path: root/tests
diff options
authorBenjamin Dauvergne <>2009-04-22 23:49:17 +0000
committerBenjamin Dauvergne <>2009-04-22 23:49:17 +0000
commit50ea06e0f769418c189469d7f164117c9d1db366 (patch)
tree7f36eecaaf39dd7c0a97d432b8040c26fa754126 /tests
parent670383da1ea8da3ed20b84a9802416aaffe4b5d7 (diff)
Tests: Add a SAML2 login test
* tests/login_tests_saml2.c: add a C login test for SAML 2. * tests/ add the new test to dependencies.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
3 files changed, 467 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index c2785a49..bb984217 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ INCLUDES = \
-tests_SOURCES = tests.c login_tests.c basic_tests.c random_tests.c metadata_tests.c
+tests_SOURCES = tests.c login_tests.c basic_tests.c random_tests.c metadata_tests.c login_tests_saml2.c
tests_LDADD = \
$(top_builddir)/lasso/ \
diff --git a/tests/login_tests_saml2.c b/tests/login_tests_saml2.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b41483e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/login_tests_saml2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+ * Lasso library C unit tests
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Entr'ouvert
+ *
+ *
+ * Authors: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <check.h>
+#include <lasso/lasso.h>
+#include <lasso/xml/saml-2.0/samlp2_authn_request.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "../lasso/backward_comp.h"
+static char*
+ LassoServer *serverContext;
+ char *ret;
+ serverContext = lasso_server_new(
+ TESTSDATADIR "/idp5-saml2/metadata.xml",
+ TESTSDATADIR "/idp5-saml2/private-key.pem",
+ NULL, /* Secret key to unlock private key */
+ NULL);
+ lasso_server_add_provider(
+ serverContext,
+ TESTSDATADIR "/sp5-saml2/metadata.xml",
+ NULL);
+ ret = lasso_server_dump(serverContext);
+ g_object_unref(serverContext);
+ return ret;
+static char*
+ LassoServer *serverContext;
+ char *ret;
+ serverContext = lasso_server_new(
+ TESTSDATADIR "/sp5-saml2/metadata.xml",
+ TESTSDATADIR "/sp5-saml2/private-key.pem",
+ NULL, /* Secret key to unlock private key */
+ NULL);
+ lasso_server_add_provider(
+ serverContext,
+ TESTSDATADIR "/idp5-saml2/metadata.xml",
+ NULL);
+ ret = lasso_server_dump(serverContext);
+ g_object_unref(serverContext);
+ return ret;
+static char*
+ LassoServer *serverContext;
+ char *metadata;
+ char *private_key;
+ char *certificate;
+ guint len;
+ char *ret;
+ g_file_get_contents(TESTSDATADIR "/idp5-saml2/metadata.xml", &metadata, &len, NULL);
+ g_file_get_contents(TESTSDATADIR "/idp5-saml2/private-key.pem", &private_key, &len, NULL);
+ g_file_get_contents(TESTSDATADIR "/idp5-saml2/certificate.pem", &certificate, &len, NULL);
+ serverContext = lasso_server_new_from_buffers(
+ metadata,
+ private_key,
+ NULL, /* Secret key to unlock private key */
+ certificate);
+ lasso_server_add_provider(
+ serverContext,
+ TESTSDATADIR "/sp5-saml2/metadata.xml",
+ NULL);
+ g_free(metadata);
+ g_free(private_key);
+ g_free(certificate);
+ ret = lasso_server_dump(serverContext);
+ g_object_unref(serverContext);
+ return ret;
+ char *identityProviderContextDump;
+ char *serviceProviderContextDump;
+ identityProviderContextDump = generateIdentityProviderContextDump();
+ fail_unless(identityProviderContextDump != NULL,
+ "generateIdentityProviderContextDump should not return NULL");
+ g_free(identityProviderContextDump);
+ serviceProviderContextDump = generateServiceProviderContextDump();
+ fail_unless(serviceProviderContextDump != NULL,
+ "generateServiceProviderContextDump should not return NULL");
+ g_free(serviceProviderContextDump);
+ char *serviceProviderContextDump, *identityProviderContextDump;
+ LassoServer *spContext, *idpContext;
+ LassoLogin *spLoginContext, *idpLoginContext;
+ LassoSamlp2AuthnRequest *request;
+ int rc;
+ char *relayState;
+ char *authnRequestUrl, *authnRequestQuery;
+ char *responseUrl, *responseQuery;
+ char *idpIdentityContextDump, *idpSessionContextDump;
+ char *serviceProviderId, *soapRequestMsg, *soapResponseMsg;
