path: root/install/ui/util/uglifyjs/lib/consolidator.js
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1 files changed, 1219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/install/ui/util/uglifyjs/lib/consolidator.js b/install/ui/util/uglifyjs/lib/consolidator.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68169b375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/ui/util/uglifyjs/lib/consolidator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1219 @@
+ * @preserve Copyright 2012 Robert Gust-Bardon <>.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer.
+ *
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ * provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+ * @fileoverview Enhances <a href=""
+ * >UglifyJS</a> with consolidation of null, Boolean, and String values.
+ * <p>Also known as aliasing, this feature has been deprecated in <a href=
+ * "">the Closure Compiler</a> since its
+ * initial release, where it is unavailable from the <abbr title=
+ * "command line interface">CLI</a>. The Closure Compiler allows one to log and
+ * influence this process. In contrast, this implementation does not introduce
+ * any variable declarations in global code and derives String values from
+ * identifier names used as property accessors.</p>
+ * <p>Consolidating literals may worsen the data compression ratio when an <a
+ * href="">encoding
+ * transformation</a> is applied. For instance, <a href=
+ * "">jQuery 1.7.1</a> takes 248235 bytes.
+ * Building it with <a href="">
+ * UglifyJS v1.2.5</a> results in 93647 bytes (37.73% of the original) which are
+ * then compressed to 33154 bytes (13.36% of the original) using <a href=
+ * "">gzip(1)</a>. Building it with the same
+ * version of UglifyJS 1.2.5 patched with the implementation of consolidation
+ * results in 80784 bytes (a decrease of 12863 bytes, i.e. 13.74%, in comparison
+ * to the aforementioned 93647 bytes) which are then compressed to 34013 bytes
+ * (an increase of 859 bytes, i.e. 2.59%, in comparison to the aforementioned
+ * 33154 bytes).</p>
+ * <p>Written in <a href="">the strict variant</a>
+ * of <a href="">ECMA-262 5.1 Edition</a>. Encoded in <a
+ * href="">UTF-8</a>. Follows <a href=
+ * ""
+ * >Revision 2.28 of the Google JavaScript Style Guide</a> (except for the
+ * discouraged use of the {@code function} tag and the {@code namespace} tag).
+ * 100% typed for the <a href=
+ * ""
+ * >Closure Compiler Version 1741</a>.</p>
+ * <p>Should you find this software useful, please consider <a href=
+ * ""
+ * >a donation</a>.</p>
+ * @author (Robert Gust-Bardon)
+ * @supported Tested with:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><a href="">Node v0.6.10</a>,</li>
+ * <li><a href="">UglifyJS
+ * v1.2.5</a>.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ */
+/*global console:false, exports:true, module:false, require:false */
+/*jshint sub:true */
+ * Consolidates null, Boolean, and String values found inside an <abbr title=
+ * "abstract syntax tree">AST</abbr>.
+ * @param {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} oAbstractSyntaxTree An array-like object
+ * representing an <abbr title="abstract syntax tree">AST</abbr>.
+ * @return {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} An array-like object representing an <abbr
+ * title="abstract syntax tree">AST</abbr> with its null, Boolean, and
+ * String values consolidated.
+ */
+// TODO(user) Consolidation of mathematical values found in numeric literals.
+// TODO(user) Unconsolidation.
+// TODO(user) Consolidation of ECMA-262 6th Edition programs.
+// TODO(user) Rewrite in ECMA-262 6th Edition.
+exports['ast_consolidate'] = function(oAbstractSyntaxTree) {
+ 'use strict';
+ /*jshint bitwise:true, curly:true, eqeqeq:true, forin:true, immed:true,
+ latedef:true, newcap:true, noarge:true, noempty:true, nonew:true,
+ onevar:true, plusplus:true, regexp:true, undef:true, strict:true,
+ sub:false, trailing:true */
+ var _,
+ /**
+ * A record consisting of data about one or more source elements.
+ * @constructor
+ * @nosideeffects
+ */
+ TSourceElementsData = function() {
+ /**
+ * The category of the elements.
+ * @type {number}
+ * @see ESourceElementCategories
+ */
+ this.nCategory = ESourceElementCategories.N_OTHER;
+ /**
+ * The number of occurrences (within the elements) of each primitive
+ * value that could be consolidated.
+ * @type {!Array.<!Object.<string, number>>}
+ */
+ this.aCount = [];
+ this.aCount[EPrimaryExpressionCategories.N_IDENTIFIER_NAMES] = {};
+ this.aCount[EPrimaryExpressionCategories.N_STRING_LITERALS] = {};
+ this.aCount[EPrimaryExpressionCategories.N_NULL_AND_BOOLEAN_LITERALS] =
+ {};
+ /**
+ * Identifier names found within the elements.
+ * @type {!Array.<string>}
+ */
+ this.aIdentifiers = [];
+ /**
+ * Prefixed representation Strings of each primitive value that could be
+ * consolidated within the elements.
+ * @type {!Array.<string>}
+ */
+ this.aPrimitiveValues = [];
+ },
+ /**
+ * A record consisting of data about a primitive value that could be
+ * consolidated.
