path: root/grapher/GraphStyle.cxx
diff options
authorTim Moore <>2009-12-01 19:05:09 +0100
committerTim Moore <>2009-12-02 19:39:37 +0100
commit6197b0dc80c4f87000d26213293fe2cb72fbe081 (patch)
tree23e7b4716f9d618e0891d67cee127c614177b370 /grapher/GraphStyle.cxx
parent06e217d9990635be43a59233d75c504385d1e243 (diff)
Refactor drawing of different styles of graph into classes
* grapher/GraphStyle.cxx: New file * grapher/GraphStyle.hxx: New file * grapher/Graph(draw): Move much drawing code to GraphStyle::draw
Diffstat (limited to 'grapher/GraphStyle.cxx')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/grapher/GraphStyle.cxx b/grapher/GraphStyle.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..887ed55f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grapher/GraphStyle.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#include "GraphStyle.hxx"
+#include "GraphData.hxx"
+#include "Graph.hxx"
+namespace systemtap
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace tr1;
+ GraphStyleBar GraphStyleBar::instance;
+ void GraphStyleBar::draw(std::tr1::shared_ptr<GraphDataBase> graphData,
+ Graph* graph, Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr)
+ {
+ shared_ptr<GraphData<double> > realData
+ = dynamic_pointer_cast<GraphData<double> >(graphData);
+ if (!realData)
+ return;
+ int64_t left, right;
+ double top, bottom;
+ graph->getExtents(left, right, top, bottom);
+ double horizScale = (graph->_zoomFactor * graph->_graphWidth
+ / static_cast<double>(right - left));
+ GraphDataBase::TimeList::iterator lower
+ = lower_bound(graphData->times.begin(), graphData->times.end(), left);
+ GraphDataBase::TimeList::iterator upper
+ = upper_bound(graphData->times.begin(), graphData->times.end(), right);
+ for (GraphDataBase::TimeList::iterator ditr = lower, de = upper;
+ ditr != de;
+ ++ditr)
+ {
+ size_t dataIndex = ditr - graphData->times.begin();
+ cr->set_source_rgba(graphData->color[0], graphData->color[1],
+ graphData->color[2], 1.0);
+ cr->move_to((*ditr - left) * horizScale, 0);
+ cr->line_to((*ditr - left) * horizScale,
+ realData->data[dataIndex] * graph->_graphHeight
+ / graphData->scale);
+ cr->stroke();
+ }
+ }
+ GraphStyleDot GraphStyleDot::instance;
+ void GraphStyleDot::draw(std::tr1::shared_ptr<GraphDataBase> graphData,
+ Graph* graph, Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr)
+ {
+ shared_ptr<GraphData<double> > realData
+ = dynamic_pointer_cast<GraphData<double> >(graphData);
+ if (!realData)
+ return;
+ int64_t left, right;
+ double top, bottom;
+ graph->getExtents(left, right, top, bottom);
+ double horizScale = (graph->_zoomFactor * graph->_graphWidth
+ / static_cast<double>(right - left));
+ GraphDataBase::TimeList::iterator lower
+ = lower_bound(graphData->times.begin(), graphData->times.end(), left);
+ GraphDataBase::TimeList::iterator upper
+ = upper_bound(graphData->times.begin(), graphData->times.end(), right);
+ cr->set_source_rgba(graphData->color[0], graphData->color[1],
+ graphData->color[2], 1.0);
+ for (GraphDataBase::TimeList::iterator ditr = lower, de = upper;
+ ditr != de;
+ ++ditr)
+ {
+ size_t dataIndex = ditr - graphData->times.begin();
+ cr->arc((*ditr - left) * horizScale,
+ (realData->data[dataIndex]
+ * graph->_graphHeight / graphData->scale),
+ graph->_lineWidth / 2.0, 0.0, M_PI * 2.0);
+ cr->fill();
+ }
+ }
+ GraphStyleEvent GraphStyleEvent::instance;
+ void GraphStyleEvent::draw(std::tr1::shared_ptr<GraphDataBase> graphData,
+ Graph* graph, Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr)
+ {
+ shared_ptr<GraphData<string> > stringData
+ = dynamic_pointer_cast<GraphData<string> >(graphData);
+ if (!stringData)
+ return;
+ int64_t left, right;
+ double top, bottom;
+ graph->getExtents(left, right, top, bottom);
+ double horizScale = (graph->_zoomFactor * graph->_graphWidth
+ / static_cast<double>(right - left));
+ double eventHeight = graph->_graphHeight * (graphData->scale / 100.0);
+ cr->save();
+ cr->set_line_width(3 * graph->_lineWidth);
+ cr->set_source_rgba(graphData->color[0], graphData->color[1],
+ graphData->color[2], .33);
+ cr->move_to(0, eventHeight);
+ cr->line_to(graph->_graphWidth, eventHeight);
+ cr->stroke();
+ cr->restore();
+ GraphDataBase::TimeList::iterator lower
+ = lower_bound(graphData->times.begin(), graphData->times.end(), left);
+ GraphDataBase::TimeList::iterator upper
+ = upper_bound(graphData->times.begin(), graphData->times.end(), right);
+ for (GraphDataBase::TimeList::iterator ditr = lower, de = upper;
+ ditr != de;
+ ++ditr)
+ {
+ size_t dataIndex = ditr - graphData->times.begin();
+ double eventHeight = graph->_graphHeight * (graphData->scale / 100.0);
+ cr->save();
+ cr->select_font_face("Sans", Cairo::FONT_SLANT_NORMAL,
+ cr->set_font_size(12.0);
+ cr->set_source_rgba(graphData->color[0], graphData->color[1],
+ graphData->color[2], 1.0);
+ cr->save();
+ cr->scale(1.0, -1.0);
+ cr->move_to((*ditr - left) * horizScale,
+ -eventHeight - 3.0 * graph->_lineWidth - 2.0);
+ cr->show_text(stringData->data[dataIndex]);
+ cr->restore();
+ cr->rectangle((*ditr - left) * horizScale - 1.5 * graph->_lineWidth,
+ eventHeight - 1.5 * graph->_lineWidth,
+ 3.0 * graph->_lineWidth, 3.0 * graph->_lineWidth);
+ cr->fill();
+ cr->restore();
+ }
+ }