path: root/ldap/admin/src/migrateInstance
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Diffstat (limited to 'ldap/admin/src/migrateInstance')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 581 deletions
diff --git a/ldap/admin/src/migrateInstance b/ldap/admin/src/migrateInstance
deleted file mode 100644
index 95cab4b1..00000000
--- a/ldap/admin/src/migrateInstance
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
-# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
-# In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
-# right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
-# General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
-# including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
-# permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
-# through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION
-# found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of
-# Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from
-# the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by
-# the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or
-# additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General
-# Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used
-# in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this
-# exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
-# version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
-# provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception
-# statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
-# exception.
-# Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission.
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# migrate an old server instance to a new server instance
- $| = 1;
- # print CGI header
- print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
- require 'uname.lib';
- $isNT = -d '\\';
- $PATHSEP = $isNT ? "\\" : "/";
- # get the server root directory
- $sroot = $ENV{'NETSITE_ROOT'};
- $exitCode = 0;
- @INC = ( '.', '../../../admin/admin/bin' );
- grep { s@/@\\@g } @INC if $isNT;
- $script_suffix = $isNT ? ".bat" : "";
- $exe_suffix = $isNT ? ".exe" : "";
- $slapdExecName = $isNT ? 'slapd.exe' : 'ns-slapd';
- $nullFile = $isNT ? 'nul' : '/dev/null';
- # NT needs quotes around some things unix doesn't
- $quote = $isNT ? "\"" : "";
- if ($isNT) {
- # we have to pass batch files directly to the NT command interpreter
- $com_spec = $ENV{ComSpec};
- if (!$com_spec) {
- $com_spec = $ENV{COMSPEC};
- }
- if (!$com_spec || ! -f $com_spec) {
- # find the first available command interpreter
- foreach $drive (c..z) {
- $com_spec = "$drive:\\winnt\\system32\\cmd.exe";
- last if (-f $com_spec);
- $com_spec = undef;
- }
- if (! $com_spec) {
- # punt and pray
- $com_spec = 'c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe';
- }
- }
- $os = "WINNT";
- } else {
- $os = &uname("-s");
- }
- if ( ($os eq "AIX") || ($os eq "HP-UX") ) {
- $sigChildHandler = 'sigChildHandler';
- }
-sub mySystem {
- my $cmd = $_[0];
- # the system {$cmd} avoids some NT shell quoting problems if the $cmd
- # needs to be quoted e.g. contains spaces; the map puts double quotes
- # around the arguments on NT which are stripped by the command
- # interpreter cmd.exe; but don't quote things which are already quoted
- my @fixargs = map { /^[\"].*[\"]$/ ? $_ : $quote . $_ . $quote } @_;
- my $rc = 0;
- if ($cmd =~ /[.](bat|cmd)$/) {
- # we have to pass batch files directly to the NT command interpreter
- $cmd = $com_spec;
-# print "system $cmd /c \"@fixargs\"\n";
- $rc = system {$cmd} '/c', "\"@fixargs\"";
- } else {
-# print "system $cmd \"@fixargs\"\n";
- $rc = system {$cmd} @fixargs;
- }
- return $rc;
-sub getNextEntry {
- my $fh = shift;
- my @entry = (); # an array of strings, each string is 1 attr/value pair
- my $line = "";
- while (($line = <$fh>) && !($line =~ /^$/)) { # entry is terminated by EOF or empty line34
- chop $line;
- if ($line =~ /^\s/) { # line begins with a single space char
- $entry[@entry-1] .= $'; # add continuation to line
- } else {
- push @entry, $line;
- }
- }
- return @entry;
-sub runAndIgnoreOutput {
- my $cmd = shift;
- print "\n.";
- open(RUNCMD, "${quote}$cmd${quote} 2>&1 |") or die "Error: could not run $cmd: $!";
- print "\n." ;
- sleep(1); # allow pipe to fill with data