+ * @constructor
+ * @nosideeffects
+ */
+ TPrimitiveValue = function() {
+ /**
+ * The difference in the number of terminal symbols between the original
+ * source text and the one with the primitive value consolidated. If the
+ * difference is positive, the primitive value is considered worthwhile.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ this.nSaving = 0;
+ /**
+ * An identifier name of the variable that will be declared and assigned
+ * the primitive value if the primitive value is consolidated.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ this.sName = '';
+ },
+ /**
+ * A record consisting of data on what to consolidate within the range of
+ * source elements that is currently being considered.
+ * @constructor
+ * @nosideeffects
+ */
+ TSolution = function() {
+ /**
+ * An object whose keys are prefixed representation Strings of each
+ * primitive value that could be consolidated within the elements and
+ * whose values are corresponding data about those primitive values.
+ * @type {!Object.<string, {nSaving: number, sName: string}>}
+ * @see TPrimitiveValue
+ */
+ this.oPrimitiveValues = {};
+ /**
+ * The difference in the number of terminal symbols between the original
+ * source text and the one with all the worthwhile primitive values
+ * consolidated.
+ * @type {number}
+ * @see TPrimitiveValue#nSaving
+ */
+ this.nSavings = 0;
+ },
+ /**
+ * The processor of <abbr title="abstract syntax tree">AST</abbr>s found
+ * in UglifyJS.
+ * @namespace
+ * @type {!TProcessor}
+ */
+ oProcessor = (/** @type {!TProcessor} */ require('./process')),
+ /**
+ * A record consisting of a number of constants that represent the
+ * difference in the number of terminal symbols between a source text with
+ * a modified syntactic code unit and the original one.
+ * @namespace
+ * @type {!Object.<string, number>}
+ */
+ oWeights = {
+ /**
+ * The difference in the number of punctuators required by the bracket
+ * notation and the dot notation.
+ * <p><code>'[]'.length - '.'.length</code></p>
+ * @const
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ /**
+ * The number of punctuators required by a variable declaration with an
+ * initialiser.
+ * <p><code>':'.length + ';'.length</code></p>
+ * @const
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ /**
+ * The number of terminal symbols required to introduce a variable
+ * statement (excluding its variable declaration list).
+ * <p><code>'var '.length</code></p>
+ * @const
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ /**
+ * The number of terminal symbols needed to enclose source elements
+ * within a function call with no argument values to a function with an
+ * empty parameter list.
+ * <p><code>'(function(){}());'.length</code></p>
+ * @const
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ },
+ /**
+ * Categories of primary expressions from which primitive values that
+ * could be consolidated are derivable.
+ * @namespace
+ * @enum {number}
+ */
+ EPrimaryExpressionCategories = {
+ /**
+ * Identifier names used as property accessors.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ /**
+ * String literals.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ /**
+ * Null and Boolean literals.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ },
+ /**
+ * Prefixes of primitive values that could be consolidated.
+ * The String values of the prefixes must have same number of characters.
+ * The prefixes must not be used in any properties defined in any version
+ * of <a href=
+ * ""
+ * >ECMA-262</a>.
+ * @namespace
+ * @enum {string}
+ */
+ EValuePrefixes = {
+ /**
+ * Identifies String values.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ S_STRING: '#S',
+ /**
+ * Identifies null and Boolean values.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ },
+ /**
+ * Categories of source elements in terms of their appropriateness of
+ * having their primitive values consolidated.
+ * @namespace
+ * @enum {number}
+ */
+ ESourceElementCategories = {
+ /**
+ * Identifies a source element that includes the <a href=
+ * "">{@code with}</a> statement.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ N_WITH: 0,
+ /**
+ * Identifies a source element that includes the <a href=
+ * "">{@code eval}</a> identifier name.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ N_EVAL: 1,
+ /**
+ * Identifies a source element that must be excluded from the process
+ * unless its whole scope is examined.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ /**
+ * Identifies source elements not posing any problems.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ N_OTHER: 3
+ },
+ /**
+ * The list of literals (other than the String ones) whose primitive
+ * values can be consolidated.
+ * @const
+ * @type {!Array.<string>}
+ */
+ 'null', // The null literal.
+ 'false', // The Boolean literal {@code false}.
+ 'true' // The Boolean literal {@code true}.
+ ];
+ (/**
+ * Consolidates all worthwhile primitive values in a syntactic code unit.
+ * @param {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} oSyntacticCodeUnit An array-like object
+ * representing the branch of the abstract syntax tree representing the
+ * syntactic code unit along with its scope.
+ * @see TPrimitiveValue#nSaving
+ */
+ function fExamineSyntacticCodeUnit(oSyntacticCodeUnit) {
+ var _,
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether the syntactic code unit represents global code.
+ * @type {boolean}
+ */
+ bIsGlobal = 'toplevel' === oSyntacticCodeUnit[0],
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether the whole scope is being examined.
+ * @type {boolean}
+ */
+ bIsWhollyExaminable = !bIsGlobal,
+ /**
+ * An array-like object representing source elements that constitute a
+ * syntactic code unit.
