path: root/source
diff options
authorJeremy Allison <>2005-12-06 23:09:01 +0000
committerGerald (Jerry) Carter <>2007-10-10 11:05:45 -0500
commit32380002e44766669b28621e62a0b74652b1798f (patch)
treec3d35f3cd4efbf93aa8e9808ba8c7d46ff2a3bff /source
parenta342681792724c1ae8561ba8d352c4ee6e2a5332 (diff)
r12110: We're using a tdb-based wins backend now. Thanks to the
ubiqx code, which has served us well for many a year.. "Well done, thou good and faithful servant". Jeremy.
Diffstat (limited to 'source')
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 5705 deletions
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/COPYING.LIB b/source/ubiqx/COPYING.LIB
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c8377da464..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/COPYING.LIB
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-[This is the first released version of the library GPL. It is
- numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.]
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
-free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
- This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some
-specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any
-other libraries whose authors decide to use it. You can use it for
-your libraries, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if
-you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
-or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
-you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
-code. If you link a program with the library, you must provide
-complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
-with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
-it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
- Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright
-the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal
-permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
- Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-library. If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original
-version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on
-the original authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free
-software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect
-transforming the program into proprietary software. To prevent this,
-we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
-free use or not licensed at all.
- Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary
-GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs. This
-license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain
-designated libraries. This license is quite different from the ordinary
-one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is
-the same as in the ordinary license.
- The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that
-they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a
-program and simply using it. Linking a program with a library, without
-changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is
-analogous to running a utility program or application program. However, in
-a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a
-derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License
-treats it as such.
- Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General
-Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software
-sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries. We
-concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better.
- However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the
-users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the
-libraries themselves. This Library General Public License is intended to
-permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while
-preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free
-libraries that are incorporated in them. (We have not seen how to achieve
-this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards
-changes in the actual functions of the Library.) The hope is that this
-will lead to faster development of free libraries.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
-"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
-former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only
-works together with the library.
- Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary
-General Public License rather than by this special one.
- 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which
-contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized
-party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library
-General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is
-addressed as "you".
- A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
-prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
-(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
- The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
-which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
-Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
-copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
-portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
-included without limitation in the term "modification".)
- "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
-interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
-and installation of the library.
- Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
-such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
-on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
-writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
-and what the program that uses the Library does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
-complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
-you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
-appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
-all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
-warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
- You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
-and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
- b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
- charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
- d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
- table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
- the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
- is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
- in the event an application does not supply such function or
- table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
- its purpose remains meaningful.
- (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
- a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
- application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
- application-supplied function or table used by this function must
- be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
- root function must still compute square roots.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Library.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
-with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
-License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
-this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
-that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
-instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
-ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
-that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
-these notices.
- Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
-that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
-subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
- This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
-the Library into a program that is not a library.
- 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
-derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
-under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
-it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
-must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
-medium customarily used for software interchange.
- If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
-from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
-distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
-Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
-linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
-work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
-therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
- However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
-creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
-contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
-library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
-Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
- When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
-that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
-derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
-Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
-linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
-threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
- If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
-structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
-functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
-file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
-work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
-Library will still fall under Section 6.)
- Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
-distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
-Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
-whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
- 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or
-link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
-work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
-under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
-modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
-engineering for debugging such modifications.
- You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
-Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
-this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
-during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
-copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
-directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
-of these things:
- a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
- machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
- changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
- Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
- with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
- uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
- user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
- executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
- that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
- Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
- to use the modified definitions.)
- b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
- least three years, to give the same user the materials
- specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
- than the cost of performing this distribution.
- c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
- from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
- specified materials from the same place.
- d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
- materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
- For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
-Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
-reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
-the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally
-distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
-components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
-which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
-the executable.
- It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
-restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
-accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
-use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
- 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
-Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
-facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
-library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
-the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
-permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
- a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
- based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
- facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
- Sections above.
- b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
- that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
- where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
- 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
-the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
-attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
-distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
-rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
-terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
- 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Library or works based on it.
- 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
-subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
-and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
-an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
-so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
-excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
-written in the body of this License.
- 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
-versions of the Library General Public License from time to time.
-Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
-but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
-"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
-conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
-the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
-license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
-the Free Software Foundation.
- 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
-write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
-copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
-Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
-decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
-and reuse of software generally.
- Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
- If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
-everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting
-redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
-ordinary General Public License).
- To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is
-safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
-"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
- library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/README.UBI b/source/ubiqx/README.UBI
deleted file mode 100644
index a2c14ca62c9..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/README.UBI
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Fri Apr 17 10:21:56 CDT 1998
-The C code files in the samba/source/ubiqx directory are licensed under
-the terms of the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (LGPL). A copy of the
-LGPL should also be included in this directory under the name COPYING.LIB.
-If this file is not present, you can obtain a copy of the LGPL by writing
-to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139,
-The versions of the ubiqx modules distributed with Samba may have been
-modified for inclusion with Samba. The main distribution, which contains
-additional available modules, can be found at:
-Chris Hertel
-Samba Team
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/debugparse.c b/source/ubiqx/debugparse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c5fe3e2ee85..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/debugparse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * debugparse.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * This module is a very simple parser for Samba debug log files.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * The important function in this module is dbg_char2token(). The rest is
- * basically fluff. (Potentially useful fluff, but still fluff.)
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#include "debugparse.h"
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Constants...
- *
- * DBG_BSIZE - This internal constant is used only by dbg_test(). It is the
- * size of the read buffer. I've tested the function using a
- * DBG_BSIZE value of 2.
- */
-#define DBG_BSIZE 128
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Functions...
- */
-const char *dbg_token2string( dbg_Token tok )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given a token, return a string describing the token.
- *
- * Input: tok - One of the set of dbg_Tokens defined in debugparse.h.
- *
- * Output: A string identifying the token. This is useful for debugging,
- * etc.
- *
- * Note: If the token is not known, this function will return the
- * string "<unknown>".
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- switch( tok )
- {
- case dbg_null:
- return( "null" );
- case dbg_ignore:
- return( "ignore" );
- case dbg_header:
- return( "header" );
- case dbg_timestamp:
- return( "time stamp" );
- case dbg_level:
- return( "level" );
- case dbg_sourcefile:
- return( "source file" );
- case dbg_function:
- return( "function" );
- case dbg_lineno:
- return( "line number" );
- case dbg_message:
- return( "message" );
- case dbg_eof:
- return( "[EOF]" );
- }
- return( "<unknown>" );
- } /* dbg_token2string */
-dbg_Token dbg_char2token( dbg_Token *state, int c )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Parse input one character at a time.
- *
- * Input: state - A pointer to a token variable. This is used to
- * maintain the parser state between calls. For
- * each input stream, you should set up a separate
- * state variable and initialize it to dbg_null.
- * Pass a pointer to it into this function with each
- * character in the input stream. See dbg_test()
- * for an example.
- * c - The "current" character in the input stream.
- *
- * Output: A token.
- * The token value will change when delimiters are found,
- * which indicate a transition between syntactical objects.
- * Possible return values are:
- *
- * dbg_null - The input character was an end-of-line.
- * This resets the parser to its initial state
- * in preparation for parsing the next line.
- * dbg_eof - Same as dbg_null, except that the character
- * was an end-of-file.
- * dbg_ignore - Returned for whitespace and delimiters.
- * These lexical tokens are only of interest
- * to the parser.
- * dbg_header - Indicates the start of a header line. The
- * input character was '[' and was the first on
- * the line.
- * dbg_timestamp - Indicates that the input character was part
- * of a header timestamp.
- * dbg_level - Indicates that the input character was part
- * of the debug-level value in the header.
- * dbg_sourcefile - Indicates that the input character was part
- * of the sourcefile name in the header.
- * dbg_function - Indicates that the input character was part
- * of the function name in the header.
- * dbg_lineno - Indicates that the input character was part
- * of the DEBUG call line number in the header.
- * dbg_message - Indicates that the input character was part
- * of the DEBUG message text.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- /* The terminating characters that we see will greatly depend upon
- * how they are read. For example, if gets() is used instead of
- * fgets(), then we will not see newline characters. A lot also
- * depends on the calling function, which may handle terminators
- * itself.
- *
- * '\n', '\0', and EOF are all considered line terminators. The
- * dbg_eof token is sent back if an EOF is encountered.
- *
- * Warning: only allow the '\0' character to be sent if you are
- * using gets() to read whole lines (thus replacing '\n'
- * with '\0'). Sending '\0' at the wrong time will mess
- * up the parsing.
- */
- switch( c )
- {
- case EOF:
- *state = dbg_null; /* Set state to null (initial state) so */
- return( dbg_eof ); /* that we can restart with new input. */
- case '\n':
- case '\0':
- *state = dbg_null; /* A newline or eoln resets to the null state. */
- return( dbg_null );
- }
- /* When within the body of the message, only a line terminator
- * can cause a change of state. We've already checked for line
- * terminators, so if the current state is dbg_msgtxt, simply
- * return that as our current token.
- */
- if( dbg_message == *state )
- return( dbg_message );
- /* If we are at the start of a new line, and the input character
- * is an opening bracket, then the line is a header line, otherwise
- * it's a message body line.
- */
- if( dbg_null == *state )
- {
- if( '[' == c )
- {
- *state = dbg_timestamp;
- return( dbg_header );
- }
- *state = dbg_message;
- return( dbg_message );
- }
- /* We've taken care of terminators, text blocks and new lines.
- * The remaining possibilities are all within the header line
- * itself.
- */
- /* Within the header line, whitespace can be ignored *except*
- * within the timestamp.
- */
- if( isspace( c ) )
- {
- /* Fudge. The timestamp may contain space characters. */
- if( (' ' == c) && (dbg_timestamp == *state) )
- return( dbg_timestamp );
- /* Otherwise, ignore whitespace. */
- return( dbg_ignore );
- }
- /* Okay, at this point we know we're somewhere in the header.
- * Valid header *states* are: dbg_timestamp, dbg_level,
- * dbg_sourcefile, dbg_function, and dbg_lineno.
- */
- switch( c )
- {
- case ',':
- if( dbg_timestamp == *state )
- {
- *state = dbg_level;
- return( dbg_ignore );
- }
- break;
- case ']':
- if( dbg_level == *state )
- {
- *state = dbg_sourcefile;
- return( dbg_ignore );
- }
- break;
- case ':':
- if( dbg_sourcefile == *state )
- {
- *state = dbg_function;
- return( dbg_ignore );
- }
- break;
- case '(':
- if( dbg_function == *state )
- {
- *state = dbg_lineno;
- return( dbg_ignore );
- }
- break;
- case ')':
- if( dbg_lineno == *state )
- {
- *state = dbg_null;
- return( dbg_ignore );
- }
- break;
- }
- /* If the previous block did not result in a state change, then
- * return the current state as the current token.
- */
- return( *state );
- } /* dbg_char2token */
-void dbg_test( void )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Simple test function.
- *
- * Input: none.
- * Output: none.
- * Notes: This function was used to test dbg_char2token(). It reads a
- * Samba log file from stdin and prints parsing info to stdout.
- * It also serves as a simple example.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- char bufr[DBG_BSIZE];
- int i;
- int linecount = 1;
- dbg_Token old = dbg_null,
- newtok= dbg_null,
- state = dbg_null;
- while( fgets( bufr, DBG_BSIZE, stdin ) )
- {
- for( i = 0; bufr[i]; i++ )
- {
- old = newtok;
- newtok = dbg_char2token( &state, bufr[i] );
- switch( newtok )
- {
- case dbg_header:
- if( linecount > 1 )
- (void)putchar( '\n' );
- break;
- case dbg_null:
- linecount++;
- break;
- case dbg_ignore:
- break;
- default:
- if( old != newtok )
- (void)printf( "\n[%05d]%12s: ", linecount, dbg_token2string(newtok) );
- (void)putchar( bufr[i] );
- }
- }
- }
- (void)putchar( '\n' );
- } /* dbg_test */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * This simple main line can be uncommented and used to test the parser.
- */
- * int main( void )
- * {
- * dbg_test();
- * return( 0 );
- * }
- */
-/* ========================================================================== */
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/debugparse.h b/source/ubiqx/debugparse.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 458eee74558..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/debugparse.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * debugparse.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * This module is a very simple parser for Samba debug log files.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * The important function in this module is dbg_char2token(). The rest is
- * basically fluff. (Potentially useful fluff, but still fluff.)
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#include "sys_include.h"
-/* This module compiles quite nicely outside of the Samba environment.
- * You'll need the following headers:
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
- */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * These are the tokens returned by dbg_char2token().
- */
-typedef enum
- {
- dbg_null = 0,
- dbg_ignore,
- dbg_header,
- dbg_timestamp,
- dbg_level,
- dbg_sourcefile,
- dbg_function,
- dbg_lineno,
- dbg_message,
- dbg_eof
- } dbg_Token;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Function prototypes...
- */
- const char *dbg_token2string( dbg_Token tok );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given a token, return a string describing the token.
- *
- * Input: tok - One of the set of dbg_Tokens defined in debugparse.h.
- *
- * Output: A string identifying the token. This is useful for debugging,
- * etc.
- *
- * Note: If the token is not known, this function will return the
- * string "<unknown>".
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- dbg_Token dbg_char2token( dbg_Token *state, int c );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Parse input one character at a time.
- *
- * Input: state - A pointer to a token variable. This is used to
- * maintain the parser state between calls. For
- * each input stream, you should set up a separate
- * state variable and initialize it to dbg_null.
- * Pass a pointer to it into this function with each
- * character in the input stream. See dbg_test()
- * for an example.
- * c - The "current" character in the input stream.
- *
- * Output: A token.
- * The token value will change when delimiters are found,
- * which indicate a transition between syntactical objects.
- * Possible return values are:
- *
- * dbg_null - The input character was an end-of-line.
- * This resets the parser to its initial state
- * in preparation for parsing the next line.
- * dbg_eof - Same as dbg_null, except that the character
- * was an end-of-file.
- * dbg_ignore - Returned for whitespace and delimiters.
- * These lexical tokens are only of interest
- * to the parser.
- * dbg_header - Indicates the start of a header line. The
- * input character was '[' and was the first on
- * the line.
- * dbg_timestamp - Indicates that the input character was part
- * of a header timestamp.
- * dbg_level - Indicates that the input character was part
- * of the debug-level value in the header.
- * dbg_sourcefile - Indicates that the input character was part
- * of the sourcefile name in the header.
- * dbg_function - Indicates that the input character was part
- * of the function name in the header.
- * dbg_lineno - Indicates that the input character was part
- * of the DEBUG call line number in the header.
- * dbg_message - Indicates that the input character was part
- * of the DEBUG message text.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#endif /* DEBUGPARSE_H */
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/sys_include.h b/source/ubiqx/sys_include.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff270afe85..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/sys_include.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef SYS_INCLUDE_H
-#define SYS_INCLUDE_H
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * sys_include.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * This header provides system declarations and data types used internally
- * by the ubiqx modules.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * Samba version of sys_include.h
- *
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#ifndef _INCLUDES_H
-/* Block the inclusion of some Samba headers so that ubiqx types won't be
- * used before the headers that define them. These headers are not needed
- * in the ubiqx modules anyway.
- */
-#define _PROTO_H_
-#define _NAMESERV_H_
-#define _HASH_H_
-/* The main Samba system-adaptive header file.
- */
-#include "includes.h"
-#endif /* _INCLUDES_H */
-/* ================================ The End ================================= */
-#endif /* SYS_INCLUDE_H */
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/ubi_BinTree.c b/source/ubiqx/ubi_BinTree.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e452ac10dc2..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/ubi_BinTree.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1172 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * ubi_BinTree.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991-1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This module implements a simple binary tree.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * Log: ubi_BinTree.c,v
- * Revision 4.12 2004/06/06 04:51:56 crh
- * Fixed a small typo in ubi_BinTree.c (leftover testing cruft).
- * Did a small amount of formatting touchup to ubi_BinTree.h.
- *
- * Revision 4.11 2004/06/06 03:14:09 crh
- * Rewrote the ubi_btLeafNode() function. It now takes several paths in an
- * effort to find a deeper leaf node. There is a small amount of extra
- * overhead, but it is limited.
- *
- * Revision 4.10 2000/06/06 20:38:40 crh
- * In the ReplaceNode() function, the old node header was being copied
- * to the new node header using a byte-by-byte copy. This was causing
- * the 'insure' software testing program to report a memory leak. The
- * fix was to do a simple assignement: *newnode = *oldnode;
- * This quieted the (errant) memory leak reports and is probably a bit
- * faster than the bytewise copy.
- *
- * Revision 4.9 2000/01/08 23:24:30 crh
- * Clarified a variety of if( pointer ) lines, replacing them with
- * if( NULL != pointer ). This is more correct, and I have heard
- * of at least one (obscure?) system out there that uses a non-zero
- * value for NULL.
- * Also, speed improvement in Neighbor(). It was comparing pointers
- * when it could have compared two gender values. The pointer
- * comparison was somewhat indirect (does pointer equal the pointer
- * of the parent of the node pointed to by pointer). Urq.
- *
- * Revision 4.8 1999/09/22 03:40:30 crh
- * Modified ubi_btTraverse() and ubi_btKillTree(). They now return an
- * unsigned long indicating the number of nodes processed. The change
- * is subtle. An empty tree formerly returned False, and now returns
- * zero.
- *
- * Revision 4.7 1998/10/21 06:14:42 crh
- * Fixed bugs in FirstOf() and LastOf() reported by Massimo Campostrini.
- * See function comments.
- *
- * Revision 4.6 1998/07/25 17:02:10 crh
- * Added the ubi_trNewTree() macro.
- *
- * Revision 4.5 1998/06/04 21:29:27 crh
- * Upper-cased defined constants (eg UBI_BINTREE_H) in some header files.
- * This is more "standard", and is what people expect. Weird, eh?
- *
- * Revision 4.4 1998/06/03 17:42:46 crh
- * Further fiddling with sys_include.h. It's now in ubi_BinTree.h which is
- * included by all of the binary tree files.
- *
- * Reminder: Some of the ubi_tr* macros in ubi_BinTree.h are redefined in
- * ubi_AVLtree.h and ubi_SplayTree.h. This allows easy swapping
- * of tree types by simply changing a header. Unfortunately, the
- * macro redefinitions in ubi_AVLtree.h and ubi_SplayTree.h will
- * conflict if used together. You must either choose a single tree
- * type, or use the underlying function calls directly. Compare
- * the two header files for more information.
- *
- * Revision 4.3 1998/06/02 01:28:43 crh
- * Changed ubi_null.h to sys_include.h to make it more generic.
- *
- * Revision 4.2 1998/05/20 04:32:36 crh
- * The C file now includes ubi_null.h. See ubi_null.h for more info.
- * Also, the balance and gender fields of the node were declared as
- * signed char. As I understand it, at least one SunOS or Solaris
- * compiler doesn't like "signed char". The declarations were
- * wrong anyway, so I changed them to simple "char".
- *
- * Revision 4.1 1998/03/31 06:11:57 crh
- * Thomas Aglassinger sent E'mail pointing out errors in the
- * dereferencing of function pointers, and a missing typecast.
- * Thanks, Thomas!
- *
- * Revision 4.0 1998/03/10 03:19:22 crh
- * Added the AVL field 'balance' to the ubi_btNode structure. This means
- * that all BinTree modules now use the same basic node structure, which
- * greatly simplifies the AVL module.
- * Decided that this was a big enough change to justify a new major revision
- * number. 3.0 was an error, so we're at 4.0.
- *
- * Revision 2.6 1998/01/24 06:27:46 crh
- * Added ubi_trCount() macro.
- *
- * Revision 2.5 1997/12/23 03:56:29 crh
- * In this version, all constants & macros defined in the header file have
- * the ubi_tr prefix. Also cleaned up anything that gcc complained about
- * when run with '-pedantic -fsyntax-only -Wall'.
- *
- * Revision 2.4 1997/07/26 04:11:10 crh
- * + Just to be annoying I changed ubi_TRUE and ubi_FALSE to ubi_trTRUE
- * and ubi_trFALSE.
- * + There is now a type ubi_trBool to go with ubi_trTRUE and ubi_trFALSE.
- * + There used to be something called "ubi_TypeDefs.h". I got rid of it.
- * + Added function ubi_btLeafNode().
- *
- * Revision 2.3 1997/06/03 05:16:17 crh
- * Changed TRUE and FALSE to ubi_TRUE and ubi_FALSE to avoid conflicts.
- * Also changed the interface to function InitTree(). See the comments
- * for this function for more information.
- *
- * Revision 2.2 1995/10/03 22:00:07 CRH
- * Ubisized!
- *
- * Revision 2.1 95/03/09 23:37:10 CRH
- * Added the ModuleID static string and function. These modules are now
- * self-identifying.
- *
- * Revision 2.0 95/02/27 22:00:17 CRH
- * Revision 2.0 of this program includes the following changes:
- *
- * 1) A fix to a major typo in the RepaceNode() function.
- * 2) The addition of the static function Border().
- * 3) The addition of the public functions FirstOf() and LastOf(), which
- * use Border(). These functions are used with trees that allow
- * duplicate keys.
- * 4) A complete rewrite of the Locate() function. Locate() now accepts
- * a "comparison" operator.
- * 5) Overall enhancements to both code and comments.
