path: root/ipatests/test_ipapython/
diff options
authorMilan Kubik <>2015-03-12 16:52:33 +0100
committerJan Cholasta <>2015-04-02 08:51:27 +0000
commit59f024487e0bcaedb773fd4066b2f95c733278c6 (patch)
tree5364da82ff0e3f9adae3c8814afd580ae1c6036c /ipatests/test_ipapython/
parent1216da8b9f2100cacebbeb8fe2dd91e22b954ba7 (diff)
ipatests: port of p11helper test from github
Ported the github hosted [1] script to use pytest's abilities and included it in ipatests/test_ipapython directory. [1]: Signed-off-by: Martin Basti <> Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Diffstat (limited to 'ipatests/test_ipapython/')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipatests/test_ipapython/ b/ipatests/test_ipapython/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32e87503d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipatests/test_ipapython/
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license
+Test the `ipapython/ipap11helper/p11helper.c` module.
+from binascii import hexlify
+import os
+import os.path
+import logging
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import pytest
+from ipaplatform.paths import paths
+import _ipap11helper
+# SoftHSM v2 configuration file
+directories.tokendir = %s/tokens
+objectstore.backend = file
+log = logging.getLogger('t')
+master_key_label = u"master-ž" # random non-ascii character to test unicode
+master_key_id = "m"
+replica1_key_label = u"replica1"
+replica1_key_id = "id1"
+replica1_import_label = u"replica1-import"
+replica1_import_id = "id1-import"
+replica1_new_label = u"replica1-new-label-ž"
+replica2_key_label = u"replica2"
+replica2_key_id = "id2"
+replica_non_existent_label = u"replica-nonexistent"
+def p11(request):
+ token_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='pytest_', suffix='_pkcs11')
+ os.chdir(token_path)
+ os.mkdir('tokens')
+ with open('softhsm2.conf', 'w') as cfg:
+ cfg.write(CONFIG_DATA % token_path)
+ os.environ['SOFTHSM2_CONF'] = os.path.join(token_path, 'softhsm2.conf')
+ subprocess.check_call([SOFTHSM2_UTIL, '--init-token', '--slot', '0',
+ '--label', 'test', '--pin', '1234', '--so-pin',
+ '1234'])
+ try:
+ p11 = _ipap11helper.P11_Helper(0, "1234", LIBSOFTHSM)
+ except _ipap11helper.Error:
+'Failed to initialize the helper object.', pytrace=False)
+ def fin():
+ try:
+ p11.finalize()
+ except _ipap11helper.Error:
+'Failed to finalize the helper object.', pytrace=False)
+ finally:
+ del os.environ['SOFTHSM2_CONF']
+ request.addfinalizer(fin)
+ return p11
+class test_p11helper(object):
+ def test_generate_master_key(self, p11):
+ assert p11.generate_master_key(master_key_label, master_key_id,
+ key_length=16, cka_wrap=True,
+ cka_unwrap=True)
+ def test_search_for_master_key(self, p11):
+ master_key = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_SECRET_KEY,
+ label=master_key_label, id=master_key_id)
+ assert len(master_key) == 1, "The master key should exist."
