path: root/spec/unit/property_spec_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/unit/property_spec_spec.rb')
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+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper'
+require 'puppet/property'
+describe Puppet::Property do
+ before do
+ @class = do
+ @name = :foo
+ end
+ @class.initvars
+ @provider = mock 'provider'
+ @resource = stub 'resource', :provider => @provider
+ @resource.stub_everything
+ @property = :resource => @resource
+ end
+ it "should return its name as a string when converted to a string" do
+ @property.to_s.should ==
+ end
+ it "should be able to look up the modified name for a given value" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo)
+ @class.value_name("foo").should == :foo
+ end
+ it "should be able to look up the modified name for a given value matching a regex" do
+ @class.newvalue(%r{.})
+ @class.value_name("foo").should == %r{.}
+ end
+ it "should be able to look up a given value option" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo, :event => :whatever)
+ @class.value_option(:foo, :event).should == :whatever
+ end
+ it "should be able to specify required features" do
+ @class.should respond_to(:required_features=)
+ end
+ {"one" => [:one],:one => [:one],%w{a} => [:a],[:b] => [:b],%w{one two} => [:one,:two],[:a,:b] => [:a,:b]}.each { |in_value,out_value|
+ it "should always convert required features into an array of symbols (e.g. #{in_value.inspect} --> #{out_value.inspect})" do
+ @class.required_features = in_value
+ @class.required_features.should == out_value
+ end
+ }
+ it "should be able to shadow metaparameters" do
+ @property.must respond_to(:shadow)
+ end
+ describe "when returning the default event name" do
+ before do
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
+ @instance = => @resource)
+ @instance.stubs(:should).returns "myval"
+ end
+ it "should use the current 'should' value to pick the event name" do
+ @instance.expects(:should).returns "myvalue"
+ @class.expects(:value_option).with('myvalue', :event).returns :event_name
+ @instance.event_name
+ end
+ it "should return any event defined with the specified value" do
+ @instance.expects(:should).returns :myval
+ @class.expects(:value_option).with(:myval, :event).returns :event_name
+ @instance.event_name.should == :event_name
+ end
+ describe "and the property is 'ensure'" do
+ before do
+ @instance.stubs(:name).returns :ensure
+ @resource.expects(:type).returns :mytype
+ end
+ it "should use <type>_created if the 'should' value is 'present'" do
+ @instance.expects(:should).returns :present
+ @instance.event_name.should == :mytype_created
+ end
+ it "should use <type>_removed if the 'should' value is 'absent'" do
+ @instance.expects(:should).returns :absent
+ @instance.event_name.should == :mytype_removed
+ end
+ it "should use <type>_changed if the 'should' value is not 'absent' or 'present'" do
+ @instance.expects(:should).returns :foo
+ @instance.event_name.should == :mytype_changed
+ end
+ it "should use <type>_changed if the 'should value is nil" do
+ @instance.expects(:should).returns nil
+ @instance.event_name.should == :mytype_changed
+ end
+ end
+ it "should use <property>_changed if the property is not 'ensure'" do
+ @instance.stubs(:name).returns :myparam
+ @instance.expects(:should).returns :foo
+ @instance.event_name.should == :myparam_changed
+ end
+ it "should use <property>_changed if no 'should' value is set" do
+ @instance.stubs(:name).returns :myparam
+ @instance.expects(:should).returns nil
+ @instance.event_name.should == :myparam_changed
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when creating an event" do
+ before do
+ @event =
+ # Use a real resource so we can test the event creation integration
+ @resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new :name => "foo"
+ @instance = => @resource)
+ @instance.stubs(:should).returns "myval"
+ end
+ it "should use an event from the resource as the base event" do
+ event =
+ @resource.expects(:event).returns event
+ @instance.event.should equal(event)
+ end
+ it "should have the default event name" do
+ @instance.expects(:event_name).returns :my_event
+ == :my_event
+ end
+ it "should have the property's name" do
+ ==
+ end
+ it "should have the 'should' value set" do
+ @instance.stubs(:should).returns "foo"
+ @instance.event.desired_value.should == "foo"
+ end
+ it "should provide its path as the source description" do
+ @instance.stubs(:path).returns "/my/param"
+ @instance.event.source_description.should == "/my/param"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when shadowing metaparameters" do
+ before do
+ @shadow_class = do
+ @name = :alias
+ end
+ @shadow_class.initvars
+ end
+ it "should create an instance of the metaparameter at initialization" do
+ Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:alias).expects(:new).with(:resource => @resource)
+ :resource => @resource
+ end
+ it "should munge values using the shadow's munge method" do
+ shadow = mock 'shadow'
+ Puppet::Type.metaparamclass(:alias).expects(:new).returns shadow
+ shadow.expects(:munge).with "foo"
+ property = :resource => @resource
+ property.munge("foo")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when defining new values" do
+ it "should define a method for each value created with a block that's not a regex" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo) { }
+ @property.must respond_to(:set_foo)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when assigning the value" do
+ it "should just set the 'should' value" do
+ @property.value = "foo"
+ @property.should.must == "foo"
+ end
+ it "should validate each value separately" do
+ @property.expects(:validate).with("one")
+ @property.expects(:validate).with("two")
+ @property.value = %w{one two}
+ end
+ it "should munge each value separately and use any result as the actual value" do
+ @property.expects(:munge).with("one").returns :one
+ @property.expects(:munge).with("two").returns :two
+ # Do this so we get the whole array back.
