path: root/spec/unit/type/tidy_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/unit/type/tidy_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 324 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/type/tidy_spec.rb b/spec/unit/type/tidy_spec.rb
index f39ccb572..11edbfbf3 100755
--- a/spec/unit/type/tidy_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/type/tidy_spec.rb
@@ -6,419 +6,419 @@ require 'puppet/file_bucket/dipper'
tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy)
describe tidy do
- before do
- @basepath = Puppet.features.posix? ? "/what/ever" : "C:/tmp"
- Puppet.settings.stubs(:use)
- # for an unknown reason some of these specs fails when run individually
- # with a failed expectation on File.lstat in the autoloader.
- File.stubs(:lstat)
- end
- it "should use :lstat when stating a file" do
- resource = :path => "/foo/bar", :age => "1d"
- stat = mock 'stat'
- File.expects(:lstat).with("/foo/bar").returns stat
- resource.stat("/foo/bar").should == stat
+ before do
+ @basepath = Puppet.features.posix? ? "/what/ever" : "C:/tmp"
+ Puppet.settings.stubs(:use)
+ # for an unknown reason some of these specs fails when run individually
+ # with a failed expectation on File.lstat in the autoloader.
+ File.stubs(:lstat)
+ end
+ it "should use :lstat when stating a file" do
+ resource = :path => "/foo/bar", :age => "1d"
+ stat = mock 'stat'
+ File.expects(:lstat).with("/foo/bar").returns stat
+ resource.stat("/foo/bar").should == stat
+ end
+ [:age, :size, :path, :matches, :type, :recurse, :rmdirs].each do |param|
+ it "should have a #{param} parameter" do
+ Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).attrclass(param).ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Parameter)
- [:age, :size, :path, :matches, :type, :recurse, :rmdirs].each do |param|
- it "should have a #{param} parameter" do
- Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).attrclass(param).ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Parameter)
- end
- it "should have documentation for its #{param} param" do
- Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).attrclass(param).doc.should be_instance_of(String)
- end
+ it "should have documentation for its #{param} param" do
+ Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).attrclass(param).doc.should be_instance_of(String)
+ end
- describe "when validating parameter values" do
- describe "for 'recurse'" do
- before do
- @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => "/tmp", :age => "100d"
- end
+ describe "when validating parameter values" do
+ describe "for 'recurse'" do
+ before do
+ @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => "/tmp", :age => "100d"
+ end
- it "should allow 'true'" do
- lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = true }.should_not raise_error
- end
+ it "should allow 'true'" do
+ lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = true }.should_not raise_error
+ end
- it "should allow 'false'" do
- lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = false }.should_not raise_error
- end
+ it "should allow 'false'" do
+ lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = false }.should_not raise_error
+ end
- it "should allow integers" do
- lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = 10 }.should_not raise_error
- end
+ it "should allow integers" do
+ lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = 10 }.should_not raise_error
+ end
- it "should allow string representations of integers" do
- lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = "10" }.should_not raise_error
- end
+ it "should allow string representations of integers" do
+ lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = "10" }.should_not raise_error
+ end
- it "should allow 'inf'" do
- lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = "inf" }.should_not raise_error
- end
+ it "should allow 'inf'" do
+ lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = "inf" }.should_not raise_error
+ end
- it "should not allow arbitrary values" do
- lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = "whatever" }.should raise_error
- end
- end
+ it "should not allow arbitrary values" do
+ lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = "whatever" }.should raise_error
+ end
+ end
- describe "for 'matches'" do
- before do
- @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => "/tmp", :age => "100d"
- end
