path: root/resize
diff options
authorRichard W.M. Jones <>2011-10-20 14:46:11 +0100
committerRichard W.M. Jones <>2011-10-20 16:48:30 +0100
commit5d8e4102b46158f323fb1f6d76a342edcb997b73 (patch)
tree0af683c1054d5a0d068e75b81ce7a32f4172c52b /resize
parent9f198956047583e506713a4472117922f8b27b2e (diff)
resize: Refactor the code for creating target partitions.
The old code mixed the business of planning the layout of the target partitions with the creation of the target partitions. The replacement code separates these into two tasks: firstly we create a new 'partitions' list with the target layout, secondly this directly drives the creation of the partitions. As part of this change I have *removed* the old code that was supposed to handle extended/logical MBR partitions. It simply didn't work, and didn't have any hope of working, and there is a separate bug open to fix it.
Diffstat (limited to 'resize')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/resize/ b/resize/
index c5323277..295d1210 100644
--- a/resize/
+++ b/resize/
@@ -240,12 +240,16 @@ let () =
(* Build a data structure describing the source disk's partition layout. *)
type partition = {
p_name : string; (* Device name, like /dev/sda1. *)
- p_part : G.partition; (* Partition data from libguestfs. *)
+ p_part : G.partition; (* SOURCE partition data from libguestfs. *)
p_bootable : bool; (* Is it bootable? *)
p_mbr_id : int option; (* MBR ID, if it has one. *)
p_type : partition_content; (* Content type and content size. *)
- mutable p_operation : partition_operation; (* What we're going to do. *)
- mutable p_target_partnum : int; (* Partition number on target. *)
+ (* What we're going to do: *)
+ mutable p_operation : partition_operation;
+ p_target_partnum : int; (* TARGET partition number. *)
+ p_target_start : int64; (* TARGET partition start (sector num). *)
+ p_target_end : int64; (* TARGET partition end (sector num). *)
and partition_content =
| ContentUnknown (* undetermined *)
@@ -322,7 +326,8 @@ let partitions : partition list =
{ p_name = name; p_part = part;
p_bootable = bootable; p_mbr_id = mbr_id; p_type = typ;
- p_operation = OpCopy; p_target_partnum = 0 }
+ p_operation = OpCopy; p_target_partnum = 0;
+ p_target_start = 0L; p_target_end = 0L }
) parts in
if debug then (
@@ -795,116 +800,116 @@ let () =
(* Repartition the target disk. *)
-let () =
- (* The first partition must start at the same position as the old
- * first partition. Old virt-resize used to align this to 64
- * sectors, but I suspect this is the cause of boot failures, so
- * let's not do this.
- *)
- let sectsize = Int64.of_int sectsize in
- let start = ref ((List.hd partitions).p_part.G.part_start /^ sectsize) in
- (* This counts the partition numbers on the target disk. *)
- let nextpart = ref 1 in
+(* Calculate the location of the partitions on the target disk. This
+ * also removes from the list any partitions that will be deleted, so
+ * the final list just contains partitions that need to be created
+ * on the target.
+ *)
+let partitions =
+ let sectsize = Int64.of_int sectsize in
- let rec repartition = function
- | [] -> ()
+ let rec loop partnum start = function
| p :: ps ->
- let target_partnum =
- match p.p_operation with
- | OpDelete -> None (* do nothing *)
- | OpIgnore | OpCopy -> (* new partition, same size *)
- (* Size in sectors. *)
- let size = (p.p_part.G.part_size +^ sectsize -^ 1L) /^ sectsize in
- Some (add_partition size)
- | OpResize newsize -> (* new partition, resized *)
- (* Size in sectors. *)
- let size = (newsize +^ sectsize -^ 1L) /^ sectsize in
- Some (add_partition size) in
- (match target_partnum with
- | None -> (* OpDelete *)
- ()
- | Some target_partnum -> (* not OpDelete *)
- p.p_target_partnum <- target_partnum;
- (* Set bootable and MBR IDs *)
- if p.p_bootable then
- g#part_set_bootable "/dev/sdb" target_partnum true;
- (match p.p_mbr_id with
- | None -> ()
- | Some mbr_id ->
- g#part_set_mbr_id "/dev/sdb" target_partnum mbr_id
- );
- );
- repartition ps
- (* Add a partition, returns the partition number on the target. *)
- and add_partition size (* in SECTORS *) =
- let target_partnum, end_ =
- if !nextpart <= 3 || parttype <> "msdos" then (
