path: root/spec/unit/parser/parser_spec_spec.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/unit/parser/parser_spec_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/parser/parser_spec_spec.rb b/spec/unit/parser/parser_spec_spec.rb
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index 000000000..ed4492a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/unit/parser/parser_spec_spec.rb
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+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
+describe Puppet::Parser do
+ ast = Puppet::Parser::AST
+ before :each do
+ @known_resource_types ="development")
+ @parser = "development"
+ @parser.stubs(:known_resource_types).returns @known_resource_types
+ @true_ast = :value => true
+ end
+ it "should require an environment at initialization" do
+ lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "should set the environment" do
+ env =
+ == env
+ end
+ it "should convert the environment into an environment instance if a string is provided" do
+ env ="testing")
+"testing").environment.should == env
+ end
+ it "should be able to look up the environment-specific resource type collection" do
+ rtc ="development").known_resource_types
+ parser = "development"
+ parser.known_resource_types.should equal(rtc)
+ end
+ it "should delegate importing to the known resource type loader" do
+ parser = "development"
+ parser.known_resource_types.loader.expects(:import).with("newfile", "current_file")
+ parser.lexer.expects(:file).returns "current_file"
+ parser.import("newfile")
+ end
+ describe "when parsing files" do
+ before do
+ FileTest.stubs(:exist?).returns true
+ File.stubs(:read).returns ""
+ @parser.stubs(:watch_file)
+ end
+ it "should treat files ending in 'rb' as ruby files" do
+ @parser.expects(:parse_ruby_file)
+ @parser.file = "/my/file.rb"
+ @parser.parse
+ end
+ describe "in ruby" do
+ it "should use the ruby interpreter to load the file" do
+ @parser.file = "/my/file.rb"
+ @parser.expects(:require).with "/my/file.rb"
+ @parser.parse_ruby_file
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when parsing append operator" do
+ it "should not raise syntax errors" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse("$var += something") }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "shouldraise syntax error on incomplete syntax " do
+ lambda { @parser.parse("$var += ") }.should raise_error
+ end
+ it "should call ast::VarDef with append=true" do
+ ast::VarDef.expects(:new).with { |h| h[:append] == true }
+ @parser.parse("$var += 2")
+ end
+ it "should work with arrays too" do
+ ast::VarDef.expects(:new).with { |h| h[:append] == true }
+ @parser.parse("$var += ['test']")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when parsing 'if'" do
+ it "not, it should create the correct ast objects" do
+ ast::Not.expects(:new).with { |h| h[:value].is_a?(ast::Boolean) }
+ @parser.parse("if ! true { $var = 1 }")
+ end
+ it "boolean operation, it should create the correct ast objects" do
+ ast::BooleanOperator.expects(:new).with {
+ |h| h[:rval].is_a?(ast::Boolean) and h[:lval].is_a?(ast::Boolean) and h[:operator]=="or"
+ }
+ @parser.parse("if true or true { $var = 1 }")
+ end
+ it "comparison operation, it should create the correct ast objects" do
+ ast::ComparisonOperator.expects(:new).with {
+ |h| h[:lval].is_a?(ast::Name) and h[:rval].is_a?(ast::Name) and h[:operator]=="<"
+ }
+ @parser.parse("if 1 < 2 { $var = 1 }")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when parsing if complex expressions" do
+ it "should create a correct ast tree" do
+ aststub = stub_everything 'ast'
+ ast::ComparisonOperator.expects(:new).with {
+ |h| h[:rval].is_a?(ast::Name) and h[:lval].is_a?(ast::Name) and h[:operator]==">"
+ }.returns(aststub)
+ ast::ComparisonOperator.expects(:new).with {
+ |h| h[:rval].is_a?(ast::Name) and h[:lval].is_a?(ast::Name) and h[:operator]=="=="
+ }.returns(aststub)
+ ast::BooleanOperator.expects(:new).with {
+ |h| h[:rval]==aststub and h[:lval]==aststub and h[:operator]=="and"
+ }
+ @parser.parse("if (1 > 2) and (1 == 2) { $var = 1 }")
+ end
+ it "should raise an error on incorrect expression" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse("if (1 > 2 > ) or (1 == 2) { $var = 1 }") }.should raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when parsing resource references" do