- *
- * I decided to give this a new major rev number because the interface has
- * changed. In particular, there are two new functions, and changes to the
- * Locate() function.
- *
- * Revision 1.0 93/10/15 22:44:59 CRH
- * With this revision, I have added a set of #define's that provide a single,
- * standard API to all existing tree modules. Until now, each of the three
- * existing modules had a different function and typedef prefix, as follows:
- *
- * Module Prefix
- * ubi_BinTree ubi_bt
- * ubi_AVLtree ubi_avl
- * ubi_SplayTree ubi_spt
- *
- * To further complicate matters, only those portions of the base module
- * (ubi_BinTree) that were superceeded in the new module had the new names.
- * For example, if you were using ubi_SplayTree, the locate function was
- * called "ubi_sptLocate", but the next and previous functions remained
- * "ubi_btNext" and "ubi_btPrev".
- *
- * This was not too terrible if you were familiar with the modules and knew
- * exactly which tree model you wanted to use. If you wanted to be able to
- * change modules (for speed comparisons, etc), things could get messy very
- * quickly.
- *
- * So, I have added a set of defined names that get redefined in any of the
- * descendant modules. To use this standardized interface in your code,
- * simply replace all occurances of "ubi_bt", "ubi_avl", and "ubi_spt" with
- * "ubi_tr". The "ubi_tr" names will resolve to the correct function or
- * datatype names for the module that you are using. Just remember to
- * include the header for that module in your program file. Because these
- * names are handled by the preprocessor, there is no added run-time
- * overhead.
- *
- * Note that the original names do still exist, and can be used if you wish
- * to write code directly to a specific module. This should probably only be
- * done if you are planning to implement a new descendant type, such as
- * red/black trees. CRH
- *
- * V0.0 - June, 1991 - Written by Christopher R. Hertel (CRH).
- *
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#include "ubi_BinTree.h" /* Header for this module. */
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Static data.
- */
-static char ModuleID[] = "ubi_BinTree\n\
-\tRevision: 4.12\n\
-\tDate: 2004/06/06 04:51:56\n\
-\tAuthor: crh\n";
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Internal (private) functions.
- */
-static ubi_btNodePtr qFind( ubi_btCompFunc cmp,
- ubi_btItemPtr FindMe,
- register ubi_btNodePtr p )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function performs a non-recursive search of a tree for a node
- * matching a specific key. It is called "qFind()" because it is
- * faster that TreeFind (below).
- *
- * Input:
- * cmp - a pointer to the tree's comparison function.
- * FindMe - a pointer to the key value for which to search.
- * p - a pointer to the starting point of the search. <p>
- * is considered to be the root of a subtree, and only
- * the subtree will be searched.
- *
- * Output:
- * A pointer to a node with a key that matches the key indicated by
- * FindMe, or NULL if no such node was found.
- *
- * Note: In a tree that allows duplicates, the pointer returned *might
- * not* point to the (sequentially) first occurance of the
- * desired key.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- int tmp;
- while( (NULL != p)
- && ((tmp = ubi_trAbNormal( (*cmp)(FindMe, p) )) != ubi_trEQUAL) )
- p = p->Link[tmp];
- return( p );
- } /* qFind */
-static ubi_btNodePtr TreeFind( ubi_btItemPtr findme,
- ubi_btNodePtr p,
- ubi_btNodePtr *parentp,
- char *gender,
- ubi_btCompFunc CmpFunc )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * TreeFind() searches a tree for a given value (findme). It will return a
- * pointer to the target node, if found, or NULL if the target node was not
- * found.
- *
- * TreeFind() also returns, via parameters, a pointer to the parent of the
- * target node, and a LEFT or RIGHT value indicating which child of the
- * parent is the target node. *If the target is not found*, then these
- * values indicate the place at which the target *should be found*. This
- * is useful when inserting a new node into a tree or searching for nodes
- * "near" the target node.
- *
- * The parameters are:
- *
- * findme - is a pointer to the key information to be searched for.
- * p - points to the root of the tree to be searched.
- * parentp - will return a pointer to a pointer to the !parent! of the
- * target node, which can be especially usefull if the target
- * was not found.
- * gender - returns LEFT or RIGHT to indicate which child of *parentp
- * was last searched.
- * CmpFunc - points to the comparison function.
- *
- * This function is called by ubi_btLocate() and ubi_btInsert().
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- register ubi_btNodePtr tmp_p = p;
- ubi_btNodePtr tmp_pp = NULL;
- char tmp_gender = ubi_trEQUAL;
- int tmp_cmp;
- while( (NULL != tmp_p)
- && (ubi_trEQUAL != (tmp_cmp = ubi_trAbNormal((*CmpFunc)(findme, tmp_p)))) )
- {
- tmp_pp = tmp_p; /* Keep track of previous node. */
- tmp_gender = (char)tmp_cmp; /* Keep track of sex of child. */
- tmp_p = tmp_p->Link[tmp_cmp]; /* Go to child. */
- }
- *parentp = tmp_pp; /* Return results. */
- *gender = tmp_gender;
- return( tmp_p );
- } /* TreeFind */
-static void ReplaceNode( ubi_btNodePtr *parent,
- ubi_btNodePtr oldnode,
- ubi_btNodePtr newnode )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Remove node oldnode from the tree, replacing it with node newnode.
- *
- * Input:
- * parent - A pointer to he parent pointer of the node to be
- * replaced. <parent> may point to the Link[] field of
- * a parent node, or it may indicate the root pointer at
- * the top of the tree.
- * oldnode - A pointer to the node that is to be replaced.
- * newnode - A pointer to the node that is to be installed in the
- * place of <*oldnode>.
- *
- * Notes: Don't forget to free oldnode.
- * Also, this function used to have a really nasty typo
- * bug. "oldnode" and "newnode" were swapped in the line
- * that now reads:
- * ((unsigned char *)newnode)[i] = ((unsigned char *)oldnode)[i];
- * Bleah!
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- *newnode = *oldnode; /* Copy node internals to new node. */
- (*parent) = newnode; /* Old node's parent points to new child. */
- /* Now tell the children about their new step-parent. */
- if( oldnode->Link[ubi_trLEFT] )
- (oldnode->Link[ubi_trLEFT])->Link[ubi_trPARENT] = newnode;
- if( oldnode->Link[ubi_trRIGHT] )
- (oldnode->Link[ubi_trRIGHT])->Link[ubi_trPARENT] = newnode;
- } /* ReplaceNode */
-static void SwapNodes( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr Node1,
- ubi_btNodePtr Node2 )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function swaps two nodes in the tree. Node1 will take the place of
- * Node2, and Node2 will fill in the space left vacant by Node 1.
- *
- * Input:
- * RootPtr - pointer to the tree header structure for this tree.
- * Node1 - \
- * > These are the two nodes which are to be swapped.
- * Node2 - /
- *
- * Notes:
- * This function does a three step swap, using a dummy node as a place
- * holder. This function is used by ubi_btRemove().
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_btNodePtr *Parent;
- ubi_btNode dummy;
- ubi_btNodePtr dummy_p = &dummy;
- /* Replace Node 1 with the dummy, thus removing Node1 from the tree. */
- if( NULL != Node1->Link[ubi_trPARENT] )
- Parent = &((Node1->Link[ubi_trPARENT])->Link[(int)(Node1->gender)]);
- else
- Parent = &(RootPtr->root);
- ReplaceNode( Parent, Node1, dummy_p );
- /* Swap Node 1 with Node 2, placing Node 1 back into the tree. */
- if( NULL != Node2->Link[ubi_trPARENT] )
- Parent = &((Node2->Link[ubi_trPARENT])->Link[(int)(Node2->gender)]);
- else
- Parent = &(RootPtr->root);
- ReplaceNode( Parent, Node2, Node1 );
- /* Swap Node 2 and the dummy, thus placing Node 2 back into the tree. */
- if( NULL != dummy_p->Link[ubi_trPARENT] )
- Parent = &((dummy_p->Link[ubi_trPARENT])->Link[(int)(dummy_p->gender)]);
- else
- Parent = &(RootPtr->root);
- ReplaceNode( Parent, dummy_p, Node2 );
- } /* SwapNodes */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * These routines allow you to walk through the tree, forwards or backwards.
- */
-static ubi_btNodePtr SubSlide( register ubi_btNodePtr P,
- register int whichway )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Slide down the side of a subtree.
- *
- * Given a starting node, this function returns a pointer to the LEFT-, or
- * RIGHT-most descendent, *or* (if whichway is PARENT) to the tree root.
- *
- * Input: P - a pointer to a starting place.
- * whichway - the direction (LEFT, RIGHT, or PARENT) in which to
- * travel.
- * Output: A pointer to a node that is either the root, or has no
- * whichway-th child but is within the subtree of P. Note that
- * the return value may be the same as P. The return value *will
- * be* NULL if P is NULL.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- if( NULL != P )
- while( NULL != P->Link[ whichway ] )
- P = P->Link[ whichway ];
- return( P );
- } /* SubSlide */
-static ubi_btNodePtr Neighbor( register ubi_btNodePtr P,
- register int whichway )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given starting point p, return the (key order) next or preceeding node
- * in the tree.
- *
- * Input: P - Pointer to our starting place node.
- * whichway - the direction in which to travel to find the
- * neighbor, i.e., the RIGHT neighbor or the LEFT
- * neighbor.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the neighboring node, or NULL if P was NULL.
- *
- * Notes: If whichway is PARENT, the results are unpredictable.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- if( P )
- {
- if( NULL != P->Link[ whichway ] )
- return( SubSlide( P->Link[ whichway ], (char)ubi_trRevWay(whichway) ) );
- else
- while( NULL != P->Link[ ubi_trPARENT ] )
- {
- if( whichway == P->gender )
- P = P->Link[ ubi_trPARENT ];
- else
- return( P->Link[ ubi_trPARENT ] );
- }
- }
- return( NULL );
- } /* Neighbor */
-static ubi_btNodePtr Border( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr FindMe,
- ubi_btNodePtr p,
- int whichway )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given starting point p, which has a key value equal to *FindMe, locate
- * the first (index order) node with the same key value.
- *
- * This function is useful in trees that have can have duplicate keys.
- * For example, consider the following tree:
- * Tree Traversal
- * 2 If <p> points to the root and <whichway> is RIGHT, 3
- * / \ then the return value will be a pointer to the / \
- * 2 2 RIGHT child of the root node. The tree on 2 5
- * / / \ the right shows the order of traversal. / / \
- * 1 2 3 1 4 6
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - Pointer to the tree root structure.
- * FindMe - Key value for comparisons.
- * p - Pointer to the starting-point node.
- * whichway - the direction in which to travel to find the
- * neighbor, i.e., the RIGHT neighbor or the LEFT
- * neighbor.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the first (index, or "traversal", order) node with
- * a Key value that matches *FindMe.
- *
- * Notes: If whichway is PARENT, or if the tree does not allow duplicate
- * keys, this function will return <p>.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- register ubi_btNodePtr q;
- /* Exit if there's nothing that can be done. */
- if( !ubi_trDups_OK( RootPtr ) || (ubi_trPARENT == whichway) )
- return( p );
- /* First, if needed, move up the tree. We need to get to the root of the
- * subtree that contains all of the matching nodes.
- */
- q = p->Link[ubi_trPARENT];
- while( (NULL != q)
- && (ubi_trEQUAL == ubi_trAbNormal( (*(RootPtr->cmp))(FindMe, q) )) )
- {
- p = q;
- q = p->Link[ubi_trPARENT];
- }
- /* Next, move back down in the "whichway" direction. */
- q = p->Link[whichway];
- while( NULL != q )
- {
- q = qFind( RootPtr->cmp, FindMe, q );
- if( q )
- {
- p = q;
- q = p->Link[whichway];
- }
- }
- return( p );
- } /* Border */
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Exported utilities.
- */
-long ubi_btSgn( register long x )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Return the sign of x; {negative,zero,positive} ==> {-1, 0, 1}.
- *
- * Input: x - a signed long integer value.
- *
- * Output: the "sign" of x, represented as follows:
- * -1 == negative
- * 0 == zero (no sign)
- * 1 == positive
- *
- * Note: This utility is provided in order to facilitate the conversion
- * of C comparison function return values into BinTree direction
- * values: {LEFT, PARENT, EQUAL}. It is INCORPORATED into the
- * ubi_trAbNormal() conversion macro!
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- return( (x)?((x>0)?(1):(-1)):(0) );
- } /* ubi_btSgn */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btInitNode( ubi_btNodePtr NodePtr )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Initialize a tree node.
- *
- * Input: a pointer to a ubi_btNode structure to be initialized.
- * Output: a pointer to the initialized ubi_btNode structure (ie. the
- * same as the input pointer).
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- NodePtr->Link[ ubi_trLEFT ] = NULL;
- NodePtr->Link[ ubi_trPARENT ] = NULL;
- NodePtr->Link[ ubi_trRIGHT ] = NULL;
- NodePtr->gender = ubi_trEQUAL;
- NodePtr->balance = ubi_trEQUAL;
- return( NodePtr );
- } /* ubi_btInitNode */
-ubi_btRootPtr ubi_btInitTree( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btCompFunc CompFunc,
- char Flags )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Initialize the fields of a Tree Root header structure.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - a pointer to an ubi_btRoot structure to be
- * initialized.
- * CompFunc - a pointer to a comparison function that will be used
- * whenever nodes in the tree must be compared against
- * outside values.
- * Flags - One bytes worth of flags. Flags include
- * ubi_trOVERWRITE and ubi_trDUPKEY. See the header
- * file for more info.
- *
- * Output: a pointer to the initialized ubi_btRoot structure (ie. the
- * same value as RootPtr).
- *
- * Note: The interface to this function has changed from that of
- * previous versions. The <Flags> parameter replaces two
- * boolean parameters that had the same basic effect.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- if( RootPtr )
- {
- RootPtr->root = NULL;
- RootPtr->count = 0L;
- RootPtr->cmp = CompFunc;
- RootPtr->flags = (Flags & ubi_trDUPKEY) ? ubi_trDUPKEY : Flags;
- } /* There are only two supported flags, and they are
- * mutually exclusive. ubi_trDUPKEY takes precedence
- * over ubi_trOVERWRITE.
- */
- return( RootPtr );
- } /* ubi_btInitTree */
-ubi_trBool ubi_btInsert( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr NewNode,
- ubi_btItemPtr ItemPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr *OldNode )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function uses a non-recursive algorithm to add a new element to the
- * tree.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - a pointer to the ubi_btRoot structure that indicates
- * the root of the tree to which NewNode is to be added.
- * NewNode - a pointer to an ubi_btNode structure that is NOT
- * part of any tree.
- * ItemPtr - A pointer to the sort key that is stored within
- * *NewNode. ItemPtr MUST point to information stored
- * in *NewNode or an EXACT DUPLICATE. The key data
- * indicated by ItemPtr is used to place the new node
- * into the tree.
- * OldNode - a pointer to an ubi_btNodePtr. When searching
- * the tree, a duplicate node may be found. If
- * duplicates are allowed, then the new node will
- * be simply placed into the tree. If duplicates
- * are not allowed, however, then one of two things
- * may happen.
- * 1) if overwritting *is not* allowed, this
- * function will return FALSE (indicating that
- * the new node could not be inserted), and
- * *OldNode will point to the duplicate that is
- * still in the tree.
- * 2) if overwritting *is* allowed, then this
- * function will swap **OldNode for *NewNode.
- * In this case, *OldNode will point to the node
- * that was removed (thus allowing you to free
- * the node).
- * ** If you are using overwrite mode, ALWAYS **
- * ** check the return value of this parameter! **
- * Note: You may pass NULL in this parameter, the
- * function knows how to cope. If you do this,
- * however, there will be no way to return a
- * pointer to an old (ie. replaced) node (which is
- * a problem if you are using overwrite mode).
- *
- * Output: a boolean value indicating success or failure. The function
- * will return FALSE if the node could not be added to the tree.
- * Such failure will only occur if duplicates are not allowed,
- * nodes cannot be overwritten, AND a duplicate key was found
- * within the tree.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_btNodePtr OtherP,
- parent = NULL;
- char tmp;
- if( NULL == OldNode ) /* If they didn't give us a pointer, supply our own. */
- OldNode = &OtherP;
- (void)ubi_btInitNode( NewNode ); /* Init the new node's BinTree fields. */
- /* Find a place for the new node. */
- *OldNode = TreeFind(ItemPtr, (RootPtr->root), &parent, &tmp, (RootPtr->cmp));
- /* Now add the node to the tree... */
- if( NULL == (*OldNode) ) /* The easy one: we have a space for a new node! */
- {
- if( NULL == parent )
- RootPtr->root = NewNode;
- else
- {
- parent->Link[(int)tmp] = NewNode;
- NewNode->Link[ubi_trPARENT] = parent;
- NewNode->gender = tmp;
- }
- (RootPtr->count)++;
- return( ubi_trTRUE );
- }
- /* If we reach this point, we know that a duplicate node exists. This
- * section adds the node to the tree if duplicate keys are allowed.
- */
- if( ubi_trDups_OK(RootPtr) ) /* Key exists, add duplicate */
- {
- ubi_btNodePtr q;
- tmp = ubi_trRIGHT;
- q = (*OldNode);
- *OldNode = NULL;
- while( NULL != q )
- {
- parent = q;
- if( tmp == ubi_trEQUAL )
- tmp = ubi_trRIGHT;
- q = q->Link[(int)tmp];
- if ( q )
- tmp = ubi_trAbNormal( (*(RootPtr->cmp))(ItemPtr, q) );
- }
- parent->Link[(int)tmp] = NewNode;
- NewNode->Link[ubi_trPARENT] = parent;
- NewNode->gender = tmp;
- (RootPtr->count)++;
- return( ubi_trTRUE );
- }
- /* If we get to *this* point, we know that we are not allowed to have
- * duplicate nodes, but our node keys match, so... may we replace the
- * old one?
- */
- if( ubi_trOvwt_OK(RootPtr) ) /* Key exists, we replace */
- {
- if( NULL == parent )
- ReplaceNode( &(RootPtr->root), *OldNode, NewNode );
- else
- ReplaceNode( &(parent->Link[(int)((*OldNode)->gender)]),
- *OldNode, NewNode );
- return( ubi_trTRUE );
- }
- return( ubi_trFALSE ); /* Failure: could not replace an existing node. */
- } /* ubi_btInsert */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btRemove( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr DeadNode )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function removes the indicated node from the tree.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - A pointer to the header of the tree that contains
- * the node to be removed.
- * DeadNode - A pointer to the node that will be removed.
- *
- * Output: This function returns a pointer to the node that was removed
- * from the tree (ie. the same as DeadNode).
- *
- * Note: The node MUST be in the tree indicated by RootPtr. If not,
- * strange and evil things will happen to your trees.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_btNodePtr p,
- *parentp;
- int tmp;
- /* if the node has both left and right subtrees, then we have to swap
- * it with another node. The other node we choose will be the Prev()ious
- * node, which is garunteed to have no RIGHT child.
- */
- if( (NULL != DeadNode->Link[ubi_trLEFT])
- && (NULL != DeadNode->Link[ubi_trRIGHT]) )
- SwapNodes( RootPtr, DeadNode, ubi_btPrev( DeadNode ) );
- /* The parent of the node to be deleted may be another node, or it may be
- * the root of the tree. Since we're not sure, it's best just to have
- * a pointer to the parent pointer, whatever it is.
- */
- if( NULL == DeadNode->Link[ubi_trPARENT] )
- parentp = &( RootPtr->root );
- else
- parentp = &((DeadNode->Link[ubi_trPARENT])->Link[(int)(DeadNode->gender)]);
- /* Now link the parent to the only grand-child and patch up the gender. */
- tmp = ((DeadNode->Link[ubi_trLEFT])?ubi_trLEFT:ubi_trRIGHT);
- p = (DeadNode->Link[tmp]);
- if( NULL != p )
- {
- p->Link[ubi_trPARENT] = DeadNode->Link[ubi_trPARENT];
- p->gender = DeadNode->gender;
- }
- (*parentp) = p;
- /* Finished, reduce the node count and return. */
- (RootPtr->count)--;
- return( DeadNode );
- } /* ubi_btRemove */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btLocate( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr FindMe,
- ubi_trCompOps CompOp )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * The purpose of ubi_btLocate() is to find a node or set of nodes given
- * a target value and a "comparison operator". The Locate() function is
- * more flexible and (in the case of trees that may contain dupicate keys)
- * more precise than the ubi_btFind() function. The latter is faster,
- * but it only searches for exact matches and, if the tree contains
- * duplicates, Find() may return a pointer to any one of the duplicate-
- * keyed records.
- *
- * Input:
- * RootPtr - A pointer to the header of the tree to be searched.
- * FindMe - An ubi_btItemPtr that indicates the key for which to
- * search.
- * CompOp - One of the following:
- * CompOp Return a pointer to the node with
- * ------ ---------------------------------
- * ubi_trLT - the last key value that is less
- * than FindMe.
- * ubi_trLE - the first key matching FindMe, or
- * the last key that is less than
- * FindMe.
- * ubi_trEQ - the first key matching FindMe.
- * ubi_trGE - the first key matching FindMe, or the
- * first key greater than FindMe.
- * ubi_trGT - the first key greater than FindMe.
- * Output:
- * A pointer to the node matching the criteria listed above under
- * CompOp, or NULL if no node matched the criteria.
