path: root/docs/htmldocs/samba-ldap-howto.html
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authorGerald Carter <>2002-10-02 14:08:40 +0000
committerGerald Carter <>2002-10-02 14:08:40 +0000
commitd72538fd14b8d00ea07f19464b4f3a3d93445cbf (patch)
tree8e53f195ced00f3b2a133b7013ad5988561397c4 /docs/htmldocs/samba-ldap-howto.html
parentae230491a8860a1846bd272d6455119a5bc99dd5 (diff)
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+>Storing Samba's User/Machine Account information in an LDAP Directory</TITLE
+CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
+TITLE="SAMBA Project Documentation"
+TITLE="How to Act as a Backup Domain Controller in a Purely Samba Controlled Domain"
+TITLE="Improved browsing in samba"
+SUMMARY="Header navigation table"
+>SAMBA Project Documentation</TH
+NAME="SAMBA-LDAP-HOWTO">Chapter 14. Storing Samba's User/Machine Account information in an LDAP Directory</H1
+NAME="AEN2350">14.1. Purpose</H1
+>This document describes how to use an LDAP directory for storing Samba user
+account information traditionally stored in the smbpasswd(5) file. It is
+assumed that the reader already has a basic understanding of LDAP concepts
+and has a working directory server already installed. For more information
+on LDAP architectures and Directories, please refer to the following sites.</P
+>OpenLDAP - <A
+>iPlanet Directory Server - <A
+>Note that <A
+>O'Reilly Publishing</A
+> is working on
+a guide to LDAP for System Administrators which has a planned release date of
+early summer, 2002.</P
+>Two additional Samba resources which may prove to be helpful are</P
+>The <A
+ maintained by Ignacio Coupeau.</P
+>The NT migration scripts from <A
+> that are
+ geared to manage users and group in such a Samba-LDAP Domain Controller configuration.
+ </P
+NAME="AEN2370">14.2. Introduction</H1
+>Traditionally, when configuring <A
+passwords = yes"</A
+> in Samba's <TT
+> file, user account
+information such as username, LM/NT password hashes, password change times, and account
+flags have been stored in the <TT
+> file. There are several
+disadvantages to this approach for sites with very large numbers of users (counted
+in the thousands).</P
+>The first is that all lookups must be performed sequentially. Given that
+there are approximately two lookups per domain logon (one for a normal
+session connection such as when mapping a network drive or printer), this
+is a performance bottleneck for lareg sites. What is needed is an indexed approach
+such as is used in databases.</P
+>The second problem is that administrators who desired to replicate a
+smbpasswd file to more than one Samba server were left to use external
+tools such as <B
+> and <B
+and wrote custom, in-house scripts.</P
+>And finally, the amount of information which is stored in an
+smbpasswd entry leaves no room for additional attributes such as
+a home directory, password expiration time, or even a Relative
+Identified (RID).</P
+>As a result of these defeciencies, a more robust means of storing user attributes
+used by smbd was developed. The API which defines access to user accounts
+is commonly referred to as the samdb interface (previously this was called the passdb
+API, and is still so named in the CVS trees). In Samba 2.2.3, enabling support
+for a samdb backend (e.g. <TT
+> or
+>) requires compile time support.</P
+>When compiling Samba to include the <TT
+> autoconf
+option, smbd (and associated tools) will store and lookup user accounts in
+an LDAP directory. In reality, this is very easy to understand. If you are
+comfortable with using an smbpasswd file, simply replace "smbpasswd" with
+"LDAP directory" in all the documentation.</P
+>There are a few points to stress about what the <TT
+does not provide. The LDAP support referred to in the this documentation does not
+>A means of retrieving user account information from
+ an Windows 2000 Active Directory server.</P
+>A means of replacing /etc/passwd.</P
+>The second item can be accomplished by using LDAP NSS and PAM modules. LGPL
+versions of these libraries can be obtained from PADL Software
+>). However,
+the details of configuring these packages are beyond the scope of this document.</P
+NAME="AEN2399">14.3. Supported LDAP Servers</H1
+>The LDAP samdb code in 2.2.3 has been developed and tested using the OpenLDAP
+2.0 server and client libraries. The same code should be able to work with
+Netscape's Directory Server and client SDK. However, due to lack of testing
+so far, there are bound to be compile errors and bugs. These should not be
+hard to fix. If you are so inclined, please be sure to forward all patches to
+> and
+NAME="AEN2404">14.4. Schema and Relationship to the RFC 2307 posixAccount</H1
+>Samba 2.2.3 includes the necessary schema file for OpenLDAP 2.0 in
+>. (Note that this schema
+file has been modified since the experimental support initially included
+in 2.2.2). The sambaAccount objectclass is given here:</P
+>objectclass ( NAME 'sambaAccount' SUP top STRUCTURAL
+ DESC 'Samba Account'
+ MUST ( uid $ rid )
+ MAY ( cn $ lmPassword $ ntPassword $ pwdLastSet $ logonTime $
+ logoffTime $ kickoffTime $ pwdCanChange $ pwdMustChange $ acctFlags $
+ displayName $ smbHome $ homeDrive $ scriptPath $ profilePath $
+ description $ userWorkstations $ primaryGroupID $ domain ))</PRE
+>The samba.schema file has been formatted for OpenLDAP 2.0. The OID's are
+owned by the Samba Team and as such is legal to be openly published.
