path: root/tests
diff options
authorThierry Carrez <>2012-12-19 14:06:12 +0100
committerThierry Carrez <>2012-12-20 10:06:05 +0100
commit974c29cf5af06f319bd290367b34f858d09a4d1c (patch)
tree3c12d60acf0127845fc03004cd038e5de0647ecb /tests
parent8888ad0126f25c91b90f7bc4c2440da0bf35ec1d (diff)
Move rootwrap code to openstack.common
Copies current nova-rootwrap code to openstack.common, so that it can be reused by Cinder and Quantum. Implements blueprint common-rootwrap. Before it can be used in projects, needs to grow the capability to deploy files in bin/ and etc/, as well as replacing a placeholder text by the destination project name in source files and binary names. In this proposed version, the placeholder text is "oslo". Change-Id: I8655d5b3cccacd1cc2225aa539339fb478615422
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2391005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import ConfigParser
+import logging
+import logging.handlers
+import os
+import stubout
+import subprocess
+import unittest
+from openstack.common.rootwrap import filters
+from openstack.common.rootwrap import wrapper
+class RootwrapTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(RootwrapTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.stubs = stubout.StubOutForTesting()
+ self.filters = [
+ filters.RegExpFilter("/bin/ls", "root", 'ls', '/[a-z]+'),
+ filters.CommandFilter("/usr/bin/foo_bar_not_exist", "root"),
+ filters.RegExpFilter("/bin/cat", "root", 'cat', '/[a-z]+'),
+ filters.CommandFilter("/nonexistent/cat", "root"),
+ filters.CommandFilter("/bin/cat", "root") # Keep this one last
+ ]
+ def test_RegExpFilter_match(self):
+ usercmd = ["ls", "/root"]
+ filtermatch = wrapper.match_filter(self.filters, usercmd)
+ self.assertFalse(filtermatch is None)
+ self.assertEqual(filtermatch.get_command(usercmd),
+ ["/bin/ls", "/root"])
+ def test_RegExpFilter_reject(self):
+ usercmd = ["ls", "root"]
+ self.assertRaises(wrapper.NoFilterMatched,
+ wrapper.match_filter, self.filters, usercmd)
+ def test_missing_command(self):
+ valid_but_missing = ["foo_bar_not_exist"]
+ invalid = ["foo_bar_not_exist_and_not_matched"]
+ self.assertRaises(wrapper.FilterMatchNotExecutable,
+ wrapper.match_filter,
+ self.filters, valid_but_missing)
+ self.assertRaises(wrapper.NoFilterMatched,
+ wrapper.match_filter, self.filters, invalid)
+ def _test_DnsmasqFilter(self, filter_class, config_file_arg):
+ usercmd = ['env', config_file_arg + '=A', 'NETWORK_ID=foobar',
+ 'dnsmasq', 'foo']
+ f = filter_class("/usr/bin/dnsmasq", "root")
+ self.assertTrue(f.match(usercmd))
+ self.assertEqual(f.get_command(usercmd), ['/usr/bin/dnsmasq', 'foo'])
+ env = f.get_environment(usercmd)
+ self.assertEqual(env.get(config_file_arg), 'A')
+ self.assertEqual(env.get('NETWORK_ID'), 'foobar')
+ def test_DnsmasqFilter(self):
+ self._test_DnsmasqFilter(filters.DnsmasqFilter, 'CONFIG_FILE')
+ def test_DeprecatedDnsmasqFilter(self):
+ self._test_DnsmasqFilter(filters.DeprecatedDnsmasqFilter, 'FLAGFILE')
+ def test_KillFilter(self):
+ if not os.path.exists("/proc/%d" % os.getpid()):
+ self.skipTest("Test requires /proc filesystem (procfs)")
+ p = subprocess.Popen(["cat"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ try:
+ f = filters.KillFilter("root", "/bin/cat", "-9", "-HUP")
+ f2 = filters.KillFilter("root", "/usr/bin/cat", "-9", "-HUP")
+ usercmd = ['kill', '-ALRM',]
+ # Incorrect signal should fail
+ self.assertFalse(f.match(usercmd) or f2.match(usercmd))
+ usercmd = ['kill',]
+ # Providing no signal should fail
+ self.assertFalse(f.match(usercmd) or f2.match(usercmd))
+ # Providing matching signal should be allowed
+ usercmd = ['kill', '-9',]
+ self.assertTrue(f.match(usercmd) or f2.match(usercmd))
+ f = filters.KillFilter("root", "/bin/cat")
+ f2 = filters.KillFilter("root", "/usr/bin/cat")
+ usercmd = ['kill', os.getpid()]
+ # Our own PID does not match /bin/sleep, so it should fail
+ self.assertFalse(f.match(usercmd) or f2.match(usercmd))
+ usercmd = ['kill', 999999]
+ # Nonexistent PID should fail
+ self.assertFalse(f.match(usercmd) or f2.match(usercmd))
+ usercmd = ['kill',]
+ # Providing no signal should work
+ self.assertTrue(f.match(usercmd) or f2.match(usercmd))
+ finally:
+ # Terminate the "cat" process and wait for it to finish
+ p.terminate()
+ p.wait()
+ def test_KillFilter_no_raise(self):
+ """Makes sure ValueError from bug 926412 is gone"""
+ f = filters.KillFilter("root", "")
+ # Providing anything other than kill should be False
+ usercmd = ['notkill', 999999]
+ self.assertFalse(f.match(usercmd))
+ # Providing something that is not a pid should be False
+ usercmd = ['kill', 'notapid']
+ self.assertFalse(f.match(usercmd))
+ def test_KillFilter_deleted_exe(self):
+ """Makes sure deleted exe's are killed correctly"""
+ # See bug #967931.