+ def test_generate_replica_key_pair(self, p11):
+ assert p11.generate_replica_key_pair(replica1_key_label,
+ replica1_key_id,
+ pub_cka_wrap=True,
+ priv_cka_unwrap=True)
+ def test_find_key(self, p11):
+ rep1_pub = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PUBLIC_KEY,
+ label=replica1_key_label, cka_wrap=True)
+ assert len(rep1_pub) == 1, ("replica key pair has to contain "
+ "1 pub key instead of %s" % len(rep1_pub))
+ rep1_priv = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PRIVATE_KEY,
+ label=replica1_key_label, cka_unwrap=True)
+ assert len(rep1_priv) == 1, ("replica key pair has to contain 1 "
+ "private key instead of %s" %
+ len(rep1_priv))
+ def test_find_key_by_uri(self, p11):
+ rep1_pub = p11.find_keys(uri="pkcs11:object=replica1;objecttype=public")
+ assert len(rep1_pub) == 1, ("replica key pair has to contain 1 pub "
+ "key instead of %s" % len(rep1_pub))
+ def test_get_attribute_from_object(self, p11):
+ rep1_pub = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PUBLIC_KEY,
+ label=replica1_key_label, cka_wrap=True)[0]
+ iswrap = p11.get_attribute(rep1_pub, _ipap11helper.CKA_WRAP)
+ assert iswrap is True, "replica public key has to have CKA_WRAP = TRUE"
+ def test_generate_replica_keypair_with_extractable_private_key(self, p11):
+ assert p11.generate_replica_key_pair(replica2_key_label,
+ replica2_key_id,
+ pub_cka_wrap=True,
+ priv_cka_unwrap=True,
+ priv_cka_extractable=True)
+ def test_find_key_on_nonexistent_key_pair(self, p11):
+ test_list = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PUBLIC_KEY,
+ label=replica_non_existent_label)
+ assert len(test_list) == 0, ("list should be empty because label "
+ "'%s' should not exist" %
+ replica_non_existent_label)
+ def test_export_import_of_public_key(self, p11):
+ rep1_pub = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PUBLIC_KEY,
+ label=replica1_key_label, cka_wrap=True)[0]
+ pub = p11.export_public_key(rep1_pub)
+ log.debug("Exported public key %s", hexlify(pub))
+ with open("public_key.asn1.der", "wb") as f:
+ f.write(pub)
+ rep1_pub_import = p11.import_public_key(replica1_import_label,
+ replica1_import_id,
+ pub,
+ cka_wrap=True)
+ log.debug('imported replica 1 public key: %s', rep1_pub_import)
+ # test public key import
+ rep1_modulus_orig = p11.get_attribute(rep1_pub,
+ _ipap11helper.CKA_MODULUS)
+ rep1_modulus_import = p11.get_attribute(rep1_pub_import,
+ _ipap11helper.CKA_MODULUS)
+ log.debug('rep1_modulus_orig = 0x%s', hexlify(rep1_modulus_orig))
+ log.debug('rep1_modulus_import = 0x%s', hexlify(rep1_modulus_import))
+ assert rep1_modulus_import == rep1_modulus_orig
+ rep1_pub_exp_orig = p11.get_attribute(
+ rep1_pub, _ipap11helper.CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT)
+ rep1_pub_exp_import = p11.get_attribute(
+ rep1_pub_import, _ipap11helper.CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT)
+ log.debug('rep1_pub_exp_orig = 0x%s', hexlify(rep1_pub_exp_orig))
+ log.debug('rep1_pub_exp_import = 0x%s', hexlify(rep1_pub_exp_import))
+ assert rep1_pub_exp_import == rep1_pub_exp_orig
+ def test_wrap_unwrap_key_by_master_key_with_AES(self, p11):
+ master_key = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_SECRET_KEY,
+ label=master_key_label, id=master_key_id)[0]
+ rep2_priv = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PRIVATE_KEY,
+ label=replica2_key_label, cka_unwrap=True)[0]
+ log.debug("wrapping dnssec priv key by master key")
+ wrapped_priv = p11.export_wrapped_key(
+ rep2_priv, master_key, _ipap11helper.MECH_AES_KEY_WRAP_PAD
+ )
+ assert wrapped_priv
+ log.debug("wrapped_dnssec priv key: %s", hexlify(wrapped_priv))
+ with open("wrapped_priv.der", "wb") as f:
