diff options
authorLuke Kanies <>2007-08-25 15:55:43 -0500
committerLuke Kanies <>2007-08-25 15:55:43 -0500
commitba3a861af2e5c30fd9bbbe0e1666fa316139113b (patch)
parent37f0eed9657810c1b9e1d6383e6d6ebb027aff2f (diff)
Removing this test for now; I do not have time to port it from test/unit to rspec
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 755 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/parser/compile.rb b/spec/unit/parser/compile.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 409d4ca1d..000000000
--- a/spec/unit/parser/compile.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,755 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-$:.unshift("../lib").unshift("../../lib") if __FILE__ =~ /\.rb$/
-require 'mocha'
-require 'puppettest'
-require 'puppettest/parsertesting'
-require 'puppet/parser/configuration'
-# Test our configuration object.
-class TestConfiguration < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include PuppetTest
- include PuppetTest::ParserTesting
- Config = Puppet::Parser::Configuration
- Scope = Puppet::Parser::Scope
- Node = Puppet::Network::Handler.handler(:node)
- SimpleNode = Puppet::Node
- def mknode(name = "foo")
- @node =
- end
- def mkparser
- # This should mock an interpreter
- @parser = mock 'parser'
- end
- def mkconfig(options = {})
- if node = options[:node]
- options.delete(:node)
- else
- node = mknode
- end
- @config =, mkparser, options)
- end
- def test_initialize
- config = nil
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not init config with all required options") do
- config ="foo", "parser")
- end
- assert_equal("foo", config.node, "Did not set node correctly")
- assert_equal("parser", config.parser, "Did not set parser correctly")
- # We're not testing here whether we call initvars, because it's too difficult to
- # mock.
- # Now try it with some options
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not init config with extra options") do
- config ="foo", "parser", :ast_nodes => false)
- end
- assert_equal(false, config.ast_nodes?, "Did not set ast_nodes? correctly")
- end
- def test_initvars
- config = mkconfig
- [:class_scopes, :resource_table, :exported_resources, :resource_overrides].each do |table|
- assert_instance_of(Hash, config.send(:instance_variable_get, "@#{table}"), "Did not set %s table correctly" % table)
- end
- assert_instance_of(Scope, config.topscope, "Did not create a topscope")
- graph = config.instance_variable_get("@scope_graph")
- assert_instance_of(GRATR::Digraph, graph, "Did not create scope graph")
- assert(graph.vertex?(config.topscope), "Did not add top scope as a vertex in the graph")
- end
- # Make sure we store and can retrieve references to classes and their scopes.
- def test_class_set_and_class_scope
- klass = mock 'ast_class'
- klass.expects(:classname).returns("myname")
- config = mkconfig
- config.expects(:tag).with("myname")
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not set class") do
- config.class_set "myname", "myscope"
- end
- # First try to retrieve it by name.
- assert_equal("myscope", config.class_scope("myname"), "Could not retrieve class scope by name")
- # Then by object
- assert_equal("myscope", config.class_scope(klass), "Could not retrieve class scope by object")
- end
- def test_classlist
- config = mkconfig
- config.class_set "", "empty"
- config.class_set "one", "yep"
- config.class_set "two", "nope"
- # Make sure our class list is correct
- assert_equal(%w{one two}.sort, config.classlist.sort, "Did not get correct class list")
- end
- # Make sure collections get added to our internal array
- def test_add_collection
- config = mkconfig
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not add collection") do
- config.add_collection "nope"
- end
- assert_equal(%w{nope}, config.instance_variable_get("@collections"), "Did not add collection")
- end
- # Make sure we create a graph of scopes.
- def test_newscope
- config = mkconfig
- graph = config.instance_variable_get("@scope_graph")
- assert_instance_of(Scope, config.topscope, "Did not create top scope")
- assert_instance_of(GRATR::Digraph, graph, "Did not create graph")
- assert(graph.vertex?(config.topscope), "The top scope is not a vertex in the graph")
- # Now that we've got the top scope, create a new, subscope
- subscope = nil
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not create subscope") do
- subscope = config.newscope(config.topscope)
- end
- assert_instance_of(Scope, subscope, "Did not create subscope")
- assert(graph.edge?(config.topscope, subscope), "An edge between top scope and subscope was not added")
- # Make sure a scope can find its parent.