+ def fake_readlink(blah):
+ return '/bin/commandddddd (deleted)'
+ f = filters.KillFilter("root", "/bin/commandddddd")
+ usercmd = ['kill', 1234]
+ # Providing no signal should work
+ self.stubs.Set(os, 'readlink', fake_readlink)
+ self.assertTrue(f.match(usercmd))
+ def test_ReadFileFilter(self):
+ goodfn = '/good/'
+ f = filters.ReadFileFilter(goodfn)
+ usercmd = ['cat', '/bad/file']
+ self.assertFalse(f.match(['cat', '/bad/file']))
+ usercmd = ['cat', goodfn]
+ self.assertEqual(f.get_command(usercmd), ['/bin/cat', goodfn])
+ self.assertTrue(f.match(usercmd))
+ def test_exec_dirs_search(self):
+ # This test supposes you have /bin/cat or /usr/bin/cat locally
+ f = filters.CommandFilter("cat", "root")
+ usercmd = ['cat', '/f']
+ self.assertTrue(f.match(usercmd))
+ self.assertTrue(f.get_command(usercmd,
+ exec_dirs=['/bin', '/usr/bin'])
+ in (['/bin/cat', '/f'], ['/usr/bin/cat', '/f']))
+ def test_skips(self):
+ # Check that all filters are skipped and that the last matches
+ usercmd = ["cat", "/"]
+ filtermatch = wrapper.match_filter(self.filters, usercmd)
+ self.assertTrue(filtermatch is self.filters[-1])
+ def test_RootwrapConfig(self):
+ raw = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+ # Empty config should raise ConfigParser.Error
+ self.assertRaises(ConfigParser.Error, wrapper.RootwrapConfig, raw)
+ # Check default values
+ raw.set('DEFAULT', 'filters_path', '/a,/b')
+ config = wrapper.RootwrapConfig(raw)
+ self.assertEqual(config.filters_path, ['/a', '/b'])
+ self.assertEqual(config.exec_dirs, os.environ["PATH"].split(':'))
+ self.assertFalse(config.use_syslog)
+ self.assertEqual(config.syslog_log_facility,
+ logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_SYSLOG)
+ self.assertEqual(config.syslog_log_level, logging.ERROR)
+ # Check general values
+ raw.set('DEFAULT', 'exec_dirs', '/a,/x')
+ config = wrapper.RootwrapConfig(raw)
+ self.assertEqual(config.exec_dirs, ['/a', '/x'])
+ raw.set('DEFAULT', 'use_syslog', 'oui')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, wrapper.RootwrapConfig, raw)
+ raw.set('DEFAULT', 'use_syslog', 'true')
+ config = wrapper.RootwrapConfig(raw)
+ self.assertTrue(config.use_syslog)
+ raw.set('DEFAULT', 'syslog_log_facility', 'moo')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, wrapper.RootwrapConfig, raw)
+ raw.set('DEFAULT', 'syslog_log_facility', 'local0')
+ config = wrapper.RootwrapConfig(raw)
+ self.assertEqual(config.syslog_log_facility,
+ logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_LOCAL0)
+ raw.set('DEFAULT', 'syslog_log_facility', 'LOG_AUTH')
+ config = wrapper.RootwrapConfig(raw)
+ self.assertEqual(config.syslog_log_facility,
+ logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_AUTH)
+ raw.set('DEFAULT', 'syslog_log_level', 'bar')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, wrapper.RootwrapConfig, raw)
+ raw.set('DEFAULT', 'syslog_log_level', 'INFO')
+ config = wrapper.RootwrapConfig(raw)
+ self.assertEqual(config.syslog_log_level, logging.INFO)