlikely it will affect the scheduling.
+ noop = noop?
+ if ! noop or (noop && changes.length == 0)
+ self.cache(:checked,
+ end
+ return changes.flatten
+ end
+ # Flush the provider, if it supports it. This is called by the
+ # transaction.
+ def flush
+ if self.provider and self.provider.respond_to?(:flush)
+ self.provider.flush
+ end
+ end
+ # if all contained objects are in sync, then we're in sync
+ # FIXME I don't think this is used on the type instances any more,
+ # it's really only used for testing
+ def insync?(is)
+ insync = true
+ if property = @parameters[:ensure]
+ unless is.include? property
+ raise Puppet::DevError,
+ "The is value is not in the is array for '%s'" %
+ []
+ end
+ ensureis = is[property]
+ if property.insync?(ensureis) and property.should == :absent
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ properties.each { |property|
+ unless is.include? property
+ raise Puppet::DevError,
+ "The is value is not in the is array for '%s'" %
+ []
+ end
+ propis = is[property]
+ unless property.insync?(propis)
+ property.debug("Not in sync: %s vs %s" %
+ [propis.inspect, property.should.inspect])
+ insync = false
+ #else
+ # property.debug("In sync")
+ end
+ }
+ #self.debug("%s sync status is %s" % [self,insync])
+ return insync
+ end
+ # retrieve the current value of all contained properties
+ def retrieve
+ return currentpropvalues
+ end
+ # get a hash of the current properties.
+ def currentpropvalues(override_value = nil)
+ # it's important to use the method here, as it follows the order
+ # in which they're defined in the object
+ return properties().inject({}) { | prophash, property|
+ prophash[property] = override_value.nil? ?
+ property.retrieve :
+ override_value
+ prophash
+ }
+ end
+ # Are we running in noop mode?
+ def noop?
+ if defined?(@noop)
+ @noop
+ else
+ Puppet[:noop]
+ end
+ end
+ def noop
+ noop?
+ end
+ # Retrieve the changes associated with all of the properties.
+ def propertychanges(currentvalues)
+ # If we are changing the existence of the object, then none of
+ # the other properties matter.
+ changes = []
+ ensureparam = @parameters[:ensure]
+ # This allows resource types to have 'ensure' be a parameter, which allows them to
+ # just pass the parameter on to other generated resources.
+ ensureparam = nil unless ensureparam.is_a?(Puppet::Property)
+ if ensureparam && !currentvalues.include?(ensureparam)
+ raise Puppet::DevError, "Parameter ensure defined but missing from current values"
+ end
+ if ensureparam and ! ensureparam.insync?(currentvalues[ensureparam])
+ changes <<, currentvalues[ensureparam])
+ # Else, if the 'ensure' property is correctly absent, then do
+ # nothing
+ elsif ensureparam and currentvalues[ensureparam] == :absent
+ return []
+ else
+ changes = properties().find_all { |property|
+ currentvalues[property] ||= :absent
+ ! property.insync?(currentvalues[property])
+ }.collect { |property|
+, currentvalues[property])
+ }
+ end
+ if Puppet[:debug] and changes.length > 0
+ self.debug("Changing " + changes.collect { |ch| }.join(","))
+ end
+ changes
+ end
+ ###############################
+ # Code related to managing resource instances.
+ require 'puppet/transportable'
+ # Make 'new' private, so people have to use create instead.
+ class << self
+ private :new
+ end
+ # retrieve a named instance of the current type
+ def self.[](name)
+ raise "Global resource access is deprecated"
+ @objects[name] || @aliases[name]
+ end
+ # add an instance by name to the class list of instances
+ def self.[]=(name,object)
+ raise "Global resource storage is deprecated"
+ newobj = nil
+ if object.is_a?(Puppet::Type)
+ newobj = object
+ else
+ raise Puppet::DevError, "must pass a Puppet::Type object"
+ end
+ if exobj = @objects[name] and self.isomorphic?
+ msg = "Object '%s[%s]' already exists" %
+ [, name]
+ if exobj.file and exobj.line
+ msg += ("in file %s at line %s" %
+ [object.file, object.line])
+ end
+ if object.file and object.line
+ msg += ("and cannot be redefined in file %s at line %s" %
+ [object.file, object.line])
+ end
+ error =
+ raise error
+ else
+"adding %s of type %s to class list" %
+ # [name,object.class])
+ @objects[name] = newobj
+ end
+ end
+ # Create an alias. We keep these in a separate hash so that we don't encounter
+ # the objects multiple times when iterating over them.
+ def self.alias(name, obj)
+ raise "Global resource aliasing is deprecated"
+ if @objects.include?(name)
+ unless @objects[name] == obj
+ raise
+ "Cannot create alias %s: object already exists" %
+ [name]
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ if @aliases.include?(name)
+ unless @aliases[name] == obj
+ raise
+ "Object %s already has alias %s" %
+ [@aliases[name].name, name]
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ @aliases[name] = obj
+ end
+ # remove all of the instances of a single type
+ def self.clear
+ raise "Global resource removal is deprecated"
+ if defined? @objects
+ @objects.each do |name, obj|
+ obj.remove(true)
+ end
+ @objects.clear
+ end
+ if defined? @aliases
+ @aliases.clear
+ end
+ end
+ # Force users to call this, so that we can merge objects if
+ # necessary.
+ def self.create(args)
+ # Don't modify the original hash; instead, create a duplicate and modify it.
+ # We have to dup and use the ! so that it stays a TransObject if it is
+ # one.
+ hash = args.dup
+ symbolizehash!(hash)
+ # If we're the base class, then pass the info on appropriately
+ if self == Puppet::Type
+ type = nil
+ if hash.is_a? Puppet::TransObject
+ type = hash.type
+ else
+ # If we're using the type to determine object type, then delete it
+ if type = hash[:type]
+ hash.delete(:type)
+ end
+ end
+ # If they've specified a type and called on the base, then
+ # delegate to the subclass.
