path: root/legacy/state.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'legacy/state.rb')
1 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/legacy/state.rb b/legacy/state.rb
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index 0000000..02c1bf3
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+++ b/legacy/state.rb
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+=begin rdoc
+UpState - An Upstart state machine prototype
+Author: Casey Dahlin <>
+require 'set'
+unless Array.instance_methods.include? "product"
+ class Array #:nodoc:
+ def product(*others)
+ return{ |x| [x] } if others.size == 0
+ do |x|
+ (others[0].product(*others[1..-1])).map{ |y| [x] + y }
+ end.inject([]){ |x,y| x+y }
+ end
+ end
+class Array
+ # Confirm that this array has no duplicate elements
+ def is_uniq?
+ self == self.uniq
+ end
+class Symbol
+ def <=>(other)
+ self.to_s <=> other.to_s
+ end
+module UpState
+# Occurs when the state machine becomes inconsistent
+class ConsistencyFault < StandardError; end
+# Occurs when something tries to bring up a state without filling
+# out its parameters
+class AmbiguousRequest < StandardError; end
+=begin rdoc
+An instance of State exists whenever a state can become true without having to
+toggle any other states, or whenever a state _is_ true.
+class State
+ attr :deps # What are our dependencies?
+ attr :holds # Holds that are had on this state
+ attr :status # Are we up? Down? Getting there?
+ class << self
+ attr :depends # What states does this state depend on?
+ attr :caused_by # What events can cause this state?
+ attr :rising_edge # What do we do as we're coming up?
+ attr :falling_edge # What do we do as we're going down?
+ attr :hold_provides # What params should come from this state's holder?
+ protected
+ attr_writer :depends
+ attr_writer :caused_by
+ attr_writer :rising_edge
+ attr_writer :falling_edge
+ attr_writer :hold_provides
+ end
+ @@states = # Set of activatable states
+ @@state_types = # Set of state types
+ # Create a new state. +deps+ is a list of DSTuple objects
+ def initialize(deps)
+ raise NoMethodError if self.class == State
+ @holds =
+ @deps = deps.to_set
+ @status = :down
+ @hold_params = {}
+ return if @@states.include? self
+ @@states.add self
+ hold(:system) if self.class.caused_by.include? Event::Epsilon
+ end
+ # Returns true if this state should be raised if +event+ is occuring
+ def react_to?(event)
+ return false if @status != :down
+ self.class.caused_by.each do |x|
+ return true if x === event
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ # Make sure our deps are satisfied, and remove ourselves from the list of
+ # states if they aren't
+ def check_deps
+ return if @status == :dropping
+ @deps.each do |dep|
+ dep = dep.state
+ next if dep.status != :down
+ unless @status == :down
+ raise ConsistencyFault, "Lost dep on #{dep} without notify for #{self}"
+ end
+ @@states.delete self
+ self.freeze
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ # Puts the class name and parameters
+ def to_s
+ "#{name} (#{@status.to_s})"
+ end
+ # The name of this state
+ def name
+ "#{"::").last}#{params.inspect}"
+ end
+ # Prints a string that uses TTY color escapes
+ def to_s_color
+ colors = {
+ :up => "1;32",
+ :down => "1;31",
+ :rising => "0;32",
+ :dropping => "0;31",
+ }
+ "\e[%sm%s\e[0;49m" % [colors[status], name]
+ end
+ # Hold this state. Holding a state informs the system that you would like it
+ # to come up or remain up. +hold+ can be an object of type Hold, an object of
+ # type State to establish that said state depends on this one, or one of
+ # <tt>:user</tt> or <tt>:system</tt> to establish that the user or system
+ # has an interest in keeping this service running
+ def hold(hold, params = {})
+ hold = if hold.is_a? State
+ hold = if hold == :user
+ hold = if hold == :system
+ raise TypeError, "Invalid hold specifier" unless hold.is_a? Hold
+ if @status == :down and self.class.hold_provides.size > 0
+ return self.fork(hold)
+ end
+ @holds.add hold
+ rise if @status == :down
+ self
+ end
+ # Duplicate this class and bring the duplicate up with the given hold attached
+ def fork(hold)
+ raise ConsistencyFault, "Fork of live state" unless @status == :down
+ new_one = self.clone
+ new_one.instance_eval do
+ @holds = [hold]
+ @hold_params = {}
+ self.class.hold_provides.each do |x|
+ if x.is_a? Array
+ worked = false
+ x.each do |y|
+ hold.params[y] or next
+ @hold_params[y] = hold.params[y]
+ worked = true
+ end
+ worked or raise AmbiguousRequest, "None of #{x.join(', ')} defined"
+ next
+ end
+ hold.params[x] or raise AmbiguousRequest, "#{x} undefined"
+ @hold_params[x] = hold.params[x]
+ end
+ end
+ @@states.each do |state|
+ next unless state == new_one
+ state.hold(hold)
+ return state
+ end
+ @@states.add new_one
+ new_one.send :rise
+ new_one
+ end
+ # Release a hold on this state. Arguments are the same as for +hold+.
