path: root/source3/script
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source3/script')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source3/script/tests/ b/source3/script/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f40bcc8bc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source3/script/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# The plan is to make a script which will test the behaviour of
+# smbclient tar creation/restoration including its handling of:
+# - the include/exclude list (resp. I and X)
+# - the file list (F)
+# - the regex switch (r) which change the behaviour of F, I and X
+# - "newer than" (N)
+# - tar modes (full, incremental, nosystem, nohidden)
+# - archive bit removal (a)
+# The script will work with samba itself since there's already code
+# doing that (the "selftest" suite) but it could also work on an
+# actual windows box if there's a way or some kind of framework to do
+# some things remotely on it.
+# For each creation (c) test:
+# - setup the environnement (files and their attributes on the server)
+# - fetch according to the test parameters
+# - compare what the tarball contains vs. what's expected
+# For each restoration (x) test:
+# - setup empty environement
+# - restore
+# -aaptel
+use v5.16;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Archive::Tar;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path qw/make_path remove_tree/;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+sub d {print Dumper @_;}
+my $SERVER = $ARGV[0]; # XXX: ignored
+my $IP = $ARGV[1]; # XXX: ignored
+my $USER = $ARGV[2]; # XXX: ignored
+my $PW = $ARGV[3]; # XXX: ignored
+my $LOCALPATH = $ARGV[4];
+my $TMP = $ARGV[5];
+my $BIN = $ARGV[6]; # XXX: valgrind?
+# machine + share to test
+my $SHARE = '//localhost/public';
+# where the share is locally stored
+$LOCALPATH //= '/media/data/smb-test';
+# flags to pass to every smbclient calls
+my @FLAGS = qw/-N/;
+# smbclient binary to use (also look in PATH)
+$BIN //= 'smbclient';
+# temp dir to extract tar files
+$TMP //= '/tmp/smb-tmp';
+my $TAR = "$TMP/tarmode.tar";
+my $DIR = 'tarmode';
+ [\&test_creation_normal],
+ [\&test_creation_incremental, '-g'],
+ [\&test_creation_incremental, 'tarmode inc'],
+# each test must return the number of error
+sub test_creation_normal {
+ say "TEST: creation -- normal files (no attributes)";
+ my %files;
+ my $n = 5;
+ for(1..$n) {
+ my $f = "file-$_";
+ my $md5 = create_file(localpath($f));
+ $files{"./$DIR/$f"} = $md5;
+ set_attr(remotepath($f));
+ }
+ smb_tar('tarmode full', '-Tc', $TAR, $DIR);
+ return check_tar($TAR, \%files);
+sub test_creation_incremental {
+ my ($mode) = @_;
+ say "TEST: creation -- incremental w/ $mode (backup only archived files)";
+ my %files;
+ my $n = 5;
+ for(1..$n) {
+ my $f = "file-$_";
+ my $md5 = create_file(localpath($f));
+ # set achive bit on ~half of them
+ if($_ < $n/2) {
+ $files{"./$DIR/$f"} = $md5;
+ set_attr(remotepath($f), 'a');
+ }
+ }
+ if($mode =~ /inc/) {
+ smb_tar('tarmode inc', '-Tc', $TAR, $DIR);
+ } else {
+ smb_tar('', '-Tcg', $TAR, $DIR);
+ }
+ return check_tar($TAR, \%files);
+sub run_test {
+ for(@_) {
+ my ($f, @args) = @$_;
+ reset_env();
+ my $err = $f->(@args);
+ print_res($err);
+ print "\n";
+ }
+sub print_res {
+ my $err = shift;
+ if($err) {
+ printf " RES: %s%d ERR%s\n", color('bold red'), $err, color 'reset';
+ } else {
+ printf " RES: %sOK%s\n", color('bold green'), color 'reset';
+ }
+sub reset_env {
+ remove_tree($TMP);
+ make_path($TMP, {mode => 0777});
+ remove_tree($LOCALPATH . '/'. $DIR);
+ make_path($LOCALPATH . '/'. $DIR, {mode => 0777});
+sub check_tar {
+ my ($fn, $files) = @_;
+ my %done;
+ my (@less, @more, @diff);
+ for(keys %$files) {
+ $done{$_} = 0;
+ }
+ my $i = Archive::Tar->iter($fn, 1, {md5 => 1});
+ while(my $f = $i->()) {
+ if($f->has_content) {
+ my $p = $f->full_path;
+ # file that shouldn't be there
+ if(!exists $done{$p}) {
+ push @more, $p;
+ say " + $p";
+ next;
+ }
+ # same file multiple times
