path: root/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
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authorMarkus Roberts <>2010-07-09 18:05:04 -0700
committerMarkus Roberts <>2010-07-09 18:05:04 -0700
commit9ee56f2e67be973da49b1d3f21de1bf87de35e6f (patch)
treeddab8c01509f47664c52c8a6b165bb5a974f138f /lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
parent051bd98751d9d4bc97f93f66723d9b7a00c0cfb4 (diff)
Code smell: Inconsistent indentation and related formatting issues
* Replaced 163 occurances of defined\? +([@a-zA-Z_.0-9?=]+) with defined?(\1) This makes detecting subsequent patterns easier. 3 Examples: The code: if ! defined? @parse_config becomes: if ! defined?(@parse_config) The code: return @option_parser if defined? @option_parser becomes: return @option_parser if defined?(@option_parser) The code: if defined? @local and @local becomes: if defined?(@local) and @local * Eliminate trailing spaces. Replaced 428 occurances of ^(.*?) +$ with \1 1 file was skipped. test/ral/providers/host/parsed.rb because 0 * Replace leading tabs with an appropriate number of spaces. Replaced 306 occurances of ^(\t+)(.*) with Tabs are not consistently expanded in all environments. * Don't arbitrarily wrap on sprintf (%) operator. Replaced 143 occurances of (.*['"] *%) +(.*) with Splitting the line does nothing to aid clarity and hinders further refactorings. 3 Examples: The code: raise Puppet::Error, "Cannot create %s: basedir %s is a file" % [dir, File.join(path)] becomes: raise Puppet::Error, "Cannot create %s: basedir %s is a file" % [dir, File.join(path)] The code: Puppet.err "Will not start without authorization file %s" % Puppet[:authconfig] becomes: Puppet.err "Will not start without authorization file %s" % Puppet[:authconfig] The code: $stderr.puts "Could not find host for PID %s with status %s" % [pid, $?.exitstatus] becomes: $stderr.puts "Could not find host for PID %s with status %s" % [pid, $?.exitstatus] * Don't break short arrays/parameter list in two. Replaced 228 occurances of (.*) +(.*) with 3 Examples: The code: puts @format.wrap(type.provider(prov).doc, :indent => 4, :scrub => true) becomes: puts @format.wrap(type.provider(prov).doc, :indent => 4, :scrub => true) The code: assert(FileTest.exists?(daily), "Did not make daily graph for %s" % type) becomes: assert(FileTest.exists?(daily), "Did not make daily graph for %s" % type) The code: assert(prov.target_object(:first).read !~ /^notdisk/, "Did not remove thing from disk") becomes: assert(prov.target_object(:first).read !~ /^notdisk/, "Did not remove thing from disk") * If arguments must wrap, treat them all equally Replaced 510 occurances of lines ending in things like ...(foo, or ...(bar(1,3), with \1 \2 3 Examples: The code: midscope.to_hash(false), becomes: assert_equal( The code: botscope.to_hash(true), becomes: # bottomscope, then checking that we see the right stuff. The code: :path => link, becomes: * Replaced 4516 occurances of ^( *)(.*) with The present code base is supposed to use four-space indentation. In some places we failed to maintain that standard. These should be fixed regardless of the 2 vs. 4 space question. 15 Examples: The code: def run_comp(cmd) puts cmd results = [] old_sync = $stdout.sync $stdout.sync = true line = [] begin open("| #{cmd}", "r") do |f| until f.eof? do c = f.getc becomes: def run_comp(cmd) puts cmd results = [] old_sync = $stdout.sync $stdout.sync = true line = [] begin open("| #{cmd}", "r") do |f| until f.eof? do c = f.getc The code: s.gsub!(/.{4}/n, '\\\\u\&') } string.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) string rescue Iconv::Failure => e raise GeneratorError, "Caught #{e.class}: #{e}" end else def utf8_to_pson(string) # :nodoc: string = string.gsub(/["\\\x0-\x1f]/) { MAP[$&] } string.gsub!(/( becomes: s.gsub!(/.{4}/n, '\\\\u\&') } string.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) string rescue Iconv::Failure => e raise GeneratorError, "Caught #{e.class}: #{e}" end else def utf8_to_pson(string) # :nodoc: string = string.gsub(/["\\\x0-\x1f]/) { MAP[$&] } string.gsub!(/( The code: end } rvalues: rvalue | rvalues comma rvalue { if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray) result = val[0].push(val[2]) else result = ast AST::ASTArray, :children => [val[0],val[2]] end } becomes: end } rvalues: rvalue | rvalues comma rvalue { if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray) result = val[0].push(val[2]) else result = ast AST::ASTArray, :children => [val[0],val[2]] end } The code: #passwdproc = proc { @password } keytext = @key.export(, :CBC), @password ), "w", 0400) { |f| f << keytext } becomes: # passwdproc = proc { @password } keytext = @key.export(, :CBC), @password ), "w", 0400) { |f| f << keytext } The code: end def to_manifest "%s { '%s':\n%s\n}" % [self.type.to_s,, @params.collect { |p, v| if v.is_a? Array " #{p} => [\'#{v.join("','")}\']" else " #{p} => \'#{v}\'" end }.join(",\n") becomes: end def to_manifest "%s { '%s':\n%s\n}" % [self.type.to_s,, @params.collect { |p, v| if v.is_a? Array " #{p} => [\'#{v.join("','")}\']" else " #{p} => \'#{v}\'" end }.join(",\n") The code: via the augeas tool. Requires: - augeas to be installed ( - ruby-augeas bindings Sample usage with a string:: augeas{\"test1\" : context => \"/files/etc/sysconfig/firstboot\", changes => \"set RUN_FIRSTBOOT YES\", becomes: via the augeas tool. Requires: - augeas to be installed ( - ruby-augeas bindings Sample usage with a string:: augeas{\"test1\" : context => \"/files/etc/sysconfig/firstboot\", changes => \"set RUN_FIRSTBOOT YES\", The code: names.should_not be_include("root") end describe "when generating a