+ if type
+ if typeklass = self.type(type)
+ return typeklass.create(hash)
+ else
+ raise Puppet::Error, "Unknown type %s" % type
+ end
+ else
+ raise Puppet::Error, "No type found for %s" % hash.inspect
+ end
+ end
+ # Handle this new object being implicit
+ implicit = hash[:implicit] || false
+ if hash.include?(:implicit)
+ hash.delete(:implicit)
+ end
+ name = nil
+ unless hash.is_a? Puppet::TransObject
+ hash = self.hash2trans(hash)
+ end
+ # XXX This will have to change when transobjects change to using titles
+ title =
+ # create it anew
+ # if there's a failure, destroy the object if it got that far, but raise
+ # the error.
+ begin
+ obj = new(hash)
+ rescue => detail
+ Puppet.err "Could not create %s: %s" % [title, detail.to_s]
+ if obj
+ obj.remove(true)
+ end
+ raise
+ end
+ if implicit
+ obj.implicit = true
+ end
+ return obj
+ end
+ # remove a specified object
+ def self.delete(resource)
+ raise "Global resource removal is deprecated"
+ return unless defined? @objects
+ if @objects.include?(resource.title)
+ @objects.delete(resource.title)
+ end
+ if @aliases.include?(resource.title)
+ @aliases.delete(resource.title)
+ end
+ if @aliases.has_value?(resource)
+ names = []
+ @aliases.each do |name, otherres|
+ if otherres == resource
+ names << name
+ end
+ end
+ names.each { |name| @aliases.delete(name) }
+ end
+ end
+ # iterate across each of the type's instances
+ def self.each
+ raise "Global resource iteration is deprecated"
+ return unless defined? @objects
+ @objects.each { |name,instance|
+ yield instance
+ }
+ end
+ # does the type have an object with the given name?
+ def self.has_key?(name)
+ raise "Global resource access is deprecated"
+ return @objects.has_key?(name)
+ end
+ # Convert a hash to a TransObject.
+ def self.hash2trans(hash)
+ title = nil
+ if hash.include? :title
+ title = hash[:title]
+ hash.delete(:title)
+ elsif hash.include? self.namevar
+ title = hash[self.namevar]
+ hash.delete(self.namevar)
+ if hash.include? :name
+ raise ArgumentError, "Cannot provide both name and %s to %s" %
+ [self.namevar,]
+ end
+ elsif hash[:name]
+ title = hash[:name]
+ hash.delete :name
+ end
+ if catalog = hash[:catalog]
+ hash.delete(:catalog)
+ end
+ raise(Puppet::Error, "You must specify a title for objects of type %s" % self.to_s) unless title
+ if hash.include? :type
+ unless self.validattr? :type
+ hash.delete :type
+ end
+ end
+ # okay, now make a transobject out of hash
+ begin
+ trans =,
+ trans.catalog = catalog if catalog
+ hash.each { |param, value|
+ trans[param] = value
+ }
+ rescue => detail
+ raise Puppet::Error, "Could not create %s: %s" %
+ [name, detail]
+ end
+ return trans
+ end
+ # Retrieve all known instances. Either requires providers or must be overridden.
+ def self.instances
+ unless defined?(@providers) and ! @providers.empty?
+ raise Puppet::DevError, "%s has no providers and has not overridden 'instances'" %
+ end
+ # Put the default provider first, then the rest of the suitable providers.
+ provider_instances = {}
+ providers_by_source.collect do |provider|
+ provider.instances.collect do |instance|
+ # We always want to use the "first" provider instance we find, unless the resource
+ # is already managed and has a different provider set
+ if other = provider_instances[]
+ Puppet.warning "%s %s found in both %s and %s; skipping the %s version" %
+ [,,,,]
+ next
+ end
+ provider_instances[] = instance
+ create(:name =>, :provider => instance, :check => :all)
+ end
+ end.flatten.compact
+ end
+ # Return a list of one suitable provider per source, with the default provider first.
+ def self.providers_by_source
+ # Put the default provider first, then the rest of the suitable providers.
+ sources = []
+ [defaultprovider, suitableprovider].flatten.uniq.collect do |provider|
+ next if sources.include?(provider.source)
+ sources << provider.source
+ provider
+ end.compact
+ end
+ # Create the path for logging and such.
+ def pathbuilder
+ if p = parent
+ [p.pathbuilder, self.ref].flatten
+ else
+ [self.ref]
+ end
+ end
+ ###############################
+ # Add all of the meta parameters.
+ newmetaparam(:noop) do
+ desc "Boolean flag indicating whether work should actually
+ be done."
+ newvalues(:true, :false)
+ munge do |value|
+ case value
+ when true, :true, "true": @resource.noop = true
+ when false, :false, "false": @resource.noop = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ newmetaparam(:schedule) do
+ desc "On what schedule the object should be managed. You must create a
+ schedule object, and then reference the name of that object to use
+ that for your schedule::
+ schedule { daily:
+ period => daily,
+ range => \"2-4\"
+ }
+ exec { \"/usr/bin/apt-get update\":
+ schedule => daily
+ }
+ The creation of the schedule object does not need to appear in the
+ configuration before objects that use it."
+ end
+ newmetaparam(:check) do
+ desc "Propertys which should have their values retrieved
+ but which should not actually be modified. This is currently used
+ internally, but will eventually be used for querying, so that you
+ could specify that you wanted to check the install state of all
+ packages, and then query the Puppet client daemon to get reports
+ on all packages."
+ munge do |args|
+ # If they've specified all, collect all known properties
+ if args == :all
+ args = do |property|
+ # Only get properties supported by our provider
+ if @resource.provider
+ @resource.provider.class.supports_parameter?(property)
+ else
+ true
+ end
+ end.collect do |property|
+ end
+ end
+ unless args.is_a?(Array)
+ args = [args]
+ end
+ unless defined? @resource
+ self.devfail "No parent for %s, %s?" %
+ [self.class,]
+ end
+ args.each { |property|
+ unless property.is_a?(Symbol)
+ property = property.intern
+ end
+ next if @resource.propertydefined?(property)
+ unless propertyklass = @resource.class.validproperty?(property)
+ if @resource.class.validattr?(property)
+ next
+ else
+ raise Puppet::Error, "%s is not a valid attribute for %s" %
+ [property,]
+ end
+ end
+ next unless propertyklass.checkable?
