path: root/openstack/common/rpc/
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1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openstack/common/rpc/ b/openstack/common/rpc/
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index 0000000..6acd72c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstack/common/rpc/
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+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
+# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import copy
+import logging
+import sys
+import traceback
+from openstack.common import cfg
+from openstack.common import importutils
+from openstack.common import jsonutils
+from openstack.common import local
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class RPCException(Exception):
+ message = _("An unknown RPC related exception occurred.")
+ def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ if not message:
+ try:
+ message = self.message % kwargs
+ except Exception as e:
+ # kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message
+ # log the issue and the kwargs
+ LOG.exception(_('Exception in string format operation'))
+ for name, value in kwargs.iteritems():
+ LOG.error("%s: %s" % (name, value))
+ # at least get the core message out if something happened
+ message = self.message
+ super(RPCException, self).__init__(message)
+class RemoteError(RPCException):
+ """Signifies that a remote class has raised an exception.
+ Contains a string representation of the type of the original exception,
+ the value of the original exception, and the traceback. These are
+ sent to the parent as a joined string so printing the exception
+ contains all of the relevant info.
+ """
+ message = _("Remote error: %(exc_type)s %(value)s\n%(traceback)s.")
+ def __init__(self, exc_type=None, value=None, traceback=None):
+ self.exc_type = exc_type
+ self.value = value
+ self.traceback = traceback
+ super(RemoteError, self).__init__(exc_type=exc_type,
+ value=value,
+ traceback=traceback)
+class Timeout(RPCException):
+ """Signifies that a timeout has occurred.
+ This exception is raised if the rpc_response_timeout is reached while
+ waiting for a response from the remote side.
+ """
+ message = _("Timeout while waiting on RPC response.")
+class InvalidRPCConnectionReuse(RPCException):
+ message = _("Invalid reuse of an RPC connection.")
+class UnsupportedRpcVersion(RPCException):
+ message = _("Specified RPC version, %(version)s, not supported by "
+ "this endpoint.")
+class Connection(object):
+ """A connection, returned by rpc.create_connection().
+ This class represents a connection to the message bus used for rpc.
+ An instance of this class should never be created by users of the rpc API.
+ Use rpc.create_connection() instead.
+ """
+ def close(self):
+ """Close the connection.
+ This method must be called when the connection will no longer be used.
+ It will ensure that any resources associated with the connection, such
+ as a network connection, and cleaned up.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def create_consumer(self, conf, topic, proxy, fanout=False):
+ """Create a consumer on this connection.
+ A consumer is associated with a message queue on the backend message
+ bus. The consumer will read messages from the queue, unpack them, and
+ dispatch them to the proxy object. The contents of the message pulled
+ off of the queue will determine which method gets called on the proxy
+ object.
+ :param conf: An openstack.common.cfg configuration object.
+ :param topic: This is a name associated with what to consume from.
+ Multiple instances of a service may consume from the same
+ topic. For example, all instances of nova-compute consume
+ from a queue called "compute". In that case, the
+ messages will get distributed amongst the consumers in a
+ round-robin fashion if fanout=False. If fanout=True,
+ every consumer associated with this topic will get a
+ copy of every message.
+ :param proxy: The object that will handle all incoming messages.
+ :param fanout: Whether or not this is a fanout topic. See the
+ documentation for the topic parameter for some
+ additional comments on this.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def create_worker(self, conf, topic, proxy, pool_name):
+ """Create a worker on this connection.
+ A worker is like a regular consumer of messages directed to a
+ topic, except that it is part of a set of such consumers (the
+ "pool") which may run in parallel. Every pool of workers will
+ receive a given message, but only one worker in the pool will
+ be asked to process it. Load is distributed across the members
+ of the pool in round-robin fashion.
+ :param conf: An openstack.common.cfg configuration object.
+ :param topic: This is a name associated with what to consume from.
+ Multiple instances of a service may consume from the same
+ topic.
+ :param proxy: The object that will handle all incoming messages.
+ :param pool_name: String containing the name of the pool of workers
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def consume_in_thread(self):
+ """Spawn a thread to handle incoming messages.
+ Spawn a thread that will be responsible for handling all incoming
+ messages for consumers that were set up on this connection.
+ Message dispatching inside of this is expected to be implemented in a
+ non-blocking manner. An example implementation would be having this
+ thread pull messages in for all of the consumers, but utilize a thread
+ pool for dispatching the messages to the proxy objects.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+def _safe_log(log_func, msg, msg_data):
+ """Sanitizes the msg_data field before logging."""