- it "should object if matches is given with recurse is not specified" do
- lambda { @tidy[:matches] = '*.doh' }.should raise_error
- end
- it "should object if matches is given and recurse is 0" do
- lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = 0; @tidy[:matches] = '*.doh' }.should raise_error
- end
- it "should object if matches is given and recurse is false" do
- lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = false; @tidy[:matches] = '*.doh' }.should raise_error
- end
- it "should not object if matches is given and recurse is > 0" do
- lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = 1; @tidy[:matches] = '*.doh' }.should_not raise_error
- end
- it "should not object if matches is given and recurse is true" do
- lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = true; @tidy[:matches] = '*.doh' }.should_not raise_error
- end
- end
+ describe "for 'matches'" do
+ before do
+ @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => "/tmp", :age => "100d"
+ end
+ it "should object if matches is given with recurse is not specified" do
+ lambda { @tidy[:matches] = '*.doh' }.should raise_error
+ end
+ it "should object if matches is given and recurse is 0" do
+ lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = 0; @tidy[:matches] = '*.doh' }.should raise_error
+ end
+ it "should object if matches is given and recurse is false" do
+ lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = false; @tidy[:matches] = '*.doh' }.should raise_error
+ end
+ it "should not object if matches is given and recurse is > 0" do
+ lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = 1; @tidy[:matches] = '*.doh' }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should not object if matches is given and recurse is true" do
+ lambda { @tidy[:recurse] = true; @tidy[:matches] = '*.doh' }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ end
- describe "when matching files by age" do
- convertors = {
- :second => 1,
- :minute => 60
- }
+ describe "when matching files by age" do
+ convertors = {
+ :second => 1,
+ :minute => 60
+ }
- convertors[:hour] = convertors[:minute] * 60
- convertors[:day] = convertors[:hour] * 24
- convertors[:week] = convertors[:day] * 7
+ convertors[:hour] = convertors[:minute] * 60
+ convertors[:day] = convertors[:hour] * 24
+ convertors[:week] = convertors[:day] * 7
- convertors.each do |unit, multiple|
- it "should consider a #{unit} to be #{multiple} seconds" do
- @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath, :age => "5#{unit.to_s[0..0]}"
+ convertors.each do |unit, multiple|
+ it "should consider a #{unit} to be #{multiple} seconds" do
+ @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath, :age => "5#{unit.to_s[0..0]}"
- @tidy[:age].should == 5 * multiple
- end
- end
+ @tidy[:age].should == 5 * multiple
+ end
- describe "when matching files by size" do
- convertors = {
- :b => 0,
- :kb => 1,
- :mb => 2,
- :gb => 3
- }
- convertors.each do |unit, multiple|
- it "should consider a #{unit} to be 1024^#{multiple} bytes" do
- @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath, :size => "5#{unit}"
- total = 5
- multiple.times { total *= 1024 }
- @tidy[:size].should == total
- end
- end
+ end
+ describe "when matching files by size" do
+ convertors = {
+ :b => 0,
+ :kb => 1,
+ :mb => 2,
+ :gb => 3
+ }
+ convertors.each do |unit, multiple|
+ it "should consider a #{unit} to be 1024^#{multiple} bytes" do
+ @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath, :size => "5#{unit}"
+ total = 5
+ multiple.times { total *= 1024 }
+ @tidy[:size].should == total
+ end
+ end
- describe "when tidying" do
- before do
- @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath
- @stat = stub 'stat', :ftype => "directory"
- File.stubs(:lstat).with(@basepath).returns @stat
- end
+ describe "when tidying" do
+ before do
+ @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath
+ @stat = stub 'stat', :ftype => "directory"
+ File.stubs(:lstat).with(@basepath).returns @stat
+ end
- describe "and generating files" do
- it "should set the backup on the file if backup is set on the tidy instance" do
- @tidy[:backup] = "whatever"
- Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:backup] == "whatever" }
+ describe "and generating files" do
+ it "should set the backup on the file if backup is set on the tidy instance" do
+ @tidy[:backup] = "whatever"
+ Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:backup] == "whatever" }
- @tidy.mkfile(@basepath)