+If you translate the schema to be used with Netscape DS, please
+submit the modified schema file as a patch to <A
+>Just as the smbpasswd file is mean to store information which supplements a
+user's <TT
+> entry, so is the sambaAccount object
+meant to supplement the UNIX user account information. A sambaAccount is a
+> objectclass so it can be stored individually
+in the directory. However, there are several fields (e.g. uid) which overlap
+with the posixAccount objectclass outlined in RFC2307. This is by design.</P
+>In order to store all user account information (UNIX and Samba) in the directory,
+it is necessary to use the sambaAccount and posixAccount objectclasses in
+combination. However, smbd will still obtain the user's UNIX account
+information via the standard C library calls (e.g. getpwnam(), et. al.).
+This means that the Samba server must also have the LDAP NSS library installed
+and functioning correctly. This division of information makes it possible to
+store all Samba account information in LDAP, but still maintain UNIX account
+information in NIS while the network is transitioning to a full LDAP infrastructure.</P
+NAME="AEN2416">14.5. Configuring Samba with LDAP</H1
+NAME="AEN2418">14.5.1. OpenLDAP configuration</H2
+>To include support for the sambaAccount object in an OpenLDAP directory
+server, first copy the samba.schema file to slapd's configuration directory.</P
+>root# </TT
+>cp samba.schema /etc/openldap/schema/</B
+>Next, include the <TT
+> file in <TT
+The sambaAccount object contains two attributes which depend upon other schema
+files. The 'uid' attribute is defined in <TT
+> and
+the 'displayName' attribute is defined in the <TT
+file. Both of these must be included before the <TT
+> file.</P
+>## /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
+## schema files (core.schema is required by default)
+include /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
+## needed for sambaAccount
+include /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
+include /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
+include /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema
+## uncomment this line if you want to support the RFC2307 (NIS) schema
+## include /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
+>It is recommended that you maintain some indices on some of the most usefull attributes,
+like in the following example, to speed up searches made on sambaAccount objectclasses
+(and possibly posixAccount and posixGroup as well).</P
+># Indices to maintain
+## required by OpenLDAP 2.0
+index objectclass eq
+## support pb_getsampwnam()
+index uid pres,eq
+## support pdb_getsambapwrid()
+index rid eq
+## uncomment these if you are storing posixAccount and
+## posixGroup entries in the directory as well
+##index uidNumber eq
+##index gidNumber eq
+##index cn eq
+##index memberUid eq</PRE
+NAME="AEN2435">14.5.2. Configuring Samba</H2
+>The following parameters are available in smb.conf only with <TT
+was included with compiling Samba.</P
+>ldap ssl</A
+>ldap server</A
+>ldap admin dn</A
+>ldap suffix</A
+>ldap filter</A
+>ldap port</A
+>These are described in the <A
+> man
+page and so will not be repeated here. However, a sample smb.conf file for
+use with an LDAP directory could appear as</P
+>## /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
+ security = user
+ encrypt passwords = yes
+ netbios name = TASHTEGO
+ workgroup = NARNIA
+ # ldap related parameters
+ # define the DN to use when binding to the directory servers
+ # The password for this DN is not stored in smb.conf. Rather it
+ # must be set by using 'smbpasswd -w <TT
+>' to store the
+ # passphrase in the secrets.tdb file. If the "ldap admin dn" values
+ # changes, this password will need to be reset.
