path: root/docs/docbook/scripts/fix_print_html.lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/docbook/scripts/fix_print_html.lib')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/docbook/scripts/fix_print_html.lib b/docs/docbook/scripts/fix_print_html.lib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e8a9aaa4c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docbook/scripts/fix_print_html.lib
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# fix_print_html.lib
+# Dan Scott / <dan.scott (at)>
+# Ferg / <gferg (at)>
+# Used to prepare single-file HTML variant for PDF/Postscript creation
+# thru htmldoc.
+# log:
+# 16Oct2000 - initial entry <gferg (at)>
+# 03Apr2001 - fix for <preface>
+sub fix_print_html {
+ my($in,$out,$ttl) = @_;
+ open(IN_FILE, "< $in") || do {
+ print "fix_print_html: cannot open $in: $!\n";
+ return 0;
+ };
+ my($buf,$ttl_buf) = '';
+ my($indx) = -1;
+ my($is_article) = 0;
+ while(<IN_FILE>) {
+ if( $indx == 1 ) {
+ # ignore everything until we see the chapter or sect
+ #
+ if( $_ =~ /CLASS="CHAP/i || $_ =~ /CLASS="PREF/i ) {
+ $buf .= $_;
+ $indx++;
+ } elsif( $_ =~ /CLASS="SECT/ || $_ =~ /CLASS="sect/ ) {
+ $buf .= $_;
+ $indx++;
+ $is_article = 1;
+ } else {
+ next;
+ }
+ } elsif( $indx == 0 ) {
+ # write out the title page file
+ #
+ if( $_ =~ /CLASS="TOC"/ ) {
+ $ttl_buf .= "></DIV>\n</BODY>\n</HTML>\n";
+ $ttl_buf =~ s/<\/H1\n/<\/H1\n><P><BR><BR\n/ms;
+ open(TOC_FILE, "> $ttl") || do {
+ print "fix_print_html: cannot open $ttl: $!\n";
+ close(IN_FILE);
+ return 0;
+ };
+ print TOC_FILE $ttl_buf;
+ close(TOC_FILE);
+ $ttl_buf = '';
+ $indx++;
+ } else {
+ $ttl_buf .= $_;
+ }
+ } elsif( $indx < 0 ) {
+ # up to this point, both buffers get the line
+ #
+ if( $_ =~ /CLASS="TITLEPAGE"/ ) {
+ $ttl_buf .= $_ . ">\n<P>\n<BR><BR><BR><BR>\n<\/P\n";
+ $indx++;
+ } else {
+ $buf .= $_;
+ $ttl_buf .= $_;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $buf .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ close(IN_FILE);
+ open(OUT_FILE, "> $out") || do {
+ print "fix_print_html: cannot open $out: $!\n";
+ return 0;
+ };
+ # make these corrections and write out the file
+ #
+ $buf =~ s/(\n><LI\n)><P\n(.*?)<\/P\n>/$1$2\n/gms;
+ $buf =~ s/(\n><LI\n><DIV\nCLASS="FORMALPARA"\n)><P\n(.*?)<\/P\n>/$1$2\n/gms;
+ $buf =~ s/(\n><LI\nSTYLE="[^\"]+"\n)><P\n(.*?)<\/P\n>/$1$2\n/gms;
+ if( $is_article == 0 ) {
+ $buf =~ s/(\nCLASS="SECT[TION\d]+"\n>)<H1\n(.*?)<\/H1/$1<H2\n$2<\/H2/gims;
+ $buf =~ s/(\nCLASS="SECT[TION\d]+"\n><HR>)<H1\n(.*?)<\/H1/$1<H2\n$2<\/H2/gims;
+ }
+ $buf =~ s/<H1(\nCLASS="INDEXDIV"\n)(.*?)<\/H1/<H2$1$2<\/H2/gims;
+ if( ($indx = rindex($buf, "<H1\n><A\nNAME=\"DOC-INDEX\"")) > -1 ) {
+ $buf = substr($buf, 0, $indx);
+ $buf .= "\n<\/BODY>\n<\/HTML>\n\n";
+ } elsif( ($indx = rindex($buf, "<H1\n><A\nNAME=\"doc-index\"")) > -1 ) {
+ $buf = substr($buf, 0, $indx);
+ $buf .= "\n<\/BODY>\n<\/HTML>\n\n";
+ }
+ $buf =~ s/\&\#13;//g;
+ $buf =~ s/\&\#60;/\&lt;/g;
+ $buf =~ s/\&\#62;/\&gt;/g;
+ $buf =~ s/\&\#8211;/\-/g;
+ $buf =~ s/WIDTH=\"\d\"//g;
+ $buf =~ s/><[\/]*TBODY//g;
+ $buf =~ s/><[\/]*THEAD//g;
+ $buf =~ s/TYPE=\"1\"\n//gim;
+ if( $is_article == 0 ) {
+ # for books...decrement the headers by 1 and then re-set the
+ # chapter level only to H1...
+ #
+ my($cnt,$j) = 0;
+ for($cnt=5; $cnt > 0; $cnt--) {
+ $j = $cnt + 1;
+ $buf =~ s/<H${cnt}/<H${j}/g;
+ $buf =~ s/<\/H${cnt}/<\/H${j}/g;
+ }
+ my(@l) = split(/\n/, $buf);
+ for( $cnt=0; $cnt < (@l + 0); $cnt++ ) {
+ if( $j == 1 ) {
+ if( $l[$cnt] =~ /<DIV/ ) {
+ $j = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ $l[$cnt] =~ s/<H2/<H1/g;
+ $l[$cnt] =~ s/<\/H2/<\/H1/g;
+ }
+ if( $l[$cnt] =~ /^CLASS=\"CHAP/i
+ ||
+ $l[$cnt] =~ /^CLASS=\"PREF/i ) {
+ $j = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $buf = join("\n", @l);
+ }
+ $buf =~ s/><DIV\nCLASS="\w+"\n//gms;
+ $buf =~ s/><\/DIV\n//gms;
+ $buf =~ s/(><LI\n)><P\n(.*?)<\/P\n>(<\/LI\n)/$1$2$3/gms;
+ print OUT_FILE $buf;
+ close(OUT_FILE);
+ return 1;
+# Return true from package include