Package dogtail :: Module i18n
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Module i18n

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Internationalization facilities

Authors: David Malcolm <>

Author: David Malcolm <>, Zack Cerza <>

Classes [hide private]
Abstract base class representing a database of translations
Implementation of TranslationDb which leverages gettext, using a single translation mo-file.
Class representing a string that we want to match strings against, handling translation for us, by looking it up once at construction time.
Functions [hide private]
safeDecode(string) source code
safeEncode(string) source code
Look up srcString in the various translation databases (if any), returning a list of all matches found (potentially the empty list)
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isMoFile(filename, language='')
Does the given filename look like a gettext mo file?
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loadAllTranslationsForLanguage(language) source code
getMoFilesForPackage(packageName, language='', getDependencies=True)
Look up the named package and find all gettext mo files within it and its dependencies.
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loadTranslationsFromPackageMoFiles(packageName, getDependencies=True)
Helper function which appends all of the gettext translation mo-files used by the package (and its dependencies) to the translation database list.
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Variables [hide private]
  translationDbs = []
  __package__ = 'dogtail'
Function Details [hide private]

isMoFile(filename, language='')

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Does the given filename look like a gettext mo file?

Optionally: Does the file also contain translations for a certain language, for example 'ja'?

getMoFilesForPackage(packageName, language='', getDependencies=True)

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Look up the named package and find all gettext mo files within it and its dependencies. It is possible to restrict the results to those of a certain language, for example 'ja'.