+ def release(hold, params = {})
+ return if @holds.size == 0
+ hold = if hold.is_a? State
+ hold = if hold == :user
+ hold = if hold == :system
+ raise TypeError, "Invalid hold specifier" unless hold.is_a? Hold
+ @holds.reject!{ |x| hold == x }
+ drop if @holds.size == 0
+ self
+ end
+ # Set this state to untrue
+ def drop
+ becomes_defunct(true)
+ end
+ # Parameters to this state
+ def params
+{ |x| x.params }.inject({}){ |x,y| x.merge y }.merge @hold_params
+ end
+ # Set this state to untrue without running any falling edge code
+ def becomes_defunct(drop=false)
+ return unless @status == :up
+ @status = :dropping
+ @holds.each{ |x| x.clear }
+ @holds =
+ if drop
+ @deps.each{ |x| x.state.release(self) }
+ @hold_params = {}
+ @status = :down
+ State.gc
+ State.depsolve_all
+ end
+ # Determine if two State objects are equivalent
+ def ==(other)
+ self.hash == other.hash
+ end
+ # eql? is the same as ==
+ alias :eql? :==
+ # Match this State object to Dependencies or other State objects
+ def ===(other)
+ return other === self if other.is_a? Dependency
+ return self == other
+ end
+ # Our ID is a function of our class and deps
+ def hash
+ ( ** 3 +
+ self.params.sort.hash ** 2 +
+{ |x| x.state.hash }.sort.hash) % 0x4000000000000000
+ end
+ # A state is rooted in a set of states if any state in the set which it _may_
+ # depend on, it _does_ depend on, and if all of its depended states are rooted
+ # in the set.
+ def rooted_in(set)
+ @deps.inject(true){ |x,y| x and y.state.rooted_in set } and \
+{ |x|{ |y| x === y } } \
+ .inject([]){ |x, y| x+y }.to_set.subset?{ |x| x.state }.to_set
+ end
+ # Create a new type of state. +name+ is capitalized and postfixed with "State"
+ # to create the new state class name. +depends+ is a series of Dependency
+ # Objects. This method is not defined in subclasses of State.
+ def State.new_type(name, caused_by, depends, hold_provides = [])
+ name = name.capitalize + "State"
+ raise NameError, "State already exists" if self.const_defined? name
+ newtype = const_set(name,
+ newtype.depends = depends
+ newtype.caused_by = caused_by
+ newtype.rising_edge ={}
+ newtype.falling_edge ={}
+ newtype.hold_provides = hold_provides
+ newtype.instance_eval do
+ undef :new_type, :process_event, :gc, :depsolve_all
+ def name
+ @name
+ end
+ end
+ newtype.instance_variable_set(:@name, name)
+ @@state_types.add newtype
+ newtype.depsolve
+ newtype
+ end
+ # Handle the occurance of an event. This method is not defined in subclasses
+ # of State.
+ def State.process_event(event)
+ raise TypeError, "Argument must be an Event" unless event.is_a? Event
+ count = 0
+{ |x| x.status == :down }.each do |x|
+ next unless x.react_to? event
+ x.hold(:system, event.params)
+ count += 1
+ end
+ count
+ end
+ # Remove inactive states whose deps are no longer satisfied. This method is
+ # not defined in subclasses of State.
+ def State.gc
+ @@states = @@states.to_a.to_set # Mutability + identity = pain. Semper λ
+ @@states.each{ |x| x.check_deps }
+ nil
+ end
+ # Print color string reps of all states
+ def State.print_all_color
+ puts{ |s| s.is_a? self }.map{ |s| s.to_s_color }.join(", ")
+ end
+ # Look at the list of active states and see how the deps of this state could
+ # be met
+ def State.depsolve
+ active_states ={ |x| x.status == :up }
+ candidates = do |d|
+{ |s|, s) }.select{ |x| x.valid? }
+ end
+ return nil if candidates.include? []
+ unless candidates == []
+ candidates = candidates[0].product(*candidates[1..-1]).map{ |x| x.to_set } \
+ .select{ |x| x.size == 0 or x.inject(true){ |st, y| st and y.rooted_in x } } \
+ .select{ |x|{ |y| y.params.to_a }.inject([]){ |a, b| a + b }{ |y| y[0] }.is_uniq? }
+ else
+ candidates = []
+ end
+ candidates.each{ |x| x }
+ nil
+ end
+ # Get all states of this type
+ def State.get_all
+{ |x| x.is_a? self }
+ end
+ # Depsolve all state classes. This method is not defined in subclasses of
+ # State.
+ def State.depsolve_all
+ @@state_types.each{ |x| x.depsolve }
+ nil
+ end
+ # Hold all states of a class
+ def State.hold(type, params = {})
+{ |x| x.is_a? self }.map{ |x| x.hold(type, params) }
+ end
+ # Release all states of a class
+ def State.release(type, params = {})
+{ |x| x.is_a? self }.map{ |x| x.release(type, params) }
+ end
+ # Set this state to true
+ def rise
+ return if @status == :up
+ @status = :rising
+ @deps.each{ |x| x.state.hold(self) }
+ @status = :up
+ State.depsolve_all
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+A Hold is placed on a State when something has an interest in that State being
+up. States drop automatically when they cease to have any holds on them.