+ * @type {!TSyntacticCodeUnit}
+ */
+ oSourceElements,
+ /**
+ * A record consisting of data about the source element that is
+ * currently being examined.
+ * @type {!TSourceElementsData}
+ */
+ oSourceElementData,
+ /**
+ * The scope of the syntactic code unit.
+ * @type {!TScope}
+ */
+ oScope,
+ /**
+ * An instance of an object that allows the traversal of an <abbr
+ * title="abstract syntax tree">AST</abbr>.
+ * @type {!TWalker}
+ */
+ oWalker,
+ /**
+ * An object encompassing collections of functions used during the
+ * traversal of an <abbr title="abstract syntax tree">AST</abbr>.
+ * @namespace
+ * @type {!Object.<string, !Object.<string, function(...[*])>>}
+ */
+ oWalkers = {
+ /**
+ * A collection of functions used during the surveyance of source
+ * elements.
+ * @namespace
+ * @type {!Object.<string, function(...[*])>}
+ */
+ oSurveySourceElement: {
+ /**#nocode+*/ // JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 hides some of the keys.
+ /**
+ * Classifies the source element as excludable if it does not
+ * contain a {@code with} statement or the {@code eval} identifier
+ * name. Adds the identifier of the function and its formal
+ * parameters to the list of identifier names found.
+ * @param {string} sIdentifier The identifier of the function.
+ * @param {!Array.<string>} aFormalParameterList Formal parameters.
+ * @param {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} oFunctionBody Function code.
+ */
+ 'defun': function(
+ sIdentifier,
+ aFormalParameterList,
+ oFunctionBody) {
+ fClassifyAsExcludable();
+ fAddIdentifier(sIdentifier);
+ aFormalParameterList.forEach(fAddIdentifier);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Increments the count of the number of occurrences of the String
+ * value that is equivalent to the sequence of terminal symbols
+ * that constitute the encountered identifier name.
+ * @param {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} oExpression The nonterminal
+ * MemberExpression.
+ * @param {string} sIdentifierName The identifier name used as the
+ * property accessor.
+ * @return {!Array} The encountered branch of an <abbr title=
+ * "abstract syntax tree">AST</abbr> with its nonterminal
+ * MemberExpression traversed.
+ */
+ 'dot': function(oExpression, sIdentifierName) {
+ fCountPrimaryExpression(
+ EPrimaryExpressionCategories.N_IDENTIFIER_NAMES,
+ EValuePrefixes.S_STRING + sIdentifierName);
+ return ['dot', oWalker.walk(oExpression), sIdentifierName];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds the optional identifier of the function and its formal
+ * parameters to the list of identifier names found.
+ * @param {?string} sIdentifier The optional identifier of the
+ * function.
+ * @param {!Array.<string>} aFormalParameterList Formal parameters.
+ * @param {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} oFunctionBody Function code.
+ */
+ 'function': function(
+ sIdentifier,
+ aFormalParameterList,
+ oFunctionBody) {
+ if ('string' === typeof sIdentifier) {
+ fAddIdentifier(sIdentifier);
+ }
+ aFormalParameterList.forEach(fAddIdentifier);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Either increments the count of the number of occurrences of the
+ * encountered null or Boolean value or classifies a source element
+ * as containing the {@code eval} identifier name.
+ * @param {string} sIdentifier The identifier encountered.
+ */
+ 'name': function(sIdentifier) {
+ if (-1 !== A_OTHER_SUBSTITUTABLE_LITERALS.indexOf(sIdentifier)) {
+ fCountPrimaryExpression(
+ EPrimaryExpressionCategories.N_NULL_AND_BOOLEAN_LITERALS,
+ EValuePrefixes.S_SYMBOLIC + sIdentifier);
+ } else {
+ if ('eval' === sIdentifier) {
+ oSourceElementData.nCategory =
+ ESourceElementCategories.N_EVAL;
+ }
+ fAddIdentifier(sIdentifier);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Classifies the source element as excludable if it does not
+ * contain a {@code with} statement or the {@code eval} identifier
+ * name.
+ * @param {TSyntacticCodeUnit} oExpression The expression whose
+ * value is to be returned.
+ */
+ 'return': function(oExpression) {
+ fClassifyAsExcludable();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Increments the count of the number of occurrences of the
+ * encountered String value.
+ * @param {string} sStringValue The String value of the string
+ * literal encountered.
+ */
+ 'string': function(sStringValue) {
+ if (sStringValue.length > 0) {
+ fCountPrimaryExpression(
+ EPrimaryExpressionCategories.N_STRING_LITERALS,
+ EValuePrefixes.S_STRING + sStringValue);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds the identifier reserved for an exception to the list of
+ * identifier names found.
+ * @param {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} oTry A block of code in which an
+ * exception can occur.
+ * @param {Array} aCatch The identifier reserved for an exception
+ * and a block of code to handle the exception.
+ * @param {TSyntacticCodeUnit} oFinally An optional block of code
+ * to be evaluated regardless of whether an exception occurs.
+ */
+ 'try': function(oTry, aCatch, oFinally) {
+ if (Array.isArray(aCatch)) {
+ fAddIdentifier(aCatch[0]);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Classifies the source element as excludable if it does not
+ * contain a {@code with} statement or the {@code eval} identifier
+ * name. Adds the identifier of each declared variable to the list
+ * of identifier names found.
