path: root/syntax/systemd.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'syntax/systemd.vim')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/syntax/systemd.vim b/syntax/systemd.vim
index 3d3a27a..917fa9f 100644
--- a/syntax/systemd.vim
+++ b/syntax/systemd.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Purpose: Vim syntax file
" Language: systemd unit files
" Maintainer: Will Woods <>
-" Last Change: Sep 8, 2011
+" Last Change: Sep 15, 2011
if exists("b:current_syntax") && !exists ("g:syntax_debug")
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ endif
syn case match
syntax sync fromstart
setlocal iskeyword+=-
-setlocal iskeyword+=+
+" special sequences, common data types, comments, includes {{{1
" hilight errors with this
syn match sdErr contained /\s*\S\+/ nextgroup=sdErr
-" special sequences
-syn match sdEnvArg contained /\$\i\+\|\${\i\+}/
-syn match sdFormatStr contained /%[nNpPIfcrRt]/ containedin=ALLBUT,sdComment,sdErr
+" environment args and format strings
+syn match sdEnvArg contained /\$\i\+\|\${\i\+}/
+syn match sdFormatStr contained /%[inpINPfcrRt]/ containedin=ALLBUT,sdComment,sdErr
" common data types
syn match sdUInt contained nextgroup=sdErr /\d\+/
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ syn match sdInt contained nextgroup=sdErr /-\=\d\+/
syn match sdOctal contained nextgroup=sdErr /0\o\{3,4}/
syn match sdDuration contained nextgroup=sdErr /\d\+/
syn match sdDuration contained nextgroup=sdErr /\%(\d\+\%(s\|min\|h\|d\|w\|ms\|us\)\s*\)\+/
+syn match sdDatasize contained nextgroup=sdErr /\d\+[KMGT]/
syn match sdFilename contained nextgroup=sdErr /\/\S\+/
syn keyword sdBool contained nextgroup=sdErr 1 yes true on 0 no false off
syn match sdUnitName contained /\S\+\.\(automount\|mount\|swap\|socket\|service\|target\|path\|timer\|device\)\_s/
-" FIXME: sdFormatStr doesn't get hilighted in sdUnitName...
" .include
syn match sdInclude /^.include/ nextgroup=sdFilename
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ syn match sdInclude /^.include/ nextgroup=sdFilename
syn match sdComment /^[;#].*/ contains=sdTodo containedin=ALL
syn keyword sdTodo contained TODO XXX FIXME NOTE
-" [Unit]
+" [Unit] {{{1
+" see systemd.unit(5)
syn region sdUnitBlock matchgroup=sdHeader start=/^\[Unit\]/ end=/^\[/me=e-2 contains=sdUnitKey
syn match sdUnitKey contained /^Description=/
syn match sdUnitKey contained /^\%(Requires\|RequiresOverridable\|Requisite\|RequisiteOverridable\|Wants\|BindTo\|Conflicts\|Before\|After\|OnFailure\|Names\)=/ nextgroup=sdUnitList
@@ -53,70 +54,109 @@ syn match sdConditionFlag contained /[!|]/
syn keyword sdVirtType contained nextgroup=sdErr qemu kvm vmware microsoft oracle xen pidns openvz
syn keyword sdSecurityType contained nextgroup=sdErr selinux
-" [Install]
+" [Install] {{{1
+" see systemd.unit(5)
syn region sdInstallBlock matchgroup=sdHeader start=/^\[Install\]/ end=/^\[/me=e-2 contains=sdInstallKey
syn match sdInstallKey contained /^\%(WantedBy\|Alias\|Also\)=/ nextgroup=sdUnitList
-" common stuff used in Service, Socket, Mount, and Swap
-syn match sdKillKey contained /^TimeoutSec=/ nextgroup=sdDuration,sdErr
-syn match sdKillKey contained /^KillSignal=/ nextgroup=sdSignal,sdOtherSignal,sdErr
-syn match sdKillKey contained /^SendSIGKill=/ nextgroup=sdBool,sdErr
-syn match sdKillKey contained /^KillMode=/ nextgroup=sdKillMode,sdErr
-syn match sdKillMode contained nextgroup=sdErr /\%(control-group\|process\|none\)/
-syn match sdExecKey contained /^Exec\%(Start\%(Pre\|Post\|\)\|Reload\|Stop\|StopPost\)=/ nextgroup=sdExecFlag,sdExecFile,sdErr
