path: root/test/rails
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/rails')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 476 deletions
diff --git a/test/rails/configuration.rb b/test/rails/configuration.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index a878d1381..000000000
--- a/test/rails/configuration.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/puppettest'
-require 'puppettest'
-require 'puppet/parser/parser'
-require 'puppet/network/client'
-require 'puppet/rails'
-require 'puppettest/resourcetesting'
-require 'puppettest/parsertesting'
-require 'puppettest/servertest'
-require 'puppettest/railstesting'
-class ConfigurationRailsTests < PuppetTest::TestCase
- include PuppetTest
- include PuppetTest::ServerTest
- include PuppetTest::ParserTesting
- include PuppetTest::ResourceTesting
- include PuppetTest::RailsTesting
- AST = Puppet::Parser::AST
- confine "No rails support" => Puppet.features.rails?
- # We need to make sure finished objects are stored in the db.
- def test_finish_before_store
- railsinit
- compile = mkcompiler
- parser = compile.parser
- node = parser.newnode [], :code => => [
- resourcedef("file", "/tmp/yay", :group => "root"),
- defaultobj("file", :owner => "root")
- ])
- # Now do the rails crap
- Puppet[:storeconfigs] = true
- Puppet::Rails::Host.expects(:store).with do |node, resources|
- if res = resources.find { |r| r.type == "File" and r.title == "/tmp/yay" }
- assert_equal("root", res["owner"], "Did not set default on resource")
- true
- else
- raise "Resource was not passed to store()"
- end
- end
- compile.compile
- end
- def test_hoststorage
- assert_nothing_raised {
- Puppet[:storeconfigs] = true
- }
- Puppet[:code] = "file { \"/etc\": owner => root }"
- interp =
- facts = {}
- Facter.each { |fact, val| facts[fact] = val }
- node = mknode(facts["hostname"])
- node.parameters = facts
- objects = nil
- assert_nothing_raised {
- objects = interp.compile(node)
- }
- obj = Puppet::Rails::Host.find_by_name(
- assert(obj, "Could not find host object")
- end
diff --git a/test/rails/host.rb b/test/rails/host.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index a7b17c3ae..000000000
--- a/test/rails/host.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/puppettest'
-require 'puppet'
-require 'puppet/rails'
-require 'puppet/parser/interpreter'
-require 'puppet/parser/parser'
-require 'puppet/network/client'
-require 'puppettest'
-require 'puppettest/parsertesting'
-require 'puppettest/resourcetesting'
-require 'puppettest/railstesting'
-class TestRailsHost < PuppetTest::TestCase
- confine "Missing ActiveRecord" => Puppet.features.rails?
- include PuppetTest::ParserTesting
- include PuppetTest::ResourceTesting
- include PuppetTest::RailsTesting
- def setup
- super
- railsinit if Puppet.features.rails?
- end
- def teardown
- railsteardown if Puppet.features.rails?
- super
- end
- def test_includerails
- assert_nothing_raised {
- require 'puppet/rails'
- }
- end
- def test_store
- @scope = mkscope
- # First make some objects
- resources = []
- 4.times { |i|
- # Make a file
- resources << mkresource(:type => "file",
- :title => "/tmp/file#{i.to_s}",
- :params => {:owner => "user#{i}"})
- # And an exec, so we're checking multiple types
- resources << mkresource(:type => "exec",
- :title => "/bin/echo file#{i.to_s}",
- :params => {:user => "user#{i}"})
- }
- # Now collect our facts
- facts = {"hostname" => "myhost", "test1" => "funtest", "ipaddress" => ""}
- # Now try storing our crap
- host = nil
- node = mknode(facts["hostname"])
- node.parameters = facts
- assert_nothing_raised {
- host =, resources)
- }
- assert(host, "Did not create host")
- host = nil
- assert_nothing_raised {
- host = Puppet::Rails::Host.find_by_name(facts["hostname"])
- }
- assert(host, "Could not find host object")
- assert(host.resources, "No objects on host")
- facts.each do |fact, value|
- assert_equal(value, host.fact(fact)[0].value, "fact %s is wrong" % fact)
- end
- assert_equal(facts["ipaddress"], host.ip, "IP did not get set")
- count = 0
- host.resources.each do |resource|
- assert_equal(host,
- count += 1
- i = nil
- if resource[:title] =~ /file([0-9]+)/
- i = $1
- else
- raise "Got weird resource %s" % resource.inspect
