path: root/src/kadmin/cli/kadmin.M
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authorBen Kaduk <>2012-10-16 16:03:10 -0400
committerBen Kaduk <>2012-10-16 17:08:08 -0400
commit0bb69fbcc306a3bf28370ac57d7e79120ccc7ce1 (patch)
treeb726fc059a2775fb966667d17ee3e04c412da712 /src/kadmin/cli/kadmin.M
parent0f81e372a2830c9170f6e08dfa956841d0ebdfb1 (diff)
Remove nroff man pages
We generate man pages from RST sources now; they are checked into the tree in src/man/. The gen-manpages directory is no longer needed.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/kadmin/cli/kadmin.M')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 979 deletions
diff --git a/src/kadmin/cli/kadmin.M b/src/kadmin/cli/kadmin.M
deleted file mode 100644
index b05007a53..000000000
--- a/src/kadmin/cli/kadmin.M
+++ /dev/null
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-kadmin \- Kerberos V5 database administration program
-.B kadmin l
-[\fB\-O\fP | \fB\-N\fP]
-[\fB\-r\fP \fIrealm\fP] [\fB\-p\fP \fIprincipal\fP] [\fB\-q\fP \fIquery\fP]
-[[\fB-c\fP \fIcache_name\fP] | [\fB-k\fP [\fB-t\fP
-\fIkeytab\fP]] | \fB-n\fP] [\fB\-w\fP \fIpassword\fP] [\fB\-s\fP
-.TP "\w'.B kadmin.local\ 'u"
-.B kadmin.local
-[\fB\-r\fP \fIrealm\fP] [\fB\-p\fP \fIprincipal\fP] [\fB\-q\fP \fIquery\fP]
-[\fB\-d\fP \fIdbname\fP] [\fB\-e \fI"enc:salt ..."\fP] [\fB-m\fP] [\fB\-x\fP \fIdb_args\fP] b
-.B kadmin
-.B kadmin.local
-are command-line interfaces to the Kerberos V5 KADM5 administration
-system. Both
-.B kadmin
-.B kadmin.local
-provide identical functionalities; the difference is that
-.B kadmin.local
-runs on the master KDC if the database is db2 and
-does not use Kerberos to authenticate to the
-database. Except as explicitly noted otherwise,
-this man page will use
-.B kadmin
-to refer to both versions.
-.B kadmin
-provides for the maintenance of Kerberos principals, KADM5 policies, and
-service key tables (keytabs).
-The remote version uses Kerberos authentication and an encrypted RPC, to
-operate securely from anywhere on the network. It authenticates to the
-KADM5 server using the service principal
-.IR kadmin/admin .
-If the credentials cache contains a ticket for the
-.I kadmin/admin
-principal, and the
-.B \-c
-.I credentials_cache
-option is specified, that ticket is used to authenticate to KADM5.
-Otherwise, the
-.B -p
-.B -k
-options are used to specify the client Kerberos principal name used to
-authenticate. Once
-.B kadmin
-has determined the principal name, it requests a
-.I kadmin/admin
-Kerberos service ticket from the KDC, and uses that service ticket to
-authenticate to KADM5.
-If the database is db2, the local client
-.BR kadmin.local ,
-is intended to run directly on the master KDC without Kerberos
-authentication. The local version provides all of the functionality of
-the now obsolete
-.IR kdb5_edit (8),
-except for database dump and load, which is now provided by the
-.IR kdb5_util (8)
-If the database is LDAP, kadmin.local need not be run on the KDC.
-kadmin.local can be configured to log updates for incremental database
-propagation. Incremental propagation allows slave KDC servers to
-receive principal and policy updates incrementally instead of
-receiving full dumps of the database. This facility can be enabled in
-.I kdc.conf
-file with the
-.I iprop_enable
-option. See the
-.I kdc.conf
-documentation for other options for tuning incremental propagation
-\fB\-r\fP \fIrealm\fP
-.I realm
-as the default database realm.
