diff options
authorWill Woods <>2011-09-13 15:05:40 -0400
committerWill Woods <>2011-09-13 15:05:40 -0400
commit32e2fae1dc7135e77ac5860bb2276c7e4edd2d59 (patch)
parent17d9d0541f445a8a8871c64022726d6d2363877d (diff)
ltmpl: simplify and flesh out
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/syntax/ltmpl.vim b/syntax/ltmpl.vim
index 84d6a6f..09a5927 100644
--- a/syntax/ltmpl.vim
+++ b/syntax/ltmpl.vim
@@ -20,61 +20,69 @@ unlet b:current_syntax
syn match makoError contained /\S.*/
syn match makoComment /^\s*##.*/
-syn region makoComment matchgroup=makoSpecial start='<%doc>' end='</%doc>'
-syn region makoPython matchgroup=makoSpecial start=/<%\_s/ end=/%>/ contains=@Python
-syn region makoPython matchgroup=makoSpecial start=/^\s*%\s*\%(if\|elif\|else\|for\|while\)/ end=/$/ contains=@Python
-syn match makoSpecial /^\s*%\s*\%(endif\|endfor\|endwhile\)\s*/ nextgroup=makoError
-syn region makoPython matchgroup=makoVar start=/${/ end=/}/ contains=@Python
+syn region makoComment matchgroup=makoSpecial start='<%doc>' end='</%doc>'
+syn region makoPython matchgroup=makoSpecial start=/<%\_s/ end=/%>/ contains=@Python
+syn region makoPython matchgroup=makoSpecial start=/^\s*%\s*\%(if\|elif\|else\|for\|while\)/ end=/$/ contains=@Python
+syn match makoSpecial /^\s*%\s*\%(endif\|endfor\|endwhile\)\>/ skipwhite nextgroup=makoError
+syn region makoVar start=/${/ end=/}/ contains=@Python
+syn region makoTag matchgroup=makoSpecial start=/<%page\>/ end='/>' contains=makoArgs,makoString
+syn keyword makoArgs args
+syn region makoString contained start=/"/ end=/"/
+syn region makoString contained start=/'/ end=/'/
+syn match loraxError contained /\S.*/
+syn region loraxQuote contained start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=makoVar,loraxContinue
+syn region loraxQuote contained start=/'/ end=/'/ contains=makoVar,loraxContinue
+syn match loraxContinue contained /\\$/
+syn region loraxAlt contained matchgroup=makoSpecial start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=makoVar,loraxAltComma
+syn match loraxAltComma contained /,/
+syn match loraxInt contained /\s\d\+/
+syn match loraxGlobSyms contained /[*?]/
+syn cluster loraxArgClust contains=makoVar,loraxInt,loraxQuote,loraxAlt,loraxContinue
+syn region loraxArgs contained start=// end=/$/ contains=@loraxArgClust
+syn region loraxArgsGlob contained start=// end=/$/ contains=@loraxArgClust,loraxGlobSyms
+" commands that don't take globs
+syn keyword loraxKey copy copyif move moveif hardlink symlink nextgroup=loraxArgs
+syn keyword loraxKey mkdir append chmod installkernel installinitrd treeinfo nextgroup=loraxArgs
+" commands that take globs
+syn keyword loraxKey install installpkg removepkg remove replace runcmd nextgroup=loraxArgsGlob
+syn keyword loraxKey gconfset nextgroup=loraxArgs
+"TODO hilighting for TYPE and VALUE?
+" removefrom GLOB [--allbut] GLOB...
+syn keyword loraxKey removefrom nextgroup=loraxRemoveFrom
+syn region loraxRemoveFrom contained start=// end=/$/ contains=loraxArgsGlob,loraxRemoveFromArgs
+syn match loraxRemoveFromArgs contained /--allbut\>/
+" log MESSAGE
+syn keyword loraxKey log skipwhite nextgroup=loraxLog
+syn match loraxLog contained /\S\+/ contains=makoVar,loraxQuote,loraxInt skipwhite nextgroup=loraxError
+" run_pkg_transaction
+syn keyword loraxKey run_pkg_transaction nextgroup=loraxError
-syn match loraxError contained /\S.*/
-syn match loraxFile contained /\S\+/
-syn region loraxAlt matchgroup=loraxSpecial start=/{/ end=/}/ keepend
-syn region loraxQuote start=/"/ end=/"/ keepend
-syn match loraxContinue contained /\\$/
-syn keyword loraxKey install copy copyif move moveif hardlink symlink skipwhite nextgroup=loraxTwoFiles
-syn keyword loraxKey mkdir remove skipwhite nextgroup=loraxManyFiles
-syn keyword loraxKey append skipwhite nextgroup=loraxAppend
-syn keyword loraxKey installkernel installinitrd skipwhite nextgroup=loraxInstallKern
-syn keyword loraxKey chmod skipwhite nextgroup=loraxChmodFile,loraxError
-syn match loraxChmodFile contained /\S\+/ skipwhite nextgroup=loraxOctalMode,loraxError
-syn match loraxOctalMode contained /\o\{3,5}/ nextgroup=loraxError
-syn keyword loraxKey gconfset skipwhite nextgroup=loraxGconf
-syn keyword loraxKey log skipwhite nextgroup=loraxOneArg
-syn keyword loraxKey removefrom skipwhite nextgroup=loraxRemoveFrom
-syn keyword loraxKey run_pkg_transaction skipwhite nextgroup=loraxError
-syn keyword loraxKey runcmd skipwhite nextgroup=loraxRuncmd
-syn region loraxRunCmd contained start=// end=/$/ contains=loraxContinue,loraxQuote
-syn keyword loraxKey replace
-syn keyword loraxKey installpkg removepkg
" define colors
hi def link makoComment Comment
hi def link makoSpecial Special
hi def link makoVar PreProc
hi def link makoError Error
+hi def link makoString String
+hi def link makoArgs Type
hi def link loraxKey Statement
-hi def link loraxSpecial Special
+hi def link loraxAltComma Special
hi def link loraxContinue Special
+hi def link loraxGlobSyms Special
hi def link loraxQuote String
-hi def link loraxOctalMode Constant
hi def link loraxError Error
+hi def link loraxInt Constant
+hi def link loraxLog String
let b:current_syntax = "ltmpl"