path: root/spec/unit/provider
diff options
authorMarkus Roberts <>2010-07-09 18:12:17 -0700
committerMarkus Roberts <>2010-07-09 18:12:17 -0700
commit3180b9d9b2c844dade1d361326600f7001ec66dd (patch)
tree98fe7c5ac7eb942aac9c39f019a17b0b3f5a57f4 /spec/unit/provider
parent543225970225de5697734bfaf0a6eee996802c04 (diff)
Code smell: Two space indentation
Replaced 106806 occurances of ^( +)(.*$) with The ruby community almost universally (i.e. everyone but Luke, Markus, and the other eleven people who learned ruby in the 1900s) uses two-space indentation. 3 Examples: The code: end # Tell getopt which arguments are valid def test_get_getopt_args element = :name => "foo", :desc => "anything", :settings => assert_equal([["--foo", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT]], element.getopt_args, "Did not produce appropriate getopt args") becomes: end # Tell getopt which arguments are valid def test_get_getopt_args element = :name => "foo", :desc => "anything", :settings => assert_equal([["--foo", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT]], element.getopt_args, "Did not produce appropriate getopt args") The code: assert_equal(str, val) assert_instance_of(Float, result) end # Now test it with a passed object becomes: assert_equal(str, val) assert_instance_of(Float, result) end # Now test it with a passed object The code: end assert_nothing_raised do klass[:Yay] = "boo" klass["Cool"] = :yayness end becomes: end assert_nothing_raised do klass[:Yay] = "boo" klass["Cool"] = :yayness end
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/unit/provider')
45 files changed, 4194 insertions, 4194 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/augeas/augeas_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/augeas/augeas_spec.rb
index 47655a753..07b632083 100644
--- a/spec/unit/provider/augeas/augeas_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/augeas/augeas_spec.rb
@@ -6,408 +6,408 @@ provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:augeas).provider(:augeas)
describe provider_class do
- describe "command parsing" do
- before do
- @resource = stub("resource")
- @provider =
- end
- it "should break apart a single line into three tokens and clean up the context" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/context")
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set Jar/Jar Binks")
- tokens.size.should == 1
- tokens[0].size.should == 3
- tokens[0][0].should == "set"
- tokens[0][1].should == "/context/Jar/Jar"
- tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"
- end
- it "should break apart a multiple line into six tokens" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("")
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set /Jar/Jar Binks\nrm anakin")
- tokens.size.should == 2
- tokens[0].size.should == 3
- tokens[1].size.should == 2
- tokens[0][0].should == "set"
- tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar"
- tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"
- tokens[1][0].should == "rm"
- tokens[1][1].should == "anakin"
- end
- it "should strip whitespace and ignore blank lines" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("")
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands(" set /Jar/Jar Binks \t\n \n\n rm anakin ")
- tokens.size.should == 2
- tokens[0].size.should == 3
- tokens[1].size.should == 2
- tokens[0][0].should == "set"
- tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar"
- tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"
- tokens[1][0].should == "rm"
- tokens[1][1].should == "anakin"
- end
- it "should handle arrays" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- commands = ["set /Jar/Jar Binks", "rm anakin"]
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands(commands)
- tokens.size.should == 2
- tokens[0].size.should == 3
- tokens[1].size.should == 2
- tokens[0][0].should == "set"
- tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar"
- tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"
- tokens[1][0].should == "rm"
- tokens[1][1].should == "/foo/anakin"
- end
- # This is not supported in the new parsing class
- #it "should concat the last values" do
- # provider =
- # tokens = provider.parse_commands("set /Jar/Jar Binks is my copilot")
- # tokens.size.should == 1
- # tokens[0].size.should == 3
- # tokens[0][0].should == "set"
- # tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar"
- # tokens[0][2].should == "Binks is my copilot"
- #end
- it "should accept spaces in the value and single ticks" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set JarJar 'Binks is my copilot'")
- tokens.size.should == 1
- tokens[0].size.should == 3
- tokens[0][0].should == "set"
- tokens[0][1].should == "/foo/JarJar"
- tokens[0][2].should == "Binks is my copilot"
- end
- it "should accept spaces in the value and double ticks" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands('set /JarJar "Binks is my copilot"')
- tokens.size.should == 1
- tokens[0].size.should == 3
- tokens[0][0].should == "set"
- tokens[0][1].should == '/JarJar'
- tokens[0][2].should == 'Binks is my copilot'
- end
- it "should accept mixed ticks" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands('set JarJar "Some \'Test\'"')
- tokens.size.should == 1
- tokens[0].size.should == 3
- tokens[0][0].should == "set"
- tokens[0][1].should == '/foo/JarJar'
- tokens[0][2].should == "Some \'Test\'"
- end
- it "should handle predicates with literals" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands("rm */*[module='']")
- tokens.should == [["rm", "/foo/*/*[module='']"]]
- end
- it "should handle whitespace in predicates" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands("ins 42 before /files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr[ . = '' ]")
- tokens.should == [["ins", "42", "before","/files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr[ . = '' ]"]]
- end
- it "should handle multiple predicates" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands("clear pam.d/*/*[module = 'system-auth'][type = 'account']")
- tokens.should == [["clear", "/foo/pam.d/*/*[module = 'system-auth'][type = 'account']"]]
- end
- it "should handle nested predicates" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- args = ["clear", "/foo/pam.d/*/*[module[ ../type = 'type] = 'system-auth'][type[last()] = 'account']"]
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands(args.join(" "))
- tokens.should == [ args ]
- end
- it "should handle escaped doublequotes in doublequoted string" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set /foo \"''\\\"''\"")
- tokens.should == [[ "set", "/foo", "''\\\"''" ]]
- end
- it "should allow escaped spaces and brackets in paths" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- args = [ "set", "/white\\ space/\\[section", "value" ]
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands(args.join(" \t "))
- tokens.should == [ args ]
- end
- it "should allow single quoted escaped spaces in paths" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- args = [ "set", "'/white\\ space/key'", "value" ]
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands(args.join(" \t "))
- tokens.should == [[ "set", "/white\\ space/key", "value" ]]
- end
- it "should allow double quoted escaped spaces in paths" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- args = [ "set", '"/white\\ space/key"', "value" ]
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands(args.join(" \t "))
- tokens.should == [[ "set", "/white\\ space/key", "value" ]]
- end
- it "should remove trailing slashes" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
- tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set foo/ bar")
- tokens.should == [[ "set", "/foo/foo", "bar" ]]
- end
- end
- describe "get filters" do
- before do
- augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :get => "value")
- @provider =
- @provider.aug= augeas_stub
- end
- it "should return false for a = nonmatch" do
- command = ["get", "fake value", "==", "value"]
- @provider.process_get(command).should == true
- end
- it "should return true for a != match" do
- command = ["get", "fake value", "!=", "value"]
- @provider.process_get(command).should == false
- end
- it "should return true for a =~ match" do
- command = ["get", "fake value", "=~", "val*"]
- @provider.process_get(command).should == true
- end
- it "should return false for a == nonmatch" do
- command = ["get", "fake value", "=~", "num*"]
- @provider.process_get(command).should == false
- end
- end
- describe "match filters" do
- before do
- resource = stub("resource", :[] => "")
- augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
- @provider =
- @provider.aug= augeas_stub
- end
- it "should return true for size match" do
- command = ["match", "fake value", "size == 3"]
- @provider.process_match(command).should == true
- end
- it "should return false for a size non match" do
- command = ["match", "fake value", "size < 3"]
- @provider.process_match(command).should == false
- end
- it "should return true for includes match" do
- command = ["match", "fake value", "include values"]
- @provider.process_match(command).should == true
- end
- it "should return false for includes non match" do
- command = ["match", "fake value", "include JarJar"]
- @provider.process_match(command).should == false
- end
- it "should return true for includes match" do
- command = ["match", "fake value", "not_include JarJar"]
- @provider.process_match(command).should == true
- end
- it "should return false for includes non match" do
- command = ["match", "fake value", "not_include values"]
- @provider.process_match(command).should == false
- end
- it "should return true for an array match" do
- command = ["match", "fake value", "== ['set', 'of', 'values']"]
- @provider.process_match(command).should == true
- end
- it "should return false for an array non match" do
- command = ["match", "fake value", "== ['this', 'should', 'not', 'match']"]
- @provider.process_match(command).should == false
- end
- it "should return false for an array match with noteq" do
- command = ["match", "fake value", "!= ['set', 'of', 'values']"]
- @provider.process_match(command).should == false
- end
- it "should return true for an array non match with noteq" do
- command = ["match", "fake value", "!= ['this', 'should', 'not', 'match']"]
- @provider.process_match(command).should == true
- end
- end
- describe "need to run" do
- it "should handle no filters" do
- resource = stub("resource")
- resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("").then.returns("")
- augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
- augeas_stub.stubs("close")
- provider =
- provider.aug= augeas_stub
- provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
- provider.need_to_run?.should == true
- end
- it "should return true when a get filter matches" do
- resource = stub("resource")
- resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("get path == value").then.returns("")
- provider =
- augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :get => "value")
- augeas_stub.stubs("close")
- provider.aug= augeas_stub
- provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
- provider.need_to_run?.should == true
- end
- it "should return false when a get filter does not match" do
- resource = stub("resource")
- resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("get path == another value").then.returns("")
- provider =
- augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :get => "value")
- augeas_stub.stubs("close")
- provider.aug= augeas_stub
- provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
- provider.need_to_run?.should == false
- end
- it "should return true when a match filter matches" do
- resource = stub("resource")
- resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("match path size == 3").then.returns("")
- provider =
- augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
- augeas_stub.stubs("close")
- provider.aug= augeas_stub
- provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
- provider.need_to_run?.should == true
- end
- it "should return false when a match filter does not match" do
- resource = stub("resource")
- resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("match path size == 2").then.returns("")
- provider =
- augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
- augeas_stub.stubs("close")
- provider.aug= augeas_stub
- provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
- provider.need_to_run?.should == false
- end
- #This is a copy of the last one, with setting the force to true
- it "setting force should not change the above logic" do
- resource = stub("resource")
- resource.stubs(:[]).returns(true).then.returns("match path size == 2").then.returns("")
- provider =
- augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
- augeas_stub.stubs("close")
- provider.aug= augeas_stub
- provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
- provider.need_to_run?.should == false
- end
- end
- describe "augeas execution integration" do
- before do
- @resource = stub("resource")
- @provider =
- @augeas = stub("augeas")
- @provider.aug= @augeas
- @provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
- end
- it "should handle set commands" do
- command = "set JarJar Binks"
- context = "/some/path/"
- @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
- @augeas.expects(:set).with("/some/path/JarJar", "Binks").returns(true)
- @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
- @augeas.expects(:close)
- @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
- end
- it "should handle rm commands" do
- command = "rm /Jar/Jar"
- context = ""
- @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
- @augeas.expects(:rm).with("/Jar/Jar")
- @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
- @augeas.expects(:close)
- @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
- end
- it "should handle remove commands" do
- command = "remove /Jar/Jar"
- context = ""
- @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
- @augeas.expects(:rm).with("/Jar/Jar")
- @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
- @augeas.expects(:close)
- @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
- end
- it "should handle clear commands" do
- command = "clear Jar/Jar"
- context = "/foo/"
- @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
- @augeas.expects(:clear).with("/foo/Jar/Jar").returns(true)
- @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
- @augeas.expects(:close)
- @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
- end
- it "should handle ins commands with before" do
- command = "ins Binks before Jar/Jar"
- context = "/foo"
- @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
- @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/foo/Jar/Jar", "Binks", true)
- @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
- @augeas.expects(:close)
- @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
- end
- it "should handle ins commands with after" do
- command = "ins Binks after /Jar/Jar"
- context = "/foo"
- @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
- @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/Jar/Jar", "Binks", false)
- @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
- @augeas.expects(:close)
- @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
- end
- it "should handle ins with no context" do
- command = "ins Binks after /Jar/Jar"
- context = "" # this is the default
- @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
- @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/Jar/Jar", "Binks", false)
- @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
- @augeas.expects(:close)
- @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
- end
- it "should handle multiple commands" do
- command = ["ins Binks after /Jar/Jar", "clear Jar/Jar"]
- context = "/foo/"
- @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
- @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/Jar/Jar", "Binks", false)
- @augeas.expects(:clear).with("/foo/Jar/Jar").returns(true)
- @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
- @augeas.expects(:close)
- @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
- end
+ describe "command parsing" do
+ before do
+ @resource = stub("resource")
+ @provider =
+ it "should break apart a single line into three tokens and clean up the context" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/context")
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set Jar/Jar Binks")
+ tokens.size.should == 1
+ tokens[0].size.should == 3
+ tokens[0][0].should == "set"
+ tokens[0][1].should == "/context/Jar/Jar"
+ tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"
+ end
+ it "should break apart a multiple line into six tokens" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("")
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set /Jar/Jar Binks\nrm anakin")
+ tokens.size.should == 2
+ tokens[0].size.should == 3
+ tokens[1].size.should == 2
+ tokens[0][0].should == "set"
+ tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar"
+ tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"
+ tokens[1][0].should == "rm"
+ tokens[1][1].should == "anakin"
+ end
+ it "should strip whitespace and ignore blank lines" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("")
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands(" set /Jar/Jar Binks \t\n \n\n rm anakin ")
+ tokens.size.should == 2
+ tokens[0].size.should == 3
+ tokens[1].size.should == 2
+ tokens[0][0].should == "set"
+ tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar"
+ tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"
+ tokens[1][0].should == "rm"
+ tokens[1][1].should == "anakin"
+ end
+ it "should handle arrays" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ commands = ["set /Jar/Jar Binks", "rm anakin"]
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands(commands)
+ tokens.size.should == 2
+ tokens[0].size.should == 3
+ tokens[1].size.should == 2
+ tokens[0][0].should == "set"
+ tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar"
+ tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"
+ tokens[1][0].should == "rm"
+ tokens[1][1].should == "/foo/anakin"
+ end
+ # This is not supported in the new parsing class
+ #it "should concat the last values" do
+ # provider =
+ # tokens = provider.parse_commands("set /Jar/Jar Binks is my copilot")
+ # tokens.size.should == 1
+ # tokens[0].size.should == 3
+ # tokens[0][0].should == "set"
+ # tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar"
+ # tokens[0][2].should == "Binks is my copilot"
+ #end
+ it "should accept spaces in the value and single ticks" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set JarJar 'Binks is my copilot'")
+ tokens.size.should == 1
+ tokens[0].size.should == 3
+ tokens[0][0].should == "set"
+ tokens[0][1].should == "/foo/JarJar"
+ tokens[0][2].should == "Binks is my copilot"
+ end
+ it "should accept spaces in the value and double ticks" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands('set /JarJar "Binks is my copilot"')
+ tokens.size.should == 1
+ tokens[0].size.should == 3
+ tokens[0][0].should == "set"
+ tokens[0][1].should == '/JarJar'
+ tokens[0][2].should == 'Binks is my copilot'
+ end
+ it "should accept mixed ticks" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands('set JarJar "Some \'Test\'"')
+ tokens.size.should == 1
+ tokens[0].size.should == 3
+ tokens[0][0].should == "set"
+ tokens[0][1].should == '/foo/JarJar'
+ tokens[0][2].should == "Some \'Test\'"
+ end
+ it "should handle predicates with literals" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands("rm */*[module='']")
+ tokens.should == [["rm", "/foo/*/*[module='']"]]
+ end
+ it "should handle whitespace in predicates" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands("ins 42 before /files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr[ . = '' ]")
+ tokens.should == [["ins", "42", "before","/files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr[ . = '' ]"]]
+ end
+ it "should handle multiple predicates" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands("clear pam.d/*/*[module = 'system-auth'][type = 'account']")
+ tokens.should == [["clear", "/foo/pam.d/*/*[module = 'system-auth'][type = 'account']"]]
+ end
+ it "should handle nested predicates" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ args = ["clear", "/foo/pam.d/*/*[module[ ../type = 'type] = 'system-auth'][type[last()] = 'account']"]
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands(args.join(" "))
+ tokens.should == [ args ]
+ end
+ it "should handle escaped doublequotes in doublequoted string" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set /foo \"''\\\"''\"")
+ tokens.should == [[ "set", "/foo", "''\\\"''" ]]
+ end
+ it "should allow escaped spaces and brackets in paths" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ args = [ "set", "/white\\ space/\\[section", "value" ]
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands(args.join(" \t "))
+ tokens.should == [ args ]
+ end
+ it "should allow single quoted escaped spaces in paths" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ args = [ "set", "'/white\\ space/key'", "value" ]
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands(args.join(" \t "))
+ tokens.should == [[ "set", "/white\\ space/key", "value" ]]
+ end
+ it "should allow double quoted escaped spaces in paths" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ args = [ "set", '"/white\\ space/key"', "value" ]
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands(args.join(" \t "))
+ tokens.should == [[ "set", "/white\\ space/key", "value" ]]
+ end
+ it "should remove trailing slashes" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns("/foo/")
+ tokens = @provider.parse_commands("set foo/ bar")
+ tokens.should == [[ "set", "/foo/foo", "bar" ]]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "get filters" do
+ before do
+ augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :get => "value")
+ @provider =
+ @provider.aug= augeas_stub
+ end
+ it "should return false for a = nonmatch" do
+ command = ["get", "fake value", "==", "value"]
+ @provider.process_get(command).should == true
+ end
+ it "should return true for a != match" do
+ command = ["get", "fake value", "!=", "value"]
+ @provider.process_get(command).should == false
+ end
+ it "should return true for a =~ match" do
+ command = ["get", "fake value", "=~", "val*"]
+ @provider.process_get(command).should == true
+ end
+ it "should return false for a == nonmatch" do
+ command = ["get", "fake value", "=~", "num*"]
+ @provider.process_get(command).should == false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "match filters" do
+ before do
+ resource = stub("resource", :[] => "")
+ augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
+ @provider =
+ @provider.aug= augeas_stub
+ end
+ it "should return true for size match" do
+ command = ["match", "fake value", "size == 3"]
+ @provider.process_match(command).should == true
+ end
+ it "should return false for a size non match" do
+ command = ["match", "fake value", "size < 3"]
+ @provider.process_match(command).should == false
+ end
+ it "should return true for includes match" do
+ command = ["match", "fake value", "include values"]
+ @provider.process_match(command).should == true
+ end
+ it "should return false for includes non match" do
+ command = ["match", "fake value", "include JarJar"]
+ @provider.process_match(command).should == false
+ end
+ it "should return true for includes match" do
+ command = ["match", "fake value", "not_include JarJar"]
+ @provider.process_match(command).should == true
+ end
+ it "should return false for includes non match" do
+ command = ["match", "fake value", "not_include values"]
+ @provider.process_match(command).should == false
+ end
+ it "should return true for an array match" do
+ command = ["match", "fake value", "== ['set', 'of', 'values']"]
+ @provider.process_match(command).should == true
+ end
+ it "should return false for an array non match" do
+ command = ["match", "fake value", "== ['this', 'should', 'not', 'match']"]
+ @provider.process_match(command).should == false
+ end
+ it "should return false for an array match with noteq" do
+ command = ["match", "fake value", "!= ['set', 'of', 'values']"]
+ @provider.process_match(command).should == false
+ end
+ it "should return true for an array non match with noteq" do
+ command = ["match", "fake value", "!= ['this', 'should', 'not', 'match']"]
+ @provider.process_match(command).should == true
+ end
+ end
+ describe "need to run" do
+ it "should handle no filters" do
+ resource = stub("resource")
+ resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("").then.returns("")
+ augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
+ augeas_stub.stubs("close")
+ provider =
+ provider.aug= augeas_stub
+ provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
+ provider.need_to_run?.should == true
+ end
+ it "should return true when a get filter matches" do
+ resource = stub("resource")
+ resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("get path == value").then.returns("")
+ provider =
+ augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :get => "value")
+ augeas_stub.stubs("close")
+ provider.aug= augeas_stub
+ provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
+ provider.need_to_run?.should == true
+ end
+ it "should return false when a get filter does not match" do
+ resource = stub("resource")
+ resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("get path == another value").then.returns("")
+ provider =
+ augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :get => "value")
+ augeas_stub.stubs("close")
+ provider.aug= augeas_stub
+ provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
+ provider.need_to_run?.should == false
+ end
+ it "should return true when a match filter matches" do
+ resource = stub("resource")
+ resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("match path size == 3").then.returns("")
+ provider =
+ augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
+ augeas_stub.stubs("close")
+ provider.aug= augeas_stub
+ provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
+ provider.need_to_run?.should == true
+ end
+ it "should return false when a match filter does not match" do
+ resource = stub("resource")
+ resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("match path size == 2").then.returns("")
+ provider =
+ augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
+ augeas_stub.stubs("close")
+ provider.aug= augeas_stub
+ provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
+ provider.need_to_run?.should == false
+ end
+ #This is a copy of the last one, with setting the force to true
+ it "setting force should not change the above logic" do
+ resource = stub("resource")
+ resource.stubs(:[]).returns(true).then.returns("match path size == 2").then.returns("")
+ provider =
+ augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
+ augeas_stub.stubs("close")
+ provider.aug= augeas_stub
+ provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
+ provider.need_to_run?.should == false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "augeas execution integration" do
+ before do
+ @resource = stub("resource")
+ @provider =
+ @augeas = stub("augeas")
+ @provider.aug= @augeas
+ @provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
+ end
+ it "should handle set commands" do
+ command = "set JarJar Binks"
+ context = "/some/path/"
+ @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
+ @augeas.expects(:set).with("/some/path/JarJar", "Binks").returns(true)
+ @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
+ @augeas.expects(:close)
+ @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
+ end
+ it "should handle rm commands" do
+ command = "rm /Jar/Jar"
+ context = ""
+ @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
+ @augeas.expects(:rm).with("/Jar/Jar")
+ @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
+ @augeas.expects(:close)
+ @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
+ end
+ it "should handle remove commands" do
+ command = "remove /Jar/Jar"
+ context = ""
+ @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
+ @augeas.expects(:rm).with("/Jar/Jar")
+ @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
+ @augeas.expects(:close)
+ @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
+ end
+ it "should handle clear commands" do
+ command = "clear Jar/Jar"
+ context = "/foo/"
+ @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
+ @augeas.expects(:clear).with("/foo/Jar/Jar").returns(true)
+ @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
+ @augeas.expects(:close)
+ @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
+ end
+ it "should handle ins commands with before" do
+ command = "ins Binks before Jar/Jar"
+ context = "/foo"
+ @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
+ @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/foo/Jar/Jar", "Binks", true)
+ @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
+ @augeas.expects(:close)
+ @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
+ end
+ it "should handle ins commands with after" do
+ command = "ins Binks after /Jar/Jar"
+ context = "/foo"
+ @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
+ @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/Jar/Jar", "Binks", false)
+ @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
+ @augeas.expects(:close)
+ @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
+ end
+ it "should handle ins with no context" do
+ command = "ins Binks after /Jar/Jar"
+ context = "" # this is the default
+ @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
+ @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/Jar/Jar", "Binks", false)
+ @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
+ @augeas.expects(:close)
+ @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
+ end
+ it "should handle multiple commands" do
+ command = ["ins Binks after /Jar/Jar", "clear Jar/Jar"]
+ context = "/foo/"
+ @resource.expects(:[]).times(2).returns(command).then.returns(context)
+ @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/Jar/Jar", "Binks", false)
+ @augeas.expects(:clear).with("/foo/Jar/Jar").returns(true)
+ @augeas.expects(:save).returns(true)
+ @augeas.expects(:close)
+ @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/confine/exists_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/confine/exists_spec.rb
index a3539c4f5..c3958e317 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/confine/exists_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/confine/exists_spec.rb
@@ -5,77 +5,77 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
require 'puppet/provider/confine/exists'
describe Puppet::Provider::Confine::Exists do
- before do
- @confine ="/my/file")
- @confine.label = "eh"
+ before do
+ @confine ="/my/file")
+ @confine.label = "eh"
+ end
+ it "should be named :exists" do
+ == :exists
+ end
+ it "should use the 'pass?' method to test validity" do
+ @confine.expects(:pass?).with("/my/file")
+ @confine.valid?
+ end
+ it "should return false if the value is false" do
+ @confine.pass?(false).should be_false
+ end
+ it "should return false if the value does not point to a file" do
+ FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/my/file").returns false
+ @confine.pass?("/my/file").should be_false
+ end
+ it "should return true if the value points to a file" do
+ FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/my/file").returns true
+ @confine.pass?("/my/file").should be_true
+ end
+ it "should produce a message saying that a file is missing" do
+ @confine.message("/my/file").should be_include("does not exist")
+ end
+ describe "and the confine is for binaries" do
+ before { @confine.stubs(:for_binary).returns true }
+ it "should use its 'binary' method to look up the full path of the file" do
+ @confine.expects(:binary).returns nil
+ @confine.pass?("/my/file")
- it "should be named :exists" do
- == :exists
+ it "should return false if no binary can be found" do
+ @confine.expects(:binary).with("/my/file").returns nil
+ @confine.pass?("/my/file").should be_false
- it "should use the 'pass?' method to test validity" do
- @confine.expects(:pass?).with("/my/file")
- @confine.valid?
+ it "should return true if the binary can be found and the file exists" do
+ @confine.expects(:binary).with("/my/file").returns "/my/file"
+ FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/my/file").returns true
+ @confine.pass?("/my/file").should be_true
- it "should return false if the value is false" do
- @confine.pass?(false).should be_false
+ it "should return false if the binary can be found but the file does not exist" do
+ @confine.expects(:binary).with("/my/file").returns "/my/file"
+ FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/my/file").returns true
+ @confine.pass?("/my/file").should be_true
+ end
- it "should return false if the value does not point to a file" do
- FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/my/file").returns false
- @confine.pass?("/my/file").should be_false
- end
- it "should return true if the value points to a file" do
- FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/my/file").returns true
- @confine.pass?("/my/file").should be_true
- end
- it "should produce a message saying that a file is missing" do
- @confine.message("/my/file").should be_include("does not exist")
- end
+ it "should produce a summary containing all missing files" do
+ FileTest.stubs(:exist?).returns true
+ FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/two").returns false
+ FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/four").returns false
- describe "and the confine is for binaries" do
- before { @confine.stubs(:for_binary).returns true }
- it "should use its 'binary' method to look up the full path of the file" do
- @confine.expects(:binary).returns nil
- @confine.pass?("/my/file")
- end
- it "should return false if no binary can be found" do
- @confine.expects(:binary).with("/my/file").returns nil
- @confine.pass?("/my/file").should be_false
- end
- it "should return true if the binary can be found and the file exists" do
- @confine.expects(:binary).with("/my/file").returns "/my/file"
- FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/my/file").returns true
- @confine.pass?("/my/file").should be_true
- end
- it "should return false if the binary can be found but the file does not exist" do
- @confine.expects(:binary).with("/my/file").returns "/my/file"
- FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/my/file").returns true
- @confine.pass?("/my/file").should be_true
- end
- end
- it "should produce a summary containing all missing files" do
- FileTest.stubs(:exist?).returns true
- FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/two").returns false
- FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/four").returns false
+ confine = %w{/one /two /three /four}
+ confine.summary.should == %w{/two /four}
+ end
- confine = %w{/one /two /three /four}
- confine.summary.should == %w{/two /four}
- end
+ it "should summarize multiple instances by returning a flattened array of their summaries" do
+ c1 = mock '1', :summary => %w{one}
+ c2 = mock '2', :summary => %w{two}
+ c3 = mock '3', :summary => %w{three}
- it "should summarize multiple instances by returning a flattened array of their summaries" do
- c1 = mock '1', :summary => %w{one}
- c2 = mock '2', :summary => %w{two}
- c3 = mock '3', :summary => %w{three}
- Puppet::Provider::Confine::Exists.summarize([c1, c2, c3]).should == %w{one two three}
- end
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine::Exists.summarize([c1, c2, c3]).should == %w{one two three}
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/confine/false_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/confine/false_spec.rb
index 425aa3077..999fc4714 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/confine/false_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/confine/false_spec.rb
@@ -5,49 +5,49 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
require 'puppet/provider/confine/false'
describe Puppet::Provider::Confine::False do
- it "should be named :false" do
- == :false
+ it "should be named :false" do
+ == :false
+ end
+ it "should require a value" do
+ lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ describe "when testing values" do
+ before { @confine ="foo") }
+ it "should use the 'pass?' method to test validity" do
+ @confine ="foo")
+ @confine.label = "eh"
+ @confine.expects(:pass?).with("foo")
+ @confine.valid?
- it "should require a value" do
- lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ it "should return true if the value is false" do
+ @confine.pass?(false).should be_true
- describe "when testing values" do
- before { @confine ="foo") }
- it "should use the 'pass?' method to test validity" do
- @confine ="foo")
- @confine.label = "eh"
- @confine.expects(:pass?).with("foo")
- @confine.valid?
- end
- it "should return true if the value is false" do
- @confine.pass?(false).should be_true
- end
- it "should return false if the value is not false" do
- @confine.pass?("else").should be_false
- end
- it "should produce a message that a value is true" do
- @confine ="foo")
- @confine.message("eh").should be_include("true")
- end
+ it "should return false if the value is not false" do
+ @confine.pass?("else").should be_false
- it "should be able to produce a summary with the number of incorrectly true values" do
- confine = %w{one two three four}
- confine.expects(:pass?).times(4).returns(true).returns(false).returns(true).returns(false)
- confine.summary.should == 2
+ it "should produce a message that a value is true" do
+ @confine ="foo")
+ @confine.message("eh").should be_include("true")
+ end
- it "should summarize multiple instances by summing their summaries" do
- c1 = mock '1', :summary => 1
- c2 = mock '2', :summary => 2
- c3 = mock '3', :summary => 3
+ it "should be able to produce a summary with the number of incorrectly true values" do
+ confine = %w{one two three four}
+ confine.expects(:pass?).times(4).returns(true).returns(false).returns(true).returns(false)
+ confine.summary.should == 2
+ end
- Puppet::Provider::Confine::False.summarize([c1, c2, c3]).should == 6
- end
+ it "should summarize multiple instances by summing their summaries" do
+ c1 = mock '1', :summary => 1
+ c2 = mock '2', :summary => 2
+ c3 = mock '3', :summary => 3
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine::False.summarize([c1, c2, c3]).should == 6
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/confine/feature_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/confine/feature_spec.rb
index 1db81ba44..e8368efac 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/confine/feature_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/confine/feature_spec.rb
@@ -5,56 +5,56 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
require 'puppet/provider/confine/feature'
describe Puppet::Provider::Confine::Feature do
- it "should be named :feature" do
- == :feature
+ it "should be named :feature" do
+ == :feature
+ end
+ it "should require a value" do
+ lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "should always convert values to an array" do
+"/some/file").values.should be_instance_of(Array)
+ end
+ describe "when testing values" do
+ before do
+ @features = mock 'features'
+ Puppet.stubs(:features).returns @features
+ @confine ="myfeature")
+ @confine.label = "eh"
- it "should require a value" do
- lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ it "should use the Puppet features instance to test validity" do
+ @features.expects(:myfeature?)
+ @confine.valid?
- it "should always convert values to an array" do
-"/some/file").values.should be_instance_of(Array)
+ it "should return true if the feature is present" do
+ @features.expects(:myfeature?).returns true
+ @confine.pass?("myfeature").should be_true
- describe "when testing values" do
- before do
- @features = mock 'features'
- Puppet.stubs(:features).returns @features
- @confine ="myfeature")
- @confine.label = "eh"
- end
- it "should use the Puppet features instance to test validity" do
- @features.expects(:myfeature?)
- @confine.valid?
- end
- it "should return true if the feature is present" do
- @features.expects(:myfeature?).returns true
- @confine.pass?("myfeature").should be_true
- end
- it "should return false if the value is false" do
- @features.expects(:myfeature?).returns false
- @confine.pass?("myfeature").should be_false
- end
- it "should log that a feature is missing" do
- @confine.message("myfeat").should be_include("missing")
- end
+ it "should return false if the value is false" do
+ @features.expects(:myfeature?).returns false
+ @confine.pass?("myfeature").should be_false
- it "should summarize multiple instances by returning a flattened array of all missing features" do
- confines = []
- confines <<{one two})
- confines <<{two})
- confines <<{three four})
+ it "should log that a feature is missing" do
+ @confine.message("myfeat").should be_include("missing")
+ end
+ end
- features = mock 'feature'
- features.stub_everything
- Puppet.stubs(:features).returns features
+ it "should summarize multiple instances by returning a flattened array of all missing features" do
+ confines = []
+ confines <<{one two})
+ confines <<{two})
+ confines <<{three four})
- Puppet::Provider::Confine::Feature.summarize(confines).sort.should == %w{one two three four}.sort
- end
+ features = mock 'feature'
+ features.stub_everything
+ Puppet.stubs(:features).returns features
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine::Feature.summarize(confines).sort.should == %w{one two three four}.sort
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/confine/true_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/confine/true_spec.rb
index 2675afe75..23041e6d5 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/confine/true_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/confine/true_spec.rb
@@ -5,49 +5,49 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
require 'puppet/provider/confine/true'
describe Puppet::Provider::Confine::True do
- it "should be named :true" do
- == :true
+ it "should be named :true" do
+ == :true
+ end
+ it "should require a value" do
+ lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ describe "when testing values" do
+ before do
+ @confine ="foo")
+ @confine.label = "eh"
- it "should require a value" do
- lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ it "should use the 'pass?' method to test validity" do
+ @confine.expects(:pass?).with("foo")
+ @confine.valid?
- describe "when testing values" do
- before do
- @confine ="foo")
- @confine.label = "eh"
- end
- it "should use the 'pass?' method to test validity" do
- @confine.expects(:pass?).with("foo")
- @confine.valid?
- end
- it "should return true if the value is not false" do
- @confine.pass?("else").should be_true
- end
- it "should return false if the value is false" do
- @confine.pass?(nil).should be_false
- end
+ it "should return true if the value is not false" do
+ @confine.pass?("else").should be_true
+ end
- it "should produce the message that a value is false" do
- @confine.message("eh").should be_include("false")
- end
+ it "should return false if the value is false" do
+ @confine.pass?(nil).should be_false
- it "should produce the number of false values when asked for a summary" do
- @confine = %w{one two three four}
- @confine.expects(:pass?).times(4).returns(true).returns(false).returns(true).returns(false)
- @confine.summary.should == 2
+ it "should produce the message that a value is false" do
+ @confine.message("eh").should be_include("false")
+ end
- it "should summarize multiple instances by summing their summaries" do
- c1 = mock '1', :summary => 1
- c2 = mock '2', :summary => 2
- c3 = mock '3', :summary => 3
+ it "should produce the number of false values when asked for a summary" do
+ @confine = %w{one two three four}
+ @confine.expects(:pass?).times(4).returns(true).returns(false).returns(true).returns(false)
+ @confine.summary.should == 2
+ end
- Puppet::Provider::Confine::True.summarize([c1, c2, c3]).should == 6
- end
+ it "should summarize multiple instances by summing their summaries" do
+ c1 = mock '1', :summary => 1
+ c2 = mock '2', :summary => 2
+ c3 = mock '3', :summary => 3
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine::True.summarize([c1, c2, c3]).should == 6
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/confine/variable_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/confine/variable_spec.rb
index e554ac036..eda2dd4c5 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/confine/variable_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/confine/variable_spec.rb
@@ -5,103 +5,103 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
require 'puppet/provider/confine/variable'
describe Puppet::Provider::Confine::Variable do
- it "should be named :variable" do
- == :variable
+ it "should be named :variable" do
+ == :variable
+ end
+ it "should require a value" do
+ lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "should always convert values to an array" do
+"/some/file").values.should be_instance_of(Array)
+ end
+ it "should have an accessor for its name" do
+ respond_to(:name)
+ end
+ describe "when testing values" do
+ before do
+ @confine ="foo")
+ = :myvar
- it "should require a value" do
- lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ it "should use settings if the variable name is a valid setting" do
+ Puppet.settings.expects(:valid?).with(:myvar).returns true
+ Puppet.settings.expects(:value).with(:myvar).returns "foo"
+ @confine.valid?