+ char *spIdentityContextDump;
+ char *spSessionDump;
+ char *spLoginDump, *idpLoginDump;
+ char *found;
+ serviceProviderContextDump = generateServiceProviderContextDump();
+ spContext = lasso_server_new_from_dump(serviceProviderContextDump);
+ spLoginContext = lasso_login_new(spContext);
+ fail_unless(spLoginContext != NULL,
+ "lasso_login_new() shouldn't have returned NULL");
+ rc = lasso_login_init_authn_request(spLoginContext, "http://idp5/metadata",
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_init_authn_request failed");
+ request = LASSO_SAMLP2_AUTHN_REQUEST(LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->request);
+ fail_unless(LASSO_IS_SAMLP2_AUTHN_REQUEST(request), "request should be authn_request");
+ request->IsPassive = 0;
+ request->NameIDPolicy->Format = g_strdup(LASSO_SAML2_NAME_IDENTIFIER_FORMAT_PERSISTENT);
+ request->NameIDPolicy->AllowCreate = 1;
+ relayState = "fake[]";
+ LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->msg_relayState = g_strdup(relayState);
+ rc = lasso_login_build_authn_request_msg(spLoginContext);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_build_authn_request_msg failed");
+ authnRequestUrl = LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->msg_url;
+ fail_unless(authnRequestUrl != NULL,
+ "authnRequestUrl shouldn't be NULL");
+ authnRequestQuery = strchr(authnRequestUrl, '?')+1;
+ fail_unless(strlen(authnRequestQuery) > 0,
+ "authnRequestQuery shouldn't be an empty string");
+ spLoginDump = lasso_node_dump(LASSO_NODE(spLoginContext));
+ fail_unless(strstr(authnRequestQuery, "RelayState") != NULL,
+ "authnRequestQuery should contain a RelayState parameter");
+ fail_unless(strstr(authnRequestQuery, "fake%5B%5D") != NULL,
+ "authnRequestQuery RelayState parameter should be encoded");
+ /* Identity provider singleSignOn, for a user having no federation. */
+ identityProviderContextDump = generateIdentityProviderContextDump();
+ idpContext = lasso_server_new_from_dump(identityProviderContextDump);
+ idpLoginContext = lasso_login_new(idpContext);
+ fail_unless(idpLoginContext != NULL,
+ "lasso_login_new() shouldn't have returned NULL");
+ rc = lasso_login_process_authn_request_msg(idpLoginContext, authnRequestQuery);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_process_authn_request_msg failed");
+ fail_unless(lasso_login_must_authenticate(idpLoginContext),
+ "lasso_login_must_authenticate() should be TRUE");
+ fail_unless(idpLoginContext->protocolProfile == LASSO_LOGIN_PROTOCOL_PROFILE_BRWS_ART,
+ "protocoleProfile should be ProfileBrwsArt");
+ fail_unless(! lasso_login_must_ask_for_consent(idpLoginContext),
+ "lasso_login_must_ask_for_consent() should be FALSE");
+ fail_unless(idpLoginContext->parent.msg_relayState != NULL,
+ "lasso_login_process_authn_request_msg should restore the RelayState parameter");
+ fail_unless(g_strcmp0(idpLoginContext->parent.msg_relayState, relayState) == 0,
+ "lasso_login_process_authn_request_msg should restore the same RelayState thant sent in the request");
+ rc = lasso_login_validate_request_msg(idpLoginContext,
+ 1, /* authentication_result */
+ 0 /* is_consent_obtained */
+ );
+ rc = lasso_login_build_assertion(idpLoginContext,
+ "FIXME: authenticationInstant",
+ "FIXME: reauthenticateOnOrAfter",
+ "FIXME: notBefore",
+ "FIXME: notOnOrAfter");
+ rc = lasso_login_build_artifact_msg(idpLoginContext, LASSO_HTTP_METHOD_ARTIFACT_GET);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_build_artifact_msg failed");
+ idpIdentityContextDump = lasso_identity_dump(LASSO_PROFILE(idpLoginContext)->identity);
+ fail_unless(idpIdentityContextDump != NULL,
+ "lasso_identity_dump shouldn't return NULL");
+ idpSessionContextDump = lasso_session_dump(LASSO_PROFILE(idpLoginContext)->session);
+ fail_unless(idpSessionContextDump != NULL,
+ "lasso_session_dump shouldn't return NULL");
+ responseUrl = LASSO_PROFILE(idpLoginContext)->msg_url;
+ fail_unless(responseUrl != NULL, "responseUrl shouldn't be NULL");
+ responseQuery = strchr(responseUrl, '?')+1;
+ fail_unless(strlen(responseQuery) > 0,