- print "\n." ;
- while (<RUNCMD>) {
-# print;
- }
- my $code = close(RUNCMD);
-# print "runAndIgnore: code=$code status=$?\n";
- return $?;
-sub printEntry {
- my $fh = shift;
- foreach (@_) {
- print $fh $_, "\n";
- }
- print $fh "\n";
-sub reportAndExit {
- my $now_time = gmtime;
- print "END migration at ", $now_time, " GMT\n";
- print "Exit status is ", $exitCode, "\n";
- if ($? == 0 && $exitCode == 0) {
- print "NMC_STATUS: 0\n";
- } else {
- # not necessary to show this
- print '$?=', $?+0, ' $!=', $!+0, ' $exitCode=', $exitCode, "\n";
- print shift, "\n";
- print "NMC_STATUS: $exitCode\n";
- }
- print "###MIGRATION FINISHED###\n";
- exit($exitCode);
-# put stderr on stdout
-open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT" );
-# use unbuffered output
-$| = 1;
-$| = 1;
-sub sigChildHandler {
-# print "in sig child handler\n";
-# print "args = @_\n";
-$SIG{__DIE__} = 'exit';
-$SIG{'QUIT'} = 'exit';
-$SIG{'INT'} = 'exit';
-$SIG{'TERM'} = 'exit';
-# AIX needs a SIGCHILD handler for pipes
-if (defined($sigChildHandler)) {
- $SIG{'CHLD'} = $sigChildHandler;
- $SIG{'CLD'} = $sigChildHandler;
-# the atexit handler
-END {
- $! = 0;
- $? = $exitCode;
- if ($exitCode == 0) {
- # just give a report if the operation was successfull
- &reportAndExit; }
-# process the CGI input
-use Cgi;
-if (($sroot =~ m#/$#) || ($sroot =~ m#\\$#)) {
- chop $sroot;
-if (($cgiVars{'oldServerRoot'} =~ m#/$#) || ($cgiVars{'oldServerRoot'} =~ m#\\$#)) {
- chop $cgiVars{'oldServerRoot'};
-$instanceDir = $sroot . $PATHSEP . 'slapd-' . $cgiVars{'servid'};
-# get the Directory Server version
-# For the moment the migration works only from 4.x version to 5.0 version
-# As for as previous versions are concerned we don't migrate neither 1.x nor 3.x
-($oldVersion, $oldMinor) = &getVersion($cgiVars{'oldServerRoot'});
-print "\n\noldVersion: $oldVersion, oldMinor: $oldMinor" ;
-if ($oldVersion < 4) {
- # migration of version under 4 is not supported
- # abort the use of the migration script up to 5.1
- $exitCode = 1 ;
- die "\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe migration of a $oldVersion.x directory instance is not available." .
- "\nYou can also migrate a 4.x directory server." .
- "\nIt must be executed manually through a command line." .
- "\nPlease refer to the product documentation to get usage and prerequisites\n";
-else {
- # print begin message
- $now_time = gmtime;
- print "BEGIN migration at: ", $now_time, " GMT\n";
- $oldSlapdConf = $cgiVars{'oldServerRoot'} . $PATHSEP . 'slapd-' .
- $cgiVars{'oldServerName'} . $PATHSEP . 'config' . $PATHSEP .
- 'slapd.conf';
- open(OLDSLAPDCONF, $oldSlapdConf) or
- die "Error: could not open old config file $oldSlapdConf: $!";
- while(<OLDSLAPDCONF>) {
- chop;
- if (/^port\s+/i) {
- if (! $cgiVars{'servport'}) {
- $cgiVars{'servport'} = $';
- $old_port = $' ;
- $Cgi::CONTENT .= '&servport=' . $';
- if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) {
- $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} .= '&servport=' . $';
- }
- }
- } elsif (/^rootdn\s+/i) {
- if (! $cgiVars{'rootdn'}) {
- ($value = $') =~ s/^[\"]//;
- # remove leading "
- $value =~ s/[\"]$//;
- # remove trailing "
- $cgiVars{'rootdn'} = $value;
- $Cgi::CONTENT .= '&rootdn=' . $value;
- if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) {
- $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} .= '&rootdn=' . $value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $testDir = $instanceDir . $PATHSEP . 'config';
- # check if it's necessary or not to stop the old server
- if (-d $testDir) {
- printTrace("\ninstance already exists \n",3) ;
- # the instance already exists
- $DSEldif = $instanceDir. $PATHSEP . 'config' . $PATHSEP . 'dse.ldif';
- open(DSELDIF, $DSEldif) or
- die "Error: could not open old config file $DSEldif: $!";
- while(<DSELDIF>) {
- chop;
- if (/^nsslapd-port:\s+/i) {
- $cgiVars{'servport'} = $';
- $Cgi::CONTENT .= '&servport=' . $';
- if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) {
- $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} .= '&servport=' . $';
- }
- } elsif (/^nsslapd-rootdn:\s+/i) {
- ($value = $') =~ s/^[\"]//;
- # remove leading "
- $value =~ s/[\"]$//;
- # remove trailing "
- $cgiVars{'rootdn'} = $value;
- $Cgi::CONTENT .= '&rootdn=' . $value;
