path: root/install.rb
diff options
authorMarkus Roberts <>2010-07-09 18:05:04 -0700
committerMarkus Roberts <>2010-07-09 18:05:04 -0700
commit9ee56f2e67be973da49b1d3f21de1bf87de35e6f (patch)
treeddab8c01509f47664c52c8a6b165bb5a974f138f /install.rb
parent051bd98751d9d4bc97f93f66723d9b7a00c0cfb4 (diff)
Code smell: Inconsistent indentation and related formatting issues
* Replaced 163 occurances of defined\? +([@a-zA-Z_.0-9?=]+) with defined?(\1) This makes detecting subsequent patterns easier. 3 Examples: The code: if ! defined? @parse_config becomes: if ! defined?(@parse_config) The code: return @option_parser if defined? @option_parser becomes: return @option_parser if defined?(@option_parser) The code: if defined? @local and @local becomes: if defined?(@local) and @local * Eliminate trailing spaces. Replaced 428 occurances of ^(.*?) +$ with \1 1 file was skipped. test/ral/providers/host/parsed.rb because 0 * Replace leading tabs with an appropriate number of spaces. Replaced 306 occurances of ^(\t+)(.*) with Tabs are not consistently expanded in all environments. * Don't arbitrarily wrap on sprintf (%) operator. Replaced 143 occurances of (.*['"] *%) +(.*) with Splitting the line does nothing to aid clarity and hinders further refactorings. 3 Examples: The code: raise Puppet::Error, "Cannot create %s: basedir %s is a file" % [dir, File.join(path)] becomes: raise Puppet::Error, "Cannot create %s: basedir %s is a file" % [dir, File.join(path)] The code: Puppet.err "Will not start without authorization file %s" % Puppet[:authconfig] becomes: Puppet.err "Will not start without authorization file %s" % Puppet[:authconfig] The code: $stderr.puts "Could not find host for PID %s with status %s" % [pid, $?.exitstatus] becomes: $stderr.puts "Could not find host for PID %s with status %s" % [pid, $?.exitstatus] * Don't break short arrays/parameter list in two. Replaced 228 occurances of (.*) +(.*) with 3 Examples: The code: puts @format.wrap(type.provider(prov).doc, :indent => 4, :scrub => true) becomes: puts @format.wrap(type.provider(prov).doc, :indent => 4, :scrub => true) The code: assert(FileTest.exists?(daily), "Did not make daily graph for %s" % type) becomes: assert(FileTest.exists?(daily), "Did not make daily graph for %s" % type) The code: assert(prov.target_object(:first).read !~ /^notdisk/, "Did not remove thing from disk") becomes: assert(prov.target_object(:first).read !~ /^notdisk/, "Did not remove thing from disk") * If arguments must wrap, treat them all equally Replaced 510 occurances of lines ending in things like ...(foo, or ...(bar(1,3), with \1 \2 3 Examples: The code: midscope.to_hash(false), becomes: assert_equal( The code: botscope.to_hash(true), becomes: # bottomscope, then checking that we see the right stuff. The code: :path => link, becomes: * Replaced 4516 occurances of ^( *)(.*) with The present code base is supposed to use four-space indentation. In some places we failed to maintain that standard. These should be fixed regardless of the 2 vs. 4 space question. 15 Examples: The code: def run_comp(cmd) puts cmd results = [] old_sync = $stdout.sync $stdout.sync = true line = [] begin open("| #{cmd}", "r") do |f| until f.eof? do c = f.getc becomes: def run_comp(cmd) puts cmd results = [] old_sync = $stdout.sync $stdout.sync = true line = [] begin open("| #{cmd}", "r") do |f| until f.eof? do c = f.getc The code: s.gsub!(/.{4}/n, '\\\\u\&') } string.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) string rescue Iconv::Failure => e raise GeneratorError, "Caught #{e.class}: #{e}" end else def utf8_to_pson(string) # :nodoc: string = string.gsub(/["\\\x0-\x1f]/) { MAP[$&] } string.gsub!