path: root/worker/worker.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'worker/worker.c')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 876 deletions
diff --git a/worker/worker.c b/worker/worker.c
index efd7706..85430bd 100644
--- a/worker/worker.c
+++ b/worker/worker.c
@@ -1,818 +1,42 @@
+ * Author: Sumit Bose <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation; version 2 only
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING.LGPL. If not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ * 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <libgen.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <pwd.h>
-#include <grp.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <libxml/tree.h>
-#include <libxml/parser.h>
-#include <libxml/xpath.h>
-#include <libxml/xpathInternals.h>
-#include <libxml/relaxng.h>
-#include <libxslt/xslt.h>
-#include <libxslt/xsltInternals.h>
-#include <libxslt/transform.h>
-#include <libxslt/xsltutils.h>
-#include <curl/curl.h>
-#include <selinux/selinux.h>
-#include <selinux/context.h>
+#include "helpers.h"
#include "util.h"
+#include "xml_helper.h"
+#include "ipaaction.h"
+#include "output_handler.h"
-#define XMLCHARLEN 255
-/* If a default namespace is defined
- *
- * IMPORTANT: XPath 1.0 has no concept of a default namespace. Unprefixed
- * names in XPath only match names which have no namespace. So, if the
- * document uses a default namespace, it is required to associate a non-empty
- * prefix with the default namespace via register-namespace and add that
- * prefix to names in XPath expressions intended to match nodes in the default
- * namespace.
- */
-xmlChar *default_namespace_prefix = (xmlChar *) "def";
-#define XSLT_METADATA_NAMESPACE (xmlChar *) ""
-#define XSLT_METADATA_NAMESPACE_PREFIX (xmlChar *) "md"
-#define XPATH_OUTPUT_HANDLER (xmlChar *) "//md:output_handler/md:*"
-int open_temporary_file(char *name, const char *permission, const uid_t uid, const gid_t gid, const char *selinux_context_string) {
- int fd;
- int ret;
- fd=mkstemp(name);
- if (fd==-1) {
- DEBUG(0,("mkstemp failed with template %s: %s\n",name, strerror(errno)));
- return -1;
- }
- ret=fchmod(fd, (mode_t) strtol(permission, NULL, 8));
- CHECK(ret, -1, ("Cannot chmod temporary file to %s: %s\n", permission, strerror(errno)), return -1);
- ret=fchown(fd, uid, gid);
- CHECK(ret, -1, ("Cannot chown temporary file to uid %d and gid %d: %s\n", uid, gid, strerror(errno)), return -1);
- if (selinux_context_string != NULL ) {
- ret=fsetfilecon(fd, (security_context_t ) selinux_context_string);
- CHECK(ret, -1, ("fsetfilecon failed: %s\n",strerror(errno)), return -1);
- }
- return fd;
-int exec_command(const char *command, const uid_t uid, const gid_t gid, char *arguments, char *extra_args) {
- char *argv[10]; /* FIXME */
- int c=0;
- int i;
- char *cur;
- char *next_arg;
- pid_t pid;
- int ret;
- int status;
- int stdout_pipe[2];
- int stderr_pipe[2];
- char buffer[255];
- argv[c++]=strdup(command);
- if (arguments!=NULL) {
- cur=arguments;
- while( (next_arg=strchr(cur, ' '))!=NULL) {
- argv[c++]=strndup(cur, next_arg-cur);
- cur=next_arg+1;
- }
- argv[c++]=strdup(cur);
- }
- if (extra_args!=NULL) {
- cur=extra_args;
- while( (next_arg=strchr(cur, ' '))!=NULL) {
- argv[c++]=strndup(cur, next_arg-cur);
- cur=next_arg+1;
- }
- argv[c++]=strdup(cur);
- }
- argv[c++]=NULL;
- for(i=0;i<c;i++){
- DEBUG(3,("argument array element %d: |%s|\n",i, argv[i]));
- }
- ret=pipe(stdout_pipe);
- CHECK(ret, -1, ("pipe failed: %s\n",strerror(errno)), return -1);
- ret=pipe(stderr_pipe);
- CHECK(ret, -1, ("pipe failed: %s\n",strerror(errno)), return -1);
- pid=fork();
- CHECK(pid, -1, ("fork failed: %s",strerror(errno)), return -1);
