path: root/
diff options
authorRichard W.M. Jones <>2010-12-03 13:17:00 +0000
committerRichard W.M. Jones <>2010-12-05 09:33:25 +0000
commit66a9d53e48f14d7fe1d9f4b801a1c5582d83efa6 (patch)
tree555e29f52452cd88a6deb086b86bb55ab85f5fff /
parent304ee3695e41904d8b2184922732f47aa6ccc0d4 (diff)
Rewrite febootstrap as a general supermin appliance building tool.3.0
This complete rewrite of the building tools turns febootstrap into a general purpose, cross-distro, supermin appliance only build tool. There is now only one program 'febootstrap' which is used to build a supermin appliance from a list of packages. Normal appliances are not supported. The tools are incompatible with febootstrap 2.x (use the febootstrap-2.x branch from git to get the old package).
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..966a316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+(* febootstrap 3
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *)
+open Unix
+open Printf
+open Febootstrap_package_handlers
+open Febootstrap_utils
+open Febootstrap_cmdline
+(* Create a temporary directory for use by all the functions in this file. *)
+let tmpdir = tmpdir ()
+let () =
+ debug "%s %s" Config.package_name Config.package_version;
+ (* Instead of printing out warnings as we go along, accumulate them
+ * in lists and print them all out at the end.
+ *)
+ let warn_unreadable = ref [] in
+ (* Determine which package manager this system uses. *)
+ check_system ();
+ let ph = get_package_handler () in
+ debug "selected package handler: %s" (get_package_handler_name ());
+ (* Not --names: check files exist. *)
+ if not names_mode then (
+ List.iter (
+ fun pkg ->
+ if not (file_exists pkg) then (
+ eprintf "febootstrap: %s: no such file (did you miss out the --names option?)\n" pkg;
+ exit 1
+ )
+ ) packages
+ );
+ (* --names: resolve the package list to a full list of package names
+ * (including dependencies).
+ *)
+ let packages =
+ if names_mode then (
+ let packages = ph.ph_resolve_dependencies_and_download packages in
+ debug "resolved packages: %s" (String.concat " " packages);
+ packages
+ )
+ else packages in
+ (* Get the list of files. *)
+ let files =
+ List.flatten (
+ (
+ fun pkg ->
+ let files = ph.ph_list_files pkg in
+ (fun (filename, ft) -> filename, ft, pkg) files
+ ) packages
+ ) in
+ (* Sort and combine duplicate files. *)
+ let files =
+ let files = List.sort compare files in
+ let combine (name1, ft1, pkg1) (name2, ft2, pkg2) =
+ (* Rules for combining files. *)
+ if ft1.ft_config || ft2.ft_config then (
+ eprintf "febootstrap: error: %s is a config file which is listed in two packages (%s, %s)\n"
+ name1 pkg1 pkg2;
+ exit 1
+ );
+ if (ft1.ft_dir || ft2.ft_dir) && (not (ft1.ft_dir && ft2.ft_dir)) then (
+ eprintf "febootstrap: error: %s appears as both directory and ordinary file (%s, %s)\n"
+ name1 pkg1 pkg2;
+ exit 1
+ );
+ if ft1.ft_ghost then
+ (name2, ft2, pkg2)
+ else
+ (name1, ft1, pkg1)
+ in
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (name1, _, _ as f1) :: (name2, _, _ as f2) :: fs when name1 = name2 ->
+ let f = combine f1 f2 in loop (f :: fs)
+ | f :: fs -> f :: loop fs
+ in
+ loop files in
+ (* Because we may have excluded some packages, and also because of
+ * distribution packaging errors, it's not necessarily true that a
+ * directory is created before each file in that directory.
+ * Determine those missing directories and add them now.
+ *)
+ let files =
+ let insert_dir, dir_seen =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create (List.length files) in
+ let insert_dir dir = Hashtbl.replace h dir true in
+ let dir_seen dir = Hashtbl.mem h dir in
+ insert_dir, dir_seen
+ in
+ let files =
+ (
+ fun (path, { ft_dir = is_dir }, _ as f) ->
+ if is_dir then
+ insert_dir path;
+ let rec loop path =
+ let parent = Filename.dirname path in
+ if dir_seen parent then []
+ else (
+ insert_dir parent;
+ let newdir = (parent, { ft_dir = true; ft_config = false;
+ ft_ghost = false; ft_mode = 0o40755 },
+ "") in
+ newdir :: loop parent
+ )
+ in
+ List.rev (f :: loop path)
+ ) files in
+ List.flatten files in
+ (* Debugging. *)
+ debug "%d files and directories" (List.length files);
+ if false then (
+ List.iter (
+ fun (name, { ft_dir = dir; ft_ghost = ghost; ft_config = config;
+ ft_mode = mode }, pkg) ->
+ printf "%s [%s%s%s%o] from %s\n" name
+ (if dir then "dir " else "")
+ (if ghost then "ghost " else "")
+ (if config then "config " else "")
+ mode
+ pkg
+ ) files
+ );
+ (* Split the list of files into ones for hostfiles and ones for base image. *)
+ let p_hmac = Str.regexp "/\\.*\\.hmac$" in
+ let hostfiles = ref []
+ and baseimgfiles = ref [] in
+ List.iter (
+ fun (path, {ft_dir = dir; ft_ghost = ghost; ft_config = config} ,_ as f) ->
+ (* Ignore boot files, kernel, kernel modules. Supermin appliances
+ * are booted from external kernel and initrd, and
+ * febootstrap-supermin-helper copies the host kernel modules.