- it "should always convert values to an array" do
-"/some/file").values.should be_instance_of(Array)
+ it "should use Facter if the variable name is not a valid setting" do
+ Puppet.settings.expects(:valid?).with(:myvar).returns false
+ Facter.expects(:value).with(:myvar).returns "foo"
+ @confine.valid?
- it "should have an accessor for its name" do
- respond_to(:name)
+ it "should be valid if the value matches the facter value" do
+ @confine.expects(:test_value).returns "foo"
+ @confine.should be_valid
+ end
+ it "should return false if the value does not match the facter value" do
+ @confine.expects(:test_value).returns "fee"
+ @confine.should_not be_valid
+ end
+ it "should be case insensitive" do
+ @confine.expects(:test_value).returns "FOO"
+ @confine.should be_valid
- describe "when testing values" do
- before do
- @confine ="foo")
- = :myvar
- end
- it "should use settings if the variable name is a valid setting" do
- Puppet.settings.expects(:valid?).with(:myvar).returns true
- Puppet.settings.expects(:value).with(:myvar).returns "foo"
- @confine.valid?
- end
- it "should use Facter if the variable name is not a valid setting" do
- Puppet.settings.expects(:valid?).with(:myvar).returns false
- Facter.expects(:value).with(:myvar).returns "foo"
- @confine.valid?
- end
- it "should be valid if the value matches the facter value" do
- @confine.expects(:test_value).returns "foo"
- @confine.should be_valid
- end
- it "should return false if the value does not match the facter value" do
- @confine.expects(:test_value).returns "fee"
- @confine.should_not be_valid
- end
- it "should be case insensitive" do
- @confine.expects(:test_value).returns "FOO"
- @confine.should be_valid
- end
- it "should not care whether the value is a string or symbol" do
- @confine.expects(:test_value).returns "FOO"
- @confine.should be_valid
- end
- it "should produce a message that the fact value is not correct" do
- @confine ={bar bee})
- = "eh"
- message = @confine.message("value")
- message.should be_include("facter")
- message.should be_include("bar,bee")
- end
- it "should be valid if the test value matches any of the provided values" do
- @confine ={bar bee})
- @confine.expects(:test_value).returns "bee"
- @confine.should be_valid
- end
+ it "should not care whether the value is a string or symbol" do
+ @confine.expects(:test_value).returns "FOO"
+ @confine.should be_valid
+ end
+ it "should produce a message that the fact value is not correct" do
+ @confine ={bar bee})
+ = "eh"
+ message = @confine.message("value")
+ message.should be_include("facter")
+ message.should be_include("bar,bee")
- describe "when summarizing multiple instances" do
- it "should return a hash of failing variables and their values" do
- c1 ="one")
- = "uno"
- c1.expects(:valid?).returns false
- c2 ="two")
- = "dos"
- c2.expects(:valid?).returns true
- c3 ="three")
- = "tres"
- c3.expects(:valid?).returns false
- Puppet::Provider::Confine::Variable.summarize([c1, c2, c3]).should == {"uno" => %w{one}, "tres" => %w{three}}
- end
- it "should combine the values of multiple confines with the same fact" do
- c1 ="one")
- = "uno"
- c1.expects(:valid?).returns false
- c2 ="two")
- = "uno"
- c2.expects(:valid?).returns false
- Puppet::Provider::Confine::Variable.summarize([c1, c2]).should == {"uno" => %w{one two}}
- end
+ it "should be valid if the test value matches any of the provided values" do
+ @confine ={bar bee})
+ @confine.expects(:test_value).returns "bee"
+ @confine.should be_valid
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when summarizing multiple instances" do
+ it "should return a hash of failing variables and their values" do
+ c1 ="one")
+ = "uno"
+ c1.expects(:valid?).returns false
+ c2 ="two")
+ = "dos"
+ c2.expects(:valid?).returns true
+ c3 ="three")
+ = "tres"
+ c3.expects(:valid?).returns false
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine::Variable.summarize([c1, c2, c3]).should == {"uno" => %w{one}, "tres" => %w{three}}
+ end
+ it "should combine the values of multiple confines with the same fact" do
+ c1 ="one")
+ = "uno"
+ c1.expects(:valid?).returns false
+ c2 ="two")
+ = "uno"
+ c2.expects(:valid?).returns false
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine::Variable.summarize([c1, c2]).should == {"uno" => %w{one two}}
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/confine_collection_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/confine_collection_spec.rb
index 444281c77..e5f7f0300 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/confine_collection_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/confine_collection_spec.rb
@@ -5,130 +5,130 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
require 'puppet/provider/confine_collection'
describe Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection do
- it "should be able to add confines" do
-"label").should respond_to(:confine)
- end
+ it "should be able to add confines" do
+"label").should respond_to(:confine)
+ end
+ it "should require a label at initialization" do
+ lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "should make its label available" do
+"mylabel").label.should == "mylabel"
+ end
+ describe "when creating confine instances" do
+ it "should create an instance of the named test with the provided values" do
+ test_class = mock 'test_class'
+ test_class.expects(:new).with(%w{my values}).returns(stub('confine', :label= => nil))
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.expects(:test).with(:foo).returns test_class
- it "should require a label at initialization" do
- lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+"label").confine :foo => %w{my values}
- it "should make its label available" do
-"mylabel").label.should == "mylabel"
+ it "should copy its label to the confine instance" do
+ confine = mock 'confine'
+ test_class = mock 'test_class'
+ test_class.expects(:new).returns confine
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.expects(:test).returns test_class
+ confine.expects(:label=).with("label")
+"label").confine :foo => %w{my values}
- describe "when creating confine instances" do
- it "should create an instance of the named test with the provided values" do
- test_class = mock 'test_class'
- test_class.expects(:new).with(%w{my values}).returns(stub('confine', :label= => nil))
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.expects(:test).with(:foo).returns test_class
-"label").confine :foo => %w{my values}
- end
- it "should copy its label to the confine instance" do
- confine = mock 'confine'
- test_class = mock 'test_class'
- test_class.expects(:new).returns confine
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.expects(:test).returns test_class
- confine.expects(:label=).with("label")
-"label").confine :foo => %w{my values}
- end
- describe "and the test cannot be found" do
- it "should create a Facter test with the provided values and set the name to the test name" do
- confine = Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:variable).new(%w{my values})
- confine.expects(:name=).with(:foo)
- confine.class.expects(:new).with(%w{my values}).returns confine
-"label").confine(:foo => %w{my values})
- end
- end
- describe "and the 'for_binary' option was provided" do
- it "should mark the test as a binary confine" do
- confine = Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:exists).new(:bar)
- confine.expects(:for_binary=).with true
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:exists).expects(:new).with(:bar).returns confine
-"label").confine :exists => :bar, :for_binary => true
- end
- end
+ describe "and the test cannot be found" do
+ it "should create a Facter test with the provided values and set the name to the test name" do
+ confine = Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:variable).new(%w{my values})
+ confine.expects(:name=).with(:foo)
+ confine.class.expects(:new).with(%w{my values}).returns confine
+"label").confine(:foo => %w{my values})
+ end
- it "should be valid if no confines are present" do
-"label").should be_valid
+ describe "and the 'for_binary' option was provided" do
+ it "should mark the test as a binary confine" do
+ confine = Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:exists).new(:bar)
+ confine.expects(:for_binary=).with true
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:exists).expects(:new).with(:bar).returns confine
+"label").confine :exists => :bar, :for_binary => true
+ end
+ end
- it "should be valid if all confines pass" do
- c1 = stub 'c1', :valid? => true, :label= => nil
- c2 = stub 'c2', :valid? => true, :label= => nil
+ it "should be valid if no confines are present" do
+"label").should be_valid
+ end
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:new).returns(c1)
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:new).returns(c2)
+ it "should be valid if all confines pass" do
+ c1 = stub 'c1', :valid? => true, :label= => nil
+ c2 = stub 'c2', :valid? => true, :label= => nil
- confiner ="label")
- confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:new).returns(c1)
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:new).returns(c2)
- confiner.should be_valid
- end
+ confiner ="label")
+ confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee
- it "should not be valid if any confines fail" do
- c1 = stub 'c1', :valid? => true, :label= => nil
- c2 = stub 'c2', :valid? => false, :label= => nil
+ confiner.should be_valid
+ end
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:new).returns(c1)
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:new).returns(c2)
+ it "should not be valid if any confines fail" do
+ c1 = stub 'c1', :valid? => true, :label= => nil
+ c2 = stub 'c2', :valid? => false, :label= => nil
- confiner ="label")
- confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:new).returns(c1)
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:new).returns(c2)
- confiner.should_not be_valid
- end
+ confiner ="label")
+ confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee
- describe "when providing a summary" do
- before do
- @confiner ="label")
- end
+ confiner.should_not be_valid
+ end
- it "should return a hash" do
- @confiner.summary.should be_instance_of(Hash)
- end
+ describe "when providing a summary" do
+ before do
+ @confiner ="label")
+ end
- it "should return an empty hash if the confiner is valid" do
- @confiner.summary.should == {}
- end
+ it "should return a hash" do
+ @confiner.summary.should be_instance_of(Hash)
+ end
- it "should add each test type's summary to the hash" do
- @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:summarize).returns :tsumm
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:summarize).returns :fsumm
+ it "should return an empty hash if the confiner is valid" do
+ @confiner.summary.should == {}
+ end
- @confiner.summary.should == {:true => :tsumm, :false => :fsumm}
- end
+ it "should add each test type's summary to the hash" do
+ @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:summarize).returns :tsumm
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:summarize).returns :fsumm
- it "should not include tests that return 0" do
- @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:summarize).returns 0
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:summarize).returns :fsumm
+ @confiner.summary.should == {:true => :tsumm, :false => :fsumm}
+ end
- @confiner.summary.should == {:false => :fsumm}
- end
+ it "should not include tests that return 0" do
+ @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:summarize).returns 0
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:summarize).returns :fsumm
- it "should not include tests that return empty arrays" do
- @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:summarize).returns []
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:summarize).returns :fsumm
+ @confiner.summary.should == {:false => :fsumm}
+ end
+ it "should not include tests that return empty arrays" do
+ @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:summarize).returns []
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:summarize).returns :fsumm
- @confiner.summary.should == {:false => :fsumm}
- end
+ @confiner.summary.should == {:false => :fsumm}
+ end
- it "should not include tests that return empty hashes" do
- @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:summarize).returns({})
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:summarize).returns :fsumm
+ it "should not include tests that return empty hashes" do
+ @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:summarize).returns({})
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:summarize).returns :fsumm
- @confiner.summary.should == {:false => :fsumm}
- end
+ @confiner.summary.should == {:false => :fsumm}
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/confine_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/confine_spec.rb
index 2e0637243..1fa7f3d11 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/confine_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/confine_spec.rb
@@ -5,74 +5,74 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
require 'puppet/provider/confine'
describe Puppet::Provider::Confine do
- it "should require a value" do
- lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ it "should require a value" do
+ lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "should always convert values to an array" do
+"/some/file").values.should be_instance_of(Array)
+ end
+ it "should have a 'true' test" do
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).should be_instance_of(Class)
+ end
+ it "should have a 'false' test" do
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).should be_instance_of(Class)
+ end
+ it "should have a 'feature' test" do
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:feature).should be_instance_of(Class)
+ end
+ it "should have an 'exists' test" do
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:exists).should be_instance_of(Class)
+ end
+ it "should have a 'variable' test" do
+ Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:variable).should be_instance_of(Class)
+ end
+ describe "when testing all values" do
+ before do
+ @confine ={a b c})
+ @confine.label = "foo"
- it "should always convert values to an array" do
-"/some/file").values.should be_instance_of(Array)
+ it "should be invalid if any values fail" do
+ @confine.stubs(:pass?).returns true
+ @confine.expects(:pass?).with("b").returns false
+ @confine.should_not be_valid
- it "should have a 'true' test" do
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).should be_instance_of(Class)
+ it "should be valid if all values pass" do
+ @confine.stubs(:pass?).returns true
+ @confine.should be_valid
- it "should have a 'false' test" do
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).should be_instance_of(Class)
+ it "should short-cut at the first failing value" do
+ @confine.expects(:pass?).once.returns false
+ @confine.valid?
- it "should have a 'feature' test" do
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:feature).should be_instance_of(Class)
+ it "should log failing confines with the label and message" do
+ @confine.stubs(:pass?).returns false
+ @confine.expects(:message).returns "My message"
+ @confine.expects(:label).returns "Mylabel"
+ Puppet.expects(:debug).with("Mylabel: My message")
+ @confine.valid?
+ end
- it "should have an 'exists' test" do
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:exists).should be_instance_of(Class)
- end
- it "should have a 'variable' test" do
- Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:variable).should be_instance_of(Class)
- end
- describe "when testing all values" do
- before do
- @confine ={a b c})
- @confine.label = "foo"
- end
- it "should be invalid if any values fail" do
- @confine.stubs(:pass?).returns true
- @confine.expects(:pass?).with("b").returns false
- @confine.should_not be_valid
- end
- it "should be valid if all values pass" do
- @confine.stubs(:pass?).returns true
- @confine.should be_valid
- end
- it "should short-cut at the first failing value" do
- @confine.expects(:pass?).once.returns false
- @confine.valid?
- end
- it "should log failing confines with the label and message" do
- @confine.stubs(:pass?).returns false
- @confine.expects(:message).returns "My message"
- @confine.expects(:label).returns "Mylabel"
- Puppet.expects(:debug).with("Mylabel: My message")
- @confine.valid?
- end
- end
- describe "when testing the result of the values" do
- before { @confine ={a b c d}) }
+ describe "when testing the result of the values" do
+ before { @confine ={a b c d}) }
- it "should return an array with the result of the test for each value" do
- @confine.stubs(:pass?).returns true
- @confine.expects(:pass?).with("b").returns false
- @confine.expects(:pass?).with("d").returns false
+ it "should return an array with the result of the test for each value" do
+ @confine.stubs(:pass?).returns true
+ @confine.expects(:pass?).with("b").returns false
+ @confine.expects(:pass?).with("d").returns false
- @confine.result.should == [true, false, true, false]
- end
+ @confine.result.should == [true, false, true, false]
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/confiner_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/confiner_spec.rb
index 0a0d67fb5..d513c7232 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/confiner_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/confiner_spec.rb
@@ -5,59 +5,59 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
require 'puppet/provider/confiner'
describe Puppet::Provider::Confiner do
+ before do
+ @object =
+ @object.extend(Puppet::Provider::Confiner)
+ end
+ it "should have a method for defining confines" do
+ @object.should respond_to(:confine)
+ end
+ it "should have a method for returning its confine collection" do
+ @object.should respond_to(:confine_collection)
+ end
+ it "should have a method for testing suitability" do
+ @object.should respond_to(:suitable?)
+ end
+ it "should delegate its confine method to its confine collection" do
+ coll = mock 'collection'
+ @object.stubs(:confine_collection).returns coll
+ coll.expects(:confine).with(:foo => :bar, :bee => :baz)
+ @object.confine(:foo => :bar, :bee => :baz)
+ end
+ it "should create a new confine collection if one does not exist" do
+ Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.expects(:new).with("mylabel").returns "mycoll"
+ @object.expects(:to_s).returns "mylabel"
+ @object.confine_collection.should == "mycoll"
+ end
+ it "should reuse the confine collection" do
+ @object.confine_collection.should equal(@object.confine_collection)
+ end
+ describe "when testing suitability" do
before do
- @object =
- @object.extend(Puppet::Provider::Confiner)
+ @coll = mock 'collection'
+ @object.stubs(:confine_collection).returns @coll
- it "should have a method for defining confines" do
- @object.should respond_to(:confine)
+ it "should return true if the confine collection is valid" do
+ @coll.expects(:valid?).returns true
+ @object.should be_suitable
- it "should have a method for returning its confine collection" do
- @object.should respond_to(:confine_collection)
+ it "should return false if the confine collection is invalid" do
+ @coll.expects(:valid?).returns false
+ @object.should_not be_suitable
- it "should have a method for testing suitability" do
- @object.should respond_to(:suitable?)
- end
- it "should delegate its confine method to its confine collection" do
- coll = mock 'collection'
- @object.stubs(:confine_collection).returns coll
- coll.expects(:confine).with(:foo => :bar, :bee => :baz)
- @object.confine(:foo => :bar, :bee => :baz)
- end
- it "should create a new confine collection if one does not exist" do
- Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.expects(:new).with("mylabel").returns "mycoll"
- @object.expects(:to_s).returns "mylabel"
- @object.confine_collection.should == "mycoll"
- end
- it "should reuse the confine collection" do
- @object.confine_collection.should equal(@object.confine_collection)
- end
- describe "when testing suitability" do
- before do
- @coll = mock 'collection'
- @object.stubs(:confine_collection).returns @coll
- end
- it "should return true if the confine collection is valid" do
- @coll.expects(:valid?).returns true
- @object.should be_suitable
- end
- it "should return false if the confine collection is invalid" do
- @coll.expects(:valid?).returns false
- @object.should_not be_suitable
- end
- it "should return the summary of the confine collection if a long result is asked for" do
- @coll.expects(:summary).returns "myresult"
- @object.suitable?(false).should == "myresult"
- end
+ it "should return the summary of the confine collection if a long result is asked for" do
+ @coll.expects(:summary).returns "myresult"
+ @object.suitable?(false).should == "myresult"
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/group/groupadd_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/group/groupadd_spec.rb
index fb4b811cb..33d9acd98 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/group/groupadd_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/group/groupadd_spec.rb
@@ -5,27 +5,27 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:group).provider(:groupadd)
describe provider_class do
- before do
- @resource = stub("resource", :name => "mygroup")
- @provider =
- end
+ before do
+ @resource = stub("resource", :name => "mygroup")
+ @provider =
+ end
- # #1360
- it "should add -o when allowdupe is enabled and the group is being created" do
- @resource.stubs(:should).returns "fakeval"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "fakeval"
- @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") }
+ # #1360
+ it "should add -o when allowdupe is enabled and the group is being created" do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).returns "fakeval"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "fakeval"
+ @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") }
- @provider.create
- end
+ @provider.create
+ end
- it "should add -o when allowdupe is enabled and the gid is being modified" do
- @resource.stubs(:should).returns "fakeval"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "fakeval"
- @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") }
+ it "should add -o when allowdupe is enabled and the gid is being modified" do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).returns "fakeval"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "fakeval"
+ @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") }
- @provider.gid = 150
- end
+ @provider.gid = 150
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/group/ldap_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/group/ldap_spec.rb
index ab2bd72aa..b8c54be94 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/group/ldap_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/group/ldap_spec.rb
@@ -8,98 +8,98 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:group).provider(:ldap)
describe provider_class do
- it "should have the Ldap provider class as its baseclass" do
- provider_class.superclass.should equal(Puppet::Provider::Ldap)
+ it "should have the Ldap provider class as its baseclass" do
+ provider_class.superclass.should equal(Puppet::Provider::Ldap)
+ end
+ it "should manage :posixGroup objectclass" do
+ provider_class.manager.objectclasses.should == [:posixGroup]
+ end
+ it "should use 'ou=Groups' as its relative base" do
+ provider_class.manager.location.should == "ou=Groups"
+ end
+ it "should use :cn as its rdn" do
+ provider_class.manager.rdn.should == :cn
+ end
+ it "should map :name to 'cn'" do
+ provider_class.manager.ldap_name(:name).should == 'cn'
+ end
+ it "should map :gid to 'gidNumber'" do
+ provider_class.manager.ldap_name(:gid).should == 'gidNumber'
+ end
+ it "should map :members to 'memberUid', to be used by the user ldap provider" do
+ provider_class.manager.ldap_name(:members).should == 'memberUid'
+ end
+ describe "when being created" do
+ before do
+ # So we don't try to actually talk to ldap
+ @connection = mock 'connection'
+ provider_class.manager.stubs(:connect).yields @connection
- it "should manage :posixGroup objectclass" do
- provider_class.manager.objectclasses.should == [:posixGroup]
- end
+ describe "with no gid specified" do
+ it "should pick the first available GID after the largest existing GID" do
+ low = {:name=>["luke"], :gid=>["600"]}
+ high = {:name=>["testing"], :gid=>["640"]}
+ provider_class.manager.expects(:search).returns([low, high])
- it "should use 'ou=Groups' as its relative base" do
- provider_class.manager.location.should == "ou=Groups"
- end
+ resource = stub 'resource', :should => %w{whatever}
+ resource.stubs(:should).with(:gid).returns nil
+ resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :present
+ instance = => "luke", :ensure => :absent)
+ instance.stubs(:resource).returns resource
- it "should use :cn as its rdn" do
- provider_class.manager.rdn.should == :cn
- end
+ @connection.expects(:add).with { |dn, attrs| attrs["gidNumber"] == ["641"] }
- it "should map :name to 'cn'" do
- provider_class.manager.ldap_name(:name).should == 'cn'
- end
+ instance.create
+ instance.flush
+ end
- it "should map :gid to 'gidNumber'" do
- provider_class.manager.ldap_name(:gid).should == 'gidNumber'
- end
+ it "should pick '501' as its GID if no groups are found" do
+ provider_class.manager.expects(:search).returns nil
+ resource = stub 'resource', :should => %w{whatever}
+ resource.stubs(:should).with(:gid).returns nil
+ resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :present
+ instance = => "luke", :ensure => :absent)
+ instance.stubs(:resource).returns resource
- it "should map :members to 'memberUid', to be used by the user ldap provider" do
- provider_class.manager.ldap_name(:members).should == 'memberUid'
+ @connection.expects(:add).with { |dn, attrs| attrs["gidNumber"] == ["501"] }
+ instance.create
+ instance.flush
+ end
+ end
+ it "should have a method for converting group names to GIDs" do
+ provider_class.should respond_to(:name2id)
+ end
- describe "when being created" do
- before do
- # So we don't try to actually talk to ldap
- @connection = mock 'connection'
- provider_class.manager.stubs(:connect).yields @connection
- end
- describe "with no gid specified" do
- it "should pick the first available GID after the largest existing GID" do
- low = {:name=>["luke"], :gid=>["600"]}
- high = {:name=>["testing"], :gid=>["640"]}
- provider_class.manager.expects(:search).returns([low, high])
- resource = stub 'resource', :should => %w{whatever}
- resource.stubs(:should).with(:gid).returns nil
- resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :present
- instance = => "luke", :ensure => :absent)
- instance.stubs(:resource).returns resource
- @connection.expects(:add).with { |dn, attrs| attrs["gidNumber"] == ["641"] }
- instance.create
- instance.flush
- end
- it "should pick '501' as its GID if no groups are found" do
- provider_class.manager.expects(:search).returns nil
- resource = stub 'resource', :should => %w{whatever}
- resource.stubs(:should).with(:gid).returns nil
- resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :present
- instance = => "luke", :ensure => :absent)
- instance.stubs(:resource).returns resource
- @connection.expects(:add).with { |dn, attrs| attrs["gidNumber"] == ["501"] }
- instance.create
- instance.flush
- end
- end
+ describe "when converting from a group name to GID" do
+ it "should use the ldap manager to look up the GID" do
+ provider_class.manager.expects(:search).with("cn=foo")
+ provider_class.name2id("foo")
- it "should have a method for converting group names to GIDs" do
- provider_class.should respond_to(:name2id)
+ it "should return nil if no group is found" do
+ provider_class.manager.expects(:search).with("cn=foo").returns nil
+ provider_class.name2id("foo").should be_nil
+ provider_class.manager.expects(:search).with("cn=bar").returns []
+ provider_class.name2id("bar").should be_nil
- describe "when converting from a group name to GID" do
- it "should use the ldap manager to look up the GID" do
- provider_class.manager.expects(:search).with("cn=foo")
- provider_class.name2id("foo")
- end
- it "should return nil if no group is found" do
- provider_class.manager.expects(:search).with("cn=foo").returns nil
- provider_class.name2id("foo").should be_nil
- provider_class.manager.expects(:search).with("cn=bar").returns []
- provider_class.name2id("bar").should be_nil
- end
- # We shouldn't ever actually have more than one gid, but it doesn't hurt
- # to test for the possibility.
- it "should return the first gid from the first returned group" do
- provider_class.manager.expects(:search).with("cn=foo").returns [{:name => "foo", :gid => [10, 11]}, {:name => :bar, :gid => [20, 21]}]
- provider_class.name2id("foo").should == 10
- end
+ # We shouldn't ever actually have more than one gid, but it doesn't hurt
+ # to test for the possibility.
+ it "should return the first gid from the first returned group" do
+ provider_class.manager.expects(:search).with("cn=foo").returns [{:name => "foo", :gid => [10, 11]}, {:name => :bar, :gid => [20, 21]}]
+ provider_class.name2id("foo").should == 10
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/ldap_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/ldap_spec.rb
index 6c5820883..588cafc1f 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/ldap_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/ldap_spec.rb
@@ -8,241 +8,241 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
require 'puppet/provider/ldap'
describe Puppet::Provider::Ldap do
- before do
- @class =
+ before do
+ @class =
+ end
+ it "should be able to define its manager" do
+ manager = mock 'manager'
+ Puppet::Util::Ldap::Manager.expects(:new).returns manager
+ @class.stubs :mk_resource_methods
+ manager.expects(:manages).with(:one)
+ @class.manages(:one).should equal(manager)
+ @class.manager.should equal(manager)
+ end
+ it "should be able to prefetch instances from ldap" do
+ @class.should respond_to(:prefetch)
+ end
+ it "should create its resource getter/setter methods when the manager is defined" do
+ manager = mock 'manager'
+ Puppet::Util::Ldap::Manager.expects(:new).returns manager
+ @class.expects :mk_resource_methods
+ manager.stubs(:manages)
+ @class.manages(:one).should equal(manager)
+ end
+ it "should have an instances method" do
+ @class.should respond_to(:instances)
+ end
+ describe "when providing a list of instances" do
+ it "should convert all results returned from the manager's :search method into provider instances" do
+ manager = mock 'manager'
+ @class.stubs(:manager).returns manager
+ manager.expects(:search).returns %w{one two three}
+ @class.expects(:new).with("one").returns(1)
+ @class.expects(:new).with("two").returns(2)
+ @class.expects(:new).with("three").returns(3)
+ @class.instances.should == [1,2,3]
+ end
- it "should be able to define its manager" do
- manager = mock 'manager'
- Puppet::Util::Ldap::Manager.expects(:new).returns manager
- @class.stubs :mk_resource_methods
- manager.expects(:manages).with(:one)
- @class.manages(:one).should equal(manager)
- @class.manager.should equal(manager)
- end
+ it "should have a prefetch method" do
+ @class.should respond_to(:prefetch)
+ end
- it "should be able to prefetch instances from ldap" do
- @class.should respond_to(:prefetch)
- end
+ describe "when prefetching" do
+ before do
+ @manager = mock 'manager'
+ @class.stubs(:manager).returns @manager
- it "should create its resource getter/setter methods when the manager is defined" do
- manager = mock 'manager'
- Puppet::Util::Ldap::Manager.expects(:new).returns manager
- @class.expects :mk_resource_methods
- manager.stubs(:manages)
- @class.manages(:one).should equal(manager)
- end
+ @resource = mock 'resource'
- it "should have an instances method" do
- @class.should respond_to(:instances)
+ @resources = {"one" => @resource}
- describe "when providing a list of instances" do
- it "should convert all results returned from the manager's :search method into provider instances" do
- manager = mock 'manager'
- @class.stubs(:manager).returns manager
- manager.expects(:search).returns %w{one two three}
+ it "should find an entry for each passed resource" do
+ @manager.expects(:find).with("one").returns nil
- @class.expects(:new).with("one").returns(1)
- @class.expects(:new).with("two").returns(2)
- @class.expects(:new).with("three").returns(3)
- @class.instances.should == [1,2,3]
- end
- end
- it "should have a prefetch method" do
- @class.should respond_to(:prefetch)
+ @class.stubs(:new)
+ @resource.stubs(:provider=)
+ @class.prefetch(@resources)
- describe "when prefetching" do
- before do
- @manager = mock 'manager'
- @class.stubs(:manager).returns @manager
+ describe "resources that do not exist" do
+ it "should create a provider with :ensure => :absent" do
+ result = mock 'result'
+ @manager.expects(:find).with("one").returns nil
- @resource = mock 'resource'
+ @class.expects(:new).with(:ensure => :absent).returns "myprovider"
- @resources = {"one" => @resource}
- end
+ @resource.expects(:provider=).with("myprovider")
- it "should find an entry for each passed resource" do
- @manager.expects(:find).with("one").returns nil
+ @class.prefetch(@resources)
+ end
+ end
- @class.stubs(:new)
- @resource.stubs(:provider=)
- @class.prefetch(@resources)
- end
+ describe "resources that exist" do
+ it "should create a provider with the results of the find" do
+ @manager.expects(:find).with("one").returns("one" => "two")
- describe "resources that do not exist" do
- it "should create a provider with :ensure => :absent" do
- result = mock 'result'
- @manager.expects(:find).with("one").returns nil
+ @class.expects(:new).with("one" => "two", :ensure => :present).returns "myprovider"
- @class.expects(:new).with(:ensure => :absent).returns "myprovider"
+ @resource.expects(:provider=).with("myprovider")
- @resource.expects(:provider=).with("myprovider")
+ @class.prefetch(@resources)
+ end
- @class.prefetch(@resources)
- end
- end
+ it "should set :ensure to :present in the returned values" do
+ @manager.expects(:find).with("one").returns("one" => "two")
- describe "resources that exist" do
- it "should create a provider with the results of the find" do
- @manager.expects(:find).with("one").returns("one" => "two")
+ @class.expects(:new).with("one" => "two", :ensure => :present).returns "myprovider"
- @class.expects(:new).with("one" => "two", :ensure => :present).returns "myprovider"
+ @resource.expects(:provider=).with("myprovider")
- @resource.expects(:provider=).with("myprovider")
+ @class.prefetch(@resources)
+ end
+ end
+ end
- @class.prefetch(@resources)
- end
+ describe "when being initialized" do
+ it "should fail if no manager has been defined" do
+ lambda { }.should raise_error(Puppet::DevError)
+ end
- it "should set :ensure to :present in the returned values" do
- @manager.expects(:find).with("one").returns("one" => "two")
+ it "should fail if the manager is invalid" do
+ manager = stub "manager", :valid? => false
+ @class.stubs(:manager).returns manager
+ lambda { }.should raise_error(Puppet::DevError)
+ end
- @class.expects(:new).with("one" => "two", :ensure => :present).returns "myprovider"
+ describe "with a hash" do
+ before do
+ @manager = stub "manager", :valid? => true
+ @class.stubs(:manager).returns @manager
+ @resource_class = mock 'resource_class'
+ @class.stubs(:resource_type).returns @resource_class
+ @property_class = stub 'property_class', :array_matching => :all, :superclass => Puppet::Property
+ @resource_class.stubs(:attrclass).with(:one).returns(@property_class)
+ @resource_class.stubs(:valid_parameter?).returns true
+ end
+ it "should store a copy of the hash as its ldap_properties" do
+ instance = => :two)
+ instance.ldap_properties.should == {:one => :two}
+ end
+ it "should only store the first value of each value array for those attributes that do not match all values" do
+ @property_class.expects(:array_matching).returns :first
+ instance = => %w{two three})
+ == {:one => "two"}
+ end
+ it "should store the whole value array for those attributes that match all values" do
+ @property_class.expects(:array_matching).returns :all
+ instance = => %w{two three})
+ == {:one => %w{two three}}
+ end
+ it "should only use the first value for attributes that are not properties" do
+ # Yay. hackish, but easier than mocking everything.
+ @resource_class.expects(:attrclass).with(:a).returns Puppet::Type.type(:user).attrclass(:name)
+ @property_class.stubs(:array_matching).returns :all
+ instance = => %w{two three}, :a => %w{b c})
+ == {:one => %w{two three}, :a => "b"}
+ end
+ it "should discard any properties not valid in the resource class" do
+ @resource_class.expects(:valid_parameter?).with(:a).returns false
+ @property_class.stubs(:array_matching).returns :all
+ instance = => %w{two three}, :a => %w{b})
+ == {:one => %w{two three}}
+ end
+ end
+ end
- @resource.expects(:provider=).with("myprovider")
+ describe "when an instance" do
+ before do
+ @manager = stub "manager", :valid? => true
+ @class.stubs(:manager).returns @manager
+ @instance =
- @class.prefetch(@resources)
- end
- end
+ @property_class = stub 'property_class', :array_matching => :all, :superclass => Puppet::Property
+ @resource_class = stub 'resource_class', :attrclass => @property_class, :valid_parameter? => true, :validproperties => [:one, :two]
+ @class.stubs(:resource_type).returns @resource_class
- describe "when being initialized" do
- it "should fail if no manager has been defined" do
- lambda { }.should raise_error(Puppet::DevError)
- end
+ it "should have a method for creating the ldap entry" do
+ @instance.should respond_to(:create)
+ end
- it "should fail if the manager is invalid" do
- manager = stub "manager", :valid? => false
- @class.stubs(:manager).returns manager
- lambda { }.should raise_error(Puppet::DevError)
- end
+ it "should have a method for removing the ldap entry" do
+ @instance.should respond_to(:delete)
+ end
- describe "with a hash" do
- before do
- @manager = stub "manager", :valid? => true
- @class.stubs(:manager).returns @manager
+ it "should have a method for returning the class's manager" do
+ @instance.manager.should equal(@manager)
+ end
- @resource_class = mock 'resource_class'
- @class.stubs(:resource_type).returns @resource_class
+ it "should indicate when the ldap entry already exists" do
+ @instance = => :present)
+ @instance.exists?.should be_true
+ end
- @property_class = stub 'property_class', :array_matching => :all, :superclass => Puppet::Property
- @resource_class.stubs(:attrclass).with(:one).returns(@property_class)
- @resource_class.stubs(:valid_parameter?).returns true
- end
+ it "should indicate when the ldap entry does not exist" do
+ @instance = => :absent)
+ @instance.exists?.should be_false
+ end
- it "should store a copy of the hash as its ldap_properties" do
- instance = => :two)
- instance.ldap_properties.should == {:one => :two}
- end
+ describe "is being flushed" do
+ it "should call the manager's :update method with its name, current attributes, and desired attributes" do
+ @instance.stubs(:name).returns "myname"
+ @instance.stubs(:ldap_properties).returns(:one => :two)
+ @instance.stubs(:properties).returns(:three => :four)
+ @manager.expects(:update).with(, {:one => :two}, {:three => :four})
+ @instance.flush
+ end
+ end
- it "should only store the first value of each value array for those attributes that do not match all values" do
- @property_class.expects(:array_matching).returns :first
- instance = => %w{two three})
- == {:one => "two"}
- end
- it "should store the whole value array for those attributes that match all values" do
- @property_class.expects(:array_matching).returns :all
- instance = => %w{two three})
- == {:one => %w{two three}}
- end
+ describe "is being created" do
+ before do
+ @rclass = mock 'resource_class'
+ @rclass.stubs(:validproperties).returns([:one, :two])
+ @resource = mock 'resource'
+ @resource.stubs(:class).returns @rclass
+ @resource.stubs(:should).returns nil
+ @instance.stubs(:resource).returns @resource
+ end
+ it "should set its :ensure value to :present" do
+ @instance.create
+[:ensure].should == :present
+ end
+ it "should set all of the other attributes from the resource" do
+ @resource.expects(:should).with(:one).returns "oneval"
+ @resource.expects(:should).with(:two).returns "twoval"
+ @instance.create
+[:one].should == "oneval"
+[:two].should == "twoval"
+ end
+ end
- it "should only use the first value for attributes that are not properties" do
- # Yay. hackish, but easier than mocking everything.