+ * @param {!Array.<!Array>} aVariableDeclarationList Variable
+ * declarations.
+ */
+ 'var': function(aVariableDeclarationList) {
+ fClassifyAsExcludable();
+ aVariableDeclarationList.forEach(fAddVariable);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Classifies a source element as containing the {@code with}
+ * statement.
+ * @param {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} oExpression An expression whose
+ * value is to be converted to a value of type Object and
+ * become the binding object of a new object environment
+ * record of a new lexical environment in which the statement
+ * is to be executed.
+ * @param {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} oStatement The statement to be
+ * executed in the augmented lexical environment.
+ * @return {!Array} An empty array to stop the traversal.
+ */
+ 'with': function(oExpression, oStatement) {
+ oSourceElementData.nCategory = ESourceElementCategories.N_WITH;
+ return [];
+ }
+ /**#nocode-*/ // JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 hides some of the keys.
+ },
+ /**
+ * A collection of functions used while looking for nested functions.
+ * @namespace
+ * @type {!Object.<string, function(...[*])>}
+ */
+ oExamineFunctions: {
+ /**#nocode+*/ // JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 hides some of the keys.
+ /**
+ * Orders an examination of a nested function declaration.
+ * @this {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} An array-like object representing
+ * the branch of an <abbr title="abstract syntax tree"
+ * >AST</abbr> representing the syntactic code unit along with
+ * its scope.
+ * @return {!Array} An empty array to stop the traversal.
+ */
+ 'defun': function() {
+ fExamineSyntacticCodeUnit(this);
+ return [];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Orders an examination of a nested function expression.
+ * @this {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} An array-like object representing
+ * the branch of an <abbr title="abstract syntax tree"
+ * >AST</abbr> representing the syntactic code unit along with
+ * its scope.
+ * @return {!Array} An empty array to stop the traversal.
+ */
+ 'function': function() {
+ fExamineSyntacticCodeUnit(this);
+ return [];
+ }
+ /**#nocode-*/ // JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 hides some of the keys.
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Records containing data about source elements.
+ * @type {Array.<TSourceElementsData>}
+ */
+ aSourceElementsData = [],
+ /**
+ * The index (in the source text order) of the source element
+ * immediately following a <a href=""
+ * >Directive Prologue</a>.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ nAfterDirectivePrologue = 0,
+ /**
+ * The index (in the source text order) of the source element that is
+ * currently being considered.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ nPosition,
+ /**
+ * The index (in the source text order) of the source element that is
+ * the last element of the range of source elements that is currently
+ * being considered.
+ * @type {(undefined|number)}
+ */
+ nTo,
+ /**
+ * Initiates the traversal of a source element.
+ * @param {!TWalker} oWalker An instance of an object that allows the
+ * traversal of an abstract syntax tree.
+ * @param {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} oSourceElement A source element from
+ * which the traversal should commence.
+ * @return {function(): !TSyntacticCodeUnit} A function that is able to
+ * initiate the traversal from a given source element.
+ */
+ cContext = function(oWalker, oSourceElement) {
+ /**
+ * @return {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} A function that is able to
+ * initiate the traversal from a given source element.
+ */
+ var fLambda = function() {
+ return oWalker.walk(oSourceElement);
+ };
+ return fLambda;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Classifies the source element as excludable if it does not
+ * contain a {@code with} statement or the {@code eval} identifier
+ * name.
+ */
+ fClassifyAsExcludable = function() {
+ if (oSourceElementData.nCategory ===
+ ESourceElementCategories.N_OTHER) {
+ oSourceElementData.nCategory =
+ ESourceElementCategories.N_EXCLUDABLE;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds an identifier to the list of identifier names found.
+ * @param {string} sIdentifier The identifier to be added.
+ */
+ fAddIdentifier = function(sIdentifier) {
+ if (-1 === oSourceElementData.aIdentifiers.indexOf(sIdentifier)) {
+ oSourceElementData.aIdentifiers.push(sIdentifier);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds the identifier of a variable to the list of identifier names
+ * found.
+ * @param {!Array} aVariableDeclaration A variable declaration.
+ */
+ fAddVariable = function(aVariableDeclaration) {
+ fAddIdentifier(/** @type {string} */ aVariableDeclaration[0]);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Increments the count of the number of occurrences of the prefixed
+ * String representation attributed to the primary expression.
+ * @param {number} nCategory The category of the primary expression.
+ * @param {string} sName The prefixed String representation attributed
+ * to the primary expression.
+ */
+ fCountPrimaryExpression = function(nCategory, sName) {
+ if (!oSourceElementData.aCount[nCategory].hasOwnProperty(sName)) {
+ oSourceElementData.aCount[nCategory][sName] = 0;
+ if (-1 === oSourceElementData.aPrimitiveValues.indexOf(sName)) {
+ oSourceElementData.aPrimitiveValues.push(sName);
+ }
+ }
+ oSourceElementData.aCount[nCategory][sName] += 1;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Consolidates all worthwhile primitive values in a range of source
+ * elements.