+ * Note we want to keep the /boot and /lib/modules directory entries.
+ *)
+ if string_prefix "/boot/" path then ()
+ else if string_prefix "/lib/modules/" path then ()
+ (* Always write directory names to both output files. *)
+ else if dir then (
+ hostfiles := f :: !hostfiles;
+ baseimgfiles := f :: !baseimgfiles;
+ )
+ (* Timezone configuration is config, but copy it from host system. *)
+ else if path = "/etc/localtime" then
+ hostfiles := f :: !hostfiles
+ (* Ignore FIPS files (.*.hmac) (RHBZ#654638). *)
+ else if Str.string_match p_hmac path 0 then ()
+ (* Ghost files are created empty in the base image. *)
+ else if ghost then
+ baseimgfiles := f :: !baseimgfiles
+ (* For config files we can't rely on the host-installed copy
+ * since the admin may have modified then. We have to get the
+ * original file from the package and put it in the base image.
+ *)
+ else if config then
+ baseimgfiles := f :: !baseimgfiles
+ (* Anything else comes from the host. *)
+ else
+ hostfiles := f :: !hostfiles
+ ) files;
+ let hostfiles = List.rev !hostfiles
+ and baseimgfiles = List.rev !baseimgfiles in
+ (* Write hostfiles. *)
+ (* Regexps used below. *)
+ let p_ld_so = Str.regexp "^ld-[.0-9]+\\.so$" in
+ let p_libbfd = Str.regexp "^libbfd-.*\\.so$" in
+ let p_libgcc = Str.regexp "^libgcc_s-.*\\.so\\.\\([0-9]+\\)$" in
+ let p_libntfs3g = Str.regexp "^libntfs-3g\\.so\\..*$" in
+ let p_lib123so = Str.regexp "^lib\\(.*\\)-[-.0-9]+\\.so$" in
+ let p_lib123so123 =
+ Str.regexp "^lib\\(.*\\)-[-.0-9]+\\.so\\.\\([0-9]+\\)\\." in
+ let p_libso123 = Str.regexp "^lib\\(.*\\)\\.so\\.\\([0-9]+\\)\\." in
+ let ntfs3g_once = ref false in
+ let chan = open_out (tmpdir // "hostfiles") in
+ List.iter (
+ fun (path, {ft_dir = is_dir; ft_ghost = ghost; ft_config = config;
+ ft_mode = mode }, _) ->
+ let dir = Filename.dirname path in
+ let file = Filename.basename path in
+ if is_dir then
+ fprintf chan "%s\n" path
+ (* Warn about hostfiles which are unreadable by non-root. We
+ * won't be able to add those to the appliance at run time, but
+ * there's not much else we can do about it except get the
+ * distros to fix this nonsense.
+ *)
+ else if mode land 0o004 = 0 then
+ warn_unreadable := path :: !warn_unreadable
+ (* Replace fixed numbers in some library names by wildcards. *)
+ else if Str.string_match p_ld_so file 0 then
+ fprintf chan "%s/ld-*.so\n" dir
+ (* Special case for libbfd. *)
+ else if Str.string_match p_libbfd file 0 then
+ fprintf chan "%s/libbfd-*.so\n" dir
+ (* Special case for libgcc_s-<gccversion>-<date>.so.N *)
+ else if Str.string_match p_libgcc file 0 then
+ fprintf chan "%s/libgcc_s-*.so.%s\n" dir (Str.matched_group 1 file)
+ (* Special case for* *)
+ else if Str.string_match p_libntfs3g file 0 then (
+ if not !ntfs3g_once then (
+ fprintf chan "%s/*\n" dir;
+ ntfs3g_once := true
+ )
+ )
+ (* *)
+ else if Str.string_match p_lib123so file 0 then
+ fprintf chan "%s/lib%s-*.so\n" dir (Str.matched_group 1 file)
+ (* (but NOT '*.so.N') *)
+ else if Str.string_match p_lib123so123 file 0 then
+ fprintf chan "%s/lib%s-*.so.%s.*\n" dir
+ (Str.matched_group 1 file) (Str.matched_group 2 file)
+ (* (but NOT '*.so.N') *)
+ else if Str.string_match p_libso123 file 0 then
+ fprintf chan "%s/*\n" dir
+ (Str.matched_group 1 file) (Str.matched_group 2 file)
+ (* Anything else comes from the host. *)
+ else
+ fprintf chan "%s\n" path
+ ) hostfiles;
+ close_out chan;
+ (* Write base.img.