-\fB\-p\fP \fIprincipal\fP
-.I principal
-to authenticate. Otherwise, kadmin will append "/admin" to the primary
-principal name of the default ccache, the value of the
-environment variable, or the username as obtained with getpwuid, in
-order of preference.
-Use a keytab to decrypt the KDC response instead of prompting for a
-password on the TTY. In this case, the default principal will be
-host/\fIhostname\fP. If there is not a keytab specified with the
-.B \-t
-option, then the default keytab will be used.
-\fB\-t\fP \fIkeytab\fP
-.I keytab
-to decrypt the KDC response. This can only be used with the
-.B \-k
-Requests anonymous processing. Two types of anonymous principals are
-supported. For fully anonymous Kerberos, configure pkinit on the KDC
-and configure
-.I pkinit_anchors
-in the client's krb5.conf. Then use the
-.B -n
-option with a principal of the form
-(an empty principal name followed by the at-sign and a realm name).
-If permitted by the KDC, an anonymous ticket will be returned.
-A second form of anonymous tickets is supported; these realm-exposed
-tickets hide the identity of the client but not the client's realm.
-For this mode, use
-.B kinit -n
-with a normal principal name. If supported by the KDC, the principal
-(but not realm) will be replaced by the anonymous principal.
-As of release 1.8, the MIT Kerberos KDC only supports fully anonymous
-\fB\-c\fP \fIcredentials_cache\fP
-.I credentials_cache
-as the credentials cache. The
-.I credentials_cache
-should contain a service ticket for the
-.I kadmin/admin
-service; it can be acquired with the
-.IR kinit (1)
-program. If this option is not specified,
-.B kadmin
-requests a new service ticket from the KDC, and stores it in its own
-temporary ccache.
-\fB\-w\fP \fIpassword\fP
-.I password
-instead of prompting for one on the TTY. Note: placing the password
-for a Kerberos principal with administration access into a shell script
-can be dangerous if unauthorized users gain read access to the script.
-\fB\-q\fP \fIquery\fP
-.I query
-directly to
-.BR kadmin ,
-which will perform
-.I query
-and then exit. This can be useful for writing scripts.
-\fB\-d\fP \fIdbname\fP
-Specifies the name of the Kerberos database.
-This option does not apply to the LDAP database.
-\fB\-s\fP \fIadmin_server[:port]\fP
-Specifies the admin server which kadmin should contact.
-Do not authenticate using a keytab. This option will cause kadmin
-to prompt for the master database password.
-\fB\-e\fP \fIenc:salt_list\fP
-Sets the list of encryption types and salt types to be used for any new
-keys created.
-.B \-O
-Force use of old AUTH_GSSAPI authentication flavor.
-.B \-N
-Prevent fallback to AUTH_GSSAPI authentication flavor.
-\fB\-x\fP \fIdb_args\fP
-Specifies the database specific arguments.
-Options supported for LDAP database are:
-\-x host=<hostname>
-specifies the LDAP server to connect to by a LDAP URI.
-\-x binddn=<bind_dn>
-specifies the DN of the object used by the administration server to bind to the LDAP server.
-This object should have the read and write rights on the realm container, principal container
-and the subtree that is referenced by the realm.
-\-x bindpwd=<bind_password>
-specifies the password for the above mentioned binddn. It is recommended not to use this option.
-Instead, the password can be stashed using the stashsrvpw command of kdb5_ldap_util.
-Various commands in kadmin can take a variety of date formats,
-specifying durations or absolute times. Examples of valid formats are:
-1 month ago
-2 hours ago
-400000 seconds ago
-last year
-this Monday
-next Monday
-second Monday
-a fortnight ago
-3/31/92 10:00:07 PST
-January 23, 1987 10:05pm
-22:00 GMT
-Dates which do not have the "ago" specifier default to being absolute
-dates, unless they appear in a field where a duration is expected. In
-that case the time specifier will be interpreted as relative.