- assert(config.parent(subscope), "Could not look up parent scope on configuration")
- assert_equal(config.topscope.object_id, config.parent(subscope).object_id, "Did not get correct parent scope from configuration")
- assert_equal(config.topscope.object_id, subscope.parent.object_id, "Scope did not correctly retrieve its parent scope")
- # Now create another, this time specifying options
- another = nil
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not create subscope") do
- another = config.newscope(subscope, :name => "testing")
- end
- assert_equal("testing",, "did not set scope option correctly")
- assert_instance_of(Scope, another, "Did not create second subscope")
- assert(graph.edge?(subscope, another), "An edge between parent scope and second subscope was not added")
- # Make sure it can find its parent.
- assert(config.parent(another), "Could not look up parent scope of second subscope on configuration")
- assert_equal(subscope.object_id, config.parent(another).object_id, "Did not get correct parent scope of second subscope from configuration")
- assert_equal(subscope.object_id, another.parent.object_id, "Second subscope did not correctly retrieve its parent scope")
- # And make sure both scopes show up in the right order in the search path
- assert_equal([another.object_id, subscope.object_id, config.topscope.object_id], another.scope_path.collect { |p| p.object_id },
- "Did not get correct scope path")
- end
- # The heart of the action.
- def test_compile
- config = mkconfig
- [:set_node_parameters, :evaluate_main, :evaluate_ast_node, :evaluate_classes, :evaluate_generators, :fail_on_unevaluated, :finish].each do |method|
- config.expects(method)
- end
- config.expects(:extract).returns(:config)
- assert_equal(:config, config.compile, "Did not return the results of the extraction")
- end
- # Test setting the node's parameters into the top scope.
- def test_set_node_parameters
- config = mkconfig
- @node.parameters = {"a" => "b", "c" => "d"}
- scope = config.topscope
- @node.parameters.each do |param, value|
- scope.expects(:setvar).with(param, value)
- end
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not call 'set_node_parameters'") do
- config.send(:set_node_parameters)
- end
- end
- # Test that we can evaluate the main class, which is the one named "" in namespace
- # "".
- def test_evaluate_main
- config = mkconfig
- main = mock 'main_class'
- config.topscope.expects(:source=).with(main)
- main.expects(:safeevaluate).with(:scope => config.topscope, :nosubscope => true)
- @parser.expects(:findclass).with("", "").returns(main)
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not call evaluate_main") do
- config.send(:evaluate_main)
- end
- end
- # Make sure we either don't look for nodes, or that we find and evaluate the right object.
- def test_evaluate_ast_node
- # First try it with ast_nodes disabled
- config = mkconfig :ast_nodes => false
- config.expects(:ast_nodes?).returns(false)
- config.parser.expects(:nodes).never
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not call evaluate_ast_node when ast nodes are disabled") do
- config.send(:evaluate_ast_node)
- end
- # Now try it with them enabled, but no node found.
- nodes = mock 'node_hash'
- config = mkconfig :ast_nodes => true
- config.expects(:ast_nodes?).returns(true)
- config.parser.expects(:nodes).returns(nodes).times(4)
- # Set some names for our test
- @node.names = %w{a b c}
- nodes.expects(:[]).with("a").returns(nil)
- nodes.expects(:[]).with("b").returns(nil)
- nodes.expects(:[]).with("c").returns(nil)
- # It should check this last, of course.
- nodes.expects(:[]).with("default").returns(nil)
- # And make sure the lack of a node throws an exception
- assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Did not fail when we couldn't find an ast node") do
- config.send(:evaluate_ast_node)
- end
- # Finally, make sure it works dandily when we have a node
- nodes = mock 'hash'
- config = mkconfig :ast_nodes => true
- config.expects(:ast_nodes?).returns(true)
- config.parser.expects(:nodes).returns(nodes).times(3)
- node = mock 'node'
- node.expects(:safeevaluate).with(:scope => config.topscope)
- # Set some names for our test
- @node.names = %w{a b c}
- nodes.expects(:[]).with("a").returns(nil)
- nodes.expects(:[]).with("b").returns(nil)
- nodes.expects(:[]).with("c").returns(node)
- nodes.expects(:[]).with("default").never
- # And make sure the lack of a node throws an exception
- assert_nothing_raised("Failed when a node was found") do
- config.send(:evaluate_ast_node)
- end
- # Lastly, check when we actually find the default.