- end
- assert(resource[:restype] != "", "Did not get a type from the resource")
- case resource["restype"]
- when "File"
- assert_equal("user#{i}", resource.parameter("owner"),
- "got no owner for %s" % resource.ref)
- when "Exec"
- assert_equal("user#{i}", resource.parameter("user"),
- "got no user for %s" % resource.ref)
- else
- raise "Unknown type %s" % resource[:restype].inspect
- end
- end
- assert_equal(8, count, "Did not get enough resources")
- # Now remove a couple of resources
- resources.reject! { |r| r.title =~ /file3/ }
- # Change a few resources
- resources.find_all { |r| r.title =~ /file2/ }.each do |r|
- r.send(:set_parameter, "loglevel", "notice")
- end
- # And add a new resource
- resources << mkresource(:type => "file",
- :title => "/tmp/file_added",
- :params => {:owner => "user_added"})
- # And change some facts
- facts["test2"] = "yaytest"
- facts["test3"] = "funtest"
- facts["test1"] = "changedfact"
- facts.delete("ipaddress")
- node = mknode(facts["hostname"])
- node.parameters = facts
- newhost = nil
- assert_nothing_raised {
- newhost =, resources)
- }
- assert_equal(,, "Created new host instance)")
- # Make sure it sets the last_compile time
- assert_nothing_raised do
- assert_instance_of(Time, host.last_compile, "did not set last_compile")
- end
- assert_equal(0, host.fact('ipaddress').size, "removed fact was not deleted")
- facts.each do |fact, value|
- assert_equal(value, host.fact(fact)[0].value, "fact %s is wrong" % fact)
- end
- # And check the changes we made.
- assert(! host.resources.find(:all).detect { |r| r.title =~ /file3/ },
- "Removed resources are still present")
- res = host.resources.find_by_title("/tmp/file_added")
- assert(res, "New resource was not added")
- assert_equal("user_added", res.parameter("owner"), "user info was not stored")
- host.resources.find(:all, :conditions => [ "title like ?", "%file2%"]).each do |r|
- assert_equal("notice", r.parameter("loglevel"),
- "loglevel was not added")
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/rails/railsresource.rb b/test/rails/railsresource.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 3df5001be..000000000
--- a/test/rails/railsresource.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/puppettest'
-require 'puppet'
-require 'puppet/rails'
-require 'puppettest'
-require 'puppettest/railstesting'
-require 'puppettest/resourcetesting'
-require 'puppettest/parsertesting'
-# Don't do any tests w/out this class
-if Puppet.features.rails?
-class TestRailsResource < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include PuppetTest::RailsTesting
- include PuppetTest::ResourceTesting
- include PuppetTest::ParserTesting
- def setup
- super
- railsinit
- end
- def teardown
- railsteardown
- super
- end
- def mktest_resource
- # We need a host for resources
- host = => "myhost")
- # Now build a resource
- resource = host.resources.create(
- :title => "/tmp/to_resource",
- :restype => "file",
- :exported => true)
- # Now add some params
- params.each do |param, value|
- pn = Puppet::Rails::ParamName.find_or_create_by_name(param)
- pv = resource.param_values.create(:value => value,
- :param_name => pn)
- end
- return resource
- end
- def params
- {"owner" => "root", "mode" => "644"}
- end
- # Create a resource param from a rails parameter
- def test_to_resource
- resource = mktest_resource
- # We need a scope
- scope = mkscope
- # Find the new resource and include all it's parameters.
- resource = Puppet::Rails::Resource.find_by_id(
- # Now, try to convert our resource to a real resource
- res = nil
- assert_nothing_raised do
- res = resource.to_resource(scope)
- end
- assert_instance_of(Puppet::Parser::Resource, res)
- assert_equal("root", res[:owner])
- assert_equal("644", res[:mode])
- assert_equal("/tmp/to_resource", res.title)
- assert_equal(scope.source, res.source)
- end
- def test_parameters
- resource = mktest_resource
- setparams = nil
- assert_nothing_raised do
- setparams = resource.parameters.inject({}) { |h, a|
- h[a[0]] = a[1][0]
- h
- }
- end
- assert_equal(params, setparams,
- "Did not get the right answer from #parameters")
- end
- # Make sure we can retrieve individual parameters by name.