(/( becomes: s.gsub!(/.{4}/n, '\\\\u\&') } string.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) string rescue Iconv::Failure => e raise GeneratorError, "Caught #{e.class}: #{e}" end else def utf8_to_pson(string) # :nodoc: string = string.gsub(/["\\\x0-\x1f]/) { MAP[$&] } string.gsub!(/( The code: end } rvalues: rvalue | rvalues comma rvalue { if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray) result = val[0].push(val[2]) else result = ast AST::ASTArray, :children => [val[0],val[2]] end } becomes: end } rvalues: rvalue | rvalues comma rvalue { if val[0].instance_of?(AST::ASTArray) result = val[0].push(val[2]) else result = ast AST::ASTArray, :children => [val[0],val[2]] end } The code: #passwdproc = proc { @password } keytext = @key.export(, :CBC), @password ), "w", 0400) { |f| f << keytext } becomes: # passwdproc = proc { @password } keytext = @key.export(, :CBC), @password ), "w", 0400) { |f| f << keytext } The code: end def to_manifest "%s { '%s':\n%s\n}" % [self.type.to_s,, @params.collect { |p, v| if v.is_a? Array " #{p} => [\'#{v.join("','")}\']" else " #{p} => \'#{v}\'" end }.join(",\n") becomes: end def to_manifest "%s { '%s':\n%s\n}" % [self.type.to_s,, @params.collect { |p, v| if v.is_a? Array " #{p} => [\'#{v.join("','")}\']" else " #{p} => \'#{v}\'" end }.join(",\n") The code: via the augeas tool. Requires: - augeas to be installed ( - ruby-augeas bindings Sample usage with a string:: augeas{\"test1\" : context => \"/files/etc/sysconfig/firstboot\", changes => \"set RUN_FIRSTBOOT YES\", becomes: via the augeas tool. Requires: - augeas to be installed ( - ruby-augeas bindings Sample usage with a string:: augeas{\"test1\" : context => \"/files/etc/sysconfig/firstboot\", changes => \"set RUN_FIRSTBOOT YES\", The code: names.should_not be_include("root") end describe "when generating a purgeable resource" do it "should be included in the generated resources" do Puppet::Type.type(:host).stubs(:instances).returns [@purgeable_resource] @resources.generate.collect { |r| r.ref }.should include(@purgeable_resource.ref) end end describe "when the instance's do not have an ensure property" do becomes: names.should_not be_include("root") end describe "when generating a purgeable resource" do it "should be included in the generated resources" do Puppet::Type.type(:host).stubs(:instances).returns [@purgeable_resource] @resources.generate.collect { |r| r.ref }.should include(@purgeable_resource.ref) end end describe "when the instance's do not have an ensure property" do The code: describe "when the instance's do not have an ensure property" do it "should not be included in the generated resources" do @no_ensure_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => '/usr/bin/env echo') Puppet::Type.type(:host).stubs(:instances).returns [@no_ensure_resource] @resources.generate.collect { |r| r.ref }.should_not include(@no_ensure_resource.ref) end end describe "when the instance's ensure property does not accept absent" do it "should not be included in the generated resources" do @no_absent_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foobar') becomes: describe "when the instance's do not have an ensure property" do it "should not be included in the generated resources" do @no_ensure_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:name => '/usr/bin/env echo') Puppet::Type.type(:host).stubs(:instances).returns [@no_ensure_resource] @resources.generate.collect { |r| r.ref }.should_not include(@no_ensure_resource.ref) end end describe "when the instance's ensure property does not accept absent" do it "should not be included in the generated resources" do @no_absent_resource = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'foobar') The code: func = nil assert_nothing_raised do func = :name => "template", :ftype => :rvalue, :arguments => :children => [stringobj(template)] ) becomes: func = nil assert_nothing_raised do func = :name => "template", :ftype => :rvalue, :arguments => :children => [stringobj(template)] ) The code: assert( @store.allowed?("", ""), "hostname not allowed") assert( ! @store.allowed?("", ""), "subname name allowed") becomes: assert( @store.allowed?("", ""), "hostname not allowed") assert( ! @store.allowed?("", ""), "subname name allowed") The code: assert_nothing_raised { server = :Local => true, :Config => false ) } becomes: assert_nothing_raised { server = :Local => true, :Config => false ) } The code: 'yay', { :failonfail => false, :uid => @user.uid, :gid => @user.gid } ).returns('output') output = Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.run_and_capture 'yay', @user.uid, @user.gid becomes: 'yay', { :failonfail => false, :uid => @user.uid, :gid => @user.gid } ).returns('output') output = Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.run_and_capture 'yay', @user.uid, @user.gid The code: ).times(1) pkg.provider.expects( :aptget ).with( '-y', '-q', 'remove', 'faff' becomes: ).times(1) pkg.provider.expects( :aptget ).with( '-y', '-q', 'remove', 'faff' The code: johnny one two billy three four\n" # Just parse and generate, to make sure it's isomorphic. assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal(text, @parser.to_file(@parser.parse(text)), "parsing was not isomorphic") end end def test_valid_attrs becomes: johnny one two billy three four\n" # Just parse and generate, to make sure it's isomorphic. assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal(text, @parser.to_file(@parser.parse(text)), "parsing was not isomorphic") end end def test_valid_attrs The code: "testing", :onboolean => [true, "An on bool"], :string => ["a string", "A string arg"] ) result = [] should = [] assert_nothing_raised("Add args failed") do @config.addargs(result) end @config.each do |name, element| becomes: "testing", :onboolean => [true, "An on bool"], :string => ["a string", "A string arg"] ) result = [] should = [] assert_nothing_raised("Add args failed") do @config.addargs(result) end @config.each do |name, element|
Diffstat (limited to 'install.rb')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/install.rb b/install.rb
index eb17ec3a3..54a714674 100755
--- a/install.rb
+++ b/install.rb
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ require 'rbconfig'
require 'find'
require 'fileutils'
- require 'ftools' # apparently on some system ftools doesn't get loaded
- $haveftools = true
+ require 'ftools' # apparently on some system ftools doesn't get loaded
+ $haveftools = true
rescue LoadError
- puts "ftools not found. Using FileUtils instead.."
- $haveftools = false
+ puts "ftools not found. Using FileUtils instead.."
+ $haveftools = false
require 'optparse'
require 'ostruct'
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ end
if $haverdoc
- rst2man = %x{which}
- $haveman = true
+ rst2man = %x{which}
+ $haveman = true
- $haveman = false
+ $haveman = false
puts "Missing rst2man; skipping man page creation"
@@ -88,45 +88,45 @@ libs = glob(%w{lib/**/*.rb lib/**/*.py})
tests = glob(%w{test/**/*.rb})