purgeable resource" do it "should be included in the generated resources" do Puppet::Type.type(:host).stubs(:instances).returns [@purgeable_resource] @resources.generate.collect { |r| r.ref }.should include(@purgeable_resource.ref) end end describe "when the instance's do not have an ensure property" do becomes: names.should_not be_include("root") end describe "when generating a purgeable resource" do it "should be included in the generated resources" do Puppet::Type.type(:host).stubs(:instances).returns [@purgeable_resource] @resources.generate.collect { |r| r.ref }.should include(@purgeable_resource.ref) end end describe "when the instance's do not have an ensure property" do The code: describe "when the instance's do not have an ensure property" do it "should not be included in the generated resources" do @no_ensure_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => '/usr/bin/env echo') Puppet::Type.type(:host).stubs(:instances).returns [@no_ensure_resource] @resources.generate.collect { |r| r.ref }.should_not include(@no_ensure_resource.ref) end end describe "when the instance's ensure property does not accept absent" do it "should not be included in the generated resources" do @no_absent_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foobar') becomes: describe "when the instance's do not have an ensure property" do it "should not be included in the generated resources" do @no_ensure_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => '/usr/bin/env echo') Puppet::Type.type(:host).stubs(:instances).returns [@no_ensure_resource] @resources.generate.collect { |r| r.ref }.should_not include(@no_ensure_resource.ref) end end describe "when the instance's ensure property does not accept absent" do it "should not be included in the generated resources" do @no_absent_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foobar') The code: func = nil assert_nothing_raised do func = :name => "template", :ftype => :rvalue, :arguments => :children => [stringobj(template)] ) becomes: func = nil assert_nothing_raised do func = :name => "template", :ftype => :rvalue, :arguments => :children => [stringobj(template)] ) The code: assert( @store.allowed?("", ""), "hostname not allowed") assert( ! @store.allowed?("", ""), "subname name allowed") becomes: assert( @store.allowed?("", ""), "hostname not allowed") assert( ! @store.allowed?("", ""), "subname name allowed") The code: assert_nothing_raised { server = :Local => true, :Config => false ) } becomes: assert_nothing_raised { server = :Local => true, :Config => false ) } The code: 'yay', { :failonfail => false, :uid => @user.uid, :gid => @user.gid } ).returns('output') output = Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.run_and_capture 'yay', @user.uid, @user.gid becomes: 'yay', { :failonfail => false, :uid => @user.uid, :gid => @user.gid } ).returns('output') output = Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.run_and_capture 'yay', @user.uid, @user.gid The code: ).times(1) pkg.provider.expects( :aptget ).with( '-y', '-q', 'remove', 'faff' becomes: ).times(1) pkg.provider.expects( :aptget ).with( '-y', '-q', 'remove', 'faff' The code: johnny one two billy three four\n" # Just parse and generate, to make sure it's isomorphic. assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal(text, @parser.to_file(@parser.parse(text)), "parsing was not isomorphic") end end def test_valid_attrs becomes: johnny one two billy three four\n" # Just parse and generate, to make sure it's isomorphic. assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal(text, @parser.to_file(@parser.parse(text)), "parsing was not isomorphic") end end def test_valid_attrs The code: "testing", :onboolean => [true, "An on bool"], :string => ["a string", "A string arg"] ) result = [] should = [] assert_nothing_raised("Add args failed") do @config.addargs(result) end @config.each do |name, element| becomes: "testing", :onboolean => [true, "An on bool"], :string => ["a string", "A string arg"] ) result = [] should = [] assert_nothing_raised("Add args failed") do @config.addargs(result) end @config.each do |name, element|
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
index 25edc9109..4e9e50802 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ require 'facter/util/plist'
Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :pkgdmg, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Package do
desc "Package management based on Apple's and This package works by checking the contents of a DMG image for Apple pkg or mpkg files. Any number of pkg or mpkg files may exist in the root directory of the DMG file system. Sub directories are not checked for packages. See `the wiki docs </trac/puppet/wiki/DmgPackages>` for more detail."
confine :operatingsystem => :darwin
defaultfor :operatingsystem => :darwin
commands :installer => "/usr/sbin/installer"
@@ -50,21 +50,24 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :pkgdmg, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Packag
def self.instances
instance_by_name.collect do |name|
:name => name,
:provider => :pkgdmg,
:ensure => :installed
def self.installpkg(source, name, orig_source)
- installer "-pkg", source, "-target", "/"
- # Non-zero exit status will throw an exception.
-"/var/db/.puppet_pkgdmg_installed_#{name}", "w") do |t|
- t.print "name: '#{name}'\n"
- t.print "source: '#{orig_source}'\n"
- end
+ installer "-pkg", source, "-target", "/"
+ # Non-zero exit status will throw an exception.
+"/var/db/.puppet_pkgdmg_installed_#{name}", "w") do |t|
+ t.print "name: '#{name}'\n"
+ t.print "source: '#{orig_source}'\n"
+ end
def self.installpkgdmg(source, name)