path: root/spec/unit
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authorPeter Meier <>2011-04-29 15:56:15 +0200
committerPieter van de Bruggen <>2011-07-27 14:20:42 -0700
commitc315da0efeace1878a877dc4b2f4aebc1ec13f0d (patch)
tree1d3faf4e63d214c5ed10a48629acb1437ac93e71 /spec/unit
parent5682125e1800f4c7b69b20fdd28f97a473d5d93c (diff)
Fix #1886 - Add node cleanup capability
Here is a changeset that adds a new action to the puppet node face. This application removes all traces of a node on the puppetmaster (including certs, cached facts and nodes, reports, and storedconfig entries). Furthermore it is capable of unexporting exported resources of a host so that consumers of these resources can remove the exported resources and we will safely remove the node from our infrastructure. Usage: puppet node clean [--unexport] <host> [<host2> ...] To achieve this we add different destroy methods to the different parts of the indirector. So for example for yaml indirections we already offer read access for the yaml, this changeset adds the destroy handler which only removes the yaml file for a request. This can be used to remove cached entries. This work is based on the initial work of Brice Figureau <>
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/unit')
3 files changed, 298 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/face/node_spec.rb b/spec/unit/face/node_spec.rb
index 027a4cce0..4ba1d134c 100755
--- a/spec/unit/face/node_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/face/node_spec.rb
@@ -4,4 +4,260 @@ require 'puppet/face'
describe Puppet::Face[:node, '0.0.1'] do
it "REVISIT: really should have some tests"
+ describe "clean action" do
+ it "should have a clean action" do
+ subject.should be_action :clean
+ end
+ it "should not accept a call with no arguments" do
+ expect { subject.clean() }.should raise_error
+ end
+ it "should accept a node name" do
+ expect { subject.clean('hostname') }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should accept more than one node name" do
+ expect { subject.clean(['hostname', 'hostname2'],{}) }.should_not raise_error
+ expect { subject.clean(['hostname', 'hostname2', 'hostname3'],{:unexport => true}) }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ it "should accept the option --unexport" do
+ expect {'hostname', :unexport => true) }.
+ should_not raise_error ArgumentError
+ end
+ context "clean action" do
+ subject { Puppet::Face[:node, 'current'] }
+ before :each do
+ Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination)
+ Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:level=)
+ end
+ describe "during setup" do
+ before :each do
+ Puppet::Log.stubs(:newdestination)
+ Puppet::Log.stubs(:level=)
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.stubs(:terminus_class=)
+ Puppet::Node.stubs(:cache_class=)
+ end
+ it "should set facts terminus and cache class to yaml" do
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.expects(:terminus_class=).with(:yaml)
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:yaml)
+ subject.clean('hostname')
+ end
+ it "should run in master mode" do
+ subject.clean('hostname')
+ $ == :master
+ end
+ it "should set node cache as yaml" do
+ Puppet::Node.indirection.expects(:terminus_class=).with(:yaml)
+ Puppet::Node.indirection.expects(:cache_class=).with(:yaml)
+ subject.clean('hostname')
+ end
+ it "should manage the certs if the host is a CA" do
+ Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.stubs(:ca?).returns(true)
+ Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:ca_location=).with(:local)
+ subject.clean('hostname')
+ end
+ it "should not manage the certs if the host is not a CA" do
+ Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.stubs(:ca?).returns(false)
+ Puppet::SSL::Host.expects(:ca_location=).with(:none)
+ subject.clean('hostname')
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when running" do
+ before :each do
+ @host = 'hostname'
+ Puppet.stubs(:info)
+ [ "cert", "cached_facts", "cached_node", "reports" ].each do |m|
+ subject.stubs("clean_#{m}".to_sym).with(@host)
+ end
+ subject.stubs(:clean_storeconfigs).with(@host,nil)
+ end
+ [ "cert", "cached_facts", "cached_node", "reports" ].each do |m|
