path: root/install/tools
diff options
authorStanislav Laznicka <>2015-12-18 10:34:52 +0100
committerMartin Basti <>2016-02-02 12:22:37 +0100
commitc8eabaff9ef49d3f51b02d613c25c09bf155bb3c (patch)
treec6ddd7b3bd979e740a84cc8166e9631c223481e1 /install/tools
parentbb7887140df30d07b79eba10fd5b7c31cc1e6c79 (diff)
Automatically detect and remove dangling RUVs Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Diffstat (limited to 'install/tools')
2 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/install/tools/ipa-replica-manage b/install/tools/ipa-replica-manage
index d0a959898..0497a0f05 100755
--- a/install/tools/ipa-replica-manage
+++ b/install/tools/ipa-replica-manage
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ commands = {
"clean-ruv":(1, 1, "Replica ID of to clean", "must provide replica ID to clean"),
"abort-clean-ruv":(1, 1, "Replica ID to abort cleaning", "must provide replica ID to abort cleaning"),
"list-clean-ruv":(0, 0, "", ""),
+ "clean-dangling-ruv":(0, 0, "", ""),
"dnarange-show":(0, 1, "[master fqdn]", ""),
"dnanextrange-show":(0, 1, "", ""),
"dnarange-set":(2, 2, "<master fqdn> <range>", "must provide a master and ID range"),
@@ -532,6 +533,163 @@ def list_clean_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd, verbose, nolookup=False):
+def clean_dangling_ruvs(realm, host, options):
+ """
+ Cleans all RUVs and CS-RUVs that are left in the system from
+ uninstalled replicas
+ """
+ # get the Directory Manager password
+ if not options.dirman_passwd:
+ options.dirman_passwd = installutils.read_password('Directory Manager',
+ confirm=False,
+ validate=False,
+ retry=False)
+ if options.dirman_passwd is None:
+ sys.exit('Directory Manager password is required')
+ conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(host, 636, cacert=CACERT)
+ try:
+ conn.do_simple_bind(bindpw=options.dirman_passwd)
+ # get all masters
+ masters_dn = DN(api.env.container_masters, api.env.basedn)
+ masters = conn.get_entries(masters_dn, conn.SCOPE_ONELEVEL)
+ info = {}
+ # check whether CAs are configured on those masters
+ for master in masters:
+ info[master.single_value['cn']] = {
+ 'online': False, # is the host online?
+ 'ca': False, # does the host have ca configured?
+ 'ruvs': set(), # ruvs on the host
+ 'csruvs': set(), # csruvs on the host
+ 'clean_ruv': set(), # ruvs to be cleaned from the host
+ 'clean_csruv': set() # csruvs to be cleaned from the host
+ }
+ try:
+ ca_dn = DN(('cn', 'ca'), master.dn)
+ conn.get_entry(ca_dn)
+ info[master.single_value['cn']]['ca'] = True
+ except errors.NotFound:
+ continue
+ except Exception as e:
+ sys.exit(
+ "Failed to get data from '{host}' while trying to "
+ "list replicas: {error}"
+ .format(host=host, error=e)
+ )
+ finally:
+ conn.unbind()
+ replica_dn = DN(('cn', 'replica'), ('cn', api.env.basedn),
+ ('cn', 'mapping tree'), ('cn', 'config'))
+ csreplica_dn = DN(('cn', 'replica'), ('cn', 'o=ipaca'),
+ ('cn', 'mapping tree'), ('cn', 'config'))
+ ruvs = set()
+ csruvs = set()
+ offlines = set()
+ for master_cn, master_info in info.items():
+ try:
+ conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(master_cn, 636, cacert=CACERT)
+ conn.do_simple_bind(bindpw=options.dirman_passwd)
+ master_info['online'] = True
+ except:
+ print("The server '{host}' appears to be offline."