+ it "should not raise syntax errors" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse('exec { test: param => File["a"] }') }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should not raise syntax errors with multiple references" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse('exec { test: param => File["a","b"] }') }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should create an ast::ResourceReference" do
+ ast::Resource.stubs(:new)
+ ast::ResourceReference.expects(:new).with { |arg|
+ arg[:line]==1 and arg[:type]=="File" and arg[:title].is_a?(ast::ASTArray)
+ }
+ @parser.parse('exec { test: command => File["a","b"] }')
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when parsing resource overrides" do
+ it "should not raise syntax errors" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse('Resource["title"] { param => value }') }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should not raise syntax errors with multiple overrides" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse('Resource["title1","title2"] { param => value }') }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should create an ast::ResourceOverride" do
+ ast::ResourceOverride.expects(:new).with { |arg|
+ arg[:line]==1 and arg[:object].is_a?(ast::ResourceReference) and arg[:parameters].is_a?(ast::ResourceParam)
+ }
+ @parser.parse('Resource["title1","title2"] { param => value }')
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when parsing if statements" do
+ it "should not raise errors with empty if" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse("if true { }") }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should not raise errors with empty else" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse("if false { notice('if') } else { }") }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should not raise errors with empty if and else" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse("if false { } else { }") }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should create a nop node for empty branch" do
+ ast::Nop.expects(:new)
+ @parser.parse("if true { }")
+ end
+ it "should create a nop node for empty else branch" do
+ ast::Nop.expects(:new)
+ @parser.parse("if true { notice('test') } else { }")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when parsing function calls" do
+ it "should not raise errors with no arguments" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse("tag()") }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should not raise errors with rvalue function with no args" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse("$a = template()") }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should not raise errors with arguments" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse("notice(1)") }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should not raise errors with multiple arguments" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse("notice(1,2)") }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should not raise errors with multiple arguments and a trailing comma" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse("notice(1,2,)") }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when parsing arrays with trailing comma" do
+ it "should not raise errors with a trailing comma" do
+ lambda { @parser.parse("$a = [1,2,]") }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when providing AST context" do
+ before do
+ @lexer = stub 'lexer', :line => 50, :file => "/foo/bar", :getcomment => "whev"
+ @parser.stubs(:lexer).returns @lexer
+ end
+ it "should include the lexer's line" do
+ @parser.ast_context[:line].should == 50
+ end
+ it "should include the lexer's file" do
+ @parser.ast_context[:file].should == "/foo/bar"
+ end
+ it "should include the docs if directed to do so" do
+ @parser.ast_context(true)[:doc].should == "whev"
+ end
+ it "should not include the docs when told not to" do
+ @parser.ast_context(false)[:doc].should be_nil
+ end
+ it "should not include the docs by default" do
+ @parser.ast_context()[:doc].should be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when building ast nodes" do
+ before do
+ @lexer = stub 'lexer', :line => 50, :file => "/foo/bar", :getcomment => "whev"
+ @parser.stubs(:lexer).returns @lexer
+ @class = stub 'class', :use_docs => false
+ end
+ it "should return a new instance of the provided class created with the provided options" do
+ @class.expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:foo] == "bar" }
+ @parser.ast(@class, :foo => "bar")
+ end
+ it "should merge the ast context into the provided options" do
+ @class.expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:file] == "/foo" }