- @resource_class.expects(:attrclass).with(:a).returns Puppet::Type.type(:user).attrclass(:name)
- @property_class.stubs(:array_matching).returns :all
- instance = => %w{two three}, :a => %w{b c})
- == {:one => %w{two three}, :a => "b"}
- end
- it "should discard any properties not valid in the resource class" do
- @resource_class.expects(:valid_parameter?).with(:a).returns false
- @property_class.stubs(:array_matching).returns :all
- instance = => %w{two three}, :a => %w{b})
- == {:one => %w{two three}}
- end
- end
- end
- describe "when an instance" do
- before do
- @manager = stub "manager", :valid? => true
- @class.stubs(:manager).returns @manager
- @instance =
- @property_class = stub 'property_class', :array_matching => :all, :superclass => Puppet::Property
- @resource_class = stub 'resource_class', :attrclass => @property_class, :valid_parameter? => true, :validproperties => [:one, :two]
- @class.stubs(:resource_type).returns @resource_class
- end
- it "should have a method for creating the ldap entry" do
- @instance.should respond_to(:create)
- end
- it "should have a method for removing the ldap entry" do
- @instance.should respond_to(:delete)
- end
- it "should have a method for returning the class's manager" do
- @instance.manager.should equal(@manager)
- end
- it "should indicate when the ldap entry already exists" do
- @instance = => :present)
- @instance.exists?.should be_true
- end
- it "should indicate when the ldap entry does not exist" do
- @instance = => :absent)
- @instance.exists?.should be_false
- end
- describe "is being flushed" do
- it "should call the manager's :update method with its name, current attributes, and desired attributes" do
- @instance.stubs(:name).returns "myname"
- @instance.stubs(:ldap_properties).returns(:one => :two)
- @instance.stubs(:properties).returns(:three => :four)
- @manager.expects(:update).with(, {:one => :two}, {:three => :four})
- @instance.flush
- end
- end
- describe "is being created" do
- before do
- @rclass = mock 'resource_class'
- @rclass.stubs(:validproperties).returns([:one, :two])
- @resource = mock 'resource'
- @resource.stubs(:class).returns @rclass
- @resource.stubs(:should).returns nil
- @instance.stubs(:resource).returns @resource
- end
- it "should set its :ensure value to :present" do
- @instance.create
-[:ensure].should == :present
- end
- it "should set all of the other attributes from the resource" do
- @resource.expects(:should).with(:one).returns "oneval"
- @resource.expects(:should).with(:two).returns "twoval"
- @instance.create
-[:one].should == "oneval"
-[:two].should == "twoval"
- end
- end
- describe "is being deleted" do
- it "should set its :ensure value to :absent" do
- @instance.delete
-[:ensure].should == :absent
- end
- end
+ describe "is being deleted" do
+ it "should set its :ensure value to :absent" do
+ @instance.delete
+[:ensure].should == :absent
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/macauthorization_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/macauthorization_spec.rb
index b462be140..d9e04e957 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/macauthorization_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/macauthorization_spec.rb
@@ -12,136 +12,136 @@ provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:macauthorization).provider(:macauthorization
describe provider_class do
- before :each do
- # Create a mock resource
- @resource = stub 'resource'
+ before :each do
+ # Create a mock resource
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
- @authname = "foo.spam.eggs.puppettest"
- @authplist = {}
+ @authname = "foo.spam.eggs.puppettest"
+ @authplist = {}
- @rules = {@authname => @authplist}
+ @rules = {@authname => @authplist}
- authdb = {}
- authdb["rules"] = { "foorule" => "foo" }
- authdb["rights"] = { "fooright" => "foo" }
+ authdb = {}
+ authdb["rules"] = { "foorule" => "foo" }
+ authdb["rights"] = { "fooright" => "foo" }
- # Stub out Plist::parse_xml
- Plist.stubs(:parse_xml).returns(authdb)
+ # Stub out Plist::parse_xml
+ Plist.stubs(:parse_xml).returns(authdb)
- # A catch all; no parameters set
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
+ # A catch all; no parameters set
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- # But set name, ensure
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns @authname
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :present
- @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "MacAuthorization[#{@authname}]"
+ # But set name, ensure
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns @authname
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :present
+ @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "MacAuthorization[#{@authname}]"
- @provider =
- end
+ @provider =
+ end
+ it "should have a create method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:create)
+ end
+ it "should have a destroy method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:destroy)
+ end
+ it "should have an exists? method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:exists?)
+ end
- it "should have a create method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:create)
+ it "should have a flush method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:flush)
+ end
+ properties = [ :allow_root, :authenticate_user, :auth_class, :comment,
+ :group, :k_of_n, :mechanisms, :rule, :session_owner,
+ :shared, :timeout, :tries, :auth_type ]
+ properties.each do |prop|
+ it "should have a #{prop.to_s} method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(prop.to_s)
- it "should have a destroy method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:destroy)
+ it "should have a #{prop.to_s}= method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(prop.to_s + "=")
+ end
- it "should have an exists? method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:exists?)
+ describe "when destroying a right" do
+ before :each do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:auth_type).returns(:right)
- it "should have a flush method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:flush)
+ it "should call the internal method destroy_right" do
+ @provider.expects(:destroy_right)
+ @provider.destroy
+ end
+ it "should call the external command 'security authorizationdb remove @authname" do
+ @provider.expects(:security).with("authorizationdb", :remove, @authname)
+ @provider.destroy
+ end
- properties = [ :allow_root, :authenticate_user, :auth_class, :comment,
- :group, :k_of_n, :mechanisms, :rule, :session_owner,
- :shared, :timeout, :tries, :auth_type ]
+ describe "when destroying a rule" do
+ before :each do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:auth_type).returns(:rule)
+ end
- properties.each do |prop|
- it "should have a #{prop.to_s} method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(prop.to_s)
- end
+ it "should call the internal method destroy_rule" do
+ @provider.expects(:destroy_rule)
+ @provider.destroy
+ end
+ end
- it "should have a #{prop.to_s}= method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(prop.to_s + "=")
- end
+ describe "when flushing a right" do
+ before :each do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:auth_type).returns(:right)
- describe "when destroying a right" do
- before :each do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:auth_type).returns(:right)
- end
- it "should call the internal method destroy_right" do
- @provider.expects(:destroy_right)
- @provider.destroy
- end
- it "should call the external command 'security authorizationdb remove @authname" do
- @provider.expects(:security).with("authorizationdb", :remove, @authname)
- @provider.destroy
- end
+ it "should call the internal method flush_right" do
+ @provider.expects(:flush_right)
+ @provider.flush
- describe "when destroying a rule" do
- before :each do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:auth_type).returns(:rule)
- end
+ it "should call the internal method set_right" do
+ @provider.expects(:set_right)
+ @provider.flush
+ end
- it "should call the internal method destroy_rule" do
- @provider.expects(:destroy_rule)
- @provider.destroy
- end
+ it "should read and write to the auth database with the right arguments" do
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |cmds, args|
+ cmds.include?("read") and
+ cmds.include?(@authname) and
+ args[:combine] == false
+ }.once
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |cmds, args|
+ cmds.include?("write") and
+ cmds.include?(@authname) and
+ args[:combine] == false and
+ args[:stdinfile] != nil
+ }.once
+ @provider.flush
- describe "when flushing a right" do
- before :each do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:auth_type).returns(:right)
- end
- it "should call the internal method flush_right" do
- @provider.expects(:flush_right)
- @provider.flush
- end
- it "should call the internal method set_right" do
- @provider.expects(:set_right)
- @provider.flush
- end
- it "should read and write to the auth database with the right arguments" do
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |cmds, args|
- cmds.include?("read") and
- cmds.include?(@authname) and
- args[:combine] == false
- }.once
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |cmds, args|
- cmds.include?("write") and
- cmds.include?(@authname) and
- args[:combine] == false and
- args[:stdinfile] != nil
- }.once
- @provider.flush
- end
+ end
+ describe "when flushing a rule" do
+ before :each do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:auth_type).returns(:rule)
- describe "when flushing a rule" do
- before :each do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:auth_type).returns(:rule)
- end
- it "should call the internal method flush_rule" do
- @provider.expects(:flush_rule)
- @provider.flush
- end
+ it "should call the internal method flush_rule" do
+ @provider.expects(:flush_rule)
+ @provider.flush
+ end
- it "should call the internal method set_rule" do
- @provider.expects(:set_rule)
- @provider.flush
- end
+ it "should call the internal method set_rule" do
+ @provider.expects(:set_rule)
+ @provider.flush
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/mcx/mcxcontent_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/mcx/mcxcontent_spec.rb
index d8f431afe..d3fb043b6 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/mcx/mcxcontent_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/mcx/mcxcontent_spec.rb
@@ -25,151 +25,151 @@ provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:mcx).provider(:mcxcontent)
# describe creates a new ExampleGroup object.
describe provider_class do
- # :each executes before each test.
- # :all executes once for the test group and before :each.
+ # :each executes before each test.
+ # :all executes once for the test group and before :each.
+ before :each do
+ # Create a mock resource
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
+ @provider =
+ @attached_to = "/Users/foobar"
+ @ds_path = "/Local/Default/Users/foobar"
+ # A catch all; no parameters set
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
+ # But set name, ensure and enable
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns @attached_to
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :present
+ @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "Mcx[#{@attached_to}]"
+ # stub out the provider methods that actually touch the filesystem
+ # or execute commands
+ @provider.class.stubs(:execute).returns('')
+ @provider.stubs(:execute).returns('')
+ @provider.stubs(:resource).returns @resource
+ end
+ it "should have a create method." do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:create)
+ end
+ it "should have a destroy method." do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:destroy)
+ end
+ it "should have an exists? method." do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:exists?)
+ end
+ it "should have an content method." do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:content)
+ end
+ it "should have an content= method." do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:content=)
+ end
+ describe "when managing the resource" do
+ it "should execute external command dscl from :create" do
+ @provider.class.expects(:dscl).returns('').once
+ @provider.create
+ end
+ it "should execute external command dscl from :destroy" do
+ @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-mcxdelete', @ds_path).returns('').once
+ @provider.destroy
+ end
+ it "should execute external command dscl from :exists?" do
+ @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-mcxexport', @ds_path).returns('').once
+ @provider.exists?
+ end
+ it "should execute external command dscl from :content" do
+ @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-mcxexport', @ds_path).returns('')
+ @provider.content
+ end
+ it "should execute external command dscl from :content=" do
+ @provider.class.expects(:dscl).returns('')
+ @provider.content=''
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when creating and parsing the name for ds_type" do
before :each do
- # Create a mock resource
- @resource = stub 'resource'
- @provider =
- @attached_to = "/Users/foobar"
- @ds_path = "/Local/Default/Users/foobar"
- # A catch all; no parameters set
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- # But set name, ensure and enable
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns @attached_to
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :present
- @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "Mcx[#{@attached_to}]"
- # stub out the provider methods that actually touch the filesystem
- # or execute commands
- @provider.class.stubs(:execute).returns('')
- @provider.stubs(:execute).returns('')
- @provider.stubs(:resource).returns @resource
- end
- it "should have a create method." do
- @provider.should respond_to(:create)
- end
- it "should have a destroy method." do
- @provider.should respond_to(:destroy)
- end
- it "should have an exists? method." do
- @provider.should respond_to(:exists?)
- end
- it "should have an content method." do
- @provider.should respond_to(:content)
- end
- it "should have an content= method." do
- @provider.should respond_to(:content=)
- end
- describe "when managing the resource" do
- it "should execute external command dscl from :create" do
- @provider.class.expects(:dscl).returns('').once
- @provider.create
- end
- it "should execute external command dscl from :destroy" do
- @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-mcxdelete', @ds_path).returns('').once
- @provider.destroy
- end
- it "should execute external command dscl from :exists?" do
- @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-mcxexport', @ds_path).returns('').once
- @provider.exists?
- end
- it "should execute external command dscl from :content" do
- @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-mcxexport', @ds_path).returns('')
- @provider.content
- end
- it "should execute external command dscl from :content=" do
- @provider.class.expects(:dscl).returns('')
- @provider.content=''
- end
- end
- describe "when creating and parsing the name for ds_type" do
- before :each do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "/Foo/bar"
- end
- it "should not accept /Foo/bar" do
- lambda { @provider.create }.should raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- it "should accept /Foo/bar with ds_type => user" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "user"
- lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- it "should accept /Foo/bar with ds_type => group" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "group"
- lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- it "should accept /Foo/bar with ds_type => computer" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "computer"
- lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- it "should accept :name => /Foo/bar with ds_type => computerlist" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "computerlist"
- lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- end
- describe "when creating and :name => foobar" do
- before :each do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "foobar"
- end
- it "should not accept unspecified :ds_type and :ds_name" do
- lambda { @provider.create }.should raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- it "should not accept unspecified :ds_type" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "user"
- lambda { @provider.create }.should raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- it "should not accept unspecified :ds_name" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_name).returns "foo"
- lambda { @provider.create }.should raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- it "should accept :ds_type => user, ds_name => foo" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "user"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_name).returns "foo"
- lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- it "should accept :ds_type => group, ds_name => foo" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "group"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_name).returns "foo"
- lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- it "should accept :ds_type => computer, ds_name => foo" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "computer"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_name).returns "foo"
- lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- it "should accept :ds_type => computerlist, ds_name => foo" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "computerlist"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_name).returns "foo"
- lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- it "should not accept :ds_type => bogustype, ds_name => foo" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "bogustype"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_name).returns "foo"
- lambda { @provider.create }.should raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
- end
- end
- describe "when gathering existing instances" do
- it "should define an instances class method." do
- @provider.class.should respond_to(:instances)
- end
- it "should call external command dscl -list /Local/Default/<ds_type> on each known ds_type" do
- @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-list', "/Local/Default/Users").returns('')
- @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-list', "/Local/Default/Groups").returns('')
- @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-list', "/Local/Default/Computers").returns('')
- @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-list', "/Local/Default/ComputerLists").returns('')
- @provider.class.instances
- end
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "/Foo/bar"
+ end
+ it "should not accept /Foo/bar" do
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ it "should accept /Foo/bar with ds_type => user" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "user"
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ it "should accept /Foo/bar with ds_type => group" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "group"
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ it "should accept /Foo/bar with ds_type => computer" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "computer"
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ it "should accept :name => /Foo/bar with ds_type => computerlist" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "computerlist"
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when creating and :name => foobar" do
+ before :each do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "foobar"
+ end
+ it "should not accept unspecified :ds_type and :ds_name" do
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ it "should not accept unspecified :ds_type" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "user"
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ it "should not accept unspecified :ds_name" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_name).returns "foo"
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ it "should accept :ds_type => user, ds_name => foo" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "user"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_name).returns "foo"
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ it "should accept :ds_type => group, ds_name => foo" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "group"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_name).returns "foo"
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ it "should accept :ds_type => computer, ds_name => foo" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "computer"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_name).returns "foo"
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ it "should accept :ds_type => computerlist, ds_name => foo" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "computerlist"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_name).returns "foo"
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should_not raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ it "should not accept :ds_type => bogustype, ds_name => foo" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_type).returns "bogustype"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ds_name).returns "foo"
+ lambda { @provider.create }.should raise_error(MCXContentProviderException)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when gathering existing instances" do
+ it "should define an instances class method." do
+ @provider.class.should respond_to(:instances)
+ end
+ it "should call external command dscl -list /Local/Default/<ds_type> on each known ds_type" do
+ @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-list', "/Local/Default/Users").returns('')
+ @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-list', "/Local/Default/Groups").returns('')
+ @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-list', "/Local/Default/Computers").returns('')
+ @provider.class.expects(:dscl).with('localhost', '-list', "/Local/Default/ComputerLists").returns('')
+ @provider.class.instances
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/mount/parsed_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/mount/parsed_spec.rb
index dfc2c0e7b..7d2e8a84c 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/mount/parsed_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/mount/parsed_spec.rb
@@ -9,185 +9,185 @@ require 'puppettest/support/utils'
require 'puppettest/fileparsing'
module ParsedMountTesting
- include PuppetTest::Support::Utils
- include PuppetTest::FileParsing
- def fake_fstab
- os = Facter['operatingsystem']
- if os == "Solaris"
- name = "solaris.fstab"
- elsif os == "FreeBSD"
- name = "freebsd.fstab"
- else
- # Catchall for other fstabs
- name = "linux.fstab"
- end
- oldpath = @provider_class.default_target
- fakefile(File::join("data/types/mount", name))
+ include PuppetTest::Support::Utils
+ include PuppetTest::FileParsing
+ def fake_fstab
+ os = Facter['operatingsystem']
+ if os == "Solaris"
+ name = "solaris.fstab"
+ elsif os == "FreeBSD"
+ name = "freebsd.fstab"
+ else
+ # Catchall for other fstabs
+ name = "linux.fstab"
+ oldpath = @provider_class.default_target
+ fakefile(File::join("data/types/mount", name))
+ end
- def mkmountargs
- mount = nil
- if defined?(@pcount)
- @pcount += 1
- else
- @pcount = 1
- end
- args = {
- :name => "/fspuppet#{@pcount}",
- :device => "/dev/dsk#{@pcount}",
- }
+ def mkmountargs
+ mount = nil
- @provider_class.fields(:parsed).each do |field|
- args[field] = "fake#{field}#{@pcount}" unless args.include? field
- end
+ if defined?(@pcount)
+ @pcount += 1
+ else
+ @pcount = 1
+ end
+ args = {
+ :name => "/fspuppet#{@pcount}",
+ :device => "/dev/dsk#{@pcount}",
+ }
- args
+ @provider_class.fields(:parsed).each do |field|
+ args[field] = "fake#{field}#{@pcount}" unless args.include? field
- def mkmount
- hash = mkmountargs
- #hash[:provider] =
+ args
+ end
- fakeresource = stub :type => :mount, :name => hash[:name]
- fakeresource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns(hash[:name])
- fakeresource.stubs(:should).with(:target).returns(nil)
+ def mkmount
+ hash = mkmountargs
+ #hash[:provider] =
- mount =
- hash[:record_type] = :parsed
- hash[:ensure] = :present
- mount.property_hash = hash
+ fakeresource = stub :type => :mount, :name => hash[:name]
+ fakeresource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns(hash[:name])
+ fakeresource.stubs(:should).with(:target).returns(nil)
- mount
- end
+ mount =
+ hash[:record_type] = :parsed
+ hash[:ensure] = :present
+ mount.property_hash = hash
- # Here we just create a fake host type that answers to all of the methods
- # but does not modify our actual system.
- def mkfaketype
- @provider.stubs(:filetype).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:ram))
- end
+ mount
+ end
+ # Here we just create a fake host type that answers to all of the methods
+ # but does not modify our actual system.
+ def mkfaketype
+ @provider.stubs(:filetype).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:ram))
+ end
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).provider(:parsed)
describe provider_class do
- before :each do
- @mount_class = Puppet::Type.type(:mount)
- @provider_class = @mount_class.provider(:parsed)
- end
+ before :each do
+ @mount_class = Puppet::Type.type(:mount)
+ @provider_class = @mount_class.provider(:parsed)
+ end
- describe provider_class do
- include ParsedMountTesting
+ describe provider_class do
+ include ParsedMountTesting
- it "should be able to parse all of the example mount tabs" do
- tab = fake_fstab
- @provider = @provider_class
+ it "should be able to parse all of the example mount tabs" do
+ tab = fake_fstab
+ @provider = @provider_class
- # LAK:FIXME Again, a relatively bad test, but I don't know how to rspec-ify this.
- # I suppose this is more of an integration test? I dunno.
- fakedataparse(tab) do
- # Now just make we've got some mounts we know will be there
- hashes = @provider_class.target_records(tab).find_all { |i| i.is_a? Hash }
- (hashes.length > 0).should be_true
- root = hashes.find { |i| i[:name] == "/" }
+ # LAK:FIXME Again, a relatively bad test, but I don't know how to rspec-ify this.
+ # I suppose this is more of an integration test? I dunno.
+ fakedataparse(tab) do
+ # Now just make we've got some mounts we know will be there
+ hashes = @provider_class.target_records(tab).find_all { |i| i.is_a? Hash }
+ (hashes.length > 0).should be_true
+ root = hashes.find { |i| i[:name] == "/" }
- proc { @provider_class.to_file(hashes) }.should_not raise_error
- end
- end
+ proc { @provider_class.to_file(hashes) }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ end
- # LAK:FIXME I can't mock Facter because this test happens at parse-time.
- it "should default to /etc/vfstab on Solaris and /etc/fstab everywhere else" do
- should = case Facter.value(:operatingsystem)
- when "Solaris"; "/etc/vfstab"
- else
- "/etc/fstab"
- end
- Puppet::Type.type(:mount).provider(:parsed).default_target.should == should
+ # LAK:FIXME I can't mock Facter because this test happens at parse-time.
+ it "should default to /etc/vfstab on Solaris and /etc/fstab everywhere else" do
+ should = case Facter.value(:operatingsystem)
+ when "Solaris"; "/etc/vfstab"
+ else
+ "/etc/fstab"
+ Puppet::Type.type(:mount).provider(:parsed).default_target.should == should
+ end
- it "should not crash on incomplete lines in fstab" do
- parse = @provider_class.parse <<-FSTAB
+ it "should not crash on incomplete lines in fstab" do
+ parse = @provider_class.parse <<-FSTAB
/dev/device name
- lambda{ @provider_class.to_line(parse[0]) }.should_not raise_error
- end
+ lambda{ @provider_class.to_line(parse[0]) }.should_not raise_error
+ end
- describe provider_class, " when mounting an absent filesystem" do
- include ParsedMountTesting
+ describe provider_class, " when mounting an absent filesystem" do
+ include ParsedMountTesting
- # #730 - Make sure 'flush' is called when a mount is moving from absent to mounted
- it "should flush the fstab to disk" do
- mount = mkmount
+ # #730 - Make sure 'flush' is called when a mount is moving from absent to mounted
+ it "should flush the fstab to disk" do
+ mount = mkmount
- # Mark the mount as absent
- mount.property_hash[:ensure] = :absent
+ # Mark the mount as absent
+ mount.property_hash[:ensure] = :absent
- mount.stubs(:mountcmd) # just so we don't actually try to mount anything
+ mount.stubs(:mountcmd) # just so we don't actually try to mount anything
- mount.expects(:flush)
- mount.mount
- end
+ mount.expects(:flush)
+ mount.mount
+ end
+ end
+ describe provider_class, " when modifying the filesystem tab" do
+ include ParsedMountTesting
+ before do
+ Puppet.settings.stubs(:use)
+ # Never write to disk, only to RAM.
+ #@provider_class.stubs(:filetype).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:ram))
+ @provider_class.stubs(:target_object).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:ram).new("eh"))
+ @provider_class.clear
+ @mount = mkmount
+ @target = @provider_class.default_target
- describe provider_class, " when modifying the filesystem tab" do
- include ParsedMountTesting
- before do
- Puppet.settings.stubs(:use)
- # Never write to disk, only to RAM.
- #@provider_class.stubs(:filetype).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:ram))
- @provider_class.stubs(:target_object).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:ram).new("eh"))
- @provider_class.clear
- @mount = mkmount
- @target = @provider_class.default_target
- end
- it "should write the mount to disk when :flush is called" do
- old_text = @provider_class.target_object(@provider_class.default_target).read
+ it "should write the mount to disk when :flush is called" do
+ old_text = @provider_class.target_object(@provider_class.default_target).read
- @mount.flush
+ @mount.flush
- text = @provider_class.target_object(@provider_class.default_target).read
- text.should == old_text + @mount.class.to_line(@mount.property_hash) + "\n"
- end
+ text = @provider_class.target_object(@provider_class.default_target).read
+ text.should == old_text + @mount.class.to_line(@mount.property_hash) + "\n"
+ end
- describe provider_class, " when parsing information about the root filesystem" do
- confine "Mount type not tested on Darwin" => Facter["operatingsystem"].value != "Darwin"
- include ParsedMountTesting
+ describe provider_class, " when parsing information about the root filesystem" do
+ confine "Mount type not tested on Darwin" => Facter["operatingsystem"].value != "Darwin"
+ include ParsedMountTesting
- before do
- @mount = :name => "/"
- @provider = @mount.provider
- end
+ before do
+ @mount = :name => "/"
+ @provider = @mount.provider
+ end
- it "should have a filesystem tab" do
- FileTest.should be_exist(@provider_class.default_target)
- end
+ it "should have a filesystem tab" do
+ FileTest.should be_exist(@provider_class.default_target)
+ end
- it "should find the root filesystem" do
- @provider_class.prefetch("/" => @mount)
- @mount.provider.property_hash[:ensure].should == :present
- end
+ it "should find the root filesystem" do
+ @provider_class.prefetch("/" => @mount)
+ @mount.provider.property_hash[:ensure].should == :present
+ end
- it "should determine that the root fs is mounted" do
- @provider_class.prefetch("/" => @mount)
- @mount.provider.should be_mounted
- end
+ it "should determine that the root fs is mounted" do
+ @provider_class.prefetch("/" => @mount)
+ @mount.provider.should be_mounted
+ end
- describe provider_class, " when mounting and unmounting" do
- include ParsedMountTesting
+ describe provider_class, " when mounting and unmounting" do
+ include ParsedMountTesting
- it "should call the 'mount' command to mount the filesystem"
+ it "should call the 'mount' command to mount the filesystem"
- it "should call the 'unmount' command to unmount the filesystem"
+ it "should call the 'unmount' command to unmount the filesystem"
- it "should specify the filesystem when remounting a filesystem"
- end
+ it "should specify the filesystem when remounting a filesystem"
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/mount_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/mount_spec.rb
index 41abcd424..55a52b44a 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/mount_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/mount_spec.rb
@@ -5,126 +5,126 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
require 'puppet/provider/mount'
describe Puppet::Provider::Mount do
- before :each do
- @mounter =
- @mounter.extend(Puppet::Provider::Mount)
+ before :each do
+ @mounter =
+ @mounter.extend(Puppet::Provider::Mount)
- @name = "/"
+ @name = "/"
- @resource = stub 'resource'
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns(@name)
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns(@name)
- @mounter.stubs(:resource).returns(@resource)
+ @mounter.stubs(:resource).returns(@resource)
+ end
+ describe Puppet::Provider::Mount, " when mounting" do
+ it "should use the 'mountcmd' method to mount" do
+ @mounter.stubs(:options).returns(nil)
+ @mounter.expects(:mountcmd)
+ @mounter.mount
- describe Puppet::Provider::Mount, " when mounting" do
+ it "should flush before mounting if a flush method exists" do
+ @mounter.meta_def(:flush) { }
+ @mounter.expects(:flush)
+ @mounter.stubs(:mountcmd)
+ @mounter.stubs(:options).returns(nil)
- it "should use the 'mountcmd' method to mount" do
- @mounter.stubs(:options).returns(nil)
- @mounter.expects(:mountcmd)
+ @mounter.mount
+ end
- @mounter.mount
- end
+ it "should add the options following '-o' if they exist and are not set to :absent" do
+ @mounter.stubs(:options).returns("ro")
+ @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).with { |*ary| ary[0] == "-o" and ary[1] == "ro" }
- it "should flush before mounting if a flush method exists" do
- @mounter.meta_def(:flush) { }
- @mounter.expects(:flush)
- @mounter.stubs(:mountcmd)
- @mounter.stubs(:options).returns(nil)
+ @mounter.mount
+ end
- @mounter.mount
- end
+ it "should specify the filesystem name to the mount command" do
+ @mounter.stubs(:options).returns(nil)
+ @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).with { |*ary| ary[-1] == @name }
- it "should add the options following '-o' if they exist and are not set to :absent" do
- @mounter.stubs(:options).returns("ro")
- @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).with { |*ary| ary[0] == "-o" and ary[1] == "ro" }
+ @mounter.mount
+ end
+ end
- @mounter.mount
- end
+ describe Puppet::Provider::Mount, " when remounting" do
- it "should specify the filesystem name to the mount command" do
- @mounter.stubs(:options).returns(nil)
- @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).with { |*ary| ary[-1] == @name }
+ it "should use '-o remount' if the resource specifies it supports remounting" do
+ @mounter.stubs(:info)
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:remounts).returns(:true)
+ @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).with("-o", "remount", @name)
+ @mounter.remount
+ end
- @mounter.mount
- end
+ it "should unmount and mount if the resource does not specify it supports remounting" do
+ @mounter.stubs(:info)
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:remounts).returns(false)
+ @mounter.expects(:unmount)
+ @mounter.expects(:mount)
+ @mounter.remount
- describe Puppet::Provider::Mount, " when remounting" do
- it "should use '-o remount' if the resource specifies it supports remounting" do
- @mounter.stubs(:info)
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:remounts).returns(:true)
- @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).with("-o", "remount", @name)
- @mounter.remount
- end
- it "should unmount and mount if the resource does not specify it supports remounting" do
- @mounter.stubs(:info)
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:remounts).returns(false)
- @mounter.expects(:unmount)
- @mounter.expects(:mount)
- @mounter.remount
- end
- it "should log that it is remounting" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:remounts).returns(:true)
- @mounter.stubs(:mountcmd)
- @mounter.expects(:info).with("Remounting")
- @mounter.remount
- end
+ it "should log that it is remounting" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:remounts).returns(:true)
+ @mounter.stubs(:mountcmd)
+ @mounter.expects(:info).with("Remounting")
+ @mounter.remount
+ end
- describe Puppet::Provider::Mount, " when unmounting" do
+ describe Puppet::Provider::Mount, " when unmounting" do
- it "should call the :umount command with the resource name" do
- @mounter.expects(:umount).with(@name)
- @mounter.unmount
- end
+ it "should call the :umount command with the resource name" do
+ @mounter.expects(:umount).with(@name)
+ @mounter.unmount
+ end
- describe Puppet::Provider::Mount, " when determining if it is mounted" do
+ describe Puppet::Provider::Mount, " when determining if it is mounted" do
- it "should parse the results of running the mount command with no arguments" do
- Facter.stubs(:value).returns("whatever")
- @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).returns("")
+ it "should parse the results of running the mount command with no arguments" do
+ Facter.stubs(:value).returns("whatever")
+ @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).returns("")
- @mounter.mounted?
- end
+ @mounter.mounted?