- nodes = mock 'hash'
- config = mkconfig :ast_nodes => true
- config.expects(:ast_nodes?).returns(true)
- config.parser.expects(:nodes).returns(nodes).times(4)
- node = mock 'node'
- node.expects(:safeevaluate).with(:scope => config.topscope)
- # Set some names for our test
- @node.names = %w{a b c}
- nodes.expects(:[]).with("a").returns(nil)
- nodes.expects(:[]).with("b").returns(nil)
- nodes.expects(:[]).with("c").returns(nil)
- nodes.expects(:[]).with("default").returns(node)
- # And make sure the lack of a node throws an exception
- assert_nothing_raised("Failed when a node was found") do
- config.send(:evaluate_ast_node)
- end
- end
- # Make sure our config object handles tags appropriately.
- def test_tags
- config = mkconfig
- config.send(:tag, "one")
- assert_equal(%w{one}, config.send(:tags), "Did not add tag")
- config.send(:tag, "two", "three")
- assert_equal(%w{one two three}, config.send(:tags), "Did not add new tags")
- config.send(:tag, "two")
- assert_equal(%w{one two three}, config.send(:tags), "Allowed duplicate tag")
- end
- def test_evaluate_classes
- config = mkconfig
- classes = {
- "one" => mock('class one'),
- "three" => mock('class three')
- }
- classes.each do |name, obj|
- config.parser.expects(:findclass).with("", name).returns(obj)
- obj.expects(:safeevaluate).with(:scope => config.topscope)
- end
- %w{two four}.each do |name|
- config.parser.expects(:findclass).with("", name).returns(nil)
- end
- config.expects(:tag).with("two")
- config.expects(:tag).with("four")
- @node.classes = %w{one two three four}
- result = nil
- assert_nothing_raised("could not call evaluate_classes") do
- result = config.send(:evaluate_classes)
- end
- assert_equal(%w{one three}, result, "Did not return the list of evaluated classes")
- end
- def test_evaluate_collections
- config = mkconfig
- colls = []
- # Make sure we return false when there's nothing there.
- assert(! config.send(:evaluate_collections), "Returned true when there were no collections")
- # And when the collections fail to evaluate.
- colls << mock("coll1-false")
- colls << mock("coll2-false")
- colls.each { |c| c.expects(:evaluate).returns(false) }
- config.instance_variable_set("@collections", colls)
- assert(! config.send(:evaluate_collections), "Returned true when collections both evaluated nothing")
- # Now have one of the colls evaluate
- colls.clear
- colls << mock("coll1-one-true")
- colls << mock("coll2-one-true")
- colls[0].expects(:evaluate).returns(true)
- colls[1].expects(:evaluate).returns(false)
- assert(config.send(:evaluate_collections), "Did not return true when one collection evaluated true")
- # And have them both eval true
- colls.clear
- colls << mock("coll1-both-true")
- colls << mock("coll2-both-true")
- colls[0].expects(:evaluate).returns(true)
- colls[1].expects(:evaluate).returns(true)
- assert(config.send(:evaluate_collections), "Did not return true when both collections evaluated true")
- end
- def test_unevaluated_resources
- config = mkconfig
- resources = {}
- config.instance_variable_set("@resource_table", resources)
- # First test it when the table is empty
- assert_nil(config.send(:unevaluated_resources), "Somehow found unevaluated resources in an empty table")
- # Then add a builtin resources
- resources["one"] = mock("builtin only")
- resources["one"].expects(:builtin?).returns(true)
- assert_nil(config.send(:unevaluated_resources), "Considered a builtin resource unevaluated")
- # And do both builtin and non-builtin but already evaluated
- resources.clear
- resources["one"] = mock("builtin (with eval)")
- resources["one"].expects(:builtin?).returns(true)
- resources["two"] = mock("evaled (with builtin)")
- resources["two"].expects(:builtin?).returns(false)
- resources["two"].expects(:evaluated?).returns(true)
- assert_nil(config.send(:unevaluated_resources), "Considered either a builtin or evaluated resource unevaluated")
- # Now a single unevaluated resource.
