path: root/test
diff options
authorLuke Kanies <>2008-02-11 17:24:02 -0600
committerLuke Kanies <>2008-02-11 17:24:02 -0600
commit6a4cf6c978e8c8aebba4ed0f16d3de7bb31a0ce0 (patch)
treedf96556dd073aa5d0c23c735a2456da8f144f6b9 /test
parent3b740ff7a6ab7127ec5e4935782c33245687c429 (diff)
Fixed #1030 - class and definition evaluation has been significantly
refactored, fixing this problem and making the whole interplay between the classes, definitions, and nodes, and the Compile class much cleaner.
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/test/language/ast/hostclass.rb b/test/language/ast/hostclass.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 7697317a6..000000000
--- a/test/language/ast/hostclass.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Created by Luke A. Kanies on 2006-02-20.
-# Copyright (c) 2006. All rights reserved.
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/puppettest'
-require 'puppettest'
-require 'puppettest/parsertesting'
-require 'puppettest/resourcetesting'
-require 'mocha'
-class TestASTHostClass < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include PuppetTest
- include PuppetTest::ParserTesting
- include PuppetTest::ResourceTesting
- AST = Puppet::Parser::AST
- def test_hostclass
- scope = mkscope
- parser = scope.compile.parser
- # Create the class we're testing, first with no parent
- klass = parser.newclass "first",
- :code =>
- :children => [resourcedef("file", "/tmp",
- "owner" => "nobody", "mode" => "755")]
- )
- resource = => "class", :title => "first", :scope => scope)
- assert_nothing_raised do
- klass.evaluate_code(resource)
- end
- # Then try it again
- assert_nothing_raised do
- klass.evaluate_code(resource)
- end
- assert(scope.compile.class_scope(klass), "Class was not considered evaluated")
- tmp = scope.findresource("File[/tmp]")
- assert(tmp, "Could not find file /tmp")
- assert_equal("nobody", tmp[:owner])
- assert_equal("755", tmp[:mode])
- # Now create a couple more classes.
- newbase = parser.newclass "newbase",
- :code =>
- :children => [resourcedef("file", "/tmp/other",
- "owner" => "nobody", "mode" => "644")]
- )
- newsub = parser.newclass "newsub",
- :parent => "newbase",
- :code =>
- :children => [resourcedef("file", "/tmp/yay",
- "owner" => "nobody", "mode" => "755"),
- resourceoverride("file", "/tmp/other",
- "owner" => "daemon")
- ]
- )
- # Override a different variable in the top scope.
- moresub = parser.newclass "moresub",
- :parent => "newbase",
- :code =>
- :children => [resourceoverride("file", "/tmp/other",
- "mode" => "755")]
- )
- assert_nothing_raised do
- newsub.evaluate_code(resource)
- end
- assert_nothing_raised do
- moresub.evaluate_code(resource)
- end
- assert(scope.compile.class_scope(newbase), "Did not eval newbase")
- assert(scope.compile.class_scope(newsub), "Did not eval newsub")
- yay = scope.findresource("File[/tmp/yay]")
- assert(yay, "Did not find file /tmp/yay")
- assert_equal("nobody", yay[:owner])
- assert_equal("755", yay[:mode])
- other = scope.findresource("File[/tmp/other]")
- assert(other, "Did not find file /tmp/other")
- assert_equal("daemon", other[:owner])
- assert_equal("755", other[:mode])
- end
- # Make sure that classes set their namespaces to themselves. This
- # way they start looking for definitions in their own namespace.
- def test_hostclass_namespace
- scope = mkscope
- parser = scope.compile.parser
- # Create a new class
- klass = nil
- assert_nothing_raised do
- klass = parser.newclass "funtest"
- end
- # Now define a definition in that namespace
- define = nil
- assert_nothing_raised do
- define = parser.newdefine "funtest::mydefine"
- end
- assert_equal("funtest", klass.namespace,
- "component namespace was not set in the class")
- assert_equal("funtest", define.namespace,
- "component namespace was not set in the definition")
- newscope = klass.subscope(scope, mock("resource"))
- assert_equal(["funtest"], newscope.namespaces,
- "Scope did not inherit namespace")
- # Now make sure we can find the define
- assert(newscope.finddefine("mydefine"),
- "Could not find definition in my enclosing class")
- end
- # Make sure that our scope is a subscope of the parentclass's scope.
- # At the same time, make sure definitions in the parent class can be
- # found within the subclass (#517).
- def test_parent_scope_from_parentclass
- scope = mkscope
- parser = scope.compile.parser
- source = parser.newclass ""
- parser.newclass("base")
- fun = parser.newdefine("base::fun")
- parser.newclass("middle", :parent => "base")
- parser.newclass("sub", :parent => "middle")
- scope = mkscope :parser => parser
- ret = nil
- assert_nothing_raised do
- ret = scope.compile.evaluate_classes(["sub"], scope)
- end
- scope.compile.send(:evaluate_generators)
- subscope = scope.compile.class_scope(scope.findclass("sub"))
- assert(subscope, "could not find sub scope")
- mscope = scope.compile.class_scope(scope.findclass("middle"))
- assert(mscope, "could not find middle scope")
- pscope = scope.compile.class_scope(scope.findclass("base"))
- assert(pscope, "could not find parent scope")
- assert(pscope == mscope.parent, "parent scope of middle was not set correctly")
- assert(mscope == subscope.parent, "parent scope of sub was not set correctly")
- result = mscope.finddefine("fun")
- assert(result, "could not find parent-defined definition from middle")
- assert(fun == result, "found incorrect parent-defined definition from middle")
- result = subscope.finddefine("fun")
- assert(result, "could not find parent-defined definition from sub")
- assert(fun == result, "found incorrect parent-defined definition from sub")
- end
- # #795 - make sure the subclass's tags get set before we
- # evaluate the parent class, so we can be sure that the parent
- # class can switch based on the sub classes.
- def test_tags_set_before_parent_is_evaluated
- scope = mkscope
- parser = scope.compile.parser
- base = parser.newclass "base"
- sub = parser.newclass "sub", :parent => "base"
- base.expects(:evaluate_code).with do |*args|
- assert(scope.catalog.tags.include?("sub"), "Did not tag with sub class name before evaluating base class")
- base.evaluate_code(*args)
- true
- end
- sub.evaluate_code scope.resource
- end