- if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) {
- $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} .= '&rootdn=' . $value;
- }
- }
- }
- close(DSELDIF);
- if ($old_port eq $cgiVars{'servport'}) {
- # need to stop the old instance
- if ($cgiVars{'shutdown_old_server'}) {
- &stopServer($cgiVars{'oldServerRoot'}, 'slapd-' . $cgiVars{'oldServerName'});
- }
- }
- &startServer();
- }
- else {
- # need to stop the old instance
- if ($cgiVars{'shutdown_old_server'}) {
- &stopServer($cgiVars{'oldServerRoot'}, 'slapd-' . $cgiVars{'oldServerName'});
- }
- }
- @cgi = keys(%cgiVars);
- printTrace("\ncgi: @cgi",3);
- printTrace("\npwd: $cgiVars{'rootpw'}, rootdn: $cgiVars{'rootdn'}, port: $cgiVars{'servport'},
- old_instance -o: $cgiVars{'oldServerRoot'}$PATHSEPslapd-$cgiVars{'oldServerName'},
- new_instance -n: $sroot$PATHSEPslapd-$cgiVars{'servid'}",3) ;
- # if the instance does not exist, create it
- if (! -d $testDir) {
- print "Creating the new instance . . .\n";
- printTrace("\nbefore instance creation\n",3) ;
- # call the instance creation program; we should already be in the same
- # directory; if we are being called as a CGI, index will parse the CGI
- # parameters, otherwise, it will use the command line parameters
- if ($isNT) {
- $myprog = "ds_create.exe";
- } else {
- $myprog = "./ds_create";
- }
- printTrace("\nafter instance creation\n",3) ;
- # since we already parsed stdin, we need to pass it to the instance creation
- # CGI somehow; fortunately, we saved the old contents of stdin in the
- # $Cgi::CONTENT, so just pipe that into our CGI
- # print "executing $myprog @ARGV\n";
- open(INDEX, "|$myprog @ARGV") or die "Error: system($myprog, @ARGV): $!";
- sleep(1); # allow prog to init stdin read buffers
- print INDEX $Cgi::CONTENT, "\n";
- close INDEX;
- $exitCode = $?;
- if ($exitCode != 0) {
- die "Error: could not create new instance: $!";
- }
- } else {
- }
- printTrace("\nBefore instance created test\n",3) ;
- chdir("$sroot${PATHSEP}bin${PATHSEP}slapd${PATHSEP}admin${PATHSEP}bin");
- # Now that the new instance is created, merge in the old configuration data
- # $cgiVars{'oldServerRoot'} will contain the full path of the old server
- # root directory
- # $cgiVars{'oldServerName'} will contain the old instance name
- $myscript = "migrateInstance5";
- # print "executing $myscript $sroot $cgiVars{'oldServerRoot'} $cgiVars{'servid'} $cgiVars{'oldServerName'} $savedLdif\n";
- @args = ($, $myscript, '-p', $cgiVars{'servport'}, '-D', $cgiVars{'rootdn'}, '-w', $cgiVars{'rootpw'}, '-o',
- $cgiVars{'oldServerRoot'} . $PATHSEP . 'slapd-' . $cgiVars{'oldServerName'}, '-n',
- $sroot . $PATHSEP . 'slapd-' . $cgiVars{'servid'}, '-noinput');
- $exitCode = &mySystem(@args);
- die "Error: @args: $!" if ($exitCode != 0);
- }
-sub startServer {
- my $errLog = $instanceDir . $PATHSEP . 'logs' . $PATHSEP . 'errors';
- # emulate tail -f
- # if the last line we see does not contain "slapd started", try again
- my $done = 0;
- my $started = 0;
- my $code = 0;
- my $lastLine = "";
- my $timeout = time + 60; # 1 minute
- my $startCmd = $instanceDir . $PATHSEP . 'start' . $script_suffix;
- if (! -f $startCmd) {
- $startCmd = $instanceDir . $PATHSEP . 'start-slapd' . $script_suffix;
- }
- $code = &mySystem($startCmd);
- open(IN, $errLog) or die "Could not open error log $errLog: $!";
- my $pos = tell(IN);
- while (($done == 0) && (time < $timeout)) {
- for (; ($done == 0) && ($_ = <IN>); $pos = tell(IN)) {
- $lastLine = $_;
-# print;
- # the server has already been started and shutdown once . . .
- if (/slapd started\./) {
- $started++;
- if ($started == 2) {
- $done = 1;
- }
- # sometimes the server will fail to come up; in that case, restart it
- } elsif (/Initialization Failed/) {
-# print "Server failed to start: $_";
- $code = &mySystem($startCmd);
- # sometimes the server will fail to come up; in that case, restart it
- } elsif (/exiting\./) {
-# print "Server failed to start: $_";
- $code = &mySystem($startCmd);
- }
- }
- if ($lastLine =~ /PR_Bind/) {
- # server port conflicts with another one, just report and punt
- print $lastLine;
- print "This server cannot be started until the other server on this\n";
- print "port is shutdown.\n";
- $done = 1;
- }
- if ($done == 0) {
- # rest a bit, then . . .
