path: root/func
diff options
authorMichael DeHaan <>2008-07-07 17:06:34 -0400
committerMichael DeHaan <>2008-07-07 17:06:34 -0400
commitcda37e78dc61e8993e5868f3bbac173a69c5afd3 (patch)
tree56679db9fcfc1186753883676656ae1723e8dc63 /func
parent1d774702a1972f7f50b77a07553e59eeaebf0781 (diff)
Including yaml parser for use by Func-transmit, as we want to make sure we have
one around that is compatible with older Python, and also tweaked not to do crayz things with stream layout.
Diffstat (limited to 'func')
11 files changed, 1691 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/func/yaml/ b/func/yaml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd21b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+pyyaml legacy
+Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Howell and Friends; All Rights Reserved
+(see open source license information in docs/ directory)
+__version__ = "0.32"
+from load import loadFile, load, Parser, l
+from dump import dump, dumpToFile, Dumper, d
+from stream import YamlLoaderException, StringStream, FileStream
+from timestamp import timestamp
+import sys
+if sys.hexversion >= 0x02020000:
+ from redump import loadOrdered
+ from ypath import ypath
+except NameError:
+ def ypath(expr,target='',cntx=''):
+ raise NotImplementedError("ypath requires Python 2.2")
+if sys.hexversion < 0x02010000:
+ raise 'YAML is not tested for pre-2.1 versions of Python'
diff --git a/func/yaml/ b/func/yaml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb34955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+pyyaml legacy
+Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Howell and Friends; All Rights Reserved
+(see open source license information in docs/ directory)
+import types
+import string
+from types import StringType, UnicodeType, IntType, FloatType
+from types import DictType, ListType, TupleType, InstanceType
+from klass import hasMethod, isDictionary
+import re
+ The methods from this module that are exported to the top
+ level yaml package should remain stable. If you call
+ directly into other methods of this module, be aware that
+ they may change or go away in future implementations.
+ Contact the authors if there are methods in this file
+ that you wish to remain stable.
+def dump(*data):
+ return Dumper().dump(*data)
+def d(data): return dump(data)
+def dumpToFile(file, *data):
+ return Dumper().dumpToFile(file, *data)
+class Dumper:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.currIndent = "\n"
+ self.indent = " "
+ self.keysrt = None
+ self.alphaSort = 1 # legacy -- on by default
+ def setIndent(self, indent):
+ self.indent = indent
+ return self
+ def setSort(self, sort_hint):
+ self.keysrt = sortMethod(sort_hint)
+ return self
+ def dump(self, *data):
+ self.result = []
+ self.output = self.outputToString
+ self.dumpDocuments(data)
+ return string.join(self.result,"")
+ def outputToString(self, data):
+ self.result.append(data)
+ def dumpToFile(self, file, *data):
+ self.file = file
+ self.output = self.outputToFile
+ self.dumpDocuments(data)
+ def outputToFile(self, data):
+ self.file.write(data)
+ def dumpDocuments(self, data):
+ for obj in data:
+ self.anchors = YamlAnchors(obj)
+ self.output("---")
+ self.dumpData(obj)
+ self.output("\n")
+ def indentDump(self, data):
+ oldIndent = self.currIndent
+ self.currIndent += self.indent
+ self.dumpData(data)
+ self.currIndent = oldIndent
+ def dumpData(self, data):
+ anchor = self.anchors.shouldAnchor(data)
+ # Disabling anchors because they are lame for strings that the user might want to view/edit -- mdehaan
+ #
+ #if anchor:
+ # self.output(" &%d" % anchor )
+ #else:
+ # anchor = self.anchors.isAlias(data)
+ # if anchor:
+ # self.output(" *%d" % anchor )
+ # return
+ if (data is None):
+ self.output(' ~')
+ elif hasMethod(data, 'to_yaml'):
+ self.dumpTransformedObject(data)
+ elif hasMethod(data, 'to_yaml_implicit'):
+ self.output(" " + data.to_yaml_implicit())
+ elif type(data) is InstanceType:
+ self.dumpRawObject(data)
+ elif isDictionary(data):
+ self.dumpDict(data)
+ elif type(data) in [ListType, TupleType]:
+ self.dumpList(data)
+ else:
+ self.dumpScalar(data)
+ def dumpTransformedObject(self, data):
+ obj_yaml = data.to_yaml()
+ if type(obj_yaml) is not TupleType:
+ self.raiseToYamlSyntaxError()
+ (data, typestring) = obj_yaml
+ if typestring:
+ self.output(" " + typestring)
+ self.dumpData(data)
+ def dumpRawObject(self, data):
+ self.output(' !!%s.%s' % (data.__module__, data.__class__.__name__))
+ self.dumpData(data.__dict__)
+ def dumpDict(self, data):
+ keys = data.keys()
+ if len(keys) == 0:
+ self.output(" {}")
+ return
+ if self.keysrt:
+ keys = sort_keys(keys,self.keysrt)
+ else:
+ if self.alphaSort:
+ keys.sort()
+ for key in keys:
+ self.output(self.currIndent)
+ self.dumpKey(key)
+ self.output(":")
+ self.indentDump(data[key])
+ def dumpKey(self, key):
+ if type(key) is TupleType:
+ self.output("?")
