path: root/lib/puppet/file_serving/configuration/parser.rb
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix #6026 - security file should support inline commentsBrice Figureau2011-07-261-13/+6
| | | | | | | | Auth.conf, namespaceauth.conf and fileserver.conf were not supporting trailing inlined comments. Also this commit fixes some indentation and error management. Signed-off-by: Brice Figureau <>
* Code smell: Two space indentationMarkus Roberts2010-07-091-99/+99
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Replaced 106806 occurances of ^( +)(.*$) with The ruby community almost universally (i.e. everyone but Luke, Markus, and the other eleven people who learned ruby in the 1900s) uses two-space indentation. 3 Examples: The code: end # Tell getopt which arguments are valid def test_get_getopt_args element = :name => "foo", :desc => "anything", :settings => assert_equal([["--foo", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT]], element.getopt_args, "Did not produce appropriate getopt args") becomes: end # Tell getopt which arguments are valid def test_get_getopt_args element = :name => "foo", :desc => "anything", :settings => assert_equal([["--foo", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT]], element.getopt_args, "Did not produce appropriate getopt args") The code: assert_equal(str, val) assert_instance_of(Float, result) end # Now test it with a passed object becomes: assert_equal(str, val) assert_instance_of(Float, result) end # Now test it with a passed object The code: end assert_nothing_raised do klass[:Yay] = "boo" klass["Cool"] = :yayness end becomes: end assert_nothing_raised do klass[:Yay] = "boo" klass["Cool"] = :yayness end
* Code smell: Avoid needless decorationsMarkus Roberts2010-07-091-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Replaced 704 occurances of (.*)\b([a-z_]+)\(\) with \1\2 3 Examples: The code: ctx = becomes: ctx = The code: skip() becomes: skip The code: path = tempfile() becomes: path = tempfile * Replaced 31 occurances of ^( *)end *#.* with \1end 3 Examples: The code: becomes: The code: end # Dir.foreach becomes: end The code: end # def becomes: end
* Code smell: Avoid explicit returnsMarkus Roberts2010-07-091-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Replaced 583 occurances of (DEF) (LINES) return (.*) end with 3 Examples: The code: def consolidate_failures(failed) filters = { |h,k| h[k] = [] } failed.each do |spec, failed_trace| if f = test_files_for(failed).find { |f| failed_trace =~ } filters[f] << spec break end end return filters end becomes: def consolidate_failures(failed) filters = { |h,k| h[k] = [] } failed.each do |spec, failed_trace| if f = test_files_for(failed).find { |f| failed_trace =~ } filters[f] << spec break end end filters end The code: def retrieve return_value = super return_value = return_value[0] if return_value && return_value.is_a?(Array) return return_value end becomes: def retrieve return_value = super return_value = return_value[0] if return_value && return_value.is_a?(Array) return_value end The code: def fake_fstab os = Facter['operatingsystem'] if os == "Solaris" name = "solaris.fstab" elsif os == "FreeBSD" name = "freebsd.fstab" else # Catchall for other fstabs name = "linux.fstab" end oldpath = @provider_class.default_target return fakefile(File::join("data/types/mount", name)) end becomes: def fake_fstab os = Facter['operatingsystem'] if os == "Solaris" name = "solaris.fstab" elsif os == "FreeBSD" name = "freebsd.fstab" else # Catchall for other fstabs name = "linux.fstab" end oldpath = @provider_class.default_target fakefile(File::join("data/types/mount", name)) end
* Code smell: Line modifiers are preferred to one-line blocks.Markus Roberts2010-07-091-3/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Replaced 6 occurances of (while .*?) *do$ with The do is unneeded in the block header form and causes problems with the block-to-one-line transformation. 3 Examples: The code: while line = f.gets do becomes: while line = f.gets The code: while line = shadow.gets do becomes: while line = shadow.gets The code: while wrapper = zeros.pop do becomes: while wrapper = zeros.pop * Replaced 19 occurances of ((if|unless) .*?) *then$ with The then is unneeded in the block header form and causes problems with the block-to-one-line transformation. 