- if (!pid) { /* FIXME: missing error checking */
- close(stdout_pipe[0]);
- close(stderr_pipe[0]);
- ret=dup2(stdout_pipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
- CHECK(ret, -1, ("dup2 failed: %s\n",strerror(errno)), exit(1));
- ret=dup2(stderr_pipe[1], STDERR_FILENO);
- CHECK(ret, -1, ("dup2 failed: %s\n",strerror(errno)), exit(1));
- close(STDIN_FILENO);
- ret=chdir("/");
- CHECK(ret, -1, ("chdir to / failed: %s\n",strerror(errno)), exit(1));
- ret=setgid(gid);
- CHECK(ret, -1, ("setgid failed: %s\n",strerror(errno)), exit(1));
- ret=setuid(uid);
- CHECK(ret, -1, ("setuid failed: %s\n",strerror(errno)), exit(1));
- execv(command, argv);
- }
- close(stdout_pipe[1]);
- close(stderr_pipe[1]);
- *buffer='\0';
- ret=read(stdout_pipe[0], &buffer, 255);
- buffer[ret]='\0';
- DEBUG(3,("stdout from child: >>%s<<\n",buffer));
- *buffer='\0';
- ret=read(stderr_pipe[0], &buffer, 255);
- buffer[ret]='\0';
- DEBUG(3,("stderr from child: >>%s<<\n",buffer));
- ret = waitpid(pid, & status, 0);
- if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
- DEBUG(3,("Child terminated normally with exit status %d\n",WEXITSTATUS(status)));
- } else {
- DEBUG(1,("Child terminated not normally.\n"));
- }
- for(i=0;i<c;i++){
- free(argv[i]);
- }
- return WEXITSTATUS(status);
-char *get_output_handler_parameter(xmlNode *node, const char *name, const char *default_value, const int required) {
- char *value;
- DEBUG(3,("Search for attribute '%s'.\n",name));
- value = (char *) xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar *) name);
- if (required == 1) {
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(value, ("Cannot find required attribute '%s' for output handler.\n", name));
- DEBUG(3,("Found required attribute '%s' with value '%s'.\n",name, value));
- } else if (required == 0 ) {
- if (value == NULL) {
- DEBUG(3,("Optional attribute '%s' not found, using default '%s'.\n",name, default_value));
- if (default_value != NULL ) value=strdup(default_value);
- } else {
- DEBUG(3,("Found optional attribute '%s' with value '%s'.\n",name, value));
- }
- } else {
- DEBUG(0,("I am not allowed to be here, aborting ...\n"));
- exit(-1);
- }
- return value;
-int output_handler_file(xmlNode *node, const xmlDocPtr doc, const char *xslt_file_name) {
- char *name;
- char *owner;
- char *group;
- char *permission;
- char *param_name;
- char *param_value;
- struct stat stat_buffer;
- char *dir_name;
- char *tmp_file_name;
- char *buffer;
- int ret;
- int fd;
- struct passwd *pwd_info;
- struct group *grp_info;
- xsltStylesheetPtr parsed_stylesheet = NULL;
- xmlDocPtr res;
- name=get_output_handler_parameter(node, "name", NULL, 1);
- buffer=strdup(name);
- CHECK_NULL_RETURN(buffer ,("strdup failed\n"));
- dir_name=dirname(buffer);
- if( (ret=stat(dir_name, &stat_buffer)) == -1) {
- DEBUG(0,("stat on %s failed: %s\n",dir_name, strerror(errno)));
- free(name);
- return -1;
- }
- if(!S_ISDIR(stat_buffer.st_mode)) {
- DEBUG(0,("%s is not a directory!\n",dir_name));
- free(name);
- return -1;
- }
- free(buffer);
- if( (ret=lstat(name, &stat_buffer)) == -1) {
- DEBUG(0,("stat on %s failed: %s\n",name, strerror(errno)));
- free(name);
- return -1;
- }
- if(!S_ISREG(stat_buffer.st_mode)) {
- DEBUG(0,("%s is not a regular file!\n",name));
- free(name);
- return -1;
- }
- owner=get_output_handler_parameter(node, "owner", "root", 0);
- pwd_info=getpwnam(owner);
- CHECK_NULL_RETURN(pwd_info, ("Cannot find user %s.\n", owner));
- group=get_output_handler_parameter(node, "group", "root", 0);
- grp_info=getgrnam(group);
- CHECK_NULL_RETURN(grp_info, ("Cannot find group %s.\n", group));
- permission=get_output_handler_parameter(node, "permission", "0400", 0);