+ @parser.expects(:ast_context).returns :file => "/foo"
+ @parser.ast(@class, :foo => "bar")
+ end
+ it "should prefer provided options over AST context" do
+ @class.expects(:new).with { |opts| opts[:file] == "/bar" }
+ @parser.expects(:ast_context).returns :file => "/foo"
+ @parser.ast(@class, :file => "/bar")
+ end
+ it "should include docs when the AST class uses them" do
+ @class.expects(:use_docs).returns true
+ @class.stubs(:new)
+ @parser.expects(:ast_context).with(true).returns({})
+ @parser.ast(@class, :file => "/bar")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when creating a node" do
+ before :each do
+ @lexer = stub 'lexer'
+ @lexer.stubs(:getcomment)
+ @parser.stubs(:lexer).returns(@lexer)
+ @node = stub_everything 'node'
+ @parser.stubs(:ast_context).returns({})
+ @parser.stubs(:node).returns(nil)
+ @nodename = stub 'nodename', :is_a? => false, :value => "foo"
+ @nodename.stubs(:is_a?).with(Puppet::Parser::AST::HostName).returns(true)
+ end
+ it "should return an array of nodes" do
+ @parser.newnode(@nodename).should be_instance_of(Array)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when retrieving a specific node" do
+ it "should delegate to the known_resource_types node" do
+ @known_resource_types.expects(:node).with("node")
+ @parser.node("node")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when retrieving a specific class" do
+ it "should delegate to the loaded code" do
+ @known_resource_types.expects(:hostclass).with("class")
+ @parser.hostclass("class")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when retrieving a specific definitions" do
+ it "should delegate to the loaded code" do
+ @known_resource_types.expects(:definition).with("define")
+ @parser.definition("define")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when determining the configuration version" do
+ it "should determine it from the resource type collection" do
+ @parser.known_resource_types.expects(:version).returns "foo"
+ @parser.version.should == "foo"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when looking up definitions" do
+ it "should use the known resource types to check for them by name" do
+ @parser.known_resource_types.stubs(:find_or_load).with("namespace","name",:definition).returns(:this_value)
+ @parser.find_definition("namespace","name").should == :this_value
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when looking up hostclasses" do
+ it "should use the known resource types to check for them by name" do
+ @parser.known_resource_types.stubs(:find_or_load).with("namespace","name",:hostclass).returns(:this_value)
+ @parser.find_hostclass("namespace","name").should == :this_value
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when parsing classes" do
+ before :each do
+ @krt ="development")
+ @parser = "development"
+ @parser.stubs(:known_resource_types).returns @krt
+ end
+ it "should create new classes" do
+ @parser.parse("class foobar {}")
+ @krt.hostclass("foobar").should be_instance_of(Puppet::Resource::Type)
+ end
+ it "should correctly set the parent class when one is provided" do
+ @parser.parse("class foobar inherits yayness {}")
+ @krt.hostclass("foobar").parent.should == "yayness"
+ end
+ it "should correctly set the parent class for multiple classes at a time" do
+ @parser.parse("class foobar inherits yayness {}\nclass boo inherits bar {}")
+ @krt.hostclass("foobar").parent.should == "yayness"
+ @krt.hostclass("boo").parent.should == "bar"
+ end
+ it "should define the code when some is provided" do
+ @parser.parse("class foobar { $var = val }")
+ @krt.hostclass("foobar").code.should_not be_nil
+ end
+ it "should define parameters when provided" do
+ @parser.parse("class foobar($biz,$baz) {}")
+ @krt.hostclass("foobar").arguments.should == {"biz" => nil, "baz" => nil}
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when parsing resources" do
+ before :each do
+ @krt ="development")
+ @parser = "development"
+ @parser.stubs(:known_resource_types).returns @krt
+ end
+ it "should be able to parse class resources" do
+ @krt.add(, "foobar", :arguments => {"biz" => nil}))
+ lambda { @parser.parse("class { foobar: biz => stuff }") }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should correctly mark exported resources as exported" do
+ @parser.parse("@@file { '/file': }")
+ @krt.hostclass("").code[0].exported.should be_true
+ end
+ it "should correctly mark virtual resources as virtual" do
+ @parser.parse("@file { '/file': }")
+ @krt.hostclass("").code[0].virtual.should be_true
+ end
+ end