+ @resource.newattr(property)
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ # We've got four relationship metaparameters, so this method is used
+ # to reduce code duplication between them.
+ def munge_relationship(param, values)
+ # We need to support values passed in as an array or as a
+ # resource reference.
+ result = []
+ # 'values' could be an array or a reference. If it's an array,
+ # it could be an array of references or an array of arrays.
+ if values.is_a?(Puppet::Type)
+ result << [, values.title]
+ else
+ unless values.is_a?(Array)
+ devfail "Relationships must be resource references"
+ end
+ if values[0].is_a?(String) or values[0].is_a?(Symbol)
+ # we're a type/title array reference
+ values[0] = symbolize(values[0])
+ result << values
+ else
+ # we're an array of stuff
+ values.each do |value|
+ if value.is_a?(Puppet::Type)
+ result << [, value.title]
+ elsif value.is_a?(Array)
+ value[0] = symbolize(value[0])
+ result << value
+ else
+ devfail "Invalid relationship %s" % value.inspect
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if existing = self[param]
+ result = existing + result
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ newmetaparam(:loglevel) do
+ desc "Sets the level that information will be logged.
+ The log levels have the biggest impact when logs are sent to
+ syslog (which is currently the default)."
+ defaultto :notice
+ newvalues(*Puppet::Util::Log.levels)
+ newvalues(:verbose)
+ munge do |loglevel|
+ val = super(loglevel)
+ if val == :verbose
+ val = :info
+ end
+ val
+ end
+ end
+ newmetaparam(:alias) do
+ desc "Creates an alias for the object. Puppet uses this internally when you
+ provide a symbolic name::
+ file { sshdconfig:
+ path => $operatingsystem ? {
+ solaris => \"/usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config\",
+ default => \"/etc/ssh/sshd_config\"
+ },
+ source => \"...\"
+ }
+ service { sshd:
+ subscribe => file[sshdconfig]
+ }
+ When you use this feature, the parser sets ``sshdconfig`` as the name,
+ and the library sets that as an alias for the file so the dependency
+ lookup for ``sshd`` works. You can use this parameter yourself,
+ but note that only the library can use these aliases; for instance,
+ the following code will not work::
+ file { \"/etc/ssh/sshd_config\":
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ alias => sshdconfig
+ }
+ file { sshdconfig:
+ mode => 644
+ }
+ There's no way here for the Puppet parser to know that these two stanzas
+ should be affecting the same file.
+ See the `LanguageTutorial language tutorial`:trac: for more information.
+ "
+ munge do |aliases|
+ unless aliases.is_a?(Array)
+ aliases = [aliases]
+ end
+ raise(ArgumentError, "Cannot add aliases without a catalog") unless @resource.catalog
+ "Adding aliases %s" % aliases.collect { |a| a.inspect }.join(", ")
+ aliases.each do |other|
+ if obj = @resource.catalog.resource(, other)
+ unless obj.object_id == @resource.object_id
+"%s can not create alias %s: object already exists" % [@resource.title, other])
+ end
+ next
+ end
+ # LAK:FIXME Old-school, add the alias to the class.
+ @resource.class.alias(other, @resource)
+ # Newschool, add it to the catalog.
+ @resource.catalog.alias(@resource, other)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ newmetaparam(:tag) do
+ desc "Add the specified tags to the associated resource. While all resources
+ are automatically tagged with as much information as possible
+ (e.g., each class and definition containing the resource), it can
+ be useful to add your own tags to a given resource.
+ Tags are currently useful for things like applying a subset of a
+ host's configuration::
+ puppetd --test --tags mytag
+ This way, when you're testing a configuration you can run just the
+ portion you're testing."
+ munge do |tags|
+ tags = [tags] unless tags.is_a? Array
+ tags.each do |tag|
+ @resource.tag(tag)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class RelationshipMetaparam < Puppet::Parameter
+ class << self
+ attr_accessor :direction, :events, :callback, :subclasses
+ end
+ @subclasses = []
+ def self.inherited(sub)
+ @subclasses << sub
+ end
+ def munge(rels)
+ @resource.munge_relationship(, rels)
+ end
+ def validate_relationship
+ @value.each do |value|
+ unless @resource.catalog.resource(*value)
+ description = self.class.direction == :in ? "dependency" : "dependent"
+ fail Puppet::Error, "Could not find %s %s[%s] for %s" %
+ [description, value[0].to_s.capitalize, value[1], resource.ref]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Create edges from each of our relationships. :in
+ # relationships are specified by the event-receivers, and :out
+ # relationships are specified by the event generator. This
+ # way 'source' and 'target' are consistent terms in both edges
+ # and events -- that is, an event targets edges whose source matches
+ # the event's source. The direction of the relationship determines
+ # which resource is applied first and which resource is considered
+ # to be the event generator.
+ def to_edges
+ @value.collect do |value|
+ # we just have a name and a type, and we need to convert it
+ # to an object...
+ tname, name = value
+ reference =, name)
+ # Either of the two retrieval attempts could have returned
+ # nil.
+ unless object = reference.resolve
+ "Could not retrieve dependency '%s' of %s" % [reference, @resource.ref]
+ end
+ # Are we requiring them, or vice versa? See the method docs
+ # for futher info on this.
+ if self.class.direction == :in
+ source = object
+ target = @resource
+ else
+ source = @resource
+ target = object
+ end
+ if method = self.class.callback
+ subargs = {
+ :event =>,
+ :callback => method
+ }
+ self.debug("subscribes to %s" % [object.ref])
+ else
+ # If there's no callback, there's no point in even adding
+ # a label.