- param_name=get_output_handler_parameter(node, "param_name", NULL, 0);
- param_value=get_output_handler_parameter(node, "param_value", NULL, 0);
- /* TODO: create backup copy */
- tmp_file_name=(char *) malloc(strlen(name)+7);
- CHECK_NULL_RETURN(tmp_file_name,("malloc failed."));
- strcpy(tmp_file_name, name);
- strcat(tmp_file_name, ".XXXXXX");
- open_temporary_file(tmp_file_name, permission, pwd_info->pw_uid, grp_info->gr_gid, NULL);
- /*
- fd=mkstemp(tmp_file_name);
- if (fd==-1) {
- DEBUG(0,("mkstemp failed with template %s: %s\n",tmp_file_name, strerror(errno)));
- free(name);
- return -1;
- }
- ret=fchmod(fd, (mode_t) strtol(permission, NULL, 8));
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE_RETURN(ret, ("Cannot chmod temporary file to %s: %s\n", permission, strerror(errno)));
- ret=fchown(fd, pwd_info->pw_uid, grp_info->gr_gid);
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE_RETURN(ret, ("Cannot chown temporary file to %s:%s: %s\n", owner, group, strerror(errno)));
- */
- parsed_stylesheet = xsltParseStylesheetFile((xmlChar *) xslt_file_name);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(parsed_stylesheet, ("Cannot parse stylesheet!\n"));
- res = xsltApplyStylesheet(parsed_stylesheet, doc, NULL);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(res, ("Cannot apply stylesheet!\n"));
- ret = xsltSaveResultToFd(fd, res, parsed_stylesheet);
- if (ret == -1) {
- DEBUG(0, ("Cannot save result!\n"));
- exit(1);
- }
- xmlFreeDoc(res);
- xsltFreeStylesheet(parsed_stylesheet);
- close(fd);
- ret=rename(tmp_file_name, name);
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE_RETURN(ret, ("Cannot rename %s to %s: %s\n", tmp_file_name, name, strerror(errno) ));
- free(tmp_file_name);
- free(name);
- free(owner);
- free(group);
- free(permission);
- free(param_name);
- free(param_value);
- return 0;
-int output_handler_exec_with_args(xmlNode *node, const xmlDocPtr doc, const char *xslt_file_name) {
- char *command;
- char *arguments;
- char *user;
- char *group;
- char *param_name;
- char *param_value;
- int ret;
- struct stat stat_buffer;
- struct passwd *pwd_info;
- struct group *grp_info;
- xsltStylesheetPtr parsed_stylesheet = NULL;
- xmlDocPtr res;
- xmlChar *result_string;
- int result_length;
- char *cur;
- char *end_of_line;
- command=get_output_handler_parameter(node, "command", NULL, 1);
- if( (ret=stat(command, &stat_buffer)) == -1) {
- DEBUG(0,("stat on %s failed: %s\n",command, strerror(errno)));
- free(command);
- return -1;
- }
- arguments=get_output_handler_parameter(node, "arguments", NULL, 0);
- user=get_output_handler_parameter(node, "user", "nobody", 0);
- pwd_info=getpwnam(user);
- CHECK_NULL_RETURN(pwd_info, ("Cannot find user %s.\n", user));
- group=get_output_handler_parameter(node, "group", "nobody", 0);
- grp_info=getgrnam(group);
- CHECK_NULL_RETURN(grp_info, ("Cannot find group %s.\n", group));
- param_name=get_output_handler_parameter(node, "param_name", NULL, 0);
- param_value=get_output_handler_parameter(node, "param_value", NULL, 0);
- parsed_stylesheet = xsltParseStylesheetFile((xmlChar *) xslt_file_name);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(parsed_stylesheet, ("Cannot parse stylesheet!\n"));
- res = xsltApplyStylesheet(parsed_stylesheet, doc, NULL);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(res, ("Cannot apply stylesheet!\n"));
- ret = xsltSaveResultToString(&result_string, &result_length, res, parsed_stylesheet);
- if (ret == -1) {
- DEBUG(0, ("Cannot save result!\n"));
- exit(1);
- }
- xmlFreeDoc(res);
- xsltFreeStylesheet(parsed_stylesheet);
- cur=(char *)result_string;
- while ( (end_of_line = strchr(cur, '\n'))!=NULL ) {
- *end_of_line='\0';