- sleep(2);
- # . . . reset the EOF status of the file desc
- seek(IN, $pos, 0);
- }
- }
- close(IN);
- if ($started < 2) {
- $! = $code;
-# $now = time;
-# if ($now > $timeout) {
-# print "Possible timeout: timeout=$timeout now=$now\n";
-# }
- die "Error: could not start server: $!";
- }
- return 0;
-sub stopServer {
- my $root = shift;
- my $name = shift;
- $maxStopIterations = 60;
- print "Shutting down server $name . . .\n";
- $stopCmd = $quote . $root . $PATHSEP . $name . $PATHSEP . 'stop' . $script_suffix . $quote;
- if (! -f $stopCmd) {
- $stopCmd = $quote . $root . $PATHSEP . $name . $PATHSEP . 'stop-slapd' . $script_suffix . $quote;
- }
- if (! -f $stopCmd) {
- # no stop command, probably a 1.X system; for NT, we'll try net stop
- # for unix, we'll get the pid and kill it
- if ($isNT) {
- $stopCmd = 'net stop ' . $name;
- } else {
- # see if there is a pid file
- $pidfile = $root . $PATHSEP . $name . $PATHSEP . 'logs' .
- $PATHSEP . 'pid';
- if (open(PIDFILE, $pidfile)) {
- chomp($pid = <PIDFILE>);
- close(PIDFILE);
- while ($maxStopIterations-- && !$exitCode) {
- $exitCode = kill(15, $pid);
- }
- $stopCmd = undef;
- }
- }
- }
- # keep looping until the stop cmd returns an error code, which usually
- # means that what ever we want to stop is stopped, or some other error
- # occurred e.g. permission, or no such service
- $exitCode = &runAndIgnoreOutput($stopCmd);
-# print "stopServer: exitCode=$exitCode\n";
- while ($stopCmd && $maxStopIterations-- && !$exitCode) {
- $exitCode = &runAndIgnoreOutput($stopCmd);
-# print "stopServer: exitCode=$exitCode\n";
- }
- if (!$maxStopIterations) {
- print "Warning: could not shutdown the old server: $!\n";
- }
- sleep(10) if ($isNT);
- $exitCode = 0;
-# print message error to the user standard output.
-sub printTrace {
- my $Msg = shift ;
- my $level = shift ;
- if ($level <= $TRACELEVEL) {
- print($Msg);
- }
-sub getVersion {
- my $rootDir = shift;
- my $version = 0;
- my $minor = 0;
- my $progDir = "${PATHSEP}bin${PATHSEP}slapd${PATHSEP}server${PATHSEP}";
- my $progDir2 = "${PATHSEP}bin${PATHSEP}slapd${PATHSEP}";
- # get the current directory so we can go back to it
- my $curdir = &getCwd;
- # find the slapd executable
- $prog = $rootDir . $progDir . $slapdExecName;
- if (! -f $prog) {
- $prog = $rootDir . $progDir2 . $slapdExecName;
- if (-f $prog && $isNT) {
- # if slapd is in bin/slapd and we're on NT, just assume version 1;
- # apparently, slapd.exe doesn't like the -v argument . . .
- return ( '1', $minor );
- }
- }
- # read the old version from the old slapd program
- chdir($rootDir . $progDir) or
- die "Could not chdir to $rootDir${progDir}: $!: ";
- open(F, "${quote}${quote}$prog${quote} -v${quote} 2>&1 |") or
- die "Could not run slapd program $prog: $!";
- sleep(1); # allow some data to accumulate in the pipe
-# print "Output from $prog -v:\n";
- while (<F>) {
- print;
- if (/^Netscape-Directory\/(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
- $version = $1;
- $minor = $2;
- last;
- }
- elsif (/^Netscape-Directory\(restriced-mode\)\/(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
- $version = $1;
- $minor = $2;
- last;
- }
- }
- $code = close(F);
-# print "$prog returned code=$code status=$?\n";
- # done determining versions; go back to orig directory
- chdir($curdir) or die "Could not chdir to $curdir: $!: ";
- $version == 0 and
- die "Could not determine version of the directory server in $rootDir: ";
- return ( $version, $minor );
-sub getCwd {
- my $command = $isNT ? "cd" : "/bin/pwd";
- open(PWDCMD, "$command 2>&1 |") or
- die "Error: could not execute $command: $!";
- # without the following sleep, reading from the pipe will
- # return nothing; I guess it gives the pwd command time
- # to get some data to read . . .
- sleep(1);
- my $curdir;
- while (<PWDCMD>) {
- if (!$curdir) {
- chomp($curdir = $_);
- }
- }
- my $code = close(PWDCMD);
-# if ($code || $?) {
-# print "$command returned code=$code status=$? dir=$curdir\n";
-# }
-# print "getCwd curdir=\[$curdir\]\n";
- return $curdir;