+ subargs = nil
+ self.debug("requires %s" % [object.ref])
+ end
+ rel =, target, subargs)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def self.relationship_params
+ RelationshipMetaparam.subclasses
+ end
+ # Note that the order in which the relationships params is defined
+ # matters. The labelled params (notify and subcribe) must be later,
+ # so that if both params are used, those ones win. It's a hackish
+ # solution, but it works.
+ newmetaparam(:require, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :in, :events => :NONE}) do
+ desc "One or more objects that this object depends on.
+ This is used purely for guaranteeing that changes to required objects
+ happen before the dependent object. For instance::
+ # Create the destination directory before you copy things down
+ file { \"/usr/local/scripts\":
+ ensure => directory
+ }
+ file { \"/usr/local/scripts/myscript\":
+ source => \"puppet://server/module/myscript\",
+ mode => 755,
+ require => File[\"/usr/local/scripts\"]
+ }
+ Multiple dependencies can be specified by providing a comma-seperated list
+ of resources, enclosed in square brackets::
+ require => [ File[\"/usr/local\"], File[\"/usr/local/scripts\"] ]
+ Note that Puppet will autorequire everything that it can, and
+ there are hooks in place so that it's easy for resources to add new
+ ways to autorequire objects, so if you think Puppet could be
+ smarter here, let us know.
+ In fact, the above code was redundant -- Puppet will autorequire
+ any parent directories that are being managed; it will
+ automatically realize that the parent directory should be created
+ before the script is pulled down.
+ Currently, exec resources will autorequire their CWD (if it is
+ specified) plus any fully qualified paths that appear in the
+ command. For instance, if you had an ``exec`` command that ran
+ the ``myscript`` mentioned above, the above code that pulls the
+ file down would be automatically listed as a requirement to the
+ ``exec`` code, so that you would always be running againts the
+ most recent version.
+ "
+ end
+ newmetaparam(:subscribe, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :in, :events => :ALL_EVENTS, :callback => :refresh}) do
+ desc "One or more objects that this object depends on. Changes in the
+ subscribed to objects result in the dependent objects being
+ refreshed (e.g., a service will get restarted). For instance::
+ class nagios {
+ file { \"/etc/nagios/nagios.conf\":
+ source => \"puppet://server/module/nagios.conf\",
+ alias => nagconf # just to make things easier for me
+ }
+ service { nagios:
+ running => true,
+ subscribe => File[nagconf]
+ }
+ }
+ Currently the ``exec``, ``mount`` and ``service`` type support
+ refreshing.
+ "
+ end
+ newmetaparam(:before, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :out, :events => :NONE}) do
+ desc %{This parameter is the opposite of **require** -- it guarantees
+ that the specified object is applied later than the specifying
+ object::
+ file { "/var/nagios/configuration":
+ source => "...",
+ recurse => true,
+ before => Exec["nagios-rebuid"]
+ }
+ exec { "nagios-rebuild":
+ command => "/usr/bin/make",
+ cwd => "/var/nagios/configuration"
+ }
+ This will make sure all of the files are up to date before the
+ make command is run.}
+ end
+ newmetaparam(:notify, :parent => RelationshipMetaparam, :attributes => {:direction => :out, :events => :ALL_EVENTS, :callback => :refresh}) do
+ desc %{This parameter is the opposite of **subscribe** -- it sends events
+ to the specified object::
+ file { "/etc/sshd_config":
+ source => "....",
+ notify => Service[sshd]
+ }
+ service { sshd:
+ ensure => running
+ }
+ This will restart the sshd service if the sshd config file changes.}
+ end
+ ###############################
+ # All of the provider plumbing for the resource types.
+ require 'puppet/provider'
+ require 'puppet/util/provider_features'
+ # Add the feature handling module.
+ extend Puppet::Util::ProviderFeatures
+ attr_reader :provider
+ # the Type class attribute accessors
+ class << self
+ attr_accessor :providerloader
+ attr_writer :defaultprovider
+ end
+ # Find the default provider.
+ def self.defaultprovider
+ unless defined? @defaultprovider and @defaultprovider
+ suitable = suitableprovider()
+ # Find which providers are a default for this system.
+ defaults = suitable.find_all { |provider| provider.default? }
+ # If we don't have any default we use suitable providers
+ defaults = suitable if defaults.empty?
+ max = defaults.collect { |provider| provider.defaultnum }.max
+ defaults = defaults.find_all { |provider| provider.defaultnum == max }
+ retval = nil
+ if defaults.length > 1
+ Puppet.warning(
+ "Found multiple default providers for %s: %s; using %s" %
+ [, defaults.collect { |i| }.join(", "),
+ defaults[0].name]
+ )
+ retval = defaults.shift
+ elsif defaults.length == 1
+ retval = defaults.shift
+ else
+ raise Puppet::DevError, "Could not find a default provider for %s" %
+ end
+ @defaultprovider = retval
+ end
+ return @defaultprovider
+ end
+ # Convert a hash, as provided by, um, a provider, into an instance of self.
+ def self.hash2obj(hash)
+ obj = nil
+ namevar = self.namevar
+ unless hash.include?(namevar) and hash[namevar]
+ raise Puppet::DevError, "Hash was not passed with namevar"
+ end
+ # if the obj already exists with that name...
+ if obj = self[hash[namevar]]
+ # We're assuming here that objects with the same name
+ # are the same object, which *should* be the case, assuming
+ # we've set up our naming stuff correctly everywhere.
+ # Mark found objects as present
+ hash.each { |param, value|
+ if property =
+ elsif val = obj[param]
+ obj[param] = val
+ else
+ # There is a value on disk, but it should go away
+ obj[param] = :absent
+ end
+ }
+ else
+ # create a new obj, since no existing one seems to
+ # match
+ obj = self.create(namevar => hash[namevar])
+ # We can't just pass the hash in at object creation time,
+ # because it sets the should value, not the is value.