- DEBUG(3,("found argument to %s: |%s|\n",command, cur));
- ret=exec_command(command, pwd_info->pw_uid, grp_info->gr_gid, arguments, cur);
- DEBUG(3,("exec_command retrun value: %d\n",ret));
- cur=end_of_line+1;
- };
- free(result_string);
- free(command);
- free(arguments);
- free(user);
- free(group);
- free(param_name);
- free(param_value);
- return 0;
-int print_all_attributes(xmlNode *node) {
- xmlAttr *cur;
- cur=node->properties;
- while(cur!=NULL) {
- DEBUG(3, ("found attribute '%s' with value '%s'.\n", cur->name, XML_GET_CONTENT(cur->children)));
- cur=cur->next;
- }
- return 0;
-int find_output_handler(const xmlDocPtr doc, const char *xslt_file_name) {
- int i;
- xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_context;
- xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_obj;
- xmlDocPtr xslt_doc;
- xslt_doc = xmlParseFile(xslt_file_name);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(xslt_doc, ("Cannot parse file %s!\n", xslt_file_name));
- xpath_context = xmlXPathNewContext(xslt_doc);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(xpath_context, ("Error: unable to create new XPath context\n"));
- if (xmlXPathRegisterNs(xpath_context, XSLT_METADATA_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, XSLT_METADATA_NAMESPACE) != 0) {
- DEBUG(0,
- ("Error: unable to register NS with prefix=\"%s\" and href=\"%s\"\n",
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return (0);
- }
- xpath_obj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(XPATH_OUTPUT_HANDLER, xpath_context);
- if (xpath_obj == NULL) {
- DEBUG(0,
- ("Error: unable to evaluate xpath expression \"%s\"\n",
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return (0);
- }
- if (xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(xpath_obj->nodesetval)) {
- DEBUG(0, ("Nothing found for %s\n", XPATH_OUTPUT_HANDLER));
- xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj);
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return (0);
- }
- for (i=0; i<xmlXPathNodeSetGetLength(xpath_obj->nodesetval); i++) {
- DEBUG(3, ("found output_handler: %s\n",(char *) xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->name));
- print_all_attributes(xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]);
- if ( xmlStrEqual(xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->name, (xmlChar *) "file" )) {
- output_handler_file(xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i], doc, xslt_file_name);
- } else if ( xmlStrEqual(xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->name, (xmlChar *) "exec_with_args" )) {
- output_handler_exec_with_args(xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i], doc, xslt_file_name);
- } else {
- DEBUG(0, ("Unknow outout handler '%s'.\n", xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->name));
- xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj);
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj);
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return 0;
-char *find_name_by_xpath(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlChar * xpath_expr, xmlChar * prefix,
- xmlChar * namespace)
- xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_context;
- xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_obj;
- char *result = NULL;
- /* Create xpath evaluation context */
- xpath_context = xmlXPathNewContext(doc);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(xpath_context,
- ("Error: unable to create new XPath context\n"));
- /* Register a namespace */
- if (xmlXPathRegisterNs(xpath_context, prefix, namespace) != 0) {
- DEBUG(0,
- ("Error: unable to register NS with prefix=\"%s\" and href=\"%s\"\n",
- prefix , namespace));