3 Examples: The code: if f = test_files_for(failed).find { |f| failed_trace =~ } then becomes: if f = test_files_for(failed).find { |f| failed_trace =~ } The code: unless defined?(@spec_command) then becomes: unless defined?(@spec_command) The code: if c == ?\n then becomes: if c == ?\n * Replaced 758 occurances of ((?:if|unless|while|until) .*) (.*) end with The one-line form is preferable provided: * The condition is not used to assign a variable * The body line is not already modified * The resulting line is not too long 3 Examples: The code: if Puppet.features.libshadow? has_feature :manages_passwords end becomes: has_feature :manages_passwords if Puppet.features.libshadow? The code: unless (defined?(@current_pool) and @current_pool) @current_pool = process_zpool_data(get_pool_data) end becomes: @current_pool = process_zpool_data(get_pool_data) unless (defined?(@current_pool) and @current_pool) The code: if Puppet[:trace] puts detail.backtrace end becomes: puts detail.backtrace if Puppet[:trace]
* Code smell: Use string interpolationMarkus Roberts2010-07-091-8/+8
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Replaced 83 occurances of (.*)" *[+] *([$@]?[\w_0-9.:]+?)(.to_s\b)?(?! *[*(%\w_0-9.:{\[]) with \1#{\2}" 3 Examples: The code: puts "PUPPET " + status + ": " + process + ", " + state becomes: puts "PUPPET " + status + ": " + process + ", #{state}" The code: puts "PUPPET " + status + ": #{process}" + ", #{state}" becomes: puts "PUPPET #{status}" + ": #{process}" + ", #{state}" The code: }.compact.join( "\n" ) + "\n" + t + "]\n" becomes: }.compact.join( "\n" ) + "\n#{t}" + "]\n" * Replaced 21 occurances of (.*)" *[+] *" with \1 3 Examples: The code: puts "PUPPET #{status}" + ": #{process}" + ", #{state}" becomes: puts "PUPPET #{status}" + ": #{process}, #{state}" The code: puts "PUPPET #{status}" + ": #{process}, #{state}" becomes: puts "PUPPET #{status}: #{process}, #{state}" The code: res = + ": #{@name}" + "\n" becomes: res = + ": #{@name}\n" * Don't use string concatenation to split lines unless they would be very long. Replaced 11 occurances of (.*)(['"]) *[+] *(['"])(.*) with 3 Examples: The code: o.define_head "The check_puppet Nagios plug-in checks that specified " + "Puppet process is running and the state file is no " + becomes: o.define_head "The check_puppet Nagios plug-in checks that specified Puppet process is running and the state file is no " + The code: o.separator "Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for " + "short options too." becomes: o.separator "Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too." The code: o.define_head "The check_puppet Nagios plug-in checks that specified Puppet process is running and the state file is no " + "older than specified interval." becomes: o.define_head "The check_puppet Nagios plug-in checks that specified Puppet process is running and the state file is no older than specified interval." * Replaced no occurances of do (.*?) end with {\1} * Replaced 1488 occurances of "([^"\n]*%s[^"\n]*)" *% *(.+?)(?=$| *\b(do|if|while|until|unless|#)\b) with 20 Examples: The code: args[0].split(/\./).map do |s| "dc=%s"%[s] end.join(",") becomes: args[0].split(/\./).map do |s| "dc=#{s}" end.join(",") The code: puts "%s" % Puppet.version becomes: puts "#{Puppet.version}" The code: raise "Could not find information for %s" % node becomes: raise "Could not find information for #{node}" The code: raise Puppet::Error, "Cannot create %s: basedir %s is a file" % [dir, File.join(path)] becomes: raise Puppet::Error, "Cannot create #{dir}: basedir #{File.join(path)} is a file" The code: Puppet.err "Could not run %s: %s" % [client_class, detail] becomes: Puppet.err "Could not run #{client_class}: #{detail}" The code: raise "Could not find handler for %s" % arg becomes: raise "Could not find handler for #{arg}" The code: Puppet.err "Will not start without authorization file %s" % Puppet[:authconfig] becomes: Puppet.err "Will not start without authorization file #{Puppet[:authconfig]}" The code: raise Puppet::Error, "Could not deserialize catalog from pson: %s" % detail becomes: raise Puppet::Error, "Could not deserialize catalog from pson: #{detail}" The code: raise "Could not find facts for %s" % Puppet[:certname] becomes: raise "Could not find facts for #{Puppet[:certname]}" The code: raise ArgumentError, "%s is not readable" % path becomes: raise ArgumentError, "#{path} is not