+ hash.delete(namevar)
+ hash.each { |param, value|
+ obj[param] = value unless obj.add_property_parameter(param)
+ }
+ end
+ return obj
+ end
+ # Retrieve a provider by name.
+ def self.provider(name)
+ name = Puppet::Util.symbolize(name)
+ # If we don't have it yet, try loading it.
+ unless @providers.has_key?(name)
+ @providerloader.load(name)
+ end
+ return @providers[name]
+ end
+ # Just list all of the providers.
+ def self.providers
+ @providers.keys
+ end
+ def self.validprovider?(name)
+ name = Puppet::Util.symbolize(name)
+ return (@providers.has_key?(name) && @providers[name].suitable?)
+ end
+ # Create a new provider of a type. This method must be called
+ # directly on the type that it's implementing.
+ def self.provide(name, options = {}, &block)
+ name = Puppet::Util.symbolize(name)
+ if obj = @providers[name]
+ Puppet.debug "Reloading %s %s provider" % [name,]
+ unprovide(name)
+ end
+ parent = if pname = options[:parent]
+ options.delete(:parent)
+ if pname.is_a? Class
+ pname
+ else
+ if provider = self.provider(pname)
+ provider
+ else
+ raise Puppet::DevError,
+ "Could not find parent provider %s of %s" %
+ [pname, name]
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ Puppet::Provider
+ end
+ options[:resource_type] ||= self
+ self.providify
+ provider = genclass(name,
+ :parent => parent,
+ :hash => @providers,
+ :prefix => "Provider",
+ :block => block,
+ :include => feature_module,
+ :extend => feature_module,
+ :attributes => options
+ )
+ return provider
+ end
+ # Make sure we have a :provider parameter defined. Only gets called if there
+ # are providers.
+ def self.providify
+ return if @paramhash.has_key? :provider
+ newparam(:provider) do
+ desc "The specific backend for #{} to use. You will
+ seldom need to specify this -- Puppet will usually discover the
+ appropriate provider for your platform."
+ # This is so we can refer back to the type to get a list of
+ # providers for documentation.
+ class << self
+ attr_accessor :parenttype
+ end
+ # We need to add documentation for each provider.
+ def self.doc
+ @doc + " Available providers are:\n\n" + parenttype().providers.sort { |a,b|
+ a.to_s <=> b.to_s
+ }.collect { |i|
+ "* **%s**: %s" % [i, parenttype().provider(i).doc]
+ }.join("\n")
+ end
+ defaultto {
+ }
+ validate do |provider_class|
+ provider_class = provider_class[0] if provider_class.is_a? Array
+ if provider_class.is_a?(Puppet::Provider)
+ provider_class =
+ end
+ unless provider = @resource.class.provider(provider_class)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid %s provider '%s'" % [, provider_class]
+ end
+ end
+ munge do |provider|
+ provider = provider[0] if provider.is_a? Array
+ if provider.is_a? String
+ provider = provider.intern
+ end
+ @resource.provider = provider
+ if provider.is_a?(Puppet::Provider)
+ else
+ provider
+ end
+ end
+ end.parenttype = self
+ end
+ def self.unprovide(name)
+ if @providers.has_key? name
+ rmclass(name,
+ :hash => @providers,
+ :prefix => "Provider"
+ )
+ if @defaultprovider and == name
+ @defaultprovider = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Return an array of all of the suitable providers.
+ def self.suitableprovider
+ if @providers.empty?
+ providerloader.loadall
+ end
+ @providers.find_all { |name, provider|
+ provider.suitable?
+ }.collect { |name, provider|
+ provider
+ }.reject { |p| == :fake } # For testing
+ end
+ def provider=(name)
+ if name.is_a?(Puppet::Provider)
+ @provider = name
+ @provider.resource = self
+ elsif klass = self.class.provider(name)
+ @provider =
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Could not find %s provider of %s" %
+ [name,]
+ end
+ end
+ ###############################
+ # All of the relationship code.
+ # Specify a block for generating a list of objects to autorequire. This
+ # makes it so that you don't have to manually specify things that you clearly
+ # require.
+ def self.autorequire(name, &block)
+ @autorequires ||= {}
+ @autorequires[name] = block
+ end
+ # Yield each of those autorequires in turn, yo.
+ def self.eachautorequire
+ @autorequires ||= {}
+ @autorequires.each { |type, block|
+ yield(type, block)
+ }
+ end
+ # Figure out of there are any objects we can automatically add as
+ # dependencies.
+ def autorequire
+ reqs = []
+ self.class.eachautorequire { |type, block|
+ # Ignore any types we can't find, although that would be a bit odd.
+ next unless typeobj = Puppet.type(type)
+ # Retrieve the list of names from the block.
+ next unless list = self.instance_eval(&block)
+ unless list.is_a?(Array)
+ list = [list]
+ end
+ # Collect the current prereqs
+ list.each { |dep|
+ obj = nil
+ # Support them passing objects directly, to save some effort.
+ unless dep.is_a? Puppet::Type
+ # Skip autorequires that we aren't managing
+ unless dep = rel_catalog.resource(type, dep)
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ reqs <<, self)
+ }
+ }
+ return reqs
+ end
+ # Build the dependencies associated with an individual object.
+ def builddepends
+ # Handle the requires
+ self.class.relationship_params.collect do |klass|
+ if param = @parameters[]
+ param.to_edges
+ end
+ end.flatten.reject { |r| r.nil? }
+ end
+ # Does this resource have a relationship with the other? We have to
+ # check each object for both directions of relationship.