def do_bins(bins, target, strip = 's?bin/')
- bins.each do |bf|
- obf = bf.gsub(/#{strip}/, '')
- install_binfile(bf, obf, target)
- end
+ bins.each do |bf|
+ obf = bf.gsub(/#{strip}/, '')
+ install_binfile(bf, obf, target)
+ end
def do_libs(libs, strip = 'lib/')
- libs.each do |lf|
- olf = File.join(InstallOptions.site_dir, lf.gsub(/#{strip}/, ''))
- op = File.dirname(olf)
- if $haveftools
- File.makedirs(op, true)
- File.chmod(0755, op)
- File.install(lf, olf, 0644, true)
- else
- FileUtils.makedirs(op, {:mode => 0755, :verbose => true})
- FileUtils.chmod(0755, op)
- FileUtils.install(lf, olf, {:mode => 0644, :verbose => true})
+ libs.each do |lf|
+ olf = File.join(InstallOptions.site_dir, lf.gsub(/#{strip}/, ''))
+ op = File.dirname(olf)
+ if $haveftools
+ File.makedirs(op, true)
+ File.chmod(0755, op)
+ File.install(lf, olf, 0644, true)
+ else
+ FileUtils.makedirs(op, {:mode => 0755, :verbose => true})
+ FileUtils.chmod(0755, op)
+ FileUtils.install(lf, olf, {:mode => 0644, :verbose => true})
+ end
- end
def do_man(man, strip = 'man/')
- man.each do |mf|
- omf = File.join(InstallOptions.man_dir, mf.gsub(/#{strip}/, ''))
- om = File.dirname(omf)
- if $haveftools
- File.makedirs(om, true)
- File.chmod(0755, om)
- File.install(mf, omf, 0644, true)
- else
- FileUtils.makedirs(om, {:mode => 0755, :verbose => true})
- FileUtils.chmod(0755, om)
- FileUtils.install(mf, omf, {:mode => 0644, :verbose => true})
+ man.each do |mf|
+ omf = File.join(InstallOptions.man_dir, mf.gsub(/#{strip}/, ''))
+ om = File.dirname(omf)
+ if $haveftools
+ File.makedirs(om, true)
+ File.chmod(0755, om)
+ File.install(mf, omf, 0644, true)
+ else
+ FileUtils.makedirs(om, {:mode => 0755, :verbose => true})
+ FileUtils.chmod(0755, om)
+ FileUtils.install(mf, omf, {:mode => 0644, :verbose => true})
+ end
+ gzip = %x{which gzip}
+ gzip.chomp!
+ %x{#{gzip} -f #{omf}}
- gzip = %x{which gzip}
- gzip.chomp!
- %x{#{gzip} -f #{omf}}
- end
# Verify that all of the prereqs are installed
@@ -135,13 +135,13 @@ def check_prereqs
require pre
if pre == "facter"
- # to_f isn't quite exact for strings like "1.5.1" but is good
- # enough for this purpose.
- facter_version = Facter.version.to_f
- if facter_version < MIN_FACTER_VERSION
- puts "Facter version: %s; minimum required: %s; cannot install" % [facter_version, MIN_FACTER_VERSION]
- exit -1
- end
+ # to_f isn't quite exact for strings like "1.5.1" but is good
+ # enough for this purpose.
+ facter_version = Facter.version.to_f
+ if facter_version < MIN_FACTER_VERSION
+ puts "Facter version: %s; minimum required: %s; cannot install" % [facter_version, MIN_FACTER_VERSION]
+ exit -1
+ end
rescue LoadError
puts "Could not load %s; cannot install" % pre
@@ -154,169 +154,169 @@ end
# Prepare the file installation.
def prepare_installation
- # Only try to do docs if we're sure they have rdoc
- if $haverdoc
- InstallOptions.rdoc = true
- if RUBY_PLATFORM == "i386-mswin32"
+ # Only try to do docs if we're sure they have rdoc
+ if $haverdoc
+ InstallOptions.rdoc = true
+ if RUBY_PLATFORM == "i386-mswin32"
+ InstallOptions.ri = false
+ else
+ InstallOptions.ri = true
+ end
+ else
+ InstallOptions.rdoc = false
InstallOptions.ri = false
- else
- InstallOptions.ri = true
- end
- else
- InstallOptions.rdoc = false
- InstallOptions.ri = false
- end
- if $haveman
- = true
- if RUBY_PLATFORM == "i386-mswin32"
- = false
- end
- else
- = false
- end
- InstallOptions.tests = true
- if $haveman
- = true
- if RUBY_PLATFORM == "i386-mswin32"
- = false
- end
- else
- = false
- end
