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1 files changed, 575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d141ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+class ParseError(Exception):
+ """
+ Raised when there is an error while parsing. Duh.
+ """
+ pass
+class HaltedError(Exception):
+ """
+ Raised when we try to add to a token list that we have already "closed"
+ (informed that we had reached the end of the token stream).
+ """
+ pass
+class Token:
+ """
+ A single token. This class is essentially abstract. We never instantiate a
+ generic token.
+ """
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ The representation of a Token is, by default, the value of its
+ item variable.
+ """
+ return self.item
+ def isnewline(self):
+ """
+ Is this token a newline token?
+ """
+ return False
+ def iswhitespace(self):
+ """
+ Is this token a whitespace token?
+ """
+ return False
+ def isword(self, val=None):
+ """
+ Is this token a word token? Is the word the same as in the string `val`?
+ """
+ return False
+ def isoper(self, val=None):
+ """
+ Is this token an operator token? Is the word the same as in the string
+ `val`?
+ """
+ return False
+class WhitespaceToken(Token):
+ """
+ Whitespace tokens come from any number of unquoted space or tab characters.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.item = "whitespace"
+ def iswhitespace(self):
+ """
+ Always True for this class.
+ """
+ return True
+class NewlineToken(Token):
+ """
+ Token yielded by a single newline character.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.item = "newline"
+ def isnewline(self):
+ """
+ Always True for this class.
+ """
+ return True
+class OperToken(Token):
+ """
+ Token yielded by a single non-word (alphanumeric and _) character.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, item):
+ """
+ `item` specifies the operator character this token will represent.
+ """
+ self.item = item
+ def isoper(self, item = None):
+ """
+ Always True if item is None, otherwise true if `item` is the operator
+ character represented by this token.
+ """
+ if item == None:
+ return True
+ return self.item == item
+class WordToken(Token):
+ """
+ Represents a string of word characters (alphanumeric or _) or the contents
+ of a quoted string.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, word):
+ """
+ `word` is the text this token will represent.
+ """
+ self.word = word
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Our representation is a bit different, and consists of the word we
+ represent, quoted.
+ """
+ return "`%s`" % self.word
+ def isword(self, item = None):
+ """
+ Always True if item is None, otherwise true if `item` is the word
+ represented by this token.
+ """
+ if item == None:
+ return True
+ return self.word == item
+class TokenList:
+ """
+ This class contains a list of tokens. It is a list-like object, but is
+ read-only until it is `close`d. It is populated by passing characters to
+ the constructor or the `add` method. Calling `close` indicates all
+ characters have been passed and the TokenList should now behave as a
+ regular list.
+ """
+ class CloseSignal:
+ """
+ Passed to the current state instead of a character to indicate we're
+ done receiving characters.
+ """
+ pass
+ def __init__(self, data=None):
+ """
+ `data` is a set of initial characters which are passed to `add`
+ immediately after initialization.
+ """
+ self.tokens = []
+ self.state = self.s_expect_word
+ self.current_token = ""
+ self.__getitem__ = self.tokens.__getitem__
+ self.__len__ = self.tokens.__len__
+ if data != None:
+ self.add(data)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Our representation is simply the representation of our processed
+ tokens joined by spaces. If we have an unfinalized token, it is
+ shown last in parenthesis.
+ """
+ ret = " ".join([ str(x) for x in self.tokens])
+ if len(self.current_token) > 0:
+ ret += "(%s)" % self.current_token
+ return ret
+ def add(self, data):
+ """
+ Add characters to the token list. State is persistent between adds such
+ that calling:
+ tl.add(str1)
+ tl.add(str2)
+ is the same as calling:
+ tl.add(str1 + str2)
+ in all cases
+ """
+ for char in data:
+ self.state(char)
+ def s_expect_word(self, char):
+ """
+ Handle the next character of input while we are expecting to see
+ a word.
+ """
+ if char.__class__ == TokenList.CloseSignal:
+ self.close_token()
+ self.state = self.s_accept
+ elif char == "\n":
+ self.close_token()
+ self.tokens.append(NewlineToken())
+ elif char.isspace():
+ self.close_token()
+ self.tokens.append(WhitespaceToken())
+ self.state = self.s_skip_space
+ elif char == '"':
+ self.close_token()
+ self.state = self.s_in_quote
+ elif char == "#":
+ self.close_token()
+ self.state = self.s_in_comment
+ elif char.isalnum() or char == "_":
+ self.current_token += char
+ else:
+ self.close_token()
+ self.tokens.append(OperToken(char))
+ def s_skip_space(self, char):
+ """
+ Handle the next character while we are skipping a block of whitespace.
+ """
+ if char.__class__ == TokenList.CloseSignal:
+ self.state = self.s_accept
+ elif not char.isspace():
+ self.state = self.s_expect_word
+ self.state(char)
+ def s_in_quote(self, char):
+ """
+ Handle the next character while we are in a quoted string.