+ end
- it "should match ' on /private/var/automount<name>' if the operating system is Darwin" do
- Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("Darwin")
- @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).returns("/dev/whatever on /private/var/automount/\ndevfs on /dev")
+ it "should match ' on /private/var/automount<name>' if the operating system is Darwin" do
+ Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("Darwin")
+ @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).returns("/dev/whatever on /private/var/automount/\ndevfs on /dev")
- @mounter.should be_mounted
- end
+ @mounter.should be_mounted
+ end
- it "should match ' on <name>' if the operating system is Darwin" do
- Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("Darwin")
- @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).returns("/dev/disk03 on / (local, journaled)\ndevfs on /dev")
+ it "should match ' on <name>' if the operating system is Darwin" do
+ Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("Darwin")
+ @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).returns("/dev/disk03 on / (local, journaled)\ndevfs on /dev")
- @mounter.should be_mounted
- end
+ @mounter.should be_mounted
+ end
- it "should match '^<name> on' if the operating system is Solaris" do
- Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("Solaris")
- @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).returns("/ on /dev/dsk/whatever\n/var on /dev/dsk/other")
+ it "should match '^<name> on' if the operating system is Solaris" do
+ Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("Solaris")
+ @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).returns("/ on /dev/dsk/whatever\n/var on /dev/dsk/other")
- @mounter.should be_mounted
- end
+ @mounter.should be_mounted
+ end
- it "should match ' on <name>' if the operating system is not Darwin or Solaris" do
- Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("Debian")
- @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).returns("/dev/dsk/whatever on / and stuff\n/dev/other/disk on /var and stuff")
+ it "should match ' on <name>' if the operating system is not Darwin or Solaris" do
+ Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("Debian")
+ @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).returns("/dev/dsk/whatever on / and stuff\n/dev/other/disk on /var and stuff")
- @mounter.should be_mounted
- end
+ @mounter.should be_mounted
+ end
- it "should not be considered mounted if it did not match the mount output" do
- Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("Debian")
- @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).returns("/dev/dsk/whatever on /something/else and stuff\n/dev/other/disk on /var and stuff")
+ it "should not be considered mounted if it did not match the mount output" do
+ Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("Debian")
+ @mounter.expects(:mountcmd).returns("/dev/dsk/whatever on /something/else and stuff\n/dev/other/disk on /var and stuff")
- @mounter.should_not be_mounted
- end
+ @mounter.should_not be_mounted
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/naginator_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/naginator_spec.rb
index d0d43aa4b..72195756c 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/naginator_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/naginator_spec.rb
@@ -5,54 +5,54 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
require 'puppet/provider/naginator'
describe Puppet::Provider::Naginator do
- before do
- @resource_type = stub 'resource_type', :name => :nagios_test
- @class =
+ before do
+ @resource_type = stub 'resource_type', :name => :nagios_test
+ @class =
- @class.stubs(:resource_type).returns @resource_type
- end
+ @class.stubs(:resource_type).returns @resource_type
+ end
- it "should be able to look up the associated Nagios type" do
- nagios_type = mock "nagios_type"
- nagios_type.stubs :attr_accessor
- Nagios::Base.expects(:type).with(:test).returns nagios_type
+ it "should be able to look up the associated Nagios type" do
+ nagios_type = mock "nagios_type"
+ nagios_type.stubs :attr_accessor
+ Nagios::Base.expects(:type).with(:test).returns nagios_type
- @class.nagios_type.should equal(nagios_type)
- end
+ @class.nagios_type.should equal(nagios_type)
+ end
- it "should use the Nagios type to determine whether an attribute is valid" do
- nagios_type = mock "nagios_type"
- nagios_type.stubs :attr_accessor
- Nagios::Base.expects(:type).with(:test).returns nagios_type
+ it "should use the Nagios type to determine whether an attribute is valid" do
+ nagios_type = mock "nagios_type"
+ nagios_type.stubs :attr_accessor
+ Nagios::Base.expects(:type).with(:test).returns nagios_type
- nagios_type.expects(:parameters).returns [:foo, :bar]
+ nagios_type.expects(:parameters).returns [:foo, :bar]
- @class.valid_attr?(:test, :foo).should be_true
- end
+ @class.valid_attr?(:test, :foo).should be_true
+ end
- it "should use Naginator to parse configuration snippets" do
- parser = mock 'parser'
- parser.expects(:parse).with("my text").returns "my instances"
- Nagios::Parser.expects(:new).returns(parser)
+ it "should use Naginator to parse configuration snippets" do
+ parser = mock 'parser'
+ parser.expects(:parse).with("my text").returns "my instances"
+ Nagios::Parser.expects(:new).returns(parser)
- @class.parse("my text").should == "my instances"
- end
+ @class.parse("my text").should == "my instances"
+ end
- it "should join Nagios::Base records with '\\n' when asked to convert them to text" do
- @class.expects(:header).returns "myheader\n"
+ it "should join Nagios::Base records with '\\n' when asked to convert them to text" do
+ @class.expects(:header).returns "myheader\n"
- @class.to_file([:one, :two]).should == "myheader\none\ntwo"
- end
+ @class.to_file([:one, :two]).should == "myheader\none\ntwo"
+ end
- it "should be able to prefetch instance from configuration files" do
- @class.should respond_to(:prefetch)
- end
+ it "should be able to prefetch instance from configuration files" do
+ @class.should respond_to(:prefetch)
+ end
- it "should be able to generate a list of instances" do
- @class.should respond_to(:instances)
- end
+ it "should be able to generate a list of instances" do
+ @class.should respond_to(:instances)
+ end
- it "should never skip records" do
- @class.should_not be_skip_record("foo")
- end
+ it "should never skip records" do
+ @class.should_not be_skip_record("foo")
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/aix_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/aix_spec.rb
index 691749df9..26732a3f0 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/package/aix_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/aix_spec.rb
@@ -5,62 +5,62 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:aix)
describe provider_class do
- before(:each) do
- # Create a mock resource
- @resource = stub 'resource'
+ before(:each) do
+ # Create a mock resource
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
- # A catch all; no parameters set
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
+ # A catch all; no parameters set
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- # But set name and source
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "mypackage"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "mysource"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :installed
+ # But set name and source
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "mypackage"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "mysource"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :installed
- @provider =
- @provider.resource = @resource
- end
- [:install, :uninstall, :latest, :query, :update].each do |method|
- it "should have a #{method} method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(method)
- end
- end
+ @provider =
+ @provider.resource = @resource
+ end
- it "should uninstall a package" do
- @provider.expects(:installp).with('-gu', 'mypackage')
- @provider.uninstall
+ [:install, :uninstall, :latest, :query, :update].each do |method|
+ it "should have a #{method} method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(method)
+ end
- describe "when installing" do
- it "should install a package" do
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns(:installed)
- @provider.expects(:installp).with('-acgwXY', '-d', 'mysource', 'mypackage')
- @provider.install
- end
+ it "should uninstall a package" do
+ @provider.expects(:installp).with('-gu', 'mypackage')
+ @provider.uninstall
+ end
- it "should install a specific package version" do
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns("")
- @provider.expects(:installp).with('-acgwXY', '-d', 'mysource', 'mypackage')
- @provider.install
- end
+ describe "when installing" do
+ it "should install a package" do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns(:installed)
+ @provider.expects(:installp).with('-acgwXY', '-d', 'mysource', 'mypackage')
+ @provider.install
- describe "when finding the latest version" do
- it "should return the current version when no later version is present" do
- @provider.stubs(:latest_info).returns(nil)
- @provider.stubs(:properties).returns( { :ensure => "" } )
- @provider.latest.should == ""
- end
+ it "should install a specific package version" do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns("")
+ @provider.expects(:installp).with('-acgwXY', '-d', 'mysource', 'mypackage')
+ @provider.install
+ end
+ end
- it "should return the latest version of a package" do
- @provider.stubs(:latest_info).returns( { :version => "" } )
- @provider.latest.should == ""
- end
+ describe "when finding the latest version" do
+ it "should return the current version when no later version is present" do
+ @provider.stubs(:latest_info).returns(nil)
+ @provider.stubs(:properties).returns( { :ensure => "" } )
+ @provider.latest.should == ""
- it "update should install a package" do
- @provider.expects(:install).with(false)
- @provider.update
+ it "should return the latest version of a package" do
+ @provider.stubs(:latest_info).returns( { :version => "" } )
+ @provider.latest.should == ""
+ end
+ it "update should install a package" do
+ @provider.expects(:install).with(false)
+ @provider.update
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/apt_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/apt_spec.rb
index 54f2c0771..3c6bf62af 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/package/apt_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/apt_spec.rb
@@ -5,141 +5,141 @@ Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) { (s = lambda { |f| File.exist?(f) ? require(f
provider = Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:apt)
describe provider do
- before do
- @resource = stub 'resource', :[] => "asdf"
- @provider =
+ before do
+ @resource = stub 'resource', :[] => "asdf"
+ @provider =
- @fakeresult = "install ok installed asdf 1.0\n"
- end
+ @fakeresult = "install ok installed asdf 1.0\n"
+ end
- it "should be versionable" do
- provider.should be_versionable
- end
+ it "should be versionable" do
+ provider.should be_versionable
+ end
- it "should use :install to update" do
- @provider.expects(:install)
- @provider.update
- end
+ it "should use :install to update" do
+ @provider.expects(:install)
+ @provider.update
+ end
- it "should use 'apt-get remove' to uninstall" do
- @provider.expects(:aptget).with("-y", "-q", :remove, "asdf")
+ it "should use 'apt-get remove' to uninstall" do
+ @provider.expects(:aptget).with("-y", "-q", :remove, "asdf")
- @provider.uninstall
- end
+ @provider.uninstall
+ end
- it "should use 'apt-get purge' and 'dpkg purge' to purge" do
- @provider.expects(:aptget).with("-y", "-q", :remove, "--purge", "asdf")
- @provider.expects(:dpkg).with("--purge", "asdf")
+ it "should use 'apt-get purge' and 'dpkg purge' to purge" do
+ @provider.expects(:aptget).with("-y", "-q", :remove, "--purge", "asdf")
+ @provider.expects(:dpkg).with("--purge", "asdf")
- @provider.purge
- end
+ @provider.purge
+ end
- it "should use 'apt-cache policy' to determine the latest version of a package" do
- @provider.expects(:aptcache).with(:policy, "asdf").returns "asdf:
+ it "should use 'apt-cache policy' to determine the latest version of a package" do
+ @provider.expects(:aptcache).with(:policy, "asdf").returns "asdf:
Installed: 1:1.0
Candidate: 1:1.1
Version table:
- 650 testing/main Packages
+ 650 testing/main Packages
*** 1:1.1
- 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status"
+ 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status"
- @provider.latest.should == "1:1.1"
- end
+ @provider.latest.should == "1:1.1"
+ end
- it "should print and error and return nil if no policy is found" do
- @provider.expects(:aptcache).with(:policy, "asdf").returns "asdf:"
+ it "should print and error and return nil if no policy is found" do
+ @provider.expects(:aptcache).with(:policy, "asdf").returns "asdf:"
- @provider.expects(:err)
- @provider.latest.should be_nil
- end
+ @provider.expects(:err)
+ @provider.latest.should be_nil
+ end
- it "should be able to preseed" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:run_preseed)
- end
+ it "should be able to preseed" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:run_preseed)
+ end
- it "should preseed with the provided responsefile when preseeding is called for" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:responsefile).returns "/my/file"
- FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/my/file").returns true
+ it "should preseed with the provided responsefile when preseeding is called for" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:responsefile).returns "/my/file"
+ FileTest.expects(:exist?).with("/my/file").returns true
- @provider.expects(:info)
- @provider.expects(:preseed).with("/my/file")
+ @provider.expects(:info)
+ @provider.expects(:preseed).with("/my/file")
- @provider.run_preseed
- end
+ @provider.run_preseed
+ end
- it "should not preseed if no responsefile is provided" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:responsefile).returns nil
+ it "should not preseed if no responsefile is provided" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:responsefile).returns nil
- @provider.expects(:info)
- @provider.expects(:preseed).never
+ @provider.expects(:info)
+ @provider.expects(:preseed).never
- @provider.run_preseed
- end
+ @provider.run_preseed
+ end
- it "should fail if a cdrom is listed in the sources list and :allowcdrom is not specified"
+ it "should fail if a cdrom is listed in the sources list and :allowcdrom is not specified"
- describe "when installing" do
- it "should preseed if a responsefile is provided" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:responsefile).returns "/my/file"
- @provider.expects(:run_preseed)
+ describe "when installing" do
+ it "should preseed if a responsefile is provided" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:responsefile).returns "/my/file"
+ @provider.expects(:run_preseed)
- @provider.stubs(:aptget)
- @provider.install
- end
+ @provider.stubs(:aptget)
+ @provider.install
+ end
- it "should check for a cdrom" do
- @provider.expects(:checkforcdrom)
+ it "should check for a cdrom" do
+ @provider.expects(:checkforcdrom)
- @provider.stubs(:aptget)
- @provider.install
- end
+ @provider.stubs(:aptget)
+ @provider.install
+ end
- it "should use 'apt-get install' with the package name if no version is asked for" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :installed
- @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command[-1] == "asdf" and command[-2] == :install }
+ it "should use 'apt-get install' with the package name if no version is asked for" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :installed
+ @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command[-1] == "asdf" and command[-2] == :install }
- @provider.install
- end
+ @provider.install
+ end
- it "should specify the package version if one is asked for" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:ensure).returns "1.0"
- @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command[-1] == "asdf=1.0" }
+ it "should specify the package version if one is asked for" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:ensure).returns "1.0"
+ @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command[-1] == "asdf=1.0" }
- @provider.install
- end
+ @provider.install
+ end
- it "should use --force-yes if a package version is specified" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:ensure).returns "1.0"
- @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command.include?("--force-yes") }
+ it "should use --force-yes if a package version is specified" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:ensure).returns "1.0"
+ @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command.include?("--force-yes") }
- @provider.install
- end
+ @provider.install
+ end
- it "should do a quiet install" do
- @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command.include?("-q") }
+ it "should do a quiet install" do
+ @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command.include?("-q") }
- @provider.install
- end
+ @provider.install
+ end
- it "should default to 'yes' for all questions" do
- @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command.include?("-y") }
+ it "should default to 'yes' for all questions" do
+ @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command.include?("-y") }
- @provider.install
- end
+ @provider.install
+ end
- it "should keep config files if asked" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:configfiles).returns :keep
- @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command.include?("DPkg::Options::=--force-confold") }
+ it "should keep config files if asked" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:configfiles).returns :keep
+ @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command.include?("DPkg::Options::=--force-confold") }
- @provider.install
- end
+ @provider.install
+ end
- it "should replace config files if asked" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:configfiles).returns :replace
- @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command.include?("DPkg::Options::=--force-confnew") }
+ it "should replace config files if asked" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:configfiles).returns :replace
+ @provider.expects(:aptget).with { |*command| command.include?("DPkg::Options::=--force-confnew") }
- @provider.install
- end
+ @provider.install
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/dpkg_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/dpkg_spec.rb
index 68ffb19a4..47ac9766e 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/package/dpkg_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/dpkg_spec.rb
@@ -5,221 +5,221 @@ Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) { (s = lambda { |f| File.exist?(f) ? require(f
provider = Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:dpkg)
describe provider do
- before do
- @resource = stub 'resource', :[] => "asdf"
- @provider =
- @provider.expects(:execute).never # forbid "manual" executions
- @fakeresult = "install ok installed asdf 1.0\n"
- end
- it "should have documentation" do
- provider.doc.should be_instance_of(String)
- end
- describe "when listing all instances" do
- before do
- provider.stubs(:command).with(:dpkgquery).returns "myquery"
- end
+ before do
+ @resource = stub 'resource', :[] => "asdf"
+ @provider =
+ @provider.expects(:execute).never # forbid "manual" executions
- it "should use dpkg-query" do
- provider.expects(:command).with(:dpkgquery).returns "myquery"
- provider.expects(:execpipe).with("myquery -W --showformat '${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\\n'").returns @fakeresult
+ @fakeresult = "install ok installed asdf 1.0\n"
+ end
- provider.instances
- end
+ it "should have documentation" do
+ provider.doc.should be_instance_of(String)
+ end
- it "should create and return an instance with each parsed line from dpkg-query" do
- pipe = mock 'pipe'
- pipe.expects(:each).yields @fakeresult
- provider.expects(:execpipe).yields pipe
+ describe "when listing all instances" do
+ before do
+ provider.stubs(:command).with(:dpkgquery).returns "myquery"
+ end
- asdf = mock 'pkg1'
- provider.expects(:new).with(:ensure => "1.0", :error => "ok", :desired => "install", :name => "asdf", :status => "installed", :provider => :dpkg).returns asdf
+ it "should use dpkg-query" do
+ provider.expects(:command).with(:dpkgquery).returns "myquery"
+ provider.expects(:execpipe).with("myquery -W --showformat '${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\\n'").returns @fakeresult
- provider.instances.should == [asdf]
- end
+ provider.instances
+ end
- it "should warn on and ignore any lines it does not understand" do
- pipe = mock 'pipe'
- pipe.expects(:each).yields "foobar"
- provider.expects(:execpipe).yields pipe
+ it "should create and return an instance with each parsed line from dpkg-query" do
+ pipe = mock 'pipe'
+ pipe.expects(:each).yields @fakeresult
+ provider.expects(:execpipe).yields pipe
- Puppet.expects(:warning)
- provider.expects(:new).never
+ asdf = mock 'pkg1'
+ provider.expects(:new).with(:ensure => "1.0", :error => "ok", :desired => "install", :name => "asdf", :status => "installed", :provider => :dpkg).returns asdf
- provider.instances.should == []
- end
+ provider.instances.should == [asdf]
- describe "when querying the current state" do
- it "should use dpkg-query" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).with("-W", "--showformat",'${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\\n', "asdf").returns @fakeresult
+ it "should warn on and ignore any lines it does not understand" do
+ pipe = mock 'pipe'
+ pipe.expects(:each).yields "foobar"
+ provider.expects(:execpipe).yields pipe
- @provider.query
- end
+ Puppet.expects(:warning)
+ provider.expects(:new).never
- it "should consider the package purged if dpkg-query fails" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).raises"eh")
+ provider.instances.should == []
+ end
+ end
- @provider.query[:ensure].should == :purged
- end
+ describe "when querying the current state" do
+ it "should use dpkg-query" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).with("-W", "--showformat",'${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\\n', "asdf").returns @fakeresult
- it "should return a hash of the found status with the desired state, error state, status, name, and 'ensure'" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult
+ @provider.query
+ end
- @provider.query.should == {:ensure => "1.0", :error => "ok", :desired => "install", :name => "asdf", :status => "installed", :provider => :dpkg}
- end
+ it "should consider the package purged if dpkg-query fails" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).raises"eh")
- it "should consider the package absent if the dpkg-query result cannot be interpreted" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns "somebaddata"
+ @provider.query[:ensure].should == :purged
+ end
- @provider.query[:ensure].should == :absent
- end
+ it "should return a hash of the found status with the desired state, error state, status, name, and 'ensure'" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult
- it "should fail if an error is discovered" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("ok", "error")
+ @provider.query.should == {:ensure => "1.0", :error => "ok", :desired => "install", :name => "asdf", :status => "installed", :provider => :dpkg}
+ end
- lambda { @provider.query }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- end
+ it "should consider the package absent if the dpkg-query result cannot be interpreted" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns "somebaddata"
- it "should consider the package purged if it is marked 'not-installed'" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("installed", "not-installed")
+ @provider.query[:ensure].should == :absent
+ end
- @provider.query[:ensure].should == :purged
- end
+ it "should fail if an error is discovered" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("ok", "error")
- it "should consider the package absent if it is marked 'config-files'" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("installed", "config-files")
- @provider.query[:ensure].should == :absent
- end
+ lambda { @provider.query }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
+ end
- it "should consider the package absent if it is marked 'half-installed'" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("installed", "half-installed")
- @provider.query[:ensure].should == :absent
- end
+ it "should consider the package purged if it is marked 'not-installed'" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("installed", "not-installed")
- it "should consider the package absent if it is marked 'unpacked'" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("installed", "unpacked")
- @provider.query[:ensure].should == :absent
- end
+ @provider.query[:ensure].should == :purged
+ end
- it "should consider the package absent if it is marked 'half-configured'" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("installed", "half-configured")
- @provider.query[:ensure].should == :absent
- end
+ it "should consider the package absent if it is marked 'config-files'" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("installed", "config-files")
+ @provider.query[:ensure].should == :absent
+ end
- it "should consider the package held if its state is 'hold'" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("install", "hold")
- @provider.query[:ensure].should == :held
- end
+ it "should consider the package absent if it is marked 'half-installed'" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("installed", "half-installed")
+ @provider.query[:ensure].should == :absent
- it "should be able to install" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:install)
+ it "should consider the package absent if it is marked 'unpacked'" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("installed", "unpacked")
+ @provider.query[:ensure].should == :absent
- describe "when installing" do
- before do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "mypkg"
- end
+ it "should consider the package absent if it is marked 'half-configured'" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("installed", "half-configured")
+ @provider.query[:ensure].should == :absent
+ end
- it "should fail to install if no source is specified in the resource" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:source).returns nil
+ it "should consider the package held if its state is 'hold'" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkgquery).returns @fakeresult.sub("install", "hold")
+ @provider.query[:ensure].should == :held
+ end
+ end
- lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
+ it "should be able to install" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:install)
+ end
- it "should use 'dpkg -i' to install the package" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:source).returns "mypackagefile"
- @provider.expects(:unhold)
- @provider.expects(:dpkg).with { |*command| command[-1] == "mypackagefile" and command[-2] == "-i" }
+ describe "when installing" do
+ before do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "mypkg"
+ end
- @provider.install
- end
+ it "should fail to install if no source is specified in the resource" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:source).returns nil
- it "should keep old config files if told to do so" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:configfiles).returns :keep
- @provider.expects(:unhold)
- @provider.expects(:dpkg).with { |*command| command[0] == "--force-confold" }
+ lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
- @provider.install
- end
+ it "should use 'dpkg -i' to install the package" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:source).returns "mypackagefile"
+ @provider.expects(:unhold)
+ @provider.expects(:dpkg).with { |*command| command[-1] == "mypackagefile" and command[-2] == "-i" }
- it "should replace old config files if told to do so" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:configfiles).returns :replace
- @provider.expects(:unhold)
- @provider.expects(:dpkg).with { |*command| command[0] == "--force-confnew" }
+ @provider.install
+ end
- @provider.install
- end
+ it "should keep old config files if told to do so" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:configfiles).returns :keep
+ @provider.expects(:unhold)
+ @provider.expects(:dpkg).with { |*command| command[0] == "--force-confold" }
- it "should ensure any hold is removed" do
- @provider.expects(:unhold).once
- @provider.expects(:dpkg)
- @provider.install
- end
+ @provider.install
- describe "when holding or unholding" do
- before do
- @tempfile = stub 'tempfile', :print => nil, :close => nil, :flush => nil, :path => "/other/file"
- @tempfile.stubs(:write)
- Tempfile.stubs(:new).returns @tempfile
- end
- it "should install first if holding" do
- @provider.stubs(:execute)
- @provider.expects(:install).once
- @provider.hold
- end
+ it "should replace old config files if told to do so" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:configfiles).returns :replace
+ @provider.expects(:unhold)
+ @provider.expects(:dpkg).with { |*command| command[0] == "--force-confnew" }
- it "should execute dpkg --set-selections when holding" do
- @provider.stubs(:install)
- @provider.expects(:execute).with([:dpkg, '--set-selections'], {:stdinfile => @tempfile.path}).once
- @provider.hold
- end
+ @provider.install
+ end
- it "should execute dpkg --set-selections when unholding" do
- @provider.stubs(:install)
- @provider.expects(:execute).with([:dpkg, '--set-selections'], {:stdinfile => @tempfile.path}).once
- @provider.hold
- end
+ it "should ensure any hold is removed" do
+ @provider.expects(:unhold).once
+ @provider.expects(:dpkg)
+ @provider.install
+ end
- it "should use :install to update" do
- @provider.expects(:install)
- @provider.update
+ describe "when holding or unholding" do
+ before do
+ @tempfile = stub 'tempfile', :print => nil, :close => nil, :flush => nil, :path => "/other/file"
+ @tempfile.stubs(:write)
+ Tempfile.stubs(:new).returns @tempfile
- describe "when determining latest available version" do
- it "should return the version found by dpkg-deb" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:source).returns "myfile"
- @provider.expects(:dpkg_deb).with { |*command| command[-1] == "myfile" }.returns "asdf\t1.0"
- @provider.latest.should == "1.0"
- end
+ it "should install first if holding" do
+ @provider.stubs(:execute)
+ @provider.expects(:install).once
+ @provider.hold
+ end
- it "should warn if the package file contains a different package" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkg_deb).returns("foo\tversion")
- @provider.expects(:warning)
- @provider.latest
- end
+ it "should execute dpkg --set-selections when holding" do
+ @provider.stubs(:install)
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with([:dpkg, '--set-selections'], {:stdinfile => @tempfile.path}).once
+ @provider.hold
+ end
- it "should cope with names containing ++" do
- @resource = stub 'resource', :[] => "asdf++"
- @provider =
- @provider.expects(:dpkg_deb).returns "asdf++\t1.0"
- @provider.latest.should == "1.0"
- end
+ it "should execute dpkg --set-selections when unholding" do
+ @provider.stubs(:install)
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with([:dpkg, '--set-selections'], {:stdinfile => @tempfile.path}).once
+ @provider.hold
+ end
+ end
+ it "should use :install to update" do
+ @provider.expects(:install)
+ @provider.update
+ end
+ describe "when determining latest available version" do
+ it "should return the version found by dpkg-deb" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:source).returns "myfile"
+ @provider.expects(:dpkg_deb).with { |*command| command[-1] == "myfile" }.returns "asdf\t1.0"
+ @provider.latest.should == "1.0"
- it "should use 'dpkg -r' to uninstall" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkg).with("-r", "asdf")
- @provider.uninstall
+ it "should warn if the package file contains a different package" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkg_deb).returns("foo\tversion")
+ @provider.expects(:warning)
+ @provider.latest
- it "should use 'dpkg --purge' to purge" do
- @provider.expects(:dpkg).with("--purge", "asdf")
- @provider.purge
+ it "should cope with names containing ++" do
+ @resource = stub 'resource', :[] => "asdf++"
+ @provider =
+ @provider.expects(:dpkg_deb).returns "asdf++\t1.0"
+ @provider.latest.should == "1.0"
+ end
+ it "should use 'dpkg -r' to uninstall" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkg).with("-r", "asdf")
+ @provider.uninstall
+ end
+ it "should use 'dpkg --purge' to purge" do
+ @provider.expects(:dpkg).with("--purge", "asdf")
+ @provider.purge
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/gem_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/gem_spec.rb
index 3dc1fa347..063e1474b 100644
--- a/spec/unit/provider/package/gem_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/gem_spec.rb
@@ -5,83 +5,83 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:gem)
describe provider_class do
- it "should have an install method" do
- @provider =
- @provider.should respond_to(:install)
+ it "should have an install method" do
+ @provider =
+ @provider.should respond_to(:install)
+ end
+ describe "when installing" do
+ before do
+ # Create a mock resource
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
+ # A catch all; no parameters set
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns nil
+ # We have to set a name, though
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myresource"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :installed
+ @provider =
+ @provider.stubs(:resource).returns @resource
- describe "when installing" do
- before do
- # Create a mock resource
- @resource = stub 'resource'
+ it "should use the path to the gem" do
+ provider_class.stubs(:command).with(:gemcmd).returns "/my/gem"
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[0] == "/my/gem" }.returns ""
+ @provider.install
+ end
- # A catch all; no parameters set
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns nil
+ it "should specify that the gem is being installed" do
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[1] == "install" }.returns ""
+ @provider.install
+ end
- # We have to set a name, though
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myresource"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :installed
+ it "should specify that dependencies should be included" do
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[2] == "--include-dependencies" }.returns ""
+ @provider.install
+ end
- @provider =
- @provider.stubs(:resource).returns @resource
- end
+ it "should specify the package name" do
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[3] == "myresource" }.returns ""
+ @provider.install
+ end
- it "should use the path to the gem" do
- provider_class.stubs(:command).with(:gemcmd).returns "/my/gem"
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[0] == "/my/gem" }.returns ""
- @provider.install
+ describe "when a source is specified" do
+ describe "as a normal file" do
+ it "should use the file name instead of the gem name" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "/my/file"
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[3] == "/my/file" }.returns ""
+ @provider.install
- it "should specify that the gem is being installed" do
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[1] == "install" }.returns ""
- @provider.install
+ end
+ describe "as a file url" do
+ it "should use the file name instead of the gem name" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "file:///my/file"
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[3] == "/my/file" }.returns ""
+ @provider.install
- it "should specify that dependencies should be included" do
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[2] == "--include-dependencies" }.returns ""
- @provider.install
+ end
+ describe "as a puppet url" do
+ it "should fail" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "puppet://my/file"
+ lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- it "should specify the package name" do
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[3] == "myresource" }.returns ""
- @provider.install
+ end
+ describe "as a non-file and non-puppet url" do
+ it "should treat the source as a gem repository" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "http://host/my/file"
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[3..5] == ["--source", "http://host/my/file", "myresource"] }.returns ""
+ @provider.install
- describe "when a source is specified" do
- describe "as a normal file" do
- it "should use the file name instead of the gem name" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "/my/file"
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[3] == "/my/file" }.returns ""
- @provider.install
- end
- end
- describe "as a file url" do
- it "should use the file name instead of the gem name" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "file:///my/file"
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[3] == "/my/file" }.returns ""
- @provider.install
- end
- end
- describe "as a puppet url" do
- it "should fail" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "puppet://my/file"
- lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- end
- end
- describe "as a non-file and non-puppet url" do
- it "should treat the source as a gem repository" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "http://host/my/file"
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[3..5] == ["--source", "http://host/my/file", "myresource"] }.returns ""
- @provider.install
- end
- end
- describe "with an invalid uri" do
- it "should fail" do
- URI.expects(:parse).raises(ArgumentError)
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "http:::::uppet:/:/my/file"
- lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- end
- end
+ end
+ describe "with an invalid uri" do
+ it "should fail" do
+ URI.expects(:parse).raises(ArgumentError)
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "http:::::uppet:/:/my/file"
+ lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/hpux_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/hpux_spec.rb
index 8343c6052..e4ac22e21 100644
--- a/spec/unit/provider/package/hpux_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/hpux_spec.rb
@@ -5,48 +5,48 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:hpux)
describe provider_class do
- before(:each) do
- # Create a mock resource
- @resource = stub 'resource'
- # A catch all; no parameters set
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- # But set name and source
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "mypackage"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "mysource"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :installed
- @provider =
- @provider.stubs(:resource).returns @resource
- end
- it "should have an install method" do
- @provider =
- @provider.should respond_to(:install)
- end
- it "should have an uninstall method" do
- @provider =
- @provider.should respond_to(:uninstall)
- end
- it "should have a swlist method" do
- @provider =
- @provider.should respond_to(:swlist)
- end
- describe "when installing" do
- it "should use a command-line like 'swinstall -x mount_all_filesystems=false -s SOURCE PACKAGE-NAME'" do
- @provider.expects(:swinstall).with('-x', 'mount_all_filesystems=false', '-s', 'mysource', 'mypackage')
- @provider.install
- end
+ before(:each) do
+ # Create a mock resource
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
+ # A catch all; no parameters set
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
+ # But set name and source
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "mypackage"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "mysource"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :installed
+ @provider =
+ @provider.stubs(:resource).returns @resource
+ end
+ it "should have an install method" do
+ @provider =
+ @provider.should respond_to(:install)
+ end
+ it "should have an uninstall method" do
+ @provider =
+ @provider.should respond_to(:uninstall)
+ end
+ it "should have a swlist method" do
+ @provider =
+ @provider.should respond_to(:swlist)
+ end
+ describe "when installing" do
+ it "should use a command-line like 'swinstall -x mount_all_filesystems=false -s SOURCE PACKAGE-NAME'" do
+ @provider.expects(:swinstall).with('-x', 'mount_all_filesystems=false', '-s', 'mysource', 'mypackage')
+ @provider.install
+ end
- describe "when uninstalling" do
- it "should use a command-line like 'swremove -x mount_all_filesystems=false PACKAGE-NAME'" do
- @provider.expects(:swremove).with('-x', 'mount_all_filesystems=false', 'mypackage')
- @provider.uninstall
- end
+ describe "when uninstalling" do
+ it "should use a command-line like 'swremove -x mount_all_filesystems=false PACKAGE-NAME'" do
+ @provider.expects(:swremove).with('-x', 'mount_all_filesystems=false', 'mypackage')
+ @provider.uninstall
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/nim_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/nim_spec.rb
index 5d9083b70..53a9cc839 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/package/nim_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/nim_spec.rb
@@ -5,38 +5,38 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:nim)
describe provider_class do
- before(:each) do
- # Create a mock resource
- @resource = stub 'resource'
- # A catch all; no parameters set
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- # But set name and source
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "mypackage"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "mysource"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :installed
- @provider =
- @provider.resource = @resource
- end
- it "should have an install method" do
- @provider =
- @provider.should respond_to(:install)
+ before(:each) do
+ # Create a mock resource
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
+ # A catch all; no parameters set
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
+ # But set name and source
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "mypackage"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "mysource"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :installed
+ @provider =
+ @provider.resource = @resource
+ end
+ it "should have an install method" do
+ @provider =
+ @provider.should respond_to(:install)
+ end
+ describe "when installing" do
+ it "should install a package" do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns(:installed)
+ @provider.expects(:nimclient).with("-o", "cust", "-a", "installp_flags=acgwXY", "-a", "lpp_source=mysource", "-a", "filesets='mypackage'")
+ @provider.install
- describe "when installing" do
- it "should install a package" do
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns(:installed)
- @provider.expects(:nimclient).with("-o", "cust", "-a", "installp_flags=acgwXY", "-a", "lpp_source=mysource", "-a", "filesets='mypackage'")
- @provider.install
- end
- it "should install a versioned package" do
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns("")
- @provider.expects(:nimclient).with("-o", "cust", "-a", "installp_flags=acgwXY", "-a", "lpp_source=mysource", "-a", "filesets='mypackage'")
- @provider.install
- end
+ it "should install a versioned package" do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns("")
+ @provider.expects(:nimclient).with("-o", "cust", "-a", "installp_flags=acgwXY", "-a", "lpp_source=mysource", "-a", "filesets='mypackage'")
+ @provider.install
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/pkg_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/pkg_spec.rb
index b29405e26..1544b8b7e 100644
--- a/spec/unit/provider/package/pkg_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/pkg_spec.rb
@@ -5,59 +5,59 @@ Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) { (s = lambda { |f| File.exist?(f) ? require(f
provider = Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:pkg)
describe provider do
- before do
- @resource = stub 'resource', :[] => "dummy"
- @provider =
- @fakeresult = "install ok installed dummy 1.0\n"
- end
- def self.it_should_respond_to(*actions)
- actions.each do |action|
- it "should respond to :#{action}" do
- @provider.should respond_to(action)
- end
- end
- end
- it_should_respond_to :install, :uninstall, :update, :query, :latest
- it "should be versionable" do
- provider.should_not be_versionable
- end
- it "should use :install to update" do
- @provider.expects(:install)
- @provider.update
- end
- it "should parse a line correctly" do
- result = provider.parse_line("dummy 1.0@1.0-1.0 installed ----")
- result.should == {:name => "dummy", :version => "1.0@1.0-1.0",
- :ensure => :present, :status => "installed",
- :provider => :pkg, :error => "ok"}
- end
- it "should fail to parse an incorrect line" do
- result = provider.parse_line("foo")
- result.should be_nil
- end
- it "should fail to list a missing package" do
- @provider.expects(:pkg).with(:list, "-H", "dummy").returns "1"
- @provider.query.should == {:status=>"missing", :ensure=>:absent,
- :name=>"dummy", :error=>"ok"}
- end
- it "should fail to list a package when it can't parse the output line" do
- @provider.expects(:pkg).with(:list, "-H", "dummy").returns "failed"
- @provider.query.should == {:status=>"missing", :ensure=>:absent, :name=>"dummy", :error=>"ok"}
- end
- it "should list package correctly" do
- @provider.expects(:pkg).with(:list, "-H", "dummy").returns "dummy 1.0@1.0-1.0 installed ----"
- @provider.query.should == {:name => "dummy", :version => "1.0@1.0-1.0",
- :ensure => :present, :status => "installed",
- :provider => :pkg, :error => "ok"}
- end
+ before do
+ @resource = stub 'resource', :[] => "dummy"
+ @provider =
+ @fakeresult = "install ok installed dummy 1.0\n"
+ end
+ def self.it_should_respond_to(*actions)
+ actions.each do |action|
+ it "should respond to :#{action}" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(action)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it_should_respond_to :install, :uninstall, :update, :query, :latest
+ it "should be versionable" do
+ provider.should_not be_versionable
+ end
+ it "should use :install to update" do
+ @provider.expects(:install)
+ @provider.update
+ end
+ it "should parse a line correctly" do
+ result = provider.parse_line("dummy 1.0@1.0-1.0 installed ----")
+ result.should == {:name => "dummy", :version => "1.0@1.0-1.0",
+ :ensure => :present, :status => "installed",
+ :provider => :pkg, :error => "ok"}
+ end
+ it "should fail to parse an incorrect line" do
+ result = provider.parse_line("foo")
+ result.should be_nil
+ end
+ it "should fail to list a missing package" do
+ @provider.expects(:pkg).with(:list, "-H", "dummy").returns "1"
+ @provider.query.should == {:status=>"missing", :ensure=>:absent,
+ :name=>"dummy", :error=>"ok"}
+ end
+ it "should fail to list a package when it can't parse the output line" do
+ @provider.expects(:pkg).with(:list, "-H", "dummy").returns "failed"
+ @provider.query.should == {:status=>"missing", :ensure=>:absent, :name=>"dummy", :error=>"ok"}
+ end
+ it "should list package correctly" do
+ @provider.expects(:pkg).with(:list, "-H", "dummy").returns "dummy 1.0@1.0-1.0 installed ----"
+ @provider.query.should == {:name => "dummy", :version => "1.0@1.0-1.0",
+ :ensure => :present, :status => "installed",
+ :provider => :pkg, :error => "ok"}
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/pkgdmg_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/pkgdmg_spec.rb
index d4c5a9287..1fd5b4ac4 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/package/pkgdmg_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/pkgdmg_spec.rb
@@ -5,80 +5,80 @@ Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) { (s = lambda { |f| File.exist?(f) ? require(f
provider = Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:pkgdmg)
describe provider do
- before do
- @resource = stub 'resource', :[] => "dummypkgdmg"
- @provider =
- @fakemountpoint = "/tmp/"
- @fakepkgfile = "/tmp/test.pkg"
- @fakehdiutilinfo = {"system-entities" => [{"mount-point" => @fakemountpoint}] }
- @fakehdiutilplist = Plist::Emit.dump(@fakehdiutilinfo)
- @hdiutilmountargs = ["mount", "-plist", "-nobrowse", "-readonly",
- "-noidme", "-mountrandom", "/tmp"]
+ before do
+ @resource = stub 'resource', :[] => "dummypkgdmg"
+ @provider =
+ @fakemountpoint = "/tmp/"
+ @fakepkgfile = "/tmp/test.pkg"
+ @fakehdiutilinfo = {"system-entities" => [{"mount-point" => @fakemountpoint}] }
+ @fakehdiutilplist = Plist::Emit.dump(@fakehdiutilinfo)
+ @hdiutilmountargs = ["mount", "-plist", "-nobrowse", "-readonly",
+ "-noidme", "-mountrandom", "/tmp"]
+ end
+ it "should not be versionable" do
+ provider.versionable?.should be_false
+ end
+ it "should not be uninstallable" do
+ provider.uninstallable?.should be_false
+ end
+ describe "when installing it should fail when" do
+ it "no source is specified" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns nil
+ lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- it "should not be versionable" do
- provider.versionable?.should be_false
+ it "no name is specified" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns nil
+ lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- it "should not be uninstallable" do
- provider.uninstallable?.should be_false
+ it "the source does not end in .dmg or .pkg" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "notendingindotdmgorpkg"
+ lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- describe "when installing it should fail when" do
- it "no source is specified" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns nil
- lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- end
- it "no name is specified" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns nil
- lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- end
- it "the source does not end in .dmg or .pkg" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "notendingindotdmgorpkg"
- lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- end
- it "a disk image with no system entities is mounted" do
- @provider.stubs(:[]).with(:hdiutil).returns ""
- lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- end
+ it "a disk image with no system entities is mounted" do
+ @provider.stubs(:[]).with(:hdiutil).returns ""
+ lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
+ end
- # These tests shouldn't be this messy. The pkgdmg provider needs work...