+ .format(host=master_cn))
+ offlines.add(master_cn)
+ continue
+ try:
+ entry = conn.get_entry(replica_dn)
+ ruv = (master_cn, entry.single_value.get('nsDS5ReplicaID'))
+ # the check whether ruv is already in ruvs is performed by set type
+ ruvs.add(ruv)
+ if(master_info['ca']):
+ entry = conn.get_entry(csreplica_dn)
+ csruv = (master_cn, entry.single_value.get('nsDS5ReplicaID'))
+ csruvs.add(csruv)
+ # get_ruv returns server names with :port which needs to be split off
+ ruv_list = get_ruv(realm, master_cn, options.dirman_passwd,
+ options.nolookup)
+ master_info['ruvs'] = set([
+ (re.sub(':\d+', '', x), y)
+ for (x, y) in ruv_list
+ ])
+ if master_info['ca']:
+ ruv_list = get_ruv(realm, master_cn, options.dirman_passwd,
+ options.nolookup, ca=True)
+ master_info['csruvs'] = set([
+ (re.sub(':\d+', '', x), y)
+ for (x, y) in ruv_list
+ ])
+ except Exception as e:
+ sys.exit("Failed to obtain information from '{host}': {error}"
+ .format(host=master_cn, error=str(e)))
+ finally:
+ conn.unbind()
+ dangles = False
+ # get the dangling RUVs
+ for master_info in info.values():
+ if master_info['online']:
+ for ruv in master_info['ruvs']:
+ if (ruv not in ruvs) and (ruv[0] not in offlines):
+ master_info['clean_ruv'].add(ruv)
+ dangles = True
+ # if ca is not configured, there will be no csruvs in master_info
+ for csruv in master_info['csruvs']:
+ if (csruv not in csruvs) and (csruv[0] not in offlines):
+ master_info['clean_csruv'].add(csruv)
+ dangles = True
+ if not dangles:
+ print('No dangling RUVs found')
+ sys.exit(0)
+ print('These RUVs are dangling and will be removed:')
+ for master_cn, master_info in info.items():
+ if master_info['online'] and (master_info['clean_ruv'] or
+ master_info['clean_csruv']):
+ print('Host: {m}'.format(m=master_cn))
+ print('\tRUVs:')
+ for ruv in master_info['clean_ruv']:
+ print('\t\tid: {id}, hostname: {host}'
+ .format(id=ruv[1], host=ruv[0]))
+ print('\tCS-RUVs:')
+ for csruv in master_info['clean_csruv']:
+ print('\t\tid: {id}, hostname: {host}'
+ .format(id=csruv[1], host=csruv[0]))
+ # TODO: this can be removed when #5396 is fixed
+ if offlines:
+ sys.exit("ERROR: All replicas need to be online to proceed.")
+ if not options.force and not ipautil.user_input("Proceed with cleaning?", False):
+ sys.exit("Aborted")
+ options.force = True
+ cleaned = set()
+ for master_cn, master_info in info.items():
+ = master_cn
+ for ruv in master_info['clean_ruv']:
+ if ruv[1] not in cleaned:
+ cleaned.add(ruv[1])
+ clean_ruv(realm, ruv[1], options)
+ for csruv in master_info['clean_csruv']:
+ if csruv[1] not in cleaned:
+ cleaned.add(csruv[1])
+ clean_ruv(realm, csruv[1], options, ca=True)
def check_last_link(delrepl, realm, dirman_passwd, force):
We don't want to orphan a server when deleting another one. If you have
@@ -1464,6 +1622,8 @@ def main():
elif args[0] == "list-clean-ruv":
list_clean_ruv(realm, host, dirman_passwd, options.verbose,
+ elif args[0] == "clean-dangling-ruv":
+ clean_dangling_ruvs(realm, host, options)
elif args[0] == "dnarange-show":
if len(args) == 2:
master = args[1]
diff --git a/install/tools/man/ipa-replica-manage.1 b/install/tools/man/ipa-replica-manage.1
index 3ed1c5734..ae109c4c5 100644
--- a/install/tools/man/ipa-replica-manage.1
+++ b/install/tools/man/ipa-replica-manage.1
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ The available commands are:
\fBclean\-ruv\fR [REPLICATION_ID]
\- Run the CLEANALLRUV task to remove a replication ID.
+\- Cleans all RUVs and CS\-RUVs that are left in the system from uninstalled replicas.
\fBabort\-clean\-ruv\fR [REPLICATION_ID]
\- Abort a running CLEANALLRUV task. With \-\-force option the task does not wait for all the replica servers to have been sent the abort task, or be online, before completing.