+ 'set_admin_password': ('new_pass',),
+ 'run_instance': ('admin_password',),
+ }
+ has_method = 'method' in msg_data and msg_data['method'] in SANITIZE
+ has_context_token = '_context_auth_token' in msg_data
+ has_token = 'auth_token' in msg_data
+ if not any([has_method, has_context_token, has_token]):
+ return log_func(msg, msg_data)
+ msg_data = copy.deepcopy(msg_data)
+ if has_method:
+ method = msg_data['method']
+ if method in SANITIZE:
+ args_to_sanitize = SANITIZE[method]
+ for arg in args_to_sanitize:
+ try:
+ msg_data['args'][arg] = "<SANITIZED>"
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if has_context_token:
+ msg_data['_context_auth_token'] = '<SANITIZED>'
+ if has_token:
+ msg_data['auth_token'] = '<SANITIZED>'
+ return log_func(msg, msg_data)
+def serialize_remote_exception(failure_info):
+ """Prepares exception data to be sent over rpc.
+ Failure_info should be a sys.exc_info() tuple.
+ """
+ tb = traceback.format_exception(*failure_info)
+ failure = failure_info[1]
+ LOG.error(_("Returning exception %s to caller"), unicode(failure))
+ LOG.error(tb)
+ kwargs = {}
+ if hasattr(failure, 'kwargs'):
+ kwargs = failure.kwargs
+ data = {
+ 'class': str(failure.__class__.__name__),
+ 'module': str(failure.__class__.__module__),
+ 'message': unicode(failure),
+ 'tb': tb,
+ 'args': failure.args,
+ 'kwargs': kwargs
+ }
+ json_data = jsonutils.dumps(data)
+ return json_data
+def deserialize_remote_exception(conf, data):
+ failure = jsonutils.loads(str(data))
+ trace = failure.get('tb', [])
+ message = failure.get('message', "") + "\n" + "\n".join(trace)
+ name = failure.get('class')
+ module = failure.get('module')
+ # NOTE(ameade): We DO NOT want to allow just any module to be imported, in
+ # order to prevent arbitrary code execution.
+ if not module in conf.allowed_rpc_exception_modules:
+ return RemoteError(name, failure.get('message'), trace)
+ try:
+ mod = importutils.import_module(module)
+ klass = getattr(mod, name)
+ if not issubclass(klass, Exception):
+ raise TypeError("Can only deserialize Exceptions")
+ failure = klass(**failure.get('kwargs', {}))
+ except (AttributeError, TypeError, ImportError):
+ return RemoteError(name, failure.get('message'), trace)
+ ex_type = type(failure)
+ str_override = lambda self: message
+ new_ex_type = type(ex_type.__name__ + "_Remote", (ex_type,),
+ {'__str__': str_override, '__unicode__': str_override})
+ try:
+ # NOTE(ameade): Dynamically create a new exception type and swap it in
+ # as the new type for the exception. This only works on user defined
+ # Exceptions and not core python exceptions. This is important because
+ # we cannot necessarily change an exception message so we must override
+ # the __str__ method.
+ failure.__class__ = new_ex_type
+ except TypeError as e:
+ # NOTE(ameade): If a core exception then just add the traceback to the
+ # first exception argument.
+ failure.args = (message,) + failure.args[1:]
+ return failure
+class CommonRpcContext(object):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ self.values = kwargs
+ def __getattr__(self, key):
+ try:
+ return self.values[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise AttributeError(key)
+ def to_dict(self):
+ return copy.deepcopy(self.values)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, values):
+ return cls(**values)
+ def deepcopy(self):
+ return self.from_dict(self.to_dict())
+ def update_store(self):
+ = self
+ def elevated(self, read_deleted=None, overwrite=False):
+ """Return a version of this context with admin flag set."""
+ # TODO(russellb) This method is a bit of a nova-ism. It makes
+ # some assumptions about the data in the request context sent
+ # across rpc, while the rest of this class does not. We could get
+ # rid of this if we changed the nova code that uses this to
+ # convert the RpcContext back to its native RequestContext doing
+ # something like nova.context.RequestContext.from_dict(ctxt.to_dict())
+ context = self.deepcopy()
+ context.values['is_admin'] = True
+ context.values.setdefault('roles', [])
+ if 'admin' not in context.values['roles']:
+ context.values['roles'].append('admin')
+ if read_deleted is not None:
+ context.values['read_deleted'] = read_deleted
+ return context