+ """
+ if char.__class__ == TokenList.CloseSignal:
+ raise ParseError('`"` expected')
+ elif char == "\\":
+ self.state = self.s_always_quote
+ elif char == '"':
+ self.close_token()
+ self.state = self.s_expect_word
+ else:
+ self.current_token += char
+ def s_always_quote(self, char):
+ """
+ Handle the next character, which the previous character has escaped.
+ """
+ if char.__class__ == TokenList.CloseSignal:
+ raise ParseError('`"` expected')
+ else:
+ self.current_token += char
+ self.state = self.s_in_quote
+ def s_in_comment(self, char):
+ """
+ Handle the next character while we are in a comment.
+ """
+ if char.__class__ == TokenList.CloseSignal:
+ self.state = self.s_accept
+ elif char == "\n":
+ self.state = self.s_expect_word
+ def s_accept(self, char):
+ """
+ Handle the next character when there aren't supposed to be any more
+ characters (this function getting called is an error.
+ """
+ raise HaltedError("Data given to TokenList when no more expected")
+ def assert_full(self):
+ """
+ Raise an error if there are no tokens in the list.
+ """
+ if len(self.tokens) == 0:
+ raise ParseError("Expected Token")
+ def trim_leading_whitespace(self):
+ """
+ Delete any whitespace at the beginning of the list, and raise an error
+ if this empties the string.
+ """
+ self.assert_full()
+ while self[0].iswhitespace():
+ del self[0]
+ self.assert_full()
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Consider the last added character to be the final character of the
+ input. Further calls to `add` will yield an error. Items in the list
+ may now be changed and deleted.
+ """
+ self.__setitem__ = self.tokens.__setitem__
+ self.__delitem__ = self.tokens.__delitem__
+ self.state(TokenList.CloseSignal())
+ def close_token(self):
+ """
+ Mark the token currently being processed as complete and add it to the
+ final list.
+ """
+ if len(self.current_token) > 0:
+ self.tokens.append(WordToken(self.current_token))
+ self.current_token = ""
+class ParseTreeNode:
+ """
+ A node in the final parse tree we generate of a given set of config data.
+ """
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ We represent ourselves as an S-expression
+ """
+ return "%s (%s)" % (self.__class__,
+ ") (".join([str(x) for x in self.children()]))
+class Conf(ParseTreeNode):
+ """
+ A set of configuration items.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, string):
+ """
+ `string` is the text configuration which defines the new Conf object.
+ """
+ toks = TokenList(string)
+ toks.close()
+ self.propspecs = []
+ while len(toks) > 0:
+ self.propspecs.append(PropMatch(toks))
+ def children(self):
+ """
+ List of child nodes of this parse tree node
+ """
+ return self.propspecs
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Since we're ostensibly the top of the tree, we get an extra set of
+ parens.
+ """
+ return "(%s)" % ParseTreeNode.__repr__(self)
+class PropMatch(ParseTreeNode):
+ """
+ A property match block. These blocks specify, textually, a category, and
+ several properties which apply to it. The text form is:
+ name property
+ or
+ name() property
+ or
+ name(args)
+ property
+ or
+ name(args): property
+ etc.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, toks):
+ """
+ `toks` is a token lists. The tokens at the beginning thereof which
+ define a property match block will be removed.
+ """
+ = []
+ while True:
+ toks.trim_leading_whitespace()
+ if not toks[0].isnewline():
+ break
+ del toks[0]
+ self.pattern = CatSpec(toks)
+ if toks[0].isoper(":"):
+ del toks[0]
+ while len(toks) > 0:
+ if toks[0].iswhitespace():
+ del toks[0]
+ elif toks[0].isnewline():
+ del toks[0]
+ if len(toks) == 0 or not toks[0].iswhitespace():
+ break
+ else:
+ if len( == 0:
+ raise ParseError("Property expected")
+ def children(self):
+ """
+ List of child nodes of this parse tree node
+ """
+ return [self.pattern] +
+class CatSpec(ParseTreeNode):
+ """
+ A category specification. Parsed from a textual specification of a category
+ of the form:
+ name
+ or
+ name()
+ or
+ name(args)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, toks):
+ """
+ `toks` is a token stream. The tokens at the beginning thereof which
+ define a CatSpec will be removed.