+ "responseQuery shouldn't be an empty string");
+ fail_unless(strstr(responseQuery, "RelayState") != NULL,
+ "responseQuery should contain a RelayState parameter");
+ fail_unless(strstr(responseQuery, "fake%5B%5D") != NULL,
+ "responseQuery RelayState parameter should be encoded");
+ serviceProviderId = g_strdup(LASSO_PROFILE(idpLoginContext)->remote_providerID);
+ fail_unless(serviceProviderId != NULL,
+ "lasso_profile_get_remote_providerID shouldn't return NULL");
+ /* Service provider assertion consumer */
+ lasso_server_destroy(spContext);
+ lasso_login_destroy(spLoginContext);
+ spContext = lasso_server_new_from_dump(serviceProviderContextDump);
+ spLoginContext = lasso_login_new_from_dump(spContext, spLoginDump);
+ rc = lasso_login_init_request(spLoginContext,
+ responseQuery,
+ fail_unless(spLoginContext->parent.msg_relayState != NULL,
+ "lasso_login_init_request should restore the RelayState parameter");
+ fail_unless(g_strcmp0(spLoginContext->parent.msg_relayState, relayState) == 0,
+ "lasso_login_init_request should restore the same RelayState thant sent in the request");
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_init_request failed");
+ rc = lasso_login_build_request_msg(spLoginContext);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_build_request_msg failed");
+ soapRequestMsg = LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->msg_body;
+ fail_unless(soapRequestMsg != NULL, "soapRequestMsg must not be NULL");
+ /* Identity provider SOAP endpoint */
+ lasso_server_destroy(idpContext);
+ idpLoginDump = lasso_node_dump(LASSO_NODE(idpLoginContext));
+ lasso_login_destroy(idpLoginContext);
+ idpContext = lasso_server_new_from_dump(identityProviderContextDump);
+ idpLoginContext = lasso_login_new_from_dump(idpContext, idpLoginDump);
+ rc = lasso_login_process_request_msg(idpLoginContext, soapRequestMsg);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_process_request_msg failed");
+ rc = lasso_profile_set_session_from_dump(LASSO_PROFILE(idpLoginContext),
+ idpSessionContextDump);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_set_assertion_from_dump failed");
+ rc = lasso_login_build_response_msg(idpLoginContext, serviceProviderId);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_build_response_msg failed");
+ soapResponseMsg = LASSO_PROFILE(idpLoginContext)->msg_body;
+ fail_unless(soapResponseMsg != NULL, "soapResponseMsg must not be NULL");
+ /* Service provider assertion consumer (step 2: process SOAP response) */
+ rc = lasso_login_process_response_msg(spLoginContext, soapResponseMsg);
+ printf("rc: %i %s\n", rc, soapResponseMsg);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_process_response_msg failed");
+ rc = lasso_login_accept_sso(spLoginContext);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_accept_sso failed");
+ fail_unless(LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->identity != NULL,
+ "spLoginContext has no identity");
+ spIdentityContextDump = lasso_identity_dump(LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->identity);
+ fail_unless(spIdentityContextDump != NULL, "lasso_identity_dump failed");
+ spSessionDump = lasso_session_dump(LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->session);
+ /* Test InResponseTo checking */
+ found = strstr(soapResponseMsg, "Assertion");
+ fail_unless(found != NULL, "We must find an Assertion");
+ found = strstr(found, "InResponseTo=\"");
+ fail_unless(found != NULL, "We must find an InResponseTo attribute");
+ found[sizeof("InResponseTo=\"")] = '?';
+ lasso_set_flag("no-verify-signature");
+ rc = lasso_login_process_response_msg(spLoginContext, soapResponseMsg);
+ lasso_set_flag("verify-signature");
+ fail_unless(rc != 0, "lasso_login_process_response_msg must fail");
+ rc = lasso_login_accept_sso(spLoginContext);
+ fail_unless(rc != 0, "lasso_login_accept_sso must fail");
+ g_free(idpLoginDump);
+ g_free(serviceProviderId);
+ g_free(serviceProviderContextDump);
+ g_free(identityProviderContextDump);
+ g_free(idpSessionContextDump);
+ g_free(idpIdentityContextDump);