+ * @param {number} nFrom The index (in the source text order) of the
+ * source element that is the first element of the range.
+ * @param {number} nTo The index (in the source text order) of the
+ * source element that is the last element of the range.
+ * @param {boolean} bEnclose Indicates whether the range should be
+ * enclosed within a function call with no argument values to a
+ * function with an empty parameter list if any primitive values
+ * are consolidated.
+ * @see TPrimitiveValue#nSaving
+ */
+ fExamineSourceElements = function(nFrom, nTo, bEnclose) {
+ var _,
+ /**
+ * The index of the last mangled name.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ nIndex = oScope.cname,
+ /**
+ * The index of the source element that is currently being
+ * considered.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ nPosition,
+ /**
+ * A collection of functions used during the consolidation of
+ * primitive values and identifier names used as property
+ * accessors.
+ * @namespace
+ * @type {!Object.<string, function(...[*])>}
+ */
+ oWalkersTransformers = {
+ /**
+ * If the String value that is equivalent to the sequence of
+ * terminal symbols that constitute the encountered identifier
+ * name is worthwhile, a syntactic conversion from the dot
+ * notation to the bracket notation ensues with that sequence
+ * being substituted by an identifier name to which the value
+ * is assigned.
+ * Applies to property accessors that use the dot notation.
+ * @param {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} oExpression The nonterminal
+ * MemberExpression.
+ * @param {string} sIdentifierName The identifier name used as
+ * the property accessor.
+ * @return {!Array} A syntactic code unit that is equivalent to
+ * the one encountered.
+ * @see TPrimitiveValue#nSaving
+ */
+ 'dot': function(oExpression, sIdentifierName) {
+ /**
+ * The prefixed String value that is equivalent to the
+ * sequence of terminal symbols that constitute the
+ * encountered identifier name.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ var sPrefixed = EValuePrefixes.S_STRING + sIdentifierName;
+ return oSolutionBest.oPrimitiveValues.hasOwnProperty(
+ sPrefixed) &&
+ oSolutionBest.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].nSaving > 0 ?
+ ['sub',
+ oWalker.walk(oExpression),
+ ['name',
+ oSolutionBest.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].sName]] :
+ ['dot', oWalker.walk(oExpression), sIdentifierName];
+ },
+ /**
+ * If the encountered identifier is a null or Boolean literal
+ * and its value is worthwhile, the identifier is substituted
+ * by an identifier name to which that value is assigned.
+ * Applies to identifier names.
+ * @param {string} sIdentifier The identifier encountered.
+ * @return {!Array} A syntactic code unit that is equivalent to
+ * the one encountered.
+ * @see TPrimitiveValue#nSaving
+ */
+ 'name': function(sIdentifier) {
+ /**
+ * The prefixed representation String of the identifier.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ var sPrefixed = EValuePrefixes.S_SYMBOLIC + sIdentifier;
+ return [
+ 'name',
+ oSolutionBest.oPrimitiveValues.hasOwnProperty(sPrefixed) &&
+ oSolutionBest.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].nSaving > 0 ?
+ oSolutionBest.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].sName :
+ sIdentifier
+ ];
+ },
+ /**
+ * If the encountered String value is worthwhile, it is
+ * substituted by an identifier name to which that value is
+ * assigned.
+ * Applies to String values.
+ * @param {string} sStringValue The String value of the string
+ * literal encountered.
+ * @return {!Array} A syntactic code unit that is equivalent to
+ * the one encountered.
+ * @see TPrimitiveValue#nSaving
+ */
+ 'string': function(sStringValue) {
+ /**
+ * The prefixed representation String of the primitive value
+ * of the literal.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ var sPrefixed =
+ EValuePrefixes.S_STRING + sStringValue;
+ return oSolutionBest.oPrimitiveValues.hasOwnProperty(
+ sPrefixed) &&
+ oSolutionBest.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].nSaving > 0 ?
+ ['name',
+ oSolutionBest.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].sName] :
+ ['string', sStringValue];
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Such data on what to consolidate within the range of source
+ * elements that is currently being considered that lead to the
+ * greatest known reduction of the number of the terminal symbols
+ * in comparison to the original source text.
+ * @type {!TSolution}
+ */
+ oSolutionBest = new TSolution(),
+ /**
+ * Data representing an ongoing attempt to find a better
+ * reduction of the number of the terminal symbols in comparison
+ * to the original source text than the best one that is
+ * currently known.
+ * @type {!TSolution}
+ * @see oSolutionBest
+ */
+ oSolutionCandidate = new TSolution(),
+ /**
+ * A record consisting of data about the range of source elements
+ * that is currently being examined.
+ * @type {!TSourceElementsData}
+ */
+ oSourceElementsData = new TSourceElementsData(),
+ /**
+ * Variable declarations for each primitive value that is to be
+ * consolidated within the elements.
+ * @type {!Array.<!Array>}
+ */
+ aVariableDeclarations = [],
+ /**
+ * Augments a list with a prefixed representation String.
+ * @param {!Array.<string>} aList A list that is to be augmented.