+ ldap admin dn = "cn=Samba Manager,ou=people,dc=samba,dc=org"
+ # specify the LDAP server's hostname (defaults to locahost)
+ ldap server =
+ # Define the SSL option when connecting to the directory
+ # ('off', 'start tls', or 'on' (default))
+ ldap ssl = start tls
+ # define the port to use in the LDAP session (defaults to 636 when
+ # "ldap ssl = on")
+ ldap port = 389
+ # specify the base DN to use when searching the directory
+ ldap suffix = "ou=people,dc=samba,dc=org"
+ # generally the default ldap search filter is ok
+ # ldap filter = "(&amp;(uid=%u)(objectclass=sambaAccount))"</PRE
+NAME="AEN2463">14.6. Accounts and Groups management</H1
+>As users accounts are managed thru the sambaAccount objectclass, you should
+modify you existing administration tools to deal with sambaAccount attributes.</P
+>Machines accounts are managed with the sambaAccount objectclass, just
+like users accounts. However, it's up to you to stored thoses accounts
+in a different tree of you LDAP namespace: you should use
+"ou=Groups,dc=plainjoe,dc=org" to store groups and
+"ou=People,dc=plainjoe,dc=org" to store users. Just configure your
+NSS and PAM accordingly (usually, in the /etc/ldap.conf configuration
+>In Samba release 2.2.3, the group management system is based on posix
+groups. This meand that Samba make usage of the posixGroup objectclass.
+For now, there is no NT-like group system management (global and local
+NAME="AEN2468">14.7. Security and sambaAccount</H1
+>There are two important points to remember when discussing the security
+of sambaAccount entries in the directory.</P
+> retrieve the lmPassword or
+ ntPassword attribute values over an unencrypted LDAP session.</P
+> allow non-admin users to
+ view the lmPassword or ntPassword attribute values.</P
+>These password hashes are clear text equivalents and can be used to impersonate
+the user without deriving the original clear text strings. For more information
+on the details of LM/NT password hashes, refer to the <A
+>ENCRYPTION chapter</A
+> of the Samba-HOWTO-Collection.</P
+>To remedy the first security issue, the "ldap ssl" smb.conf parameter defaults
+to require an encrypted session (<B
+>ldap ssl = on</B
+>) using
+the default port of 636
+when contacting the directory server. When using an OpenLDAP 2.0 server, it
+is possible to use the use the StartTLS LDAP extended operation in the place of
+LDAPS. In either case, you are strongly discouraged to disable this security
+>ldap ssl = off</B
+>Note that the LDAPS protocol is deprecated in favor of the LDAPv3 StartTLS
+extended operation. However, the OpenLDAP library still provides support for
+the older method of securing communication between clients and servers.</P
+>The second security precaution is to prevent non-administrative users from
+harvesting password hashes from the directory. This can be done using the
+following ACL in <TT
+>## allow the "ldap admin dn" access, but deny everyone else
+access to attrs=lmPassword,ntPassword
+ by dn="cn=Samba Admin,ou=people,dc=plainjoe,dc=org" write
+ by * none</PRE
+NAME="AEN2488">14.8. LDAP specials attributes for sambaAccounts</H1
+>The sambaAccount objectclass is composed of the following attributes:</P
+>: the LANMAN password 16-byte hash stored as a character
+ representation of a hexidecimal string.</P
+>: the NT password hash 16-byte stored as a character
+ representation of a hexidecimal string.</P
+>: The integer time in seconds since 1970 when the
+ <TT
+> and <TT
+> attributes were last set.