+ if($done{$p} > 0) {
+ $done{$p}++;
+ push @more, $p;
+ printf " +%3d %s\n", $done{$p}, $p;
+ next;
+ }
+ $done{$p}++;
+ # different file
+ my $md5 = $f->data;
+ if($md5 ne $$files{$p}) {
+ say " ! $p ($md5)";
+ push @diff, $p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # file that should have been in tar
+ @less = grep { $done{$_} == 0 } keys %done;
+ for(@less) {
+ say " - $_";
+ }
+ # summary
+ printf("\t%d files, +%d, -%d, !%d\n",
+ scalar keys %done,
+ scalar @more,
+ scalar @less,
+ scalar @diff);
+ return (@more + @less + @diff); # nb of errors
+sub localpath {
+ my $path = shift;
+ $path = '/'.$path if $path !~ m~^/~;
+ $LOCALPATH . '/' . $DIR . $path;
+sub remotepath {
+ my $path = shift;
+ $path = '/'.$path if $path !~ m~^/~;
+ $DIR . $path;
+# call smbclient and return output
+sub smb_client {
+ my $cmd = sprintf("%s %s %s",
+ quotemeta($BIN),
+ quotemeta($SHARE),
+ join(' ', map {quotemeta} (@FLAGS, @_)));
+ my $out = `$cmd 2>&1`;
+ my $err = $?;
+ # handle abnormal exit
+ if ($err == -1) {
+ print STDERR "failed to execute $cmd: $!\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($err & 127) {
+ printf STDERR "child died with signal %d (%s)\n", ($err & 127), $cmd;
+ }
+ elsif ($err >> 8) {
+ printf STDERR "child exited with value %d (%s)\n", ($err >> 8), $cmd;
+ }
+ if($err) {
+ d($out);
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ #say $cmd;
+ return $out;
+sub smb_cmd {
+ return smb_client('-c', join(' ', @_));
+sub smb_tar {
+ my ($cmd, @rest) = @_;
+ printf " CMD: %s\n ARG: %s\n", $cmd, join(' ', @rest);
+ smb_client((length($cmd) ? ('-c', $cmd) : ()), @rest);
+# return a list of hash of a path on the share
+# TODO: use recurse mode to make less smbclient calls
+sub smb_ls {
+ my $path = shift;
+ my @files;
+ my $out = defined $path && length($path)
+ ? smb_client('-D', $path, '-c', 'ls')
+ : smb_cmd('ls');
+ for(split /\n/, $out) {
+ next if !/^ (.+?)\s+([AHSRDN]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.+)/o;
+ my ($fn, $attr, $size, $date) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ next if $fn =~ /^\.{1,2}$/;
+ push @files, {
+ 'path' => $path,
+ 'fn' => $fn,
+ 'size' => int($size),
+ 'date' => $date,
+ 'attr' => {
+ 'A' => ($attr =~ /A/),
+ 'H' => ($attr =~ /H/),
+ 'S' => ($attr =~ /S/),
+ 'R' => ($attr =~ /R/),
+ 'D' => ($attr =~ /D/),
+ 'N' => ($attr =~ /N/),
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ return @files;
+# recursively list the share and return it
+sub smb_tree {
+ my ($d, $path) = @_;
+ my @files;
+ if(!defined $d) {
+ $d = {'fn' => '', 'attr' => {'D',1}};
+ $path = '';
+ }
+ @files = smb_ls($path);
+ $d->{dir} = [@files];
+ for my $f (@files) {
+ if($f->{attr}{D}) {
+ smb_tree($f, $path.'/'.$f->{fn});
+ }
+ }
+ return $d;
+# print find(1)-like output of the share
+# ex: dump_tree(smb_tree())
+sub dump_tree {
+ my ($t, $path) = @_;
+ $path = '' if(!defined $path);
+ for my $f (@{$t->{dir}}) {
+ if($f->{attr}{D}) {
+ # print final slash on dir
+ print $path.'/'.$f->{fn},"/\n";
+ dump_tree($f, $path.'/'.$f->{fn});
+ } else {
+ print $path.'/'.$f->{fn},"\n";
+ }
+ }
+# create file with random content, return md5 sum
+# ex: create_file('/path/on/disk')
+sub create_file {
+ my $fn = shift;
+ my $buf = '';
+ unlink $fn if -e $fn;
+ my $size = random(512, 1024);
+ open my $out, '>', $fn or die "can't open $fn: $!\n";
+ binmode $out;
+ for(1..$size) {
+ $buf .= pack('C', random(0, 256));
+ }
+ print $out $buf;
+ close $out;
+ chmod 0666;
+ return md5_hex($buf);
+# set DOS attribute of a file
+# remove all attr and add the one provided
+# ex: set_attr('/path/on/share', 'r', 's')
+sub set_attr {
+ my ($fullpath, @flags) = @_;
+ my ($file, $dir) = fileparse($fullpath);
+ smb_client('-D', $dir, '-c', qq{setmode "$file" -rsha});
+ if(@flags) {
+ smb_client('-D', $dir, '-c', qq{setmode "$file" +}.join('', @flags));
+ }
+sub random {
+ my ($min, $max) = @_;
+ ($min, $max) = ($max, $min) if($min > $max);
+ $min + int(rand($max - $min));