- ARGV.options do |opts|
- opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options]"
- opts.separator ""
- opts.on('--[no-]rdoc', 'Prevents the creation of RDoc output.', 'Default on.') do |onrdoc|
- InstallOptions.rdoc = onrdoc
- end
- opts.on('--[no-]ri', 'Prevents the creation of RI output.', 'Default off on mswin32.') do |onri|
- InstallOptions.ri = onri
- end
- opts.on('--[no-]man', 'Prevents the creation of man pages.', 'Default on.') do |onman|
- = onman
- end
- opts.on('--[no-]tests', 'Prevents the execution of unit tests.', 'Default on.') do |ontest|
- InstallOptions.tests = ontest
- opts.on('--destdir[=OPTIONAL]', 'Installation prefix for all targets', 'Default essentially /') do |destdir|
- InstallOptions.destdir = destdir
+ if $haveman
+ = true
+ if RUBY_PLATFORM == "i386-mswin32"
+ = false
+ end
+ else
+ = false
- opts.on('--bindir[=OPTIONAL]', 'Installation directory for binaries', 'overrides Config::CONFIG["bindir"]') do |bindir|
- InstallOptions.bindir = bindir
+ InstallOptions.tests = true
+ if $haveman
+ = true
+ if RUBY_PLATFORM == "i386-mswin32"
+ = false
+ end
+ else
+ = false
- opts.on('--sbindir[=OPTIONAL]', 'Installation directory for system binaries', 'overrides Config::CONFIG["sbindir"]') do |sbindir|
- InstallOptions.sbindir = sbindir
+ ARGV.options do |opts|
+ opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options]"
+ opts.separator ""
+ opts.on('--[no-]rdoc', 'Prevents the creation of RDoc output.', 'Default on.') do |onrdoc|
+ InstallOptions.rdoc = onrdoc
+ end
+ opts.on('--[no-]ri', 'Prevents the creation of RI output.', 'Default off on mswin32.') do |onri|
+ InstallOptions.ri = onri
+ end
+ opts.on('--[no-]man', 'Prevents the creation of man pages.', 'Default on.') do |onman|
+ = onman
+ end
+ opts.on('--[no-]tests', 'Prevents the execution of unit tests.', 'Default on.') do |ontest|
+ InstallOptions.tests = ontest
+ end
+ opts.on('--destdir[=OPTIONAL]', 'Installation prefix for all targets', 'Default essentially /') do |destdir|
+ InstallOptions.destdir = destdir
+ end
+ opts.on('--bindir[=OPTIONAL]', 'Installation directory for binaries', 'overrides Config::CONFIG["bindir"]') do |bindir|
+ InstallOptions.bindir = bindir
+ end
+ opts.on('--sbindir[=OPTIONAL]', 'Installation directory for system binaries', 'overrides Config::CONFIG["sbindir"]') do |sbindir|
+ InstallOptions.sbindir = sbindir
+ end
+ opts.on('--sitelibdir[=OPTIONAL]', 'Installation directory for libraries', 'overrides Config::CONFIG["sitelibdir"]') do |sitelibdir|
+ InstallOptions.sitelibdir = sitelibdir
+ end
+ opts.on('--mandir[=OPTIONAL]', 'Installation directory for man pages', 'overrides Config::CONFIG["mandir"]') do |mandir|
+ InstallOptions.mandir = mandir
+ end
+ opts.on('--quick', 'Performs a quick installation. Only the', 'installation is done.') do |quick|
+ InstallOptions.rdoc = false
+ InstallOptions.ri = false
+ InstallOptions.tests = false
+ end
+ opts.on('--full', 'Performs a full installation. All', 'optional installation steps are run.') do |full|
+ InstallOptions.rdoc = true
+ = true
+ InstallOptions.ri = true
+ InstallOptions.tests = true
+ end
+ opts.separator("")
+ opts.on_tail('--help', "Shows this help text.") do
+ $stderr.puts opts
+ exit
+ end
+ opts.parse!
- opts.on('--sitelibdir[=OPTIONAL]', 'Installation directory for libraries', 'overrides Config::CONFIG["sitelibdir"]') do |sitelibdir|
- InstallOptions.sitelibdir = sitelibdir
+ tmpdirs = [ENV['TMP'], ENV['TEMP'], "/tmp", "/var/tmp", "."]
+ version = [Config::CONFIG["MAJOR"], Config::CONFIG["MINOR"]].join(".")