- let target_partnum = !nextpart in
- let end_ = !start +^ size -^ 1L in
- g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "primary" !start end_;
- incr nextpart;
- target_partnum, end_
- ) else (
- if !nextpart = 4 then (
- g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "extended" !start (-1L);
- incr nextpart;
- start := !start +^ 128L
- );
- let target_partnum = !nextpart in
- let end_ = !start +^ size -^ 1L in
- g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "logical" !start end_;
- incr nextpart;
- target_partnum, end_
- ) in
- (* Start of next partition + alignment to 128 sectors. *)
- start := ((end_ +^ 1L) +^ 127L) &^ (~^ 127L);
- target_partnum
+ (match p.p_operation with
+ | OpDelete -> loop partnum start ps (* skip p *)
+ | OpIgnore | OpCopy -> (* same size *)
+ (* Size in sectors. *)
+ let size = (p.p_part.G.part_size +^ sectsize -^ 1L) /^ sectsize in
+ (* Start of next partition + alignment. *)
+ let end_ = start +^ size in
+ let next = (end_ +^ 127L) &^ (~^ 127L) in
+ { p with p_target_start = start; p_target_end = end_ -^ 1L;
+ p_target_partnum = partnum } :: loop (partnum+1) next ps
+ | OpResize newsize -> (* resized partition *)
+ (* New size in sectors. *)
+ let size = (newsize +^ sectsize -^ 1L) /^ sectsize in
+ (* Start of next partition + alignment. *)
+ let next = start +^ size in
+ let next = (next +^ 127L) &^ (~^ 127L) in
+ { p with p_target_start = start; p_target_end = next -^ 1L;
+ p_target_partnum = partnum } :: loop (partnum+1) next ps
+ )
+ | [] ->
+ (* Create the surplus partition if there is room for it. *)
+ if extra_partition && surplus >= min_extra_partition then (
+ [ {
+ (* Since this partition has no source, this data is
+ * meaningless and not used since the operation is
+ * OpIgnore.
+ *)
+ p_name = "";
+ p_part = { G.part_num = 0l; part_start = 0L; part_end = 0L;
+ part_size = 0L };
+ p_bootable = false; p_mbr_id = None; p_type = ContentUnknown;
+ (* Target information is meaningful. *)
+ p_operation = OpIgnore;
+ p_target_partnum = partnum;
+ p_target_start = start; p_target_end = ~^ 64L
+ } ]
+ )
+ else
+ []
- repartition partitions;
+ (* The first partition must start at the same position as the old
+ * first partition. Old virt-resize used to align this to 64
+ * sectors, but I suspect this is the cause of boot failures, so
+ * let's not do this.
+ *)
+ let start = (List.hd partitions).p_part.G.part_start /^ sectsize in
+ loop 1 start partitions
- (* Create the surplus partition. *)
- if extra_partition && surplus >= min_extra_partition then (
- let size = outsize /^ sectsize -^ 64L -^ !start in
- ignore (add_partition size)
- )
+(* Now partition the target disk. *)
+let () =
+ List.iter (
+ fun p ->
+ g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "primary" p.p_target_start p.p_target_end;
+ (* Set bootable and MBR IDs *)
+ if p.p_bootable then
+ g#part_set_bootable "/dev/sdb" p.p_target_partnum true;
+ (match p.p_mbr_id with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some mbr_id ->
+ g#part_set_mbr_id "/dev/sdb" p.p_target_partnum mbr_id
+ );
+ ) partitions
(* Copy over the data. *)
let () =
- let rec copy_data = function
- | [] -> ()
+ List.iter (
+ fun p ->
+ match p.p_operation with
+ | OpCopy | OpResize _ ->
+ (* XXX Old code had 'when target_partnum > 0', but it appears
+ * to have served no purpose since the field could never be 0
+ * at this point.
+ *)
- | ({ p_name = source; p_target_partnum = target_partnum;
- p_operation = (OpCopy | OpResize _) } as p) :: ps
- when target_partnum > 0 ->
let oldsize = p.p_part.G.part_size in
let newsize =
match p.p_operation with OpResize s -> s | _ -> oldsize in
let copysize = if newsize < oldsize then newsize else oldsize in
- let target = sprintf "/dev/sdb%d" target_partnum in
+ let source = p.p_name in
+ let target = sprintf "/dev/sdb%d" p.p_target_partnum in
if not quiet then
printf "Copying %s ...\n%!" source;
g#copy_size source target copysize;
- copy_data ps
- | _ :: ps ->
- copy_data ps
- in
- copy_data partitions
+ | _ -> ()
+ ) partitions
(* After copying the data over we must shut down and restart the
* appliance in order to expand the content. The reason for this may