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Evaluate xpath expression */
- xpath_obj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xpath_expr, xpath_context);
- if (xpath_obj == NULL) {
- DEBUG(0,
- ("Error: unable to evaluate xpath expression \"%s\"\n",
- xpath_expr));
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(xpath_obj->nodesetval)) {
- DEBUG(0, ("Nothing found for %s\n", xpath_expr));
- xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj);
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return (NULL);
- } else if (xmlXPathNodeSetGetLength(xpath_obj->nodesetval) != 1) {
- DEBUG(0, ("More than one node found for %s!", xpath_expr));
- xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj);
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return (NULL);
- } else {
- result = strdup((char *) xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->name);
- }
- xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj);
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return result;
-char *find_value_by_xpath(const xmlDocPtr doc, const xmlChar * xpath_expr, const xmlChar * prefix,
- const xmlChar * namespace)
- xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_context;
- xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_obj;
- char *result = NULL;
- /* Create xpath evaluation context */
- xpath_context = xmlXPathNewContext(doc);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(xpath_context,
- ("Error: unable to create new XPath context\n"));
- /* Register a namespace */
- if (xmlXPathRegisterNs(xpath_context, prefix, namespace) != 0) {
- DEBUG(0,
- ("Error: unable to register NS with prefix=\"%s\" and href=\"%s\"\n",
- prefix , namespace));
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Evaluate xpath expression */
- xpath_obj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xpath_expr, xpath_context);
- if (xpath_obj == NULL) {
- DEBUG(0,
- ("Error: unable to evaluate xpath expression \"%s\"\n",
- xpath_expr));
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(xpath_obj->nodesetval)) {
- DEBUG(0, ("Nothing found for %s\n", xpath_expr));
- xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj);
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return (NULL);
- } else if (xmlXPathNodeSetGetLength(xpath_obj->nodesetval) != 1) {
- DEBUG(0, ("More than one node found for %s!", xpath_expr));
- xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj);
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return (NULL);
- } else {
- result =
- (char *) xmlNodeListGetString(doc,
- xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->
- xmlChildrenNode, 1);
- }
- xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj);
- xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_context);
- return result;
-int check_ipaaction_condition(const xmlDocPtr doc, const xmlChar *default_namespace) {
- char *condition;
- char *user;
- char *group;
- struct passwd *pwd_info;
- struct group *grp_info;
- int ret;
- char *arguments;
- condition = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:condition/def:command",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- if ( condition==NULL ) {
- DEBUG(3, ("No condition found for current ipaaction.\n"));
- return 0;
- }
- DEBUG(3, ("Found condition for current ipaaction: |%s|\n", condition));
- user = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:condition/def:user",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- if (user==NULL) {
- DEBUG(3, ("User for condition not found, using default"));
- user=strdup("nobody");
- }
- DEBUG(3, ("Found user for condition: %s\n", user));
- pwd_info=getpwnam(user);