- *
- * Notes:
- * In the case of trees with duplicate keys, Locate() will behave as
- * follows:
- *
- * Find: 3 Find: 3
- * Keys: 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 Keys: 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 6
- * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
- *
- * That is, when returning a pointer to a node with a key that is LESS
- * THAN the target key (FindMe), Locate() will return a pointer to the
- * LAST matching node.
- * When returning a pointer to a node with a key that is GREATER
- * THAN the target key (FindMe), Locate() will return a pointer to the
- * FIRST matching node.
- *
- * See Also: ubi_btFind(), ubi_btFirstOf(), ubi_btLastOf().
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- register ubi_btNodePtr p;
- ubi_btNodePtr parent;
- char whichkid;
- /* Start by searching for a matching node. */
- p = TreeFind( FindMe,
- RootPtr->root,
- &parent,
- &whichkid,
- RootPtr->cmp );
- if( NULL != p ) /* If we have found a match, we can resolve as follows: */
- {
- switch( CompOp )
- {
- case ubi_trLT: /* It's just a jump to the left... */
- p = Border( RootPtr, FindMe, p, ubi_trLEFT );
- return( Neighbor( p, ubi_trLEFT ) );
- case ubi_trGT: /* ...and then a jump to the right. */
- p = Border( RootPtr, FindMe, p, ubi_trRIGHT );
- return( Neighbor( p, ubi_trRIGHT ) );
- default:
- p = Border( RootPtr, FindMe, p, ubi_trLEFT );
- return( p );
- }
- }
- /* Else, no match. */
- if( ubi_trEQ == CompOp ) /* If we were looking for an exact match... */
- return( NULL ); /* ...forget it. */
- /* We can still return a valid result for GT, GE, LE, and LT.
- * <parent> points to a node with a value that is either just before or
- * just after the target value.
- * Remaining possibilities are LT and GT (including LE & GE).
- */
- if( (ubi_trLT == CompOp) || (ubi_trLE == CompOp) )
- return( (ubi_trLEFT == whichkid) ? Neighbor( parent, whichkid ) : parent );
- else
- return( (ubi_trRIGHT == whichkid) ? Neighbor( parent, whichkid ) : parent );
- } /* ubi_btLocate */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btFind( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr FindMe )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function performs a non-recursive search of a tree for any node
- * matching a specific key.
- *
- * Input:
- * RootPtr - a pointer to the header of the tree to be searched.
- * FindMe - a pointer to the key value for which to search.
- *
- * Output:
- * A pointer to a node with a key that matches the key indicated by
- * FindMe, or NULL if no such node was found.
- *
- * Note: In a tree that allows duplicates, the pointer returned *might
- * not* point to the (sequentially) first occurance of the
- * desired key. In such a tree, it may be more useful to use
- * ubi_btLocate().
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- return( qFind( RootPtr->cmp, FindMe, RootPtr->root ) );
- } /* ubi_btFind */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btNext( ubi_btNodePtr P )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given the node indicated by P, find the (sorted order) Next node in the
- * tree.
- * Input: P - a pointer to a node that exists in a binary tree.
- * Output: A pointer to the "next" node in the tree, or NULL if P pointed
- * to the "last" node in the tree or was NULL.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- return( Neighbor( P, ubi_trRIGHT ) );
- } /* ubi_btNext */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btPrev( ubi_btNodePtr P )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given the node indicated by P, find the (sorted order) Previous node in
- * the tree.
- * Input: P - a pointer to a node that exists in a binary tree.
- * Output: A pointer to the "previous" node in the tree, or NULL if P
- * pointed to the "first" node in the tree or was NULL.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- return( Neighbor( P, ubi_trLEFT ) );
- } /* ubi_btPrev */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btFirst( ubi_btNodePtr P )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given the node indicated by P, find the (sorted order) First node in the
- * subtree of which *P is the root.
- * Input: P - a pointer to a node that exists in a binary tree.
- * Output: A pointer to the "first" node in a subtree that has *P as its
- * root. This function will return NULL only if P is NULL.
- * Note: In general, you will be passing in the value of the root field
- * of an ubi_btRoot structure.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- return( SubSlide( P, ubi_trLEFT ) );
- } /* ubi_btFirst */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btLast( ubi_btNodePtr P )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given the node indicated by P, find the (sorted order) Last node in the
- * subtree of which *P is the root.
- * Input: P - a pointer to a node that exists in a binary tree.
- * Output: A pointer to the "last" node in a subtree that has *P as its
- * root. This function will return NULL only if P is NULL.
- * Note: In general, you will be passing in the value of the root field
- * of an ubi_btRoot structure.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- return( SubSlide( P, ubi_trRIGHT ) );
- } /* ubi_btLast */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btFirstOf( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr MatchMe,
- ubi_btNodePtr p )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given a tree that a allows duplicate keys, and a pointer to a node in
- * the tree, this function will return a pointer to the first (traversal
- * order) node with the same key value.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - A pointer to the root of the tree.
- * MatchMe - A pointer to the key value. This should probably
- * point to the key within node *p.
- * p - A pointer to a node in the tree.
- * Output: A pointer to the first node in the set of nodes with keys
- * matching <FindMe>.
- * Notes: Node *p MUST be in the set of nodes with keys matching
- * <FindMe>. If not, this function will return NULL.
- *
- * 4.7: Bug found & fixed by Massimo Campostrini,
- * Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Pisa.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- /* If our starting point is invalid, return NULL. */
- if( (NULL == p)
- || (ubi_trEQUAL != ubi_trAbNormal( (*(RootPtr->cmp))( MatchMe, p ) )) )
- return( NULL );
- return( Border( RootPtr, MatchMe, p, ubi_trLEFT ) );
- } /* ubi_btFirstOf */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btLastOf( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr MatchMe,
- ubi_btNodePtr p )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given a tree that a allows duplicate keys, and a pointer to a node in
- * the tree, this function will return a pointer to the last (traversal
- * order) node with the same key value.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - A pointer to the root of the tree.
- * MatchMe - A pointer to the key value. This should probably
- * point to the key within node *p.
- * p - A pointer to a node in the tree.
- * Output: A pointer to the last node in the set of nodes with keys
- * matching <FindMe>.
- * Notes: Node *p MUST be in the set of nodes with keys matching
- * <FindMe>. If not, this function will return NULL.
- *
- * 4.7: Bug found & fixed by Massimo Campostrini,
- * Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Pisa.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- /* If our starting point is invalid, return NULL. */
- if( (NULL != p)
- || (ubi_trEQUAL != ubi_trAbNormal( (*(RootPtr->cmp))( MatchMe, p ) )) )
- return( NULL );
- return( Border( RootPtr, MatchMe, p, ubi_trRIGHT ) );
- } /* ubi_btLastOf */
-unsigned long ubi_btTraverse( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btActionRtn EachNode,
- void *UserData )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Traverse a tree in sorted order (non-recursively). At each node, call
- * (*EachNode)(), passing a pointer to the current node, and UserData as the
- * second parameter.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - a pointer to an ubi_btRoot structure that indicates
- * the tree to be traversed.
- * EachNode - a pointer to a function to be called at each node
- * as the node is visited.
- * UserData - a generic pointer that may point to anything that
- * you choose.
- *
- * Output: A count of the number of nodes visited. This will be zero
- * if the tree is empty.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_btNodePtr p = ubi_btFirst( RootPtr->root );
- unsigned long count = 0;
- while( NULL != p )
- {
- (*EachNode)( p, UserData );
- count++;
- p = ubi_btNext( p );
- }
- return( count );
- } /* ubi_btTraverse */
-unsigned long ubi_btKillTree( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btKillNodeRtn FreeNode )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Delete an entire tree (non-recursively) and reinitialize the ubi_btRoot
- * structure. Return a count of the number of nodes deleted.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - a pointer to an ubi_btRoot structure that indicates
- * the root of the tree to delete.
- * FreeNode - a function that will be called for each node in the
- * tree to deallocate the memory used by the node.
- *
- * Output: The number of nodes removed from the tree.
- * A value of 0 will be returned if:
- * - The tree actually contains 0 entries.
- * - the value of <RootPtr> is NULL, in which case the tree is
- * assumed to be empty
- * - the value of <FreeNode> is NULL, in which case entries
- * cannot be removed, so 0 is returned. *Make sure that you
- * provide a valid value for <FreeNode>*.
- * In all other cases, you should get a positive value equal to
- * the value of RootPtr->count upon entry.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_btNodePtr p, q;
- unsigned long count = 0;
- if( (NULL == RootPtr) || (NULL == FreeNode) )
- return( 0 );
- p = ubi_btFirst( RootPtr->root );
- while( NULL != p )
- {
- q = p;
- while( q->Link[ubi_trRIGHT] )
- q = SubSlide( q->Link[ubi_trRIGHT], ubi_trLEFT );
- p = q->Link[ubi_trPARENT];
- if( NULL != p )
- p->Link[ ((p->Link[ubi_trLEFT] == q)?ubi_trLEFT:ubi_trRIGHT) ] = NULL;
- (*FreeNode)((void *)q);
- count++;
- }
- /* overkill... */
- (void)ubi_btInitTree( RootPtr,
- RootPtr->cmp,
- RootPtr->flags );
- return( count );
- } /* ubi_btKillTree */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btLeafNode( ubi_btNodePtr leader )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Returns a pointer to a leaf node.
- *
- * Input: leader - Pointer to a node at which to start the descent.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to a leaf node, selected in a somewhat arbitrary
- * manner but with an effort to dig deep.
- *
- * Notes: I wrote this function because I was using splay trees as a
- * database cache. The cache had a maximum size on it, and I
- * needed a way of choosing a node to sacrifice if the cache
- * became full. In a splay tree, less recently accessed nodes
- * tend toward the bottom of the tree, meaning that leaf nodes
- * are good candidates for removal. (I really can't think of
- * any other reason to use this function.)
- * + In a simple binary tree, or in an AVL tree, the most recently
- * added nodes tend to be nearer the bottom, making this a *bad*
- * way to choose which node to remove from the cache.
- * + Randomizing the traversal order is probably a good idea. You
- * can improve the randomization of leaf node selection by passing
- * in pointers to nodes other than the root node each time. A
- * pointer to any node in the tree will do. Of course, if you
- * pass a pointer to a leaf node you'll get the same thing back.
- * + In an unbalanced splay tree, if you simply traverse downward
- * until you hit a leaf node it is possible to accidentally
- * stumble onto a short path. The result will be a leaf node
- * that is actually very high in the tree--possibly a very
- * recently accessed node. Not good. This function can follow
- * multiple paths in an effort to find a leaf node deeper
- * in the tree. Following a single path, of course, is the
- * fastest way to find a leaf node. A complete traversal would
- * be sure to find the deepest leaf but would be very costly in
- * terms of time. This function uses a compromise that has
- * worked well in testing.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- #define MAXPATHS 4 /* Set higher for more maximum paths, lower for fewer. */
- ubi_trNodePtr p[MAXPATHS];
- ubi_trNodePtr q[MAXPATHS];
- int whichway = ubi_trLEFT;
- int paths;
- int i, j;
- /* If the subtree is empty, return NULL.
- */
- if( NULL == leader )
- return( NULL );
- /* Initialize the p[] array with a pointer to the single node we've been
- * given as a starting point.
- */
- p[0] = leader;
- paths = 1;
- while( paths > 0 )
- {
- for( i = 0; i < paths; i++ )
- q[i] = p[i];
- for( i = j = 0; (i < paths) && (j < MAXPATHS); i++ )
- {
- if( NULL != q[i]->Link[whichway] )
- p[j++] = q[i]->Link[whichway];
- whichway = ubi_trRevWay( whichway );
- if( (j < MAXPATHS) && (NULL != q[i]->Link[whichway]) )
- p[j++] = q[i]->Link[whichway];
- }
- paths = j;
- }
- return( q[0] );
- } /* ubi_btLeafNode */
-int ubi_btModuleID( int size, char *list[] )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Returns a set of strings that identify the module.
- *
- * Input: size - The number of elements in the array <list>.
- * list - An array of pointers of type (char *). This array
- * should, initially, be empty. This function will fill
- * in the array with pointers to strings.
- * Output: The number of elements of <list> that were used. If this value
- * is less than <size>, the values of the remaining elements are
- * not guaranteed.
- *
- * Notes: Please keep in mind that the pointers returned indicate strings
- * stored in static memory. Don't free() them, don't write over
- * them, etc. Just read them.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- if( size > 0 )
- {
- list[0] = ModuleID;
- if( size > 1 )
- list[1] = NULL;
- return( 1 );
- }
- return( 0 );
- } /* ubi_btModuleID */
-/* ========================================================================== */
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/ubi_BinTree.h b/source/ubiqx/ubi_BinTree.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 43ca1a98716..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/ubi_BinTree.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,887 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef UBI_BINTREE_H
-#define UBI_BINTREE_H
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * ubi_BinTree.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991-1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This module implements a simple binary tree.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * Log: ubi_BinTree.h,v
- * Revision 4.12 2004/06/06 04:51:56 crh
- * Fixed a small typo in ubi_BinTree.c (leftover testing cruft).
- * Did a small amount of formatting touchup to ubi_BinTree.h.
- *
- * Revision 4.11 2004/06/06 03:14:09 crh
- * Rewrote the ubi_btLeafNode() function. It now takes several paths in an
- * effort to find a deeper leaf node. There is a small amount of extra
- * overhead, but it is limited.
- *
- * Revision 4.10 2000/06/06 20:38:40 crh
- * In the ReplaceNode() function, the old node header was being copied
- * to the new node header using a byte-by-byte copy. This was causing
- * the 'insure' software testing program to report a memory leak. The
- * fix was to do a simple assignement: *newnode = *oldnode;
- * This quieted the (errant) memory leak reports and is probably a bit
- * faster than the bytewise copy.
- *
- * Revision 4.9 2000/01/08 23:24:30 crh
- * Clarified a variety of if( pointer ) lines, replacing them with
- * if( NULL != pointer ). This is more correct, and I have heard
- * of at least one (obscure?) system out there that uses a non-zero
- * value for NULL.
- * Also, speed improvement in Neighbor(). It was comparing pointers
- * when it could have compared two gender values. The pointer
- * comparison was somewhat indirect (does pointer equal the pointer
- * of the parent of the node pointed to by pointer). Urq.
- *
- * Revision 4.8 1999/09/22 03:40:30 crh
- * Modified ubi_btTraverse() and ubi_btKillTree(). They now return an
- * unsigned long indicating the number of nodes processed. The change
- * is subtle. An empty tree formerly returned False, and now returns
- * zero.
- *
- * Revision 4.7 1998/10/21 06:15:07 crh
- * Fixed bugs in FirstOf() and LastOf() reported by Massimo Campostrini.
- * See function comments.
- *
- * Revision 4.6 1998/07/25 17:02:10 crh
- * Added the ubi_trNewTree() macro.
- *
- * Revision 4.5 1998/06/04 21:29:27 crh
- * Upper-cased defined constants (eg UBI_BINTREE_H) in some header files.
- * This is more "standard", and is what people expect. Weird, eh?
- *
- * Revision 4.4 1998/06/03 17:42:46 crh
- * Further fiddling with sys_include.h. It's now in ubi_BinTree.h which is
- * included by all of the binary tree files.
- *
- * Reminder: Some of the ubi_tr* macros in ubi_BinTree.h are redefined in
- * ubi_AVLtree.h and ubi_SplayTree.h. This allows easy swapping
- * of tree types by simply changing a header. Unfortunately, the
- * macro redefinitions in ubi_AVLtree.h and ubi_SplayTree.h will
- * conflict if used together. You must either choose a single tree
- * type, or use the underlying function calls directly. Compare
- * the two header files for more information.
- *
- * Revision 4.3 1998/06/02 01:28:43 crh
- * Changed ubi_null.h to sys_include.h to make it more generic.
- *
- * Revision 4.2 1998/05/20 04:32:36 crh
- * The C file now includes ubi_null.h. See ubi_null.h for more info.
- * Also, the balance and gender fields of the node were declared as
- * signed char. As I understand it, at least one SunOS or Solaris
- * compiler doesn't like "signed char". The declarations were
- * wrong anyway, so I changed them to simple "char".
- *
- * Revision 4.1 1998/03/31 06:13:47 crh
- * Thomas Aglassinger sent E'mail pointing out errors in the
- * dereferencing of function pointers, and a missing typecast.
- * Thanks, Thomas!
- *
- * Revision 4.0 1998/03/10 03:16:04 crh
- * Added the AVL field 'balance' to the ubi_btNode structure. This means
- * that all BinTree modules now use the same basic node structure, which
- * greatly simplifies the AVL module.
- * Decided that this was a big enough change to justify a new major revision
- * number. 3.0 was an error, so we're at 4.0.
- *
- * Revision 2.6 1998/01/24 06:27:30 crh
- * Added ubi_trCount() macro.
- *
- * Revision 2.5 1997/12/23 03:59:21 crh
- * In this version, all constants & macros defined in the header file have
- * the ubi_tr prefix. Also cleaned up anything that gcc complained about
- * when run with '-pedantic -fsyntax-only -Wall'.
- *
- * Revision 2.4 1997/07/26 04:11:14 crh
- * + Just to be annoying I changed ubi_TRUE and ubi_FALSE to ubi_trTRUE
- * and ubi_trFALSE.
- * + There is now a type ubi_trBool to go with ubi_trTRUE and ubi_trFALSE.
- * + There used to be something called "ubi_TypeDefs.h". I got rid of it.
- * + Added function ubi_btLeafNode().
- *
- * Revision 2.3 1997/06/03 05:15:27 crh
- * Changed TRUE and FALSE to ubi_TRUE and ubi_FALSE to avoid conflicts.
- * Also changed the interface to function InitTree(). See the comments
- * for this function for more information.
- *
- * Revision 2.2 1995/10/03 22:00:40 CRH
- * Ubisized!
- *
- * Revision 2.1 95/03/09 23:43:46 CRH
- * Added the ModuleID static string and function. These modules are now
- * self-identifying.
- *
- * Revision 2.0 95/02/27 22:00:33 CRH
- * Revision 2.0 of this program includes the following changes:
- *
- * 1) A fix to a major typo in the RepaceNode() function.
- * 2) The addition of the static function Border().
- * 3) The addition of the public functions FirstOf() and LastOf(), which
- * use Border(). These functions are used with trees that allow
- * duplicate keys.
- * 4) A complete rewrite of the Locate() function. Locate() now accepts
- * a "comparison" operator.
- * 5) Overall enhancements to both code and comments.
- *
- * I decided to give this a new major rev number because the interface has
- * changed. In particular, there are two new functions, and changes to the
- * Locate() function.
- *
- * Revision 1.0 93/10/15 22:55:04 CRH
- * With this revision, I have added a set of #define's that provide a single,
- * standard API to all existing tree modules. Until now, each of the three
- * existing modules had a different function and typedef prefix, as follows:
- *
- * Module Prefix
- * ubi_BinTree ubi_bt
- * ubi_AVLtree ubi_avl
- * ubi_SplayTree ubi_spt
- *
- * To further complicate matters, only those portions of the base module
- * (ubi_BinTree) that were superceeded in the new module had the new names.
- * For example, if you were using ubi_SplayTree, the locate function was
- * called "ubi_sptLocate", but the next and previous functions remained
- * "ubi_btNext" and "ubi_btPrev".
- *
- * This was not too terrible if you were familiar with the modules and knew
- * exactly which tree model you wanted to use. If you wanted to be able to
- * change modules (for speed comparisons, etc), things could get messy very
- * quickly.
- *
- * So, I have added a set of defined names that get redefined in any of the
- * descendant modules. To use this standardized interface in your code,
- * simply replace all occurances of "ubi_bt", "ubi_avl", and "ubi_spt" with
- * "ubi_tr". The "ubi_tr" names will resolve to the correct function or
- * datatype names for the module that you are using. Just remember to
- * include the header for that module in your program file. Because these
- * names are handled by the preprocessor, there is no added run-time
- * overhead.
- *
- * Note that the original names do still exist, and can be used if you wish
- * to write code directly to a specific module. This should probably only be
- * done if you are planning to implement a new descendant type, such as
- * red/black trees. CRH
- *
- * V0.0 - June, 1991 - Written by Christopher R. Hertel (CRH).
- *
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#include "sys_include.h" /* Global include file, used to adapt the ubiqx
- * modules to the host environment and the project
- * with which the modules will be used. See
- * sys_include.h for more info.
- */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Macros and constants.
- *
- * General purpose:
- * ubi_trTRUE - Boolean TRUE.
- * ubi_trFALSE - Boolean FALSE.
- *
- * Flags used in the tree header:
- * ubi_trOVERWRITE - This flag indicates that an existing node may be
- * overwritten by a new node with a matching key.
- * ubi_trDUPKEY - This flag indicates that the tree allows duplicate
- * keys. If the tree does allow duplicates, the
- * overwrite flag is ignored.
- *
- * Node link array index constants: (Each node has an array of three
- * pointers. One to the left, one to the right, and one back to the
- * parent.)
- * ubi_trLEFT - Left child pointer.
- * ubi_trPARENT - Parent pointer.
- * ubi_trRIGHT - Right child pointer.
- * ubi_trEQUAL - Synonym for PARENT.
- *
- * ubi_trCompOps: These values are used in the ubi_trLocate() function.
