path: root/ldap/admin/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ldap/admin/src/')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ldap/admin/src/ b/ldap/admin/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cc6a6ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldap/admin/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# perl script
+# Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# Portions copyright 1999, 2001-2003 Netscape Communications Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+# Add new password policy specific entries
+# enable the use of Perldap functions
+require DynaLoader;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use Mozilla::LDAP::Conn;
+use Mozilla::LDAP::Entry;
+use Mozilla::LDAP::Utils qw(:all);
+use Mozilla::LDAP::API qw(:api :ssl :apiv3 :constant); # Direct access to C API
+# Default values of the variables
+$opt_D = "cn=directory manager";
+$opt_p = 389;
+$opt_h = "localhost";
+$opt_v = 0;
+sub usage {
+ print (STDERR " [-v] [-D rootdn] { -w password | -j filename } \n");
+ print (STDERR " [-p port] [-h host] -U UserDN -S SuffixDN\n\n");
+ print (STDERR "Arguments:\n");
+ print (STDERR " -? - help\n");
+ print (STDERR " -v - verbose output\n");
+ print (STDERR " -D rootdn - Directory Manager DN. Default= '$opt_D'\n");
+ print (STDERR " -w rootpw - password for the Directory Manager DN\n");
+ print (STDERR " -j filename - Read the Directory Manager's password from file\n");
+ print (STDERR " -p port - port. Default= $opt_p\n");
+ print (STDERR " -h host - host name. Default= '$opt_h'\n");
+ print (STDERR " -U userDN - User entry DN\n");
+ print (STDERR " -S suffixDN - Suffix entry DN\n");
+ exit 100;
+# Process the command line arguments
+ usage() if (!getopts('vD:w:j:p:h:U:S:'));
+ if ($opt_j ne ""){
+ die "Error, cannot open password file $opt_j\n" unless (open (RPASS, $opt_j));
+ $opt_w = <RPASS>;
+ chomp($opt_w);
+ close(RPASS);
+ }
+ usage() if( $opt_w eq "" );
+ if ($opt_U eq "" && $opt_S eq "") {
+ print (STDERR "Please provide at least -S or -U option.\n\n");
+ }
+ # Now, check if the user/group exists
+ if ($opt_S) {
+ my $norm_opt_S = normalizeDN($opt_S);
+ print (STDERR "host = $opt_h, port = $opt_p, suffixDN = $norm_opt_S\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ %ld = Mozilla::LDAP::Utils::ldapArgs();
+ $ld->{"host"} = $opt_h;
+ $ld->{"port"} = $opt_p;
+ $ld->{"bind"} = $opt_D;
+ $ld->{"pswd"} = $opt_w;
+ $conn = new Mozilla::LDAP::Conn(\%ld); die "No LDAP connection" unless $conn;
+ $entry_1 = new Mozilla::LDAP::Entry;
+ $dn1 = "cn=nsPwPolicyContainer, " . $norm_opt_S;
+ print (STDERR "adding $dn1\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ $entry_1->setDN("$dn1");
+ $entry_1->setValues("objectclass", "top", "nsContainer");
+ $conn->add($entry_1);
+ $error = $conn->getErrorCode();
+ if ( ( $error ne 0 ) && ( $error ne 68 ) ) {
+ $conn->printError();
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ $entry_2 = new Mozilla::LDAP::Entry;
+ $dn2 = "cn=\"cn=nsPwPolicyEntry,$norm_opt_S\",cn=nsPwPolicyContainer," . $norm_opt_S;
+ print (STDERR "adding $dn2\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ $entry_2->setDN("$dn2");
+ $entry_2->setValues("objectclass", "top", "ldapsubentry", "passwordpolicy");
+ $conn->add($entry_2);
+ $conn->printError() if $conn->getErrorCode();
+ $entry_3 = new Mozilla::LDAP::Entry;
+ $dn3 = "cn=\"cn=nsPwTemplateEntry,$norm_opt_S\",cn=nsPwPolicyContainer, " . $norm_opt_S;
+ print (STDERR "adding $dn3\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ $entry_3->setDN("$dn3");
+ $entry_3->setValues("objectclass", "top", "extensibleObject", "costemplate", "ldapsubentry");
+ $entry_3->setValues("cospriority", "1");
