path: root/test/ral/type/cron.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/ral/type/cron.rb')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/ral/type/cron.rb b/test/ral/type/cron.rb
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ral/type/cron.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/puppettest'
+require 'puppettest'
+# Test cron job creation, modification, and destruction
+class TestCron < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include PuppetTest
+ def setup
+ super
+ setme()
+ @crontype = Puppet::Type.type(:cron)
+ @provider = @crontype.defaultprovider
+ if @provider.respond_to?(:filetype=)
+ @provider.stubs(:filetype).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:ram))
+ end
+ @crontype = Puppet::Type.type(:cron)
+ end
+ def teardown
+ super
+ @crontype.defaultprovider = nil
+ Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:ram).clear
+ end
+ def eachprovider
+ @crontype.suitableprovider.each do |provider|
+ yield provider
+ end
+ end
+ # Back up the user's existing cron tab if they have one.
+ def cronback
+ tab = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ tab = Puppet.type(:cron)
+ }
+ if $? == 0
+ @currenttab = tab
+ else
+ @currenttab = nil
+ end
+ end
+ # Restore the cron tab to its original form.
+ def cronrestore
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ if @currenttab
+ else
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ # Create a cron job with all fields filled in.
+ def mkcron(name, addargs = true)
+ cron = nil
+ command = "date > %s/crontest%s" % [tmpdir(), name]
+ args = nil
+ if addargs
+ args = {
+ :command => command,
+ :name => name,
+ :user => @me,
+ :minute => rand(59),
+ :month => "1",
+ :monthday => "1",
+ :hour => "1"
+ }
+ else
+ args = {:command => command, :name => name}
+ end
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ cron = @crontype.create(args)
+ }
+ return cron
+ end
+ # Run the cron through its paces -- install it then remove it.
+ def cyclecron(cron)
+ obj = Puppet::Type::Cron.cronobj(@me)
+ text =
+ name =
+ comp = mk_catalog(name, cron)
+ assert_events([:cron_created], comp)
+ cron.provider.class.prefetch
+ currentvalue = cron.retrieve
+ assert(cron.insync?(currentvalue), "Cron is not in sync")
+ assert_events([], comp)
+ curtext =
+ text.split("\n").each do |line|
+ assert(curtext.include?(line), "Missing '%s'" % line)
+ end
+ obj = Puppet::Type::Cron.cronobj(@me)
+ cron[:ensure] = :absent
+ assert_events([:cron_removed], comp)
+ cron.provider.class.prefetch
+ currentvalue = cron.retrieve
+ assert(cron.insync?(currentvalue), "Cron is not in sync")
+ assert_events([], comp)
+ end
+ # Test that a cron job with spaces at the end doesn't get rewritten
+ def test_trailingspaces
+ eachprovider do |provider|
+ cron = nil
+ # make the cron
+ name = "yaytest"
+ command = "date > /dev/null "
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ cron = @crontype.create(
+ :name => name,
+ :command => "date > /dev/null ",
+ :month => "May",
+ :user => @me
+ )
+ }
+ property = cron.send(:property, :command)
+ cron.provider.command = command
+ cron.provider.ensure = :present
+ cron.provider.user = @me
+ cron.provider.month = ["4"]
+ cron.provider.class.prefetch
+ currentvalue = cron.retrieve
+ currentvalue.each do |prop, value|
+ # We're only interested in comparing the command.
+ next unless == "command"
+ assert(prop.insync?(value), "Property %s is not considered in sync with value %s" % [, value.inspect])
+ end
+ @crontype.clear
+ end
+ end
+ def test_makeandretrievecron
+ %w{storeandretrieve a-name another-name more_naming SomeName}.each do |name|
+ cron = mkcron(name)
+ comp = mk_catalog(name, cron)
+ trans = assert_events([:cron_created], comp, name)
+ cron.provider.class.prefetch
+ cron = nil
+ assert(cron = Puppet.type(:cron)[name], "Could not retrieve named cron")
+ assert_instance_of(Puppet.type(:cron), cron)
+ end
+ end
+ # Do input validation testing on all of the parameters.