-syn match sdExecFlag contained /-\=@\=/ nextgroup=sdExecFile,sdErr
-syn match sdExecFile contained /\/\S\+/ nextgroup=sdExecArgs
-syn match sdExecArgs contained /.*/ contains=sdEnvArg
-" [Service]
-syn region sdServiceBlock matchgroup=sdHeader start=/^\[Service\]/ end=/^\[/me=e-2 contains=sdServiceKey,sdExecKey,sdKillKey
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^\%(WorkingDirectory\|RootDirectory\|TTYPath\)=/ nextgroup=sdFilename,sdErr
-" FIXME: some of these could be better handled
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^\%(User\|Group\|SupplementaryGroups\|Nice\|OOMScoreAdjust\|\%(IO\|CPU\)SchedulingPriority\|CPUAffinity\|UMask\|SyslogIdentifier\|PAMName\|TCPWrapName\|CapabilityBoundingSet\|Capabilities\|ControlGroup\|ControlGroupAttribute\|CPUShares\|MemoryLimit\|MemorySoftLimit\|DeviceAllow\|DeviceDeny\|BlockIOWeight\|BlockIO\%(Read\|Write\)Bandwidth\|\%(ReadWrite\|ReadOnly\|Inaccessible\)Directories\|UtmpIdentifier\|BusName\)=/
-" TODO: CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_[A-Z_]\+
-" TODO: Umask is sdOctal
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^\%(CPUSchedulingResetOnFork\|TTYReset\|TTYVHangup\|TTYVTDisallocate\|SyslogLevelPrefix\|ControlGroupModify\|PrivateTmp\|PrivateNetwork\)=/ nextgroup=sdBool,sdErr
+" Execution options common to [Service|Socket|Mount|Swap] {{{1
+" see systemd.exec(5)
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^Exec\%(Start\%(Pre\|Post\|\)\|Reload\|Stop\|StopPost\)=/ nextgroup=sdExecFlag,sdExecFile,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^\%(WorkingDirectory\|RootDirectory\|TTYPath\)=/ nextgroup=sdFilename,sdErr
+" TODO: handle some of these better
+" CPUAffinity is: list of uint
+" BlockIOWeight is: uint\|filename uint
+" BlockIO\%(Read\|Write\)Bandwidth is: filename datasize
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^\%(User\|Group\|SupplementaryGroups\|CPUAffinity\|SyslogIdentifier\|PAMName\|TCPWrapName\|ControlGroup\|ControlGroupAttribute\|DeviceAllow\|DeviceDeny\|BlockIOWeight\|BlockIO\%(Read\|Write\)Bandwidth\|UtmpIdentifier\)=/
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^Limit\%(CPU\|FSIZE\|DATA\|STACK\|CORE\|RSS\|NOFILE\|AS\|NPROC\|MEMLOCK\|LOCKS\|SIGPENDING\|MSGQUEUE\|NICE\|RTPRIO\|RTTIME\)=/ nextgroup=sdRlimit
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^\%(CPUSchedulingResetOnFork\|TTYReset\|TTYVHangup\|TTYVTDisallocate\|SyslogLevelPrefix\|ControlGroupModify\|PrivateTmp\|PrivateNetwork\)=/ nextgroup=sdBool,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^\%(Nice\|OOMScoreAdjust\)=/ nextgroup=sdInt,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^\%(CPUSchedulingPriority\|TimerSlackNSec\|CPUShares\)=/ nextgroup=sdUInt,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^\%(MemoryLimit\|MemorySoftLimit\)=/ nextgroup=sdDatasize,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^\%(ReadWrite\|ReadOnly\|Inaccessible\)Directories=/ nextgroup=sdFileList
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^Device\%(Allow\|Deny\)=/ nextgroup=sdDevAllow,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^CapabilityBoundingSet=/ nextgroup=sdCapNameList
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^Capabilities=/ nextgroup=sdCapability,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^UMask=/ nextgroup=sdOctal,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^StandardInput=/ nextgroup=sdStdin,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^Standard\%(Output\|Error\)=/ nextgroup=sdStdout,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^SecureBits=/ nextgroup=sdSecureBitList