+ $entry_3->setValues("pwdpolicysubentry", "$dn2");
+ $conn->add($entry_3);
+ $conn->printError() if $conn->getErrorCode();
+ $entry_4 = new Mozilla::LDAP::Entry;
+ $dn4 = "cn=nsPwPolicy_cos, " . $norm_opt_S;
+ print (STDERR "adding $dn4\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ $entry_4->setDN("$dn4");
+ $entry_4->setValues("objectclass", "top", "cosSuperDefinition", "cosPointerDefinition", "ldapsubentry");
+ $entry_4->setValues("cosTemplateDn", "$dn3");
+ $entry_4->setValues("cosAttribute", "pwdpolicysubentry default operational-default");
+ $conn->add($entry_4);
+ $conn->printError() if $conn->getErrorCode();
+ $cfg_entry = $conn->search("cn=config", "base", "(objectclass=*)");
+ $conn->printError() if $conn->getErrorCode();
+ print (STDERR "modifying cn=config\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ $cfg_entry->setValues("nsslapd-pwpolicy-local", "on");
+ $conn->update($cfg_entry);
+ $conn->printError() if $conn->getErrorCode();
+ $conn->close if $conn;
+ } # end of $opt_S
+ if ($opt_U) {
+ my $norm_opt_U = normalizeDN($opt_U);
+ print (STDERR "host = $opt_h, port = $opt_p, userDN = $norm_opt_U\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ %ld = Mozilla::LDAP::Utils::ldapArgs();
+ $ld->{"host"} = $opt_h;
+ $ld->{"port"} = $opt_p;
+ $ld->{"bind"} = $opt_D;
+ $ld->{"pswd"} = $opt_w;
+ $conn = new Mozilla::LDAP::Conn(\%ld); die "No LDAP connection" unless $conn;
+ $user_entry = $conn->search($norm_opt_U, "base", "(objectclass=*)");
+ $conn->printError() if $conn->getErrorCode();
+ if (! $user_entry) {
+ print (STDERR "The user entry $norm_opt_U does not exist. Exiting.\n");
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ print (STDERR "the user entry $norm_opt_U found..\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ # Now, get the parentDN
+ @rdns = ldap_explode_dn($norm_opt_U, 0);
+ shift @rdns;
+ $parentDN = join(',', @rdns);
+ print (STDERR "parentDN is $parentDN\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ # Now, check if the nsContainer entry exists at the parent level
+ $dn1 = "cn=nsPwPolicyContainer, " . $parentDN;
+ $entry = $conn->search($dn1, "base", "(objectclass=*)");
+ my $error = $conn->getErrorCode();
+ $conn->printError()
+ if (( $error ne 0 ) && ( $error ne 32 ) && ( $error ne 68 ));
+ if (! $entry) {
+ print (STDERR "nsContainer doesn't exist. Creating one now..\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ $entry_1 = new Mozilla::LDAP::Entry;
+ print (STDERR "adding $dn1\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ $entry_1->setDN("$dn1");
+ $entry_1->setValues("objectclass", "top", "nsContainer");
+ $conn->add($entry_1);
+ $conn->printError() if $conn->getErrorCode();
+ } else {
+ print (STDERR "nsContainer exists..\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ }
+ $entry_2 = new Mozilla::LDAP::Entry;
+ $dn2 = "cn=\"cn=nsPwPolicyEntry,$norm_opt_U\",cn=nsPwPolicyContainer," . $parentDN;
+ print (STDERR "adding $dn2\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ $entry_2->setDN("$dn2");
+ $entry_2->setValues("objectclass", "top", "ldapsubentry", "passwordpolicy");
+ $conn->add($entry_2);
+ $conn->printError() if $conn->getErrorCode();
+ print (STDERR "modifying $norm_opt_U\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ $user_entry->setValues("pwdpolicysubentry", "$dn2");
+ $conn->update($user_entry);
+ $conn->printError() if $conn->getErrorCode();
+ $cfg_entry = $conn->search("cn=config", "base", "(objectclass=*)");
+ $conn->printError() if $conn->getErrorCode();
+ print (STDERR "modifying cn=config\n\n") if $opt_v;
+ $cfg_entry->setValues("nsslapd-pwpolicy-local", "on");
+ $conn->update($cfg_entry);
+ $conn->printError() if $conn->getErrorCode();
+ $conn->close if $conn;
+ } # end of $opt_U