+ libdir = File.join(Config::CONFIG["libdir"], "ruby", version)
+ # Mac OS X 10.5 and higher declare bindir and sbindir as
+ # /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin
+ # /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/sbin
+ # which is not generally where people expect executables to be installed
+ # These settings are appropriate defaults for all OS X versions.
+ if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /^universal-darwin[\d\.]+$/
+ Config::CONFIG['bindir'] = "/usr/bin"
+ Config::CONFIG['sbindir'] = "/usr/sbin"
- opts.on('--mandir[=OPTIONAL]', 'Installation directory for man pages', 'overrides Config::CONFIG["mandir"]') do |mandir|
- InstallOptions.mandir = mandir
+ if not InstallOptions.bindir.nil?
+ bindir = InstallOptions.bindir
+ else
+ bindir = Config::CONFIG['bindir']
- opts.on('--quick', 'Performs a quick installation. Only the', 'installation is done.') do |quick|
- InstallOptions.rdoc = false
- InstallOptions.ri = false
- InstallOptions.tests = false
+ if not InstallOptions.sbindir.nil?
+ sbindir = InstallOptions.sbindir
+ else
+ sbindir = Config::CONFIG['sbindir']
- opts.on('--full', 'Performs a full installation. All', 'optional installation steps are run.') do |full|
- InstallOptions.rdoc = true
- = true
- InstallOptions.ri = true
- InstallOptions.tests = true
+ if not InstallOptions.sitelibdir.nil?
+ sitelibdir = InstallOptions.sitelibdir
+ else
+ sitelibdir = Config::CONFIG["sitelibdir"]
+ if sitelibdir.nil?
+ sitelibdir = $:.find { |x| x =~ /site_ruby/ }
+ if sitelibdir.nil?
+ sitelibdir = File.join(libdir, "site_ruby")
+ elsif sitelibdir !~ Regexp.quote(version)
+ sitelibdir = File.join(sitelibdir, version)
+ end
+ end
- opts.separator("")
- opts.on_tail('--help', "Shows this help text.") do
- $stderr.puts opts
- exit
+ if not InstallOptions.mandir.nil?
+ mandir = InstallOptions.mandir
+ else
+ mandir = Config::CONFIG['mandir']
- opts.parse!
- end
- tmpdirs = [ENV['TMP'], ENV['TEMP'], "/tmp", "/var/tmp", "."]
- version = [Config::CONFIG["MAJOR"], Config::CONFIG["MINOR"]].join(".")
- libdir = File.join(Config::CONFIG["libdir"], "ruby", version)
- # Mac OS X 10.5 and higher declare bindir and sbindir as
- # /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin
- # /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/sbin
- # which is not generally where people expect executables to be installed
- # These settings are appropriate defaults for all OS X versions.
- if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /^universal-darwin[\d\.]+$/
- Config::CONFIG['bindir'] = "/usr/bin"
- Config::CONFIG['sbindir'] = "/usr/sbin"
- end
- if not InstallOptions.bindir.nil?
- bindir = InstallOptions.bindir
- else
- bindir = Config::CONFIG['bindir']
- end
- if not InstallOptions.sbindir.nil?
- sbindir = InstallOptions.sbindir
- else
- sbindir = Config::CONFIG['sbindir']
- end
- if not InstallOptions.sitelibdir.nil?
- sitelibdir = InstallOptions.sitelibdir
- else
- sitelibdir = Config::CONFIG["sitelibdir"]
- if sitelibdir.nil?
- sitelibdir = $:.find { |x| x =~ /site_ruby/ }
- if sitelibdir.nil?
