path: root/test
diff options
authorLuke Kanies <>2008-05-07 12:29:58 -0500
committerLuke Kanies <>2008-05-07 12:29:58 -0500
commit330359015602eba83077fccaa708c819d2d78b53 (patch)
treeab124f5ae2a2493218b45b48cb3f07d9c8087f4a /test
parent8fd68e388aa0b26d2dacc201086960385ff5c834 (diff)
The master and client now successfully speak xmlrpc using the new system.
The server is actually serving REST, but the client can't use it until we resolve the format and security issues that REST hasn't yet tackled.
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/test/executables/puppetmasterd.rb b/test/executables/puppetmasterd.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 6d4ddf56f..000000000
--- a/test/executables/puppetmasterd.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/puppettest'
-require 'puppet'
-require 'puppet/network/client'
-require 'puppettest'
-require 'socket'
-class TestPuppetMasterD < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include PuppetTest::ExeTest
- def setup
- super
- Puppet[:certdnsnames] = "localhost"
- end
- def getcerts
- include Puppet::Daemon
- if self.readcerts
- return [@cert, @key, @cacert, @cacertfile]
- else
- raise "Couldn't read certs"
- end
- end
- # start the daemon and verify it responds and such
- def test_normalstart
- startmasterd
- pidfile = File.join(Puppet[:vardir], "run", "")
- assert(FileTest.exists?(pidfile), "PID file does not exist")
- sleep(1)
- assert_nothing_raised {
- socket ="", @@port)
- socket.close
- }
- client = nil
- assert_nothing_raised() {
- client =
- :Server => "localhost",
- :Port => @@port
- )
- }
- # set our client up to auto-sign
- assert(Puppet[:autosign] =~ /^#{File::SEPARATOR}/,
- "Autosign is set to %s, not a file" % Puppet[:autosign])
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(Puppet[:autosign]))
-[:autosign], "w") { |f|
- f.puts Puppet[:certname]
- }
- retval = nil
- # init the client certs
- assert_nothing_raised() {
- client.cert
- }
- # call status
- assert_nothing_raised() {
- retval = client.status
- }
- assert_equal(1, retval, "Status.status return value was %s" % retval)
- # this client shoulduse the same certs
- assert_nothing_raised() {
- client =
- :Server => "localhost",
- :Port => @@port
- )
- }
- assert_nothing_raised() {
- retval = client.getconfig
- }
- objects = nil
- end
- # verify that we can run puppetmasterd in parse-only mode
- def test_parseonly
- startmasterd("--parseonly > /dev/null")
- sleep(1)
- pid = nil
- ps = Facter["ps"].value || "ps -ef"
- %x{#{ps}}.chomp.split(/\n/).each { |line|
- next if line =~ /^puppet/ # skip normal master procs
- if line =~ /puppetmasterd.+--manifest/
- ary = line.split(" ")
- pid = ary[1].to_i
- end
- }
- assert($? == 0, "Puppetmasterd ended with non-zero exit status")
- assert_nil(pid, "Puppetmasterd is still running after parseonly")
- end
- def disabled_test_sslconnection
- #file = File.join(exampledir, "code", "head")
- #startmasterd("--manifest #{file}")
- #assert_nothing_raised {
- # socket ="", Puppet[:masterport])
- # socket.close
- #}
- client = nil
- cert, key, cacert, cacertfile = getcerts()
- assert_nothing_raised() {
- client ="localhost", Puppet[:masterport])
- client.cert = cert
- client.key = key
- client.ca_file = cacertfile
- client.use_ssl = true
- client.start_immediately = true
- }
- retval = nil
- assert_nothing_raised() {
- retval = client.nothing
- }
- assert_equal(1, retval, "return value was %s" % retval)
- facts = {}
- Facter.each { |p,v|
- facts[p] = v
- }
- textfacts = CGI.escape(YAML.dump(facts))
- assert_nothing_raised() {
- #Puppet.notice "calling status"
- #retval ="status.status", "")
- retval ="puppetmaster.getconfig", textfacts, "yaml")
- }
- objects = nil
- assert_nothing_raised {
- YAML.load(CGI.unescape(retval))
- }
- #stopmasterd
- end
diff --git a/test/lib/puppettest/exetest.rb b/test/lib/puppettest/exetest.rb
index 05de56c0f..0d66c5a07 100644
--- a/test/lib/puppettest/exetest.rb
+++ b/test/lib/puppettest/exetest.rb
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ module PuppetTest::ExeTest
args += " --masterport %s" % @@port
args += " --user %s" % Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.uid
args += " --group %s" % Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.gid
- args += " --nonodes"
args += " --autosign true"
#if Puppet[:debug]