- describe "when installing a pkgdmg" do
- before do
- fh = mock 'filehandle'
- fh.stubs(:path).yields "/tmp/foo"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "foo.dmg"
- File.stubs(:open).yields fh
- end
- it "should call hdiutil to mount and eject the disk image" do
- Dir.stubs(:entries).returns []
- @provider.class.expects(:hdiutil).with("eject", @fakemountpoint).returns 0
- @provider.class.expects(:hdiutil).with("mount", "-plist", "-nobrowse", "-readonly", "-noidme", "-mountrandom", "/tmp", nil).returns @fakehdiutilplist
- @provider.install
- end
+ # These tests shouldn't be this messy. The pkgdmg provider needs work...
+ describe "when installing a pkgdmg" do
+ before do
+ fh = mock 'filehandle'
+ fh.stubs(:path).yields "/tmp/foo"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "foo.dmg"
+ File.stubs(:open).yields fh
+ end
- it "should call installpkg if a pkg/mpkg is found on the dmg" do
- Dir.stubs(:entries).returns ["foo.pkg"]
- @provider.class.stubs(:hdiutil).returns @fakehdiutilplist
- @provider.class.expects(:installpkg).with("#{@fakemountpoint}/foo.pkg", @resource[:name], "foo.dmg").returns ""
- @provider.install
- end
+ it "should call hdiutil to mount and eject the disk image" do
+ Dir.stubs(:entries).returns []
+ @provider.class.expects(:hdiutil).with("eject", @fakemountpoint).returns 0
+ @provider.class.expects(:hdiutil).with("mount", "-plist", "-nobrowse", "-readonly", "-noidme", "-mountrandom", "/tmp", nil).returns @fakehdiutilplist
+ @provider.install
- describe "when installing flat pkg file" do
- it "should call installpkg if a flat pkg file is found instead of a .dmg image" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "/tmp/test.pkg"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "testpkg"
- @provider.class.expects(:installpkgdmg).with("#{@fakepkgfile}", "testpkg").returns ""
- @provider.install
- end
+ it "should call installpkg if a pkg/mpkg is found on the dmg" do
+ Dir.stubs(:entries).returns ["foo.pkg"]
+ @provider.class.stubs(:hdiutil).returns @fakehdiutilplist
+ @provider.class.expects(:installpkg).with("#{@fakemountpoint}/foo.pkg", @resource[:name], "foo.dmg").returns ""
+ @provider.install
+ end
+ describe "when installing flat pkg file" do
+ it "should call installpkg if a flat pkg file is found instead of a .dmg image" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "/tmp/test.pkg"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "testpkg"
+ @provider.class.expects(:installpkgdmg).with("#{@fakepkgfile}", "testpkg").returns ""
+ @provider.install
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/zypper_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/zypper_spec.rb
index b7f3687c6..5ac13b659 100644
--- a/spec/unit/provider/package/zypper_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/zypper_spec.rb
@@ -5,77 +5,77 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:zypper)
describe provider_class do
- before(:each) do
- # Create a mock resource
- @resource = stub 'resource'
- # A catch all; no parameters set
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- # But set name and source
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "mypackage"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :installed
- @resource.stubs(:command).with(:zypper).returns "/usr/bin/zypper"
- @provider =
- end
- it "should have an install method" do
- @provider =
- @provider.should respond_to(:install)
- end
- it "should have a latest method" do
- @provider =
- @provider.should respond_to(:uninstall)
- end
- it "should have an update method" do
- @provider =
- @provider.should respond_to(:update)
- end
- it "should have a latest method" do
- @provider =
- @provider.should respond_to(:latest)
+ before(:each) do
+ # Create a mock resource
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
+ # A catch all; no parameters set
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
+ # But set name and source
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "mypackage"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :installed
+ @resource.stubs(:command).with(:zypper).returns "/usr/bin/zypper"
+ @provider =
+ end
+ it "should have an install method" do
+ @provider =
+ @provider.should respond_to(:install)
+ end
+ it "should have a latest method" do
+ @provider =
+ @provider.should respond_to(:uninstall)
+ end
+ it "should have an update method" do
+ @provider =
+ @provider.should respond_to(:update)
+ end
+ it "should have a latest method" do
+ @provider =
+ @provider.should respond_to(:latest)
+ end
+ describe "when installing" do
+ it "should use a command-line with versioned package'" do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns "1.2.3-4.5.6"
+ @provider.expects(:zypper).with('--quiet', :install, '-l', '-y', 'mypackage-1.2.3-4.5.6')
+ @provider.expects(:query).returns "mypackage 0 1.2.3 4.5.6 x86_64"
+ @provider.install
- describe "when installing" do
- it "should use a command-line with versioned package'" do
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns "1.2.3-4.5.6"
- @provider.expects(:zypper).with('--quiet', :install, '-l', '-y', 'mypackage-1.2.3-4.5.6')
- @provider.expects(:query).returns "mypackage 0 1.2.3 4.5.6 x86_64"
- @provider.install
- end
- it "should use a command-line without versioned package" do
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :latest
- @provider.expects(:zypper).with('--quiet', :install, '-l', '-y', 'mypackage')
- @provider.expects(:query).returns "mypackage 0 1.2.3 4.5.6 x86_64"
- @provider.install
- end
+ it "should use a command-line without versioned package" do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :latest
+ @provider.expects(:zypper).with('--quiet', :install, '-l', '-y', 'mypackage')
+ @provider.expects(:query).returns "mypackage 0 1.2.3 4.5.6 x86_64"
+ @provider.install
+ end
- describe "when updating" do
- it "should call install method of instance" do
- @provider.expects(:install)
- @provider.update
- end
+ describe "when updating" do
+ it "should call install method of instance" do
+ @provider.expects(:install)
+ @provider.update
+ end
- describe "when getting latest version" do
- it "should return a version string" do
+ describe "when getting latest version" do
+ it "should return a version string" do
- fake_data = "Loading repository data...
+ fake_data = "Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Repository | Name | Version | Arch
v | SLES11-Updates | cups | 1.1.1 | x86_64
v | SLES11-Updates | mypackage | 1.3.9h-8.20.1 | x86_64"
- @provider.expects(:zypper).with("list-updates").returns fake_data
- @provider.latest.should == "1.3.9h-8.20.1"
- end
+ @provider.expects(:zypper).with("list-updates").returns fake_data
+ @provider.latest.should == "1.3.9h-8.20.1"
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/parsedfile_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/parsedfile_spec.rb
index f20b6b235..d40f77370 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/parsedfile_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/parsedfile_spec.rb
@@ -6,90 +6,90 @@ require 'puppet/provider/parsedfile'
# Most of the tests for this are still in test/ral/provider/parsedfile.rb.
describe Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile do
- before do
- @class =
- end
+ before do
+ @class =
+ end
- describe "when looking up records loaded from disk" do
- it "should return nil if no records have been loaded" do
- @class.record?("foo").should be_nil
- end
+ describe "when looking up records loaded from disk" do
+ it "should return nil if no records have been loaded" do
+ @class.record?("foo").should be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when generating a list of instances" do
+ it "should return an instance for each record parsed from all of the registered targets" do
+ @class.expects(:targets).returns %w{/one /two}
+ @class.stubs(:skip_record?).returns false
+ one = [:uno1, :uno2]
+ two = [:dos1, :dos2]
+ @class.expects(:prefetch_target).with("/one").returns one
+ @class.expects(:prefetch_target).with("/two").returns two
+ results = []
+ (one + two).each do |inst|
+ results << inst.to_s + "_instance"
+ @class.expects(:new).with(inst).returns(results[-1])
+ end
+ @class.instances.should == results
- describe "when generating a list of instances" do
- it "should return an instance for each record parsed from all of the registered targets" do
- @class.expects(:targets).returns %w{/one /two}
- @class.stubs(:skip_record?).returns false
- one = [:uno1, :uno2]
- two = [:dos1, :dos2]
- @class.expects(:prefetch_target).with("/one").returns one
- @class.expects(:prefetch_target).with("/two").returns two
- results = []
- (one + two).each do |inst|
- results << inst.to_s + "_instance"
- @class.expects(:new).with(inst).returns(results[-1])
- end
- @class.instances.should == results
- end
- it "should skip specified records" do
- @class.expects(:targets).returns %w{/one}
- @class.expects(:skip_record?).with(:uno).returns false
- @class.expects(:skip_record?).with(:dos).returns true
- one = [:uno, :dos]
- @class.expects(:prefetch_target).returns one
- @class.expects(:new).with(:uno).returns "eh"
- @class.expects(:new).with(:dos).never
- @class.instances
- end
+ it "should skip specified records" do
+ @class.expects(:targets).returns %w{/one}
+ @class.expects(:skip_record?).with(:uno).returns false
+ @class.expects(:skip_record?).with(:dos).returns true
+ one = [:uno, :dos]
+ @class.expects(:prefetch_target).returns one
+ @class.expects(:new).with(:uno).returns "eh"
+ @class.expects(:new).with(:dos).never
+ @class.instances
+ end
- describe "when flushing a file's records to disk" do
- before do
- # This way we start with some @records, like we would in real life.
- @class.stubs(:retrieve).returns []
- @class.default_target = "/foo/bar"
- @class.initvars
- @class.prefetch
+ describe "when flushing a file's records to disk" do
+ before do
+ # This way we start with some @records, like we would in real life.
+ @class.stubs(:retrieve).returns []
+ @class.default_target = "/foo/bar"
+ @class.initvars
+ @class.prefetch
- @filetype = Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:flat).new("/my/file")
- Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:flat).stubs(:new).with("/my/file").returns @filetype
+ @filetype = Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:flat).new("/my/file")
+ Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:flat).stubs(:new).with("/my/file").returns @filetype
- @filetype.stubs(:write)
- end
+ @filetype.stubs(:write)
+ end
- it "should back up the file being written if the filetype can be backed up" do
- @filetype.expects(:backup)
+ it "should back up the file being written if the filetype can be backed up" do
+ @filetype.expects(:backup)
- @class.flush_target("/my/file")
- end
+ @class.flush_target("/my/file")
+ end
- it "should not try to back up the file if the filetype cannot be backed up" do
- @filetype = Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:ram).new("/my/file")
- Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:flat).expects(:new).returns @filetype
+ it "should not try to back up the file if the filetype cannot be backed up" do
+ @filetype = Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:ram).new("/my/file")
+ Puppet::Util::FileType.filetype(:flat).expects(:new).returns @filetype
- @filetype.stubs(:write)
+ @filetype.stubs(:write)
- @class.flush_target("/my/file")
- end
+ @class.flush_target("/my/file")
+ end
- it "should not back up the file more than once between calls to 'prefetch'" do
- @filetype.expects(:backup).once
+ it "should not back up the file more than once between calls to 'prefetch'" do
+ @filetype.expects(:backup).once
- @class.flush_target("/my/file")
- @class.flush_target("/my/file")
- end
+ @class.flush_target("/my/file")
+ @class.flush_target("/my/file")
+ end
- it "should back the file up again once the file has been reread" do
- @filetype.expects(:backup).times(2)
+ it "should back the file up again once the file has been reread" do
+ @filetype.expects(:backup).times(2)
- @class.flush_target("/my/file")
- @class.prefetch
- @class.flush_target("/my/file")
- end
+ @class.flush_target("/my/file")
+ @class.prefetch
+ @class.flush_target("/my/file")
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/selboolean_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/selboolean_spec.rb
index 2004485ca..b37b44b45 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/selboolean_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/selboolean_spec.rb
@@ -5,33 +5,33 @@ Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) { (s = lambda { |f| File.exist?(f) ? require(f
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:selboolean).provider(:getsetsebool)
describe provider_class do
- before :each do
- @resource = stub("resource", :name => "foo")
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "foo"
- @provider =
- end
- it "should return :on when getsebool returns on" do
- @provider.expects(:getsebool).with("foo").returns "foo --> on\n"
- @provider.value.should == :on
- end
- it "should return :off when getsebool returns on" do
- @provider.expects(:getsebool).with("foo").returns "foo --> off\n"
- @provider.value.should == :off
- end
- it "should call execpipe when updating boolean setting" do
- @provider.expects(:command).with(:setsebool).returns "/usr/sbin/setsebool"
- @provider.expects(:execpipe).with("/usr/sbin/setsebool foo off")
- @provider.value = :off
- end
- it "should call execpipe with -P when updating persistent boolean setting" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:persistent).returns :true
- @provider.expects(:command).with(:setsebool).returns "/usr/sbin/setsebool"
- @provider.expects(:execpipe).with("/usr/sbin/setsebool -P foo off")
- @provider.value = :off
- end
+ before :each do
+ @resource = stub("resource", :name => "foo")
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "foo"
+ @provider =
+ end
+ it "should return :on when getsebool returns on" do
+ @provider.expects(:getsebool).with("foo").returns "foo --> on\n"
+ @provider.value.should == :on
+ end
+ it "should return :off when getsebool returns on" do
+ @provider.expects(:getsebool).with("foo").returns "foo --> off\n"
+ @provider.value.should == :off
+ end
+ it "should call execpipe when updating boolean setting" do
+ @provider.expects(:command).with(:setsebool).returns "/usr/sbin/setsebool"
+ @provider.expects(:execpipe).with("/usr/sbin/setsebool foo off")
+ @provider.value = :off
+ end
+ it "should call execpipe with -P when updating persistent boolean setting" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:persistent).returns :true
+ @provider.expects(:command).with(:setsebool).returns "/usr/sbin/setsebool"
+ @provider.expects(:execpipe).with("/usr/sbin/setsebool -P foo off")
+ @provider.value = :off
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/selmodule_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/selmodule_spec.rb
index ed20ea97f..fda6d0d78 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/selmodule_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/selmodule_spec.rb
@@ -10,57 +10,57 @@ Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) { (s = lambda { |f| File.exist?(f) ? require(f
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:selmodule).provider(:semodule)
describe provider_class do
- before :each do
- @resource = stub("resource", :name => "foo")
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "foo"
- @provider =
- end
- describe "exists? method" do
- it "should find a module if it is already loaded" do
- @provider.expects(:command).with(:semodule).returns "/usr/sbin/semodule"
- @provider.expects(:execpipe).with("/usr/sbin/semodule --list").yields ["bar\t1.2.3\n", "foo\t4.4.4\n", "bang\t1.0.0\n"]
- @provider.exists?.should == :true
- end
+ before :each do
+ @resource = stub("resource", :name => "foo")
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "foo"
+ @provider =
+ end
- it "should return nil if not loaded" do
- @provider.expects(:command).with(:semodule).returns "/usr/sbin/semodule"
- @provider.expects(:execpipe).with("/usr/sbin/semodule --list").yields ["bar\t1.2.3\n", "bang\t1.0.0\n"]
- @provider.exists?.should be_nil
- end
+ describe "exists? method" do
+ it "should find a module if it is already loaded" do
+ @provider.expects(:command).with(:semodule).returns "/usr/sbin/semodule"
+ @provider.expects(:execpipe).with("/usr/sbin/semodule --list").yields ["bar\t1.2.3\n", "foo\t4.4.4\n", "bang\t1.0.0\n"]
+ @provider.exists?.should == :true
+ end
- it "should return nil if no modules are loaded" do
- @provider.expects(:command).with(:semodule).returns "/usr/sbin/semodule"
- @provider.expects(:execpipe).with("/usr/sbin/semodule --list").yields []
- @provider.exists?.should be_nil
- end
+ it "should return nil if not loaded" do
+ @provider.expects(:command).with(:semodule).returns "/usr/sbin/semodule"
+ @provider.expects(:execpipe).with("/usr/sbin/semodule --list").yields ["bar\t1.2.3\n", "bang\t1.0.0\n"]
+ @provider.exists?.should be_nil
- describe "selmodversion_file" do
- it "should return 1.5.0 for the example policy file" do
- @provider.expects(:selmod_name_to_filename).returns "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/selmodule-example.pp"
- @provider.selmodversion_file.should == "1.5.0"
- end
+ it "should return nil if no modules are loaded" do
+ @provider.expects(:command).with(:semodule).returns "/usr/sbin/semodule"
+ @provider.expects(:execpipe).with("/usr/sbin/semodule --list").yields []
+ @provider.exists?.should be_nil
+ end
- describe "syncversion" do
- it "should return :true if loaded and file modules are in sync" do
- @provider.expects(:selmodversion_loaded).returns "1.5.0"
- @provider.expects(:selmodversion_file).returns "1.5.0"
- @provider.syncversion.should == :true
- end
+ describe "selmodversion_file" do
+ it "should return 1.5.0 for the example policy file" do
+ @provider.expects(:selmod_name_to_filename).returns "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/selmodule-example.pp"
+ @provider.selmodversion_file.should == "1.5.0"
+ end
+ end
- it "should return :false if loaded and file modules are not in sync" do
- @provider.expects(:selmodversion_loaded).returns "1.4.0"
- @provider.expects(:selmodversion_file).returns "1.5.0"
- @provider.syncversion.should == :false
- end
+ describe "syncversion" do
+ it "should return :true if loaded and file modules are in sync" do
+ @provider.expects(:selmodversion_loaded).returns "1.5.0"
+ @provider.expects(:selmodversion_file).returns "1.5.0"
+ @provider.syncversion.should == :true
+ end
- it "should return before checking file version if no loaded policy" do
- @provider.expects(:selmodversion_loaded).returns nil
- @provider.syncversion.should == :false
- end
+ it "should return :false if loaded and file modules are not in sync" do
+ @provider.expects(:selmodversion_loaded).returns "1.4.0"
+ @provider.expects(:selmodversion_file).returns "1.5.0"
+ @provider.syncversion.should == :false
+ end
+ it "should return before checking file version if no loaded policy" do
+ @provider.expects(:selmodversion_loaded).returns nil
+ @provider.syncversion.should == :false
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/service/daemontools_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/service/daemontools_spec.rb
index 2d61d2322..5e8b8d055 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/service/daemontools_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/service/daemontools_spec.rb
@@ -10,157 +10,157 @@ provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:daemontools)
describe provider_class do
- before(:each) do
- # Create a mock resource
- @resource = stub 'resource'
+ before(:each) do
+ # Create a mock resource
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
- @provider =
- @servicedir = "/etc/service"
- @provider.servicedir=@servicedir
- @daemondir = "/var/lib/service"
- @provider.class.defpath=@daemondir
+ @provider =
+ @servicedir = "/etc/service"
+ @provider.servicedir=@servicedir
+ @daemondir = "/var/lib/service"
+ @provider.class.defpath=@daemondir
- # A catch all; no parameters set
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
+ # A catch all; no parameters set
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- # But set name, source and path (because we won't run
- # the thing that will fetch the resource path from the provider)
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :enabled
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:path).returns @daemondir
- @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "Service[myservice]"
+ # But set name, source and path (because we won't run
+ # the thing that will fetch the resource path from the provider)
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :enabled
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:path).returns @daemondir
+ @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "Service[myservice]"
- @provider.resource = @resource
+ @provider.resource = @resource
- @provider.stubs(:command).with(:svc).returns "svc"
- @provider.stubs(:command).with(:svstat).returns "svstat"
+ @provider.stubs(:command).with(:svc).returns "svc"
+ @provider.stubs(:command).with(:svstat).returns "svstat"
- @provider.stubs(:svc)
- @provider.stubs(:svstat)
- end
+ @provider.stubs(:svc)
+ @provider.stubs(:svstat)
+ end
- it "should have a restart method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:restart)
- end
+ it "should have a restart method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:restart)
+ end
- it "should have a start method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:start)
- end
+ it "should have a start method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:start)
+ end
- it "should have a stop method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:stop)
- end
+ it "should have a stop method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:stop)
+ end
- it "should have an enabled? method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:enabled?)
- end
+ it "should have an enabled? method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:enabled?)
+ end
- it "should have an enable method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:enable)
- end
+ it "should have an enable method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:enable)
+ end
- it "should have a disable method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:disable)
- end
+ it "should have a disable method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:disable)
+ end
- describe "when starting" do
- it "should use 'svc' to start the service" do
- @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :true
- @provider.expects(:svc).with("-u", "/etc/service/myservice")
+ describe "when starting" do
+ it "should use 'svc' to start the service" do
+ @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :true
+ @provider.expects(:svc).with("-u", "/etc/service/myservice")
- @provider.start
- end
+ @provider.start
+ end
- it "should enable the service if it is not enabled" do
- @provider.stubs(:svc)
+ it "should enable the service if it is not enabled" do
+ @provider.stubs(:svc)
- @provider.expects(:enabled?).returns :false
- @provider.expects(:enable)
+ @provider.expects(:enabled?).returns :false
+ @provider.expects(:enable)
- @provider.start
- end
+ @provider.start
+ end
- describe "when stopping" do
- it "should use 'svc' to stop the service" do
- @provider.stubs(:disable)
- @provider.expects(:svc).with("-d", "/etc/service/myservice")
+ describe "when stopping" do
+ it "should use 'svc' to stop the service" do
+ @provider.stubs(:disable)
+ @provider.expects(:svc).with("-d", "/etc/service/myservice")
- @provider.stop
- end
+ @provider.stop
+ end
- describe "when restarting" do
- it "should use 'svc' to restart the service" do
- @provider.expects(:svc).with("-t", "/etc/service/myservice")
+ describe "when restarting" do
+ it "should use 'svc' to restart the service" do
+ @provider.expects(:svc).with("-t", "/etc/service/myservice")
- @provider.restart
- end
+ @provider.restart
+ end
- describe "when enabling" do
- it "should create a symlink between daemon dir and service dir" do
- FileTest.stubs(:symlink?).returns(false)
- File.expects(:symlink).with(File.join(@daemondir,"myservice"), File.join(@servicedir,"myservice")).returns(0)
- @provider.enable
- end
+ describe "when enabling" do
+ it "should create a symlink between daemon dir and service dir" do
+ FileTest.stubs(:symlink?).returns(false)
+ File.expects(:symlink).with(File.join(@daemondir,"myservice"), File.join(@servicedir,"myservice")).returns(0)
+ @provider.enable
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when disabling" do
+ it "should remove the symlink between daemon dir and service dir" do
+ FileTest.stubs(:directory?).returns(false)
+ FileTest.stubs(:symlink?).returns(true)
+ File.expects(:unlink).with(File.join(@servicedir,"myservice"))
+ @provider.stubs(:texecute).returns("")
+ @provider.disable
- describe "when disabling" do
- it "should remove the symlink between daemon dir and service dir" do
- FileTest.stubs(:directory?).returns(false)
- FileTest.stubs(:symlink?).returns(true)
- File.expects(:unlink).with(File.join(@servicedir,"myservice"))
- @provider.stubs(:texecute).returns("")
- @provider.disable
- end
- it "should stop the service" do
- FileTest.stubs(:directory?).returns(false)
- FileTest.stubs(:symlink?).returns(true)
- File.stubs(:unlink)
- @provider.expects(:stop)
- @provider.disable
- end
+ it "should stop the service" do
+ FileTest.stubs(:directory?).returns(false)
+ FileTest.stubs(:symlink?).returns(true)
+ File.stubs(:unlink)
+ @provider.expects(:stop)
+ @provider.disable
+ end
- describe "when checking if the service is enabled?" do
- it "should return true if it is running" do
- @provider.stubs(:status).returns(:running)
+ describe "when checking if the service is enabled?" do
+ it "should return true if it is running" do
+ @provider.stubs(:status).returns(:running)
- @provider.enabled?.should == :true
- end
+ @provider.enabled?.should == :true
+ end
- [true, false].each do |t|
- it "should return #{t} if the symlink exists" do
- @provider.stubs(:status).returns(:stopped)
- FileTest.stubs(:symlink?).returns(t)
+ [true, false].each do |t|
+ it "should return #{t} if the symlink exists" do
+ @provider.stubs(:status).returns(:stopped)
+ FileTest.stubs(:symlink?).returns(t)
- @provider.enabled?.should == "#{t}".to_sym
- end
- end
+ @provider.enabled?.should == "#{t}".to_sym
+ end
+ end
- describe "when checking status" do
- it "should call the external command 'svstat /etc/service/myservice'" do
- @provider.expects(:svstat).with(File.join(@servicedir,"myservice"))
- @provider.status
- end
+ describe "when checking status" do
+ it "should call the external command 'svstat /etc/service/myservice'" do
+ @provider.expects(:svstat).with(File.join(@servicedir,"myservice"))
+ @provider.status
+ end
- describe "when checking status" do
- it "and svstat fails, properly raise a Puppet::Error" do
- @provider.expects(:svstat).with(File.join(@servicedir,"myservice")).raises(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "failure")
- lambda { @provider.status }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error, 'Could not get status for service Service[myservice]: failure')
- end
- it "and svstat returns up, then return :running" do
- @provider.expects(:svstat).with(File.join(@servicedir,"myservice")).returns("/etc/service/myservice: up (pid 454) 954326 seconds")
- @provider.status.should == :running
- end
- it "and svstat returns not running, then return :stopped" do
- @provider.expects(:svstat).with(File.join(@servicedir,"myservice")).returns("/etc/service/myservice: supervise not running")
- @provider.status.should == :stopped
- end
+ describe "when checking status" do
+ it "and svstat fails, properly raise a Puppet::Error" do
+ @provider.expects(:svstat).with(File.join(@servicedir,"myservice")).raises(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "failure")
+ lambda { @provider.status }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error, 'Could not get status for service Service[myservice]: failure')
+ end
+ it "and svstat returns up, then return :running" do
+ @provider.expects(:svstat).with(File.join(@servicedir,"myservice")).returns("/etc/service/myservice: up (pid 454) 954326 seconds")
+ @provider.status.should == :running
+ end
+ it "and svstat returns not running, then return :stopped" do
+ @provider.expects(:svstat).with(File.join(@servicedir,"myservice")).returns("/etc/service/myservice: supervise not running")
+ @provider.status.should == :stopped
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/service/debian_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/service/debian_spec.rb
index 1d30eb821..8dee2ee94 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/service/debian_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/service/debian_spec.rb
@@ -9,81 +9,81 @@ provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:debian)
describe provider_class do
- before(:each) do
- # Create a mock resource
- @resource = stub 'resource'
+ before(:each) do
+ # Create a mock resource
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
- @provider =
+ @provider =
- # A catch all; no parameters set
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
+ # A catch all; no parameters set
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- # But set name, source and path
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :enabled
- @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "Service[myservice]"
+ # But set name, source and path
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :enabled
+ @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "Service[myservice]"
- @provider.resource = @resource
+ @provider.resource = @resource
- @provider.stubs(:command).with(:update_rc).returns "update_rc"
- @provider.stubs(:command).with(:invoke_rc).returns "invoke_rc"
+ @provider.stubs(:command).with(:update_rc).returns "update_rc"
+ @provider.stubs(:command).with(:invoke_rc).returns "invoke_rc"
- @provider.stubs(:update_rc)
- @provider.stubs(:invoke_rc)
- end
+ @provider.stubs(:update_rc)
+ @provider.stubs(:invoke_rc)
+ end
+ it "should have an enabled? method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:enabled?)
+ end
+ it "should have an enable method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:enable)
+ end
+ it "should have a disable method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:disable)
+ end
- it "should have an enabled? method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:enabled?)
+ describe "when enabling" do
+ it "should call update-rc.d twice" do
+ @provider.expects(:update_rc).twice
+ @provider.enable
+ end
- it "should have an enable method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:enable)
+ describe "when disabling" do
+ it "should call update-rc.d twice" do
+ @provider.expects(:update_rc).twice
+ @provider.disable
+ end
- it "should have a disable method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:disable)
+ describe "when checking whether it is enabled" do
+ it "should call Kernel.system() with the appropriate parameters" do
+ @provider.expects(:system).with("/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d", "--quiet", "--query", @resource[:name], "start").once
+ @provider.enabled?
- describe "when enabling" do
- it "should call update-rc.d twice" do
- @provider.expects(:update_rc).twice
- @provider.enable
- end
+ it "should return true when invoke-rc.d exits with 104 status" do
+ @provider.stubs(:system)
+ $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(104)
+ @provider.enabled?.should == :true
- describe "when disabling" do
- it "should call update-rc.d twice" do
- @provider.expects(:update_rc).twice
- @provider.disable
- end
+ it "should return true when invoke-rc.d exits with 106 status" do
+ @provider.stubs(:system)
+ $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(106)
+ @provider.enabled?.should == :true
- describe "when checking whether it is enabled" do
- it "should call Kernel.system() with the appropriate parameters" do
- @provider.expects(:system).with("/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d", "--quiet", "--query", @resource[:name], "start").once
- @provider.enabled?
- end
- it "should return true when invoke-rc.d exits with 104 status" do
- @provider.stubs(:system)
- $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(104)
- @provider.enabled?.should == :true
- end
- it "should return true when invoke-rc.d exits with 106 status" do
- @provider.stubs(:system)
- $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(106)
- @provider.enabled?.should == :true
- end
- # pick a range of non-[104.106] numbers, strings and booleans to test with.
- [-100, -1, 0, 1, 100, "foo", "", :true, :false].each do |exitstatus|
- it "should return false when invoke-rc.d exits with #{exitstatus} status" do
- @provider.stubs(:system)
- $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(exitstatus)
- @provider.enabled?.should == :false
- end
- end
+ # pick a range of non-[104.106] numbers, strings and booleans to test with.