+ * @return {function(string)} A function that augments a list
+ * with a prefixed representation String.
+ */
+ cAugmentList = function(aList) {
+ /**
+ * @param {string} sPrefixed Prefixed representation String of
+ * a primitive value that could be consolidated within the
+ * elements.
+ */
+ var fLambda = function(sPrefixed) {
+ if (-1 === aList.indexOf(sPrefixed)) {
+ aList.push(sPrefixed);
+ }
+ };
+ return fLambda;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds the number of occurrences of a primitive value of a given
+ * category that could be consolidated in the source element with
+ * a given index to the count of occurrences of that primitive
+ * value within the range of source elements that is currently
+ * being considered.
+ * @param {number} nPosition The index (in the source text order)
+ * of a source element.
+ * @param {number} nCategory The category of the primary
+ * expression from which the primitive value is derived.
+ * @return {function(string)} A function that performs the
+ * addition.
+ * @see cAddOccurrencesInCategory
+ */
+ cAddOccurrences = function(nPosition, nCategory) {
+ /**
+ * @param {string} sPrefixed The prefixed representation String
+ * of a primitive value.
+ */
+ var fLambda = function(sPrefixed) {
+ if (!oSourceElementsData.aCount[nCategory].hasOwnProperty(
+ sPrefixed)) {
+ oSourceElementsData.aCount[nCategory][sPrefixed] = 0;
+ }
+ oSourceElementsData.aCount[nCategory][sPrefixed] +=
+ aSourceElementsData[nPosition].aCount[nCategory][
+ sPrefixed];
+ };
+ return fLambda;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds the number of occurrences of each primitive value of a
+ * given category that could be consolidated in the source
+ * element with a given index to the count of occurrences of that
+ * primitive values within the range of source elements that is
+ * currently being considered.
+ * @param {number} nPosition The index (in the source text order)
+ * of a source element.
+ * @return {function(number)} A function that performs the
+ * addition.
+ * @see fAddOccurrences
+ */
+ cAddOccurrencesInCategory = function(nPosition) {
+ /**
+ * @param {number} nCategory The category of the primary
+ * expression from which the primitive value is derived.
+ */
+ var fLambda = function(nCategory) {
+ Object.keys(
+ aSourceElementsData[nPosition].aCount[nCategory]
+ ).forEach(cAddOccurrences(nPosition, nCategory));
+ };
+ return fLambda;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds the number of occurrences of each primitive value that
+ * could be consolidated in the source element with a given index
+ * to the count of occurrences of that primitive values within
+ * the range of source elements that is currently being
+ * considered.
+ * @param {number} nPosition The index (in the source text order)
+ * of a source element.
+ */
+ fAddOccurrences = function(nPosition) {
+ Object.keys(aSourceElementsData[nPosition].aCount).forEach(
+ cAddOccurrencesInCategory(nPosition));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Creates a variable declaration for a primitive value if that
+ * primitive value is to be consolidated within the elements.
+ * @param {string} sPrefixed Prefixed representation String of a
+ * primitive value that could be consolidated within the
+ * elements.
+ * @see aVariableDeclarations
+ */
+ cAugmentVariableDeclarations = function(sPrefixed) {
+ if (oSolutionBest.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].nSaving > 0) {
+ aVariableDeclarations.push([
+ oSolutionBest.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].sName,
+ [0 === sPrefixed.indexOf(EValuePrefixes.S_SYMBOLIC) ?
+ 'name' : 'string',
+ sPrefixed.substring(EValuePrefixes.S_SYMBOLIC.length)]
+ ]);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sorts primitive values with regard to the difference in the
+ * number of terminal symbols between the original source text
+ * and the one with those primitive values consolidated.
+ * @param {string} sPrefixed0 The prefixed representation String
+ * of the first of the two primitive values that are being
+ * compared.
+ * @param {string} sPrefixed1 The prefixed representation String
+ * of the second of the two primitive values that are being
+ * compared.
+ * @return {number}
+ * <dl>
+ * <dt>-1</dt>
+ * <dd>if the first primitive value must be placed before
+ * the other one,</dd>
+ * <dt>0</dt>
+ * <dd>if the first primitive value may be placed before
+ * the other one,</dd>
+ * <dt>1</dt>
+ * <dd>if the first primitive value must not be placed
+ * before the other one.</dd>
+ * </dl>
+ * @see TSolution.oPrimitiveValues
+ */
+ cSortPrimitiveValues = function(sPrefixed0, sPrefixed1) {
+ /**
+ * The difference between:
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>the difference in the number of terminal symbols
+ * between the original source text and the one with the
+ * first primitive value consolidated, and</li>
+ * <li>the difference in the number of terminal symbols
+ * between the original source text and the one with the
+ * second primitive value consolidated.</li>
+ * </ol>
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ var nDifference =
+ oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed0].nSaving -
+ oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed1].nSaving;
+ return nDifference > 0 ? -1 : nDifference < 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Assigns an identifier name to a primitive value and calculates
+ * whether instances of that primitive value are worth
+ * consolidating.
+ * @param {string} sPrefixed The prefixed representation String
+ * of a primitive value that is being evaluated.