- def test_parameter
- resource = mktest_resource
- params.each do |p,v|
- assert_equal(v, resource.parameter(p), "%s is not correct" % p)
- end
- end
- $stderr.puts "Install Rails for Rails and Caching tests"
-# A separate class for testing rails integration
-class TestExportedResources < PuppetTest::TestCase
- include PuppetTest
- include PuppetTest::ParserTesting
- include PuppetTest::ResourceTesting
- include PuppetTest::RailsTesting
- Parser = Puppet::Parser
- AST = Parser::AST
- Reference = Puppet::Parser::Resource::Reference
- def setup
- super
- Puppet[:trace] = false
- @scope = mkscope
- end
- confine "Missing rails support" => Puppet.features.rails?
- # Compare a parser resource to a rails resource.
- def compare_resources(host, res, updating, options = {})
- newobj = nil
- # If the resource is in the db, then use modify_rails, else use to_rails
- if newobj = Puppet::Rails::Resource.find_by_restype_and_title(res.type, res.title)
- assert_nothing_raised("Call to modify_rails failed") do
- res.modify_rails(newobj)
- end
- else
- assert_nothing_raised("Call to to_rails failed") do
- newobj = res.to_rails(host)
- end
- end
- assert_instance_of(Puppet::Rails::Resource, newobj)
- if updating
- tail = "on update"
- else
- tail = ""
- end
- # Make sure we find our object and only our object
- count = 0
- obj = nil
- Puppet::Rails::Resource.find(:all).each do |obj|
- assert_equal(,, "A new resource was created instead of modifying an existing resource")
- count += 1
- [:title, :restype, :line, :exported].each do |param|
- if param == :restype
- method = :type
- else
- method = param
- end
- assert_equal(res.send(method), obj[param],
- "attribute %s was not set correctly in rails %s" % [param, tail])
- end
- end
- assert_equal(1, count, "Got too many resources %s" % tail)
- # Now make sure we can find it again
- assert_nothing_raised do
- obj = Puppet::Rails::Resource.find_by_restype_and_title(
- res.type, res.title, :include => :param_names
- )
- end
- assert_instance_of(Puppet::Rails::Resource, obj)
- # Make sure we get the parameters back
- params = options[:params] || [obj.param_names.collect { |p| },
- res.to_hash.keys].flatten.collect { |n| n.to_s }.uniq
- params.each do |name|
- param = obj.param_names.find_by_name(name)
- if res[name]
- assert(param, "resource did not keep %s %s" % [name, tail])
- else
- assert(! param, "resource did not delete %s %s" % [name, tail])
- end
- if param
- values = param.param_values.collect { |pv| pv.value }
- should = res[]
- should = [should] unless should.is_a?(Array)
- assert_equal(should, values,
- "%s was different %s" % [, tail])
- end
- end
- return obj
- end
- def test_to_rails
- railsteardown
- railsinit
- ref1 = :type => "exec", :title => "one"
- ref2 = :type => "exec", :title => "two"
- res = mkresource :type => "file", :title => "/tmp/testing",
- :source => @source, :scope => @scope,
- :params => {:owner => "root", :source => ["/tmp/A", "/tmp/B"],
- :mode => "755", :require => [ref1, ref2], :subscribe => ref1}
- res.line = 50
- # We also need a Rails Host to store under
- host = => Facter.hostname)
- railsres = compare_resources(host, res, false, :params => %w{owner source mode})
- # Now make sure our parameters did not change
- assert_instance_of(Array, res[:require], "Parameter array changed")
- res[:require].each do |ref|
- assert_instance_of(Reference, ref, "Resource reference changed")
- end
- assert_instance_of(Reference, res[:subscribe], "Resource reference changed")
- # And make sure that the rails resource actually has resource references
- params = railsres.parameters
- [params["subscribe"], params["require"]].flatten.each do |ref|
- assert_instance_of(Reference, ref, "Resource reference is no longer a reference")
- end
- # Now make some changes to our resource. We're removing the mode,
- # changing the source, and adding 'check'.
- res = mkresource :type => "file", :title => "/tmp/testing",
- :source => @source, :scope => @scope,
- :params => {:owner => "bin", :source => ["/tmp/A", "/tmp/C"],
- :check => "checksum", :require => [ref1, ref2], :subscribe => ref2}
- res.line = 75
- res.exported = true
- railsres = compare_resources(host, res, true, :params => %w{owner source mode check})
- # Again make sure our parameters did not change
- assert_instance_of(Array, res[:require], "Parameter array changed")
- res[:require].each do |ref|
- assert_instance_of(Reference, ref, "Resource reference changed")
- end
- # Again with the serialization checks
- params = railsres.parameters
- [params["subscribe"], params["require"]].flatten.each do |ref|
- assert_instance_of(Reference, ref, "Resource reference is no longer a reference")
- end
- end