- end
+ @tidy.mkfile(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should set the file's path to the tidy's path" do
- Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:path] == @basepath }
+ it "should set the file's path to the tidy's path" do
+ Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:path] == @basepath }
- @tidy.mkfile(@basepath)
- end
+ @tidy.mkfile(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should configure the file for deletion" do
- Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:ensure] == :absent }
+ it "should configure the file for deletion" do
+ Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:ensure] == :absent }
- @tidy.mkfile(@basepath)
- end
+ @tidy.mkfile(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should force deletion on the file" do
- Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:force] == true }
+ it "should force deletion on the file" do
+ Puppet::Type.type(:file).expects(:new).with { |args| args[:force] == true }
- @tidy.mkfile(@basepath)
- end
+ @tidy.mkfile(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should do nothing if the targeted file does not exist" do
- File.expects(:lstat).with(@basepath).raises Errno::ENOENT
+ it "should do nothing if the targeted file does not exist" do
+ File.expects(:lstat).with(@basepath).raises Errno::ENOENT
- @tidy.generate.should == []
- end
- end
+ @tidy.generate.should == []
+ end
+ end
- describe "and recursion is not used" do
- it "should generate a file resource if the file should be tidied" do
- @tidy.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath).returns true
- file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => @basepath+"/eh")
- @tidy.expects(:mkfile).with(@basepath).returns file
+ describe "and recursion is not used" do
+ it "should generate a file resource if the file should be tidied" do
+ @tidy.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath).returns true
+ file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => @basepath+"/eh")
+ @tidy.expects(:mkfile).with(@basepath).returns file
- @tidy.generate.should == [file]
- end
+ @tidy.generate.should == [file]
+ end
- it "should do nothing if the file should not be tidied" do
- @tidy.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath).returns false
- @tidy.expects(:mkfile).never
+ it "should do nothing if the file should not be tidied" do
+ @tidy.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath).returns false
+ @tidy.expects(:mkfile).never
- @tidy.generate.should == []
- end
- end
+ @tidy.generate.should == []
+ end
+ end
- describe "and recursion is used" do
- before do
- @tidy[:recurse] = true
- Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.any_instance.stubs(:stat).returns mock("stat")
- @fileset =
- Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.stubs(:new).returns @fileset
- end
+ describe "and recursion is used" do
+ before do
+ @tidy[:recurse] = true
+ Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.any_instance.stubs(:stat).returns mock("stat")
+ @fileset =
+ Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.stubs(:new).returns @fileset
+ end
- it "should use a Fileset for infinite recursion" do
- Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.expects(:new).with(@basepath, :recurse => true).returns @fileset
- @fileset.expects(:files).returns %w{. one two}
- @tidy.stubs(:tidy?).returns false
+ it "should use a Fileset for infinite recursion" do
+ Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.expects(:new).with(@basepath, :recurse => true).returns @fileset
+ @fileset.expects(:files).returns %w{. one two}
+ @tidy.stubs(:tidy?).returns false
- @tidy.generate
- end
+ @tidy.generate
+ end
- it "should use a Fileset for limited recursion" do
- @tidy[:recurse] = 42
- Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.expects(:new).with(@basepath, :recurse => true, :recurselimit => 42).returns @fileset
- @fileset.expects(:files).returns %w{. one two}
- @tidy.stubs(:tidy?).returns false
+ it "should use a Fileset for limited recursion" do
+ @tidy[:recurse] = 42
+ Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.expects(:new).with(@basepath, :recurse => true, :recurselimit => 42).returns @fileset
+ @fileset.expects(:files).returns %w{. one two}
+ @tidy.stubs(:tidy?).returns false
- @tidy.generate
- end
+ @tidy.generate
+ end
- it "should generate a file resource for every file that should be tidied but not for files that should not be tidied" do