+ f.write(wrapped_priv)
+ assert p11.import_wrapped_private_key(
+ u'test_import_wrapped_priv',
+ '1',
+ wrapped_priv,
+ master_key,
+ _ipap11helper.MECH_AES_KEY_WRAP_PAD,
+ _ipap11helper.KEY_TYPE_RSA
+ )
+ def test_wrap_unwrap_key_by_master_key_with_RSA_PKCS(self, p11):
+ master_key = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_SECRET_KEY,
+ label=master_key_label, id=master_key_id)[0]
+ rep2_pub = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PUBLIC_KEY,
+ label=replica2_key_label, cka_wrap=True)[0]
+ rep2_priv = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PRIVATE_KEY,
+ label=replica2_key_label, cka_unwrap=True)[0]
+ wrapped = p11.export_wrapped_key(master_key,
+ rep2_pub,
+ _ipap11helper.MECH_RSA_PKCS)
+ assert wrapped
+ log.debug("wrapped key MECH_RSA_PKCS (secret master wrapped by pub "
+ "key): %s", hexlify(wrapped))
+ assert p11.import_wrapped_secret_key(u'test_import_wrapped',
+ '2',
+ wrapped,
+ rep2_priv,
+ _ipap11helper.MECH_RSA_PKCS,
+ _ipap11helper.KEY_TYPE_AES)
+ def test_wrap_unwrap_by_master_key_with_RSA_PKCS_OAEP(self, p11):
+ master_key = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_SECRET_KEY,
+ label=master_key_label, id=master_key_id)[0]
+ rep2_pub = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PUBLIC_KEY,
+ label=replica2_key_label, cka_wrap=True)[0]
+ rep2_priv = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PRIVATE_KEY,
+ label=replica2_key_label, cka_unwrap=True)[0]
+ wrapped = p11.export_wrapped_key(master_key,
+ rep2_pub,
+ _ipap11helper.MECH_RSA_PKCS_OAEP)
+ assert wrapped
+ log.debug("wrapped key MECH_RSA_PKCS_OAEP (secret master wrapped by "
+ "pub key): %s", hexlify(wrapped))
+ assert p11.import_wrapped_secret_key(u'test_import_wrapped',
+ '3',
+ wrapped,
+ rep2_priv,
+ _ipap11helper.MECH_RSA_PKCS_OAEP,
+ _ipap11helper.KEY_TYPE_AES)
+ def test_set_attribute_on_object(self, p11):
+ rep1_pub = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PUBLIC_KEY,
+ label=replica1_key_label, cka_wrap=True)[0]
+ test_label = replica1_new_label
+ p11.set_attribute(rep1_pub, _ipap11helper.CKA_LABEL, test_label)
+ assert p11.get_attribute(rep1_pub, _ipap11helper.CKA_LABEL) \
+ == test_label, "The labels do not match."
+ def test_do_not_generate_identical_master_keys(self, p11):
+ with pytest.raises(_ipap11helper.DuplicationError):
+ p11.generate_master_key(master_key_label, master_key_id,
+ key_length=16)
+ master_key = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_SECRET_KEY,
+ label=master_key_label)
+ assert len(master_key) == 1, ("There shouldn't be multiple keys "
+ "with the same label.")
+ def test_delete_key(self, p11):
+ master_key = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_SECRET_KEY,
+ label=master_key_label, id=master_key_id)[0]
+ rep1_pub = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PUBLIC_KEY,
+ label=replica1_new_label, cka_wrap=True)[0]
+ rep2_priv = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PRIVATE_KEY,
+ label=replica2_key_label, cka_unwrap=True)[0]
+ for key in (rep1_pub, rep2_priv, master_key):
+ p11.delete_key(key)
+ master_key = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_SECRET_KEY,
+ label=master_key_label, id=master_key_id)
+ assert len(master_key) == 0, "The master key should be deleted."
+ rep1_pub = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PUBLIC_KEY,
+ label=replica1_new_label, cka_wrap=True)
+ assert len(rep1_pub) == 0, ("The public key of replica1 pair should "
+ "be deleted.")
+ rep2_priv = p11.find_keys(_ipap11helper.KEY_CLASS_PRIVATE_KEY,
+ label=replica2_key_label, cka_unwrap=True)
+ assert len(rep2_priv) == 0, ("The private key of replica2 pair should"
+ " be deleted.")