- CHECK(pwd_info, NULL, ("Cannot find user %s.\n", user), return -1);
- group = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:condition/def:group",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- if (group==NULL) {
- DEBUG(3, ("Group for condition not found, using default\n"));
- group=strdup("nobody");
- }
- DEBUG(3, ("Found group for condition: %s\n", group));
- grp_info=getgrnam(group);
- CHECK(grp_info, NULL, ("Cannot find group %s.\n", group), return -1);
- arguments=strchr(condition,' ');
- if (arguments!=NULL) {
- *arguments++='\0';
- }
- ret=exec_command(condition, pwd_info->pw_uid, grp_info->gr_gid, arguments, NULL);
- free(group);
- free(user);
- free(condition);
- return ret;
-int ipaaction_file(const xmlDocPtr doc, const xmlChar *default_namespace) {
- char *url;
- char *data;
- char *path;
- char *owner;
- char *group;
- char *access;
- char *selinux_context;
- //char **acl;
- char *cleanup;
- struct passwd *pwd_info;
- struct group *grp_info;
- CURL *curl_context;
- CURLcode curl_result;
- char *tmp_file_name;
- FILE *output_file;
- int fd;
- int ret;
- struct stat stat_buffer;
- url = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:file/def:url",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- DEBUG(3, ("Found the following ipaaction file url: |%s|\n", url));
- data = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:file/def:data",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- DEBUG(3, ("Found the following ipaaction file data: |%s|\n", data));
- if (url==NULL && data==NULL) {
- DEBUG(0,("Found no url or data element for ipaaction file. This should never happen.\n"));
- return -1;
- }
- if (url!=NULL && data!=NULL) {
- DEBUG(0,("Only url or data element are allowed for ipaaction file, not both. This should never happen.\n"));
- return -1;
- }
- path = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:file/def:path",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- CHECK(path, NULL, ("Path for ipaaction file not found.\n"), return -1);
- DEBUG(3, ("Found path for ipaaction file: %s\n", path));
- ret=stat(path, &stat_buffer);
- CHECK(ret, 0, ("Destination file %s alread exists.\n", path), return -1);
- owner = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:file/def:owner",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- if (owner==NULL) {
- DEBUG(3, ("Owner for ipaaction file not found, using default\n"));
- owner=strdup("root");
- }
- DEBUG(3, ("Found owner for ipaaction file: %s\n", owner));
- pwd_info=getpwnam(owner);
- CHECK(pwd_info, NULL, ("Cannot find user %s.\n", owner), return -1);
- group = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:file/def:group",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- if (group==NULL) {
- DEBUG(3, ("Group for ipaaction file not found, using default\n"));
- group=strdup("root");
- }
- DEBUG(3, ("Found group for ipaaction file: %s\n", group));
- grp_info=getgrnam(group);
- CHECK(grp_info, NULL, ("Cannot find group %s.\n", group), return -1);
- access = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:file/def:access",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- if (access==NULL) {
- DEBUG(3, ("Access permissions for ipaaction file not found, using default\n"));
- group=strdup("0400");
- }
- DEBUG(3, ("Found access permissions for ipaaction file: %s\n", access));
- selinux_context = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:file/def:selinux_context",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- if (selinux_context==NULL) {
- DEBUG(3, ("SELinux file context for ipaaction file not found, using none\n"));
- selinux_context=NULL;
- }
- DEBUG(3, ("Found SELinux file context for ipaaction file: %s\n", selinux_context));