- * ubi_trLT - request the first instance of the greatest key less than
- * the search key.
- * ubi_trLE - request the first instance of the greatest key that is less
- * than or equal to the search key.
- * ubi_trEQ - request the first instance of key that is equal to the
- * search key.
- * ubi_trGE - request the first instance of a key that is greater than
- * or equal to the search key.
- * ubi_trGT - request the first instance of the first key that is greater
- * than the search key.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- */
-#define ubi_trTRUE 0xFF
-#define ubi_trFALSE 0x00
-#define ubi_trOVERWRITE 0x01 /* Turn on allow overwrite */
-#define ubi_trDUPKEY 0x02 /* Turn on allow duplicate keys */
-/* Pointer array index constants... */
-#define ubi_trLEFT 0x00
-#define ubi_trPARENT 0x01
-#define ubi_trRIGHT 0x02
-#define ubi_trEQUAL ubi_trPARENT
-typedef enum {
- ubi_trLT = 1,
- ubi_trLE,
- ubi_trEQ,
- ubi_trGE,
- ubi_trGT
- } ubi_trCompOps;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * These three macros allow simple manipulation of pointer index values (LEFT,
- * RIGHT, and PARENT).
- *
- * Normalize() - converts {LEFT, PARENT, RIGHT} into {-1, 0 ,1}. C
- * uses {negative, zero, positive} values to indicate
- * {less than, equal to, greater than}.
- * AbNormal() - converts {negative, zero, positive} to {LEFT, PARENT,
- * RIGHT} (opposite of Normalize()). Note: C comparison
- * functions, such as strcmp(), return {negative, zero,
- * positive} values, which are not necessarily {-1, 0,
- * 1}. This macro uses the the ubi_btSgn() function to
- * compensate.
- * RevWay() - converts LEFT to RIGHT and RIGHT to LEFT. PARENT (EQUAL)
- * is left as is.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- */
-#define ubi_trNormalize(W) ((char)( (W) - ubi_trEQUAL ))
-#define ubi_trAbNormal(W) ((char)( ((char)ubi_btSgn( (long)(W) )) \
- + ubi_trEQUAL ))
-#define ubi_trRevWay(W) ((char)( ubi_trEQUAL - ((W) - ubi_trEQUAL) ))
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * These macros allow us to quickly read the values of the OVERWRITE and
- * DUPlicate KEY bits of the tree root flags field.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- */
-#define ubi_trDups_OK(A) \
- ((ubi_trDUPKEY & ((A)->flags))?(ubi_trTRUE):(ubi_trFALSE))
-#define ubi_trOvwt_OK(A) \
- ((ubi_trOVERWRITE & ((A)->flags))?(ubi_trTRUE):(ubi_trFALSE))
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Additional Macros...
- *
- * ubi_trCount() - Given a pointer to a tree root, this macro returns the
- * number of nodes currently in the tree.
- *
- * ubi_trNewTree() - This macro makes it easy to declare and initialize a
- * tree header in one step. The line
- *
- * static ubi_trNewTree( MyTree, cmpfn, ubi_trDUPKEY );
- *
- * is equivalent to
- *
- * static ubi_trRoot MyTree[1]
- * = {{ NULL, cmpfn, 0, ubi_trDUPKEY }};
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- */
-#define ubi_trCount( R ) (((ubi_trRootPtr)(R))->count)
-#define ubi_trNewTree( N, C, F ) ubi_trRoot (N)[1] = {{ NULL, (C), 0, (F) }}
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Typedefs...
- *
- * ubi_trBool - Your typcial true or false...
- *
- * Item Pointer: The ubi_btItemPtr is a generic pointer. It is used to
- * indicate a key that is being searched for within the tree.
- * Searching occurs whenever the ubi_trFind(), ubi_trLocate(),
- * or ubi_trInsert() functions are called.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- */
-typedef unsigned char ubi_trBool;
-typedef void *ubi_btItemPtr; /* A pointer to key data within a node. */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Binary Tree Node Structure: This structure defines the basic elements of
- * the tree nodes. In general you *SHOULD NOT PLAY WITH THESE FIELDS*!
- * But, of course, I have to put the structure into this header so that
- * you can use it as a building block.
- *
- * The fields are as follows:
- * Link - an array of pointers. These pointers are manipulated by
- * the BT routines. The pointers indicate the left and right
- * child nodes and the parent node. By keeping track of the
- * parent pointer, we avoid the need for recursive routines or
- * hand-tooled stacks to keep track of our path back to the
- * root. The use of these pointers is subject to change without
- * notice.
- * gender - a one-byte field indicating whether the node is the RIGHT or
- * LEFT child of its parent. If the node is the root of the
- * tree, gender will be PARENT.
- * balance - only used by the AVL tree module. This field indicates
- * the height balance at a given node. See ubi_AVLtree for
- * details.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- */
-typedef struct ubi_btNodeStruct {
- struct ubi_btNodeStruct *Link[ 3 ];
- char gender;
- char balance;
- } ubi_btNode;
-typedef ubi_btNode *ubi_btNodePtr; /* Pointer to an ubi_btNode structure. */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * The next three typedefs define standard function types used by the binary
- * tree management routines. In particular:
- *
- * ubi_btCompFunc is a pointer to a comparison function. Comparison
- * functions are passed an ubi_btItemPtr and an
- * ubi_btNodePtr. They return a value that is (<0), 0,
- * or (>0) to indicate that the Item is (respectively)
- * "less than", "equal to", or "greater than" the Item
- * contained within the node. (See ubi_btInitTree()).
- * ubi_btActionRtn is a pointer to a function that may be called for each
- * node visited when performing a tree traversal (see
- * ubi_btTraverse()). The function will be passed two
- * parameters: the first is a pointer to a node in the
- * tree, the second is a generic pointer that may point to
- * anything that you like.
- * ubi_btKillNodeRtn is a pointer to a function that will deallocate the
- * memory used by a node (see ubi_btKillTree()). Since
- * memory management is left up to you, deallocation may
- * mean anything that you want it to mean. Just remember
- * that the tree *will* be destroyed and that none of the
- * node pointers will be valid any more.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- */
-typedef int (*ubi_btCompFunc)( ubi_btItemPtr, ubi_btNodePtr );
-typedef void (*ubi_btActionRtn)( ubi_btNodePtr, void * );
-typedef void (*ubi_btKillNodeRtn)( ubi_btNodePtr );
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Tree Root Structure: This structure gives us a convenient handle for
- * accessing whole binary trees. The fields are:
- * root - A pointer to the root node of the tree.
- * count - A count of the number of nodes stored in the tree.
- * cmp - A pointer to the comparison routine to be used when building or
- * searching the tree.
- * flags - A set of bit flags. Two flags are currently defined:
- *
- * ubi_trOVERWRITE - If set, this flag indicates that a new node should
- * (bit 0x01) overwrite an old node if the two have identical
- * keys (ie., the keys are equal).
- * ubi_trDUPKEY - If set, this flag indicates that the tree is
- * (bit 0x02) allowed to contain nodes with duplicate keys.
- *
- * NOTE: ubi_trInsert() tests ubi_trDUPKEY before ubi_trOVERWRITE.
- *
- * All of these values are set when you initialize the root structure by
- * calling ubi_trInitTree().
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- */
-typedef struct {
- ubi_btNodePtr root; /* A pointer to the root node of the tree */
- ubi_btCompFunc cmp; /* A pointer to the tree's comparison function */
- unsigned long count; /* A count of the number of nodes in the tree */
- char flags; /* Overwrite Y|N, Duplicate keys Y|N... */
- } ubi_btRoot;
-typedef ubi_btRoot *ubi_btRootPtr; /* Pointer to an ubi_btRoot structure. */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Function Prototypes.
- */
-long ubi_btSgn( long x );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Return the sign of x; {negative,zero,positive} ==> {-1, 0, 1}.
- *
- * Input: x - a signed long integer value.
- *
- * Output: the "sign" of x, represented as follows:
- * -1 == negative
- * 0 == zero (no sign)
- * 1 == positive
- *
- * Note: This utility is provided in order to facilitate the conversion
- * of C comparison function return values into BinTree direction
- * values: {LEFT, PARENT, EQUAL}. It is INCORPORATED into the
- * AbNormal() conversion macro!
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btInitNode( ubi_btNodePtr NodePtr );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Initialize a tree node.
- *
- * Input: a pointer to a ubi_btNode structure to be initialized.
- * Output: a pointer to the initialized ubi_btNode structure (ie. the
- * same as the input pointer).
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btRootPtr ubi_btInitTree( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btCompFunc CompFunc,
- char Flags );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Initialize the fields of a Tree Root header structure.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - a pointer to an ubi_btRoot structure to be
- * initialized.
- * CompFunc - a pointer to a comparison function that will be used
- * whenever nodes in the tree must be compared against
- * outside values.
- * Flags - One bytes worth of flags. Flags include
- * ubi_trOVERWRITE and ubi_trDUPKEY. See the header
- * file for more info.
- *
- * Output: a pointer to the initialized ubi_btRoot structure (ie. the
- * same value as RootPtr).
- *
- * Note: The interface to this function has changed from that of
- * previous versions. The <Flags> parameter replaces two
- * boolean parameters that had the same basic effect.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_trBool ubi_btInsert( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr NewNode,
- ubi_btItemPtr ItemPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr *OldNode );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function uses a non-recursive algorithm to add a new element to the
- * tree.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - a pointer to the ubi_btRoot structure that indicates
- * the root of the tree to which NewNode is to be added.
- * NewNode - a pointer to an ubi_btNode structure that is NOT
- * part of any tree.
- * ItemPtr - A pointer to the sort key that is stored within
- * *NewNode. ItemPtr MUST point to information stored
- * in *NewNode or an EXACT DUPLICATE. The key data
- * indicated by ItemPtr is used to place the new node
- * into the tree.
- * OldNode - a pointer to an ubi_btNodePtr. When searching
- * the tree, a duplicate node may be found. If
- * duplicates are allowed, then the new node will
- * be simply placed into the tree. If duplicates
- * are not allowed, however, then one of two things
- * may happen.
- * 1) if overwritting *is not* allowed, this
- * function will return FALSE (indicating that
- * the new node could not be inserted), and
- * *OldNode will point to the duplicate that is
- * still in the tree.
- * 2) if overwritting *is* allowed, then this
- * function will swap **OldNode for *NewNode.
- * In this case, *OldNode will point to the node
- * that was removed (thus allowing you to free
- * the node).
- * ** If you are using overwrite mode, ALWAYS **
- * ** check the return value of this parameter! **
- * Note: You may pass NULL in this parameter, the
- * function knows how to cope. If you do this,
- * however, there will be no way to return a
- * pointer to an old (ie. replaced) node (which is
- * a problem if you are using overwrite mode).
- *
- * Output: a boolean value indicating success or failure. The function
- * will return FALSE if the node could not be added to the tree.
- * Such failure will only occur if duplicates are not allowed,
- * nodes cannot be overwritten, AND a duplicate key was found
- * within the tree.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btRemove( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr DeadNode );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function removes the indicated node from the tree.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - A pointer to the header of the tree that contains
- * the node to be removed.
- * DeadNode - A pointer to the node that will be removed.
- *
- * Output: This function returns a pointer to the node that was removed
- * from the tree (ie. the same as DeadNode).
- *
- * Note: The node MUST be in the tree indicated by RootPtr. If not,
- * strange and evil things will happen to your trees.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btLocate( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr FindMe,
- ubi_trCompOps CompOp );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * The purpose of ubi_btLocate() is to find a node or set of nodes given
- * a target value and a "comparison operator". The Locate() function is
- * more flexible and (in the case of trees that may contain dupicate keys)
- * more precise than the ubi_btFind() function. The latter is faster,
- * but it only searches for exact matches and, if the tree contains
- * duplicates, Find() may return a pointer to any one of the duplicate-
- * keyed records.
- *
- * Input:
- * RootPtr - A pointer to the header of the tree to be searched.
- * FindMe - An ubi_btItemPtr that indicates the key for which to
- * search.
- * CompOp - One of the following:
- * CompOp Return a pointer to the node with
- * ------ ---------------------------------
- * ubi_trLT - the last key value that is less
- * than FindMe.
- * ubi_trLE - the first key matching FindMe, or
- * the last key that is less than
- * FindMe.
- * ubi_trEQ - the first key matching FindMe.
- * ubi_trGE - the first key matching FindMe, or the
- * first key greater than FindMe.
- * ubi_trGT - the first key greater than FindMe.
- * Output:
- * A pointer to the node matching the criteria listed above under
- * CompOp, or NULL if no node matched the criteria.
- *
- * Notes:
- * In the case of trees with duplicate keys, Locate() will behave as
- * follows:
- *
- * Find: 3 Find: 3
- * Keys: 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 Keys: 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 6
- * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
- *
- * That is, when returning a pointer to a node with a key that is LESS
- * THAN the target key (FindMe), Locate() will return a pointer to the
- * LAST matching node.
- * When returning a pointer to a node with a key that is GREATER
- * THAN the target key (FindMe), Locate() will return a pointer to the
- * FIRST matching node.
- *
- * See Also: ubi_btFind(), ubi_btFirstOf(), ubi_btLastOf().
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btFind( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr FindMe );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function performs a non-recursive search of a tree for any node
- * matching a specific key.
- *
- * Input:
- * RootPtr - a pointer to the header of the tree to be searched.
- * FindMe - a pointer to the key value for which to search.
- *
- * Output:
- * A pointer to a node with a key that matches the key indicated by
- * FindMe, or NULL if no such node was found.
- *
- * Note: In a tree that allows duplicates, the pointer returned *might
- * not* point to the (sequentially) first occurance of the
- * desired key. In such a tree, it may be more useful to use
- * ubi_btLocate().
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btNext( ubi_btNodePtr P );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given the node indicated by P, find the (sorted order) Next node in the
- * tree.
- * Input: P - a pointer to a node that exists in a binary tree.
- * Output: A pointer to the "next" node in the tree, or NULL if P pointed
- * to the "last" node in the tree or was NULL.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btPrev( ubi_btNodePtr P );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given the node indicated by P, find the (sorted order) Previous node in
- * the tree.
- * Input: P - a pointer to a node that exists in a binary tree.
- * Output: A pointer to the "previous" node in the tree, or NULL if P
- * pointed to the "first" node in the tree or was NULL.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btFirst( ubi_btNodePtr P );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given the node indicated by P, find the (sorted order) First node in the
- * subtree of which *P is the root.
- * Input: P - a pointer to a node that exists in a binary tree.
- * Output: A pointer to the "first" node in a subtree that has *P as its
- * root. This function will return NULL only if P is NULL.
- * Note: In general, you will be passing in the value of the root field
- * of an ubi_btRoot structure.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btLast( ubi_btNodePtr P );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given the node indicated by P, find the (sorted order) Last node in the
- * subtree of which *P is the root.
- * Input: P - a pointer to a node that exists in a binary tree.
- * Output: A pointer to the "last" node in a subtree that has *P as its
- * root. This function will return NULL only if P is NULL.
- * Note: In general, you will be passing in the value of the root field
- * of an ubi_btRoot structure.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btFirstOf( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr MatchMe,
- ubi_btNodePtr p );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given a tree that a allows duplicate keys, and a pointer to a node in
- * the tree, this function will return a pointer to the first (traversal
- * order) node with the same key value.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - A pointer to the root of the tree.
- * MatchMe - A pointer to the key value. This should probably
- * point to the key within node *p.
- * p - A pointer to a node in the tree.
- * Output: A pointer to the first node in the set of nodes with keys
- * matching <FindMe>.
- * Notes: Node *p MUST be in the set of nodes with keys matching
- * <FindMe>. If not, this function will return NULL.
- *
- * 4.7: Bug found & fixed by Massimo Campostrini,
- * Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Pisa.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btLastOf( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr MatchMe,
- ubi_btNodePtr p );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Given a tree that a allows duplicate keys, and a pointer to a node in
- * the tree, this function will return a pointer to the last (traversal
- * order) node with the same key value.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - A pointer to the root of the tree.
- * MatchMe - A pointer to the key value. This should probably
- * point to the key within node *p.
- * p - A pointer to a node in the tree.
- * Output: A pointer to the last node in the set of nodes with keys
- * matching <FindMe>.
- * Notes: Node *p MUST be in the set of nodes with keys matching
- * <FindMe>. If not, this function will return NULL.
- *
- * 4.7: Bug found & fixed by Massimo Campostrini,
- * Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Pisa.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-unsigned long ubi_btTraverse( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btActionRtn EachNode,
- void *UserData );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Traverse a tree in sorted order (non-recursively). At each node, call
- * (*EachNode)(), passing a pointer to the current node, and UserData as the
- * second parameter.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - a pointer to an ubi_btRoot structure that indicates
- * the tree to be traversed.
- * EachNode - a pointer to a function to be called at each node
- * as the node is visited.
- * UserData - a generic pointer that may point to anything that
- * you choose.
- *
- * Output: A count of the number of nodes visited. This will be zero
- * if the tree is empty.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-unsigned long ubi_btKillTree( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btKillNodeRtn FreeNode );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Delete an entire tree (non-recursively) and reinitialize the ubi_btRoot
- * structure. Return a count of the number of nodes deleted.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - a pointer to an ubi_btRoot structure that indicates
- * the root of the tree to delete.
- * FreeNode - a function that will be called for each node in the
- * tree to deallocate the memory used by the node.
- *
- * Output: The number of nodes removed from the tree.
- * A value of 0 will be returned if:
- * - The tree actually contains 0 entries.
- * - the value of <RootPtr> is NULL, in which case the tree is
- * assumed to be empty
- * - the value of <FreeNode> is NULL, in which case entries
- * cannot be removed, so 0 is returned. *Make sure that you
- * provide a valid value for <FreeNode>*.
- * In all other cases, you should get a positive value equal to
- * the value of RootPtr->count upon entry.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_btLeafNode( ubi_btNodePtr leader );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Returns a pointer to a leaf node.
- *
- * Input: leader - Pointer to a node at which to start the descent.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to a leaf node, selected in a somewhat arbitrary
- * manner but with an effort to dig deep.
- *
- * Notes: I wrote this function because I was using splay trees as a
- * database cache. The cache had a maximum size on it, and I
- * needed a way of choosing a node to sacrifice if the cache
- * became full. In a splay tree, less recently accessed nodes
- * tend toward the bottom of the tree, meaning that leaf nodes
- * are good candidates for removal. (I really can't think of
- * any other reason to use this function.)
- * + In a simple binary tree, or in an AVL tree, the most recently
- * added nodes tend to be nearer the bottom, making this a *bad*
- * way to choose which node to remove from the cache.
- * + Randomizing the traversal order is probably a good idea. You
- * can improve the randomization of leaf node selection by passing
- * in pointers to nodes other than the root node each time. A
- * pointer to any node in the tree will do. Of course, if you
- * pass a pointer to a leaf node you'll get the same thing back.
- * + In an unbalanced splay tree, if you simply traverse downward
- * until you hit a leaf node it is possible to accidentally
- * stumble onto a short path. The result will be a leaf node
- * that is actually very high in the tree--possibly a very
- * recently accessed node. Not good. This function can follow
- * multiple paths in an effort to find a leaf node deeper
- * in the tree. Following a single path, of course, is the
- * fastest way to find a leaf node. A complete traversal would
- * be sure to find the deepest leaf but would be very costly in
- * terms of time. This function uses a compromise that has
- * worked well in testing.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-int ubi_btModuleID( int size, char *list[] );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Returns a set of strings that identify the module.
- *
- * Input: size - The number of elements in the array <list>.
- * list - An array of pointers of type (char *). This array
- * should, initially, be empty. This function will fill
- * in the array with pointers to strings.
- * Output: The number of elements of <list> that were used. If this value
- * is less than <size>, the values of the remaining elements are
- * not guaranteed.
- *
- * Notes: Please keep in mind that the pointers returned indicate strings
- * stored in static memory. Don't free() them, don't write over
- * them, etc. Just read them.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Masquarade...
- *
- * This set of defines allows you to write programs that will use any of the
- * implemented binary tree modules (currently BinTree, AVLtree, and SplayTree).
- * Instead of using ubi_bt..., use ubi_tr..., and select the tree type by
- * including the appropriate module header.