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^SyslogFacility=/ nextgroup=sdSyslogFacil,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^SyslogLevel=/ nextgroup=sdSyslogLevel,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^IOSchedulingClass=/ nextgroup=sdIOSchedClass,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^IOSchedulingPriority=/ nextgroup=sdIOSchedPrio,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^CPUSchedulingPolicy=/ nextgroup=sdCPUSchedPol,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^MountFlags=/ nextgroup=sdMountFlags,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^Environment=/ nextgroup=sdEnvDefs
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^EnvironmentFile=-\=/ contains=sdEnvDashFlag nextgroup=sdFilename,sdErr
+syn match sdExecFlag contained /-\=@\=/ nextgroup=sdExecFile,sdErr
+syn match sdExecFile contained /\/\S\+/ nextgroup=sdExecArgs
+syn match sdExecArgs contained /.*/ contains=sdEnvArg
+syn match sdEnvDefs contained /.*/ contains=sdEnvDef
+syn match sdEnvDashFlag contained /-/ nextgroup=sdFilename,sdErr
+syn match sdEnvDef contained /\i\+=/he=e-1
+syn match sdFileList contained /.*/ contains=sdFilename,sdErr
+syn case ignore
+syn match sdCapNameList contained /.*/ contains=sdAnyCapName,sdErr
+syn match sdAnyCapName contained /CAP_[A-Z_]\+\s*/ contains=sdCapName
+syn case match
+syn cluster sdCap contains=sdCapName,sdCapOps,sdCapFlags
+syn match sdCapOps contained /[=+-]/
+syn match sdCapFlags contained /\<[eip]\+/
+syn match sdCapability contained /\%(\%([A-Za-z_]\+,\=\)*\|all\)\%(=[eip]*\|[+-][eip]\+\)\s*/ contains=@sdCap nextgroup=sdCapability,sdErr
+syn match sdDevAllow contained /\/\S\+\s\+/ nextgroup=sdDevAllowPerm
+syn match sdDevAllowPerm contained /\S\+/ contains=sdDevAllowErr nextgroup=sdErr
+syn match sdDevAllowErr contained /[^rwm]\+/
+syn keyword sdStdin contained nextgroup=sdErr null tty-force tty-fail socket tty
+syn match sdStdout contained nextgroup=sdErr /\%(syslog\|kmsg\)\%(+console\)\=/
+syn keyword sdStdout contained nextgroup=sdErr inherit null tty socket
+syn keyword sdSyslogFacil contained nextgroup=sdErr kern user mail daemon auth syslog lpr news uucp cron authpriv ftp
+syn match sdSyslogFacil contained nextgroup=sdErr /\<local[0-7]\>/
+syn keyword sdSyslogLevel contained nextgroup=sdErr emerg alert crit err warning notice info debug
+syn keyword sdIOSchedClass contained nextgroup=sdErr 0 1 2 3 none realtime best-effort idle
+syn keyword sdIOSchedPrio contained nextgroup=sdErr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+syn keyword sdCPUSchedPol contained nextgroup=sdErr other batch idle fifo rr
+syn keyword sdMountFlags contained nextgroup=sdErr shared slave private
+syn match sdRlimit contained nextgroup=sdErr /\<\%(\d\+\|infinity\)\>/
+syn keyword sdSecureBits contained nextgroup=sdErr keep-caps keep-caps-locked noroot noroot-locked no-setuid-fixup no-setuid-fixup-locked
+" These are also shared by [Service|Socket|Mount|Swap], although they're not
+" listed in systemd.exec(5)
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^TimeoutSec=/ nextgroup=sdDuration,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^KillSignal=/ nextgroup=sdSignal,sdOtherSignal,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^SendSIGKill=/ nextgroup=sdBool,sdErr
+syn match sdExecKey contained /^KillMode=/ nextgroup=sdKillMode,sdErr
+syn keyword sdSignal contained nextgroup=sdErr SIGHUP SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGKILL SIGTERM SIGUSR1 SIGUSR2
+syn match sdOtherSignal contained nextgroup=sdErr /\<\%(\d\+\|SIG[A-Z]\{2,6}\)\>/