+class Hold
+ attr :params # Parameters of this hold
+ # +params+ should be a hash of parameters.
+ def initialize(params = {})
+ raise NoMethodError if self.class == Hold
+ raise TypeError, "Parameters must be a hash" unless params.is_a? Hash
+ @params = params
+ end
+ # Inform interested parties that this hold can no longer be maintained, and
+ # that the held state is going to drop.
+ def clear; end
+ # The non-dep holds have no interesting attributes and may be compared
+ # solely by type
+ def ==(other) #:nodoc:
+ self.class == other.class
+ end
+ # eql? is the same as ==
+ def eql?(other); self == other; end
+ # The default to_s just prints the type of hold
+ def to_s
+ end
+ # A hold placed when the system has an interest in something being running
+ class System < Hold; end
+ # A hold placed when the user has asked for something to be running
+ class User < Hold; end
+ # A hold place when a state is depended on by another state.
+ class Dep < Hold
+ # +dependent+ must be an object of type State
+ def initialize(dependent)
+ raise TypeError, "Dependent must be a State" unless dependent.is_a? State
+ @dependent = dependent
+ end
+ def params; @dependent.params; end #:nodoc:
+ # Kill the dependent state so that the depended state can drop
+ def clear
+ @dependent.drop
+ end
+ # Prints the state who has this hold
+ def to_s
+ "hold by #{@dependent}"
+ end
+ # Two Dep holds are equal if they have the same dependent
+ def ==(other)
+ return other == @dependent if other.is_a? State
+ return other.dependent == @dependent if other.is_a? Dep
+ return false
+ end
+ protected
+ attr :dependent # State which depends on what we hold
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+A Dependency is a notion of a state which might satisfy the needs of another
+state. It will contain the type of the state and perhaps some sort of patterns
+which certain parameters must conform to, but it does not necessarily contain
+enough info to define a state in its entirety.
+class Dependency
+ attr :params # What parameters do we expect?
+ attr :stateclass # What class of state do we match?
+ attr :remap # Parameters our dependent wants to get under another name.
+ # A dependency is created from a class of state to match, and a hash of
+ # parameters. The parameters in the hash can be string values to match or
+ # Regex objects
+ def initialize(stateclass, params = {}, remap = {})
+ raise TypeError, "Class must be a State Class" unless State > stateclass
+ raise TypeError, "Params must be a hash" unless params.is_a? Hash
+ @stateclass = stateclass
+ @params = params
+ @remap = remap
+ end
+ # Two dependencies are equal if any given set would be either matched by both
+ # or rejected by both
+ def ==(other)
+ return false unless other.is_a? Dependency
+ return(other.stateclass == @stateclass and other.params == params)
+ end
+ # Tests for equality between dependencies or matching between a dependency and
+ # a state
+ def ===(other)
+ return(self.match(other) or self == other)
+ end
+ # Determines if a state meets this dependency
+ def match(other)
+ return false unless other.is_a? @stateclass
+ return false if (@params.keys - other.params.keys).size > 0
+ @params.each do |x,y|
+ return false unless y === other.params[x]
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+A DSTuple is a pairing of a Dependency and a State that meets it.
+class DSTuple
+ attr :dep # What dependency do we resolve?
+ attr :state # How do we resolve it?
+ # DSTuples are born of a Dependency, and a State which satisfies it
+ def initialize(dep, state)
+ @dep = dep
+ @state = state
+ end
+ # Is our state rooted in the given set of DSTuples?
+ def rooted_in(set)
+ @state.rooted_in{ |x| x.state }
+ end
+ # Does this DSTuple represent a sane resolution?
+ def valid?
+ @dep === @state
+ end
+ # What parameters does this tuple provide to its parent?
+ def params
+ result = {}
+ input = @state.params
+ @dep.params.each_key{ |x| result[(@dep.remap[x] or x)] = input[x] }
+ result
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+An event indicates something happening to the system that may cause a state
+class Event
+ attr :name # What happened?
+ attr :params # Where/when/why/how/to what did it happen?
+ # Params should be a series of specific properties of this event in hash form
+ def initialize(name, params = {})
+ @name = name
+ @params = params
+ end
+ # Epsilon is defined as "An event which occurs whenever its occuring would
+ # cause change in the system"
+ Epsilon ="ε")
+ # Two Events are equal if their params are equal and their name is the same
+ def ==(other)
+ other.is_a? Event and \
+ @params.sort.hash == other.params.sort.hash and \
+ @name ==
+ end
+ # Two Events match if any common params match and their name is the same
+ def ===(other)
+ return false unless other.is_a? Event and @name ==
+ @params.each do |x, y|
+ return false unless y === other.params[x]
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+end # module UpState