- */
-#define ubi_trItemPtr ubi_btItemPtr
-#define ubi_trNode ubi_btNode
-#define ubi_trNodePtr ubi_btNodePtr
-#define ubi_trRoot ubi_btRoot
-#define ubi_trRootPtr ubi_btRootPtr
-#define ubi_trCompFunc ubi_btCompFunc
-#define ubi_trActionRtn ubi_btActionRtn
-#define ubi_trKillNodeRtn ubi_btKillNodeRtn
-#define ubi_trSgn( x ) ubi_btSgn( x )
-#define ubi_trInitNode( Np ) ubi_btInitNode( (ubi_btNodePtr)(Np) )
-#define ubi_trInitTree( Rp, Cf, Fl ) \
- ubi_btInitTree( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btCompFunc)(Cf), (Fl) )
-#define ubi_trInsert( Rp, Nn, Ip, On ) \
- ubi_btInsert( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btNodePtr)(Nn), \
- (ubi_btItemPtr)(Ip), (ubi_btNodePtr *)(On) )
-#define ubi_trRemove( Rp, Dn ) \
- ubi_btRemove( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btNodePtr)(Dn) )
-#define ubi_trLocate( Rp, Ip, Op ) \
- ubi_btLocate( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), \
- (ubi_btItemPtr)(Ip), \
- (ubi_trCompOps)(Op) )
-#define ubi_trFind( Rp, Ip ) \
- ubi_btFind( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btItemPtr)(Ip) )
-#define ubi_trNext( P ) ubi_btNext( (ubi_btNodePtr)(P) )
-#define ubi_trPrev( P ) ubi_btPrev( (ubi_btNodePtr)(P) )
-#define ubi_trFirst( P ) ubi_btFirst( (ubi_btNodePtr)(P) )
-#define ubi_trLast( P ) ubi_btLast( (ubi_btNodePtr)(P) )
-#define ubi_trFirstOf( Rp, Ip, P ) \
- ubi_btFirstOf( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), \
- (ubi_btItemPtr)(Ip), \
- (ubi_btNodePtr)(P) )
-#define ubi_trLastOf( Rp, Ip, P ) \
- ubi_btLastOf( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), \
- (ubi_btItemPtr)(Ip), \
- (ubi_btNodePtr)(P) )
-#define ubi_trTraverse( Rp, En, Ud ) \
- ubi_btTraverse((ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btActionRtn)(En), (void *)(Ud))
-#define ubi_trKillTree( Rp, Fn ) \
- ubi_btKillTree( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btKillNodeRtn)(Fn) )
-#define ubi_trLeafNode( Nd ) \
- ubi_btLeafNode( (ubi_btNodePtr)(Nd) )
-#define ubi_trModuleID( s, l ) ubi_btModuleID( s, l )
-/* ========================================================================== */
-#endif /* UBI_BINTREE_H */
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/ubi_Cache.c b/source/ubiqx/ubi_Cache.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f428dcefe97..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/ubi_Cache.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * ubi_Cache.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This module implements a generic cache.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This module uses a splay tree to implement a simple cache. The cache
- * module adds a thin layer of functionality to the splay tree. In
- * particular:
- *
- * - The tree (cache) may be limited in size by the number of
- * entries permitted or the amount of memory used. When either
- * limit is exceeded cache entries are removed until the cache
- * conforms.
- * - Some statistical information is kept so that an approximate
- * "hit ratio" can be calculated.
- * - There are several functions available that provide access to
- * and management of cache size limits, hit ratio, and tree
- * trimming.
- *
- * The splay tree is used because recently accessed items tend toward the
- * top of the tree and less recently accessed items tend toward the bottom.
- * This makes it easy to purge less recently used items should the cache
- * exceed its limits.
- *
- * To use this module, you will need to supply a comparison function of
- * type ubi_trCompFunc and a node-freeing function of type
- * ubi_trKillNodeRtn. See ubi_BinTree.h for more information on
- * these. (This is all basic ubiqx tree management stuff.)
- *
- * Notes:
- *
- * - Cache performance will start to suffer dramatically if the
- * cache becomes large enough to force the OS to start swapping
- * memory to disk. This is because the nodes of the underlying tree
- * will be scattered across memory in an order that is completely
- * unrelated to their traversal order. As more and more of the
- * cache is placed into swap space, more and more swaps will be
- * required for a simple traversal (...and then there's the splay
- * operation).
- *
- * In one simple test under Linux, the load and dump of a cache of
- * 400,000 entries took only 1min, 40sec of real time. The same
- * test with 450,000 records took 2 *hours* and eight minutes.
- *
- * - In an effort to save memory, I considered using an unsigned
- * short to save the per-entry entry size. I would have tucked this
- * value into some unused space in the tree node structure. On
- * 32-bit word aligned systems this would have saved an additional
- * four bytes per entry. I may revisit this issue, but for now I've
- * decided against it.
- *
- * Using an unsigned short would limit the size of an entry to 64K
- * bytes. That's probably more than enough for most applications.
- * The key word in that last sentence, however, is "probably". I
- * really dislike imposing such limits on things.
- *
- * - Each entry keeps track of the amount of memory it used and the
- * cache header keeps the total. This information is provided via
- * the EntrySize parameter in ubi_cachePut(), so it is up to you to
- * make sure that the numbers are accurate. (The numbers don't even
- * have to represent bytes used.)
- *
- * As you consider this, note that the strdup() function--as an
- * example--will call malloc(). The latter generally allocates a
- * multiple of the system word size, which may be more than the
- * number of bytes needed to store the string.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * Log: ubi_Cache.c,v
- * Revision 0.4 1999/09/22 03:42:24 crh
- * Fixed a minor typo.
- *
- * Revision 0.3 1998/06/03 18:00:15 crh
- * Further fiddling with sys_include.h, which is no longer explicitly
- * included by this module since it is inherited from ubi_BinTree.h.
- *
- * Revision 0.2 1998/06/02 01:36:18 crh
- * Changed include name from ubi_null.h to sys_include.h to make it
- * more generic.
- *
- * Revision 0.1 1998/05/20 04:36:02 crh
- * The C file now includes ubi_null.h. See ubi_null.h for more info.
- *
- * Revision 0.0 1997/12/18 06:24:33 crh
- * Initial Revision.
- *
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#include "ubi_Cache.h" /* Header for *this* module. */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Static data...
- */
-/* commented out until I make use of it...
-static char ModuleID[] =
-\tRevision: 0.4 \n\
-\tDate: 1999/09/22 03:42:24 \n\
-\tAuthor: crh \n";
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Internal functions...
- */
-static void free_entry( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr, ubi_cacheEntryPtr EntryPtr )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Free a ubi_cacheEntry, and adjust the mem_used counter accordingly.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache from which the entry has
- * been removed.
- * EntryPtr - A pointer to the already removed entry.
- *
- * Output: none.
- *
- * Notes: The entry must be removed from the cache *before* this function
- * is called!!!!
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- CachePtr->mem_used -= EntryPtr->entry_size;
- (*CachePtr->free_func)( (void *)EntryPtr );
- } /* free_entry */
-static void cachetrim( ubi_cacheRootPtr crptr )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Remove entries from the cache until the number of entries and the amount
- * of memory used are *both* below or at the maximum.
- *
- * Input: crptr - pointer to the cache to be trimmed.
- *
- * Output: None.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- while( ( crptr->max_entries && (crptr->max_entries < crptr->root.count) )
- || ( crptr->max_memory && (crptr->max_memory < crptr->mem_used) ) )
- {
- if( !ubi_cacheReduce( crptr, 1 ) )
- return;
- }
- } /* cachetrim */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Exported functions...
- */
-ubi_cacheRootPtr ubi_cacheInit( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr,
- ubi_trCompFunc CompFunc,
- ubi_trKillNodeRtn FreeFunc,
- unsigned long MaxEntries,
- unsigned long MaxMemory )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Initialize a cache header structure.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to a ubi_cacheRoot structure that is
- * to be initialized.
- * CompFunc - A pointer to the function that will be called
- * to compare two cache values. See the module
- * comments, above, for more information.
- * FreeFunc - A pointer to a function that will be called
- * to free a cache entry. If you allocated
- * the cache entry using malloc(), then this
- * will likely be free(). If you are allocating
- * cache entries from a free list, then this will
- * likely be a function that returns memory to the
- * free list, etc.
- * MaxEntries - The maximum number of entries that will be
- * allowed to exist in the cache. If this limit
- * is exceeded, then existing entries will be
- * removed from the cache. A value of zero
- * indicates that there is no limit on the number
- * of cache entries. See ubi_cachePut().
- * MaxMemory - The maximum amount of memory, in bytes, to be
- * allocated to the cache (excluding the cache
- * header). If this is exceeded, existing entries
- * in the cache will be removed until enough memory
- * has been freed to meet the condition. See
- * ubi_cachePut().
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the initialized cache (i.e., the same as CachePtr).
- *
- * Notes: Both MaxEntries and MaxMemory may be changed after the cache
- * has been created. See
- * ubi_cacheSetMaxEntries()
- * ubi_cacheSetMaxMemory()
- * ubi_cacheGetMaxEntries()
- * ubi_cacheGetMaxMemory() (the latter two are macros).
- *
- * - Memory is allocated in multiples of the word size. The
- * return value of the strlen() function does not reflect
- * this; it will allways be less than or equal to the amount
- * of memory actually allocated. Keep this in mind when
- * choosing a value for MaxMemory.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- if( CachePtr )
- {
- (void)ubi_trInitTree( CachePtr, CompFunc, ubi_trOVERWRITE );
- CachePtr->free_func = FreeFunc;
- CachePtr->max_entries = MaxEntries;
- CachePtr->max_memory = MaxMemory;
- CachePtr->mem_used = 0;
- CachePtr->cache_hits = 0;
- CachePtr->cache_trys = 0;
- }
- return( CachePtr );
- } /* ubi_cacheInit */
-ubi_cacheRootPtr ubi_cacheClear( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Remove and free all entries in an existing cache.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache that is to be cleared.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the cache header (i.e., the same as CachePtr).
- * This function re-initializes the cache header.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- if( CachePtr )
- {
- (void)ubi_trKillTree( CachePtr, CachePtr->free_func );
- CachePtr->mem_used = 0;
- CachePtr->cache_hits = 0;
- CachePtr->cache_trys = 0;
- }
- return( CachePtr );
- } /* ubi_cacheClear */
-void ubi_cachePut( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr,
- unsigned long EntrySize,
- ubi_cacheEntryPtr EntryPtr,
- ubi_trItemPtr Key )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Add an entry to the cache.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache into which the entry
- * will be added.
- * EntrySize - The size, in bytes, of the memory block indicated
- * by EntryPtr. This will be copied into the
- * EntryPtr->entry_size field.
- * EntryPtr - A pointer to a memory block that begins with a
- * ubi_cacheEntry structure. The entry structure
- * should be followed immediately by the data to be
- * cached (even if that is a pointer to yet more data).
- * Key - Pointer used to identify the lookup key within the
- * Entry.
- *
- * Output: None.
- *
- * Notes: After adding the new node, the cache is "trimmed". This
- * removes extra nodes if the tree has exceeded it's memory or
- * entry count limits. It is unlikely that the newly added node
- * will be purged from the cache (assuming a reasonably large
- * cache), since new nodes in a splay tree (which is what this
- * module was designed to use) are moved to the top of the tree
- * and the cache purge process removes nodes from the bottom of
- * the tree.
- * - The underlying splay tree is opened in OVERWRITE mode. If
- * the input key matches an existing key, the existing entry will
- * be politely removed from the tree and freed.
- * - Memory is allocated in multiples of the word size. The
- * return value of the strlen() function does not reflect
- * this; it will allways be less than or equal to the amount
- * of memory actually allocated.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_trNodePtr OldNode;
- EntryPtr->entry_size = EntrySize;
- CachePtr->mem_used += EntrySize;
- (void)ubi_trInsert( CachePtr, EntryPtr, Key, &OldNode );
- if( OldNode )
- free_entry( CachePtr, (ubi_cacheEntryPtr)OldNode );
- cachetrim( CachePtr );
- } /* ubi_cachePut */
-ubi_cacheEntryPtr ubi_cacheGet( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr,
- ubi_trItemPtr FindMe )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Attempt to retrieve an entry from the cache.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A ponter to the cache that is to be searched.
- * FindMe - A ubi_trItemPtr that indicates the key for which
- * to search.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the cache entry that was found, or NULL if no
- * matching entry was found.
- *
- * Notes: This function also updates the hit ratio counters.
- * The counters are unsigned short. If the number of cache tries
- * reaches 32768, then both the number of tries and the number of
- * hits are divided by two. This prevents the counters from
- * overflowing. See the comments in ubi_cacheHitRatio() for
- * additional notes.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_trNodePtr FoundPtr;
- FoundPtr = ubi_trFind( CachePtr, FindMe );
- if( FoundPtr )
- CachePtr->cache_hits++;
- CachePtr->cache_trys++;
- if( CachePtr->cache_trys & 0x8000 )
- {
- CachePtr->cache_hits = CachePtr->cache_hits / 2;
- CachePtr->cache_trys = CachePtr->cache_trys / 2;
- }
- return( (ubi_cacheEntryPtr)FoundPtr );
- } /* ubi_cacheGet */
-ubi_trBool ubi_cacheDelete( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr, ubi_trItemPtr DeleteMe )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Find and delete the specified cache entry.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache.
- * DeleteMe - The key of the entry to be deleted.
- *
- * Output: TRUE if the entry was found & freed, else FALSE.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_trNodePtr FoundPtr;
- FoundPtr = ubi_trFind( CachePtr, DeleteMe );
- if( FoundPtr )
- {
- (void)ubi_trRemove( CachePtr, FoundPtr );
- free_entry( CachePtr, (ubi_cacheEntryPtr)FoundPtr );
- return( ubi_trTRUE );
- }
- return( ubi_trFALSE );
- } /* ubi_cacheDelete */
-ubi_trBool ubi_cacheReduce( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr, unsigned long count )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Remove <count> entries from the bottom of the cache.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache which is to be reduced in
- * size.
- * count - The number of entries to remove.
- *
- * Output: The function will return TRUE if <count> entries were removed,
- * else FALSE. A return value of FALSE should indicate that
- * there were less than <count> entries in the cache, and that the
- * cache is now empty.
- *
- * Notes: This function forces a reduction in the number of cache entries
- * without requiring that the MaxMemory or MaxEntries values be
- * changed.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_trNodePtr NodePtr;
- while( count )
- {
- NodePtr = ubi_trLeafNode( CachePtr->root.root );
- if( NULL == NodePtr )
- return( ubi_trFALSE );
- else
- {
- (void)ubi_trRemove( CachePtr, NodePtr );
- free_entry( CachePtr, (ubi_cacheEntryPtr)NodePtr );
- }
- count--;
- }
- return( ubi_trTRUE );
- } /* ubi_cacheReduce */
-unsigned long ubi_cacheSetMaxEntries( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr,
- unsigned long NewSize )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Change the maximum number of entries allowed to exist in the cache.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache to be modified.
- * NewSize - The new maximum number of cache entries.
- *
- * Output: The maximum number of entries previously allowed to exist in
- * the cache.
- *
- * Notes: If the new size is less than the old size, this function will
- * trim the cache (remove excess entries).
- * - A value of zero indicates an unlimited number of entries.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- unsigned long oldsize = CachePtr->max_entries; /* Save the old value. */
- CachePtr->max_entries = NewSize; /* Apply the new value. */
- if( (NewSize < oldsize) || (NewSize && !oldsize) ) /* If size is smaller, */
- cachetrim( CachePtr ); /* remove excess. */
- return( oldsize );
- } /* ubi_cacheSetMaxEntries */
-unsigned long ubi_cacheSetMaxMemory( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr,
- unsigned long NewSize )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Change the maximum amount of memory to be used for storing cache
- * entries.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache to be modified.
- * NewSize - The new cache memory size.
- *
- * Output: The previous maximum memory size.
- *
- * Notes: If the new size is less than the old size, this function will
- * trim the cache (remove excess entries).
- * - A value of zero indicates that the cache has no memory limit.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- unsigned long oldsize = CachePtr->max_memory; /* Save the old value. */
- CachePtr->max_memory = NewSize; /* Apply the new value. */
- if( (NewSize < oldsize) || (NewSize && !oldsize) ) /* If size is smaller, */
- cachetrim( CachePtr ); /* remove excess. */
- return( oldsize );
- } /* ubi_cacheSetMaxMemory */
-int ubi_cacheHitRatio( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Returns a value that is 10,000 times the slightly weighted average hit
- * ratio for the cache.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - Pointer to the cache to be queried.
- *
- * Output: An integer that is 10,000 times the number of successful
- * cache hits divided by the number of cache lookups, or:
- * (10000 * hits) / trys
- * You can easily convert this to a float, or do something
- * like this (where i is the return value of this function):
- *
- * printf( "Hit rate : %d.%02d%%\n", (i/100), (i%100) );
- *
- * Notes: I say "slightly-weighted", because the numerator and
- * denominator are both accumulated in locations of type
- * 'unsigned short'. If the number of cache trys becomes
- * large enough, both are divided by two. (See function
- * ubi_cacheGet().)
- * Dividing both numerator and denominator by two does not
- * change the ratio ( is an integer divide), but it
- * does mean that subsequent increments to either counter will
- * have twice as much significance as previous ones.
- *
- * - The value returned by this function will be in the range
- * [0..10000] because ( 0 <= cache_hits <= cache_trys ) will
- * always be true.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- int tmp = 0;
- if( CachePtr->cache_trys )
- tmp = (int)( (10000 * (long)(CachePtr->cache_hits) )
- / (long)(CachePtr->cache_trys) );
- return( tmp );
- } /* ubi_cacheHitRatio */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/ubi_Cache.h b/source/ubiqx/ubi_Cache.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fc3a074f72..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/ubi_Cache.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef UBI_CACHE_H
-#define UBI_CACHE_H
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * ubi_Cache.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This module implements a generic cache.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This module uses a splay tree to implement a simple cache. The cache
- * module adds a thin layer of functionality to the splay tree. In
- * particular:
- *
- * - The tree (cache) may be limited in size by the number of
- * entries permitted or the amount of memory used. When either
- * limit is exceeded cache entries are removed until the cache
- * conforms.
- * - Some statistical information is kept so that an approximate
- * "hit ratio" can be calculated.
- * - There are several functions available that provide access to
- * and management of cache size limits, hit ratio, and tree
- * trimming.
- *
- * The splay tree is used because recently accessed items tend toward the
- * top of the tree and less recently accessed items tend toward the bottom.
- * This makes it easy to purge less recently used items should the cache
- * exceed its limits.
- *
- * To use this module, you will need to supply a comparison function of
- * type ubi_trCompFunc and a node-freeing function of type
- * ubi_trKillNodeRtn. See ubi_BinTree.h for more information on
- * these. (This is all basic ubiqx tree management stuff.)
- *
- * Notes:
- *
- * - Cache performance will start to suffer dramatically if the
- * cache becomes large enough to force the OS to start swapping
- * memory to disk. This is because the nodes of the underlying tree
- * will be scattered across memory in an order that is completely
- * unrelated to their traversal order. As more and more of the
- * cache is placed into swap space, more and more swaps will be
- * required for a simple traversal (...and then there's the splay
- * operation).
- *
- * In one simple test under Linux, the load and dump of a cache of
- * 400,000 entries took only 1min, 40sec of real time. The same
- * test with 450,000 records took 2 *hours* and eight minutes.
- *
- * - In an effort to save memory, I considered using an unsigned
- * short to save the per-entry entry size. I would have tucked this
- * value into some unused space in the tree node structure. On
- * 32-bit word aligned systems this would have saved an additional
- * four bytes per entry. I may revisit this issue, but for now I've
- * decided against it.
- *
- * Using an unsigned short would limit the size of an entry to 64K
- * bytes. That's probably more than enough for most applications.
- * The key word in that last sentence, however, is "probably". I
- * really dislike imposing such limits on things.
- *
- * - Each entry keeps track of the amount of memory it used and the
- * cache header keeps the total. This information is provided via
- * the EntrySize parameter in ubi_cachePut(), so it is up to you to
- * make sure that the numbers are accurate. (The numbers don't even
- * have to represent bytes used.)
- *
- * As you consider this, note that the strdup() function--as an
- * example--will call malloc(). The latter generally allocates a
- * multiple of the system word size, which may be more than the
- * number of bytes needed to store the string.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * Log: ubi_Cache.h,v
- * Revision 0.4 1999/09/22 03:42:24 crh
- * Fixed a minor typo.
- *
- * Revision 0.3 1998/06/03 18:00:15 crh
- * Further fiddling with sys_include.h, which is no longer explicitly
- * included by this module since it is inherited from ubi_BinTree.h.
- *
- * Revision 0.2 1998/06/02 01:36:18 crh
- * Changed include name from ubi_null.h to sys_include.h to make it
- * more generic.
- *
- * Revision 0.1 1998/05/20 04:36:02 crh
- * The C file now includes ubi_null.h. See ubi_null.h for more info.
- *
- * Revision 0.0 1997/12/18 06:25:23 crh
- * Initial Revision.
- *
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#include "ubi_SplayTree.h"
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Typedefs...
- *
- * ubi_cacheRoot - Cache header structure, which consists of a binary
- * tree root and other required housekeeping fields, as
- * listed below.
- * ubi_cacheRootPtr - Pointer to a Cache.
- *
- * ubi_cacheEntry - A cache Entry, which consists of a tree node
- * structure and the size (in bytes) of the entry
- * data. The entry size should be supplied via
- * the EntrySize parameter of the ubi_cachePut()
- * function.
- *
- * ubi_cacheEntryPtr - Pointer to a ubi_cacheEntry.
- *
- */
-typedef struct
- {
- ubi_trRoot root; /* Splay tree control structure. */
- ubi_trKillNodeRtn free_func; /* Function used to free entries. */
- unsigned long max_entries; /* Max cache entries. 0 == unlimited */
- unsigned long max_memory; /* Max memory to use. 0 == unlimited */
- unsigned long mem_used; /* Memory currently in use (bytes). */
- unsigned short cache_hits; /* Incremented on succesful find. */
- unsigned short cache_trys; /* Incremented on cache lookup. */
- } ubi_cacheRoot;
-typedef ubi_cacheRoot *ubi_cacheRootPtr;
-typedef struct
- {
- ubi_trNode node; /* Tree node structure. */
- unsigned long entry_size; /* Entry size. Used when managing
- * caches with maximum memory limits.
