path: root/spec/integration/defaults_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/integration/defaults_spec.rb')
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+++ b/spec/integration/defaults_spec.rb
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+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper'
+require 'puppet/defaults'
+describe "Puppet defaults" do
+ include Puppet::Util::Execution
+ after { Puppet.settings.clear }
+ describe "when setting the :factpath" do
+ it "should add the :factpath to Facter's search paths" do
+ Facter.expects(:search).with("/my/fact/path")
+ Puppet.settings[:factpath] = "/my/fact/path"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when setting the :certname" do
+ it "should fail if the certname is not downcased" do
+ lambda { Puppet.settings[:certname] = "Host.Domain.Com" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when configuring the :crl" do
+ it "should warn if :cacrl is set to false" do
+ Puppet.expects(:warning)
+ Puppet.settings[:cacrl] = 'false'
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when setting the :catalog_format" do
+ it "should log a deprecation notice" do
+ Puppet.expects(:warning)
+ Puppet.settings[:catalog_format] = 'marshal'
+ end
+ it "should copy the value to :preferred_serialization_format" do
+ Puppet.settings[:catalog_format] = 'marshal'
+ Puppet.settings[:preferred_serialization_format].should == 'marshal'
+ end
+ end
+ it "should have a clientyamldir setting" do
+ Puppet.settings[:clientyamldir].should_not be_nil
+ end
+ it "should have different values for the yamldir and clientyamldir" do
+ Puppet.settings[:yamldir].should_not == Puppet.settings[:clientyamldir]
+ end
+ it "should have a client_datadir setting" do
+ Puppet.settings[:client_datadir].should_not be_nil
+ end
+ it "should have different values for the server_datadir and client_datadir" do
+ Puppet.settings[:server_datadir].should_not == Puppet.settings[:client_datadir]
+ end
+ # See #1232
+ it "should not specify a user or group for the clientyamldir" do
+ Puppet.settings.setting(:clientyamldir).owner.should be_nil
+ Puppet.settings.setting(:clientyamldir).group.should be_nil
+ end
+ it "should use the service user and group for the yamldir" do
+ Puppet.settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true
+ Puppet.settings.setting(:yamldir).owner.should == Puppet.settings[:user]
+ Puppet.settings.setting(:yamldir).group.should == Puppet.settings[:group]
+ end
+ # See #1232
+ it "should not specify a user or group for the rundir" do
+ Puppet.settings.setting(:rundir).owner.should be_nil
+ Puppet.settings.setting(:rundir).group.should be_nil
+ end
+ it "should specify that the host private key should be owned by the service user" do
+ Puppet.settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true
+ Puppet.settings.setting(:hostprivkey).owner.should == Puppet.settings[:user]
+ end
+ it "should specify that the host certificate should be owned by the service user" do
+ Puppet.settings.stubs(:service_user_available?).returns true
+ Puppet.settings.setting(:hostcert).owner.should == Puppet.settings[:user]
+ end
+ it "should use a bind address of ''" do
+ Puppet.settings[:bindaddress].should == ""
+ end
+ [:factdest].each do |setting|
+ it "should force the :factdest to be a directory" do
+ Puppet.settings[setting].should =~ /\/$/
+ end
+ end
+ [:modulepath, :factpath].each do |setting|
+ it "should configure '#{setting}' not to be a file setting, so multi-directory settings are acceptable" do
+ Puppet.settings.setting(setting).should be_instance_of(Puppet::Util::Settings::Setting)
+ end
+ end
+ it "should add /usr/sbin and /sbin to the path if they're not there" do
+ withenv("PATH" => "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin") do
+ Puppet.settings[:path] = "none" # this causes it to ignore the setting
+ ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).should be_include("/usr/sbin")
+ ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).should be_include("/sbin")
+ end
+ end
+ it "should default to pson for the preferred serialization format" do
+ Puppet.settings.value(:preferred_serialization_format).should == "pson"
+ end
+ describe "when enabling storeconfigs" do
+ before do
+ Puppet::Resource::Catalog.stubs(:cache_class=)
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.stubs(:cache_class=)
+ Puppet::Node.stubs(:cache_class=)
+ Puppet.features.stubs(:rails?).returns true
+ end
+ it "should set the Catalog cache class to :active_record" do
+ Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:cache_class=).with(:active_record)
+ Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true
+ end
+ it "should not set the Catalog cache class to :active_record if asynchronous storeconfigs is enabled" do
+ Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:cache_class=).with(:active_record).never
+ Puppet.settings.expects(:value).with(:async_storeconfigs).returns true
+ Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true
+ end
+ it "should set the Facts cache class to :active_record" do
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.expects(:cache_class=).with(:active_record)
+ Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true
+ end
+ it "should set the Node cache class to :active_record" do
+ Puppet::Node.expects(:cache_class=).with(:active_record)
+ Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true
+ end
+ it "should fail if rails is not available" do
+ Puppet.features.stubs(:rails?).returns false
+ lambda { Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true }.should raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when enabling asynchronous storeconfigs" do
+ before do
+ Puppet::Resource::Catalog.stubs(:cache_class=)
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.stubs(:cache_class=)
+ Puppet::Node.stubs(:cache_class=)
+ Puppet.features.stubs(:rails?).returns true
+ end
+ it "should set storeconfigs to true" do
+ Puppet.settings[:async_storeconfigs] = true
+ Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs].should be_true
+ end
+ it "should set the Catalog cache class to :queue" do
+ Puppet::Resource::Catalog.expects(:cache_class=).with(:queue)
+ Puppet.settings[:async_storeconfigs] = true
+ end
+ it "should set the Facts cache class to :active_record" do
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.expects(:cache_class=).with(:active_record)
+ Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true
+ end
+ it "should set the Node cache class to :active_record" do
+ Puppet::Node.expects(:cache_class=).with(:active_record)
+ Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs] = true
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when enabling thin storeconfigs" do
+ before do
+ Puppet::Resource::Catalog.stubs(:cache_class=)
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.stubs(:cache_class=)
+ Puppet::Node.stubs(:cache_class=)
+ Puppet.features.stubs(:rails?).returns true
+ end
+ it "should set storeconfigs to true" do
+ Puppet.settings[:thin_storeconfigs] = true
+ Puppet.settings[:storeconfigs].should be_true
+ end
+ end
+ it "should have a setting for determining the configuration version and should default to an empty string" do
+ Puppet.settings[:config_version].should == ""
+ end
+ describe "when enabling reports" do
+ it "should use the default server value when report server is unspecified" do
+ Puppet.settings[:server] = "server"
+ Puppet.settings[:report_server].should == "server"
+ end
+ it "should use the default masterport value when report port is unspecified" do
+ Puppet.settings[:masterport] = "1234"
+ Puppet.settings[:report_port].should == "1234"
+ end
+ it "should set report_server when reportserver is set" do
+ Puppet.settings[:reportserver] = "reportserver"
+ Puppet.settings[:report_server].should == "reportserver"
+ end
+ it "should use report_port when set" do
+ Puppet.settings[:masterport] = "1234"
+ Puppet.settings[:report_port] = "5678"
+ Puppet.settings[:report_port].should == "5678"
+ end
+ it "should prefer report_server over reportserver" do
+ Puppet.settings[:reportserver] = "reportserver"
+ Puppet.settings[:report_server] = "report_server"
+ Puppet.settings[:report_server].should == "report_server"
+ end
+ end
+ it "should have a :caname setting that defaults to the cert name" do
+ Puppet.settings[:certname] = "foo"
+ Puppet.settings[:ca_name].should == "foo"
+ end
+ it "should have a 'prerun_command' that defaults to the empty string" do
+ Puppet.settings[:prerun_command].should == ""
+ end
+ it "should have a 'postrun_command' that defaults to the empty string" do
+ Puppet.settings[:postrun_command].should == ""
+ end
+ it "should have a 'certificate_revocation' setting that defaults to true" do
+ Puppet.settings[:certificate_revocation].should be_true
+ end
+ it "should have an http_compression setting that defaults to false" do
+ Puppet.settings[:http_compression].should be_false
+ end
+ describe "reportdir" do
+ subject { Puppet.settings[:reportdir] }
+ it { should == "#{Puppet[:vardir]}/reports" }
+ end
+ describe "reporturl" do
+ subject { Puppet.settings[:reporturl] }
+ it { should == "http://localhost:3000/reports" }
+ end