+ """
+ while len(toks) > 0 and toks[0].iswhitespace():
+ del toks[0]
+ toks.assert_full()
+ if not toks[0].isword():
+ raise ParseError("State name expected")
+ = toks[0]
+ del toks[0]
+ self.args = ArgSpec(toks)
+ def children(self):
+ """
+ List of child nodes of this parse tree node
+ """
+ if len(self.args.items) == 0:
+ return []
+ return [, self.args]
+class ArgSpec(ParseTreeNode):
+ """
+ Argument specification. Represents a textual argument list of the form:
+ (key: value, key2: value2, ...)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, toks):
+ """
+ `toks` is a token stream. The tokens at the beginning thereof which
+ define an ArgSpec will be removed. NOTE: if there is no ArgSpec at the
+ start of the stream, no error is yielded and the created ArgSpec is
+ empty (equivalent to "()")
+ """
+ self.items = []
+ self.is_specifier = True
+ toks.assert_full()
+ if not toks[0].isoper('('):
+ return
+ del toks[0]
+ expect_arg = True
+ while len(toks) > 0:
+ if toks[0].iswhitespace():
+ del toks[0]
+ elif toks[0].isoper(")"):
+ del toks[0]
+ return
+ elif expect_arg:
+ if toks[0].isoper("*"):
+ self.is_specifier = False
+ del toks[0]
+ else:
+ self.items.append(KVPair(toks))
+ expect_arg = False
+ elif toks[0].isoper(","):
+ del toks[0]
+ expect_arg = True
+ else:
+ raise ParseError("Unexpected %s token" % toks[0])
+ def children(self):
+ """
+ List of child nodes of this parse tree node
+ """
+ if self.is_specifier:
+ return self.items
+ else:
+ return self.items + ["NOSPEC"]
+class KVPair(ParseTreeNode):
+ """
+ A key value pair, specified in the form:
+ key: value
+ """
+ def __init__(self, toks):
+ """
+ `toks` is a token stream. The tokens at the beginning thereof which
+ define a KVPair will be removed.
+ """
+ toks.trim_leading_whitespace()
+ if not toks[0].isword():
+ raise ParseError("Expected name before %s token" % toks[0])
+ = toks[0]
+ del toks[0]
+ toks.assert_full()
+ if not toks[0].isoper(":"):
+ raise ParseError("Expected `:` before %s token" % toks[0])
+ del toks[0]
+ toks.trim_leading_whitespace()
+ if not toks[0].isword():
+ raise ParseError("Expected value before %s token" % toks[0])
+ self.value = toks[0]
+ del toks[0]
+ def children(self):
+ """
+ List of child nodes of this parse tree node
+ """
+ return [, self.value]
+class PropSpec(ParseTreeNode):
+ """
+ A property specification, specified textually as one of:
+ on someevent
+ when somestate
+ auto
+ exec somecommand
+ """
+ def __init__(self, toks):
+ """
+ `toks` is a token stream. The tokens at the beginning thereof which
+ define a PropSpec will be removed.
+ """
+ toks.trim_leading_whitespace()
+ if toks[0].isword("when"):
+ self.spec = WhenSpec(toks)
+ elif toks[0].isword("on"):
+ self.spec = OnSpec(toks)
+ elif toks[0].isword("auto"):
+ toks[0:1] = [WordToken("on"), WhitespaceToken(), WordToken("ε")]
+ self.spec = OnSpec(toks)
+ elif toks[0].isword("exec"):
+ self.spec = ExecSpec(toks)
+ else:
+ raise ParseError("Expected keyword before %s token" % toks[0])
+ def children(self):
+ """
+ List of child nodes of this parse tree node
+ """
+ return [self.spec]
+class WhenSpec(ParseTreeNode):
+ """
+ A specification of a when relationship. Defined textually as:
+ when CatSpec
+ """
+ def __init__(self, toks):
+ if not toks[0].isword("when"):
+ raise Exception("Impossible condition in parser")
+ del toks[0]
+ toks.trim_leading_whitespace()
+ if not toks[0].isword():
+ raise Exception("Expected name before %s token" % toks[0])
+ self.waiting_for = CatSpec(toks)
+ def children(self):
+ """
+ List of child nodes of this parse tree node
+ """
+ return [self.waiting_for]
+class OnSpec(ParseTreeNode):
+ """
+ A specification of an event trigger. Defined textually as:
+ on CatSpec
+ """
+ def __init__(self, toks):
+ if not toks[0].isword("on"):
+ raise Exception("Impossible condition in parser")
+ del toks[0]
+ toks.trim_leading_whitespace()
+ if not toks[0].isword():
+ raise Exception("Expected name before %s token" % toks[0])
+ self.waiting_for = CatSpec(toks)
+ def children(self):
+ """
+ List of child nodes of this parse tree node
+ """
+ return [self.waiting_for]
+class ExecSpec(ParseTreeNode):
+ """
+ A specification of a service to run. Defined textually as:
+ exec script
+ """
+ def __init__(self, toks):
+ if not toks[0].isword("exec"):
+ raise Exception("Impossible condition in parser")
+ del toks[0]
+ self.script_toks = []
+ while not toks[0].isnewline():
+ self.script_toks.append(toks[0])
+ del toks[0]
+ def children(self):
+ """
+ List of child nodes of this parse tree node
+ """
+ return [self.script_toks]