path: root/test/network
diff options
authorLuke Kanies <>2008-04-11 13:01:42 -0500
committerLuke Kanies <>2008-04-11 13:01:42 -0500
commitfb05ef3c96038d67a46eb142202af186ad6cb0b3 (patch)
tree148e8b882e5c8104c4f3fa8ecc4288e8608f812d /test/network
parentb49fb68f768e8b98c555ef0ae08a7bd22f5d36bd (diff)
parentb49fd495622b15f96faf944db1e70cbe9e7fe7c4 (diff)
Merge branch '0.24.x'
Diffstat (limited to 'test/network')
3 files changed, 9 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/test/network/client/master.rb b/test/network/client/master.rb
index 682d48eb5..c0d14ccee 100755
--- a/test/network/client/master.rb
+++ b/test/network/client/master.rb
@@ -305,44 +305,6 @@ end
assert_equal(RUBY_VERSION, facts["rubyversion"], "ruby version did not get added")
- # #424
- def test_caching_of_compile_time
- file = tempfile()
- manifest = tempfile()
-, "w") { |f| f.puts "file { '#{file}': content => yay }" }
- Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:save)
- driver = mkmaster(:Manifest => manifest)
- driver.local = false
- master = mkclient(driver)
- # We have to make everything thinks it's remote, because there's no local caching info
- master.local = false
- assert(! master.fresh?(master.class.facts),
- "Considered fresh with no compile at all")
- assert_nothing_raised { }
- assert(master.fresh?(master.class.facts),
- "not considered fresh after compile")
- # Now make sure the config time is cached
- assert(master.compile_time, "No stored config time")
- assert_equal(master.compile_time, Puppet::Util::Storage.cache(:configuration)[:compile_time], "times did not match")
- time = master.compile_time
- master.clear
- File.unlink(file)
- # Now make a new master
- Puppet::Util::Storage.clear
- master = mkclient(driver)
- assert_equal(time, master.compile_time, "time was not retrieved from cache")
- assert(FileTest.exists?(file), "file was not created on second run")
- end
# #540 - make sure downloads aren't affected by noop
def test_download_in_noop
source = tempfile
@@ -384,44 +346,6 @@ end
"Tried to load cache when it is non-existent")
- # #519 - cache the facts so that we notice if they change.
- def test_factchanges_cause_recompile
- $value = "one"
- Facter.add(:testfact) do
- setcode { $value }
- end
- assert_equal("one", Facter.value(:testfact), "fact was not set correctly")
- master = mkclient
- master.local = false
- driver = master.send(:instance_variable_get, "@driver")
- driver.local = false
- Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:save)
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not compile config") do
- master.getconfig
- end
- $value = "two"
- Facter.clear
- Facter.loadfacts
- Facter.add(:testfact) do
- setcode { $value }
- end
- facts = master.class.facts
- assert_equal("two", Facter.value(:testfact), "fact did not change")
- assert(master.send(:facts_changed?, facts),
- "master does not think facts changed")
- assert(! master.fresh?(facts),
- "master is considered fresh after facts changed")
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not recompile when facts changed") do
- master.getconfig
- end
- end
def test_locking
master = mkclient
@@ -455,40 +379,6 @@ end
assert_equal(100, master.timeout, "Did not get changed integer default value for timeout on second run")
- # #569 -- Make sure we can ignore dynamic facts.
- def test_dynamic_facts
- client = mkclient
- assert_equal(%w{memorysize memoryfree swapsize swapfree}, client.class.dynamic_facts,
- "Did not get correct defaults for dynamic facts")
- # Cache some values for comparison
- cached = {"one" => "yep", "two" => "nope"}
- Puppet::Util::Storage.cache(:configuration)[:facts] = cached
- assert(! client.send(:facts_changed?, cached), "Facts incorrectly considered to be changed")
- # Now add some values to the passed result and make sure we get a positive
- newfacts = cached.dup
- newfacts["changed"] = "something"
- assert(client.send(:facts_changed?, newfacts), "Did not catch changed fact")
- # Now add a dynamic fact and make sure it's ignored
- newfacts = cached.dup
- newfacts["memorysize"] = "something"
- assert(! client.send(:facts_changed?, newfacts), "Dynamic facts resulted in a false positive")
- # And try it with both
- cached["memorysize"] = "something else"
- assert(! client.send(:facts_changed?, newfacts), "Dynamic facts resulted in a false positive")
- # And finally, with only in the cache
- newfacts.delete("memorysize")
- assert(! client.send(:facts_changed?, newfacts), "Dynamic facts resulted in a false positive")
- end
def test_splay
client = mkclient
diff --git a/test/network/handler/configuration.rb b/test/network/handler/configuration.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 36c5d9e54..000000000
--- a/test/network/handler/configuration.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/puppettest'
-require 'puppettest'
-require 'puppet/network/handler/configuration'
-class TestHandlerConfiguration < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include PuppetTest
- Config = Puppet::Network::Handler.handler(:configuration)
- # Check all of the setup stuff.
- def test_initialize
- config = nil
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not create local config") do
- config = => true)
- end
- assert(config.local?, "Config is not considered local after being started that way")
- end
- # Test creation/returning of the interpreter
- def test_interpreter
- config =
- # First test the defaults
- config.expects(:create_interpreter).returns(:interp)
- assert_equal(:interp, config.send(:interpreter), "Did not return the interpreter")
- # Now run it again and make sure we get the same thing
- assert_equal(:interp, config.send(:interpreter), "Did not cache the interpreter")
- end
- def test_create_interpreter
- config = => false)
- args = {}
- # Try it first with defaults.