+ */
+ fEvaluatePrimitiveValue = function(sPrefixed) {
+ var _,
+ /**
+ * The index of the last mangled name.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ nIndex,
+ /**
+ * The representation String of the primitive value that is
+ * being evaluated.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ sName =
+ sPrefixed.substring(EValuePrefixes.S_SYMBOLIC.length),
+ /**
+ * The number of source characters taken up by the
+ * representation String of the primitive value that is
+ * being evaluated.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ nLengthOriginal = sName.length,
+ /**
+ * The number of source characters taken up by the
+ * identifier name that could substitute the primitive
+ * value that is being evaluated.
+ * substituted.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ nLengthSubstitution,
+ /**
+ * The number of source characters taken up by by the
+ * representation String of the primitive value that is
+ * being evaluated when it is represented by a string
+ * literal.
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ nLengthString = oProcessor.make_string(sName).length;
+ oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed] =
+ new TPrimitiveValue();
+ do { // Find an identifier unused in this or any nested scope.
+ nIndex = oScope.cname;
+ oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].sName =
+ oScope.next_mangled();
+ } while (-1 !== oSourceElementsData.aIdentifiers.indexOf(
+ oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].sName));
+ nLengthSubstitution = oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[
+ sPrefixed].sName.length;
+ if (0 === sPrefixed.indexOf(EValuePrefixes.S_SYMBOLIC)) {
+ // foo:null, or foo:null;
+ oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].nSaving -=
+ nLengthSubstitution + nLengthOriginal +
+ // null vs foo
+ oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].nSaving +=
+ oSourceElementsData.aCount[
+ EPrimaryExpressionCategories.
+ (nLengthOriginal - nLengthSubstitution);
+ } else {
+ // foo:'fromCharCode';
+ oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].nSaving -=
+ nLengthSubstitution + nLengthString +
+ // .fromCharCode vs [foo]
+ if (oSourceElementsData.aCount[
+ EPrimaryExpressionCategories.N_IDENTIFIER_NAMES
+ ].hasOwnProperty(sPrefixed)) {
+ oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].nSaving +=
+ oSourceElementsData.aCount[
+ EPrimaryExpressionCategories.N_IDENTIFIER_NAMES
+ ][sPrefixed] *
+ (nLengthOriginal - nLengthSubstitution -
+ }
+ // 'fromCharCode' vs foo
+ if (oSourceElementsData.aCount[
+ EPrimaryExpressionCategories.N_STRING_LITERALS
+ ].hasOwnProperty(sPrefixed)) {
+ oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].nSaving +=
+ oSourceElementsData.aCount[
+ EPrimaryExpressionCategories.N_STRING_LITERALS
+ ][sPrefixed] *
+ (nLengthString - nLengthSubstitution);
+ }
+ }
+ if (oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].nSaving >
+ 0) {
+ oSolutionCandidate.nSavings +=
+ oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues[sPrefixed].nSaving;
+ } else {
+ oScope.cname = nIndex; // Free the identifier name.
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds a variable declaration to an existing variable statement.
+ * @param {!Array} aVariableDeclaration A variable declaration
+ * with an initialiser.
+ */
+ cAddVariableDeclaration = function(aVariableDeclaration) {
+ (/** @type {!Array} */ oSourceElements[nFrom][1]).unshift(
+ aVariableDeclaration);
+ };
+ if (nFrom > nTo) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the range is a closure, reuse the closure.
+ if (nFrom === nTo &&
+ 'stat' === oSourceElements[nFrom][0] &&
+ 'call' === oSourceElements[nFrom][1][0] &&
+ 'function' === oSourceElements[nFrom][1][1][0]) {
+ fExamineSyntacticCodeUnit(oSourceElements[nFrom][1][1]);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create a list of all derived primitive values within the range.
+ for (nPosition = nFrom; nPosition <= nTo; nPosition += 1) {
+ aSourceElementsData[nPosition].aPrimitiveValues.forEach(
+ cAugmentList(oSourceElementsData.aPrimitiveValues));
+ }
+ if (0 === oSourceElementsData.aPrimitiveValues.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (nPosition = nFrom; nPosition <= nTo; nPosition += 1) {
+ // Add the number of occurrences to the total count.
+ fAddOccurrences(nPosition);
+ // Add identifiers of this or any nested scope to the list.
+ aSourceElementsData[nPosition].aIdentifiers.forEach(
+ cAugmentList(oSourceElementsData.aIdentifiers));
+ }
+ // Distribute identifier names among derived primitive values.
+ do { // If there was any progress, find a better distribution.
+ oSolutionBest = oSolutionCandidate;
+ if (Object.keys(oSolutionCandidate.oPrimitiveValues).length > 0) {
+ // Sort primitive values descending by their worthwhileness.
+ oSourceElementsData.aPrimitiveValues.sort(cSortPrimitiveValues);
+ }
+ oSolutionCandidate = new TSolution();
+ oSourceElementsData.aPrimitiveValues.forEach(
+ fEvaluatePrimitiveValue);
+ oScope.cname = nIndex;
+ } while (oSolutionCandidate.nSavings > oSolutionBest.nSavings);
+ // Take the necessity of adding a variable statement into account.