+ it "should clean #{m.sub('_',' ')}" do
+ subject.expects("clean_#{m}".to_sym).with(@host)
+ subject.clean(@host)
+ end
+ end
+ it "should clean storeconfigs" do
+ subject.expects(:clean_storeconfigs).with(@host,nil)
+ subject.clean(@host)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when cleaning certificate" do
+ before :each do
+ Puppet::SSL::Host.stubs(:destroy)
+ @ca = mock()
+ Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.stubs(:instance).returns(@ca)
+ end
+ it "should send the :destroy order to the ca if we are a CA" do
+ Puppet::SSL::Host.stubs(:ca_location).returns(:local)
+ @ca.expects(:apply).with { |cert_mode,to| cert_mode == :revoke }
+ @ca.expects(:apply).with { |cert_mode,to| cert_mode == :destroy }
+ subject.clean_cert(@host)
+ end
+ it "should not destroy the certs if we are not a CA" do
+ Puppet::SSL::Host.stubs(:ca_location).returns(:none)
+ @ca.expects(:apply).never
+ subject.clean_cert(@host)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when cleaning cached facts" do
+ it "should destroy facts" do
+ @host = 'node'
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.expects(:destroy).with(@host)
+ subject.clean_cached_facts(@host)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when cleaning cached node" do
+ it "should destroy the cached node" do
+ Puppet::Node::Yaml.any_instance.expects(:destroy)
+ subject.clean_cached_node(@host)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when cleaning archived reports" do
+ it "should tell the reports to remove themselves" do
+ Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.stubs(:destroy).with(@host)
+ subject.clean_reports(@host)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when cleaning storeconfigs entries for host", :if => Puppet.features.rails? do
+ before :each do
+ # Stub this so we don't need access to the DB
+ require 'puppet/rails/host'
+ Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:storeconfigs).returns(true)
+ Puppet::Rails.stubs(:connect)
+ @rails_node = stub_everything 'rails_node'
+ Puppet::Rails::Host.stubs(:find_by_name).returns(@rails_node)
+ end
+ it "should connect to the database" do
+ Puppet::Rails.expects(:connect)
+ subject.clean_storeconfigs(@host,false)
+ end
+ it "should find the right host entry" do
+ Puppet::Rails::Host.expects(:find_by_name).with(@host).returns(@rails_node)
+ subject.clean_storeconfigs(@host,false)
+ end
+ describe "without unexport" do
+ it "should remove the host and it's content" do
+ @rails_node.expects(:destroy)
+ subject.clean_storeconfigs(@host,false)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with unexport" do
+ before :each do
+ @rails_node.stubs(:id).returns(1234)
+ @type = stub_everything 'type'
+ @type.stubs(:validattr?).with(:ensure).returns(true)
+ @ensure_name = stub_everything 'ensure_name', :id => 23453
+ Puppet::Rails::ParamName.stubs(:find_or_create_by_name).returns(@ensure_name)
+ @param_values = stub_everything 'param_values'
+ @resource = stub_everything 'resource', :param_values => @param_values, :restype => "File"
+ Puppet::Rails::Resource.stubs(:find).returns([@resource])
+ end
+ it "should find all resources" do
+ Puppet::Rails::Resource.expects(:find).with(:all, {:include => {:param_values => :param_name}, :conditions => ["exported=? AND host_id=?", true, 1234]}).returns([])
+ subject.clean_storeconfigs(@host,true)
+ end
+ describe "with an exported native type" do
+ before :each do
+ Puppet::Type.stubs(:type).returns(@type)
+ @type.expects(:validattr?).with(:ensure).returns(true)
+ end
+ it "should test a native type for ensure as an attribute" do
+ subject.clean_storeconfigs(@host,true)
+ end
+ it "should delete the old ensure parameter" do
+ ensure_param = stub 'ensure_param', :id => 12345, :line => 12
+ @param_values.stubs(:find).returns(ensure_param)
+ Puppet::Rails::ParamValue.expects(:delete).with(12345);
+ subject.clean_storeconfigs(@host,true)
+ end
+ it "should add an ensure => absent parameter" do
+ @param_values.expects(:create).with(:value => "absent",
+ :line => 0,
+ :param_name => @ensure_name)
+ subject.clean_storeconfigs(@host,true)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with an exported definition" do
+ it "should try to lookup a definition and test it for the ensure argument" do
