path: root/website
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authorBenjamin Dauvergne <>2010-01-19 09:44:04 +0000
committerBenjamin Dauvergne <>2010-01-19 09:44:04 +0000
commit547dae06cad17c7290cdf81be9ceab320c505bd0 (patch)
tree5e4de2dd9c4ea78864ce6ab92989e72241f9e580 /website
parentc4c6532bd48a766a2660bd7ae67be64c537add3c (diff)
Reduce news message to fit the news column
Diffstat (limited to 'website')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/website/web/news/14-release-2.2.90.xml b/website/web/news/14-release-2.2.90.xml
index 32f05a85..fa1a1fd6 100644
--- a/website/web/news/14-release-2.2.90.xml
+++ b/website/web/news/14-release-2.2.90.xml
@@ -9,109 +9,8 @@
<p class="changes">
<strong>What changed ?</strong>
- <p>Lots of internal changes and some external one too.</p>
- <p>There is a new api to force, forbid or let Lasso sign messages, it is
- called lasso_profile_set_signature_hint.</p>
- <p>Big overhaul of the ID-WSF 1 and 2 codes, and of the SAML 2.0 profiles. Now all
-SAML 2.0 profile use common internal functions from the lasso_saml20_profile_
-namespace to handle bindings (SOAP,Redirect,POST,Artifact,PAOS). New internal
-API to load SSL keys from many more formats from the public API.</p>
- <p>In ID-WSF 2.0, Data Service Template has been simplified, we no more try to
- apply queries, it is the responsability of the using code to handle them.</p>
- <p>In bindings land, the file bindings/ has been stuffed with utility
-function to manipulate 'type' tuple, with are now used to transfer argument and
-type description, their schema is (name, C-type, { dictionary of options } ),
-they are now used everywhere in the different bindings. We support output
-argument in PHP5, Python and Java, i.e. pointer of pointer arguments with are
-written to in order to return multiple values. For language where the binding
-convert error codes to exceptions (all of them now), the ouput value is
-returned as the normal return value of the method, so only one output argument
-is handled for now.</p>
- <p>We now use GObject-introspection annotations in the documentation to transfer
-to the binding generator the necessary metadata about the API (content of
-lists, hashtables, wheter pointer are caller/callee owned, can be NULL or if
-argument have a default value). The file bindings/override.xml is now
- <p>In documentation land, the main reference documentation was reorganizaed and
- more symbols have been added to it. Many more functions are documented.</p>
- <p>There is now tools to control the evolution of the ABI/API of Lasso.</p>
- <strong>Summary of API changes:</strong>
- <ul>
- <li><p>New constants:</p>
- <pre>
-<li><p>New enums:</p>
- <pre>
-<li><p>New functions:</p>
- <pre>
-lasso_login_get_assertion(LassoLogin* login) : LassoNode*
-lasso_misc_text_node_get_xml_content(LassoMiscTextNode* misc_text_node) : xmlNode*
-lasso_misc_text_node_new_with_xml_node(xmlNode* xml_node) : LassoMiscTextNode*
-lasso_misc_text_node_set_xml_content(LassoMiscTextNode* misc_text_node, xmlNode* node) : void
-lasso_node_get_name(LassoNode* node) : const char*
-lasso_node_set_custom_namespace(LassoNode* node, char* prefix, char* href) : void
-lasso_node_set_custom_nodename(LassoNode* node, char* nodename) : void
-lasso_profile_get_signature_hint(LassoProfile* profile) : LassoProfileSignatureHint
-lasso_profile_set_signature_hint(LassoProfile* profile, LassoProfileSignatureHint signature_hint) : void
-lasso_provider_get_default_name_id_format(const LassoProvider* provider) : gchar*
-lasso_provider_get_encryption_mode(LassoProvider* provider) : LassoEncryptionMode
-lasso_provider_get_sp_name_qualifier(LassoProvider* provider) : char*
-lasso_provider_saml2_node_encrypt(const LassoProvider* provider, LassoNode* lasso_node) : LassoSaml2EncryptedElement*
-lasso_provider_verify_single_node_signature(LassoProvider* provider, LassoNode* node, const char* id_attr_name) : int
-lasso_saml2_assertion_add_attribute_with_node(LassoSaml2Assertion* assertion, const char* name, const char* nameformat, LassoNode* content) : int
-lasso_saml2_assertion_add_audience_restriction(LassoSaml2Assertion* saml2_assertion, const char* providerID) : void
-lasso_saml2_assertion_add_proxy_limit(LassoSaml2Assertion* saml2_assertion, int proxy_count, GList* proxy_audiences) : void
-lasso_saml2_assertion_get_issuer_provider(const LassoSaml2Assertion* saml2_assertion, const LassoServer* server) : LassoProvider*
-lasso_saml2_assertion_get_subject_confirmation_data(LassoSaml2Assertion* saml2_assertion, gboolean create) : LassoSaml2SubjectConfirmationData*
-lasso_saml2_assertion_has_audience_restriction(LassoSaml2Assertion* saml2_assertion) : gboolean
-lasso_saml2_assertion_is_audience_restricted(LassoSaml2Assertion* saml2_assertion, char* providerID) : gboolean
-lasso_saml2_assertion_set_basic_conditions(LassoSaml2Assertion* saml2_assertion, time_t tolerance, time_t length, gboolean one_time_use) : void
-lasso_saml2_assertion_set_subject_confirmation_data(LassoSaml2Assertion* saml2_assertion, time_t tolerance, time_t length, const char* Recipient, const char* InResponseTo, const char* Address) : void
-lasso_saml2_assertion_set_subject_confirmation_name_id(LassoSaml2Assertion* saml2_assertion, LassoNode* node) : void
-lasso_saml2_assertion_set_subject_name_id(LassoSaml2Assertion* saml2_assertion, LassoNode* node) : void
-lasso_saml2_assertion_validate_conditions(LassoSaml2Assertion* saml2_assertion, const char* relaying_party_providerID) : LassoSaml2AssertionValidationState
-lasso_saml2_encrypted_element_build_encrypted_persistent_name_id(const char* id, const char* idpID, const LassoProvider* provider) : LassoSaml2EncryptedElement*
-lasso_saml2_name_id_build_persistent(const char* id, const char* idpID, const char* providerID) : LassoSaml2NameID*
-lasso_saml2_name_id_equals(LassoSaml2NameID* name_id, LassoSaml2NameID* other_name_id) : gboolean
-lasso_server_saml2_assertion_setup_signature(LassoServer* server, LassoSaml2Assertion* saml2_assertion) : int
+ Lots of internal changes and some external one too.<br/>
+ ID-WSF APIs have been changed a lot, and new helper function appeared to manipulate SAML 2 assertions and endpoint references.
+ </p>