+ self.indentDump(key)
+ self.output("\n")
+ else:
+ self.output(quote(key))
+ def dumpList(self, data):
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ self.output(" []")
+ return
+ for item in data:
+ self.output(self.currIndent)
+ self.output("-")
+ self.indentDump(item)
+ def dumpScalar(self, data):
+ if isUnicode(data):
+ self.output(' "%s"' % repr(data)[2:-1])
+ elif isMulti(data):
+ self.dumpMultiLineScalar(data.splitlines())
+ else:
+ self.output(" ")
+ self.output(quote(data))
+ def dumpMultiLineScalar(self, lines):
+ self.output(" |")
+ if lines[-1] == "":
+ self.output("+")
+ for line in lines:
+ self.output(self.currIndent)
+ self.output(line)
+ def raiseToYamlSyntaxError(self):
+ raise """
+to_yaml should return tuple w/object to dump
+and optional YAML type. Example:
+({'foo': 'bar'}, '!!foobar')
+def accumulate(obj,occur):
+ typ = type(obj)
+ if obj is None or \
+ typ is IntType or \
+ typ is FloatType or \
+ ((typ is StringType or typ is UnicodeType) \
+ and len(obj) < 32): return
+ obid = id(obj)
+ if 0 == occur.get(obid,0):
+ occur[obid] = 1
+ if typ is ListType:
+ for x in obj:
+ accumulate(x,occur)
+ if typ is DictType:
+ for (x,y) in obj.items():
+ accumulate(x,occur)
+ accumulate(y,occur)
+ else:
+ occur[obid] = occur[obid] + 1
+class YamlAnchors:
+ def __init__(self,data):
+ occur = {}
+ accumulate(data,occur)
+ anchorVisits = {}
+ for (obid, occur) in occur.items():
+ if occur > 1:
+ anchorVisits[obid] = 0
+ self._anchorVisits = anchorVisits
+ self._currentAliasIndex = 0
+ def shouldAnchor(self,obj):
+ ret = self._anchorVisits.get(id(obj),None)
+ if 0 == ret:
+ self._currentAliasIndex = self._currentAliasIndex + 1
+ ret = self._currentAliasIndex
+ self._anchorVisits[id(obj)] = ret
+ return ret
+ return 0
+ def isAlias(self,obj):
+ return self._anchorVisits.get(id(obj),0)
+def sort_keys(keys,fn):
+ tmp = []
+ for key in keys:
+ val = fn(key)
+ if val is None: val = '~'
+ tmp.append((val,key))
+ tmp.sort()
+ return [ y for (x,y) in tmp ]
+def sortMethod(sort_hint):
+ typ = type(sort_hint)
+ if DictType == typ:
+ return sort_hint.get
+ elif ListType == typ or TupleType == typ:
+ indexes = {}; idx = 0
+ for item in sort_hint:
+ indexes[item] = idx
+ idx += 1
+ return indexes.get
+ else:
+ return sort_hint
+def isStr(data):
+ # XXX 2.1 madness
+ if type(data) == type(''):
+ return 1
+ if type(data) == type(u''):
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def doubleUpQuotes(data):
+ return data.replace("'", "''")
+def quote(data):
+ if not isStr(data):
+ return str(data)
+ single = "'"
+ double = '"'
+ quote = ''
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ return "''"
+ if hasSpecialChar(data) or data[0] == single:
+ data = `data`[1:-1]
+ data = string.replace(data, r"\x08", r"\b")
+ quote = double
+ elif needsSingleQuote(data):
+ quote = single
+ data = doubleUpQuotes(data)
+ return "%s%s%s" % (quote, data, quote)
+def needsSingleQuote(data):
+ if re.match(r"^-?\d", data):
+ return 1
+ if re.match(r"\*\S", data):
+ return 1
+ if data[0] in ['&', ' ']:
+ return 1
+ if data[0] == '"':
+ return 1
+ if data[-1] == ' ':
+ return 1
+ return ('[:]', data) or'(\d\.){2}', data))
+def hasSpecialChar(data):
+ # need test to drive out '#' from this
+ return'[\t\b\r\f#]', data)
+def isMulti(data):
+ if not isStr(data):
+ return 0
+ if hasSpecialChar(data):
+ return 0
+ return"\n", data)
+def isUnicode(data):
+ return type(data) == unicode
+def sloppyIsUnicode(data):
+ # XXX - hack to make tests pass for 2.1
+ return repr(data)[:2] == "u'" and repr(data) != data
+import sys
+if sys.hexversion < 0x20200000:
+ isUnicode = sloppyIsUnicode
diff --git a/func/yaml/ b/func/yaml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49d65e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+pyyaml legacy
+Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Howell and Friends; All Rights Reserved
+(see open source license information in docs/ directory)
+import re
+import string
+from timestamp import timestamp, matchTime
+DATETIME_REGEX = re.compile("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$")
+FLOAT_REGEX = re.compile("^[-+]?[0-9][0-9,]*\.[0-9]*$")
+SCIENTIFIC_REGEX = re.compile("^[-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?[eE][-+][0-9]+$")
+OCTAL_REGEX = re.compile("^[-+]?([0][0-7,]*)$")
+HEX_REGEX = re.compile("^[-+]?0x[0-9a-fA-F,]+$")
+INT_REGEX = re.compile("^[-+]?(0|[1-9][0-9,]*)$")
+def convertImplicit(val):
+ if val == '~':
+ return None
+ if val == '+':
+ return 1
+ if val == '-':
+ return 0
+ if val[0] == "'" and val[-1] == "'":
+ val = val[1:-1]
+ return string.replace(val, "''", "\'")
+ if val[0] == '"' and val[-1] == '"':
+ if"\u", val):
+ val = "u" + val
+ unescapedStr = eval (val)
+ return unescapedStr
+ if matchTime.match(val):
+ return timestamp(val)
+ if INT_REGEX.match(val):
+ return int(cleanseNumber(val))
+ if OCTAL_REGEX.match(val):
+ return int(val, 8)
+ if HEX_REGEX.match(val):
+ return int(val, 16)
+ if FLOAT_REGEX.match(val):
+ return float(cleanseNumber(val))
+ if SCIENTIFIC_REGEX.match(val):
+ return float(cleanseNumber(val))
+ return val
+def cleanseNumber(str):
+ if str[0] == '+':
+ str = str[1:]
+ str = string.replace(str,',','')
+ return str
diff --git a/func/yaml/ b/func/yaml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4f6439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+pyyaml legacy
+Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Howell and Friends; All Rights Reserved