- cleanup = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:file/def:cleanup",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- if (cleanup==NULL) {
- DEBUG(3, ("No cleanup information for ipaaction file not found, assuming no\n"));
- cleanup=strdup("no");
- }
- DEBUG(3, ("Found cleanup information for ipaaction file: %s\n", cleanup));
- tmp_file_name=(char *) malloc(strlen(path)+7);
- CHECK(tmp_file_name,NULL, ("malloc failed."), return -1);
- strcpy(tmp_file_name, path);
- strcat(tmp_file_name, ".XXXXXX");
- fd=open_temporary_file(tmp_file_name, access, pwd_info->pw_uid, grp_info->gr_gid, selinux_context);
- CHECK(fd, -1, ("Failed to open temporary file.\n"), return -1);
- output_file=fdopen(fd,"w");
- CHECK(output_file, NULL, ("fdopen failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)), return -1);
- if (url!=NULL) {
- curl_context=curl_easy_init();
- CHECK(curl_context, NULL, ("curl_easy_init failed.\n"), return -1);
- curl_result=curl_easy_setopt(curl_context, CURLOPT_URL, url);
- DEBUG(3,("curl result: %d\n",curl_result));
- curl_result=curl_easy_setopt(curl_context, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, output_file);
- DEBUG(3,("curl result: %d\n",curl_result));
- curl_result=curl_easy_perform(curl_context);
- DEBUG(3,("curl result: %d\n",curl_result));
- curl_easy_cleanup(curl_context);
- }
- fclose(output_file); /* this should close fd, too */
- ret=rename(tmp_file_name, path);
- CHECK_MINUS_ONE_RETURN(ret, ("Cannot rename %s to %s: %s\n", tmp_file_name, path, strerror(errno) ));
- free(tmp_file_name);
- return 0;
-int ipaaction_run(const xmlDocPtr doc, const xmlChar *default_namespace) {
- char *command;
- char *user;
- char *group;
- struct passwd *pwd_info;
- struct group *grp_info;
- int ret;
- char *arguments;
- command = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:run/def:command",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- CHECK(command, NULL,
- ("No command in ipaaction run section found, this should neven happen.\n"),
- return -1);
- DEBUG(3, ("Found command for current ipaaction: |%s|\n", command));
- user = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:run/def:user",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- if (user==NULL) {
- DEBUG(3, ("User for ipaaction run command not found, using default"));
- user=strdup("nobody");
- }
- DEBUG(3, ("Found user for ipaaction run command: %s\n", user));
- pwd_info=getpwnam(user);
- CHECK(pwd_info, NULL, ("Cannot find user %s.\n", user), return -1);
- group = find_value_by_xpath(doc,
- (xmlChar *) "//def:ipa/def:ipaaction/def:run/def:group",
- default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- if (group==NULL) {
- DEBUG(3, ("Group for ipaaction run command not found, using default\n"));
- group=strdup("nobody");
- }
- DEBUG(3, ("Found group for ipaaction run command: %s\n", group));
- grp_info=getgrnam(group);
- CHECK(grp_info, NULL, ("Cannot find group %s.\n", group), return -1);
- arguments=strchr(command,' ');
- if (arguments!=NULL) {
- *arguments++='\0';
- }
- ret=exec_command(command, pwd_info->pw_uid, grp_info->gr_gid, arguments, NULL);
- free(group);
- free(user);
- free(command);
- return ret;
- return 0;
-int handle_ipaaction(const xmlDocPtr doc, const xmlChar *default_namespace) {
- int ret;
- ret=check_ipaaction_condition(doc, default_namespace);
- if (ret!=0) {
- DEBUG(0,("IPA action condition failed\n"));
- return -1;
- }
- ret=ipaaction_file(doc, default_namespace);
- if (ret!=0) {
- DEBUG(0,("IPA action file failed\n"));
- return -1;
- }
- ret=ipaaction_run(doc, default_namespace);
- if (ret!=0) {
- DEBUG(0,("IPA action run failed\n"));
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