- resources.clear
- resources["one"] = mock("unevaluated")
- resources["one"].expects(:builtin?).returns(false)
- resources["one"].expects(:evaluated?).returns(false)
- assert_equal([resources["one"]], config.send(:unevaluated_resources), "Did not find unevaluated resource")
- # With two uneval'ed resources, and an eval'ed one thrown in
- resources.clear
- resources["one"] = mock("unevaluated one")
- resources["one"].expects(:builtin?).returns(false)
- resources["one"].expects(:evaluated?).returns(false)
- resources["two"] = mock("unevaluated two")
- resources["two"].expects(:builtin?).returns(false)
- resources["two"].expects(:evaluated?).returns(false)
- resources["three"] = mock("evaluated")
- resources["three"].expects(:builtin?).returns(false)
- resources["three"].expects(:evaluated?).returns(true)
- result = config.send(:unevaluated_resources)
- %w{one two}.each do |name|
- assert(result.include?(resources[name]), "Did not find %s in the unevaluated list" % name)
- end
- end
- def test_evaluate_definitions
- # First try the case where there's nothing to return
- config = mkconfig
- config.expects(:unevaluated_resources).returns(nil)
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not test for unevaluated resources") do
- assert(! config.send(:evaluate_definitions), "evaluate_definitions returned true when no resources were evaluated")
- end
- # Now try it with resources left to evaluate
- resources = []
- res1 = mock("resource1")
- res1.expects(:evaluate)
- res2 = mock("resource2")
- res2.expects(:evaluate)
- resources << res1 << res2
- config = mkconfig
- config.expects(:unevaluated_resources).returns(resources)
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not test for unevaluated resources") do
- assert(config.send(:evaluate_definitions), "evaluate_definitions returned false when resources were evaluated")
- end
- end
- def test_evaluate_generators
- # First try the case where we have nothing to do
- config = mkconfig
- config.expects(:evaluate_definitions).returns(false)
- config.expects(:evaluate_collections).returns(false)
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not call :eval_iterate") do
- config.send(:evaluate_generators)
- end
- # FIXME I could not get this test to work, but the code is short
- # enough that I'm ok with it.
- # It's important that collections are evaluated before definitions,
- # so make sure that's the case by verifying that collections get tested
- # twice but definitions only once.
- #config = mkconfig
- #config.expects(:evaluate_collections).returns(true).returns(false)
- #config.expects(:evaluate_definitions).returns(false)
- #config.send(:eval_iterate)
- end
- def test_store
- config = mkconfig
- Puppet.features.expects(:rails?).returns(true)
- Puppet::Rails.expects(:connect)
- node = mock 'node'
- resource_table = mock 'resources'
- resource_table.expects(:values).returns(:resources)
- config.instance_variable_set("@node", node)
- config.instance_variable_set("@resource_table", resource_table)
- config.expects(:store_to_active_record).with(node, :resources)
- config.send(:store)
- end
- def test_store_to_active_record
- config = mkconfig
- node = mock 'node'
- node.expects(:name).returns("myname")
- Puppet::Rails::Host.stubs(:transaction).yields
- Puppet::Rails::Host.expects(:store).with(node, :resources)
- config.send(:store_to_active_record, node, :resources)
- end
- # Make sure that 'finish' gets called on all of our resources.
- def test_finish
- config = mkconfig
- table = config.instance_variable_get("@resource_table")
- # Add a resource that does respond to :finish
- yep = mock("finisher")
- yep.expects(:respond_to?).with(:finish).returns(true)
- yep.expects(:finish)
- table["yep"] = yep
- # And one that does not
- dnf = mock("dnf")
- dnf.expects(:respond_to?).with(:finish).returns(false)
- table["dnf"] = dnf
- config.send(:finish)
- end
- def test_extract
- config = mkconfig
- config.expects(:extraction_format).returns(:whatever)
- config.expects(:extract_to_whatever).returns(:result)
- assert_equal(:result, config.send(:extract), "Did not return extraction result as the method result")
- end
- # We want to make sure that the scope and resource graphs translate correctly
- def test_extract_to_transportable_simple
- # Start with a really simple graph -- one scope, one resource.
- config = mkconfig
- resources = config.instance_variable_get("@resource_graph")
- scopes = config.instance_variable_get("@scope_graph")
- # Get rid of the topscope
- scopes.vertices.each { |v| scopes.remove_vertex!(v) }
- bucket = []
- scope = mock("scope")
- bucket.expects(:copy_type_and_name).with(scope)
- scope.expects(:to_trans).returns(bucket)
- scopes.add_vertex! scope
- # The topscope is the key to picking out the top of the graph.