-Specifying "ago" in a duration may result in unexpected behavior.
-\fBadd_principal\fP [\fIoptions\fP] \fInewprinc\fP
-creates the principal
-.IR newprinc ,
-prompting twice for a password. If no policy is specified with the
-\-policy option, and the policy named "default" exists, then that
-policy is assigned to the principal; note that the assignment of the
-policy "default" only occurs automatically when a principal is first
-created, so the policy "default" must already exist for the assignment
-to occur. This assignment of "default" can be suppressed with the
-\-clearpolicy option. This command requires the
-.I add
-privilege. This command has the aliases
-.B addprinc
-.BR ank .
-The options are:
-\fB\-x\fP \fIdb_princ_args\fP
-Denotes the database specific options. The options for LDAP database are:
-\-x dn=<dn>
-Specifies the LDAP object that will contain the Kerberos principal being
-\-x linkdn=<dn>
-Specifies the LDAP object to which the newly created Kerberos principal object
-will point to.
-\-x containerdn=<container_dn>
-Specifies the container object under which the Kerberos principal is to be created.
-\-x tktpolicy=<policy>
-Associates a ticket policy to the Kerberos principal.
-\fB\-expire\fP \fIexpdate\fP
-expiration date of the principal
-\fB\-pwexpire\fP \fIpwexpdate\fP
-password expiration date
-\fB\-maxlife\fP \fImaxlife\fP
-maximum ticket life for the principal
-\fB\-maxrenewlife\fP \fImaxrenewlife\fP
-maximum renewable life of tickets for the principal
-\fB\-kvno\fP \fIkvno\fP
-explicitly set the key version number.
-\fB\-policy\fP \fIpolicy\fP
-policy used by this principal. If no policy is supplied, then if the
-policy "default" exists and the -clearpolicy is not also specified,
-then the policy "default" is used; otherwise, the principal
-will have no policy, and a warning message will be printed.
-.B -clearpolicy
-prevents the policy "default" from being assigned when
-.B -policy
-is not specified. This option has no effect if the policy "default"
-does not exist.
-.B -allow_postdated
-prohibits this principal from obtaining postdated tickets. (Sets the
-.B +allow_postdated
-clears this flag.
-.B -allow_forwardable
-prohibits this principal from obtaining forwardable tickets. (Sets the
-.B +allow_forwardable
-clears this flag.
-.B -allow_renewable
-prohibits this principal from obtaining renewable tickets. (Sets the
-.B +allow_renewable
-clears this flag.
-.B -allow_proxiable
-prohibits this principal from obtaining proxiable tickets. (Sets the
-.B +allow_proxiable
-clears this flag.
-.B -allow_dup_skey
-Disables user-to-user authentication for this principal by prohibiting
-this principal from obtaining a session key for another user. (Sets the
-.B +allow_dup_skey
-clears this flag.
-.B +requires_preauth
-requires this principal to preauthenticate before being allowed to
-kinit. (Sets the
-.B -requires_preauth
-clears this flag.
-.B +requires_hwauth
-requires this principal to preauthenticate using a hardware device
-before being allowed to kinit. (Sets the
-.B -requires_hwauth
-clears this flag.
-.B +ok_as_delegate
-sets the OK-AS-DELEGATE flag on tickets issued for use with this principal
-as the service, which clients may use as a hint that credentials can and
-should be delegated when authenticating to the service. (Sets the
-.B -ok_as_delegate
-clears this flag.
-.B -allow_svr
-prohibits the issuance of service tickets for this principal. (Sets the
-.B +allow_svr
-clears this flag.
-.B \-allow_tgs_req
-specifies that a Ticket-Granting Service (TGS) request for a service
-ticket for this principal is not permitted. This option is useless for
-most things.
-.B +allow_tgs_req
-clears this flag. The default is
-.BR +allow_tgs_req .
-In effect,
-.B \-allow_tgs_req
-sets the
-flag on the principal in the database.
