path: root/spec
diff options
authorLuke Kanies <>2008-09-30 17:49:18 -0500
committerLuke Kanies <>2008-09-30 17:49:18 -0500
commit4c998fe67d7e82c91d5fefd3c0239cb132e9a16d (patch)
treee090b61bd6513597d1e1a33cbfe9113a3620669f /spec
parent6bc56aecdb08b894961563035551480a01e93d53 (diff)
Fixing #1622 - The user type only looks up groups when necessary.
Also added a bunch of tests to the user type, and refactored as necessary for this to work. Signed-off-by: Luke Kanies <>
Diffstat (limited to 'spec')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/type/user.rb b/spec/unit/type/user.rb
index 4576f560b..8fe16901e 100755
--- a/spec/unit/type/user.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/type/user.rb
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
user = Puppet::Type.type(:user)
describe user do
+ before do
+ @provider = stub 'provider'
+ @resource = stub 'resource', :resource => nil, :provider => @provider, :line => nil, :file => nil
+ end
after { user.clear }
it "should have a default provider inheriting from Puppet::Provider" do
@@ -15,10 +20,144 @@ describe user do
user.create(:name => "foo").should_not be_nil
- describe "instances" do
+ it "should have an allows_duplicates feature" do
+ user.provider_feature(:allows_duplicates).should_not be_nil
+ end
+ it "should have an manages_homedir feature" do
+ user.provider_feature(:manages_homedir).should_not be_nil
+ end
+ it "should have an manages_passwords feature" do
+ user.provider_feature(:manages_passwords).should_not be_nil
+ end
+ describe "instances" do
it "should have a valid provider" do
user.create(:name => "foo").provider.class.ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Provider)
+ [:ensure, :uid, :gid, :home, :comment, :shell, :password, :groups].each do |property|
+ it "should have a %s property" % property do
+ user.attrclass(property).ancestors.should be_include(Puppet::Property)
+ end
+ it "should have documentation for its %s property" % property do
+ user.attrclass(property).doc.should be_instance_of(String)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when managing the ensure property" do
+ before do
+ @ensure = user.attrclass(:ensure).new(:resource => @resource)
+ end
+ it "should support a :present value" do
+ lambda { @ensure.should = :present }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should support an :absent value" do
+ lambda { @ensure.should = :absent }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should call :create on the provider when asked to sync to the :present state" do
+ @provider.expects(:create)
+ @ensure.should = :present
+ @ensure.sync
+ end
+ it "should call :delete on the provider when asked to sync to the :absent state" do
+ @provider.expects(:delete)
+ @ensure.should = :absent
+ @ensure.sync
+ end
+ describe "and determining the current state" do
+ it "should return :present when the provider indicates the user exists" do
+ @provider.expects(:exists?).returns true
+ @ensure.retrieve.should == :present
+ end
+ it "should return :absent when the provider indicates the user does not exist" do
+ @provider.expects(:exists?).returns false
+ @ensure.retrieve.should == :absent
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when managing the uid property" do
+ it "should convert number-looking strings into actual numbers" do
+ uid = user.attrclass(:uid).new(:resource => @resource)
+ uid.should = "50"
+ uid.should.must == 50
+ end
+ it "should support UIDs as numbers" do
+ uid = user.attrclass(:uid).new(:resource => @resource)
+ uid.should = 50
+ uid.should.must == 50
+ end
+ it "should :absent as a value" do
+ uid = user.attrclass(:uid).new(:resource => @resource)
+ uid.should = :absent
+ uid.should.must == :absent
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when managing the gid" do
+ it "should :absent as a value" do
+ gid = user.attrclass(:gid).new(:resource => @resource)
+ gid.should = :absent
+ gid.should.must == :absent
+ end
+ it "should convert number-looking strings into actual numbers" do
+ gid = user.attrclass(:gid).new(:resource => @resource)
+ gid.should = "50"
+ gid.should.must == 50
+ end
+ it "should support GIDs specified as integers" do
+ gid = user.attrclass(:gid).new(:resource => @resource)
+ gid.should = 50
+ gid.should.must == 50
+ end
+ it "should support groups specified by name" do
+ gid = user.attrclass(:gid).new(:resource => @resource)
+ gid.should = "foo"
+ gid.should.must == "foo"
+ end
+ describe "when syncing" do
+ before do
+ @gid = user.attrclass(:gid).new(:resource => @resource, :should => %w{foo bar})
+ end
+ it "should use the first found, specified group as the desired value and send it to the provider" do
+ Puppet::Util.expects(:gid).with("foo").returns nil
+ Puppet::Util.expects(:gid).with("bar").returns 500
+ @provider.expects(:gid=).with 500
+ @gid.sync
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when managing passwords" do
+ before do
+ @password = user.attrclass(:password).new(:resource => @resource, :should => "mypass")
+ end
+ it "should not include the password in the change log when adding the password" do
+ @password.change_to_s(:absent, "mypass").should_not be_include("mypass")
+ end
+ it "should not include the password in the change log when changing the password" do
+ @password.change_to_s("other", "mypass").should_not be_include("mypass")
+ end
+ end