+(see open source license information in docs/ directory)
+import re
+import string
+class InlineTokenizer:
+ def __init__(self, data):
+ = data
+ def punctuation(self):
+ puncts = [ '[', ']', '{', '}' ]
+ for punct in puncts:
+ if[0] == punct:
+ =[1:]
+ return punct
+ def up_to_comma(self):
+ match = re.match('(.*?)\s*, (.*)',
+ if match:
+ = match.groups()[1]
+ return match.groups()[0]
+ def up_to_end_brace(self):
+ match = re.match('(.*?)(\s*[\]}].*)',
+ if match:
+ = match.groups()[1]
+ return match.groups()[0]
+ def next(self):
+ = string.strip(
+ productions = [
+ self.punctuation,
+ self.up_to_comma,
+ self.up_to_end_brace
+ ]
+ for production in productions:
+ token = production()
+ if token:
+ return token
diff --git a/func/yaml/ b/func/yaml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c182fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+pyyaml legacy
+Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Howell and Friends; All Rights Reserved
+(see open source license information in docs/ directory)
+import new
+import re
+class DefaultResolver:
+ def resolveType(self, data, typestring):
+ match = re.match('!!(.*?)\.(.*)', typestring)
+ if not match:
+ raise "Invalid private type specifier"
+ (modname, classname) = match.groups()
+ return makeClass(modname, classname, data)
+def makeClass(module, classname, dict):
+ exec('import %s' % (module))
+ klass = eval('%s.%s' % (module, classname))
+ obj = new.instance(klass)
+ if hasMethod(obj, 'from_yaml'):
+ return obj.from_yaml(dict)
+ obj.__dict__ = dict
+ return obj
+def hasMethod(object, method_name):
+ try:
+ klass = object.__class__
+ except:
+ return 0
+ if not hasattr(klass, method_name):
+ return 0
+ method = getattr(klass, method_name)
+ if not callable(method):
+ return 0
+ return 1
+def isDictionary(data):
+ return isinstance(data, dict)
+ isDictionary({})
+ def isDictionary(data): return type(data) == type({}) # XXX python 2.1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print isDictionary({'foo': 'bar'})
+ try:
+ print isDictionary(dict())
+ from ordered_dict import OrderedDict
+ print isDictionary(OrderedDict())
+ except:
+ pass
diff --git a/func/yaml/ b/func/yaml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54931d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+pyyaml legacy
+Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Howell and Friends; All Rights Reserved
+(see open source license information in docs/ directory)
+import re, string
+from implicit import convertImplicit
+from inline import InlineTokenizer
+from klass import DefaultResolver
+from stream import YamlLoaderException, FileStream, StringStream, NestedDocs
+ iter(list()) # is iter supported by this version of Python?
+ # XXX - Python 2.1 does not support iterators
+ class StopIteration: pass
+ class iter:
+ def __init__(self,parser):
+ self._docs = []
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ self._docs.append(
+ except StopIteration: pass
+ self._idx = 0
+ def __len__(self): return len(self._docs)
+ def __getitem__(self,idx): return self._docs[idx]
+ def next(self):
+ if self._idx < len(self._docs):
+ ret = self._docs[self._idx]
+ self._idx = self._idx + 1
+ return ret
+ raise StopIteration
+def loadFile(filename, typeResolver=None):
+ return loadStream(FileStream(filename),typeResolver)
+def load(str, typeResolver=None):
+ return loadStream(StringStream(str), typeResolver)
+def l(str): return load(str).next()
+def loadStream(stream, typeResolver):
+ return iter(Parser(stream, typeResolver))
+def tryProductions(productions, value):
+ for production in productions:
+ results = production(value)
+ if results:
+ (ok, result) = results
+ if ok:
+ return (1, result)
+def dumpDictionary(): return {}
+class Parser:
+ def __init__(self, stream, typeResolver=None):
+ try:
+ self.dictionary = dict
+ except:
+ self.dictionary = dumpDictionary
+ self.nestedDocs = NestedDocs(stream)
+ self.aliases = {}
+ if typeResolver:
+ self.typeResolver = typeResolver
+ else:
+ self.typeResolver = DefaultResolver()
+ def error(self, msg):
+ self.nestedDocs.error(msg, self.line)
+ def nestPop(self):
+ line = self.nestedDocs.pop()
+ if line is not None:
+ self.line = line
+ return 1
+ def value(self, indicator):
+ return getToken(indicator+"\s*(.*)", self.line)
+ def getNextDocument(self): raise "getNextDocument() deprecated--use next()"
+ def next(self):
+ line = self.nestedDocs.popDocSep()
+ indicator = getIndicator(line)
+ if indicator:
+ return self.parse_value(indicator)
+ if line:
+ self.nestedDocs.nestToNextLine()
+ return self.parseLines()
+ raise StopIteration
+ def __iter__(self): return self
+ def parseLines(self):
+ peekLine = self.nestedDocs.peek()
+ if peekLine:
+ if re.match("\s*-", peekLine):
+ return self.parse_collection([], self.parse_seq_line)
+ else:
+ return self.parse_collection(self.dictionary(), self.parse_map_line)
+ raise StopIteration
+ def parse_collection(self, items, lineParser):
+ while self.nestPop():
+ if self.line:
+ lineParser(items)
+ return items
+ def parse_seq_line(self, items):
+ value = self.value("-")
+ if value is not None:
+ items.append(self.parse_seq_value(value))
+ else:
+ self.error("missing '-' for seq")
+ def parse_map_line(self, items):
+ if (self.line == '?'):
+ self.parse_map_line_nested(items)
+ else:
+ self.parse_map_line_simple(items, self.line)
+ def parse_map_line_nested(self, items):
+ self.nestedDocs.nestToNextLine()
+ key = self.parseLines()
+ if self.nestPop():
+ value = self.value(':')
+ if value is not None:
+ items[tuple(key)] = self.parse_value(value)
+ return
+ self.error("key has no value for nested map")
+ def parse_map_line_simple(self, items, line):
+ map_item = self.key_value(line)
+ if map_item:
+ (key, value) = map_item
+ key = convertImplicit(key)
+ if items.has_key(key):
+ self.error("Duplicate key "+key)
+ items[key] = self.parse_value(value)
+ else:
+ self.error("bad key for map")
+ def is_map(self, value):
+ # XXX - need real tokenizer
+ if len(value) == 0:
+ return 0
+ if value[0] == "'":
+ return 0
+ if':(\s|$)', value):
+ return 1
+ def parse_seq_value(self, value):
+ if self.is_map(value):
+ return self.parse_compressed_map(value)
+ else:
+ return self.parse_value(value)
+ def parse_compressed_map(self, value):
+ items = self.dictionary()
+ line = self.line
+ token = getToken("(\s*-\s*)", line)
+ self.nestedDocs.nestBySpecificAmount(len(token))
+ self.parse_map_line_simple(items, value)
+ return self.parse_collection(items, self.parse_map_line)
+ def parse_value(self, value):
+ (alias, value) = self.testForRepeatOfAlias(value)
+ if alias:
+ return value
+ (alias, value) = self.testForAlias(value)
+ value = self.parse_unaliased_value(value)
+ if alias:
+ self.aliases[alias] = value
+ return value
+ def parse_unaliased_value(self, value):
+ match = re.match(r"(!\S*)(.*)", value)
+ if match:
+ (url, value) = match.groups()
+ value = self.parse_untyped_value(value)
+ if url[:2] == '!!':
+ return self.typeResolver.resolveType(value, url)
+ else:
+ # XXX - allows syntax, but ignores it
+ return value
+ return self.parse_untyped_value(value)
+ def parseInlineArray(self, value):
+ if re.match("\s*\[", value):
+ return self.parseInline([], value, ']',
+ self.parseInlineArrayItem)
+ def parseInlineHash(self, value):
+ if re.match("\s*{", value):
+ return self.parseInline(self.dictionary(), value, '}',
+ self.parseInlineHashItem)
+ def parseInlineArrayItem(self, result, token):
+ return result.append(convertImplicit(token))
+ def parseInlineHashItem(self, result, token):
+ (key, value) = self.key_value(token)
+ result[key] = value
+ def parseInline(self, result, value, end_marker, itemMethod):
+ tokenizer = InlineTokenizer(value)
+ while 1:
+ token =
+ if token == end_marker:
+ break
+ itemMethod(result, token)
+ return (1, result)
+ def parseSpecial(self, value):
+ productions = [
+ self.parseMultiLineScalar,
+ self.parseInlineHash,
+ self.parseInlineArray,
+ ]
+ return tryProductions(productions, value)
+ def parse_untyped_value(self, value):
+ parse = self.parseSpecial(value)
+ if parse:
+ (ok, data) = parse
+ return data
+ token = getToken("(\S.*)", value)
+ if token:
+ lines = [token] + \
+ pruneTrailingEmpties(self.nestedDocs.popNestedLines())
+ return convertImplicit(joinLines(lines))
+ else:
+ self.nestedDocs.nestToNextLine()
+ return self.parseLines()
+ def parseNative(self, value):
+ return (1, convertImplicit(value))
+ def parseMultiLineScalar(self, value):
+ if value == '>':
+ return (1, self.parseFolded())
+ elif value == '|':
+ return (1, joinLiteral(self.parseBlock()))
+ elif value == '|+':
+ return (1, joinLiteral(self.unprunedBlock()))
+ def parseFolded(self):
+ data = self.parseBlock()
+ i = 0
+ resultString = ''
+ while i < len(data)-1:
+ resultString = resultString + data[i]
+ resultString = resultString + foldChar(data[i], data[i+1])
+ i = i + 1
+ return resultString + data[-1] + "\n"
+ def unprunedBlock(self):
+ self.nestedDocs.nestToNextLine()
+ data = []
+ while self.nestPop():
+ data.append(self.line)
+ return data
+ def parseBlock(self):
+ return pruneTrailingEmpties(self.unprunedBlock())
+ def testForAlias(self, value):
+ match = re.match("&(\S*)\s*(.*)", value)
+ if match:
+ return match.groups()
+ return (None, value)
+ def testForRepeatOfAlias(self, value):
+ match = re.match("\*(\S+)", value)
+ if match:
+ alias = match.groups()[0]
+ if self.aliases.has_key(alias):
+ return (alias, self.aliases[alias])
+ else:
+ self.error("Unknown alias")
+ return (None, value)
+ def key_value(self, str):
+ if str[-1] == ' ':
+ self.error("Trailing spaces not allowed without quotes.")
+ # XXX This allows mis-balanced " vs. ' stuff
+ match = re.match("[\"'](.+)[\"']\s*:\s*(.*)", str)
+ if match:
+ (key, value) = match.groups()
+ return (key, value)
+ match = re.match("(.+?)\s*:\s*(.*)", str)
+ if match:
+ (key, value) = match.groups()
+ if len(value) and value[0] == '#':
+ value = ''
+ return (key, value)
+def getToken(regex, value):
+ match =, value)
+ if match:
+ return match.groups()[0]
+def pruneTrailingEmpties(data):
+ while len(data) > 0 and data[-1] == '':
+ data = data[:-1]
+ return data
+def foldChar(line1, line2):
+ if re.match("^\S", line1) and re.match("^\S", line2):
+ return " "
+ return "\n"
+def getIndicator(line):
+ if line:
+ header = r"(#YAML:\d+\.\d+\s*){0,1}"
+ match = re.match("--- "+header+"(\S*.*)", line)
+ if match:
+ return match.groups()[-1]
+def joinLines(lines):
+ result = ''
+ for line in lines[:-1]:
+ if line[-1] == '\\':
+ result = result + line[:-1]
+ else:
+ result = result + line + " "
+ return result + lines[-1]
+def joinLiteral(data):
+ return string.join(data,"\n") + "\n"
diff --git a/func/yaml/ b/func/yaml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bc2e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+pyyaml legacy
+Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Howell and Friends; All Rights Reserved
+(see open source license information in docs/ directory)
+# This is extremely crude implementation of an OrderedDict.