readable" The code: raise ArgumentError, "Invalid handler %s" % name becomes: raise ArgumentError, "Invalid handler #{name}" The code: debug "Executing '%s' in zone %s with '%s'" % [command, @resource[:name], str] becomes: debug "Executing '#{command}' in zone #{@resource[:name]} with '#{str}'" The code: raise Puppet::Error, "unknown cert type '%s'" % hash[:type] becomes: raise Puppet::Error, "unknown cert type '#{hash[:type]}'" The code: "Creating a new certificate request for %s" % Puppet[:certname] becomes: "Creating a new certificate request for #{Puppet[:certname]}" The code: "Cannot create alias %s: object already exists" % [name] becomes: "Cannot create alias #{name}: object already exists" The code: return "replacing from source %s with contents %s" % [metadata.source, metadata.checksum] becomes: return "replacing from source #{metadata.source} with contents #{metadata.checksum}" The code: it "should have a %s parameter" % param do becomes: it "should have a #{param} parameter" do The code: describe "when registring '%s' messages" % log do becomes: describe "when registring '#{log}' messages" do The code: paths = %w{a b c d e f g h}.collect { |l| "/tmp/iteration%stest" % l } becomes: paths = %w{a b c d e f g h}.collect { |l| "/tmp/iteration#{l}test" } The code: assert_raise(Puppet::Error, "Check '%s' did not fail on false" % check) do becomes: assert_raise(Puppet::Error, "Check '#{check}' did not fail on false") do
* Code smell: Inconsistent indentation and related formatting issuesMarkus Roberts2010-07-091-8/+11
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Replaced 163 occurances of defined\? +([@a-zA-Z_.0-9?=]+) with defined?(\1) This makes detecting subsequent patterns easier. 3 Examples: The code: if ! defined? @parse_config becomes: if ! defined?(@parse_config) The code: return @option_parser if defined? @option_parser becomes: return @option_parser if defined?(@option_parser) The code: if defined? @local and @local becomes: if defined?(@local) and @local * Eliminate trailing spaces. Replaced 428 occurances of ^(.*?) +$ with \1 1 file was skipped. test/ral/providers/host/parsed.rb because 0 * Replace leading tabs with an appropriate number of spaces. Replaced 306 occurances of ^(\t+)(.*) with Tabs are not consistently expanded in all environments. * Don't arbitrarily wrap on sprintf (%) operator. Replaced 143 occurances of (.*['"] *%) +(.*) with Splitting the line does nothing to aid clarity and hinders further refactorings. 3 Examples: The code: raise Puppet::Error, "Cannot create %s: basedir %s is a file" % [dir, File.join(path)] becomes: raise Puppet::Error, "Cannot create %s: basedir %s is a file" % [dir, File.join(path)] The code: Puppet.err "Will not start without authorization file %s" % Puppet[:authconfig] becomes: Puppet.err "Will not start without authorization file %s" % Puppet[:authconfig] The code: $stderr.puts "Could not find host for PID %s with status %s" % [pid, $?.exitstatus] becomes: $stderr.puts "Could not find host for PID %s with status %s" % [pid, $?.exitstatus] * Don't break short arrays/parameter list in two. Replaced 228 occurances of (.*) +(.*) with 3 Examples: The code: puts @format.wrap(type.provider(prov).doc, :indent => 4, :scrub => true) becomes: puts @format.wrap(type.provider(prov).doc, :indent => 4, :scrub => true) The code: assert(FileTest.exists?(daily), "Did not make daily graph for %s" % type) becomes: assert(FileTest.exists?(daily), "Did not make daily graph for %s" % type) The code: assert(prov.target_object(:first).read !~ /^notdisk/, "Did not remove thing from disk") becomes: assert(prov.target_object(:first).read !~ /^notdisk/, "Did not remove thing from disk") * If arguments must wrap, treat them all equally Replaced 510 occurances of lines ending in things like ...(foo, or ...(bar(1,3), with \1 \2 3 Examples: The code: midscope.to_hash(false), becomes: assert_equal( The code: botscope.to_hash(true), becomes: # bottomscope, then checking that we see the right stuff. The code: :path => link, becomes: * Replaced 4516 occurances of ^( *)(.*) with The present code base is supposed to use four-space indentation. In some places we failed to maintain that standard. These should be fixed regardless of the 2 vs. 4 space question. 