- config.instance_variable_set("@topscope", scope)
- resource = mock "resource"
- resource.expects(:to_trans).returns(:resource)
- resources.add_edge! scope, resource
- result = nil
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not extract transportable configuration") do
- result = config.send :extract_to_transportable
- end
- assert_equal([:resource], result, "Did not translate simple configuration correctly")
- end
- def test_extract_to_transportable_complex
- # Now try it with a more complicated graph -- a three tier graph, each tier
- # having a scope and a resource.
- config = mkconfig
- resources = config.instance_variable_get("@resource_graph")
- scopes = config.instance_variable_get("@scope_graph")
- # Get rid of the topscope
- scopes.vertices.each { |v| scopes.remove_vertex!(v) }
- fakebucket = do
- attr_accessor :name
- def initialize(n)
- @name = n
- end
- end
- # Create our scopes.
- top = mock("top")
- topbucket = "top"
- topbucket.expects(:copy_type_and_name).with(top)
- top.stubs(:copy_type_and_name)
- top.expects(:to_trans).returns(topbucket)
- # The topscope is the key to picking out the top of the graph.
- config.instance_variable_set("@topscope", top)
- middle = mock("middle")
- middle.expects(:to_trans).returns("middle"))
- scopes.add_edge! top, middle
- bottom = mock("bottom")
- bottom.expects(:to_trans).returns("bottom"))
- scopes.add_edge! middle, bottom
- topres = mock "topres"
- topres.expects(:to_trans).returns(:topres)
- resources.add_edge! top, topres
- midres = mock "midres"
- midres.expects(:to_trans).returns(:midres)
- resources.add_edge! middle, midres
- botres = mock "botres"
- botres.expects(:to_trans).returns(:botres)
- resources.add_edge! bottom, botres
- result = nil
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not extract transportable configuration") do
- result = config.send :extract_to_transportable
- end
- assert_equal([[[:botres], :midres], :topres], result, "Did not translate medium configuration correctly")
- end
- def test_verify_uniqueness
- config = mkconfig
- resources = config.instance_variable_get("@resource_table")
- resource = mock("noconflict")
- resource.expects(:ref).returns("File[yay]")
- assert_nothing_raised("Raised an exception when there should have been no conflict") do
- config.send(:verify_uniqueness, resource)
- end
- # Now try the case where our type is isomorphic
- resources["thing"] = true
- isoconflict = mock("isoconflict")
- isoconflict.expects(:ref).returns("thing")
- isoconflict.expects(:type).returns("testtype")
- faketype = mock("faketype")
- faketype.expects(:isomorphic?).returns(false)
- faketype.expects(:name).returns("whatever")
- Puppet::Type.expects(:type).with("testtype").returns(faketype)
- assert_nothing_raised("Raised an exception when was a conflict in non-isomorphic types") do
- config.send(:verify_uniqueness, isoconflict)
- end
- # Now test for when we actually have an exception
- initial = mock("initial")
- resources["thing"] = initial
- initial.expects(:file).returns(false)
- conflict = mock("conflict")
- conflict.expects(:ref).returns("thing").times(2)
- conflict.expects(:type).returns("conflict")
- conflict.expects(:file).returns(false)
- conflict.expects(:line).returns(false)
- faketype = mock("faketype")
- faketype.expects(:isomorphic?).returns(true)
- Puppet::Type.expects(:type).with("conflict").returns(faketype)
- assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Did not fail when two isomorphic resources conflicted") do
- config.send(:verify_uniqueness, conflict)
- end
- end
- def test_store_resource
- # Run once when there's no conflict
- config = mkconfig
- table = config.instance_variable_get("@resource_table")
- resource = mock("resource")
- resource.expects(:ref).returns("yay")
- config.expects(:verify_uniqueness).with(resource)
- scope = mock("scope")
- graph = config.instance_variable_get("@resource_graph")
- graph.expects(:add_edge!).with(scope, resource)
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not store resource") do
- config.store_resource(scope, resource)
- end
- assert_equal(resource, table["yay"], "Did not store resource in table")
- # Now for conflicts
- config = mkconfig
- table = config.instance_variable_get("@resource_table")
- resource = mock("resource")
- config.expects(:verify_uniqueness).with(resource).raises(ArgumentError)
- assert_raise(ArgumentError, "Did not raise uniqueness exception") do
- config.store_resource(scope, resource)
- end
- assert(table.empty?, "Conflicting resource was stored in table")
- end
- def test_fail_on_unevaluated
- config = mkconfig
- config.expects(:fail_on_unevaluated_overrides)
- config.expects(:fail_on_unevaluated_resource_collections)
- config.send :fail_on_unevaluated
- end
- def test_store_override
- # First test the case when the resource is not present.