+# If you know of a better implementation, please send it to
+# the author Steve Howell. You can find my email via
+# the YAML mailing list or wiki.
+class OrderedDict(dict):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._keys = []
+ def __setitem__(self, key, val):
+ self._keys.append(key)
+ dict.__setitem__(self, key, val)
+ def keys(self):
+ return self._keys
+ def items(self):
+ return [(key, self[key]) for key in self._keys]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ data = OrderedDict()
+ data['z'] = 26
+ data['m'] = 13
+ data['a'] = 1
+ for key in data.keys():
+ print "The value for %s is %s" % (key, data[key])
+ print data
diff --git a/func/yaml/ b/func/yaml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eefd68e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+pyyaml legacy
+Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Howell and Friends; All Rights Reserved
+(see open source license information in docs/ directory)
+from ordered_dict import OrderedDict
+from load import Parser
+from dump import Dumper
+from stream import StringStream
+def loadOrdered(stream):
+ parser = Parser(StringStream(stream))
+ parser.dictionary = OrderedDict
+ return iter(parser)
+def redump(stream):
+ docs = list(loadOrdered(stream))
+ dumper = Dumper()
+ dumper.alphaSort = 0
+ return dumper.dump(*docs)
diff --git a/func/yaml/ b/func/yaml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcd65c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+pyyaml legacy
+Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Howell and Friends; All Rights Reserved
+(see open source license information in docs/ directory)
+import re
+import string
+def indentLevel(line):
+ n = 0
+ while n < len(line) and line[n] == ' ':
+ n = n + 1
+ return n
+class LineNumberStream:
+ def __init__(self, filename=None):
+ self.curLine = 0
+ self.filename = filename
+ def get(self):
+ line = self.getLine()
+ self.curLine += 1 # used by subclass
+ if line:
+ line = noLineFeed(line)
+ return line
+ def lastLineRead(self):
+ return self.curLine
+class FileStream(LineNumberStream):
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self.fp = open(filename)
+ LineNumberStream.__init__(self, filename)
+ def getLine(self):
+ line = self.fp.readline()
+ if line == '': line = None
+ return line
+class StringStream(LineNumberStream):
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ self.lines = split(text)
+ self.numLines = len(self.lines)
+ LineNumberStream.__init__(self)
+ def getLine(self):
+ if self.curLine < self.numLines:
+ return self.lines[self.curLine]
+def split(text):
+ lines = string.split(text, '\n')
+ if lines[-1] == '':
+ lines.pop()
+ return lines
+def eatNewLines(stream):
+ while 1:
+ line = stream.get()
+ if line is None or len(string.strip(line)):
+ return line
+COMMENT_LINE_REGEX = re.compile(R"\s*#")
+def isComment(line):
+ return line is not None and COMMENT_LINE_REGEX.match(line)
+class CommentEater:
+ def __init__(self, stream):
+ = stream
+ self.peeked = 1
+ self.line = eatNewLines(stream)
+ self.eatComments()
+ def eatComments(self):
+ while isComment(self.line):
+ self.line =
+ def peek(self):
+ if self.peeked:
+ return self.line
+ self.peeked = 1
+ self.line =
+ self.eatComments()
+ return self.line
+ def lastLineRead(self):
+ return
+ def pop(self):
+ data = self.peek()
+ self.peeked = 0
+ return data
+class NestedText:
+ def __init__(self, stream):
+ self.commentEater = CommentEater(stream)
+ self.reset()
+ def lastLineRead(self):
+ return self.commentEater.lastLineRead()
+ def reset(self):
+ self.indentLevel = 0
+ self.oldIndents = [0]
+ def peek(self):
+ nextLine = self.commentEater.peek()
+ if nextLine is not None:
+ if indentLevel(nextLine) >= self.indentLevel:
+ return nextLine[self.indentLevel:]
+ elif nextLine == '':
+ return ''
+ def pop(self):
+ line = self.peek()
+ if line is None:
+ self.indentLevel = self.oldIndents.pop()
+ return
+ self.commentEater.pop()
+ return line
+ def popNestedLines(self):
+ nextLine = self.peek()
+ if nextLine is None or nextLine == '' or nextLine[0] != ' ':
+ return []
+ self.nestToNextLine()
+ lines = []
+ while 1:
+ line = self.pop()
+ if line is None:
+ break
+ lines.append(line)
+ return lines
+ def nestToNextLine(self):
+ line = self.commentEater.peek()
+ indentation = indentLevel(line)
+ if len(self.oldIndents) > 1 and indentation <= self.indentLevel:
+ self.error("Inadequate indentation", line)
+ self.setNewIndent(indentation)
+ def nestBySpecificAmount(self, adjust):
+ self.setNewIndent(self.indentLevel + adjust)
+ def setNewIndent(self, indentLevel):
+ self.oldIndents.append(self.indentLevel)
+ self.indentLevel = indentLevel
+class YamlLoaderException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ (self.msg, self.lineNum, self.line, self.filename) = args
+ def __str__(self):
+ msg = """\
+near line %(lineNum)d:
+""" % self.__dict__
+ if self.filename:
+ msg += "file: " + self.filename
+ return msg
+class NestedDocs(NestedText):
+ def __init__(self, stream):
+ self.filename = stream.filename
+ NestedText.__init__(self,stream)
+ line = NestedText.peek(self)
+ self.sep = '---'
+ if self.startsWithSep(line):
+ self.eatenDocSep = NestedText.pop(self)
+ else:
+ self.eatenDocSep = self.sep
+ def startsWithSep(self,line):
+ if line and self.sep == line[:3]: return 1
+ return 0
+ def popDocSep(self):
+ line = self.eatenDocSep
+ self.eatenDocSep = None
+ self.reset()
+ return line
+ def pop(self):
+ if self.eatenDocSep is not None:
+ raise "error"
+ line = self.commentEater.peek()
+ if line and self.startsWithSep(line):
+ self.eatenDocSep = NestedText.pop(self)
+ return None
+ return NestedText.pop(self)
+ def error(self, msg, line):
+ raise YamlLoaderException(msg, self.lastLineRead(), line, self.filename)
+def noLineFeed(s):
+ while s[-1:] in ('\n', '\r'):
+ s = s[:-1]
+ return s
diff --git a/func/yaml/ b/func/yaml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c522f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+pyyaml legacy
+Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Howell and Friends; All Rights Reserved
+(see open source license information in docs/ directory)
+import time, re, string
+from types import ListType, TupleType
+ This module is considered to be private implementation
+ details and is subject to change. Please only use the
+ objects and methods exported to the top level yaml package.