+ [-100, -1, 0, 1, 100, "foo", "", :true, :false].each do |exitstatus|
+ it "should return false when invoke-rc.d exits with #{exitstatus} status" do
+ @provider.stubs(:system)
+ $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(exitstatus)
+ @provider.enabled?.should == :false
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/service/init_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/service/init_spec.rb
index b8c279473..bbc88ff76 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/service/init_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/service/init_spec.rb
@@ -9,160 +9,160 @@ provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:init)
describe provider_class do
- before :each do
- @class = Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:init)
- @resource = stub 'resource'
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice"
+ before :each do
+ @class = Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:init)
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice"
# @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :enabled
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:path).returns ["/service/path","/alt/service/path"]
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:path).returns ["/service/path","/alt/service/path"]
# @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "Service[myservice]"
- File.stubs(:directory?).returns(true)
+ File.stubs(:directory?).returns(true)
+ @provider =
+ @provider.resource = @resource
+ end
- @provider =
- @provider.resource = @resource
+ describe "when getting all service instances" do
+ before :each do
+ @services = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
+ Dir.stubs(:entries).returns @services
+ FileTest.stubs(:directory?).returns(true)
+ FileTest.stubs(:executable?).returns(true)
+ @class.stubs(:defpath).returns('tmp')
+ end
+ it "should return instances for all services" do
+ @services.each do |inst|
+ @class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:name] == inst}.returns("#{inst}_instance")
+ end
+ results = @services.collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"}
+ @class.instances.should == results
+ end
+ it "should omit an array of services from exclude list" do
+ exclude = ['two', 'four']
+ (@services-exclude).each do |inst|
+ @class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:name] == inst}.returns("#{inst}_instance")
+ end
+ results = (@services-exclude).collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"}
+ @class.get_services(@class.defpath, exclude).should == results
+ it "should omit a single service from the exclude list" do
+ exclude = 'two'
+ (@services-exclude.to_a).each do |inst|
+ @class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:name] == inst}.returns("#{inst}_instance")
+ end
+ results = @services.reject{|x| x==exclude }.collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"}
+ @class.get_services(@class.defpath, exclude).should == results
+ end
+ it "should use defpath" do
+ @services.each do |inst|
+ @class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:path] == @class.defpath}.returns("#{inst}_instance")
+ end
+ results = @services.sort.collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"}
+ @class.instances.sort.should == results
+ end
+ it "should set hasstatus to true for providers" do
+ @services.each do |inst|
+ @class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:name] == inst && hash[:hasstatus] == true}.returns("#{inst}_instance")
+ end
+ results = @services.collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"}
+ @class.instances.should == results
+ end
+ end
- describe "when getting all service instances" do
- before :each do
- @services = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
- Dir.stubs(:entries).returns @services
- FileTest.stubs(:directory?).returns(true)
- FileTest.stubs(:executable?).returns(true)
- @class.stubs(:defpath).returns('tmp')
- end
- it "should return instances for all services" do
- @services.each do |inst|
- @class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:name] == inst}.returns("#{inst}_instance")
- end
- results = @services.collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"}
- @class.instances.should == results
- end
- it "should omit an array of services from exclude list" do
- exclude = ['two', 'four']
- (@services-exclude).each do |inst|
- @class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:name] == inst}.returns("#{inst}_instance")
- end
- results = (@services-exclude).collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"}
- @class.get_services(@class.defpath, exclude).should == results
- end
- it "should omit a single service from the exclude list" do
- exclude = 'two'
- (@services-exclude.to_a).each do |inst|
- @class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:name] == inst}.returns("#{inst}_instance")
- end
- results = @services.reject{|x| x==exclude }.collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"}
- @class.get_services(@class.defpath, exclude).should == results
- end
- it "should use defpath" do
- @services.each do |inst|
- @class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:path] == @class.defpath}.returns("#{inst}_instance")
- end
- results = @services.sort.collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"}
- @class.instances.sort.should == results
- end
- it "should set hasstatus to true for providers" do
- @services.each do |inst|
- @class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:name] == inst && hash[:hasstatus] == true}.returns("#{inst}_instance")
- end
- results = @services.collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"}
- @class.instances.should == results
- end
+ describe "when searching for the init script" do
+ it "should discard paths that do not exist" do
+ File.stubs(:exist?).returns(false)
+ File.stubs(:directory?).returns(false)
+ @provider.paths.should be_empty
- describe "when searching for the init script" do
- it "should discard paths that do not exist" do
- File.stubs(:exist?).returns(false)
- File.stubs(:directory?).returns(false)
- @provider.paths.should be_empty
- end
+ it "should discard paths that are not directories" do
+ File.stubs(:exist?).returns(true)
+ File.stubs(:directory?).returns(false)
+ @provider.paths.should be_empty
+ end
- it "should discard paths that are not directories" do
- File.stubs(:exist?).returns(true)
- File.stubs(:directory?).returns(false)
- @provider.paths.should be_empty
- end
+ it "should be able to find the init script in the service path" do
+ File.expects(:stat).with("/service/path/myservice").returns true
+ @provider.initscript.should == "/service/path/myservice"
+ end
+ it "should be able to find the init script in the service path" do
+ File.expects(:stat).with("/alt/service/path/myservice").returns true
+ @provider.initscript.should == "/alt/service/path/myservice"
+ end
+ it "should fail if the service isn't there" do
+ lambda { @provider.initscript }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Could not find init script for 'myservice'")
+ end
+ end
- it "should be able to find the init script in the service path" do
- File.expects(:stat).with("/service/path/myservice").returns true
- @provider.initscript.should == "/service/path/myservice"
- end
- it "should be able to find the init script in the service path" do
- File.expects(:stat).with("/alt/service/path/myservice").returns true
- @provider.initscript.should == "/alt/service/path/myservice"
+ describe "if the init script is present" do
+ before :each do
+ File.stubs(:stat).with("/service/path/myservice").returns true
+ end
+ [:start, :stop, :status, :restart].each do |method|
+ it "should have a #{method} method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(method)
+ end
+ describe "when running #{method}" do
+ it "should use any provided explicit command" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(method).returns "/user/specified/command"
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |command, *args| command == ["/user/specified/command"] }
+ @provider.send(method)
- it "should fail if the service isn't there" do
- lambda { @provider.initscript }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Could not find init script for 'myservice'")
+ it "should pass #{method} to the init script when no explicit command is provided" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with("has#{method}".intern).returns :true
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |command, *args| command == ["/service/path/myservice",method]}
+ @provider.send(method)
+ end
- describe "if the init script is present" do
+ describe "when checking status" do
+ describe "when hasstatus is :true" do
before :each do
- File.stubs(:stat).with("/service/path/myservice").returns true
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:hasstatus).returns :true
- [:start, :stop, :status, :restart].each do |method|
- it "should have a #{method} method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(method)
- end
- describe "when running #{method}" do
- it "should use any provided explicit command" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(method).returns "/user/specified/command"
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |command, *args| command == ["/user/specified/command"] }
- @provider.send(method)
- end
- it "should pass #{method} to the init script when no explicit command is provided" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with("has#{method}".intern).returns :true
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |command, *args| command == ["/service/path/myservice",method]}
- @provider.send(method)
- end
- end
+ it "should execute the command" do
+ @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:status, ['/service/path/myservice', :status], false).returns("")
+ @provider.status
- describe "when checking status" do
- describe "when hasstatus is :true" do
- before :each do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:hasstatus).returns :true
- end
- it "should execute the command" do
- @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:status, ['/service/path/myservice', :status], false).returns("")
- @provider.status
- end
- it "should consider the process running if the command returns 0" do
- @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:status, ['/service/path/myservice', :status], false).returns("")
- $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(0)
- @provider.status.should == :running
- end
- [-10,-1,1,10].each { |ec|
- it "should consider the process stopped if the command returns something non-0" do
- @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:status, ['/service/path/myservice', :status], false).returns("")
- $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(ec)
- @provider.status.should == :stopped
- end
- }
- end
- describe "when hasstatus is not :true" do
- it "should consider the service :running if it has a pid" do
- @provider.expects(:getpid).returns "1234"
- @provider.status.should == :running
- end
- it "should consider the service :stopped if it doesn't have a pid" do
- @provider.expects(:getpid).returns nil
- @provider.status.should == :stopped
- end
- end
+ it "should consider the process running if the command returns 0" do
+ @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:status, ['/service/path/myservice', :status], false).returns("")
+ $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(0)
+ @provider.status.should == :running
- describe "when restarting and hasrestart is not :true" do
- it "should stop and restart the process" do
- @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:stop, ['/service/path/myservice', :stop ], true).returns("")
- @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:start,['/service/path/myservice', :start], true).returns("")
- $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(0)
- @provider.restart
- end
+ [-10,-1,1,10].each { |ec|
+ it "should consider the process stopped if the command returns something non-0" do
+ @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:status, ['/service/path/myservice', :status], false).returns("")
+ $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(ec)
+ @provider.status.should == :stopped
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ describe "when hasstatus is not :true" do
+ it "should consider the service :running if it has a pid" do
+ @provider.expects(:getpid).returns "1234"
+ @provider.status.should == :running
+ end
+ it "should consider the service :stopped if it doesn't have a pid" do
+ @provider.expects(:getpid).returns nil
+ @provider.status.should == :stopped
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when restarting and hasrestart is not :true" do
+ it "should stop and restart the process" do
+ @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:stop, ['/service/path/myservice', :stop ], true).returns("")
+ @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:start,['/service/path/myservice', :start], true).returns("")
+ $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(0)
+ @provider.restart
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/service/launchd_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/service/launchd_spec.rb
index 62570e2a8..320ee3ace 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/service/launchd_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/service/launchd_spec.rb
@@ -11,190 +11,190 @@ provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:launchd)
describe provider_class do
- before :each do
- # Create a mock resource
- @resource = stub 'resource'
+ before :each do
+ # Create a mock resource
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
- @provider =
- @joblabel = ""
- @jobplist = {}
+ @provider =
+ @joblabel = ""
+ @jobplist = {}
+ # A catch all; no parameters set
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- # A catch all; no parameters set
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- # But set name, ensure and enable
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns @joblabel
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :enabled
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:enable).returns :true
- @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "Service[#{@joblabel}]"
- # stub out the provider methods that actually touch the filesystem
- # or execute commands
- @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns([@joblabel, @jobplist])
- @provider.stubs(:execute).returns("")
- @provider.stubs(:resource).returns @resource
- # We stub this out for the normal case as 10.6 is "special".
- provider_class.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.5")
- end
- it "should have a start method for #{@provider.object_id}" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:start)
- end
- it "should have a stop method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:stop)
- end
- it "should have an enabled? method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:enabled?)
- end
- it "should have an enable method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:enable)
- end
- it "should have a disable method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:disable)
- end
- it "should have a status method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:status)
- end
- describe "when checking status" do
- it "should call the external command 'launchctl list' once" do
- @provider.expects(:launchctl).with(:list).returns("rotating-strawberry-madonnas")
- @provider.status
- end
- it "should return stopped if not listed in launchctl list output" do
- @provider.stubs(:launchctl).with(:list).returns("rotating-strawberry-madonnas")
- @provider.status.should == :stopped
- end
- it "should return running if listed in launchctl list output" do
- @provider.stubs(:launchctl).with(:list).returns(@joblabel)
- @provider.status.should == :running
- end
- end
- describe "when checking whether the service is enabled" do
- it "should return true if the job plist says disabled is false" do
- @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {"Disabled" => false}])
- @provider.enabled?.should == :true
- end
- it "should return true if the job plist has no disabled key" do
- @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {}])
- @provider.enabled?.should == :true
- end
- it "should return false if the job plist says disabled is true" do
- @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {"Disabled" => true}])
- @provider.enabled?.should == :false
- end
- end
- describe "when checking whether the service is enabled on OS X 10.6" do
- it "should return true if the job plist says disabled is true and the global overrides says disabled is false" do
- provider_class.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6")
- @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {"Disabled" => true}])
- Plist.stubs(:parse_xml).returns({@resource[:name] => {"Disabled" => false}})
- @provider.enabled?.should == :true
- end
- it "should return false if the job plist says disabled is false and the global overrides says disabled is true" do
- provider_class.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6")
- @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {"Disabled" => false}])
- Plist.stubs(:parse_xml).returns({@resource[:name] => {"Disabled" => true}})
- @provider.enabled?.should == :false
- end
- it "should return true if the job plist and the global overrides have no disabled keys" do
- provider_class.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6")
- @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {}])
- Plist.stubs(:parse_xml).returns({})
- @provider.enabled?.should == :true
- end
- end
- describe "when starting the service" do
- it "should look for the relevant plist once" do
- @provider.expects(:plist_from_label).once
- @provider.start
- end
- it "should execute 'launchctl load' once without writing to the plist if the job is enabled" do
- @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :true
- @provider.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :load, @resource[:name]]).once
- @provider.start
- end
- it "should execute 'launchctl load' with writing to the plist once if the job is disabled" do
- @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :false
- @provider.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :load, "-w", @resource[:name]]).once
- @provider.start
- end
- it "should disable the job once if the job is disabled and should be disabled at boot" do
- @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :false
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:enable).returns :false
- @provider.expects(:disable).once
- @provider.start
- end
- end
- describe "when stopping the service" do
- it "should look for the relevant plist once" do
- @provider.expects(:plist_from_label).once
- @provider.stop
- end
- it "should execute 'launchctl unload' once without writing to the plist if the job is disabled" do
- @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :false
- @provider.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :unload, @resource[:name]]).once
- @provider.stop
- end
- it "should execute 'launchctl unload' with writing to the plist once if the job is enabled" do
- @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :true
- @provider.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :unload, "-w", @resource[:name]]).once
- @provider.stop
- end
- it "should enable the job once if the job is enabled and should be enabled at boot" do
- @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :true
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:enable).returns :true
- @provider.expects(:enable).once
- @provider.stop
- end
- end
- describe "when enabling the service" do
- it "should look for the relevant plist once" do
- @provider.expects(:plist_from_label).once
- @provider.stop
- end
- it "should check if the job is enabled once" do
- @provider.expects(:enabled?).once
- @provider.stop
- end
- end
- describe "when disabling the service" do
- it "should look for the relevant plist once" do
- @provider.expects(:plist_from_label).once
- @provider.stop
- end
- end
- describe "when enabling the service on OS X 10.6" do
- it "should write to the global launchd overrides file once" do
- provider_class.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6")
- Plist.stubs(:parse_xml).returns({})
- Plist::Emit.expects(:save_plist).once
- @provider.enable
- end
- end
- describe "when disabling the service on OS X 10.6" do
- it "should write to the global launchd overrides file once" do
- provider_class.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6")
- Plist.stubs(:parse_xml).returns({})
- Plist::Emit.expects(:save_plist).once
- @provider.enable
- end
- end
+ # But set name, ensure and enable
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns @joblabel
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :enabled
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:enable).returns :true
+ @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "Service[#{@joblabel}]"
+ # stub out the provider methods that actually touch the filesystem
+ # or execute commands
+ @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns([@joblabel, @jobplist])
+ @provider.stubs(:execute).returns("")
+ @provider.stubs(:resource).returns @resource
+ # We stub this out for the normal case as 10.6 is "special".
+ provider_class.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.5")
+ end
+ it "should have a start method for #{@provider.object_id}" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:start)
+ end
+ it "should have a stop method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:stop)
+ end
+ it "should have an enabled? method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:enabled?)
+ end
+ it "should have an enable method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:enable)
+ end
+ it "should have a disable method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:disable)
+ end
+ it "should have a status method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:status)
+ end
+ describe "when checking status" do
+ it "should call the external command 'launchctl list' once" do
+ @provider.expects(:launchctl).with(:list).returns("rotating-strawberry-madonnas")
+ @provider.status
+ end
+ it "should return stopped if not listed in launchctl list output" do
+ @provider.stubs(:launchctl).with(:list).returns("rotating-strawberry-madonnas")
+ @provider.status.should == :stopped
+ end
+ it "should return running if listed in launchctl list output" do
+ @provider.stubs(:launchctl).with(:list).returns(@joblabel)
+ @provider.status.should == :running
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when checking whether the service is enabled" do
+ it "should return true if the job plist says disabled is false" do
+ @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {"Disabled" => false}])
+ @provider.enabled?.should == :true
+ end
+ it "should return true if the job plist has no disabled key" do
+ @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {}])
+ @provider.enabled?.should == :true
+ end
+ it "should return false if the job plist says disabled is true" do
+ @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {"Disabled" => true}])
+ @provider.enabled?.should == :false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when checking whether the service is enabled on OS X 10.6" do
+ it "should return true if the job plist says disabled is true and the global overrides says disabled is false" do
+ provider_class.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6")
+ @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {"Disabled" => true}])
+ Plist.stubs(:parse_xml).returns({@resource[:name] => {"Disabled" => false}})
+ @provider.enabled?.should == :true
+ end
+ it "should return false if the job plist says disabled is false and the global overrides says disabled is true" do
+ provider_class.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6")
+ @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {"Disabled" => false}])
+ Plist.stubs(:parse_xml).returns({@resource[:name] => {"Disabled" => true}})
+ @provider.enabled?.should == :false
+ end
+ it "should return true if the job plist and the global overrides have no disabled keys" do
+ provider_class.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6")
+ @provider.stubs(:plist_from_label).returns(["foo", {}])
+ Plist.stubs(:parse_xml).returns({})
+ @provider.enabled?.should == :true
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when starting the service" do
+ it "should look for the relevant plist once" do
+ @provider.expects(:plist_from_label).once
+ @provider.start
+ end
+ it "should execute 'launchctl load' once without writing to the plist if the job is enabled" do
+ @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :true
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :load, @resource[:name]]).once
+ @provider.start
+ end
+ it "should execute 'launchctl load' with writing to the plist once if the job is disabled" do
+ @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :false
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :load, "-w", @resource[:name]]).once
+ @provider.start
+ end
+ it "should disable the job once if the job is disabled and should be disabled at boot" do
+ @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :false
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:enable).returns :false
+ @provider.expects(:disable).once
+ @provider.start
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when stopping the service" do
+ it "should look for the relevant plist once" do
+ @provider.expects(:plist_from_label).once
+ @provider.stop
+ end
+ it "should execute 'launchctl unload' once without writing to the plist if the job is disabled" do
+ @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :false
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :unload, @resource[:name]]).once
+ @provider.stop
+ end
+ it "should execute 'launchctl unload' with writing to the plist once if the job is enabled" do
+ @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :true
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with([:launchctl, :unload, "-w", @resource[:name]]).once
+ @provider.stop
+ end
+ it "should enable the job once if the job is enabled and should be enabled at boot" do
+ @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :true
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:enable).returns :true
+ @provider.expects(:enable).once
+ @provider.stop
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when enabling the service" do
+ it "should look for the relevant plist once" do
+ @provider.expects(:plist_from_label).once
+ @provider.stop
+ end
+ it "should check if the job is enabled once" do
+ @provider.expects(:enabled?).once
+ @provider.stop
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when disabling the service" do
+ it "should look for the relevant plist once" do
+ @provider.expects(:plist_from_label).once
+ @provider.stop
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when enabling the service on OS X 10.6" do
+ it "should write to the global launchd overrides file once" do
+ provider_class.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6")
+ Plist.stubs(:parse_xml).returns({})
+ Plist::Emit.expects(:save_plist).once
+ @provider.enable
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when disabling the service on OS X 10.6" do
+ it "should write to the global launchd overrides file once" do
+ provider_class.stubs(:get_macosx_version_major).returns("10.6")
+ Plist.stubs(:parse_xml).returns({})
+ Plist::Emit.expects(:save_plist).once
+ @provider.enable
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/service/redhat_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/service/redhat_spec.rb
index 82596fdcf..fd5822788 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/service/redhat_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/service/redhat_spec.rb
@@ -8,114 +8,114 @@ provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:redhat)
describe provider_class do
+ before :each do
+ @class = Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:redhat)
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice"
+ @provider =
+ @resource.stubs(:provider).returns @provider
+ @provider.resource = @resource
+ @provider.stubs(:get).with(:hasstatus).returns false
+ FileTest.stubs(:file?).with('/sbin/service').returns true
+ FileTest.stubs(:executable?).with('/sbin/service').returns true
+ end
+ # test self.instances
+ describe "when getting all service instances" do
before :each do
- @class = Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:redhat)
- @resource = stub 'resource'
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice"
- @provider =
- @resource.stubs(:provider).returns @provider
- @provider.resource = @resource
- @provider.stubs(:get).with(:hasstatus).returns false
- FileTest.stubs(:file?).with('/sbin/service').returns true
- FileTest.stubs(:executable?).with('/sbin/service').returns true
+ @services = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'kudzu', 'functions', 'halt', 'killall', 'single', 'linuxconf']
+ @not_services = ['functions', 'halt', 'killall', 'single', 'linuxconf']
+ Dir.stubs(:entries).returns @services
+ FileTest.stubs(:directory?).returns(true)
+ FileTest.stubs(:executable?).returns(true)
- # test self.instances
- describe "when getting all service instances" do
- before :each do
- @services = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'kudzu', 'functions', 'halt', 'killall', 'single', 'linuxconf']
- @not_services = ['functions', 'halt', 'killall', 'single', 'linuxconf']
- Dir.stubs(:entries).returns @services
- FileTest.stubs(:directory?).returns(true)
- FileTest.stubs(:executable?).returns(true)
- end
- it "should return instances for all services" do
- (@services-@not_services).each do |inst|
- @class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:name] == inst && hash[:path] == '/etc/init.d'}.returns("#{inst}_instance")
- end
- results = (@services-@not_services).collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"}
- @class.instances.should == results
- end
- it "should call service status when initialized from provider" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:status).returns nil
- @provider.stubs(:get).with(:hasstatus).returns true
- @provider.expects(:execute).with{|command, *args| command == ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', 'status']}
- @provider.send(:status)
- end
+ it "should return instances for all services" do
+ (@services-@not_services).each do |inst|
+ @class.expects(:new).with{|hash| hash[:name] == inst && hash[:path] == '/etc/init.d'}.returns("#{inst}_instance")
+ end
+ results = (@services-@not_services).collect {|x| "#{x}_instance"}
+ @class.instances.should == results
- it "should have an enabled? method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:enabled?)
+ it "should call service status when initialized from provider" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:status).returns nil
+ @provider.stubs(:get).with(:hasstatus).returns true
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with{|command, *args| command == ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', 'status']}
+ @provider.send(:status)
+ end
- it "should have an enable method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:enable)
- end
+ it "should have an enabled? method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:enabled?)
+ end
- it "should have a disable method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:disable)
- end
+ it "should have an enable method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:enable)
+ end
- [:start, :stop, :status, :restart].each do |method|
- it "should have a #{method} method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(method)
- end
- describe "when running #{method}" do
+ it "should have a disable method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:disable)
+ end
+ [:start, :stop, :status, :restart].each do |method|
+ it "should have a #{method} method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(method)
+ end
+ describe "when running #{method}" do
- it "should use any provided explicit command" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(method).returns "/user/specified/command"
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |command, *args| command == ["/user/specified/command"] }
- @provider.send(method)
- end
+ it "should use any provided explicit command" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(method).returns "/user/specified/command"
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |command, *args| command == ["/user/specified/command"] }
+ @provider.send(method)
+ end
- it "should execute the service script with #{method} when no explicit command is provided" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with("has#{method}".intern).returns :true
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |command, *args| command == ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', method.to_s]}
- @provider.send(method)
- end
- end
+ it "should execute the service script with #{method} when no explicit command is provided" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with("has#{method}".intern).returns :true
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |command, *args| command == ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', method.to_s]}
+ @provider.send(method)
+ end
+ end
- describe "when checking status" do
- describe "when hasstatus is :true" do
- before :each do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:hasstatus).returns :true
- end
- it "should execute the service script with fail_on_failure false" do
- @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:status, ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', 'status'], false)
- @provider.status
- end
- it "should consider the process running if the command returns 0" do
- @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:status, ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', 'status'], false)
- $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(0)
- @provider.status.should == :running
- end
- [-10,-1,1,10].each { |ec|
- it "should consider the process stopped if the command returns something non-0" do
- @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:status, ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', 'status'], false)
- $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(ec)
- @provider.status.should == :stopped
- end
- }
- end
- describe "when hasstatus is not :true" do
- it "should consider the service :running if it has a pid" do
- @provider.expects(:getpid).returns "1234"
- @provider.status.should == :running
- end
- it "should consider the service :stopped if it doesn't have a pid" do
- @provider.expects(:getpid).returns nil
- @provider.status.should == :stopped
- end
+ describe "when checking status" do
+ describe "when hasstatus is :true" do
+ before :each do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:hasstatus).returns :true
+ end
+ it "should execute the service script with fail_on_failure false" do
+ @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:status, ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', 'status'], false)
+ @provider.status
+ end
+ it "should consider the process running if the command returns 0" do
+ @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:status, ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', 'status'], false)
+ $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(0)
+ @provider.status.should == :running
+ end
+ [-10,-1,1,10].each { |ec|
+ it "should consider the process stopped if the command returns something non-0" do
+ @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:status, ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', 'status'], false)
+ $CHILD_STATUS.stubs(:exitstatus).returns(ec)
+ @provider.status.should == :stopped
+ }
+ end
+ describe "when hasstatus is not :true" do
+ it "should consider the service :running if it has a pid" do
+ @provider.expects(:getpid).returns "1234"
+ @provider.status.should == :running
+ end
+ it "should consider the service :stopped if it doesn't have a pid" do
+ @provider.expects(:getpid).returns nil
+ @provider.status.should == :stopped
+ end
+ end
- describe "when restarting and hasrestart is not :true" do
- it "should stop and restart the process with the server script" do
- @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:stop, ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', 'stop'], true)
- @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:start, ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', 'start'], true)
- @provider.restart
- end
+ describe "when restarting and hasrestart is not :true" do
+ it "should stop and restart the process with the server script" do
+ @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:stop, ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', 'stop'], true)
+ @provider.expects(:texecute).with(:start, ['/sbin/service', 'myservice', 'start'], true)
+ @provider.restart
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/service/runit_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/service/runit_spec.rb
index 42309ee5f..80ce456b4 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/service/runit_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/service/runit_spec.rb
@@ -10,131 +10,131 @@ provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:runit)
describe provider_class do
- before(:each) do
- # Create a mock resource
- @resource = stub 'resource'
+ before(:each) do
+ # Create a mock resource
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
- @provider =
- @servicedir = "/etc/service"
- @provider.servicedir=@servicedir
- @daemondir = "/etc/sv"
- @provider.class.defpath=@daemondir
+ @provider =
+ @servicedir = "/etc/service"
+ @provider.servicedir=@servicedir
+ @daemondir = "/etc/sv"
+ @provider.class.defpath=@daemondir
- # A catch all; no parameters set
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
+ # A catch all; no parameters set
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- # But set name, source and path (because we won't run
- # the thing that will fetch the resource path from the provider)
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :enabled
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:path).returns @daemondir
- @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "Service[myservice]"
+ # But set name, source and path (because we won't run
+ # the thing that will fetch the resource path from the provider)
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns :enabled
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:path).returns @daemondir
+ @resource.stubs(:ref).returns "Service[myservice]"
- @provider.stubs(:sv)
+ @provider.stubs(:sv)
- @provider.stubs(:resource).returns @resource
- end
+ @provider.stubs(:resource).returns @resource
+ end
- it "should have a restart method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:restart)
- end
+ it "should have a restart method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:restart)
+ end
- it "should have a restartcmd method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:restartcmd)
- end
+ it "should have a restartcmd method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:restartcmd)
+ end
- it "should have a start method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:start)
- end
+ it "should have a start method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:start)
+ end
- it "should have a stop method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:stop)
- end
+ it "should have a stop method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:stop)
+ end
- it "should have an enabled? method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:enabled?)
- end
+ it "should have an enabled? method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:enabled?)
+ end
- it "should have an enable method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:enable)
- end
+ it "should have an enable method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:enable)
+ end
- it "should have a disable method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:disable)
- end
- describe "when starting" do
- it "should enable the service if it is not enabled" do
- @provider.stubs(:sv)
+ it "should have a disable method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:disable)
+ end
- @provider.expects(:enabled?).returns :false
- @provider.expects(:enable)
+ describe "when starting" do
+ it "should enable the service if it is not enabled" do
+ @provider.stubs(:sv)
- @provider.start
- end
+ @provider.expects(:enabled?).returns :false
+ @provider.expects(:enable)
- it "should execute external command 'sv start /etc/service/myservice'" do
- @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :true
- @provider.expects(:sv).with("start", "/etc/service/myservice")
- @provider.start
- end
+ @provider.start
- describe "when stopping" do
- it "should execute external command 'sv stop /etc/service/myservice'" do
- @provider.expects(:sv).with("stop", "/etc/service/myservice")
- @provider.stop
- end
+ it "should execute external command 'sv start /etc/service/myservice'" do
+ @provider.stubs(:enabled?).returns :true
+ @provider.expects(:sv).with("start", "/etc/service/myservice")
+ @provider.start
+ end
- describe "when restarting" do
- it "should call 'sv restart /etc/service/myservice'" do
- @provider.expects(:sv).with("restart","/etc/service/myservice")
- @provider.restart
- end
+ describe "when stopping" do
+ it "should execute external command 'sv stop /etc/service/myservice'" do
+ @provider.expects(:sv).with("stop", "/etc/service/myservice")
+ @provider.stop
+ end
- describe "when enabling" do
- it "should create a symlink between daemon dir and service dir" do
- FileTest.stubs(:symlink?).returns(false)
- File.expects(:symlink).with(File.join(@daemondir,"myservice"), File.join(@servicedir,"myservice")).returns(0)
- @provider.enable
- end
+ describe "when restarting" do
+ it "should call 'sv restart /etc/service/myservice'" do
+ @provider.expects(:sv).with("restart","/etc/service/myservice")
+ @provider.restart
+ end
- describe "when disabling" do
- it "should remove the '/etc/service/myservice' symlink" do
- FileTest.stubs(:directory?).returns(false)
- FileTest.stubs(:symlink?).returns(true)
- File.expects(:unlink).with(File.join(@servicedir,"myservice")).returns(0)
- @provider.disable
- end
+ describe "when enabling" do
+ it "should create a symlink between daemon dir and service dir" do
+ FileTest.stubs(:symlink?).returns(false)
+ File.expects(:symlink).with(File.join(@daemondir,"myservice"), File.join(@servicedir,"myservice")).returns(0)
+ @provider.enable
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when disabling" do
+ it "should remove the '/etc/service/myservice' symlink" do
+ FileTest.stubs(:directory?).returns(false)
+ FileTest.stubs(:symlink?).returns(true)
+ File.expects(:unlink).with(File.join(@servicedir,"myservice")).returns(0)
+ @provider.disable
+ end
- describe "when checking status" do
- it "should call the external command 'sv status /etc/sv/myservice'" do
- @provider.expects(:sv).with('status',File.join(@daemondir,"myservice"))
- @provider.status
- end
+ describe "when checking status" do
+ it "should call the external command 'sv status /etc/sv/myservice'" do
+ @provider.expects(:sv).with('status',File.join(@daemondir,"myservice"))
+ @provider.status
+ end
- describe "when checking status" do
- it "and sv status fails, properly raise a Puppet::Error" do
- @provider.expects(:sv).with('status',File.join(@daemondir,"myservice")).raises(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "fail: /etc/sv/myservice: file not found")
- lambda { @provider.status }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error, 'Could not get status for service Service[myservice]: fail: /etc/sv/myservice: file not found')
- end
- it "and sv status returns up, then return :running" do
- @provider.expects(:sv).with('status',File.join(@daemondir,"myservice")).returns("run: /etc/sv/myservice: (pid 9029) 6s")
- @provider.status.should == :running
- end
- it "and sv status returns not running, then return :stopped" do
- @provider.expects(:sv).with('status',File.join(@daemondir,"myservice")).returns("fail: /etc/sv/myservice: runsv not running")
- @provider.status.should == :stopped
- end
- it "and sv status returns a warning, then return :stopped" do
- @provider.expects(:sv).with('status',File.join(@daemondir,"myservice")).returns("warning: /etc/sv/myservice: unable to open supervise/ok: file does not exist")
- @provider.status.should == :stopped
- end
+ describe "when checking status" do
+ it "and sv status fails, properly raise a Puppet::Error" do
+ @provider.expects(:sv).with('status',File.join(@daemondir,"myservice")).raises(Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "fail: /etc/sv/myservice: file not found")
+ lambda { @provider.status }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error, 'Could not get status for service Service[myservice]: fail: /etc/sv/myservice: file not found')
+ end
+ it "and sv status returns up, then return :running" do
+ @provider.expects(:sv).with('status',File.join(@daemondir,"myservice")).returns("run: /etc/sv/myservice: (pid 9029) 6s")
+ @provider.status.should == :running
+ end
+ it "and sv status returns not running, then return :stopped" do
+ @provider.expects(:sv).with('status',File.join(@daemondir,"myservice")).returns("fail: /etc/sv/myservice: runsv not running")
+ @provider.status.should == :stopped
+ end
+ it "and sv status returns a warning, then return :stopped" do
+ @provider.expects(:sv).with('status',File.join(@daemondir,"myservice")).returns("warning: /etc/sv/myservice: unable to open supervise/ok: file does not exist")
+ @provider.status.should == :stopped
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/service/src_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/service/src_spec.rb
index eaa968f6e..eff98f030 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/service/src_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/service/src_spec.rb
@@ -9,89 +9,89 @@ provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:service).provider(:src)
describe provider_class do
- before :each do
- @resource = stub 'resource'
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice"
- @provider =
- @provider.resource = @resource
- @provider.stubs(:command).with(:stopsrc).returns "/usr/bin/stopsrc"
- @provider.stubs(:command).with(:startsrc).returns "/usr/bin/startsrc"
- @provider.stubs(:command).with(:lssrc).returns "/usr/bin/lssrc"
- @provider.stubs(:command).with(:refresh).returns "/usr/bin/refresh"
- @provider.stubs(:stopsrc)
- @provider.stubs(:startsrc)
- @provider.stubs(:lssrc)
- @provider.stubs(:refresh)
+ before :each do
+ @resource = stub 'resource'
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns(nil)
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myservice"
+ @provider =
+ @provider.resource = @resource
+ @provider.stubs(:command).with(:stopsrc).returns "/usr/bin/stopsrc"
+ @provider.stubs(:command).with(:startsrc).returns "/usr/bin/startsrc"
+ @provider.stubs(:command).with(:lssrc).returns "/usr/bin/lssrc"
+ @provider.stubs(:command).with(:refresh).returns "/usr/bin/refresh"
+ @provider.stubs(:stopsrc)
+ @provider.stubs(:startsrc)
+ @provider.stubs(:lssrc)
+ @provider.stubs(:refresh)
+ end
+ [:start, :stop, :status, :restart].each do |method|
+ it "should have a #{method} method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(method)
+ end
- [:start, :stop, :status, :restart].each do |method|
- it "should have a #{method} method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(method)
- end
- end
+ it "should execute the startsrc command" do
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/startsrc', '-s', "myservice"], {:squelch => true, :failonfail => true})
+ @provider.start
+ end
- it "should execute the startsrc command" do
- @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/startsrc', '-s', "myservice"], {:squelch => true, :failonfail => true})
- @provider.start
- end
+ it "should execute the stopsrc command" do
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/stopsrc', '-s', "myservice"], {:squelch => true, :failonfail => true})
+ @provider.stop
+ end
- it "should execute the stopsrc command" do
- @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/stopsrc', '-s', "myservice"], {:squelch => true, :failonfail => true})
- @provider.stop
- end
- it "should execute status and return running if the subsystem is active" do
- sample_output = <<_EOF_
+ it "should execute status and return running if the subsystem is active" do
+ sample_output = <<_EOF_
Subsystem Group PID Status
myservice tcpip 1234 active
- @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/lssrc', '-s', "myservice"]).returns sample_output
- @provider.status.should == :running
- end
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/lssrc', '-s', "myservice"]).returns sample_output
+ @provider.status.should == :running
+ end
- it "should execute status and return stopped if the subsystem is inoperative" do
- sample_output = <<_EOF_
+ it "should execute status and return stopped if the subsystem is inoperative" do
+ sample_output = <<_EOF_
Subsystem Group PID Status
myservice tcpip inoperative
- @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/lssrc', '-s', "myservice"]).returns sample_output
- @provider.status.should == :stopped
- end
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/lssrc', '-s', "myservice"]).returns sample_output
+ @provider.status.should == :stopped
+ end
- it "should execute status and return nil if the status is not known" do
- sample_output = <<_EOF_
+ it "should execute status and return nil if the status is not known" do
+ sample_output = <<_EOF_
Subsystem Group PID Status
myservice tcpip randomdata
- @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/lssrc', '-s', "myservice"]).returns sample_output
- @provider.status.should == nil
- end
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/lssrc', '-s', "myservice"]).returns sample_output
+ @provider.status.should == nil
+ end
- it "should execute restart which runs refresh" do
- sample_output = <<_EOF_
+ it "should execute restart which runs refresh" do
+ sample_output = <<_EOF_
- @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/lssrc', '-Ss', "myservice"]).returns sample_output
- @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/refresh', '-s', "myservice"])
- @provider.restart
- end
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/lssrc', '-Ss', "myservice"]).returns sample_output
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/refresh', '-s', "myservice"])
+ @provider.restart
+ end
- it "should execute restart which runs stopsrc then startsrc" do
- sample_output = <<_EOF_
+ it "should execute restart which runs stopsrc then startsrc" do
+ sample_output = <<_EOF_
- @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/lssrc', '-Ss', "myservice"]).returns sample_output
- @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/stopsrc', '-s', "myservice"], {:squelch => true, :failonfail => true})
- @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/startsrc', '-s', "myservice"], {:squelch => true, :failonfail => true})
- @provider.restart
- end
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/lssrc', '-Ss', "myservice"]).returns sample_output
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/stopsrc', '-s', "myservice"], {:squelch => true, :failonfail => true})
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with(['/usr/bin/startsrc', '-s', "myservice"], {:squelch => true, :failonfail => true})
+ @provider.restart
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/ssh_authorized_key/parsed_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/ssh_authorized_key/parsed_spec.rb
index 3b14ad3d7..059d010bb 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/ssh_authorized_key/parsed_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/ssh_authorized_key/parsed_spec.rb
@@ -10,219 +10,219 @@ require 'puppettest/fileparsing'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:ssh_authorized_key).provider(:parsed)
describe provider_class do
- include PuppetSpec::Files
- include PuppetTest
- include PuppetTest::FileParsing
- before :each do
- @sshauthkey_class = Puppet::Type.type(:ssh_authorized_key)
- @provider = @sshauthkey_class.provider(:parsed)
- @keyfile = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'authorized_keys')
- @provider.any_instance.stubs(:target).returns @keyfile
- @user = 'random_bob'
- Puppet::Util.stubs(:uid).with(@user).returns 12345
+ include PuppetSpec::Files
+ include PuppetTest
+ include PuppetTest::FileParsing
+ before :each do
+ @sshauthkey_class = Puppet::Type.type(:ssh_authorized_key)
+ @provider = @sshauthkey_class.provider(:parsed)
+ @keyfile = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'authorized_keys')
+ @provider.any_instance.stubs(:target).returns @keyfile
+ @user = 'random_bob'
+ Puppet::Util.stubs(:uid).with(@user).returns 12345
+ end
+ after :each do
+ @provider.initvars
+ end
+ def mkkey(args)
+ fakeresource = fakeresource(:ssh_authorized_key, args[:name])
+ fakeresource.stubs(:should).with(:user).returns @user
+ fakeresource.stubs(:should).with(:target).returns @keyfile
+ key =
+ args.each do |p,v|
+ key.send(p.to_s + "=", v)
- after :each do
- @provider.initvars
+ key
+ end
+ def genkey(key)
+ @provider.stubs(:filetype).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeRam)
+ File.stubs(:chown)
+ File.stubs(:chmod)
+ Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.stubs(:asuser).yields
+ key.flush
+ @provider.target_object(@keyfile).read
+ end
+ PuppetTest.fakedata("data/providers/ssh_authorized_key/parsed").each { |file|
+ it "should be able to parse example data in #{file}" do
+ fakedataparse(file)
+ }
- def mkkey(args)
- fakeresource = fakeresource(:ssh_authorized_key, args[:name])
- fakeresource.stubs(:should).with(:user).returns @user
- fakeresource.stubs(:should).with(:target).returns @keyfile
+ it "should be able to generate a basic authorized_keys file" do
- key =
- args.each do |p,v|
- key.send(p.to_s + "=", v)
- end
+ key = mkkey(
+ {
+ :name => "Just Testing",
+ :key => "AAAAfsfddsjldjgksdflgkjsfdlgkj",
+ :type => "ssh-dss",
+ :ensure => :present,
- key
- end
+ :options => [:absent]
+ })
- def genkey(key)
- @provider.stubs(:filetype).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeRam)
- File.stubs(:chown)
- File.stubs(:chmod)
- Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.stubs(:asuser).yields
- key.flush
- @provider.target_object(@keyfile).read
- end
+ genkey(key).should == "ssh-dss AAAAfsfddsjldjgksdflgkjsfdlgkj Just Testing\n"
+ end
- PuppetTest.fakedata("data/providers/ssh_authorized_key/parsed").each { |file|
- it "should be able to parse example data in #{file}" do
- fakedataparse(file)
- end
- }
+ it "should be able to generate a authorized_keys file with options" do
- it "should be able to generate a basic authorized_keys file" do
+ key = mkkey(
+ {
+ :name => "root@localhost",
+ :key => "AAAAfsfddsjldjgksdflgkjsfdlgkj",
+ :type => "ssh-rsa",
+ :ensure => :present,
- key = mkkey(
- {
- :name => "Just Testing",
- :key => "AAAAfsfddsjldjgksdflgkjsfdlgkj",
- :type => "ssh-dss",
- :ensure => :present,
+ :options => ['from=""', "no-pty", "no-X11-forwarding"]
+ })
- :options => [:absent]
- })
+ genkey(key).should == "from=\"\",no-pty,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAfsfddsjldjgksdflgkjsfdlgkj root@localhost\n"
+ end
- genkey(key).should == "ssh-dss AAAAfsfddsjldjgksdflgkjsfdlgkj Just Testing\n"
- end
+ it "should be able to parse options containing commas via its parse_options method" do
+ options = %w{from="," command="/usr/local/bin/run" ssh-pty}
+ optionstr = options.join(", ")
- it "should be able to generate a authorized_keys file with options" do
+ @provider.parse_options(optionstr).should == options
+ end
- key = mkkey(
- {
- :name => "root@localhost",
- :key => "AAAAfsfddsjldjgksdflgkjsfdlgkj",
- :type => "ssh-rsa",
- :ensure => :present,
+ it "should use '' as name for entries that lack a comment" do
+ line = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAut8aOSxenjOqF527dlsdHWV4MNoAsX14l9M297+SQXaQ5Z3BedIxZaoQthkDALlV/25A1COELrg9J2MqJNQc8Xe9XQOIkBQWWinUlD/BXwoOTWEy8C8zSZPHZ3getMMNhGTBO+q/O+qiJx3y5cA4MTbw2zSxukfWC87qWwcZ64UUlegIM056vPsdZWFclS9hsROVEa57YUMrehQ1EGxT4Z5j6zIopufGFiAPjZigq/vqgcAqhAKP6yu4/gwO6S9tatBeEjZ8fafvj1pmvvIplZeMr96gHE7xS3pEEQqnB3nd4RY7AF6j9kFixnsytAUO7STPh/M3pLiVQBN89TvWPQ=="
- :options => ['from=""', "no-pty", "no-X11-forwarding"]
- })
+ @provider.parse(line)[0][:name].should == ""
+ end
- genkey(key).should == "from=\"\",no-pty,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAfsfddsjldjgksdflgkjsfdlgkj root@localhost\n"
- end
+describe provider_class do
+ before :each do
+ @resource = stub("resource", :name => "foo")
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "foo"
- it "should be able to parse options containing commas via its parse_options method" do
- options = %w{from="," command="/usr/local/bin/run" ssh-pty}
- optionstr = options.join(", ")
+ @provider =
+ provider_class.stubs(:filetype).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeRam)
+ Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.stubs(:asuser).yields
+ end
- @provider.parse_options(optionstr).should == options
+ describe "when flushing" do
+ before :each do
+ # Stub file and directory operations
+ Dir.stubs(:mkdir)
+ File.stubs(:chmod)
+ File.stubs(:chown)
- it "should use '' as name for entries that lack a comment" do
- line = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAut8aOSxenjOqF527dlsdHWV4MNoAsX14l9M297+SQXaQ5Z3BedIxZaoQthkDALlV/25A1COELrg9J2MqJNQc8Xe9XQOIkBQWWinUlD/BXwoOTWEy8C8zSZPHZ3getMMNhGTBO+q/O+qiJx3y5cA4MTbw2zSxukfWC87qWwcZ64UUlegIM056vPsdZWFclS9hsROVEa57YUMrehQ1EGxT4Z5j6zIopufGFiAPjZigq/vqgcAqhAKP6yu4/gwO6S9tatBeEjZ8fafvj1pmvvIplZeMr96gHE7xS3pEEQqnB3nd4RY7AF6j9kFixnsytAUO7STPh/M3pLiVQBN89TvWPQ=="
+ describe "and both a user and a target have been specified" do
+ before :each do
+ Puppet::Util.stubs(:uid).with("random_bob").returns 12345
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:user).returns "random_bob"
+ target = "/tmp/.ssh_dir/place_to_put_authorized_keys"
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:target).returns target
+ end
+ it "should create the directory" do
+ File.stubs(:exist?).with("/tmp/.ssh_dir").returns false
+ Dir.expects(:mkdir).with("/tmp/.ssh_dir", 0700)
+ @provider.flush
+ end
+ it "should chown the directory to the user" do
+ uid = Puppet::Util.uid("random_bob")
+ File.expects(:chown).with(uid, nil, "/tmp/.ssh_dir")
+ @provider.flush
+ end
+ it "should chown the key file to the user" do
+ uid = Puppet::Util.uid("random_bob")
+ File.expects(:chown).with(uid, nil, "/tmp/.ssh_dir/place_to_put_authorized_keys")
+ @provider.flush
+ end
+ it "should chmod the key file to 0600" do
+ File.expects(:chmod).with(0600, "/tmp/.ssh_dir/place_to_put_authorized_keys")
+ @provider.flush
+ end
+ end
- @provider.parse(line)[0][:name].should == ""
+ describe "and a user has been specified with no target" do
+ before :each do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:user).returns "nobody"
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:target).returns nil
+ #
+ # I'd like to use random_bob here and something like
+ #
+ # File.stubs(:expand_path).with("~random_bob/.ssh").returns "/users/r/random_bob/.ssh"
+ #
+ # but mocha objects strenuously to stubbing File.expand_path
+ # so I'm left with using nobody.