- sitelibdir = File.join(libdir, "site_ruby")
- elsif sitelibdir !~ Regexp.quote(version)
- sitelibdir = File.join(sitelibdir, version)
- end
+ # To be deprecated once people move over to using --destdir option
+ if (destdir = ENV['DESTDIR'])
+ bindir = "#{destdir}#{bindir}"
+ sbindir = "#{destdir}#{sbindir}"
+ mandir = "#{destdir}#{mandir}"
+ sitelibdir = "#{destdir}#{sitelibdir}"
+ FileUtils.makedirs(bindir)
+ FileUtils.makedirs(sbindir)
+ FileUtils.makedirs(mandir)
+ FileUtils.makedirs(sitelibdir)
+ # This is the new way forward
+ elsif (destdir = InstallOptions.destdir)
+ bindir = "#{destdir}#{bindir}"
+ sbindir = "#{destdir}#{sbindir}"
+ mandir = "#{destdir}#{mandir}"
+ sitelibdir = "#{destdir}#{sitelibdir}"
+ FileUtils.makedirs(bindir)
+ FileUtils.makedirs(sbindir)
+ FileUtils.makedirs(mandir)
+ FileUtils.makedirs(sitelibdir)
- end
- if not InstallOptions.mandir.nil?
- mandir = InstallOptions.mandir
- else
- mandir = Config::CONFIG['mandir']
- end
- # To be deprecated once people move over to using --destdir option
- if (destdir = ENV['DESTDIR'])
- bindir = "#{destdir}#{bindir}"
- sbindir = "#{destdir}#{sbindir}"
- mandir = "#{destdir}#{mandir}"
- sitelibdir = "#{destdir}#{sitelibdir}"
- FileUtils.makedirs(bindir)
- FileUtils.makedirs(sbindir)
- FileUtils.makedirs(mandir)
- FileUtils.makedirs(sitelibdir)
- # This is the new way forward
- elsif (destdir = InstallOptions.destdir)
- bindir = "#{destdir}#{bindir}"
- sbindir = "#{destdir}#{sbindir}"
- mandir = "#{destdir}#{mandir}"
- sitelibdir = "#{destdir}#{sitelibdir}"
- FileUtils.makedirs(bindir)
- FileUtils.makedirs(sbindir)
- FileUtils.makedirs(mandir)
- FileUtils.makedirs(sitelibdir)
- end
- tmpdirs << bindir
- InstallOptions.tmp_dirs = tmpdirs.compact
- InstallOptions.site_dir = sitelibdir
- InstallOptions.bin_dir = bindir
- InstallOptions.sbin_dir = sbindir
- InstallOptions.lib_dir = libdir
- InstallOptions.man_dir = mandir
+ tmpdirs << bindir
+ InstallOptions.tmp_dirs = tmpdirs.compact
+ InstallOptions.site_dir = sitelibdir
+ InstallOptions.bin_dir = bindir
+ InstallOptions.sbin_dir = sbindir
+ InstallOptions.lib_dir = libdir
+ InstallOptions.man_dir = mandir
@@ -326,8 +326,7 @@ def build_rdoc(files)
return unless $haverdoc
r =
- r.document(["--main", "README", "--title",
- "Puppet -- Site Configuration Management", "--line-numbers"] + files)
+ r.document(["--main", "README", "--title", "Puppet -- Site Configuration Management", "--line-numbers"] + files)
rescue RDoc::RDocError => e
$stderr.puts e.message
rescue Exception => e
@@ -361,17 +360,17 @@ def build_man(bins, sbins)
# Create binary man pages
- binary = bins + sbins
+ binary = bins + sbins
binary.each do |bin|
- b = bin.gsub( /(bin|sbin)\//, "")
- %x{#{bin} --help > ./#{b}.rst}
- %x{#{rst2man} ./#{b}.rst ./man/man8/#{b}.8}
- File.unlink("./#{b}.rst")
+ b = bin.gsub( /(bin|sbin)\//, "")
+ %x{#{bin} --help > ./#{b}.rst}
+ %x{#{rst2man} ./#{b}.rst ./man/man8/#{b}.8}
+ File.unlink("./#{b}.rst")
rescue SystemCallError
- $stderr.puts "Couldn't build man pages: " + $!
- $stderr.puts "Continuing with install..."
+ $stderr.puts "Couldn't build man pages: " + $!
+ $stderr.puts "Continuing with install..."