+# Time specific operations
+_splitTime = re.compile('\-|\s|T|t|:|\.|Z')
+matchTime = re.compile(\
+ '\d+-\d+-\d+([\s|T|t]\d+:\d+:\d+.\d+(Z|(\s?[\-|\+]\d+:\d+)))?')
+def _parseTime(val):
+ if not matchTime.match(val): raise ValueError(val)
+ tpl = _splitTime.split(val)
+ if not(tpl): raise ValueError(val)
+ siz = len(tpl)
+ sec = 0
+ if 3 == siz:
+ tpl += [0,0,0,0,0,-1]
+ elif 7 == siz:
+ tpl.append(0)
+ tpl.append(-1)
+ elif 8 == siz:
+ if len(tpl.pop()) > 0: raise ValueError(val)
+ tpl.append(0)
+ tpl.append(-1)
+ elif 9 == siz or 10 == siz:
+ mn = int(tpl.pop())
+ hr = int(tpl.pop())
+ sec = (hr*60+mn)*60
+ if val.find("+") > -1: sec = -sec
+ if 10 == siz: tpl.pop()
+ tpl.append(0)
+ tpl.append(-1)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(val)
+ idx = 0
+ while idx < 9:
+ tpl[idx] = int(tpl[idx])
+ idx += 1
+ if tpl[1] < 1 or tpl[1] > 12: raise ValueError(val)
+ if tpl[2] < 1 or tpl[2] > 31: raise ValueError(val)
+ if tpl[3] > 24: raise ValueError(val)
+ if tpl[4] > 61: raise ValueError(val)
+ if tpl[5] > 61: raise ValueError(val)
+ if tpl[0] > 2038:
+ #TODO: Truncation warning
+ tpl = (2038,1,18,0,0,0,0,0,-1)
+ tpl = tuple(tpl)
+ ret = time.mktime(tpl)
+ ret = time.localtime(ret+sec)
+ ret = ret[:8] + (0,)
+ return ret
+class _timestamp:
+ def __init__(self,val=None):
+ if not val:
+ self.__tval = time.gmtime()
+ else:
+ typ = type(val)
+ if ListType == typ:
+ self.__tval = tuple(val)
+ elif TupleType == typ:
+ self.__tval = val
+ else:
+ self.__tval = _parseTime(val)
+ if 9 != len(self.__tval): raise ValueError
+ def __getitem__(self,idx): return self.__tval[idx]
+ def __len__(self): return 9
+ def strftime(self,format): return time.strftime(format,self.__tval)
+ def mktime(self): return time.mktime(self.__tval)
+ def asctime(self): return time.asctime(self.__tval)
+ def isotime(self):
+ return "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.00Z" % self.__tval[:6]
+ def __repr__(self): return "yaml.timestamp('%s')" % self.isotime()
+ def __str__(self): return self.isotime()
+ def to_yaml_implicit(self): return self.isotime()
+ def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__tval[:6])
+ def __cmp__(self,other):
+ try:
+ return cmp(self.__tval[:6],other.__tval[:6])
+ except AttributeError:
+ return -1
+try: # inherit from mx.DateTime functionality if available
+ from mx import DateTime
+ class timestamp(_timestamp):
+ def __init__(self,val=None):
+ _timestamp.__init__(self,val)
+ self.__mxdt = DateTime.mktime(self.__tval)
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ return getattr(self.__mxdt, name)
+ class timestamp(_timestamp): pass
+def unquote(expr):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ Simply returns the unquoted string, and the
+ length of the quoted string token at the
+ beginning of the expression.
+ """
+ tok = expr[0]
+ if "'" == tok:
+ idx = 1
+ odd = 0
+ ret = ""
+ while idx < len(expr):
+ chr = expr[idx]
+ if "'" == chr:
+ if odd: ret += chr
+ odd = not odd
+ else:
+ if odd:
+ tok = expr[:idx]
+ break
+ ret += chr
+ idx += 1
+ if "'" == tok: tok = expr
+ return (ret,len(tok))
+ if '"' == tok:
+ idx = 1
+ esc = 0
+ while idx < len(expr):
+ chr = expr[idx]
+ if '"' == chr and not esc:
+ tok = expr[:idx] + '"'
+ break
+ if '\\' == chr and not esc: esc = 1
+ else: esc = 0
+ idx += 1
+ if '"' == tok:
+ raise SyntaxError("unmatched quote: " + expr)
+ ret = eval(tok) #TODO: find better way to unquote
+ return (ret,len(tok))
+ return (expr,len(expr))
diff --git a/func/yaml/ b/func/yaml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b183a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/yaml/
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+pyyaml legacy
+Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Howell and Friends; All Rights Reserved
+(see open source license information in docs/ directory)
+from types import ListType, StringType, IntType, DictType, InstanceType
+import re
+from urllib import quote
+from timestamp import unquote
+noTarget = object()
+def escape(node):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ This function escapes a given key so that it
+ may appear within a ypath. URI style escaping
+ is used so that ypath expressions can be a
+ valid URI expression.
