path: root/bin/puppetd
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1 files changed, 134 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/bin/puppetd b/bin/puppetd
index 7b5184948..d65240c7c 100755
--- a/bin/puppetd
+++ b/bin/puppetd
@@ -1,64 +1,150 @@
-# the puppet client
+# == Synopsis
-# $Id$
+# Retrieve the client configuration from the central puppet server and apply
+# it to the local host.
+# Currently must be run out periodically, using cron or something similar.
+# = Usage
+# puppetd [-h|--help] [-V|--version] [-d|--debug] [-v|--verbose]
+# [--ssldir <cert directory>] [-l|--logdest <syslog|<file>|console>]
+# [--fqdn <host name>] [-p|--port <port>] [-s|--server <server>]
+# = Description
+# This is the main puppet client. Its job is to retrieve the local machine's
+# configuration from a remote server and apply it. In order to successfully
+# communicate with the remote server, the client must have a certificate signed
+# by a certificate authority that the server trusts; the recommended method
+# for this, at the moment, is to run a certificate authority as part of the
+# puppet server (which is the default). The client will connect and request
+# a signed certificate, and will continue connecting until it receives one.
+# Once the client has a signed certificate, it will retrieve its configuration
+# and apply it.
+# = Options
+# debug::
+# Enable full debugging.
+# fqdn::
+# Set the fully-qualified domain name of the client. This is only used for
+# certificate purposes, but can be used to override the discovered hostname.
+# If you need to use this flag, it is generally an indication of a setup problem.
+# help::
+# Print this help message
+# logdest::
+# Where to send messages. Choose between syslog, the console, and a log file.
+# Defaults to sending messages to /var/puppet/log/puppet.log, or the console
+# if debugging or verbosity is enabled.
+# port::
+# The port to which to connect on the remote server. Currently defaults to 8139.
+# server::
+# The remote server from whom to receive the local configuration. Currently
+# must also be the certificate authority. Currently defaults to 'localhost'.
+# ssldir::
+# Where to store and find certificates. Defaults to /etc/puppet/ssl.
+# verbose::
+# Turn on verbose reporting.
+# version::
+# Print the puppet version number and exit.
+# = Example
+# puppet -s
+# = Author
+# Luke Kanies
+# = Copyright
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Reductive Labs, LLC
+# Licensed under the GNU Public License
-$:.unshift '../lib'
require 'puppet'
require 'puppet/server'
require 'puppet/client'
require 'getoptlong'
+$haveusage = true
+ require 'rdoc/usage'
+ $haveusage = false
result =
- [ "--logfile", "-l", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ "--ssldir", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--debug", "-d", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
[ "--fqdn", "-f", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ "--server", "-s", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ "--secure", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--logdest", "-l", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ "--port", "-p", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ "--noinit", "-n", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
- [ "--debug", "-d", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--server", "-s", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--ssldir", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ "--verbose", "-v", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
- [ "--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]
+ [ "--version", "-V", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]
-noinit = false
server = "localhost"
-proto = "http"
fqdn = nil
+args = {}
-result.each { |opt,arg|
- case opt
- when "--help"
- puts "There is no help yet"
- exit
- when "--verbose"
- Puppet[:loglevel] = :info
- when "--debug"
- Puppet[:loglevel] = :debug
- when "--ssldir"
- Puppet[:ssldir] = arg
- when "--secure"
- proto = "https"
- when "--noinit"
- noinit = true
- when "--fqdn"
- fqdn = arg
- when "--server"
- server = arg
- when "--port"
- Puppet[:masterport] = arg
- when "--logfile"
- Puppet[:logfile] = arg
- else
- puts "Invalid option '#{opt}'"
- exit(10)
- end
+ result.each { |opt,arg|
+ case opt
+ when "--help"
+ if $haveusage
+ RDoc::usage && exit
+ else
+ puts "No help available unless you have RDoc::usage installed"
+ exit
+ end
+ when "--version"
+ puts "%s" % Puppet.version
+ exit
+ when "--verbose"
+ Puppet[:loglevel] = :info
+ when "--debug"
+ Puppet[:loglevel] = :debug
+ when "--ssldir"
+ Puppet[:ssldir] = arg
+ when "--fqdn"
+ fqdn = arg
+ when "--server"
+ server = arg
+ when "--port"
+ args[:Port] = arg
+ when "--logdest"
+ # FIXME we should be able to have log.rb check the validity of the dst
+ case arg
+ when "syslog", "console", /^\//:
+ Puppet[:logdest] = arg
+ else
+ $stderr.puts "Invalid log destination %s" % arg
+ end
+ end
+ }
+rescue GetoptLong::InvalidOption => detail
+ $stderr.puts "Try '#{$0} --help'"
+ #$stderr.puts detail
+ # FIXME RDoc::usage doesn't seem to work
+ #if $haveusage
+ # RDoc::usage(1,'usage')
+ #end
+ exit(1)
bg = false
@@ -66,7 +152,7 @@ unless Puppet[:loglevel] == :debug or Puppet[:loglevel] == :info
bg = true
-args = {:Server => server}
+args[:Server] = server
if fqdn
args[:FQDN] = fqdn
@@ -75,8 +161,8 @@ client =
unless client.readcert
while ! client.requestcert do
- Puppet.notice "Could not request certificate"
- sleep 5
+ Puppet.notice "Did not receive certificate"
+ sleep 60
rescue => detail
Puppet.err "Could not request certificate: %s" % detail.to_s
@@ -90,13 +176,6 @@ if bg
-#threads = []
-#threads << {
-# trap(:INT) {
-# client.shutdown
-# }
-# client.start
+# $Id$