- @fileset.expects(:files).returns %w{. one two}
+ it "should generate a file resource for every file that should be tidied but not for files that should not be tidied" do
+ @fileset.expects(:files).returns %w{. one two}
- @tidy.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath).returns true
- @tidy.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath+"/one").returns true
- @tidy.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath+"/two").returns false
+ @tidy.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath).returns true
+ @tidy.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath+"/one").returns true
+ @tidy.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath+"/two").returns false
- file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => @basepath+"/eh")
- @tidy.expects(:mkfile).with(@basepath).returns file
- @tidy.expects(:mkfile).with(@basepath+"/one").returns file
+ file = Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:path => @basepath+"/eh")
+ @tidy.expects(:mkfile).with(@basepath).returns file
+ @tidy.expects(:mkfile).with(@basepath+"/one").returns file
- @tidy.generate
- end
- end
+ @tidy.generate
+ end
+ end
- describe "and determining whether a file matches provided glob patterns" do
- before do
- @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath, :recurse => 1
- @tidy[:matches] = %w{*foo* *bar*}
+ describe "and determining whether a file matches provided glob patterns" do
+ before do
+ @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath, :recurse => 1
+ @tidy[:matches] = %w{*foo* *bar*}
- @stat = mock 'stat'
+ @stat = mock 'stat'
- @matcher = @tidy.parameter(:matches)
- end
+ @matcher = @tidy.parameter(:matches)
+ end
- it "should always convert the globs to an array" do
- @matcher.value = "*foo*"
- @matcher.value.should == %w{*foo*}
- end
+ it "should always convert the globs to an array" do
+ @matcher.value = "*foo*"
+ @matcher.value.should == %w{*foo*}
+ end
- it "should return true if any pattern matches the last part of the file" do
- @matcher.value = %w{*foo* *bar*}
- @matcher.must be_tidy("/file/yaybarness", @stat)
- end
+ it "should return true if any pattern matches the last part of the file" do
+ @matcher.value = %w{*foo* *bar*}
+ @matcher.must be_tidy("/file/yaybarness", @stat)
+ end
- it "should return false if no pattern matches the last part of the file" do
- @matcher.value = %w{*foo* *bar*}
- @matcher.should_not be_tidy("/file/yayness", @stat)
- end
- end
+ it "should return false if no pattern matches the last part of the file" do
+ @matcher.value = %w{*foo* *bar*}
+ @matcher.should_not be_tidy("/file/yayness", @stat)
+ end
+ end
- describe "and determining whether a file is too old" do
- before do
- @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath
- @stat = stub 'stat'
+ describe "and determining whether a file is too old" do
+ before do
+ @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath
+ @stat = stub 'stat'
- @tidy[:age] = "1s"
- @tidy[:type] = "mtime"
- @ager = @tidy.parameter(:age)
- end
+ @tidy[:age] = "1s"
+ @tidy[:type] = "mtime"
+ @ager = @tidy.parameter(:age)
+ end
- it "should use the age type specified" do
- @tidy[:type] = :ctime
- @stat.expects(:ctime).returns(
+ it "should use the age type specified" do
+ @tidy[:type] = :ctime
+ @stat.expects(:ctime).returns(
- @ager.tidy?(@basepath, @stat)
- end
+ @ager.tidy?(@basepath, @stat)
+ end
- it "should return false if the file is more recent than the specified age" do
- @stat.expects(:mtime).returns(
+ it "should return false if the file is more recent than the specified age" do
+ @stat.expects(:mtime).returns(
- @ager.should_not be_tidy(@basepath, @stat)
- end
+ @ager.should_not be_tidy(@basepath, @stat)
+ end
- it "should return true if the file is older than the specified age" do
- @stat.expects(:mtime).returns( - 10)
+ it "should return true if the file is older than the specified age" do
+ @stat.expects(:mtime).returns( - 10)
- @ager.must be_tidy(@basepath, @stat)
- end
- end
+ @ager.must be_tidy(@basepath, @stat)
+ end
+ end
- describe "and determining whether a file is too large" do
- before do
- @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath
- @stat = stub 'stat', :ftype => "file"
+ describe "and determining whether a file is too large" do
+ before do
+ @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath
+ @stat = stub 'stat', :ftype => "file"