+ """
+ typ = type(node)
+ if typ is IntType: return str(node)
+ if typ is StringType:
+ return quote(node,'')
+ raise ValueError("TODO: Support more than just string and integer keys.")
+class context:
+ """
+ summary: >
+ A ypath visit context through a YAML rooted graph.
+ This is implemented as a 3-tuple including the parent
+ node, the current key/index and the value. This is
+ an immutable object so it can be cached.
+ properties:
+ key: mapping key or index within the parent collection
+ value: current value within the parent's range
+ parent: the parent context
+ root: the very top of the yaml graph
+ path: a tuple of the domain keys
+ notes: >
+ The context class doesn't yet handle going down the
+ domain side of the tree...
+ """
+ def __init__(self,parent,key,value):
+ """
+ args:
+ parent: parent context (or None if this is the root)
+ key: mapping key or index for this context
+ value: value of current location...
+ """
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.key = key
+ self.value = value
+ if parent:
+ assert parent.__class__ is self.__class__
+ self.path = parent.path + (escape(key),)
+ self.root = parent.root
+ else:
+ assert not key
+ self.path = tuple()
+ self.root = self
+ def __setattr__(self,attname,attval):
+ if attname in ('parent','key','value'):
+ if self.__dict__.get(attname):
+ raise ValueError("context is read-only")
+ self.__dict__[attname] = attval
+ def __hash__(self): return hash(self.path)
+ def __cmp__(self,other):
+ try:
+ return cmp(self.path,other.path)
+ except AttributeError:
+ return -1
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.path:
+ return "/".join(('',)+self.path)
+ else:
+ return '/'
+def to_context(target):
+ if type(target) is InstanceType:
+ if target.__class__ is context:
+ return target
+ return context(None,None,target)
+def context_test():
+ lst = ['value']
+ map = {'key':lst}
+ x = context(None,None,map)
+ y = context(x,'key',lst)
+ z = context(y,0,'value')
+ assert ('key',) == y.path
+ assert 'key' == y.key
+ assert lst == y.value
+ assert x == y.parent
+ assert x == y.root
+ assert 0 == z.key
+ assert 'value' == z.value
+ assert y == z.parent
+ assert x == z.root
+ assert hash(x)
+ assert hash(y)
+ assert hash(z)
+ assert '/' == str(x)
+ assert '/key' == str(y)
+ assert '/key/0' == str(z)
+class null_seg:
+ """
+ summary: >
+ This is the simplest path segment, it
+ doesn't return any results and doesn't
+ depend upon its context. It also happens to
+ be the base class which all segments derive.
+ """
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next_null(self):
+ raise StopIteration
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ The bind function is called whenever
+ the parent context has changed.
+ """
+ assert(cntx.__class__ is context)
+ self.cntx = cntx
+ def apply(self,target):
+ self.bind(to_context(target))
+ return iter(self)
+ def exists(self,cntx):
+ try:
+ self.bind(cntx)
+ return 1
+ except StopIteration:
+ return 0
+ next = next_null
+class self_seg(null_seg):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ This path segment returns the context
+ node exactly once.
+ """
+ def __str__(self): return '.'
+ def next_self(self):
+ = self.next_null
+ return self.cntx
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ = self.next_self
+class root_seg(self_seg):
+ def __str__(self): return '/'
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ self_seg.bind(self,cntx.root)
+class parent_seg(self_seg):
+ def __str__(self): return '..'
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ if cntx.parent: cntx = cntx.parent
+ self_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+class wild_seg(null_seg):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ The wild segment simply loops through
+ all of the sub-contexts for a given object.
+ If there aren't any children, this isn't an
+ error it just doesn't return anything.
+ """
+ def __str__(self): return '*'
+ def next_wild(self):
+ key =
+ return context(self.cntx,key,self.values[key])
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ typ = type(cntx.value)
+ if typ is ListType:
+ self.keys = iter(xrange(0,len(cntx.value)))
+ self.values = cntx.value
+ = self.next_wild
+ return
+ if typ is DictType:
+ self.keys = iter(cntx.value)
+ self.values = cntx.value
+ = self.next_wild
+ return
+ = self.next_null
+class trav_seg(null_seg):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ This is a recursive traversal of the range, preorder.
+ It is a recursive combination of self and wild.
+ """
+ def __str__(self): return '/'
+ def next(self):
+ while 1:
+ (cntx,seg) = self.stk[-1]
+ if not seg:
+ seg = wild_seg()
+ seg.bind(cntx)
+ self.stk[-1] = (cntx,seg)
+ return cntx
+ try:
+ cntx =
+ self.stk.append((cntx,None))
+ except StopIteration:
+ self.stk.pop()
+ if not(self.stk):
+ = self.next_null
+ raise StopIteration
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ self.stk = [(cntx,None)]
+class match_seg(self_seg):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ Matches a particular key within the
+ current context. Kinda boring.
+ """
+ def __str__(self): return str(self.key)
+ def __init__(self,key):
+ #TODO: Do better implicit typing
+ try:
+ key = int(key)
+ except: pass
+ self.key = key
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ try:
+ mtch = cntx.value[self.key]
+ cntx = context(cntx,self.key,mtch)
+ self_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ except:
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+class conn_seg(null_seg):
+ """
+ summary: >
+ When two segments are connected via a slash,
+ this is a composite. For each context of the
+ parent, it binds the child, and returns each
+ context of the child.