@@ -402,57 +401,57 @@ end
# (e.g., bin/rdoc becomes rdoc); the shebang line handles running it. Under
# windows, we add an '.rb' extension and let file associations do their stuff.
def install_binfile(from, op_file, target)
- tmp_dir = nil
- InstallOptions.tmp_dirs.each do |t|
- if and File.writable?(t)
- tmp_dir = t
- break
+ tmp_dir = nil
+ InstallOptions.tmp_dirs.each do |t|
+ if and File.writable?(t)
+ tmp_dir = t
+ break
+ end
- end
- fail "Cannot find a temporary directory" unless tmp_dir
- tmp_file = File.join(tmp_dir, '_tmp')
- ruby = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'])
- do |ip|
-, "w") do |op|
- ruby = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'])
- op.puts "#!#{ruby}"
- contents = ip.readlines
- if contents[0] =~ /^#!/
- contents.shift
- end
- op.write contents.join()
+ fail "Cannot find a temporary directory" unless tmp_dir
+ tmp_file = File.join(tmp_dir, '_tmp')
+ ruby = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'])
+ do |ip|
+, "w") do |op|
+ ruby = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'])
+ op.puts "#!#{ruby}"
+ contents = ip.readlines
+ if contents[0] =~ /^#!/
+ contents.shift
+ end
+ op.write contents.join()
+ end
- end
- if Config::CONFIG["target_os"] =~ /win/io and Config::CONFIG["target_os"] !~ /darwin/io
- installed_wrapper = false
+ if Config::CONFIG["target_os"] =~ /win/io and Config::CONFIG["target_os"] !~ /darwin/io
+ installed_wrapper = false
- if File.exists?("#{from}.bat")
- FileUtils.install("#{from}.bat", File.join(target, "#{op_file}.bat"), :mode => 0755, :verbose => true)
- installed_wrapper = true
- end
+ if File.exists?("#{from}.bat")
+ FileUtils.install("#{from}.bat", File.join(target, "#{op_file}.bat"), :mode => 0755, :verbose => true)
+ installed_wrapper = true
+ end
- if File.exists?("#{from}.cmd")
- FileUtils.install("#{from}.cmd", File.join(target, "#{op_file}.cmd"), :mode => 0755, :verbose => true)
- installed_wrapper = true
- end
+ if File.exists?("#{from}.cmd")
+ FileUtils.install("#{from}.cmd", File.join(target, "#{op_file}.cmd"), :mode => 0755, :verbose => true)
+ installed_wrapper = true
+ end
- if not installed_wrapper
- tmp_file2 = File.join(tmp_dir, '_tmp_wrapper')
- cwn = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], op_file)
- cwv = CMD_WRAPPER.gsub('<ruby>', ruby.gsub(%r{/}) { "\\" }).gsub!('<command>', cwn.gsub(%r{/}) { "\\" } )
+ if not installed_wrapper
+ tmp_file2 = File.join(tmp_dir, '_tmp_wrapper')
+ cwn = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], op_file)
+ cwv = CMD_WRAPPER.gsub('<ruby>', ruby.gsub(%r{/}) { "\\" }).gsub!('<command>', cwn.gsub(%r{/}) { "\\" } )
-, "wb") { |cw| cw.puts cwv }
- FileUtils.install(tmp_file2, File.join(target, "#{op_file}.bat"), :mode => 0755, :verbose => true)
+, "wb") { |cw| cw.puts cwv }
+ FileUtils.install(tmp_file2, File.join(target, "#{op_file}.bat"), :mode => 0755, :verbose => true)
- File.unlink(tmp_file2)
- installed_wrapper = true
+ File.unlink(tmp_file2)
+ installed_wrapper = true
+ end
- end
- FileUtils.install(tmp_file, File.join(target, op_file), :mode => 0755, :verbose => true)
- File.unlink(tmp_file)
+ FileUtils.install(tmp_file, File.join(target, op_file), :mode => 0755, :verbose => true)
+ File.unlink(tmp_file)