+ def requires?(other)
+ them = [, other.title]
+ me = [, self.title]
+ self.class.relationship_params.each do |param|
+ case param.direction
+ when :in: return true if v = self[] and v.include?(them)
+ when :out: return true if v = other[] and v.include?(me)
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ # we've received an event
+ # we only support local events right now, so we can pass actual
+ # objects around, including the transaction object
+ # the assumption here is that container objects will pass received
+ # methods on to contained objects
+ # i.e., we don't trigger our children, our refresh() method calls
+ # refresh() on our children
+ def trigger(event, source)
+ trans = event.transaction
+ if @callbacks.include?(source)
+ [:ALL_EVENTS, event.event].each { |eventname|
+ if method = @callbacks[source][eventname]
+ if trans.triggered?(self, method) > 0
+ next
+ end
+ if self.respond_to?(method)
+ self.send(method)
+ end
+ trans.triggered(self, method)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ # Unsubscribe from a given object, possibly with a specific event.
+ def unsubscribe(object, event = nil)
+ # First look through our own relationship params
+ [:require, :subscribe].each do |param|
+ if values = self[param]
+ newvals = values.reject { |d|
+ d == [, object.title]
+ }
+ if newvals.length != values.length
+ self.delete(param)
+ self[param] = newvals
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ###############################
+ # All of the scheduling code.
+ # Look up the schedule and set it appropriately. This is done after
+ # the instantiation phase, so that the schedule can be anywhere in the
+ # file.
+ def schedule
+ unless catalog
+ warning "Cannot schedule without a schedule-containing catalog"
+ return nil
+ end
+ unless defined? @schedule
+ if name = self[:schedule]
+ if sched = catalog.resource(:schedule, name)
+ @schedule = sched
+ else
+ "Could not find schedule %s" % name
+ end
+ else
+ @schedule = nil
+ end
+ end
+ @schedule
+ end
+ # Check whether we are scheduled to run right now or not.
+ def scheduled?
+ return true if Puppet[:ignoreschedules]
+ return true unless schedule = self.schedule
+ # We use 'checked' here instead of 'synced' because otherwise we'll
+ # end up checking most resources most times, because they will generally
+ # have been synced a long time ago (e.g., a file only gets updated
+ # once a month on the server and its schedule is daily; the last sync time
+ # will have been a month ago, so we'd end up checking every run).
+ return schedule.match?(self.cached(:checked).to_i)
+ end
+ ###############################
+ # All of the tagging code.
+ attr_reader :tags
+ # Add a new tag.
+ def tag(tag)
+ tag = tag.intern if tag.is_a? String
+ unless @tags.include? tag
+ @tags << tag
+ end
+ end
+ # Define the initial list of tags.
+ def tags=(list)
+ list = [list] unless list.is_a? Array
+ @tags = list.collect do |t|
+ case t
+ when String: t.intern
+ when Symbol: t
+ else
+ self.warning "Ignoring tag %s of type %s" % [tag.inspect, tag.class]
+ end
+ end
+ @tags << unless @tags.include?(
+ end
+ # Figure out of any of the specified tags apply to this object. This is an
+ # OR operation.
+ def tagged?(tags)
+ tags = [tags] unless tags.is_a? Array
+ tags = tags.collect { |t| t.intern }
+ return tags.find { |tag| @tags.include? tag }
+ end
# Types (which map to resources in the languages) are entirely composed of
# attribute value pairs. Generally, Puppet calls any of these things an
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/file.rb b/lib/puppet/type/file.rb
index ef010efda..c6ab2570c 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/type/file.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/file.rb
@@ -839,6 +839,8 @@ module Puppet
# Keep track of all the files we found in the source, so we can purge
# appropriately.
sourced = []
+ success = false
@parameters[:source].should.each do |source|
sourceobj, path = uri2obj(source)
@@ -853,6 +855,8 @@ module Puppet
if desc == ""
+ success = true
# Now create a new child for every file returned in the list.
result += desc.split("\n").collect { |line|
@@ -888,6 +892,11 @@ module Puppet
return [result, sourced]
+ unless success
+ raise Puppet::Error, "None of the provided sources exist"
+ end
return [result, sourced]
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/package.rb b/lib/puppet/type/package.rb
index f004f7c42..0cea39197 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/type/package.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/package.rb
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ module Puppet
# that can't query versions.
return true
- self.debug "is is %s, latest %s is %s" %
- [is.inspect,, @latest.inspect]
+ self.debug "%s %s is installed, latest is %s" %
+ [, is.inspect, @latest.inspect]
when :absent
return true if is == :absent or is == :purged
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/user.rb b/lib/puppet/type/user.rb
index 0b668395d..100c9c377 100755
--- a/lib/puppet/type/user.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/user.rb
@@ -158,6 +158,14 @@ module Puppet
newproperty(:password, :required_features => :manages_passwords) do
desc "The user's password, in whatever encrypted format the local machine requires. Be sure to enclose any value that includes a dollar sign ($) in single quotes (\')."
+ def change_to_s(currentvalue, newvalue)
+ if currentvalue == :absent
+ return "created password"
+ else
+ return "changed password"
+ end
+ end
newproperty(:groups) do
diff --git a/lib/puppet/util.rb b/lib/puppet/util.rb
index 94c96db0c..d6de3e2e1 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/util.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/util.rb
@@ -220,19 +220,14 @@ module Util
def binary(bin)
if bin =~ /^\//
- if FileTest.exists? bin
+ if FileTest.file? bin and FileTest.executable? bin
return bin
return nil
- # LAK:NOTE See [groups_google_com]
- x = ENV['PATH'].split(":").each do |dir|
- if FileTest.exists? File.join(dir, bin)
- return File.join(dir, bin)
- end
- end
- return nil
+ x = %x{which #{bin} 2>/dev/null}.chomp
+ return x
module_function :binary
@@ -321,6 +316,7 @@ module Util
+ 3.upto(256){|fd| IO::new(fd).close rescue nil}
if arguments[:gid]
Process.egid = arguments[:gid]
Process.gid = arguments[:gid] unless @@os == "Darwin"
diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/ldap/connection.rb b/lib/puppet/util/ldap/connection.rb
index f6530f853..70fe303c5 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/util/ldap/connection.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/ldap/connection.rb
@@ -17,7 +17,17 @@ class Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection
- new(Puppet[:ldapserver], Puppet[:ldapport], :ssl => ssl)
+ options = {}
+ options[:ssl] = ssl
+ if user = Puppet.settings[:ldapuser] and user != ""
+ options[:user] = user
+ if pass = Puppet.settings[:ldappassword] and pass != ""
+ options[:password] = pass
+ end
+ end
+ new(Puppet[:ldapserver], Puppet[:ldapport], options)
def close
diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/plist.rb b/lib/puppet/util/plist.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d7a95da23..000000000
--- a/lib/puppet/util/plist.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006, Ben Bleything <> and #
-# Patrick May <> #
-# #
-# Distributed under the MIT license. #
-# = Plist
-# This is the main file for plist. Everything interesting happens in Plist and Plist::Emit.