- */
- } ubi_cacheEntry;
-typedef ubi_cacheEntry *ubi_cacheEntryPtr;
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Macros...
- *
- * ubi_cacheGetMaxEntries() - Report the current maximum number of entries
- * allowed in the cache. Zero indicates no
- * maximum.
- * ubi_cacheGetMaxMemory() - Report the current maximum amount of memory
- * that may be used in the cache. Zero
- * indicates no maximum.
- * ubi_cacheGetEntryCount() - Report the current number of entries in the
- * cache.
- * ubi_cacheGetMemUsed() - Report the amount of memory currently in use
- * by the cache.
- */
-#define ubi_cacheGetMaxEntries( Cptr ) (((ubi_cacheRootPtr)(Cptr))->max_entries)
-#define ubi_cacheGetMaxMemory( Cptr ) (((ubi_cacheRootPtr)(Cptr))->max_memory)
-#define ubi_cacheGetEntryCount( Cptr ) (((ubi_cacheRootPtr)(Cptr))->root.count)
-#define ubi_cacheGetMemUsed( Cptr ) (((ubi_cacheRootPtr)(Cptr))->mem_used)
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Prototypes...
- */
-ubi_cacheRootPtr ubi_cacheInit( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr,
- ubi_trCompFunc CompFunc,
- ubi_trKillNodeRtn FreeFunc,
- unsigned long MaxEntries,
- unsigned long MaxMemory );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Initialize a cache header structure.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to a ubi_cacheRoot structure that is
- * to be initialized.
- * CompFunc - A pointer to the function that will be called
- * to compare two cache values. See the module
- * comments, above, for more information.
- * FreeFunc - A pointer to a function that will be called
- * to free a cache entry. If you allocated
- * the cache entry using malloc(), then this
- * will likely be free(). If you are allocating
- * cache entries from a free list, then this will
- * likely be a function that returns memory to the
- * free list, etc.
- * MaxEntries - The maximum number of entries that will be
- * allowed to exist in the cache. If this limit
- * is exceeded, then existing entries will be
- * removed from the cache. A value of zero
- * indicates that there is no limit on the number
- * of cache entries. See ubi_cachePut().
- * MaxMemory - The maximum amount of memory, in bytes, to be
- * allocated to the cache (excluding the cache
- * header). If this is exceeded, existing entries
- * in the cache will be removed until enough memory
- * has been freed to meet the condition. See
- * ubi_cachePut().
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the initialized cache (i.e., the same as CachePtr).
- *
- * Notes: Both MaxEntries and MaxMemory may be changed after the cache
- * has been created. See
- * ubi_cacheSetMaxEntries()
- * ubi_cacheSetMaxMemory()
- * ubi_cacheGetMaxEntries()
- * ubi_cacheGetMaxMemory() (the latter two are macros).
- *
- * - Memory is allocated in multiples of the word size. The
- * return value of the strlen() function does not reflect
- * this; it will allways be less than or equal to the amount
- * of memory actually allocated. Keep this in mind when
- * choosing a value for MaxMemory.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_cacheRootPtr ubi_cacheClear( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Remove and free all entries in an existing cache.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache that is to be cleared.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the cache header (i.e., the same as CachePtr).
- * This function re-initializes the cache header.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-void ubi_cachePut( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr,
- unsigned long EntrySize,
- ubi_cacheEntryPtr EntryPtr,
- ubi_trItemPtr Key );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Add an entry to the cache.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache into which the entry
- * will be added.
- * EntrySize - The size, in bytes, of the memory block indicated
- * by EntryPtr. This will be copied into the
- * EntryPtr->entry_size field.
- * EntryPtr - A pointer to a memory block that begins with a
- * ubi_cacheEntry structure. The entry structure
- * should be followed immediately by the data to be
- * cached (even if that is a pointer to yet more data).
- * Key - Pointer used to identify the lookup key within the
- * Entry.
- *
- * Output: None.
- *
- * Notes: After adding the new node, the cache is "trimmed". This
- * removes extra nodes if the tree has exceeded it's memory or
- * entry count limits. It is unlikely that the newly added node
- * will be purged from the cache (assuming a reasonably large
- * cache), since new nodes in a splay tree (which is what this
- * module was designed to use) are moved to the top of the tree
- * and the cache purge process removes nodes from the bottom of
- * the tree.
- * - The underlying splay tree is opened in OVERWRITE mode. If
- * the input key matches an existing key, the existing entry will
- * be politely removed from the tree and freed.
- * - Memory is allocated in multiples of the word size. The
- * return value of the strlen() function does not reflect
- * this; it will allways be less than or equal to the amount
- * of memory actually allocated.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_cacheEntryPtr ubi_cacheGet( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr,
- ubi_trItemPtr FindMe );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Attempt to retrieve an entry from the cache.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A ponter to the cache that is to be searched.
- * FindMe - A ubi_trItemPtr that indicates the key for which
- * to search.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the cache entry that was found, or NULL if no
- * matching entry was found.
- *
- * Notes: This function also updates the hit ratio counters.
- * The counters are unsigned short. If the number of cache tries
- * reaches 32768, then both the number of tries and the number of
- * hits are divided by two. This prevents the counters from
- * overflowing. See the comments in ubi_cacheHitRatio() for
- * additional notes.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_trBool ubi_cacheDelete( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr, ubi_trItemPtr DeleteMe );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Find and delete the specified cache entry.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache.
- * DeleteMe - The key of the entry to be deleted.
- *
- * Output: TRUE if the entry was found & freed, else FALSE.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_trBool ubi_cacheReduce( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr, unsigned long count );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Remove <count> entries from the bottom of the cache.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache which is to be reduced in
- * size.
- * count - The number of entries to remove.
- *
- * Output: The function will return TRUE if <count> entries were removed,
- * else FALSE. A return value of FALSE should indicate that
- * there were less than <count> entries in the cache, and that the
- * cache is now empty.
- *
- * Notes: This function forces a reduction in the number of cache entries
- * without requiring that the MaxMemory or MaxEntries values be
- * changed.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-unsigned long ubi_cacheSetMaxEntries( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr,
- unsigned long NewSize );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Change the maximum number of entries allowed to exist in the cache.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache to be modified.
- * NewSize - The new maximum number of cache entries.
- *
- * Output: The maximum number of entries previously allowed to exist in
- * the cache.
- *
- * Notes: If the new size is less than the old size, this function will
- * trim the cache (remove excess entries).
- * - A value of zero indicates an unlimited number of entries.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-unsigned long ubi_cacheSetMaxMemory( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr,
- unsigned long NewSize );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Change the maximum amount of memory to be used for storing cache
- * entries.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - A pointer to the cache to be modified.
- * NewSize - The new cache memory size.
- *
- * Output: The previous maximum memory size.
- *
- * Notes: If the new size is less than the old size, this function will
- * trim the cache (remove excess entries).
- * - A value of zero indicates that the cache has no memory limit.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-int ubi_cacheHitRatio( ubi_cacheRootPtr CachePtr );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Returns a value that is 10,000 times the slightly weighted average hit
- * ratio for the cache.
- *
- * Input: CachePtr - Pointer to the cache to be queried.
- *
- * Output: An integer that is 10,000 times the number of successful
- * cache hits divided by the number of cache lookups, or:
- * (10000 * hits) / trys
- * You can easily convert this to a float, or do something
- * like this (where i is the return value of this function):
- *
- * printf( "Hit rate : %d.%02d%%\n", (i/100), (i%100) );
- *
- * Notes: I say "slightly-weighted", because the numerator and
- * denominator are both accumulated in locations of type
- * 'unsigned short'. If the number of cache trys becomes
- * large enough, both are divided by two. (See function
- * ubi_cacheGet().)
- * Dividing both numerator and denominator by two does not
- * change the ratio ( is an integer divide), but it
- * does mean that subsequent increments to either counter will
- * have twice as much significance as previous ones.
- *
- * - The value returned by this function will be in the range
- * [0..10000] because ( 0 <= cache_hits <= cache_trys ) will
- * always be true.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#endif /* ubi_CACHE_H */
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/ubi_SplayTree.c b/source/ubiqx/ubi_SplayTree.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 222506bd06b..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/ubi_SplayTree.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * ubi_SplayTree.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1993-1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This module implements "splay" trees. Splay trees are binary trees
- * that are rearranged (splayed) whenever a node is accessed. The
- * splaying process *tends* to make the tree bushier (improves balance),
- * and the nodes that are accessed most frequently *tend* to be closer to
- * the top.
- *
- * References: "Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees", by Daniel Sleator and
- * Robert Tarjan. Journal of the Association for Computing
- * Machinery Vol 32, No. 3, July 1985 pp. 652-686
- *
- * See also:
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * Log: ubi_SplayTree.c,v
- * Revision 4.5 2000/01/08 23:26:49 crh
- * Added ubi_trSplay() macro, which does a type cast for us.
- *
- * Revision 4.4 1998/06/04 21:29:27 crh
- * Upper-cased defined constants (eg UBI_BINTREE_H) in some header files.
- * This is more "standard", and is what people expect. Weird, eh?
- *
- * Revision 4.3 1998/06/03 17:45:05 crh
- * Further fiddling with sys_include.h. It's now in ubi_BinTree.h which is
- * included by all of the binary tree files.
- *
- * Also fixed some warnings produced by lint on Irix 6.2, which doesn't seem
- * to like syntax like this:
- *
- * if( (a = b) )
- *
- * The fix was to change lines like the above to:
- *
- * if( 0 != (a=b) )
- *
- * Which means the same thing.
- *
- * Reminder: Some of the ubi_tr* macros in ubi_BinTree.h are redefined in
- * ubi_AVLtree.h and ubi_SplayTree.h. This allows easy swapping
- * of tree types by simply changing a header. Unfortunately, the
- * macro redefinitions in ubi_AVLtree.h and ubi_SplayTree.h will
- * conflict if used together. You must either choose a single tree
- * type, or use the underlying function calls directly. Compare
- * the two header files for more information.
- *
- * Revision 4.2 1998/06/02 01:29:14 crh
- * Changed ubi_null.h to sys_include.h to make it more generic.
- *
- * Revision 4.1 1998/05/20 04:37:54 crh
- * The C file now includes ubi_null.h. See ubi_null.h for more info.
- *
- * Revision 4.0 1998/03/10 03:41:33 crh
- * Minor comment changes. The revision number is now 4.0 to match the
- * BinTree and AVLtree modules.
- *
- * Revision 2.7 1998/01/24 06:37:08 crh
- * Added a URL for more information.
- *
- * Revision 2.6 1997/12/23 04:01:12 crh
- * In this version, all constants & macros defined in the header file have
- * the ubi_tr prefix. Also cleaned up anything that gcc complained about
- * when run with '-pedantic -fsyntax-only -Wall'.
- *
- * Revision 2.5 1997/07/26 04:15:42 crh
- * + Cleaned up a few minor syntax annoyances that gcc discovered for me.
- * + Changed ubi_TRUE and ubi_FALSE to ubi_trTRUE and ubi_trFALSE.
- *
- * Revision 2.4 1997/06/03 04:42:21 crh
- * Changed TRUE and FALSE to ubi_TRUE and ubi_FALSE to avoid causing
- * problems.
- *
- * Revision 2.3 1995/10/03 22:19:07 CRH
- * Ubisized!
- * Also, added the function ubi_sptSplay().
- *
- * Revision 2.1 95/03/09 23:54:42 CRH
- * Added the ModuleID static string and function. These modules are now
- * self-identifying.
- *
- * Revision 2.0 95/02/27 22:34:46 CRH
- * This module was updated to match the interface changes made to the
- * ubi_BinTree module. In particular, the interface to the Locate() function
- * has changed. See ubi_BinTree for more information on changes and new
- * functions.
- *
- * The revision number was also upped to match ubi_BinTree.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 93/10/18 20:35:16 CRH
- * I removed the hard-coded logical device names from the include file
- * specifications. CRH
- *
- * Revision 1.0 93/10/15 23:00:15 CRH
- * With this revision, I have added a set of #define's that provide a single,
- * standard API to all existing tree modules. Until now, each of the three
- * existing modules had a different function and typedef prefix, as follows:
- *
- * Module Prefix
- * ubi_BinTree ubi_bt
- * ubi_AVLtree ubi_avl
- * ubi_SplayTree ubi_spt
- *
- * To further complicate matters, only those portions of the base module
- * (ubi_BinTree) that were superceeded in the new module had the new names.
- * For example, if you were using ubi_SplayTree, the locate function was
- * called "ubi_sptLocate", but the next and previous functions remained
- * "ubi_btNext" and "ubi_btPrev".
- *
- * This was not too terrible if you were familiar with the modules and knew
- * exactly which tree model you wanted to use. If you wanted to be able to
- * change modules (for speed comparisons, etc), things could get messy very
- * quickly.
- *
- * So, I have added a set of defined names that get redefined in any of the
- * descendant modules. To use this standardized interface in your code,
- * simply replace all occurances of "ubi_bt", "ubi_avl", and "ubi_spt" with
- * "ubi_tr". The "ubi_tr" names will resolve to the correct function or
- * datatype names for the module that you are using. Just remember to
- * include the header for that module in your program file. Because these
- * names are handled by the preprocessor, there is no added run-time
- * overhead.
- *
- * Note that the original names do still exist, and can be used if you wish
- * to write code directly to a specific module. This should probably only be
- * done if you are planning to implement a new descendant type, such as
- * red/black trees. CRH
- *
- * Revision 0.1 93/04/25 22:03:32 CRH
- * Simply changed the <exec/types.h> #include reference the .c file to
- * use <stdlib.h> instead. The latter is portable, the former is not.
- *
- * Revision 0.0 93/04/21 23:05:52 CRH
- * Initial version, written by Christopher R. Hertel.
- * This module implements Splay Trees using the ubi_BinTree module as a basis.
- *
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#include "ubi_SplayTree.h" /* Header for THIS module. */
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Static data.
- */
-static char ModuleID[] = "ubi_SplayTree\n\
-\tRevision: 4.5 \n\
-\tDate: 2000/01/08 23:26:49 \n\
-\tAuthor: crh \n";
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Private functions...
- */
-static void Rotate( ubi_btNodePtr p )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function performs a single rotation, moving node *p up one level
- * in the tree.
- *
- * Input: p - a pointer to an ubi_btNode in a tree.
- *
- * Output: None.
- *
- * Notes: This implements a single rotation in either direction (left
- * or right). This is the basic building block of all splay
- * tree rotations.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_btNodePtr parentp;
- ubi_btNodePtr tmp;
- char way;
- char revway;
- parentp = p->Link[ubi_trPARENT]; /* Find parent. */
- if( parentp ) /* If no parent, then we're already the root. */
- {
- way = p->gender;
- revway = ubi_trRevWay(way);
- tmp = p->Link[(int)revway];
- parentp->Link[(int)way] = tmp;
- if( tmp )
- {
- tmp->Link[ubi_trPARENT] = parentp;
- tmp->gender = way;
- }
- tmp = parentp->Link[ubi_trPARENT];
- p->Link[ubi_trPARENT] = tmp;
- p->gender = parentp->gender;
- if( tmp )
- tmp->Link[(int)(p->gender)] = p;
- parentp->Link[ubi_trPARENT] = p;
- parentp->gender = revway;
- p->Link[(int)revway] = parentp;
- }
- } /* Rotate */
-static ubi_btNodePtr Splay( ubi_btNodePtr SplayWithMe )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Move the node indicated by SplayWithMe to the root of the tree by
- * splaying the tree.
- *
- * Input: SplayWithMe - A pointer to an ubi_btNode within a tree.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the root of the splay tree (i.e., the same as
- * SplayWithMe).
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_btNodePtr parent;
- while( NULL != (parent = SplayWithMe->Link[ubi_trPARENT]) )
- {
- if( parent->gender == SplayWithMe->gender ) /* Zig-Zig */
- Rotate( parent );
- else
- {
- if( ubi_trEQUAL != parent->gender ) /* Zig-Zag */
- Rotate( SplayWithMe );
- }
- Rotate( SplayWithMe ); /* Zig */
- } /* while */
- return( SplayWithMe );
- } /* Splay */
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Exported utilities.
- */
-ubi_trBool ubi_sptInsert( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr NewNode,
- ubi_btItemPtr ItemPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr *OldNode )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function uses a non-recursive algorithm to add a new element to the
- * splay tree.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - a pointer to the ubi_btRoot structure that indicates
- * the root of the tree to which NewNode is to be added.
- * NewNode - a pointer to an ubi_btNode structure that is NOT
- * part of any tree.
- * ItemPtr - A pointer to the sort key that is stored within
- * *NewNode. ItemPtr MUST point to information stored
- * in *NewNode or an EXACT DUPLICATE. The key data
- * indicated by ItemPtr is used to place the new node
- * into the tree.
- * OldNode - a pointer to an ubi_btNodePtr. When searching
- * the tree, a duplicate node may be found. If
- * duplicates are allowed, then the new node will
- * be simply placed into the tree. If duplicates
- * are not allowed, however, then one of two things
- * may happen.
- * 1) if overwritting *is not* allowed, this
- * function will return FALSE (indicating that
- * the new node could not be inserted), and
- * *OldNode will point to the duplicate that is
- * still in the tree.
- * 2) if overwritting *is* allowed, then this
- * function will swap **OldNode for *NewNode.
- * In this case, *OldNode will point to the node
- * that was removed (thus allowing you to free
- * the node).
- * ** If you are using overwrite mode, ALWAYS **
- * ** check the return value of this parameter! **
- * Note: You may pass NULL in this parameter, the
- * function knows how to cope. If you do this,
- * however, there will be no way to return a
- * pointer to an old (ie. replaced) node (which is
- * a problem if you are using overwrite mode).
- *
- * Output: a boolean value indicating success or failure. The function
- * will return FALSE if the node could not be added to the tree.
- * Such failure will only occur if duplicates are not allowed,
- * nodes cannot be overwritten, AND a duplicate key was found
- * within the tree.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_btNodePtr OtherP;
- if( !(OldNode) )
- OldNode = &OtherP;
- if( ubi_btInsert( RootPtr, NewNode, ItemPtr, OldNode ) )
- {
- RootPtr->root = Splay( NewNode );
- return( ubi_trTRUE );
- }
- /* Splay the unreplacable, duplicate keyed, unique, old node. */
- RootPtr->root = Splay( (*OldNode) );
- return( ubi_trFALSE );
- } /* ubi_sptInsert */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_sptRemove( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr, ubi_btNodePtr DeadNode )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function removes the indicated node from the tree.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - A pointer to the header of the tree that contains
- * the node to be removed.
- * DeadNode - A pointer to the node that will be removed.
- *
- * Output: This function returns a pointer to the node that was removed
- * from the tree (ie. the same as DeadNode).
- *
- * Note: The node MUST be in the tree indicated by RootPtr. If not,
- * strange and evil things will happen to your trees.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_btNodePtr p;
- (void)Splay( DeadNode ); /* Move dead node to root. */
- if( NULL != (p = DeadNode->Link[ubi_trLEFT]) )
- { /* If left subtree exists... */
- ubi_btNodePtr q = DeadNode->Link[ubi_trRIGHT];
- p->Link[ubi_trPARENT] = NULL; /* Left subtree node becomes root.*/
- p->gender = ubi_trPARENT;
- p = ubi_btLast( p ); /* Find rightmost left node... */
- p->Link[ubi_trRIGHT] = q; /* ...attach right tree. */
- if( q )
- q->Link[ubi_trPARENT] = p;
- RootPtr->root = Splay( p ); /* Resplay at p. */
- }
- else
- {
- if( NULL != (p = DeadNode->Link[ubi_trRIGHT]) )
- { /* No left, but right subtree exists... */
- p->Link[ubi_trPARENT] = NULL; /* Right subtree root becomes... */
- p->gender = ubi_trPARENT; /* ...overall tree root. */
- RootPtr->root = p;
- }
- else
- RootPtr->root = NULL; /* No subtrees => empty tree. */
- }
- (RootPtr->count)--; /* Decrement node count. */
- return( DeadNode ); /* Return pointer to pruned node. */
- } /* ubi_sptRemove */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_sptLocate( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr FindMe,
- ubi_trCompOps CompOp )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * The purpose of ubi_btLocate() is to find a node or set of nodes given
- * a target value and a "comparison operator". The Locate() function is
- * more flexible and (in the case of trees that may contain dupicate keys)
- * more precise than the ubi_btFind() function. The latter is faster,
- * but it only searches for exact matches and, if the tree contains
- * duplicates, Find() may return a pointer to any one of the duplicate-
- * keyed records.
- *
- * Input:
- * RootPtr - A pointer to the header of the tree to be searched.
- * FindMe - An ubi_btItemPtr that indicates the key for which to
- * search.
- * CompOp - One of the following:
- * CompOp Return a pointer to the node with
- * ------ ---------------------------------
- * ubi_trLT - the last key value that is less
- * than FindMe.
- * ubi_trLE - the first key matching FindMe, or
- * the last key that is less than
- * FindMe.
- * ubi_trEQ - the first key matching FindMe.
- * ubi_trGE - the first key matching FindMe, or the
- * first key greater than FindMe.
- * ubi_trGT - the first key greater than FindMe.
- * Output:
- * A pointer to the node matching the criteria listed above under
- * CompOp, or NULL if no node matched the criteria.