+ def test_arguments
+ values = {
+ :monthday => {
+ :valid => [ 1, 13, "1" ],
+ :invalid => [ -1, 0, 32 ]
+ },
+ :weekday => {
+ :valid => [ 0, 3, 6, "1", "tue", "wed",
+ "Wed", "MOnday", "SaTurday" ],
+ :invalid => [ -1, 7, "13", "tues", "teusday", "thurs" ]
+ },
+ :hour => {
+ :valid => [ 0, 21, 23 ],
+ :invalid => [ -1, 24 ]
+ },
+ :minute => {
+ :valid => [ 0, 34, 59 ],
+ :invalid => [ -1, 60 ]
+ },
+ :month => {
+ :valid => [ 1, 11, 12, "mar", "March", "apr", "October", "DeCeMbEr" ],
+ :invalid => [ -1, 0, 13, "marc", "sept" ]
+ }
+ }
+ cron = mkcron("valtesting")
+ values.each { |param, hash|
+ # We have to test the valid ones first, because otherwise the
+ # property will fail to create at all.
+ [:valid, :invalid].each { |type|
+ hash[type].each { |value|
+ case type
+ when :valid:
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ cron[param] = value
+ }
+ if value.is_a?(Integer)
+ assert_equal([value.to_s], cron.should(param),
+ "Cron value was not set correctly")
+ end
+ when :invalid:
+ assert_raise(Puppet::Error, "%s is incorrectly a valid %s" %
+ [value, param]) {
+ cron[param] = value
+ }
+ end
+ if value.is_a?(Integer)
+ value = value.to_s
+ redo
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ # Verify that comma-separated numbers are not resulting in rewrites
+ def test_comma_separated_vals_work
+ eachprovider do |provider|
+ cron = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ cron = @crontype.create(
+ :command => "/bin/date > /dev/null",
+ :minute => [0, 30],
+ :name => "crontest",
+ :provider =>
+ )
+ }
+ cron.provider.ensure = :present
+ cron.provider.command = '/bin/date > /dev/null'
+ cron.provider.minute = %w{0 30}
+ cron.provider.class.prefetch
+ currentvalue = cron.retrieve
+ currentvalue.each do |prop, value|
+ # We're only interested in comparing minutes.
+ next unless == "minute"
+ assert(prop.insync?(value), "Property %s is not considered in sync with value %s" % [, value.inspect])
+ end
+ @crontype.clear
+ end
+ end
+ def test_fieldremoval
+ cron = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ cron = @crontype.create(
+ :command => "/bin/date > /dev/null",
+ :minute => [0, 30],
+ :name => "crontest",
+ :provider => :crontab
+ )
+ }
+ assert_events([:cron_created], cron)
+ cron.provider.class.prefetch
+ cron[:minute] = :absent
+ assert_events([:cron_changed], cron)
+ current_values = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ cron.provider.class.prefetch
+ current_values = cron.retrieve
+ }
+ assert_equal(:absent, current_values[])
+ end
+ def test_listing
+ # Make a crontab cron for testing
+ provider = @crontype.provider(:crontab)
+ return unless provider.suitable?
+ ft = provider.filetype
+ provider.filetype = :ram
+ cleanup { provider.filetype = ft }
+ setme
+ cron = @crontype.create(:name => "testing",
+ :minute => [0, 30],
+ :command => "/bin/testing",
+ :user => @me
+ )
+ # Write it to our file
+ assert_apply(cron)
+ @crontype.clear
+ crons = []
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ @crontype.instances.each do |cron|
+ crons << cron
+ end
+ }
+ crons.each do |cron|
+ assert_instance_of(@crontype, cron, "Did not receive a real cron object")
+ assert_instance_of(String, cron.value(:user),
+ "Cron user is not a string")
+ end
+ end
+ def verify_failonnouser
+ assert_raise(Puppet::Error) do
+ @crontype.retrieve("nosuchuser")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_divisionnumbers
+ cron = mkcron("divtest")
+ cron[:minute] = "*/5"
+ assert_apply(cron)
+ cron.provider.class.prefetch
+ currentvalue = cron.retrieve
+ assert_equal(["*/5"], currentvalue[])
+ end
+ def test_ranges
+ cron = mkcron("rangetest")
+ cron[:minute] = "2-4"
+ assert_apply(cron)
+ current_values = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ cron.provider.class.prefetch
+ current_values = cron.retrieve
+ }
+ assert_equal(["2-4"], current_values[])
+ end
+ def provider_set(cron, param, value)
+ unless param =~ /=$/
+ param = "%s=" % param
+ end
+ cron.provider.send(param, value)