+syn match sdKillMode contained nextgroup=sdErr /\%(control-group\|process\|none\)/
+" [Service] {{{1
+syn region sdServiceBlock matchgroup=sdHeader start=/^\[Service\]/ end=/^\[/me=e-2 contains=sdServiceKey,sdExecKey
+syn match sdServiceKey contained /^BusName=/
syn match sdServiceKey contained /^\%(RemainAfterExit\|GuessMainPID\|PermissionsStartOnly\|RootDirectoryStartOnly\|NonBlocking\|ControlGroupModify\)=/ nextgroup=sdBool,sdErr
syn match sdServiceKey contained /^\%(SysVStartPriority\|FsckPassNo\)=/ nextgroup=sdUInt,sdErr
syn match sdServiceKey contained /^\%(Restart\|Timeout\)Sec=/ nextgroup=sdDuration,sdErr
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^Limit\%(CPU\|FSIZE\|DATA\|STACK\|CORE\|RSS\|NOFILE\|AS\|NPROC\|MEMLOCK\|LOCKS\|SIGPENDING\|MSGQUEUE\|NICE\|RTPRIO\|RTTIME\)=/ nextgroup=sdRlimit
syn match sdServiceKey contained /^Sockets=/ nextgroup=sdUnitList
syn match sdServiceKey contained /^PIDFile=/ nextgroup=sdFilename,sdErr
syn match sdServiceKey contained /^Type=/ nextgroup=sdServiceType,sdErr
syn match sdServiceKey contained /^Restart=/ nextgroup=sdRestartType,sdErr
syn match sdServiceKey contained /^NotifyAccess=/ nextgroup=sdNotifyType,sdErr
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^MountFlags=/ nextgroup=sdMountFlags,sdErr
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^EnvironmentFile=-\=/ contains=sdEnvDashFlag nextgroup=sdFilename,sdErr
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^StandardInput=/ nextgroup=sdStdin,sdErr
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^Standard\%(Output\|Error\)=/ nextgroup=sdStdout,sdErr
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^SyslogFacility=/ nextgroup=sdSyslogFacil,sdErr
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^SyslogLevel=/ nextgroup=sdSyslogLevel,sdErr
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^IOSchedulingClass=/ nextgroup=sdIOSched
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^CPUSchedulingPolicy=/ nextgroup=sdCPUSched
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^SecureBits=/ nextgroup=sdSecureBitList
-syn match sdServiceKey contained /^Environment=/ nextgroup=sdEnvDefs
-syn match sdSecureBitList contained /.*/ contains=sdSecureBits
-syn match sdEnvDefs contained /.*/ contains=sdEnvDef
-syn match sdEnvDashFlag contained /-/ nextgroup=sdFilename,sdErr
-syn match sdEnvDef contained /\i\+=/he=e-1
syn keyword sdServiceType contained nextgroup=sdErr simple forking dbus oneshot notify
syn keyword sdRestartType contained nextgroup=sdErr no on-success on-failure on-abort always
syn keyword sdNotifyType contained nextgroup=sdErr none main all
-syn keyword sdMountFlags contained nextgroup=sdErr shared slave private
-syn keyword sdStdin contained nextgroup=sdErr null tty-force tty-fail socket tty
-syn keyword sdStdout contained nextgroup=sdErr inherit null tty socket syslog syslog+console kmsg kmsg+console
-syn keyword sdSyslogFacil contained nextgroup=sdErr kern user mail daemon auth syslog lpr news uucp cron authpriv ftp
-syn match sdSyslogFacil contained nextgroup=sdErr /\<local[0-7]\>/
-syn keyword sdSyslogLevel contained nextgroup=sdErr emerg alert crit err warning notice info debug
-syn keyword sdSignal contained nextgroup=sdErr SIGHUP SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGKILL SIGTERM SIGUSR1 SIGUSR2
-syn match sdOtherSignal contained nextgroup=sdErr /\<\%(\d\+\|SIG[A-Z]\{2,6}\)\>/
-syn match sdSecureBits contained nextgroup=sdErr /\<\%(keep-caps\|no-setuid-fixup\|noroot\)\%(-locked\)\=\>/
-syn match sdRlimit contained nextgroup=sdErr /\<\%(\d\+\|infinity\)\>/
-syn keyword sdIOSched contained nextgroup=sdErr none realtime best-effort idle
-syn keyword sdCPUSched contained nextgroup=sdErr other batch idle fifo rr
-" [Socket]
-syn region sdSocketBlock matchgroup=sdHeader start=/^\[Socket\]/ end=/^\[/me=e-2 contains=sdSocketKey,sdExecKey,sdKillKey
+" [Socket] {{{1
+syn region sdSocketBlock matchgroup=sdHeader start=/^\[Socket\]/ end=/^\[/me=e-2 contains=sdSocketKey,sdExecKey
syn match sdSocketKey contained /^Listen\%(Stream\|Datagram\|SequentialPacket\|FIFO\|Special\|Netlink\|MessageQueue\)=/
syn match sdSocketKey contained /^Listen\%(FIFO\|Special\)=/ nextgroup=sdFilename,sdErr
syn match sdSocketKey contained /^\%(Socket\|Directory\)Mode=/ nextgroup=sdOctal,sdErr
@@ -131,6 +171,7 @@ syn keyword sdBindIPv6 contained nextgroup=sdErr default both ipv6-only
syn keyword sdIPTOS contained nextgroup=sdErr low-delay throughput reliability low-cost
syn keyword sdTCPCongest contained nextgroup=sdErr westwood veno cubic lp
+" [Timer|Automount|Mount|Swap|Path] {{{1
" [Timer]
syn region sdTimerBlock matchgroup=sdHeader start=/^\[Timer\]/ end=/^\[/me=e-2 contains=sdTimerKey
syn match sdTimerKey contained /^On\%(Active\|Boot\|Startup\|UnitActive\|UnitInactive\)Sec=/ nextgroup=sdDuration,sdErr
@@ -142,11 +183,11 @@ syn match sdAutomountKey contained /^Where=/ nextgroup=sdFilename,sdErr
syn match sdAutomountKey contained /^DirectoryMode=/ nextgroup=sdOctal,sdErr
" [Mount]
-syn region sdMountBlock matchgroup=sdHeader start=/^\[Mount\]/ end=/^\[/me=e-2 contains=sdMountKey,sdAutomountKey,sdKillKey
+syn region sdMountBlock matchgroup=sdHeader start=/^\[Mount\]/ end=/^\[/me=e-2 contains=sdMountKey,sdAutomountKey,sdExecKey
syn match sdMountKey contained /^\%(What\|Type\|Options\)=/
" [Swap]
-syn region sdSwapBlock matchgroup=sdHeader start=/^\[Swap\]/ end=/^\[/me=e-2 contains=sdSwapKey,sdKillKey
+syn region sdSwapBlock matchgroup=sdHeader start=/^\[Swap\]/ end=/^\[/me=e-2 contains=sdSwapKey,sdExecKey
syn match sdSwapKey contained /^What=/ nextgroup=sdFilename,sdErr
syn match sdSwapKey contained /^Priority=/ nextgroup=sdUInt,sdErr
@@ -157,7 +198,7 @@ syn match sdPathKey contained /^MakeDirectory=/ nextgroup=sdBool,sdErr
syn match sdPathKey contained /^DirectoryMode=/ nextgroup=sdOctal,sdErr
syn match sdPathKey contained /^Unit=/ nextgroup=sdUnitList
-" set up coloring
+" Coloring definitions {{{1
hi def link sdComment Comment
hi def link sdTodo Todo
hi def link sdInclude PreProc
@@ -171,12 +212,13 @@ hi def link sdKey Statement
hi def link sdValue Constant
hi def link sdSymbol Special
+" Coloring links: keys {{{1
" It'd be nice if this worked..
"hi def link sd.\+Key sdKey
hi def link sdUnitKey sdKey
hi def link sdInstallKey sdKey
hi def link sdExecKey sdKey
-hi def link sdKillKey sdKey
hi def link sdSocketKey sdKey
hi def link sdServiceKey sdKey
hi def link sdServiceCommonKey sdKey
@@ -186,6 +228,7 @@ hi def link sdAutomountKey sdKey
hi def link sdSwapKey sdKey
hi def link sdPathKey sdKey
+" Coloring links: constant values {{{1
hi def link sdInt sdValue
hi def link sdUInt sdValue
hi def link sdBool sdValue
@@ -207,9 +250,17 @@ hi def link sdSyslogLevel sdValue
hi def link sdIOSched sdValue
hi def link sdCPUSched sdValue
hi def link sdRlimit sdValue
+hi def link sdCapName sdValue
+hi def link sdDevAllowPerm sdValue
+hi def link sdDevAllowErr Error
+" Coloring links: symbols/flags {{{1
hi def link sdExecFlag sdSymbol
hi def link sdConditionFlag sdSymbol
hi def link sdEnvDashFlag sdSymbol
+hi def link sdCapOps sdSymbol
+hi def link sdCapFlags Identifier
let b:current_syntax = "systemd"
+" vim: fdm=marker