- *
- * Notes:
- * In the case of trees with duplicate keys, Locate() will behave as
- * follows:
- *
- * Find: 3 Find: 3
- * Keys: 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 Keys: 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 6
- * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
- *
- * That is, when returning a pointer to a node with a key that is LESS
- * THAN the target key (FindMe), Locate() will return a pointer to the
- * LAST matching node.
- * When returning a pointer to a node with a key that is GREATER
- * THAN the target key (FindMe), Locate() will return a pointer to the
- * FIRST matching node.
- *
- * See Also: ubi_btFind(), ubi_btFirstOf(), ubi_btLastOf().
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_btNodePtr p;
- p = ubi_btLocate( RootPtr, FindMe, CompOp );
- if( p )
- RootPtr->root = Splay( p );
- return( p );
- } /* ubi_sptLocate */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_sptFind( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr FindMe )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function performs a non-recursive search of a tree for any node
- * matching a specific key.
- *
- * Input:
- * RootPtr - a pointer to the header of the tree to be searched.
- * FindMe - a pointer to the key value for which to search.
- *
- * Output:
- * A pointer to a node with a key that matches the key indicated by
- * FindMe, or NULL if no such node was found.
- *
- * Note: In a tree that allows duplicates, the pointer returned *might
- * not* point to the (sequentially) first occurance of the
- * desired key. In such a tree, it may be more useful to use
- * ubi_sptLocate().
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_btNodePtr p;
- p = ubi_btFind( RootPtr, FindMe );
- if( p )
- RootPtr->root = Splay( p );
- return( p );
- } /* ubi_sptFind */
-void ubi_sptSplay( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr SplayMe )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function allows you to splay the tree at a given node, thus moving
- * the node to the top of the tree.
- *
- * Input:
- * RootPtr - a pointer to the header of the tree to be splayed.
- * SplayMe - a pointer to a node within the tree. This will become
- * the new root node.
- * Output: None.
- *
- * Notes: This is an uncharacteristic function for this group of modules
- * in that it provides access to the internal balancing routines,
- * which would normally be hidden.
- * Splaying the tree will not damage it (assuming that I've done
- * *my* job), but there is overhead involved. I don't recommend
- * that you use this function unless you understand the underlying
- * Splay Tree principles involved.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- RootPtr->root = Splay( SplayMe );
- } /* ubi_sptSplay */
-int ubi_sptModuleID( int size, char *list[] )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Returns a set of strings that identify the module.
- *
- * Input: size - The number of elements in the array <list>.
- * list - An array of pointers of type (char *). This array
- * should, initially, be empty. This function will fill
- * in the array with pointers to strings.
- * Output: The number of elements of <list> that were used. If this value
- * is less than <size>, the values of the remaining elements are
- * not guaranteed.
- *
- * Notes: Please keep in mind that the pointers returned indicate strings
- * stored in static memory. Don't free() them, don't write over
- * them, etc. Just read them.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- if( size > 0 )
- {
- list[0] = ModuleID;
- if( size > 1 )
- return( 1 + ubi_btModuleID( --size, &(list[1]) ) );
- return( 1 );
- }
- return( 0 );
- } /* ubi_sptModuleID */
-/* ================================ The End ================================= */
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/ubi_SplayTree.h b/source/ubiqx/ubi_SplayTree.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e4fac796a91..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/ubi_SplayTree.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * ubi_SplayTree.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1993-1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This module implements "splay" trees. Splay trees are binary trees
- * that are rearranged (splayed) whenever a node is accessed. The
- * splaying process *tends* to make the tree bushier (improves balance),
- * and the nodes that are accessed most frequently *tend* to be closer to
- * the top.
- *
- * References: "Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees", by Daniel Sleator and
- * Robert Tarjan. Journal of the Association for Computing
- * Machinery Vol 32, No. 3, July 1985 pp. 652-686
- *
- * See also:
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * Log: ubi_SplayTree.h,v
- * Revision 4.5 2000/01/08 23:26:49 crh
- * Added ubi_trSplay() macro, which does a type cast for us.
- *
- * Revision 4.4 1998/06/04 21:29:27 crh
- * Upper-cased defined constants (eg UBI_BINTREE_H) in some header files.
- * This is more "standard", and is what people expect. Weird, eh?
- *
- * Revision 4.3 1998/06/03 17:45:05 crh
- * Further fiddling with sys_include.h. It's now in ubi_BinTree.h which is
- * included by all of the binary tree files.
- *
- * Also fixed some warnings produced by lint on Irix 6.2, which doesn't seem
- * to like syntax like this:
- *
- * if( (a = b) )
- *
- * The fix was to change lines like the above to:
- *
- * if( 0 != (a=b) )
- *
- * Which means the same thing.
- *
- * Reminder: Some of the ubi_tr* macros in ubi_BinTree.h are redefined in
- * ubi_AVLtree.h and ubi_SplayTree.h. This allows easy swapping
- * of tree types by simply changing a header. Unfortunately, the
- * macro redefinitions in ubi_AVLtree.h and ubi_SplayTree.h will
- * conflict if used together. You must either choose a single tree
- * type, or use the underlying function calls directly. Compare
- * the two header files for more information.
- *
- * Revision 4.2 1998/06/02 01:29:14 crh
- * Changed ubi_null.h to sys_include.h to make it more generic.
- *
- * Revision 4.1 1998/05/20 04:37:54 crh
- * The C file now includes ubi_null.h. See ubi_null.h for more info.
- *
- * Revision 4.0 1998/03/10 03:40:57 crh
- * Minor comment changes. The revision number is now 4.0 to match the
- * BinTree and AVLtree modules.
- *
- * Revision 2.7 1998/01/24 06:37:57 crh
- * Added a URL for more information.
- *
- * Revision 2.6 1997/12/23 04:02:20 crh
- * In this version, all constants & macros defined in the header file have
- * the ubi_tr prefix. Also cleaned up anything that gcc complained about
- * when run with '-pedantic -fsyntax-only -Wall'.
- *
- * Revision 2.5 1997/07/26 04:15:46 crh
- * + Cleaned up a few minor syntax annoyances that gcc discovered for me.
- * + Changed ubi_TRUE and ubi_FALSE to ubi_trTRUE and ubi_trFALSE.
- *
- * Revision 2.4 1997/06/03 05:22:56 crh
- * Changed TRUE and FALSE to ubi_TRUE and ubi_FALSE to avoid causing
- * problems.
- *
- * Revision 2.3 1995/10/03 22:19:37 CRH
- * Ubisized!
- * Also, added the function ubi_sptSplay().
- *
- * Revision 2.1 95/03/09 23:55:04 CRH
- * Added the ModuleID static string and function. These modules are now
- * self-identifying.
- *
- * Revision 2.0 95/02/27 22:34:55 CRH
- * This module was updated to match the interface changes made to the
- * ubi_BinTree module. In particular, the interface to the Locate() function
- * has changed. See ubi_BinTree for more information on changes and new
- * functions.
- *
- * The revision number was also upped to match ubi_BinTree.
- *
- *
- * Revision 1.0 93/10/15 22:59:36 CRH
- * With this revision, I have added a set of #define's that provide a single,
- * standard API to all existing tree modules. Until now, each of the three
- * existing modules had a different function and typedef prefix, as follows:
- *
- * Module Prefix
- * ubi_BinTree ubi_bt
- * ubi_AVLtree ubi_avl
- * ubi_SplayTree ubi_spt
- *
- * To further complicate matters, only those portions of the base module
- * (ubi_BinTree) that were superceeded in the new module had the new names.
- * For example, if you were using ubi_SplayTree, the locate function was
- * called "ubi_sptLocate", but the next and previous functions remained
- * "ubi_btNext" and "ubi_btPrev".
- *
- * This was not too terrible if you were familiar with the modules and knew
- * exactly which tree model you wanted to use. If you wanted to be able to
- * change modules (for speed comparisons, etc), things could get messy very
- * quickly.
- *
- * So, I have added a set of defined names that get redefined in any of the
- * descendant modules. To use this standardized interface in your code,
- * simply replace all occurances of "ubi_bt", "ubi_avl", and "ubi_spt" with
- * "ubi_tr". The "ubi_tr" names will resolve to the correct function or
- * datatype names for the module that you are using. Just remember to
- * include the header for that module in your program file. Because these
- * names are handled by the preprocessor, there is no added run-time
- * overhead.
- *
- * Note that the original names do still exist, and can be used if you wish
- * to write code directly to a specific module. This should probably only be
- * done if you are planning to implement a new descendant type, such as
- * red/black trees. CRH
- *
- * Revision 0.0 93/04/21 23:07:13 CRH
- * Initial version, written by Christopher R. Hertel.
- * This module implements Splay Trees using the ubi_BinTree module as a basis.
- *
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#include "ubi_BinTree.h" /* Base binary tree functions, types, etc. */
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Function prototypes...
- */
-ubi_trBool ubi_sptInsert( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr NewNode,
- ubi_btItemPtr ItemPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr *OldNode );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function uses a non-recursive algorithm to add a new element to the
- * splay tree.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - a pointer to the ubi_btRoot structure that indicates
- * the root of the tree to which NewNode is to be added.
- * NewNode - a pointer to an ubi_btNode structure that is NOT
- * part of any tree.
- * ItemPtr - A pointer to the sort key that is stored within
- * *NewNode. ItemPtr MUST point to information stored
- * in *NewNode or an EXACT DUPLICATE. The key data
- * indicated by ItemPtr is used to place the new node
- * into the tree.
- * OldNode - a pointer to an ubi_btNodePtr. When searching
- * the tree, a duplicate node may be found. If
- * duplicates are allowed, then the new node will
- * be simply placed into the tree. If duplicates
- * are not allowed, however, then one of two things
- * may happen.
- * 1) if overwritting *is not* allowed, this
- * function will return FALSE (indicating that
- * the new node could not be inserted), and
- * *OldNode will point to the duplicate that is
- * still in the tree.
- * 2) if overwritting *is* allowed, then this
- * function will swap **OldNode for *NewNode.
- * In this case, *OldNode will point to the node
- * that was removed (thus allowing you to free
- * the node).
- * ** If you are using overwrite mode, ALWAYS **
- * ** check the return value of this parameter! **
- * Note: You may pass NULL in this parameter, the
- * function knows how to cope. If you do this,
- * however, there will be no way to return a
- * pointer to an old (ie. replaced) node (which is
- * a problem if you are using overwrite mode).
- *
- * Output: a boolean value indicating success or failure. The function
- * will return FALSE if the node could not be added to the tree.
- * Such failure will only occur if duplicates are not allowed,
- * nodes cannot be overwritten, AND a duplicate key was found
- * within the tree.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_sptRemove( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr, ubi_btNodePtr DeadNode );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function removes the indicated node from the tree.
- *
- * Input: RootPtr - A pointer to the header of the tree that contains
- * the node to be removed.
- * DeadNode - A pointer to the node that will be removed.
- *
- * Output: This function returns a pointer to the node that was removed
- * from the tree (ie. the same as DeadNode).
- *
- * Note: The node MUST be in the tree indicated by RootPtr. If not,
- * strange and evil things will happen to your trees.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_sptLocate( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr FindMe,
- ubi_trCompOps CompOp );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * The purpose of ubi_btLocate() is to find a node or set of nodes given
- * a target value and a "comparison operator". The Locate() function is
- * more flexible and (in the case of trees that may contain dupicate keys)
- * more precise than the ubi_btFind() function. The latter is faster,
- * but it only searches for exact matches and, if the tree contains
- * duplicates, Find() may return a pointer to any one of the duplicate-
- * keyed records.
- *
- * Input:
- * RootPtr - A pointer to the header of the tree to be searched.
- * FindMe - An ubi_btItemPtr that indicates the key for which to
- * search.
- * CompOp - One of the following:
- * CompOp Return a pointer to the node with
- * ------ ---------------------------------
- * ubi_trLT - the last key value that is less
- * than FindMe.
- * ubi_trLE - the first key matching FindMe, or
- * the last key that is less than
- * FindMe.
- * ubi_trEQ - the first key matching FindMe.
- * ubi_trGE - the first key matching FindMe, or the
- * first key greater than FindMe.
- * ubi_trGT - the first key greater than FindMe.
- * Output:
- * A pointer to the node matching the criteria listed above under
- * CompOp, or NULL if no node matched the criteria.
- *
- * Notes:
- * In the case of trees with duplicate keys, Locate() will behave as
- * follows:
- *
- * Find: 3 Find: 3
- * Keys: 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 Keys: 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 6
- * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
- *
- * That is, when returning a pointer to a node with a key that is LESS
- * THAN the target key (FindMe), Locate() will return a pointer to the
- * LAST matching node.
- * When returning a pointer to a node with a key that is GREATER
- * THAN the target key (FindMe), Locate() will return a pointer to the
- * FIRST matching node.
- *
- * See Also: ubi_btFind(), ubi_btFirstOf(), ubi_btLastOf().
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_btNodePtr ubi_sptFind( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btItemPtr FindMe );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function performs a non-recursive search of a tree for any node
- * matching a specific key.
- *
- * Input:
- * RootPtr - a pointer to the header of the tree to be searched.
- * FindMe - a pointer to the key value for which to search.
- *
- * Output:
- * A pointer to a node with a key that matches the key indicated by
- * FindMe, or NULL if no such node was found.
- *
- * Note: In a tree that allows duplicates, the pointer returned *might
- * not* point to the (sequentially) first occurance of the
- * desired key. In such a tree, it may be more useful to use
- * ubi_sptLocate().
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-void ubi_sptSplay( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
- ubi_btNodePtr SplayMe );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * This function allows you to splay the tree at a given node, thus moving
- * the node to the top of the tree.
- *
- * Input:
- * RootPtr - a pointer to the header of the tree to be splayed.
- * SplayMe - a pointer to a node within the tree. This will become
- * the new root node.
- * Output: None.
- *
- * Notes: This is an uncharacteristic function for this group of modules
- * in that it provides access to the internal balancing routines,
- * which would normally be hidden.
- * Splaying the tree will not damage it (assuming that I've done
- * *my* job), but there is overhead involved. I don't recommend
- * that you use this function unless you understand the underlying
- * Splay Tree principles involved.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-int ubi_sptModuleID( int size, char *list[] );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Returns a set of strings that identify the module.
- *
- * Input: size - The number of elements in the array <list>.
- * list - An array of pointers of type (char *). This array
- * should, initially, be empty. This function will fill
- * in the array with pointers to strings.
- * Output: The number of elements of <list> that were used. If this value
- * is less than <size>, the values of the remaining elements are
- * not guaranteed.
- *
- * Notes: Please keep in mind that the pointers returned indicate strings
- * stored in static memory. Don't free() them, don't write over
- * them, etc. Just read them.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Masquarade...
- *
- * This set of defines allows you to write programs that will use any of the
- * implemented binary tree modules (currently BinTree, AVLtree, and SplayTree).
- * Instead of using ubi_bt..., use ubi_tr..., and select the tree type by
- * including the appropriate module header.
- */
-#undef ubi_trInsert
-#undef ubi_trRemove
-#undef ubi_trLocate
-#undef ubi_trFind
-#undef ubi_trModuleID
-#define ubi_trInsert( Rp, Nn, Ip, On ) \
- ubi_sptInsert( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btNodePtr)(Nn), \
- (ubi_btItemPtr)(Ip), (ubi_btNodePtr *)(On) )
-#define ubi_trRemove( Rp, Dn ) \
- ubi_sptRemove( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btNodePtr)(Dn) )
-#define ubi_trLocate( Rp, Ip, Op ) \
- ubi_sptLocate( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), \
- (ubi_btItemPtr)(Ip), \
- (ubi_trCompOps)(Op) )
-#define ubi_trFind( Rp, Ip ) \
- ubi_sptFind( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btItemPtr)(Ip) )
-#define ubi_trSplay( Rp, Sm ) \
- ubi_sptSplay( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btNodePtr)(Sm) )
-#define ubi_trModuleID( s, l ) ubi_sptModuleID( s, l )
-/* ================================ The End ================================= */
-#endif /* UBI_SPLAYTREE_H */
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/ubi_dLinkList.c b/source/ubiqx/ubi_dLinkList.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eb95033c695..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/ubi_dLinkList.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * ubi_dLinkList.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * This module implements simple doubly-linked lists.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * Log: ubi_dLinkList.c,v
- * Revision 0.11 1999/06/19 16:58:06 crh
- * Renamed the ubi_slRemove() function in ubi_sLinkList to
- * ubi_slRemoveNext(). I was bothered by the fact that it didn't
- * match the functionality of the ubi_dlRemove() function in
- * ubi_dLinkList. The new name is more 'correct'.
- *
- * Revision 0.10 1998/07/24 07:30:20 crh
- * Added the ubi_dlNewList() macro.
- *
- * Revision 0.9 1998/06/04 21:29:27 crh
- * Upper-cased defined constants (eg UBI_BINTREE_H) in some header files.
- * This is more "standard", and is what people expect. Weird, eh?
- *
- * Revision 0.8 1998/06/03 18:06:03 crh
- * Further fiddling with sys_include.h, which has been moved from the .c file
- * to the .h file.
- *
- * Revision 0.7 1998/06/02 01:38:47 crh
- * Changed include file name from ubi_null.h to sys_include.h to make it
- * more generic.
- *
- * Revision 0.6 1998/05/20 04:38:05 crh
- * The C file now includes ubi_null.h. See ubi_null.h for more info.
- *
- * Revision 0.5 1998/03/10 02:55:00 crh
- * Simplified the code and added macros for stack & queue manipulations.
- *
- * Revision 0.4 1998/01/03 01:53:56 crh
- * Added ubi_dlCount() macro.
- *
- * Revision 0.3 1997/10/15 03:05:39 crh
- * Added some handy type casting to the macros. Added AddHere and RemThis
- * macros.
- *
- * Revision 0.2 1997/10/08 03:07:21 crh
- * Fixed a few forgotten link-ups in Insert(), and fixed the AddHead()
- * macro, which was passing the wrong value for <After> to Insert().
- *
- * Revision 0.1 1997/10/07 04:34:07 crh
- * Initial Revision.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * This module is similar to the ubi_sLinkList module, but it is neither a
- * descendant type nor an easy drop-in replacement for the latter. One key
- * difference is that the ubi_dlRemove() function removes the indicated node,
- * while the ubi_slRemoveNext() function (in ubi_sLinkList) removes the node
- * *following* the indicated node.
- *
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#include "ubi_dLinkList.h" /* Header for *this* module. */
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Functions...
- */
-ubi_dlListPtr ubi_dlInitList( ubi_dlListPtr ListPtr )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Initialize a doubly-linked list header.
- *
- * Input: ListPtr - A pointer to the list structure that is to be
- * initialized for use.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the initialized list header (i.e., same as
- * <ListPtr>).
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ListPtr->Head = NULL;
- ListPtr->Tail = NULL;
- ListPtr->count = 0;
- return( ListPtr );
- } /* ubi_dlInitList */
-ubi_dlNodePtr ubi_dlInsert( ubi_dlListPtr ListPtr,
- ubi_dlNodePtr New,
- ubi_dlNodePtr After )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Insert a new node into the list.
- *
- * Input: ListPtr - A pointer to the list into which the node is to
- * be inserted.
- * New - Pointer to the new node.
- * After - NULL, or a pointer to a node that is already in the
- * list.
- * If NULL, then <New> will be added at the head of the
- * list, else it will be added following <After>.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the node that was inserted into the list (i.e.,
- * the same as <New>).
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_dlNodePtr PredNode = After ? After : (ubi_dlNodePtr)ListPtr;
- New->Next = PredNode->Next;
- New->Prev = After;
- PredNode->Next = New;
- if( New->Next )
- New->Next->Prev = New;
- else
- ListPtr->Tail = New;
- (ListPtr->count)++;
- return( New );
- } /* ubi_dlInsert */
-ubi_dlNodePtr ubi_dlRemove( ubi_dlListPtr ListPtr, ubi_dlNodePtr Old )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Remove a node from the list.
- *
- * Input: ListPtr - A pointer to the list from which <Old> is to be
- * removed.
- * Old - A pointer to the node that is to be removed from the
- * list.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the node that was removed (i.e., <Old>).
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- if( Old )
- {
- if( Old->Next )
- Old->Next->Prev = Old->Prev;
- else
- ListPtr->Tail = Old->Prev;
- if( Old->Prev )
- Old->Prev->Next = Old->Next;
- else
- ListPtr->Head = Old->Next;
- (ListPtr->count)--;
- }
- return( Old );
- } /* ubi_dlRemove */
-/* ================================ The End ================================= */
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/ubi_dLinkList.h b/source/ubiqx/ubi_dLinkList.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 682e566ee67..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/ubi_dLinkList.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * ubi_dLinkList.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * This module implements simple doubly-linked lists.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * Log: ubi_dLinkList.h,v
- * Revision 0.11 1999/06/19 16:58:06 crh
- * Renamed the ubi_slRemove() function in ubi_sLinkList to
- * ubi_slRemoveNext(). I was bothered by the fact that it didn't
- * match the functionality of the ubi_dlRemove() function in
- * ubi_dLinkList. The new name is more 'correct'.
- *
- * Revision 0.10 1998/07/24 07:30:20 crh
- * Added the ubi_dlNewList() macro.
- *
- * Revision 0.9 1998/06/04 21:29:27 crh
- * Upper-cased defined constants (eg UBI_BINTREE_H) in some header files.