+ """
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.parent.__class__ == root_seg:
+ return "/%s" % self.child
+ return "%s/%s" % (self.parent, self.child)
+ def __init__(self,parent,child):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.child = child
+ def next(self):
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ return
+ except StopIteration:
+ cntx =
+ self.child.bind(cntx)
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ self.parent.bind(cntx)
+ try:
+ cntx =
+ except StopIteration:
+ return
+ self.child.bind(cntx)
+class pred_seg(null_seg):
+ def __str__(self): return "%s[%s]" % (self.parent, self.filter)
+ def __init__(self,parent,filter):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.filter = filter
+ def next(self):
+ while 1:
+ ret =
+ if self.filter.exists(ret):
+ return ret
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ self.parent.bind(cntx)
+class or_seg(null_seg):
+ def __str__(self): return "%s|%s" % (self.lhs,self.rhs)
+ def __init__(self,lhs,rhs):
+ self.rhs = rhs
+ self.lhs = lhs
+ self.unq = {}
+ def next(self):
+ seg = self.lhs
+ try:
+ nxt =
+ self.unq[nxt] = nxt
+ return nxt
+ except StopIteration: pass
+ seg = self.rhs
+ while 1:
+ nxt =
+ if self.unq.get(nxt,None):
+ continue
+ return nxt
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ null_seg.bind(self,cntx)
+ self.lhs.bind(cntx)
+ self.rhs.bind(cntx)
+class scalar:
+ def __init__(self,val):
+ self.val = val
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.val)
+ def value(self):
+ return self.val
+class equal_pred:
+ def exists_true(self,cntx): return 1
+ def exists_false(self,cntx): return 0
+ def exists_scalar(self,cntx):
+ self.rhs.bind(cntx)
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ cntx =
+ if str(cntx.value) == self.lhs: #TODO: Remove type hack
+ return 1
+ except StopIteration: pass
+ return 0
+ def exists_segment(self,cntx):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def __init__(self,lhs,rhs):
+ if lhs.__class__ == scalar:
+ if rhs.__class__ == scalar:
+ if rhs.value() == lhs.value():
+ self.exists = self.exists_true
+ else:
+ self.exists = self.exists_false
+ else:
+ self.exists = self.exists_scalar
+ else:
+ if rhs.__class__ == scalar:
+ (lhs,rhs) = (rhs,lhs)
+ self.exists = self.exists_scalar
+ else:
+ self.exists = self.exists_segment
+ self.lhs = str(lhs.value()) #TODO: Remove type hack
+ self.rhs = rhs
+matchSegment = re.compile(r"""^(\w+|/|\.|\*|\"|\')""")
+def parse_segment(expr):
+ """
+ Segments occur between the slashes...
+ """
+ mtch =
+ if not(mtch): return (None,expr)
+ tok =; siz = len(tok)
+ if '/' == tok: return (trav_seg(),expr)
+ elif '.' == tok:
+ if len(expr) > 1 and '.' == expr[1]:
+ seg = parent_seg()
+ siz = 2
+ else:
+ seg = self_seg()
+ elif '*' == tok: seg = wild_seg()
+ elif '"' == tok or "'" == tok:
+ (cur,siz) = unquote(expr)
+ seg = match_seg(cur)
+ else:
+ seg = match_seg(tok)
+ return (seg,expr[siz:])
+matchTerm = re.compile(r"""^(\w+|/|\.|\(|\"|\')""")
+def parse_term(expr):
+ mtch =
+ if not(mtch): return (None,expr)
+ tok =; siz = len(tok)
+ if '/' == tok or '.' == tok:
+ return parse(expr)
+ if '(' == tok:
+ (term,expr) = parse_predicate(expr)
+ assert ')' == expr[0]
+ return (term,expr[1:])
+ elif '"' == tok or "'" == tok:
+ (val,siz) = unquote(expr)
+ else:
+ val = tok; siz = len(tok)
+ return (scalar(val),expr[siz:])
+def parse_predicate(expr):
+ (term,expr) = parse_term(expr)
+ if not term: raise SyntaxError("term expected: '%s'" % expr)
+ tok = expr[0]
+ if '=' == tok:
+ (rhs,expr) = parse_term(expr[1:])
+ return (equal_pred(term,rhs),expr)
+ if '(' == tok:
+ raise "No functions allowed... yet!"
+ if ']' == tok or ')' == tok:
+ if term.__class__ is scalar:
+ term = match_seg(str(term))
+ return (term,expr)
+ raise SyntaxError("ypath: expecting operator '%s'" % expr)
+def parse_start(expr):
+ """
+ Initial checking on the expression, and
+ determine if it is relative or absolute.
+ """
+ if type(expr) != StringType or len(expr) < 1:
+ raise TypeError("string required: " + repr(expr))
+ if '/' == expr[0]:
+ ypth = root_seg()
+ else:
+ ypth = self_seg()
+ expr = '/' + expr
+ return (ypth,expr)
+def parse(expr):
+ """
+ This the parser entry point, the top level node
+ is always a root or self segment. The self isn't
+ strictly necessary, but it keeps things simple.
+ """
+ (ypth,expr) = parse_start(expr)
+ while expr:
+ tok = expr[0]
+ if '/' == tok:
+ (child, expr) = parse_segment(expr[1:])
+ if child: ypth = conn_seg(ypth,child)
+ continue
+ if '[' == tok:
+ (filter, expr) = parse_predicate(expr[1:])
+ assert ']' == expr[0]
+ expr = expr[1:]
+ ypth = pred_seg(ypth,filter)
+ continue
+ if '|' == tok:
+ (rhs, expr) = parse(expr[1:])
+ ypth = or_seg(ypth,rhs)
+ continue
+ if '(' == tok:
+ (child,expr) = parse(expr[1:])
+ assert ')' == expr[0]
+ expr = expr[1:]
+ ypth = conn_seg(ypth,child)
+ continue
+ break
+ return (ypth,expr)
+class convert_to_value(null_seg):
+ def __init__(self,itr):
+ self.itr = itr
+ def next(self):
+ return
+ def bind(self,cntx):
+ self.itr.bind(cntx)
+def ypath(expr,target=noTarget,cntx=0):
+ (ret,expr) = parse(expr)
+ if expr: raise SyntaxError("ypath parse error `%s`" % expr)
+ if not cntx: ret = convert_to_value(ret)
+ if target is noTarget: return ret
+ return ret.apply(target)