+ @dir = File.expand_path("~nobody/.ssh")
+ end
+ it "should create the directory if it doesn't exist" do
+ File.stubs(:exist?).with(@dir).returns false
+ Dir.expects(:mkdir).with(@dir,0700)
+ @provider.flush
+ end
+ it "should not create or chown the directory if it already exist" do
+ File.stubs(:exist?).with(@dir).returns false
+ Dir.expects(:mkdir).never
+ @provider.flush
+ end
+ it "should chown the directory to the user if it creates it" do
+ File.stubs(:exist?).with(@dir).returns false
+ Dir.stubs(:mkdir).with(@dir,0700)
+ uid = Puppet::Util.uid("nobody")
+ File.expects(:chown).with(uid, nil, @dir)
+ @provider.flush
+ end
+ it "should not create or chown the directory if it already exist" do
+ File.stubs(:exist?).with(@dir).returns false
+ Dir.expects(:mkdir).never
+ File.expects(:chown).never
+ @provider.flush
+ end
+ it "should chown the key file to the user" do
+ uid = Puppet::Util.uid("nobody")
+ File.expects(:chown).with(uid, nil, File.expand_path("~nobody/.ssh/authorized_keys"))
+ @provider.flush
+ end
+ it "should chmod the key file to 0600" do
+ File.expects(:chmod).with(0600, File.expand_path("~nobody/.ssh/authorized_keys"))
+ @provider.flush
+ end
-describe provider_class do
- before :each do
- @resource = stub("resource", :name => "foo")
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "foo"
+ describe "and a target has been specified with no user" do
+ before :each do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:user).returns nil
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:target).returns("/tmp/.ssh_dir/place_to_put_authorized_keys")
+ end
- @provider =
- provider_class.stubs(:filetype).returns(Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeRam)
- Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.stubs(:asuser).yields
+ it "should raise an error" do
+ proc { @provider.flush }.should raise_error
+ end
- describe "when flushing" do
- before :each do
- # Stub file and directory operations
- Dir.stubs(:mkdir)
- File.stubs(:chmod)
- File.stubs(:chown)
- end
- describe "and both a user and a target have been specified" do
- before :each do
- Puppet::Util.stubs(:uid).with("random_bob").returns 12345
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:user).returns "random_bob"
- target = "/tmp/.ssh_dir/place_to_put_authorized_keys"
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:target).returns target
- end
- it "should create the directory" do
- File.stubs(:exist?).with("/tmp/.ssh_dir").returns false
- Dir.expects(:mkdir).with("/tmp/.ssh_dir", 0700)
- @provider.flush
- end
- it "should chown the directory to the user" do
- uid = Puppet::Util.uid("random_bob")
- File.expects(:chown).with(uid, nil, "/tmp/.ssh_dir")
- @provider.flush
- end
- it "should chown the key file to the user" do
- uid = Puppet::Util.uid("random_bob")
- File.expects(:chown).with(uid, nil, "/tmp/.ssh_dir/place_to_put_authorized_keys")
- @provider.flush
- end
- it "should chmod the key file to 0600" do
- File.expects(:chmod).with(0600, "/tmp/.ssh_dir/place_to_put_authorized_keys")
- @provider.flush
- end
- end
- describe "and a user has been specified with no target" do
- before :each do
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:user).returns "nobody"
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:target).returns nil
- #
- # I'd like to use random_bob here and something like
- #
- # File.stubs(:expand_path).with("~random_bob/.ssh").returns "/users/r/random_bob/.ssh"
- #
- # but mocha objects strenuously to stubbing File.expand_path
- # so I'm left with using nobody.
- @dir = File.expand_path("~nobody/.ssh")
- end
- it "should create the directory if it doesn't exist" do
- File.stubs(:exist?).with(@dir).returns false
- Dir.expects(:mkdir).with(@dir,0700)
- @provider.flush
- end
- it "should not create or chown the directory if it already exist" do
- File.stubs(:exist?).with(@dir).returns false
- Dir.expects(:mkdir).never
- @provider.flush
- end
- it "should chown the directory to the user if it creates it" do
- File.stubs(:exist?).with(@dir).returns false
- Dir.stubs(:mkdir).with(@dir,0700)
- uid = Puppet::Util.uid("nobody")
- File.expects(:chown).with(uid, nil, @dir)
- @provider.flush
- end
- it "should not create or chown the directory if it already exist" do
- File.stubs(:exist?).with(@dir).returns false
- Dir.expects(:mkdir).never
- File.expects(:chown).never
- @provider.flush
- end
- it "should chown the key file to the user" do
- uid = Puppet::Util.uid("nobody")
- File.expects(:chown).with(uid, nil, File.expand_path("~nobody/.ssh/authorized_keys"))
- @provider.flush
- end
- it "should chmod the key file to 0600" do
- File.expects(:chmod).with(0600, File.expand_path("~nobody/.ssh/authorized_keys"))
- @provider.flush
- end
- end
- describe "and a target has been specified with no user" do
- before :each do
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:user).returns nil
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:target).returns("/tmp/.ssh_dir/place_to_put_authorized_keys")
- end
- it "should raise an error" do
- proc { @provider.flush }.should raise_error
- end
- end
- describe "and a invalid user has been specified with no target" do
- before :each do
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:user).returns "thisusershouldnotexist"
- @resource.stubs(:should).with(:target).returns nil
- end
- it "should catch an exception and raise a Puppet error" do
- lambda { @provider.flush }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- end
- end
+ describe "and a invalid user has been specified with no target" do
+ before :each do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:user).returns "thisusershouldnotexist"
+ @resource.stubs(:should).with(:target).returns nil
+ end
+ it "should catch an exception and raise a Puppet error" do
+ lambda { @provider.flush }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/sshkey/parsed_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/sshkey/parsed_spec.rb
index 4180ffbaf..1a5470974 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/sshkey/parsed_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/sshkey/parsed_spec.rb
@@ -5,34 +5,34 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:sshkey).provider(:parsed)
describe provider_class do
- before do
- @sshkey_class = Puppet::Type.type(:sshkey)
- @provider_class = @sshkey_class.provider(:parsed)
- @key = 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAzwHhxXvIrtfIwrudFqc8yQcIfMudrgpnuh1F3AV6d2BrLgu/yQE7W5UyJMUjfj427sQudRwKW45O0Jsnr33F4mUw+GIMlAAmp9g24/OcrTiB8ZUKIjoPy/cO4coxGi8/NECtRzpD/ZUPFh6OEpyOwJPMb7/EC2Az6Otw4StHdXUYw22zHazBcPFnv6zCgPx1hA7QlQDWTu4YcL0WmTYQCtMUb3FUqrcFtzGDD0ytosgwSd+JyN5vj5UwIABjnNOHPZ62EY1OFixnfqX/+dUwrFSs5tPgBF/KkC6R7tmbUfnBON6RrGEmu+ajOTOLy23qUZB4CQ53V7nyAWhzqSK+hw=='
- end
- it "should parse the name from the first field" do
- @provider_class.parse_line('test ssh-rsa '+@key)[:name].should == "test"
- end
- it "should parse the first component of the first field as the name" do
- @provider_class.parse_line('test,alias ssh-rsa '+@key)[:name].should == "test"
- end
- it "should parse host_aliases from the remaining components of the first field" do
- @provider_class.parse_line('test,alias ssh-rsa '+@key)[:host_aliases].should == ["alias"]
- end
- it "should parse multiple host_aliases" do
- @provider_class.parse_line('test,alias1,alias2,alias3 ssh-rsa '+@key)[:host_aliases].should == ["alias1","alias2","alias3"]
- end
- it "should not drop an empty host_alias" do
- @provider_class.parse_line('test,alias, ssh-rsa '+@key)[:host_aliases].should == ["alias",""]
- end
- it "should recognise when there are no host aliases" do
- @provider_class.parse_line('test ssh-rsa '+@key)[:host_aliases].should == []
- end
+ before do
+ @sshkey_class = Puppet::Type.type(:sshkey)
+ @provider_class = @sshkey_class.provider(:parsed)
+ @key = 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAzwHhxXvIrtfIwrudFqc8yQcIfMudrgpnuh1F3AV6d2BrLgu/yQE7W5UyJMUjfj427sQudRwKW45O0Jsnr33F4mUw+GIMlAAmp9g24/OcrTiB8ZUKIjoPy/cO4coxGi8/NECtRzpD/ZUPFh6OEpyOwJPMb7/EC2Az6Otw4StHdXUYw22zHazBcPFnv6zCgPx1hA7QlQDWTu4YcL0WmTYQCtMUb3FUqrcFtzGDD0ytosgwSd+JyN5vj5UwIABjnNOHPZ62EY1OFixnfqX/+dUwrFSs5tPgBF/KkC6R7tmbUfnBON6RrGEmu+ajOTOLy23qUZB4CQ53V7nyAWhzqSK+hw=='
+ end
+ it "should parse the name from the first field" do
+ @provider_class.parse_line('test ssh-rsa '+@key)[:name].should == "test"
+ end
+ it "should parse the first component of the first field as the name" do
+ @provider_class.parse_line('test,alias ssh-rsa '+@key)[:name].should == "test"
+ end
+ it "should parse host_aliases from the remaining components of the first field" do
+ @provider_class.parse_line('test,alias ssh-rsa '+@key)[:host_aliases].should == ["alias"]
+ end
+ it "should parse multiple host_aliases" do
+ @provider_class.parse_line('test,alias1,alias2,alias3 ssh-rsa '+@key)[:host_aliases].should == ["alias1","alias2","alias3"]
+ end
+ it "should not drop an empty host_alias" do
+ @provider_class.parse_line('test,alias, ssh-rsa '+@key)[:host_aliases].should == ["alias",""]
+ end
+ it "should recognise when there are no host aliases" do
+ @provider_class.parse_line('test ssh-rsa '+@key)[:host_aliases].should == []
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/user/hpux_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/user/hpux_spec.rb
index 4129a7ab6..f53f6c31e 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/user/hpux_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/user/hpux_spec.rb
@@ -5,21 +5,21 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:user).provider(:hpuxuseradd)
describe provider_class do
- # left from the useradd test... I have no clue what I'm doing.
- before do
- @resource = stub("resource", :name => "myuser", :managehome? => nil, :should => "fakeval", :[] => "fakeval")
- @provider =
- end
+ # left from the useradd test... I have no clue what I'm doing.
+ before do
+ @resource = stub("resource", :name => "myuser", :managehome? => nil, :should => "fakeval", :[] => "fakeval")
+ @provider =
+ end
- it "should add -F when modifying a user" do
- @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-F") }
- @provider.uid = 1000
- end
+ it "should add -F when modifying a user" do
+ @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-F") }
+ @provider.uid = 1000
+ end
- it "should add -F when deleting a user" do
- @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(true)
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-F") }
- @provider.delete
- end
+ it "should add -F when deleting a user" do
+ @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(true)
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-F") }
+ @provider.delete
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/user/ldap_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/user/ldap_spec.rb
index adc2180ff..b6635705d 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/user/ldap_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/user/ldap_spec.rb
@@ -8,272 +8,272 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:user).provider(:ldap)
describe provider_class do
- it "should have the Ldap provider class as its baseclass" do
- provider_class.superclass.should equal(Puppet::Provider::Ldap)
+ it "should have the Ldap provider class as its baseclass" do
+ provider_class.superclass.should equal(Puppet::Provider::Ldap)
+ end
+ it "should manage :posixAccount and :person objectclasses" do
+ provider_class.manager.objectclasses.should == [:posixAccount, :person]
+ end
+ it "should use 'ou=People' as its relative base" do
+ provider_class.manager.location.should == "ou=People"
+ end
+ it "should use :uid as its rdn" do
+ provider_class.manager.rdn.should == :uid
+ end
+ it "should be able to manage passwords" do
+ provider_class.should be_manages_passwords
+ end
+ it "should use the ldap group provider to convert group names to numbers" do
+ provider = => "foo")
+ Puppet::Type.type(:group).provider(:ldap).expects(:name2id).with("bar").returns 10
+ provider.gid = 'bar'
+ provider.gid.should == 10
+ end
+ {:name => "uid",
+ :password => "userPassword",
+ :comment => "cn",
+ :uid => "uidNumber",
+ :gid => "gidNumber",
+ :home => "homeDirectory",
+ :shell => "loginShell"
+ }.each do |puppet, ldap|
+ it "should map :#{puppet.to_s} to '#{ldap}'" do
+ provider_class.manager.ldap_name(puppet).should == ldap
+ end
- it "should manage :posixAccount and :person objectclasses" do
- provider_class.manager.objectclasses.should == [:posixAccount, :person]
+ describe "when being created" do
+ before do
+ # So we don't try to actually talk to ldap
+ @connection = mock 'connection'
+ provider_class.manager.stubs(:connect).yields @connection
- it "should use 'ou=People' as its relative base" do
- provider_class.manager.location.should == "ou=People"
- end
+ it "should generate the sn as the last field of the cn" do
+ resource = stub 'resource', :should => %w{whatever}
+ resource.stubs(:should).with(:comment).returns ["Luke Kanies"]
+ resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :present
+ instance = => "luke", :ensure => :absent)
+ instance.stubs(:resource).returns resource
- it "should use :uid as its rdn" do
- provider_class.manager.rdn.should == :uid
- end
+ @connection.expects(:add).with { |dn, attrs| attrs["sn"] == ["Kanies"] }
- it "should be able to manage passwords" do
- provider_class.should be_manages_passwords
+ instance.create
+ instance.flush
- it "should use the ldap group provider to convert group names to numbers" do
- provider = => "foo")
- Puppet::Type.type(:group).provider(:ldap).expects(:name2id).with("bar").returns 10
+ describe "with no uid specified" do
+ it "should pick the first available UID after the largest existing UID" do
+ low = {:name=>["luke"], :shell=>:absent, :uid=>["600"], :home=>["/h"], :gid=>["1000"], :password=>["blah"], :comment=>["l k"]}
+ high = {:name=>["testing"], :shell=>:absent, :uid=>["640"], :home=>["/h"], :gid=>["1000"], :password=>["blah"], :comment=>["t u"]}
+ provider_class.manager.expects(:search).returns([low, high])
- provider.gid = 'bar'
- provider.gid.should == 10
- end
+ resource = stub 'resource', :should => %w{whatever}
+ resource.stubs(:should).with(:uid).returns nil
+ resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :present
+ instance = => "luke", :ensure => :absent)
+ instance.stubs(:resource).returns resource
- {:name => "uid",
- :password => "userPassword",
- :comment => "cn",
- :uid => "uidNumber",
- :gid => "gidNumber",
- :home => "homeDirectory",
- :shell => "loginShell"
- }.each do |puppet, ldap|
- it "should map :#{puppet.to_s} to '#{ldap}'" do
- provider_class.manager.ldap_name(puppet).should == ldap
- end
- end
+ @connection.expects(:add).with { |dn, attrs| attrs["uidNumber"] == ["641"] }
+ instance.create
+ instance.flush
+ end
+ it "should pick 501 of no users exist" do
+ provider_class.manager.expects(:search).returns nil
- describe "when being created" do
- before do
- # So we don't try to actually talk to ldap
- @connection = mock 'connection'
- provider_class.manager.stubs(:connect).yields @connection
- end
- it "should generate the sn as the last field of the cn" do
- resource = stub 'resource', :should => %w{whatever}
- resource.stubs(:should).with(:comment).returns ["Luke Kanies"]
- resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :present
- instance = => "luke", :ensure => :absent)
- instance.stubs(:resource).returns resource
- @connection.expects(:add).with { |dn, attrs| attrs["sn"] == ["Kanies"] }
- instance.create
- instance.flush
- end
- describe "with no uid specified" do
- it "should pick the first available UID after the largest existing UID" do
- low = {:name=>["luke"], :shell=>:absent, :uid=>["600"], :home=>["/h"], :gid=>["1000"], :password=>["blah"], :comment=>["l k"]}
- high = {:name=>["testing"], :shell=>:absent, :uid=>["640"], :home=>["/h"], :gid=>["1000"], :password=>["blah"], :comment=>["t u"]}
- provider_class.manager.expects(:search).returns([low, high])
- resource = stub 'resource', :should => %w{whatever}
- resource.stubs(:should).with(:uid).returns nil
- resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :present
- instance = => "luke", :ensure => :absent)
- instance.stubs(:resource).returns resource
- @connection.expects(:add).with { |dn, attrs| attrs["uidNumber"] == ["641"] }
- instance.create
- instance.flush
- end
- it "should pick 501 of no users exist" do
- provider_class.manager.expects(:search).returns nil
- resource = stub 'resource', :should => %w{whatever}
- resource.stubs(:should).with(:uid).returns nil
- resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :present
- instance = => "luke", :ensure => :absent)
- instance.stubs(:resource).returns resource
- @connection.expects(:add).with { |dn, attrs| attrs["uidNumber"] == ["501"] }
- instance.create
- instance.flush
- end
- end
+ resource = stub 'resource', :should => %w{whatever}
+ resource.stubs(:should).with(:uid).returns nil
+ resource.stubs(:should).with(:ensure).returns :present
+ instance = => "luke", :ensure => :absent)
+ instance.stubs(:resource).returns resource
+ @connection.expects(:add).with { |dn, attrs| attrs["uidNumber"] == ["501"] }
+ instance.create
+ instance.flush
+ end
+ end
- describe "when flushing" do
- before do
- provider_class.stubs(:suitable?).returns true
+ describe "when flushing" do
+ before do
+ provider_class.stubs(:suitable?).returns true
- @instance = => "myname", :groups => %w{whatever}, :uid => "400")
- end
+ @instance = => "myname", :groups => %w{whatever}, :uid => "400")
+ end
- it "should remove the :groups value before updating" do
- @instance.class.manager.expects(:update).with { |name, ldap, puppet| puppet[:groups].nil? }
+ it "should remove the :groups value before updating" do
+ @instance.class.manager.expects(:update).with { |name, ldap, puppet| puppet[:groups].nil? }
- @instance.flush
- end
+ @instance.flush
+ end
- it "should empty the property hash" do
- @instance.class.manager.stubs(:update)
+ it "should empty the property hash" do
+ @instance.class.manager.stubs(:update)
- @instance.flush
+ @instance.flush
- @instance.uid.should == :absent
- end
+ @instance.uid.should == :absent
+ end
- it "should empty the ldap property hash" do
- @instance.class.manager.stubs(:update)
+ it "should empty the ldap property hash" do
+ @instance.class.manager.stubs(:update)
- @instance.flush
+ @instance.flush
- @instance.ldap_properties[:uid].should be_nil
- end
+ @instance.ldap_properties[:uid].should be_nil
+ end
- describe "when checking group membership" do
- before do
- @groups = Puppet::Type.type(:group).provider(:ldap)
- @group_manager = @groups.manager
- provider_class.stubs(:suitable?).returns true
+ describe "when checking group membership" do
+ before do
+ @groups = Puppet::Type.type(:group).provider(:ldap)
+ @group_manager = @groups.manager
+ provider_class.stubs(:suitable?).returns true
- @instance = => "myname")
- end
+ @instance = => "myname")
+ end
- it "should show its group membership as the sorted list of all groups returned by an ldap query of group memberships" do
- one = {:name => "one"}
- two = {:name => "two"}
- @group_manager.expects(:search).with("memberUid=myname").returns([two, one])
+ it "should show its group membership as the sorted list of all groups returned by an ldap query of group memberships" do
+ one = {:name => "one"}
+ two = {:name => "two"}
+ @group_manager.expects(:search).with("memberUid=myname").returns([two, one])
- @instance.groups.should == "one,two"
- end
+ @instance.groups.should == "one,two"
+ end
- it "should show its group membership as :absent if no matching groups are found in ldap" do
- @group_manager.expects(:search).with("memberUid=myname").returns(nil)
+ it "should show its group membership as :absent if no matching groups are found in ldap" do
+ @group_manager.expects(:search).with("memberUid=myname").returns(nil)
- @instance.groups.should == :absent
- end
+ @instance.groups.should == :absent
+ end
- it "should cache the group value" do
- @group_manager.expects(:search).with("memberUid=myname").once.returns nil
+ it "should cache the group value" do
+ @group_manager.expects(:search).with("memberUid=myname").once.returns nil
- @instance.groups
- @instance.groups.should == :absent
- end
+ @instance.groups
+ @instance.groups.should == :absent
+ end
- describe "when modifying group membership" do
- before do
- @groups = Puppet::Type.type(:group).provider(:ldap)
- @group_manager = @groups.manager
- provider_class.stubs(:suitable?).returns true
+ describe "when modifying group membership" do
+ before do
+ @groups = Puppet::Type.type(:group).provider(:ldap)
+ @group_manager = @groups.manager
+ provider_class.stubs(:suitable?).returns true
- @one = {:name => "one", :gid => "500"}
- @group_manager.stubs(:find).with("one").returns(@one)
+ @one = {:name => "one", :gid => "500"}
+ @group_manager.stubs(:find).with("one").returns(@one)
- @two = {:name => "one", :gid => "600"}
- @group_manager.stubs(:find).with("two").returns(@two)
+ @two = {:name => "one", :gid => "600"}
+ @group_manager.stubs(:find).with("two").returns(@two)
- @instance = => "myname")
+ @instance = => "myname")
- @instance.stubs(:groups).returns :absent
- end
+ @instance.stubs(:groups).returns :absent
+ end
- it "should fail if the group does not exist" do
- @group_manager.expects(:find).with("mygroup").returns nil
+ it "should fail if the group does not exist" do
+ @group_manager.expects(:find).with("mygroup").returns nil
- lambda { @instance.groups = "mygroup" }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- end
+ lambda { @instance.groups = "mygroup" }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
+ end
- it "should only pass the attributes it cares about to the group manager" do
- @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, attrs| attrs[:gid].nil? }
+ it "should only pass the attributes it cares about to the group manager" do
+ @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, attrs| attrs[:gid].nil? }
- @instance.groups = "one"
- end
+ @instance.groups = "one"
+ end
- it "should always include :ensure => :present in the current values" do
- @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| is[:ensure] == :present }
+ it "should always include :ensure => :present in the current values" do
+ @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| is[:ensure] == :present }
- @instance.groups = "one"
- end
+ @instance.groups = "one"
+ end
- it "should always include :ensure => :present in the desired values" do
- @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| should[:ensure] == :present }
+ it "should always include :ensure => :present in the desired values" do
+ @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| should[:ensure] == :present }
- @instance.groups = "one"
- end
+ @instance.groups = "one"
+ end
- it "should always pass the group's original member list" do
- @one[:members] = %w{yay ness}
- @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| is[:members] == %w{yay ness} }
+ it "should always pass the group's original member list" do
+ @one[:members] = %w{yay ness}
+ @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| is[:members] == %w{yay ness} }
- @instance.groups = "one"
- end
+ @instance.groups = "one"
+ end
- it "should find the group again when resetting its member list, so it has the full member list" do
- @group_manager.expects(:find).with("one").returns(@one)
+ it "should find the group again when resetting its member list, so it has the full member list" do
+ @group_manager.expects(:find).with("one").returns(@one)
- @group_manager.stubs(:update)
+ @group_manager.stubs(:update)
- @instance.groups = "one"
- end
+ @instance.groups = "one"
+ end
- describe "for groups that have no members" do
- it "should create a new members attribute with its value being the user's name" do
- @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| should[:members] == %w{myname} }
+ describe "for groups that have no members" do
+ it "should create a new members attribute with its value being the user's name" do
+ @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| should[:members] == %w{myname} }
- @instance.groups = "one"
- end
- end
+ @instance.groups = "one"
+ end
+ end
- describe "for groups it is being removed from" do
- it "should replace the group's member list with one missing the user's name" do
- @one[:members] = %w{myname a}
- @two[:members] = %w{myname b}
+ describe "for groups it is being removed from" do
+ it "should replace the group's member list with one missing the user's name" do
+ @one[:members] = %w{myname a}
+ @two[:members] = %w{myname b}
- @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| name == "two" and should[:members] == %w{b} }
+ @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| name == "two" and should[:members] == %w{b} }
- @instance.stubs(:groups).returns "one,two"
- @instance.groups = "one"
- end
+ @instance.stubs(:groups).returns "one,two"
+ @instance.groups = "one"
+ end
- it "should mark the member list as empty if there are no remaining members" do
- @one[:members] = %w{myname}
- @two[:members] = %w{myname b}
+ it "should mark the member list as empty if there are no remaining members" do
+ @one[:members] = %w{myname}
+ @two[:members] = %w{myname b}
- @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| name == "one" and should[:members] == :absent }
+ @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| name == "one" and should[:members] == :absent }
- @instance.stubs(:groups).returns "one,two"
- @instance.groups = "two"
- end
- end
+ @instance.stubs(:groups).returns "one,two"
+ @instance.groups = "two"
+ end
+ end
- describe "for groups that already have members" do
- it "should replace each group's member list with a new list including the user's name" do
- @one[:members] = %w{a b}
- @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| should[:members] == %w{a b myname} }
- @two[:members] = %w{b c}
- @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| should[:members] == %w{b c myname} }
+ describe "for groups that already have members" do
+ it "should replace each group's member list with a new list including the user's name" do
+ @one[:members] = %w{a b}
+ @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| should[:members] == %w{a b myname} }
+ @two[:members] = %w{b c}
+ @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| should[:members] == %w{b c myname} }
- @instance.groups = "one,two"
- end
- end
+ @instance.groups = "one,two"
+ end
+ end
- describe "for groups of which it is a member" do
- it "should do nothing" do
- @one[:members] = %w{a b}
- @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| should[:members] == %w{a b myname} }
+ describe "for groups of which it is a member" do
+ it "should do nothing" do
+ @one[:members] = %w{a b}
+ @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, is, should| should[:members] == %w{a b myname} }
- @two[:members] = %w{c myname}
- @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, *other| name == "two" }.never
+ @two[:members] = %w{c myname}
+ @group_manager.expects(:update).with { |name, *other| name == "two" }.never
- @instance.stubs(:groups).returns "two"
+ @instance.stubs(:groups).returns "two"
- @instance.groups = "one,two"
- end
- end
+ @instance.groups = "one,two"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/user/user_role_add_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/user/user_role_add_spec.rb
index 4dbfb83be..211f4260a 100644
--- a/spec/unit/provider/user/user_role_add_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/user/user_role_add_spec.rb
@@ -5,245 +5,245 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:user).provider(:user_role_add)
describe provider_class do
+ before do
+ @resource = stub("resource", :name => "myuser", :managehome? => nil)
+ @resource.stubs(:should).returns "fakeval"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "fakeval"
+ @resource.stubs(:allowdupe?).returns false
+ @provider =
+ end
+ describe "when calling command" do
before do
- @resource = stub("resource", :name => "myuser", :managehome? => nil)
- @resource.stubs(:should).returns "fakeval"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "fakeval"
- @resource.stubs(:allowdupe?).returns false
- @provider =
- end
- describe "when calling command" do
- before do
- klass = stub("provider")
- klass.stubs(:command).with(:foo).returns("userfoo")
- klass.stubs(:command).with(:role_foo).returns("rolefoo")
- @provider.stubs(:class).returns(klass)
- end
- it "should use the command if not a role and ensure!=role" do
- @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
- @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(false)
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns(:present)
- @provider.command(:foo).should == "userfoo"
- end
- it "should use the role command when a role" do
- @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(true)
- @provider.command(:foo).should == "rolefoo"
- end
- it "should use the role command when !exists and ensure=role" do
- @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
- @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(false)
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns(:role)
- @provider.command(:foo).should == "rolefoo"
- end
- end
- describe "when calling transition" do
- it "should return the type set to whatever is passed in" do
- @provider.expects(:command).with(:modify).returns("foomod")
- @provider.transition("bar").include?("type=bar")
- end
- end
- describe "when calling create" do
- before do
- @provider.stubs(:password=)
- end
- it "should use the add command when the user is not a role" do
- @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
- @provider.expects(:addcmd).returns("useradd")
- @provider.expects(:run)
- @provider.create
- end
- it "should use transition(normal) when the user is a role" do
- @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(true)
- @provider.expects(:transition).with("normal")
- @provider.expects(:run)
- @provider.create
- end
- end
- describe "when calling destroy" do
- it "should use the delete command if the user exists and is not a role" do
- @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(true)
- @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
- @provider.expects(:deletecmd)
- @provider.expects(:run)
- @provider.destroy
- end
- it "should use the delete command if the user is a role" do
- @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(true)
- @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(true)
- @provider.expects(:deletecmd)
- @provider.expects(:run)
- @provider.destroy
- end
- end
- describe "when calling create_role" do
- it "should use the transition(role) if the user exists" do
- @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(true)
- @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
- @provider.expects(:transition).with("role")
- @provider.expects(:run)
- @provider.create_role
- end
- it "should use the add command when role doesn't exists" do
- @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(false)
- @provider.expects(:addcmd)
- @provider.expects(:run)
- @provider.create_role
- end
- end
- describe "when allow duplicate is enabled" do
- before do
- @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true
- @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") }
- end
- it "should add -o when the user is being created" do
- @provider.stubs(:password=)
- @provider.create
- end
- it "should add -o when the uid is being modified" do
- @provider.uid = 150
- end
- end
- [:roles, :auths, :profiles].each do |val|
- describe "when getting #{val}" do
- it "should get the user_attributes" do
- @provider.expects(:user_attributes)
- @provider.send(val)
- end
- it "should get the #{val} attribute" do
- attributes = mock("attributes")
- attributes.expects(:[]).with(val)
- @provider.stubs(:user_attributes).returns(attributes)
- @provider.send(val)
- end
- end
- end
- describe "when getting the keys" do
- it "should get the user_attributes" do
- @provider.expects(:user_attributes)
- @provider.keys
- end
- it "should call removed_managed_attributes" do
- @provider.stubs(:user_attributes).returns({ :type => "normal", :foo => "something" })
- @provider.expects(:remove_managed_attributes)
- @provider.keys
- end
- it "should removed managed attribute (type, auths, roles, etc)" do
- @provider.stubs(:user_attributes).returns({ :type => "normal", :foo => "something" })
- @provider.keys.should == { :foo => "something" }
- end
- end
- describe "when adding properties" do
- it "should call build_keys_cmd" do
- @resource.stubs(:should).returns ""
- @resource.expects(:should).with(:keys).returns({ :foo => "bar" })
- @provider.expects(:build_keys_cmd).returns([])
- @provider.add_properties
- end
- it "should add the elements of the keys hash to an array" do
- @resource.stubs(:should).returns ""
- @resource.expects(:should).with(:keys).returns({ :foo => "bar"})
- @provider.add_properties.must == ["-K", "foo=bar"]
- end
- end
- describe "when calling build_keys_cmd" do
- it "should build cmd array with keypairs seperated by -K ending with user" do
- @provider.build_keys_cmd({"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "boo"}).should.eql? ["-K", "foo=bar", "-K", "baz=boo"]
- end
- end
- describe "when setting the keys" do
- before do
- @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
- end
- it "should run a command" do
- @provider.expects(:run)
- @provider.keys=({})
- end
- it "should build the command" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("someuser")
- @provider.stubs(:command).returns("usermod")
- @provider.expects(:build_keys_cmd).returns(["-K", "foo=bar"])
- @provider.expects(:run).with(["usermod", "-K", "foo=bar", "someuser"], "modify attribute key pairs")
- @provider.keys=({})
- end
- end
- describe "when getting the hashed password" do
- before do
- @array = mock "array"
- end
- it "should readlines of /etc/shadow" do
- File.expects(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns([])
- @provider.password
- end
- it "should reject anything that doesn't start with alpha numerics" do
- @array.expects(:reject).returns([])
- File.stubs(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns(@array)
- @provider.password
- end
- it "should collect splitting on ':'" do
- @array.stubs(:reject).returns(@array)
- @array.expects(:collect).returns([])
- File.stubs(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns(@array)
- @provider.password
- end
- it "should find the matching user" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("username")
- @array.stubs(:reject).returns(@array)
- @array.stubs(:collect).returns([["username", "hashedpassword"], ["someoneelse", "theirpassword"]])
- File.stubs(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns(@array)
- @provider.password.must == "hashedpassword"
- end
- it "should get the right password" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("username")
- File.stubs(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns(["#comment", " nonsense", " ", "username:hashedpassword:stuff:foo:bar:::", "other:pword:yay:::"])
- @provider.password.must == "hashedpassword"
- end
- end
- describe "when setting the password" do
- #how can you mock these blocks up?
