path: root/share-presto/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share-presto/')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share-presto/ b/share-presto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..710a8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share-presto/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# author: Jonathan Dieter <>
+# mostly taken from created by
+# Lars Herrmann <>
+# and modified for Presto by
+# Ahmed Kamal <>
+# license: GPL (see COPYING file in distribution)
+# this module provides a python wrapper around deltarpm tools written by suse
+# TODO: catch exceptions wherever possible and raise useful ones ;)
+# see TODO lines in methods
+import popen2
+import string
+import os
+class Process:
+ """wrapper class to execute programs and return exitcode and output (stdout and stderr combined)"""
+ def __init__(self, conduit):
+ self.__stdout=None
+ self.__returncode=None
+ self.__command=None
+ self.__args=None
+ self.conduit = conduit
+ def run(self, command, *args):
+ self.__command=command
+ self.__args=args
+ cmdline=command+" "+string.join(args, " ")
+, '%s.%s: executing %s' % (self.__class__, 'run', cmdline))
+ pipe = popen2.Popen4(cmdline)
+ retcode = pipe.wait()
+ if os.WIFEXITED(retcode):
+ self.__returncode = os.WEXITSTATUS(retcode)
+ else:
+ self.__returncode = retcode
+ # fallback to old implementation - works better ?
+ #stdoutp = os.popen(cmdline,'r',1)
+ #self.__stdout =
+ #retcode = stdoutp.close()
+ #if retcode is None:
+ # self.__returncode = 0
+ #else:
+ # self.__returncode = retcode
+ def getOutput(self):
+ return self.__stdout
+ def returnCode(self):
+ return self.__returncode
+class DeltaRpmWrapper:
+ """wrapper around deltarpm binaries - implement methods for applying and verifying delta rpms
+ - raises exceptions if exitcode of binaries was != 0"""
+ def __init__(self, conduit):
+ self.conduit = conduit
+, '%s.%s: created' % (self.__class__, '__init__'))
+ def apply(self, newrpmfile, deltarpmfile):
+ """wraps execution of applydeltarpm [-r oldrpm] deltarpm newrpm -
+ constructs file names and paths based on given RpmDescription and instance settings for directories"""
+ # TODO: test args for type == instance and __class__ == RpmDescription
+, '%s.apply(%s,%s)' % (self.__class__, newrpmfile, deltarpmfile))
+ p=Process(self.conduit)
+ # targetrpm filename
+, deltarpmfile, newrpmfile)
+ if p.returnCode():
+ # in case of error, raise exception
+ raise Exception("Could not apply deltarpm: %d" % (p.returnCode()))
+ return newrpmfile
+ def verifySequence(self, sequence):
+ """wraps execution of applydeltarpm [-r oldrpm] -s seqfilecontent -
+ constructs file names and paths based on given RpmDescription and instance settings for directories"""
+, '%s.verify(%s)' % (self.__class__, sequence))
+ p = Process(self.conduit)
+, '-s', sequence)
+ if p.returnCode():
+ # in case of error, raise exception
+ raise Exception("Could not verify sequence of deltarpm: %d" % (p.returnCode()))