- @tidy[:size] = "1kb"
- @sizer = @tidy.parameter(:size)
- end
+ @tidy[:size] = "1kb"
+ @sizer = @tidy.parameter(:size)
+ end
- it "should return false if the file is smaller than the specified size" do
- @stat.expects(:size).returns(4) # smaller than a kilobyte
+ it "should return false if the file is smaller than the specified size" do
+ @stat.expects(:size).returns(4) # smaller than a kilobyte
- @sizer.should_not be_tidy(@basepath, @stat)
- end
+ @sizer.should_not be_tidy(@basepath, @stat)
+ end
- it "should return true if the file is larger than the specified size" do
- @stat.expects(:size).returns(1500) # larger than a kilobyte
+ it "should return true if the file is larger than the specified size" do
+ @stat.expects(:size).returns(1500) # larger than a kilobyte
- @sizer.must be_tidy(@basepath, @stat)
- end
+ @sizer.must be_tidy(@basepath, @stat)
+ end
- it "should return true if the file is equal to the specified size" do
- @stat.expects(:size).returns(1024)
+ it "should return true if the file is equal to the specified size" do
+ @stat.expects(:size).returns(1024)
- @sizer.must be_tidy(@basepath, @stat)
- end
- end
+ @sizer.must be_tidy(@basepath, @stat)
+ end
+ end
- describe "and determining whether a file should be tidied" do
- before do
- @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath
- @stat = stub 'stat', :ftype => "file"
- File.stubs(:lstat).with(@basepath).returns @stat
- end
+ describe "and determining whether a file should be tidied" do
+ before do
+ @tidy = Puppet::Type.type(:tidy).new :path => @basepath
+ @stat = stub 'stat', :ftype => "file"
+ File.stubs(:lstat).with(@basepath).returns @stat
+ end
- it "should not try to recurse if the file does not exist" do
- @tidy[:recurse] = true
+ it "should not try to recurse if the file does not exist" do
+ @tidy[:recurse] = true
- File.stubs(:lstat).with(@basepath).returns nil
+ File.stubs(:lstat).with(@basepath).returns nil
- @tidy.generate.should == []
- end
+ @tidy.generate.should == []
+ end
- it "should not be tidied if the file does not exist" do
- File.expects(:lstat).with(@basepath).raises Errno::ENOENT
+ it "should not be tidied if the file does not exist" do
+ File.expects(:lstat).with(@basepath).raises Errno::ENOENT
- @tidy.should_not be_tidy(@basepath)
- end
+ @tidy.should_not be_tidy(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should not be tidied if the user has no access to the file" do
- File.expects(:lstat).with(@basepath).raises Errno::EACCES
+ it "should not be tidied if the user has no access to the file" do
+ File.expects(:lstat).with(@basepath).raises Errno::EACCES
- @tidy.should_not be_tidy(@basepath)
- end
+ @tidy.should_not be_tidy(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should not be tidied if it is a directory and rmdirs is set to false" do
- stat = mock 'stat', :ftype => "directory"
- File.expects(:lstat).with(@basepath).returns stat
+ it "should not be tidied if it is a directory and rmdirs is set to false" do
+ stat = mock 'stat', :ftype => "directory"
+ File.expects(:lstat).with(@basepath).returns stat
- @tidy.should_not be_tidy(@basepath)
- end
+ @tidy.should_not be_tidy(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should return false if it does not match any provided globs" do
- @tidy[:recurse] = 1
- @tidy[:matches] = "globs"
+ it "should return false if it does not match any provided globs" do
+ @tidy[:recurse] = 1
+ @tidy[:matches] = "globs"
- matches = @tidy.parameter(:matches)
- matches.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath, @stat).returns false
- @tidy.should_not be_tidy(@basepath)
- end
+ matches = @tidy.parameter(:matches)
+ matches.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath, @stat).returns false
+ @tidy.should_not be_tidy(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should return false if it does not match aging requirements" do
- @tidy[:age] = "1d"
+ it "should return false if it does not match aging requirements" do
+ @tidy[:age] = "1d"
- ager = @tidy.parameter(:age)
- ager.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath, @stat).returns false
- @tidy.should_not be_tidy(@basepath)
- end
+ ager = @tidy.parameter(:age)
+ ager.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath, @stat).returns false
+ @tidy.should_not be_tidy(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should return false if it does not match size requirements" do
- @tidy[:size] = "1b"
