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1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/tests/ b/python/tests/
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+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Abstract web classes for HTTP clients and servers or simulators
+# By: Frederic Peters <>
+# Emmanuel Raviart <>
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Entr'ouvert
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+"""Abstract web classes for HTTP clients and servers or simulators"""
+class HttpRequestMixin:
+ headers = None
+ method = None # 'GET' or 'POST' or 'PUT' or...
+ url = None
+ path = None
+ pathAndQuery = None
+ query = None
+ scheme = None # 'http' or 'https'
+ def getFormField(self, name, default = 'none'):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def getQueryBoolean(self, name, default = 'none'):
+ try:
+ fieldValue = self.getQueryField(name)
+ except KeyError:
+ if default == 'none':
+ raise
+ return default
+ return fieldValue.lower not in ('', '0', 'false')
+ def getQueryField(self, name, default = 'none'):
+ if self.query:
+ for field in self.query.split('&'):
+ fieldName, fieldValue = field.split('=')
+ if name == fieldName:
+ return fieldValue
+ if default == 'none':
+ raise KeyError(name)
+ return default
+class HttpResponseMixin:
+ body = None
+ defaultStatusMessages = {
+ '100': 'Continue',
+ '101': 'Switching Protocols',
+ '200': 'OK',
+ '201': 'Created',
+ '202': 'Accepted',
+ '203': 'Non-Authoritative Information',
+ '204': 'No Content',
+ '205': 'Reset Content',
+ '206': 'Partial Content',
+ '300': 'Multiple Choices',
+ '301': 'Moved Permanently',
+ '302': 'Found',
+ '303': 'See Other',
+ '304': 'Not Modified',
+ '305': 'Use Proxy',
+ '307': 'Temporary Redirect',
+ '400': 'Bad Request',
+ '401': 'Unauthorized',
+ '402': 'Payment Required',
+ '403': 'Forbidden',
+ '404': 'Not Found',
+ '405': 'Method Not Allowed',
+ '406': 'Not Acceptable',
+ '407': 'Proxy Authentication Required',
+ '408': 'Request Time-out',
+ '409': 'Conflict',
+ '410': 'Gone',
+ '411': 'Length Required',
+ '412': 'Precondition Failed',
+ '413': 'Request Entity Too Large',
+ '414': 'Request-URI Too Large',
+ '415': 'Unsupported Media Type',
+ '416': 'Requested range not satisfiable',
+ '417': 'Expectation Failed',
+ '500': 'Internal Server Error',
+ '501': 'Not Implemented',
+ '502': 'Bad Gateway',
+ '503': 'Service Unavailable',
+ '504': 'Gateway Time-out',
+ '505': 'HTTP Version not supported',
+ }
+ headers = None
+ statusCode = None # 200 or...
+ statusMessage = None
+ def __init__(self, httpRequestHandler, statusCode, statusMessage = None, headers = None,
+ body = None):
+ self.statusCode = statusCode
+ if statusMessage:
+ self.statusMessage = statusMessage
+ else:
+ self.statusMessage = self.defaultStatusMessages.get(statusCode)
+ httpResponseHeaders = httpRequestHandler.webServer.httpResponseHeaders
+ if headers:
+ httpResponseHeaders = httpResponseHeaders.copy()
+ for name, value in headers.iteritems():
+ httpResponseHeaders[name] = value
+ if httpResponseHeaders:
+ self.headers = httpResponseHeaders
+ if body:
+ self.body = body
+ def send(self, httpRequestHandler):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class HttpRequestHandlerMixin:
+ httpRequest = None
+ HttpResponse = None # Class
+ httpResponse = None
+ session = None
+ user = None
+ webServer = None # The web server, which can then redirect to several virtual hosts
+ def respond(self, statusCode = 200, statusMessage = None, headers = None, body = None):
+ # Session must be saved before responding. Otherwise, when the server is multitasked or
+ # multithreaded, it may receive a new HTTP request before the session is saved.
+ if self.session is not None and self.session.isDirty:
+ self.httpResponse = self.HttpResponse(
+ self, statusCode, statusMessage = statusMessage, headers = headers, body = body)
+ # Session must be saved before responding. Otherwise, when the server is multitasked or
+ # multithreaded, it may receive a new HTTP request before the session is saved.
+ # FIXME: For some status codes, session must not be saved. See outputXXX methods in http.
+ if self.session is not None and self.session.isDirty:
+ return self.httpResponse.send(self)
+ def respondRedirectTemporarily(self, url):
+ raise NotImplementedError