- it "should open /etc/shadow for reading and /etc/shadow_tmp for writing" do
- File.expects(:open).with("/etc/shadow", "r")
- File.stubs(:rename)
- @provider.password=("hashedpassword")
- end
- it "should rename the /etc/shadow_tmp to /etc/shadow" do
- File.stubs(:open).with("/etc/shadow", "r")
- File.expects(:rename).with("/etc/shadow_tmp", "/etc/shadow")
- @provider.password=("hashedpassword")
- end
+ klass = stub("provider")
+ klass.stubs(:command).with(:foo).returns("userfoo")
+ klass.stubs(:command).with(:role_foo).returns("rolefoo")
+ @provider.stubs(:class).returns(klass)
+ it "should use the command if not a role and ensure!=role" do
+ @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
+ @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(false)
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns(:present)
+ @provider.command(:foo).should == "userfoo"
+ end
+ it "should use the role command when a role" do
+ @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(true)
+ @provider.command(:foo).should == "rolefoo"
+ end
+ it "should use the role command when !exists and ensure=role" do
+ @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
+ @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(false)
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:ensure).returns(:role)
+ @provider.command(:foo).should == "rolefoo"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when calling transition" do
+ it "should return the type set to whatever is passed in" do
+ @provider.expects(:command).with(:modify).returns("foomod")
+ @provider.transition("bar").include?("type=bar")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when calling create" do
+ before do
+ @provider.stubs(:password=)
+ end
+ it "should use the add command when the user is not a role" do
+ @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
+ @provider.expects(:addcmd).returns("useradd")
+ @provider.expects(:run)
+ @provider.create
+ end
+ it "should use transition(normal) when the user is a role" do
+ @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(true)
+ @provider.expects(:transition).with("normal")
+ @provider.expects(:run)
+ @provider.create
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when calling destroy" do
+ it "should use the delete command if the user exists and is not a role" do
+ @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(true)
+ @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
+ @provider.expects(:deletecmd)
+ @provider.expects(:run)
+ @provider.destroy
+ end
+ it "should use the delete command if the user is a role" do
+ @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(true)
+ @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(true)
+ @provider.expects(:deletecmd)
+ @provider.expects(:run)
+ @provider.destroy
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when calling create_role" do
+ it "should use the transition(role) if the user exists" do
+ @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(true)
+ @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
+ @provider.expects(:transition).with("role")
+ @provider.expects(:run)
+ @provider.create_role
+ end
+ it "should use the add command when role doesn't exists" do
+ @provider.stubs(:exists?).returns(false)
+ @provider.expects(:addcmd)
+ @provider.expects(:run)
+ @provider.create_role
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when allow duplicate is enabled" do
+ before do
+ @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true
+ @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") }
+ end
+ it "should add -o when the user is being created" do
+ @provider.stubs(:password=)
+ @provider.create
+ end
+ it "should add -o when the uid is being modified" do
+ @provider.uid = 150
+ end
+ end
+ [:roles, :auths, :profiles].each do |val|
+ describe "when getting #{val}" do
+ it "should get the user_attributes" do
+ @provider.expects(:user_attributes)
+ @provider.send(val)
+ end
+ it "should get the #{val} attribute" do
+ attributes = mock("attributes")
+ attributes.expects(:[]).with(val)
+ @provider.stubs(:user_attributes).returns(attributes)
+ @provider.send(val)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when getting the keys" do
+ it "should get the user_attributes" do
+ @provider.expects(:user_attributes)
+ @provider.keys
+ end
+ it "should call removed_managed_attributes" do
+ @provider.stubs(:user_attributes).returns({ :type => "normal", :foo => "something" })
+ @provider.expects(:remove_managed_attributes)
+ @provider.keys
+ end
+ it "should removed managed attribute (type, auths, roles, etc)" do
+ @provider.stubs(:user_attributes).returns({ :type => "normal", :foo => "something" })
+ @provider.keys.should == { :foo => "something" }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when adding properties" do
+ it "should call build_keys_cmd" do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).returns ""
+ @resource.expects(:should).with(:keys).returns({ :foo => "bar" })
+ @provider.expects(:build_keys_cmd).returns([])
+ @provider.add_properties
+ end
+ it "should add the elements of the keys hash to an array" do
+ @resource.stubs(:should).returns ""
+ @resource.expects(:should).with(:keys).returns({ :foo => "bar"})
+ @provider.add_properties.must == ["-K", "foo=bar"]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when calling build_keys_cmd" do
+ it "should build cmd array with keypairs seperated by -K ending with user" do
+ @provider.build_keys_cmd({"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "boo"}).should.eql? ["-K", "foo=bar", "-K", "baz=boo"]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when setting the keys" do
+ before do
+ @provider.stubs(:is_role?).returns(false)
+ end
+ it "should run a command" do
+ @provider.expects(:run)
+ @provider.keys=({})
+ end
+ it "should build the command" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("someuser")
+ @provider.stubs(:command).returns("usermod")
+ @provider.expects(:build_keys_cmd).returns(["-K", "foo=bar"])
+ @provider.expects(:run).with(["usermod", "-K", "foo=bar", "someuser"], "modify attribute key pairs")
+ @provider.keys=({})
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when getting the hashed password" do
+ before do
+ @array = mock "array"
+ end
+ it "should readlines of /etc/shadow" do
+ File.expects(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns([])
+ @provider.password
+ end
+ it "should reject anything that doesn't start with alpha numerics" do
+ @array.expects(:reject).returns([])
+ File.stubs(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns(@array)
+ @provider.password
+ end
+ it "should collect splitting on ':'" do
+ @array.stubs(:reject).returns(@array)
+ @array.expects(:collect).returns([])
+ File.stubs(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns(@array)
+ @provider.password
+ end
+ it "should find the matching user" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("username")
+ @array.stubs(:reject).returns(@array)
+ @array.stubs(:collect).returns([["username", "hashedpassword"], ["someoneelse", "theirpassword"]])
+ File.stubs(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns(@array)
+ @provider.password.must == "hashedpassword"
+ end
+ it "should get the right password" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("username")
+ File.stubs(:readlines).with("/etc/shadow").returns(["#comment", " nonsense", " ", "username:hashedpassword:stuff:foo:bar:::", "other:pword:yay:::"])
+ @provider.password.must == "hashedpassword"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when setting the password" do
+ #how can you mock these blocks up?
+ it "should open /etc/shadow for reading and /etc/shadow_tmp for writing" do
+ File.expects(:open).with("/etc/shadow", "r")
+ File.stubs(:rename)
+ @provider.password=("hashedpassword")
+ end
+ it "should rename the /etc/shadow_tmp to /etc/shadow" do
+ File.stubs(:open).with("/etc/shadow", "r")
+ File.expects(:rename).with("/etc/shadow_tmp", "/etc/shadow")
+ @provider.password=("hashedpassword")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/user/useradd_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/user/useradd_spec.rb
index 463212e4e..6eb9717b8 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/user/useradd_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/user/useradd_spec.rb
@@ -5,111 +5,111 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:user).provider(:useradd)
describe provider_class do
- before do
- @resource = stub("resource", :name => "myuser", :managehome? => nil)
- @resource.stubs(:should).returns "fakeval"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "fakeval"
- @provider =
+ before do
+ @resource = stub("resource", :name => "myuser", :managehome? => nil)
+ @resource.stubs(:should).returns "fakeval"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "fakeval"
+ @provider =
+ end
+ # #1360
+ it "should add -o when allowdupe is enabled and the user is being created" do
+ @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") }
+ @provider.create
+ end
+ it "should add -o when allowdupe is enabled and the uid is being modified" do
+ @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true
+ @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") }
+ @provider.uid = 150
+ end
+ describe "when checking to add allow dup" do
+ it "should check allow dup" do
+ @resource.expects(:allowdupe?)
+ @provider.check_allow_dup
+ end
+ it "should return an array with a flag if dup is allowed" do
+ @resource.stubs(:allowdupe?).returns true
+ @provider.check_allow_dup.must == ["-o"]
+ end
+ it "should return an empty array if no dup is allowed" do
+ @resource.stubs(:allowdupe?).returns false
+ @provider.check_allow_dup.must == []
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when checking manage home" do
+ it "should check manage home" do
+ @resource.expects(:managehome?)
+ @provider.check_manage_home
+ end
+ it "should return an array with -m flag if home is managed" do
+ @resource.stubs(:managehome?).returns true
+ @provider.check_manage_home.must == ["-m"]
+ end
+ it "should return an array with -M if home is not managed and on Redhat" do
+ Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("RedHat")
+ @resource.stubs(:managehome?).returns false
+ @provider.check_manage_home.must == ["-M"]
+ end
+ it "should return an empty array if home is not managed and not on Redhat" do
+ Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("some OS")
+ @resource.stubs(:managehome?).returns false
+ @provider.check_manage_home.must == []
+ end
+ describe "when adding properties" do
+ it "should get the valid properties"
+ it "should not add the ensure property"
+ it "should add the flag and value to an array"
+ it "should return and array of flags and values"
+ end
- # #1360
- it "should add -o when allowdupe is enabled and the user is being created" do
- @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") }
- @provider.create
+ describe "when calling addcmd" do
+ before do
+ @resource.stubs(:allowdupe?).returns true
+ @resource.stubs(:managehome?).returns true
- it "should add -o when allowdupe is enabled and the uid is being modified" do
- @resource.expects(:allowdupe?).returns true
- @provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.include?("-o") }
+ it "should call command with :add" do
+ @provider.expects(:command).with(:add)
+ @provider.addcmd
+ end
- @provider.uid = 150
+ it "should add properties" do
+ @provider.expects(:add_properties).returns([])
+ @provider.addcmd
- describe "when checking to add allow dup" do
- it "should check allow dup" do
- @resource.expects(:allowdupe?)
- @provider.check_allow_dup
- end
- it "should return an array with a flag if dup is allowed" do
- @resource.stubs(:allowdupe?).returns true
- @provider.check_allow_dup.must == ["-o"]
- end
- it "should return an empty array if no dup is allowed" do
- @resource.stubs(:allowdupe?).returns false
- @provider.check_allow_dup.must == []
- end
+ it "should check and add if dup allowed" do
+ @provider.expects(:check_allow_dup).returns([])
+ @provider.addcmd
- describe "when checking manage home" do
- it "should check manage home" do
- @resource.expects(:managehome?)
- @provider.check_manage_home
- end
- it "should return an array with -m flag if home is managed" do
- @resource.stubs(:managehome?).returns true
- @provider.check_manage_home.must == ["-m"]
- end
- it "should return an array with -M if home is not managed and on Redhat" do
- Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("RedHat")
- @resource.stubs(:managehome?).returns false
- @provider.check_manage_home.must == ["-M"]
- end
- it "should return an empty array if home is not managed and not on Redhat" do
- Facter.stubs(:value).with("operatingsystem").returns("some OS")
- @resource.stubs(:managehome?).returns false
- @provider.check_manage_home.must == []
- end
+ it "should check and add if home is managed" do
+ @provider.expects(:check_manage_home).returns([])
+ @provider.addcmd
- describe "when adding properties" do
- it "should get the valid properties"
- it "should not add the ensure property"
- it "should add the flag and value to an array"
- it "should return and array of flags and values"
+ it "should add the resource :name" do
+ @resource.expects(:[]).with(:name)
+ @provider.addcmd
- describe "when calling addcmd" do
- before do
- @resource.stubs(:allowdupe?).returns true
- @resource.stubs(:managehome?).returns true
- end
- it "should call command with :add" do
- @provider.expects(:command).with(:add)
- @provider.addcmd
- end
- it "should add properties" do
- @provider.expects(:add_properties).returns([])
- @provider.addcmd
- end
- it "should check and add if dup allowed" do
- @provider.expects(:check_allow_dup).returns([])
- @provider.addcmd
- end
- it "should check and add if home is managed" do
- @provider.expects(:check_manage_home).returns([])
- @provider.addcmd
- end
- it "should add the resource :name" do
- @resource.expects(:[]).with(:name)
- @provider.addcmd
- end
- it "should return an array with full command" do
- @provider.stubs(:command).with(:add).returns("useradd")
- @provider.stubs(:add_properties).returns(["-G", "somegroup"])
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("someuser")
- @provider.addcmd.must == ["useradd", "-G", "somegroup", "-o", "-m", "someuser"]
- end
+ it "should return an array with full command" do
+ @provider.stubs(:command).with(:add).returns("useradd")
+ @provider.stubs(:add_properties).returns(["-G", "somegroup"])
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns("someuser")
+ @provider.addcmd.must == ["useradd", "-G", "somegroup", "-o", "-m", "someuser"]
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/zfs/solaris_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/zfs/solaris_spec.rb
index 8d1d8ccd6..43a88b1c7 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/zfs/solaris_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/zfs/solaris_spec.rb
@@ -5,95 +5,95 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:zfs).provider(:solaris)
describe provider_class do
- before do
- @resource = stub("resource", :name => "myzfs")
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myzfs"
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "shouldvalue"
- @provider =
+ before do
+ @resource = stub("resource", :name => "myzfs")
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "myzfs"
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "shouldvalue"
+ @provider =
+ end
+ it "should have a create method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:create)
+ end
+ it "should have a destroy method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:destroy)
+ end
+ it "should have an exists? method" do
+ @provider.should respond_to(:exists?)
+ end
+ describe "when calling add_properties" do
+ it "should add -o and the key=value for each properties with a value" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:quota).returns ""
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:mountpoint).returns "/foo"
+ properties = @provider.add_properties
+ properties.include?("-o").should == true
+ properties.include?("mountpoint=/foo").should == true
+ properties.detect { |a| a.include?("quota") }.should == nil
+ end
- it "should have a create method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:create)
+ describe "when calling create" do
+ it "should call add_properties" do
+ @provider.stubs(:zfs)
+ @provider.expects(:add_properties).returns([])
+ @provider.create
- it "should have a destroy method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:destroy)
+ it "should call zfs with create, properties and this zfs" do
+ @provider.stubs(:add_properties).returns(%w{a b})
+ @provider.expects(:zfs).with(:create, "a", "b", @resource[:name])
+ @provider.create
+ end
- it "should have an exists? method" do
- @provider.should respond_to(:exists?)
+ describe "when calling destroy" do
+ it "should call zfs with :destroy and this zfs" do
+ @provider.expects(:zfs).with(:destroy, @resource[:name])
+ @provider.destroy
+ end
- describe "when calling add_properties" do
- it "should add -o and the key=value for each properties with a value" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:quota).returns ""
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:mountpoint).returns "/foo"
- properties = @provider.add_properties
- properties.include?("-o").should == true
- properties.include?("mountpoint=/foo").should == true
- properties.detect { |a| a.include?("quota") }.should == nil
- end
+ describe "when calling exist?" do
+ it "should call zfs with :list" do
+ #return stuff because we have to slice and dice it
+ @provider.expects(:zfs).with(:list).returns("NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT\nmyzfs 100K 27.4M /myzfs")
+ @provider.exists?
- describe "when calling create" do
- it "should call add_properties" do
- @provider.stubs(:zfs)
- @provider.expects(:add_properties).returns([])
- @provider.create
- end
- it "should call zfs with create, properties and this zfs" do
- @provider.stubs(:add_properties).returns(%w{a b})
- @provider.expects(:zfs).with(:create, "a", "b", @resource[:name])
- @provider.create
- end
+ it "should return true if returned values match the name" do
+ @provider.stubs(:zfs).with(:list).returns("NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT\n#{@resource[:name]} 100K 27.4M /myzfs")
+ @provider.exists?.should == true
- describe "when calling destroy" do
- it "should call zfs with :destroy and this zfs" do
- @provider.expects(:zfs).with(:destroy, @resource[:name])
- @provider.destroy
- end
+ it "should return false if returned values don't match the name" do
+ @provider.stubs(:zfs).with(:list).returns("no soup for you")
+ @provider.exists?.should == false
- describe "when calling exist?" do
- it "should call zfs with :list" do
- #return stuff because we have to slice and dice it
- @provider.expects(:zfs).with(:list).returns("NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT\nmyzfs 100K 27.4M /myzfs")
- @provider.exists?
- end
+ end
- it "should return true if returned values match the name" do
- @provider.stubs(:zfs).with(:list).returns("NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT\n#{@resource[:name]} 100K 27.4M /myzfs")
- @provider.exists?.should == true
- end
- it "should return false if returned values don't match the name" do
- @provider.stubs(:zfs).with(:list).returns("no soup for you")
- @provider.exists?.should == false
- end
+ [:mountpoint, :compression, :copies, :quota, :reservation, :sharenfs, :snapdir].each do |prop|
+ describe "when getting the #{prop} value" do
+ it "should call zfs with :get, #{prop} and this zfs" do
+ @provider.expects(:zfs).with(:get, "-H", "-o", "value", prop, @resource[:name]).returns("value\n")
+ @provider.send(prop)
+ end
+ it "should get the third value of the second line from the output" do
+ @provider.stubs(:zfs).with(:get, "-H", "-o", "value", prop, @resource[:name]).returns("value\n")
+ @provider.send(prop).should == "value"
+ end
- [:mountpoint, :compression, :copies, :quota, :reservation, :sharenfs, :snapdir].each do |prop|
- describe "when getting the #{prop} value" do
- it "should call zfs with :get, #{prop} and this zfs" do
- @provider.expects(:zfs).with(:get, "-H", "-o", "value", prop, @resource[:name]).returns("value\n")
- @provider.send(prop)
- end
- it "should get the third value of the second line from the output" do
- @provider.stubs(:zfs).with(:get, "-H", "-o", "value", prop, @resource[:name]).returns("value\n")
- @provider.send(prop).should == "value"
- end
- end
- describe "when setting the #{prop} value" do
- it "should call zfs with :set, #{prop}=value and this zfs" do
- @provider.expects(:zfs).with(:set, "#{prop}=value", @resource[:name])
- @provider.send("#{prop}=".intern, "value")
- end
- end
+ describe "when setting the #{prop} value" do
+ it "should call zfs with :set, #{prop}=value and this zfs" do
+ @provider.expects(:zfs).with(:set, "#{prop}=value", @resource[:name])
+ @provider.send("#{prop}=".intern, "value")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/zone/solaris_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/zone/solaris_spec.rb
index 0459e5e6c..44416aa61 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/zone/solaris_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/zone/solaris_spec.rb
@@ -5,51 +5,51 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:zone).provider(:solaris)
describe provider_class do
- before do
- @resource = stub("resource", :name => "mypool")
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "shouldvalue"
- @provider =
+ before do
+ @resource = stub("resource", :name => "mypool")
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "shouldvalue"
+ @provider =
+ end
+ describe "when calling configure" do
+ it "should add the create args to the create str" do
+ @resource.stubs(:properties).returns([])
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:create_args).returns("create_args")
+ @provider.expects(:setconfig).with("create -b create_args\nset zonepath=shouldvalue\ncommit\n")
+ @provider.configure
+ end
- describe "when calling configure" do
- it "should add the create args to the create str" do
- @resource.stubs(:properties).returns([])
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:create_args).returns("create_args")
- @provider.expects(:setconfig).with("create -b create_args\nset zonepath=shouldvalue\ncommit\n")
- @provider.configure
- end
+ describe "when installing" do
+ it "should call zoneadm" do
+ @provider.expects(:zoneadm)
+ @provider.install
- describe "when installing" do
- it "should call zoneadm" do
- @provider.expects(:zoneadm)
- @provider.install
- end
- describe "when cloning" do
- before { @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:clone).returns(:clone_argument) }
- it "sohuld clone with the resource's clone attribute" do
- @provider.expects(:zoneadm).with(:clone, :clone_argument)
- @provider.install
- end
- end
- describe "when not cloning" do
- before { @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:clone).returns(nil)}
- it "should just install if there are no install args" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:install_args).returns(nil)
- @provider.expects(:zoneadm).with(:install)
- @provider.install
- end
- it "should add the install args to the command if they exist" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:install_args).returns("install args")
- @provider.expects(:zoneadm).with(:install, ["install", "args"])
- @provider.install
- end
- end
+ describe "when cloning" do
+ before { @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:clone).returns(:clone_argument) }
+ it "sohuld clone with the resource's clone attribute" do
+ @provider.expects(:zoneadm).with(:clone, :clone_argument)
+ @provider.install
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when not cloning" do
+ before { @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:clone).returns(nil)}
+ it "should just install if there are no install args" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:install_args).returns(nil)
+ @provider.expects(:zoneadm).with(:install)
+ @provider.install
+ end
+ it "should add the install args to the command if they exist" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:install_args).returns("install args")
+ @provider.expects(:zoneadm).with(:install, ["install", "args"])
+ @provider.install
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/zpool/solaris_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/zpool/solaris_spec.rb
index b52ddf8f5..99e6997e4 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/zpool/solaris_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/zpool/solaris_spec.rb
@@ -5,175 +5,175 @@ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:zpool).provider(:solaris)
describe provider_class do
- before do
- @resource = stub("resource", :name => "mypool")
- @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "shouldvalue"
- @provider =
+ before do
+ @resource = stub("resource", :name => "mypool")
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).returns "shouldvalue"
+ @provider =
+ end
+ describe "when getting the instance" do
+ it "should call process_zpool_data with the result of get_pool_data only once" do
+ @provider.stubs(:get_pool_data).returns(["foo", "disk"])
+ @provider.expects(:process_zpool_data).with(["foo", "disk"]).returns("stuff").once
+ @provider.current_pool
+ @provider.current_pool
- describe "when getting the instance" do
- it "should call process_zpool_data with the result of get_pool_data only once" do
- @provider.stubs(:get_pool_data).returns(["foo", "disk"])
- @provider.expects(:process_zpool_data).with(["foo", "disk"]).returns("stuff").once
- @provider.current_pool
- @provider.current_pool
- end
+ end
+ describe "when calling flush" do
+ it "should need to reload the pool" do
+ @provider.stubs(:get_pool_data)
+ @provider.expects(:process_zpool_data).returns("stuff").times(2)
+ @provider.current_pool
+ @provider.flush
+ @provider.current_pool
+ end
- describe "when calling flush" do
- it "should need to reload the pool" do
- @provider.stubs(:get_pool_data)
- @provider.expects(:process_zpool_data).returns("stuff").times(2)
- @provider.current_pool
- @provider.flush
- @provider.current_pool
- end
+ describe "when procesing zpool data" do
+ before do
+ @zpool_data = ["foo", "disk"]
- describe "when procesing zpool data" do
- before do
- @zpool_data = ["foo", "disk"]
- end
- describe "when there is no data" do
- it "should return a hash with ensure=>:absent" do
- @provider.process_zpool_data([])[:ensure].should == :absent
- end
- end
- describe "when there is a spare" do
- it "should add the spare disk to the hash" do
- @zpool_data += ["spares", "spare_disk"]
- @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:spare].should == ["spare_disk"]
- end
- end
+ describe "when there is no data" do
+ it "should return a hash with ensure=>:absent" do
+ @provider.process_zpool_data([])[:ensure].should == :absent
+ end
+ end
- describe "when there are two spares" do
- it "should add the spare disk to the hash as a single string" do
- @zpool_data += ["spares", "spare_disk", "spare_disk2"]
- @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:spare].should == ["spare_disk spare_disk2"]
- end
- end
+ describe "when there is a spare" do
+ it "should add the spare disk to the hash" do
+ @zpool_data += ["spares", "spare_disk"]
+ @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:spare].should == ["spare_disk"]
+ end
+ end
- describe "when there is a log" do
- it "should add the log disk to the hash" do
- @zpool_data += ["logs", "log_disk"]
- @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:log].should == ["log_disk"]
- end
- end
+ describe "when there are two spares" do
+ it "should add the spare disk to the hash as a single string" do
+ @zpool_data += ["spares", "spare_disk", "spare_disk2"]
+ @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:spare].should == ["spare_disk spare_disk2"]
+ end
+ end
- describe "when there are two logs" do
- it "should add the log disks to the hash as a single string" do
- @zpool_data += ["spares", "spare_disk", "spare_disk2"]
- @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:spare].should == ["spare_disk spare_disk2"]
- end
- end
+ describe "when there is a log" do
+ it "should add the log disk to the hash" do
+ @zpool_data += ["logs", "log_disk"]
+ @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:log].should == ["log_disk"]
+ end
+ end
- describe "when the vdev is a single mirror" do
- it "should call create_multi_array with mirror" do
- @zpool_data = ["mirrorpool", "mirror", "disk1", "disk2"]
- @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:mirror].should == ["disk1 disk2"]
- end
- end
+ describe "when there are two logs" do
+ it "should add the log disks to the hash as a single string" do
+ @zpool_data += ["spares", "spare_disk", "spare_disk2"]
+ @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:spare].should == ["spare_disk spare_disk2"]
+ end
+ end
- describe "when the vdev is a double mirror" do
- it "should call create_multi_array with mirror" do
- @zpool_data = ["mirrorpool", "mirror", "disk1", "disk2", "mirror", "disk3", "disk4"]
- @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:mirror].should == ["disk1 disk2", "disk3 disk4"]
- end
- end
+ describe "when the vdev is a single mirror" do
+ it "should call create_multi_array with mirror" do
+ @zpool_data = ["mirrorpool", "mirror", "disk1", "disk2"]
+ @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:mirror].should == ["disk1 disk2"]
+ end
+ end
- describe "when the vdev is a raidz1" do
- it "should call create_multi_array with raidz1" do
- @zpool_data = ["mirrorpool", "raidz1", "disk1", "disk2"]
- @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:raidz].should == ["disk1 disk2"]
- end
- end
+ describe "when the vdev is a double mirror" do
+ it "should call create_multi_array with mirror" do
+ @zpool_data = ["mirrorpool", "mirror", "disk1", "disk2", "mirror", "disk3", "disk4"]
+ @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:mirror].should == ["disk1 disk2", "disk3 disk4"]
+ end
+ end
- describe "when the vdev is a raidz2" do
- it "should call create_multi_array with raidz2 and set the raid_parity" do
- @zpool_data = ["mirrorpool", "raidz2", "disk1", "disk2"]
- pool = @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)
- pool[:raidz].should == ["disk1 disk2"]
- pool[:raid_parity].should == "raidz2"
- end
- end
+ describe "when the vdev is a raidz1" do
+ it "should call create_multi_array with raidz1" do
+ @zpool_data = ["mirrorpool", "raidz1", "disk1", "disk2"]
+ @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)[:raidz].should == ["disk1 disk2"]
+ end
- describe "when calling the getters and setters" do
- [:disk, :mirror, :raidz, :log, :spare].each do |field|
- describe "when calling #{field}" do
- it "should get the #{field} value from the current_pool hash" do
- pool_hash = mock "pool hash"
- pool_hash.expects(:[]).with(field)
- @provider.stubs(:current_pool).returns(pool_hash)
- @provider.send(field)
- end
- end
- describe "when setting the #{field}" do
- it "should warn the #{field} values were not in sync" do
- Puppet.expects(:warning).with("NO CHANGES BEING MADE: zpool #{field} does not match, should be 'shouldvalue' currently is 'currentvalue'")
- @provider.stubs(:current_pool).returns("currentvalue"))
- @provider.send((field.to_s + "=").intern, "shouldvalue")
- end
- end
- end
+ describe "when the vdev is a raidz2" do
+ it "should call create_multi_array with raidz2 and set the raid_parity" do
+ @zpool_data = ["mirrorpool", "raidz2", "disk1", "disk2"]
+ pool = @provider.process_zpool_data(@zpool_data)
+ pool[:raidz].should == ["disk1 disk2"]
+ pool[:raid_parity].should == "raidz2"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when calling the getters and setters" do
+ [:disk, :mirror, :raidz, :log, :spare].each do |field|
+ describe "when calling #{field}" do
+ it "should get the #{field} value from the current_pool hash" do
+ pool_hash = mock "pool hash"
+ pool_hash.expects(:[]).with(field)
+ @provider.stubs(:current_pool).returns(pool_hash)
+ @provider.send(field)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when setting the #{field}" do
+ it "should warn the #{field} values were not in sync" do
+ Puppet.expects(:warning).with("NO CHANGES BEING MADE: zpool #{field} does not match, should be 'shouldvalue' currently is 'currentvalue'")
+ @provider.stubs(:current_pool).returns("currentvalue"))
+ @provider.send((field.to_s + "=").intern, "shouldvalue")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
- describe "when calling create" do
- before do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:pool).returns("mypool")
- @provider.stubs(:zpool)
- end
+ describe "when calling create" do
+ before do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:pool).returns("mypool")
+ @provider.stubs(:zpool)
+ end
- it "should call build_vdevs" do
- @provider.expects(:build_vdevs).returns([])
- @provider.create
- end
+ it "should call build_vdevs" do
+ @provider.expects(:build_vdevs).returns([])
+ @provider.create
+ end
- it "should call build_named with 'spares' and 'log" do
- @provider.expects(:build_named).with("spare").returns([])
- @provider.expects(:build_named).with("log").returns([])
- @provider.create
- end
+ it "should call build_named with 'spares' and 'log" do
+ @provider.expects(:build_named).with("spare").returns([])
+ @provider.expects(:build_named).with("log").returns([])
+ @provider.create
+ end
- it "should call zpool with arguments from build_vdevs and build_named" do
- @provider.expects(:zpool).with(:create, 'mypool', 'shouldvalue', 'spare', 'shouldvalue', 'log', 'shouldvalue')
- @provider.create
- end
+ it "should call zpool with arguments from build_vdevs and build_named" do
+ @provider.expects(:zpool).with(:create, 'mypool', 'shouldvalue', 'spare', 'shouldvalue', 'log', 'shouldvalue')
+ @provider.create
+ end
- describe "when calling delete" do
- it "should call zpool with destroy and the pool name" do
- @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:pool).returns("poolname")
- @provider.expects(:zpool).with(:destroy, "poolname")
- @provider.delete
- end
+ describe "when calling delete" do
+ it "should call zpool with destroy and the pool name" do
+ @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:pool).returns("poolname")
+ @provider.expects(:zpool).with(:destroy, "poolname")
+ @provider.delete
+ end
- describe "when calling exists?" do
- before do
- @current_pool =
- @provider.stubs(:get_pool_data).returns([])
- @provider.stubs(:process_zpool_data).returns(@current_pool)
- end
+ describe "when calling exists?" do
+ before do
+ @current_pool =
+ @provider.stubs(:get_pool_data).returns([])
+ @provider.stubs(:process_zpool_data).returns(@current_pool)
+ end
- it "should get the current pool" do
- @provider.expects(:process_zpool_data).returns(@current_pool)
- @provider.exists?
- end
+ it "should get the current pool" do
+ @provider.expects(:process_zpool_data).returns(@current_pool)
+ @provider.exists?
+ end
- it "should return false if the current_pool is absent" do
- #the before sets it up
- @provider.exists?.should == false
- end
+ it "should return false if the current_pool is absent" do
+ #the before sets it up
+ @provider.exists?.should == false
+ end
- it "should return true if the current_pool has values" do
- @current_pool[:pool] = "mypool"
- @provider.exists?.should == true
- end
+ it "should return true if the current_pool has values" do
+ @current_pool[:pool] = "mypool"
+ @provider.exists?.should == true
+ end