- xmlDocPtr doc;
- xmlNodePtr root_node;
xmlChar *default_namespace;
- xmlChar xpath_expr[XMLCHARLEN];
- char *rng_file_name;
char *xslt_file_name;
- xmlRelaxNGValidCtxtPtr rng_context;
- xmlDocPtr xslt_doc;
char *ipa_policy_type;
+ char *policy_file_name;
if (argc != 2) {
@@ -820,89 +44,22 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- doc = xmlParseFile(argv[1]);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(doc, ("Cannot parse document %s!\n", argv[1]));
- /* find the default namespace */
- root_node = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(root_node,
- ("Cannot find root node of document %s!\n", argv[1]));
- if (xmlStrncasecmp(root_node->name, (xmlChar *) "IPA", XMLCHARLEN) != 0) {
- DEBUG(0,
- ("Name of root node of document %s has to be 'ipa'!\n", argv[1]));
- exit(1);
- }
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(root_node->ns->href,
- ("Root node of document %s must define a namespace!\n",
- argv[1]));
- default_namespace = xmlStrndup(root_node->ns->href, XMLCHARLEN);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(default_namespace, ("Cannot copy namespace!\n"));
- DEBUG(3, ("Default namespace of %s is %s\n", argv[1], default_namespace));
- xmlStrPrintf(xpath_expr, XMLCHARLEN, (xmlChar *) "//%s:ipa/*[2]",
- default_namespace_prefix);
- ipa_policy_type = find_name_by_xpath(doc, xpath_expr, default_namespace_prefix, default_namespace);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(ipa_policy_type, ("Type of IPA policy not found.\n"));
- DEBUG(3, ("Found IPA policy type: %s\n", ipa_policy_type));
- if ( strncmp(ipa_policy_type, "ipaconfig",9) != 0 &&
- strncmp(ipa_policy_type, "iparole",7) != 0 &&
- strncmp(ipa_policy_type, "ipaaction",9) != 0) {
- DEBUG(0,("unknown IPA ploicy type\n"));
- exit(1);
- }
- xmlStrPrintf(xpath_expr, XMLCHARLEN, (xmlChar *) "//%s:RNGfile",
- default_namespace_prefix);
- rng_file_name =
- find_value_by_xpath(doc, xpath_expr, default_namespace_prefix,
- default_namespace);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(rng_file_name,
- ("Name of RELANX NG schema file not found.\n"));
- DEBUG(3, ("Found name of RELAX NG schema file: %s\n", rng_file_name));
- /* validate the document */
- rng_context =
- xmlRelaxNGNewValidCtxt(xmlRelaxNGParse
- (xmlRelaxNGNewParserCtxt(rng_file_name)));
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(rng_context, ("Failed to create RNG context\n"));
- if (xmlRelaxNGValidateDoc(rng_context, doc) == 0) {
- DEBUG(0, ("The document is valid.\n"));
- } else {
- DEBUG(0, ("Error during validation.\n"));
- exit(1);
- }
- xmlRelaxNGFreeValidCtxt(rng_context);
- free(rng_file_name);
+ policy_file_name=strdup(argv[1]);
+ validate_policy(policy_file_name, &default_namespace, &ipa_policy_type, &xslt_file_name);
if ( strncmp( ipa_policy_type, "ipaaction", 9)==0) {
- handle_ipaaction(doc, default_namespace);
+ handle_ipaaction(policy_file_name, default_namespace);
} else {
- xmlStrPrintf(xpath_expr, XMLCHARLEN, (xmlChar *) "//%s:XSLTfile",
- default_namespace_prefix);
- xslt_file_name =
- find_value_by_xpath(doc, xpath_expr, default_namespace_prefix,
- default_namespace);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(xslt_file_name, ("Name of XSLT file not found.\n"));
- DEBUG(3, ("Found name of XSLT file: %s\n", xslt_file_name));
- /* read the xslt file */
- xslt_doc = xmlParseFile(xslt_file_name);
- CHECK_NULL_FATAL(xslt_doc, ("Cannot parse file %s!\n", xslt_file_name));
- find_output_handler(doc, xslt_file_name);
+ find_output_handler(policy_file_name, xslt_file_name);
- xmlFreeDoc(doc);
+ free(ipa_policy_type);
+ free(default_namespace);
+ free(policy_file_name);
- return (0);
+ return 0;