+ </P
+>: string of 11 characters surrounded by square brackets []
+ representing account flags such as U (user), W(workstation), X(no password expiration), and
+ D(disabled).</P
+>: Integer value currently unused</P
+>: Integer value currently unused</P
+>: Integer value currently unused</P
+>: Integer value currently unused</P
+>: Integer value currently unused</P
+>: specifies the drive letter to which to map the
+ UNC path specified by homeDirectory. The drive letter must be specified in the form "X:"
+ where X is the letter of the drive to map. Refer to the "logon drive" parameter in the
+ smb.conf(5) man page for more information.</P
+>: The scriptPath property specifies the path of
+ the user's logon script, .CMD, .EXE, or .BAT file. The string can be null. The path
+ is relative to the netlogon share. Refer to the "logon script" parameter in the
+ smb.conf(5) man page for more information.</P
+>: specifies a path to the user's profile.
+ This value can be a null string, a local absolute path, or a UNC path. Refer to the
+ "logon path" parameter in the smb.conf(5) man page for more information.</P
+>: The homeDirectory property specifies the path of
+ the home directory for the user. The string can be null. If homeDrive is set and specifies
+ a drive letter, homeDirectory should be a UNC path. The path must be a network
+ UNC path of the form \\server\share\directory. This value can be a null string.
+ Refer to the "logon home" parameter in the smb.conf(5) man page for more information.
+ </P
+>: character string value currently unused.
+ </P
+>: the integer representation of the user's relative identifier
+ (RID).</P
+>: the relative identifier (RID) of the primary group
+ of the user.</P
+>The majority of these parameters are only used when Samba is acting as a PDC of
+a domain (refer to the <A
+> for details on
+how to configure Samba as a Primary Domain Controller). The following four attributes
+are only stored with the sambaAccount entry if the values are non-default values:</P
+>These attributes are only stored with the sambaAccount entry if
+the values are non-default values. For example, assume TASHTEGO has now been
+configured as a PDC and that <B
+>logon home = \\%L\%u</B
+> was defined in
+its <TT
+> file. When a user named "becky" logons to the domain,
+the <TT
+>logon home</I
+> string is expanded to \\TASHTEGO\becky.
+If the smbHome attribute exists in the entry "uid=becky,ou=people,dc=samba,dc=org",
+this value is used. However, if this attribute does not exist, then the value
+of the <TT
+>logon home</I
+> parameter is used in its place. Samba
+will only write the attribute value to the directory entry is the value is
+something other than the default (e.g. \\MOBY\becky).</P
+NAME="AEN2558">14.9. Example LDIF Entries for a sambaAccount</H1
+>The following is a working LDIF with the inclusion of the posixAccount objectclass:</P
+>dn: uid=guest2, ou=people,dc=plainjoe,dc=org
+ntPassword: 878D8014606CDA29677A44EFA1353FC7
+pwdMustChange: 2147483647
+primaryGroupID: 1201
+lmPassword: 552902031BEDE9EFAAD3B435B51404EE
+pwdLastSet: 1010179124
+logonTime: 0
+objectClass: sambaAccount
+uid: guest2
+kickoffTime: 2147483647
+acctFlags: [UX ]
+logoffTime: 2147483647
+rid: 19006
+pwdCanChange: 0</PRE
+>The following is an LDIF entry for using both the sambaAccount and
+posixAccount objectclasses:</P
+>dn: uid=gcarter, ou=people,dc=plainjoe,dc=org
+logonTime: 0
+displayName: Gerald Carter
+lmPassword: 552902031BEDE9EFAAD3B435B51404EE
+primaryGroupID: 1201
+objectClass: posixAccount
+objectClass: sambaAccount
+acctFlags: [UX ]
+userPassword: {crypt}BpM2ej8Rkzogo
+uid: gcarter
+uidNumber: 9000
+cn: Gerald Carter
+loginShell: /bin/bash
+logoffTime: 2147483647
+gidNumber: 100
+kickoffTime: 2147483647
+pwdLastSet: 1010179230
+rid: 19000
+homeDirectory: /home/tashtego/gcarter
+pwdCanChange: 0
+pwdMustChange: 2147483647
+ntPassword: 878D8014606CDA29677A44EFA1353FC7</PRE
+NAME="AEN2566">14.10. Comments</H1
+>Please mail all comments regarding this HOWTO to <A
+>. This documents was
+last updated to reflect the Samba 2.2.3 release.&#13;</P
+SUMMARY="Footer navigation table"
+>How to Act as a Backup Domain Controller in a Purely Samba Controlled Domain</TD
+>Improved browsing in samba</TD
+> \ No newline at end of file