+ @class.array_matching = :all
+ @property.value = %w{one two}
+ @property.should.must == [:one, :two]
+ end
+ it "should return any set value" do
+ (@property.value = :one).should == :one
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when returning the value" do
+ it "should return nil if no value is set" do
+ @property.should.must be_nil
+ end
+ it "should return the first set 'should' value if :array_matching is set to :first" do
+ @class.array_matching = :first
+ @property.should = %w{one two}
+ @property.should.must == "one"
+ end
+ it "should return all set 'should' values as an array if :array_matching is set to :all" do
+ @class.array_matching = :all
+ @property.should = %w{one two}
+ @property.should.must == %w{one two}
+ end
+ it "should default to :first array_matching" do
+ @class.array_matching.should == :first
+ end
+ it "should unmunge the returned value if :array_matching is set to :first" do
+ @property.class.unmunge do |v| v.to_sym end
+ @class.array_matching = :first
+ @property.should = %w{one two}
+ @property.should.must == :one
+ end
+ it "should unmunge all the returned values if :array_matching is set to :all" do
+ @property.class.unmunge do |v| v.to_sym end
+ @class.array_matching = :all
+ @property.should = %w{one two}
+ @property.should.must == [:one, :two]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when validating values" do
+ it "should do nothing if no values or regexes have been defined" do
+ lambda { @property.should = "foo" }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should fail if the value is not a defined value or alias and does not match a regex" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo)
+ lambda { @property.should = "bar" }.should raise_error
+ end
+ it "should succeeed if the value is one of the defined values" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo)
+ lambda { @property.should = :foo }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should succeeed if the value is one of the defined values even if the definition uses a symbol and the validation uses a string" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo)
+ lambda { @property.should = "foo" }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should succeeed if the value is one of the defined values even if the definition uses a string and the validation uses a symbol" do
+ @class.newvalue("foo")
+ lambda { @property.should = :foo }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should succeed if the value is one of the defined aliases" do
+ @class.newvalue("foo")
+ @class.aliasvalue("bar", "foo")
+ lambda { @property.should = :bar }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should succeed if the value matches one of the regexes" do
+ @class.newvalue(/./)
+ lambda { @property.should = "bar" }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should validate that all required features are present" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo, :required_features => [:a, :b])
+ @provider.expects(:satisfies?).with([:a, :b]).returns true
+ @property.should = :foo
+ end
+ it "should fail if required features are missing" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo, :required_features => [:a, :b])
+ @provider.expects(:satisfies?).with([:a, :b]).returns false
+ lambda { @property.should = :foo }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
+ end
+ it "should internally raise an ArgumentError if required features are missing" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo, :required_features => [:a, :b])
+ @provider.expects(:satisfies?).with([:a, :b]).returns false
+ lambda { @property.validate_features_per_value :foo }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "should validate that all required features are present for regexes" do
+ value = @class.newvalue(/./, :required_features => [:a, :b])
+ @provider.expects(:satisfies?).with([:a, :b]).returns true
+ @property.should = "foo"
+ end
+ it "should support specifying an individual required feature" do
+ value = @class.newvalue(/./, :required_features => :a)
+ @provider.expects(:satisfies?).returns true
+ @property.should = "foo"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when munging values" do
+ it "should do nothing if no values or regexes have been defined" do
+ @property.munge("foo").should == "foo"
+ end
+ it "should return return any matching defined values" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo)
+ @property.munge("foo").should == :foo
+ end
+ it "should return any matching aliases" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo)
+ @class.aliasvalue(:bar, :foo)
+ @property.munge("bar").should == :foo
+ end
+ it "should return the value if it matches a regex" do
+ @class.newvalue(/./)
+ @property.munge("bar").should == "bar"
+ end
+ it "should return the value if no other option is matched" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo)
+ @property.munge("bar").should == "bar"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when syncing the 'should' value" do
+ it "should set the value" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo)
+ @property.should = :foo
+ @property.expects(:set).with(:foo)
+ @property.sync
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when setting a value" do
+ it "should catch exceptions and raise Puppet::Error" do
+ @class.newvalue(:foo) { raise "eh" }
+ lambda { @property.set(:foo) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
+ end
+ describe "that was defined without a block" do
+ it "should call the settor on the provider" do
+ @class.newvalue(:bar)
+ @provider.expects(:foo=).with :bar
+ @property.set(:bar)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "that was defined with a block" do
+ it "should call the method created for the value if the value is not a regex" do
+ @class.newvalue(:bar) {}
+ @property.expects(:set_bar)
+ @property.set(:bar)
+ end
+ it "should call the provided block if the value is a regex" do
+ @class.newvalue(/./) { self.test }
+ @property.expects(:test)
+ @property.set("foo")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when producing a change log" do
+ it "should say 'defined' when the current value is 'absent'" do
+ @property.change_to_s(:absent, "foo").should =~ /^defined/
+ end
+ it "should say 'undefined' when the new value is 'absent'" do
+ @property.change_to_s("foo", :absent).should =~ /^undefined/
+ end
+ it "should say 'changed' when neither value is 'absent'" do
+ @property.change_to_s("foo", "bar").should =~ /changed/
+ end
+ end