path: root/ctdb/config/statd-callout
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ctdb/config/statd-callout')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/ctdb/config/statd-callout b/ctdb/config/statd-callout
index cd259c6a293..70665e2b33b 100755
--- a/ctdb/config/statd-callout
+++ b/ctdb/config/statd-callout
@@ -12,103 +12,69 @@
export CTDB_BASE=$(cd -P $(dirname "$0") ; echo "$PWD")
. $CTDB_BASE/functions
+# Overwrite this so we get some logging
+die ()
+ script_log "statd-callout" "$@"
+ exit 1
loadconfig ctdb
loadconfig nfs
-[ -z $NFS_HOSTNAME ] && {
- echo NFS_HOSTNAME is not configured. statd-callout failed.
- exit 0
+[ -n "$NFS_HOSTNAME" ] || \
+ die "NFS_HOSTNAME is not configured. statd-callout failed"
+# A handy newline
case "$1" in
- add-client)
- # the callout does not tell us to which ip the client connected
- # so we must add it to all the ips that we serve
- PNN=`ctdb xpnn | sed -e "s/.*://"`
- ctdb ip -Y | while read LINE; do
- NODE=`echo $LINE | cut -f3 -d:`
- [ "$NODE" = "$PNN" ] || {
- # not us
- continue
- }
- IP=`echo $LINE | cut -f2 -d:`
- mkdir -p $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP
- touch $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP/$2
- done
+ add-client)
+ # statd does not tell us to which IP the client connected so
+ # we must add it to all the IPs that we serve
+ cip="$2"
+ pnn=$(ctdb xpnn | sed -e 's/.*://')
+ date=$(date '+%s')
+ ctdb ip -Y |
+ tail -n +2 | {
+ # This all needs to be in the end of the pipe so it
+ # doesn't get lost
+ items=""
+ while IFS=":" read x sip node x ; do
+ [ "$node" = "$pnn" ] || continue # not us
+ key="statd-state@${sip}@${cip}"
+ item="\"${key}\" \"${date}\""
+ items="${items}${items:+${nl}}${item}"
+ done
+ if ! echo "$items" | ctdb ptrans "ctdb.tdb" ; then
+ die "Failed to add clients"
+ fi
+ }
- # the callout does not tell us to which ip the client disconnected
- # so we must remove it from all the ips that we serve
- PNN=`ctdb xpnn | sed -e "s/.*://"`
- ctdb ip -Y | while read LINE; do
- NODE=`echo $LINE | cut -f3 -d:`
- [ "$NODE" = "$PNN" ] || {
- # not us
- continue
- }
- IP=`echo $LINE | cut -f2 -d:`
- mkdir -p $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP
- rm -f $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP/$2
- done
- ;;
- updatelocal)
- # For all IPs we serve, collect info and push to the config database
- PNN=`ctdb xpnn | sed -e "s/.*://"`
- ctdb ip -Y | tail -n +2 | while read LINE; do
- NODE=`echo $LINE | cut -f3 -d:`
- [ "$NODE" = "$PNN" ] || {
- continue
- }
- IP=`echo $LINE | cut -f2 -d:`
- mkdir -p $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP
- rm -f $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP.tar
- tar cfP $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP.tar $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP
- rm -f $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP.rec
- ctdb pfetch ctdb.tdb statd-state:$IP $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP.rec 2>/dev/null
- [ "$?" = "0" ] || {
- # something went wrong, try storing this data
- echo No record. Store STATD state data for $IP
- ctdb pstore ctdb.tdb statd-state:$IP $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP.tar 2>/dev/null
- continue
- }
- cmp $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP.tar $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP.rec >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- [ "$?" = "0" ] || {
- # something went wrong, try storing this data
- echo Updated record. Store STATD state data for $IP
- ctdb pstore ctdb.tdb statd-state:$IP $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP.tar 2>/dev/null
- continue
- }
- done
+ # statd does not tell us from which IP the client disconnected
+ # so we must add it to all the IPs that we serve
+ cip="$2"
+ pnn=$(ctdb xpnn | sed -e 's/.*://')
+ ctdb ip -Y |
+ tail -n +2 | {
+ # This all needs to be in the end of the pipe so it
+ # doesn't get lost
+ items=""
+ while IFS=":" read x sip node x ; do
+ [ "$node" = "$pnn" ] || continue # not us
+ key="statd-state@${sip}@${cip}"
+ item="\"${key}\" \"\""
+ items="${items}${items:+${nl}}${item}"
+ done
+ if ! echo "$items" | ctdb ptrans "ctdb.tdb" ; then
+ die "Failed to delete clients"
+ fi
+ }
- updateremote)
- # For all IPs we dont serve, pull the state from the database
- PNN=`ctdb xpnn | sed -e "s/.*://"`
- ctdb ip -Y | tail -n +2 | while read LINE; do
- NODE=`echo $LINE | cut -f3 -d:`
- [ "$NODE" = "$PNN" ] && {
- continue
- }
- IP=`echo $LINE | cut -f2 -d:`
- mkdir -p $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP
- rm -f $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP.rec
- ctdb pfetch ctdb.tdb statd-state:$IP $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP.rec 2>/dev/null
- [ "$?" = "0" ] || {
- continue
- }
- rm -f $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP/*
- tar xfP $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP.rec
- done
- ;;
- notify)
+ notify)