+ end
+ def test_value
+ cron = mkcron("valuetesting", false)
+ # First, test the normal properties
+ [:minute, :hour, :month].each do |param|
+ cron.newattr(param)
+ property =
+ assert(property, "Did not get %s property" % param)
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+# = :absent
+ provider_set(cron, param, :absent)
+ }
+ val = "*"
+ assert_equal(val, cron.value(param))
+ # Make sure arrays work, too
+ provider_set(cron, param, ["1"])
+ assert_equal(%w{1}, cron.value(param))
+ # Make sure values get comma-joined
+ provider_set(cron, param, %w{2 3})
+ assert_equal(%w{2 3}, cron.value(param))
+ # Make sure "should" values work, too
+ cron[param] = "4"
+ assert_equal(%w{4}, cron.value(param))
+ cron[param] = ["4"]
+ assert_equal(%w{4}, cron.value(param))
+ cron[param] = ["4", "5"]
+ assert_equal(%w{4 5}, cron.value(param))
+ provider_set(cron, param, :absent)
+ assert_equal(%w{4 5}, cron.value(param))
+ end
+ Puppet[:trace] = false
+ # Now make sure that :command works correctly
+ cron.delete(:command)
+ cron.newattr(:command)
+ property =
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ provider_set(cron, :command, :absent)
+ }
+ param = :command
+ # Make sure arrays work, too
+ provider_set(cron, param, ["/bin/echo"])
+ assert_equal("/bin/echo", cron.value(param))
+ # Make sure values are not comma-joined
+ provider_set(cron, param, %w{/bin/echo /bin/test})
+ assert_equal("/bin/echo", cron.value(param))
+ # Make sure "should" values work, too
+ cron[param] = "/bin/echo"
+ assert_equal("/bin/echo", cron.value(param))
+ cron[param] = ["/bin/echo"]
+ assert_equal("/bin/echo", cron.value(param))
+ cron[param] = %w{/bin/echo /bin/test}
+ assert_equal("/bin/echo", cron.value(param))
+ provider_set(cron, param, :absent)
+ assert_equal("/bin/echo", cron.value(param))
+ end
+ def test_multiple_users
+ crons = []
+ users = ["root",]
+ users.each do |user|
+ cron = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).create(
+ :name => "testcron-#{user}",
+ :user => user,
+ :command => "/bin/echo",
+ :minute => [0,30]
+ )
+ crons << cron
+ assert_equal(cron.should(:user), cron.should(:target),
+ "Target was not set correctly for %s" % user)
+ end
+ provider = crons[0].provider.class
+ assert_apply(*crons)
+ users.each do |user|
+ users.each do |other|
+ next if user == other
+ text = provider.target_object(other).read
+ assert(text !~ /testcron-#{user}/,
+ "%s's cron job is in %s's tab" %
+ [user, other])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Make sure the user stuff defaults correctly.
+ def test_default_user
+ crontab = @crontype.provider(:crontab)
+ if crontab.suitable?
+ inst = @crontype.create(
+ :name => "something", :command => "/some/thing",
+ :provider => :crontab)
+ assert_equal(Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name, inst.should(:user),
+ "user did not default to current user with crontab")
+ assert_equal(Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name, inst.should(:target),
+ "target did not default to current user with crontab")
+ # Now make a new cron with a user, and make sure it gets copied
+ # over
+ inst = @crontype.create(:name => "yay", :command => "/some/thing",
+ :user => "bin", :provider => :crontab)
+ assert_equal("bin", inst.should(:target),
+ "target did not default to user with crontab")
+ end
+ end
+ # #705 - make sure extra spaces don't screw things up
+ def test_spaces_in_command
+ string = "echo multiple spaces"
+ cron = @crontype.create(:name => "space testing", :command => string)
+ assert_apply(cron)
+ cron.class.clear
+ cron = @crontype.create(:name => "space testing", :command => string)
+ # Now make sure that it's correctly in sync
+ cron.provider.class.prefetch("testing" => cron)
+ properties = cron.retrieve
+ command, result = properties.find { |prop, value| == :command }
+ assert_equal(string, result, "Cron did not pick up extra spaces in command")
+ assert(command.insync?(string), "Command changed with multiple spaces")
+ end