+ g_free(spIdentityContextDump);
+ g_free(spSessionDump);
+ g_object_unref(spContext);
+ g_object_unref(idpContext);
+ g_object_unref(spLoginContext);
+ g_object_unref(idpLoginContext);
+ char *serviceProviderContextDump, *identityProviderContextDump;
+ LassoServer *spContext, *idpContext;
+ LassoLogin *spLoginContext, *idpLoginContext;
+ LassoSamlp2AuthnRequest *request;
+ int rc;
+ char *relayState;
+ char *authnRequestUrl, *authnRequestQuery;
+ char *responseUrl, *responseQuery;
+ char *idpIdentityContextDump, *idpSessionContextDump;
+ char *serviceProviderId, *soapRequestMsg, *soapResponseMsg;
+ char *spIdentityContextDump;
+ char *spSessionDump;
+ char *idpLoginDump;
+ serviceProviderContextDump = generateServiceProviderContextDump();
+ spContext = lasso_server_new_from_dump(serviceProviderContextDump);
+ spLoginContext = lasso_login_new(spContext);
+ fail_unless(spLoginContext != NULL,
+ "lasso_login_new() shouldn't have returned NULL");
+ rc = lasso_login_init_authn_request(spLoginContext, "http://idp5/metadata",
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_init_authn_request failed");
+ request = LASSO_SAMLP2_AUTHN_REQUEST(LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->request);
+ fail_unless(LASSO_IS_SAMLP2_AUTHN_REQUEST(request), "request should be authn_request");
+ request->IsPassive = 0;
+ request->NameIDPolicy->Format = g_strdup(LASSO_SAML2_NAME_IDENTIFIER_FORMAT_PERSISTENT);
+ request->NameIDPolicy->AllowCreate = 1;
+ relayState = "fake";
+ LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->msg_relayState = g_strdup(relayState);
+ rc = lasso_login_build_authn_request_msg(spLoginContext);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_build_authn_request_msg failed");
+ authnRequestUrl = LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->msg_url;
+ fail_unless(authnRequestUrl != NULL,
+ "authnRequestUrl shouldn't be NULL");
+ authnRequestQuery = strchr(authnRequestUrl, '?')+1;
+ fail_unless(strlen(authnRequestQuery) > 0,
+ "authnRequestRequest shouldn't be an empty string");
+ /* Identity provider singleSignOn, for a user having no federation. */
+ identityProviderContextDump = generateIdentityProviderContextDumpMemory();
+ idpContext = lasso_server_new_from_dump(identityProviderContextDump);
+ idpLoginContext = lasso_login_new(idpContext);
+ fail_unless(idpLoginContext != NULL,
+ "lasso_login_new() shouldn't have returned NULL");
+ rc = lasso_login_process_authn_request_msg(idpLoginContext, authnRequestQuery);
+ printf("rc: %i %s\n", rc, authnRequestQuery);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_process_authn_request_msg failed");
+ fail_unless(lasso_login_must_authenticate(idpLoginContext),
+ "lasso_login_must_authenticate() should be TRUE");
+ fail_unless(idpLoginContext->protocolProfile == LASSO_LOGIN_PROTOCOL_PROFILE_BRWS_ART,
+ "protocoleProfile should be ProfileBrwsArt");
+ fail_unless(! lasso_login_must_ask_for_consent(idpLoginContext),
+ "lasso_login_must_ask_for_consent() should be FALSE");
+ rc = lasso_login_validate_request_msg(idpLoginContext,
+ 1, /* authentication_result */
+ 0 /* is_consent_obtained */
+ );
+ rc = lasso_login_build_assertion(idpLoginContext,
+ "FIXME: authenticationInstant",
+ "FIXME: reauthenticateOnOrAfter",
+ "FIXME: notBefore",
+ "FIXME: notOnOrAfter");
+ rc = lasso_login_build_artifact_msg(idpLoginContext, LASSO_HTTP_METHOD_ARTIFACT_GET);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_build_artifact_msg failed");
+ idpIdentityContextDump = lasso_identity_dump(LASSO_PROFILE(idpLoginContext)->identity);
+ fail_unless(idpIdentityContextDump != NULL,
+ "lasso_identity_dump shouldn't return NULL");
+ idpSessionContextDump = lasso_session_dump(LASSO_PROFILE(idpLoginContext)->session);
+ fail_unless(idpSessionContextDump != NULL,
+ "lasso_session_dump shouldn't return NULL");
+ responseUrl = LASSO_PROFILE(idpLoginContext)->msg_url;
+ fail_unless(responseUrl != NULL, "responseUrl shouldn't be NULL");
+ responseQuery = strchr(responseUrl, '?')+1;
+ fail_unless(strlen(responseQuery) > 0,