15 Examples: The code: def run_comp(cmd) puts cmd results = [] old_sync = $stdout.sync $stdout.sync = true line = [] begin open("| #{cmd}", "r") do |f| until f.eof? do c = f.getc becomes: def run_comp(cmd) puts cmd results = [] old_sync = $stdout.sync $stdout.sync = true line = [] begin open("| #{cmd}", "r") do |f| until f.eof? do c = f.getc The code: s.gsub!(/.{4}/n, '\\\\u\&') } string.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) string rescue Iconv::Failure => e raise GeneratorError, "Caught #{e.class}: #{e}" end else def utf8_to_pson(string) # :nodoc: string = string.gsub(/["\\\x0-\x1f]/) { MAP[$&] } string.gsub!(/( becomes: s.gsub!(/.{4}/n, '\\\\u\&') } string.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) string rescue Iconv::Failure => e raise GeneratorError, "Caught #{e.class}: #{e}" end else def utf8_to_pson(string) # :nodoc: string = string.gsub(/["\\\x0-\x1f]/) { MAP[$&] } string.gsub!(/( The code: end } rvalues: rvalue | rvalues comma rvalue { if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray) result = val[0].push(val[2]) else result = ast AST::ASTArray, :children => [val[0],val[2]] end } becomes: end } rvalues: rvalue | rvalues comma rvalue { if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray) result = val[0].push(val[2]) else result = ast AST::ASTArray, :children => [val[0],val[2]] end } The code: #passwdproc = proc { @password } keytext = @key.export(, :CBC), @password ), "w", 0400) { |f| f << keytext } becomes: # passwdproc = proc { @password } keytext = @key.export(, :CBC), @password ), "w", 0400) { |f| f << keytext } The code: end def to_manifest "%s { '%s':\n%s\n}" % [self.type.to_s,, @params.collect { |p, v| if v.is_a? Array " #{p} => [\'#{v.join("','")}\']" else " #{p} => \'#{v}\'" end }.join(",\n") becomes: end def to_manifest "%s { '%s':\n%s\n}" % [self.type.to_s,, @params.collect { |p, v| if v.is_a? Array " #{p} => [\'#{v.join("','")}\']" else " #{p} => \'#{v}\'" end }.join(",\n") The code: via the augeas tool. Requires: - augeas to be installed ( - ruby-augeas bindings Sample usage with a string:: augeas{\"test1\" : context => \"/files/etc/sysconfig/firstboot\", changes => \"set RUN_FIRSTBOOT YES\", becomes: via the augeas tool. Requires: - augeas to be installed ( - ruby-augeas bindings Sample usage with a string:: augeas{\"test1\" : context => \"/files/etc/sysconfig/firstboot\", changes => \"set RUN_FIRSTBOOT YES\", The code: names.should_not be_include("root") end describe "when generating a purgeable resource" do it "should be included in the generated resources" do Puppet::Type.type(:host).stubs(:instances).returns [@purgeable_resource] @resources.generate.collect { |r| r.ref }.should include(@purgeable_resource.ref) end end describe "when the instance's do not have an ensure property" do becomes: names.should_not be_include("root") end describe "when generating a purgeable resource" do it "should be included in the generated resources" do Puppet::Type.type(:host).stubs(:instances).returns [@purgeable_resource] @resources.generate.collect { |r| r.ref }.should include(@purgeable_resource.ref) end end describe "when the instance's do not have an ensure property" do The code: describe "when the instance's do not have an ensure property" do it "should not be included in the generated resources" do @no_ensure_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => '/usr/bin/env echo') Puppet::Type.type(:host).stubs(:instances).returns [@no_ensure_resource] @resources.generate.collect { |r| r.ref }.should_not include(@no_ensure_resource.ref) end end describe "when the instance's ensure property does not accept absent" do it "should not be included in the generated resources" do @no_absent_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foobar') becomes: describe "when the instance's do not have an ensure property" do it "should not be included in the generated resources" do @no_ensure_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => '/usr/bin/env echo') Puppet::Type.type(:host).stubs(:instances).returns [@no_ensure_resource] @resources.generate.collect { |r| r.ref }.should_not include(@no_ensure_resource.ref) end end describe "when the instance's ensure property does not accept absent" do it "should not be included in the generated resources" do @no_absent_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foobar') The code: func = nil assert_nothing_raised do func = :name => "template", :ftype => :rvalue, :arguments => :children => [stringobj(template)] ) becomes: func = nil assert_nothing_raised do func = :name => "template", :ftype => :rvalue, :arguments => :children => [stringobj(template)] ) The code: assert( @store.allowed?