# we must restart the lockmanager (on all nodes) so that we get
# a clusterwide grace period (so other clients dont take out
# conflicting locks through other nodes before all locks have been
@@ -131,8 +97,7 @@ case "$1" in
# We use epoch and hope the nodes are close enough in clock.
# Even numbers mean service is shut down, odd numbers mean
# service is started.
- STATE=$(( $(date '+%s') / 2 * 2))
+ state_even=$(( $(date '+%s') / 2 * 2))
# we must also let some time pass between stopping and restarting the
# lockmanager since othervise there is a window where the lockmanager
@@ -174,22 +139,44 @@ case "$1" in
# probability that the client will accept the statd notify packet and
# not just ignore it.
# For all IPs we serve, collect info and push to the config database
- PNN=`ctdb xpnn | sed -e "s/.*://"`
- ctdb ip -Y | tail -n +2 | while read LINE; do
- NODE=`echo $LINE | cut -f3 -d:`
- [ "$NODE" = "$PNN" ] || {
- continue
- }
- IP=`echo $LINE | cut -f2 -d:`
- ls $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP | while read CLIENT; do
- rm $CTDB_VARDIR/state/statd/ip/$IP/$CLIENT
- smnotify --client=$CLIENT --ip=$IP --server=$ip --stateval=$STATE
- smnotify --client=$CLIENT --ip=$IP --server=$NFS_HOSTNAME --stateval=$STATE
- STATE=$(($STATE + 1))
- smnotify --client=$CLIENT --ip=$IP --server=$ip --stateval=$STATE
- smnotify --client=$CLIENT --ip=$IP --server=$NFS_HOSTNAME --stateval=$STATE
- done
+ pnn=$(ctdb xpnn | sed -e 's/.*://')
+ # Construct a sed expression to take catdb output and produce pairs of:
+ # server-IP client-IP
+ # but only for the server-IPs that are hosted on this node.
+ sed_expr=$(ctdb ip | tail -n +2 |
+ awk -v pnn=$pnn 'pnn == $2 { printf "s/^key.*=.*statd-state@\\(%s\\)@\\([^\"]*\\).*/\\1 \\2/p\n", gensub(/\./, "\\\\.", "g", $1) }')
+ statd_state=$(ctdb catdb ctdb.tdb | sed -n "$sed_expr" | sort)
+ # The following is dangerous if this script times out before
+ # all of the smnotify commands are run. Revert to individual
+ # pdelete commands for now and consider optimising smnotify to
+ # read all the data from stdin and then run it in the
+ # background.
+ #
+ # Delete all the items from the TDB
+ #if ! echo "$statd_state" | \
+ # awk '{ printf "\"statd-state@%s@%s\" \"\"\n", $1, $2 }') | \
+ # ctdb ptrans ctdb.tdb ; then
+ # die "Yikes!"
+ #fi
+ prev=""
+ echo "$statd_state" |
+ while read sip cip ; do
+ # Delete the entry from the DB
+ ctdb pdelete ctdb.tdb "statd-state@${sip}@${cip}"
+ # Reset stateval for each serverip
+ [ "$sip" = "$prev" ] || stateval="$state_even"
+ # Send notifies for server shutdown
+ smnotify --client=$cip --ip=$sip --server=$sip --stateval=$stateval
+ smnotify --client=$cip --ip=$sip --server=$NFS_HOSTNAME --stateval=$stateval
+ # Send notifies for server startup
+ stateval=$(($stateval + 1))
+ smnotify --client=$cip --ip=$sip --server=$sip --stateval=$stateval
+ smnotify --client=$cip --ip=$sip --server=$NFS_HOSTNAME --stateval=$stateval