+ *
+ * We have to create directories and copy files to tmpdir/root
+ * and then call out to cpio to construct the initrd.
+ *)
+ let rootdir = tmpdir // "root" in
+ mkdir rootdir 0o755;
+ List.iter (
+ fun (path, { ft_dir = is_dir; ft_ghost = ghost; ft_config = config;
+ ft_mode = mode }, pkg) ->
+ (* Always write directory names to both output files. *)
+ if is_dir then (
+ (* Directory permissions are fixed up below. *)
+ if path <> "/" then mkdir (rootdir // path) 0o755
+ )
+ (* Ghost files are just touched with the correct perms. *)
+ else if ghost then (
+ let chan = open_out (rootdir // path) in
+ close_out chan;
+ chmod (rootdir // path) (mode land 0o777 lor 0o400)
+ )
+ (* For config files we can't rely on the host-installed copy
+ * since the admin may have modified it. We have to get the
+ * original file from the package.
+ *)
+ else if config then (
+ let outfile = ph.ph_get_file_from_package pkg path in
+ (* Note that the output config file might not be a regular file. *)
+ let statbuf = lstat outfile in
+ let destfile = rootdir // path in
+ (* Depending on the file type, copy it to destination. *)
+ match statbuf.st_kind with
+ | S_REG ->
+ (* Unreadable files (eg. /etc/gshadow). Make readable. *)
+ if statbuf.st_perm = 0 then chmod outfile 0o400;
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "cp %s %s"
+ (Filename.quote outfile) (Filename.quote destfile) in
+ run_command cmd;
+ chmod destfile (mode land 0o777 lor 0o400)
+ | S_LNK ->
+ let link = readlink outfile in
+ symlink link destfile
+ | S_DIR -> assert false
+ | S_CHR
+ | S_BLK
+ | S_FIFO
+ | S_SOCK ->
+ eprintf "febootstrap: error: %s: don't know how to handle this type of file\n" path;
+ exit 1
+ )
+ else
+ assert false (* should not be reached *)
+ ) baseimgfiles;
+ (* Fix up directory permissions, in reverse order. Since we don't
+ * want to have a read-only directory that we can't write into above.
+ *)
+ List.iter (
+ fun (path, { ft_dir = is_dir; ft_mode = mode }, _) ->
+ if is_dir then chmod (rootdir // path) (mode land 0o777 lor 0o700)
+ ) (List.rev baseimgfiles);
+ (* Construct the 'base.img' initramfs. Feed in the list of filenames
+ * partly because we conveniently have them, and partly because
+ * this results in a nice alphabetical ordering in the cpio file.
+ *)
+ (*let cmd = sprintf "ls -lR %s" rootdir in
+ ignore (Sys.command cmd);*)
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "(cd %s && cpio --quiet -o -0 -H newc) > %s"
+ rootdir (tmpdir // "base.img") in
+ let chan = open_process_out cmd in
+ List.iter (fun (path, _, _) -> fprintf chan ".%s\000" path) baseimgfiles;
+ let stat = close_process_out chan in
+ (match stat with
+ | WEXITED 0 -> ()
+ | WEXITED i ->
+ eprintf "febootstrap: command '%s' failed (returned %d), see earlier error messages\n" cmd i;
+ exit i
+ | WSIGNALED i ->
+ eprintf "febootstrap: command '%s' killed by signal %d" cmd i;
+ exit 1
+ | WSTOPPED i ->
+ eprintf "febootstrap: command '%s' stopped by signal %d" cmd i;
+ exit 1
+ );
+ (* Undo directory permissions, because rm -rf can't delete files in
+ * unreadable directories.
+ *)
+ List.iter (
+ fun (path, { ft_dir = is_dir; ft_mode = mode }, _) ->
+ if is_dir then chmod (rootdir // path) 0o755
+ ) (List.rev baseimgfiles);
+ (* Print warnings. *)
+ if warnings then (
+ (match !warn_unreadable with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | paths ->
+ eprintf "febootstrap: warning: some host files are unreadable by non-root\nGet your distro to fix these files:\n";
+ List.iter
+ (fun path -> eprintf "\t%s\n" path)
+ (List.sort compare paths)
+ );
+ );
+ (* Near-atomically copy files to the final output directory. *)
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "mv %s %s"
+ (Filename.quote (tmpdir // "base.img"))
+ (Filename.quote (outputdir // "base.img")) in
+ run_command cmd;
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "mv %s %s"
+ (Filename.quote (tmpdir // "hostfiles"))
+ (Filename.quote (outputdir // "hostfiles")) in
+ run_command cmd