("", ""), "hostname not allowed") assert( ! @store.allowed?("", ""), "subname name allowed") becomes: assert( @store.allowed?("", ""), "hostname not allowed") assert( ! @store.allowed?("", ""), "subname name allowed") The code: assert_nothing_raised { server = :Local => true, :Config => false ) } becomes: assert_nothing_raised { server = :Local => true, :Config => false ) } The code: 'yay', { :failonfail => false, :uid => @user.uid, :gid => @user.gid } ).returns('output') output = Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.run_and_capture 'yay', @user.uid, @user.gid becomes: 'yay', { :failonfail => false, :uid => @user.uid, :gid => @user.gid } ).returns('output') output = Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.run_and_capture 'yay', @user.uid, @user.gid The code: ).times(1) pkg.provider.expects( :aptget ).with( '-y', '-q', 'remove', 'faff' becomes: ).times(1) pkg.provider.expects( :aptget ).with( '-y', '-q', 'remove', 'faff' The code: johnny one two billy three four\n" # Just parse and generate, to make sure it's isomorphic. assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal(text, @parser.to_file(@parser.parse(text)), "parsing was not isomorphic") end end def test_valid_attrs becomes: johnny one two billy three four\n" # Just parse and generate, to make sure it's isomorphic. assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal(text, @parser.to_file(@parser.parse(text)), "parsing was not isomorphic") end end def test_valid_attrs The code: "testing", :onboolean => [true, "An on bool"], :string => ["a string", "A string arg"] ) result = [] should = [] assert_nothing_raised("Add args failed") do @config.addargs(result) end @config.each do |name, element| becomes: "testing", :onboolean => [true, "An on bool"], :string => ["a string", "A string arg"] ) result = [] should = [] assert_nothing_raised("Add args failed") do @config.addargs(result) end @config.each do |name, element|
* Removed extra whitespace from end of linesIan Taylor2009-06-061-2/+2
* Moving default fileserving mount creation to the Configuration classLuke Kanies2009-03-051-8/+0
| | | | | | | | | | It was previously in the parser, but the parser is only created if the fileserver.conf exists, so the default mounts weren't made if the file didn't exist. This is a bit less encapsulation, but not much. Signed-off-by: Luke Kanies <>
* Fixed #1849 - Ruby 1.9 portability: `when' doesn't like colons, replace with ↵James Turnbull2009-02-261-7/+7
| | | | semicolons
* Adding pluginsyncing support to the IndirectorLuke Kanies2009-02-191-20/+23
| | | | | | | | | This switches away from the use of terminii for each type of fileserving - it goes back to the traditional fileserving method, and is much cleaner and simpler as a result. Signed-off-by: Luke Kanies <>
* Found all instances of methods where split() is used withoutLuke Kanies2008-03-211-2/+4
| | | | | | | | | | any local variables and added a local variable -- see My own testing showed that this caused memory growth to level off at a reasonable level. Note that the link above says the problem is only with class methods, but my own testing showed that it's any method that meets these criteria. This is not a functional change, but should hopefully be the last nail in the coffin of #1131.
* File serving now works. I've tested a couple of ways toLuke Kanies2007-10-191-5/+6
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | use it, and added integration tests at the most important hook points. This provides the final class structure for all of these classes, but a lot of the class names are pretty bad, so I'm planning on going through all of them (especially the file_server stuff) and renaming. The functionality is all here for finding files, though (finally). Once the classes are renamed, I'll be adding searching ability (which will enable the recursive file copies) and then adding the link management and enabling ignoring files.
* This is the first mostly functional commit of theLuke Kanies2007-10-181-0/+123
new file serving structure. The next step is to hook it up to the indirection so we can start writing integration tests to see if we can actually serve up files.