-.B \-allow_tix
-forbids the issuance of any tickets for this principal.
-.B +allow_tix
-clears this flag. The default is
-.BR +allow_tix .
-In effect,
-.B \-allow_tix
-sets the
-flag on the principal in the database.
-.B +needchange
-sets a flag in attributes field to force a password change;
-.B \-needchange
-clears it. The default is
-.BR \-needchange .
-In effect,
-.B +needchange
-sets the
-flag on the principal in the database.
-.B +password_changing_service
-sets a flag in the attributes field marking this as a password change
-service principal (useless for most things).
-.B \-password_changing_service
-clears the flag. This flag intentionally has a long name. The default
-.BR \-password_changing_service .
-In effect,
-.B +password_changing_service
-sets the
-flag on the principal in the database.
-.B \-randkey
-sets the key of the principal to a random value
-\fB\-pw\fP \fIpassword\fP
-sets the key of the principal to the specified string and does not
-prompt for a password. Note: using this option in a shell script can
-be dangerous if unauthorized users gain read access to the script.
-\fB\-e\fP \fI"enc:salt ..."\fP
-uses the specified list of enctype\-salttype pairs for setting the key
-of the principal. The quotes are necessary if there are multiple
-enctype\-salttype pairs. This will not function against kadmin
-daemons earlier than krb5\-1.2.
-kadmin: addprinc tlyu/admin
-WARNING: no policy specified for "tlyu/admin@BLEEP.COM";
-defaulting to no policy.
-Enter password for principal tlyu/admin@BLEEP.COM:
-Re-enter password for principal tlyu/admin@BLEEP.COM:
-Principal "tlyu/admin@BLEEP.COM" created.
-kadmin: addprinc \-x dn=cn=mwm_user,o=org mwm_user
-WARNING: no policy specified for "mwm_user@BLEEP.COM";
-defaulting to no policy.
-Enter password for principal mwm_user@BLEEP.COM:
-Re-enter password for principal mwm_user@BLEEP.COM:
-Principal "mwm_user@BLEEP.COM" created.
-KADM5_AUTH_ADD (requires "add" privilege)
-KADM5_BAD_MASK (shouldn't happen)
-KADM5_DUP (principal exists already)
-KADM5_UNK_POLICY (policy does not exist)
-KADM5_PASS_Q_* (password quality violations)
-\fBdelete_principal\fP [\fB-force\fP] \fIprincipal\fP
-deletes the specified principal from the database. This command prompts
-for deletion, unless the
-.B -force
-option is given. This command requires the
-.I delete
-privilege. Aliased
-.BR delprinc.
-kadmin: delprinc mwm_user
-Are you sure you want to delete the principal
-"mwm_user@BLEEP.COM"? (yes/no): yes
-Principal "mwm_user@BLEEP.COM" deleted.
-Make sure that you have removed this principal from
-all ACLs before reusing.
-KADM5_AUTH_DELETE (requires "delete" privilege)
-KADM5_UNK_PRINC (principal does not exist)
-\fBmodify_principal\fP [\fIoptions\fP] \fIprincipal\fP
-modifies the specified principal, changing the fields as specified. The
-options are as above for
-.BR add_principal ,
-except that password changing and flags related to password changing
-are forbidden by this command. In addition, the option
-.B \-clearpolicy
-will clear the current policy of a principal. This command requires the
-.I modify
-privilege. Aliased to
-.BR modprinc .
-\fB\-x\fP \fIdb_princ_args\fP
-Denotes the database specific options. The options for LDAP database are:
-\-x tktpolicy=<policy>
-Associates a ticket policy to the Kerberos principal.
-\-x linkdn=<dn>
-Associates a Kerberos principal with a LDAP object. This option is honored only
-if the Kerberos principal is not already associated with a LDAP object.
-.B \-unlock
-Unlocks a locked principal (one which has received too many failed
-authentication attempts without enough time between them according to
-its password policy) so that it can successfully authenticate.