- * This is more "standard", and is what people expect. Weird, eh?
- *
- * Revision 0.8 1998/06/03 18:06:03 crh
- * Further fiddling with sys_include.h, which has been moved from the .c file
- * to the .h file.
- *
- * Revision 0.7 1998/06/02 01:38:47 crh
- * Changed include file name from ubi_null.h to sys_include.h to make it
- * more generic.
- *
- * Revision 0.6 1998/05/20 04:38:05 crh
- * The C file now includes ubi_null.h. See ubi_null.h for more info.
- *
- * Revision 0.5 1998/03/10 02:54:04 crh
- * Simplified the code and added macros for stack & queue manipulations.
- *
- * Revision 0.4 1998/01/03 01:53:44 crh
- * Added ubi_dlCount() macro.
- *
- * Revision 0.3 1997/10/15 03:04:31 crh
- * Added some handy type casting to the macros. Added AddHere and RemThis
- * macros.
- *
- * Revision 0.2 1997/10/08 03:08:16 crh
- * Fixed a few forgotten link-ups in Insert(), and fixed the AddHead()
- * macro, which was passing the wrong value for <After> to Insert().
- *
- * Revision 0.1 1997/10/07 04:34:38 crh
- * Initial Revision.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * This module is similar to the ubi_sLinkList module, but it is neither a
- * descendant type nor an easy drop-in replacement for the latter. One key
- * difference is that the ubi_dlRemove() function removes the indicated node,
- * while the ubi_slRemoveNext() function (in ubi_sLinkList) removes the node
- * *following* the indicated node.
- *
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#include "sys_include.h" /* System-specific includes. */
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Typedefs...
- *
- * ubi_dlNode - This is the basic node structure.
- * ubi_dlNodePtr - Pointer to a node.
- * ubi_dlList - This is the list header structure.
- * ubi_dlListPtr - Pointer to a List (i.e., a list header structure).
- *
- */
-typedef struct ubi_dlListNode
- {
- struct ubi_dlListNode *Next;
- struct ubi_dlListNode *Prev;
- } ubi_dlNode;
-typedef ubi_dlNode *ubi_dlNodePtr;
-typedef struct
- {
- ubi_dlNodePtr Head;
- ubi_dlNodePtr Tail;
- unsigned long count;
- } ubi_dlList;
-typedef ubi_dlList *ubi_dlListPtr;
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Macros...
- *
- * ubi_dlNewList - Macro used to declare and initialize a new list in one
- * swell foop. It is used when defining a variable of
- * type ubi_dlList. The definition
- * static ubi_dlNewList( gerbil );
- * is translated to
- * static ubi_dlList gerbil[1] = {{ NULL, NULL, 0 }};
- *
- * ubi_dlCount - Return the number of entries currently in the list.
- *
- * ubi_dlAddHead - Add a new node at the head of the list.
- * ubi_dlAddNext - Add a node following the given node.
- * ubi_dlAddTail - Add a new node at the tail of the list.
- * Note: AddTail evaluates the L parameter twice.
- *
- * ubi_dlRemHead - Remove the node at the head of the list, if any.
- * Note: RemHead evaluates the L parameter twice.
- * ubi_dlRemThis - Remove the indicated node.
- * ubi_dlRemTail - Remove the node at the tail of the list, if any.
- * Note: RemTail evaluates the L parameter twice.
- *
- * ubi_dlFirst - Return a pointer to the first node in the list, if any.
- * ubi_dlLast - Return a pointer to the last node in the list, if any.
- * ubi_dlNext - Given a node, return a pointer to the next node.
- * ubi_dlPrev - Given a node, return a pointer to the previous node.
- *
- * ubi_dlPush - Add a node at the head of the list (synonym of AddHead).
- * ubi_dlPop - Remove a node at the head of the list (synonym of RemHead).
- * ubi_dlEnqueue - Add a node at the tail of the list (sysnonym of AddTail).
- * ubi_dlDequeue - Remove a node at the head of the list (synonym of RemHead).
- *
- * Note that all of these provide type casting of the parameters. The
- * Add and Rem macros are nothing more than nice front-ends to the
- * Insert and Remove operations.
- *
- * Also note that the First, Next and Last macros do no parameter checking!
- *
- */
-#define ubi_dlNewList( L ) ubi_dlList (L)[1] = {{ NULL, NULL, 0 }}
-#define ubi_dlCount( L ) (((ubi_dlListPtr)(L))->count)
-#define ubi_dlAddHead( L, N ) \
- ubi_dlInsert( (ubi_dlListPtr)(L), (ubi_dlNodePtr)(N), NULL )
-#define ubi_dlAddNext( L, N, A ) \
- ubi_dlInsert( (ubi_dlListPtr)(L), \
- (ubi_dlNodePtr)(N), \
- (ubi_dlNodePtr)(A) )
-#define ubi_dlAddTail( L, N ) \
- ubi_dlInsert( (ubi_dlListPtr)(L), \
- (ubi_dlNodePtr)(N), \
- (((ubi_dlListPtr)(L))->Tail) )
-#define ubi_dlRemHead( L ) ubi_dlRemove( (ubi_dlListPtr)(L), \
- (((ubi_dlListPtr)(L))->Head) )
-#define ubi_dlRemThis( L, N ) ubi_dlRemove( (ubi_dlListPtr)(L), \
- (ubi_dlNodePtr)(N) )
-#define ubi_dlRemTail( L ) ubi_dlRemove( (ubi_dlListPtr)(L), \
- (((ubi_dlListPtr)(L))->Tail) )
-#define ubi_dlFirst( L ) (((ubi_dlListPtr)(L))->Head)
-#define ubi_dlLast( L ) (((ubi_dlListPtr)(L))->Tail)
-#define ubi_dlNext( N ) (((ubi_dlNodePtr)(N))->Next)
-#define ubi_dlPrev( N ) (((ubi_dlNodePtr)(N))->Prev)
-#define ubi_dlPush ubi_dlAddHead
-#define ubi_dlPop ubi_dlRemHead
-#define ubi_dlEnqueue ubi_dlAddTail
-#define ubi_dlDequeue ubi_dlRemHead
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Function prototypes...
- */
-ubi_dlListPtr ubi_dlInitList( ubi_dlListPtr ListPtr );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Initialize a doubly-linked list header.
- *
- * Input: ListPtr - A pointer to the list structure that is to be
- * initialized for use.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the initialized list header (i.e., same as
- * <ListPtr>).
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_dlNodePtr ubi_dlInsert( ubi_dlListPtr ListPtr,
- ubi_dlNodePtr New,
- ubi_dlNodePtr After );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Insert a new node into the list.
- *
- * Input: ListPtr - A pointer to the list into which the node is to
- * be inserted.
- * New - Pointer to the new node.
- * After - NULL, or a pointer to a node that is already in the
- * list.
- * If NULL, then <New> will be added at the head of the
- * list, else it will be added following <After>.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the node that was inserted into the list (i.e.,
- * the same as <New>).
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_dlNodePtr ubi_dlRemove( ubi_dlListPtr ListPtr, ubi_dlNodePtr Old );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Remove a node from the list.
- *
- * Input: ListPtr - A pointer to the list from which <Old> is to be
- * removed.
- * Old - A pointer to the node that is to be removed from the
- * list.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the node that was removed (i.e., <Old>).
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-/* ================================ The End ================================= */
-#endif /* UBI_DLINKLIST_H */
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/ubi_sLinkList.c b/source/ubiqx/ubi_sLinkList.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ff75931b470..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/ubi_sLinkList.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * ubi_sLinkList.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * This module implements a simple singly-linked list.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * Log: ubi_sLinkList.c,v
- * Revision 0.10 1999/06/19 16:58:06 crh
- * Renamed the ubi_slRemove() function in ubi_sLinkList to
- * ubi_slRemoveNext(). I was bothered by the fact that it didn't
- * match the functionality of the ubi_dlRemove() function in
- * ubi_dLinkList. The new name is more 'correct'.
- *
- * Revision 0.9 1998/07/24 07:30:20 crh
- * Added the ubi_slNewList() macro.
- *
- * Revision 0.8 1998/06/04 21:29:27 crh
- * Upper-cased defined constants (eg UBI_BINTREE_H) in some header files.
- * This is more "standard", and is what people expect. Weird, eh?
- *
- * Revision 0.7 1998/06/03 18:06:03 crh
- * Further fiddling with sys_include.h, which has been moved from the .c file
- * to the .h file.
- *
- * Revision 0.6 1998/06/02 01:38:47 crh
- * Changed include file name from ubi_null.h to sys_include.h to make it
- * more generic.
- *
- * Revision 0.5 1998/05/20 04:38:05 crh
- * The C file now includes ubi_null.h. See ubi_null.h for more info.
- *
- * Revision 0.4 1998/03/10 02:23:20 crh
- * Combined ubi_StackQueue and ubi_sLinkList into one module. Redesigned
- * the functions and macros. Not a complete rewrite but close to it.
- *
- * Revision 0.3 1998/01/03 01:59:52 crh
- * Added ubi_slCount() macro.
- *
- * Revision 0.2 1997/10/21 03:35:18 crh
- * Added parameter <After> in function Insert(). Made necessary changes
- * to macro AddHead() and added macro AddHere().
- *
- * Revision 0.1 1997/10/16 02:53:45 crh
- * Initial Revision.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * This module implements a singly-linked list which may also be used as a
- * queue or a stack. For a queue, entries are added at the tail and removed
- * from the head of the list. For a stack, the entries are entered and
- * removed from the head of the list. A traversal of the list will always
- * start at the head of the list and proceed toward the tail. This is all
- * mind-numbingly simple, but I'm surprised by the number of programs out
- * there which re-implement this a dozen or so times.
- *
- * Note: When the list header is initialized, the Tail pointer is set to
- * point to the Head pointer. This simplifies things a great deal,
- * except that you can't initialize a stack or queue by simply
- * zeroing it out. One sure way to initialize the header is to call
- * ubi_slInit(). Another option would be something like this:
- *
- * ubi_slNewList( MyList );
- *
- * Which translates to:
- *
- * ubi_slList MyList[1] = { NULL, (ubi_slNodePtr)MyList, 0 };
- *
- * See ubi_slInit(), ubi_slNewList(), and the ubi_slList structure
- * for more info.
- *
- * + Also, note that this module is similar to the ubi_dLinkList
- * module. There are three key differences:
- * - This is a singly-linked list, the other is a doubly-linked
- * list.
- * - In this module, if the list is empty, the tail pointer will
- * point back to the head of the list as described above. This
- * is not done in ubi_dLinkList.
- * - The ubi_slRemoveNext() function, by necessity, removes the
- * 'next' node. In ubi_dLinkList, the ubi_dlRemove() function
- * removes the 'current' node.
- *
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#include "ubi_sLinkList.h" /* Header for *this* module. */
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Functions...
- */
-ubi_slListPtr ubi_slInitList( ubi_slListPtr ListPtr )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Initialize a singly-linked list header.
- *
- * Input: ListPtr - A pointer to the list structure that is to be
- * initialized for use.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the initialized list header (i.e., same as
- * <ListPtr>).
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ListPtr->Head = NULL;
- ListPtr->Tail = (ubi_slNodePtr)ListPtr;
- ListPtr->count = 0;
- return( ListPtr );
- } /* ubi_slInitList */
-ubi_slNodePtr ubi_slInsert( ubi_slListPtr ListPtr,
- ubi_slNodePtr New,
- ubi_slNodePtr After )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Add a node to the list.
- *
- * Input: ListPtr - A pointer to the list into which the node is to
- * be inserted.
- * New - Pointer to the node that is to be added to the list.
- * After - Pointer to a list in a node after which the new node
- * will be inserted. If NULL, then the new node will
- * be added at the head of the list.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the node that was inserted into the list (i.e.,
- * the same as <New>).
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- After = After ? After : (ubi_slNodePtr)ListPtr;
- New->Next = After->Next;
- After->Next = New;
- if( !(New->Next) )
- ListPtr->Tail = New;
- (ListPtr->count)++;
- return( New );
- } /* ubi_slInsert */
-ubi_slNodePtr ubi_slRemoveNext( ubi_slListPtr ListPtr, ubi_slNodePtr AfterMe )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Remove the node followng <AfterMe>. If <AfterMe> is NULL, remove from
- * the head of the list.
- *
- * Input: ListPtr - A pointer to the list from which the node is to be
- * removed.
- * AfterMe - Pointer to the node preceeding the node to be
- * removed.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the node that was removed, or NULL if the list is
- * empty.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- ubi_slNodePtr DelNode;
- AfterMe = AfterMe ? AfterMe : (ubi_slNodePtr)ListPtr;
- DelNode = AfterMe->Next;
- if( DelNode )
- {
- if( !(DelNode->Next) )
- ListPtr->Tail = AfterMe;
- AfterMe->Next = DelNode->Next;
- (ListPtr->count)--;
- }
- return( DelNode );
- } /* ubi_slRemoveNext */
-/* ================================ The End ================================= */
diff --git a/source/ubiqx/ubi_sLinkList.h b/source/ubiqx/ubi_sLinkList.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 53bfa400671..00000000000
--- a/source/ubiqx/ubi_sLinkList.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * ubi_sLinkList.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
- *
- * Email:
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * This module implements a simple singly-linked list.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- *
- * Log: ubi_sLinkList.h,v
- * Revision 0.10 1999/06/19 16:58:06 crh
- * Renamed the ubi_slRemove() function in ubi_sLinkList to
- * ubi_slRemoveNext(). I was bothered by the fact that it didn't
- * match the functionality of the ubi_dlRemove() function in
- * ubi_dLinkList. The new name is more 'correct'.
- *
- * Revision 0.9 1998/07/24 07:30:20 crh
- * Added the ubi_slNewList() macro.
- *
- * Revision 0.8 1998/06/04 21:29:27 crh
- * Upper-cased defined constants (eg UBI_BINTREE_H) in some header files.
- * This is more "standard", and is what people expect. Weird, eh?
- *
- * Revision 0.7 1998/06/03 18:06:03 crh
- * Further fiddling with sys_include.h, which has been moved from the .c file
- * to the .h file.
- *
- * Revision 0.6 1998/06/02 01:38:47 crh
- * Changed include file name from ubi_null.h to sys_include.h to make it
- * more generic.
- *
- * Revision 0.5 1998/05/20 04:38:05 crh
- * The C file now includes ubi_null.h. See ubi_null.h for more info.
- *
- * Revision 0.4 1998/03/10 02:22:39 crh
- * Combined ubi_StackQueue and ubi_sLinkList into one module. Redesigned
- * the functions and macros. Not a complete rewrite but close to it.
- *
- * Revision 0.3 1998/01/03 02:00:02 crh
- * Added ubi_slCount() macro.
- *
- * Revision 0.2 1997/10/21 03:36:14 crh
- * Added parameter <After> in function Insert(). Made necessary changes
- * to macro AddHead() and added macro AddHere().
- *
- * Revision 0.1 1997/10/16 02:54:08 crh
- * Initial Revision.
- *
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * This module implements a singly-linked list which may also be used as a
- * queue or a stack. For a queue, entries are added at the tail and removed
- * from the head of the list. For a stack, the entries are entered and
- * removed from the head of the list. A traversal of the list will always
- * start at the head of the list and proceed toward the tail. This is all
- * mind-numbingly simple, but I'm surprised by the number of programs out
- * there which re-implement this a dozen or so times.
- *
- * Note: When the list header is initialized, the Tail pointer is set to
- * point to the Head pointer. This simplifies things a great deal,
- * except that you can't initialize a stack or queue by simply
- * zeroing it out. One sure way to initialize the header is to call
- * ubi_slInit(). Another option would be something like this:
- *
- * ubi_slNewList( MyList );
- *
- * Which translates to:
- *
- * ubi_slList MyList[1] = { NULL, (ubi_slNodePtr)MyList, 0 };
- *
- * See ubi_slInit(), ubi_slNewList(), and the ubi_slList structure
- * for more info.
- *
- * + Also, note that this module is similar to the ubi_dLinkList
- * module. There are three key differences:
- * - This is a singly-linked list, the other is a doubly-linked
- * list.
- * - In this module, if the list is empty, the tail pointer will
- * point back to the head of the list as described above. This
- * is not done in ubi_dLinkList.
- * - The ubi_slRemoveNext() function, by necessity, removes the
- * 'next' node. In ubi_dLinkList, the ubi_dlRemove() function
- * removes the 'current' node.
- *
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
-#include "sys_include.h" /* System-specific includes. */
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Typedefs...
- *
- * ubi_slNode - This is the basic node structure.
- * ubi_slNodePtr - Pointer to a node.
- * ubi_slList - This is the list header structure.
- * ubi_slListPtr - Pointer to a List (i.e., a list header structure).
- *
- */
-typedef struct ubi_slListNode
- {
- struct ubi_slListNode *Next;
- } ubi_slNode;
-typedef ubi_slNode *ubi_slNodePtr;
-typedef struct
- {
- ubi_slNodePtr Head;
- ubi_slNodePtr Tail;
- unsigned long count;
- } ubi_slList;
-typedef ubi_slList *ubi_slListPtr;
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Macros...
- *
- * ubi_slNewList - Macro used to declare and initialize a list header in
- * one step.
- *
- * ubi_slCount - Returns the current number of entries in the list.
- *
- * ubi_slAddHead - Add a new node at the head of the list.
- * ubi_slAddNext - Add a new node following the indicated node.
- * ubi_slAddTail - Add a new node to the tail of the list.
- * Note: AddTail evaluates the L parameter twice.
- *
- * ubi_slRemHead - Remove the node at the head of the list, if any.
- * ubi_slRemNext - Remove the node following the given node.
- *
- * ubi_slFirst - Return a pointer to the first node in the list, if any.
- * ubi_slNext - Given a node, return a pointer to the next node.
- * ubi_slLast - Return a pointer to the last node in the list, if any.
- *
- * ubi_slPush - Add a node at the head of the list (synonym of AddHead).
- * ubi_slPop - Remove a node at the head of the list (synonym of RemHead).
- * ubi_slEnqueue - Add a node at the tail of the list (sysnonym of AddTail).
- * ubi_slDequeue - Remove a node at the head of the list (synonym of RemHead).
- *
- * Note that all of these provide type casting of the parameters. The
- * Add and Rem macros are nothing more than nice front-ends to the
- * Insert and Remove functions.
- *
- * Also note that the First, Next and Last macros do no parameter checking!
- *
- */
-#define ubi_slNewList( L ) ubi_slList (L)[1] = {{ NULL, (ubi_slNodePtr)(L), 0 }}
-#define ubi_slCount( L ) (((ubi_slListPtr)(L))->count)
-#define ubi_slAddHead( L, N ) \
- ubi_slInsert( (ubi_slListPtr)(L), (ubi_slNodePtr)(N), NULL )
-#define ubi_slAddNext( L, N, A ) \
- ubi_slInsert( (ubi_slListPtr)(L), \
- (ubi_slNodePtr)(N), \
- (ubi_slNodePtr)(A) )
-#define ubi_slAddTail( L, N ) \
- ubi_slInsert( (ubi_slListPtr)(L), \
- (ubi_slNodePtr)(N), \
- ((ubi_slListPtr)(L))->Tail )
-#define ubi_slRemHead( L ) ubi_slRemoveNext( (ubi_slListPtr)(L), NULL )
-#define ubi_slRemNext( L, N ) \
- ubi_slRemoveNext( (ubi_slListPtr)(L), (ubi_slNodePtr)(N) )
-#define ubi_slFirst( L ) (((ubi_slListPtr)(L))->Head)
-#define ubi_slNext( N ) (((ubi_slNodePtr)(N))->Next)
-#define ubi_slLast( L ) (((ubi_slListPtr)(L))->Tail)
-#define ubi_slPush ubi_slAddHead
-#define ubi_slPop ubi_slRemHead
-#define ubi_slEnqueue ubi_slAddTail
-#define ubi_slDequeue ubi_slRemHead
-/* ========================================================================== **
- * Function prototypes...
- */
-ubi_slListPtr ubi_slInitList( ubi_slListPtr ListPtr );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Initialize a singly-linked list header.
- *
- * Input: ListPtr - A pointer to the list structure that is to be
- * initialized for use.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the initialized list header (i.e., same as
- * <ListPtr>).
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_slNodePtr ubi_slInsert( ubi_slListPtr ListPtr,
- ubi_slNodePtr New,
- ubi_slNodePtr After );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Add a node to the list.
- *
- * Input: ListPtr - A pointer to the list into which the node is to
- * be inserted.
- * New - Pointer to the node that is to be added to the list.
- * After - Pointer to a list in a node after which the new node
- * will be inserted. If NULL, then the new node will
- * be added at the head of the list.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the node that was inserted into the list (i.e.,
- * the same as <New>).
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-ubi_slNodePtr ubi_slRemoveNext( ubi_slListPtr ListPtr, ubi_slNodePtr AfterMe );
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Remove the node followng <AfterMe>. If <AfterMe> is NULL, remove from
- * the head of the list.
- *
- * Input: ListPtr - A pointer to the list from which the node is to be
- * removed.
- * AfterMe - Pointer to the node preceeding the node to be
- * removed.
- *
- * Output: A pointer to the node that was removed, or NULL if the list is
- * empty.
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
-/* ================================ The End ================================= */
-#endif /* UBI_SLINKLIST_H */