-require 'base64'
-require 'cgi'
-require 'stringio'
-require 'puppet/util/plist/generator'
-require 'puppet/util/plist/parser'
-module Plist
- VERSION = '3.0.0'
diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/plist/generator.rb b/lib/puppet/util/plist/generator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c615ac43b..000000000
--- a/lib/puppet/util/plist/generator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006, Ben Bleything <> and #
-# Patrick May <> #
-# #
-# Distributed under the MIT license. #
-# See Plist::Emit.
-module Plist
- # === Create a plist
- # You can dump an object to a plist in one of two ways:
- #
- # * <tt>Plist::Emit.dump(obj)</tt>
- # * <tt>obj.to_plist</tt>
- # * This requires that you mixin the <tt>Plist::Emit</tt> module, which is already done for +Array+ and +Hash+.
- #
- # The following Ruby classes are converted into native plist types:
- # Array, Bignum, Date, DateTime, Fixnum, Float, Hash, Integer, String, Symbol, Time, true, false
- # * +Array+ and +Hash+ are both recursive; their elements will be converted into plist nodes inside the <array> and <dict> containers (respectively).
- # * +IO+ (and its descendants) and +StringIO+ objects are read from and their contents placed in a <data> element.
- # * User classes may implement +to_plist_node+ to dictate how they should be serialized; otherwise the object will be passed to <tt>Marshal.dump</tt> and the result placed in a <data> element.
- #
- # For detailed usage instructions, refer to USAGE[link:files/docs/USAGE.html] and the methods documented below.
- module Emit
- # Helper method for injecting into classes. Calls <tt>Plist::Emit.dump</tt> with +self+.
- def to_plist(envelope = true)
- return Plist::Emit.dump(self, envelope)
- end
- # Helper method for injecting into classes. Calls <tt>Plist::Emit.save_plist</tt> with +self+.
- def save_plist(filename)
- Plist::Emit.save_plist(self, filename)
- end
- # The following Ruby classes are converted into native plist types:
- # Array, Bignum, Date, DateTime, Fixnum, Float, Hash, Integer, String, Symbol, Time
- #
- # Write us (via RubyForge) if you think another class can be coerced safely into one of the expected plist classes.
- #
- # +IO+ and +StringIO+ objects are encoded and placed in <data> elements; other objects are <tt>Marshal.dump</tt>'ed unless they implement +to_plist_node+.
- #
- # The +envelope+ parameters dictates whether or not the resultant plist fragment is wrapped in the normal XML/plist header and footer. Set it to false if you only want the fragment.
- def self.dump(obj, envelope = true)
- output = plist_node(obj)
- output = wrap(output) if envelope
- return output
- end
- # Writes the serialized object's plist to the specified filename.
- def self.save_plist(obj, filename)
-, 'wb') do |f|
- f.write(obj.to_plist)
- end
- end
- private
- def self.plist_node(element)
- output = ''
- if element.respond_to? :to_plist_node
- output << element.to_plist_node
- else
- case element
- when Array
- if element.empty?
- output << "<array/>\n"
- else
- output << tag('array') {
- element.collect {|e| plist_node(e)}
- }
- end
- when Hash
- if element.empty?
- output << "<dict/>\n"
- else
- inner_tags = []
- element.keys.sort.each do |k|
- v = element[k]
- inner_tags << tag('key', CGI::escapeHTML(k.to_s))
- inner_tags << plist_node(v)
- end
- output << tag('dict') {
- inner_tags
- }
- end
- when true, false
- output << "<#{element}/>\n"
- when Time
- output << tag('date', element.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'))
- when Date # also catches DateTime
- output << tag('date', element.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'))
- when String, Symbol, Fixnum, Bignum, Integer, Float
- output << tag(element_type(element), CGI::escapeHTML(element.to_s))
- when IO, StringIO
- element.rewind
- contents =
- # note that apple plists are wrapped at a different length then
- # what ruby's base64 wraps by default.
- # I used #encode64 instead of #b64encode (which allows a length arg)
- # because b64encode is b0rked and ignores the length arg.
- data = "\n"
- Base64::encode64(contents).gsub(/\s+/, '').scan(/.{1,68}/o) { data << $& << "\n" }
- output << tag('data', data)
- else
- output << comment( 'The <data> element below contains a Ruby object which has been serialized with Marshal.dump.' )
- data = "\n"
- Base64::encode64(Marshal.dump(element)).gsub(/\s+/, '').scan(/.{1,68}/o) { data << $& << "\n" }
- output << tag('data', data )
- end
- end
- return output
- end
- def self.comment(content)
- return "<!-- #{content} -->\n"
- end
- def self.tag(type, contents = '', &block)
- out = nil
- if block_given?
- out =
- out << "<#{type}>"
- out.raise_indent
- out <<
- out.lower_indent
- out << "</#{type}>"
- else
- out = "<#{type}>#{contents.to_s}</#{type}>\n"
- end
- return out.to_s
- end
- def self.wrap(contents)
- output = ''
- output << '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + "\n"
- output << '<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">' + "\n"
- output << '<plist version="1.0">' + "\n"
- output << contents
- output << '</plist>' + "\n"
- return output
- end
- def self.element_type(item)
- return case item
- when String, Symbol: 'string'
- when Fixnum, Bignum, Integer: 'integer'
- when Float: 'real'
- else
- raise "Don't know about this data type... something must be wrong!"