- config = mkconfig
- overrides = config.instance_variable_get("@resource_overrides")
- override =
- override.expects(:ref).returns(:myref).times(2)
- override.expects(:override=).with(true)
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not call store_override") do
- config.store_override(override)
- end
- assert_instance_of(Array, overrides[:myref], "Overrides table is not a hash of arrays")
- assert_equal(override, overrides[:myref][0], "Did not store override in appropriately named array")
- # And when the resource already exists.
- resource = mock 'resource'
- resources = config.instance_variable_get("@resource_table")
- resources[:resref] = resource
- override = mock 'override'
- resource.expects(:merge).with(override)
- override.expects(:override=).with(true)
- override.expects(:ref).returns(:resref)
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not call store_override when the resource already exists.") do
- config.store_override(override)
- end
- end
- def test_resource_overrides
- config = mkconfig
- overrides = config.instance_variable_get("@resource_overrides")
- overrides[:test] = :yay
- resource = mock 'resource'
- resource.expects(:ref).returns(:test)
- assert_equal(:yay, config.resource_overrides(resource), "Did not return overrides from table")
- end
- def test_fail_on_unevaluated_resource_collections
- config = mkconfig
- collections = config.instance_variable_get("@collections")
- # Make sure we're fine when the list is empty
- assert_nothing_raised("Failed when no collections were present") do
- config.send :fail_on_unevaluated_resource_collections
- end
- # And that we're fine when we've got collections but with no resources
- collections << mock('coll')
- collections[0].expects(:resources).returns(nil)
- assert_nothing_raised("Failed when no resource collections were present") do
- config.send :fail_on_unevaluated_resource_collections
- end
- # But that we do fail when we've got resource collections left.
- collections.clear
- # return both an array and a string, because that's tested internally
- collections << mock('coll returns one')
- collections[0].expects(:resources).returns(:something)
- collections << mock('coll returns many')
- collections[1].expects(:resources).returns([:one, :two])
- assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Did not fail on unevaluated resource collections") do
- config.send :fail_on_unevaluated_resource_collections
- end
- end
- def test_fail_on_unevaluated_overrides
- config = mkconfig
- overrides = config.instance_variable_get("@resource_overrides")
- # Make sure we're fine when the list is empty
- assert_nothing_raised("Failed when no collections were present") do
- config.send :fail_on_unevaluated_overrides
- end
- # But that we fail if there are any overrides left in the table.
- overrides[:yay] = []
- overrides[:foo] = []
- overrides[:bar] = [mock("override")]
- overrides[:bar][0].expects(:ref).returns("yay")
- assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Failed to fail when overrides remain") do
- config.send :fail_on_unevaluated_overrides
- end
- end
- def test_find_resource
- config = mkconfig
- resources = config.instance_variable_get("@resource_table")
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not call findresource when the resource table was empty") do
- assert_nil(config.findresource("yay", "foo"), "Returned a non-existent resource")
- assert_nil(config.findresource("yay[foo]"), "Returned a non-existent resource")
- end
- resources["Foo[bar]"] = :yay
- assert_nothing_raised("Could not call findresource when the resource table was not empty") do
- assert_equal(:yay, config.findresource("foo", "bar"), "Returned a non-existent resource")
- assert_equal(:yay, config.findresource("Foo[bar]"), "Returned a non-existent resource")
- end
- end
- # #620 - Nodes and classes should conflict, else classes don't get evaluated
- def test_nodes_and_classes_name_conflict
- # Test node then class
- config = mkconfig
- node = stub :nodescope? => true
- klass = stub :nodescope? => false
- config.class_set("one", node)
- assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Did not fail when replacing node with class") do
- config.class_set("one", klass)
- end
- # and class then node
- config = mkconfig
- node = stub :nodescope? => true
- klass = stub :nodescope? => false
- config.class_set("two", klass)
- assert_raise(Puppet::ParseError, "Did not fail when replacing node with class") do
- config.class_set("two", node)
- end
- end