-KADM5_AUTH_MODIFY (requires "modify" privilege)
-KADM5_UNK_PRINC (principal does not exist)
-KADM5_UNK_POLICY (policy does not exist)
-KADM5_BAD_MASK (shouldn't happen)
-\fBchange_password\fP [\fIoptions\fP] \fIprincipal\fP
-changes the password of
-.IR principal .
-Prompts for a new password if neither
-.B \-randkey
-.B \-pw
-is specified. Requires the
-.I changepw
-privilege, or that the principal that is running the program to be the
-same as the one changed. Aliased to
-.BR cpw .
-The following options are available:
-.B \-randkey
-sets the key of the principal to a random value
-\fB\-pw\fP \fIpassword\fP
-set the password to the specified string. Not recommended.
-\fB\-e\fP \fI"enc:salt ..."\fP
-uses the specified list of enctype\-salttype pairs for setting the key
-of the principal. The quotes are necessary if there are multiple
-enctype\-salttype pairs. This will not function against kadmin
-daemons earlier than krb5\-1.2.
-\fB\-keepold \fP
-Keeps the previous kvno's keys around. This flag is usually not
-necessary except perhaps for TGS keys. Don't use this flag unless you
-know what you're doing. This option is not supported for the LDAP database.
-kadmin: cpw systest
-Enter password for principal systest@BLEEP.COM:
-Re-enter password for principal systest@BLEEP.COM:
-Password for systest@BLEEP.COM changed.
-KADM5_AUTH_MODIFY (requires the modify privilege)
-KADM5_UNK_PRINC (principal does not exist)
-KADM5_PASS_Q_* (password policy violation errors)
-KADM5_PADD_REUSE (password is in principal's password
-KADM5_PASS_TOOSOON (current password minimum life not
-\fBpurgekeys\fP [\fB-keepkvno\fP \fIoldest_kvno_to_keep\fP] \fIprincipal\fP
-purges previously retained old keys (e.g., from
-.B change_password
-.BR -keepold )
-.IR principal .
-.B -keepkvno
-is specified, then only purges keys with kvnos lower than
-.IR oldest_kvno_to_keep .
-\fBget_principal\fP [\fB-terse\fP] \fIprincipal\fP
-gets the attributes of
-.IR principal .
-Requires the
-.I inquire
-privilege, or that the principal that is running the the program to be
-the same as the one being listed. With the
-.B \-terse
-option, outputs fields as quoted tab-separated strings. Alias
-.BR getprinc .
-kadmin: getprinc tlyu/admin
-Principal: tlyu/admin@BLEEP.COM
-Expiration date: [never]
-Last password change: Mon Aug 12 14:16:47 EDT 1996
-Password expiration date: [none]
-Maximum ticket life: 0 days 10:00:00
-Maximum renewable life: 7 days 00:00:00
-Last modified: Mon Aug 12 14:16:47 EDT 1996 (bjaspan/admin@BLEEP.COM)
-Last successful authentication: [never]
-Last failed authentication: [never]
-Failed password attempts: 0
-Number of keys: 2
-Key: vno 1, DES cbc mode with CRC-32, no salt
-Key: vno 1, DES cbc mode with CRC-32, Version 4
-Policy: [none]
-kadmin: getprinc -terse systest
-systest@BLEEP.COM 3 86400 604800 1
-785926535 753241234 785900000
-tlyu/admin@BLEEP.COM 786100034 0 0
-KADM5_AUTH_GET (requires the get (inquire) privilege)
-KADM5_UNK_PRINC (principal does not exist)
-\fBlist_principals\fP [\fIexpression\fP]
-Retrieves all or some principal names.
-.I Expression
-is a shell-style glob expression that can contain the wild-card
-characters \&?, *, and []'s. All principal names matching the
-expression are printed. If no expression is provided, all principal
-names are printed. If the expression does not contain an "@" character,
-an "@" character followed by the local realm is appended to the
-expression. Requires the
-.I list
-privilege. Alias
-.BR listprincs ,
-.BR get_principals ,
-.BR get_princs .