+ it "should return false if it does not match size requirements" do
+ @tidy[:size] = "1b"
- sizer = @tidy.parameter(:size)
- sizer.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath, @stat).returns false
- @tidy.should_not be_tidy(@basepath)
- end
+ sizer = @tidy.parameter(:size)
+ sizer.expects(:tidy?).with(@basepath, @stat).returns false
+ @tidy.should_not be_tidy(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should tidy a file if age and size are set but only size matches" do
- @tidy[:size] = "1b"
- @tidy[:age] = "1d"
+ it "should tidy a file if age and size are set but only size matches" do
+ @tidy[:size] = "1b"
+ @tidy[:age] = "1d"
- @tidy.parameter(:size).stubs(:tidy?).returns true
- @tidy.parameter(:age).stubs(:tidy?).returns false
- @tidy.should be_tidy(@basepath)
- end
+ @tidy.parameter(:size).stubs(:tidy?).returns true
+ @tidy.parameter(:age).stubs(:tidy?).returns false
+ @tidy.should be_tidy(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should tidy a file if age and size are set but only age matches" do
- @tidy[:size] = "1b"
- @tidy[:age] = "1d"
+ it "should tidy a file if age and size are set but only age matches" do
+ @tidy[:size] = "1b"
+ @tidy[:age] = "1d"
- @tidy.parameter(:size).stubs(:tidy?).returns false
- @tidy.parameter(:age).stubs(:tidy?).returns true
- @tidy.should be_tidy(@basepath)
- end
+ @tidy.parameter(:size).stubs(:tidy?).returns false
+ @tidy.parameter(:age).stubs(:tidy?).returns true
+ @tidy.should be_tidy(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should tidy all files if neither age nor size is set" do
- @tidy.must be_tidy(@basepath)
- end
+ it "should tidy all files if neither age nor size is set" do
+ @tidy.must be_tidy(@basepath)
+ end
- it "should sort the results inversely by path length, so files are added to the catalog before their directories" do
- @tidy[:recurse] = true
- @tidy[:rmdirs] = true
- fileset =
- Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.expects(:new).returns fileset
- fileset.expects(:files).returns %w{. one one/two}
+ it "should sort the results inversely by path length, so files are added to the catalog before their directories" do
+ @tidy[:recurse] = true
+ @tidy[:rmdirs] = true
+ fileset =
+ Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.expects(:new).returns fileset
+ fileset.expects(:files).returns %w{. one one/two}
- @tidy.stubs(:tidy?).returns true
+ @tidy.stubs(:tidy?).returns true
- @tidy.generate.collect { |r| r[:path] }.should == [@basepath+"/one/two", @basepath+"/one", @basepath]
- end
- end
+ @tidy.generate.collect { |r| r[:path] }.should == [@basepath+"/one/two", @basepath+"/one", @basepath]
+ end
+ end
- it "should configure directories to require their contained files if rmdirs is enabled, so the files will be deleted first" do
- @tidy[:recurse] = true
- @tidy[:rmdirs] = true
- fileset = mock 'fileset'
- Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.expects(:new).with(@basepath, :recurse => true).returns fileset
- fileset.expects(:files).returns %w{. one two one/subone two/subtwo one/subone/ssone}
- @tidy.stubs(:tidy?).returns true
- result = @tidy.generate.inject({}) { |hash, res| hash[res[:path]] = res; hash }
- {
- @basepath => [ @basepath+"/one", @basepath+"/two" ],
- @basepath+"/one" => [@basepath+"/one/subone"],
- @basepath+"/two" => [@basepath+"/two/subtwo"],
- @basepath+"/one/subone" => [@basepath+"/one/subone/ssone"]
- }.each do |parent, children|
- children.each do |child|
- ref =, child)
- result[parent][:require].find { |req| req.to_s == ref.to_s }.should_not be_nil
- end
- end
+ it "should configure directories to require their contained files if rmdirs is enabled, so the files will be deleted first" do
+ @tidy[:recurse] = true
+ @tidy[:rmdirs] = true
+ fileset = mock 'fileset'
+ Puppet::FileServing::Fileset.expects(:new).with(@basepath, :recurse => true).returns fileset
+ fileset.expects(:files).returns %w{. one two one/subone two/subtwo one/subone/ssone}
+ @tidy.stubs(:tidy?).returns true
+ result = @tidy.generate.inject({}) { |hash, res| hash[res[:path]] = res; hash }
+ {
+ @basepath => [ @basepath+"/one", @basepath+"/two" ],
+ @basepath+"/one" => [@basepath+"/one/subone"],
+ @basepath+"/two" => [@basepath+"/two/subtwo"],
+ @basepath+"/one/subone" => [@basepath+"/one/subone/ssone"]
+ }.each do |parent, children|
+ children.each do |child|
+ ref =, child)
+ result[parent][:require].find { |req| req.to_s == ref.to_s }.should_not be_nil
+ end
+ end