Package dogtail :: Module tree :: Class Node
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Class Node

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Known Subclasses:

A node in the tree of UI elements. This class is mixed in with Accessibility.Accessible to both make it easier to use and to add additional functionality. It also has a debugName which is set up automatically when doing searches.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__setupUserData(self) source code
_getDebugName(self) source code
_setDebugName(self, debugName) source code
_getDead(self) source code
_getChildren(self) source code
doAction(self, name)
Perform the action with the specified name.
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_getActions(self) source code
_getComboValue(self) source code
_setComboValue(self, value) source code
_getURI(self) source code
_getText(self) source code
_setText(self, text) source code
_getCaretOffset(self) source code
_setCaretOffset(self, offset) source code
_getPosition(self) source code
_getSize(self) source code
_getExtents(self) source code
contains(self, x, y) source code
getChildAtPoint(self, x, y) source code
Attempts to set the keyboard focus to this Accessible.
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click(self, button=1)
Generates a raw mouse click event, using the specified button.
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doubleClick(self, button=1)
Generates a raw mouse double-click event, using the specified button.
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_labeler(self) source code
_labelee(self) source code
_isSensitive(self) source code
_isShowing(self) source code
_isFocusable(self) source code
_isFocused(self) source code
_isChecked(self) source code
Selects all children.
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Deselects all selected children.
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Selects the Accessible.
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Deselects the Accessible.
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_getSelected(self) source code
_getSelectedChildren(self) source code
_getValue(self) source code
_setValue(self, value) source code
_getMinValue(self) source code
_getMinValueIncrement(self) source code
_getMaxValue(self) source code
typeText(self, string)
Type the given text into the node, with appropriate delays and logging.
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keyCombo(self, comboString) source code
Get a string describing this node for the logs, respecting the config.absoluteNodePaths boolean.
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satisfies(self, pred)
Does this node satisfy the given predicate?
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dump(self, type='plain', fileName=None) source code
FIXME: this needs rewriting...
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Get a (ancestorNode, predicate, isRecursive) triple that identifies the best way to find this Node uniquely.
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__nodeIsIdentifiable(self, ancestor) source code
_fastFindChild(self, pred, recursive=True)
Searches for an Accessible using methods from pyatspi.utils
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findChild(self, pred, recursive=True, debugName=None, retry=True, requireResult=True)
Search for a node satisyfing the predicate, returning a Node.
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findChildren(self, pred, recursive=True)
Find all children/descendents satisfying the predicate.
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findAncestor(self, pred)
Search up the ancestry of this node, returning the first Node satisfying the predicate, or None.
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child(self, name='', roleName='', description='', label='', recursive=True, debugName=None)
Finds a child satisying the given criteria.
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menu(self, menuName, recursive=True)
Search below this node for a menu with the given name.
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menuItem(self, menuItemName, recursive=True)
Search below this node for a menu item with the given name.
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textentry(self, textEntryName, recursive=True)
Search below this node for a text entry with the given name.
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button(self, buttonName, recursive=True)
Search below this node for a button with the given name.
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childLabelled(self, labelText, recursive=True)
Search below this node for a child labelled with the given text.
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childNamed(self, childName, recursive=True)
Search below this node for a child with the given name.
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tab(self, tabName, recursive=True)
Search below this node for a tab with the given name.
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Get all user-visible strings in this node and its descendents.
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blink(self, count=2)
Blink, baby!
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Properties [hide private]
debug name assigned during search operations
Is the node dead (defunct) ?
a list of this Accessible's children
string roleName
Gets the unlocalized role name of the accessible from the cache if it is available, otherwise, fetches it remotely.
Accessibility.Role role
Gets the role of the accessible from the cache if it is available, otherwise, fetches it remotely.
integer indexInParent
Gets the index of this accessible in its parent.
A dictionary of supported action names as keys, with Action objects as values.
The value (as a string) currently selected in the combo box.
For instances with an AccessibleText interface, the text as a string.
For instances with an AccessibleText interface, the caret offset as an integer.
A tuple containing the position of the Accessible: (x, y)
A tuple containing the size of the Accessible: (w, h)
A tuple containing the location and size of the Accessible: (x, y, w, h)
'labeller' (read-only list of Node instances): The node(s) that is/are a label for this node.
See labeler
'labellee' (read-only list of Node instances): The node(s) that this node is a label for.
See labelee
Is the Accessible sensitive (i.e.
Is the Accessible capable of having keyboard focus?
Does the Accessible have keyboard focus?
Is the Accessible a checked checkbox?
Is the Accessible selected?
Returns a list of children that are selected.
Method Details [hide private]

doAction(self, name)

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Perform the action with the specified name. For a list of actions supported by this instance, check the 'actions' property.

click(self, button=1)

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Generates a raw mouse click event, using the specified button.

  • 1 is left,
  • 2 is middle,
  • 3 is right.


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FIXME: this needs rewriting... Generate a SearchPath instance giving the 'best' way to find the Accessible wrapped by this node again, starting at the root and applying each search in turn.

This is somewhat analagous to an absolute path in a filesystem, except that some of searches may be recursive, rather than just searching direct children.