-kadmin: listprincs test*
-\fBget_strings\fP \fIprincipal\fP
-displays string attributes on
-.IR principal .
-String attributes are used to supply per-principal configuration to
-some KDC plugin modules. Alias
-.BR getstrs .
-\fBset_string\fP \fIprincipal\fP \fIkey\fP \fIvalue\fP
-sets a string attribute on
-.IR principal .
-.BR setstr .
-\fBdel_string\fP \fIprincipal\fP \fIkey\fP
-deletes a string attribute from
-.IR principal .
-.BR delstr .
-\fBadd_policy\fP [\fIoptions\fP] \fIpolicy\fP
-adds the named policy to the policy database. Requires the
-.I add
-privilege. Aliased to
-.BR addpol .
-The following options are available:
-\fB\-maxlife\fP \fItime\fP
-sets the maximum lifetime of a password
-\fB\-minlife\fP \fItime\fP
-sets the minimum lifetime of a password
-\fB\-minlength\fP \fIlength\fP
-sets the minimum length of a password
-\fB\-minclasses\fP \fInumber\fP
-sets the minimum number of character classes allowed in a password
-\fB\-history\fP \fInumber\fP
-sets the number of past keys kept for a principal. This option is not supported for LDAP database
-\fB\-maxfailure\fP \fImaxnumber\fP
-sets the maximum number of authentication failures before the
-principal is locked. Authentication failures are only tracked for
-principals which require preauthentication.
-\fB\-failurecountinterval\fP \fIfailuretime\fP
-sets the allowable time between authentication failures. If an
-authentication failure happens after \fIfailuretime\fP has elapsed
-since the previous failure, the number of authentication failures is
-reset to 1. A failure count interval of 0 means forever.
-\fB\-lockoutduration\fP \fIlockouttime\fP
-sets the duration for which the principal is locked from
-authenticating if too many authentication failures occur without the
-specified failure count interval elapsing. A duration of 0 means
-kadmin: add_policy \-maxlife "2 days" \-minlength 5 guests
-KADM5_AUTH_ADD (requires the add privilege)
-KADM5_DUP (policy already exists)
-\fBdelete_policy [\-force]\fP \fIpolicy\fB
-deletes the named policy. Prompts for confirmation before deletion.
-The command will fail if the policy is in use by any principals.
-Requires the
-.I delete
-privilege. Alias
-.BR delpol .
-kadmin: del_policy guests
-Are you sure you want to delete the policy "guests"?
-(yes/no): yes
-KADM5_AUTH_DELETE (requires the delete privilege)
-KADM5_UNK_POLICY (policy does not exist)
-KADM5_POLICY_REF (reference count on policy is not zero)
-\fBmodify_policy\fP [\fIoptions\fP] \fIpolicy\fP
-modifies the named policy. Options are as above for
-.BR add_policy .
-Requires the
-.I modify
-privilege. Alias
-.BR modpol .
-KADM5_AUTH_MODIFY (requires the modify privilege)
-KADM5_UNK_POLICY (policy does not exist)
-\fBget_policy\fP [\fB\-terse\fP] \fIpolicy\fP
-displays the values of the named policy. Requires the
-.I inquire
-privilege. With the
-.B \-terse
-flag, outputs the fields as quoted strings separated by tabs. Alias
-.BR getpol .
-kadmin: get_policy admin
-Policy: admin
-Maximum password life: 180 days 00:00:00
-Minimum password life: 00:00:00
-Minimum password length: 6
-Minimum number of password character classes: 2
-Number of old keys kept: 5
-Reference count: 17
-kadmin: get_policy -terse admin
-admin 15552000 0 6 2 5 17
-KADM5_AUTH_GET (requires the get privilege)
-KADM5_UNK_POLICY (policy does not exist)
-\fBlist_policies\fP [\fIexpression\fP]
-Retrieves all or some policy names.