+ if ('var' !== oSourceElements[nFrom][0]) {
+ oSolutionBest.nSavings -= oWeights.N_VARIABLE_STATEMENT_AFFIXATION;
+ }
+ if (bEnclose) {
+ // Take the necessity of forming a closure into account.
+ oSolutionBest.nSavings -= oWeights.N_CLOSURE;
+ }
+ if (oSolutionBest.nSavings > 0) {
+ // Create variable declarations suitable for UglifyJS.
+ Object.keys(oSolutionBest.oPrimitiveValues).forEach(
+ cAugmentVariableDeclarations);
+ // Rewrite expressions that contain worthwhile primitive values.
+ for (nPosition = nFrom; nPosition <= nTo; nPosition += 1) {
+ oWalker = oProcessor.ast_walker();
+ oSourceElements[nPosition] =
+ oWalker.with_walkers(
+ oWalkersTransformers,
+ cContext(oWalker, oSourceElements[nPosition]));
+ }
+ if ('var' === oSourceElements[nFrom][0]) { // Reuse the statement.
+ (/** @type {!Array.<!Array>} */ aVariableDeclarations.reverse(
+ )).forEach(cAddVariableDeclaration);
+ } else { // Add a variable statement.
+ oSourceElements,
+ nFrom,
+ 0,
+ ['var', aVariableDeclarations]);
+ nTo += 1;
+ }
+ if (bEnclose) {
+ // Add a closure.
+ oSourceElements,
+ nFrom,
+ 0,
+ ['stat', ['call', ['function', null, [], []], []]]);
+ // Copy source elements into the closure.
+ for (nPosition = nTo + 1; nPosition > nFrom; nPosition -= 1) {
+ oSourceElements[nFrom][1][1][3],
+ oSourceElements[nPosition]);
+ }
+ // Remove source elements outside the closure.
+ oSourceElements,
+ nFrom + 1,
+ nTo - nFrom + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bEnclose) {
+ // Restore the availability of identifier names.
+ oScope.cname = nIndex;
+ }
+ };
+ oSourceElements = (/** @type {!TSyntacticCodeUnit} */
+ oSyntacticCodeUnit[bIsGlobal ? 1 : 3]);
+ if (0 === oSourceElements.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ oScope = bIsGlobal ? oSyntacticCodeUnit.scope : oSourceElements.scope;
+ // Skip a Directive Prologue.
+ while (nAfterDirectivePrologue < oSourceElements.length &&
+ 'directive' === oSourceElements[nAfterDirectivePrologue][0]) {
+ nAfterDirectivePrologue += 1;
+ aSourceElementsData.push(null);
+ }
+ if (oSourceElements.length === nAfterDirectivePrologue) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (nPosition = nAfterDirectivePrologue;
+ nPosition < oSourceElements.length;
+ nPosition += 1) {
+ oSourceElementData = new TSourceElementsData();
+ oWalker = oProcessor.ast_walker();
+ // Classify a source element.
+ // Find its derived primitive values and count their occurrences.
+ // Find all identifiers used (including nested scopes).
+ oWalker.with_walkers(
+ oWalkers.oSurveySourceElement,
+ cContext(oWalker, oSourceElements[nPosition]));
+ // Establish whether the scope is still wholly examinable.
+ bIsWhollyExaminable = bIsWhollyExaminable &&
+ ESourceElementCategories.N_WITH !== oSourceElementData.nCategory &&
+ ESourceElementCategories.N_EVAL !== oSourceElementData.nCategory;
+ aSourceElementsData.push(oSourceElementData);
+ }
+ if (bIsWhollyExaminable) { // Examine the whole scope.
+ fExamineSourceElements(
+ nAfterDirectivePrologue,
+ oSourceElements.length - 1,
+ false);
+ } else { // Examine unexcluded ranges of source elements.
+ for (nPosition = oSourceElements.length - 1;
+ nPosition >= nAfterDirectivePrologue;
+ nPosition -= 1) {
+ oSourceElementData = (/** @type {!TSourceElementsData} */
+ aSourceElementsData[nPosition]);
+ if (ESourceElementCategories.N_OTHER ===
+ oSourceElementData.nCategory) {
+ if ('undefined' === typeof nTo) {
+ nTo = nPosition; // Indicate the end of a range.
+ }
+ // Examine the range if it immediately follows a Directive Prologue.
+ if (nPosition === nAfterDirectivePrologue) {
+ fExamineSourceElements(nPosition, nTo, true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ('undefined' !== typeof nTo) {
+ // Examine the range that immediately follows this source element.
+ fExamineSourceElements(nPosition + 1, nTo, true);
+ nTo = void 0; // Obliterate the range.
+ }
+ // Examine nested functions.
+ oWalker = oProcessor.ast_walker();
+ oWalker.with_walkers(
+ oWalkers.oExamineFunctions,
+ cContext(oWalker, oSourceElements[nPosition]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }(oAbstractSyntaxTree = oProcessor.ast_add_scope(oAbstractSyntaxTree)));
+ return oAbstractSyntaxTree;
+/*jshint sub:false */
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