path: root/lib/puppet/external/gratr/rdot.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/puppet/external/gratr/rdot.rb')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/puppet/external/gratr/rdot.rb b/lib/puppet/external/gratr/rdot.rb
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index 000000000..4ce545ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/external/gratr/rdot.rb
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+# rdot.rb
+# $Id$
+# This is a modified version of dot.rb from Dave Thomas's rdoc project. I [Horst Duchene]
+# renamed it to rdot.rb to avoid collision with an installed rdoc/dot.
+# It also supports undirected edges.
+module DOT
+ # These glogal vars are used to make nice graph source.
+ $tab = ' '
+ $tab2 = $tab * 2
+ # if we don't like 4 spaces, we can change it any time
+ def change_tab (t)
+ $tab = t
+ $tab2 = t * 2
+ end
+ # options for node declaration
+ # attributes due to
+ #
+ # March, 26, 2005
+ 'bottomlabel', # auxiliary label for nodes of shape M*
+ 'color', # default: black; node shape color
+ 'comment', # any string (format-dependent)
+ 'distortion', # default: 0.0; node distortion for shape=polygon
+ 'fillcolor', # default: lightgrey/black; node fill color
+ 'fixedsize', # default: false; label text has no affect on node size
+ 'fontcolor', # default: black; type face color
+ 'fontname', # default: Times-Roman; font family
+ 'fontsize', #default: 14; point size of label
+ 'group', # name of nodes group
+ 'height', # default: .5; height in inches
+ 'label', # default: node name; any string
+ 'layer', # default: overlay range; all, id or id:id
+ 'orientation', # dafault: 0.0; node rotation angle
+ 'peripheries', # shape-dependent number of node boundaries
+ 'regular', # default: false; force polygon to be regular
+ 'shape', # default: ellipse; node shape; see Section 2.1 and Appendix E
+ 'shapefile', # external EPSF or SVG custom shape file
+ 'sides', # default: 4; number of sides for shape=polygon
+ 'skew' , # default: 0.0; skewing of node for shape=polygon
+ 'style', # graphics options, e.g. bold, dotted, filled; cf. Section 2.3
+ 'toplabel', # auxiliary label for nodes of shape M*
+ 'URL', # URL associated with node (format-dependent)
+ 'width', # default: .75; width in inches
+ 'z', #default: 0.0; z coordinate for VRML output
+ # maintained for backward compatibility or rdot internal
+ 'bgcolor',
+ 'rank'
+ ]
+ # options for edge declaration
+ 'arrowhead', # default: normal; style of arrowhead at head end
+ 'arrowsize', # default: 1.0; scaling factor for arrowheads
+ 'arrowtail', # default: normal; style of arrowhead at tail end
+ 'color', # default: black; edge stroke color
+ 'comment', # any string (format-dependent)
+ 'constraint', # default: true use edge to affect node ranking
+ 'decorate', # if set, draws a line connecting labels with their edges
+ 'dir', # default: forward; forward, back, both, or none
+ 'fontcolor', # default: black type face color
+ 'fontname', # default: Times-Roman; font family
+ 'fontsize', # default: 14; point size of label
+ 'headlabel', # label placed near head of edge
+ 'headport', # n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw
+ 'headURL', # URL attached to head label if output format is ismap
+ 'label', # edge label
+ 'labelangle', # default: -25.0; angle in degrees which head or tail label is rotated off edge
+ 'labeldistance', # default: 1.0; scaling factor for distance of head or tail label from node
+ 'labelfloat', # default: false; lessen constraints on edge label placement
+ 'labelfontcolor', # default: black; type face color for head and tail labels
+ 'labelfontname', # default: Times-Roman; font family for head and tail labels
+ 'labelfontsize', # default: 14 point size for head and tail labels
+ 'layer', # default: overlay range; all, id or id:id
+ 'lhead', # name of cluster to use as head of edge
+ 'ltail', # name of cluster to use as tail of edge
+ 'minlen', # default: 1 minimum rank distance between head and tail
+ 'samehead', # tag for head node; edge heads with the same tag are merged onto the same port
+ 'sametail', # tag for tail node; edge tails with the same tag are merged onto the same port
+ 'style', # graphics options, e.g. bold, dotted, filled; cf. Section 2.3
+ 'taillabel', # label placed near tail of edge
+ 'tailport', # n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw
+ 'tailURL', # URL attached to tail label if output format is ismap