Used by the recording framework for identifying nodes in a persistent way, independent of the style of script being written.

FIXME: try to ensure uniqueness FIXME: need some heuristics to get 'good' searches, whatever that means


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Get a (ancestorNode, predicate, isRecursive) triple that identifies the best way to find this Node uniquely. FIXME: or None if no such search exists? FIXME: may need to make this more robust FIXME: should this be private?

findChild(self, pred, recursive=True, debugName=None, retry=True, requireResult=True)

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Search for a node satisyfing the predicate, returning a Node.

If retry is True (the default), it makes multiple attempts, backing off and retrying on failure, and eventually raises a descriptive exception if the search fails.

If retry is False, it gives up after one attempt.

If requireResult is True (the default), an exception is raised after all attempts have failed. If it is false, the function simply returns None.

child(self, name='', roleName='', description='', label='', recursive=True, debugName=None)

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Finds a child satisying the given criteria.

This is implemented using findChild, and hence will automatically retry if no such child is found, and will eventually raise an exception. It also logs the search.

menu(self, menuName, recursive=True)

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Search below this node for a menu with the given name.

This is implemented using findChild, and hence will automatically retry if no such child is found, and will eventually raise an exception. It also logs the search.

menuItem(self, menuItemName, recursive=True)

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Search below this node for a menu item with the given name.

This is implemented using findChild, and hence will automatically retry if no such child is found, and will eventually raise an exception. It also logs the search.

textentry(self, textEntryName, recursive=True)

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Search below this node for a text entry with the given name.

This is implemented using findChild, and hence will automatically retry if no such child is found, and will eventually raise an exception. It also logs the search.

button(self, buttonName, recursive=True)

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Search below this node for a button with the given name.

This is implemented using findChild, and hence will automatically retry if no such child is found, and will eventually raise an exception. It also logs the search.

childLabelled(self, labelText, recursive=True)

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Search below this node for a child labelled with the given text.

This is implemented using findChild, and hence will automatically retry if no such child is found, and will eventually raise an exception. It also logs the search.

childNamed(self, childName, recursive=True)

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Search below this node for a child with the given name.

This is implemented using findChild, and hence will automatically retry if no such child is found, and will eventually raise an exception. It also logs the search.

tab(self, tabName, recursive=True)

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Search below this node for a tab with the given name.

This is implemented using findChild, and hence will automatically retry if no such child is found, and will eventually raise an exception. It also logs the search.


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Get all user-visible strings in this node and its descendents.

(Could be implemented as an attribute)

Property Details [hide private]


debug name assigned during search operations

Get Method:
Set Method:
_setDebugName(self, debugName)


Is the node dead (defunct) ?

Get Method:


a list of this Accessible's children

Get Method:


Gets the unlocalized role name of the accessible from the cache if it is available, otherwise, fetches it remotely.

Get Method:
unreachable.getRoleName(self) - Gets the unlocalized role name of the accessible from the cache if it is available, otherwise, fetches it remotely.


Gets the role of the accessible from the cache if it is available, otherwise, fetches it remotely.

Get Method:
unreachable.getRole(self) - Gets the role of the accessible from the cache if it is available, otherwise, fetches it remotely.


Gets the index of this accessible in its parent. Uses the implementation of this method provided by the Accessibility.Accessible object, but checks the bound of the value to ensure it is not outside the range of childCount reported by this accessible's parent.

Get Method:
unreachable.getIndexInParent(self) - Gets the index of this accessible in its parent.


A dictionary of supported action names as keys, with Action objects as values. Common action names include:

'click' 'press' 'release' 'activate' 'jump' 'check' 'dock' 'undock' 'open' 'menu'

Get Method:


The value (as a string) currently selected in the combo box.

Get Method:
Set Method:
_setComboValue(self, value)


Get Method:


For instances with an AccessibleText interface, the text as a string. This is read-only, unless the instance also has an AccessibleEditableText interface. In this case, you can write values to the attribute. This will get logged in the debug log, and a delay will be added.

If this instance corresponds to a password entry, use the passwordText property instead.

Get Method:
Set Method:
_setText(self, text)


For instances with an AccessibleText interface, the caret offset as an integer.

Get Method:
Set Method:
_setCaretOffset(self, offset)


A tuple containing the position of the Accessible: (x, y)

Get Method:


A tuple containing the size of the Accessible: (w, h)

Get Method:


A tuple containing the location and size of the Accessible: (x, y, w, h)

Get Method:


'labeller' (read-only list of Node instances): The node(s) that is/are a label for this node. Generated from 'relations'.

Get Method:


See labeler

Get Method:


'labellee' (read-only list of Node instances): The node(s) that this node is a label for. Generated from 'relations'.

Get Method:


See labelee

Get Method:


Is the Accessible sensitive (i.e. not greyed out)?

Get Method:


Get Method:


Is the Accessible capable of having keyboard focus?

Get Method:


Does the Accessible have keyboard focus?

Get Method:


Is the Accessible a checked checkbox?

Get Method:


Is the Accessible selected?

Get Method:


Returns a list of children that are selected.

Get Method:


Get Method:
Set Method:
_setValue(self, value)


Get Method:


Get Method:


Get Method: