diff options
authorWill Woods <>2009-02-03 18:48:57 -0500
committerWill Woods <>2009-02-03 18:48:57 -0500
commitf4ab050f507d284e88197249262f6271cb210bb4 (patch)
parentc886a23f260cde6c9f43f5209a8aa1e4ca594717 (diff)
Whee - rework to allow for multiple repos without collision
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 1656ab2..e9698be 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
# Copyright 2009 Red Hat, Inc. GPLv2+ BOILERPLATE GOES HERE.
# Author: Will Woods <>
+# Exports the contents of the repo(s) in a filesystem that looks like this:
+# $PACKAGE_UID/[package contents]
+# where $PACKAGE_UID is some unique package identifier (e.g. ENVRA in RPM)
import os
import glob
@@ -23,6 +27,9 @@ import bz2, gzip
import yum.repoMDObject
def bunzip(infile,outfile):
(p,f) = os.path.split(outfile)
if not os.path.isdir(p):
@@ -49,12 +56,20 @@ def fuseclonestat(stat):
s.st_atime, s.st_mtime, s.st_ctime) = stat
return s
+def leading_paths(dir):
+ dirlist = []
+ while dir:
+ dirlist.append(dir)
+ if dir == '/':
+ break
+ (dir, dummy) = os.path.split(dir)
+ return dirlist
class SimpleYumRepo(object):
def __init__(self, path=None, cachedir=None):
self.path = path
self.cachedir = cachedir
- self._attrcache = {}
- self._linkcache = {}
+ self.pkgkey = {}
if path:
@@ -75,28 +90,45 @@ class SimpleYumRepo(object):
# TODO: elif .gz, else...
con = sqlite.connect(dbfile)
+ for p in self.package_uids():
+ pass
+ # This is kind of stupid - we need this cached to use files_for_package..
+ # Maybe this should populate the cache and package_uids() can just return
+ # pkgkey.keys()
+ def package_uids(self):
+ '''Generator for package UIDs in this repo'''
+ c = self.primary_db.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT epoch, name, version, release, arch, pkgKey FROM packages")
+ for (e,n,v,r,a,key) in c:
+ nevra = "%s-%s:%s-%s.%s" % (n,e,v,r,a)
+ self.pkgkey[nevra] = key
+ yield nevra
- def packages_for_file(self, path):
- '''Return a (possibly-empty) list of RPMs containing the file with the
- given path.'''
- keys = []
- (dirname,filename) = os.path.split(path)
+ def files_for_package(self, packageuid):
+ '''Generator for files in the given packageuid.
+ Each item is a tuple of the form (abspath,type) where type is
+ 'd' or 'f' (dir/file).'''
c = self.filelists_db.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT pkgKey,filenames FROM filelist "
- "WHERE dirname=?",(dirname,))
- keys = [k for (k, f) in c if filename in f.split('/')]
- c.close()
- rpms = []
- for key in keys:
- # FIXME do one query? WHERE pkgKey=? OR ...
- # Nope, too long, but maybe we could do a join..
- c = self.primary_db.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT location_base,location_href FROM packages "
- "WHERE pkgKey=?",(key,))
- (base,href) = c.fetchone()
- rpms.append(os.path.join(self.path,href))
- c.close()
- return rpms
+ key = self.pkgkey.get(packageuid)
+ if not key:
+ raise StopIteration # like returning an empty list
+ c.execute("SELECT dirname, filenames, filetypes FROM filelist "
+ "WHERE pkgKey=?",(key,))
+ dirs = []
+ for (dir,names,types) in c:
+ if dir not in dirs:
+ for d in leading_paths(dir):
+ if d not in dirs:
+ dirs.append(d)
+ yield (d,'d')
+ for (n,t) in zip(names.split('/'),types):
+ f = os.path.join(dir,n)
+ if t == 'd' and f in dirs:
+ continue
+ else:
+ dirs.append(f)
+ yield (f,t)
def unpack(self,rpm,targetdir=None):
if targetdir:
@@ -175,83 +207,93 @@ class Repofs(FuseRO):
self.log(" cachedir=%s, repopath=%s" % (r.cachedir, r.path))
- def _package_for_file(self, path):
- for repo in self.repos:
- packages = repo.packages_for_file(path)
- if packages:
- return (packages[0], repo)
+ def _splitpath(self, path):
+ '''Split an absolute path into (packageuid, path)'''
+ path = path.lstrip('/')
+ p = path.split('/',1)
+ if len(p) == 1:
+ p.append('')
+ p[1] = '/' + p[1]
+ return p
- def _cachefile(self, path):
- '''Find the given filename in the repo, extract it from whatever
- package it's in, and save it into the cache.
- Returns the actual on-disk path for the (now cached) file.'''
- cachefile = os.path.join(self.cachedir, path.strip('/'))
- if os.path.exists(cachefile):
- return cachefile
- # FIXME try/except
- # FIXME multiple repos
- # FIXME assumes that filenames are unique
- (package, repo) = self._package_for_file(path)
- if not package:
- return None
- repo.unpack(package, self.cachedir)
- self.log("unpacked %s" % package)
- if os.path.exists(cachefile):
- return cachefile
+ def readdir(self, path, offset):
+ self.log("readdir('%s', %s)" % (path, str(offset)))
+ for repo in self.repos:
+ if path == "/":
+ for uid in repo.package_uids():
+ d = fuse.Direntry(str(uid))
+ d.type = S_IFDIR
+ yield d
+ else:
+ (packageuid, path) = self._splitpath(path)
+ for (f,t) in repo.files_for_package(packageuid):
+ (dir, basename) = os.path.split(f)
+ if dir == path and basename:
+ d = fuse.Direntry(str(basename))
+ if t == 'd':
+ d.type = S_IFDIR
+ else:
+ d.type = S_IFREG
+ yield d
def getattr(self, path):
- self.log("getattr(%s)" % path)
- f = self._cachefile(path)
- if not f:
- return -errno.ENOENT
- # Not os.lstat() - we're ignoring symlinks.
- # This means we don't have to implement readlink().
- attr = fuseclonestat(os.stat(f))
- # No writeable files - turn off write bits
- attr.st_mode &= ~(S_IWUSR|S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH)
- return attr
- # FIXME actually use the provided arg
- def utime(self, path, times):
- self.log("utime(%s, %s)" % path, str(times))
- return os.utime(self._cachefile(path))
- def access(self, path, mode):
- self.log("access(%s, %s)" % path, mode)
- if not os.access(self._cachefile(path)):
- return -errno.EACCES
- def readdir(self, path, offset):
- '''Return an empty list. We don't let you list directory contents.'''
- self.log("Huh? readdir(%s)" % path)
- return []
+ self.log("getattr('%s')" % path)
+ attr = fuse.Stat()
+ attr.st_mode = None
+ attr.st_nlink = 2 # sure, why not
+ if (path == '/'):
+ attr.st_mode = DIRMODE
+ return attr
+ (packageuid, path) = self._splitpath(path)
+ for repo in self.repos:
+ for (f,t) in repo.files_for_package(packageuid):
+ if f == path:
+ # found it! set mode to -r--r--r--
+ attr.st_mode = FILEMODE
+ if t == 'd': # change mode to dr-xr-xr-x
+ attr.st_mode = DIRMODE
+ # TODO: set some more attributes
+ return attr
+ #raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "No such file or directory")
+ # SourceForge FUSE Python reference says to use this instead:
+ return -errno.ENOENT
+# # FIXME actually use the provided arg
+# def utime(self, path, times):
+# self.log("utime(%s, %s)" % path, str(times))
+# return os.utime(self._cachefile(path))
+# def access(self, path, mode):
+# self.log("access(%s, %s)" % path, mode)
+# if not os.access(self._cachefile(path)):
+# return -errno.EACCES
def statfs(self):
s = fuse.StatVFS()
local_s = os.statvfs(self.cachedir)
# FIXME modify s using info from local_s
return local_s
- # XXX explicitly declare other functions that return proper error codes?
- # FIXME: use file objects instead?
- def open(self, path, flags):
- self.log("open(%s,%s)" % (path,flags))
- return open(self._cachefile(path),flag2mode(flags))
- def read(self, path, length, offset, fh=None):
- self.log("read(%s,%s,%s)" % (path,length,offset))
- return
- def release(self, path, fh=None):
- self.log("release(%s)" % path)
- fh.close()
- def fgetattr(self, path, fh=None):
- self.log("fgetattr(%s)" % path)
- return os.fstat(fh.fileno())
+# # XXX explicitly declare other functions that return proper error codes?
+# # FIXME: use file objects instead?
+# def open(self, path, flags):
+# self.log("open(%s,%s)" % (path,flags))
+# return open(self._cachefile(path),flag2mode(flags))
+# def read(self, path, length, offset, fh=None):
+# self.log("read(%s,%s,%s)" % (path,length,offset))
+# return
+# def release(self, path, fh=None):
+# self.log("release(%s)" % path)
+# fh.close()
+# def fgetattr(self, path, fh=None):
+# self.log("fgetattr(%s)" % path)
+# return os.fstat(fh.fileno())
def main(self, *a, **kw):
return Fuse.main(self, *a, **kw)