+ Puppet::Type.stubs(:type).returns(nil)
+ definition = stub_everything 'definition', :arguments => { 'ensure' => 'present' }
+ Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.any_instance.expects(:find_definition).with('',"File").returns(definition)
+ subject.clean_storeconfigs(@host,true)
+ end
+ end
+ it "should not unexport the resource of an unkown type" do
+ Puppet::Type.stubs(:type).returns(nil)
+ Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.any_instance.expects(:find_definition).with('',"File").returns(nil)
+ Puppet::Rails::ParamName.expects(:find_or_create_by_name).never
+ subject.clean_storeconfigs(@host)
+ end
+ it "should not unexport the resource of a not ensurable native type" do
+ Puppet::Type.stubs(:type).returns(@type)
+ @type.expects(:validattr?).with(:ensure).returns(false)
+ Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.any_instance.expects(:find_definition).with('',"File").returns(nil)
+ Puppet::Rails::ParamName.expects(:find_or_create_by_name).never
+ subject.clean_storeconfigs(@host,true)
+ end
+ it "should not unexport the resource of a not ensurable definition" do
+ Puppet::Type.stubs(:type).returns(nil)
+ definition = stub_everything 'definition', :arguments => { 'foobar' => 'someValue' }
+ Puppet::Resource::TypeCollection.any_instance.expects(:find_definition).with('',"File").returns(definition)
+ Puppet::Rails::ParamName.expects(:find_or_create_by_name).never
+ subject.clean_storeconfigs(@host,true)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/indirector/report/processor_spec.rb b/spec/unit/indirector/report/processor_spec.rb
index fbc70a104..fda0d90fd 100755
--- a/spec/unit/indirector/report/processor_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/indirector/report/processor_spec.rb
@@ -15,15 +15,21 @@ describe Puppet::Transaction::Report::Processor do
it "should provide a method for saving reports" do respond_to(:save)
+ it "should provide a method for cleaning reports" do
+ respond_to(:destroy)
+ end
-describe Puppet::Transaction::Report::Processor, " when saving a report" do
+describe Puppet::Transaction::Report::Processor, " when processing a report" do
before do
@reporter =
+ @request = stub 'request', :instance => mock("report"), :key => 'node'
- it "should not process the report if reports are set to 'none'" do
+ it "should not save the report if reports are set to 'none'" do
Puppet[:reports] = 'none'
@@ -34,9 +40,24 @@ describe Puppet::Transaction::Report::Processor, " when saving a report" do
- it "should process the report with each configured report type" do
+ it "should save the report with each configured report type" do
@reporter.send(:reports).should == %w{one two}
+ Puppet::Reports.expects(:report).with('one')
+ Puppet::Reports.expects(:report).with('two')
+ end
+ it "should destroy reports for each processor that responds to destroy" do
+ Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:reports).returns("http,store")
+ http_report = mock()
+ store_report = mock()
+ store_report.expects(:destroy).with(@request.key)
+ Puppet::Reports.expects(:report).with('http').returns(http_report)
+ Puppet::Reports.expects(:report).with('store').returns(store_report)
+ @reporter.destroy(@request)
diff --git a/spec/unit/indirector/yaml_spec.rb b/spec/unit/indirector/yaml_spec.rb
index c43dbcaf6..29f6d466f 100755
--- a/spec/unit/indirector/yaml_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/indirector/yaml_spec.rb
@@ -154,5 +154,23 @@ describe Puppet::Indirector::Yaml, " when choosing file location" do
Dir.expects(:glob).with(:glob).returns [] == []
+ describe Puppet::Indirector::Yaml, " when destroying" do
+ it "should unlink the right yaml file if it exists" do
+ path = File.join("/what/ever", @store.class.indirection_name.to_s, @request.key.to_s + ".yaml")
+ File.expects(:exists?).with(path).returns true
+ File.expects(:unlink).with(path)
+ @store.destroy(@request)
+ end
+ it "should not unlink the yaml file if it does not exists" do
+ path = File.join("/what/ever", @store.class.indirection_name.to_s, @request.key.to_s + ".yaml")
+ File.expects(:exists?).with(path).returns false
+ File.expects(:unlink).with(path).never
+ @store.destroy(@request)
+ end
+ end