+ "responseQuery shouldn't be an empty string");
+ serviceProviderId = g_strdup(LASSO_PROFILE(idpLoginContext)->remote_providerID);
+ fail_unless(serviceProviderId != NULL,
+ "lasso_profile_get_remote_providerID shouldn't return NULL");
+ /* Service provider assertion consumer */
+ lasso_server_destroy(spContext);
+ lasso_login_destroy(spLoginContext);
+ spContext = lasso_server_new_from_dump(serviceProviderContextDump);
+ spLoginContext = lasso_login_new(spContext);
+ rc = lasso_login_init_request(spLoginContext,
+ responseQuery,
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_init_request failed");
+ rc = lasso_login_build_request_msg(spLoginContext);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_build_request_msg failed");
+ soapRequestMsg = LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->msg_body;
+ fail_unless(soapRequestMsg != NULL, "soapRequestMsg must not be NULL");
+ /* Identity provider SOAP endpoint */
+ lasso_server_destroy(idpContext);
+ idpLoginDump = lasso_node_dump(LASSO_NODE(idpLoginContext));
+ lasso_login_destroy(idpLoginContext);
+ idpContext = lasso_server_new_from_dump(identityProviderContextDump);
+ idpLoginContext = lasso_login_new_from_dump(idpContext, idpLoginDump);
+ rc = lasso_login_process_request_msg(idpLoginContext, soapRequestMsg);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_process_request_msg failed");
+ rc = lasso_profile_set_session_from_dump(LASSO_PROFILE(idpLoginContext),
+ idpSessionContextDump);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_set_assertion_from_dump failed");
+ rc = lasso_login_build_response_msg(idpLoginContext, serviceProviderId);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_build_response_msg failed");
+ soapResponseMsg = LASSO_PROFILE(idpLoginContext)->msg_body;
+ fail_unless(soapResponseMsg != NULL, "soapResponseMsg must not be NULL");
+ /* Service provider assertion consumer (step 2: process SOAP response) */
+ rc = lasso_login_process_response_msg(spLoginContext, soapResponseMsg);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_process_response_msg failed");
+ rc = lasso_login_accept_sso(spLoginContext);
+ fail_unless(rc == 0, "lasso_login_accept_sso failed");
+ fail_unless(LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->identity != NULL,
+ "spLoginContext has no identity");
+ spIdentityContextDump = lasso_identity_dump(LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->identity);
+ fail_unless(spIdentityContextDump != NULL, "lasso_identity_dump failed");
+ spSessionDump = lasso_session_dump(LASSO_PROFILE(spLoginContext)->session);
+ g_free(idpLoginDump);
+ g_free(serviceProviderId);
+ g_free(serviceProviderContextDump);
+ g_free(identityProviderContextDump);
+ g_free(idpSessionContextDump);
+ g_free(idpIdentityContextDump);
+ g_free(spIdentityContextDump);
+ g_free(spSessionDump);
+ g_object_unref(spContext);
+ g_object_unref(idpContext);
+ g_object_unref(spLoginContext);
+ g_object_unref(idpLoginContext);
+ Suite *s = suite_create("Login");
+ TCase *tc_generate = tcase_create("Generate Server Contexts");
+ TCase *tc_spLogin = tcase_create("Login initiated by service provider");
+ TCase *tc_spLoginMemory = tcase_create("Login initiated by service provider without key loading");
+ suite_add_tcase(s, tc_generate);
+ suite_add_tcase(s, tc_spLogin);
+ suite_add_tcase(s, tc_spLoginMemory);
+ tcase_add_test(tc_generate, test01_saml2_generateServersContextDumps);
+ tcase_add_test(tc_spLogin, test02_saml2_serviceProviderLogin);
+ tcase_add_test(tc_spLoginMemory, test03_saml2_serviceProviderLogin);
+ return s;
diff --git a/tests/tests.c b/tests/tests.c
index 9333b99f..ed410d07 100644
--- a/tests/tests.c
+++ b/tests/tests.c
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
extern Suite* basic_suite();
extern Suite* login_suite();
+extern Suite* login_saml2_suite();
extern Suite* random_suite();
extern Suite* metadata_suite();
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ typedef Suite* (*SuiteFunction) ();
SuiteFunction suites[] = {
+ login_saml2_suite,