-.I Expression
-is a shell-style glob expression that can contain the wild-card
-characters \&?, *, and []'s. All policy names matching the expression
-are printed. If no expression is provided, all existing policy names
-are printed. Requires the
-.I list
-privilege. Alias
-.BR listpols ,
-.BR get_policies ,
-.BR getpols .
-kadmin: listpols
-kadmin: listpols t*
-\fBktadd\fP [\fB\-k\fP \fIkeytab\fP] [\fB\-q\fP] [\fB\-e\fP \fIkeysaltlist\fP]
-[\fB\-norandkey\fP] [[\fIprincipal\fP | \fB\-glob\fP \fIprinc-exp\fP] [\fI...\fP]
-Adds a principal or all principals matching
-.I princ-exp
-to a keytab.
-It randomizes each principal's key in the process, to prevent a
-compromised admin account from reading out all of the keys from the
-database. However,
-.B kadmin.local
-has the
-.B \-norandkey
-option, which leaves the keys and their version numbers unchanged,
-similar to the Kerberos V4
-.B ext_srvtab
-That allows users to continue to use the passwords they know
-to login normally, while simultaneously allowing scripts
-to login to the same account using a keytab.
-There is no significant security risk added since
-.B kadmin.local
-must be run by root on the KDC anyway.
-Requires the
-.I inquire
-.I changepw
-privileges. An entry for each of the principal's unique encryption types
-is added, ignoring multiple keys with the same encryption type but
-different salt types. If the
-.B \-k
-argument is not specified, the default keytab
-.I /etc/krb5.keytab
-is used. If the
-.B \-q
-option is specified, less verbose status information is displayed.
-.B -glob
-option requires the
-.I list
-.I princ-exp
-follows the same rules described for the
-.B list_principals
-kadmin: ktadd -k /tmp/foo-new-keytab host/
-Entry for principal host/ with
- kvno 3, encryption type DES-CBC-CRC added to keytab
- WRFILE:/tmp/foo-new-keytab
-\fBktremove\fP [\fB\-k\fP \fIkeytab\fP] [\fB\-q\fP] \fIprincipal\fP [\fIkvno\fP | \fBall\fP | \fBold\fP]
-Removes entries for the specified principal from a keytab. Requires no
-permissions, since this does not require database access. If the string
-"all" is specified, all entries for that principal are removed; if the
-string "old" is specified, all entries for that principal except those
-with the highest kvno are removed. Otherwise, the value specified is
-parsed as an integer, and all entries whose kvno match that integer are
-removed. If the
-.B \-k
-argument is not specified, the default keytab
-.I /etc/krb5.keytab
-is used. If the
-.B \-q
-option is specified, less verbose status information is displayed.
-kadmin: ktremove -k /usr/local/var/krb5kdc/kadmind.keytab kadmin/admin
-Entry for principal kadmin/admin with kvno 3 removed
- from keytab WRFILE:/usr/local/var/krb5kdc/kadmind.keytab.
-.TP "\w'<dbname>.kadm5.lock\ \ 'u"
-default name for Kerberos principal database
-KADM5 administrative database. (This would be "principal.kadm5", if you
-use the default database name.) Contains policy information.
-lock file for the KADM5 administrative database. This file works
-backwards from most other lock files. I.e.,
-.B kadmin
-will exit with an error if this file does
-.I not
-.B Note:
-The above three files are specific to db2 database.
-file containing list of principals and their
-.B kadmin
-administrative privileges. See
-.IR kadmind (8)
-for a description.
-keytab file for
-.I kadmin/admin
-file containing dictionary of strings explicitly disallowed as
-.B kadmin
-program was originally written by Tom Yu at MIT, as an interface to the
-OpenVision Kerberos administration program.
-.IR kerberos (1),
-.IR kpasswd (1),
-.IR kadmind (8)
-Command output needs to be cleaned up.