+ 'weight', # default: 1; integer cost of stretching an edge
+ # maintained for backward compatibility or rdot internal
+ 'id'
+ ]
+ # options for graph declaration
+ 'bgcolor',
+ 'center', 'clusterrank', 'color', 'concentrate',
+ 'fontcolor', 'fontname', 'fontsize',
+ 'label', 'layerseq',
+ 'margin', 'mclimit',
+ 'nodesep', 'nslimit',
+ 'ordering', 'orientation',
+ 'page',
+ 'rank', 'rankdir', 'ranksep', 'ratio',
+ 'size'
+ ]
+ # a root class for any element in dot notation
+ class DOTSimpleElement
+ attr_accessor :name
+ def initialize (params = {})
+ @label = params['name'] ? params['name'] : ''
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @name
+ end
+ end
+ # an element that has options ( node, edge, or graph )
+ class DOTElement < DOTSimpleElement
+ # attr_reader :parent
+ attr_accessor :name, :options
+ def initialize (params = {}, option_list = [])
+ super(params)
+ @name = params['name'] ? params['name'] : nil
+ @parent = params['parent'] ? params['parent'] : nil
+ @options = {}
+ option_list.each{ |i|
+ @options[i] = params[i] if params[i]
+ }
+ @options['label'] ||= @name if @name != 'node'
+ end
+ def each_option
+ @options.each{ |i| yield i }
+ end
+ def each_option_pair
+ @options.each_pair{ |key, val| yield key, val }
+ end
+ #def parent=( thing )
+ # @parent.delete( self ) if defined?( @parent ) and @parent
+ # @parent = thing
+ #end
+ end
+ # This is used when we build nodes that have shape=record
+ # ports don't have options :)
+ class DOTPort < DOTSimpleElement
+ attr_accessor :label
+ def initialize (params = {})
+ super(params)
+ @name = params['label'] ? params['label'] : ''
+ end
+ def to_s
+ ( @name && @name != "" ? "<#{@name}>" : "" ) + "#{@label}"
+ end
+ end
+ # node element
+ class DOTNode < DOTElement
+ @ports
+ def initialize (params = {}, option_list = NODE_OPTS)
+ super(params, option_list)
+ @ports = params['ports'] ? params['ports'] : []
+ end
+ def each_port
+ @ports.each { |i| yield i }
+ end
+ def << (thing)
+ @ports << thing
+ end
+ def push (thing)
+ @ports.push(thing)
+ end
+ def pop
+ @ports.pop
+ end
+ def to_s (t = '')
+ # This code is totally incomprehensible; it needs to be replaced!
+ label = @options['shape'] != 'record' && @ports.length == 0 ?
+ @options['label'] ?
+ t + $tab + "label = \"#{@options['label']}\"\n" :
+ '' :
+ t + $tab + 'label = "' + " \\\n" +
+ t + $tab2 + "#{@options['label']}| \\\n" +
+ @ports.collect{ |i|
+ t + $tab2 + i.to_s
+ }.join( "| \\\n" ) + " \\\n" +
+ t + $tab + '"' + "\n"
+ t + "#{@name} [\n" +
+ @options.to_a.collect{ |i|
+ i[1] && i[0] != 'label' ?
+ t + $tab + "#{i[0]} = #{i[1]}" : nil
+ }.compact.join( ",\n" ) + ( label != '' ? ",\n" : "\n" ) +
+ label +
+ t + "]\n"
+ end
+ end # class DOTNode
+ # A subgraph element is the same to graph, but has another header in dot
+ # notation.
+ class DOTSubgraph < DOTElement
+ @nodes
+ @dot_string
+ def initialize (params = {}, option_list = GRAPH_OPTS)
+ super(params, option_list)
+ @nodes = params['nodes'] ? params['nodes'] : []
+ @dot_string = 'graph'
+ end
+ def each_node
+ @nodes.each{ |i| yield i }
+ end
+ def << (thing)
+ @nodes << thing
+ end
+ def push (thing)
+ @nodes.push( thing )
+ end
+ def pop
+ @nodes.pop
+ end
+ def to_s (t = '')
+ hdr = t + "#{@dot_string} #{@name} {\n"
+ options = @options.to_a.collect{ |name, val|
+ val && name != 'label' ?
+ t + $tab + "#{name} = #{val}" :
+ name ? t + $tab + "#{name} = \"#{val}\"" : nil
+ }.compact.join( "\n" ) + "\n"
+ nodes = @nodes.collect{ |i|
+ i.to_s( t + $tab )
+ }.join( "\n" ) + "\n"
+ hdr + options + nodes + t + "}\n"
+ end
+ end # class DOTSubgraph
+ # This is a graph.
+ class DOTDigraph < DOTSubgraph
+ def initialize (params = {}, option_list = GRAPH_OPTS)
+ super(params, option_list)
+ @dot_string = 'digraph'
+ end
+ end # class DOTDigraph
+ # This is an edge.
+ class DOTEdge < DOTElement
+ attr_accessor :from, :to
+ def initialize (params = {}, option_list = EDGE_OPTS)
+ super(params, option_list)
+ @from = params['from'] ? params['from'] : nil
+ @to = params['to'] ? params['to'] : nil
+ end
+ def edge_link
+ '--'
+ end
+ def to_s (t = '')
+ t + "#{@from} #{edge_link} #{to} [\n" +
+ @options.to_a.collect{ |i|
+ i[1] && i[0] != 'label' ?
+ t + $tab + "#{i[0]} = #{i[1]}" :
+ i[1] ? t + $tab + "#{i[0]} = \"#{i[1]}\"" : nil
+ }.compact.join( "\n" ) + "\n" + t + "]\n"
+ end
+ end # class DOTEdge
+ class DOTDirectedEdge < DOTEdge
+ def edge_link
+ '->'
+ end
+ end # class DOTDirectedEdge
+end # module DOT