- Puppet::Parser::Interpreter.expects(:new).returns(:interp)
- assert_equal(:interp, config.send(:create_interpreter), "Did not return the interpreter")
- end
- # Make sure node objects get appropriate data added to them.
- def test_add_node_data
- # First with no classes
- config =
- fakenode =
- # Set the server facts to something
- config.instance_variable_set("@server_facts", :facts)
- fakenode.expects(:merge).with(:facts)
- config.send(:add_node_data, fakenode)
- # Now try it with classes.
- config.classes = %w{a b}
- list = []
- fakenode =
- fakenode.expects(:merge).with(:facts)
- fakenode.expects(:classes).returns(list).times(2)
- config.send(:add_node_data, fakenode)
- assert_equal(%w{a b}, list, "Did not add classes to node")
- end
- def test_compile
- config =
- # First do a local
- node = mock 'node'
- node.stubs(:name).returns(:mynode)
- node.stubs(:environment).returns(:myenv)
- interp = mock 'interpreter'
- interp.stubs(:environment)
- interp.expects(:compile).with(node).returns(:config)
- config.expects(:interpreter).returns(interp)
- Puppet.expects(:notice) # The log message from benchmarking
- assert_equal(:config, config.send(:compile, node), "Did not return config")
- # Now try it non-local
- node = mock 'node'
- node.stubs(:name).returns(:mynode)
- node.stubs(:environment).returns(:myenv)
- interp = mock 'interpreter'
- interp.stubs(:environment)
- interp.expects(:compile).with(node).returns(:config)
- config = => true)
- config.expects(:interpreter).returns(interp)
- assert_equal(:config, config.send(:compile, node), "Did not return config")
- end
- def test_set_server_facts
- config =
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not call :set_server_facts") do
- config.send(:set_server_facts)
- end
- facts = config.instance_variable_get("@server_facts")
- %w{servername serverversion serverip}.each do |fact|
- assert(facts.include?(fact), "Config did not set %s fact" % fact)
- end
- end
- def test_translate
- # First do a local config
- config = => true)
- assert_equal(:plain, config.send(:translate, :plain), "Attempted to translate local config")
- # Now a non-local
- config = => false)
- assert(! config.local?, "Config wrongly thinks it's local")
- obj = mock 'dumpee'
- yamld = mock 'yaml'
- obj.expects(:to_yaml).with(:UseBlock => true).returns(yamld)
- CGI.expects(:escape).with(yamld).returns(:translated)
- assert_equal(:translated, config.send(:translate, obj), "Did not return translated config")
- end
- # Check that we're storing the node freshness into the rails db. Hackilicious.
- def test_update_node_check
- # This is stupid.
- config =
- node =
- node.expects(:name).returns(:hostname)
- now =
- Time.expects(:now).returns(now)
- host =
- host.expects(:last_freshcheck=).with(now)
- host.expects(:save)
- # Only test the case where rails is there
- Puppet[:storeconfigs] = true
- Puppet.features.expects(:rails?).returns(true)
- Puppet::Rails.expects(:connect)
- Puppet::Rails::Host.expects(:find_or_create_by_name).with(:hostname).returns(host)
- config.send(:update_node_check, node)
- end
- def test_version
- # First try the case where we can't look up the node
- config =
- node =
- Puppet::Node.stubs(:find_by_any_name).with(:client).returns(false, node)
- interp =
- assert_instance_of(Bignum, config.version(:client), "Did not return configuration version")
- # And then when we find the node.
- config =
- config.expects(:update_node_check).with(node)
- interp =
- interp.expects(:configuration_version).returns(:version)
- config.expects(:interpreter).returns(interp)
- assert_equal(:version, config.version(:client), "Did not return configuration version")
- end
diff --git a/test/network/handler/master.rb b/test/network/handler/master.rb
index 55522237b..e91ec2f47 100755
--- a/test/network/handler/master.rb
+++ b/test/network/handler/master.rb
@@ -13,52 +13,17 @@ class TestMaster < Test::Unit::TestCase
- # Make sure that files are reread when they change.
- def test_filereread
- # Start with a normal setting
- Puppet[:filetimeout] = 15
- manifest = mktestmanifest()
- facts = Puppet::Network::Client.master.facts
- # Store them, so we don't determine frshness based on facts.
- Puppet::Util::Storage.cache(:configuration)[:facts] = facts
- file2 = @createdfile + "2"
- @@tmpfiles << file2
- client = master = nil
- Puppet[:manifest] = manifest
- assert_nothing_raised() {
- # this is the default server setup
- master =
- :Local => true
- )
- }
- config = master.getconfig({"hostname" => "blah"})
- # Cache this value for later
- parse1 = master.freshness("mynode")
- sleep 1.5
- # Create a new manifest
-, "w") { |f|
- f.puts "file { \"%s\": ensure => file }\n" % file2
- }
- # Verify that the master doesn't immediately reparse the file; we
- # want to wait through the timeout
- assert_equal(parse1, master.freshness("mynode"), "Master did not wait through timeout")
- # Then eliminate it
- Puppet[:filetimeout] = 0
+ def test_freshness_is_always_now
+ master =
+ :Manifest => tempfile,
+ :UseNodes => true,
+ :Local => true
+ )
- # Now make sure the master does reparse
- #Puppet.notice "%s vs %s" % [parse1, master.freshness]
- assert(parse1 != master.freshness("mynode"), "Master did not reparse file")
+ now1 = mock 'now1'
+ Time.expects(:now).returns(now1)
- assert(master.getconfig({"hostname" => "blah"}) != config, "Did not use reloaded config")
+ assert_equal(master.freshness, now1, "Did not return current time as freshness")
# Make sure we're correctly doing clientname manipulations.