path: root/test
diff options
authorMatt Robinson <>2010-12-14 11:51:13 -0800
committerMatt Robinson <>2010-12-14 11:52:24 -0800
commitcca3436db8ba90eeaeefd8a58567becfcb330acc (patch)
treeb2a4025827a4bb7894f53ce1836cedeab3c97617 /test
parent8a03adf6c121c8d558faaa555051b6feede861ab (diff)
(#5427) Remove redundant testunit tests
These tests are now better tested in the specs. Paired-with: Nick Lewis
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 205 deletions
diff --git a/test/ral/providers/host/parsed.rb b/test/ral/providers/host/parsed.rb
index 1e847f8e7..521654d53 100755
--- a/test/ral/providers/host/parsed.rb
+++ b/test/ral/providers/host/parsed.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../lib/puppettest')
-require 'etc'
require 'puppettest'
require 'puppettest/fileparsing'
require 'test/unit'
@@ -25,213 +24,9 @@ class TestParsedHostProvider < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_provider_existence
- assert(@provider, "Could not retrieve provider")
- end
- # Here we just create a fake host type that answers to all of the methods
- # but does not modify our actual system.
- def mkfaketype
- @provider.filetype = Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:ram)
- end
- def mkhosthash
- if defined?(@hcount)
- @hcount += 1
- else
- @hcount = 1
- end
- return {
- :name => "fakehost#{@hcount}",
- :ip => "192.168.27.#{@hcount}",
- :host_aliases => ["alias#{@hcount}"],
- :ensure => :present
- }
- end
- def mkhost
- hash = mkhosthash
- fakeresource = fakeresource(:host, hash[:name])
- host =
- assert(host, "Could not create provider host")
- hash.each do |name, val|
- host.send(name.to_s + "=", val)
- end
- host
- end
- # Make sure we convert both directlys correctly using a simple host.
- def test_basic_isomorphism
- hash = {:record_type => :parsed, :name => "myhost", :ip => "", :host_aliases => %w{another host},
- :comment => ''}
- str = nil
- assert_nothing_raised do
- str = @provider.to_line(hash)
- end
- assert_equal("\tmyhost\tanother\thost", str)
- newhash = nil
- assert_nothing_raised do
- newhash = @provider.parse(str).shift
- end
- assert_equal(hash, newhash)
- end
- # Make sure parsing gets comments, blanks, and hosts
- def test_blanks_and_comments
- mkfaketype
- text = %{# comment one
-# another comment
- instances = nil
- assert_nothing_raised do
- instances = @provider.parse(text)
- end
- assert_equal(
- [
- {:record_type => :comment, :line => "# comment one"},
- {:record_type => :blank, :line => ""},
- {:record_type => :parsed, :name => "myhost", :ip => "", :host_aliases => %w{another host},
- :comment => ''},
- {:record_type => :blank, :line => " "},
- {:record_type => :comment, :line => "# another comment"},
- {:record_type => :parsed, :name => "anotherhost", :ip => "", :host_aliases => [],
- :comment => ''}
- ], instances)
- newtext = nil
- assert_nothing_raised do
- newtext = @provider.to_file(instances).gsub(/^# HEADER.+\n/, '')
- end
- assert_equal(text, newtext)
- end
- def test_simplehost
- mkfaketype
- @provider.default_target = :yayness
- file = @provider.target_object(:yayness)
- # Start out with no content.
- assert_nothing_raised {
- assert_equal([], @provider.parse(
- }
- # Now create a provider
- host = nil
- assert_nothing_raised {
- host = mkhost
- }
- # Make sure we're still empty
- assert_nothing_raised {
- assert_equal([], @provider.parse(
- }
- # Try storing it
- assert_nothing_raised do
- host.flush
- end
- # Make sure we get the host back
- assert_nothing_raised {
- assert(
- "Did not flush host to disk")
- }
- # Remove a single field and make sure it gets tossed
- name = host.host_aliases
- host.host_aliases = [:absent]
- assert_nothing_raised {
- host.flush
- assert(
- ![0]),
- "Did not remove host_aliases from disk")
- }
- # Make sure it throws up if we remove a required field
- host.ip = :absent
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
- host.flush
- }
- # Now remove the whole object
- host.ensure = :absent
- assert_nothing_raised {
- host.flush
- assert_equal([], @provider.parse(
- }
- end
# Parse our sample data and make sure we regenerate it correctly.
def test_hostsparse
fakedata("data/types/hosts").each do |file| fakedataparse(file) end
- # Make sure we can modify the file elsewhere and those modifications will
- # get taken into account.
- def test_modifyingfile
- hostfile = tempfile
- @provider.default_target = hostfile
- file = @provider.target_object(hostfile)
- hosts = []
- 3.times {
- h = mkhost
- hosts << h
- }
- hosts.each do |host|
- host.flush
- end
- newhost = mkhost
- hosts << newhost
- # Now store our new host
- newhost.flush
- # Verify we can retrieve that info
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not retrieve after second write") {
- @provider.prefetch
- }
- text =
- instances = @provider.parse(text)
- # And verify that we have data for everything
- hosts.each { |host|
- name = host.resource[:name]
- assert(text.include?(name), "Host #{name} is not in file")
- hash = host.property_hash
- assert(! hash.empty?, "Could not find host #{name}")
- assert(hash[:ip], "Could not find ip for host #{name}")
- }
- end