- end
- end
- private
- class IndentedString #:nodoc:
- attr_accessor :indent_string
- @@indent_level = 0
- def initialize(str = "\t")
- @indent_string = str
- @contents = ''
- end
- def to_s
- return @contents
- end
- def raise_indent
- @@indent_level += 1
- end
- def lower_indent
- @@indent_level -= 1 if @@indent_level > 0
- end
- def <<(val)
- if val.is_a? Array
- val.each do |f|
- self << f
- end
- else
- # if it's already indented, don't bother indenting further
- unless val =~ /\A#{@indent_string}/
- indent = @indent_string * @@indent_level
- @contents << val.gsub(/^/, indent)
- else
- @contents << val
- end
- # it already has a newline, don't add another
- @contents << "\n" unless val =~ /\n$/
- end
- end
- end
- end
-# we need to add this so sorting hash keys works properly
-class Symbol #:nodoc:
- def <=> (other)
- self.to_s <=> other.to_s
- end
-class Array #:nodoc:
- include Plist::Emit
-class Hash #:nodoc:
- include Plist::Emit
diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/plist/parser.rb b/lib/puppet/util/plist/parser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7308bfb9b..000000000
--- a/lib/puppet/util/plist/parser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006, Ben Bleything <> and #
-# Patrick May <> #
-# #
-# Distributed under the MIT license. #
-# Plist parses Mac OS X xml property list files into ruby data structures.
-# === Load a plist file
-# This is the main point of the library:
-# r = Plist::parse_xml( filename_or_xml )
-module Plist
-# Note that I don't use these two elements much:
-# + Date elements are returned as DateTime objects.
-# + Data elements are implemented as Tempfiles
-# Plist::parse_xml will blow up if it encounters a data element.
-# If you encounter such an error, or if you have a Date element which
-# can't be parsed into a Time object, please send your plist file to
-# so that I can implement the proper support.
- def Plist::parse_xml( filename_or_xml )
- listener =
- #parser =, listener)
- parser =, listener)
- parser.parse
- listener.result
- end
- class Listener
- #include REXML::StreamListener
- attr_accessor :result, :open
- def initialize
- @result = nil
- @open =
- end
- def tag_start(name, attributes)
- @open.push PTag::mappings[name].new
- end
- def text( contents )
- @open.last.text = contents if @open.last
- end
- def tag_end(name)
- last = @open.pop
- if @open.empty?
- @result = last.to_ruby
- else
- @open.last.children.push last
- end
- end
- end
- class StreamParser
- def initialize( filename_or_xml, listener )
- @filename_or_xml = filename_or_xml
- @listener = listener
- end
- TEXT = /([^<]+)/
- XMLDECL_PATTERN = /<\?xml\s+(.*?)\?>*/um
- DOCTYPE_PATTERN = /\s*<!DOCTYPE\s+(.*?)(\[|>)/um
- COMMENT_START = /\A<!--/u
- COMMENT_END = /.*?-->/um
- def parse
- plist_tags = PTag::mappings.keys.join('|')
- start_tag = /<(#{plist_tags})([^>]*)>/i
- end_tag = /<\/(#{plist_tags})[^>]*>/i
- require 'strscan'
- contents = (
- if (File.exists? @filename_or_xml)
- {|f|}
- else
- @filename_or_xml
- end
- )
- @scanner = contents )
- until @scanner.eos?
- if @scanner.scan(COMMENT_START)
- @scanner.scan(COMMENT_END)
- elsif @scanner.scan(XMLDECL_PATTERN)
- elsif @scanner.scan(DOCTYPE_PATTERN)
- elsif @scanner.scan(start_tag)
- @listener.tag_start(@scanner[1], nil)
- if (@scanner[2] =~ /\/$/)
- @listener.tag_end(@scanner[1])
- end
- elsif @scanner.scan(TEXT)
- @listener.text(@scanner[1])
- elsif @scanner.scan(end_tag)
- @listener.tag_end(@scanner[1])
- else
- raise "Unimplemented element"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class PTag
- @@mappings = { }
- def PTag::mappings
- @@mappings
- end
- def PTag::inherited( sub_class )
- key = sub_class.to_s.downcase
- key.gsub!(/^plist::/, '' )
- key.gsub!(/^p/, '') unless key == "plist"
- @@mappings[key] = sub_class
- end
- attr_accessor :text, :children
- def initialize
- @children =
- end
- def to_ruby
- raise "Unimplemented: " + self.class.to_s + "#to_ruby on #{self.inspect}"
- end
- end
- class PList < PTag
- def to_ruby
- children.first.to_ruby if children.first
- end
- end
- class PDict < PTag
- def to_ruby
- dict =
- key = nil
- children.each do |c|
- if key.nil?
- key = c.to_ruby
- else
- dict[key] = c.to_ruby
- key = nil
- end
- end
- dict
- end
- end
- class PKey < PTag
- def to_ruby
- CGI::unescapeHTML(text || '')
- end
- end
- class PString < PTag
- def to_ruby
- CGI::unescapeHTML(text || '')
- end
- end
- class PArray < PTag
- def to_ruby
- children.collect do |c|
- c.to_ruby
- end
- end
- end
- class PInteger < PTag
- def to_ruby
- text.to_i
- end
- end
- class PTrue < PTag
- def to_ruby
- true
- end
- end
- class PFalse < PTag
- def to_ruby
- false
- end
- end
- class PReal < PTag
- def to_ruby
- text.to_f
- end
- end
- require 'date'
- class PDate < PTag
- def to_ruby
- DateTime.parse(text)
- end
- end
- require 'base64'
- class PData < PTag
- def to_ruby
- data = Base64.decode64(text.gsub(/\s+/, ''))
- begin
- return Marshal.load(data)
- rescue Exception => e
- io =
- io.write data
- io.rewind
- return io
- end
- end
- end